AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Jhls Agre..ement.for Transportltion Sqrvices (hereinafter'Agreementl) is entered into by and between the Fallbrook School District (hereinafter "District") oT San Diecio Countv and CAV Inc./ dba Care-A-Van (herein "Contractor) whose federal tax ldentification number'is 20-0451966. The District and Contractor agree as follows: t. This Agreement is for the contracted period from May 31 , 2016 through June 3, 2016 school year and may be terminated by either party at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party The Contractor agrees to provide transportation service for 2 students of the District. The cost per trip.will be_$155.00 for a one-way trip, per day (Monday through Friday) to TERI, Inc. in Oceanside. TERI students require an Aide that CAV provides at $tS.+S fer hour for a minimum of 2 hours per day. Contractor warants that.all transportation wgrk to be performed shall be of high quality, and vehicles to be furnished shall meet all legal requirements for the transp6rtation of public school pupib. All vehicles shall be regulally serviced and maintained, ahd shall be in good working condition with no defects. All services under this Agreement shall be performed by the Contractor in a timely manner. The Contractor is an independent contractor for the District and is not an employee of the District. The Contractor agrees to be responsible for payment of all the'C-ontractofs federal and state taxes. Withholdings, social security payments, insurance and other pelef$s payable !o its employees a-riding out of ttrJ'wbi( Coverbo ov irre lgreemeni including payment for workers compensation coverage. The Contractor shall secure and maintain all permits and licenses required by law to provide hans-portation services for students, including regulations 'of the- federal Departnent of Transportation covering the transportation bf pupils, including regular and random drug screening of transportation employees. 7. The contractor agrees to have a comprehensive liability insurance policy with limits of at least five-million dollars per occurrence for the benefit of the District. Contractor shall provide the services to the District under this Agreement. The Contractor also agrees to indemnifu the District, its Board members, officers, employees and ?gq$s from any and. all loss, liability, damages, cost or expenses occuning as a result of the services provided by the Contractoi under thib Agreement. The Fallbrook Union Elementary School District, it's Board Members, Officers, Employees and Agents are to be named as additional insured The Contractor shall exercise reasonable care in the employment, utilization and supervision...of all employees providing services under this Agreement. The Contractor shall not utilize any employge.s to perform services under this Agreement, who will have any contact with pupils,-uritil i! ltas been determined through a frngerprini check through tl1e. D.epa.rtment of Justice that the emp_loyee has not been conviCted of any serious br viofent felony as defined in Education Cotle Section 45122.1. The Contract6r also shall not .utilize any. employee., who- will have any contact with pupils, where charges are pending against_the gmptoye^e for any serious or violent felony'as defined in Education Code Section 45122.1. The Contractor shall not utilize any employee to perform services under.this Agreement, w-ho will have any contact with pupils, who has a'conviction for a controlled substance offense or sex offense as defihed by Education Code Section 45123. Ag reement for Transportation Services Page2 In the event of any dispute with this Agreement, the parties will attempt to resolve it amicably for at least ten (10) days before filing any lawsuit or claim. Notices under this Agreement shall be sufficient if addressed to the principal office of each of the parties and shall be deemed given upon deposit in the U.S. mail, first class, full postage pre-paid lf one or more of the terms, provisions, promises, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall to any extent be deemed invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable, for any reason what so ever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terms, provisions, promises, covenant, and conditions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Neither party may assign any rights or obligations under this Agreement without the written approval of the other party. Fallbrook Union Elementary School District 321 N. lowa Street Fallbrook. Ca.92028 (760)731-5400 By Superintendent Date: CAV lNC, / dba: Care-A-Van 5411 Avenida Encinas. Ste. 210 Carlsbad, Ca.92008 (760) 729-5199 (760) 431-6742 By @U'l Date: Richard Dripps, n,- { , ident ,/ {,