St. Pete Masters Newsletter
St. Pete Masters Newsletter
January 2013 Volume 3, Issue 1 St. Pete Masters Newsletter It’s the End of World as We Know It. And I feel fine! So we all thought (“we” meaning mostly those Doomsday preppers) that the world might end on December 21, 2012. Yet, here we are amid the month of January 2013 still alive and kicking. I’m glad the Mayans had it all wrong and we can continue to live in and love this beautiful city and enjoy the scenic views from Northshore pool. Make sure you join our St. Pete Masters page to see some amazing pictures posted by the morning swimming group. With a new year comes a fresh start for us all. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, we have a chance for change or a rejuvenated appreciation for what is already great in our lives. For all of you that made your annual New Years resolution, hopefully that included being healthy and dedicated to your swimming life. Now is the time to set the tone for the rest of the year. What goals do you have for your swimming? Think about what you might want to tackle this year that you have never done before. Sign up for that 400 IM at the Spring Short Course meet or maybe just the 50 free as your debut for competing! Do something new and push yourself to grow as an athlete. Just a reminder to all you readers, we are always looking for input or ideas for columns. Please e-mail [email protected] if you are interested in writing an article or if you have a great idea for a story. Inside this issue 3000/6000 Recap........................ 2 Coach Fred Lewis Honored ......... 3 Frogman Results ......................... 3 Calendar of Events ...................... 5 Welcome New Members! Adam Hopkins (30-34) Cheryl Kupan (45-49) Shannon Mahaffey (35-39) Peter McCandless (55-59) Jack Pyhel (65-69) Tara Quinn (18-24) Steven Ray (35-39) Lizzy Wells (18-24) 2013 Renewals Don’t forget to do your 2013 USMS Renewal. Registration forms can be found on the USMS website. Please fill out, enclose a check for $58.00 made out to St. Pete Masters and return to Patty by mail, in person or drop in the SPM mailbox at the pool. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE ONLINE REGISTRATION SERVICE. Thank you for your cooperation. 2013 Happenings The end of 2012 and fresh start with 2013 have shown themselves to be successful for our dedicated SPM swimmers. 3000/6000 Results From September 15 until November 15 quite a few of our team members tackled the 3000/6000 Postal National Championship event. Some even had to do more than a few extra yards to get the 6000 event completed. Melissa Harasz and Dawn Clark attempted the 6000 on a thunderstorm-threatening Sunday morning and got about 5000 into it and the skies opened up, forcing them to abandon the event. So, the following Friday they both jumped back in at 5:30 in the morning and got it done. Not fun having to do that much yardage at race pace twice in one week! Results are in and congratulations to everyone on a job well done: Individual Top Ten results for the 3000 – Adrienne Forkois (30-34) – 4th, Dawn Clark (45-49) – 6th, Melissa Harasz (50-54) – 10th, Storm Eddy (60-64) – 6th, Sandy Steer ( 70-74) – 4th, Josh Smith (40-44), 10th, Steve Freeman (55-59) – 10th, Bob Aldrich (60-64) – 8th, Bob Beach (80-84) – 1st All-American! Relay Top Ten results for the 3000 – 25+Women (Forkois, Clark, Harasz) – 2nd, 45+ Women (Kline, Nardozzi, Eddy) – 5th, 35+ Men (Smith, Harasz, Davies) – 3rd, 55+ Men (Kennedy, Freeman, Aldrich) – 4th, 25+ Mixed (Forkois, Smith, Nardozzi, Davies) – 2nd, 45+ Mixed (Clark, Harasz, Kennedy, Freeman) – 4th, 55+ Mixed (Aldrich, Eddy, Steer, Aldrich) – 2nd Individual Top Ten results for the 6000 – Dawn Clark (45-49) – 5th, Melissa Harasz (50-54) – 5th, Sandy Steer (70-74) – 1st All-American!, Tim Kennedy (5559) – 7th, Bob Beach (80-84) – 1st All-American! Relay Top Ten results for the 6000 – 45+ Women (Clark, Harasz, Steer) – 3rd, 45+ Mixed (Clark, Harasz, Kennedy, Beach) – 4th SPM Annual Banquet February 23rd The St. Pete Masters annual banquet on Saturday, February 23rd. This is always a fun evening of food, drinks and companionship, so hope you can join us. As always, we try to keep the price reasonable and look for a great turnout. We will also send an Evite invitation and reminders as the date draws near, but if you can send the reservation in advance, either by mail or drop in the SPM mailbox, we would appreciate it. It’s a BOY! Congratulations to team members, Rebecca & Jay Hansen, and their three children, Karrington, Brinkleigh, and Sawyer, on the birth of their son, Sutton Jay on December 6th. 2 An Olympic Honor for Coach Fred Lewis At the 2012 SPA Holiday Breakfast Brad Snyder, former SPA swimmer, made an unexpected appearance. After SPA and high school, Brad went on to swim for and graduate from the United States Naval Academy and then serve in Afghanistan. While in Afghanistan in 2011, he stepped on an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) which took his sight in both eyes as well as other injuries. After recovering from his injuries, he returned the pool where SPA coach Fred Lewis helped him return to the water and swimming. Lieutenant Snyder was named to the 2012 U.S. Paralympic Team and competed in the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London. Winning two gold medals and one silver medal, Lieutenant Snyder was chosen to carry the United States flag at the closing ceremonies. Coaches of athletes who win Olympic medals are not awarded honors by the International Olympic Committee. The United States Olympic Committee decided in 2008 to correct this omission with respect to U.S. athletes by creating “The Order of Ikkos”. Ikkos was the first recorded Olympic coach in ancient Greece and was known for his coaching ability. The Order of Ikkos offers the athletes an opportunity to recognize their coaches for their leadership and inspiration. Athletes are allowed to recognize a coach for each medal won. Lieutenant Snyder’s appearance at the breakfast was for the purpose of presenting Coach Lewis with the Order of Ikkos Medal for his work in helping Lieutenant Snyder return to swimming. Congrats to Coach Fred on such a prestigious honor. *Taken from SPA website Hour Swim Recap We welcomed long-time USMS member, Cheryl Kupan to our team with the Hour Swim. In all of her years competing, she has never done this event. Steve Freeman (55-59) and Paula Texel (40-44) had their best ever Hour Swims. Steve did a little over 4,500 and Paula a little over 4,600. Jim Montante scheduled his swimming comeback with the 2013 Hour Swim. It was Jim’s first workout in 2 years. Monica Bradley completed 3,000 yards this year, she is 8 months pregnant - her due date in midFebruary. Peter Betzer (70) completed his hour as repeat 400 IM's. Carl Selles and Charlotte Petersen turned in outstanding swims, both chasing USMS marks. Youngster Sarah Kwon finished with 4,525 and Adrienne Forkois was not far behind with 4,325. And then there is Ted Bradley with a goal of 5,400+ but falling short with a respectable 5,260. 3 Frogman Swim On Sunday, January 13 – at least 9 SPM swimmers joined 130 other swimmers along the ‘red neck Riviera’ (Gandy Beach) to plunge into the not so icy waters of Tampa Bay in the 4th Annual Tampa Bay Frogman 5K Swim. This was a local fundraising swim to benefit the Navy SEAL Foundation. Yes, we were blessed with 68’f water, sunny skies and a light chop, but darn that outgoing tide was, well…. Many of us were glad to leave our wetsuits in the car. Dawn Clark was the first SPM women out of the water in 1hr 19m; followed by Melissa Harasz, Laura Kaleel and finally Christine Swanson. Rumor has it Laura and Christine were busy looking at critters on the bottom of the bay. On the men’s side the results indicate that Bryant Davies was first out in 1hr9m – really Bryant you need to move up to the shark lane after that performance…. Phil and Melissa Harasz duked it out as they crossed the bay with Phil coming out victorious. Chris Quilty finished on the heels of Phil and Pat Marzulli showed that he is in great shape with a 1hr 31m swim across the bay. Ron Collins, Chris Burke, Bob Aldrich, Cathy Selles and the rest ~ thank you for escorting us safely across the bay. 2013 Calendar January 1 1-31 2013 USMS Renewals due NOW! Hour Swim (info at February 9-10 SUN Masters Valentine Meet – Clearwater 9 LMSC Awards Banquet 23 SPM Banquet March 22 – 24 April 20 May 4 9-12 15Sept 15 June 5-13 July 13-14 August 3-4 7-11 SPM 43rd Annual SCY Championships Tampa Bay Marathon Swim Hurricane Man Open Water Swim Spring Nationals – Indianapolis, IN 5K/10K Postal Swim (info at Pan Am Masters Championships Sarasota SPM Long Course Championships Dog Days of Summer LCM Meet Clearwater USMS Long Course Nationals, Mission Viejo, CA Happy Birthday to YOU! JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 5 Carl Selles 6 Todd Fedyszyn 11 Tim Hudson 12 Davenia Navaroli 14 Rupesh Patel 15 JoAnn Harrelson 17 Jeff Johnson Claudia Junqueira – 50* 23 Herbie Euler – 45* 25 Sara Wolski 28 Adrienne Forkois Christine Kirchner Rich Knipe – 50* Sean McKee 30 Lori Leadbetter FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 1 Vance Eaddy – 65* 2 Nathaniel Waring 6 Bob Aldrich 7 Katy Alexander 11 Anthony “Sully” Sullivan 12 Michelle Maloy 14 Rob Tullman 17 Steve Freeman 18 Jessie Sereda – 25* 19 Cynthia Kesty Carol McKenna 23 Damian Cullom 24 Patti Farese Dan Runyon – 50* 27 Nancy Eaddy 28 Brian Vaile Matt Weidner MARCH BIRTHDAYS 7 Marc Fleckner 8 Darren Leverenz 9 Mindy Harvard 10 Dan Newhaller 11 Livia Zien 12 Dan Nardozzi 16 Melissa Harasz 18 Lizzy Wells 21 Patrick Mannion 23 Gail Lohman Barbara McNulty Rick Stefanescu 25 Vicki Quail 26 Phyllis Scheidt 27 Patricia Euler – 40* 28 Laura Albee Lisa Plescia 29 Mark Allen 30 Krystal Colello Amanda Shirley – 25* September 153000/6000 Nov 15 Postal Swim (info at October 5 11-13 Tropical Splash Open Water Swim - Sarasota Rowdy Gaines SCM Meet - Orlando November 1 Begin 2014 Renewals 9-10 Shark Tank SCM Meet Sarasota SPM Officers President Women’s Vice President Men’s Vice President Secretary Treasurer Head Coach Assistant Coach Melissa Harasz Christine Kirchner Steve Freeman Adrienne Forkois Kevin Mooren Fred Lewis Patty Nardozzi Board of Director Bob Aldrich Gary Bastie Peter Betzer Kern Davis Colleen Egan Harold Ferris Katy Kline Kristen Nardozzi Sandy Steer Sarah Swoch
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