Report Night Fit at Solitaire


Report Night Fit at Solitaire
© Source photo: Nord Stream AG
Improving the quality of
sleep, health and safety
at Solitaire
Sisalbaan 5-A
2352 AZ Leiderdorp
The Netherlands
[email protected]
+31 (0)71 203 21 43
The Problem: Workforce fatigue
A Proactive Solution: Night Fit
Night Fit: Summary of the results at Solitaire
The Benefits for Allseas:
Bad sleep is a common problem in the offshore industry. It ranks as
the 2nd most common health complaint internationally (GFK, 2015).
Workers who are highly fatigued and sleepy are 70% more likely to get
involved in industrial accidents than well-rested and alert
individuals (Swean, 2002). This makes shift work fatigue a serious
health and safety hazard.
The Night Fit method is a light treatment based innovation aimed at
offshore shift work environments. This method optimizes work
performance, health and safety by improving sleeping patterns and
reducing overall stress levels. By targeting the sleep center of our
brain, with blue lights and special glasses, Night Fit increases the
quality of sleep without the help of medication.
The crew that rated their sleep quality ‘very good’ increased
from 15% to 50%.
‘Fairly bad or very bad’ sleepers decreased from 25% to 2%.
The overall quality of sleep improved from 6.2 to 7.8.
63 out of 69 wanted to keep using Night Fit.
Improving sleep quality with Night Fit will provide Allseas with
decreased workforce fatigue levels which will result in reduced human
error risks and increased employee wellbeing. It will further improve
process safety levels and enables shift workers to be more productive,
safe and healthy.
The shift work problem
Many shift workers active in the offshore industry fail to get the high quality of sleep
they require in order to function at their full potential. Excessively sleepy or fatigued
workers are 70% more likely to be involved in accidents than well-rested and alert
individuals (Swean, 2002). In order to proactively prevent shift work fatigue, Allseas
decided to implement Night Fit at one of their pipe laying vessels ‘Solitaire’.
Night Fit at Solitaire
The Night Fit method is an innovative treatment based on light exposure. This
treatment is aimed at offshore shift work environments. Night Fit enhances the
quality of sleep by targeting the sleep center of our brain, with blue lights and
special glasses. During the project at Solitaire, 80 shift workers were offered the
personalized Night Fit method.
The inability to sleep ranks as the 2nd most common health complaint
internationally (GFK, 2015). In the Netherlands between 42% and 68% of the shift
work population suffers from sleeping difficulties (ArboNed). To assess the current
situation at Allseas, a sleep quality questionnaire was presented to the crew active
at Solitaire in June and November of 2015. In total 119 shift workers participated in
this assessment.
Current situation: Summary of the results
The dataset was divided into two groups based on the overall quality of sleep.
Individuals with a sleep quality grade of 5.5 (on a 10-point scale) or higher were
rated as good sleepers (n=80), the rest (n=39) were rated as bad sleepers. In the
figures below the sleep duration as well as the average time to fall asleep are
presented. On average bad sleepers find it harder to fall asleep, and sleep for a
shorter duration when compared to individuals without sleeping difficulties. These
difference are larger offshore than at home. Overall the participants reported to
sleep better at home than during offshore day shift operations. The quality of sleep
during offshore night shifts scored the lowest.
Sleep duration and time
to fall asleep (i.e. sleep
latency) at different
Sleep quality during night
The bars represent the
average scores for both the
‘good sleepers’ and the ‘bad
sleepers’ on each of the five
sleep quality items. On every
sleep quality item the ‘bad
sleepers’ score considerably
lower than the ‘good sleepers’. Note: 10-point scales
were used, high scores are
Fatigue levels over the
course of a shift work
The bars represent the
average fatigue level scores
for both the ‘good sleepers’
and the ‘bad sleepers’. In
every phase of a shift work
operation the ‘bad sleepers’
score considerably lower
than the ‘good sleepers’. The
majority of the offshore crew
does not work longer than
5 weeks continuously. Note:
10-point scales were used,
low scores are better.
11% of the respondents rated their perceived quality of sleep at home lower than 5.5 on a 10 point scale.
When working offshore day shifts 23%, and when working offshore night shifts 41% of the respondents
rated their sleep quality lower than 5.5 out of 10.
The results above indicate that there is still much potential to improve sleep quality of shift workers in
offshore environments. The Night Fit method is created to do just that.
The main goals of the implementation of Night Fit is to create: Awareness,
Knowledge, and Skills concerning sleep, fatigue and the Night Fit intervention.
Additionally, the right Motivational Mindset has to be created in order for the crew
to keep using the Night Fit strategies during future projects. The complete Night Fit
intervention lasted for eight days.
The following sleep enhancing strategies were taught to the crew in two offshore
Bright light exposure
Tactical breathing exercises
General sleep strategies
Personalized advice
“I experience better sleep with Night Fit. I can easily fall asleep, and I feel more relaxed
and alert during my shift. During my shift I also use the blue light for about an hour and
it really makes me alert and energetic. No more yawning at work.”
Celedonio. E, Medic at Solitaire
Workshop I: Work Hard, Sleep Hard
Night Fit Workshop I
Work Hard, Sleep Hard
The following topics were discussed during the first workshop:
Why sleep is important, learn from the military
Awareness about your own sleeping habits •
Basics of circadian rhythms
Sleep, health, safety and wellbeing
How to reduce fatigue with light treatment, learn from NASA & Military
Instructions: Bright lights, glasses & questionnaires
Workshop II: Work Hard, Sleep Harder
Night Fit Workshop II
Work Hard, Sleep Harder
The following topics were discussed during the second workshop:
Overview current sleep and fatigue situation Solitaire
How to reduce stress: Instructions Mp3 Tactical breathing exercises
Bad sleep habits, how to overcome them
Night shift and jetlag advice
Instructions for the bad sleepers
Night Fit, a light based treatment
Bright light exposure:
In order to increase the quality of sleep in shift work environment, NASA and the
American military provide a special form of light treatment to their shift work crew
(Stewart, 1995). KM Human Factors Engineering has used this knowledge in order to
create the Night Fit method; a comprehensive offshore solution.
By focusing on the exposure to light –by making use of special glasses and blue
lights–Night Fit enhances the quality of sleep without the help of medication. The
Night Shift method will help offshore workers to find the optimal time to utilize
light exposure, keeping in mind the work schedule and specific characteristics of
the user.
Reducing workforce stress levels:
The second aim of the Night Fit Method is to reduce stress often experienced by the
offshore workforce. Short relaxation and meditation exercises, ranging from 5 to 10
minutes a day, can help reduce stress. The American army is currently offering similar
exercises to their soldiers (Hruby, 2012).
Studies have shown that these exercises relieve stress, increase sleep quality and
result in better overall performance (Grossman, 2004). During the two offshore
workshops these exercises were provided to the crew. In total 24 shift workers
applied for these exercises.
Experimental design
Night Fit questionnaires were used to assess the quality of sleep before and after
the intervention. See the appendix for an overview of the variables that were studied
during this project.
Out of the 80 participating shift workers, 69 filled in the evaluation questionnaires.
No selection was made prior to the study, both individuals with or without sleeping
difficulties could apply for participation.
General sleep quality.
Sleep quality
The number shift workers with a sleep quality of ‘very good’ increased from 15% to
50%. The number of shift workers with a sleep quality of fairly bad or worse
decreased from 25% to 2%. The overall quality of sleep improved from 6.2 to 7.8 (on
a 10-point scale).
Sleep duration and time to fall asleep
The total average sleep duration increased with 25 minutes from 6.7 hours to 7.1
hours. Night Fit enabled them to fall asleep 37% quicker. On average they needed
35 minutes to fall asleep without the Night Fit Method, whereas they needed 22
minutes when using the Night Fit Method.
General evaluation
Feedback from the crew shows that the majority (63 out of 69) wants to be able to
use the Night Fit materials during future shift work operations. 61 out of 69
indicated Night Fit would be an improvement for Allseas’ Health Policy and 61 out
of 69 indicated that it would be an improvement for Allseas’ Safety policy. In total 24
tried the tactical breathing exercises 17 reported it helped them to calm their mind
and to fall asleep.
*See the appendix for an overview of the rest of the results.
Night Fit helps to improve the
quality of sleep in shift work
environments. By reducing fatigue
levels, alertness, vigilance and
cognitive capacity are increased by
Night Fit. As a result the overall
productivity of the offshore
workforce will increase.
By increasing the quality of sleep
offshore, shift workers will have a
more healthy appetite, better
hormone function, improved
immune function, and a higher
energy level. It will increase overall
physical and mental wellbeing and
enables shift workers to operate at
their maximum potential.
Improving the quality of sleep will
result in an immediate increase
in focus and vigilance. As a result,
human error risks will be reduced.
All things considered, by improving
sleep duration and quality using
the Night Fit method, a safer work
environment will be created.
“Before the introduction of Night Fit, patients would often come to
me and ask for sleeping pills.
Hopefully in the future, those with sleeping problems will also
use the Night Fit method to help them overcome their insomnia,
instead of using sleep medication. And thus improving their focus
during work and being able to work more safely.
Celedonio. E,
Medic at Solitaire
As a medical professional I know sleeping well is good for their
health and well-being.”
“I feel more relaxed when I go to bed with Night Fit. Normally it takes me longer to relax and
to fall asleep.”
Gareth. D, Catering Manager
“With the Night Fit it is easy for me to get to sleep, and during my shift I feel good and alert.”
Richard. R, Steward
“Now with Night Fit I can easily go to sleep. Without Night Fit it usually takes me more than a full
hour before I get to sleep.”
Nestor. L, Electrician
Of all 80 participating shifts workers, 69 filled in the evaluation questionnaires. In
the following tables the results are presented.
Table A1: General sleep quality
Percent of the crew that rated their sleep quality:
With Night Fit
Very good
15 %
50 %
Fairly bad or worse
25 %
Table A2: The effects on perceived sleep duration and time to fall asleep.
On average how long do you sleep?
How long does it take for you to go to sleep?
With Night Fit
6.7 hours
7.1 hours
35 minutes
22 minutes
Table A3: The effects of Night Fit on perceived quality of sleep and performance (10-point scales,
high scores are better).
With Night Fit
What grade would you give the quality of sleep?
How easy is it for you to go to sleep?
How deep do you sleep?
How rested do you wake up?
How fit are you during the shift?
How alert are you during the shift?
Table A4: General evaluation Night Fit
Would you like to be able to use the Night Fit materials
during future shift work?
Do you think the implementation of Night Fit is a
positive addition to Allseas’ Health policy?
Do you think the implementation of Night Fit is a
positive addition to Allseas’ Safety policy?
Improving the quality of
sleep, health and safety
at Solitaire
GFK, (2015).
Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2004). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits: A meta-analysis.
Journal of psychosomatic research, 57(1), 35-43.
Hruby, P. (2012). Marines expanding use of meditation training. Washington Times, www. washingtontimes. com, 5.
Stewart, K. T., Hayes, B. C., & Eastman, C. I. (1995). Light treatment for NASA shiftworkers. Chronobiology International, 12(2), 141-151.
Swaen, G. M. H., Van Amelsvoort, L. G. P. M., Bültmann, U., & Kant, I. J. (2003). Fatigue as a risk factor for being injured in an
occupational accident: results from the Maastricht Cohort Study. Occupational and environmental medicine, 60(suppl 1), i88-i92.
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