The - Bruce herald. ' TAIERIp WAIHOLA, WL.i! Vffl^Nb? 774 I(Publishedevery Tuesday and Friday) hotels^; V :; r'"' V CLUT^A, GOLDFIELDI^/A^^ :BO;TEjL, ■"'■'" -A PA^E^6N- s Troprieto'ri TylK|Sr CoIviMEKCIAL BUSINESS NOTJCES^J( I-The aboveHoiel is,26 miles fromJJunejiin, Mid situate)~on the .east bank of the Waihola Lake, whichi» admirably adapted for,plea-, v ; t> ysi c, " !: / and r\ o, i^APSTICK, A i : (Sin]gle :C6py,i)rice 6d'; Quarterly; 8s;do.iwith Postage,95.) BUSINESS NOT?ICES- BUSINESS KOTICES. ; nyr I Mb J. J. Atkinson. Lessee, j ■"" HOTEL,; MILTON. ' TOEOiRIAIRIKO^ FEIbAY, FEBEUAEY 4, 1876. " HOTELS, &c A '■ "T^UTEIE & , , BTJSIffES^ NOTICES,^ 7>ja KOTAL MAIL LINE OF COACHES. TJ 0 T I O Hu'K BBS AND ' GENERAL - STOREKEEPERS, ' "(Ik ■■.:, ■""; : i '■". GENERAL AGENTS, "■ TOKOMAIRIRO. J. J. ATKINSONhavingpurchased; ! "S JEf I^E S establishment,! #I thelease of the above &c.,.&».., ;f< rare and picnic Storagefor Grain, &c,&c. f DRAPERS AHD PBOVISIOM MbEOHAKTB, begs to notify to the public that the business , " , FirstfClasß -Boats for hire. '' ' '' '; / I /. Agents for the National Eire and Marine in future willbe conducted by him, assisted Proprietor. G. REED Good StablingandPaddocking. TAPANUI TO DUNEDIN ' ' Insurance Company. by a numerous and well selected Btaff. i!: 3:': AND ":.<■ BALCLUTHA. BANK HOTBIi, An entirely new stock of Wines, Spirits,; il FIRST-CLASS SADDLE HORSES. ; A M E 8 M U « R A t, TNVERCARGILL, Liquors, &c, has been laid down, and will ' COAL. COAX. COAL. ' EAST TAIERI. Connecting thfbugh Line;of Coaches. with be found to be of a first-class character. TAILOR CLOTHIER, AND BUGGIES, SINGLE AND DOUBLE AND and after WEDNESDAY,, the 6th (Eleven Miles from, Dunedin.) THE STABLE DEPARTMENT EXPEESSES ALWAYS READY. rtIHE WallsendCoal Pit,Lovell'sFlat,has October, the Tapanui Coach will conMILTON. Has been placed under the control of an '■■-*- been re-opened by Messrs M'Laren tinue to run as under : D. J. J. DOYLE, PRINCE OF WALES STABLES, and Gordon, and Orders for Coal will now experiencedand well-knowngroom. WM. BACON SONS, & Leave Balclutha on the arrival of the DEE ST REE T, .; Proprietor. morning train from Dunedin, There is a first rate LIVERY ; STABLES, Invekcajrgill. i be received. Mondays, Wednesdays, andFriBILLTARD BOOM AND TABLE daya> reachingTapanuisame day. D. J. J.D.begß to intimate to his friends GREAT KING STREET, & Co. having become'Lessees! " Tapanui, Tuesdays, Thursdays, that he has taken on the under the .Leaves premises, superintendence they of the above premises, hope to : (Between Moray Place and St. Andrew St.) and the public generally, - r '-" and If you want Saturday^ at #a.m. possessionof the above hotel, and trusts to of a well-knownand popular Marker. ■r " receive the Support of the Inhabitants of DUNEDIN. Invercargill and the Surrounding Distrists, COAL, CHEAP WILLIAMS & CO., A Night Watchman has been engaged,*'so and trust, by strict attention to business, to ! merit a Bhare of the extensive support so Horses, Saddle Carriages, Proprietors. Buggies, and that travellers and others can receive atten- merit the confidenceof their patrons. UNSURPASSED FOR QUALITY, liberallybestowed upon his predecessor. Express Waggons for Hire. and Buggies, &c, Excellent First-rateSaddle tion at any time of the night. Try the Wallsend Pit. Horses Bought or Sold on Commission. and other Horses always on hire. First-class Stabling. GoodPaddock Accom- Arrangements are being made to fit up a Charges Moderate. Buggies, Carriages, and Harness for Sale lITONEY TO LEND, on Freehold modation. COMMERCIAL & SHOW BOOM Hay, Oats, Chaff, and Bran on Sale. THE GLASGOW PIE-HOUSE. ,, Security, in Sums from £100 upwards. XT' 0 T K L, for Travellers. E If T Charges to Meet the Times. Mr JNO. DONALDSONhasmuchpleasure NOTICE. REID, DONALD announcing in to his numerous Grbytown. | Friends and Mr Atkinson trusts by strict attention to & WIL K 1 opened large thathehas those and the Public On and after TUESDAY, 12thOctober Solicitor, business, and by courtesy to customers, commodious premises (lately occupied by Wholesale and Retail COBB &CO.'S TELEGRAPH LINE having coupled taken the above The undersigned, with the strictest order and cleanli- Messrs Gilließ and Street, corner of Donrling Milton. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, and Princes-streets, Dunedin, adjoining and ness, to merit the patronage of the inhabiOF convenientlysituatedHouse, hopes,bykeephis well-known Glasgow Pie-House) as a C. E. PEICE, Princes-street North, tants of the district and the travellingpublic. Hotel and restaurant. The house has been ROYAL MAIL COACHES ing only the best of liquors, and careful DUNEDIN. put in thorough order for the carrying on of June Ist, 1875. Shotover and Camp Streets, TT7TLL leave the Tokomairiro Railway J. D. trusts, j large a business and with attention to the wants of his Customers, to ci T E W A R T V*7" M. QtTEENSTRWN. Station, as follows : attention and civility, to meet a continuance merit a fair share of public patronage. of the patronage so long bestowedupon him. Machine and General Jobbing Smith, On the arrival of the 7.5 train fromDunedin, J.D. wouldcall attention to Bard's Patent J. BLACKMORE. PRACTICAL ENGINEER, Beer-engine(no brass-linedpumpsused. All for Lawrence daily. EOT A L 'H 0 T E L, beers drawn in a pure state by the hew r\ ENERAL BLACKSMITH, HORSEBALCLUTHA. hand. always on N.B.— Oats and Chaff For Lawrence, Clyde, Cromwell, and atmosphericapparatus)expressly fitted RAILWAY STATION, TOKOMAIRIRO. patent SHOER & WHEELWRIGHT. up for the bar. He can also with confidence N.B.— Sewlne Machines Neatly Repaired Queenstown, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and recommendthe beer as being the finest in CROWN HOTEL, Dunedin; and the Ashet Puff Paste Pies, Turner in Wood and Iron. Ornamental TTiRAPER AND JOHNSTON, Saturdays, returningMondays, Wednesdays, Proprietor. ROBERT MARGRIE andFridays to meet 5 p.m. train for DunBALCLUTHA. introduced for the first time, will be found Fencing. arare delicacy. edin. WHOLESALE AND FAMILY Public arerespectfully informed that of Wines, Spirits, Porters, Ales, The best Proprietor. On arrival 4 p.m. train, will leave for BUTCHERS, THOMAS STANBROOK, tht> above commodious House is now &c, can berelied upon. AMERICAN EXPRESS WAGONS, Lawrence, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Scale of charges as usual. Main South Road, Milton, open for the reception of visitors and traBUGGIES, DRAYS, &c, well-known, first-cla^s Hotel having Hope by supplying the best quality of Saturdays. ~gT, vellers. ■ At Dunedin Prices. ar l c s b c a renovated, the travelthoroughly been Meat procurable, at the most moderateprices, JOHN CHAPLIN & CO. All Woee G-ttabanteed. IMPORTER OF MUSIC AND MUSICAL ling Public will find in it everycomfort and and by strict attention to orders, to merit of Liquors Wines and thebest brands. CAUTION. INSTRUMENTS, attention. AVID HENDEESON, a continuanceof public patronage Pbinces-steeet, DcyEDiy. Stalls, 8, December 1874. thirty ENGRAVER, comprising LITHOGRAPHER, high -six reputation The Stabling, fTTHE of the Singer Manunow on hand the following in- RUBBER SPAMP MAKER, Tea, Coffee, andotherrefreshmentsalways X facturing Company'sSewing Machines ORNAMENwith Loose-boxes, Carriage-houses, &c, is Sale or on Hire on the struments for VULCAN FOUNDRY^ has led to numerous attempts to make and TAL, COMMERCIAL, ready for passengers by train or coach. purchase system, made to his order, or selected the most commodiousin the Colony. GREAT KING STREET, DUNEDIN. AND GENERAL PEINTEB. sell spurious imitations. The Public are for the New Zealandtrade by his buyer in Lon- Maps, Plans, and Drawings warned against parties advertising or offerin Chalk and ( don M QUEEN & CO., Boiler- ing for sale imitation Machines as BELLE VUE HOTEL, Lime prepared. "The Firßt-class Accommodation for Visitors. by COLLARD & COLLAED makers, Engineers, Millwrights, American Singer," "on the Singer princi Farley's Hall,Princes-street, Dunedin. WAIHOLA. Founders, Blacksmiths, &c. All kinds of pie," or " on theSinger The most perfectly finished English Cottage system," in violation Saddle Horses. Buggies. j piano in the trade. legal rights. The only Monumental Works,corner Castings inBrass and Iron; Steam Engines of the Company's " " and Boilers ERARD", Repaired of King-street and MorayPlace,Dunmade and ; Overshot, "Singer Machines are thone madeby;the UNO'S WY C. HILGENDORF, Proprietor. Good Stablingand Paddocks. "whichobtainedthe Iforsde Concours medal edin. Plans furnished and executed for all Breast, and Turbine Water Wheels ; Quartz Singer ManufacturingCompany. at the Paris Exhibition. kinds of Monuments, Tombstones, &c, in CrushingMachinery ;Pumping and Winding Machinessold on deferred payments. begs to informthe TravellingPublic TAIEEI HOTEL, IANOS BY AUCHEB. marble, granite, or Kakanui stone. Tomb Gear ; Cast-iron Sluice and Ripple Plates; Sheet Iron Hopper andSluice G. M. ALDRICH, &c, punched Railings, design. WEST TAIEEI. Plates any Importer of andOthers that they will find FirstPronounced by the profession to possess an Marble, Granite, and ArbroathHearthstones. to any. size of holeGold Dredging Spoons, free touch unrivalled AGENT, class accommodation at this Hotel. Proprietor. —Designs forwarded to allparts oftheColony etc; ; Flour MillMachinery, and allkinds of ADAM HOULSTON Corner of Princes and Dowling-sfreets, IANOS B^~KTRKWaW. on Reaping, Threshing, and Horse-power application. Pic-nic Parties and Visitors to this Hotel Speciallyselected for their brilliancy. Machines made and repaired. Improved Only thebest Wines and Spirits kept. DUNEDIN. willobtain the use of Boats for a pull or a IANOS BY AITLTSO~W. STEWART,Bookbinder,Paper- ReapingMachines SuperiorFlax Dressing THOMAS Extremely moderate in price, andpossess"ail onthe Lake. First-class Stabling. X ruler, &c, opposite Messrs Herbert Machines, capable or Dressing from 25 to 30 TITILLIAM SANDILANDS ing a clear bright treble. Haynes, and Co., Princes-street Dunedin, cwt. fibre per week. All Machines tried V GUNSMITH IDIANOS & PIANETTES by BORD (for eleven years with Mr A. E.Livingston.) before leaving the Works. Purchasers can Seers, Wines, and Spirits of Approved AND EMINENT MAKERS, Law and other books bound to pattern. ■cc the Machines working on our premises, j JL AND OTHER Quality only kept. GENERAL MACHINIST, all of which are accompanied by a guarantee of Bookbinding and Ruling in all its branches authenticity, Clyde-Strbet, executed with neatness and despatch, ALEXANDER SHEDDEN, CEITERION HOTEL, MILTON. pianos; e c 6 n ©thXnd T>AINTER, HOTEL SIGN-WRITER, &c., WHITE'S MATAUEA BAXOLUTHA. A. E. LIVINGSTON, Returnedfrom hire, much reduced in price. -*- OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, MILTON. (Immediatelyopposite the Railway Station), Proprietor XTAITANGATA COAL COMPANY STATIONER, &c, THOMAS CROSSA.N MATAURA BRIDGE. French, English, and Colonial. ("Registered), Dxjkediw. Street, Princes A. Shedden has always Oh hand a, large MERICAN O~R~G- AN S Proprietor, j Offices : CLf DE-STREET, taken the aboveHotel, I trust F. R. WHITE, BALCLUTHA Moody Santey. Used by and supplied with every and well-assorted stock of faints, Oils, QTOREKEEPERS Are prepared to receive orders for Coal (Late of the Railway Hotel, Winton). OARRIVE,peb CAERMARTHEN- )O that by keeping the best of Wines* Article in the Stationery Trade, from Varnish, andall (he other requisites of the SHIRE, a yery extensivecash purchase of very large and well-selected Stocks, at the Spirits, &c, combined with strict attention their Mine, Kaitangata. trade, WHITE wishes to inform his old Music Stools, Whatnots, Canfcerburys, Elegant lowest wholesale prices. public of business, * to to merita9 fair a share Stands Price on and after sth February, 12s 6d Cabinets, Cheffbniers, Flower Pierglasses, Also a great variety of Wall-papers^ friends, the commercial travellers and patronage as has been accorded to me during Catalogues INVALIDS Fancy Druwingroom Furniture^ and ton cash. All drays must pay cash o TOKOMIIEIEO, ' per OF the above welL- of svhjch andBorders, Gilt and Maple Mouldings for the pasjt 12 years in my business as Baker other thathe has purchased c#n be had pnapplicajjjon. delivery, WHY REMAIN ? SICK known hotel, and hopes to receive the same November,1879Picture F?awe^x Glass of allaizes. and Storekeeper. R. GRIGOR, When you can Cure yotirseivesby the liberal patronage accorded to him when in Eatjmatea given for work in Town and BREWERY, THE SWAN Secretary TEMPERANCE NEW MEDICINES i BAEGLUTHA Winton. Country. II " ' CROMWELL. HOTEL. "SBOUAH'S" Tj^STHER AND LOW, Proprietor, G. W. GOODGER ANNOUNCEMENT.— WhoIe"' BILLIARDS. INDIAN CUBES saIe Establishment, St Mary Axe,LonGrocers & Provision Merchants, Proprietor^ The Billiard Room is fitted up with one Buildings and Plant have been , Thomas Keenan don. Queen-streef", Auckland ; Princes-st. erectedon the most approved principle (TIGER BRAND), North,Dunedin (next Messrs Paterson and of Alcock's best tables. George-street, regardless of cost, and the servicesof a FirstWhich you can get at begß to inform hisFttends and the M'Leod). S. KOHN & Co. have much class practical Brewer secured. "v''.general;*pubiicVthat he has purchased pleasure inintimating that they have comME Ii U N E D IH. PETTIT'S, The unrivalled XXXX Ales delivered the above'new and commodious, premises in menced business as Chronometer, Watoh, STABLING. quantity, any throughout he the Province in Chemist, Milton. Clyde-street, Balclutha, arid which Makers, and Clock also Manufacturing JewCountry orders punctually arid carefully intends to continue as a First-class Bfc&blgs, comprising twenty and with every possible despatch. ellers ; and are exluhtong a first-class stock MIXTURE, GHOLLAH'SAPERIENT attendedto. HOTEL, -TEMPERANCE. of Jewellery, Sterling Silver and Electrostalls and loose boxes, under the manage[a card.] Billionsness, Indigestion, Coetiveness, Cures plated. Ware, v. Gold Watches, ! Second to nonein Otago. and Silver ment of an experiencedgroom. | "WANTED KNOWN. Ague, Colds, Fevers, Headaches,s?ac.e-ashe jMarble and Bronze Clocks. The above Tokomairiro, June 24, 1875. " $nd the Stock has DJsorder| HORSES, of Liver. beenselected with great care and BUGGIES, ETC., ON HIRE. Strict attention to the comfort and con* 0 TJ "M IK # judgment, by their Mr H. Kohn, of London, TTTILLIAM CONNOR, Milton, Tentand venience of his patrons will be his chief ' SUKVE V 0 B , It is the Surest and Safest ever used Horses brekan in to saddle and harness. i in the best English and study,and to merit a fair share of the supto prepared surveying, Is undertake &c. Continental mwriets, AS A FAMILY MEDICINE. !and the whole of it is of t&e newestand most Tarpaulinmaker. Tents and Horse Covera port of the vesidente, as well as the travelOFFICE :MILTON. ATLWAY HOTEL LIVEET AND Letters to be addressed to Horse Shoe GHOLLAH'S RHEUMATISM MIXTURE fashionable ds^gq., and willbe supplemented lingpublic generally. BAIT STABJyES, Wholesale by Tt e?y njanthTyincomingmail. An early Bush, WaiholaGorge. Goes straight to the cause of the disease, and, .Jrijjßepti'on Gore, Mataura. this,-handsome and recherche of Stabling, Loose-boxes and by First-class applyingthe Axe to the R,p,fl^ AND WILSON, MITCHELL BEOTHEES, Rheumatism \n Eyery^V.rfflDisappears! stockis solicited.— S. KOHN & Go. Proprietor. Paddock Accommodation. NEIL BAIN Millwrights, En^ineera, and PAINTERS IMPLEMENT MAKERS, GHOLLAH'S GOUT MIXTURE JELLiCY, TOHN HORSE BREWERY, Superior Stabling Accommodation Loose ClydfSstreet, Tokomajbiko. Milton, TUAPEKA. (Opposite, tue NewmarketHotel) Gives Immediate Relief, and Ultimately FISHMONGER & POULTERER, Boxes. Horses cavefully broken in to All Orders entrusted bo them will be Saddle, and Single and Double Harnejßg. ' jtrgatgd Cures.. (Opposite Wilaon'a Saw Mills), wjth the utmost care, attention, and BALCLUTHA. and kofoed. Saddle Horses andBuggies for hire. punctuality, Dtjnedin, Bastings andKofoed), MILTON. (late Clayton, Gibbs & leaving Travellershence their horses by rail Estimates given in and around the Clutha . _ Propuibtohs. and machines at these Stables may depend Wholesale Agents for New Zealand. , j_ jho Fresh Fish every morning. LILBURNE, Veterinary Surgeon, A to district. * upontheirreceivingevery careandattention GetHandbills andPamphlets gratis. receive the support of ac reaidents of Milton ■^-* begs to inform the inhabitants of AllOrders or Letters sent to the Brewery a and fli^'rs oi.the surrounding district. GILBEET M 'DOUG-ALL, willreceive immediate attention. ACRORIE AND CUTHBERTSON, Milton and the surroundingdistricts that he 85N, H. L. GILBERT & /CONFECTIONER, PASTRY COOK, AUCTIONEERS, has returned to Milton, andintends to re - PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, TjVREDERICK H. EVA NS, V^ BREAD AND BISCUIT NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS: BAKER, PAPERSTOCK & STATION AGENTS, Please to CORK BARRELS when empty sume his business as Veterinary Surgeon. Shakebkokek -and Estate Agent, Adjoining Doull's Mill,Balclutha, HANGERS, &c, COMMERIAL SALE ROOMS, Address Qjueen-street, Milton. FELMONGERr. DEE-STREET, INVERCARGILL. Princea-atreet, Dunedin. G.:M'l>.begs to inform the inhabitants of 7 WILLIAM lie has commencedbusiness as FIELD, "« : Balcluthaithat fIIHB lUnderaigne^ m a' buyer, of Wool, Orders in all branohes of the trade will above, and trusts by producing a good article Street, Milton, Eden to secure a fair share of support. 1 Soirees, j Sales conductedin allparts of the South of «Bfe Sheeptkins, Hides,andTallow. 1 : meet withprompt attention,and be executed Waste Lands Board attended, and country Otago. Regular. Quarterly Sales in the pUIMNEY Sweep M NigHfrna* and catered for. WedConcerts/ ' ;' ' ' ding.Cakes made on the shortest notice, in anartistic manner. Milton. Mataura District. business promptly looked after. Orders puhotually'attefld^'to, MR CRITEEION - ■ ■ cf ■ jg'piTNGT J __ — ON /QUEEN'S % JKELSO . i E~, gEITH — , -- THE .. rTH THIS HAS . PIANOS " GiH. KINCAID, GMUNPtO'S WEST . T\ * HARMONIUMS, "^ , HAVING * ER. __ Q.REAT THE TK. SPECIAL .. NfTR^T-bLASS' JOHN ... — BLACK , J.OHH».TON# ** PLUMBERS, hates" *** .: . - — r— P ~ t ' ;f : NEW Apygß^^tigj^:^^ ? ■■■"■■■ CHEAP of Mr G.H. Gilroy,Blacksmith, Baiciutha, we are now prepared to execute ■ OTbfe. p iiiiiirEß feosH:l^tlSbN, stafford-strbet^iAjnbdin, J^wj^|ejnTayLbei conßn?toa4 r%|r4inglhiß , ■:■rrr: JEWELLERS & GENERALIMPORTERS, the Inhabitants of Milton and the _ RED" GLOWER ~ .^:- Veterinary business, and any orders left r* ; there will be^rjomptly attended-toM PATERSON. IRONSIDE^ AL9YKE T » "■"" "1 Business inBaiciutha, Inave much pleasure . .a:SEE& WMEAT^ L>s£ioJ3 . SEED BATEEEY -, Importer pf-rA FENCINGC/WIBE ® i _ r r ri A ... ,1 -— SHEEP NETS,T&c. f,'. -■-■.eKo& ypyj^ ■- ■■- "BETJOB,HERALD' .7'L ISolejlAg^ntifotr E!'!'[ E E .; ■/:»i;-jv;i/iTA .;..<■ > -,^ -O.W* CiX:-.. ii'A .. Agent for Tokomairiro. ■ ERS, STOREK'EEPER^^^^OTHERS; ;- " KNOWIT, that M. Sullivan, , Izkil on WANTED xJasketmaker, I-sin - -k! . 'akd %s^inl , ; thanEnglish prices. ßE^S|.' iSAXOMo'n^ ] ."■■"■■""":''■ ( AaENOY.^ -'S;i' > ü fx-n >'.i Jt -i j-'i «■_" a;ft .'■""('"' :■ - ■J- '-..'""'ii ■".I'" -["> '■■■-■ M. & t^f)ij U--,-;:q iw-J s'tj'L.L rV'A''''"' N,'" ' ' 3ASKETJTAKEB, Princes-street South, Dunedin pj-.H i ' , [CARD.] v ,"..,,,.-! i &\\ HiV R. ?.i -nM.-T ** (^ '■"'■'■>'■-"*">'"'" .iM'''o;jj :\ i''jaA^.l',-i; lnu; bynv^v":- ':■■> E^SON COJi PHILP^ '■'i^CTIP^riEES, j :HEND ; INSURA'NGE AaENT. iif>" >'^ --^ ■) * "XP?& ■.ciofshrtoil . v^,.^ 3.^ <i Tb'-Wbdtf W ASB&Ris- | - _i .hi ** ja (■/:(»:'> I ; Irj -mm. Qr-Ml'A-S-f P^A./TvEfE-.S OsH[ [Patent Reapersiandi.M;ower«. j r iryovnatl) | y< ■'/■r.lbii& JK bin- (x*s¥-k _ ; : ;„ ; -"'""" ',',---■.: .-- ■"■/* Perfiiniery, Combs, Brvustiwar© t-'. (■ 'j;.".-V'i.' I .JAO ) ..Miltb-n. .j:/.O:'.> r I«l "" ■ Office, Next A'f j Ay: > ■v*..:.'.';-..'^ '»i'J i . Statiioner^^abinetw^e.-.:^ Mtwt^i^trtime.ritsj'Qpti(Bal- Good« I MRS M'LEOD, | ._ .-j.h.7;n- ! :»~inv.>-{\ art-mi MLai symj; c*- ;? has always Hand m"[yrr.\'} .'-.d; b> :■»«_,"■..? JgG'j. '>:li ."« :ivi f/.^s Baskets,of every description, irarues orderb'.,::Jr;: v vr:.v;:d WO^Zi.ITA . ". . rvrg,^"- ing Baskets, or any kind, of jwick.erwprk, will ein?! o 1;.i'.-i ti v aii ?n»r(fff**.V^.i ,v/n«" oifj V.. ■„:;.■>! ,r;^ -i^i ; SH:,rf?-.i:> at the snortest 'notice; BerlinandFleecy Wools ;>i [cl :r" -;i!-i ot ■"j":i?:i:r i-.r ""■' receive them i "''t r r Chairs, fraVeUing'{ Baskets, ;::,-.. ;.""!: ..- ( ly/.-,.r.-i>.n .v? ■■:':".■ :ai;?;- ;.; Description of i And Every " t:{. j '■JM-rln .i<i.i->i'.Ui'a \ Flowerstands.^Skipesi's Stia-'^Bfiskets^ot all BRITISH, CONTINENTAL, and AMERICAN* shapes*and r sizes,.made to order, at.>■;far.less ; .\t v. kK! ci .> rj ---i ■"'. =-. a W "; ■, .en^fUT- ME-RCH^NIHSE..;';":';!] v j , L I :li>rroil a A !'■>.)?:■< CuU!ery,xHardware» Sa#lery '■*"--"'-- : i;j . .i i-\.A..IXi /t^SURER^ ui|tidtf Oorpany will par,,.:<,^ticipar^4nihje)dß^fits,,^: ,,: ■■■■.-.-■:vv -..-. '?'!&»»■' ; ;" rCHARLES /REID^ J "Tobacconiflts^undriea,:Yesfcas i j able profit. ! ;i.'\i>;'i:<iatt. I ,3 T ?:E3paRASSjAHS Ha £ tBHL"MSSi2i>JOT>J s I Highest prices|given for Fresh Butter an^ .Qi'fliihiri^k'iot MessrsIronside and Paterson^have enSEED OATS " BLACK NORWEGIAN Eggs,"in any quantity. COOKSFOOID- _ _T^a^fc0lat4lcJgaTr1;'li ;'"^ I [ I *s»;':!r.iSfr!.»iii'Kya»O's.'.!».' MWS»t« £1,000,000. ■" ) Tii!i:E^ctr^piat^WareT QAtifia nowl prepared to loffqrSthem "^tjthe v/" A sill ' lowest figure, commensurate'with a reasonj- . . Capital, < »m]3»3^(t^^«nd»Jew«Uei^Aolockji^ On hand,idtitaitied with/rtlt^gxeatest care, ' "With UnlimitedLiability of Shareholders. JIGH-STEEET, DUNEDIN, r -■ - "s °* - -.- ' ■".■■iv V 1. .i.<3 LLv.i ."^d,3?r.»teainer) Sfc^y^, viaMelbounie. sufficient guaranteeiorthe prompt exeoutiop SJJB^ttsiity&ofalCffi^ M\ \INS&ANGE" COMPANr. "» "f'y on sale the largest and fineststock »AS ®WriDi^;;Fl^E :!/AND MAEINB ■" tisual, will be under the /supervision of Mr previously-largestock has just been supple- them. ■ ■ % "VTRS M«LEOD begs to return thankß to ne8g AS » ■ ■ TH» 88008 HBB At JjjrTk^l. 2 '"" ■ EIRE LORD, D X— sosRUSTATBic f STOGK,.( .ANDr.^ENERAb- ! ACCOUNTANT, ,AGENT,' &c, ' H!' ' : ."■COMMISSION * : ■.'.'■■ .');.': '■",■'■, '. "."-,: \',\",': ,%'!!;,.. : Merchants Boqks/;,;up and kept up;>t r'-r.'.l YJcoMMj^SIOITAGENTSr \ ! " , AMBERS, i-:,;.;-' ; \.'i>.y.'ri;r /j.-.O'i" iii:\ :■ :» 7. 1 ;" C >rJNCILr CH 1 'exiiUng; be-i „- i. Trust Estates* woundup. Debts col- j .> Ihithterto riIHE tp, fwopl^, . ady ; ,pn gX»tPi ancja ; { Ate prepared, lected^ Propertiesinatiagedand ;JL' «:. tw^nusfe te ? und'ef'signWdr':as ; General ' ■ " ,; ,; ...Htock.jandj generalproduce con-;- rJ|ifj | Rents collected. ,. :, 7 : -.:: -isigned to themrfprI'B^le.Ji vtll \ il JBalclutha^i§ thiii'dAip I^-' ■ iRTISEMEyTSr v'" '; ! ; - j '^ .B'alclbtha^Oc^l^aSToVv ■ l .... ; _ J ParYnerihi^ l '' - ' ©^ IVlerchanlsV at *^NGLIB"H'Sv ofiii-Btacki SOLVED by mßual 1 ennsenti ■: AH* debts; l^AK|rN^& CQ.,Clyde-streej;, 'Aiiv^ncWmade BALbLtfTHA "'BR&CH. . j .ipalowpa^beg|T^eckully\'toinform STORACriiJ Fo%Gr^.>lN OS. WOOL. - | Mue to and'^by thelate firm of Stewart 'Wl ..,.,.Ajy^ERIGA N? (W4£ THffi):,WAT;CHE3,; ;! ... ! the surinhaj^^^^p|^3^clul^ and AGENTS FOR the ] *■ U GRUBBERSr«itc. THOivfA^''PkTEßSON^ form|:^"o;f Go^ Will' be/rec6ived'and pa'id!bjr- the "underrounding districts, that they have comThe New" Zealaftd..,Loan and Mercaijtil^ Stewart, who will''carry , Retail, and ajad U.nioiis/;Fire signed, Alexander menced businesses of Reapers _ana sentative ,at.-Baiclutha,on behalf of the: Agsncy,C,pn?pany^ ; , Norwich .<§f All spare under the Btyleof A.^Stewart pn ,' , ,^.-. '' the bußiae.Bß , )lnsui;a©cej Company. ! tl \ n . ." :;] \ v} <v: ri;;";j.r; '^inif, ■/.! «'!■;■-,:" ."■>.. ■■■;.., ]: Family Butchers,Jin} the' premises lately iDouble-furrow Ploughslkep't in | Bettoe IJebald newspaper; and, from his.n, K 'stocicf secarity, freehold* Money lend on in andCo. . ' to iJfJL xiibM&lb&'Jlfy *fi^ long'^acqWaintance with, and experience of.' imoun^s-to suit .clients,- at qurrent rates,.of ?.-i!;.ljr.7?!lV ■■» 'r^!lO'S-LEX. fSTE^ART; i "' ; ; 'h; a^oraingr^Mesfrj^Grigor,: ? thejiQlutha district, it is confidently hoped;; inftereStJ'' ;^r-;..-- ,; ■;..- '::'.<■< -,":■;:.-.. .■..,>,:. f , !/ j6HN Gbw." !! [ rMa^landc* Co.fs <3;Agent Ae(i(3lutha>^ue;.j)f steamers "that l;" ;"IlTil /7° : .foi.r'f)! :> lit ;*";'; store,and trust bystrict-attention to business, Lady |or-::!(wu -'t ""n c i its best interests will receive" properI '■,«' '-;«%iMEOETi NT' NOTICE-^' '.''.} ! of the.Lake and Balchitha. | s I y.:.W^nj?Bj»,j-a C^^ri^!r ,!; , r _r and by^pr.ocuring,thef)yeryx .beß t. quality of ; | >-,;s -:( liis hands. : . rj,^ at :! ■■<> attention TQ Baiclutha, December15, 1875, ; ; j a T^O ;U (ia Hi, All;businesSiconnected with the>newspaper stock, to meri^a fairshVe of pulblicj)atron- T 0 H ;TOKQMAiRIIi9 V& ! > I';T "'- v)i^ JJI *\fj I " at the Baiclutha' j HA^^RI^BRANv&CHAipi^STO^,| willbeconduojted^ashitherto THE SURROUNDING DISTiIICT. DISSOLUrW OF PAKTJSERSHIP; office, where._&dvertisements are re-, branch Families waited uponDaily. , .- \ "' r nius,.of .the English watchmaker. The damage ; j ceived^ag^pitheeveningof publication,andthe: ;TAMES; ,BbB: :Bp:b'V' ari^,; Shoe oft'ert iri&cted-li^on the movement of the English. ifiM.AN I Bridge),' j AND,GOWi the (Beyond ESSRS-; ST W fy Lever Watch, by the breaking of the chain or PRICES STRICT-liiY-MO'DEIfA-T'B. I/I A^T' Warehouse, opposite t.he: Natipnajl IHSBSSS&D cp«tfciao§i3 tp be published(Bi'mu:ltani-;, -^f "■' - :IMton^ i mainspring-, frequently/are'sulling.-in, ("the.(splitting ;.' ','. ;"' iit; I ously with the Milton office at an early'hour Bank of"New Zealand,haS on hand a large 1V1";, ;' giVen"^^ t>rice ailkinds of " The 'hiisnesi; of jewels, destructionof pivots,and injury to the r,-'.iioij^i.;'! rA; """'°^!' f Having dißßolved Partnership,Notice is herer wheel teeth,- is raverljed by the intro-■«- tithe morning of publication. on I Boots Shoes of every , consignment, of and , .., .;. I Stock. . diction' ofthe "PatentEeversib'le CentrffPinidn," their,, yrhole .ofimmense by glv.en^ '" "Fat ' ' that ' tb at : the^ ' , ; " ' description^ prepared imM which' he is sell ' /j which is applied..tor,all Waliham-made Watches. 7^r r A f ''' ';'"t.:'^sf:l C>J:EVi'.'.^'i-J 'Rytail^and^inVßutcner; 1 (I 1J Jn0 ai;iiRONsiDfe'%.;PATESSOW 1 : ■■'"■;0. '>"\ ; 1 It is constructed1 in two-parts,.the pinion head -'I' 'early -D^Q^^E-F^RRO^gLOUaHS } PATENT L"Alid^ - Ipalowpa^beg|T^eckuly\'to1 growingJcrdpßi on: : ■ -" itffs "^ ( ;i - - "■ . ■ .;"■>; ■" '.;r- ;i ■ r T -" . .-".-, . . ; ; ; ' ; f ; _^ ■ " " :,j';- '.;-:i>.' '■■■- t ' ; ' ' l " l f 4 . '^ ] : ; _ ! v I ' -tHe lowest remunerative ! : "■;'-■' — ( prices. . An STOCK OF DRAPERY & CLOTHING, being made separate from the staff to which itis J-N >!'■■'■'■■; ' , . \ leftrhanded When . ?' . .attached,by athetriple, | Men's Suits r ! ' ' Families in, ithe )disi3jict waited on mainsprings 6n, is in ; ' ' power of the" " Z <j ■>:■ A7; -: ■-:; Agents! : J :h ; . i,, Bpys' and Youths' Suits, . j the direction of the-screw, while if the spring for I TOKOMAIRIROr TEA .- :';!-r Orders 'Daily. "i-^« j , MAGIiE ANi BROS; i , the actipn causes the ,7 breaks,) ;: Tweeds . from the staff, 'and thus 'saveptne ,to unscre.w itself " AMES AINDiRSON &' Co:, ;;' wANjrEDp^w^;. :;;';^ ; Auctioneers,&c., Dunedin andBalclutha.j Watchj;'and4he j usual-' injuries inflicted upon;the Winceys repairs.;, , ■>. Tea and Provision consequent cqst^of. : .,,,,,' ' Hall, ad- , and Retail Grpcers, John's ' secured St. ' , . 6 DiS American (Walthim) Watches will stand BIN A D;ML I Blankets joiningthe Crown Hotel, we are nojsr Merchants. rougher usage than any others. "'Shilple'j in ' ' -prepared to' offer Storage for Wool .Grain, or GeneralFurnishings. .mechanism, correct,in .principle,. ;substantial in Nearlyopposite Post-office, Milton. S O iA 'P !"■- fl i d^hier'Produce, which may be submitted, order, and easily and construction, seldom out of : "'j; i. \f> -"" American (Waltham) ; :". Goods delivered to all parts of the town' ' ! -uVfor sale or consignment. 1 inexpensively repairedI.^.^ beat. , £Bfi>) onlySoap, FAMILY Is the and cannot be ' '\. KBTiIL Watches., W.rite.for ,the Blusfira^djpamphlet ' ' Also, ,i<i .'/CIiYDB-SXREET, BAXCIUTHA.: COAL. .! and surroundins; districts. !.*::. descriptive of Watch-making by machinery "at KAITANGATA [A CARD.] r. Waitl)am,,sent f?ee by.posfc, (on,quoting Paper Sugars Teas ; " to Dunedin to know \\TANTED, Visitors in which' this advertisement Appears), andPrice 0 T W; begs; to' inform the inhabitants of OPENING,OF CLUTHA RAILWAY. " VV that the most Comfortable Bedroomß Provisions Lists furnished totue'Trade /bn application. and the:surrounding-^disr Flour hifJf.'sßalclutha C. PE R C:Y ,SC OT T are at Watson's. Travellerscalled for early BOBBINS AND APPLETON, ' ' itricts, thathe^has succeeded to the ■business '' '"' " ' "' '' ' r "*";~ ; ■'.'/ : K\ ! trains and coaches. Wines .. : Agents for the AmericanWatch Company, Ays'on, and Groceries General by on Mr. .Wmi lately till' carried Y^ ' T)ARTIES can be supplied with this AROHITIeP* 16, Hatton Gardenj■Lt)Rdpii,;.E.Cv tpt ; , :.;AND.;;sußVii3ifoß. ;; ! ;; *■*- ' i^ttusts «by strict attention to business;; Ale and'Porter Spirits 1hitherto to'any of pairt Rooms, superior Coal, Dining High-street, delivered support and the patronage' merit I ' , .Woolpacks . his Quantities talren out on reasonable terinlßi: the largest and best inDunedin. ; - StationStores accorded " his; predecessor.: ,JLt ,;will;rbe Tpwnsbip of Milton', at 30s perTon. , j Countryare ; quality residents spending the dayin town best very dim to secure thp Horse.Btoi;eU^ ' ■ .[] constant I , ; .Qpposite, \ :: { .NYhite ';■>< Fencing Wife lu^ '"■" Nails have the best Dinner ,iv .Office: : .j r GEO:;CAPSTICKr ;■.- f;; ;'. -should not fail to of stock; ;'■; f Colony obtainable in the B!$ t;#R4l-H: Families waited iupon daily, and goodsr ; ■ E ; p; p^;^;T Ironmongery ioK/i'-.tfi'-', ■:/■" '.'■.■ " ;Agent, Milton.1 BuildingMateriais : " , > ; ' '*deUVjeredat.loweat.^ackefc^ates. '^ %inali^goodß manufactured of the best' „, TO LE T. ._"■-.- .Crockery j R. Macdonald,).; ; (Successors to .Seeds ." i : | 'iMp " '" ' C A N L A N "&"'. C'q. . DINNEFOEI)'S ' """■■ :' ; description. \ ■"- '"'■ ,' x , ls 'fcn:e greatremedy'fof:c Bootsand Shoes WOOLSCOURERS Stationery 'FELLMONGERS& Acidily of the Stomach, Headache,.-Heartburn, '' MiiiTON, '"'" _;■'■, ; ' TO LET, next Bexjcej Herald ;'"' ! ;tl^' A&■!1 -I -/ /," '/': sak a a O'O^E' '■;' :'. '. ,'"'■ Indigestion, Sour -Eructations and Bilious ' ,"'-<■■■■■ requirevariety general And an endless of Apply at that office. ..,.., H ii Office. Affections: .r ' ; '");'C&h Buyer's,of Wool, Hidesj ' IT $ THE PHYSICAL'S 'CURSTFC)R ' 'and Tallowi :xnento, . . ""i' ' " " "! " ""' ■ * :,. . '"/'■. GOUT, RHEUMATIC .GOUT, GRAVEL, ''jaX'highest;market'rate's. STEAM SAW AND f|lflfi;;B!&»ti<36alr may beLobtained at the ** ' AND />T,T. OTHBB COHPIJJNTB OP THE BIADDEB. S:2--^:::idl^i!3|BipLD OFF PLANING MILLS. : And as.a safe.and .gentle medicine for,Infants, "%iiTAT'IrBL^ESKiN. MANTJEE^!' MANUREII'MAWTJSE:!!! REAL MACKAY QUARRIES. ,;■:.a i\\A'^ v-:ui/t.. :i.n ;':^ Cl; ; ONE Children,DeKcate Females, and for the sickness " RESERVE, WITHIN' WITHOUT' [ "' "' of Pregnancy, Dinneford's Magnesia is indispena* " :' ,X3 pet tq,n- cash. ! SALE, superior fine ground Bone MESSRS BElb and DOUGLAS beg,re-, " U '""'""*]', MONTH, ' '■■'''■■ Pmck «*. „. ;,;/;■," );.!")" "■■'.'.?' ■"'p'boJrieto^s. -*y. lk : afe1e. ,,..-r J.''#A H^'doV by allDruggists and Storekeepers. Sold Builders, Contractors, liberallyJaealt Viiitable inform green crop. 'very Dust, for to spectfuliy anS^arge^conaumers Carters N.B. Ask for DINNEEORD'S MAGNESIA, :^/;/:-' . A ./■;" ,-; !■■(;;■! mm -rnyi^T^l j To adjust partnership accounts. Samples' ana pri'e'e forwarded oh application.' and the Public that haying erected the above Eviction.Gloves '" ':> and 'use DINiOFDRD/S and ' ' ; Belts;' '"■- ■'''■ < >A :k'inds> of -Native' 'Timbers1 for"Saje^ >'^Campbell- s'Bone^mill,- /Halfway' Bnsh, \-V 1 .^LL Mills in.close proximityto Waihola Railway FRENCH, EEMPTHOUN^, mi> COiJ' \~, jCjLt ,s a^i, t tooi'der'of any Bize?:reqturedT; 'ijun'edjii.^' . ",. ,,"'/'. f .. ''." lao^afiv^it^e-. »'" '—^ Jj ■■■'■■' :.v unedin,,, ou dur-;■<■■■■■■ department every ! prepared , Special they are to execute 6W Station, ; WfjODBSAiiB. Agents. '■" ■"-'' < in^ BEAPERS^^BEiPER^IT" NOTICE OF EEMOVAL. Toncued and Grooved Boards,; manufac^ orders and to deliver the same along the inf?!th'e'New.YearSeaßODi f, ' ": J i.»". i turedionithapremisesv::ii*> .i-r^bi-H mH6Mks' i^UTSIFORpr Watchmaker, line with care and despatch. .' , ' " ' -*- Jeweller;^ i&c; TE R AND .vGtRAiT ". .'.'"■„ STEWART GQW, .' 1"begs/ "begs tb notify to I^he 'AliWdersefecubdwith^carUan^despatch. HYMNS, with'Music. Price. ; -> , .-,:..i Inliquidation.inhabitants'of Milton and the sttrfbunding .■■">. - '■■' ' V;«}^^ HA.YE JUST LANDED, -^is-ed'to^y,., ■; , : 15,|1875. December ha's 4o his new and districtthathe removed Just arrived per Mail. (l ;i >!' 7/ [H[ ;.,. -ORACTICALENGINEER,MACHINIST centralbusiness .premises;opposite the Bank j»_ FORWARDING ;& COMMISSION AGENTS. f<^r - ; ;; .call isr^equested.; ; i ( ■ k-.'\i I-.'frv,*f!i yU.j}:^/j-.v-- 1 ; ( 1 ■ Wholesale J' . ■ Tv, ";;: . ;' HAVING EO ,- : ;i, . > -" - ENGiNiER, - ... i.//' ." ■ ■ i; B'"~T,0 WATSON'S ( ; ■■ ■ 1 1 . 1 f '^ SHOP "; ■ ■'' < l ... /; ; ■ . 1. l^m^-i^'^ ; ""'■ ! '■ ■ . .. t t ■ S6bT ° ■" ... 1 r i '^Gs¥sk 1 n > 1 . > ■'"-' 1 SANKEY'S \ Ex^MayOjieeh," "qf New Zealand)(wh>re he 'hopes,;;by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance A SHIPMENT OF; ri "-'^BlOtJL'TiirkaX-I^L^'El^'MAKlftß ' '-'i )'"■■ ;'''i-''''- " '■' *£t 5 ''-. '''if.. , : iiC ii : !i ' ' I;.; ■/- Chalm'ep's!Blacksmith's!Shop), 3AMLE^T'SREAPERS. j ].(Innear of.©. MISF^OBBJSS., ; ■i, .;.-;'" :";.'(.'!"" ..,3>lilt.Qnii!.[■." ;:;;:vj:f!^iix\>f&W,r W^X'-m J..A-.- \ | .. of past favors. f:, '"''' ." .'' ; -: ; ' !' -. ; ■ ■- .;,D r,\ ■ . ■ ;"■ j REITH & WILKIE, Princes-street, Dt7hedin. ■ ' :;":/,■ ■;"' .'": ; - ■ : -;::. .--'!" COALS!! COALS!!!: T. N,. begs,,to callattention to, hia new and ' Varied"stock of 7 . "". WATCHES,' CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, ; BENHAR COLLIERY. ; * J. NELSON PuofßtEtoK. ] - ■>■>■;/ ; v ■■-.■■■■■ '■ . . ." ■: irls Scnool ''['", " businjess in 'A:MDchas; just;.commenced, GOODS, .ELECTRO-PLAfE ' li 6/ J ;httpes- ;i Tp^eiyare^ol^l^^?^6 affcer he ;.Qf all descriptiipnß: and designs. Inspection begs to inform the public thathe is 1 i U-KEAIEST WOiNDJiK Ul(1 MOJjEIiN ' n the , THE ;'i ■■■'■-■' :v"ir ♥ now prepared to deliver COALS '. of -: i': ■■"".■■ "-) patronage,of i^iil-pwnerp'^yid Christmas holidays'. #OUfie la invited/! '<- ■■'" > '■" " ''-■■ '-■ :-'--"; r-"TiMEST : /f at the ; quality ofrany in first-rate Stations following bind h'*.u rdislii^t WployMgJmaehinery; ONG- ekp'erienee lids proved ;tlio^e'-fiu»6u3 Commodious, withbath-room, &c. |'■ TO;SMALL CAPITAI/ISTS. ' ,on the Clutha Railway, at per truck of 6 remedies -to be most elfee'tuftl in. curing ,. J'-' otherwise; ;; J ., :Av.y}\--\.-\u '■: .; _!_...'_._" 1 or trade J!;i /(t/ f :— j !); prices r \ I r tons, at the following wforMnicj- Singingii'S-Fren6h, u eitherA the dangerous'maladies or- the slighter com} ir J ,,'Maclune|y o.f plaints Avhich are more .particularly.incidental to ,* ■:t\) ': I-}-. ..' ;< ar d-.'.-.f ]'' taughtin schoo^, visiting teachers; '^ yd ■, the life of a miner, or to those living in the bush. .'■"> ~srope''working order:.';." :^ "//"; Baiclutha -96 pertoni " . ■■'■ , .. ,I! . 9 6 Occasional. doses of,tbe^e fPills...wJLll guard the Stirling < -good opening. Milton. iA. system against those" evils which so often beset .u^LovellaFlat "- 9 6r. >.};+' '■ ;-ji-!!;.n's ( , biisine'saiu qKma'teiaeligh'iSulUiiJefms oti^applicatioar Tftwn:&- /il{(yW .fc?-- o«.'ioti'.>« tiJaMJs '""'-."" ..».■":>■'. . the human race, -vii^:— coughs, -colds;"and- all ' :"' particulars applyto XJlarksville -'.' --11, 0; t 'For terms aha care and despatch.' — _ disorders of the liyec.and stomach— the.^frequent "'! '-i-;; 12--0: ;r y, TTji! .'""'.;-! A,.I...'<>.&{■: y : IVA'i'i/J.UI r^^'Milton-' i :■ kri r ..«: forerurinera of " -fever^; WWl : and ' ■' " '-' ~ 1diaiThceL^ AY. . -.■ 12 i'0 '" y " ':','dysentery/ MACK Milburn ,\ '] *-?■■'" ;j }^; >'AJOSEPH ■■'■.:■.?,.. ' ■■.::< )-<l'.J ) .;■■-: .■"m\: cholera. Ii; Clarendon i--i.:".<.- ■-. -.- Vb § i 4,\ ; i! iy -..Ajsyjifaoiia ■■■■■"■ > Against L^JSs by.JFire seeuredctp * ' Policy^ ./ N O W- r)E EAD T, :b« .'tv-i^Waihola,^ ofM.-.ftf , ■;%■-.'.' ! ; holdersin the Henley "■■;. BAIiCtXJTHA. 13 9 ;,,-. w;■„{ . - , '.:■■"{■,■.<<.■>'! ; yd ■.■'■--.-;■/::."; '=.';, : SOUTHLAND, , aciii!£Ki.(?.S Otakia14 6 l'r■>'■■y «H.inJO Diii:Jb/j^o^js b/xfi^i-uavi^ ';? " - ■'■' INSURANCE COMPANY i li "VTATIONAL n J '"""■ '■■*«>'■:■"-:■.■ 14.i ofallot -Wr* u .43rTeytqwn'u .43rTeytqwn' furnishings ! m"" 0! fi i jihje-i.Ji. Sij.^ ■;:■■-■ t;' ■'-■ "-;.'; ;"■■"-"."":■:.':-.a ;;:';;;; " is the most effectual remedy for old Boreß Building ~-- "-.materialssand ; -■'■.■■ descriptions.- " -. r ! iru-i 14 6., _,/ .«' ' AIiMANAO FOE : grounds,' Tilcere,rheuftiatißm's and-aiirskih'diseases, o i 'ra Dunedin" i ■'- "-''lS'"d" : "/"" J <■')':> .. : When"used fact, .:in i directions, never taccdrxlingii to-ithex printed \y&:?ri-:wn S*ERLmG"'; J: in fails to cure alike, deep and its :V-'/.;'i-.M s.:rl i 501 Capital,IwithlUiSlimiit^d (Liabili<^|6f| Pnblicatipn. 5 : a-.:> -,K»'v." ir. .: ,c supeyficiairailmehtsv' > O/V UfDiTi'O/i ' Yearjof ; j <t ,<. Thirteenth ? . JLi-*I Mjr, J» rC,-LoßiM^i5 j Agenti;fpr,Milburn,and Shareholders. vaflCliese.;.medicinesi {may;- jBei ftodi?. ; respectableDruggists and. Storekeepers-through* iT«rmli,«andjrPcQmpt Settlement of i y:?> jitt Kr)>I A .] j^ liberal Losses, characteristic features ofthe ; Jth;e out jQb^isegj^oridv^itb4irect|oSa;j^r : use < Contaioing a vast deal of information ; iv almost every language^ .■";;: ;'.mboau(j. «*<Gsnlpafiy^'i Mr.a-poDDS,/Agent |or Milton. | 11 aa v■>!a*/ i ,T S ti ixs-?' ~:: pubin other any which is not to^e found i>, e^jßMsAiu>orJirregularitieß infthe deUviry ol ' ' >1{ w-faO I m E&^Gl>n ' X'K i tfcation *;<Beware)of<Coim^foitsbfc«t?3ra eotJMiafc* Managed. ; :;^'' General so9"r^fg»^ Nias6#,, ° 9 !^iiStf-W(f^v'- ''if' r # ,rjoL*nf>ijsrsTrino fci; ;i'.}iv.* io' c?a'i.'« I„_ „ .Ajl,.^ orders; aent to-..,.Me.J0mT j^zs'&if. bn£ fm * "naru (HeadMi«? teetoi v^lluiyii;:) bun'ylUJ'.Jwmq wrino yumi-.' ' £j!C : -■" ;...^ )|» "' - * V^v^lln^.'^d l^i' and^sM*V% '" :.;^,kindk ; v"^r re^veithe^ . _ _ ; — ■ ■-< J ■ , —- ■ ■" "-■.- N^r^t^L^ . ■ '" * bi^Tl^DijpE^.^ l;^ r 1 [ " .l&^k £)Q^(iOf '' . "" '" SOiiD^lßliDS' . '^ ■ __ JN. ' f ' _ ...... ■ -- --- -- - ■ I" „ l ■ ... „ „ ■ i ... ... „ - ■ 1 : '"' „_.. '■■ ■ » * . |fAll PJJrfc1.1R^ifrsP aip<^|^sM!ll ; 3 . that the the two" Government ;were (becoming as home also Democraticf, The right hon. right jBid^B pfr,the buggy and- 1one from relations, y Another man IWfc year voted trade antagonistici aa truth'and falsehood. But gentleman' closed by saying :— The time the left side,and bring' them up over ojir the ballots of his three liaves and sis balance of the^ that now that freedom rules inboth"countries, is .come that all Governments,,, even head- { and they ;would touch together children and for two thenvanborn, but all Remember '' flag. '; 'does follow the ll vsimilar institutions, military and despotic' Governments,must, while we eat' up straight in our buggy: soori expected; is descent, fto \V thia; opinion common Thetfollowirig is the concludingportion [ is j required to jn^ifjr interest,;and^individual;kinsman- without much;,delay*j do. what* their subT iIndeedy;it wouldham: averaged?nin<B efejet j ground to believe that wehave more ' Edinburgh have of thelecture.delivered' at the keep the peace"' That thij^is; a jects wish. Can we not, by t!ie example in height, and this covering.,100 .acres '."■./,Brigham. 'Young is. a shrewfYankee, should if ship than we will V the colonists Institute by jhe Eton:W itrade with foreigner. it. There, were probably 5000 born in Vermont seventyvfne years ago, union, tempt these sub-.: just like, Take, then, these reasonable .trust is, confirmed by the of our peaceful they *ere ! 5 misunderstandings. ijects'to of/gi&ss induce' their acres thait' Would average* six feet and brought;up, like :Joseph of old, to a tp fc recent Go verniriehts : *he settlemeu 'of by Pathanf^tary figures. Weiflnddisarm ? 1 May;,\.we,:and high\ alarmist .hard, jndeed, b,e for^ny BY THE LOSS OP OUR It our "never year wquld 'sa^'such grass. Wecould carpenter's trade. In personhe iarather colonists' WE"""WOULD NOT; GAIN werejin conjure returns that our exports last ; , COLONIES. -i to up Canadian causes of dis- together, by the exercise of some mutual not havebeen seenas we drove throughit,' commanding and striking inappearance. A-.-.r.i wJ/w-.:-i «', i t value~to agreement more rankling ormore danger- forbearance, by willingness to incur soine and/iwhen we were four miles:from it we" Hev"Btknds! nearly six, feet high, broad and probabilities. j>e- Au iiiWith-tJießeiscts. moocdoo ■OusiJthani.the.;claims which arose out pf mutual sacrifice,; transform' our could plainly see it wave before the shouldered and stockji with'the general more tnan fpre us,:let;uß ,consider the arguments of <mnnnrinn """ """ 30,000,000 ' peace- winds.' .1hajiemyself ridden over a large_ physical _asp.ect of a' human {bull. His the American civtf war, and which were colonial empireinto afederation^of TT^nfP IeBB than I ihose who look jforward to the loss |of Sh 10,000,000 ful; America, ( j strong 'moreitlianl industrious,' law-abiding not a little unnaturally, tfoHb not with common- part of the country of which he speak*. ,head is .of, a moderate size; theße possesswns— not" only without re ,r ..: 4,700,000 urged, :arid posterior wealths—so the anr during months, quite terrible that in due time our British . summer. and. basic developments of the fierce bitterness* of that of the ; can only ihe Cape andNatal,about gret, but with"satisfaction. I ; regions of the craniun, and it;isby no brotherhood.Buy prove to the w,prld asno " prepared to credit nis statements." v 5,000,0,00 conflict. There is friendship,now. between leßß;thata,v ;,-w: *-...■: :* -'"" Ibut IChina, A give'-these' arguments> very ( nation, the everproved good has before "How means lacking in anterior breadth. His tfiW E'nglish-spea&ing Kingdom" and. . , SCHROEDER's AIR SHIP. " jkiwill tosy,to give.them,fairly.;,<■ IthinkUbey rTaking in each case the last recorded and to prepleasant Canada how it is for if not Colored, abundant English-speakingEepublic. brethren Itofeskor Schrbeder, in' His steerable hair is chestnut ' census, this returnJBhbwB that our fellow dwell Kingdom. togetherin unity growth Is it "? 1 in and | part fers to of the be to different combined in a pedantic eachjof air-ship, proposes took visit porantipodes ( at the colonies would in Reality, it^ countrymen voVur reasonable W suppose that this preference The -lecture was frequently loudly tions of the>United States " and the old style into a fpretop.totteright side, with j»*gain touUB- uDecauße ifc wouM J'relie*re H'them last/yearlan averisgeTpf itea ,oi the lop oj a sick rooster's applauded. willinterrupt.the friendship,.? \ world.. His;air- shipv,waaron. exhibition somewhat impression our taxpayers of a %rge "pecuniar^ -bur- yworth of our goods ; while our nearest :comb: :The received from the VIEW; THE ladies to lately in Baltimore^ The seem "ihake wars neighbors— the ,French— took less than HOW THE COLONIES OUGHT TO t aoiden^because/alabi it would American Notes. ■' interested*, and told the care bestowed on his h»ir is that ofan , .., particularly to the States . , average to occur WAR ARGUMENT. be likely j y " 17s per bead. Tne' ' " ii withv[othep^i\ationßrJeßß would, in was rather more than to France, bjit But; if "this war argument, fairly disProfessor tney;wbttld;solove'totafce atrip overweening'Vanity and a desire to ap v andileßßAdifficult ,to, jwagerror A MOTHER AT SETENTY-SEYEIiI. His is unlike pear entirely" youngl face - He :fact, 'diminish our 'danger both of war less than 17s 6d per head ; while to our cussed, ought noiTifo induce the mother j Truly ia an age of wonders, of big beyond the clouds in his air-ship." it was more country to. desire separation, ought it not bonanzas,this said to them that he never invited, any that description of .Christ alleged to have j a8 possessions regards the colonies North in"Var.'ri^nd American and '^Wid discoveries remarkable. ! an ascension, for the reason come down to us from some ".Roman »»«tWmftiW'es; sifc !iistated that the severance than 535. : Ineed" not compare the to have great weight in the colonies ? events, andrich Clay county is destined to be one to 'mak€> they would inGhiria. that made one tripj'ilthey- writer. Benignity and the highest typa -with us Africa and or when Hheiri) Why spend money connection! their iHiof t of South " should they averages not among the least noted places upon, i lirwayswisKedtp; g o again. A number of of humanity were the marks Lupon that .their,ysafej^dandi^diminish their vjAgain, -the imports from the North their blood?. Why should, their ships be the pages of future history for the .; being applications their South African 'have been 'received to take countenance, indicative of the sublime Australian, and or l-.jW.pulj^r^preyOTt,, danger American, i in of capture, their cities of wonderful events which have transpired ,.gardens are 5 among ending passage, they not colonies for the five years 1874 bombardment,, because our diplomatists within her borders. To the wife of and them the application soul so Bweetly reposing within.' In which ''"involved in wars in Btimiuiate £142,000,000, Wise, their the aeronaut, who, Brigham Young the lowest type of hupro about us in of Professor 1t or our have involved Gunn, Government w^ld in wealth ; would wereinroundnumbers to them., about isome European who ;resides Judge Thomas J. Schroeder, with is sanguine of manity is depicted in his gorilla-like proconflict, o^restfin^p'ttp'illAtio^and or because we three niles south of Smithville, in this Professor and ..the exports jecting lower law, avarice in his pinched train them /to self-reliance j! andis indeed £1^8,600^000.' Our imports from all may be fighting for our Indian Empire ? county; on the road leading from a safe voyage across the Atlantic. Sch- mouth,harshness andungodliness in every can become' by_which they period says expendedyears same roeder that he has only here, mode foreign countries for the again, we must look at reason- Smithvjlle to Liberty, was born a boythe But of, jevolting -* lineament his large sums of money upon " face; and many fit to fill their P?9Pcr P^ce: *Pd Q; fulfil were about; £1,350,000,000, and bur able probabilities, and not allow them- baby, on the 29th day of September laßt, of study and Mormon women say, What abeautiful it states, £1,12'5,000,0Q0. And, lastly, 1872, the world. the invention. In Schroeder dutiißajn . by vague possibilities, their selves to be misled exports to them about ' the mother being in the seventy -seventh strejiuously' urged that any association The seven millions of colonists cannot, "Jietr-iis try to put ourselves in the position year of her age. The baby weighed he made an ascension with a smaller and benevolent face he has !'' It is "is r among; the worst faces ever seen. It ex< witD^BUch" communities on terms of then, he.considered bad customers. Our of the colonists,and consider at what we eight pounds at the time of itß birth, and machine, similarly constructed, from presses greatness of apeculiar cast, but it equality is impracticable; that no federa import from, themis about 3-1 per cent., should aim if we were in their places is a hearty well developed child. Judge. Brazil. portion of the balloon, the is that of the grossest ignorancein a per:; ,tion< is >;possible }/ that the difficulties of and our export to them about ll£ per At present we should certainly desire no. Gunri is an old, well known and highly, The ship&c., such a high position or so were, as drive propeller, would, and, 'export it. and to and the is constructed of wire son professing cent, space gain greater time is than change. The of our import respected citizen of Clay county, and ecclesiastical, much civil and political am not loss. T?he, protection against attack is gave us this piece of information from about three-sixteenths of an inch in them to" eyentuai inaependence; and that from all foreign countries. I : ■'"'*" ttip only tie which can bind them to' the Burpfised that 'the Chancellor of the Ex- cheaply purchased" by a small risk of an his own lips, which was corroborated by diameter, is eighty.five, feet in length, renown. THBEE THOTTSAND MILES ON I*oo*. 'mother country1is thrit * dependentrelation chequer,iwhenjconsoling"us at Middles- unlikely danger. But should we feel that one of his nearest neighbors, who was nine feet high and eight feet wide. Its Duncan Campbell, the pedestrian who whichis kvery* year becoming; more and borough last month for the falling .off we ought to leave the old country to present at the; time and weighed the. lifting capacity will be for ten tons. The the Atlantic to thePaciflo Relaxed; and which must ultimately in "'was able "to" say ;it fight its battles by itself as soon as we child. We haveknown Judge Gunn for balloon portion, which has not yet been is walking fromreached 'more ' ' our foreign trade," Eyanston, on the disappear:T;Now,firsti what is the actual 4 was to a great extent counter- became strong enough to fight our battles several years, having served in the same adjusted, will be sixty-five feet high, on a wager, Pacific, lately.' Union He has already eightyfive polonies? heavy How is feet in circumference and depend "balanced; by the improvement in our without her help ? This would' cost of.these regiment with him in the late war, and journey. He ; been four the months on sixty- five feet in diameter. It is conbelieve exports to the colonies." the buriien on our taxpayers ? I upon the reason why England hadbattles can vouch for the truth of the above. ; very through had fine weather Illinois yards (three which structed of 1800 cases) greater indeed, are matters on the future unof Here, few is there EMIGRATION. to fight. A CONFEDERATE RELIC. PECUNIARY ADVANTAGES OF through lowa, wet weather for days ten cambric, 1496 public ropes ;inj thefrom which will certain toouncertain to be a ground of During our civil war the several misapprehension exists never had a dry , shirt on hisback j fine Nor while making up our profit and action, depend ship. and The true, pushing it is we hold the years ago, speculation. for mind. Some almost too obscure account can we disregard the States used at first distinctive and pulling propellers to be attached to weather through Nebraska ; goocl weather But is it unreasonable to suppose that the seceded paid largely, not only 'towards their loss . emigration. of pecuniary advantages In March, 1861, the Con- thebow and stern of the ship are ten through Wyoming tillhe got to Laramie, -^ military, defence,, but their civil govern- Here, again, there is much dispute. probabilities of future British wars may State flags. and from,there to Bawlins,four dayaand Congress adopted the so-called federate we " .should ment 'It was' only fair that be divided into three categories ? Eng- stars and bars," composed of three feet long and three and a half in height. four nights throughheavy windand believe that persons are who There snbvr These propellers will be covered with may be fighting in self-defence, or. to do so. we/made /them take our storm. Erom the time he left Laramie equal width, had little or nothing to land themiddle canvas, horizontal bars of as top also the sides and of the Powers, criminals, and controlled their markets,- colonisation has connection; of the , colonists fulfil her engagements with other ship. When the ship is completed, Pro- tiir%e got to Ebllins, he says he never sent out to them almost all their do with the or because shetakea partin their conflicte. one white, the others red, with "' and am not of stars fessor Schfo'eder will undertake daily sat down for ten minutes. It was so containing union nine white bfficials-^while, iriv fact, we not /only with the mother country., I case, answer Well, in the first I think the by that The last circular issued circle. resemblance opinion. arranged in a The goVerned " them, but ascensions. The ship is to be worked by cold that he was afraid he might freeze, " Stars and Stripes led of actually governed the colonists would be clear; it would Emigration Commissioners tells me of an the to a crew of eight men, and Schroeder says and tried to find shelter at station and this to the supposed we to be our not, tp, what to believe that them for be insult them mistakes in field; and in he can readily steer it through the chang- section houaeß ; but, supposing him to be interests, it was but just that we should that more than a million of emigrants they would rally to our rescue. No one confusion and 1861, United to a battle flag was ing currents of the air as well as a a"tramp, they refused to entertain him, proceeded September, from the O^ingd'om who visits any colony, or takes any heed adopted, a pay much of"' tne cost of that government. and New Zealand between charged red field with a blue mariner does his vessel upon the coast. and he was afraid to stop or lie down for ■.; It is true also, that we have admitted Australia what, in x>f colonial feeling, can doubt white,on In a day or two he expects to start upon fear ]be. would perish. He sends, word easy saltier, and 1873. It is not for me of ; 1825 with a narrow border ,their,right, to Belf- government somewhat their action. And as that anything approaching to such case, would be suppose displayed to thirteen white which were called, his first trip, which will be from Balti- that he will start from San Francisco, on upon "stars. quickly past engagements, " than we .have regardsithefulfilment of more have was this number would either been stars and bars In 1863 the more to New York, 200 miles, whichhe the return trip, on Ist February, He them to defray the cost, and for a time willing I would be ashamed of us if ; meet the cost and< think they a white field, thinks he will make in three hours. He will recross the continent, by the same or able to a with supplanted by flag complaint. ground them, for of themtaxpayersTiad our we broke and ashamed of the voyage to the other selves if they did not help us to maintain having the battle-flag for a union. The has, he says, made seventy-four miles an route, with a wheelbarrow, in which will Itcould^not 'be expected that the inbabi difficulties not side, of the earth had the connection flag of 1863 was found deficient in hour in a balloon. The air-ship will be be transported his blankets and cooking tanta of these islands, borne down as them. country themother continued, service, it beingliable to be mistaken for exhibited in New York, and the venture apparatus. He says he expects to make with and taxes, of the herithey are under a load A GRAND FEDERATION SUGGESTED. a consequence had there not been in a flag of truce ;and on February 4/1865, across the Atlantic will not be until the the return journey from, one ocean to the « tageof paßt*truggles rand forced to pay And this brings us to the practical the outer of the home and co-operation successful other in 190 days. Campbell keeps a half of the field beyond the the wants of our muchin order to meet any means by which union was covered with a vertical red spring of 18761 daily journal, containing a record of incicolonial Governments in aiding and question Are there ancient and complicated society, would promoting these common REMARKABLE MIND BEADING. possible that future dents, adventures, &c, and a brief not dwell it is emigration. flag 1 will of Conbar. This was the last by machinery maintain the , patiently, Brown, the mind-reader, whom Eastern description of all the cities and villages on the pocket argnment. It wealths, when no longer dependent, can federacy. which their colonial fellow- countrymen any longer us, and with one another 1 be united with regions have almost forgotten, has had a he has passedthrough. to to easy bring ourselves consider may CHINESE CITIZENS. y administer their own affairs, or relieve is notquestion as simply I hasten at once to try to answer campaign out West, and the other day he pecuniary one of this the a few to defending bring The Chinese but women them from all expense in this ; for if it can be answered, question competitive a contest withMrs Bleik so, or loss. But if we had profit do we find Interviewed property they are bo rapidly acquiring that the actual profits of the partnership that argument will be also met which Ithis country. But they bring some, and Peters,in Davenport, lowa, in her own Sir Julius Yogel -^ if San any this, now little the recent school census of Erancisco grievance ' ' has But already namely, have mentioned— that very large ;that the expenses of the shows that there are 855 Chinese in that parlors. The lady iB of middle age, and, The Guardian's special corresponfoundation. Let me give you the actual are management are very small ; and that the separation would stimulate the colonies city born in the United States and under says a Western reporter, "■' the daughter dent, writing from Melbourne, saya: figures,i iLast year. there was a Parlia- probability and would increase of a high official in the court circle of is that no one of the partners to greater progress,Surely of age. It is estimated Davenport," mentary■■-,*■* return of the cost of the would carry I interviewed Sir Julius Yogel on his their self-reliance. it cannot be seventeen years which must be a fine thing. large by on so a business told, in California about here, and he said that circumseveral colonies of the British Empire at himself. Ithen, for one, am not denied that if it be possible to replace that there are, all arrival method, known, Brown's it is to well is United States citizens born in place the British Exchequer," 3000 stances must dependence by association, decide, perhaps, at the last each .the expense of. member thehand of the mind he intends to to think it would be a businessthis country of Chinese parents. Most including not only payments of Gpver- inclined moment, whether he proceeded to New the federation would find in the comof go forehead; give like read on his and like a streak act to a notice of dissolution. ■; nors, but all contributions towards the mon nationality at least as much scope of them are males. Every one of these of lightning to any hidden article. Mrs Zealand direct or to Sydney. He icost!of"police, schools, and other such HOW WILL WE BE AFFECTED DURING WAE ? for its aspirations, as much demand for Chinese boys will be a voter when of age. Peters needs to have the ends of the thought it would be necessary for him to not locil charges; and the expense ;but But this partnership,weare told,though the patriotism, and the energy and the Futhermore, the number of Chinese fingers placed on the region of the lunar visit Sydney in connection with the profitable in peace,may be unprofitable aelf-reliance of its citizens, as it would if families Chinese who have wives and plexus,immediately between the eyes, in Pacific Mail Contract, and it w:,a with ' iraly of the troops we have sent out, on fortifications and spent in war, or may lead to wars which might trying to obtain a distinct nationality for children isbeginning to increase rapidly. order to do the same thing. The separate regret that-henoticed the mishaps which money the the example, giving In 1869-70 r had taken place j but he, on behalf of the other-military defences. swallow up in a year the gains of decades itself. But is this federation possible? A few having set the bold their bodies sent experiments, which were successful in Government, had endeavored to do (the having in1872-73 the idea of ; ; 745,980 up < a62 part ftmount^was us consider this of the who peace. of Let There are many even of thoße desire his case, were not so 'i interesting ! each as the intending duty, and he believed that the service last year given) it was £1,817,471. But queation carefully, for in it lies much pf it who think that it is not. This opinion back to China after death, and joint lady test. Both the young and the thp country, in permanently this and Ihe gist of the matter. There are two chiefly depends upon the difficulties of to settle these Bums include therexpenses of all the room, while a piece of flag- would work through to a snccess. with dangers feared. Our colonies,it is said, distance. If, however, these difficulties |the gods not having blasted them, the man left With reference to the submarine colonies. :;if we.take only those was put under a champagne glass are getting over so much root telegraph cable between New Zealandand which we are dealing— that is, British may involve us in war,or their possession have not prevented the government of a other Chinese on a plate reversed and covered with a North America; Australia {including New may place us in a worse position when colony from England, why must they of their superstition and beginning to napkin. It was resolved that Brown Australia, he saw no reason wliyit should Zealand), and So'Jth Africa— we have weare at war. "Well, as regards South prevent association of self governing com- think of also bringing over wives and should remove the napkin,MrsPeterslift not be laid by April next, according to 1 £1,165 316 i»'lß^9 70, s^mt £372,451 Africa or Australia, Iconfess Icannot munities with England ? A priori, it settling downin the United States. This the glass, Brown take the fiagroot, and the contract. The steamer Edinburgh about see in what way they coulddrag us into might seem probable that the association opens a new prospect. By and by there V'in 1872 70; and of this £370,000 Mrs Peters the plate. Eecalled to the had brought part of the plant, and the Scotia,mainly war with any civilised nation,or endanger would be easier than the direct govern- will inevitably be a considerable voting room, £150,000 waß Bpent inNova the two joinedhands, the operator remainder was probably on its way in, a ' It is inevitable at the;imperial'/ station at Halifax ; and us if at war. I thiDk we may wait till a ment. But distance is in itself a very population of Chinese.given steamer which reported upon to him in favor of took a hand of Brown, placed his fingers as one. of the was j." mbr£ th'anr£4O,OoQ on the cbnyict' estab probable cause of conflict is pointed out; different matter from what it was when that their votes will be best in the world, if nofe Peters, and, on the brow of Mrs simuliishment, which-we still maintain for im and certainly in no/oneof ourrecent ware this opinion was ,firsj; entertained. The that party which will protect the rights of taneously, without amoment's hesitation, actually the best, for the purpose of Australia, countrymen. Within ten years telegraphic cable-laying. :perial purposes^ in Western been weakened by their posses* telegraph has made communication of their the advanced and carried the pro, two. out 'coßt is rapidly diminish have we On the immigration question his ideas "-I-; and of which^the sion. How, then, about America ? ;Can thought instantaneous with Australia,and their will be at least 3000 Chinese voters gramme to the letter. After this, they '■'^ing^lti'thus reducing the tares on the we protect the long frontier of the~Do- doubtless we Bhall soon send direct mes- in California. When the time comes it were placed one at each unchanged. He stillbelieved that a were long of end. ths : !the''Imperial Exchequer, the' late Go-' San minion, with its population aa yet scanty sages to -New Zealand and the Cape. will riot pay to stone Chinamen in stream of immigration, judiciously condrawingraom, alphabet hanging an on a vernment.haß, 1believe,made our relation and scattered, against its neighbors, with And as "regards the length of time Francisco j and it will pay to admit China, wire before each. A personin themiddle ducted, was required to develop the ;" : comply with the usual ;more close and more of New Zealand. if withy the colonies their wealth, and1 resources, and energy, required, to travel to the end of men who will the room opened a Bible at random, resources durable,because more in accordance wifch with their millions of men, who have the earth, steam and the great circle conditions to bepome naturalised, thus of A rumor, he wasaware, had been circuthought name, fixed his on a meanwhile voters. though making Well, this shown how quickly, they can learn to be sailing have' diminished it more than a still more Chinese fairness and justice. And a copper wire connecting with lated that heintended to severhis conneccbirige excitedsome oppbeitionat first, it soldiers? But wliat right Have we to half. Thirty years ago the -average voy- and what then? Why, this may stimulate holding Brown, and extending his oths? band tion with New Zealand. If he were to jabroad... ; larger a vast Chinese immigration than Australia a-fltill expect that these neighbors will attack age to Australia was four months ; now ' ■1' 'yr&* more toward Mrs Peters, immediately, as if notice a tenth part of the absurd rumors isproud of her pecuniary position ; and Canada ? I firmly believe that both good we can get a reply to a message in,a day, and no man can foresee what the final moved by maohfoery, the two mind- circulated regardinghim, hishands would -' in Canada; where the diminution in imwill be upon the Pacific States. readerg h.egaa sense and good feeling prevail too much and we can fetch a man back in six weekß. effectonly to spell the word on their be full. It had even been said so he ir; appears sure, that, in the not belieyed that he did not intend to ream well This perial payment for the two.great pror in the great Republic to make such an: But the/ geographical argument,I alphabets, striking each at the same 'Vinceß of pntari|b and Quebec has been attack possible. But if this most-im- aware, cannot bequite so easilydisposed o£ far distant future, there willprobably fee $ moment. These tests,letter we are.told, were turn to New Zealand at all. ,ccftainty, in probable crime were committed, who can It would riot be stating it fairly to make change in the situation which few now £34p23 tp 4?55^; I ' He observed with gratification a new :.Jftom: continued for some time without afailure, development some, found no dis- foretell the result of the c^ntjast/that it depend solely upon,the length of inter- dream of, and which if they did my short, visit last in the trade between Newbeingcertainly remarkable illustration I-may^D€^fold that thedire'ct would..follow? There would/ be great j veningWie8 between the several regions; dreary of it, would do so with many misrraatißfaciaonr.Sydhey^M'Meckari, Zealand and however, of tbia not, power, which is aa lose, and sufferingin paijada ; for a time, perhaps,| Itis touching the new strain which J hag charges do ript coyer the actual wood, and Co, having started a monthly that. th£._ difference in local cir- givings sai^will been proved, a very rare one. account^ithe a successful invasion, But in the end Istancea. -V, tha.twer.pugh.t *i6; 'te£^fmto produce such..a disagreement may possibly be put upon republican on that line. CaptainM'Meckan steamer ■'■"' -'HOW "WOMEN TOTE. we;haye-tb build and man believe that the four institutions and social arrangements as institutions, of freemen in akq informed him that the firmintended -^ ahipaafwar millions HIGH GRASS. for the defence ;of- these'tcommunities. Iwould not be conquered/ But the con^- wouldmake any political connection un■The Mormon women vote, but very few to run steamers from Melbourne to ' any to count ought : £atinotf 'admit*that we The Eev. E. P. Hammond, the understand why, for the Mo,ysaa»s~dare Hobart Town,and thence to New Zealand, "test, it/ might said,;if it .came" at all, desirable. To this remark I can only !^harge;"'It would;; not be would not '■?ßu^h !l^dir,e'elH" come from an unprovoked actr reply,'-as yet',: this disagreement is not evangelist, writeß from Vernon, Conn, not vote against the Mownon ticket; returning by the same route. : n^My:-;tp:,::shpw 'tW, irre»pective of our, of American ambition, but as the| final/ apparent; that the enormous majority of (where he is taking a brief rest), as hence allfree^p.^ bi franchise is blotted During his stay in England he had '\'; with ;J^l^^i^aT;-;navy>^s of mutual misunderstandings 'and. colonists themselves disclaim it ; andthat follows: "Ihave just received a letter out. 1^ fc a fact that many Mormons effected an important arrangement with v"o^rn^o^B/^.!j^''B^^^'/Jt-»U jour issue recriminations, of faults on both sides, I cansee no ground for believing in any from a minister with whom I$m, i**Y4a been cut off from the Church IV theBank of England in the interests of jfcpjnorro.y,,we iijight be aggravated by' the'1 fact irresistible tendency to its development. personally acquainted in Kane^. Slome voting the Gentile ticket. E^ery ticket New Zealand. The Bank of England rtiil mu«fc have men- of- war to protect our that the polony Jcnow she had^the mother Judging from whatIhaveheard or read, will not credit h^s feto^y, but I know is numbered and the yaterVname bears would henceforward inscribe New Zea|* commerce, unless,indeed, that went also ; country jat, bier ,back. Is it not, then, and what little I saw the same number^wMeh effectually reveals land stock, and probably the Australian have myself seen, Ithgt h.e riot exaggerate. I uandth?eVantof ihfejr ports in which we '; When the polls close coloniea would bring themselves under ' ;Englishman or' a, pioj sqch splendid fields of grain and grass' just h.QW a.c to jvarn Canada without delay th^t ghpuld say that aa better suspect, soon she must prepare tp take,care oj? herself, Scptcjiman pr an ;ujppw coal and refit wouid, I and their elsewhere in all our recent journey from, tjhe ballots; are not counted by the the same arrangement. Irishman estimates, ; be s^enjn our if she finds tHat she cannot stand alone,. children remain, English, Scotch, or Irish San Francisco to Connegticut'a.B}nKansas.. inspectors of elections,but are sent sealed His health had been far from good, but _ \ ■;, or .r_ TBADE lOLLOWS THE FLjMSh, ,ma£e up;her mind. to join the-Ujnipn;? wherever they be j.-orj if/there be a change, X; believe: it is destined to, be one of the to the Probate Judge, who,;' with the he was,,get about during his stay & woujd not give,?an;d it is thatthe distinctcharacteristics of the finest States in the Union. The minister County Clerk, count* them at his leisure, in M^lJioume, and had conferred both itw*! And;ifi /welcome to direct effects,! we $fojj, tm WprP"g i tend to "says : 1 1 want to tellyou a story, which: andiin SQwe weeks announces the result. with Bir George Bowen and Sir James jbhreje ?, might consider whether there not be for must v&MW. 1 nofc believe that inhabitants of the three kingdoms *s'i7a aiminuiion iii'ourf trade; and; therefPr:e7 be. lostiin their common: similarity; on the honor of a minister of the GbspelT Qf course^ under such a system, the M'Culloch-on matters affecting the comca,n always win. A gentleman mon interests of the colonies. « y%' 6'fliP''reVenue/'' There is n6 ujplon^al be dangerous.^ In'am,; buw ifr .Oft: P/, society in;thenew communities can"assure true., Qn thp §?th^ of fChurch ! this inonth, a. gjaftfte^aig and whof saw it tells me that a few years ago,at -)i'question more debated thanithisveffect on, cowardly. , After, all, whafi.are.the facts!? is,'and p^ajjl^^^pi? gpffle 'time He could not say at the presentmomeufe bei w^JJ j M§n land, ftcposp piece .saw, .D, of uncultivated and P^rowan>..he a. John Lee cast 350 what immediate steps the New Zealand oT> our commerce. < ,If■{lowerec'.itp/ consider' 'They arel very^ifferent; from what- the^ more Democratic than with us. start moreequally tHan in tbe'pld couh. while-driving through!the grass I stopped; votes, standing at the polls over an hour ;!;; nothing else :this; evening. 1 could.tnot were fifteen years ago. When-the Government- ;would takein the/matter of [ wives,' for all hia immigration. his KMtaatfir-fnHjP jitttoj; the, argumenta pn" bofcki lownera -prevailed jatj.WaghiiigtQn.tthe^e try, and it will take time-before it ,can be thp^eapa,,&nd.the:grass .stood,two feet to do it. He voted His colleagues14n was real danger of war betwe§n|^ngl%njd put,|h^fine;man runs faster than ftbovemy horses ears, and my companion; 64 children;'his JIOO grandchildren (124 answer the question New Hsir w^tib,e|3tete^|iec*MJ!W %i|^j?jf^ W another, B^t are pot th^ tendencies at co^ld t;ak.Q a handful of grass from the wwj jn<i a(lM% known and possible/ nm think Our Colonial Empire. incline to believe J.ou^wiil evidence shows that ; 1 ''"'"' ; ( t 1 . : ; i; J " udta^ 1 *■' "*£ ; T^mStates/lesßtliau ... 4 ■ 1 1 1 ( ; I;; : ( ; ) i; - 1 1 1 ... ! i 1 1 J - ; — ■ — — < —— r . — . — — ! L i T ; > ; — f^^ ■■ — — ■" ; ! ; ; - slav^ ." *fIEI&T£ 4 N»V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. YW$^K, DUTHIE EVERY SATURDAY. 1 FOE PRIVATE SALE. AflIX CO., HENDERSON & CO. have for PHILP, privateBale Will hild'Sales ofFat Stock at their Yards everirHT}RSDAY,andSales of Sheepskins, Tallo*, &c, i " ADVERTISEMENTS. Wethers and Ewes, 4400 Halfbred tooth, large framed, and in first- _ class condition. Liberal advances made on the Incoming Clip wool forsalehere, or for shipment to PRELIMINARY NOTICE. who are our Messrs James Morrison& Co., " Agents it London. ; ■_ ; ; WOOL AND GRAIN. /^IAPSTICK,DUTHIE,and CO. have for HENDERSON, & CO. pur\J Sale by private Treaty:— 340 acres, 30§ acres, 125 aqres,80 acres, 100 acres, 900 pose holding their Second WoolSale acres. Allthe qbove are first-class agricultural farms, and have the necessary build-j for the season in the beginningof February, ings for working them, as either Agricul- and would invite holders to forward their tural or DairyfFarms, and are within a acres, niles from Wool for Sale. Should sufficieut induceradiusoffour Milton. 730 362 acresj ani 85 acres in Clutha and ment offer they will also hold an Auction Warepa Districts ; 378 acres and 400 acres enabling in Akatore ; and 1000 acres of Sale of Grain, for the purpose of Pastoral Land, in PueruaDistrict. Farmers to clear off their Stocks before All particulars will be given by applying harvest. ■'-■>■ to CAPSTIOK, Sample bags to be forwarded to their ' DUTHTE, and CO., Milton, Tokomairiro. Stores, Milton. PHILP, I^istrict FOE SALE OE LEASE. NEW 'iM ADVERTISEMENTS. TUESDAY, Bth| fl'M # _____ A*- *>> Friday,"FebrUttty I, 187(> 3 0 0 0 FEBRUARY, AH Re-marked, AT LINDSAY'S FARM, INCH CLUTHA, MOLYNEUX. And must be clered out, TEA, about 1500 acres of Land on HillenclStation. BEGG BROS., Ex "Nardoo," from Foo-Chow. SOUTTER & GEAY, WRIGHT, DIRECT SHIPMENT of NEW TEAS per the above vessel, which willbe found of very LADIES' MILLINERY BONNETS CHOICE QUALITY. AND KAITANGATA ROAD DISTRICT. TRIMMED HATS, "^ "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Kai5 Saddleand light harnesshorses All Re-marked, /CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CO. have for tangata RoadBoard, at;its meetingon \J sale or to lease, for a term of years, Headmixed cattle, partlj fat January 40 and must ba cleared 17th, 1876, i;iade a general rate of Regardless Cost, of Boarding House of 14 rooms in Private :;■. '■> }.'. <■>:< all rateableproperty Spenser-street, Milton. For particulars, FARM AND STOCK. shilling one FARM DRAYS, HARROWS, PIOUGHS, i within Kaitaugata. KoadDistrict. out, 2d apply to theAuctioneers. the T>HILP, HENDERSON & CO. have reHARNESS, &c, &c. At The Rate-book lies for inspectionat my iTIAPSTICK, DUTHIE & Co. have for -*ceived instructions to sellby auction, The above Farm consists of rich arable \J ■ E. STEWART'S. house, Wangaloa. Sale by private treaty on the ground, on Friday, 4th February, at land, which cannot be surpassed for fertility, Objections, if any, must be lodged with EIGHT-HORSE POWER Rausorae & 2o'clock p.m. undersigned withinthirty days from date and the stock and implements are of the the LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, Spendid Farm of 275 acres, within l£ Sim's THRESHING MACHINE description, having making purchased rate, and a special meetingof the been of very best Re-marked, andENGINE (nearly new). miles of Milton, being that someLindsay regardless of cost. The sole Board will be held inWangaloa schoolhouse by Mr Also, out, time occupiedby the late Mr James te cleared And must on the 17th day of February, 1876, at 1 reason for this valuable property andeffects 4, 6, 9, and12-InchGLAZED PIPES. Loper. There are 50 acre3atpreo'clock p.m., to hear and decide on such being brought to competition,is the early At Full particulars on application. 2oj. sent under cultivation,of which 25 departure of the ownerfor Europe. E. STEWART'S. objections. oats, 3£ in hay, and the acres are in ALEXANDER MITCHELL,. FRIDAY, 4th FEBRUARY, balance in English grass pasture. Also, Clerk to Board. CUIRASSES, i At 6 o'clock. The farm buildings and dwelling- At the same time and place, the following LADIES' JACKETS & Wangaloa,17th January, 1876. All Re-marked, house are commodious and sub- desirable allotments in the town of Kai- \ — SECTION*HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE. stantial Half-bred Wethers and Ewes 2QO — tangata LOST. And must be cleared out, Sections 1and 2 of block El., and 4 of At block 1., situate in Eddyßtone favored from J. botween Balclutha and Clinton, with instructions Mr \J E. STEWART'S. Capstick leaving Draught S. the Province) to 0 Mares (who is and Start-streets, and containing about the sth January, per coach, a sell by auction on the ground,on Friday, each 1rood. wicker work. Finder 4th February, at 6 o'clock, LADIES' SUN SHADES, SCARFS, Picnic Basket, red Draught Foals 2 Title— Crown Grant. communicate with Mr Connt 11, Surplease Partof Section62, Block VI., SpenserAND RUFFLES, veyor,Otaria. Reward, ss. street, Milton (together with 3- ! Draught 2-year old Colt THURSDAY, ~~~ MARCH I roomedcottage), having frontage All Re-marked, £1 REWARD. of 76 links toSpenser-street, with At 2 o'clock. And must be cleared out, 1 Draught 1-year oldFilly a depth of 100 linka; alsohousefrom Scott's Stables, Dunedin, a hold furniture, comprisingdouble At iron bedsteadand bedding, sofa, MAGNIFICENT PROPERTY AT Black Coolie Dog, grey muzzle, anE. STEWART'S. 4 DairyCows chairs, tables, &c, &c. 31j [ swers to name of Scud." Owner's name on HOKONUIS, SOUTHLAND. The above Goods are 1g Headyoung Cattle SATURDAY, sth FEBRUAKY, jleather collar ; would probably make toet 7 o'clock p.m. BALANCE OF SUMMER STOCK, wardsBalclutha. The above reward will be Dray,Plough,Harrows, Roller, Reaper, MAITLAND & CO. have repaid to anyone giving such information a3 TWEED CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. And must be cleared out, previous Harness, &c, &c. ceivedinstructions from Messrs J. & shall lead to his recovery-toMr Peter Mason, E. Haines, to sell by auction at their Rooms, to close of Season, /CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CO. will sell Also Balclutha. — V_^ by auction, at their rooms, Milton, at Pair ofBuggy Ponies (splendid match), Invercargill, on the above date At 7o'olockp.m., NOTICE. T^iatmostdesirableproperty known as E. STEWART'S. and a number of unbrokenColts A quantity of men's tweed clothing, "THE GLENDHU ESTATE," chairs, tables, bedsteads, sofas, and Fillies, light harness Horses, comprising 790 acres freehold couches. in my Paddock for the last land, situated at the foot of the &c. diseight days, one young bay filly, Hokonuis, and miles fourteen Terms Cash. f3 tant from the Mataura Railway shoulder, with white hind branded G near OTHERS. TO STOCK OWNERS AND Station. The Glendhu Estate TUESDAY, Bth FEBRUARY, leg. If not claimed within twenty days from adjoins the property of the New NOTICE. At 12 o'clock. Zealand and Land Australian to date, pay expenses. MAITLAND, CO., will be sold & pR'IGOR, Company. The Estate is sub- nVTOTICEIS HEBEBY GIVEN, that a SPLENDID INVESTMENT. divided into 5 paddocks. 60 WILLIAM LOCKHART, STOCK AND STATION AGENTS AND grass, QuarterlyLicensingMeeting for the followacres laiddown inEnglish Rose Bank, South Tokomairiro. /CAPSTICK, DUTHIE & CO. havebeen 16 acres in oats, and 24 acres falAUCTIONEEES, \J favored with instructions to sell by splendid low. Two Btreiiins run ing Licensing Districts will be held as Feb. 3, 1876. auction, at their rooms, on Tuesday, the Bth BALCLUTHA, through the Estate. There is of February, immediately after Government also a good lignite pit, and about follows :— For the town of Balclutha, Clutha, BANK Oif NEW ZEALAND. iale of sections, situate at Waihola Town- Hold regular Sales by Auction of all descrip7 acres of bush on the property. ship The improvements include a sub- Clydevale,Popotunoa,Clinton, South Molytions of Stock at their Yards Section 5, Block XV., Waihola Disstantial 6-roorned dwelling-house AGENCY of this Bank will be containing 51acres (more or BALCLUTHA, CLINTON, trict, and kitchen, 6-stalied stable, neux, Catlin3, Kaitangata, and Matau, at opened at CLINTON (in the Bank's less). barn, stockyard, &c, &c. AND new for the transaction of general premises) theResident Magistrate's Court, Balclutha, Terms Liberal. bankingbus ness, on Monday, Wednesday TERMS LIBERAL, j.31 KAITANGATA. For further particulars apply to and for the Licensing Discrids of Waihola, and Saturday/ in each week. WITH Advertisements. COTTAGES, MARTIN, MAITLAND & CO., See detailed IMMIGRANTS' Bank of New Zealand, Invercargill. town of Milton, Glenledi, Crichton, TokoALLOTMENTS OF LAND. Agents for Balclutha, loth December, 1875. or LEASE, VERY CHIJAP, mairiro, Balmoral, and Mount Stuart, at LOAN AND MERCANTILE FOR SALE ZEALAND NEW Township Waihola, of on To be sold in the PHOTOGRAPHY. AGENCY COMPANY. withimmediatepossession, Tuesday,BthFebruary,1876. the Resident Magistrate's Court, Toko18 and 19, Block 1.,Lothian Agents for mairiro, on Tuesday, the 7th March, 187G, at that the followhereby given "DURTON BROTHERS will pay their TWTOTICE is INSURANCE COMPANY. District, 167 Acres of excellent and nearly }_% ing sections in the Township of NATIONAL taking into considernoon, purpose for the of Waihola will be offered for sale by public THUESDAY, 10m FEBRUARY, I levelLand. Apply to W. H. S. Roberts, annual visit to Milton in a few days. auction, at Capstick, Duthie and Co.'s ationall applications for certificates for such At 2 o'clock. Auction Rooms, Milton, on Tuesday, Bth TOKOMAIRIRO JOCKEY CLUB. Waipahee ; or Messrs Maororie & CtriifFebruary, 1876, at noon, at the upset price Licenses as by The Licensing Act, 1873, of £5 per section, with valuation for buildbertson, Invercargill. MEETING of Members will be held ings erected thereon CATTLE AND SHEEP. Valua- Upset Amendment Acts, 1574 and 1875" are at the Commercial Hotel, Milton, on tion. I'rice. Township. Cottages. Sec Bit. Waihola. One of four rooms. £100 ~EOR POSITIVE SALE. £5 Licensing 1 XII granted by authorised to be Tuesday,Bth February, at 8.30 o'clock p.m. 100 5 t do. do. /^RTQOR, MAITLAND & CO. will 100 5 do. do. 7 XVII J. A. HENDERSON, Yards, sell by Public Auction at their Courts, and the transfer or removal or Hon. Sec. Balclutha, on Thursday, 10th February, at E W Four-tooth and Shearling FOB SALE, 'j days' of 21 Licenses, such which renewal of PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. PURE LEICESTER RAMS, iN Improved FARM of 54 Acres, with 2 o'clock I given to the Clerk of 40 Head Store Cattle Singly or inlots, to Breeders, at such prices notice shall havebeen as will ensure sales. Dwellinghouseand Slable. Apply to the Licensing Court for the District in havethis day admittedinto Partner100 Fat Sheep ship with us Mr Walter Hislop, and W. WOODS, Cataloguesand every informationobtainwhich the premises, inrespect of which such the business of the Firm will in future be Sheep Store able from 200 Lovell'sFlat. is made, are situated. carriedon under the name Jof Gillies, Street GTLLIES & STREET, Dunedin ; application Q First-class Dairy Cows, perfectly and Hislop. FOR SALE, , Or, PETERFARRELL, quiet ; milk withoutcalves. ! GILLIES and STREET, LITTLE,Awamoko, Mr HENRY to Licensing Courts. TjWUR SplendidWORKINGBULLOCKS. Settlers are requested to bring forward Clerk Bond-street. Their Manager ; i Apply to Agents. any stock they may have for*sale, when any of the Stock TO LET. Or, from j Dmiedin, Feb. Ist, 1876. given by attention will be the aucevery BLUES & DUTHIE.~~ MISS RICHARDSON, " tioneers. residenceof Mr John Seed, who is Messrs G. and S.s Leicester took prizes C-TEACHER, c, l leaving the Province. The property at the Highland and Agricultural Societies' GEORGE CAPSTICK Milton. Shows inSootland, and inNew Zealand they consists of— A Good Forcr-roomed Cottage, Patent to SIMS & HEAD'S medals, RANSOM, feme and paddock, Large bronze and Two-acre grass Orchard won five silver and -| For Terms, &c, please apply by letter, points, largest 30 as RICHARSON, the silver cup, with Kitchen Garden. CONVEYANCER MISS Thrashing Machine and Portable Engine, to prize takers at Oamaru Show, 21st Novemparticulars, apply For Post-office, Milton. (Under the LandTransfer Act), ber, 1874 ; also, eight silver medals (being FORSYTH, CHARLES , complete. all theFirst Prizes), 'three bronze, and two GRAND ENTERTAINMENT. Arnha. ] CCOUNTANT AND VALUATOR, gold medals, and the 20 guinea silver cup, \ ULPH, OLIVER & of Milton Minstrels will give one NOTICE. with 31 points, at Oamaru Show, 19thEstatb, Insurance, and Southbridge the Iron Merchants, their performances, in November,1875, the largest and best show COMMISSION AGENT. of Leicester ever seen inNew Zealand. on Friday evening,4thFebruary Schoolhouse, parties indebted to the Undersigned Dunedin. to go the School Fund?. are requested to pay their accounts on —the proceeds POTATOES. NEW Medicines, Assignments, following well-known rpRY the Transfer Le'^es, Mortgages, A Ball will take place after the peror before the 18th of February ; otherwise to enforce formance. &c, &c, drawn and completed without PETTETS ANTI-BH/IOUB PILLS. White Potatoes on Sale, also legal proceedings will be taken POWDERS FOR Doors open at 7-30 ; commence punctually PBTTIT'S CONDITION Cabbage Plants, at the garden, Ajax- payment thereof. delay' HORSE^ at 8 o'clock. GEO. CAPSTICK, A. M'LAREN & CO Btreet, Milton. I^APSTICK,DUTHIE & CO. have been LOST, - ! 2^ LOST, " MARTIN, — RUNNING — AN ' SECTIONS . " .— A — AF WE ■ THE oIFTa MUSI I THE ALL EARLY Chemist, Tokomairiro. Licensed Broker, W, CHAPMAN, Milton,17th January, X876, j Admission , ... ... BALCLUTHA rjYNNDERS -*- have just receivedtheir STEPHEJTSON & CO. have YARDS PRINTS, MUSLINS, & TASSO receivedinstructions fromMr James LINENS, Lindsay, to sell by auction, at his Farm, All Re-marked, Inch Clutha, on Tuesday,Bth February, at And must be cleared out, 12 o'clock, At FARM, comprising E. STEWART'S. _55 Acres of rich arableland FRIDAY, 4th FEBRUARY, At 2 o'clock. — Hillend Stif.ion ESTATE OF O. V. BUJBWEtf, 30 0 0 1Q VV anted,till the 20th February, TEND2R6; for Cross Ploughing and Breaking Up E. STEWART'S. FREEHOLD FARM, DRAUGHT HORSES, CATTLE, & FARMINGIMPLEMENTS. Acres oats and barley, in lots to suit purchasers Heavy draught mares and geldings SEASON'S ■VFEW At 80 XEaL^BS WANTED. SPECIAL. "VTARDS FANCY DRESS MATERIALS, At 12 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISE WNT. ■NBW ADVERTISEMENT: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3s, are invited, and will be received up to Saturday, the 12th inst., at noon, for the Stock-in-trade and Freehold Land and Buildings in the above Estate, consisting of Drapery, Boots, Grocery, Ironmongery, Crockery, &c. The equity of redemption of freehold property, Balclutha, of § of an acre of Land, on which is built a substantial Store, and uix-roomed brick Dwelling-house and Outhouse. The equity of redemption of 2 acres of freehold Land, Store, andFive-roomedDwellinghouse at Inch Clutha. — Stock can be inspected daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p-m. on the premises, Balclutha, where full detailedlists of Stock and Conditions of Sale will be found. Tenders for the whole, or separately, will be received. The highest or any tender not neoessarily accepted. Tenders to be addressed to the Trustees, care of Messrs Sargood,Son and Ewen, Dunedin. > Trugtees' H. TEWSLEY irU3tees W. C. ROBERTS \ WANTED. WANTED, an Active Boy, about 12 or 14. Apply to Wai. MARSHALL. "*" WANTED. to purchase, Raspberrieß in TTTAISITEI* * ' quanuty. LANK. CAMPBELL, & CO., Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, LAD, just from school, is A YOUNG learning a buaineas or a desirous "f — skilledtrade. Scholarship go .d. Apply by let.ter, addressed " CLUTHA," Bruce Hekald Office, Milton Commercial. + Driver (ou behalf of the NewMr Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company) reports, for the week ending February 2nd, 1876 :— . Fat Cattle. A moderate supply of 110 head yarded at weekly sale to-day, all of which were taken by the trade at prices equal to last week's quotations, beat bullocks realising from £10 10a to £14 5s ;do cows, £7 10a to £11 10s, or equal to 32s 6d per 1001bfor prime quality. At the yards we sold 40 head, and have placed 50 head privately. Fat Calves. Only a few were penneds which brought from 20 to 40s each. Fat Sheep. 2000 came forward, and in consequence of the trade being fairly supplied it was difficult to effect sales except at a reduction on last quotations. Prime heavy-weight cro88« breds realised 12s 6d to 15s ;merinos, 7s 6d to 9s 6(5. We sold 500 at above rates. Fat Lambs. In consequence of the market being lately over-stocked, the -small supply forward were with difficulty disposed of, beat quality realising 7a to 10s 3d each. Sfn> *" Onttle. During the week we hare sold a fey- odd lots at from £7 to £8 for bullocks and £!" 10s to £6 10a for cows. On Monday next we shalloffer 300 head at Mosgiel. Store Sheep. Vie have no alteration to note in late quotations, a fair demand existing for young merino ewes and crossbreds fit for grazing. We quote 4 and 6-tooth crossbreds at 9s to 9s 6d ;do, 2-tooth, 7s 6d to 8s ;4 and 6-tcoth merino wethers, 5s to 5s 6d;do, full-mouthed| 3s to 3s 6d ;merino ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth, 5b 6d to 6s ; do full-mouthed, 3s. We hare placed 10,000 under offer at above rates. Wool. We offered a large catalogue at our weekly sale this afternoon. Two or three clips had to be held over for particulars and instructions. Prices were quite up to ruling rates. Sheepskins were in brisk demand. We sold country crossbreds 4* 8d to 5s 7d, merino 3s Id to OS, lambs Is 6cl to Is lOd, pelts Sd to 13d. Hides are lower. Green butchers', 20s j medium wet-salted, 16s to 18$, or 4d per lb. Tallow. We disposed of country parcels well rendered, 28s to 30s ;mixed, 24% to 26s 6d ;inferior, 21s Gd ;rough fat, 17s. Grain. Widest is in good demand at 4s 6d to 4s 9d for pood milling samples j very choice, Id higher. Fowls' wheat up to 4<. Oats are dull, market fully supplied with good feed, at 2s ; inferior salos at Is lid. Multiug barley nominal ;milling,3s 9d. Hexry — — — — — — — — — MARRIAGE. Shaw. On the 21st January, at Murray's Temperance Hotel, Rattraystreet,Dunedin, by theRcv.Dr Stuart, assisted by the Rev. James 'Chisholm j Robert Hyslop, youngest son of Robert Hyslop, Esq., Crocks, Balmagree,Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland,to JaneCrocket, second daughter of William Shaw, Esq Mavis Grove, Lake Waipori. Hyslop— , The Bruce herald. "Nemo me impune lacesset." TOKOMAIRIRO, FEBRUARY 4, 1876. Charles JDickkns has said "Whatever was required to be done, theCircumlocution Office wns beforehand with all the public departments in the art of perceiving how not to do it." Without any exaggeration, this remark can be applied to the Pollen-cum-Reynolds cabinet in connection with the gross mis- managementof the SauFrancisco mail wnrice, :^rT c'.:hj|;.J^a;.i; d,.. lT;;#;"]£' V¥ri^ r ft^Uarj 5 : Messes Grant and Son, of Granton, West issued a warrant to search Mr Donough's wereall paid. I afterwards gave plaintiff a Robert Chapman.\ His Worship advised We woulddirect the attention of our readers after his election, and that the declaration Taieri, are now erecting a handsome eix-roomed luggage, suspecting him of stealing some billfor £27 10a, for a mare. This is fhe bill plaintiff to accept aVonsuit, that hecould of the othermembers two so attending preliminby the shallbe signed to the circumstances farm-house ontheir fine property. a Councillor to posters. Nothing was found, hence the lamnow sued on. When Igave the billI bring of action, again the when Mr William Council. The election contract, the of this steps negotiation to ary No less than fortyhares were counted in one action. on Monday, small, waß under the impression that plaintiff had Chapman couldbe broughtaaa witness. He and also to the way:in which, up to the present represent East Ward took place the Gorge during ptvddock at Waihola The information against Messrs A. and T. liftedthe £20 4s bill. HadI knownthat he also advised plaintiff to seeMr Robert Chapsay the 3rd of January last, and the declaration, severe snowstorm, of last winter. time, that contract has been we cannot — the not done so I not have given this manpersonally,and explainmatters tohim. Inglis Wednesday, January holding for an art union was dishad would which was dated will out, but we say faintly carried Mb W. 'Snow has completed the first concrete missed, the Court holdingthat the defendants bill. It was not until afterwards that I attempted to be carried out. As illustrating sth, was delivered to the Town Clerk on residence > -ected in Outrain. Itis a substantial were not found out frommy bank book that the £20 beneficially declaration bore the and interested. satisfactory 14th. This structure. the BAICLUTHA. Friday, the latter part of our impeachment of the Ministry, we willbrieflyrefer to the delivery signatures ofCr. Duncan andCr.Henderson. This evening the Milton.Minstrels will give MrF. H. Evans reports:— Sales— Colonial 4s hadbeen paid. Jones, stated an entertainment inthe Southbridge Schoolhouse, Bank, 25s to27s 6d ;National Insurance, 235 ; Cross-examined by Mr Reid Plaintiff (Before Mr ji P. Maitland, R.M.) of the last inward mail. The City of San Cr. Duncan, in answer to Cr. signed the document in aid of the the will take his paid acceptance £20, funds of school Aboll me for for bullocks, Standard, 14s. Closing prices Colonial Tuesday,Feb. 1. Francisco arrived at Auckland onthe Ist of that he believed he place after the concert. Bank, 27s 6d ; National, 745 ; Standard, 12s at maturity. Iwas to pay £30 exactly, for civil case. January, and yet the mail did not reach during the same week that the election took A Govebnment sale of land and immigrants' 9d ;National, 22s 9d ; New Zealand, 60s. Henderson, who had the horse bought the day before the £20 Smail. In this case the M'LaohlaN v. Dunedinuntilthe 9th. As the steamer which place, but that "Or. on he did not eigu it cottages, in the Waihola district, will be held 4a billbecame due. it, said that signed also to recover £1 9a for the Bought defendant the Bth inst. by Messrs Capstick, Duthie, and Co. brought the mail down did not receive any Andrew M'Laren, cattledealer, deposed trespass of defendant'3 sheep on his land. time"— five days after at their rooms, Miltor;. subsidy for doing so it is extremely fortunate within the prescribedmeeting Lakes Kaitangata and of the Council At the The £50 bill was given for a horse and other Judgment w&s given for the plaintiff for 10a that a much greater delay did not happen, the election. We understand thatthe return match between Tuakitoto. — - — — . — — — things harness, bulls, and rams. The bill damages and costs. 19th of January, Cr.Jones wished to the Bruce and Lawrence Cricket Clubs will bo but as it was, the; mail was allowedto be in on the the the month matter, played during made in but next at Milton. The enquiry some on which Iam now suing has never been Auckland for nearly 3 days before being have day has not yet been fixed. On Thursday morning (says the Star ') paid. that the Council opinion of Mayor the was must Municipal Councils. despatched to the southern ports. We It will be seen by an advertisement published Mr H. Clark, M.P.C., introduced the the document, and following gentlemen to the Superintendent, W. Ferguson, recalled, said— l gave recordour protest against the negligence that had no right to question Mr Fred. commenced elsewhere, that Lord has no action has been taken to throw business at Milton as a commission age'ht. His forming a deputation from residents in the anotherbill at 3 months for £28, about a MILTON. has been displayedby the Governmentin this since then upon did not knowthe £20 43 bill what, from the evidence we office is at the Municipal Council Chambers. neighborhood of Kaitangata: Messrs A. month ago. I light any arrangematter. It ;is well known that the Landells, W. Maitland, C. Anderson, had been paid. Wednesday, Feb. 2. havebefore us, appears to be rather a shady Me James Shand's farm the West ments in connection with this service are in at Taieri is Morrison, and Dunn. During last session plaintiff non-suited, sake of our The was municipal For the 21s pro eight transaction. At o'clock there was only oneor two one of the largest and best appointedin Otago. of the Provincial Council, £300 was voted an unsettled state, and this owing solely to being that the matter the no less than ninety head fessional costs allowed Daring past winter, sincerely hope defendant. Councillors in the hall. After waiting some institutions, we It pound pound subsidy as a for to assist in the mismanagement of the Government. rest here, but that of cattle were being stall-fattened for the market cutting a channel from the Kaitangata and Worship allowed to His decided to saving proceedwith will not be remarkedthat a time it was the busigreat take to therefore behoves the Executive at the same time at this farm. Tuakitoto Lakes, to carry off their surplus of time to the Court would be effected if ness,and Cr.Jones was voted to the chair. ratepayers will demand an in' ' some slight trouble to see that there is uo some of the The Provincial Government Q-azette con- water, which at times overflowed the partiea would properly prepare their cases There were present at 8.30, Crs. Moses, the apathy displayed unnecessary delay in the transmission of the vestigation. Tojudgeby tains a notification of the establishment of a settlors land, the present creek being too municipality this whenpound at Tokoinairiro, on sectiou 88, block K. small for the purpose. The deputation before coming into Court, as it had been Henderson, Inglis, Duncan, Stewart and mail by the coastal steamer. According to by the residents of requires the to a vacant seat in Council Mr James Goodall has been appointed pound- ftated that the settlers had raised the manifest in this case that one of the sides Jones. Yogel is now ever the latest advices, Sir Julius keeper. necessary £300 amongst themselves to meet was altogether unprepared with the evi- The Clerk read theminutes of the previous attemptingto effect some modificationof the be filled, the honor of being a municipal The members of the Waihola Road the Government vote, and were now ready dence. meeting. His Worship the Mayor then enpresent contract with the Government of councillor is not held in very high estimations determined to hare a survey made ofBoardhave a new road to proceed with the work. Their object — that to which we tered the hall, and the minutes were consuch matters as M'Laren v. was meantime, the and when A. Allchin. This a New South Wales. In the to the beach. Tim new road, which will be a in waitingupon hisHonor was to ask that leastthat his colleagues can do is to offer a have referred are passed lightly over, we great convenience to settlers, willbo about seven theProvincial Engineer might be allowed to claim for £23 103 on a fraud summons. firmed. miles long. MUNICIPAL RESERVE. go downand give his opinion as to the best Defendant was a3ked to show cause why he monthly subsidy to one of the steam com- cannot wonderat the fact. The balance-sheet of the FairfaxCemeteryfor place in which to cut the channel. There had not satisfied a laic judgment iv that A letter was read from!; Mr Henry White, panies to convey the mail from Auckland to 1575 was published in the last number of the was only one person in the neighborhood Court for the above amount. Defendant stating thathe had parted with his interest Port Chalmers, via the intermediate ports. Madame Simonsen will shortly visitDunedin 'Provincial Government Gazette.' Tho income opposed to the work Mr Boyd— and he company. with an English opera attending the enfor the year,including a balance of £57 5s from had no right to the water whatever. It was calledhis employer,Mr JosephMackay, who in Lot 8, Municipal Reserve, to Mr W. H. The peculiar circumstances teringinto ofthis contract aretoo fresh inthe A nevt evening paper, 'The Mail,' will be pub 1874, amounted to £90 12s 6d. The expenditure not proposed to drain the lakes dry, but stated that defendant had got into debt, and Groves. lished in Oumaru in a few weeks. amounted to £27 14s 8d3 leaving a balance of merely to carry away the surplus water. was doing his best to wipeoff his liabilities. The Clerk mentioned thathe had given a recollection of our readers to require more £62 17s lOd. will pay photographers, Messrs Burton The sooner it were done the better, as the Although in witness's debt, he had lately receipt for the last payment of rent in Mr Bros., [ than a brief recapitulation. On the 28th their annual visit Milton in a few days. to Jamjss Sha>'l> has gone in for troo plant- lakes were generally lowest about the month paid plaintiff over £23 on defendant'saccount August, 1874, the General Assembly em- Woek has beenresumed on the railway between ingMb White's name.— on a large scale on his estate at West Taieri. of May, and if the services of the Provincial on the powered the Government to enter into a Mataura and Clutha, and the contractors have For one mile on understanding that defendant was Cr. Duncan Have you given a receipt in grauted, Engineer were his time would be each side of his farm-house, and facing the Outram and Graytown district road, occupied only two or three days. The toget timeto pay the balance. This amount, Mr White's name ? contract for a 12-knot service for six years, been advertising for navvies. there is a belt of trees, one chain wide. Cali- channel wouldhave to be taken through the in common with witness's other advances on The Clerk— Yes, I did. at £40,000 per annum On the evening of An open air concert, in aid of the Tokomairiro fornian pinespi-edominate. and appear to thrive Kaitangatatownship for a distance of from defendant's account, waa now being repaid" Cr. Jones Iunderstand Martin assigned the same day, Sir Julius Yogel wrote to Mr Brass Band, will be held on the Cricket Ground remarkably well. twenty to thirty chains. His Honor said out of wages falling due. Witness told to Groves, and he assigned to Wrhite. Russell, instructing him to enter into a con- some night during next full moon. Maujtgatua is now being surveyed. The there wouldbe no difficulty about the last plaintiff differentfromthat sanctioned A that exhibits that defendant was selling off his The Mayor We have been acknowledge materially CONTEMPORARY states the from mentioned, tract nor indeed about the whole greater part of the mountain has already been the Philadelphia Exhibition will be sold, and the remainder will be disposed of as request of the deputation. The money had furniture by auction' so as to pay his debts ing White as tenant. It is not desirable to by the House. In consequence of those Otago at to a few bottles of Slesinger's balsam. soon as the survey is completed. At one time no been voted, aud theGovernment intended to and accept a free house on witness's pre- give receipts to parties unless it is known instructions,Mr Russell pledged the Colony limited settler in the vicinity would have given one spend it, and the ProvincialEngineer would, nujiber of petty thefts hare been comA to a 10-knot service for eight years, at mitted in the township lately, and one or two shilling per acre for tills mountain country, doubtless, be permitted to give his services mises. Plaintiff next day sued defendant, that they are really tenants of the Corpora£45,000 per annum. After an animatedand owners of fruit gardens have suffered consider- which is being eagerly bought up at double the as required. He had hoped that the whothen placed his furniture in thehands tion. — price—originally paid for the excellentlano on the intention was to drain the lakea entirely, so of another creditor to prevent its being protracted debate, theHouse agreed to ratify ably. Cr. Moses If there is no assignment the plain then a mere swamp. that some thousands of acres of land might sacrificed. Witness believedthat defendant Council is not bound to recognise the tenancy. that contract, chiefly on the ground that the The contractors for the erection of the goodsMr Macdokald, of the Waihola Gorge lime have been reclaimed. The deputation acted in so doing without any fraudulent Cr. Jones— The assignment does not re« Colony was in honor bound to the Govern- shed at the Stirling station are pushing on the kilns, has set half-a-dozen traps on his property, statedthat under the present proposed work intention, work, and the building will be ready for use in a havingevidently been ill-advised. leasethe originallessee from his liability. to an very short time. ment of New South Wales to adhere for the purpose of destroying the hawks which upwards of 1500 acres would be reclaimed. — His Worship refused to give an order in the brought arrangement that had been formally entered Many of our readers will be pleased to hear are preying en the leverets and young pheasants. underhis Honor's notice The Mayor It was a mistake giving Thfiy then in, one of Six hawks have already been caught that the fact £200 had been voted for a case. into by its quasi- ambassador, Mr Thomas that Miss Richardson, of the West Taieri, haß White the receipt. It may amount to nothese traps. Itis to be hoped that other settlers road up the east side of Lake Kaitangata, M'Laren v. Chalmers.— This was a thing. Russell. In the course of "the debate, the commenced teaching music in Milton and the will follow ilr Macdonald's example. which money had not been expended, claim to recover £54 for goods supplied. Mr ' Hon. Mr Reynolds said : In comparing surrounding district. The letter was received. are informed (says the Cromwell Argus ') though the work was greatly needed. His We Hattghtok, Mb the for Secretary UnderGoldD. Reid appearedfor the plaintiff, and Mr the respective services viaSan Francisco and fields, left Wellington he to-day making that the Government Honor said had been a EDEN-STREET. up Westland hare put on a Dunedin on Tuesday. of men to complete the Haast track from list of unexpendedvotes, and he would call W. Taylor for the defendant, who lodged a Suez, the advantages as regards time are Ho is about to pay anfor official visit of inspection number The following letter from the Towu SurtheWest Coast inwards, and that it will shortly the attention of the department to this doctor'scertificate stating thathe was unable largelyin favor of the former. By the com- to the goldfields in this island. be available It is of the a was read: throughout. worthy stating veyor deputation note matter. On that Francisco, adjourned letters will The following Duiiediu telegram appears in th-it last to appear. The case was till the bined service via San week the first mail was carried overland grant was much wanted for the road from ' — Milton, 2nd February,1876. ' " In the case from the West Coast to Pembroke, whence it was Stirling to Balclutha, his Honor remarked Loth mat. be deliveredbetweenLondon and Auckland Wednesday's Southland News — Worshipful Mayor and Council. the t. a new trial has Shand, apCapstick Mackay. been brought down to Cromwell by Mr Theodore that the Governmenthad no money, so that J.S. v.J. In this case in 44 days, betweenLondon and Wellington of Hughes — plied for. Shand has been served with a writ at Russell. Gentlemen, The Contractor has comcould be done in nothing quarter. plaintiffsuedfor£ls4slld, that balanceof wages in 48 days, betweenLondon and Christchurch theinstance of Miss Campbell." pleted Eden-street, and is entitled to his We were not awave that Mr W. A Murray adalleged to bedue. ' Taylorappeared between LondonandDunedin Mr for the days, in 49 and balance of contract and deposit. A meeting of members of the Tokomairiro dressed his constituents last week. The South in 50 days ; while under the Suez service Jockey Club will be held at tho Commercial Canterbury Times,1however, says he did so, and Resident Magistrate'sCourts. plaintiff. Defendant paid £3 123 11d into With regard to instructions to make plans court, and pleadednot indebtedfor balance. and specifications for Mill-street, I they would be delivered according to the Hotel, at half-past eight o'clock, onTuesday next. goea on to refer to that portion of his speech find that where he alluded to the desirability of forming a The business before the will be make The meeting to difference consisted of 21 weeks'wages, it is to metalthe street to Queen-street from time-table MILTON. railway from the West Coast to the TuapokadisVia arrangements for the nextrace meeting. Via for which defendant allowed £3 weekly. the Main Road or Union-street, This can. trict. Mr Murray epoke at Milton about two Brindisi bestbe done by the Council in the same way Southampton. ' ' J. (Before Maitland, E.M.) Esq., P. Plaintiff claimed £3 10a. Judgment for as they are doingEden-street, and are to do The Star's correspondent telegraphing from months ago, but it would probably take that time days. days. " — Tuesday, Feb. 1. Wellington says : The site fixed for landing for the thrill of excitement, caused by his adamount paidinto court, the question of costs Moore-street. There is, however,no allow63 56 "In Auckland,in the Australian cable is 14£ miles from Kelson. dress, to reach Timaru. civil cases. 55 62 being adjourned till Tuesday next. In Wellington, in ance made for this street in allocating the The land line will be extended thither im61 5-4 We have received the first number of th J.Duthie v. A. M'Laren. This was a InChrißt church,in metal ordered,and the Council will have to 'New and the cable is be F. Juliusv.Gr. B. Brown. This wasa claim mediately, expected by to laid 59 52 Zealand Dunedin, in Licensed Victuallers' Gazette,' In £14, the value of a horse. The order an additional quantity of one hundred the end of the present month." for £10 4s 6d, for. drinks supplied. Mr and twelve (112) cubic yards for this published at Christchurch. Making due allow- claim for street. —thus showing in favor of the San Francisco The following telegram was received from anco for " a first appearance," we may say that case was adjourned until che Bth inst. Taylor for plaintiff. No appearance of the The formation can then be corrected, and a over tbe Suez an earlier delivery than by Timaru on Wedneiday :— "Fifteenpence abushel our new contemporary contains a lot of reading A. M'Larbn t. J. Duthie. This case defendant. Mr Julius having junction entered the proper made withQueen-street when offered for oats; will not recoup the outlay. matter that 'will be of interest to the class in was also adjourned untilthe Bth inst. The Southampton or Brindisirespectively, whose interests the witness box, His Worship said thathe would it is laiddown. journal is published. Wo Considerable losses have also been sustained ' ' 19 and 12 days plaintiff sought to recover £8 4s cash lent. have With regard to gravelling the south sideof "To Auckland, of through the late heavy rains beating down the wish the Gazette a prosperous career. to mention what the several drinks Mill-street footpath, there is no gravel at 14 To Wellington, of 7 „ Capstick and Duthib. M'Laren v. and A. delaying harvesting." A crops Melbourne plaintiff charged for were. This The WaikouaitiHerald' says : "The crops could not the disposal of the Corporation that Iam To Cbristehurchjof... 12 „ 5 telegram, dated January 27tb, states that oats are looking 9 „ 2 days." well throughout the dis- This was an action to recover £25 damages do. Mr Taylor held that unless defendant aware of, there being none at the Recreation To Dunedin, of have improved in price from one penny to three trict, and areremarkably heavier than we ever remember to for the illegal detention of a horse. The appearedand raisedthe question of what the ground. IftheCouncilorder it, specifications Now so far as wehavebeen able to ascertain, halfpence per bushel. have seen, while there is every appearance of an hearing of the case was adjourned until the were, drinks it was unnecessary for plaintiff similar to what were used for the last SanFrancisco mail took no less than TnE property of the late Mr Ferguson, Inch abundance of straw. We doubt,however,if the Bth inst. footpath can be prepared,requiring the conwas sold on will that of last to Dunedin, Clutha, Wednesday last, yield equal year to and a be to in eachdrink. prove coming fromLondon after cereals." The Act of George11. tractor to furnish the gravel. 52 days in v. W. Ferguson. This was A. M'Laren Keen was knocked down to Mr competition I have thehonor to be, gentlemen, and would have taken two or three days Pillans at the high figure of £46 per acre. The CArTAiM Goxdie, of the Port'Chalmers Naval an action to recover £27 10s on a dishonored (1754), he held had no force in this Colony, and it was a clause in this Act thathad Yourobedient servant, more, had not the CityofSanFrancisco made sheep brought from 6s to 13s per head. Cattle Brigade, and Private Smith, are the only two Otago Volunteers who, having made the neces- bill of exchange. James EldehBrown, frpm publicans 10 sold hitherto been to debar in viz., days 21 £5 to Household allowed brought extremely smart passage— £7. effects an Town Surveyor. figures. jThere wasa large attendance, sary number of points, have elected to proceed to Mr Donald Reid appeared forthe plaintiff, New Zealand from recovering liquor bills. satisfactory SanFrantime between hours. The allowed the forthcoming Colonial prize-flriug at Wau- and Mr W. Taylor for the defendant. and the bidding throughout \vas spirited. Cr. Stewart— lt would be better for the Act, object The whole of this on which our ganui, at their own expense. cisco and Auckland is 27 days. It is woitby Although A. M'Laren deposed that he had rethe has now been opened railway locality again. Works Committee to visit this Acts founded, proColonial had been was to As examination of the pupils attending the ceived a four months' bill from the defendof note that althoughthis mail should have for five months, and there has been a constant The Mayor— The Council willbe £200 in being Adam's Flat school was held tect the Customs revenue from it to the deDecember, prior breaking the 6th of frpm leftSanFrancisco on the Milton station, stream of traffic to and up of the school for the harvest holidays. There ant, due on the 13th of October. The bill frauded. He would ask his Worship to debt at end of current year if this work is didnot do so until the 10th. It will be seen the metal that was laid downby the Government were present a large number of the parents and wasdrawn by him and acceptedby defendant, asrough as ever. The stones are so large that carried out. from the extract we have made from Mr is of the pupils, whoexpressedtheir pleasure It was presented when due and dishonored, take notes of the case, so that, if necesthey will never bind, unless blinded with some friends Beynolds' speech that it is questionable if the smaller metal or earth, and at the present time a at the progress made by the scholars since the and had not since been paid. He had had sary, it might be brought befcre a higher Cr. Stewart moved That the letter be last of the school. After the prizes court, on the ground that the Act is received." Suez service via Brindisi is not the quicker pf journey to therailway platformmustbe positively had examination been awarded, a packet of confections was several transactions with the defendant, and not wholly applicable. to Jadjcs wearing painful tln'n sort |3ome especially more as the vessels hoofs. No real litigation Cr. Duncan moved—" That the work foe the tworthe to each child, and the school was dismissed had a final settlement some time since. He with," of path might be made across these small boulders given taken place of had ever in advance for a month. on the point, al. proceeded invariably arrive by that route at a very trifling expense. not owe the defendant anything. He did At this though legal he knew that several men in sta^e it was asked if Cr.Stewart An adjourned meeting of creditors in the es- saw him about the bill,anddefendantsaidhe the appointed time. Although the City of A Christcjittkoh telegram states that acwas agreed tate of David was held on Dunedin with The resent on the Bth December, when this Ferguson, bankrupt, question to about to come him. be San Francisco is said counts of the crops from all parts of the Province Tuesday, in the Courthouse, Milton. Several wouldpay it after harvest. had there, that this of an been r&iaecl in oases was dealt with. two, suppose give promise unusually large yield. we The but nev*-. matter day a or South in debts wove proved, and it was decided that the The further hearing of the case was weather having been xery favorable, the referred to the Minute having carried a.ny further ; and he Clerk The should receive the usual amount for adjourned is an exceptional case, and we presume thatit yield per acre will be greater than lastaverage trustees often the3rd inst. year. hiding until wondered, considering thnot Book, present. up ■n the estate not to exceed lire said he was (ipwefnmpjfito per Much land has been laid down in grass for sheepis not the intention of the VMt amount thus It was also resolved that the trustees bypubli(>::ns again spoke Cr.Duncan in support of his is more than counterbalanced cent. bring the ocean steamers down the coast. If fiirmiogj but this number, that they had never tried ! THURSDAY,F3EB. bj the immense qf apres pf new land should call upon Mr Geo. Wilson to deliver qp said if the works were not motion. He this be so, the Government will have, sooner brought and goads h,eld thp objection all other of by property question. grounds His under cultivation. Tlipro js j), decided, hiu\ in CIVIL CASES. ' accordance with theletterread, p^tate; \n the event of his declining, the trustees or later, to call for tenders for the perform- preponderanceof oats, but very little barley. ! I'he were—1. The Act was not applicable. carried out in take to recover legal proceedings the same. O'Rorke v. CuaKAN.-'^ wag an action 2. If applicable, the defendant not ap- they would be futile. The works have ance of the coastal part of the service. If oats will average, throughput the province, to thirty-six bushels, wheat thirty bushels, and Usder the time table for February, several Ito recover £2 *; the circumstances attending the delivery of barley twenty-eight the Rmonnt of a dig. pearing to plead rendered proof unneces-1 already been agreed to by the Council. If bushels per acre. alterations have been made in running tlie of the il of cup °r,orod to fill the 1 thelast mail are calculated cheque drawn by M'Leod, railway sary, as in the case of other goods supplied. Cr. Stewart did not like to attend to his trains on the Dunedin and Clutha line, aud *'■ ' f. of the residents in the neighborhood of between disappointment to overflowing, as we main- Some contractor, and cashed by plaintiff for defen- His Worship held that it was as necessary duties it was no reason why other Councillor Matauva and Invercav^. "^q tr'^jn Maori Kaik at Taiaroa Head adopt rather the tain to be the case, whatshall we say about peculiar measures for the enforcement of obe- that leavesDunedin at 7.5 a.m. arrives at Clutha dant. The cheque was afterwards dishonored. to prove the claim in defendant's absence as should be made fools of. afc 10.48, and a coach then starts for the Mataur-v Judgment was given for £1 16s 8d and Stewart's motion. the now overdye mail? That the public dience in their -wives. In justice to the Maoris, River if present. Mr Taylor considered the ques- Cr.Moses seconded Cr. to catch the 7.30 p.m. train fyow the~ question When this was before Or.Jones have no confidence ia the service we may however, we must state that the men we ullude which reaches InvercnrgiU costs. tion stood in a similar light to the Statute $ half-past 9s. The to are pakehas. The prospect of a dinner to a Ferguson.— This wag of Limitations, which had to be pledby the the Council, Imade some opposition to it. safely say. The City x>f San Francisco Tai#ro;j, A. v. W. M'Laren a.m.; at 6.36 W«, theMaori chief find member of PiU'litv? £ »£ ?" instead and the Clutha train a olaim for £27 10s on a dishonored bill. defendant in a case, otherwise judgment There were only three Councillors present, waited for 90 hours at Ivandayu for tbe merit, naturally cause.d 3." jj'ptle gtiy" amongst the or- % o,clo£ k formerly, at 20 starts 5, past instead of 4.30 was satisfied that the sum recommendedby Granada, and then came on withouttbe mail, settlers in' the locality, anjl one ladyj without heretofore, minutes The case had been adjourned from the pre- would ensue ; or in the case where an I reaching Dunedin at 10 minutes taaa her husband's wishes in' the matter, 9 vious Tuesday. the Works Committee was ample. which Is now five days behind the contract consulting drinks, given payment o'clock. The for was in of acceptance appeared trains now Mr D. "Reid leave announcedher intention of being present the theMilton station for Dunedjn a(; defend, The Mayor The Committee did not make time. We concur with a contemporary, ybp bftnouet, >yhether the husband objected at to ljia 13 p.m., and JS| mfrwcfl paat Si, half-past the plaintiff, and Mr Walter Taylor for the when judgment wouldfollow, unless fi half-.pagt p.m. JFor Balclufcha defendant. an estimate.— says: "It im fervently to be hoped that this better, half doing homy fio Taf^rQ^, or «rhe.t^e,r. pled illegal Worship ant consideration. His thought he shpuldhare been pon'sulte.d in, tl^e. the trams leave Milton at 40 minutes past 9 a.m., Wm. Will be the last bungle we shall have to he Ferguson deposed— The book pro- took time to consider the point, and would Cr. Jones At all events the works recommatter, we cannofc say ;but afc anyrate he deter- 5 minutes past 2 p.m., and 1minute to 7 p.m. chronicle iaconnection wfth thismail service, mined that duced is my bank book. Iam sued on a endeavor to give his decision on Tuesday mended by the Committee wereample for the she should not go.' He tied her which, to say theleastof it, has i?ee» flapped. hands behind her back, and then made her fast requirements of the street. Inever conbillfor £27 10s, the price of a mare. The next. Telegrams. Dfocppdedfp t|^a^ on so far inanything but a. satisfactory man- 1 to a rafter $rffch g, rpije, produced is for £20 43, and is dated17th Bryce Bros. v. Kobert Chapman. This templated it would cost the sum it is likelyto bill j her with a strap. Yfhen he h^d PQf^e tp thci ner."...".■ was a claim for £8 Is for work done. Mr cost if the report is adopted. The works £onclusioii that alie hadbeen brought to a tji'op^r Dunedin. .February 3. February, 1875. That bill was also given a for a mare. I received at the same date bill Taylor of mind in for defendant, who pleaded indebted recommended in the Public Works Comrespect banquets, to and her Mr Matthew Moses has entered upon the frame G. 11. Campbell, charged with altering a fromplaintiff obligations to him she had sworn tp "love,honor, to him. only for 6s. James M. Bryce deposed that mittee's report should be adhered to. The for £20 forbullocks sold performanceof his duties as the Tfipresenta:- &nd fibey," ]je fcill pf Sh.epb.ard Reeves from £41 to £141, Iwas not prepared to pay thia bill when it !he had done blacksmithing work for Coombe expenditure of money on ,Mill-street is not er, Another rsw tive of East Ward in the Milton Municipal found occasion to punish Jiis wifp a few days. ago. will arrive to-morrow from Wellington. It became due. The Bank paid the bill. IHay for many years past. He rendered this justifiable. Inever could see what traffic tied her hands together, and then threw her Council; and although we have not the He thought, he will get off, as Reeves is in into about two feft of water. She floundered is bought a horse from plaintiff the day before account as usual inMay last to Mr Robert passed over that street. I thoughtit was in slightest objection, on personal grounds, to about until she was half drowned, and was then Melbourne, and not like to come over to thebill came due, at £30, and gave him my Chapman, who inreply said he had nothing excellent It is as level as a bowlingquietly Mr Moses enjoying any honor hjs fafcen out in a very weak state. Somerestoratire prosecute, . billfor£50. I asked him if he would lift to do with Coombe Hay for the previoussix green. tp \,e ne^esEary, sq ah? was plapad. pjos? fellow towhsnien may choose to. confer upon appeai-ed Royal The Marionettes to-day bill, arrived the and he saidhe woulddo so. Ior nine months, and probably his eon Cr.Duncan Cr.Jones has made a lot of ghe to a large fire until £20 6hpwed decided aigns qf him, wemust again refer to the statements animation, 'piiere is. a. u^agistraj;e at i\\e 3£vk, frptrn,Melbourne. They do not playtillthe gaveplaintiff a bill, 28ch May, 1875, inpay- Williamhad incurred the debt. Until then false statements. that weremade in the Council Chamber when and telegraph communication has just been manager,. M'Donough, arrives. . He has ment for two rams, £8, and his cheque for witness knew nothing of any change in The Mayor You must not use such the newly-electedmemberfirst took Jifs seat. established between that placeandPort Chalmers, stayed behind to prosecute Bennet, the £20, lent me. This was the same day on ownership. The horses werebrought by the language:. Be correct. ; where there is a pa}ice elfcationj but up jjotjan ;The; law provides ihat a Councillor shall .was gave him the acceptance for £28. manager as hitherto. Witness could not Cr.Duncan — Iwill not withdraw the exf»ken to pynisft t)\e ofe«der ia either of the theatrical manager, for illegally arresting! which I 'puke a certaia declaratiyu >vithiD five day? oages we haye Hjei^tipn©(3, , . biro just as the steamer was leaving, tfennet Tfoa £30 4s acceptance, w $ the tiro, other, "wear that the brought belongedto pression, I will prove them tobe false, Cr< ' — — — — — — — — ...... ...... ...... ... — — — „ — — ' — —" — Ir* , ' ' — JMPWSW — — — — — 6 «frg:l-:JP&-l&'ft*-f#%%'* p:- — Town-^lerk^l!tear-the-Upitrt-hotiserY~'; fe^t^^fft6. h ?> ' of Maibr Jones thenaddressed,tfie;Compariy at what the magazinexvslb intended to be. When citizens^ feonaderajtionV giVe^hisWatter'yo'arearly "WilT become and admirijSjtered a few wordsof the writer indulges in negatives, he enters a to, youthful, .age-reappeared, some length, ' b^c ivihtc fkfamsi TkkiekmV€&sbnif'k2b Mia-1 *^teMty<h^m?%hhne^atodifig toils ° >j!i!!j;)ia '1<We irdmairi; yours respeptfully." ';' mature ,to" !}sU r i a the younger members of the wide field, iv which hei might continue to agaiuat the touch of handker,asyj'ce and frisky £? | bim^Btti 6niMffl-st^ti¥ M'tfti&had' a.' Cr.MSses^Wh^% 1 ill» o>*Ptiere-'w:er"e *8av signatures tti !tte 'aj)oye chief:,thrown by; some,blushing,damsel, who Company. meander to any extent. ...„; :..,,;. ' j <%r?mniem&£ojif6MWmi 1 rxuiiliJSir uu , ." petition. j■..,}$ :generaily turned out to be rather fleet; pi? ,","'At a'Committee meetingafterwards, Sergt. (To be Continued.) ,■ aliteflding. bK liAvtfGf.uJt>rie'a;'ti'«knW ll that;it11 is^ifor thfr ([!]CrV^d^i-Wilf'iHafsf^eet'ndea; m ' o« Gv.Hogg^movea^na'^ IWbU/l J biiU "iii":i bh U ":J; foot. On the whole,1 the picnic was a very Marryatt Was re-elected Secretary. j ? "to th#Stti?vey6r?iid ; tiecideybat -»^»^iJ3ciuncai' andnot 1 .,so .successful affair,,, and one noticeable thing' 'A vpte of thanks to the Chair terminated Christchurch Races. "for thestfspen'sioti of the Standing Orders, ' .fimfamounttflballbelaiS'ouf on'the street. *'A* niigKt toea!'witli jtetiiion., gbodnature' that' seemed to possess the;meeting. ....-,.". ithafc'th'eCbunciV the -wtw!the; " passed-by this resolution-has -beeuThe following are the entries for the great odi Jvai.i Aood >Ituad -*tn ino'ii b>.nu>\ Cr. Hogg moved—" That tte';Town Sur- everybody. There \vefeno"cliq[uea ;but1 on to go on witbttliis^rkrandI don't see that NOTICES OP.MOTION, r^.,: j ;;„ :veyorbe4hstfttct'edtb'lay'd'own thepermanent everybody to be on The Tew Zealand'Magazine.' autumn handicap, to be run at Christchurch contrary/ Ithe tesolution, , , we can upset that Thatfffie^rp^ncia^Gov|ern.on Easter Monday. ' r Qt. l h s of 'ih e 'street referred to;" " ih'suppdrC the'Wat and most intimate'termswitheverylevels re* iiierit be^asked fof-% grant 'of,the, necessary ' H. Yeend's Rory O'More ' motion, heihstanced^the'large' binount body else. In fact; it..was ajmosj; tojicHing , ^-j.ii.! ;: ' [FIRST ARTICLE.] J H. Yeend's King Philip ceived, wife earned>l!ItlVwaS]understood jtha'jp roadlinebetween George-street,.and Uniqn.- >bf 'his ; ! that kindly feeling promoted : thaVhad 'been to observe the expinded <bf> money ' in the' ; ' I Goodman's Blair Athol the Works Committee>be requested to visit : before Although' /. \ 1 has been ;.,., ,; belong; ty magazine z.'.: this .,^,; i jL L s:fr 0 ''iliose'-wfe^.^y' J.u?!lly',:^^m 'streets of- So'iith' Ward;'while 'the Coombe'sptightBower )iii H Street."-^ dr." Jones ventured to sugge^tj[the^advis- of North-Ward" found it"impossible in iwet the .aristocratic, ; section .: of .i our little the public for" some three weeks, we do not Mallock's Ranolf :tsii.J-.'it-j.;-.. ' ; I abUity of the Tjqwn idi lOJ feU VI -iOV.-.-:JBVBNS-STBBiT. an apWebb's filly, by Bavensworth— Barbarv get to? their Jbqujes,, [except: by community to descend from their pinnacle think it has received the attention to which weather^to ,i.:i<;l sTheifollpwingletter was|read:irom>Mr W Shand's The Chief prbpriate statemient 'pf" for. the purpose it is entitled, as being the forerunner of financial.position making use;;pf the fences. He also pointed of,; intense respectability iShand's Wild Rose " happineaa of their colonial ,:| : „.,,._,,,. Corpojatibn. pfijtlie magazine literature. ■../ the We understand promoting out that by forming these streets access could of j Ilay's Tadmor I have inspected the fence '"in theicentre^bf tJ The "Mayor remiaded 'Cr. r.,Jppes [that ' Kay's Cloth of Gold faimbier fellow creatures. To' drop from it has met with a ready sale; but this, of Burns-sj^eet^.^As- it- is- erected on ithe tiie Finance Committee would bring down;the be had to the river to obtain gravel; ( , ; Fauville's Premier sublime to the practical, we may course, is riot' owing to its intrinsic merits, ;femarkamade Mayoragreed: The with the the ;tie. - original 50 acre between toundaf^liue by Mr^Snfitn' anl'Mr Martin, report at next meeting, was their busi-r by Cr.11pgg..,-; {He; supposed■. the work Nosworthy's Tattler being fact of but" to' the its the first of 125, chiefly; proceeds eecfionß'6wned that the amounted to £23 .would state Redwood'sKorari wanted'; Jones the.Clerk' cheapwhat andalso its to do to ' and as only-part*sf the~^reet (half being on J , j i and that this sum will go to the church its class in' tire Colony, be gone on with as a matter of course. Redwood's GuyFawkes Mr Smith's .land) is-under the control apd, ness." colonist who Mr J.G. give ; ! The would paßsed to the Cr.; Hogg's motion, funds. Votes of thanks were Redwood's Amohia management of the-Council,I do not think: 1 CKlsuncan to move— ".That, lamps, pp. -Gti Hope seconded the tables, to the mem- S. Grant a shilling"for one ofhis philosophical Lunn's Nectar Bupplied that' wbrks ladies who necessary. 'thinking the the Council.icanr exercise:'authority over;the were At pamphlets would'not grudge half-a-crownfor erected at ,the corners, of Eden and-Matior-; |jtn'e same timehe, thought 0. F. Baker's Investment atbers Milton braes bandfor their of the " , 'fence., The street beingnow laid; put to its. ailittleimore atten: '"■■' Campbell's Tommy Dodd Mill IJnionrstreets." P. full and and. this streets, magazineJ width, traffic, for the the and^open to Mr Jones for tendance, George public ' tion should be paid to East Ward the ward and j ' !l :6wherg 1 P. Campbell's Daniel O'Jttorke ' has beendone about abuttfrig, of Or What properties persons Cr.Henderson— ' ! A learnedreviewerhas admitted the world . use of his ground. . , Valhnce's Defamer desirous of travelling"along thestreet linemay layingdownbase lines? Although the Tb>vn. he represented. into his confidence regarding his environO'Brien's Fishhook The, motion was carried. feej removing . the obstructions to Surveyor has been instructed to lay down justifiedia ments whenabout to test such a publication Watt's Parawhenua Bruce Rifles. fluit the public convenience. ; , . : . v ACCOUNTS. . 'The:'-New Zealand Magazine.' If the Buckland's Ariel « as ; R.E.Jones. base lines,yei nothinghasbeendone. Several D. M'Kerizie's account, £13 4s, for conDelamain's Templeton ratepayers have been complaining to .me intelligent' reader 'will refer to the 'Daily Cr.Moses The Council can serve f Jimmy about it, and they state that they will pro- structing culverts on Hashorough Road, was ANNUAL MEETING.. Delamain's Pungawerewere " Times' of the 31st December, 1875, he will Delamain's Elfin Eing Martin with a notice asking him to clear bably be involved in litigation with their passed for payment. " . H. Prince'B Cocksure.: The adjourned annual meeting of the find the following description of the effemi■ , , , DRAINAGE. : . the, obstruction^ ; . that propose neighbors over boundaries. I " above Company took place.last Wednesday- nately luxurioussurroundings ofthe"reviewer r!N"o, no. i . Cr. Mason's That the Town Jones— motion— .» Cr.. the Surveyor'be instructed to lay down base We test Invercargill. The matter then dropped. Surveyor prepareplans and specifications for evening,in the drillshed. There were about in that journal of this magazine:— lines. ♥—^ literature by a luxurious process. Captain periodical Pettit in the chair. present thirty : laying drainagepipes down main ; street," ACCOUNTS. . in the (From our own Correspondent.) adjourned at 10.30 p.m. Tiae softly-burning lamp, Council house, light was also a present. Major Jones the Quiet ...";.' .The following accounts were received and lapsed for want of a seconder. The municipal body has been for some Cr. Hogg thought a much cheaper and ; The minutes of the last yearly meeting draw up an arm-chair, add coffee and cigar, weeks BALCLUTHA. in a state of unusual andrather high briar-root, were and confirmed^ and a then run the whisky read or better way wouldbe to channeland kerb the i . Peter ;Jones £9 12,0 ferment, relative to anallegedillegal (because complimented through the the and taste. Company paper Captain The paper-knife, 0 Robert Wilson 24 18 main street, and thus render drainage pipes Tuesday, Fed. 1. 1 6 0 the flourishing condition they-were in^ and If it is not insipid with such ac- somewhat furtive) sale of gas debentures to William Booth unnecessary. Mason, " Robert Reid 710 6 Present— The Mayor, and Crs. passes muster. the Bank of New Zealand at a very, low spoke inhigh terms of the interest the out- 'companiments, the magazine ' ' That the culvert across 110 0 j Cr.Tosh moved Road Board Hogg,Hope, and Tosh. glad to Zealand has stood the test." price. lamnot at all in the humor for wadpublic side took in them. He was The New " themain street at southern endof township be whisky MINUTES. that the and ing through what appears in any light a suspect they werenow free from We rather deepened and extended to its permanent inform them that Total £44 16 6 " Tilton's strange business, but the facts are, as nearly The minutes of the previous meeting were had a briar-root were wanting when Mr debt, better, they and what was even ' TENDERS. level." ' can make them out in the contention, aa andconfirmed. creditbalance at the Bank. He calledupon romance of Tempest Tossed was reviewed as I , Cr. Hogg secondedthe Tenders for work in Manor and Alfred- read motion. " follows: Some time back it was resolved to as that article was litterateur, Report by WASTELANDS BOAHD. and Balancethis jolly Cr.Hopemoved That the extension of the Treasurer to readthe streets. to attempt float the gas debentures, of the the milk ofhumanuncharitsheet, letter from areas follow : with overflowing which The Clerk read the following the culvert be delayed until the ditch is R. Wilson £209 16 0 Municipality in London, and the agency of literary It interest the world may Report lands : ableness. ofCrown Treasurer's the Chief Coirmissioner deepened from theroad to the river." Donald Gordon 194 18 0 Bank of Zealand was resorted to. which we the New to, know the circumstances under J.C.Gordon 168 17 6 Waste Lands Office, Cr. Mason seconded. Of the Bruce Rifles, for the year ending Bank, however,made an ofthe manager . do not The 26, 27, require January article,. Dunedin. Jan. 1876. 1876. write this We Cr. Tosh saidmost ofthe proprietors were The .Mayor,; We should resolve how " " offer on behalf of. theBank for the absolute Gentlemen, allay and I have briar-root to: our Mayor whisky and Mr Chairman and a Worship His the , agreeable deepen through to the ditch their Manor-street is to be formed. Ithought the pleasure in bringing before you the vicious propensities like Mark Tapley, we purchase, and the offer was submitted, to the Corporation,, Balclutba. properties. Mr M'Neil however objected to much footpath was to be made onone side of the aunual statement of accounts, and am happy to inform the drainage of the town conferences ami adjournl have the honor Gentlemen,— being carried into to inform you that the Company is now free are alwaysjolly. We test periodical litera- Council. Various street, but onlooking at the Surveyor's plans that an application was this day made to ments of the question of sale wereheld, and you The house is not process. ture a " , peculiar by ditch, specifications, contemplates pollute I see he the to the water and render it from debt, with a cash balance to its creditof and the WasteLands :Board by Mr W. Brown, quiet. Six noisy children render night hideous ultimately,at a meetingat whichthree coun£29 18s 4d. formingit onboth sidesofthe street. on behalf of Mr Henderson, to be allowedto unfit for his cattle. with last we had a cash year To commence their infantile whoops. We light two cillors only were present, it was resolved to opposite by The amendment was carried on the castThe Surveyor's letter was read, recom» purchase the triangular piece of land lid, in handof £51 but then we balance 17s candles, which we stick into two holes accept the Bank's offer of 85 per cent, for the mending.that the street should he made the his section 9,block IX,Balclutha (coloredred ing vote of the Mayor. debt to Mr M'Killup to the amount tallow were in opposite Paisley-street of part on as the plan), kerosene tin (do not be alarmed, debentures. Theabsentcouncillors,on learnfull width, 63 feet., TOWN SURVEYORS. of £100, besides prizes and other accounts incised in a for sale) is no longer required for " — (reserved however, dangerous capitation thekeroseneis~exhausted it isgone with the ing of the completion ofthe transaction, were grant, Cr.Stewart This street is in a Cr. Masonmoved ThatMessrsBarr and unpaid. Our that purpose. larger this year than any previous light of other days) ; we draw up our sole indignant at the precipitancy, and much state. When Iwas going home the other — enabled — The Board resolved that you should be Oliver be appointed surveyors to the Town being year £97 us to pay off the whole arm-chair— an empty gin box ; addcold tea angry discussion has been the result. It is Paisleynight I found a man lying in the ditch. If asked if you have no objections to Council." of the debts, with the exception of those and the stump of a cigar, which we were alleged that a loss of £1600 has resulted to to straightened, with the .view being street it another five minutes he would Carried. lie had been prizes won on the 9th of November. 1875, beingsold to Mr, Henderson. the town without any correspondingbenefit, have been dead. Fortunately there was no the deviation HASBOROUGH HOAD. which are usuallypaid along with the prizes fortunate enough to espy lying in a gutter I have the honor to be, &c, and useless attempts have been made to beer foams on pint water in the ditch. of Colonial The Mayor stated that the Secretary for won on the 24th of May in the following yesterday; a J. T. Thomson, " hipecacuanhar" cancel the sale. TheBank of New Zealand, a of year. ; right Cr. Moses There is no conveyance to the haud bottle Chief Commissioner. Lands had informed him that the Governour The total amount received for monthly is at our left hand. We feel [inspired. We it is but fair to say, has expressed willingness Council of Mr M'Gill's part of Manor-street, Cr.Hog? said a great many of the rate- ment were prepared to spend £75 on Has- .subscriptions 14s 6d, beingabout £6 is £21 to rescind the contract, but it has a decided object to our receiving "themgifts," payers were opposed to the sale of the land borough Road, and thus render it more fit 12s 6d short of last year, owing to so many run our paper-knife the ace of—diamonds andI advantage in the shape of a heavy overdraft mark, and smell we they responsibility. through add to our the paper, beingin as arrear. The total amount referred to, as it mightbe required afterwards for traffic, provided theCouncil was prepared members " insipid of arrears is with such on gas accounts, and the necessary resultof Cr. Stewart proposed, and Cr. Duncan as a building site, being in such an excellent to augment that sum by £50. don't taste." If it is not 12 must of. course be members ...£ll 6 Ordinary "That the be out the accompaniments works carried luxurious seconded— "annulling the bargin " position. Besides, it would be an advantage The matter ,was referred to Works Com* TheNew Zealand ' magazine Honorary do 3 3 0 up "at un early date. This castcasting has suggested by the muster. stood Surveyor." the manner passes " in mittee with to act. power correspond rounded, have to to the corner ing up process is at times withpublic bodies, ' j The Council then adjourned. Cr.Duncan The street virtually belongs the test. £14 15 6 with the corner ofElizabeth-street. . as well as individuals, a work of difficulty, It can be vested to the Council. in us in24 We hope our readers will appreciate our and the result is as might have been The Mayor saw no necessity for having Had this amount been paid, the cash balance foretold minutes. in hand wouldamount to £44 13s lOd. kindness in lifting the curtain and allowing the corner of this street rounded. He could St. John's Church Picnic. " beg to suggest that a fine them a glimpse at thehome of the reviewer. at the beginning, the confirmation of the Cr. Stewart— l In conclusion, I move That the street be seeno objection to the sale of the reserve. ♥ sale. The councillors arenot gettingthrough beinflicted on allmembers who do not pay acquired by the Council.". Cr. Mason moved^-^That the Clerk be The annual picnicin connection with St. regularly every month. It would save the We claim to be the Chatterton of colonial their duties very smoothly, which you may / Cr. Jones We.have gotpossession of it. instructed to write'to the Waste Lands Board John's Church,Milton, took place on Tues- Treasurer a great deal of trouble and incon- literature, aud we willingly.assign to our judge from the fact that five of the number It was unanimouslyagreed that the works stating that the Council would offer no objec- day last, and passed learnedbrother in the art, to whose fortunate have found the disposition off very successfully, venience. ; for irresponam, Gentlemen, I be carried out as recommended,by theSur- tion to the straightening of thestreet." circumstances 'we Lave referred at such sible government so strong that they the weather being fine, and the attendance have Yours, &c. veyor. Pope profesof that length, the place of the Cr.Tosh seconded"the motion. large. duty For it their to request the Bank not many years past, the picnic has deemed Nutsford, Thos. ; Mr J. C. Gordon's tender was accepted. Cr.Hogg moved That the Council is of' been held at " The Grove," the property of Hon. Treasurer. sion. And now for the magazine itself. If to pay any cheques until after a certainmeetFINANCE COMMITTEE'S REPORT. sell Mr George Jones, and a more beautifulspot opinion inexpedient that it wonld be to it may be taken as a fair specimen ofcolonial ing had been held to investigate sundry ' op Accounts Cr. Jones mentionedthat the report would the section." Annual Statement literature, we say in the words of Carlyle, doings. Three members of the Finance scarcely could be found in the district. This be brought up at the next meeting. The amendment was not seconded, and the lovely little valley, carpetedwith fresh green Of theBruce Rifles, for the year ending " Godmend it." This is one ot those works Committee have forwarded notice of their January 27, 1876. COMMITTEES. motion was carried. turf, and surroundedby a dense and pretty of which the uuprinted manuscript might be resignation ofoffice, alleging that the Mayor RECEIPTS. a member of the droppedin mid-ocean withoutany loss to the and a minority of the Council were unduly was elected CORPORATION BONDS. Cr. Stewart bush, affording shelter to all who did not " £ s. d. world. Such a mixture of crude ideas and assuming functions that did not belong Finance Committee, vice Mr Bastings reThe Mayor statedthat seventeen Corpora- care to remain exposed to the sun's rays, to To Balance from last year 51 17 11 undigested mentalfood was never published signed. . tionbonds for £50 eachhad been signed,and must have had a charm for all who were them. The explanationof the whole is, that 21 14 6 Monthly subscriptions The election of a member of the Works the money was now in the hands of the present. Upon one or two occasions the towards prizes 11 10 0 under one cover before. Religion and from the establishmentof a Municipality here Subscriptions " Committee, in place of Mr Stewart resigned, Council. ta11... 10 0 0 science are made to run riot in a most laugh- here, a certain clique of muddlers and success of thepicnic has been marred by bad .„ » from hon. memThe following letter was read :— able manner. The writers mount the Dar- self-interested men, have by certain tactics, "was postponed until the next meeting of the weather, but a more pleasant day than 13 13 0 winian steed and tilt vigorously at all and bers Council. Tuesday la.°t could scarcely havebeendesired which nothingcan overrule but theintroducThe Colonial Bank of New Zealand, 24 0 0 Rent fromDrill Shed own satisfaction, no tion of the "ward" system, obtained to their During the election of the member of the sundry, much Balclutha,Feb. 1, 1876. gathering a this kind. The Milton places for of Proceeds of entertainmenton ' Finance Committee there was some slight The Town Clerk, Balclutha, brass band was in attendance, and contri24th May 16 4 6 doubt, but to the edification of few. We in the Council where they have enacted Dear Sir, Referring to the 17 Corporation buted materially to the enjoyment of all. 2 0 0 shall glance at the papersin their order. The essentially the parts of lords of ignorance and Sale of rifle excitement. Cr. Moses was a candidate for bonds for £50 each, received from you on Sale of ammunition 16 13 6 firstis styled the from departure thehonor of sitting on that Committee. The of the band the townmisrule. The remedyis not far off, but the Saturday last,Ihave now to advise having 97 0 0 Capitation grant OnCr.Jones proposing,andCr.Henderson received,on account of same, the sum of £750, ship was the signal for the public to wend town has suffered fearfully from incompetent 6 PAPER, deposit 1 2 INTRODUCTORY (£100) Interest on -.■>"" -seconding, Cr.Stewartas a member, which sum Ihold at the disposal of the their way to The Grove,'and at about halfstupidity aud selfishness. whose name is by gentleman andis written a Council. The balance will be accounted for 15 past I Cr. Moses. No three o'clock there were about one hun266 11 propose lately elected Duncan Total The rumor that the says jade Cr. most worthilya household word in this dis' so soon as the various amounts have been — dred and fifty persons on the ground, indoubt you both think Cr.Moses incapable of made for Wallace cannot take EXPENDITURE. member his seat, out. trict the Rev.R.L. Stanford. It is"said to " filling the position. of a certain'disqualifiowing operation to the It will be necessary for the Council to de- cluding the ladies who had charge of the ByAmmunition 9 22 19 1 be the intention of the Editors to make Cr. Jones You are making a serious im- cide at which Bank in London, Melbourne, tables— Mesdameß Hoffey, Twiss, A. Jones, cation, which time has failed either to heal or Carriage of ammunition and room for the most contrary arguments in the interest will be Dunedin, coupons Capstick, Huggins, Wells, and R. W. and Grey. putation. rifles 9 9 6 successive numbers." We are glad to know remedy. I merely pledge myself as to the made payableat. Should the Council select It had been announced that tea would be 3 15 0 Insurance Cr. Stewart— lam not ambitious. and not as to its truthfulness,;of rumor, next number ' which the Bank Irepresent,the necessary advice ready by four o'clock, and at aboutthis time Interest to E. Hardy 6 0 0 this, and we hope that in the ■' : Cr. Henderson— Cr. Moses is not often in means at hand to certify. I have no willbe given to our London and Melbourne article free from the at least an (9th November, 1874, Prizes there will be a stream of new arrivals began to pour in, , town. hospital meeting agent to pay the coupons on presentation. The annual under 80 12 0 ultia-Darvviuian taint. Mr Stanford makes the 24th May, 1875) until there could not have been less than Yours faithfully, Acceptance to Mr M'Killup 100 0 0 out a good case for the necessity of the Ordinance was held on the 2:sth January, Cr.Moses— Only every day. T. T. Eitchik. three hundred present, including a host of 9 9 0 Drill-shed keeper iCr. Henderson— Then I withdraw my when the President ofthe retiring Committee 214 0 existence of the magazine, and we do not (Mr G-. Lumsden), made, audacted upon, one children. A. number [of "boys and a few „ Labor at butts seconding ofCr.Stewart. | The Mayor said that the Council should "' 20 16 6 suppose there is anyone fool-hardy enoughto Expenses of ball children of larger growth played football, -.::: [A;perfect Babel here ensued, all of the now say with which Bank they would lodge which it " Tradesmen's accounts and deny what is as apparent fas the sun at noon- of the most absurdly strange''Tidings ' though scarcely 1 be filled the was suited to game I so that the name could and account, once.] at their speaking Councillors other items 30 1 10 day. But it remains to be seen whether the has ever been my lot to hear: The meeting I the occasion —considering the number of 5 112 Cr.Henderson Perhaps the Mayor will( in the bonds. Balance in hand magazine will fulfil the great expectationsthat was very thinly attended, there being barely " ladiesand children present- no damage was moved "That the National . Bank 24 7 2 Cr. Masou whatisbeforethemeeting* sufficient''number'-of persons present, when /rtell us have been formed of it byMr Stanford. We a Band be appointed the Bank ofthe Corpora- done, and those who played the part of ,The Mayor— lwill-not. the balance-sheet for the past year was subTotal 265 15 11 sincerelyhope it will. The Editors seem to lookers-on had many an opportunity for a . .;. jCr, Henderson I merely ask what isbefore tion." to constitute a meeting. A siiscfiber mitted, that we impression be deeply imbued withthe " pro- of the past heartylaugh. Some of the crockery had a Audited and found correct, Feb. 2, 1876. . j There was no seconder to themotion. year, and for severalyeawprethe meeting.. Harry M.Marryatt. many shall soon have to solve difficult " Or. Tosh said he thought that Mr Ritchie narrow escape from demolition once or Cricltfglis— lbeg toproposeCr.Moses as a viously, on the ground of the small atten■■:-." : problems differ from those of , having had so much trouble, the Colonial twice when the footballwentin,the direction Prvt. M'Latcbie moved the adoption of the blems." The dance, adjournmentof the meeting memberofithe;FinanceCommittee. movedthe than in bulk in " which Mr Ritchie was of the tables, and the fair attendants must" Report and^Balance-sheet, and the motion more organised societiesrather until' the next Wednesday, arguing that the h Cr.Duncattr-I second that, Avith all the Bank— the Bank with simplicity of their in the quality— rather He also moveda vote of thanks ' connected should be appointed. He moved have had their nerves severely tried upon was carried. functions appertaining to the office," true nature." public could examine the balance-sheet tea time arrived, to the Treasurer, Avhich was seconded by surroundings than in their When " these occasions. Cr; accordingly. propose ..... Cr. Jones— l Stewart. New Zealand in the meantime, and that as there vere as The guide With such a oceans of this.refreshingand harmless bever- Prvt. Mathieson, jun.,and carried. motion, the Hogg which was :",,. ; > l second that. Cr. seconded Cr. several matters in the report of the;Com-.' Henderson— Sub-Lieut. Nutsford,resigned the Trea- |Magazine,' we have no fear of our ability to age, and piles of sandwiches,.cakes, andother mittee, i■ jThe votes being,equal, the Mayor gavehis carried. arise, upon which discussion might arise, a but delicacies were quickly disposed of,: most surership, and S'ergt.Dickson was electedfor solve the problems when they do ; ; , PETITIONS. attendance was desirable. It turned out large merely conjured .-. 'casting,votein.fayorofGr: Stewart. out of are they twelvemonths. at present j Cr.iiJ;ones protested against the Council Cr, Hogg handed; iv the following peti- ef the ladiea taking theirrefreshments in the the next that the mover of the adjournment had not ofthe Editorsof this consciousness shade afforded by the bush, the gentlemen The following were then elected a Com- the inner ofa<me.mber. ofthe tion;— :, .^procee^tjg'to.^he.election * ■■:'■■ .■-.:".■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■ spirits called fromthe paid his subscription for the' current year, acting as waiters. After tea, som,e more mittee for the ensuing twelve months : magazine. They are J.^Vorlps iCqißmittee, as ,it. would not leave , Balclutha, Jan.:1876. ..:. A Mr Stanford tells us in the first and Mr Lumsden ruled that, he had no right football; was indulged in, a large,number Lieut. Scott, Sub-Lieut. 3STutsford, Sergt. vasty deep. ,.pf. .;.them; anything to, do at rthe next;meeting. To the^Mayor.and Corporation Balclutha, is in- to be heard, It was'ih vain that, as a subGentlemen,T-W,e, the undersigned rafp- accepted: Mr George Jones' invitation ito Marryatt, ana Prvts. M'Latchie, Murray, part or his article what the magazine "r-Besides.yCr.! Ste>y,art/had, only resigned.yer^ payersiof the remainder scriber in the past year, in the question of occupies Balclutha,' wish to draw your at- ramble, throughhis large fruit garden, while Grant, Moore, Clark, and "Reid. $ergt. tended to be, and he a supporter,:;of #£, principle tentiotfto'the'st^te'bf Williamj' George- and' us it is not the consideration of the balance sheet.for informing in what of the article attempted a dance on the green to th> "Marryatt was elected auditor, a ,jOf.dpingjtHings.iin.a regular manner.T ,; ,--,.■■"> year he had a good locus siandi, iad that Charlotte-streets*.which,' whenever there^is a' few of the Milton brass band, of the that part, The latter Captain mentioned next Wedintended Danoibg The that operation . ,! ,V:, fall of; rainj-become,quiteiunp'assable, owing music of the Hospital'Ordinahce vras "" supererogation SPECIFICATIONS. of the piece ,to the water standingjOn them.,,; rm |-- on the;grass on the slope of a hillaeemeditb nesday-evening would' be' 'Commanding article is an excusable simply to prevent who persons votingin the" ejecgentleman, 1 of the jii iSpecifications for improvements iniShakes)-; ,.',We,would.also the reverend part attention. to;.the /be,ratherhard work, and it waSinotkeptup Officer's' parade; and that he advised many of on your draw f ! sent committee, were tion of a new who had, not qualiChaucer, Georges-streets opinion and peare, would seem to entertain but a poor 'fact''that, if ttie' 'streets were made,'gravel ■■Kiss-in,-. the^ring, appeared the Company toattend,' as they only had two < -■.:■']' Lcduldbe gotfrom'the river muiih'moreeasily: with any> spirit.; i The motion .We fied "themselves" ak subscribers. Town; intelligence of would Surveyor/ of the his.readers. tt\ini\>sXhe efficientin iittendauce ! ! great boom! to be a game that found favor withia'few; more chances to become ' '»w<fcdj& ■aojourawaj $#JH duly i &eep The Mayor— By-tlie bye, whereis Qeorg^ /than at present* which- wbujd'be amoney ■■ -! : lie toW for jjav« simply ■■■:■<■-"« contest if wss . W ;; iHxilh ,h^ and** th* fyn we&fc on,<oifo to % ratepayer* M soh Illy !-K«../;n< I.r> * -been;"spentivtthe"NorGnWard,~~we"trust] you, TonVl^ing _ -T^strefe't' tS^^'^^^^iKi^'^^ptwf 1 Council^ ( &:MWMfmb\itk be'^Wd . . ! 1 i'^' : ( ! , { - - inhabitants i r cigr^s^pre'parmg i^e I ■ . , r r — ... — : . . — ..., ■■ ... ...... .... . ...... ... 1 — — — ... — ... — — — — — . — — — ... — ' — — — „ „ „ „ „ „„ „ „ — . - — — '■- — — „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „„ „ — „ „ ...... .. ... ...... ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... # ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ..... ... ... — . . . - ■ — ■ ■ . . . - ■ ■^m^ihdU:r ■ - - ; \ ■ mfM\\s . oHwP^Wi^ — - 6' xs¥wssm®Ssft President: jref^^^^i^it^i^'j.aniTtr waTlSpi .,..,.,. _ 1<vr . ,. :-pui;-to;/'ttae,.ineetugiV.TJbe;aDimu8,...of.'.t|ie. THE B R U 0 E H inA LB. 7 Select ."■8YWnW j,J nirJfc-.~; Agaf6re\aititri(}t■ «djoiniugfßectipni 8 ;: r:; 9 and30and31: r;:^ , Poerty then,beingMturftlL^^a^cettaini which' jofr houaei have],tankeir?for the given.ex^u^^orm^'* mifd number^ of fain water. Keeping ih. man caii wofik,' and the niaterials to be NOTIDINGS. j collection intelimmediatje Used in the yrork are the view thpTabove, we ask ia ;-j ruler,and the object of his ruling, wereso tivedby34to23. : .there MSprb'uleihasiUeen 3command for;|trial.for The application .war referred te inc. /<iJHSiMfe6if.MAy'.Ca palpable that noone was deceived. The ex- iiicruelties I dingn'io this 'healthof tht communi|y j? ligence;'andpoweiriof observation. Thesp' k " to thie children in tKe Bandwi^k District Ranger for his advice. said, planation of the position of matters at the Asylum. of my loveto-day." question;ir.beßt^answered by tak'injg jinusfcjlbeie.ducatejd, i^P^9,y^f'r!E©?f®J e^dby "No tidings," she r That FOB LEGAL JJDTIC». APPLTOATIOIf j into consideration the plaice on which the mana, lat)pr And/toil^ a " Andherrfa'cß_w6fe siifjjehilftsorrow ; hospital at present, is this— in July of last A boy named Mogridge has been killed lat chide at the briefdelay? to, ,do, But why shouldI MrsG »odall requested information I* townihip ii at prtient laid out, and here first-class .bird. .iiWhatf one year, through repeatedbreaches of faith on JBLedfern bya blow from a cricket ball. J tidings will,come to-morrow." f a The of the-birds SlW^portaon! the^nftteiii/lStpleft^feoittrtfte then, executors under the will ii to give' to whether the that each house has in training, quarter we find a of the part of the Provincial Government to^ o; Canonbar Bank have been found jg[the of William Usher Gtoodall, deceased,, jin.acre;of,ground attached to,it,thu» pre| "food"knojvi^dge of re||eate|i "No tidings," she said, when the morrow wards the hospital, the then committee re- possession of a man arrested at Hay. | could deal with property lattly owned f t'j i?entjngi.overcrowding;,indi^6meq}i.e^ ;-j y: ; ;=" -a >l o Scame; \-> 17,0000zs lew to the was lastjtfear public, represent goldyi,eld solved to the matter The her voice had a tearful quiver;*t/ len^urancejoi; 10, block the'.l as And namely, him, j>ij^,?j sections 9 and . of ttxe the.' ! B»rth I concentrated previous year. Qand toreaigu^thei^trus^iia^order^rthatnublic thanthe gifts to perfection, and in Yet thought of distrust,p{ wrong, or blame, barque, Ltttken, laden with railway Lower Hawea district,* taken on deferr rtl iftndfatmopphere.,, V,.,-:',' iUv-'' tviT,"'i"..j.;'. I. bring its ;r ? rcaref is'needed.l^!The Entered her'braveheart never. action might be taken. The resignatjpn,was The of,the greatest so 9y^ar;t^iß.o neJ the payment. >most po^.nullaiid ; k accepted, and a new committee appointed. feetof water. It was resolved to inform her that the efficient BooK:^'Pige&irti/:'^; "No tidings," she said, as the months wore j on, Of this rrieWcbmmitteeItheTe were several The Queen fdisaltewe'd: the Act to enforce Board would not like to advise her in the fore, every householder is in possessionof the Crown, as being not suffi- matter. And her cheek was pole with weeping; Pope. natural" disinfectant and great percoa The and the members who made no secret of being fic- claims against Shah ] explicit to exclude the ImperialGjo1 The Shah 'and Pope "Would at my head there was laid a stone, A POINT DETEEMOTED. tl}en- ciently j lator, which* wilPfor a-number of years ' i were soundly sleeping!" te^taft^?^ verment. And beneath I f|; any danger which would''other- ;Y fejie ; medical superintendent, and their annoyance, The most severe galefelt O^e^^;i|iom^o' ' for years;was ex" Commissioner asked, jin prevent The Chief 7 ! ari%ccumji ? to literal }w wise* arise from' a,, tidings," B^iab&nei It djid regard to an application for an exchange r fromthe cgrtiiin'she said," of my love to-day— as might be naturally expected, caused the ■petlenced"oilr Monday ti^nsl'atton No waste matter.' no reason ipf.'thel'let^r'^Wnicfel.^e-^^H^causcd'.-tP'P6 A to-day^since weparted! . yJi to i-.-.iv.:.:; ] latibn of Thave resignation of that? gentleman. The special TnUohtdatnage. v "■: --a:-, of an agricultural for a deferred payment to, BUpposb" that the wells are- impure. to hMjHojinefls'.xecently. i .The The flowers are dying onbush'kni' spray■=— The drought inQueensland continue^ lease, whether the date of the application Ttfieireforey !atn! recommendationof the subscribers to the r English y^rßionfißi.fro'mjifcli.e! . ? Pattyr^ewsf : Why die not the broken-hearted ?" ho unopinion I df that Board To., his Holinesß, .pfipst iv^necabje;' and " new,cqmmittee was that in/ any new appoint-, "\ Tj.f." :-:■-;>-. ;■"" r-r'' ADBLAfl)B,,,Jan.f26.j or the date of the approval of theamount easiness or alarm regarding the health of most :illustrious r the,Pope, iMeaßUhrlike in Hush .' tidings at last Heis gone before— men^of^me&M'- officer^ wit^'a view j to anticipated.,jwith the reduced,expen- should be taken to determine the the people needbeentertained at present, characterj Awhisper has caught mine ear ;. 1%-iA dlikerthei" inhabitants bf j obviate complaint,one condition of engage- diture and savings,.that the deficiency in the of rent payable. likely any -dariger or serious is to that world.-May heavenly the hebe strengthened He'is waiting'for'me on the apirit-shbre," : applithat resolved the'date of practice It was £25',0b0: "private wflVnorexceed ment should>ben that wojild revenuepopulation While Ilinger idlyhere!" crop lip from the temporary want of;a by the grace of the' Lord.' T<>: us, animated of the Colony at the end of cation should be taken in charging rent;. The drainage or water supply; ( : byserttimenta ofjisincere friendahip therehas, not be allowed. A medical officer Syas enof system r.'" "'■"".* 'r.AtV' ] laid her downlike a child to rest, gaged on this condition, and he having been Two men were drowned in the harbor I do not write this with a1 view jof come the amicable and venerated letter;of She APPLICATIONS TO PTJECHABE UNDEB DELife fadedfrom lip andbrow ; endowments, ' ' angelic Holiness -ofa your * appeal "there is no ):> O; I'EKBED'PAYM'Effg^; persuading ;l fourmonths in the service,^made an. r- <v <f <fT \ the Council '■ itduiingiaboa't^raeiel letter written by you in the abundance of TheyTolded'her'handson the marblebreastsuch, _ to the committee to rescindjijlisrpa^tof jthe i None waitsjforthe other now. applications Vere necessity for is, a system ;' on the your friendahip, and confided to his Emiof theße A number contrary, I there or rather the neces- nence tlie hioHt honorable Augustine, Archcontract, on the ground)i that,his Hospital TELEGRAMS. approved oft f \&.y. " :. > '■' V{\'\ \ sity will besoon seen if the town'increases, bishop of Hereclea, your messenger,to us, duties were over by 11 Wclock each day. IDEALMARRIAGE. TO PUECHASE AT £1 PEB ACEE. and regular, closely built hbiises are together with gifts, dear and valued The secref VCjO^Sjptit'.Nwfien we know this ' Mr Robert application deprecate from the ; hasty distinguished' An erected but I would me- And womanis notundevelop'dman, pledges, and most of Wales is visiting Delhi. much. The parties, who, by petty annoy-, .ThePrincefight' M'Leod to purchase 25 acres adjoining adoption of any cr,ude, indigested scheme, morials, calculated' to,be.always a motive But diverse. ,Could we make her., present. 20,090 'iriefi were '"'" as,former A#a shant of the ' '"" the the'J'resignation : which must; necessarily be unsatisfactory to us to increase our affecaion. With a view ances caused' man, ,-iTtie ißajahvbf Cashmere's preparations for School Eeserve, BeDger,and il Jl by particular make; known, .every way, officer; ima|jned7ih;at' in a small meeting^ .to in Mr Eobfert i insufficient, , Sweetlove wereslain. His dearest bond is and, An application from the reception of the Prince are on avast and what consideration we should pr.ey,enting,,f(ny'^wcussion, they could this. ■:"■■*Patrick to purchase 40 acres at Bengjer, During,,the year there have been.regis. whatvalue scale. . .(. ,Tj%i j ejifts the letter and the of tp ; yop Not like inlike but like in difference ; river,north of section 1, tere.d 91 marriages, 10 deaths, ancl 55 accord the passing of a recommendation by thebody adjoining, Clutha '^ ; !^chbjishopi ,.,to[ Augustine, Holiness and jre -■■■"' London, Jan. 19* long-years, liker shall!they grow, biockil;■■■■' of 'subWrlbeik to allow the newly-eleqted births. In this we hayje anotner test as havereceivedthem yiith bur properImperial SJetjiin.the The man be more of woman, she of man ; to Congress Were referred to the Government to to the healthiness of the town. Assuming person, and we.have spokenin-the presence He medlipllip'fficw^o practice outside. Small as " Secretary Fish thas explained gain,in sweetness and inmoralhesight, ' the meeting was,the trap wasseenand avoided, that America.only asked the moral support obtain a report from the "Warden as to the population t6 be 1000, this gives a of all, as>waS'befittipg,;ofthe'friendship and Nor losa'the wrestling thews that 'throwI the was given that of the papers aa to Americanmediation'or the auriferous nature of the ground. death rate of 1per cent., thus comparing affection of yourHoliness for na. Besides, ; world and an, expression of in in Cuba. stopping intervention bloodshed we have deemed At inaddressing necessary, Shementalbreadth,nor failin childwaril care, veryfavorably indeed with any partof the PUEPOSES. the^nJefpxjiiSding, ' '^rifate practice should, be America had! never threatened Spain, and ;, LAND FOB QTJABBY letter,1 -to Nor lose the where deaths average'from tb you this amicably child-like iv the larger mind; ojir adheredf'to! 'l^he^iftnan.cial aspect of jthe allnegotiationshad beenfriendly. A piece of the temporary reserve, homecountry, and you joy ot»r -heartfelt signify to Tillat last she set, herself to man recbrdjed Of the deaths per ,j, 2to 4 cent. |of retiring the Com' (north side, July testimony last intimate satisfaction at this adjoining acre Balclutha matter is, thatin J^n 22< "■ .,";. .:.-■■. township, 5 were under 5 years!of friendship and sincere affection.accordedjto Like perfect music untonoble words'; ;given in the hand, railway);: in was: to the left a reserved for twain, time, mittee And so these upon the skirts of balancejof jabout ifesOO Wheat is quiet, 52s to 63a. age. Of 38 deaths recorded in the dis- us by yourHpliness-^agpeeablytothe.wishes Sit the 91st side by'^ide, full-summedliit^ll^tlieir and on the 31st December.the.same was T.he Australia Bailed on the 20th! ; the Matau Road Board, under Tokomairiro, 18 were under! 5 " of and desires of Holmess friendly your trict that powers, clause, at arental of £1 per annum. decreased to about £300, showing that the -Durbamleaves on the 24th. years of age. We have thusin the towjn- the delegatesof the Catholic nation, as also harvest, sowing the to-be. . ship a mortality of 60 per cent., and in all the private and 'individual members|of Dispensing THE BOAED'S CLEMENCY. monthly expenditurefor the past five months Then comes the' statelier Eden back to men, 20, Galle, nation, been, be, Jan. and shall as in had, inround numbers, exceeded the revenue The Botrd gave Mr William Hay tiwo the district 47 per cent, of children under that past, have springs crowning race of human objects of benevolence and, soito Then kind. the times The Sumatra arrived from Australia ion months to take crops off certain land,the 5 years of age— a proportion very mnch say, by £100^bmonth... . There has without the chosen ones.after the Ministers jof Tennyson. Bale of which it was resolved to -postpone in excess ofthat of the Home country.- our exalted doubt been a considerable increase in the the 19th; Empire, and. that they shallbe , , that time. I this rate to the heavy partly has arisen till after attribute list, but themaindifference highest objects in the measute the patient ': , ,-,.. LondoNj Jan. 20. 1;.,,, .. climatic changes, to the hurried manner of every kinjt of regard and: protection. Amusing. LAND TO BE WITHDEAWN. rint of 'the change made. 'As 1 hold the " The Cabinet has reßolved , to give. Count which houses are built of green timber, To augment whichregard,after theestablishin ■"""■» Executive, principle of residence and disallowance of Andrassy's The memorandum of the by us, note which are muchdesired of those support, ques ment, general a on the houses so relaand the sites cost Hundreds, witty various A frenchman defines indigestion withdrawing private practice, Iof course expectit to lands in tions of detailbeing reservedfor future conundrained ; the sur- tions, there havebeenpromulgatedby us and asremorse of the stomach, as to prevent applications for the built being entirely and remorse more than a partially honorary system, but sideration. . so governors aent to the of , -■:,■■■■. provjnoes, the con; /.'> face water collects under the house as indigestion of the conscience. regulationsconcerning rights, I fail to see the consistency of objecting to Lord Napier of Magdala has bee'n ap- same, was approved. formal the the sequently there is always a damp vapor protection, and the liberty of Catholics A Canadian Indian^haSr accomplished ; ... relaprivate practice by one medical gentleman, pointed Governor of Gibraltar. WAIKAWA BUSH. to the health tivelyto tb,e;r religious highly prejudicial , arisirigi is And. in fact the feat of running twelve miles an hour. army An increase in the Estimates belief. and advocatingits allowanceinanother. was resolved that Government be of the inmates,; and especially the chil- we regard the individuals of the abovenam'ed His wife chased him the first It announced. out. two miles, The scarlet fever seems to have died asked to suggest to the Board the name dren. Catholic nation who are subjects oi the 'how.eVferi- '"*' "' -f "; ->-: ■-»";■ <^U>i-'S. dry, hot and very has' been The weather ,,Jan? 20. of a Ranger for the Waifrawa Bush, so as :We can easily understand this, when PersianEmpire as a deposit con^ded to our One of the ~curious institution of Stow©, is natural, Mass., is* a <r and there areno present signs of rain. majority of French, senatorial dele- to prevent the destruction of the forest;. we know that there is no less than 11 custody,by your H^nea*, a^d, astlp,e The Three-Sc6re-and-Ten Sodeposit we <shsrge ovirse^vea ei^tirely with The'Jßev. A; W?. Stobo has[returned to; his gates are conservative in ruraldistricts,and COAST DISTRICT.— SPECIAL VALUE LAND. degrees ofheat difference between drained entrusted ; ta ua by yo&r Holiness ; ainpe \ve ciety,'} composed of eighty-sevenmembers , suspect soil. I that this ; and undrained charge, and received the orthodox welcome, republicanin towns. . your person as the gra.naest among over seventy years old. One of the at Marseilles, where The JSoard decided to offer at auction heavy mortality among the children is not consider and made the stereotyped speech, which I An electoral banquet disciples the of thaMeaeiah (Health to Him), members, a tedy, is 109, one 93, and wasprohibitbd. speakipg, V., district, Gambettaintended Coast sections 1tb"B, block to this district, but that it is and oft this account worthy of veneratidn. another 90. confined have noted you have already had reported. ; . '.. . . '-.....■ —.' . !< ."3 lately Held by Mr MXFarlane under general throughout the' Province of We desire that, thanks to the purity of yo[ur ■vAn American contemporary"gives Bombay, Jan. 23. the lease, as land of special value, at the ; heart, you do not' forget us in.yourprayers, following version .. the opening of a Latest Australian and Euro- The Prince of Wales has had a most gor- upset price of £3 per acre. The land is Otago. The; Town Council have, in the sewer- and that our relations with your Holiness well-known song :— of My mother bids me pean News. geous receptionin:Cashmere, The.prcfcessj[on to be sold in eight sections of 50 acres age, a very difficult problem to solve, may endure for ever. Written in pur royal hair, bind my but doea. not. tell me presented a splendid pageant. The Body each. Mr M'Farlane's valuation is Teheran, Castle of the month of Kabi-ivubwhich will become more urgent as time Sami, 1292 (May,1875). ;does she mean that piece on my which The Albambra arrived at Hokitika on the Guards, clad in chain mail, recalled the £3750. Meanwhile, I should advise them passes. 'were specially Crusade period. Places bedroom chair^ or my fifty dollar switch? ' r^st'instv' r^"-* TheBoard then adjourned. to communicate with the authorities of erected to witness the fireworks, and the Anhonest old burgher of Peebles was sewerage Rights. places at home where Children's landscape was lighted up for miles around. those recently enabled, by.some strange chance, NEWS. AUSTRALIAN Report from the Local irrigation is to a certain extent carried to visit Paris, and was eagerly"questioned out.-.Board of Health. Thefirst right of every child, is *o be well when he came hack as to tfye..character of ARRIIVAL OF THE OMEO AT THE have, Ac, , BLUFF. I born;and by this 1me^an that it has a right that' capital of capitals ; to ♥~~ 'whicb^ it is political'situation 'remains unchanged, The to the best conditions, physical, mental, and said, he answered that '"^Paris,, Stewart, Mcßean following jubfc report has been ? The supplies. In The Omeoleft Melbourne on the a' things a^d the^ Opposition still refasd moral, power parents that it is in the of the 27th of published by the Government, and, alMedical Officer of Health, considered, was a 'wonderfa* place j but the meantime rdewands >fpr payment are January, and reached the Bluff ; on the 2nd secure. . Without this the child deis To ;tlie Mayor and Town Op.uiieil of to being made on*he Treasury. ,Mr Tucker's inst. frauded of his rights at the outsat, and his still,Peebles for.pleasure." thoughnearly a year old, it will no doubt Milltqn. j life ca.n hardly fail of being a. pitifulprotest A Presbyterian minister, while marrymotion, affirming,,' the desirability of .a a majority of be of interest to many of oiir readers :— dissolution, against brokenlaws. Centuries of prepara-; ing a couple of his :ruetie: parishioners, Melbourne, Jan. 27. ." eight;,inV.a,;..thin House, but His Worship the Mayor, Milton,.to his tion fitted the earth for man's occupancy,' felt exceedingly,discbncertred on Jsis: "askr fourteen Carrier Pigeons. 1 aupMrte^;6pne frere absent/ There was no quorum ija the Assembly thus the grandeurof his destiny, and ! ing the bridegraptii ifhV hinting the Superintendent,"Dunedin. , Honor . , » « we|e'7.wiiiing to ..T&^^W^^^^l^m,?^nightto last night. The Opposition declined to make in an event of such magni- lake the womanW^his^weiidepi! suggesting 24th February,' 1875 L It has been frequently and vigorously tude as thethat Milton^ a wife by incarnating prevision of soul '^"molioM^fpra&jo took the chair. " Speaker wh^n the scratching his head and saying, 3Ay, his Sib, you I herewith bend our the as it is exercised, home," report that birds best con:I^i«port' v''plroglre«B,t:'^u';t^no,'^3fp:^Jresß of any a House contended should be and all the brbught forward J. iJ..Walshis to be I'm wullin',, ' Higin- forMr kind 'has bfeeii.^ft^..% EastBourke Boroughs in the interests from the:Medical Inspector heVe ; you termed, by instinct pure and simple ; ditions secured 'in aid of a harmonious and 'sister,"j ' ' but.-I^d.. ra^er.. .hae' T her health, j ..,'"''".'"'..' good habits,, Good favorable, happy result. nothing also, ■. Bee it is rather and I think has to do with Opposition-. of the . will that instinct his objection At the annual meeting" of the Hospital it is a yery fair report....,..,. . mentality, and reverent love should Itis seldom easy to see the.'.'niclden ai his;regionrpbhe "r B : their power of homing at all, but that the sound J Opposi- subscribers yesterday membersof form the basisof every hew life that is in- benefaction in that rwhich is an" apparent reach, toW uticonslitutidnHfaptic§ pointed he has their vof*tnß Thenuisances out have enables them to sight alone House to Committee were. tion in using._the forms" and a, vote of all been removed, so that we may; say for lofts. Various other theories have been voked. The mother who gives herself vp ;astction. A boy who jvas *<■obfirounding " , coerce,a -hostile majority, a.nd.M, the sairie:censure was passedelected/ to morbidfancies, who her :k,ea.ltft the mosquito was. jjoTct'bj his pastor that the, on members of Comwe am 6lectii: Iwish every started, as that they will only fly to the an excuse for petulance considers ":time and ftojiiesercise of " ' lie saysh.e ciaiinot 'supppirt the;.Ministry. mitteefor their action in the non-recogni- the present, : doubtless the insect are made with a town in the Province could say the same. north, but the true theory doubtless is, self-control, proves, h,erself unworthy of the .Sir Julius Vogei amve|;b;ir'ithe S.s. Sbmer- tionof the University medical degrees. .., «etshir€u ,M%prpceeds;^;B^'dne^r <en route We are forming a fire brigade, which I that itis partly instinct, and partly sight, holy ofjftce ofmother, and ought not to be good end in "«'vW,'* when the yotrag The Mongoliato-day takes a largenumber can't see ifc, whether it of passengers. think Iwill complete. We have now intelligence, and memory. J say partly surprised if she reap at a latter-day the scamp replied, I " .'■; .:/ofie';mail ,«tef jpjer !.CHina Jh"ayin£ broken A seizure of £2500 worth ,of jewellery thirty fine young men, all enrolled, and instinct advisedly, though probably many bitter harvest of her unwise sowing. ism v.iew'or not. iAt; any: ratej'l ' don't jffallie, and;been was,made on board a.Sydney steamer;on captain and;officers ; and laws are passed on reading thus far only would be ready . Second inimportance to none, as ameans of like the end I feel."'* _;;:;." >, ;"■■■*■ £'#q^si^%r#fte£ ' '|]^'^iU he at least" a Tuesday morning early, and has been'traoed and officers appointed. We are now to combat the idea. The mainspring of securing the happiness and bestj gclbd of A .tramping prijat^'on/, the ji-pnte .;;ff^mTOlfedr^"i«t''^^ childhood and youth, is \b& right to be, between Nf.w, >;4,^^A^'e,.,'as;she to a presumedlyrespectablefirm. week.', Nevv'bviii^, is purchasing an engine and hose. We bad the resolute action of the homing birdin taught obedience, "-"■: Dr;.'Langford is travelling through the Jt isi'easy to submit to';', ' is,no doubt, inevitable, and to the little '.accompanied,by his -iWife.^ iWheo^aaked .;"';!"■■?/"'--;."■' ■..-;,r;-.r what we is Mojaaay; colonies, to obtain an insightinto the various Captain- Wain at our meeting laßt night, endeavoring to reach itshome andhe gave us the best of advice, so that the natural love of home, which,is shared Guild the requirement of the'parentshould^e the other day by a country; editor, Jtjsvhy w;hp vras tp^ha^eiieft educational Bystems. , .-;itdl|e. h^earted around with? hisai remarked the Oineo to-morrow, , A. marine i^>r KeY Zealand,indeparture to I. ' is be established^ think we will soon have all things put in by all the homing pigeons, anfl this Ilaw withoutappeal. The tender^ ar^uarinn> for about a inMelbourne, £.$ far as one'can tell by being, shut in by the uiiknovfn, where every that she took him for better or:; wjsrse, right. has po^tppijjed 7|i,er on the model of -the' Brighton to term instinct. ''' '" fortnight, owing to the illness of » her bus- Aquarium. will perhaps be enabled" to gej; a careful i observation,, every homing; bird, relationis a mys^r'y and every advance ah' 'and,;; having 'had; a; gobcl trtjate'^pj' the ■": pand^She has been A case has occurred at Kangaroo Fjatj. t^e ;Buppiy by-and-by, Mr AMieVWderion' has a right to find itself every- latter, was ehqeavorifig to" find'bub where and then we thrown, endeavors to find its home a,t first. experiment, '" having tremfefidoiis MMd^efl/ies^here, and it is where' a priest has refusedburiakrites to a water where sustained and directedby the parent. the Ae(^vcauje 'iri.'- '- '■■< it Found (or regular stret'phes will! a our It neck as flies get sewerage, : so that \t% ? -probable s\te> ®ilt give one or;two deceased woman, because her children atIt should not be tempted to resistance by printing ?" exclaimed an old 1 health rate may get better. even if it pitches on some neighboring laws that are imperfectlyenforced, and. ppuntry tended a State School. , jnpre concerts. She' also' %&&'»s et^o." lady,, the other day, as she peepecl over to ascergetting apparent on well its endeavor very roof), Mr White is still in to l^re'le'aTihgrfpr']«e^Zealand.'?^ jected injurious d.isc^ssjon, the ,have ; .friction, improved from Id tqQata 9^ >T ' l^d with the patterns. Tour visit did him a tain which direction it ought to make for. by having a ageefcacles.;at the;advertisipg^page of 'a T"lfe*^UniTefsityfs©efe'reegfißillr permitting' sugar adyapced from ids to 15s. Ip^g i^st p$ r,eas.orisi' afee?country : 1lost in the developed This, -has 'been which is in every craduate',' good by bringing surely, vast deal of him into papier. ''Poor Job! they've " given for women to >* The. haMi of ream^em.en.t. -' bird, may properly be called instinct. Tt ftbe.d^enee jjo ijhe parents xn\a,f.'fee formed kept him printing, week..after week, notice. Coumiil^ s j^'previous 'questiidn being Waste Lands Bonid ,.^e are- stjll. keeping busy in' Toko- is the 'same with dog?., flafg, Vprses, before the c^ild ye^ra old, and this is a ever since Plarn't 'to' read; and if he * ro-c-;£:ffc c yeiteraayiidestK^^ a large portion cattle; ij;, is., in fact, o^i record, that necessary prec.e4eni of obedienceto law, the wasn't the patientest man that ever was, "Long riaay ijb'cpntjnu'e. "mairird.' (From the 'Times;') '^"^^M^wling's'stea'rinfeck'hdle fafiforf pn Yarra s.tsg£ os. s, true development. The child he^ever. could have stood it so long, no will a race^ was once" carried out with c^ts, next Hoping this will find' you well. I ■' b,a,s a. right to ask questions and to be fairly Bank. Tb>e lossts!estimated at £%0(®, partly meeting regular weekly the ■";.::... ;:;■; . fron} thejr how?1";.:. look in and*see you when I come to town. which were taken away L'ondon and fiae jLand? '"-"-''■in.sui^^ri-'i^P^tHy'^astralian; not to ; answered be aa were $ snubbed was held on Wednes'i'" Waste i He stood on a chair on the Campus am, &c, < every-day u{Lauc¥sKife'i : and loose. ia an I let <t .offices. ao)d^i€jtb'm guilty an impertinence.^ j^o* ignored as .iiLfip ..., James Goot)all. pcpurrenee,and it iswell knownthatcattle, thoughofhis desire at San. day. There .were Dreg#njr-^Tbs. Chief Qity' b'f "Mfilfcowrn^ "Arrived infornjation were of no Martins inthe dusk of the evening, ' " and (MLr '-"■ ''■'""" T.'Thp^isoDf' Commissioner J. int^ie His ifonpr 'the' Superintendent,Ejune<Jm. when escaped from a field at a distance a,a a crowd 'gathered he 'began: "Wine pn'thje 21s^ inst> ' ' jjot as if it did not misled consequon^k, ; I; chair, and Messrs Reidj Strode, Buttera !ojbarlet'fever isnbfyet' stamped'ioat. from home, will often beat about, until at qigaiij' whether true, or false impressions is ia drink i is : in; va'rious . parts £tfi wopth, Clark, and Baatings. «pid«4»ic has. appeared i^a,s.a,right 'The Lord made cold water— M'Bean Stewart, Medical Officer of last they walk into the homestead, ]$ut were made upon his mind. Mr Satan 'made r;; > " Health, Milton, to his Worship the though this We'caiiaiffi but i\\e napiffalify- is somewhat' GBEYTOWN^^^fCATioir.loii SECTIONS. i(uay cause all the to be taught everything y^ioh. h,e desires to whiskey !'" (Pause.) Let me tell you in^t^i when what I saw. Last night I Mayor,Milton, saw a' white" t!f-'r TKe'lsaljdlaiK b}rc|9' IH^pw^. at ope, time and place to learn, and to ija,ad,e certain, On the adjourned application of tyv w^ch'leftNewcastle 6n Dewithheld, t.Uj*« it is asked-|aif inrormation is homes, to old inaa at a4>ar. 'Ipleaded with respective reach their headed Inaccordance with yet James, Wilkie to purctase yoiir endeavor GEjfTLEjifEijr, 3, a,n,^ pretill he is older better '^section but.,b,e, was to my them all to attain suc- !pareddeferred block 111., and sections 4r to Block JI., request^ Ihave examined the township, it does not enable io rebeiye it., A^aBering a child's hicft ta.come away, $lled started, and done they have He a glass. with Jdje.adly reason satisfied with cess. When WQfdsi. resolved, every 4&mmW^ f#h&:! (jreytown, it was ; that a piecebe and have to be question is ''seeing*, the seeds of its futwre ' liquor, and as it went' in^%tegejrS^liery, ]bO-widen the street,and that;the the state- of matters disclosed by ;the their best to find out which way to go, charac.tei'.'— victoria Magazine, ' gurgling down, bfls dissented ta^eaib^ tbea »&§■ $anll ße rice of inspection. "to ran its cours.^ throat"! said to him Old than, t^Ou artinstinct seems have carried awayby<te£r feelings,ldtidly sections fee P P from the jttftfrnfcj'f&Jnera!. They were pertainly, in some few instances,things Then a^l' these birds h^v^ probably, i SajEjAJTffEBS' payinga viajtt tb/Din^dra are often * dead? He laughed a cynic^ *iau|h and . i^m^ediately^ t&"iM%mtPm^ the £12 10a each. arentft'as they ehoulcj. be.' Appended is an<f, aa IQb^ten'4, #ie s^ius instinct,' 'at a Wa' to fe*v what ia.-the best esfcabJi^ameitf h& cursed me— aye,-cur*^ the being who Serget|Bje^Arjas,t^ut/3Jwei;e,;epfimfy re- ! DEPEBEED PAYMENT LICEN3E|. , the'eame purpose, and |;o itb.vjsjfcibr, the p.grpliaaeol drap&iyaiidclothing, sought to save him »" (G olnmotion in the a list of the places where nuisances ejpsf;. have used! it' Hayiws/ and Co. ©fit* spec^'advantagea Cll wd I A letter was read from the District the I would advise that steps be taken to the same end. But now come upon, the Herbert, tlieipublic tiftftt '«(» tie ii>efc wifcb. nowhereielee Daa-n> ;)r "^amorning,^ dontiiraed jLand Officer,Lawrence, with reference to have the evils complained of remedied scene other forces namely, Memory, i:to, where the morgue,, ,the at afa,U !Kiey and was keep ya. Idates df notice sent'Hjb licensees informing without loss of time, as they must be ex* intelligence,^^ ooßorvatibn. "These en- o^stth?assorted atock ofeverytimeßtb.el««!«fsi of gooclft,' imola&9 r' e sjj. m|rb)e o^.the^cold r *)»a there them their licenses,.were ready for issue, tremely lea^iAg aaan«f*eta»>»-' ; B.trd'tpj remember tho Ip.calit^ea in porteddirect fromtKe ? ,Mimnjs^natter^re.^mMPj«ing.. ! offensive to those who live in jthe a,bj^ a;thaßflow^ I did not think that my words ol a,t hsp&H >*"<*s& b<»'v ,s *S- - slabs. and a)sp as to dates ofissue of licenses. immediate peighborhpgdj repognise before, warehoue^en "tea healthier tone in the share market.; ultiwhich to. landbrbughtLback to nightDefOre'cduld^e' vfili en'the bought -,g *Vuppn qq^ tes^s, It waa xeaolFe.fl that the date of issue inate]y Ijepame. da^pgerous to the health of marks it has'no,ticoß previously,- and which tirely f}<;MeiLyt|§Up9geK-j^j)erinfe^e^ * significance.'';^Crowd are to such awful me with §to*"':, ..,■■£""'/ ' fflft* °,f *~ w dead. ■/«■ r/^^!'i, .should be construed to be ,80 days ajfter \e com|nunity if allowed to coptinue. arenowpointed o.i^t'to itb,y a.n inteliKgent iSPPffe<*'SB!* I^lpo.kedj jthrough. value ascannot be e^uall^d- ■ drew:closer.) . "^ %aw ssk-■■.■TteHibernia,jKith the NewZealand cable natice/ ! j?ent f,9 ,.execute license. Every'article b,e^^i\ p.b.aervatiQn trade. ponsideration, j» covi|htry tieen to a of the in tae do naturally his leads of uouae door^and^rmyi-hesre^what the Aboard, passed Cape Otway. thisi.morping, glass was also resolved tnat'a ,decieion jyjri.clj the ouestipn of water supply and seyerat ft fixed price for ready »**-' ouock is marked Jfc aeen thkt the cold slabs 4\-U on one of saw th^a'^ I '^XYoung pfi^^i^mial^yen^eiha,d been afriyed at; on inaccurate! in- fjgPj an4t'^e Iminecjiate or deferred neces- Th^« , ~ no abatßment-^8 wevermade, you think itw;^ im^B*W -**"" , :$ money, from which ine?Mj" <The* nld m&n^h shouted J fa^as bo ffiattHemd6ft iheip%rieiiceiVbtiV their-gdoda at ib^fore l)p formation aa to issue --c jref ;^ injection erßJp4r 4ateof -of Ammonia sity qi baying sucli wor^q, from*c effects qf an twenty voicesin a chorus. "Myfnepds,' I :W^'P«>' ■"."" * "' the same prices as thebeet judges. Their terms -motive memory, the are— T 'as;4'e steppeddown, discount or reduction of coutinued the-nian, arp a few dr4iD| abeu? tb§, t^WPj gV-eate** -net without cash, ?E§E^E^. FQ» T^re ££±% piJIE.— ApjP.pi.GA.TyOS: c r intelligence, and the most, ac-i £ny'-iriHol.J C^'full'ee desbriptadabi jtb,eif|Btpck will "I didn't see a thing."— Several men i?SrWebb;*pn; oißnalf W^dricfe t>»* praet;ip§Uy a sygtem 9! §fmw» ?-' jrcurate power 6s-, bbservatioij^will,cwferis be found in an advertisement" on another page i» chased hini'WW'fcWe bis eß eape : paviJ!M } cQm.bow first. £be instpct, tWi papw,'— A»y?» 1 "^ locali^^ . 1 ; f i diaini'ißctantßiV^^a^uro^^here* ! ( f ' ■ 1 "■ <_<".-, .. ; - 1 — ; "".-; i;, - .. 1 , # 1 -■;i ■ . . r r .. secure I ' ( ; ; .. 1 1 "■ ■ 1 r ... — . — . : t ■ I'"*';1 ;i - j- ■ ■ ""' - : ... ' ■ t— i --— " "....-■ iT -«-■■——-* 8 ■ ■ 1 .. — ( ; . r '■' 1 l 7 ; l ( i ! p . ( f .. ri r 1 ; ! ! '■ 1 . f;; ! "V^itb^ r - ;i — '^ I^¥uruiK V^eDat^in . * i; J * ; — 1 ' : ° . ■ . ( f _ ( 1 - 1 l endowed t -*; - A . _ . ;> ci a. a m,k b: ;r o: u.ii a si: c t 8 s --- " Z ■';.* VyMrcpMs ec^omised/;;-V" .;! :^tM^eM,-;^ha.ynes;;^ ; ;-j /""iEOTißjiL' jpi»pe^;' Clptiiingi and Household . :" -r.a'^ViSBTISEMENT.^-! :,;-,^.u: 0:, | \JC at the'moist moderate'priced "■■? oy?uq,?"■■'.; STBAM SAW AND MANUFACTURING ■ ; ; r £ *1 vu[<?i) h'--W, -Mil *'■:■'■Ar- 'h"r h'tioiU' G" '" Vt-vr.)":<} "; ;: ":■>"■■■■■'■ i ( ? -..,"} „ '. ..■''■"'yc; i ■',''■''<■.< '.'■■.■■■■ r'ji'i'y.i " ''.■).■ h-"U-., .:■.'„■< '■■ beirigVdistributed at the€utting in th(B City, daily WaTehouße,;Princes-Btreet, Dunedin. ,■,:- j r, ,!j h .;.>:!/ .I;,:;;.-; a^\[ The,moderatecharges; at,which'Jthe ;verjr beßt, ■■>15-:'i-r,s:[^S Wir*:t7!T7r-r±v v> '"''■"'Wiß'^^^t^y'Wnoan^^th'ai'Hbe^pMißntf' clasees o^f,goods are being sold in the Cutting are ■'■■■■ .. 1 1 Tokomuriro^^'w^jthe^raraenls^o'f Milton and manufactureand.^durability. settlers ot^^Tofpmaiffiro Hn" noWj with ease and comfpri^pleasure and(profit;avail themselvesof '«■"">:; .."- .:;:,-.,:.;?-:'!.!i.?7rr"' .".-■; ! ;:■■ '"' ' ''";"'■"'" ■■"',"|"" . . . :, ,'. ' ■■'■' -.",■-"■ ■■""■■'.' ■:.;;<; .■■':.,;. '-^.y>-'- '■:/:.':., ....■■;;■"■".. ,-.:■; i. , j .:■-.,."'■'/■:. . .;,; ; j ! 1 - ... . - Lockfl r' Hhigea;' ; h 'J' n i;: "- ■ '■...■■ Bolts f <V' -Mouldkigii ■■■■'■ -v'iii^ui^fjß'- .■;.:.',;'"" :^P^e^ew'Tpbis'.: can really exquisite goods be s^uchexhibition in our 'spacious seen as are now on ' '; Show Rooms; " THOMSON, STRANG & CO. Turnery/ y f.h"Ropfingilrpn .■ ' : ; 25 Case^TTritriinmed Hats ' Oils (lubricating) ■■. f'y;\\i"[s vvP«ihV4c. Painta> Window ' ;; .' . ■:," Our Black Silks have earned a reputation for durability 'which can only be gained by. goods of genuine manufacture. ..^Ye .keep no other;in stock, andean confidently recommendour French andEnglish makes as, thebest productions ofthe , ; ., eilk.loom. . ' ;, :i I THpMSO^, STRAN.G & CO* .. ".. Glass, Paperhangingfl Brushes. : ' .' ", ; left. DtJWSTAN BEEWERY. COLONIAL WINE AND CORDIAL MANUFACTORY, ' . MonteCheisto, CLYDE. PERAUD takes the present oppor- JD. FOR MANTLES see THE CUTTING. visit THE CUTTING. NEW BLACK DRESS GOODS. Black Sedan Cords. Black Summer Cloths Black AlbertCords. Black Summer Diagonals Black Parramattas. Black Persian Cords Black Norwich Twills, Black RusaelCords Alpacas BlackDemi-Lustres. Black Wool Poplins Black Lustres. Black Real THOMSON, STRANG & CO. Black French Merinos. Black Serges Black Thibet Cloths. Black French Twills Black Lustres, 7|d,Bsd, 10£ d 2 cases Lace Mantlettes, &c. Cashmere do, &c. 1 New Cuirasses, &c. 2 1 New Crossovers, &c. 1 Uet Tabliers,&c. „„ „ „ Black Lustres, Is 6d, Is 9d, 2s Black Lustres, 2s 6d, 2s 9d, 3s Black Cords, 10£ d, Is 3d, Is 6d Black French Twills, Is,Is 4d, Is 6d Black Persian Cords, Is 6d, Is lOd, 2s 3d Black Russel Cords, Is 6d, Is lOd, 2s 3d Black Wool Poplins, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, 3s Black Summer Diagonals,2s, 2a Qd, 3a Black French Merinos, Is Ud, 9s 4£d, 2s Bd. . Dunedin in PlainStuffs or Fancy Dress Materials . Class— Beverageß. _ than we are now showing. Every conceivable , November 6th, 1875. . variety may be hadin everycolor produced, tosuit " -Ihave examined .for Mr J.D.Feraud, of all tastes. Greys, however, we find more in Chrißto, Clyde, Otago,two samples of demand than almost anything else, and when "/..Monte ' with the following made up fashionably of two materials, body Aromatic Tonic Bitters, sherry colored,arid No. checked and sleeves, plain, or vice versa, they ':*'result :— -No. 827 is a 828i!iii a porV wine red colored liquid ; they reallylook very beautiful. -> b6th^ perfectly"transparent, showing the THOMSON, STRANG & CO. »re "'""";-;i^tiritypf''the-iifB't8r and other subatanceß em;; .ployed in their-manufacture. " . RichNew Grenadines >';Iconsider the wines agreeable and perNew Silk Lustres , feptly sateibeverages, and when diluted with Rich Silk Warpa three,or four,times their bulk of water, they Japanese Silks MourningGoods. will make a good cooling summer drink. , ■ NEW GREY JAPANESE SILKS. Japanese Silks, £1 Bs, 14 yards Japanese Silks, £1 15s, 14 yards Japanese Silks, £1 18s 6d, 14 yards : , COLONIAL DUNEDIN. -v ' ; Best Value \.-: \ . ;'; syrups,. The fact is established,thatour scale of charges in this department is the most moderate in the Either inBulk or Bottle. City, and hence the very large trade we do in Sheetings, Flannels, Blankets, Quilts, Tickings, HoUaud/J, Diapers, Table Cloths, Table Napkins, oftheProvincepuncpart any Ordersfrom Table Covers, Curtains, Crumb Cloths, Carpets, tually attended to Matting, &c, ka', . THOMSON, STRANG & 6d ; __' ■ "ftw';-;^^ 'T -Vlpfl am,.. '. ;■ ; - '■■■r TTAy.Bon'liandiandto arrive allkinds of : ! I PO GJiepked Melange Serges, Lustres French PopHus",Figured, Mohairs Crape Stripes, Attileas MixedGlace Alpacas. ; FOR CLOTHING ' The Right Place is Farming'lmplements, viz.:— THE. OUSTING. VStogU^andi^oubie-furrpwjPloughSj ,'. |Brpad-cast' SowingMarines, . The^ the right pvipfl i§ |fche gpje ■„- Reaping Machines (manual and secret of the rapid growth of our Clothing Busir self/ ' ■; ;. ness. This department is fully stocked witha most -ii Ii-o:delivery), ./ . assortment of REALLY SUPERIOR _"' . ; ,-' valuable £i>ii .i-<3liifff Gutters/.-, (CJyOTpijlßrSj'jl,made expressly foi-. our trade,,con' ■"-.. yif -' goodmaterial andnewest cutwith extreme' "': ;-'' Jfl^iji'Hbrse-power'B, '■'-' ■■ "'\ ■■■■■■ bining moderation, ia charges... Qur stock of "Winter thebeatHome .:, Jilly selectedfrom makers.' C aret C .Qverepate,New Paget Coats, andNewP-agetSuits I ' ; .. ^ J ■" . ' unequalled,iv the City, :>j AJso, Tip-drays, aud Road-drays made :-£ i ' to is .vV v': , v? ?^:V : ■'' maInapiectiPn' invited, \ and'<-? all orders iO -^ !■^■nhiO^i . ..'.".; V 7£ J rr:: "^■- -V 1 v ' : ! AiN-,) r ji &,f^''J..{ " ■■■ >:S.U,^J?| :; !-;;fj" '■'■' a;wW§[q ; lOIU ■ J&r&^ft---'".; ; », fir: ; .V^)r<> { ; : '.' COMMB^CB P^iAUTICE AT MOSGIEL, The 'Cheapest House, in Duuedin is Gutting. . ..." : in the ■ v FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. IMPOETERSIDEAPBRS ■■"'■■■ ;""^\'. . l<\: HERBERT, HAYNES & GO., nr.H "..";":: ■■■ '■ " : ■ ; .-. CO .'.;?■«." 08--.! '; MEN'S,BOYS', AND ybUTHS' CLOTHING, &c. . Serge' TweedTrousers Trousers Vests Suits : and White and Fancy Vests ' Alpaca Goats Serge Trousers. Summer Overcoats Silk Coats Engineers' Jackets HollandCoats Serge Jackets OxfordSuits Regatta Shirts Dress Shirts Crimean Shirts filerino Underclothing CottonandMerinoSocko Silk Hats Felt Hats Scotch Caps American Collars Scarfs and Ties Linen Collars, &c. Note the Address— T . 4 cases Mantlettes, Cuirasses, Tabliers 1case Hyde Park Crossovers 2 cases Hamburg Net Polonaises 20 cases UntrimmedStraw Hats 6 cases Millinery Bonnets 8 cases Flowers,Feathers, and Ornaments b beautifulblack silks B bonnets, Babies' Layettes, Blankets, Bed- H A R D IE JA N D 0 0., Ooi'nei of 1 | PRINCES AND. RATTRAY-S REETS, covers I c cheap Coats (Late Bullenfs Corner), 0 costumes, Cuirasses, Carpet9, Curtains d designs in dressmaking DUNE D I N D dressing Gowns, Dress Fabrics, Damasks, 12 cases Dress Trimmings and Buttons 10 cases Hosiery and Yarn 2 cases French and English Ribbons 2 cases French Kid Gloves "c Diapers extensive stock of E english Tweeds, Edgings Elysians, Embroideries, f family linen F frocks, Flowers, Feathers,Frillings,Frisettes g great bargains in Q grenadines, Grey 1case Silk Gossamers 5 cases Frillings, Sets, CollarsandCuffs 2 cases f CambricHandkerchiefs 7 cases Fancy Goods 1case Ladies' Silk Scarves 20 cases Dress Goods Glaces, Gros, Galatea Suits, Blankets homespuns h H hosiery, Haberdashery, Hats " THE BEUCE HERALD EVERY OFFICE, AND BRANCH OFFICES, — J jackets, JapaueseSilks, Jupons, Janus Cords Terms of SxrBSORiPTTOir : 16s per half-year (payable in advance), deliveredin and aroundMilton. 18s per[half-year (payable in advance), posted or delivered to any portionof k kidderminstercarpets K kid Gloves, Knickerbocker Suits, Kaikorai Blankets 1 large stock of L ladies' LinenSets, Lace Sets, Laces,Lawns m made children's dresses M mareellas,Muslins, magnificent Mantles n numerous noveltiesin N neckties, Neckribbons, Nightdresses,Night- . AT THE BALOLUTHA AND TAPANUI. j juvenile suits 22bales Blankets andFlannels 13 cases Sheetings, Linens and Cottons 5 cases Table Linen and Towels 29 bales Carpetsand Mattings 21 cases Floorcloths, 2ft 3in to 18ft wide 25 cases Men's and Boys' Clothing TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MILTON, TOKOMAIRIRO, Cloaks,Improvers 9 cases Muslins, Grenadines 5 cases Costumesand Orerskirls " IS PUBLISHED Handkerchiefs, 1 infants' hoods |infants' Robes, Infants' Squares, Infants' 19 cases Prints, Brilliants, Shirtings PRINCES ■'■ Tweed Suits, Holland' Suits 6 cases Black and ColoredSilks by Mail 2 cases SummerShawls After inspection we can heartily commend this 4 cases Parasols andSunshades Houso to our readers, who "will find the goods Silk have the charmof novelty, freshness,and reputed 2 cases Umbrellas cheapness, and cases and Underclothing 10 Ladies' Children's 3 cases Children'sPelisses a any amount to choose from of 3 cases Caßhmere Capes A antimacassars, Alpacas, Antiques, Aprons 18 cases Shirts, Ties andScarves 12 cases Hats, Caps, and Collars. '■ DRESS, INDIVIDUALS AND HEADS OF FAMILIES. ,New'Zealandv Posted to Great jfritainor the AustraHan Colonies,4s perhalf-year, and to the American continent, 8s perhalf" year, extra. :":"".; '' 1 | Subscribers cancommenceat any date, and willbe chargedin proportion to the end of caps, Nursing Aprons o ostrich feathers, osprey , currenthalf-year. Q outfits, Overskirts, Ornaments, OrangeNotice to discontinue subscriptions mttst blossom be in writing, and posted, or delivered to the office direct, addressed to the Manager. p pretty pelliases p poplins, Prints,Pogets, Pants, Portmanteaus (Verbalmeasages to travellers1or agents will in nocase be regarded. This rule Trill b« q qualities unsurpassed in Btrictly adheredto and replyby circularfrom Quilted Petticoat, Queensland the office, notifying date of "discontinuance Q quilts, ' Shirts, and Q Shawls .. will be forwarded. Currenthalf-year ends June 30, 1876. w r retailedat wholesaleprices — R robes, Ribbons, Rugs, s Raiment silks, satins t, tailoring Russell Cords, Terms of Advertisino:— Casual Advertisements,. 3» pet inch first insertion; 2s per ioch each subsequent insertion (unless ordered for , three months). Standing Advertisementsfor three or six months can be arranged for at a liberal discount. Trads Cards and Advertisements, to appear for twelve months and over, withright to occasional alteration of matter, at stilllower rates of charge. Shirts, Sunshades, Sailor Suits, SheetS stays, ings Umbrellas,Unbleach Towels, U.underclothing, UntrimmedHuts v valuable variety of Vicunas, Vienna Cords Orders for Advertisements, if not accompaniedby instructions of number of. inserwindow; w curtains tionß, wilL in allcases be treated as standing W weddingOutfits,Wreaths, WashingFabrics, advertisements,and continued until written Waterproofs notice is forwardedto the Manager for discontinuance. ■;"■,,-.; x xtraordinary choice of Notice to discontiniieadvertisements1 (unDresses, X-mas Fichus, X-mas PreX x«mas less wherenumber of insertions,ismentioned sents. X:penses saved on original order) must b& forwarded, in writing, addressed to th.© Manager, y yarns at the ' PublishingOffice, MUton. V youths' Suits, Yachting Suits, YakLaces . .I. The above, yule will apply,to all advertiae7. zouave jackets inserted over amonth, or renewed menta Gauzes, Stripes,Zephyr : Z zouave Suits, Zebra any time. ; V velvets, Valenciennes, AND MANSE-STREETS, . BtJNEDIK. . f - 1 &c, Agents for the receipt of Subscribers name* and hew Advertisements;:—■"; Clutha Ferry, braaeh.,office, T-.;:Pateraon. Tapaiiui, branch office, Aj Braudigan. Dunedia— R; T. Wheeler^ StaffprdTstreet and J.B. M'Oulloch,Princes-street■"■: O, Coriiiill, E. England-^-GrJStreet, 63^" i"i'^:-r:^ ."„" f ■■'■'■ ; > : r Londonand Melbourne ' Sydney— Gordon aosd „ ,. Qotdi. .'-^ ; Copies may be had free -- on application ( at the ■■ ■ ... i:,;.,i:- OHILDBEN'S For improving the generalconditionof CLOTHIERS, OUTFITTERS, &c, . . '-"■ INDISPENSABLE NEW AND CHOICE GOODS BROWN, EWING, & CO., White Pique, Is 6dper yard Butt" Pique, S,pp.t P-jque PrintedPique, 2s 6d per yard PrintedPercoles, Is;6dper yard WhiteMarcellas, Is 4dper yard PrintedCambrics,B£d per yard Printed Cambrics, 9£d per yard PrjntedPafnbrfps, 10|d per yard Hoyle's Frinfo 7fdpep yar4 Hoyle'sPrints, B£d per yard Printed Brilliants,:9.|dper- yard . PrintedBrUliantSjlOid per yard ,_ ■"■Sonjerville's Shirtings, 10 Jd per yard, ■;.t: ARE NOW LANDINO- v uncommonly cheap WASHING FABRICS— SPRING,1875. Flemish Dres3"Linen, Is per yard Flemish Dress Linen, Is 3d per yard Seaside Grass Cloth, Is 3d per yard AntiqueDress Linen, 2s per yard White Pique,Is 4d per yard "■"-.. HARD ; "" ; IE- AND ■"";■-. ( X tweeds, Trousers, Trimmings, Tabliers,Ticks ' r Designating many thingsabsolutely necessary and requisite,and which may be said to be. OF ... . ■/ J'■»' IT IS AN ALPHABET NEW TWEEDS AND COATINGS, Brilliauts, pure Mohairs,Balormqs Taffetas, Summer Diagonals French Silk Repps, Grenadines 100 Toilet Quilts, from Gs 500 Muslin Curtains, sa" 300 Table Covere,'4s lid 80 Doz. Towels; Ss9d '300 DoubleSheeting, Is 4£d. :i;r.::; GsKßEAt 'Blacksmiths andlmplbmbnt ; "■■■ " Jn '-, * :yj r ' Ov ; .MakeeSj <■■/■. o [;_YBAB:iB76. ..' GREAT DISPLAY 25 CASES NEW DRESS GOODS. Costume Cloths,Matelasses Melanges, Check Challis Marls, Silk Twills Checked French Warp3,Beiges IN THE CUTTING. ;;;/ : ; J. D. FERAUD. 'J.'.-;i =;■'■'■'. :1V...7b. & Va. k\T)J), ..V ; iV VETERINARY SHOEING FORGE, ; / ■; .-■■.;-...■■■ All of a Superior,description, and in particular exceedinglyModeratein Price,in short, Japanese Sijks, 2s, 3s 2d, 2s 6d, 2s 9dper yard In Bannockburn, Cheviot, Henrick, Galashiels, Figured Japanese Silks, £1 13s, 12 yards Blisse'sDoubleTrebleMill,andMosgiel,(atfactory Figured JapaneseSilks, £1 18s 6d,14 yards. prices). West of England and YorkshireBroad HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. and Narrow Cloths, specially imported for our Tailoring Department. FOR DOMESTIC GOODS YfINES, CORDIALS, AND ! CARPETS, AND Japanese Silks, £2, 20 yards < JAMES G. BLACK, Provincial Analyst." ■;.■_- MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, : . : ' ":■:;:;..! " tastes, a; EWTNG AND CO., 6 cases Summer Gloves 2 cases Swiss Embroidery 3 cases Laces,Nets, andFalls HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. FORDRESS MATERIAL try THE CUTTING. port:— M University,Duriedin, Otago,New Zealand. Laboratory. No Larger Choice can be had anywhere in ,:" ' ; , Muslin Curtains, 5s per pair Muslin Curtains, 5s 9dper pair MuslinCurtains, 7s per pair Muslin Curtains, 9s 6dper pair. Cocoa Matting, China Matting Hearthrugs, Doormats Wool Mats, Felt Squares ' . ■ Tabliers,Sleeveless Jackets Ribbons,Feathers, Flowers Frillings, Collars,Cuffs Hat Trimmings, Turquoises Gloves, Hosiery, Laces Beaded Yak Laces, Ruffling Falls, Embroidery, Handkerchiefs The many Novelties which havebeen produced in theFashionable World are well representedin our Mantle Room. At first sight some of them seem very peculiar and singular, but a closer acquaintance convinces that they are not only triumphs of art, but really beautiful and becoming, when consideredin connectionwith the style of dress now fashionable. It is impossible to describe them here, and we respectfully suggest to the reader a short trip to town, when, with every attention, we shall be glad to show the many new things that are out for the season. :" tunity of informing residents of the NorthernGoldfieldsand the general public, that his Factory being replete with every convenience,;he is now turning out an article . not to be equalled. AROMATIC TONIC BITTER WINES. , The following ia Professor Black's re- ' ;:: HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING, COSTUMES, MILLINERY. Skirts, Bodices,Unmade Tasso Linen Dresses Tassp Linen Polonaises Print Morning Dresses. Bone Dust for sale— only a few tons AND 00., -' PRINCES-STREET, completely New Brussels and Tapestry Carpets the' costumiers having improved amazingly on -former productions. Between the arrival of the Tapestry Carpets, 3s Hid,4s 9dper yard morning, and leaving;of the afternoon trains, we Kidder Carpets,2s lid,3s 6d, 3s 9d per yard can suit any Lady, with the latest style of dress, I Felt Carpets, Is 9d, 38, 3s 3dper yard. fitted and finishedin high artistic fashion. THOMSON, STRANG, & CO. NEW LACE CURTAINS. NEW MUSLIN CURTAINS. Fully Made Costumes Bones purchased in any quantity. '" of eclipse those of any former season, MILTON BONE MILLS. TJROWN, FIRST EXPOSITION season is immense. For style and get-up they Buildings erected, and estimates given. ■ , The variety of Costumes we are showing this Hurdles, Gates, &c. Ac M LADIES' AND HERBERT, HAYNES & CO. SpedalWedding ')Qutfits Choic^ Marriage Silks ElegantBridalBonnets HaridsotaeVelvet Jackets 'LadiesTrousseau Complete FOR COSTUMES . ' ■ ; ; NEW COLOURED SILKS. ColouredSilk Dresses, £2 £s, 15 yards ColouredSilkDresses, £2 Us 6d, 15 yards ColouredSilk Dresses, £3 4s, 15 yards Coloured Silk Dresses, £3 10s, 15 yards ColouredSilk Dresses, £3 15s, 15 yards ColouredSUk Dresses, £4 ss, 15 yards ColouredSilk Dresses, £4 10s, 15 yards ColouredSilkDresses, £4 15s, 15 yards ColouredSilk Dresses, £5, 15 yards ColoruedSilk Dresses, £5 ss, 15 yards ColoruedSilkDresses, £4 10s, 20 yards ColouredSilk Dresses, £5 10s, 20 yards. "" Gratefl--;-.' -"-■■"'■'':■,] place:,{ THE CUTTING. - , FOR BLACK SILKS I -. ■■' " "■'. '; /■ i. a^ii-j-. .{('like 0 -i .; . Colonial Ovens , .^Skirting ■" ''-<' " :h;u:n -;.^;ii-i -:.-r .*" 1 Being:adapted to. new times and ; -,perusal of its contents is worthy ofserious con' " rt sideration. It does not profess to representeverying in the Trade, but1willbe found to contain a large numberofuseful and desirableArticles in : 148/^^6B8 in puriedm 6 Oases' French Flowers s 'Cases FancyFeathers " '■■"." '2;Gases HatOrnaments «.";' 2'Cases Millinery Material , :( :■;> GLENDINING; i i J^ILIiINE^Y ' Window Furnitnre '"' PRING AND SUMMER SHIPMENT ■ |5. Black Silks, £2 Bs,,Dress 12 yards 6.:Black Silks, £2 16s, Dress 12 yards 12 yards v7. Black Silks, £2 8. Black Silks, £3 3s, Dress14 yards 9. Black Silks, £3 12s, Dress 16 yards 10. Black Silks, £3 18s,, Dress 12 yards 11. Black Silks, £4 103, Dress 12 yards 12. Black Silks, £4 11s, Dress 14 yards ; visit THE CUTTING. " 13. Black Silks, £5 ss,Dress 14 yards FOR .Black'Silks,2s:6dper yard Millineryin good taste is ;a thing that eyery Black Silks, 2s 9d per yard Lady can enjoy:and appreciate, and nowhere else "■ Bafhes" ■ ,'Tot\'st grniiae&, ■qttie'Vrxbl&o'pmtig'the ■■"■>". J - HobartTownpalings, - Wire Nails saud6>eet *:h '~'' ■■ " in the best choice, havitfg been cireftilly selected ' '^a^nised ,, ■■. t f 1 f; The' j^ock T>f 'Summer Goods is verylarge arid ' Home Markets by a) ibuyer of very largeiHome " ; 3STail» ■.' ■ Shej^iig^;, ,:,'j?'/^; '. and Colonial/experience,!with?a view to a large Town. and. Country ptrftde/;- and as the prices the-moßtKmoderate scale, money Deals, &0., Lead Washers, : charged.areon cannot be spent to betteradvantage than at THOMSON, STEANG & CO.'s. , !Ewbank, . Cuiy "and; .^.rßlueGum ; ■" : 3 ; Spouting ■ ' ..-■■) \-; ) :., ] y NEW BLACK SILKS. , i &«* v thelarge choice.tojb%ha.djnjsieCity. j,:j., .,.:.;?, ..;,;;, , :;.;;,. "; . a handeome three-. .j-N0.,,, .^.Tjhe.^Catting i-W^arehouro, Colonial Timber of every Description : 'pforej'edy where that, 0 in 1, Biack.SUks, £l:,Wß\Dre,BS;l2yards c .; |"' ; budding' street was"cutJ thro'i/gh Bell^Hill^;offers: advan- l Biapk.-:Silks, £1 -13s, Press 12 yards .' ;.2.f b\y^ J^fa^^'^B^ap^-^:v.Ridi|se^pping '\ /, " .^ges-fp and.Hb'uße'Furnishings'i^wliich are riot exceeded ,_,. 3.. Black Silks, £h ,15s, Dress 14yards, f 4. Black Silks; £1 18s 6d,;Dress 14 yards ';■-''"' \ . ''': ij'^ja:')ji ;>"■-,!<■>■"("; -mU l,r :.'■}■> ■■■■'■" I : by any]pl^bfbuißin'esi"m\tee-;(Caiyy 1 ? ' l . ■-■■'■■"rPZ.'i; \ TT^IRRPATRIOK, } liming ■ ■■■" 1 tis tb'sell B O R G E, W T L S O N, "daily'iirawin'g.'to' thi's Jestablißhment ariuicrejised; state oi';the'-'BaifSiM!Market 'amount; pfpatrbriagefrom* all'parts 6f the 'Prp^ our standard^qiialitws' of Black -Siiks ati'cdnsid<jr-. ably Lower Prices than, usual;" These Silks'miy :rßaUw&y^conimunication now eatablished yaof excellence 'bVielieci oi for perfect; purity; distance, ..between, Town and tually lessens the '" ' " ' ' " DUNBDDT. ADVERTISEMENT. ANEW AND POPULAR ALPHASEIJ 1 ; * DUSBDJN AI>VBKnaiBMENI.V " FAVORITE ESTABLISHMENT "-- ", '" / -° F .., ,'. .' '"■ ".. ", i ' ' : 'DUNEDIN, ' v:':' . - Travelling Agent and V Tri^i ]^r^l rAuthc^ed^collectdr;;;;! "f /X M ; Printed and 'Published' V&y,, the,, JoBEPH:Mi.CKA.y, residing opiiofliteilus' Begis* t*r«d Stream Printm<.Offiw,, Main 'South Bosd, Milton, County of Braos, 'in' the Pnwinoe of Otogo,New Z«ow«U— SVbrawy 44 1876,