MR s iT^V1 ET
MR s iT^V1 ET
The Bruce TATTCRT. WATHOIiA. Herald. SOUTHERN CLUTHA. GOLDFIEiiDS, AND DISTRICTS REGOEDER/, Viii. TOKOMAIRIRO, TUESDAY, (Publishedevery Tuesday and Friday) Vol. VII.— No. 624. "HITE 'HORSE HOTEL, CRITERION HOTEL, MILTON.' MttTON, » E T R s iT^V M Inthankipg the for ,the liberal patro1 CROWN Public F. 3ASTING# H*O TEL, f Balclutha, r'jT " ... ... ' *£. v ill!*" S Proprietor.' nageaccorded'to her, begs to notify £hat,,in GEORGE TOWNSEND, Proprietor. j^JF.B. Respectfully begs to inform the addition to the already woll-knownj^pmforts the, Trade, of TravellingPublic that he has takenpossesto the increase of this Hotel, she has lately just Hotel has above old-established sion of the above Hotel, which he has Bathroomarid Lavatory, wn'ere^rHneconvenience of her patrons, Hot, Cold, and undergonea thorough overhaul. It hasbeen thoroughly renovated throughout and can Shower Baths'will be ready at all seasonable re-papered,re-paintedand decorated ;several safelyrecommendthe White Horse to be on alterationshave beenmade for the conveni- an equalfooting with any otherHotelin the hours; Wines, Ales, and Spirits always on tap of ence of the public;anextensive additionhas Province fur the comfort and convenience of the quality for which the Criterion has alsobeen erected, which has been set apart each and every class of the community,as entirely for the use of Private Families, becomefamous. the wants and requirements of his patrons Extensive Livery and Letting Stabling, Commercial'Travellers', &c. will be the Proprietor's sole study. The apartmentß havebeen so arranged as attended to by experiencedgrooms.l" The Stablingp will be found to retain its Buggies, and Saddle and Harness Horses to suit the convenience'of all classes of the ' ■ travellingcommunityindividually. always on hire. former reputation. SampleRooms for Commercial Travellers. Billiards. Billiards/ None but thebest of Liqueurs willbe onthe One of Alcock'ubestBilliardTables kept. ' THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, premises. t ' '" , N;B.— Cobb'a line of Coaches arrive and Maut ' South JRoad, Liquors of the best reputation only"kept. J ■ -, depart as usual. M" I ti° T O N, ExtensivePaddock Accommodation. Yeend'sSouthern lineandGobbVCoaches rpRAYELLERS to andfromDunedin will -*- always' find Ready at the White House TN thanking my numerous friends and the arrive and leave dally. -L public generally for the liberal support Hotel, Taieri Village,a goodCup of Tea or " " LIVERY, AND BAIT STABLES, business commencing in' j by Coffee. received mo since his begs G. T. inform respectfully to ■"' Wines, Spirits, andAles Tokomairiro,- .1'beg respectfully to inform unrivalled. Friends and Old Patrons that he has have just "taken possession of the Stabling in connec- ' , the travelling' community that I AMOS M'KEGG, Proprietor^ tion with his Hotel,and assures them that completed another extensive addition to my none but trustworthy and attentive grooms OF THE WEST HOTEL, Hotel, consisting of a suite' of Single Bed- will be kept. OABEIOKTOWir, " Saddle Horses andBuggies always ready, rooms, Private Parlors, Hot, Cold, and Horrigan ..Proprietor. Th'os. for hire at lowestrates. < ' Excellent Accommodation for Travellers'and Shower Baths, &c., Ac. Boarders. Horses carefullybroken to saddleandharI have afso'added StablingDepart- ness. Best Stable (built of stone)in theDistrict outside of Cromwell. ment, Abbott'sBuggies (single and double), Balclutha, 2nd January,1873. Carriages-for Wedding Parties, and Family H O TE L, HOTEL, COMMERCIAL Phietonß,- allnew ;'whilemyHorses reqnire ROXBURGH, Peel-Street, Lawrence. ■> Proprietor. no comment' on my part. P. ORMOND addej|a,4arge wa 4T> OWING . ' ' Atago . #^'^%^ BUSINESS NOTICES, BUSINESS NOTICE * HOTELS, &o. HOTELS, &c. HOTELS &c, AUGUST 18th; 187^ timber yards, findlay-and 00~ proprietors, til WJ— CAPSTICK, ■/'"■■TitJTJJffi. & "-,j.-,h"..^ v.^:, V,,.w.-:.' ■.:::' /■■rrggaaap^ {0. GLENLADY STEAM SAW ANfcf^ f ;^'" ;' '"iuVi'lO'-'iljil 'jthSyVi':- oj'.oet SALE^arMknd full-assbrted Timber ans*Jft|&ngng Material- of every :a :B :N"iJ Sf .description. , . Stocks j:hollick, „. ."!" AjGifcT^, " " " ''" f ". -ft^ijj ToKOM^Klltbr'l _-;.-■ '.- '- ..■■.■■-'. H.T. TimberandPal- Am.'ClearPine . ."■ 1 ings Architraves' ■""" Graft, Ac, &c.-o c-o Storagefor H.T. Shingles Skirting and MouldH.T. Posts and Rails /ing Agents for the National Fire;and' Marine lied and White Pine Laths and Pickets Insurance Company./, ';-. Black Pine,iTotara Spokes, Naves, and Felloes Kauri and Oregon. B, A R T V, T. and G. Flooring &Roofing Iron H N Nails,, and, and Lining " I Scotch"Flooring' Washer^. .0 A-";B : r X H T B B Kauriand WhitePineRidging; and Spouting Cement andLime '." Plaster,pf-Paris W h:x:ji1w a <* Baltic Deals WeatherboardsGlazed^ Drain Pipes B'ALCLUTHa Am. Shelving Glass &c, &G.Lumber & T. ( \ Building Materials andFurnishings. Doors, Sashes, and Casements made to order f Turnery of eyery descriptionin Stock. TA M E S M U R AY ! Packing-cases made. F. and Co. beg to ca.ll attention to their TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, newly-imported' 1 Mi BAND SAW AND BORINGMACHINES. ;/ : MILL&f ANB^OEt^^ t ..: p^pifiS^^ " A LARGE Stock of Building Materiallror ■" — f^inch Featherredgeddressed Weatherboards " 6 do_ i^ongued-and-groovettLiSing^[~~ ' "jto A 9- f Q (Own Manufacture),, 6dd 1J inch ) JO ; . -^^l^-^And - „ p seasoned. .^::,^ a ! A G -Q HrE S| '"" "' ' f C, -- .r. r noli3j;a j; '^'oifowf--''*I*!1'*!' "■:■■ . ■ ■ | ' ,. ' v vi Ofjße^^n^Jy^^eriOT^cifeWwSl - ( r . L ifT'b^;:^: ■ OtagoSteamSaw and Planing and Mould,ingMills, Door and Sash Factory, .Stuart, Cattle, auA Cumberland-sireett, ~] "Ql DTT^BDIN. Illustrated Catalogues on application. S^ . OOAOHHS Leave the EMPißE^EroTßL.^punedin, for Tokomairiro, Balclutha', and' Lawrence, ain-street (corner of Ossian-street), ' .; -v; >;{';■ All Work entrusted to S, C. wjill receive, prompt attention, and thebest workmanship JOHN S. CAPSTICK, N^^^N-D-MiN^ET^'Sp I' OLE GG, V EiE /n FT DDLFBANP ARNEBS TITAKER | SOX7THEEN LlNil"''6w everyom]orningat 9 o'clock. i Leave Criterion Hotel,Milton, for Balclutha and^L^v^ence-exery_day_at-2^o-prm. Leave Crowji iHoteljTßalcluth^^^or'latirtoii andDunedineverymorning at 9o'clock. E A A NS- Leave Commercial Hotel, Lawrence, f«p " Near the Bridge, Tokomairiro.% Miltonfand Dunedinevery:morning'at 7.30. j_ OE'COACHES , ' Leave Criterion Hotel,Milton,for DuHedin, From Dunedin to East and West;. Taieri ' (late P. Pord) r.y->every lli3o.i;;ri!<;;i day I .., v at Jl .■■■■■. ■""■:"■■ .Leave as follows^ viz.:-— ' rr i,d; IJirrrr) cr"£>:£ h':!.~.l* ;~~" ; Accommodation for ■ ,r,; Paddocking Free u> i_s':. Daily, W WEST at >.' vCarriera. TA^ffißl H.,"y. takes this ppportunityirpf^^thauking^pi 8.30 a.m.. returning' from theßuck-Eye his friends Qh the Southern Road for their mHOMSON AND "V|"A<"DONALD Hotel1 West Taieri, at 4 p.m., arriving, Übetal;support, and|wouldaska continnatidtt v of the same for himself anji.Mr«L_M?NEja» > -( in Town at 7 p.m. who will, w"th himßelfj' ;drivo"tKrougK.""to^ GENERAL MERCHANTS, On and after Wednesday, April1, 3874, ., 'Lawrence an Balclutha onalternate days. BALCLUTHA. TAIERI FERRY tb DUNEDIN— Leave ARMSTRONG, Agents :..Norwich Union Fire Insurance the WLiteHouse (M'Kegg's) Otakia/ at 630 Proprietor. The comfort ana safety of their Patrons '; a.m., arirvingat the JunctionHotelat 8.30 wilL Society. nPIHIS Hoteloffers First-ClassAccommodabe the sole stud} of theProprietors. -*- tionfor Travellers, with ?;ood Stabling and Danedin a*lo a.m.. o'clock >;*:,' Unsurpassed Accommodation for Travel:'rM :,i. "" HOG G I YEEND & Leave Gridiron Hotelj DUNEDISi; fdr ■;--'or Horses. lers, Boarders, andPrivate Families. ; Proprietors. IVrAKER, the White House,Otakia, at 4 p.m.Dafly. Wines, Spirits, and Beers of the Best TTTATCH & * ' ALCOCK'S BILLIARD TABLE. A ML AR EN AND 0 0., Brands. A BilliardTable on the premises^ (Next Eyrie's Store), LargeAssembly Hall in connection with Wholesale,Retailand Family Butchers, the Hotel, suitablefor Concerts and Public ACI FI C HOTE 'L T> BALCLUTHA. . Entertainments. Milton,Tokomaieiko. " J "■v v 1 (CornerofGreatKingandSt.Andrew-steets), -vtutsford N.B. Families in and around Milton Wines, Ales, and Spirits of most Celebrated T. BUNTING, Pbopbtetob. OH N EL SO JX. Brands. WATCH MAKER AND JEPULLER, Having leased the Victoria Livery Stables, Waited on daily for orders. Rates. at, Superior Accommodation Reasonable MATAUBA BRIDGE HOTEL. MIIiTON. Prices Strictly Moderate. from Mr R. W'lliams, wishes;to ;inform the - :■ '■* -'.- ■■ ■';; .■ :" *jl Wines and Spirits of the Finest Brands. public th? t hehas accommoda+ion for horses' JAME" S. REID, -..,;; Stib-Agent for Singer' Sewing Machines. secopd to none in Otago, with a groom,in EAST SIDE. NOTICE. TX7FTOLESALE and Retail Butcher, " " TOH NSTONE AND WILSON, attendance night and day. *1 ' BALCLUTHA A L L R S H TUT. d Millwrights, Engineers, and /CHARLES HUMPHRIES/ late of the arid Single- Buggies. Mrst'dass rouble Oreti Bridge Hotel, would respectfully (late of Waverley andRoyal George Hotels) IMPLEMENT MAKERS, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddle Horses on Waited on Daily'for Orders. informthe TravellingPublic, and his friends begs to inform her friends that she has j * '■■' " ' '" ' Hire. Y. A' " Familiea MIITON, TOKOMAIBJBO. _j j ' generally, that he has bought the above resumedbusiness in the Sorses carefully Broken to Saddle and J7 AITANGATA COAL, COMPAjNY YORK HOTEL, All Orders entrusted ho them will be *-*" Hotel from.Mr James Pollock; The Pro, attention, ; .;■'"■? utmost and Harness. care, treated with the prietor trusts to obtain from thePublic the whereFirst-class.board and residence can be punctuality. obtained, on reasonable terms. The above M extensive patronage his predecessor has F:. a■ -E L D Offices : CLrDE-STREET, BALCLUTH^X Hotel Jhas undergone great alterations, and iND KIE hitherto received. Are prepared to receive orders for .Goal at has been put in a thorough state of repair. CHIMNEY SWEEP " AND ■-.■;""■." their Mine, Kaitangata. : :-, ; ~ Wines and Spirits of the Best Brands. N T G H T M .A N, First class comfortable Accommodation George Street, Milton. Price on and after sth February,12s 6d^ . for,all, including a private suiteof apartN.B.— GoodStabling. r,EJN SSAL STOREKEEPERS, per ton cash. All drays must pay; i ments for FamiliesorLadies and Gentlemen. " Orders punctually attendedto. .' delivery. guaranteed. HAY, CORN, BRAN AND CHA*^ STORE, "1/rJ/R Sr, ST STAR ; D,Jtf - LINES' l D^FNEDIN ; J , OSMOND'S. - - Solicitingpublic favors, " am, &c, I W. L. PHILP, ' Proprietor. JAMES p OO D ALL, BHEAD AND fJISCUIT BAKER ;KAIM BOTTTHBOAD, MH.TOW, TOKOMAIRIRO. Inthanking the Inhabitants of Tokomairiro and surroundingdistrictsfor theliberalsupport which has been accorded to hinWfor manyyearspast, begsto informhis numerous friends and the public generally that he has made a large addition to his.premises, and is* now prepared,to give much greater accommodation to boarders and travellers thanhereto"' fore. *' ALEXR. M«NE^ , Ui^^^^« rjn — J - .. * ■ r , V/ ■- Wedding Cakes, &c, made to order. Contracts taken'for. supplying Soirees, &c. -Accombdation forBoarders. PMVATEf >BEDBOOMS f08, FAMILIES. . ' Meals at all hours. CO-ITMODIOUS^STABLIJWG. "" JAMES GOODALL, " c Proprietor. _______ of thebeat Brands. TTOTEL AKD BAKERY, Mainr^Sottth Roab, ' Tokomaibiro. i ALBION Wines,-Spirits, Liquors^ Cordials, &c, all LE S'LIE'S rpBMPBRAH QE M. R* " Cobb's Northern and Southern Line of Coaches dine theirpassengershere on Tuesdayß, Wednesdays,Fridays, and Saturdays.. "[lf Proprietor. PIONEER BUTCHERY,BAKERY, AND new premises are now completed^ and'trusts that his^endeavors to provide comfortable accommodation, with closeattentionto business, and keeping wines, spirits, &c., of 'the best, tie will, merit a continuance of' the support hitherto so liberallyaccordedhim. -Private P&blqbs. 1 " , . , ■ ■ casiiJ<M^ ; ■■-- HELENSBROOK FLOUR AND OATMEAL MILLS. , DBAPKKS AMJ> PboVISIOS AiBEOHAKTS, [ ■ :"-. ' SOUTH BPITISH FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND,. LANGE, WITH Propkietob, Tj^REDERICK ... ... £750,000 UNLIMITED LEABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS Clinton, Popotunoa. and Marino Risks taken at lowest current rates, and losses promptly FIRE Store in connec- - ■ , ."■.:..■■; '■?.-. ; brvi'yjys ? »-.v f-:-sTy .. Ji:fcl Secretary ; J ,E RA I G & G/JI ' S/ his customers for their support, begs CABINETMAKERS -AND .J' ', t ay 1 UPHOLSTERERS, \-;;.['':? ! to intimate that having completed the refitBeg respectfully/ to inform'the ,publio that' ting of the mill with new machinery, he is they haveRemoved' to* their ';A'l now prepared to do Gristing and supply . ■ -NEW 4 vn ■< quality" first as usual. Flour of the George-street(close to the Octagon.) ,' ". , He begs to notify that having erected ; Oatmeal-making Machinery imported from NURSERIES, NORTH -ROA% DSVERf' -■■ ■■ ■ ; -^cAitGiLL; Edinburgh, with allthe very latest...improve-, ;-!: mentsj and having perfectly competent hands employed,he has no hesitation in offering to supply a really first-class article^ The Undersignedhas forsale the^ Gristingflone. Oats takenin exchange for wieaj. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ■iNL/orA6d!! oi EDWIN N LEGGE. -*-'■■ BALCLUTHA. " R. GRIGOR, TIIHE Proprietor, in returning thanks to Capital First-class Livery, consisting of Warm Stables, Good Attendance, Kind Treatment and Care, together with thebest description of Oats, Bran, and Hay -fodder always *on hand. Quiet Saddle Horses on"hire for Longford, Switzers, Toi Tois, or the surroundingcountry C°' .... ; INVERCARGILL, MA V O , HEN R V GROCERY. begs to informhis friends H" CAMERON and- the public generally, that his T^TT OT E iT, Deb-street, MATAURA HOTEL. - r .. I F. L. having opened a aettfes. tion with his Butchery and Bakery, is Alcock's^ lest Billiard Table. f EDWARD MARRYATT, T>RINCEof Wales Hotel,Dee-street,Iriver- preparedto supply theBest Articles, at the rpflOMAS^ BIR C H, Ranging 'from 1year tot 6 years* old, at,, HEJGH CAMERON^Pkopbietob. cargill, Powell, Proprietor. R. XT Agent for Tokomairir >, -] : ';',L'tlI/' WINE, SPIRIT, AND, GENERAL Superior accommodation for Travellers" Lowest Remunerative Prices. "■ TerlOOliu — TO B\:iLDERS, RAILWAY* CONTRAC- and Private Families. Sample Rooms ' /~\N SALE, by the Undersigned Per1000.......,.;;;^i1C!«;^ : TORS, AND OTHERSPrivate Sitting Rooms, Bath Room, Bil" MERCHANT, v;' 'v.'o;i Htm woajl >! liards .» ;.>-:tWCT<. ; -oi* ' qs Finest NewSeason Teas '" GLAZED STONE SEWAGE University Buildings^Bond-Street, N.B.~Th (Oldest Established House in 7'""-" ~! ■■■ . Ais<Wt- t STORE, TTT White and Yellow Crystal Sugars ;; AIKAKA -K r■' in be Supplied PIPES "will at fhefbllowx YEARS'IpLP QUICKS, ' ' Clinton. .*M -56i0G0 THREE Tobacco, Soap W aikaka Diggings. DUNEDTN. „ _ > At 20s pen3JDOQ. tt t> 3S g ng prices: %/J-;-i \ Kerosene, Oornsacks gTEAM TO PORT MOLYNEUX. 12 inch, 2s p-r foot TO LEND, on Freehold TyrONEY Flour and Oatmeal -"-* ->s 9inch, Is 3dper foot Thomas in' Sums from £100 /upSecurity, Proprietor. Hbntee. ' ■> ClothingandDrapery jp"EE.STREET, 6 inch, 6dlper foot , ]< wards. ' y 1Boys' Suits and Men's r 4: inch,id per foot DONALD,REID, . An extensiveand varied stock of Groceries Ironmengery,"Crockery, Saddlery ' ' Drapery, Wines,tand Spirits always on hand. 3 inch, 3d per foot, ' Steamer, LAKE, OF THE Solicitor, "'LADY Stationery Produce and other stores atDunedinprices " Wholesale and Retail 18 and 16 inch'made to order. " runsbi-weekly, and willtakepassengers , Milton. withcartage added. . , Boots 'and Shoes, ' BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONEBS, Goods delivered free to all his customers to and fromDunedin at reduced rates. Malt Kiln'Tiles/ Oven Flooring,Tiles, Fire ' FIRE, .LIFE, ANDIn the T7TI C T O'R'l' A District. ' . Princes-street North, Bridks,Fire Lumps, Chimney Tops, 17s 6d.' v v Single Tickets./. ■■■■■:'".-'■ "■" " ■',■■' ." ■':'- ■'- v.noH GENERAL INSURECE CO. qualitiesguaranteed. good and " prices Low FlowerPots,- «fee.' p-; i.,- :n.,,..: ;:,-; f-.; D:--u..,N;:,E, 1 Return Tickets 253. " i Good stabling, and every attention paid " ,£2,200,000. ; CAPITAL :. ,' to horses. *s. T~WQBM~W in ai^ quantity. c ' Goods delivered free in.the township. ' Agent forDunedin, BALCLUTBA, .rj " Agent^fqr ALEXANDER ' - AROHBAED, '' " X q.?. REID j ' Apply to -'ii , ',-''; T>UY YOURTsPEOTAOIiES of HQjSg; " x GEO. WILSON, "' " Q^'W. HUTCHINS, AjZ General Merchant, and Nautical- /Agent fof fPort Molyneux,i' ' :; '■■ Mataura, Milton, Instrument Maker,Bond Street Dunedin. ; '■[:"[■[; ■':■;■" 'V'Milton Bont Mifll. Chemist and Druggjflt, WM. PATERSON, ' ' t SALT — , — - .- .m.i..^^. . *** . ° - t - - - r t THE ■ : \ . - - - . : BONPS T^Hp 3 BUGI HEIAL D , 2 , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS/ NEW ADVERTISEMENT. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tuesday, As^st^lg^ls74. NEW AD,VERTISEMENTS. A Case of actual Cremation fo be ableand willingto canvass with m8 the necessary arrangements for carrying out in JLondon. DUEINa 3MAT,JUNE, A JULY,1874. our scheme. .As a result of our deliberaDriver, Stewart & Co,. CHEAP BOOKS ! ' tions, Mr vCh^mplin, an of ;, (Clutha Bbadob.) The following extraordinary communi- Upper St. JameSrStreet, wasundercaker ' called in and „ Figaro,' theLondon (says cation ofJune CHEAP BOOKS ! to providentwo coffins, an inner A NEW AHD mrBIVALIiED STOCK OP MEN'S 6) was sent to usin epistolary form. We instructed black, tin, and an outer one of oak. have maoh pleasure,in intimating one of prefer to give it in its present shape, 'this, he was to make a packingthat V^tre haYe^eatabliihed a pLOTHIN&,DEAPEET, TWEEDS, , CHEAP BOOKS! rather than relegate it to 'Figaro's Besides enough to contain case outer large Stock, Station, Branch of our and General "Letter box." We have made no coffin, because, as X told him, itthe wwas nay WINCEYS,BLANKETS, FLANNELS. alteration inthe MS. Hereand Agency BasineM at material ON SALE. fXN HAND, Large. Stocks of the folwe,have excised a word, or ovena intension jo bury, the deceased /at Eensalthere7 r & : SHOES^ green Cemetery,' where her late husband CiX]^?S,B(C)QTS lowing SALCZPT^A, ' '-----v FURROW PLOUGHS, by G. sentence; but this has been 'done so already.lay. .,This-packing-ease waß : y%:■::. '■'- :AMD.':'.>-■. .^- "■"-'; to^be_;r ;::^. l.l\J ; . I practically, Murray -that, Burns'sPoems, Is, 2s 6<3, and upwards the document Royal Unpler thetMariagoment of sparingly W. and Co. The "made', to resemble,an ""be; and strong*, "to Agricultural Q-EKEBAI HABERDASHEET, ;_r Society England of haveawarded maybe said to be reproduced verbatim: Tales of a Grandfather, complete ; x box of commerbe. The reason 1 this plough the CHAMPION PRIZE for "Long before Sir Henry Thompson ordinary Mr r"::'^:^:^:. ''S'"\ON'BAiEBY -"-}■-.''-■---"-■:■■—. Dickens'ff Novels Ghamp'lin {or requiring- this" sevenyears for superiority in every respect. published his celebrated brochure on "g'ave^to : ThUBranch will bo prepared to supply ST E Longfellow fcGOl, wasj people had prejudices about that by hand or horse cremation, I to work had endeavored to bring the " ettien with General Stores, make advances , PatentThrashers holies, and -1 was anxious that Byron dead power. public, onStaak^Wool, Flax,Grain, andother Prothe but in vain. I subject before BAJLCLUTHA, =i ■■__.' vporters^ and "others, ' should5 Also, Wordsworth due*,upon Idberal Terms,-and to conduct. " could not get a hearing. So far back as railway, ' not know that they —were liftiDjr Steam 4 12h Stationary Engines, , p Land, and General JKirke Whito to Stookj AuctionSale*of 1831, I wrote letters containing' details :: v ,. MUI Stones, MillBills, andSwiss Silk follows xeixfairis" of-humanity. As/he had ii draw to the about the ,, TlTEfteg to attention ;f v-7V7r-;.7;: : Milton to of the , experiments "ft^ioe. .y of Barnes '| VY ":' ing list of Superior Goods newly ; ; v Times/ himself gone ' through ' ' BlastingPowder, Lubricators the;' details of Sheliey Hardware, ;Holloware, and General Iron- and to Perry of the Chronicle but Iregistering death, Tided, whert^pitoduce^of^every:description added to ourfirtbek":-^. -was,1 of course, he th'e> obtaining not even succeed in could Gjoldsmith ; mongery. willbe revivedand forwarded for a merely with .this explanation, Cement, Wire Nails, Rim Locks, &c, &c. interviews withthosebashaws of the daily perfectly satisfiedABEEDEEN WINCEYS— ,'i~7:tJJ. :^ !-, ! ' nominalQharge.y ,^-, t Pope' ' difficulty ingeuiag.the body --" V : : "'■ x _ Ji -l-'-K: i:b'-i-i ."■ -.' Theiewas no' Pianos, .-■' ■ ?' insertion procure my Harmoniums muchless of press, ■■ AgenWfl>r theNationalFiBEAirdMABiKE (A splendid assortment, at all prices. : Keats to London and on the 20th of ' Fencing Wire, best-drawnannealed scientific communications. Iwas very conveyed ' were in my study, in Montgomery Cornsacks, Woolpacks, and Twine April coy wif^and I ■j . time, at but lam free now to the " „M -DRTviR, STEWARTand Co /.'* ' , Campbell ' " ' SheepNets,' 50 yards^ 4 inchmesh with'the remains of Bloomsbury-sq[ukre, ; :r Bill, -" l: that the Reform the Beerbelieve ;'' -:'" V,/---' ' ; Dress Sergesj ,executed for machinery, agricultural house Act, and Poor Law Amendment so bur dearAmother before us; We had perYoung bhv>nfe>&!■-■''*? i>;>Kc:n7 : ,.'>;;Dunedlitt.'"'7 :, Reps, ■■■.■"■; '"_ '-- ';- ; , '. "'^:' J , ; implementsand generalgoods: " ; « BEUCE,HEEALD" OFFICES, engrossed men's rninda 40 years ago that fectly succeeded in evading all suspicions ""'\ orßusselltCbrdSj \ ;' .' Xa ■■,■::■ '~ ■! L EA.N ;.,'. %t^HltnA'c Merinosv there was no room for a fourth subject, ..of our intentions. At Brighton it was Rv-B. MARTIN AND CO., Tokomairiro andBalclutha. ] ! .; -. Ginghams, importantit might be. These re- supposed that the deceased.would be -:" however *~ i Dunedin -GENERAL >y 'i. sT- s"Lustrea,ll -. ' '^- o STOCK, STATION; ANDr , membrances make it quite clear to my un- buried in Kensal-green. In London there qTTSBFUIf- BOOKS FOE EVEEY agents, ■"■^iT r n : Mohairs, was nobody to make inquiry. We had Milton, about almonth derstanding that Iam one of those unfor- received OTEAYED/from StripedSkirtings, ! -. .Holdjiuction salesas follows i-— the key of our house froni the have lived " Enquire Within Skirts, ago, a Bay Draught Mare, brandedS tunate men who are said' to 1 \i . . .Wincey '""Mantles, clerk. .There wereno servants house-agent's AtjKewlCattle arid?Sheep Yards;Kaikorai J before their time— discovered ' who have \' ' .^ shoulder, dark points, dark; mane and , near Soyer's Cookery ;; —Every Wednesday,WU o'clock: ; trouble us and now that we had got ;'■ to grasped mighty truths, yjackeias^ and and and ! novel tail, white star on forehead. The finder worn out their At West Taieri— Last Tuesday in each the,body,into my study, all difficulty, was ; .-: Mrs Dalgairn'sCookery .^ in endeavoring lives to " ": /i.i ;Costumes,' ' "" ' " month, '.">*.>-,.„, '. ."" . Wrappers, a^ Apply Bruce Herald bring them before the appreciative notice endecL Ihad tried my.apparatus again ) Mrs Rundell's Cookery r will be rewarded. At Henderson's .Lower Waipori— Second " { ■.-' .WqollenScarfsii ■■„■ ;, : Ultimately, and again in days gone' by, and t had , of their fellow-creatures Gardening All about Office. Thursdayineach month/7,. 7 >r 7 ;~ : ':: L 'Waterproof.Tweeds "" v and age by disappoint- every confidence in that. Of allkinds of Fatand Store Stock. ' « when bowed down Neil's.Flower and'KitchenGardefa ": .Collarets, .; \.~" -r £ ,-.;. .■: , ': * ' theory PEESBYTEEIAN ment, I find the pet of my youth "At one end of- my study— rwhichj by ■^^/-^-gei^Vv Jackets, TgNGLISH Knitted Beetdn'sBook of Poultry the demonstrable experiment of my thebye,,has very much the- appearance of -77 - .'■ . !j Handy Book bf MedicalInformation ' <v,-rPelerene-Setss y-u| HYMN BOOKS, : Trimnfed' Hats, manhopd brought,betore the public as if a laboratory— l have a stpne .Egyptian ' ' :" ; :i ■'"- ■■-'■- '. *-■ Used '; : WotableThings 7.; Mind, H ats,Presbyterian sarcophagus. Untrimmed. the of should! It but there Otagoy '"' something, Churches it were new.? ..1' is^veryjarge, ; ■'■■■■" -/■"."." 4n — - i Things ITot Generally Known s .".,.";■;".'. .^"6iß /: '.:SA:L-iB, Ribbon Laces, 17. FO .:._■".; .\i not ask ii merely to say what has, already, are some similar- to' it in the British E, : R SAL "" > Flowers, "i., 's ;; "■„■ ..ii . ; ibomestic "VVorid / .'"'...../-/". been said. T'am -<iurte':/c6*ntent''tb*':lbse'all' ikuseum. Into the interior of the : vri' -I *itih r "Gloves, . [.....r-. --,-".:-.--- Jl " ALL SIZES AND PRICES,: j withr the, ' ::; as ..the anveritbr of >English bottom part of this sarcophagus, p'< .?; ■I";"' BowsandChains. 7 r.; ;^ BEITC^ HERAIiD OFFICESi Trunminga,'^v''- J^ """ :; aßßißtarice''6f my 'wifeV''Wef:lifte"d" lihe'"'tin'" Henry Thompson; Sir is ■■. ; " cremation. &C' OFFICE, «fee, &c, :. TokomairiroandBilclutha. *\ Apply to welcome to all hisbays, forme, so far as he coffin, j*Then, with a hammer' and^chiseii; , . . .,..., \ , .-,";".;■ .;' ...Milton. . has won them; but; inasmuch as 'lwas I cut off: the tin lid,,and was -happy too, T> O OrKS FOE FAEME^BS-^ WH5^ 7 ' fi "? in,theory,,I I MEN'S &c. r. of to find that there were little orv no '.signs ;of;; years ,'■' ' lWi ■4:0 ahead him want Syv,;Vis TONES, -DASCH & S^\ 0., The andBurn' decomposition CompleteVOrazier, " Jouatt in the body. We now considerably : that I am. also ahead of. show " Soits^BpysJ and j^puths'Tweed: Meri^Tw^ed have crematedthe body removed the tin case altogether, and laid him in practice. I Suits,' Men's Mosgief Tweed Suits. _A Sheep, their breeds,management and diseases , ' Brokers and General Agents, of one who, in life, was hear :and dear to the remains of the departed along the STEEET 'FIEE. >, i" 'cheap lotof Men's Tweed-Vests,Trousers Bracy Clark^on the'Foot of theHorse ;then, CHAMBEES, TEMPLE me, andair that remains of her is sealed in bottom ,,of the sarcophagus. I . Joo&±(> iii-vjtk^*f* v-;:' n->s-v '■-■ and Coats,(to clear^ Bedford Cord, Cotton ' Touatt on theHorse " :PKtNCES:STJEIEET, ' retire,but shedeclined. advised wife to my .vase ' a small but beautiful that forms the . '■ ,»i ,*,r»'i-x ■-,"-:'"' ■¥ -■■■"■■"7r:-"-' J" Cord, and Mole Trousers, best quality; Agricultural Enginefering fSeeingthat she took such deep interestIn only ornamentof my study. \ DUNEDIN-. r\ ..OCH^Riffw^B1 1'!! "-;""! . *> >' Pilot Coats, Inverness Capes, Waterproof "BETJCE HEEALD » OFFICES, the matter I did not further, press 'heiv>tedious, and no "It would be serve r ■"■' { "Alloa Socks, Knitted had the lid of the scarophagus .W»«iWj(i''^.^Jj«' ■"■'■■:t ''"';";[.; 'ali^si2iesV TokomairiroandBalclutba. ■pRIVATE BOARD AND LODGING goodpurpose, if I I. had you CoatsV to trouble were ; Begs to intimate^that^he will cariy on Drawers,MosgieLParitsaridSKirts,Fiannel i.'JLparticulars 'of the crematic opera- aibtached to a coiiple of pulleys suspended withJN YEAELY for a* Young Man. Apply from the ceiling, so that I could easily cheapdotof;.Crimeani tions that I have at intervals conducted BUSINESS (until the rebuilding of his UnderShirts,:afiiOXtraTies, it at will. My chemicals, were adjust Braces, timid,' performed how, first, I was and Shirts, Caps, ;v " " Hats, at ,',Co^ars_, .r:. .volumes— , BRUCE HERALD OFFICE. :, had Staffdrd^S«eet }(P^inis^s) in pat ;STORE Belts,and numerous other.sundries and only on an unfortunate ; rabbit', or a con- already carefully deposited, and I London Journal previously applied lard plentifully t<i> ther gaining by cat, demned until confidence opposite Hope Streets, and wares. of Walker small Corner ENGLISH ADVERTISEMENTS lowered the Leisure Hour' practice,I cremated the body of a pet ledges of the sarcophagus. I .w,ith the ■■: .-Vi ■'..'.' contact of the inanition.; upper lid. The died from It Sunday at Home goat, that bad TWiiEpS, BLANKETS, &cl v to ledge lower caused lard exude'all" the give full willbe sufficient/,''"-I think, if I Sunday Magazine itomb was, round, which showed that the Bimple crowning and details of the Mosgiel. English, Scotch, and A large stock of Spurgeon's Sermons hermetically sealed. IMPORTER OF— experiment of my life, the cremation of practically, 7 Tweeds -..-, " Three days 1 Good Words Clothing afterwards, thatis on the Boys' for Atiihesame Cheap Tweeds wife's deceased mother. my CLOVER. SBSEpfif'/^'^r' ".> "X V- All Wool Tweeds, for Crimeanshirts British"Workman time, for the sake of perspicuity, I feel 23rd, in the presence of my wife,I raised White, Bliief and—Scarlet,Blankets, all sizes , Child's Companion 3S[p observable, was give particulars bound to a few brief of lid. effluvium the ' DINNEFORD'S FLUIDMAGNESIA arid qualities -price's veryreasonable They appeared andthe OFFICES, receptacle "BEUCE HERALD" will be interiorof the my domestic relations. . ' Carpet and'Diced Bed Covers Is the great remedy for found,I am certain, not to be absolutely perfectly empty. With difficulty ,we Tokomairiro and Balclutha. White Counterpanes Acidity of the Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, irrelevant. In the winter of 1835, I 7 COBNSACKS was collected as much dust as fine as wood Bleachedand unbleachedSheetings Indigestion, Sour Eructations and Bilious 0. -0..A t.O professionally, called, ashes, and very like them as would'fill WIRES v . -LinenTicking attend the elder to "*.*BOOKS— Affections: pOMICAL double, gentlewomen, living -"' :' Ticking, :: width two in Cdram Hessian of an imperial pint measure. Thoseashes IT IS THE PHYSICAN'S CURE FOR "'^tfss^a-vii;vurSHESEErirBa!S;' BrownHolland Brother Jonathan's Best-things " GRAVEL, street. I immediately discovered that were, and are all that remains of my wife's GOUT, GOUT, RHEUMATIC ■; ■%£.; of Logan combat. ■deceased mother, and they are, as Thave DOUBLE-FURBOJT.,.,:, PLOFGHS :AND LiningSelisias TheLaird had to AND Ali OTHEB COMPLAINTS OF THE BLAIXDEB. poverty was the disease I White Calico, Grey Calicoes,' single and And as a safe and ' gentle medicine for Infants, I took a deep interest in their case, and before stated, carefully preserved intheMark Lemon's JestBook FITTINGS ; double width ' ; '■"""■Delicate Females, and for the sickness beingmyself, pecuniarily,independent of vase the dear departed hadherself proChildren, -^--'^o^ codliM Dr Syntax's Tour White and.ScarletFlannels of Pregnancy,Dinneford's Magnesia is indispens- my profession, I secretly contributed to vided for the purpose. --(Kries andMitchell's make). , ;; , .Bath; Coating , ■;,■■<■ " ■-.:'■■ BookofHumorous Poetry able. 11 was consequence , their necessities. The White^Plaiding,' MosgielPlaiding now, give you all and And to the formula for by Druggists Storekeepers. Sold TheBanver's Papers" Alloaand MosgielYarns, Fingering Yarns N.B. Ask for DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA, a speedy recovery. 'Nevertheless, Icon- this experiment. About two-thirds of the Berlin, Wool, all colors; "BEUCE HEEALD OFFICES, married weight of thehumanbody consist of water, and use DINNEFORD'S Friction Gloves and tinued my visits, and eventually I Sole for— Carpet Druggetings,-Damasks Belts. ahome for the and in the remaining third are found daughter, provided the and TokomairiroandBalclutha. Nicholson'sFatenirtßeapers and. Mowers KBMPTHORNE, PROSSER, AND CO., CocoaMattirigj Floorcloths,HearthRugs mother. No children have been vouch- phosphorous and sulphur. "Water is a / Dunedin, GIFT BOOKS— Allen's"Foot-rot Ointment. . ; safed to me, andit is not to be wondered compound of oxygen and hydrogen— the Agents. Wholesale at that we three led a somewhat excep- one a combustible and the other a supDEPAETMENT. Magic Lotion .BOOT Williams' RobinsonCrusoe never porter ofcombustion. It is a well-known tionallife inBloomsbury square. I MARAVILLA. COCOA. sought Ladies'E.Si. Bbbts Ttie Brownie's, and other tales Williams'Horse.Embrocation to make money out of my .pro- fact ,in chemistry, that potassium and TAYLORBROTHERS Boots . Lace-up Ladies' Harry's Ladder to Learning ..■■:<.--■ ._ JWflliamsrEye Lotion (the largest Manufac- fession,and my practice never became sodium; if brought into contact with Ladies Hoxise Shoes Little men carpet turers of Cocoa in Eu- large. By degreesmy wife and her mother water, will make 'it appear .to .burn. Ladies' Slippers,leather and ' rope), having the EX- took great interest in my scientific pur- It does not actually burn ; but the Girls' E. S. and lace-up Boots , Infants' Amusement Boys Copper-toeBoots CLUSIVE Supply of this suitsi and, imperceptibly, as it,were,, affinity" of the sodium or of the potasThe Playfellow, by Harriet Martineau * '■?, COCOA, imbibed my views as to cremation. ■■: Watertight Men's Boots UNRIVALLED " " sium for oxygen is so . great, "that Swiss FamilyRobinson miffil&i^G'' and" "general Men'sElastic Boots invite Comparison with any "Early in the month of April last my they seize the oxygen of the water, Men's Blucher Boots Gulliver's Travels other Cocoa for.,.,Purity- wife's mother complainedof ill health. A M COMMISSION AGENT, 1 arid in sp doing leave the hydrogen to -Sanative, Nu*Gum Boots Aroma— " ..,,."!" ""' ' Digger's Fine Virginia Pauland once, convinced burn. This is mysimple method of cremayi -at very diagnosis -' iJ careful DUNEDiN. '';^ Men's Wellington Boots tritive and Sustaining Power Old Burchell's Pocket and me that her illness was of a character that tion;"■■'■ I '-■:■'; Men'sLeather Leggings place in the receptacle with the Easiness of Digestion ' immediately body about 201bavoirdupois of sodium. H 1 Drawing-room Book of Plays and Evenespecially, HIGH . DELICI- would terminate fatally. I TIT AITR Y%,p"LE,'"-i J "#<" >' Men's Leather and Carpet Slippers " OUS FLAVOR. One trial will resolved that I " would take her to Brighton Nothing further is required.' By a welling Amusement YV ' 7""' "" ' " " it as a favorite Bever- for a changeof ajr;.-; Accordingly^ having- known chemical law, cremation will soon .Dunbdin, establish 7. . 7 7"■". '/'"*■£' " ; : BEUCE HEEALD OFFICES, :;STATIONEEY^ ;" ". age for breakfast, luncheon, and consulted my wife, and ppinted out to her commence ;. and as oxygen, the supporter ( Hasreceived instructions^Irom Messrs Sinafter a late the probability of her mother's early dissoSoothing Refreshment a clair,Pleasant^aM[ey,-T«Meri Ferry, to Tokomairiroand Balclutha. ' of of combustion, is generatedin the exact A new and complete stock -evening. PRIVATECONTRACT, " SELLBY " we resolved to dismiss the servants, lution, itis required,it appears Stationery, r,: :.-. MARAVILLA is a to put the house in charge of a, house quantity in which,process "' ■''■" "Paper, their ■"■/■.-..' pOFULAE WOEKS N.B. ,Caution : .-; ..■ . me the is the simplest to that Trade Mark. registered VALUA3LI^FR]BEHOLP PROPERTY/ -7, !,. " Envelopes, patients I ■■-...■ hand' over to a brother is nothing in I; agent, my ■. be devised. There that can Sydney Smith'sMemoir : ;■■■"--: -Vtir.!-:'.v .Account Books, .. . . practitioner, !and proceed to the cba-st as anyway objectionable in the operatibn, less, Consistingof^ 5d6~ACiyßS >r'naoretOr ! of Science COCOA, Textbookß MARAVILLA as possible. My wife undertook to and my apparatus will be jopen to the .> Bii)lesj and ,^,;M'1- and^ of .GeneralLiterature. * BeMj^ecWxms^S, " The "Globe" say^ soon Lighthouses and Lightships "Taylor 40; ";■ managed inspection of anyone who 'satisfies me parts^of of 15 deal with the domestics, whileI -'ll^&^ndfa Brothers' M a Hymns Ancientand Modern Y'.turimr.s3o,and^^Blofek 1., other matters. I ran down to Brighton that his motiveis something- better than the achi, ravilla Cocoa has Clarendon District. The Student's Gibbon PEOYISIONS, IEONMONaEEY, &C; eyed a thorough success, by the express, engaged,a,small furnished the mere gratification of :an idle and supersedes every other house in Wyndham-street, near Kemp morbid curiosity. I Life of Johnson ; Boswell's and have studied and halves, chestsy Tea3— Finest; new season's The land^.is'jmttsnrpassed for depasturing -ii .;'boxes, in the market. ,. Cocoa Entire. of ,acience and Town, day, .7 ■■' ■ returned the same and two. written in the interests ■_■-':, Smiles's Works .,;",-; .j-. iK arable;;' 200u Seres! purposea^gHa^ c^ifeia delicate and isolubility, a a atany time happy aroma^ we left Bhall be Crystal Sugars days afterwards, 4th, humanity, the all' three and Yellow arid Whita < -r '-"- ' five; Sketchbook of Popular Geologyr- . Fenced, andydiviaedinto ;lil '"" ; 100 Best "*'paddocks rare concentration ofthe purestele- London-. The > invalid' stood the7 journey to put myself to personal inconvenience, ' Duncari'S'firiieWFlbur English grass. " acres in Whiston's Josephus; ments of nutrition, distinguish the andiDoulTsiOatmeal^ ; if by so doing I can contribute in ever'so There is an excellent Dwelling-house on M'Giil's Maravilla Cocoaabove all others. For well, and.^thenextjday; seemedimuch betteri Webster'sDictionaries andjPprter .-... Wine,s "; ; ;; Spirit^ few,> degree :^le the a a to bringing about that the- Proßejfty, with Barn jandjother; outi down on .beach small got to, not We her -we could reDyspeptic^; invalids and \ : Goldsmith's Works houses';, an 'Excellent well-stocked Cornsapks,- SeamingTwine daily period' times, less desirable when the dead shall no 'vitality agreeable a or valuable but her commend more .'became " " Garden, with Church and—School in the Kerbserie, Clover andother Seeds Sir Walter Scott's:Works a danger and' a threat to the longer 15tti' I Had her be "By given beverage." and less. the. Fencing Iron,Zinc,' N ails .Roofing. j, '* :; . , Carlisle's Works : !■■ For further ..favorable opinions vide up, and on the 17th shs died. A few4)burs health of the living. v , Rope,BlliestoriW * Standard,' Morning Linseed, and Castor Oils - " ' 'British.Medical before ;her death she told me smilingly, in ' Post,' Dickens's Novels '" iColza^ "H. T. Pellhtg,M.D., Ph.D., The proaej^^jj£^ ' ' ' journal,' &c., a scarcely- audible^ whispfer— she. was so :EVR:A.S.,'&c. J ; ship ;vt partly bounded by. TaieriRiver ; Tar, Wjhite<Lead^Paints" '■>:'■' Lyttqn's Lord /Works Paperh^ngingSj^Scrim, Chairs r r " ' ' the very weak that 'l should ebon' have !i Miss Braddon's Works COCOA, opportunity* "Bloomsbury square." Reaper^,- Ploughs/^Chaffcutters HOMOEOPATHIC cremating THE^R^jITVAT4STATION, her. of I^confess ~ '- :' . -. S Oatsf'C.hafE', Bran,Pollard,.cheap.Flour, Dumas's' Works'" $& Mo 'Maldngfo v "£ This original pre- that for a moment, but only for a mo, Songs of Scotland paration,.has attained ment, I H&UR 7BYRAIL TO 'v Ironmopgery^rockery/ Oiiiiaen's Stores WITHINONE ' wa3 terriblj shocked at what tben [We believe jthis communication,.which " " : a world-wide reputation, appeared a revolting' thought; but-her .7 7 ;v:/:;7.77 ':Dl^[Ep^r^-:;;,^O'riVi^l '*■ OFFICES, ': BEUCE HEEALD -.';" 7-. "'.' .\ }'vhAv'.- '-I'-'.-'j"1 . . said to be a genuine one,has occasioned. .is ,;and by owners of is manufactured and marketable ' graziers " whichfact v" same instant some considerable attention at home, me, smile reassuired and in the Tokomairiro and Balclutha.. ,; ' ■"";j,';,--SEEDS-&c.,^ ' ■^■■ under the Brothers, ; appreciate. Taylor to :y: > stockknow well how : ii ' ;__ ablestHOMGJjOPATHICadvice there flashed thropgh' my mind' a vivid where cremation is now being discussed ;1 Seed.Wheat finestTuscari--"ddj:.:';" - ;- "VT OW ON HAND, Large and Suitable by the skilland experience remembrance of the hundreds of times that with an' increasing interest. A very aided -do;2uvi^7vi7C: -*~^ and -will" be found my wife and her mother had alluded to^ Ijttieknowledge of "chemistry, however, 'inventors, the Commercial, Plain, Fancy of and of doStocks : White Essex--- do!7 '77"; r degree the their cremation should I " in an eminent to combine survive them, and is sufficient- to discover that the story is 17,7 + ■■,(.'. '.%■>- .' <X. %, STATIONEEY. ;fS;E JBTD OA TS v Seed/Oatsfajidrßarley-7 and nutritious aroma, profine purity, purchase a pair only an invention. For, even supposing ;Red, Yellow andA]syke ~ had even gone so far as to perty of the Fresh Nut. reception ,the, solid constituents of the body had --■.QOwgrafls/T-^o^yv'Cbeks'fOrd:.-Clove^seedß'.of vases for the of their ashes. ' Ryegrass SCHOOL BOOKSj and eyery requisite in-the --;-7[talian Ryegrass, Perennial for, "I am the faw that, afraid next not to/be accounted for,'it is obvious'that ' -' --"--Waitej>ekar'7 7R.apeseed ■. ■: ,.' '. "«-7w-v-5-f- -':Ahr:.-:'^.■'.■'"',-.■ v_._^.—^— '"'■■".. ---■*.■■" BOOK & STATIONERYDEPARTMENT. , SOLUBLE imy^.grief at the prospact of lo«ing c ■^Olb. weight of sodium,plus the oxygen ,-. ; ■:, ■■■■■■ix- ■■■"--»'?;-..■; *< ;"-■ Gorse, Cape, and Scotch Broom r. -rr. MADE JN!ONE MINUTE WIIHOUT' hours, a for ever dear relative and companion was obtained from the, water of the~ body, r f ,BOILING .0 TXTANTEIJ, Two HundredMen on piece G^den-aridField-Seeds of every description. Note -Books, Pocket Books, Purses, Diaries,* somewhat softened by- the intruding and by whichit would "be converted into' ' 'The Above are A/ticles "' prepared exclusively^" should soon have an oppor- potassa,"would occupya muchlarger space by thought 'that I Pocket Companions, Albums, CardCases, at the work for lightRailways,atRiverton,^ r . " Taylor-Brothers,, the largest tunity of, cremation: the renoains of -an than would go into an "Imperial pint "BRUCE HEEALD" OFFICES, Apply to the Manags^ ;on^the.-Wo|ks, manfacturers in Europp, and etrehim'ain. ..At 30, minutes past 9p.m.' measure." Though it' is said that H. T. ' ' ■' sold in tin-lined packetsorily/by'" on the 17th April my wife's mother died. Polling, M. Dcjr&e., is a veritable entity, TokomairiroandBalclutha. : 7' : 7 ; : ;.;7 -"y7^ Biverton. : ;| .7 .V' v .r Storekeepers and othersall ovetjihe took the curious that no suchname appears in world. Steam Mills, Brick' Lane, [My wife expected,event far more calmly itis (^':J ■■WHQEBBAiLB"A^;BBTAii,,:-"-":-- ;■ .Orders by poat carefully andpunctually attended h: bad and on the following the "British Medical than I - " Begister,— Ho, London. ( fa,r 'Melbounje : " ; mornjng Argas/ had co. as ; subduedier grief, vr:7 :^-:;^. -\: ',:"';;^- V7^v,----v: HJiwata-' '.■■■. ;' ■-■■■ ; -: 7.■■■':.■ -v.. 77777, ■■■ rEoßu\^^ '77 , 77:7/:jS^l;.:P:-:: WE — ■ Wi4.Rt . . ■; i —. DOUBLE ; i ■ ■ 4. ■ ■-■" - ... l .. ■ ...... ''■■■ 1 - t i i;1 — 11,I 1 i ; : J^ J -- - - ° ■ - t ■" 1 1 ■' T ■ - - v - — J -^^s^srauEßiv^ ; '■ : . — < ■ f ! -?■; ■ I| r s - ; .. .^ .^j^A%^ ■■>--■"'"- ■ BM^^E^ALDJ. CLOTHiNfeK - ■ .j ( s : 7 ? i. ■" - i ; '- J pEEldblCXliS . — ■ ■ ( r . % OALEJp^pil^^TEL.,,^^ . > : "■ —— ■ . i ■"'' ; . ... /iHILDEEN'S ■" . ; 1 . 1 — ■ : ■ . ■ . ■ ■ — . -— ■ - . / ; l! — . ■ ! ; . ; .-...,; < ! . 1 - >,: — ■ 1 .. ;i / ( 1 > - ■ ■ .: . - 1 ; ■ JS _t '■■ ;" . - - ■ s CHOCOLATE.! ; -■.";■ t ; i .. .. - ; ■ : : v 7f. -" : T^B^ E B R-Tf G W H E fi"'l\t "i) ". \. sfuesday, August 18, 1874.> -,- 3 Amusing. ThePower of Drink. Defective Memory. danced about the room in quick ; Btep, finished lady rider of good figure Up, is holding the withher head thrown back quite a thing of beauty. Ladies/of darker " the 'Forbes cup all the timeih her mouth." or brunette complexion, on the other hand, Mr Cooley's memory is exceedingly : The 'following; is related by " That was; little child who " a brigHfi THE LADY EQUESTBIATSV are certainly better suited as to the color of treacherous and it often gets.Jiim into Times :—That thedemon drink V; still inquired : Ma, when cows dier do they ' its r.yiptima. in the most terribly Perhaps there is'nothing connected their mounts, on rich dark bay, brown, or trouble. holds Insurances. , -,& got he at a o night; milky other was tea >11 the ..The with the equestrian get-up of a lady more .black horses; And while color should be party at Smith's, slavish subjection was: proved to us the l^AJter_Yenus will company and while the haa-iitransed^-rwhat in which taste; is :&o re- about the last consideration in- buying sat round the suppar table Cooleysuddenly other day by a circumstance which took ■The Court of Queen's Bench has~just= astronomers hare / important, orthe; left that is worth living .right youngf quisite, as in of the not far from A place present, -imporselection Forbes. where the other requirements are decided a question-of- considerable for* concluded be would eject a conundrum he . I,;,^i> ; stamp of horse to carry her in the park, as -if the right shade canoe secured with the had heard somewhere, and so,in aninter- student of theology was visited by; an tance to insurers and"-insurance 'offices, celebrated A barrister *yas,in .the habit " " " '. haying due' regard to the Btyle, figure, other desiderata, *ihen the buyer willhave man" and a stranger, whocame to to the meaning of the word "'untrue in saying : I alwaysstudy tid&JeesiMUty val of said : I've got a pretty elderly of silence, he ;; of the rider.' succeeded insecuring every pointnecessary good conundrum I'd like you to guess. solicit alms. The visitor had all.the the conditions of a policy whioh^tipulated of a case -beforeJDundertake ife" -andAcomplexion pretty child, all gushing freshness to give entire satisfaction to the lady who. Can anybody" tell me why a druggist who marks ofadegeneraterespectability about true statement on the part of The longest word in theiErigliah lan,and flowing hair, looks well vpon> any ' intrusts to him the responsible task of pur> keeps his bottles dbwn stairs is like a him, and on glancing at the table of the rtha^an^un the assured should avoid tbe contract. An guage is smiles, because ther^&^s a mile " : horse; whether it is the Pater's -iburjieen- chasing a perfect park hack. testament and .action brought against theLaw UnionFire between the" first, and last letters,, Viellb certain -kind of-musician-■?" -Everybodyat student observedia books of a similar character. '\ Ah,", 'an(i;'Life'liißuranpe\.op.mgany-on a policy stone hunter or one of those -knowing- Moustache," in 'The Queen.' some _ The tact being'ascertained tliat'thelady once Voegiaji to guess .the answer, and said he, "Iused to db^something in that :L2(Mwfis iopking shelties from Wales or Exinoor :resisted by the defendants, ate onionspriiihed her att a recent for Cqbley/sat a'jmomentrsmiling there for which seem bred on purpose to delight: Death form POisoning by the PresTritly, however, he thought the would line myself once," and on- being requested oh the ground that some 6f the statements, breaoh-'of^prpmise-suifr ill:,ToWil. Boy girl, it, chapter or it is the Burrawang Sap. l rtn'e'''^nsweV-¥eady,';ia iv6rd_er. to try his.hand at hte read offa pur little people. ge'.t to give it,. inHebraic fluently:and correctly. Putting were untrue: -At the trial the jury found " [ The Griaiyedigger's Remi)&strance^^--(To light-hearted joyousness arid abandon of hadibeen4nb fraud on thej part Sir H.1 Thompson). , „ '!-,-'.'. ; and intense alarm be had to his found that testament; he took up "Paley's .that there the down the little rider that js taking,/especially " plaintiff (the person beneficially of the forgotten it."' He began to feel warm. He be thieving; when they ride, as most do, with.perfect r JWho are you, to The Kangaroo Galley correspondent of thought the subject over with all his Evidences," and remarked that he knew interested in the policy), but.that two of ' The sexton's bread ? pooi* freedom and absence of apparent effort. the" Shoalhaven JOfewa 'i writes asfollows : .might and he nearly had theanswer several something of that author-too, and by way the statements:made by the assurediwere How can we earn aJiving';;,;O<Jknow nothing' of By cqntrast/.in i&ci, I I have to record a fatal case of poison- times, but it always eluded him. ..Then he of proof handed the book across the table, untrue to herJcnowledge, especially as to If you urn our dead? . the kind more, charming than the per- ing, which occurred here ,on Saturday" became warmer,and theperspiration began and repeated the first 'chapter jfrom/ consumption being in her:family;: { The land agent in Colorado remarked to memory. Astonished, his interrogator : formance of-/-the self-possessed little lady last. Mr John Walker, a, farmer in the Judge upon ttiisidirected a verdict anAinquiring emigrant that vallithat was now; andagain striding along Valley, was about three or four weeks to stand out upon his .forehead. .The offered him a home and an income for learned who appears ' one after -the other, twelvemonths provided he would refrain for the company,-^esMvingithe^qujßstion company gave lip it to make the place a paradise was a r needed spanking weight-carrier. farm, great Upon a ago cutting up burrawangs pn:his "'in thei " as they did so each one asked Cooley from, drink. -But the power of intem- whether the word "untrue : climate,; comfortable water., -andj: good Insuch cases; the bright little ridpr so when he somehow got pricked in\. the and to liedge theknow what,the answer was. Coolay smiled a perance was too strong on the j)oor meant ".wilfully untrue ,isneededia the "That isall that society. captivates us '-'that we ignore'proportion thumb by- oneofHhe* sharp points of the ghastly ' plaintiff or merely untrue in point infernal regions," .was the reply?!; :r. kind of smile as if he was keeping victim, and he was forced to admit that, of the and the fitness of admiration burrawang. He took little notice of the it; anjd argument, court, .after ih'e singular, althoughbroughtup respectably* educated 'of facf;r As two of our ohildren-'were^playing of the pleasrag vision flashing, gaily past puncture at the time and went on with back to torment them ; but the peculiar have decided in favor .of Tthe, latter,con- together redness of his -face and his ■' howeverj having different, University^ as at a and numberless little Jane;gptangryj and pouted. us!. AH. this is sister, "Look out, his work, using the wounded' hand" to beh.ayibur.attracted, the attentionof everyt Qe Chief;Tustice Lord Johnny Jane, or advantages, he had .so . yielded; to the struction. The said to her of the little. clean out the hearts of the burrawangs ; 'regards the elder "untrue iir the' policy meant untrue take a on your lips." to. 11l the;case of a when some of the poisonous sap pene- body, and the more the ladies looked at lancinating influence of, this siayer of word I'll seat there up alluded equestrienne - younglady of 17 of 18 oner looks for that trated the wound in the thumb. He him the -redder he got, and the more?pV6- Ithousands that, although wanting a home in point of fact, for if fraud;itor 'wilful ;un- " Then,"' replied Jane, quite cured ofher have would ' truth had been intended pouts,"Til laugh, and you'll fafto£" fitness of style and size in the::horse so described the sensation of the hand a:s fuse became the perspiration. "Gome, and friends, he could not! accept them if been so stated./ The word in its ,ordjiiary _ A Detroit gentlemani.j prides himself on pleasing to the eye, when the rider is, having;been stung -with- nettles, out' tine MrsCooley^vsaid th© host,," "we are all; ■such acceptance 'necessitated renouncing, sense meant anything untrue in point of his fine Out with it even,for -a week, what'he admitted to be Is, is"equally Jew "arid his going-■'gracefully; onipne that sizes jher third day he became very bad, his hand Waiting for the: answeri!" neighbor " fact. In some policies which had come "vainof a fine coach dog. The dog worries Cooley, we can't his curse. .well,and bends (as,;Mr Rice expresses it) ;and aria having by this time-become Cooley,"said another. beenj wordsused' had court the before the 1" " the life "out of chicke.ns. A few daysago the "like a wiUbw wand/■;'.'.-while it is toithe inflamed, swollen, and very,painful. ;He.. be happy untilwe have the answer to'that ". fraudulent or wilfiillyr untrue;" Here 'last, degree unpleasant to behold adijttle started to go to Kiama'for' medicaTadvice, -tjonundrum," remarked a 'third. Cooley owner of the dog received the following Comet. The it was not so, andi the object was> that the:Inote:— " Friend,r— given millions at that moment You keep dogs. I ■^ lady/t riding :the higb; horse^' or 'doing but he had not gone f*r from his house would have they shouldknow; |he sort ofrisk Company, been hidden in the bowels of the keep chickens. If my chickens worry : penance upon* "a gaunt animal^ whose beforehe fainted, and had to be carried to have but of sight. At last he The Victorfari Government astonomer, were taking,, which.they could only do by- your dogs, shoot 'em." -proper place is in^ the cranks of 'the back sind put to : bed/ Dr J Tairaht;!was Mammoth Cave " true point in of fact. ; can; be senttfor,and upon arrival' found that he exclaimed; The— ab>-the ah'-^-the fact ithas beeii stated, says the 'Argus,' in- means of statements '■' - military. Vice \versd,^nothing A Kench, paper points out how the ' , th,e i: moire ungainlyX^than: is affair-^that is oonundrum of that—rthe 'woman,! tall arm any ~&^ relief The" clines to the belief that the comet which passion gambling was:toolate to afford this country is honor, is a joke. recently' made inParlianierit. shown for,the fact, in prbpoirtibna, riding a. weedy, had swollen three .times the usual size,<■ -r-the.whole, thing, your it, ,even . in., wedding is not Temperance appearance its |>y your honor." narrow,' blood-like animal, with no and the doctor lanced itin several places, There is no. answer to notices, itis necessary to state that there ' '^ r J; one ■■" would but failed to obtain." blood; the flesh Then everybody said they didn't see any- identical with Coggia's comet, discovered moret -substance -than ■' ' * TheHouse ofCommons oftheDominion are "-rib cards:'' " ;in' a couple of deal boards appeared like a piece of liver,' and It&e thing very-amusing about jokes of such a at Marseilles oh April V7. From the A cynical writer r-aejfi: Take a com,: badly< sorewed together. "Gariainly horses thumb had rotted* away. The deceased character, and Smith frowned ; while' following letter, however, written to the of Canada passed a resolution on the Ist boys chasing butterflies j put :pf: intoxieatlrig'liquor^ pany should (particularly with fashion and action) are lingeredingreat a^ony forabout ten days Cooley heard the man next to his neighbor London 'Mair ;by MrJ. R. Hind,' a April that no cqats on the boys, and turn Souse. tailed " precincts longof the , sold within the be bo difficult ro fiad/eyeQ. ait fabulous,prices, and then became insensible,remaining; 50 say,, that he, Cooley, mustbe drunk. Then recbgnised astronomical authority, in It was objecfed that members wouldham the butterflies mto_dollars,.and-you-have rose the and (onCooley suddenly ]io|i over-nice, >-"'■ that; it wilt from table j. death,, always do to^be which took place up to his " for the comet's appearance to go to saloons outside the building and. abeautiful panorama;ofithe:wcofld." . br^ turn ajvay orie^na^, while- he ;'is not Saturday evening,last. Mr Walker leaves .bolted, out. through..the frontdoor.- About which,the^time 1 1 in in the southern hemisphere is fixed at might not be forthcoming when wanted, The Sketching Season. Artist (clean"Yards, hours after while be was ; :j^sit.;.wh'aVon6'-:'FQAi<l;: desire;to two a widow andnine children mourn tbieir 1 voted, against the resoluing but no member his palette) : "Uncommonly obliging pdSßeßse.3 a presentable' amount of formr loss. r Dr/Tarrant secured .one of the bed, he all at once-remembered the answer/ about the 2Otb July, there seems every .-}'■■' '-.-"■ person your ~maßter, the farmer ! I tion. went around instantly time a man he "arose and l yias who reai it with him and burrawangs, Coggia's At the same and took home reason to believe thatit is comet permission, andnesaid I asked his might ■j' good doorbell ringing the ..... j :?. to Smith's.^. After taste and a quick eye, "and who 'is!in for examination. which has been -Ilie subject of observation paint my picture in "the* middle of''his Traffic. Railway put : old head horses, hour, Otago ladies' has for half an Smith his Selecting, habit of the field, and stop as -long as oyer liked ! * rl out of the bedroom window. "I know it lately : -opportunities- of suiting his clients whish " Scientific Advancement. -Most I"toustsayy courteous^ if'* by Coggia Sir,— A comet discovered M. now," shouted Gobley'; Iknow it j it's seldom occur to non-professional men. It of the Otago Railways I was doing him "a l instead— l&y6r s because he has.a vile-in-cellar !" "Go to at the observatory of Marseilles on April The total earnings ;, is the 'exerQHe^of-'tac.t^add. judgment on ' -; ultimo amounted "Suffolk Carter :o"Wh?6oine ;6' course, so / such occasions . that 'produces the satjsAn ingenious gentleman in the city thunder !",.ejaculated Smith, and he shut 17 has now become apretty bright object, for themonth ending 31stamount, made y' Wh'yeaou kip That was do. crows off." lOd, the^ and went back to and towards the endof the present month to £3592 13s factory ensemble, a lady's hack, while he (says a San ' Francisco paper) has been the window with a slam, apduring days July lady the first ten of follows :— A askedMr Johnson if he Cooleys speak upa3 don't and liked should be able tojump neatly; and cleverly, earnestly employed for some monthsiri bed. And now the children.. "Don't know," ma'am," " to the Smiths, and old Cooley carries the pears likety to be the most conspicuous Passenger traffic to and from Dunshould possess several qualiiies .which we perfecting aninvention for walking on the that, crabbed old gentleman; edin, Port Chalmers, Green answered "never tried neither look for nor require in .a,buuter. water,,which will no doubt prove ;of- answers to his conundrums written to his body of the kind which has visited ub Island, : and Cayersham (15,500 'em j amnot an ogre." when brought into shirt-cufE*, when he goesinto company, so within the past ten years. A free bold walfi is indispensablelin fact, iminense importance ' £1231 13 9 passengers) half-past 11, before the expected night apparatus is Last at generalutility. be a The as to be certain that he will have them "Who was the Flat?— "Portaw," said a properly tbjat called hack no,horse.can traffic to and from do. (4731 moon rose, the comet was distinctly G-oods travel in marshy districts, when they are wanted. ?ias'not this pacein perfection. An animal to facilitate 975 1 6 newly-fledgedEnglish commercial traveltons) , the delightful recreation of visible to thenaked eye. In the telescope Excess luggage charges 21 6 6 ler to a railway porter at Guthrie Junc/that sometimes drags bis toe a bit on the introduce 40 15 0 tion one day, "what does p.m. mean?" it has exhibited an almost stellarnucleus, Parcel traffic ...upon the placid hard' road may, nevertheless, be' a'first- moonlight promenades TeaclilaagParliament to 39 14 6 "It means Chalmers -wharfage Jbay, and it willprobably which has on several occasions become Port punctual to a moment, sir rate performer over a ...Bat surface of theindispensible Turtle. Passenger traffic to and from InverCateii twilight evening some safeguard perceptible to in the be found an action, a of that's what it means," was the reply. and delivery 'Springy, icorky cargill, Bluff, Winton and Woodas time before the surrounding nebulosity. lands (3196 passengers) 519 0 6 "Ah, indeed," responded\ the bagman, the foot well, to'/ theitoof, the consequence' voyagers against such contingencies degree is a tail about a ship's present sea, a whole crew There at traffic from do. "foundering at Goods to and (3029 Large portions Polynesian ;and of the rather taken aback by the sharpness of Hibjßrty 'suppleness of the of peirfect 765 2 1 the Forfarian, " and what does a.m. tons) passengers thus being enabled to Papers presented to Parliament by Mr in length. ..knee and shoulder'joiats, are absolutely and The star 43 in Camelopardce will form mean?" "a.m. means any minute we like, /necessary to- constitute^ a safe roadster. disembark with their light luggage and Yogel read like parts of .tales of travel a matter an journey continue their afoot. As excellent guide to finding the comet Poetry. sir ; buthere's the station master coming, be so Select the aQitwal should At the same;time, and adventure, and are most interesting during the ensuing fortnight. It is the ' is the course, "Woodward's Gardens I of and daurna be seen-speaking to passenas to in his hocks sound and weli-formed place for the first exhibition of outside the object with which they were northern of two stars, of the fifth magnigers. G-ude day, sir," The representai.eriable l&ini to flex those joints with esse. proper ME RAPupon all our charts and C'EST UNE FEUILLE QUI tive of a.Xondon housed said *that the Addto the above that the horse should be this innovation, and. theinventor of this presented. Take for instance the follow- tude marked PELE QCJE J'AHMEJ. The comet follows the star in porter deserved a shilling for sharpness j ,' thwoujrhly well mannered, well-broken,, water-walking apparatus is already under ingdescription of turtle catching at the globes.ascension, and will be near its right with the indefatigable caterer GallapagOß love.) but he was too meanto give him one. ('Tis a Leaf that Reminds me I and balanced..all round, and you have engagement Islands : promoter of or declination during the period public parallel to amusement and secured as to A public orator once prefaced his important points several By J. M. Perkier. There are several ways of catching named. An ordinary night glass will education. The with "My friends, letus say'a few speech pleasant hacking in your horse's walk. science and popular work was so far completed that the turtle, but the most usual is to watch for suffice to identify it in the absence of the It is colorless, withered, uncomely, we begin." This ia about words before regards trotting, again freedom and As expected to give his them at night. When they are taken moon;or, very roughly, it maybe found A leaflet in nought but the name; tp the chap who took a short nap equal .;ttue delivery of the foot constitute safety, ingenioua gentleman day, during generally by surpristriangle the it is near the vertex of an isosceles of Why Itreasure it still, shall Itell you ? the present week before he went to sleep. :Very,high action in hacks— rthe palling initiatory experiments -J manager of the ing them while they are asleep on the which animaginary line from the northern " days and for three the " une" feuille gui me rappele que furore, of gardens, C'est Might andMain.— -LordCharles iip the kriee-^fhaa been a^ great Somerwater. On thoseoccasions Major to thePole with his assistants, wereengaged surface of the of the Pointers inUrsa j'aime late years set was telling a long istory abou^,his ' jamong the fashionable habitues the practice is, so soon as the turtle is the base, the comet being of; 'theV pa^k: :It is ; a. matter ot ;taste; in..the effort to entice the sea lions out of discovered, for several persons to go out Star forms walking in the woods at Cape fallen, horizon, have Though and itsfbweretsunblossomed and;opinion, of course ;,butit maybe as the large pond into the smaller pool, to to him in a canoe, and paddle silently between this line and the Africa, one day, when he came' suddenly star. "Thinking water to the from either always same, appropriate body 25deg. that of about me it is the To huge shaggy well to observe that extravagant action in scientific purpose intimated. The superior alongside, when they seize him and lift lion. upon a to determination of the " ran The accurate 'Twaathe bud of my hopes, and, for ever, frighten him," said the noble lord, I «■■";) trontfiis> too -frequently accompanied by him on board before he knows what is orbit has presented unusual difficulty, " to finally persuaded was platyr-hynchus me rappele gui que at him with all my might.*' "WhereC'est une feuille correspondent ieripply going behind. A the sluice,attendedwith the going on. They are quite harmless, arid although we arein possession of good j'aime." is pass through good deal bf"thieTsdrt of mpv|ement. upon," said another,-interrupting, floundering " except in the mere matter of nights, " Just "he small fry,but a very able-bodied marine observations of position on 20 of the I"lion 'purely artaficjißl^-^^t; ."gojt; so," and with their with a night; in your hair Ihad seen it,. ran away with all his mane." Through " but him: striking flippers, out between equatorial and with Mr obstinately -Bishop's still refused remained^ by horse, but "Icrammed into ,a flame, said his lordship,deliver a severe blow. It heavens they which can when lit the in. appears ejectment. April 4, yet his The and it as. And morn measures for 20 June devices ,kiiown^to those,:who, sellihim5 all '% Magistrates who wish to takelessons in I took it, and whispered, water-walker finally concluded to risk the is very rare for them to attempt to bite. unsafe to ventureupon any prediction of Unresiated ;^aiaiirto the eye1 of a^really good/ judge;of chance sleeping, and he the comet's exact path in the heavens " C'est une feuille gui me. rappele que "suitable admonitions" will find a few When a turtle is found solitary ofmolestation from this -nothing is moredisagreeable than /action be of great size, and but few men to seize when nearest to the earth and sun. useful hints in the feeling observations j'aime.." to, |monarch of the puddle, and preparations :the ;labored snatching action alluded '; him,it is usual to harpoon him. Daring Another fortnight may elap3e before this addressed by a Judge " in Kansas, United ' all in experiment for his were' order : firet cherish, t the horse "fighting the air," whije he You are gone, and no vows can I season these creatures are breeding the to a prisoner theother dayyreported satisfactorily. tight State?,A '-was bedone rope yesterday. stretched can gains little ground to the front. In across.the railing surounding. thu3 much the Yet no promises broken remain, very careless of their safety; they are however in one of the local papers ;," Brumley, you say pond, the I majj -tlberefore, if selecting ,a/ hack for a lady, T trust, whilst I fondly remember, congeries, and, under certain perihelion passage will occue in the And, found in arean scouudre],you the entered the and! .man of science infamous he show's "a lot of "up action," be sure he enclosure and,adjusted his apparatus. It circumstances,exhibit no, sense ofdanger, second week in July,and the comet,after " G'est une feuille gui me rapp^le que villain ! Yon bain.'t got& singleunredeemed redeeming Jeave, can travel freely with/it ; if not, the presence 6v to from of escape j'aime." Your, desire in these latitudes conspicuous your cases attached to his truit in character. wife and becoming metallic in consisted^of him.: A horse with plenty of length man. When several turtles are in this inthe constellation Lynx as it approaches family with l sandals, and filled with 'some wish we had sent to ,the you feet and; best not hope prove.fleeting, my And should 'the right^place^ and well balanced state, a like number of men, having the perihelion, will be seen to advantage It descriptionbuoyant Penitentiary. -of substance. . This is the fifthtimeI have Should I callyou minemore than inname, ■imouthed, is certain'to canter pleaaaritly| might have been hydrogen, or' even the approached them in a canoe, will jump at thjß, observatories of the southern me, and you have pat ma before you had whispered 'as I regards; iand sinootulyi-^ Thus much We can think of the tioae when ordinary kind of gin, as far as the results overboard and lay bold of them thus : hemisphere about the 20th of July. to more trouble than your" neck!isi worth. "paces. The//,next:/..grea^cp"nsideratipn-'.is. I[demonstrated. The scientist bad jusfc the man gets on the back of the turtle, a very "C'est une feuille gui me sappele que comet makes The orbit of this J've exhorted and. prayed, over you long j'aime." qualiiy Inpureb/asing a horse, alady or placed bis "curious floats in the watery and takes hold with hishands of the front close approach to that of the planet enough, you ecoundren Justgo hbm|and her /adyisers- shpuld^^carefully consider the balancing himselfby clinging to the rope,: of the shell, just behind theneck. This Venus soon after passing from the north take one glimpse of your> fatnilyy and Beoff indrvidualityj'of --therider. A highly bred; when thelarge animal mentioned was. seen' preventshim from ■"sounding," that is to to the south side of the ecliptic. TINY RILL. in short order !:-Don't let's ever hear of / horsey-fall iof courage,?freej alUfor^goingi gliding warily direction, To swing: say, going down head foremost, as a turtle am, Sir, your obedient servant, inhis I you ogam. The grand jury have rfound Melody. (as it is termed); however wellbroken byj himsfllf on alarmed, A pre if not Chinese J. E. Hiiro was the »vork.of .an; will always do when rope the two other indictments. ag^instypu, butI'll is; " — pigskiii, thebestman who ever^crossed instant-,.-, and a feat that- was no more vented, as in this case he is effectually by Mr Bishop's Obse: vafcory, "Bubbling Spring had a daughter the discharge yoa on your own recognisance " 5 no inoiint for alady yho is jßven occa-j ;speedily -than judiciously" accomplished.; the weight of the man on his back. He Twickenham,June 5clear Tiny Kill," and, ifI oatch you in this neck^of,woods eionally^^ deficient|,innerve,-.however good- Unfortunately for the inventor, be was; is tlius quite helpless, for he has no idea Who scarce couldhave been an inch wide; to morrow morning at daylight^I'll sock she'may be^ otherwise. At the same timej with asup£rsaous length of codt-: of getting fid of his rider, except by divCup Dance. A When she longedfor a change, so she gtols you right pquere into gqal, and.bump, you there, are no..end of lad^ equestrians; Equipped be v tail For bucK a situation, and the,ferbci;6uB; ing-head firsts and allows himself to ' : r off to Jeffersonville in less than no 'time, tpj down the hill, good as physique is so steered in any? direction his captors may *" whosenerve and: monster aHje^ was -to clinch .ibeliacum-: a gives description Charles Gr. Leland of And trickled away.from "Spring's" side.j you infernal scoundrel !If ever I catoh enable them to bUnior the impetus! brance in his tusks.. For somßhmomentsi choose. 'Thush© is brought up alongside ; 1 you crossing your fioger at a man, woman, the dancing of the Egyptian, girls, in " vhottest;: " osity^ of the Horse hprsa canoe, of the and hoisted into it without and; on the rope he qhronicles the preformance of Tiny Rill ran away with no thought of or child; white man or niggeVTPff sock "and'1- riclvr (togetheiv iheuch cases arej there wasa fearful surging: J 'ButJ in playing * this little which : " '<" spinal; columpj and \v resistance! " _\..:i. 'r ] youright square into the jug- I,:Stand"'tfp> person, declaring one it to be fear* . .:■".. young "just!Reflection In/theniajprity;of cases,; on the Professor's thait^e'very " plaeiug which., " r so simple, there are seemed inevitable thinw woultl game, thingsseem a a aays, cup, ; quite poem." you scoundrel, while Ipass sentence da He And careless of llfd^eyjßr7'tlieng.h'|'/t^ing is to avoid frothy g6 wh^kshehad done 5 which it is necessary to; symbolic by theboard]until this garmentfinally j several temptation ground cf on the excitable; horses as ladiesf; hacks ;; and, free, bright face, She was her ' . and y?r.,.,,'. :, is, t^j.w turtle in the }.shoulders, 'wiih'... a\ know. One of thenia that aman danced roundit in a style which was , she andclear, : whiie always demanding symmetry and; gave? wsfy. :iinider left; r very: water can cut naked the the JProfes^or!bangr Spanish, turning the body and Gleamedand glistened againin the sun. tewific ren'tj and Steangbbs paying a_visit to Dunedin are often, freet movement, to make sure of docility. ingequirrel-fashion : perfectly in hi3coafc sleeves^ Thei dangerously f with his flippers ; another sinking low great grace and exquisite _ at a los§ to know, whatis the best establishment * * and; heighlagoin vital w^th turtle; * * Substance are to avoided is to catch the thing be # to visit for the purchase of drapery and clothing, '■art. The cup appeared to exercise a cpnsideiratipns.i)The buyer should always sea lion returned<- to the attack, and for a ;j by $he tail. God help the m#n };hat; terrible fascination,a^d sheseemed'afraid Pat your face down to hers your hand Herbert,Havnes, and Co:effer specialadvantages Manager : havein hisrecollection the stature, style of time- the coDflic v was furioup,so, no better than to do for the to the public that can be met with nowhere-elife and his/assistant batUirigdesper- knows merely dip figure, and general 'contour^ of the .lady Andrewi3 reptile will in that case instantly shuthis to drain it. The fear wasperfectly acted. inthe city. They keep at ail times ihe largest and 1 for;tbe;;cau3e and stones her pql^s ately times, with without aid from arms In her bosom-^-aclear draught to quaff ;, best assorted stock of e-Fery class of goods, imfor, whom he is 'purchasing, and, as near as body,: ha:will hold; the; man's Fivealmost; lay lion striving jfbr the; hand as tight as /though on the ground ,with her She wouldslip through your fingers,or glide ported direct froio^heheading manufacburers.and vice, she maybe,match her/veell-with a hprsewhose of science,anil;thSsea;deprayedi it were ina appetite. beingbougMeiii dalylng vpth the edge,and "warehouseia.ea at home, lips just ifprrnationas' to substance corresponds with gratificatipn^ pfvbis; by your lip, ' andi diving heaol foremost^ will* take him thirsty tirely uppneftsh t4ra33, tKeyrare eriable'd to ofiey then rising swept on in the danc§, wd Ripplingoff with a silvery laugh. the feir burthen he is;intendedVto carry. TheCwater wajkef -was finaUy rescued and down to the bottom; of the sea. beequalled goods of such stapling value as 'thrilled; and shivered, an.d turned, and Oojojr, top, >i?1 to >considered,^although pulleds in over the railling!, vand;after' the by any! efcherhbuee in the'trade.- EVevy arfeicla 'bop>t ujorister ; " " had'g^llowedbis sank again. The sixth time shehad comin; stock /isanarked: at a fi^^-prioB 'fi»;'refaciy "perfiaps of least account. NeyerthelesSvit enraged^ sock?, it resumed itfeiacoußtomfed dpcilis His Demand, A -Sacramento dealer in" pleteted a circle, andhadnot longto resist, Bubbling Spring mourned her absence money, from ■which no 'abatement ia evermade, ' iscertain that a^ lady who is;a blonde:as to and for long dreary years, so-that the mostinexperienoedbuy their;goods w hair oil, who sold on the principle of no she approached the cup with throbs and complexion' will appear to grea|er jad- deportment. The;tiate^ofthe pei:t;^p«;t: cure, the samepiiceß.B? judges.;,J;Their terms ' no pay," has sued one of his bald* pauses, and tben, without usingher^ands And dajly He weeps for her still; vantage on a; bright chestnut or;/light bay mjant'i^'npjL yeXiaMo'unceicl^:'^.^':, %:■<■.::; are— net cash, without discount,or reiuotion<$i headed customers, and the latter demands lifted it from ,ground with,her lips For what are all rivers and streams but the any'kmd; '- JL fuHe* I^escnpfci^ latter hp^ge^or^^^grey^gains^^hich b'ald-he&de;d '-^ jury, aff^sherose, and, tears" it the be foundin anadvertisement on aso^fr p«f f- tf boibr s 'mtujb:-Iprejudice, however, exists, !;.What;i is the'opposite 40 loVOa,itt a tried by bis peers, in order that he'may alone^'drainirig tragedy of temptation being over, merrily « Spring sl»edj| for %Job* «Ti»y PiU ?" be ccrttage F War i^#'fjb^^ The Ladles' Column. ; 1 ; — ; J . . t; 1 1 — 1 . r ( .. - ■ . — ; ; l . d ( — — ; ■ — — 1 1 1 "-"-'"■ . ... ... ... ... ... ... ■ ... . r — i ; r . ,■ — — ■ ?; . ■ > ■- ; .; ( ; ; ■■ _ ■ . ■ ■ ■" ..■-;:., ( 1 — . . ■""" — l . . - * ***** " 1 J Tuesday, August 18, 1874. T H E BB U 0E HEBAtD. 4 pbcted fromScottatKl. We quote fir-»t oias3 draughts L65 to L9O, medium do, L3U to L45; gobd'hacks and light harneps horses, * A EOK6E pAPSTICI, *L*>& BROTHERS, WANTED. 1 to L3o| medium do, Ll2 to LlB ;light 83 AND O CO., DUTHIE Tjl "^XPBTICK, . & SALOMON, and inferior, L4 to LB. Wool =— By theOmeo^heLondontelegrams and IMPORTERSAND M&ROHANIS, ACCOUNTANT, &c. "PLOUGHMAN, -290 Acres at Pomahaka, allfenced, FIRST to Hold Sales of Sheep Skins, Tallow -Ac. CLASS \ under date 2nd instant, report:■'*.A.t the HIGH-STBEET, Offices : partially improved. A " good ' Liverpool wool sales prices advanced-^d per EVERY SATURDAY. furrow, plough. work a Good double HOTEL; DUNE»IN, Opposite the WHITE HORSE opportunity for a settler^ : Ib. The arrivals for nextLondon woolsales Advanoes made onthe Incoming Clip of wool Hareon Sale— amount to L226,000 bales. Prices firm." wages. >M. BROWN, &CO.; MILTOtf; for sale here, or for shipment to London.. BERLIN WOOL Sheepskins:r-At our weekly sale there Apply to Dunedin. BEUSHWASE was a very full; attendance of buyers, and ; COMBS FOE SALE. piAPSTICK, DUTHIE A]SD CO. DAVID CORSAN, jobtained, were,"satisfactory. Station ' prices j S A L El— OABINETWAEH have for sale— skins rangedfrom, 43 Ideach. We ' Tj^ O R CLOCKS Meadowbank. A N Hotel withStore attached, ona main did not offer any green skins. including,20 CUTLERY v Kaitangata, 200 BagsCockafootseed at cres Hides are in good demandat present We . ISO 4 ELECTRO-PLATED WARK ANTED, a LAD for Pithead.— line of traffic, doing a good Cash offered 100 medium toheavy weights, which 20 Bags Italian ryegrass seed | acres good Bash^ang, having a HARDWARE were quitted atirdm17s 9d to 19s 9d for \ 1000 lb. whitecloverBeed JEWELLERY seam of Coal equal to any in the 1 Apply RIVERSDALE Coalpit. Business. omedium, up to 23s 6d fur ; heavy. Heifer JDEATHEEWARE Apply to .' . skins fetched3s 6d to 6i 3d. 500 lb.alsyke do. do. District. This Propertyis within MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS J. A. HENDERSON. River, Clutha Tallow is in fair request, but ;very little chains of the OPTICAL GOODS rapeBeed CLOVEE SEED. One 1000 lb. a few iTTTHITE suitablefor shipment,is offering. ,We sold PATENT MEDICINES ~ shilling per pound, .warranted good SIXPENNY READINGS. 15 Cases Campbell'sdippingcomposition and will be connected with the several lots as. follow:— L23sper yfcon for DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES PERFUMERY and sound. inferior ;L2B 10s toL29 per ton'for medium, Main Southern Trunk Railway; APSTICK, DUTHIE, AHD SADDLERY WHITE, H. up to L32 for superior mutton. .. v, CO^,; Readings BROWN, & of the above WM. SecondSeries' hav6 the followingProperties for Sale STATIONERY Grain:—The 'market; is quiet, without " Nursery Seedsman, "— , and Priyftt* Treaty i Dunedin... TOBACCONISTS' SUNDRIES will'be held at the Volunteer Hall, on material alteration' in quotations since last TOBACCO AND-CIGARS Milton. Tuesday, the 18th inst. week.v Wheat: Prime qualityis worth4s 9d 5000 Acres uf Freehold Land TESTAS: BELL AND BLACK'S to 5s per bushel ; medium, 4s 3d to 4s 6d. NOTICE. WATCHES, &c. "TTTANTED,Three or Four Active Youthß do» Doors open at 7.30, commence at 8 o'clock Barley :Good maltingsaleable at 4s 9d to 5s 3000 do« punctually. ' , ■■.'-.per bushel; inferior, 4s to 4s 6d. Oats in been one Bullock have HEIFERS and do « do not under 15 years. 2000 fair inquiry at 43 %o\4s.2d for feed, np to 4a running in my Paddock for; two Sole AgentsinNew Zealand for A. Harrold's to kindly has offered assist. Clapcott Mr 4dfor'prime milling sainpleß. claimedonor beforethe PHILADELPHIA LIME JUICE AND Unless monthapast. » do d o A^ply -1700 .' sold to cover; BROOKES, same be 28th inst. the will THOMAS GLYQEEINE FOE THE HAIE. " :" W. M. WHITE, The'above Properties are situate withina MessrsiJand A Macleak #eport, for the ' eXpenSeß< 'Secretary. ; radius of 10 Briles of-Milton. FARQUHARSON, week ending13r,hAugust as follows: Also, Sole Agents for the _„ JOHN " ' Pottery Steam Works. 'Xi Thff2ooo acres'can be sold or leased with Fat,Cattle,— The market wa3 very largelyNorth Branch, Tokomairiro. CELEBEATEB NUTRITIVE POMADE. . 17th August, 1874. supplied x>n >Wednesday, over 200 head a purchasing clause. r Tullprrticulars by applying to WANTED KNOWN. .; yarded,and. as the supply last week ':, -V ' : .SO IB E.E. .'■,■""" : being SELL OR LET, about 2000 Acres of &,Co. was very inferior the trade had very few on SHIPMENTS BY CAPSIICK, DUTHIE EVERY Iv < EEGULAE i about 4 miles from Land, first-class. band,, consequentlynearly every lot was dis* SUI TS, SUIT S, SUIT Si VESSEL DIEECT FEOM EUEOPE. Auctioneers, ." ,'.a< ,'\- SOIREE! in connection with the Order posed of at prices fully equal to last week's '' ' Milton. :.■-,"■■") J ' Tokomairiro. PECTAL BARGAINS this week at the -f*-~. of Sons of Temperance, will be held rates, Our sales consisted of 30 head on 4. ''* The landconta'.ns a good watersupplyat a Br:OT H E R S, E A V E E B B Manchester, {louse in ■ Men's Tweed in the VOLUNTEER HALL, Milton,; on account of Messrs Nichol, Wallace Clark and, 1 supplying "to, Ll2 for CO.; highlevel, andis fully capableof others, which realised from L8 AND DUTHIE ; V'IXPSTICK, ON, O M Suits and Crimean Shirts. ■. ; & SAL / " TUESDAY, the 25th inst. acres of -Ij7 bullocks, about 100 and from to LlO by Treaty— Private and it has also EDW. STEWART. 2s 6d for cows. Milton, have for Sale \J '■'-'■■' High-Street, ' ' } We quote reallyiprime be^ef 27ai 6d to 32s 6d table at half-past 6 o'clock. Tei oh the approached. HI., easily 7, goodbush, block Clarendon very 2of ' "Section Dtxnediit. per 1001b;mediumand inferior, 20s to 255. '"TOKOMAIEIRO GEAMMAE c district, containing4o acres (more Also,For Sale, a3-Ton Cart Weighbridge. " ' Fat Sheep.— -About i.OuO of all sorts were Programme: Evening's .' "', less)" . or SCHOOL. sub-division. penned, KAITANGATA EOAD BOAED. the greater proportion ot'|which.were in Smith's KaiTwo Quarter-acres 111, block 10, Also; ' .»: Section lof Installation of Officers, by the Rev. Dr prime quality cross;breds,; and-realised full * containing apply 40 to Itangata district, Forfurther particulars, from 22s to 23s willbe receiveduntil the28th Roseby, assisted by Messrs Jago and rates; viz., for^cross-breds,; )Acres (more or less), contiguous «.'., UN WILLIAM BLACK, "VTOTICE. is hereby given that the mENDERS each; second qualitydo, lOa to.14a; tnerinos, s and Amateur Vocal Graham. Professional JHouse Building to Messrs ? White and Finch ! the Rector's inst., for -*-' Annual Meeting of the Kaitangata 63 to 10s. <*ur sales consisted of. 295 Parsonage, havCelebrated Coal Mine, and -w at Milton, according to Plans and Specifica- and InstrumentalMusic. crossbreds at above quotations; We also « running icoal of Tokomairiro. be at usual lay Board, place ing'the same' Road will held the ' Addresses on the subject of Temperance, delivered during the week 500 prime quality to at Council Chambers. j",l, " l :through the whole 40 acres. tions be seen the * of meeting, Coombe Hay,House, on Wedat market rates. We quote prime quality viiJ L For farther particulars apply to The lowestor any tender not necessarily by.several Gentlemen. NOTICE TO FAEMERS. crossbred mutton,- 4dper 1b ;do merino, 3d August at noon. day 39th of nesday, the IM ;fi '..:.:; ■-:■.;■=-■■ accepted. CAPSTICK, DUTHIE &.Co to3£d. The Annual Accounts of the Board will to Tea and Soiree, 2s 6d. Tickets " Fat Calves. Only a few inferior to - Orto R.R.JONES, , , to Soiree only,Is. mediumquality were forward, whichrealised Draught Horses, be open forinspection f>f the Ratepayersand Tickets Entire Clydesdale ; nhHE Clerk School Committee. from 15s to 30s each, according to quality. , , Wm. BLACK/ Esq., t others at the same place; for fourteen days CHILDREN HALF PRICE. StoreCattle. We have afew inquiriesfor " 12, August 1874. ,;.'* Tokomairiro. from this date. "WALLACE," this description of stock, deliverable next EDWIN LE3GE, R.S. month, when we anticipate a good demand ROBEET CHAPMiN, ft TENDERS. -MONDAY, 24th AUGUST, for well-bred and grown cattle, which we AND Chairman. ELECTEO* BIOLOGY. ' " .quote at— For bullocks, from L 3 10s to L 4 h\ the ERECTION At 2 o'clock. wanted for mENDERS Dunedin, August Bth 1874. ]0s ; cows, from L2 10s to L3 ; mixed CHIEE," 10s -■"MOUNTAIN (labor Mr J. Martin of a HOUSE for < ', BRUCE, Mesmerist and herds, 40s to 50s, accordingto conditionand only). riAPSTICK, < DUTHIE, AND CO., Phrenologist will give a Phrenologi- breeding. Imported fromScotland. Store Sheep. "Very few lots of this class ' V^ > have received instructions to seU' by Plans and apecifications to be seen atMr cal afid Mesmeric entertainment in of sheep are now changinghands. We have auction, at the Glasgow House, opposite St. inquiries fir young sheep of various sorts, The Shetland Stallion. ST. GEORGE'S HALL, MILTON, J. Honeyman's residence, Milton, where Church,' Milton, on Monday, 24th ' John's j with few offering. For the week wehave no , " August August, at 2 o'clock Monday. recived till tenders will be °? NEW ZEALAND GOVEENMENT KING TOM," transactions of any note to report. We INST, comprising, Stores, the; WEDNESDAY, 19th 24th. The lowest or any tender not neces' " The whole of ,quote— Halfbred ewes, in lamb, 13s tol6a; LIFE INSURANCE. Tea, Coffee, Mustard, Pickles, v FILLIES, Bruce is the great Curative wethers, 10s to 12s ;lambs, 7s to 8s ;merino accepted: sarily SHETLAND Professor FOUR Jams, &c,&c. wethers, 6s' 6d to 7s ; full-mouthed ewes, 5s Mesmerist, and as a Phrenologist has been 6d Also, CLAPCOTT, ESQ., Sub-Commisto;6s. S. Clydesdale Draught Heavy T E N D E E superior 30 very most successful in his delineations of " sioner, will return to Balclutha on The whole of the valuable Household Wool and Sheepskins We will holdour MahoganyChest Furniture, viz.— next sale in thebeyinning,of the week, when ' character. Mares, a portion of which are first prize- or aboutthe 24th inst., and will deliver a of Drawers, Cheffonier withBook we will offer a few odd lots of wooland a the a to seven, wanted for erection of commence Chairs, -past nnENDERS Doors at half Table, open Drawing-room < LIFE INnumber of heivywoolledsheepskins. : subject LECTURE on the of " Case Victoria. takers in Machines, "L House,- for Mr Chetham, Milton. at eight p.m. Hides, &c, are in bettor demand, and may 2 valuable Sewing " his " SURANCE, give and selections from Worreland Co., and Wheeler and be quotedat from4d to" 4£ per lb for prime Now on View at the READINGS from Popular Authors at Plan and specification to be seen' at the Wilson's wholecabinetmahogany, — salted. We will offer at our next sale a Seats 2s large bothin first-class workingorder, parcel of prime heavy weights, and Kaitangata, Port Molyneux, Warepa, and Bruce Herald Office, where tenders will Admission Front Seats, 3s ; Back ROYAL GEORGE STABLES, Washstands, Toilet Tables, Bedseverallots of prime quality tallow. SATURDAY, Clinton. the 22nd to announceCot, Mattresses, previous received till be steads, Child's "DEFERRING Grain. ;The marketfdr theweek has been DUNEDIN, Fenders and Irons, Dalkeith The date of each meeting will be adver- August. very quiet,and fgw lotshave changedhands. order) by pursued to Range splendid ments, and the course (in ' Kitchen Quotations remain unaltered, viz. :Prime "* tised in a futureissue. Home Washer with Ringer, And selected especially for this Market by. samples wheat, 4i 6d to 4s 9d ; mediumand necessarily not any The lowest or tender " " this newspaper for so many years past in the inferior, 4s to 4s 3d; milling samples oats, 43 Boiler,KitchenTables,Cupboard, " Cooking Utensils, Crockery ware, < MR JOHN TRESTRAIL. EEMOVAL TO NEW PEEMISES. accepted. 3a to 4s 6d ; good feed, 4s to 4s 3d. We free insertion to Subscribers of all notices have placed several lots at quotations during &c, &c. — Reserve. sold without ML D, centrally NOTICE. MRS. EO situated new LET. Those The whole to-be the week ; also, several lots of potatoes, at " " Premises next the Bruce Herald of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, we have fromL6 103 to L6 16s 6d per ton. STOREKEEPER, GENERAL AUGUST, WEDNESDAY, 26fch Shop or of the owing to the result Office, Milton. To be fitted up as a to give notice that, ' MILTON, At 6 o'clock. THE LABOR MARKET. HeraldOffice. Apply Office. Bruce respectfullyto informher customers A LL Accounts Due to the Undersigned late case, Dawson v. Mackay, we regret, Mr Skeue reports that the demand fop "' andthe generalpublic of Milton that NOTICE. £500 Worth Crockery and Glassware. 3beyond the futuie, to make a charge suitable people of all kinds i compelledin being supply, and likely to continue. Wages are are to be paid to Geo. Capstick, whose shehas removedinto larger and more suitable APPS has opened, a Barber's of Two Shillings and Sixpence for all such as follow: Farm laborers, well up to premisesadjoiningthe Bruce HeealdOfficeDUTHTE, AND CO., ploughing, etc., get from L55 to L65 ; if " binding be onme. sell, by Receipt to will to with 6d a head Hair Cutting, 3d Shop— where she trusts be favored a conhave received instructions married, L7O toL75, and LBO. Shepherds \J Chapman Judge HisHonor August, advertisements. Wednesday, 26th ' public auction, on for Shaving. Next door to H. &D. Moyes, tiuuance and increaseof former favors. and gardeners, about the same. Female the National rooms, adjoining " 1874, at their JOHN M'FARLAJSE, (Signed) gee L26, L3O, L35, andL4O, Barremarkedthat Newspapers should charge servantscooks,Mrs ML. takes this opportunityof thank- shoemakers. of New Zealand Bank and housekeepers, from 2Gs maids, ' ■"' ri Nurse girls 6s, 7s, and 8s ing her friends for the patronage received A Large and varied assortment of to 30s week. per MILTON. promerely CORPORATION OF as a for these advertisements— August 13th, 1874. Crockery and Glassware, conper week.. Office boys 8s and 10s, per week. years since commencing during the two past Tumblers, ■Masons, carpenters, and bricklayers are getsisting ofBasins, Jugs, business, and hopes by strict attention, TMPOUNDED on the 6th inst., by Peter tection." ICE. ting busy, at 12a to 14s per*xliem. Indoor WineGlasses, Decanters, ChamN O T -*trades, tailors, shoemakers, etc are active, ber Ware, Vegetable Dishes, combined with select and suitablestocks at Jones, Inspector of Nuisances, one " Commercial getting from L3 and Dessert Plates, &c. 5s to L4 at piece work. .' moderate charges, to receive a fair share of Chestnut Horse, branded Qf onoff shoulder, Sturdylaborersare asked for, Bs, 9s, and 10s &C. whiteblazeon face, and one Chestnut Horse, 4 LL Accounts Due to the Undersigned publicsupport. A. Mercer reports for the week ending is going for such. Ships' stewards, cooks, HIVITED. shopmen, and clerks are at the dullestlow, face, not whiteblaze on two visible, 15, 1874, retail prices only August brand IN3PECTION the new address. Since mylast report, there is little or no but a very short time will bring a demand Observe Capstick, whose foot, ' impaid are to be to Geo. whitehindfeetand one whiteoff fore , Tbbms Cash. alteration excepting that fresh butter for them. MRS. M-LEOD, poundedon thelObh inst., owners unknown stillcontinues very scarce, and butter anybinding on me. Receipt will be GROCER AND TEA DEALER, THE SHAKE MARKET. for trespassing on Union-street,Milton, and thing like passable, is 2s per lb ;salt butter N O RE S E R V E. well best cheese selling ; Office, Bruce Herald Is to and Bd., Next 6d Is horses M.D., being in default of released the above (Signed) „ A. WEBER, Mr Hooper reports that the share market lOd to Is per lb and nothing but first-rate / t TUIBSDAY, Bth SEPTEMBEE. MILTON. will be sold at the Corporation Pound, will sell ; side and rolled baconlOd to Is is active and some stocks- are much firmer, Milton. Union-street, on Tuesday, the 25th inst., at and in goac-: demand : colonial hams, IsId notably theSouthBritishInsurance.Natiorial - /^APSTICK, DUTHIE, & CO. will hold DON'T FOEOET TO CALL to Is 2dper lb ;beef hams, 7d to B^per lb ; Insurance, Star of the East, and Shotover 12 o'clock noon, AugustUth, 1874. their Yards, on \j'u sale" by auction, at Horses, boiled hams, 9d ; English hams, Is*4d to Is Gold Mining. StandardInsurance,,National AT THE Cattle, PETER JONTCS, Gold Mining have Tuesday,Bth September, of 6d. Eggs are very plentiful, but* in good Bank, and Arrow River slightly declined. Mosgiel woollen; GreyNOTICE. Tk/T ANCHESTEE HOUSE and Hhose parties deßirous of demandat Is9d per doz. Pounlkeeper. and;Sheepi" particulars, mouth coal mining, and Walton Park coal c offeringjtook .willplease forward Aug. 17, mining are unsaleable except at very low1874. so,that they may,be duly announced. WEEK, THIS Messrs. Wright, Stephenson and Co. rates. Of new companies Colonial Bank having Cattle running in our T>ARTIES week ending15th August, as shares, have not been allotted under such report for the STEWART, & Ct). "*- Paddocks, at Wangaloa, will, please " AND INSPECT THE follows. . circumstances /'as applicants ; .tho.ught they Fat Cattle.— There was a full marketthis would be; contrary to the general expecta.{Cwtha Bbanch) will hold their removethe same before the 31st August, GKEAT BARGAINS We sold on yarded, Friday, week, being 28th otherwise they will be sold to pay ex200 head tion, the" number, of shares appliedfor has '.MonthlySale af their Yards on account of Messrs. Ensor and Smith, and been allotted. This, to/ some speculators, IST " of— consisting o'clock, Li penses. 103 to 2 has been rather disappointing, and conseM'-Leish, 120 head at from L6 August, at 2 NOTICE. " 5. for. cows quently alarge number" 'of shares have been FLANNELS, SHEETING-S, ANDREW SMAJLL & SONS, for Bullocks, and L6 5s to L9 20 Head Fat Cattle District We quote primebeef30s to32s 6d.per 100 lbs; sold below, par. .The prospectus" of the Summoned for the Mayfield, AND " medium ditto, 255. Privately, we sold 230: Phoenix Quartz Mining- Companyhas been Court, Tokomairiro, for Wednesday, head Kaitangata. 40 Store . 'do at prices equivalenttoabove quotations issued, and, judging from its tenor, the " L I E the 19 th instant, are informed that their :FatCalves.— 2s head were penned, which undertaking.should;be a good-one. ;Sons of C A C O SI!! COLLIERY, LUTHEE BANK 3QO Half-bred Lambs we sold at from 20s; to 425. services will not be required, Fortune Gold Mining,.Company's prospects " Fatr Sheep. 1,000 were penned. We sold are said to: be encouraging, present .quotaA L SO■ < _tiSADDLE HILL. and to 500 22a, FARRELL, PETER 200 half-breds at from 19a .18.*; /South tions Star of -the-'East. L6 14a British, A SPECIAL LOT, CONSISTINGSouthdown ewes at from14s to per 51a; Natiodal' Insiirance, 3Qa 0; are requested tobringforward any Clerk ofthe Court. half-bred 3d.. We quote prime half»breds at 4d .Standard Insurance, lls'6d; Greymouth TO TAIERI SETTLERS AND OTHEES. OF i lb, ; ditto merinos,'3|d. Our sales privately:, Coal, 7s 54 ; Walton; Stock;they may have for sale on 'the above Park, 4s "- Elizabeth Court, Tokomairiro, District _ x tare 400 merino wethers and 1500 cross-bred Quartz Mining, 603 National Bank;? L3 9s August, 1874. 17th 1,020.1 date.*" YAEDS " v ;;/-.;■ 'h^- ■'o;^-?<Ui? ..;■-"■ ditto/ at above quotations. buyers for well-- M." V.' /CHRISTIE BROTHERS arenow deliverPERFOR have Store Cattle.— We FIRST-RATE INVESTMENT ing Coal at their Depot, near Sunny- WHITE AND DUNEDIN PRICES CURRENT SCARLET lt/T IS S BRO WN L IE. growri cattle for delivery next month. Our -fIONS OFSMALL CAPITAL. side Hotel. 41head, consisting of spayed ' been *** saleshave " v>Inbond. ;V i~:ii."■'.■'::''■'_"■ (Late at Herbert, Haynes, and Co. s) cows, with a few bullocks, at L4; and 35 .. ..■ ..""".-. >_ FOR SALE; FLANNELS. Shed, or addressed ' Brandy— :Hennes'sy'g bulk, 10a 9d to 11b ;do 5s to L 15s at theCoal at from L 2 3 Orders left mixedcattle head . THE Ts now prepared to show a new and very ;, v 6d to 333. .; Store Sheep —We have buyers for merino .case'/ 32a BAZAAR, "Ea3t TaieriPost Office," will^be " attended Will be opened out, and large and choice assortment of Millinery, wethers, to report. Otardfc bulk," 8s 3d to 8s 6d ;do caaej 28a,6d transactions have no " but "^t6-.29sA.v : The cheapest establishment in town to. :■- ■'■.*':.'■■'-:.::"'";:':"'J". Bonnets, and trimmedHats for the Winter We quote merino wethers at Tb to Bs. '___ Bisquit -Dubuche,EEADY EOE SALE 8s 6d '":\" : ;, good continues a demand for the purchase of There Horses. Season. and strong coaoh horses. Associated bulk,'9s to 9s 6d; do case, 24a to books; stationery, fancy goods, draughts Medicines heavy Tcl^wing weli-fcaown for -,--i^.-i'> ; " : 11SY the of farmers and -2bs ;...■,■. ,-.,.'- ■,-■"■"'.-■ '' THIS DAY, JSSt She has also a large andvaluable Stock of We would call theatattention ""/ SMOKERS' REQUISITES, &c. : to the sale our yards on Saturday, Geneva, 14s 6d to 15s ; j«:v: > ; others Underclothing,Stays, andBabyLinen. "Crlenury whisky, 5alO£d to 6a Sdj-GampbelEESKINE, L^VJMINT. AT we shall offer a 'instant, very PBTTIT'S CHILBLAIN when & BEOS. 22nd !< VSIMONStationers, and Fancy Goods ANTI-BILIDUS PILLS. superior shipment, ex Omeo, from MelBooksellers, ~ Princes-street, A PEICES. HOME Dealers, bourne, consisting of Clydesdale draught Sieriff'«r Islay,ss 6d ;M^Mu^hey's,'5s 9dt by Prepared only ..-.' ' DUffEDIN JEtum-i— Leinoii'Hart's and RWjb*.ji 4s (5d J draught together withthe'dydesdale AGENTS, ADVERTISING mares, "( "EmRAI. NEWS AWD v. PETTIT, i ,«jvj. -(Nextßank of New Zealand), and 0o.) wrtifriivWaUw ftnd'Wountwa Chief, (Opposite ■ NEW ADVERTfSEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. it A^ L~T^r- " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . NEW ADVERTISEME«Td : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BEAVEE . . | VT^ "■ - — CO^ THE - - 2 . # - S' ,1. '' - . .. . ''' - ,. , . '. - TO i .r . - 4 ; — — , '"' - -- . — PROFESSOR — — H - , - — Jtt "** l J I^o - .. BEGS r^APSTICK, j — HENRY — - , — — - . ~- '«,. - * — DRIVER, 1 - JURORS — — j . - . - ■ L * - ■* EIVHETOS '" — . . : \' Sit V "*t '» ~" ' BIVERTON.^ J Ohemist, Tokomairiro EDW.'SI^A^T ff , JJerberfy Ha^ues, mv ' Tu^^jkigusti&&/;sss& " 'TflE BEUCD securities, having Kerosene, |s9d to la lOd a past fight, and in whpni we have now the onlyholder of Government purely English Ringer wine, 22s to 23a greatest confidence ; but then, again, there L161,638 9a 3d, and, as the oldest occupies Stout. Byass's, 9a to;9a : 6d ;do, Blood's, 9s to it Company, Zealand Banking havebeen gratuitouslyadded to these a. parcel New 9s 6d; do, Guinness's, lls to lla.3d But it Arrol's stout, 9a 9d to 10a ; Jeffrey's ale, of old political log-roller3 and mendicants, the top of the listi under all heads. considerably to that now 10a is gratifying find " to 108 6d whose principles' are indefinable, because free anddutypaid. 7 more thanhalf- the Bankingbusinessisdone Hay, L6Tlos per ton indefinite, and who practice accordingly. by the two institutions which profess to Straw, L2 5s per ton Oatmeal, L24 per ton belong to the Colony. The est*bli«hment Flour, Lll15s to Ll2per ton A correspondent, who resides on the Coast, of the-ColonialBank will,it maybe reasonPrime wheat, 4? 3d to 4s 9d per bushel at no great distance from MolyneuxBay. ably expected, largely, augment this; proGood fowls* wheat* 4s 2d to 4s 3d directs our attention to the followingpara- portion, when a proper state of things will Oats, goodfeed, 4s to 4s 2d Bran,L5 per'ton graph which appeared in the weekly com- come abqut, and ftew Zealand busineßS / ;~ >" 10s perton Cha^, L4 contemporary of mercialreportof aDunedin people willnot be ha/npered in their enter" Potatoes, L per ton 7 Monday week last :— Dried fish veryscarce; prises by banking cpnsiderations, dependent Onions, 45a per cwt. Bacon, 9d per lb;ham, lid;cheese, 7Jd"tp lingnot to behad." Tf we are tobelieyeour upon the prosperity, not of this Colony, but Bid correspondent,no such scarcityof fish, dried, of Victoria; and NewSouth Wales. Pollard, \LS 10s to L6 per ton' / or undried, onght to exist, inasmuch as the [Barley dust, L5 per ton; rather scarce Beef, 20s to 25s per Wtj 3d to 7d per Ib, southern coast line is belted— so to spealc-— Thby are ; selling Colonial Bank shares by, :/ .-; ,:.":."■■-;,."■-'/ ..,: retail.; with a well definedbreadtti of fishingground, auction inInvercargill: \ Mutton, 3d "' veal, 4d 6d ; per lb -' to - ib:;;-'■ '"-- " - ..■/ ; ;. >■ :'■■■"--'■■. in a similarmannerto that with..which many We learn that thelocotnofcive will make a start v-of the railway at about Turkeys, piehtiful ;:fowls, per pair. 5a to 6s islandsof thePacific have abreadth of coral in ihe Waihola section ' -- , to-day. Apples, 4d to'Bd per lb; oranges,3s per doz noon reef surrounding them. It would appear Rivertonhave beenhai'dup for ;Lemons, 3s per doz ;currants, 4^d 'people Thb of Carrots, L 3 3s to 6s per also that this fish-belt is cut up into two firewood, although so near it. Does this shew per ton -celery, '' rdot ::.- >; '■-'. ■■'■-.' '-' ■■.. " ? '/: / longitudinal sections, the larger ones being deficiency enterprise ? pegged"off and -occupied by the largest op, .Db Stewabt, of Milton, has'been .appointed medical referee for the district under the GovernMARRIAGE. most numerous species of .fish. We are, ment and Annuities Act, 1869. ■■.■/ GaAUT— Motjnthsb.— -On the 'lQfclt inafc, by the -.. - Key.'Mr Paterson,°at the(bride"s residence, assured that this singularly interesting fact Jn the Foresb Sill District Mr Commissioner . . - . "■ "- : ■ SERA LB,, 5 . Messrs D, and ;E>. Cameron, mercers and "A Cokneb section on theroad from Dunedin, The Archbishop of Canterbury's Church drapers, Invercargill",''liave erected a commodious to the Ocean JBeach lately changed hands at DisciplineBill has passed.. :. During the discussion in the House of . grain store capable of holding 5000 bushels of LIBO. " Mr Gladstone and Mr Disraeli . grain. TiTRNTPS, rape, andred clover yield splendidly Commons, both,said-that althoughtranquility prevailed Should Otago. districts of Is. the Protection ofAnimals ActAmendment in the south--western influences exist indicating great Act,^lately read in tlie House, a clause has been not hog farming/;and dairying pay wellin conse- inEurope, Spanish or later, in .; . . ■;_ .-.■,...;, '.'-.■ "■"■ troubles sooner introduced absolutely forbidding the killing, quence? affairs play arprominentpart. slaying, orbuying oftuis. Mr BourkevUnder-Secretarry for Foreign By Electric Telegraph. Wb noticeby an exchange that Mr G-racelately Affairs, in reply to a:question,iaidho power ■ brought into .Queenstown from the Company's contemplated an armed intervention m Claim, Shotover, 63ozs ?dwts 3 grs of gold, 29ozs Dunedin, Aug. 17, 7-45 p^n»» Spain. * England would discourage regarded of which were the produce of one week'sprosp^ect,: proposition. . any Government will It is believed that the '; ing work. ■.-... "'."_ '■' Inthe. House of Commons, Mr M-Arthur twelve or fourteen on the majority have a of ' Messes ThomsonandBeattie, of Winton, have moved' a resolutionapproving ofthe Govern; Bill. built a Jar'ge grain' store, with a tramway there- Abolition will Eeynolds that Mr vote menb decision to annex Fiji,' which was canardafloat, A l from to the street for the convenience of loading retirefrom the opposition discussed. ■: Mr Milke moved anamendment with the and. and unloading. Wioton is a tidy littleplace,and Mr - ■ ■ ■ _ ■ ministry, is utterly withoutfoundation. willbecome a fine business staadin time. "The Ward-Chapman Committee, it is bein Thb amount of all kinds of timber sawn lievedy w now in a fair way to unravel-Hhe south Otago for the last three months exceeds tangled skein; '■'" / "■.are 2,000,000 feet, embracing the following bushes— circles political The latest moves 'in River, Forest Hill, Winton, Waihopai, Jacob's anxiouslylooked for. . , ; » Invercargill, Seaward,and.M'G-arraway. The Herohas arrived at Auckland. vi the Western RiIITVAT travelling in -winter District isbbtso.comfortable as'in the American Weixingtoit, iAugust17. to heat Could "* Government the«y carriages^ which have stoves The Gazette' contains a steam, the waste nob our carriages be heated with limits of a devia-v description of theline and boxes in careach conveyed by pipes to steam a portion from Djui©■ . urging caution. :Bftth' were rejected, Gladstone spoke strongly againstParliament relieving Government from the entire responsibility. vMr''li'owther, tfnder-SecreUry for the Colonies,- declared; that the cession must be; unconditional. : Bom9Btic ilavery wouldnot be tolerated. . i - of the railway tion on < ; . din to Moeraki. '.'!. Mr Meryynhas resigned his. appointment district under the Licensing for the Teviot |J '- '■"■"■" Act 1873 The statement of Bavings Banks for the year ended;.' 31st, December, 1873, lodged by deposishow receipts of cash :. tors, L27i655 19s ; : withdrawals by depositors, L20.129 18s 7d. Imports for quarter ended June 30j 1874,' LI;860,701; corresponding quarter, 1873, LI,690,685. Exports, LI,515,486 ; corresponding to last year,L1,043,072. Vessels entered inwards for the quarter, 180; tonnage, 85,362; crews, 3,542' in number. Outwards,304 ; tonnage, 91^645; crews, 3 618 in number. PARLIMENTARY. (From our ownCorrespondent.) ■WEiiiiiNGxbK, August 17 The debate onthe- abolition of provinces inthe^Kprth -Island vwas resumed by Mr Reeves, who made a poor speech,jhesitating approachesto station at Whiten, and the dilapidated, -t The oneis and way very"much at the cotrimencement but;warmit. present iiig up as he probeeded. He concluded by there nearly kneedeep" in mud. Passengershave moving the previous question.— -Mr Murray room for complaint. has givenNotice of a. further amendment. 'The bridge OTer the Waimatook, near Riverhaving"been moved, James Duff can be demonstrated by a few careful obser- Thomson has 10,000 acresof splendidland, which ton, is progressing slowly, and is situated about The previous ■, Wingfield-Jstreet, "Wellington, ; mineral wealth. contains, great do, put. It, is tolerably no doubt Shaw-Grant, of "Dunedin,; second son of the dieold Singularly enough yards below ford. fifty bearings of magnetic ha* a , late;Mr, Jauies Grant, iof Perth.. Scotland, vations, basedupon the well ascertainedthat the The railway bridge at Riverton, OTer Jacob's this structure is beneath the level of tne eastern majority of over a dozeril Mess.s iHarriaon to Emily HarriettMountier, only daughter a few prominent landmarks, Guidedby this River,willbo completed for:trafficinsix weeks. The bank, whichis very low just there, presumedly ■ ofMr F.Mouritier, of Wellington.' \ andShepherdpronouncedin" favor of theGono floods ' to interfere with ib, else it small amount of scientific knowledge the bridge forms an angle of 4sdeg. across the foot of" there aresubmerged. It is built of substantial be vernment. Major Atkinson spokein favorof Palmerstori-street. /would practical after enabled, a little fisherman is resolutions, but mainly,answeredMrReeves. ' totara piles, and will be of great assistance in Hospital reported The is full of . „, experience,to steer direct on to groper or patients.Qiieenstown Messrs Curtis andM'Gillivray.spokefor, and The local paper saysmost of them are ordinary floods. Mr Thomson against, when the hour for other kind last at the WoolStores of Messrs aggravated that from diseases On any suffering Saturday ground, produced or or crayfish of^ adjournment arrived. Mr *"'Stafford is due Lincoln Dunedin, pure and A. five Maclean, weather. J. of fish peculiar to the coast, and suited to the by the hot rams, bred by the well-knownMr J. B. Kirkham, here to-morrow, and is expected to make a AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Neahlt all the contracts of Mr Proud(3-eorge impune "Nemo me lacesset." ever changeable requirements of the market, Caistor, Lincolnshire, England, were offered strong speechin favor of the resolution. The foot in the Western District have been taken' up of for sale. The prices realised were as follows : debate is expected to last the,best part ofthe Melbourne.' ; their, beingespecially of fish suitable are on carrying sub-contractors, species who many by TOKOMAIRIRO, AUGUST 18, 1874. Lot 1, L.105, J. T. Etching, Moa ilat;Lot 2, have week. The division will be about;Fridajr. Papapa, reported, and u nder the of it is satisfactorily,: superintendence work Lurline to be cured and smokedinto a valuable ; Lot 3, LBO 17s, Mr L13% Bs, J. T. Kitching move the adjournment this Mr Thomson, Government Inspector. . suffered a good deal on the voyage. Lurline Mr Andrew willgalleries Grant, Blueskin;Lot4, L75 12s, J.T. Kitching} is The of the House were evening. ;This principle involved in ther -Premier's marketable commodity, .besides other takes being to be to reserved Sydney, not sent Thesecond of the series of Sixpenny Headings Lot 5, L52 10s; Messrs Hay Brothers, Pigeon and the utmost afternoon, crowded this Melbourne events. ready :resolutions for the-abolition of Provincialism which would find sale at remunerative is to be given to-night. Judging from the Bay, Canterbury. for the interest was manifested. movingsteadily New teas are at advanced the be ; foririer, achieved this should by know"of success ftland, likely is not t^befoujad prices throughout the interior. We iri'tfie North It does not appearmuchof a subject to make a rates. a SpecialCorrespondent,) well attended, particularly as Mr Clapcott has local .. . ] The(From about,but then we must not trust to.ap' House met to-iday,speoially to diacust to proceeds fault with.,, Tliei desirability of annullingthe no place more suitable for the establishment promisedhis valuable assistance. Arabella Goddard Dunedin n pearances: A barber advertiseselsewhere that he Melbourne, afterperformingftBathurst. the resolution idr the abolition:of Provinces. anomalous state of affairs in Auckland and of <k fishing station than Molyneux Bay. The trains on the Bluff line go at the rate of will cut <,the hair of the people of Milton at 6d a viaThe brig Ellen Morris has been totally Before the debate was resumecl, Mr O'Rorke " Wellington, noone questions,- the wholedis- The shelter "afforded by the Nuggets 2.0 miles anhour, when in motion.. Stoppages, head, and will shave the same people at 3d a wrecked at .NewCaledonia. flatly deniedthe Premier'sstatement thathe however, are of continual occurrence, and; from chin. Considering the present dearness of coals, " (Mr O'Rorke) had not given, the Government fishing boats, ten to fifteen minutes consumed in taking on and the likelihood of Mr Vogel's dissolving Cairns, ■ pute hinges, first, on personalsuspicion as to the largest description of Alexander A young man named Parcould notpossibly, agree liament, these prices do 1not seem altogether un- attempted suicide, first by cuttinghis throat, intimation that he regards'Mr Vogely and next, in a large lis that which would be required, in tLaber trucks. .Might not this be obviated. with the proposed resolution. He challenged drovming then himself. if the barber will not cut and Anyhow, c reasonable. leaye is expected The steamer Alhambra to degree, on the.""certain amount of surprise such an emergency as one of the sudden At Sandhurst the dividends'for the week his former colleagues Jtb say whether BlujF at 11 a in. to-day. Telegrams for the hair so thatit shall lookas if ithad been operated he had not stated so in the; Cabinet, which"has been caused by these resolutions. shifts of - wind, peculiar to the East Australian Colonies or Europe, via Java cable, on with a knife and fork, he will get a good amounted-to,overLIB,—OOO. : there is as he. and wound up by asking the -House to here, nothingdoing. for room for such Business is dull very business largely the manner in Coast, coming on, and makingit necessary to will be received at the Milton and Balclutha vThisi;indeed, is of the due of decide whether." the truth rests: with mo course, proportion entries for the shavrug, fifty-one As to remain There for transmission to Melbourne up to 11 to regard it. That "up stick andrun." Haying a shelter on stations cuts, we trust, will not be exceeded. i.wMchwe are Melbourne Cup. The horses scratched are or the Premier." Mr Yogel; absolutely a.m. Ace of Trumps, Sir Bedivere, Electricity, wriggled out of his " previous statement by '-personal suspicion, tod, is caused by the his lee, or onethat can be workedup to by a A soiree in connection with the Sons of TemMb White is making trial completionsofsome Calumny, Here-gees, Prophet, Queen of explainingthat he had been' taken by surHall on is to be held in the Volunteer perance to act proposed it be asT would be his works may weatherly craft, such of the pottery recently fashioned at way in which smart " Tuesday, the 25th inst., at which the Rev. Dr Clubs, Seasp«-ay, Misty Morn, Sunlight, prise by the -action,- and" attempted upon the resolutions, and which may be selected for the service, gives a feeling of Yesterday he had a few jugs and milk pans Eoaeby, Mr Jago, and Mr Graham, of Dunedin, Zanco,May King, Maidof Avenel, Calaba, to defend what he had said, on the a which await final whichh-d been fired, ensuing May Day, Echo, Excelsior, Strop, Allfoura, ground of the usual practice to resign first, most unfair and prejudicial to the interests safety to the fisherman, whichenables himto process before they can and^ be said tobe 'finished. So will assist, andinstall the officers fortothe make the Conqueror, Beltran, Stockbridge, Zetland, and a memberthen to make an explanation has been done Everything term. satisfactory. ;of Otago. As for the rest of the matter, it prosecute his somewhat arduous labors with far, the results are highly gathering pleasant and interesting. Mrs Goodall Persiancolt, Waimea, No Vice, Blinkbbnnie. from his seat in the House, but had to acThe Bluff looks quite lively with its railway is to cater on the occasion, so there is no doubt knowledgethat Mr O'Rorke stated in the is reallylittle or no business of ours here,' a zeal and energy, which couldnot be ex; pier and foreign shipping- The othe day the about getting a goodcup of tea. A large number Cabinet that he conld> not support the resoSydney, that is,having taken it for granted that the pected if he launched his boat with the William Davie, Carrick Castle (wool ships), of ladies and gentlemen have promised to give lutions, that he, had no idea of his the Celestia (coasting barque), assistance with vocal and instrumental music to Serious complications have arisen respect- resigning,but abolition of Provincialism is,desired by the chances of a good haul of fish on the one together with he only meant by .his statement Service, having Pakeha, Mail Ball Tucker, Nichol and the the Californian brig ing owed by make the evening pass pleasantly, and the wellthe other day, that he. had been, taken by 0 Northerns. And^on this point thereneed hand, or theloss of life on the. other. and schooner Mary Melville,besides the steamers known advocacy of (he Temperance cause by the left for America, per Mikado. The Tartar surprise. Mr Reynolds would repeat what the were inharbor. it is true and to China on her doubt, though Wanganui, not be much Supposingthat this matter were takenup Wallabi above-named gentlemen will ensure the meeting has been ordered hence Premier, when he askedhim as arrival, and the owners of the Cyphrenes he told the time at the moment to being aninteresting one. accountsof public feeling in Auckland;are by a party possessing the necessary capital, We have not gotbusiness, to Mr O'Rorke'a statement. All he knew itis tc preventthe enquire whose exact We recently published certain official returns sent here to her commanJer. Cabinet, and what Very .widely divergent.. It is comforting, or by a joint stock company, which we think graves Company will not charter a was what passed in theafter" The A.S N. in the Fairfax Cemetery being trampled of unsold land in Southland. Of these one of Mr O'Rorke told him. the Cabinet, However, to know that these accounts are all preferable,it would be worthy of considera- on, and the neatness which kindhands has given the local papers says :— " A considerable area has, steamer for a single trip, unless they have that he could not possibly agree to the of errant children. We contract. destroyedby temporary them, troops we beec inthe balance of the however, since been sold, and MfLean said he remem" have :; more orJess unreliable. Somehow ox another tion whether it would not be worth vhile to write this because the state of affairs is not plea- formed that although called available," much Under the circumstances the Government resolutions. Mr O'Rorke expressed strong > the correspondents: through whom these acadd to th»" working plant a thoroughly sant, and whoever's business it is, he had better of the land is unsuitable for settlement in the have determinedto carry onthe servicein the bered that Mr the resolutions, butdid-not to repugnance look after it. the return, meantime. If the compilers of meantime themselves. counts come,'-'.whilst Beting, we doubt not, equipped whale boat. Such a thing as a understandthathe was determined to resign. The coal at Forest Hill,^near Winton, of instead of confining themselves to the mere acrewith, the most honest intentions, are all, to prize worth two or three hundred pounds Mr Richardson stated to the same effect. Mr Mr of thes surveyor's age, had given an abstract which a seam of 18 inches thick exists on Adelaide. O'Rorke replied thathe only wished to shew agreat extent, imbued- with political pre- disporting itself in Molyneux Bay is not one Butler's land,is pronouncedby judges to be equal descriptive Jiemarks, the report wouldhavebeen telegraphed to—Elder from that the Premier's statement, that he had Mr "Ross has Mr infinitely raore valuable. As it stands, it is caljudicesof Taryihgidegrees of intensity, and so seldom seen as a comet, nor so frequently to anything yet discovered inNew Zealand. to the followingeffect ; Obliged not given the Governmentany notice of his Butler will find another seam of probably greater culated to lead to very erroneous conclusions Beltram ■ the resolutions to the theyconsequentlyannounce that the state as a duelling disporting her or himself thickness and excellence not far beneath the pre- regarding the necessity that exists for epening up to return through want of water. No .rain intention to oppose ' has fallen for a long tinm. Horses several utmost if "they - were brought down, was ca" be little doubt of the future agricultural land outside the Hundreds." sent There is, &c. whilst -in there one. public of are no whales 'feeling here in the gutter. Where for days incorrect. The matter then dropped. Mr of the Western District Railways with Amougst the Invercargill industries, the sash times have been without water ' niurlga. The Reeves thereafter renewedthe debate. He reality they jiidge of public feeling much by to be hunted there are, nearly always, success such splendid resources. of Mr William Bress is worthy of notice, together. A great extent of of factory, scrub is immense. Quantities underwood condemned thehasty andrash conduct of the the politicians with whom theyare in accord, porpoises to be had, which yield an oil that The 'New Zealand Gazette' states that Wil- inasmuch as itis the first of its kind in South prevented us from using the camels. It is a Premier in bringing down on the spur and planing and whose utterances they hear. But to commands a price in the Provincial market liam Busoh, Mayor of Naseby, Matthew Hay, of Orago. Mr Bress has a very superiorto The farthest heatof the moment a proposal so sweeping of Clyde, and Keith machine, which is fitted insuch a way as plane trying country for water. mm., Lawrence, Benjamin Naylor, longitude and revolutionary in itß character. He 'anyone well.acquainted with. the state of that will leave a handsome margin of profit -iainsay, of Dunedin, are appointed Justices of all four sides of boards at once, as broad as 9£ couse was latitude 30 deg. 35 Corporation inches. Tongue and groovingis done by an after 131 deg. 56 mm. Very few Natives seen, pointed out the harm that was calculated affairs, and tlie people in 1&e;North, there after the expense of capture and trying out the Peace under the Otago Municipal ' Act, 1865. A Gazette' published operation. Sashes are morticed and cut to length and on every occasion they were making to be done at a time requiring peace and needs little argument to showthat anything are provided for. We earnestly commend Empowering on the 14thinst. announces the issue ofletters of by means of side cutters and filling tools, while towards the sea coast. They were wild, and repose, when unity was required, by such the technically named we wereunable to get within speakingdis- action. He thought a far wiser course at which |nay get rid of the dual system of this matter to thenotice of capitalists, or, naturalization to Mr Gusbav Ludwig Theodor "the ends are scribed by revolves withan oscillating tance of them- The country traversed this time would have been for ministers to of Auckland. drunken which saw," der merchant Heyde, relief, Von hailed as a there, will be which appears to us would be better, the '(proveinnaent ' * motion. This machine, which is one ofRanand nndulating table land, devote themselves to economyof administraThe Wakatip Mail has a lively leader on Mr som and Co.'s, is driven by a five-horfe power was high, open, ■. andfurther* it needs ib verylengthyprocess "considerationof some respectable projector with dense murlga shrubs. There are great tion than introducing fanciful schemes, the breaking promises VincentPyke. It accuseshim of is nearly opposite engine. The factory open undulating plains, magnificently outcome of Jthe fertile brain of the premier. to conclude that'Provincialism is a positive of joint stock companies. Such a project, to his constituents, of truthlessness as a represen- vertical the lnvercargill Industrial School in Clyde street, grassed." He moved the previous question.— Major evil'there. Wehave therefore altogetherto we feel sure, would meet with much favor in tative to the Colony and Province, and concludes manuflourishing bids fair to become a Atkinson, of Taranaki, supportedthe resoluby characterising such a representation as his as which locality. regard,and this notnecessarily as a question theClutha district. The gradual increase in " a prostitution of the electorate vote." This is facturing tions, on the ground that the smallerpro" CABLEGRAMS severe. The 'Wakatip " of selfishness, the probableintentions of Mr About a month ago," says the local paper, vinces could not be worse off -than; at the price of butcher's meat, consequent on warm, and rather too " has than Fon, other duties left Naseby for Mail' forgets that Mr Pyke a Chinaman, named Ah present. He held that the land fund 7. Lohdon, August Ypgel, touching the Middle Island and its the undue increase of our population,* is those look his after of an M.H.R. He has to Hamilton to visit some of his countrymen. As belonged to the country Mr .Curtis, Parliamenthas been prorogued, Provincialsystems. We are aware that he already beginning to be felt, and willcon- literary viork in Dunedin. he did not return, inquiry was made at Hamilton of Nelson, made a most excellent and well foreign 5 the result The Royal Speech stated that speech against the resolutions, has beenmost profuse in his protestations tinue to be felt more and more every day, The following telegram appears ina late Auck- to ascertain whathad become of him that delivered he had relations continued friendly. Her Majesty's '"' Tairoa, M.H.R., writes to the being thatit was at once found out "Mr paper: pointing v that the present resolutions,.do not contemland out the unstatesmanlik© way in untilthe price getsbeyondthe workingman's 'New York Herald 'and the London 'Standard,' not been there at all. It was accordingly con- Government would employ all its influence whichtheywerebroughtdown. He challenged had been in the Taieri. interference, promote the inthafc^fie drowned and slightest obligations the with the Gocluded to maintain by Otago treaty any plate . means, is another reason in favor of complaining of his treatment comparison of the coat of Provincial, and ;of the denial of his tenths to the On the Stli inst. the matter was reported to the the consolidationof peace. General Government carrying out of public -7 terestaof Otago and Canterbury^ But then project calculated to supply the great body vernment sent ConSub-Inspector M'Cluskey und police, 50,000 about inbt> acres, A delegate would sent to the Conference Otago block, which was wehave in the past had so much of profuse of consumers' breakfast, dinner, or tea table, cluding the towns of Tokomairiro, Balclutha, stable Walsh tho following morning (who was at Brussels assembled on the suggestionof works. Mr M'Gillivray, of Rivertbn, supported the resolutions." Mr Thomson, of search the Chinamen) by five to accompanied the whole one-tenl.hof Russia after anassurance had beeu received . promises from Mr Yogel, that never came to with anadditional (almostequally) nutritive andDunedin. He claims acreage. He relies on Cap- river. The search party found a pair of boots from the various powers represented, thatno Olutha, followedin oppositionto theßesoht* and town allotments fruition in the Bhape they shadowed,..that we arid much cheaper article 4of food than the tain Symonds, of Onehunga, principally, to have tied together close to the bank in the water, about proposalswould be made to alter recognised tiona, and complainedof the conduct of the littering a threat of dissolution, no doubt but that a quarter of a mile below the present very dan.are not inclined to put any extensive re- grazier or squatter can supply. Many the claim proved. There iscompensation. law, or place restric- Premier in to The gerous ford, which b as been so destructive to-lifev rule 3of international as tending prejudice the question in the obtain heavy Tairoa will ' operations. this Arid, hiaJlprotestatibns nowi ; liancejon Equally cogent reasons could be adduced in Native Minister will look favorably on Tairoa's The boots were identified by one of theChinese tions onnaval minds of some members, Negotiations havecommencedinreference ■beingso/ we havel beforeus the fact that an favor of bringing within the thrifty house- claim. Tairoa says if he gets no justioe here, he as those wornby the missing Chinaman. |nqul: ries have beenset on footby thepolice at Dunstan to the reciprocity treaty between the United home." go on will made at time the any might be, attempt wife's reach a more plentiful supply of one Local Industries. Creek, Maorae'B, and other localities, butno traoe States and Canada, it is anticipatedthat the M'OaxxumAm> Oo's steam saw mills, on the lias been found of the man. The strong pro- Treaty willbe revisedat an early, date. landrjarid of the.Middle Island, in which of the best descriptions of food whichProvi- main a dishave a for road, light tramway north indeed almost certainty, is that the river There are continueddisturbances in, Spain, HEIENSBROOK FLOVR MILLS, MILTOW. ;the Mmiatry wouldhave the: advantage of a dence has so bountifullyplaced within our tance of four miles into theSeaward bush, from bability, was deeper than he fancied, if not deep enough to which are deeply regre^sd. but while JEJer These are trucked to Steam flour mills are objectionable kind of logs. they their get whence too" of once, and of certain disconr him offhis to allow legs deep carry vote, block stretch hand to at desires therestoration Majesty earnestly JTorttwirn reach if we but forth our of things ; they take away ail the pleasantness the millbe a five-horse power locomotive, made his legs being withdrawn from the shifting dan- peace, that result will most surely ba brought tented districts inthe Middle: Island itself! obtain it by Prazer, Wishart, and Buchanan of Dunedin. gerous mud about half-way across. We have about by a rigid abstinence' from any inter- that one ia accustomed to, couple.with the grinding of wheat into flour ; and, further, saw benches are self acting, having one attendant, heard of no attempt having been made to drag Thai isJ tie pbint whence;.we nave to fear ference by the European powers. by means the table onor off the saw ? passes who the p,f "" 'danger, and ;.for general b,ody.' before U3 a statement of river the recqyery possible they neverlook picturesque.. Their outsidea We have ;we; the". may it" is a point whence, The Treaty with;the Sultan of Zanzibar, are of a chuck. The refuse timber, scantling, etc.,. is always of a harduncompromising nature, liabilities and assets of the various b the suppression qtaye. that the far be the received from for of the trade has ; security as can Scotland workedup into shingles, as We have recently ■■sayat once, we^liave»d present and their ipsides suggest a fiery arid molten and faithfully observed, already is, furnace, brick and the Dr is much Gulhrie, -vrluch been portrait of the"late \Eev. sawdust burned in a character, like the stomach of one, who'eata danger niay not come.,: Itis necessary, then,. BankingsCorporationstrading in the 'Qolony rest of the waste wood used as fuel to generate mountedin aframe of a very simple and ingeni- ha^ hsen aeoompliaKedin that direction. The much June, corry or cayennepepper. And, again, the 30th 1874. quarter this for ended should, planing, sawn, chaste, in are and and and i« representatives day kind, yet very subject ous beautiful It is a. of much gratificationthat the noise that our steam. 2000 shingles a they inake is obtrusive. The old on this enterLooked a the etc., by distance, 6,460,143 and grooving, are carried at from appearance; the famine iv India has. hitherto been natter, whether they agree or do not agree totalliabilities are Bet down at L be iowneS of inlaid -woods of attended with but little n^ortalitj. Much fashioned water- wheel, however you' may firm. frame to prising appears at assets, 9 , 5 2 5 , 0 2 6 , 2d, 525,026 andthe L 9s 2d. affix patent gearingofall kincls to it, cannot upon the abstract proposition contained in 9a $£a David Stbaitg-, of the Steam, Coffee, and -many colors, nor does;.a. closer inspection dispel thankfulness has to. be expressed for this become ugly, having always its /plashing, one person of the many to result, mainly■ attributable fa the Mr Vog«4's resolutions, unite inprotecting The deposits bearing interest amount to Spice Mills, invereargill, has sent us.sainpie tins the illusion. JTot which is dress to make it nice ; .but a.steam it has gurssed the m^tewal exertions of the and spice, whom we fiave shown Lord Northbrbol?, pleasant the interests of Ofcago. Thereis everyreason L1,560,860 15s lOd; and not bearingin- pf his preparations in coffee, pepper, engine has' always near it a great chimney the frame 19 composed, is until of 'which it their report upon with that should request the we handled, whenitbecomes apparent that and his subordinateaBtuck out iaa lonelykind of way', andworks to dread Mr Vogel> if backed by aresolute terest, to L2,740,497 6s Bd. The notes in respective nier-its. We hare practically tested actually The speech also, refers to thesteady pro- with a smellofgreaseandhot water, horribly formed, of coloredlinen threads strainedin it is 856,832 Od, are 8s and thebills by^MrStrang, prepared L the Maori of majority in the circulation br»nd coffee party giving,him'a working piece of paste- gress taken for the pacification of theiuhabi- suggestive of the dirtiest':of plate and dish 'andcheerfully testify to ij;9 very excellent quali- bands around an octagon-shaped House ; and we confess that the bizarre and in circulation, L51.693 133 7d. The assetß ties as a beverage;in fact we havp not tasted board, each band being of lb,e s^me poJftr, and tants of the GoldCoast, and the organisation washings. So, though the ," Helenabrook ; in width as it i^eara tjje centre, In- of a Government for that dependency. mill is by no means'put up with a view ta heterogeneousnature of the present Opposi- include coined metals, L1,301,014 4s 2<l, better in the Oolpnies, and it Will be quite inexr narrowingglass steßd to cover the photograph, talc is Treaties of peace. have been concluded, /veith being a model of arcliicfcecturo, and ia indeed Qf way a finds its single pound ofcoflfeo cusable if tion party is all in favor of putting him goldand silverin bara or bullion ;L268.249 into the band of thread is keptin important tribes-and tfte BLing of Asljautee madeup ofbitsof used, arid outermost such a from outside to while runupasincreased q,rketa Southland 2s 9d igally the of property ; position by pins, to-two has persevered,ifl"lain efforts to discharge the accumodatioQ was wanted, it is a sufficiently landed L 153.773 use. beadh^aded 6s lOd body> being head of a united of members is m«nufac; preparation I excellent at the which, a brass chain is attached to suspend the obl\, of the treaty with Great Britain. -a discounted, L3,584,669 4a tured'bh the spot. The aroma of the coffee is, of of The opposition,intowhichMessrs Macandrew notes ; and bills of tl^e; it" is /hoped that a reduction in taxation pleasantplace. stuck^dbwnin smallhollow itself, sufficient to prove its excellence. The picture by. An examination of the back the Toko and 'with' green , "of mairiro Plaint of those eyiqence due, and, exclusive yllV be possible whenthe actionsof Parliar and-'certain others have suddenly cast them* Id; and debts pepper arid mixed spice also seem equally well frame shows many knotted threads, " fields aroundit; But, as the proprietor of the/ on the part of thft. menk,shall have beenin operation, patient manipula/tioia. of much lOd -. 3,698,232 16s in excellent in Savor. as, bad, taste, sheet, only prepattedT-r-stvong that abandoned and L oelVes, is now likeSt. Peter's would prefer a descriptionof it? which thia style of frame ii at a,n mill The very strong,, excellent, and satisfactory fairse?, with whQin Inimports the country^ ; ;,would domore justice to its absolutely,usefancy-work in the increase of.elasti<jy, ; ' r^Y'BttU.e shows leading article or it contains, perhaps, a preponderance of JLooking over the returns in reference matiner'in which Mr Strang's manu^f ctures are pvieseni;the' . v ; qualities,perhapsit willbe as well, .with in'.tjip -ti^s inwhjph they a^e se^t forth Etomfr -. country..,. Should any. of our Colonial It announoßd^hat, . through tha go^d ful unclean animals, and is not likely to incul- to particular banks, we find that the the Cfew' words that haye Been' written, "to yburig ladies .wish /to acquire the. art, we will r publicl is, of itself,' a good'proof of liib to the other by Euro,; aided drop allaboutpicturesqueness.' Themillhaa we QfßsQe, of Germany;? cate any high and lustrous' principle, such National occupies the third place in im- thorough-determinafcibri tliafc these articles shall gladly, show them the frame describe^ J ,i?raneh'Government has: lutelyundergone the become.popular with the consumingpublic,arid, fear that some lessons wouldbet i pean -powers, the by by required his that to them a thoroughrefitting aJthe Apostle by portance, is, ' judge into the if we are instilled as was greater adepts than ourselves before they taken /measure? to preserve neutrality on::the machinery for , /from producing flour, and alsa 4 all appearances, judging fromwe do not see any; by Spanish faontier.- .".■..-.■;■.:./■%'--■'■:.-v.:'.v in the party men amount of business done, as evidencedv vision. There' are, thja addition of that for, ptctducing;^oat? thing'to prevent this,but, on the contrary, flfery- .could acco.mglish the feat of formijjg: so really ' harvest, is: iJngUaj^ disWtia* prox&ediiftg sq.trif^irig, Gftief whom we admire and respect-— men whose notesincirculation, andnotes and bills haridsQine an ornament K ia appro^ch.ed. fey short !ihirig: seems favorable to Strang's brands y ;-rvfrom ;; ;--f■*";:.';■';-:■■- ".;. ?; ; fwtorily^ V:":s /;:., .■■ 7/"'": meal. Jp^iiiiselvei, $9*o Kq^» v j»ne leaxlipg froxq \hs toringiplef havebeen purprinciple*in many counted. Thetfank p| w, Zealand,'is the leading plfioe j» tb,e poloniaji^ftd^ ; ';)''"' - ■ LI2OO or LISOO was voted by the last Provincial Council for the erection of a new railway The Buuce HErald. ; , . — . . . ■ — - ■* ; ■ " " " , — v v- — . ; — . Vicero^ . "' material^ ■ : ; %&:&::Bf%%-^ 6 > 1 l£j; -1 Ttfesdaj^ 1374. whether"ornot the community should con- which the splendid andjspacious'hall wwars duty, should be -accept any share of There is somewhat of a lull as regards fancy the gratulate itself upbri~lhe absence of litigation filled. The' occasion: was one on which responsibility ;in the. matter. All .these the purchase of sections ; and I platformerected, against whichloadeddrays price of these will remain stationary for Abstainers of disorganipretend decide, to but record Dunedin seem to indicate such a merely might things /iot the well .Xcdo MGSGIEL. backed, maybe and by means of this landing MR KENNTSDY AT : niy opinion that that community is hapfiy congratulate each other, and of which sation of parties, and such, a complete gome time, unless in situations ""well were, thelabor qi: f.-backing"rthei.' iU^eVofw^ ■ they might be proud. The'Hall is the upsetting of all Parliamentary rule and adauted for business. (To the Editor ofike-Bruce Herald.) whichknows neither litigationiiof lawyers. neatest, : BMks grain is entirely dispensedwith. most commodious, and the best order thatiaidissolution must eventuate. The Harbor Board havefenced off their lawyer, i object to when out of : , Sib,v-T see by to-day's issue of theBruce But Ido will; throw more ground on the Esplanade from that of tne ■"-.-? . Nearly;the whole of the ground floor is ; suited for public meetings and suchlike, No doubt a day.or two work, taking to writing 'for newspapew,as Heralp that, in writing to you of obscurity s iiaed as a store for grain^^i^^ gifted to of The is with which things railway, and whon offered forjease it will light town. on the ventilation^ adinEast Taieri in reference has.been the case, Ibelieve,, lately.'. This mirable, and the words of speakers now seem to be enshrouded. appointnient felt the stones upper required mill inthe floor as doubtless realise handsome "rents. The ' railway line near the .station towards the Here the different kinds of wheat aremixed to the Kennedy faioaily^and layingthefault line ofprocedure is calculated, as bneiinight on the platform are distinctly heard south encroaches" upon Itchen and Tyne «nd turned over,into the smutter hopper. to the Good Templars have offended some say, to bring' the profession of . journalism in every part of the hall. Oh Friday Lawrence. lawyer, the repeated disgrace, but for is you Bee, so, I ■into a streets at their junction jand unless some large? doing of them. muster of In there was the members vThe top of thisis supplied with a screen, for almostall fictional for a.fee, whereas the newspaper of the various Temperance. Societies by alteration currently believed in be made there' will-be a e.erious purposeof keeping large the back whatrwas ' sized. any (From ourownCorrespondent.) ' bear ordinaryupon brings man the of accidents'; certain, that and risk is; regalia. thuig their . official The Sons butt.hear that[negoforeignsubstances that may happen to have in the district. One ; August 13 A, 1874 life- out of pure love for tbie Daughters of Temperance, and the, Q-bod are going on with, the 'Resident Mosgiel business of tiations at appear advertised'to Kennedy Mr inadverteiitly been baggedup withthe wheat. r inlarge numbers; On' Sunday afternoon last the whole Engineer, wifch a view to v>remedy the Having passed through the hopper thewheat on! the 7th insti, and-would,no doubt,have thing. So, if any lawyer findthat%q catihot" Templars were present ;,;< there werealsopresentseveralmembers town .waß again cast into a state of gloom error. I him and Milton, saylet go elsewhere, Jive in had been 'so if the shed floor, entersthe smutter on thelower andout done Mr Andrew Taylor, The general meeting ;of the Northern came, the Order of Rechabites. that Theyjournalism. to of from information but not take . haye -the;, 1:1of the smutter it falls into, the fanners, I in? doubt muunter^ ' Mouthy,had been killed or Agricultural and Pastoral Association as the Chairman saidifrOm the eas^ and of Tuapeka; ;"■'■, -..-■ 1" : I am, &c, """.■■■■ blwt from which entirely frees it from any standing could be explained,by: the person the, north and the south, to seriously ibjured on his way home from was held on Saturday- last, and I west, feel glad ' the ' : ' ' .'; ::: ■"' !-"'"" ;-;::■...■ Bona. celebriate an event big with ...signifi- Lawrence ojq Saturday, evening. Im- to state that a considerable; number of light particles of foreign matter remaining whohas the, letting of theshed. ; ""/.'■" 1am, &o.t / it has passed through the smutter. eance to the cause of temperance, ahd,: mediately the sad 'news* arrived a con- members attended. The financial stateE. T. TOUB CORBESPONDBNT. Diinediii. 1 " therefore, to the cause of inoral_ reform veyance" was despatched' to''bring the ment of the Hon. Treasurer revealed a From the fanner it is feceived into a set of throughout the entire communitywThere unfortunate man to the hospital ;Doctor satisfactory state ,of the funds j and the elevators, that againcarries it to the upper E. T.,11th August, 1874. was much warm-hearted enthusiasm in Stewart also hurried out to the rscene of report; of the Committee, detailing the floor and dischargesitinto thestonehoppers, (From pur ownCorrespondent.) STEAM TO THE MOLYNEUX. meeting,and if the adviceand, counsel accident, but immediately he examined proceedings of last year, was also encourthe from whence, passingthroughthe stones and dur- of the Chaicman given, .that, evening to the We nearly hada row in Dunedin " falling tpthe groiundfloor, themealiscaught poor fellow all hope, of his recovery aging. There are few societies of the the ; v (To ike Editor of the Bruce- Herald.') 'ioff* the past week;-. For son? e time on themen whohave votes; and to thewomen was gbne,-and in fact he died shortly after. kind,dependent entirely onthe.voluntary uS by a second set of elevators, that take itonce :Sib,— -My attention has been called to7cer- Wednesday people were asking what have who.are to have them ;is accepted and The sad occurrence took place about half subscriptions of local districts, that can t vinore to theupper storey and deliver itanto we dqiief or* what hasi bur-■-.Mayor done acted;,on, our politicians who favor pro- way between here and Tuapeka Mouth, boast of surplus funds, after holding a lately,' put* about me statements forward tain '■ thecoolingtrbughy throughwhichit is carried that he should not have the hjonor ofJ.P. liquor legislation hadbetter look well to and, strange to say, about a mile from show, where prizes of large pecuniary " 1 ypui columns, in reference to'the ■'. by'an endless screw to thesilt dresser, where outsideof ; upon him ? Every time the their seats. The first public performances where conferred the service between Duhedin and Mr Taylor's brother met a.■< similar- value have been offered and paid. The steam ; I " the separation of ttie fine flour,, pollard,and question -.''indignation was asked the tp given by in the new Hall are be the fate about three years ago. ; There Northern in the threepast years has not put on ..;' bran' takes place, each of these! tailing into Molyneux. -It has been said that I aroused- by the news of the morning KennedyFamily, who open there on the being no one with debt and difficulty, Harbor against Late Mr Taylor at the time only freed itself from Lady of the the ":" ■>-o their respective spouts and down into the the stronger and stronger j the ire of 20th inst. last; buty waxed paying year .upwards of after rates, accident, only course, of the of surmises Uiiifeag 'on1the ground floor ready to receive Co.'s boats, and caused them to-redjuce; people became "warmer and warmer.* W© have not nearly made up our minds can be made as to its ca^se; but there can L27oin prizes, besides adding -some perthe having and to, figure, "S! after anunremunerative Indignation meetings were talked ofy yet as ;t6 what course we should take in be little doubt that the wound in his head manent improvements to the show ground, them. Each bagk;» it is filled,is taken.away, the rates r up, and we^liedj and fthe flour is then run their :boat's rff, -I at onceraised materials be prepared, the insult reference to.Mr Yogel's Provinces Aboli- was caused by a kick from a horse. He has a balance to its credit of L150.; This , .hoisted to aconvenient;»nd spacious store, from 15s to 25s person; I'have done more offered to the people "by the apparent tion Resolutions. I suppose many of us was returning, as before,stated, riding cheering result is due to the untiring steam, services for thejMqlyneux- snubbing of their chosen Mayor was to'be the Bame opinion as Sally, who a colt just broken in,and leading another exertions of the Committee, and the : from whence it isloaded into drays by means to/provide are of ; : ! '"' rt during the.last six or seven years; than any resented, and the honor of J.P. to be sang— i" .- ■" \'.;,;. /,' -''/';' '„■-■'■'■ J horse. The colt was known to be a vicious influence of the Presidents and Vice■!/" ■/■©fja'-sKdot?';/'/ '' tago...When there was no wrested,-if need be, by force of an outraged man in .0 other I have so a mind great milling one, but Mr Taylor was confident he Presidents whoae services the Association In connection with the ia an ran the Storm Birdthere: public opinion from the heads of an unIfc takes a long while making up. enough to secure. Icannot ,' apparatus, which,itis stated, is entirelynew outside steamer,I could manage him, and, although be is a- was fortunate Taiioa, however, penalty many puts I chartered the and' under in the The which so of that Ishould like to rely Subsequently willing Government, thing say, our known', ; good man, as a;; in thisrProvihce. This is anexhaust. Not one-armed is well or some reckoning lost on. the bar. event of refusal of a resolution Dunedinites so far out of their on a continuance uf such good fortune ; ; ■U : farfrom -where thelmillstones are busily*at resumed the"service she was horseman. It- is, .however, conjectured 1 and that indignation Yogel apt. to get for result. The and is the breach between Messrs for after all the I had no outside^ steamer suitable other terrible Wheii the horse must somehow or.other have weary in efforts toare' : "-; >'wor\t is erecteda small^loset) in.thei i^terio,r ;the . the improve haye to Macandrew. .. ; temper," however, bad were destined These been pf Miils, the Harbor ' ' got rid of itsrider, and, in throwing,kicked /: of. a faniier is placed and j,kept!at,a ibhe woi-k of pf fanning breeding In the divinities before whom the Dunedin and system endure for a snort .season. but servicej to the! last" Co., theforehead, to takeup the and him with tremendous fbrce on ,nvery, highr,rate6f were, informed that the ap- elebtprs , have stocky supported ; wont to bow when not more ' > motion. < Thislfannjar is day of their connection with*it I eyening.. we wifch gave them inflicting a fearful wOJnd. He had not connected with the'iiiillstoneai by air tight as J.P. would reverent submission;: During the last been dragged any distance, and must have universally' by those who ■ benefit by ippintment of Me .Rixmsay " ' aid andassistance in mypjawef every The atone? , tubui)^ attached to the' cases of the seven years, these two men have led ■; appear in the next G-azette.' ' where he fell from about 5 o'clock their exertions. It has been suggested, :■* dbyra wtb the"eyj^;of /ihe/ stones. Pretty Jane/had not been paymg, and was, As: Ibv fore stated was likely to be; the political thought and actionin Dunedin. lainSaturday afternppn until 3 o'clock oa as an improvement upon the present plan on ,the Mplyneux-again without leaving ; our late Mayor, Whatever the one said the other echoed, Sunday. The horses had arrived home, of dependingupon voluntary-subscriptions Mercer, case, Mr Andrew fBy/ this jmeaias.-the fanner isj continually sold, then, I put and donations, to make it' compulsory the dirt a service. Then^ and not until has -been* nominated to the seat in the while all the people said Amen. Beyond f■s 'drawing the hot air and' with itv ; Ladyline, running of the Lake the her Harbor. Board vacated by Mr Ramsay the teachings of Yogel and Macandrew, without Mr Taylor, and'thus gave rise to upon air-'landowners' diid occupiers to the on ..'(which it necessarily contains) from the Ferry being elected Mayor. There seems to be the multitude of ' the people had no suspicions of danger ia the minds of.his contribute towards the efficient mainteninterior./of* the stpnesi The fowl air thus toKaitangata,and connecting withthe friends there. Mr- Andrew M'Beath and repaired, drays Tuapeka until the was by some hiich in Harbor Board arrangements:1 thought, no opinion. Now that, on so Mr Bailey.,,immediately started- on the ance of agricultural shows." To-effect redrawn away^ is'lefpMs'off bymeans of;apipe ' thisit is though^ that an extra.ratemight tij the outside of the /building. To under- when Ipurchased her, -to prevent her It looks as, though tt was not all to be impprtiant a question as the one raised by Lawrence road, and found him<;[aying, be levied by ,Eoad Board>,-"the T Yogel, he and Mr the of Mr plain institution, that a resolutions sailing takenoff the river and converted with for. "; this seemingly simple being the value of stajed, Btand as before near the road— -and.per^, Ito be: seen at work. into a sawmill, as was intended. /Regarding little while at all event?. There is some Macandrew are at variance, those who fectly senseless although not completely,; holding the show to be properly, defined. ;;! apparatus it'needs . have wont their cue from principle is undoubtedly a good one, been to take j; Throtigh'lts*age'nby the wholeof the spout- what has beenpolitely calledmy "question- difficulty atpresent aboutgettingpossession dead. One of them immediately hurried The for, deny it who may, it is evident that them are utterly They to confounded. are plant pertaining the the the funds, j ing of and raising rates of freight,from into Lawrence for assistance, whichy as everyone " c6ri^ctpj;^riih.the(deliveryof the meal able trick" of of those engaged in agricultural ' of the public service, in the position of one who said named, soon arrived, but top late to and pastoral before r'^pm.the stones (for;it isconnected also with 15s to, 25s per ton, thisis-a misstatement. Harbor Department with, How happy conld Ibe either business reaps a very material are to enable the necessary and ■which raisedthe rates only 5s per ton all round, Board, be of use except tp bring, the body advantage from . -: this) can^be keptvperfectly close, thereby I Were t'otherdear charmer away. the improvements dework. to go on with their The' 'effecting a saving of a great quantity of flour and not 10sper ton, and thisrise was fully matter now seems to be shelved till the But having to make their choice between to the hospital, where sn inquest was velopedbyineans of these shows. . As at ;: that,'^Withthe^^^'ordiiiafy^mode;m use, fl^ie^s off, warrantedby the fact thatprevious rates did return of the Superintendent and Mr Reid one of two, they are in a state of anxious held yesterday, and a verdict in accor- present, however, there are hundreds who with the facts returned. I J;', and'is, neither by- personal exertion! nor by notonlylost, but causes a great mess not pay, and that the working expensesof from Wellington, when it is to be hoped "swi'her." There cannot be a doubt but dance Taylor Mr leaves a widow and several pecuniary aid, take any sharein-the good cent. Iall difficulties will be removed and the Mr Yog-el has made out a strong case '; ,aboutj jthe :machinery But what -is of far steamers hadincreased fully 30 per children to deplore his sad fate ; and his :,i>} greater- importance than this is that it pre- may also state that this rise in rates was harbor improvements proceeded with with- against the Northern Provinces, but I am loss will be greatly felt by many residents work, and yet who are mean enough to 'i-~=veh.ts; the^untidaltby. steaming vapor that contemplatedby the Harbor00. long before out delay. not aware that it is much stronger than at the Tuapeka Month, where Mr Taylor; profit by the efforts of the more liberal energetic portion of the comminded by made from, wheat, it, which I made and wouldhave been *. otherwise the hew It appears as though an annual fight' than has been often submitted before, had been carrying on business for many munity. and The Association has this year to they themhad continued work theservice. when the oldand vexed of question separa:< millers often! so /makes, .occupation the of over the liquor laws is to become chronic years past, having been the earliest settler for its President Gr. Menlovej Esq./ oi .'■'"., tion been discussed. People has want to in that district. He was also well known , «.unhealthy, and imparts to their faces that Next have been got together a strong in the Assembly, as is the annual Ofcago a gentleman whois likely know what isjthe nex', before they pro- and much respected in Lawrence, and, in Windsor Park, t;?ji.pallid ;appearance'frequently noticeable in number of charges, 'which'are in effect that free fight over the land laws. I think' - men* thaithave passed any lengthof timein "I, being a purchaser of agriculturalpro- Mr Fox has some reason to complain, of nounce for the abolition of that which is. fact, wherever he went hishonest straight- to prove a good supporter of the cause ; and the Vice-Presidents areMessrs Craig ■■■■',. duce on commission,.have my own purchases the action of the Government in so soon, It is easy, say they, to point out evils in forward and cheery manner made all and Young,both of whom have in past ;'■ 'afour mill./ : ':."■'. " the existing and to system, say these like him. people'sgoods and with so little warniDg, seeking to r years shown much interest in promoting Passing out of the main building the promptlyremoved whileother to rot and be destroyed by vermin, upset the principle of the Act of last things ought not to be. It is another, and are left the success of the Association. Mr entered, discharge room from the fanner is point iaore matter difficult, to out the &c, Ihave not this year purchased any sessions, which was adopted after a three remedy ; Oamaru. was re-elected secretary/ and Church a got a door look can be an^'from^ttence^by which, doing''. to propose a system Molyneux produce, neither have I any in- years fight, and which cannot be said to Mr Connell hon. treasurer. The Comwork /,into ;the."idischargel room fronv the smutter one, as well as the present like a the shall anything fair trial. I tention of doing so. My friends in the havehad mittee consists of members well triedin (From our own Correspondent.) single complaint made be free from its defects. The complaint and contents. Judging .by the quantity of Molyneux who,Iam happy to say, have not heard a the past, and Iapprehend, under their district is that much of the money spent by '-'■■>' fluffy looking black dirt accumulated on the now against principle Any the of the Act. 11, August; 1874 consigned many we will Have a show in management, have are numerous very Northern to be mill, provided the Provinces has complaint made was on account of the the floor by a few days workingof the November, fine weather since very my quite equal, if not superior, We have had worth of their produce pounds thousandsof Government having so made such regula- by the General Assembly. This is true, last and there are already indications of to that of lastyear. "" apparatus has been doingits:duty well, and ; but Ican to me for sale on commission be but will it otherwise lifter theProvinces them, as to rob the preventing a-greatquantity of most unwhole-j most solemnly declare that Inever, either tions as were left to Animportation of a fine. lot of draught spring, but Ifear we will yet experience a Act of much of itsmerit. Itis very clear are knocked on the head. Will the Assem- return of winter, as there has not been at stock, has been made by Messrs Fleming , some and^unmviting matter 'from getting this year or any previous year, either by thatif the people want to have any more bly not havei to lend the neaded funds ? ; /""///,. a due proportion of rain for many and Young,by the Tararua, from Mel;xriade ihtqflbur., \ word or . by letter, gave any instruction to direct control over the liquor trade than Oh, but, it is replied, the Provincial Go- all ' months past. In fact, there are still many bourne. Some of the mares and entires ';<i It may^be said, on-the:authority of the any commander or agent that goods conthat they now have, they must take the vernments are costly and extravagant, complain of a scarcity of are of very superior tlood, and will :' -. miller, that/ withthe aid of the exhaust fans, signed to me shouldhave precedence over matter into their own hands, and make something like LIOOO a year are now spent households who farmers, however, are busily doubtless leave their mark on the water. The capable of any other"goods in the matter of despatch. iheir wishes felt through the ballot box. in collecting and distributing less than -one-particular; pair of i,sfones are the engagedpreparing for spring stock of the district, and : Iam j^idln^: 9 bushels'.of^.wheatper hour, or 216 That the servicehas not been equal tothe We have had here another startling L12,000 True, but what is to be tbe cost crops, and the sowing ofground hope that, their owners.-.may oats will soon be sure I rduring the run- of 24=liouis, and,in strain put upon it this year, I by the General Govern- proceeded freely admit:illustration of the direful results of the of administration ' a direct and good return for their reap little wheat Very spring with. , doing:this, turn-out a^-first'^rate article. but.whiledeeplyregrettingthat any valuable drink system. Two men, on Tuesdaylast, ment ? Will the revenuebe larger or tbe will be sown this season, the autumn speculation. Anyhow, I believethe district : on a boating or fishing excursion expenditure be less under a new system sq favorable for the purpose, and is indebted very much to them for making Cbniiected with themain buildingof the produce should have taken damage by ex- started proving Bay; one of them an old resident; tbanunderthepresent? Will not theresults;^ kindot a ooyeredhWay-is the oat- posure on the river bank, still Icannot on the general rule, that a venture which will indirectly1be profitother,a recent arrival. They pulled of placing. so much power and patronagein it has been found, as a quality, the or requirand gives able to everyone holding land, meal kiln.!^■Thisi with one exoeption,is of charge my self with any blame in the matter. jover to Anderson's Bay, and there got the hands of the General Government winter wheat is better in -ing , ,_ labor. = . ■': horse ; spring a return wheat. This greater purpose. unexpectedly The Before the HarborCompany so than V.tiie ordinary'kind lisedfor the^ some drink, they took illegal possessionof as must be; the case under the proposed There is no news pf interest. The '■ -'exceptioh' cdnsißfe in aiii improvement pi the deserted the Molyneux,I had enteredinto a two boxes which had been left by the new arrangements,be greatandjnanifold. is usually a dull season in the town of the oats written contract with the agent of Messrs. owner outside in an unfrequented place, Such are the observations made, and the Oamaru, and certainly for the past ten Kennedys give an entertainment to-mor'irbnwbrk of1the'flooring on certain to be been well nigh de- row night, which is almost ' ; arefdried.,- : ; was. constructed by Brogden and Sons, to carry with the Lady of and then started back across the Bay. questions asked by every other man one days the streets have This. ■ numerously attended. serted have andmerchants and tradesmen I^eWaFraßer, Wißhart.& Buchanan of the tHe Lake a large quantityof tonnageup the They had -not proceeded far before the meets. Then one"is occasionally met a good There is deal of sickness preto of the slack complain reason 'JBailwayFoiindryiPa^edin. -It differs from Taieri River, consequently her whole time boat upset, one man, the^ new chum, with who will say, Idon't understand had-some .weather, will but fine vailing, spring of a Anticipations state of business. N"■ those in 6j?ainjary;use in that,instead of the could not be given to the Molyneux. At escaped, to be sent to gaol for fourteen Vogel's -propositions, nor can I guess probably have a good effect in promoting used; for my urgent solicitationMessrs. Houghtonand days for larceny, the other was drowned. where they will lead, but things in the brisker btate of things are entertained when ■^iKMdlekbie '' jßtippbrtin^-^Jot,-. upflghta." jjpnerajiy the health of the population. roads, has set in. which fairly spring The On Thursday evening the Press Dra- North can't be worse than they are, and jwhb■ here substahCo. kindly lent me the Wallabi for two or The subscription list on behalf of the shocking in a condition after the late were tiaVcaat metal pillarswith places formedin three trips, although much overtaxed with matic Club gave their filth performance any change must be for the better." snow storm, are now rapidly improving, widow of Capt. Harfc, of the Beautiful in the Princess Theatre in aid of the And others, again, will say, "I can't beams, and ..;the top .to receive-themain-iron died from the.1 effects ' their own work,as indeedare all the services Scott Scholarship Fund. This was the understand how it is, Macandrew is The citizens are now expecting the Cor- Star, who recently t- fenHhese 'again' is;placed joisting of angle: at, Lyttelton, is getting of an accident it; ; poration and south. —n&w that has been re-iuvigthird performance given by the Club in opposing Vogel's propositions! It ia generally used bothnorth v; up. well filled . u^tejid of a new head and by iro^ the riverbank nated the election grainto If farmers will cart aid of the same object. It does not clearly against the interests of the iit£-she" angle- icon feejnjg^ an«improvement, I notice that an English paper, states town provide two councillorsto the new help that. unprotected, leave it I cannot at creditable to the Scotchmen appear provinces Vogel's all southern that resoluthat Arthur Orton is in Oatriaru, as a inaamuchjas^it leavcß- no place for the lodg- and To aid the shed accomodation at the three of Otago thatthis Scholarship fund should tions should be adopted, or Macandrew with a supply of wa*er. a better system of telegraphist but jf he be,'he is invisible, and, drainage— possibly, gas mmtoij^i^^^^/^^p^Ji-^o from river with works. agencies,I have supplied sails and be allowed to languish as it does, and to and Rolleston would. Sot,oppose them. The first is 'indispensable— and the same and yetin his invisible state,v he may be the fire^andjsomeifcimes betroublesome. The tarpaulins Stewartand Qtow, whose be dependent upon such efforts as those Above all, Macandrew must have very maybe Messrs saidof thesecord, but,considering the very man who "so ,clearly and remainder pfjtfce flooringVia finished in the shipments' about as of the Dramatic Club for needed supplies. strong reasons indeed, for deserting both and down are up mysteriously gave the information, to ; usual manner.,;,. :;,.-,;■ "■■ . = large as all the rest ofthe cargo put together, Why do not some few of our wealthy Yogel, to whom he owes so much. Then the scarcity of coal, and its high price, IJudge "Ward, that has caused such a for '' ' may properly think thelast be deferred Scotchmen at once settle this matter, as don't you seethat Stafford and Yogel are the-oats" being:drawn from the lain havebeenI turmoil at Wellington. theheaviest sufferers by they might very easily believe longer— unless,indeed, some tiin9 the plan why do ? or do and pulling other, depend towards each 'through,the spout, they are hoisted to the damage to produce, and yet those gentlemen not the many well-to*do Scotchmen who, that bpdes no good for Otago, at hat is- said to answer of producing gas 1 upper storey, and sent into the shealing knowing made New Caledonia. doing mybesthave that I was are to be found all over theProvince each any,i-ate." . This uncertainty ajad doubt from paraffiae oil can be introduced. Mr gitone. hopper, passing through which'they complaints, and never once sendinhis ten shillings or his poundnote .overhang most of those who take any 'Shrim*k?, judging^ from his remarks on querulous' no are sentinto the shealing mill, where they (From an Ocoasional Correspondent.)■■-. that their' .gopds should hare preced- to .the Treasurer ? and then the work interest in public affairs. Only on one opening the meeting; of Council on.Thurs,are thoroughlyfreed from allthe fluffy par- hinted A 2STICE PLACE. TO LITE IN.« . ,-r. day las-, not ia?9ud to loss evidently does >any Having over would be done. now done so seem to thing any other. does there >, be ticle's,and dirt thatmay hare been adherent ence conclusion, they 1 til are si#hi; objects of'ihh' first two tin We have received ,a letter from ;New I Sir, I beg to assure youand much, the rest must be accomplished, and sort of unanimity, and that is thelikelir In hand, A large amount of Caledonia,'from a gentleman at onetime tothem. Thence they pass intothe fanners, in fairly tuken of a my suggestions accepted;, speedy Clutha District were either of hood dissolution of the that I am my friends in the which discharge.the seed< from amongst the sparing effort to pet their produce carried no. 'more would be heard of spasmodic "Assembly^ The.latest news in town is business was gone through- oa that occa resident in this'district, and. according to no oats then The are oats-into the seedhouse. aid'of the Scott Scholarship that the Government havebeen defeated sion,..aod it is only fair to say his accounts, it would certainly'seem' that, as speedily as possible. Ifc is as much my efforts "in ;■■ whichconveys elevators, upt>y a set of ..: . expedite carrying taken the fund." on some question arising out of the Mayor seems likely to prove an efficient with:regard to manymatters, theymanage interest as theirs to jdiflerently (and worse). there v than ; them to the grinding stone hopper thence All our outports are in the same condition as On Friday the Temperance IJall was Wellington land disputes, but that Mr Chairman in. the regular despatch ofj them they can do here. Our jcprrespondent menget possibly but when I a work. sieves, themselves, Yogel to the when will have of nine anticipations majority opened. to they,come in due course if should think the to help me I shall get her. of theBateman affair, already noticed sanguine mlist have been eleven in fay/or of hisresolutions. r,Otago, No further allotment of immigrants hasj tions ' most the jfchey<are ready for bagging as oatmeal, and another steamer I 1 am, &c. . success, with which as usual, will be, divided against itself, a been £ ii1warded to this place— rind there m the papers, in which 'a "man1 named hoisting to the Second floor preparatory to Q. F. Reid. , fully realised in the for; last lot Bateman shot a libertine French officer, is no labor. 'The of her demand great: proportion represeri : the opening was effected. The Hall was delivery;. ,a who. was familiar .WitK his; 'wifef.'^ Oar " domestic, of being [[ "Vpge],^. of female .go were tatives will with Mr' the servants proceedings the whole crowded, and ' LITERARY LAWYERS. ,, t The-oatmealmachineryhas been fill lately very suGcesßfnlly carried out. Mr Jpfah majority, howeveK . going, .with ,;Mr. superior description vypre quickly engaged,- correspondent mentions: that Mrs Bate*. , man's wages. satisfactory imported fromEdinburgh, and is furnished Maeandrew,. and; to o.the QppoßJtiorw I .There! conduct at the trialofher;;husband, The tbink^ at "W. Jago, tbe Provisional <3?and (To #ie Editor of the BruceHerald.) peculiar. Bhevmade;,her..;Japo " on the was will; 'ability j Its seems 'no or 'Jmosi a; part; question list on this inclination improvements. 'the most recent division be ;^South,| .with Sifl,-=rlknowit is apitiablecase,but. lam Chief!"Templar for Mew poararice patronise labor to matriedJ in witness"'.box 'en granck of study employers for those curious in such matters. of " got the products ought"to be approved in this in the place wuerain I am demandedby con .occupied the chair, being supported by ienue,' to the'Dines,'* and aste^. provision made; be up' some (Wor-i couples— -Whatever -and-until truth, &c," (vide topinionsTarV Thos:;Eoseby LL:D., district, where porridge" is' very largely science to Mcl hra speak the the Eev^ " ' * l»er glovd ;'." VogeTsi for this class of laborers, the Qamaru folks, the clerkoof the-:Gou*t It6pull: must pot permit ]ship the May6r, Oouncillbr J;.^Mercer, wi&doni, pir. pthetfwise -";of consumed. bourne Argus '), and so I if,they; x)ff, previously to ;her takingi the;oath. -e^ my judgment. f of 'not trouble the.Government only to thebetter seems:to be will feelings get A;lex: my ' oneifeeling; Rehnie; of action*-ihiere ", pireetors n^ the "All the mill work is carried onunder the It is certainly hard upon an attorney in to live at the barracks. . But.,the part of our cprrespondent's ofiadmiration for: the in which; send any more "personal supervision of the proprietor,Mr Milton if people will not go to law, and if the' Hall ;Qojspwy. The programme r | ■■' ■ most likely to; astonish; those. Ac,T %ge' 1 l etter ; wiped . Thefje [ia buildings add,resses; .his Hands' of' th^ %preßerit^^and ye/fc theftemana' \ cu^tbmed^to' : " X.egge, who seems to be mott active in his the last few days at the .^."M.'s Court have corapii^ed songs* recitations and British community^ l ive in a on seemg i!-_^ going j at --thecwholeiof; hWjb^lieye^^her to seemed- giV^'Ml *" busirieES, and deserves Buccess on account of been productive of nocases to hear, and'no satip^Qtidn;;"tp; which We?; ftr MeUinfjf hpuiiea^is-^syteea:':&* th^liuifler^g su^pt^^by i problematical half gujneaa'for b^m, As Jo hireflfortsaudwterprise, R6ia,and"^ " OrigiaMl r . % fiction^o v 2the - ■ j ; '^ - -r^^ ; . ,'iJ^Uic^dMr I w^ch ~- . i^id^lei t ■ 1 1 : J — . 1 iarw^ ( ■ —— — ■ : ■ I 1 - — .. —— ?<sss ... : " ; . 1 ; ■" ; 1 ,. — : .the,> _ . Zealand : . %%v Mr-P^orke< tf "rf>'*-« 1 numb^'of r SjJJ..g^^&l^B^^^r til Tuesday, August'18, 1874. 7 timebefore he recovers his strength again. In the four months endfed'fA'pril 30th, Intercolonial News. result, of his experiment. The lead House the Tl the Mr B. Gillies considered He place, morning. duels that took one Had he remained out another flight,;he the value of indigo imported was recom- being shovelled up and mixed with, the ; the' sharp frosts L1,34i,377 ; in 1873, L1,336,327. 18?gfc. Bays— Two Lieutenants had a quarrel at bound in honor to carry out the spiked the could not have Some evil disposed person to mill, gave a seeming result mess, and called each other out. I knew mendation of the Speaker, although not stone sent ., ;we as it experienced j Grafton, one-night. was, his limbs Thepearl EBhery of Ceylon tfo& have gun time highly ~ aY ' N.S."Vf favorable to the to the crushing themboth very.well. One of them was legally bound to do so. closed on the Ist of April.' 'The total a i were stiff. perfectly". certain Suspicion, points strongly to Sir Cracroft Wilson and Mr Eolleston tributers^but it would not stand science picked amounted to 1,279,881, ; a very nice fellow, named Guinvre, the number labdrAtory, iMiarks, being individual, of the '^ who -is to nits Mr E. L. opposed . .v that and the crucible. s6ld,lor B8vIQl>li9. Mines,; other was just the opposite, a bully and supported themotion on the ground give land ■■■ ■■■■ -the /gives fired, i^Bendigo School ofi .-.,' -■:■'■: A Napier telegram of Friday last V>v V ,:> ■"/■■".■/" arid " to 1 fbllqWirig in- ! We learif from an "American a braggart, named De Varrain. They the House was obliged in honor of Advertiser' Bendigo ■-■". theBurke I the^ interesting Kelly, Mr A n relic of states:-— in the body employ the A of : itr .Philadelphia met outside the town, and fought with effect to the recommendation that the brewers of have for , ;:. Fri)in , numerousf places Ifbrmation : roadway says the corresporifPaki-Paki, was stopped and robbed of "5s Wills'/ expedition," ' " owing high . : to prices past, small swords. ," At the first encounter it "Speaker. some time the street;. Highof and ["along the by two men, supposed to be the dentiof the Bendigo Advertiser,' arrived .been,.usingf pats as. aSubstif^ seems De Varrain must have got hie Mr M'Lean moved the adjournment of lyesterday, collected,a parcel of thetaU- of- barler, Mall, ;Pall ' was I on It Marong, Thursday evening. are at Ashley. They " ssame pair who assaulted '""■',. ""-. -£. point in just near Guinvre's heart, but the debate. blindings," so liberally spread tuteV are a fine female camel, which, after running ings, or Giiyi newly arrived immigrants. The police -/that ; having It is stated thaiKridw -the^estricCouncil; neitherof them knew it. Guinvre then well " and. wild in the bush for a number of ye&rs, by the on their track." Saturday August, 15. made a thrust, and wounded hia, adverof them tions are : taken away from, sugar, the I)owns Imjxed theni, f;selected a captured Murray had been on the Plymouth ; in-New whio finds pubHfaan A ~ drawing arm, blood. sary through the resiilfc :— ;llb cultivation of^beet, will commend -itself the assay;with " tojlowing the House of '^Representatives, ;i it hard to extract cash from the pockets of by r 'being driven by horsemfeh intb a i^ He then turned to his secondand said I In more to tne p'eSple of Ireland than it has tHe; yielded laboratory, land Manawatu-Bangitikei treatgdin The belonging the to Officer. In re Mr some of those indebted to him, has paddock "hitherto done, an<l probably a great ant satisfied," when he suddenly became claims, l;l6th.of equal to "sdwts. grain gold, the -a of gave " Sir Donald- M'Lean advertisement that all man who has charge of it informed me !20grs. impetus will pale, said Oh/I feel very feeble," threw whole of the particulars of how"he came intimated .by, sources, I be given to the production per ton/ From official remdilaing unsettled after a that he had brought it from the Serpentine "■ -v^l root. 6f beet ' up his arms, and fell back dead. On ex- to -interfere in the adjustment of the tailings the that about-350 tons of to learn date, will be published, with names during the day, and was going~to take it certain ; Emperor amination, it was foundthatDe Varrairi's The of China disMb'uted,;by: yoii which will upon of debtors in full, until payment is made. Melbourne. Considering the length of havebeen entailed difficulty, Manawatu which "word had just, reached and pricked the him 'six weeks of the most; disagreeable may fairly collection to bV{ made r of G^hineae^poetr^l time that it has been roaming at large, see that 51bs;10qz troy,of goldcomposition from theearliesv' times dowfiwardsV^ This artery leadingto the heart,and the flow duty he ever experienced,and the like of Should any; Good Templars be amongst and to enter into the it was only caught a few days be assumed will he published in 2GoWlumes. of blood killed him;" There was no more whichi ho amount of persuasion or en- the number threatened, it^Would be advis- ago, that collectioa. paving." street of our to be poor appears very the beast~' or come to aleo stated external wound to be seen than might treatywould everinduce him to undertake able for them to pay up at once, the It is that the Emperor has in performed, says "'was operation : An J ■;-■ docile." : * a library, numbjering jOyeRT possession, " have beenmade by the point of a pin. again; nor was he thanked in the least some afrangement with the advertiser; his 'Advertiser," Geelong Hospital. ati. the Nothing is yet known," ther Ballarat " the hearing of a case in 406;OO0 No one would^baye. felt sbrry had De for his services. He thought the province During "volumes/ o:" patient, unnecessary the whose name it is on Courier "states, "as to the identity of the falling offinthe diamond Owing Yarrainbeen killed. The duel was fought which was then in a>very despondent state, the,„Warden's Court at; >Cobden, to the i s; disclose,, a 49 i df years to man about appears man was shot at Ballan. It ground who August 3rd, it transpired that by the permission of the- Governor, so at the Cape, the gold shipproduction treatment in He haß been under age. satisfied with the in arrange^ very Pierrepbint, of more than ordinary richness is now that since the inquest Mr thither, whibli in;-th.c':first-''fdur ' that nothing could be done to the should be ..'_:/-..;■■ beiiag wrought in the locality of Razor-, searching his hut, has found a black mask, various upcbuntry 'hospitals.for, cancel;"of ments ; " v ": :' ■'. / Had months 0f ..1872 and $873,*,-.amounted J /operations and severalminor lip, survivor. Guinyre had thelargestfuneral ".ments. on the the Bir Andrews opposed the morion, to which; the deceased evidently meant to use pectiVeiy'to"L7s9,77s, and L161,750 '"'', ever aeenin Noumea, and the Ghoverrior ground that, as arbitrator, he gave his ba^ck range! One person declined re S performeclj proved but none of them been some of an some-other unlawful bushrariging^ot value of ' for opinion state of the speech during over the his consideration, made a most heartless the 'same it have been only L4>450 award outside the point submitted for giving as a purpose. Themask has two eyeholes in,it, effectual. \ After due ■■»-&&":" '■■» grave, one that should never have come arbitration; The Government wduld by. the groundin a certain claim, advisable to remove the period of the present year. deemed was mouth, one, so that it expecti any just and reaches to the It was reason that he couldnot an example of entepprigje f ,ui the ,a .pdfjapii-of from a person in, his 'place. As lip, and miswhole of thelower a sanctioning^ the resolution establish features of the whohad.not tested thewashdirt personally, would effactwally'conciaal '' , the Birmingham button 'trade, we"may menalf about;'honor and glory " as if such precedent to arbitratorg. ;'..' :":'■ ,;;,'.' _;" '■:.-. the chin. This was" done, and the carti- tion the fact that to believe in the richness of it.—-' Grey wearer."-. ' ' quite recently Messrs miserable encounters nad anything to chievous drawn : of the neck beneath was ; laget some discussion a 'division rife," After further ;"V'There are a number .of rumors' : Argus." River Cadbiuy, do with either/ and as ■if it was honor- was a Green and of that towp^"posted r: a manner as to form upward in such called for, and the resolution was The number of Chinese at present, says the,.S ydney Evening News,' "as to flip.; in one day 158,000 sample cards of _&s"*. able and glorious that apoorhuman being carried chm.and " new . 29 to 25. by ' ; : located .upon the Greenstone Creek the country which will be selected by the should be. thus^ sent suddenly from life, The Premiermoved the secondV reading two-hole linen button,- that .they;> .' The Mudgee Times' says that the patent whom, with expatriated Gardiner as his future, h^me. all of amounts. to about manjifactur witti^all'his imperfections on his head. of the.Public ladies rm^L6na'Qh^and Cobb's Coach to ..passengers by JWallera^. suburbs, thee,:;.tb Advances Bill, for one or two exceptions are engaged in A gentleman who- professes to be "in the Works Very differehib,!! can tell you, was the postage onthe.samejam;ount-.u: '* effect, to the proposals contained in mining'pursuitsi On no other diggings secret declares that"the reformedbushranger wang on "Wednesday, 15th mst^were "■' " speech made by the representative of the giving irigtbL329 12s6d. by travelling comhaving as" ; than New honored V r statement. from; the financial "John us not, part of the coast has about this will gP further IVe«maßO|M,of iwhich!body poor unhappy affair "occurred at Messrs Breen- and Peckhatn, ■A horrible shooting' "Memphis, Mr T.B^ Gillies pointed out that dared to introduce his peculiar penchants Caledonia, where heis to take chrage of an panions, Landing, Guinvre was a member. ■'■■ y Grider's here, rreceritly bedea|th r to. but recently condemned all .seemed with so utter a disregard to the tastes extensive sugar mat.andbasket factory,for The/"second duel was between twio advances tip different proyinpes tween two haulers named, Burgett.^nd > subsequently. r espited, in with/ that, accordance schemes, and jerad prejudices of theEuropeans asinthis a firm,whose principalplace of business is have to be made on different the quarrel;arose I sergeants.: [ with.the leniency now being shown by Grided Thelatterhkd metrrleU tne widowof gave .the Government district. Not only is there a Chinese in this city." ■.... not heard. ?JOne of them got the small generally large :powers, the Government,■as a matter of course, Burgett's broiher. Eight or ten"shot* were to dole out unusually store where allAsiatic abominations are' "Two of the party (Forester and Gas- to all great criminals. Breen only excbanged, when, after reoeiywg five ia sword right throughibim; tancei in any way it chose. sold, but there is .'also a gambling and boigne) that left Murrurundi with Hume, persons;'and it was scarcely- his body, Burgett fell antf soon expired. Qa the- night of tHe lOth of July we In reply to other objections to certain opium houseinfull swing. ceaWest; Coast with the intention: of going on the search killed three buildings burned big firehere. The had.a fair that he should be compelled to ride He is the fourth brother killed indicated that he Times.* - in .quarrels have," the *Sydney Evening in for Classen, ?; belonged ,to the Government, and were details, the Premier when ' coach withthe other prisoner, with'neighbours. the same committee. :ti in gambling any would entertain them for of Their defection seceded,, There isno show Newsi states; used as 'Workshops.- .The soldiers all looked for posthumous work second time. " with a does npt seem to have, altered the deter- who had nptfachieved 'such success with The long kind at Wanganui, in connection turned out with their arms, and compelled Bill read ' Balfe, the he attacked. of Mr "II Talismano," was -pro- r , even one The Premier, in tb.e"absence spf Mr hotel. We notice by the Herald;' that :■—■ mination of the rest.. The expedition, allcivilians present to, work. "Thatjwas Richardson, duced on June 11 at Her Majesty's Immigration and arranged moved the A billiard match had been when last heard of, was at Gundemaine." about all they did> ; 'If a.civilian;refused Opera with great splendor of;scenery arid^ Bill.-r- between a professional named Charlie News by the Mail A meeting of shareholders in the Geeto work, lie,.was.; persuaded to do so by Public Works Act Amendment costume, and every mark of success. The charge of x Tribe asked at played amateur, whether^Bie to be lbrig Meat preserving Company was. held Curtis and an having a bayonet run:into.rsome fleshy Mr was crowded with?a brilliant audihouse to a side. Itdid lately whendt was decided to wind up the the Rutland Hotel for L5 part. lam disgusted': with Frenchmen: maintaing the road from Hdkitika. The Alhambra Music Hall,. Gloucester, ence, among whom were the Duke and first-charge : to owing off, Cbriatchurch wouldbemade a come the another not, however, HadI business. It is doubtful whether been^tic'kled'■wlth;^■tbe^cold■Bteel,;l on allowances to Canterbury and Westhas been totally destroyed by fire. Duchess of..Edinburgh; : ?, ;o './* --uk h.m . intervention of the police, Sergt..Keid company will be; started ; if not, the diswould haVe seen how they would have land, seam twelve feet of coal has been New York papers=report a suitcby:alady A. of as it was quite, beyond the re- haying informed Mr Chevannes,.' the continuance of meat preserving operations, liked an action for damages.; depth yards who, at a of 248 on after being divorced from-^ber-fim: aousces of thelatter provincetokeep itre- Owner of the.hotel that,he,:,would be which gave employment to over a hundred discovered husband, the Duke of Sutherland's Trentham withL,672 dollars a year awarded "| paired. prbsecuteil if the game werepermitted. hands, will be a great loss to Geelong. alimony, New Zealand Parliament. estate. as married again, and again obis The balance sheet of the Pacific InsurThe Premier thought the cost should The following amusing incident ' ' Mold, North tamed a divorce,- this:time with 8000 idols, thousand colliers at A provinces, and related in the Wellington Post of the ance Company shows a surplus on the be met jointlyby the two a third, suggested that the respective Superinten- 20th ultimo: His Excellency the Go- year's transactions of L21.018 7s lOsd., "Wales, are on strike against reduction a year alimony. On her marrying. a: Wellhtgtois',- Attgust .l^. of ten cent. time the second husband refused tie per pay to the matter. upon dents shouldconsult vernor received a lesson in punctuality out of which, however, the directors do M. Guizot, the French historian, who alimony any longer; but the Court decided ' In the Legislative Council, ; Railways Bill : The secondreading was on Saturday, and did not take it very not intend to declare a larger dividend was reported to be seriously ill,is said to against him, as the : decree of divorce perThe Land' Transfer Act Amendment moved by the Premier in the absence of good humoredly. It seems that he was at the rate of 10 per cent per annum have recovered. than -i mitted her to marry again. Bill was read a first time. The Cromwell Mr Richardson. desirous of going out to the Hutt with light of interest on [capital invested The foundation stone of a new Roman / The Lay Association of the Church.,o£ Waterworks Bill was read a second time. Mr Guthbertson gave a number of his family, and drove down to the station in thethey hope at no distant period to Catholic Church has been laid at South Scotland met on Friday, May 22nd,in.the ; On the second reading of the Napier statistics to show the value of the South- just as the train began to move. His but addition, a satisfactory bonus Shields. The building will accommodate Assembly Hall, divide, in moved, Mr being Harbor Board Bill^ under the presidency,of land Railway,urging that they should be Excellency rushed' down to the fence, out of profits actually realised. and is to cost LBOOO. moved, 1000 persons, Watson, Glasgow.- The geporfc as an amendment that Sit Jasr calling any Robinson considered in valuation. making ail sorts of signals, and Post reports that Forty-three pit seats, twenty-two upper stated that, the subscriptions reoeived thesßill be"read a second, time that day .-■?Mr Mervyn suggested that surveys out lustily, but the engine-driver either The. 'Mu'dgee' whom boxes, and two stalls are allotted every amounted to LSOO, aboutIAO overthe gum six months. The Bill, however,- was read should be made in the Clyde district to did not recognise the would be passenger, William M'Carthy, the old manMudgee to one Parisian claque contractor for received last year. The.revenues "of the a second time, after slight opposition. ascertain the best routefor themain line, or very properly thought the train should Breen so brutally kicked in theof the ill night v Romans" by the management of one of various schemes during the year had been The Taranaki Waste Lanas Bill .was read the'presentlines beingalong the seaboard, not wait for Governors any more than gaol, has died from the effects iourth victim the principal theatres. l treatment. This makes the —Foreign, L9213; home, -V? " ft second time. the : ; country. who, on opened up very little for' the old Maori woman a homicidal Miss Clara Randall, a superbly dressed colonies, L6422; Jews, L5887; en^qw- At:last' evening's sitting of the House, Mr J. Shephard dissaproved of the second day of the line being opened, to Breen's insanity of young woman, described as an actress, ment, L7126; total, L^i11,1 , The Chair- : The Premier made a statement that Mr blindness o provincial authorities is not missed her passage, and caused no little tendency." sinceits was charged at the Westminster Police man G'Rorke had sentia his resignatibntto his constructing an arterial line " through the amusement by her plaintive cries to The Torres Straits mail service, movedthe adoption of thereport, which has been carried on effectively Court with being drunk and incapable of was seconded by Mr .Campbell Swinton. and that it was Eiceliehcy the " ' province to tap goldfields, and large induce the train to stop. The Maori inauguration one satisfactorily, notwithstanding that and accepted.,...; ;. ;;'; y^,\ :..,.,'. ".. :-;.- y .- ■, : ; quantities of Crown land now idle. taking care of herself at Rochester Bow, Resolutions recommending the schemes of woman, however, put up with the dis<During some'remarks upon the Rangi- MrJ.E. Brownsuggested an extension appointment good humoredly, but we or two of the steamers chartered to carry and was fined ss. of the Association to the sympathy and. tikei-Manawatu.dispute, the Premier said of the schedule as requiredby Canterbury believe the Governor actually made an out the contract have met with mishaps. General Sir David Wood has announced liberality of the Church were adopted^ Of the four new steamers ordered expressly that at the artillery review,during the final that the Gpvernmeni did not concur with railways. _." official complaint of the conduct of the One Sunday recently, in. ;Vne' parish, left salute, the Emperor of Russia said to him, chapel the Speaksir in the views expressed inhis The Premier said the great work the engine driver in not stopping for him. If for the company, one— theSomerset " of Castlebar, county Mayo, the report and recommeridation for award, j Government hadin view was to carry for- the man did recognise the Governor, London on the Ist irstant for Singapore, splendid, magnificent ! I thaak you and Rev Mr Moran, who was officiating, said was to leave there tor the expected Reserve, rTrust v all the officers very,much." TKe^Glutha^ EiverLoan, ward great trunk main lines from Auck- instead of being punished, he should be and he would not read the gospel of the day, Septhe in time to return with colonies Grass and contributed sum Nelson Waterworks Sir Titus Salt has the land toWellington, whether by East or rewarded for doing his duty without would say a few words to his congreBrisbane. The other of LIOO to the funds of the National Early but Foresfe ;Fires; Prevention; Outlying Dis- West Coast, and connect Nelson with respect of persons. Probably the com- tember mails from gation on a subject that occupied their Brisbane, Singapore, and ClosingLeague. tricts t Sale"'; of -Spirits Afct Amendment, the West Coast, and Marlborough with plaint made by his Excellency was only 'steamers the attention a good deal at present^ namely, Somerset. follow the were to Proceißdi.ngß Sydney and -Borongb!^ of^' West^brt A man named Alexander Stewart was, the election. The supporters of Mr North Canterbury. These must be first the impulse of a hasty temper, and in his by slipcaused " the Another fatal accident " Bills were read a third time and passed. carried out, and the branch lines to cooler momentshe will regret and withat the Glasgow Central Police Courr, sent ping of a stone from the dogs as it was to prison for thirty days for assaulting his Power among the congregation,expecting At to-day's sitting, might then be draw it. Tokomairiro and Dunstan the priest would speak against the;candir. The*Premier made a,statement regard- dealt with. The branch lines shouldbe a The Auckland.'Southern Cross' has 'being raised by crane is reported by the wife and biting a policeman's thumb almost date, immediately began to "cheer for ing theBill to increase the excise duties, charge upon the land fund, they so, much been informed that a prize fight took Inglewood Advertiser.' The victim was a off. Power, and so " drowned the priest's yoUet Newton, who was the s.ubatance being that the Dunedin enchanced the -value'- of land interested. place at Newmarket on a Saturday night stonemason named John According to a Parliamentary paper Distillery, be,allowed to distil up to the Already L206,400 had been voted for lately at 12 o'clock, and was bravely employed in setting stones in the wheel* just issued, the quantity of barley im- Then a cry of Out" was raised, which. wasasignal ageneralrushofthe greater end of, June, not exceeding 20,000ga1., railways in Otago out,of a total sum of enough contested whilst it lasted, but hole of a new water mill at Bridge^ ported into:the "TJnited Kingdom last part of thefor congregation from thechapel, water, andreceive L20,000 out of payments to L557,000 authorised. 2,587,498qr5.i 9,241,063cwt5. or year, was ' after all resulted in a drawn battle. in the course of which, aere?al people !o receive states that Messrs Distillery to be ma<ie. Auckland Europe consumes about two-thirds of were hurt. [-L; The Bill wasread a second time. ofNewmarket were The Forbes Times' Some of theresidents . Bro*., C. H. the petroleum prodiioed in the United L7so?'&uf be altywed to distil a certain The Premier announced that probably aroused on Saturdaynight by the rumb- T. H. West, Strickland ' quannty' to exhaust materials. Increase the Polynesian Island Trade Bill would ling of two heavily- freighted cabs which Battya, and W. Haig, went out on Wed- States, .■ and shot on the in the excise duties to be a shilling thia not be proceeded further with this session stopped hear the quarry, and thirteen nesday, 22ad ultimo, At Ciotaf, in the south of France, the Clutha Trust Bill — year, another shilling next year, and a In any case they could hot proceed with men were seen to take their way to the Bundnburra run : 22 wild horses, 33 wild body of a nun has just been found in the companions, shilling the third year. it while the abolition debate was pending, scoria pit. To afford a, sufficiency oflight pigs, 15 kangaroos', 15 native cistern ota consent.' The lady, who was A long discussion took place during and the,result ofi which, was so uncertain, for the work to be done, the -lamps were 6 swans,18 duck?, 4 turkeys, and 1white 28 years of age, had charge of a class of In the ..House of 3Jepres<B.ntatives; ori " August, Mr,. Yogel, the afternoQn on the report of the and probably not at all. chijd,rgin, She disappeared one, Sunday, Wednesday, taken from the carriages, and held in the pelican. , 5?.h Speake'r'bf .tbVHb'use in re Manawatu- BUltpassed : Employment of Females hands must have been dead two days when referring to. the. Clutha Ti?ugf Bill;inenspectators forming the ring It ir stated in the 'Manning River of the and : in which<the fight took place. The pre- News' that on the morning of the §4ffh her body was found. No motive can be lipued It-hat there was.a prospect r of,the Bangiiikei'claims, and a recommendation ±cf.r- '"■■■■■■■"'"■"■■■ ;"■; ".;"'■■ .. that a.sum .be .placed on the Estimates question of the reservation of lands in liminary stripping and fight lasted quite July,a^person named John Kent, asawyer, be assigned for the suicide. < Daily Telegraph* Otago being set tied this sessioni " -Honi'' a Dingo Creek, drawing for theProvince of .Wellington. at was fought, residing were correspondent hour. Twelve rounds * B>n A of the ( Interproviiicial News. The Premier strongly opposed the that that Province andit was then agreed to declare a drawn charge out ofhis gun when it exploded, and has been on/a visit to Bassaine in captivity. members wouldrecollect and denied that the the views'of the Speaker, man's E[e seems to'have been much struck with had reserved 2,0d0j000 > 'acres-, %rid the general scramble was made for the contents of the barrel entered battle. A forehead, who died immediately from the Madame Bazaine, whoop he describes as .Government deeiinedjo^rown^grantyuch' Province had'anyclaims upon the Colony ' against the cabs,, anpLr,the; party of "sports" forlibelis threatened ' for compensation inregard to the award Anaction * "Wanganui at effects. Kent was snioking $ pipe a.t the "Mexican, with dark, lustrous eyee,f black an extensivearaa^ and arrangements would, f^r o'clock. started towfi one 'Chronicle for publishing " of the Hon! J^M'Leanin theManawatu the was engaged, extracting the eye lashes, and; eye brows, beautifully be belieyed^ he come to by which 50,000 tiaje he phenomenon \fas obtA" remarkable dispute. There"was no ground whatever that a man was a provedperjurer." and charge, it is supposed that a spark of curved, a mouth indicating unusual resov acres would- be accepted for educational '' by Captaini>oile of the Stprnibird, for anyclaims for constructive damages, The total customs duties collected «at served pipe entered the barrel and lutiop, and a xadiantj lovely from the fire : purposes instead of the 2,OoOiO(^lcreß.tiia t ., He saya Sunday morning lately. a 'Manchester either legally or equitably. That in fact the port of Wellington for the week on. caused the aocident. had been reserved. The' 2,oo^^res^nffwf!'.< when';that; of the Patea lha nearly thaty abreast states Mr M'Lean's award enabled the Province ending Bth August amount to L2335 6s River,:at the time indicated, his attention 'A. passenger on board, the s*ieamßr according -to a reports just received, the. proposed as an endowment.^er^.amdigst.Jlto obtain.possession of" land they, other- lOd. by several heavy waves, or Murray,named^ibert ISkman, digappeared company of agricultural laborers;, who.Emi- thereserves thai .wp»ld becanceiiad^byUhe * that,instead A man named George Hall, residing was attracted wise would not have had, and ;therefore the? matter manner from the"vessel, grated to New '2JBa!i\Q|l In, jpecenaber last proposed masses huge ratherof sea water, rplling in a mysterio.jis sepnis of the award having been " a loss to the at Gillespie's, (Okarito), Westland, up; to the that there to be^no-dbubt he fell separate , up a came for .all, have done well; They treatmenf. It Vo^-:. jfguo4.BituiEttiops discovered anew invention s^bre--soinetliing' li^e series. .an<3 Province, had actually made a large claims to have "neither Of tidal #aves-^-caußing no small conster- overboard and was drowned. Ekman be- readily at wagesaveraging- from 8s to 12s not be in accord ance,:with.the fsp^rit iabs ; than .more nor less howwhich is alrea4y. prepared, He was profit " ' their longed : to -the.Government survey party per day of eight;hours.. The women who intention of thV;lawf th&it''.enprmQus, tßacfs, ],^ He made applica- nation;on boardithe!little craft from ever,if fl4ie House'agreed, to bring down 'perpetual motion.' iiand, and went out also found employment at a high should. tergmbYed.iromth^ engaged at Port Happily huge appearance. aiid formidable patent,, a but a reso'ution, allowing, the Wellington tion to "Warden Price for the -to -way S.tprmbird was on Melbourne in the rate of wages. ordinary l^w.!s;^reßervßtipn . biit. jt w6uldc-iA the safely the 1 rose on r; ,■ ; " su^nmit loan 10/be increased by the amount of that, official appears to haye entertained of !^ Christian Ekrnaa. Murray; with his passed along. be.equally against thejintention of thelaw caph them as brother of it the, Some applicant's paper, curious relative to statistics 1 ' the a%ard ;interest and sinking fund to doubts as to the state "of .against any reasonable* Just before the departure 6i^ they Be gaveL3OO to his brother at the com- making;hare been recently "publiaaed at to set their.face mind, - When be paidby theProvince. mencement of the journey for safe keeping; fenice,; Itappears reservations. the adjustment wasf3 '; trip, on an tax from Picton her last 3,960 of how men there 'are Phoßb^ that Mr Fitzberbert admitted that legally A curious instance r b Crookweli'_'corresporid|nt made, The the he the pugilistic hoped* j)rovinciar individual inclinations was of , purpose -ofr paper ipanufactvirers in the world, env the Province had no leg to stand on, but their ingenuity to effect their ihe, jSouthern Argus' Itate§; rtii^t a Mr^Ro- ployingrBO,OOO menand. 180,000 women, would regptfot'ihtflaw;^ has just been exemplified, says the servedJwith.a summons .for assault,; said that equitably it-had. -" : be clea'F understanding .88 ,to ;t^e extent treated the,mat^r uguite as,a r.berts,-.-, f^rinfrly ppstmaster, left .Mr R. besides 100,000employedin therag Mr Fox iwent into a history 1 of the Thames 'Evening.Star,' which, however, however, resided, public where he confidirig simplicjity 1,809 houses \ millions of pounds of pj?ipe|< ftrepro- the power ok reservation could'Be exercised joke, laughing kt thei whole question of the Manawatu disputes satisfactory .,to ,<the experimenters, has joi as no one duced annually ; early Sunday morning, Had (Hear.) The presenjj , *Ssat was one police imagining the in he to Testeri Jh£l| is^sed in print- by the provinces. Province could have no caused disappointment others. to show that the. ( on^ gone 1 knew wherehe had or could hear -proposal i-op'e*to, to i wa lhat should command the sixty going /ordinary' ing, any^notice' of an a §^th for yipriting^a^^;theremainder possible claim upon the Colony. The day the Shamrock tributes banked gold, summons,iitake* he,wasnatpreparedi(>'e3t|)refiß of of as to by Mm^allvsprts and rumors r House ibut ," departure anything took his thie iot pacing thought ounces of and other Through they what very reverse wasrather thecase. fate were" on the" following A weddingparty froipt thecountry carite any opinion;as tQ- whet fterithawhole exten&C-l'i duly chronicled in the local Bteamer.^ Service^of the summons: was his the exertionsof the General Government,, which was, ' in Pi0on;;a warrantissued and; Monday/freely^^ oirbalated, and the Grook- to,^ick for the -purpose of : havibjg' the of thte land proposed should be^reserved. and specially of the Native Minister, the papers. (sn" an' assay being attempted, proved ;in Wellington telegraph^ tp I well police dragged in search for the nuptial ceremony preformed after ithe He recommended that tte second reading..> in 'the possession of considerable difficulty was found arrivProvince obtained peaceable yißitpr, who on his 'body. "Ml enueavbrs'tp clear up the myjs- Presbyterian.form. They weredbotaedtb should be taken, and further consideratiott 220,000 acres, out of which they had sold ing at results^ s \Be"-treatment proyed that ibbut jthe^tende^ by 'some new tery^ however, proved:fruitlessu.ntir Thura- disgsppmtment, howeyerv as'not ai, single of the Bill postponed till BBxt;Week) and LIOO,OOO worth, making a splendid nest there were twenty-seven ounces,of lead arrival,^ was welcpmedt who ;kindly -insisted on day-'afternoon, when^he ;w,as found ia a minister, either of the Established, me^nwhße he woiulß consul^^wit'h1ibla^ppo-. egg tokeep them going ever since. Alto- with the gold. To* accdunt ifor' this the acquaintance, yindial alatharj&ep;;andj if there was nei Mr aear accjDmmpdation him of and to finding nighty paddoc^ trjbutere, P., on sbaft the piece inquiry, Presbyt«riaa, QiviiyOhes a of find' that the for Gl:M.^ill TJ '*rf orißeformed gether the claim made was Kim'tat the" Police pQurt^ hjs ,^aysj:a.c^&^iHe was ina.very exhausted could he) found, and the'J|^iy\i^d'tq set objection, the reservation might &QT ingratitude, andan indication of themost they use had beepmade use pf,as a kind and introduced: was '- " 'r found, being and arranged. .put againfor a neigbpring: pariah, madeUso^pjroyjde fiimi an(J|keipleaß state; when : -: '■ , :::'.-'- ::^'--^:.'^:' greedy and sri»j>bg avarice he bad ever of underground" shot' tower,* but the where an order it willbe 75, about some maD, th^ftfjjaif neglected very aged amateur shoemaker a toaflcertain y^pput righ^ The s^oondT^adingjwa? thes agte^t^^ ■- .. ..... . . ;j . ■ .x-AZJM'" "tostfnier6ct"a^ "^ .: i _ ; ; : .. "^ ; - s ■ ; . — T ■ — ; ■ — . 1 1 l ■'■' governor, i ". ; ■ — —— . '■ . '" .... . : . ■ A f . ( - ■ ; J IrmQus,1 ( . . ! - attt'K^ri^ie^^ < trade^ r r # # . .:s*&* ; - ■>■■■ fites&m&ugu|fr l&g&Sftfc;:■-■'■ THE BE TJ QE. H E UL p. - -v " .»/(:(: ««Ta« BBAL MAOKAY! ■''■ "'■' ■'_ TTERBEBT, HifTNES AND Xl ' " .. * ADVERTISEMENT. . - . .DTJNEDIN ADVBETISBMBNTS.- }■'■',') '■■ ■' '"■ : \■ . ■ " "■ "., ■ ■ - "*" pL'ENDINING "^ ", ■ ■ 1 -^l :'W ■ ■-■"■ ' - . t ■ - : ■ ,. : '-dd^M- i iJ^H^R.IvSEiD . tuid^^eVLarid. GfeNiiß3i^flo^SD^^^ i^OT^ ■ , . ; . ... - * ) j ' ■ . T>ROWN . .,..-.-. ■■■".,' ;, ,"'-, Scarlet ,;■ . 6ay 9'^d; 23,23 64^ yard" ' Piaidirigj yard 9dper 6a, ;2si3d, Iils j6a,.15.9d CrimeanShirtings, . 3d, 6d, 9d per 9a, 10|dj,2s, O. - - LIST.- ( calico, 3|d, 4d,4£d to Is White flannels, ll^d,Is Id, Is 3d, Is 4£d, Is 8d White Hollands,7£d, 9d,9£d, 10£ d,Is, Is Id,'Is3d Anti-rehumaticflannels, la Id, Is 2£d, Is 4d to Brown Heavy twill sheetings, J.s 6d and upwards 28 6d , > sd, Is 7d to 2s White blankets, 8s 6d, 10a 6d, 12s 6d,15s Scarlet flannels, Is o£d, Is 3d, Is " . 6d, Whiteblankets 17s (fullsize),.lss 6d, upwards 9d m Scarlet blankets,'16s 6d, 18s, 21s, 26s Ayrshire plaidingrls lOd, 2s to*2s 9d Strong Crimean shirting, 10£ d, Is, Is 3d, Is 4d, Blue blankets, lOs^d,12s 9d, 15s, to 25s Crib and cot blankets, all sizes jg g,j 4s 9d All-woolshirting, Is 6d, la 9d, 2s, 2s 3d to 3s 3d Colored bed covers, from "White toilet quilts, 5s 9d, 7a 6J, upwards Oxford shirting, Bd, 9d, ljd White counterpanes,4s 9d, upwards Grey calico, 4d, 4£d, sd, s|d to 9d Justreceived, a large lot of Muslin andLeno Curtains, slightly damaged in the manufacture, very cheap, from 2s 3d perpair. French merinos, Is lid, 2s 3d, 2s 6d, to 4s 9d. Black Russell cord, Is 3d, Is 4d, Is 9d, to 2s 3d 6d, Is 3d, Is d, Is, 10£' v BlackPersian cord, Is 5d Is 9d, 2s to 3s 'Is9d' r < Black alpacas, 7£d, 10d, Is 2rl, ls'3d, to 3s Aberdeen winceys, Is 43, Is Bd, 2s, 2s 3d, 3s ' in great Silk-warp winceys and double diagonals tweed winceys, and New twill " " ' elfcon sn^iBatswing skirts, 7s 6d to 15s variety All-wool tartans (double width), from 2s Black-quilted skirts, 7s 6d to 19s" Embroidered Bkirts, 3s 9d, 4s 6d, 5s 3d, 7s 6d 6d is the we have ever held, and comprises a magnificent largest, FABBICS of DRESS Our stock Scoured winceys, 7£d, 9d, lOd,Is, Is Id - Pure Saxon winceys, assortment ofNew Materials and Colorings. New strips serge15s_6d the dress length New figured poplins, Is, Is 2d, Is sd, Is 9d New diagonal cloth, 10id, Is Id. Is sd, Is 8d New colonade lustre, Is 2d, Is 6d, Islid New stripe crape cloth, 18s 9d the dress.length New wool serge/lsId, Is sd, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s Now Shah cloth, 21s9d the dress length New wool chambray, 8"s 6d the dress length New Ashantee stripe, 27s 6d the dress length New diagonal camlet, 14s 6d the dress length skirts, to' wear New heavy wool serge, Is 6d, Is lid, 2s 3d, Fashionable-made ' with polonaise, 12s 9d> 14a 3d» l6s 6d 2s ed of COSTUMES and MADE-UP SKIRTS, with -materialforBody,' 'A magnificent assortment " - - ■ -^ from19s 6d upwards. "■■ -. p Vf IN G, & Tl 7 ■ ■ ■ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Of the LargeNumber of Firms in the Drapery Trade, memorablein many respects, we heaitily The arrivalof the dames NicolFlemingard Janet Court having placedus in possession ofthelist commendthe Favorite Establishmentof of our Winter Shipments, amounting in the aggregate to over 500 CASES and BALES, we beg to notify our "arrangements for the season. Inorder thatthe re-building of premises, and the unAND TTIRKPATRIOK, arising therefrom, may not interfere with the growth of our largely-increaspO. avoidableinconvenience ingbusiness, we have marked off every class of goods at merely nominalprices. The object in thus offering a magnificent stock of New and Seasonable Goods, under the usual rates, is to insure the DUNEDIN. turn-over of the entire Winter Stock during the next two months, in consequenceofthe ver "%. limited-accommodation at our command. "CLOSE OF^THE SEASON, 1874. Misses' Wincey Costumes, '■■'- Tb«: . 14s 6d,'155.6$17s 6d, 20s. Cheapßst Goal- inOtago! ; ' Waterproof TweedCoßtumeß, ■'■ v -,". e"■:■' r .".. . . 1; .■ .- .: :Ladieß' , ]sd, 305,32s 20b, 27b ' :: Tunic Skirts, ...e-oi-'^q .^,<A zi^-iW-.;V'-'::'..' : i Ladies' ; 8s 6d,15s, 12s 17b 6d ,' 10s 6di TTIHE Prio© of GOAL at this Quarry \intil Black6di Lustre Tunic Skirtsi'^ : ' Cheapness of . 8s 6d, lps6d,12s 6d,:15s,17b 6d ' The remarkable feature of"this House is the Superior Qualityand Wonderful hurthwrnotioewillbeosperton. ";' Ladies'"Perßi»n Cord Capes, , l «^ be obtained there. i' :V' ;-;,-'-<J:'10s, Vis 6d, 12s 6d,14s 6d, 17s 6d,20fl, 25s' every^class anddescription of Goods that are to ■■: , V''1 : '■:"/'* o: —■■■ ■■ Girls'Black 016th Capes, .'".■■ ■.■ .-' ■*■': ' 15s 6d, 17b 6dj 20s, 258^ 30s, 35s that firm been awakened to the importfairly " is that of "has principal The reason the attention Ladies' SealImitationJackets; bordered, '; anceof buying in the cheapestmarkets. To accomplish this they never fail. 'Forexample,by a late ' V .«< < ',-■■■■ Manager. > ■ \ 18s 6d, 20s, 25si30s, 35si(j40s,s45s . v ■'"""'■-'i? '■'".-" Bhip they received.fromSt. Petersburg one case of ' 'i Ladies'Black Peraian^Cord Skirts,■■.'",-."■ . JACKETS, SEAL RUSSIAN, FUR ', LADIES' REAL Viss,i7B 6d,2bß;;2^27s^di3os ,'..-.. ;Ladies' Win?ey Costumes,- ; all'overthe world, would Prices :Ll4,Lls, Ll6, Ll7,LlB. These goods, so prized' Very cheap. , " >. 17s 9di' 20s, 22s "6d, 25si 2Vs 6d, " 300 each more. cost, tobuy in London, at least L6 , . Ladies' TweedPolonaises,;' 5 For fashion they get regular supplies of Models-and Novelties from thefirst Parisian Houses, -■:-? 6d, 275,305,358 M:^> I 23s ' and are constantlyreceiving large quantitiesof General Stock direct from the manufacturers.' In v :! (I*teAC?uttoi; to D; Sampson;) Black.Lu>|tae P6lpnaißeß, ' . :v.Misses' . consequence, they 8s 6d,9sjd;10s 6di 12a 6d : "...:;_",;,,' ' :: : eep the Largest and Best Stock of Drapery, Silk Mercery, Clothing, Carpets, and Household K ' "Ladies'Black Lußtre'Polonaißeß, 1 Furnishing. Real TAHiORINGik WOOLLEN■"■■''■ ESTABLISH' 6d,158 6^,168 6d;17s 6d. 14a ; ■-■■'■■■■"■"■,■;■ IMSH 'Poplins,—Moires, Silks end Satins, Soper'sBlack Silks, from 3s 6d to 7s. Bonnets do, from MENT. : ": < Black YelveteenPolonaises,. . , Ladieß': J ', 8s to 14s 6d warranted to wear. Colored do, just J; .■;:if;c;"- c-tri :-'i'^o g'^'^-'-- ■V _V'"V v. ":'.'",-. ."308,355, 40s . v :: r/■■■' broche; from100s ; , : Children's-BlackVelveteenPolpnaises, R tcEiVED alltheLatest Novelties. Striped do, from 59s j plain, from 90s ; " Gentiieinen's,Hate, Shirts, Scarfs, Ties, : iTs'ed; 20s, 25s fancy, from 80s to 2003. BlackSilk Velvets, K ateb's Silk"-finished Velveteens. English Velvets, from10s ;Genoa,from 20s to 30s; Velveteens,Silk Velvet Jackets, Clollari,^v Stud%' BraOßS> Underclothing, ; :Ladies'^Black from 48 6d to 7s 6d. Millinery Bonnets from 30s, 555, 635, 75b/80s, 84s, 90s ' . " P abis andLondon. Great Bargains in New Hafa— price, Sd to 4s 6d ; worth from 3s 6d to 8s 6d. .-'. i Steamed-Winceys,- t; :-,-■;:- rr Underclothing, Stays, and Corsets at 4|d per yard /; ,;[a ; ;Ladies' do, from 2s6«. ::;-.:'..; T'\;;; ;,;,;; :;;;.;^; Saxony Wincey, . ...;; ; ; ri.'<r \, A stonishing- prices. Infants' Chemises and Drawers, from Is, rising ' ■'„ ; : Mantles, Capes, Polonaises, New 7id,ßidi'9id,;loid per yard " jackets Some very elegant double-breastedDuchess of Edinburgh do. The cheapest " , > \ i T ippets, and Heavy Aberdeen;Winceys'," " ' , and Jackets, lot of Capes Is3jcl,;lß Bd;peryard ;^ / : ' ;worth iR ich and rare ever offered— Children's, from 2s 6d to 4s 6d ;Ladies', from 4s 6d to 20s ;" > :;{-;* Lustres;; Black . '\ 6-4 t : double. Muffs and Boas of every description, real and 7§d, B^d. lO^d,Is, Is 2d. 15:44-pefcjard. ' ; . Imitation, Sable, Seal, Grebe, Ermine, .Opossum, Musquash, Monkey. Door Mats,Matting, .Cords,^ .. . ".■ . ,?:[_ 'BlackTussell v: ' - :lOid;ls'6d pei? y«u&, " Crumb Cloths , . ,v ; C totains, Damasks. New Patterns inFloor Cloths, thoroughly seasoned, from the celebrated Coidef'-[ A V 7 r:SI^R VE^T O^SV ■■'.BlackPersian ' matei>8' ", "V * ■■: ls-6d^per yard ■._'.'■'/' " (Lioihii^l^t^luSurvejr0 K iddeeminsteb, New Brussels, Tapeßtry, andFeltCarpets in every variety of design, at the most Figured Camlets, " < :. ; moderateprices. ,1b l^d, 1b 4£d per.yard : . Dark Colors Twilled Diagonals, .. v ; " ! . .'" "■ ' ■': Is)li'4d per yard/ A N D C O. 1 Medium WelsliFiannels,' .v.r : w White 6l d Is 7 ls>sa,Vls6di : E la,rls :3d, is-4td '' "'"' ;, — -?o^od;-?' MiZt--ir.<>.?~*-' i i■""'^ ■■ .".■■-■■ :: i..-yardc.--.- 1:; '.'.">.■'" 'isr^" -■" r-^ r :''- r -'"" ' G oods'. Animmense Variety,of Dress Goods, New Russian Cloths, Serges, Repps, and Winceys,^ .; Flannels, :;/ ; White Saxony ; rf; . : : from 6d'per'yard. i-ls 10£d, "2B.3d,i2s.]9'd, .// N ew Skirts,- Costumes, Drosses and Polonaisesj" Fancy Woollen Goods, Eider Down Skirts,' ' ' '3s^per yard ? * ■ ". SPECIAL ABE A.N GEMENTS FOR WINTEB. OPINION. PUBLIC CQ'S WINTEE'&OODS. - ■ - " Children's woolscarfs, 9d, Is, and " Is 2d Girls' waterproofs, all sizes, from'3s 6d Men'stweed suits, from 34s 6d from-6s 6d waterproofs, Ladies' Flannels, Crinolines, and Men's double-breastedsuits, from45s Ladies' wool shawls, from 10s 6d ' r. rIs Is ' v Impbovebs. Lads' and Gents' Umbrellas, Alpaca,'-from 4s ;Silk from10s. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ladies'cloth jackets, from 4s 6d Men s paget Buits, from 49s ':; : : v , Scarfs. Particularly r Scotcli overcoats, 12s Men s from 30s heavy from '2s, 2s 2s' 'president jackets, i ' very cheap stock ofMen's Clothing. Tweed Suits from 50s, SacCoats from20s, Riding Ladies' fur-trimmed Men's superior overcoats, from 37s 6d 0';,.:;1 '," ' V > -" 7 f!-. -'": 1" N otb the g^ ' , tv ,\ .'-- '■3he'<?'^W'o''"tf-i);iifrom 27s to 455. An ; '; .Coats Men's waterproof coats^from 128 6d , from Is Ladies' straw hats, 2s 2s 6d, Is ' " Is Immense stock of Youths' Clothing. Tweed Suits from 255, Colonial TweedTrousers from 6s ' 2s^ a job lot,from 32s 6d Mens sac coats, from 15s ' ' !;^"-: j- "/ -Proprietor/' -y-'x yard skir#bought A satin case ■ W.P. Overcoats and i Boys jacket suits, from15s wool scarfs, Is, Is 3d, to 3s 6d ' 'Unionand Wincey Shirtings,.., '*? V , D OTTBI.BBreastedJackets from 15s 6d, Boys' Knicker Suitsfrom 15s 6d, Sailor ditto from 17s 6d, Ladies' 4s 6d Bpys kn^ckerbocker suits, from 11s 6d 6d, 2s 3s cross-overs, 9d, 2s, AUidesoriptions of Colonial Timber at .; ■ -, '"■ Hid,Is 3a, Is #d, Is. 6£d per Ladies'knitted yard > ~ Diagonaland Velveteenfrom 27s 6d. The pilot andbeaver overceate, from 17b 6d Boys 6d sets, linen from Is Ladies' " Twilled; 6d, Paget, from .; sir!:. "?'«^^P(roicrent''rat(Mf./ ""'j,'..i , N bw1 Dunedin Coat from 30s to 455, Boys' waterproof coats, from 10s 6d ; . .IBerlinettaShirtings," ' Galatea Double-breasted from 27s : ruffles, 9'd, Is, to 8s 6d ' : yard.!- n ; ;-;r ; 40s. ....,.-." Ladies'"new 9d BoysInvernees^capes, from I3s 6d. .;,.;■.■■-.■-,.,■"> '"." Is 8d per, 3s 2s, Large wool to polkas, '[inpp^s'ww.'^s^,liiaiid,., Children's Check, f '""! So'me'rville Shirtings, Stripes and Their.made-up Clothing from Melbourne E very,Novelty in. Tweeds, Coatings^ and Vestings. doz; 9dlthe r \ han.dkerch.iefs, 2s half ; cambric ' Ladies' , ; '-..',' -. -,-. . and .: / lOJd and"liid.per '■yard.,' "i " -...-. ' TooguedandGrooved Flooring;fliihmg,:&c; "" - Whitie;-Blankets'(Single:Bea)7" . but Zealand, class to superior general, slops imported L are not far to the of New only socks,irom " dinaoii \. , Men's w/ ' from 3s 6d shirts, . Men's Crimean \'^*}rtia}r]^eds.WflaMOTiß«ardjs;'/'V \'_\; :"■■ 12s 6d,lss6dil6Bi6di'2osper pair ; Is^from Is 6d' , are equal to " ' Men's Irishhand-kmtted," Men's Crimeans,"air wool, from,5s 6& 'White Blankets (Double Bed), G abments made to order, and are sold for much less money. Otago collar, 9d The . ., ri from 2s 6d shirts, colored ' Men's pair : G^L» O^- G "HV 18s 6d, 21s, 22s 6d, 255, 26s 6dper « ■'>'■ . ■ do do, for boysj 6d ' The from 3s 9d under-flannels, Men's ; ' -,-■.'," y BlueBlankets, Hats, caps, ties, scarfs, braces..; WOGL1^ Men's flanneldrawers,rfrom 4s 3d ifes.Sd,';21s per pair"' Portmanteaux, umbrellas,.rugs ,&BDiF&KGY^REPOSITORY ,fr6m:4s9d ' .; plaidingdrawer Men's Bi TAILORING. Scarlet Blankets-Blankets, „ Gloves,handkerchiefs, &c, ingreat variety Men's'lambs-wooldi-awers, from 5s 3d Crib ' George? Street;'^■Duhedin. Materials for .;■ 1 ■ SuperiorMaterials, Fit, and Workmanship, at Low Charges, are the characteristics of this Men's wool scarfs, from Is ■ ., Paper;Flowers, -lieather'Work and Latest ..White Toilet-Quilts; .: 6d, NovelMes-iniFancy Work always on hand. '■■'.'" 8.8 6d, 9s 6d, 10s 6d,12s 6d, 14s 16s 6d branchof their business. b orders White Marsella Quilts, . Schools q1 supplied;0 and Country , * 21s, 255, 28s 6d, 30s, 37s 6d . ' ; promptly attended to.: . . ;&c.,: DBAPEES, CLOTHIERS^ White Lorna Quilts (New), ■ AJIOfS^S^AN^ ( . . ■ "■ - : # - * i . M3^Si^M ■Ju '" ■ ■ "; . ■ '■■ ■ J : - ■ - CTTj^TßD KnwnJtiiaiEviLDßlbGE, Cly^,,has^;;invented W aofS;, c . ■ ;16s6d>18s 6d, .White \ Zephyr Quilts (Fringed), KIEKPATKICK, GLENDINING/ AND CO., ' 26s . . Quilts;ColoreaBoraers (Fringed), Vienna improved principle." repairs; It . new inoVi ''"■'. . "'l9a6d, «jnceshritb?oease, and is great saying of - Colored ArmenianQuilts (Fringed), )The-runholders in the . .1686a, 17s 6a, time ands laboriV 6d Dunstan dis.trictuse themllargely, and re- Heavy ColoredQuilts (Dice Pat.), "■ " 14s 6a,I 7*s.64,.22b 6a nd manufaijtures a Wire Strainer upon a ': FURNISHING, BUILDER'S AND 18s ■ GENERAL IRONMONGERY! ; port mpst favorably,of Uieir-serviceabiliiy in 'V, 44s 6d, 15s 6d, i6s 6d repairing-wire fences.1 The Strainer is.very l Alhambra Quilts, small akd^por^afclejfii weighsonlya^ few lbs. " 4s 6d, 5s 6d,6s6d," 7s, 8s 6d' r is made'of-'wroTigli-fc lEon,caiidcari .be. worked r 9s 6di 14s 6d, 21s withease^by^on^man;: /';.','.'.' "'".' '■-..< Crib Quilts, -.-, "' W "A & T , - White &$&:.: . , .";' -.. WhiteToilet Covers, receive regular Shipments of HARDWARE GOODS direct from Wolverhanipton, .Glasgow, WE to see our Partiesrequiring IRONMONGERY GOOI/S would - ■ W^Mur',-V;;s^^^ .. ... Manufacturers ; PeiwcestStbeet, Dthtedin. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT To his Excellency Sir James Fergusson, Governor of New Zealand. t i IS PXTBLISHED . and Retail Hat and Cap TjIVERY TUESDAY -*-^ ;'" < -" ,r' 1 'f " ; ■:■ AND FRIDAY AX THE OFFICE, Y. ALMAO& CO., WHOLESALE . .i ' * THE BBlntlß iHEEiIiD and also from- America. Manufactory. Every description of Stock and Frices do well Hatsmade to order. Guaranteed best matebefore going elsewhere to buy. rial and superiorfinish. We can supply the followingfirst-class Goods at a3 low prices as can be done by any Paris Hats, grease-proof bands, made to of Birmingham,-Sheffield, Pink and WhiteToilet Quilts, '& co .r WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DUNEDIN. ; ' 303 a' - ; wTn o, MILTON, TOKTOM AIRfRO,' " ' . A2TD BRANCH OFFICES, ', BALOLUTHA . AND TAPANUT. % ... ,- ;, Terms of Subscription :— " ' ■ 16s per half-year (payable in advance), deliverWd in and'aroundMilton. ., , 18s per half-year (payablein advance),-1 posted or delivered to any portionof-.' ■ ; New Zealand.' >.- ■Posted to GreatBritainor the lian Oolonieß, 4s per half-year, and t6'^;-:'s. the American continenti,:Bs:per.hall' ,- ;» : ".., year, extra., :". ; ■>■■, ,v ■■■\\'i: ' Subscribers cancommence at Miy'date, and , proportion the end of . willbe charged in .to. ": current half-year.'' 'i " = :'';/^' '".. .',' ;'".': Notice toidiscontiriue subscriptidris JitrST " '' be in writinGj and posted,: or ■": deliveredio' » the office direct, addressed "to the.Manager, i-" (Verbalmessages^,to travellers or; agents; will \u\ inno case bei regarded../:j;-Th^..:rule^will!-,J)(9,-V: y strictly adhered to andreply^ljy,qircular;firom ;< ■;, of 'tocontinuano^ the office;, notifying date ' i(f willbe forwarded; r 'V / "'\' '..':}.'-!, Currenthalf-year endsDea.'2i\.( 1874;: other Establishmentin theProvince :— order, guaranteed easy fit ; Waterproof Hats, AmericanChurns i.Is 3d, Is6d.'Is 9 d,2s,2s'3d, 2s,6d Tinnedand Enamelled Hollo- Door Mats felt, silk, &c, allin the latest fashion. in Jobbing Smithy Maqhine-and .General Milk Dishes Nails, Locks, Hinges ' ware :White Calicos, " 'are prepared to supply the trade in the ■■■ -'.-■ "We ; Spades andShovels .hft!;:ub"S -VA'K i!'/:?i/ / sid,-6|d, 8,d,-.9ja, 10|a per yaia Brass Goods Tableand Pocket Cutlery very latest shapes in Hats, just arrivedper ; Digging and ManureForks Calicos, ;-; .-...-■ Best Electro-plated Goods in Sash Weights ' ;";^_vßA^LJtnpAyr- ■-..;■: «::^.'. "; WhitaTwillea ■. Lutterworth. " " ; "fj : lß, is 2d, Is 4d, per Cake Matheson'sand Sorby^a Oar- HayRakes andScythes Spoons, ' yard Forks, ls^6d Note the Address-^-Opposite Bank of New King'sRanges -Mexican^Qrey Calicos, '. porter's Tools and Stands, Tea Garton Baskets,Cruet Zealand, Princes street; Dunedin. .. 5d,5'2d,,6d,7id,8id,9iaper yard '" ' AmericanCookingStoves . Paints and Oils and Coffee Sets l■■'■"'■"" Unbleached-Sheeting, 2-yd ■'" *?>$ wiae> ->"i;--'-: Staples i'> ColonialQyens ■■■■■■": j?ih ""'■.■.."." 'Is 6|a, Is9id, 2s;per yard " " Nickel "Silver Spoons and Fencing-wire and BALCIiUTHA TIMBER YARD. Blasting and Sporting Pow- Gratings for Ovens K.B1.— Sewlne > Machines;Nently Rebalred 1'■'Unbleached Forks Twilledcsheeting, 2yards wide, . der, Shot, and Caps, Rock Dining-room, Drawing-room, :':■■;: :Jls| 4Jd,'-' Is'' 6Jd. Is 9id,' Is'lO^d, 25.3d per, B.M. Tea and Coffee Pots ' Office Render, and Fuse. Bed-room, and DishCovers and Tea Trays , ..'.yard''' '"'." . ".' -,-. . " Cans Aberdeen and American Register Stoves bright L-.^i, : Bath's and Water A IN, new, ;.".■' " ■*■Quilts, RichDown r> and Black -Ash Pans to Scythe Handles Toilet Quilts, Down ToraUum Sets Silk GrNGER^BEER, .'LEMONADE, SPDA: '6-4 Green'Wool Kepp,' CARIx,NTER AND WHEELRIGHT. Ropes and Twines ' match ■.. r Brooms andBrushes Fendersand FireIrons American Axes r,A Tubs and Buckets Repp, , 6-4 Maroon Wool 'MAmf-: CoalDepots and Scuttles IronBedsteads Brocaded*Wool Bepp," .; The "Home Washer"; BuildingMaterials) and a Supply of. Lime Fire Guards Leamington Ranges Wringing WoolPomasks', Machines ; : .'"Colored '.'... ' "" '■;" Covers; Colored VictoriaTable ' - ;6s 6d, 8s 6d,108.6d,a2s 14s 6d,15s 6d Always onHand. ? 6di ~ ,' . ::' , Covers, „■ J Clotb.Table ;,'.tapa:nui; " " \> ,: ;...... V Wholesale and Retail ' :s-v 16s (Bd, iß'a 6d whole Covers, N/B;-|»jHaying1 Cldth'Table -Embroiderea ; - ; :a. i-ROisriMioisra-iEiR/S a_:n*:d ii^iFOZR/riEiR/Si 21s, 255, 27s 6d, 305,-35s OMA S WA R D Ii AW, " Terms, of ADVERTisiNtf:^: pw the abqvft, E T, DUNEDIN. Sheeting, White Twilled PBINCES-STE SADDLER AND kARNESS 'MAKER, J.■";'" -r'." 't(f:'i.-.":-Vy:'' ■■ <5 .-■' N 45 inckes wide,Is 4dperyard Begs to inform the inhabitants of Tapanui J3s,per inch ;, 1 Apy^RTiSE^ENTSj OASuAii hands,respectfully,solicits a continuance o ;". . ER G FSON Sheetings, , WhiteTwilled CARPETS !!! i surrounding district, that he has CARPETS ! ! the TjAVID and insertion"; 2s,per 'mch ;each.sub^_- s., ' first 54 inches wide, Is 6d.per yard opened those premises nexitothe Post-office",<| ; insertion sequent support whichhasbeenaccorded-for so many ' Twilled . Xiinless ordered^ fpV : Sheetings, Wliite ' a large" and general assortment of ..., : ■- '■■ with Plumber, and . Tinsmith, Zinoworkbr threemonths) inches 2s i wide, yard per 72 i i f ''V Saddlery, 'and trusts, -by" strictattentionto Standing[-Advertisements for^three 6t/'h' yearsto HewsonandNephew,andafterwards White Twilled Sheetingf, G. JOHNSTONE, Tjv support* business, AD, publi to receive 3 MAIN SOU T H R O yard.'■ *80.inches wide, 2s 4d, 2a Bd,per, Tokomairiro, J\ six months can;:be arranged^for!"at * jMjrahipJli; Every? attention* .. ..White to ; Twilled Sheetings,"\'r:i-work entrusted to" him will receive ! liberal discpunt.;- ;;>;;- 'in Vnir--TM . ""■"-L All TOKOMAIRIRO, MILTON, Begs to .announce that ha has -just opened ]; "'9oinches wide,-2s-9d, 3s per"yard TRADE tfARDS AND AD^RTISEMENISy jtOsv;i ; prompt attentionil ? Gtfod workmanship" ; ' ,^to Plain ; shall be '■pjßad^ Linen Sheetings, » " on Sale Mantifacbures on the premises every article guaranteed. appear for. twelve.!.inpnths ando^er,^^^' and hasLNow ' : Linen Sheeting's, :. .< ' .Twilled withright to bccasional; alteration.oi, ,, ' ' ' in the above departments of trade, of himexeontfldJat theiihortastn^tfeeI/ : ,-;UnbleachedTable Damask, i .; ". : / < The "■ '"-"" AN EXCEEDINGLY CHEAP matter, aif stilllower ;^' SEWISG MACHINES.— ,".IslOid, 2s 3d;2s 64ncr yard , . .; i. superior workmanship^ and at the most i most simple, complete and perfectV .■-■■"■ Damask, ..,.*; "Table ■-;";' >: Bleached ; LOT O**P CARPETS ! moderate rates of charge. Machines yetinvented. G.M.Aldrich, agent, ■'.', od}>3si 3b 6d, 3s 9d^ 4s, 5s per yard Advjertisements,. ilcnoti afecom-f; i JST^SET, 'Orders ' 2s for^ corner of Princes and Dowling streets,Dun'■ ' 1 Table Napkins^ Damasb ' " ' . Bleaclied of < .nmnbe^ byi insiruciipris "'' r.of!.inserpanicd payments. "."■ ;■ ''jihib'x ■ ■^;(^:>;'a -^aaa;; ; ;■; edin. Machines sold-on deferred All Work Guaranteed. V 7s 6d,' Bsj Ws, 12s 6d,155, 18s 6d;per doze,n as,standu^j,/ cais' e s betreated trbns,; 'all -Singer's of the of imitations Beware ; BleacnedDamask Ta6le,Clptlis, ;.' : will be arare Furnishing^this : To Parties ''Jthii continued until. Tmtien.,, "(; Boilerertisemeiitsi .:00., i & machines. 6d,. 6d,'7s 9s used Execution of 6d; 6d,"ll8 6d, Every despatch TT 13s in ';, ;^rjdis^ ''5s 9dr 6s opportunity to purchase a first-class Carpet, notice isfifofwaicded :to' the Manage*' ■|\_ -makers. Engineers, ■>' Millwrights^ 15s 6d, 16s 6d,' 18s 6d/ 21s, 255, 30s; ;37s 6cU :- 7;:" s It --iri;'» 'i?'* =" Orders. continuances ; '^:' ply kindu of two three In and E. Huckabacks, | A L BleachedLinen ~K* S ! advertisementsf(un.»?; '_> Notice tor.discontinve 'of; IsIssd* l&.6d,:is OJOd per'yard Castings iiivßrasa and; Iron; SteamEngines '' mentione?n; is Kidderminster; tapestry, less wh^ereiriumber insertions Wpol Repps': 5,. ;,*.i ; pvershpt,r ;,£" Black French. and B^UerijanadeP^d' Hot and Cold Water Baths, and every ;; Brandy, Whisky, Wines, Ale, Porter, on originair order) musto;be forwarded,i '.r; jln ,'■, ..■■ Black jFrench Wool Pppeline Breast, andTurbine^Water Wheels ; Quartz " -/ ' brussels. * and for, water apparatus manufacturing Cordials, writirig;,'addressed;; to...the Manager,:^i.a^^ kindof &c. Winding ' . : . ' . piagohals'^^i ' MaeliinerjtePumping and French Woof "Black Crushing ;T :;! Office;AMil)iQh. ., Barley, Publishipg" v- // i Rice, ;ißlad£ FfehaiiWool^Satin Cloth £ Plates; ;-.;' Flour, Oatmeal, -'BippleH and effici- Tea, Sugar, Gear ;Gait-i^on]Sluice and_" and domestic purposes carefully J -The; to all advertise;; Large Assortment of- every requisite for '■""*". " "" > lyenchiMerinpsiM ".;U^'^ description. ; " every of Sheet IronHopperandSluicePlatea punched ■■"■':Black and Oilmen'-sGoodß ently fitted up ■niOTterin>erted;'6ver'aiaon%i of renewed at 3s Bd,4s;per Dredging Spoons, ■: Is aiUdj 23;4|d,,;25.6d; 2s H to any sue*'of holei&bld HOUSE FURNISHING, ,Drapery, "Boots and Shoes, Fancy GoVds and aiiy,time. l'A>.til ■-.■/rsi'a.K ?;>^ '^"'; ;/';^ ',' ," "':'.■"■■■' '/. ;.,. ;> ;';;-. r;;- "■."-: '-:>-c-:"■. ?miiiWry, aid all kinds of yard r ; etc. >f Ironmongery. The trade supplied with Tinware made on -.;". ' - '-■-■;. Perßiah'Coras Horse-ijower ,:Black L" ; ;'BlackRussell Cords ; . ," i^^Mld > the.premises, at moderate prices. ! Crockery andGlassware. Agents fbrthe receipt7 bf J"Subscribers names ; Wroy^d and Cigars, i; Tobacco "" Black^Thibet Cloths^ j ;■': ■ a Machines made :>V -;' -\ > r^air^^ i Just to hand, lot of J 'Ti ' ~ w>;;li;;audßew)AdvertisOTQenti r— '. c i ; ■; j^e -j[ i B^ckFrench,TwillsrT ">■?&:: ; ; HeapingMa<3iiriesit. Superior ' 'BRAN. CHAFF, and Clutha Ferryi branch offi^iWi^aistpn;1 'l" '<--; of, all >kinds carefully OATS, :FLbOR-CLOTHS, liachines,.capable 01Dressing ttqia-'-M-.toi.of}-:. ;.,;31(ick Plumbing work ' ■ ,■ . CHOICE Diagonals; ■-. ' ; ,m,;: ■;...' Double" : v~ ' * '■";,"Tapanui,branch office, A^Braudigtin.z I cwt. fibr»V tw^^^..rr^'MachMes tried .1.' "■: V V, ' Blapk 'Cosluine Cloths;lt, .'.■'■>:'&, 1 ' ';?--4\ " performed in any part of the' Province, by' Cornsack... Seaming Twine, Bluestone, i patterns);. can l 'v_ .,^Purchasers (registered «iv W©rka, leiivuig ;.; the tAlpacas before r our,premiaeß. V r J ■MacWDouble shortestnotice. experiencedworkmen, .V&:■:> v-\-,;-' j^J'v;^: i r t -Black (Mlege'eidtbL^f; -'"-;.';!.;' V ; Oils (in bulk.) andJ. B.'M'duUpch^ ;X" and Linseed lee the MachineJi wbrkinK on Colza Castor; ; ; £ngland-T-G^ti:eet; -^ ' I'i■^ Black CashmerettevBlack^Paramatta■'■>.lr^ "■'-;; , F. G. JOHNSTONE, ketpricesgiven for.all descrip- Loridonv';-;; '}^''^':'.- K^.. ."■■"'■"" .. -:Cl'^/,-.-, ■ 'MLaaiesPimn-I^igiitDresaeSi^},,:". ,- '\:,-^-:\^;; ' despatch. ' ,Melbouriie and Sydney-— Gordon and Country ordersexecuted withevery « $s^.6dX;:^.? , Milton, it, 1 ' '■'. ;"33,6^, " --,-/-. ■■■jißt-'i;..tions of FarmProduce. s " " ;:;v ,■■ w-v .,';■, -;v ■ il\i :Ladie fiFrilled' S"ight Dresses, :Gptch.; "'; " " r ■'.■ ;. ■:.' and forwarded at lowest 6cl^ > Tokomairiro. ,Stored yti^i^andsi^ojEMgpodvjßXrßNT? ''■" gs:3;dv 5559c1,v6aNight'Dressißs, Grain ' " hand, large Pumps stocks of of Always on / vLadies'-Trimmed " ; H Travelog; Agents andVxirj, T *i ..,_ ,IV VV^:;|bb|gS now.-iorcßaltf;hi!W--:V',: V;- ;;.=■;-. FELMONGERY. all kinds;' large'and small, including force current rates. , v , 7s, 7s 6d,8s 64r95.6dj103-6di128 6d^»lss6d TOKOMAIRIRO -V?h?TOs&j>W} v apthprised.collectors, rS- BRTQK^YAiKD; "■ 'Ladies^Plaih.Caiuisples,; . .; .V "-.;'.. MOORE, STEPHEBt;GAUpLE AND ' MARRYATT pumps ;alsoLeadand Iron Pipes for same. :: :'V.;.;V> y 28;9dV336dn ":■■, '-■:■ -\^^l 'Clark'eßville Post Office,; : :: , :V :^ '{: 1000:-; undersigned is a buyer of Wool, Indiarubber Hose andevery requisite. Printed, and Published r-bj the Proprietor :.:"; -1 . v ..;. nnHE 'Ladies' Trlminea Garnis'oles, > *Jobbph Maokat,, residing opposite.,lu>; -Regis* v " ! ;. > : ' tjxe^b>icks to^ty ; Hides, Cash on 4and iow. 9d,-6s6d, ■J; jpai| leaving Sheepskins, M.::;ss :y;^ 78>6d Hydraulic Machinery kinds, of all i; for taredSteaia Printing Office, Main SoutjbuBo^dj Tuapeka and Clutha Junction, Camisoles, v a <: n;;;■"*"" ' V;:- :;. .V f^| ■■7';V - ;Ladies' Scarlet Flannel; Milton,! County of Bruce, in'theProVinOf of J" t OLT. " :l-^?r^ THOS. milling, -Kand other oaremining, ; :;ssV9d;^^od purposes, ROAD, VV . h .vi^V^V ' v ; MAltf SOUTH Otego.jNeTrZeatoncl^AugUßfi^iST^^ : .,;;"' f^j^psen;; ~, ;.;;,..,r ;,^ h'^s^'.il U&Uton, fully.and efficiently Executed, : ;yr Indies' DrabStays, t .. ! ' : ■ "" ■ ; -^k — ;:;-vv :v^#*-^ FAgpm^To^^ :: Ai GUNN AND ROSS,. . 1 : iB ;;; : . .-. TH BUSIJ^SS^^ Austra-^' .... -- YfJ^i^J^WfßJJoj ■ ■" . 1 l'> ■ # r ; HeWsra^d . . ■-..^^l^^U^^^ '^SEDDJ, ■ ■< ' '""' f\ .. .. . - '"'' . " . . .. : ■ ' - - r ■> '' on^he . . - : '¥V;^^t ■ - : . - : J^yaid;;'V;V'x GAmiLE^/-i :"' -'■^i^i.'A^^- ;B|fck M»keri Staf^M^street^ Hig^est-fiutf - : ( i SEVERALIi *^ ■ - \&i&io. '■/i^!'./' ■* t ■ - "■ flax ■■:"". raties^otcha^ STINGER'S '^' feunde<^Biaclcsmith^ ■'" *^ ■ ■ : ; moi^^M^^JEafe slour^i«m "' .r % GRKAfeB3NG - . : and^alf^^ore^fenisted ■ ■ * ! - - . : ■{ \ ', n - ;; : ?-^v;V.^^v"'. r; fi^'^ . '^' *"* ''"'*".
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