The Bruce CLUTHA, TAJ ERI, WAIHOLA Herald. ANDTUAPEIA RECORD EE. : ITS CmCULAWON PRINCIPAL DLSTRtCTS THROUGHOUT HAS THE LARGEST BONA FIDE CIRCULATION OF ANY UP-COUNTRY NEWSPAPER IN NEW ZEALAND, THE FOLLOWING BEING THE GULLY, GRhEN I D CREEK, MILE GLENORE DUNEDIN, FAIRFAX, FOUR GABRIELS POINT, TAIERI, EAST ; AKATORB, BALCLUTHA, BEAUMONT, BLUE SPUR, CLARENDON, CLUTHA FERRY, COAL LAWRENCE, LONG VALLEY, LOVELS FLAT, MATAUKA, MAUNGATUA,MILLERS FLAT, HORSE SHOE BEND,INCH OLUTHA,KAIHIKU,KAIKORAI,KAITANGATA,KURI BUSH,LAKE WAIPORI, 'POPOTUNOA, PORT CHALMERS, PORT MOLYNKUX, PUERUA, RICCARTON ROXBURGH SAVBW MOSGIEL, MOUNT BENGER, MUNROS GULLY, NORTH TAIERI, NORTH TOKOMAIRIRO, OTAKIA, OUTRAM, POMAHAKk, TAEERI JUNCTION, TAPANUI, TUAKII'OTO, TUAPEKA. TUAPhKA FLAP, TUTURAtf, *ILL SALISBURY,SILVERSTREAM,SOUTH CLUTHA, SOUTH TOKOMAIRIRO,STONY CREEK, SWITZERS, TAIERI BEACH, TAIERI FEFRY, WAIWERA, WAREPA, WEATHERSTONKS, WEST TAfERI AND WOOLSHKD. fcVIOT, WAIHOLA, WAiHQLA GORGE, WAIKAVA, WAIPAHI, WAIPORI, WAIRUNA, WAITAHUNA, EXTEND^VIZ "°"^ WHICH^ HOTELS &c. BUSINESS NOTICES FRANK GRANT MILTON HOTEL, (For,several years connected with the White Horse Hotel), BEGS TOKOMAIRIRO, respectfully to inform Price 6d. TOKOMAIEIRO, WEDNESDAY, OOTOBEK 13, 1869. Vol. VI.— No. 645 '...'"' SL^f LT^'U^^' the inhabi- BUSINESS NOTICES. MILTON WATCH AND CLOCK UNDERTAKING. Tokomairibo, " W Respectfullyintimatesthat JTTTALLACK, BUSINESS NOTICES. '^ ~ THE FOLLOWING EMPORIUM. NEW GOODS " begs inform his friends and the TNUTSFORD he is now prepared to execute Funerals to to suit the requirements of all parties, at Public generally of Milton, Tokomairiro, and charges. Hearse, plain reasonable or moun- surrounding neighborhood, that he has just ti-d, for one or two horses, on hire. Head received a large assortment of Stones erected. Graves enclosed with Wood ENGLISH LEVER WATCHES, or Iron. CLOCKS &cr And is now offering them at greatlyreduced Just added to our BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOTICES. GD.£SPOONER, , CROWN HOTEL STABLES, COMMISSION AGE NAT , Clutha Ferry. Balclutha. in BARR has much pleasure ROBERT announcing that he has leased the Agent forDriver,Maclean& Co.,Dunedin above well-known Stables, arid can assure patrons that every care and attention willbe paid to Horsesleft in his care. JAMES SMITH, tants of Milton and the surrounding districtsthathe has openedthe Milton Hotel, DRAPERY STOCKS Saddle Horses and Buggies always on wherehe hopes, bya strict attention to the CARPENTER AND WHBELRIGHT, desires arid tasteVof his customers, to merit Hire. AT a'share ofpublic support. THOMAS M'LATCHIE, prices. Hunting Levers, capped CLUTHA FERRY. First-ratePaddock Accommodation. F. 6. has just received an extensive and Silver jewelled choice stock of Wines and Spirits of the best £5 10 0 TOKOMAIRIRO, BUILDER, and Agent for VictoriaSaw Mills,Tapanui. brands, together with English and Colonial 610 oto7 10 0 Do Extra CROWN HOT B'L, quality. Superior 810 oto9 10 0 Ales of sr >erior Do S ON SALE, his Timber Yard TTA A M O D, C R N IT> *-*Clocks, from 15s upwards. CLUTHA FERRY. . (opposite MrNutsford's, Watchmaker) pREAT BRITAIN TTOTEL, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, GENERAL, COMMISSION, AND FORBuilding Material of every description, at Every Article Warranted to go well, or i MI L T O N. J0H A RR Exchanged. WARDING AGENT, moderate prices and on liberal terms. MERINOS, FRENCH pleasure informing Balclutha. TTAS the of bis friendl Propietor. WILLIAM STURROCK received a nice assortment of Carpenter andJoiner work contractedfor, and T. N. has also FEATHERS, FLOWERS & Electro-Plate Goods, Spoons, forks. Tea SeriCash Purchaser of Oats, Whsat, and Barley.| md the public, thathe has openedthe Crows) all orders punctually attendedto. W. S., begsrespectfullyto informthe inhabivicee, Cake Baskets, Salvers, &c, &c at low JAMIESON STEWART, Hotel, and by strict attention to business, prices' tants of Tokomairiro and surrounding dis. GLENLADY SAW MILLS SATIN tricts, that he has taken the aboveHotel} keeping BOOTMAKER, And WINES, SPIRITS, AND ALES, which has been entirely re-decorated, and SILK AND Of the best quality. Balclutha. hopes by attention to the wants of his TOKOMAIRIRO TIMBER YARD. keeping a select stock of customers and A.CCOMMODATON for TRAVELLERS, A. LILBURNE VELVET RIBBONS, NEWMARKET HOTEL, WINES, SPIRITS, fee, to merit a share of J. HOLLICK. | Unsurpassedby any in theProvince. BALCLUTHA & TAPANUI, N~~B .. , JOHN ' VETERINARY SURGEON public support. TAMES ALWAYS pOODALL, BREAD AND BrSCUIT BAKER, WCDDINO CASKS, &C., MADB TO ORDER. Private Bedrooms for Families. . Accommodation forBoarders. — Meals at allHours. Commodious Stabling. begs to inform the inhabi- " NICHOLAS of Tokomairiro and surrounding Plans Prepared and Estimates Given. C in MAIN SOUTH ROAD, tants Milton. R~. T> BELL, W. TT O T E L, districts that he has commenced Business CAPSTICK his new Premises, adjoining the Post-office, and has just opened out a Select Stock of Auctioneer, Stationery in every Department, also, a splenCOMMISSION &FORWARDING AGENT did lot of Larthenwareof the newest patterns. W A IH O L A, C. N. intends devoting his entire attention Opposite the White Horse Hotel, the aboveHotsl, his purchased just Having to those two branches, andisprepared to sell at TOKOMAIRIRO. .determined torender it second to noneon the DUNEDIN PRICES. SouthRoad for Comfortand Convenience. Sales willbeheld at his Rooms on the Ist and A Call^Respectfullv Solicited. Wines,,Beers, and Spirit3of thebestbrands. in each month. Saturdays 3rd JNO. HYDE HARRIS, ; Good Stabling. Cattle Sales at M'Farlane's Commercial Yarsd, Barrister at Law, month. Thursday Ist in each OatsandChaff on Sale. SOLICITOR, and CONVEYANCER, TAKE MR. Constant supplies of Posts and Rails on hand. -AT OS G IEL TT 0 T E L Balclutha. HATS, LADIES' CASTRATOR, &c,&c, on hand, a large assortment Tokomairiro. of Timber of all kinds. LADIES' PLAIDS, Iron,Doors, Sashas, Building and Corrugated Up-country Orders punctually attended to JACKETS, AND Materialsof everydescription at the L E N S B RJ) OK MILLS, TTE Lowest Rates. SHAWLS, ■*~^ Tokomairiro. I Builders' Ironmongery, Glass, Paints, Oil W. A. SANDERSON & CO., SUNSHADES, and Colors* Millers, etc. N.B. A splendid assortment of New PaperTRIMMINGS shel. Grinding Wheat Grists, hangings. STABLES, Oppo'ite White Horse Hotel, CAPSTICK'S . Tokomairiro. rv AVID FERGUSON, ( TemporaryOffices) MAIN SOUTH ROAD, Above Presbyterian Church, STEWART * . (AdjoiningMr Nutsford, Watchmaker.) TINSMITH, ZtNCWORKER, &c, ON SALE. Large and well assorted stocks on hand MAIN SOUTH ROAD, MILTON, TOKOMAIRIRO. FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, suited to the various wants of AllNew andof First-rateQuality. the district. Proprietor GEORGE FRIER, ROOTS, FLOWER SEEDS, a large and general assortment of Tinware FLOWER ICTORIA FIRE, LIFE, AND Pot and BeddingPlants, always on hand. Kerosene Oil, Lamps, and GENERAL INSURANCE CO. /"I OOD Accommodation for Travellers. Glasses. Garden Tools. CAPITAL: £2.200,0C0. AND BARRON, MARSHALL Agent for BALCLUTHA, Country orderspunctually attended to. Superior Stabling MILTON. ROBERT GRIGOR, T A M i£ S -V/T U R R A V, EAST TAIERI, (10 miles from Dunedin,) STABLING AND PADDOCK ACCOMMODATION HUDSON, mHOMAS UNEQUALLED. -*- (Lateof the Scandinavian And that he is determined to maintain thi Hotel, ! sharacter of the CrownHotel asone of the Dunedin), j best in the Colony. PROPRIETOR, A FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLE Begs respectfully to inform the residents Onthe premises. ofBalcluthaand^theJCluthaJdistrictgenerally, thathe has just purchased fromMessrs Pol- Jobb and Co.'s Coaches arrive daily at 8.90 p.m.. andleaves at 8:30 a.m. lock and M'Auslan the above well-known and commodiousHotel, the previous repuEMBROIDERY, Balclutha,May. tationof which, as one of^the most comfortablehouses in the Province, he trusts fully ¥TTE begleave to inform the Inhabitants LACE, to sustain. and its surroundingdisTULLE, T. H. would \lso respectfully inform his the above Township many old Dunedin friends and patrons, tricts, that we have commenced business as CRAPE, visitors, commercial travellers, and others, GENERAL STOREKEEPERS, that no effort on his part will be spared to RUCHE, contribute tog their personal comfort and And respectfully invite your inspection of our DRESS BUTTONS. convenienceshould they favorhim with their convenience. patronage and support, as he has every con- Stock at your earliest & GrOW, fidence tobhope for fromjiisprevious success We remain, in Dunedin. BALCLUTHA AND TAPANUI. Families provided with the comfortsof Your most obedt. servants, a Home. J WATT M. RYRIE CO. 26my SuperiorStabling andJPaddock AccommodaTINSMITH AND PLUMBER T AMF. S SANDERSON, tion. «J Architect, Balclutha. Plans and Specifications prepared and BALCLUTHA ExcellentBilliardTable onthe Premises, Works inspected onModerate Terms. ILLIAM BROWN & CO. Wines, Spirits and Ales of the Very Best HECTOR M'P H 8.-R SO N. General Merchants, Molyneux. andPort Brands. Balclutha T **"*" L E X R . JUNCTION, EAST TAIERI. BAIN Buii-dbb, Balcltttha, GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND Begs to notify to the inhabitants of the FARRIER, Clutha and surrounding districts^thathe has taken theBusiness (lately carriedon byBain and Sanderson) into his own hands, and Horses shod neatly. hopes still to merit the support hitherto so ERGUSO Nr TT7ILLIAM liberallyaccorded to the firm I ARCHITECT, T. BENNETT, Always on hand a First-class Assortment Surveyor andLand Agent. Wines Spirits and Ales of the best Brands. InchClutha. of I GENERAL BRICKLAYER &c, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, IRONMONGERY. HOTEL, R I NGBANK FURNISHING KIM, SP CLARK AND Plans and Specifications carefully prepared MILTON, BRUCE BRICKYARD, MILTON. for Doors, Sashes, and Timber Suitable CLOTHIERS, EAST TAIERI. TAILORS AND and furnished on moderate terms. Having just opened out a Fine Variety of j BUILDING PURPOSES. CLUTHA FERRY, " New and very Seasonablegoods, gladly invites Stoves and Grates set, repairs promptly done. JOHN EDWARDS, Proprimoh. J. JENKINS inspection fromFriends and Customers. succeeded to the Business T mWEEDIE, !! LIME!!! LIME!!! General Carpenter,House Builder,and lately carried on by Mr Peter Rankin, Contractor, First-class Accommodation for Travellers. MILTON PORTRAIT ROOMS wouldsolicit a continuance of the support of LIVERY AND BAIT STABLE-KEEPER, throughout the district C v iv to k, Good Stabling and; Looseboxesfor Horses. TOKOMAIRIRO. fIIHE Waihola Gorge Lime Company, beg the Settlersand others FERRY. CLUTHA nothing shall be POPOTUNOA, " X to intimate to Builders, Farmers, and C. & K. beg to state that GoodPaddock Accommodation. 1 pubreduced on their to merit a shareof part considerably wanting NICHOLAS, others that they have respectfully to inform the settlers " In thanking supply lic patronage. "DAL GLUT HA TTOTELT HOBBBB BROKEK TO SADDLE AND HARNESS. hisFriends at Tokomai- the price of Lime, and will be glad to Popotunoa, Wairuna, Potnabaka, of required. any quantity thatmay be Orders punctually attended to, and prices J for liberal surrounding riroand districts their and surrounding Districts, that he has just (North Bank of River,) Mr J. A. Dickson, hasbeen appointed agent strictly reasonable. support hitherto, begs to inform them that Saddle Horses on Hire. commenced business in the new and centra BALCLUTHA. Messrs Stewart Suits fromFiveguineas to Six guineas. his Brotherhas just arrivedfromLondon, with for the Milton District, andDistrict. Township of Clinton, and trusts by strict at Pants from Thirty-five shillings to £2. Proprietor. a new Set of the best PhotographicInstru- and Gow for the Balclutha DAVID pIm'KBNZDjJ, NEIL V O H N tentiou to business, and superior workmanship LIME. LIME. LIM 8 ments, &c, obtainable,by which he is able to NOTICE. to secure the increasing trade of the TownD.P.M. begs respectfully to inform the in- supply all kinds of Portraiture at Dunedin WHOLESALE, RETAIL, ship and locality. UNDERSIGNED have'beenappointed habitants of Balclutha, and the Clutha district Prices; and, as his Brother has joinedhimin i To Farmers, Builders, and Others. AND Tenders given for all kinds of carpenter Agents at Clutha Ferry for the undermengenerally, that he has recently purchased the business, they will beable to attend to in and tioned Companies :— work, includingsupply of timber. FAMILY BUTCH above Hotel fromMr Campbell, by whomit out-door orders nt the same time, on the TWTEILSON & CO., having now made » Messrs.MARSHALL and COPELAND, BALCLUTHA. Sawn Timber supplied to order. was/erected to supply a wantlong felt in the shortest notice. i-i arrangements, and everything co! . Water of Leith Brewery, district,and hopesbykeepinga good supply 18au DUEDNIN. returning thanks to his friends and the TT UG H NICHOLAS BROTHERS. nected with the QTEW AR T, general public of Balclutlia, and its of Wines and Spirits of the best brands, 'to Messrs. T. ROBINSON& CO., WAIHOLA GORGE LIME KILN Agricultural Implement Makers and Importers J vicinity, for the patronage bes owed upon p| F ERG USO U merit anincreased shareofpublic support, B V T C H B », MELBOURNE>nd DUNEDIN. him since commencing his ButchtringEstab'.'.'■'' Good Stabling. TmsMiTH, Plumber, and Zincworker, being in first-rate vrd r, are prepared to Mimabao, UIREANDM ARINE j lishment, begs to request a continuanceofpast and ot first THENEV ZEALAND COMPANY, Begs to inform his Milton friends, and the supply LIME in any quantity, effort j TEVIOT. INSURANCE to assure them that no HOTEL, — support, and ROXBURGH -'- MA T A 11^-B A, puplic generally, that he has now removedto quality, at the following rates: AUCKLAND AND DUNEDIN. \ will be spared by hinrto secure.and/ supply i : his new premises,opposite the Milton Hotel, 6s. All ord s and commissions connected -with the verybestBeef andMutton obtainablein the Single Bag ..." .« ASSEMBLY ROOMS, Clut,.a BEATON, and thathaving greater accommodation, will " theabovecarefully attended to. [ the market, and at the lowest possible prices. 5sProprietor. , . ; Per Ton . . Ferry. be able to execute large orders withdespatch, STEWART and GOW, To Let for Concerts, Balls&c. For tti v.a Families waited on daily for orders, in the ' Billiard and BagatelleTable on the Premises and begs to solicit a continuance of the patFerry. Mr. J. DICKSON, | Clutha. Proprietor, Balclutha, throughapply of vicinity and 'to the immediate "Wines, Spirits and Ales,ofthe besibrands; ronage!'hitherto so liberally bestowed upon Ckown Hotel. Auijuat6th.l967■- -; \ days. ! district on staled out the Agent. Builder,Milton, him. Good Stabling; . T^ I" --- HAVING "TTmE^I RJ. BKGS .. , 11/r* THE Ij.R", IN , ... .... DUNCAN - BAtfli'S ■ ■ - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1860 THE BBUCE HERALD 2 MISCELLANEOUS. BTTSIWESS NOTICES "tri RIO-US SUMS OF MONEY TO LEND j CITY MOULDING, TURNING AND SAW MILLS, High St.w k t ■ ■ , D.unedis, STEWART GILLIES AND STREET, Estate'" Agents, ' " Landand r: j "■■ S~\ Acres of Land (more or less), situ-f f^v "iVJ'-J atedin the HillendDistrict,being (^Opposite Ci.stom House,). ON'GOOD FREEHOLD SECURITY. TIMBER JOHN ' /■^HEAP FOR SALE. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. GOW, and Section 1of Block 111. Apply to JAMES HASTIE, Duncan street, Dunedin. GRAY MERCHANT, __ MISCELLANEOUS. BOOKS, STATIONEBY, &c FOB SALE. MISCELLANEOUS T> O O K S r\ HEAP TJOOKSII HELENSBROOK LOCAL ROAD BOARD. "VTOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that the "^ Precept authorising the Collection of pIIEAP T>OOKB HI the HighwayRate, in the above named district, having been issued by the General On hand, Large Stocks of the following ■ Road Board, Ratepayers are requested to to Burns' Poems, Is, 2s 6d, and upwards pay the amount of their respective Rates dajr 22nd complete, House, 5s me, at my Tales of a Grandfather, on or beforethe Dickens' Novels. Illustrated i October, 1869. The Collector, for the Shakespeare, 2s 6d convenience of Ratepayers, West Ward, will Longfellow,2s 6d Byron, 2s 6d at Mr JamesParlane's House, from 6 to Wilson's Border Tales, Is 6d per vol. be and Tales of the American War, 2s 8 o'clock, p.m., on Saturday, the 9th Round the Camp Fire, 2s 16th of October, 1869. ValentineVox Handy Andy THOMAS BROOKES, — ~~^ Clutha Ferry akd Tapanui,,? In soliciting a share of the patronage of the FOR SALE. Builders, infqrm Carpenters, Trade, begs to Dunedih. Mining Companies, and others, that having a BestFarm on the Taieri Plain, with good assorted stock of every kind of Timber Have on Sale any WALLS, supply recent improvement in Agriculprepared is to every Yard,, JAMES at his he at the shortest notice, viz : quantity Implements and Machinery, extensive tural WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SIZES, cattle-sheds, ALL and every requireout-houses, HARDWOOD, A (\r\(\K>* Finest White CloverSeed IRONMONGER, ment of a wellordered homestead. Shelving Mansie Wauch, price 2t Cornerof Princes and Walker streets, Collector. For particulars and terms, apply at the Scottish Chiefs, Is | T and GLumber &c, &c, " DUNEDIN, ka. " Flooring Scotch BRUCE HERALD OFFICE. Obtainable at the K bs Red> Trefoil, (yellow) AlNOTICE TO SHEEP OWNERS. " "BRUCE Received, ex recent arrivals from Doors HERALD OFFICE London, Glasgow, and Liverpool, a FOR SALE. Tokomairiroand Balclutha. mHEUndersignedhavingleasedthe TokoSishes targe assortment"ofIronmongery, which will FARM, in the l'okomairiro district J- mairiroFellmongery (lately occupied by syke, Cocksfoot, Timothy, Mouldings containing 105 acres of land, tinder besold at low prices, the publicare invited BOOKS EOR EVERY Mr James Forsyth), beg to inform the cultivation, fenced in, and sub-divided into XTSEFUL tocalland examinebe" foremakingpurchases HOUSEHOLD. U Builders' Ironmongery,&c. Settlers in the Tokomairiro and Clutha disRyegrasa, Cowgrass, Italian paddocks. CHEAP BDITIOKI. elsewhere. " trictsthat they are prepared to undertake Apply, ENGLISH GOODS, All orders will receive my best attention, The Book that Everyone needs the Scouring of Wool in a very superior despatch, aad at the and executed with be as viz. : JAS. BORRIE, Ryegrass, Mixed Enquire Within Colonial prices. manner, at the lowestremunerative prices. Beeton's Cookery Electro-plated Ware, Tea and Coffe Sets, lowestmarket . i SALE by Private Contract— Meg Dod's Cookery As their Mr Thos. Roberts wilLsuperinCruets, &c. Cookery Book*, 2s " Vernal. MONEY TO LEND. Sweet Parcel of Land in theProGrasses, Lawn All that tend the Scouring they have no hesitation Britannia Metal, do, Tea and Coffee Pots, Buchan's DomesticMedicine vince of Otago, containing by in assuring Flock owners that any Wool sent The Family Doctor Spoons, &c. SUMS of £100 and upwards, on Free admeasurement One Hundred Ac., &c, to &c, them to Scour will be got up in a^ firstLockwood's and Johnson's Pocket and Table hold Security. Apply to ! and Fifty Acres, more or les", -| /^\/*\r\ Bushels Seed Oats "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE class style, and withevery despatch. Cutlery. in the district of Waitahuna Balclutha. SMITH, Tokomairiroand EDMUND Theundersignedare alsopreparedto make Carpenters' Tools, Saws, Planes, Ac., (best SeedWheat 57, sections and 56, East, being Bank. Manager,Dunedin Savings FARMERS liberal cash advances on Wool consigned to makers) 58, Block V., on the map, in ■jDOOKS FOR them, either for sale inDunedin, or for shipRimandMottiseLocks, Latches, &c. S ROGER Barley Seed of Waitahuna Farming, the said district 6d Practical 7s patterns) Register Grates(allsizes and new ment to their agents in London. Stonhenge on the HorM GENERAL MERCHANT, East; together with a first-elass Fenders,Fireirons, andFireguards Horse Doctor Mnyhew's Highest Cash prices given for Wool,Skins, Illustrated GreatKing-street, Dunedin, House, consisting of Dwelling Glasses, burners, Managede Hone " ■■"""' Lamps, Kerosene and extra Do. andHides. Visits every farm in the Taieri Plain every and siting rooms, and ment bed N.B.— Communications addressed to Mr week, and buys Butter andEggs. Groceries FIFTEEN TONS SEED POTATOES. Youatton Cattle kitchen. Detached there is a Brushware (largeassortment) supplied. Cash Buyer. Do. The Horse Roberts, Tokomairiro Fellmongery, Thos. fowl-house and stockyard. Sheep Do. Paints andOils (all.kinds) . prompt attention. receive will About 60 acres are fenced in, and about 20 "BRUCB HERALD" OPFICB. Kerosene Oil. PONTON'S PLOUGHS. CO., MURRAY, ROBERTS and Tokomairiro and Balclutha. acres broken up. AMERICAN GO OD S, Stafford Street, Apply, ONE DOZEN JUST LANDED. IN YEARLY IN GREAT VARIETY. ERIODICALS GARDENSEEDS Dunedin. Spades Shovels,Forks, Axes, JAMES ADAM, VOLUMES. PickHelves Churns, Buckets, Axe and CLOTH. Tubs, Bon AccordLodge. Ex <l CITY OF DUNEDIN." London Journal mHE UNDERSIGNED ARE BUYERS Brooms, Clothes Pins, Ac. I Kail Leeks Beans FPR SALE. Leisure Hour OF Sundayat Horn* Furnishing,and Building Ironmongery, of 105 Acres of Land, situated at B. HIBBARD AND CO., Sunday Magazine (Dr Guthrie, Editor) Lettuce Cabbage Peas every description,at Spurgeon'aSermon::, 1806 Kaitangata(having 30 chains frontage PICKED DERWENT POTATOES. Good Words L ;O W PRICES, are two upon to the river which Molyneux), Importers. Beet Mangold Celery j BritishWorkman B. HIBBARD & CO. Houses, Stockyard, Barn,Stable, andGarden Child's Companion IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, EarlyDays liberal. Apply to CurledCreßS Mignonette Terms Tokomauiro, 9tr. March, 1869. Blue Gum CASTRATION. Tract Magazine Comer of Princes andWalker streets. H. C. BURNS, &c, As. &o« Inch Clutha. Undersigned beg to inform the Onions "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE. Cucumber LIVERY STABLES, NEW SUITS. NEW SUITS. Brocoli COMMERCIAL and others in the districts of Settlers Street, High Dunedin. \j TokomairiroandBalclutha. TO SELL OR LET. ■■ : *. . ■ > \ kis 5 THE — f"\r\fY HAS A — IjlOR IN GEORGE ■ * ABOUT THE I beg to inform my friends andthe public have disposed of my interest in the thatI aboveStables to Mr Henry Scott, for whom Iwouldrespectfully solicit the patronageso liberallygiven to me. D. G. WILLIAMS, (LateReannyand Williams). Havingpurchased the interest of Mr D. G. Williams(lateReanny andWilliams), in the Commercial Livery Stables, Itrust, by closeattention to my business, by engaging good andcivil Grooms, andkeepingsafe and serviceable Horses, to merit the patronage hithertobestowed on my predecessor. HENRY SCOTT. yXR SORLET (late Health Officer, Victoria), Cambria House, Stuart-street, next door to St. We beg to intimate that we have " just received, ex Qmeo," FARQUH ARSON, Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London, Will attend at theProvincial andCommercial Sale Yards every day from Eleven till One. Letters addressed to the Provincial Hotel will be attended to immediately. Private Address— Moray Place, opposite the Parsonage. MONEY OsageOrange Parsley Radish Whin (Furze) Turnips 24 Varieties From Melbourne, FLOWER 11 SUITS, COLONIAL MANUFACTURE. TheLeasehas six and a halfyears to run. Apply to Whittingham Bros., Merchants, I>unedin ;or on the premises. SALE, by private contract, the FOREntire SEED SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. Prices fron 00s to90s. . STEWART AND GOW, EDUCATIONAL. Baldutha and Tapsnui. TO SELL OR TO Waitahuna/lTuapeka, Beaumont, Miller's BOOKS. Flat, &c, that they willundertake theCastration of Colts during the season. LET~ THE MAIL Ministering Children Peep of Dav Line upon Line Little Child's Fable Book New Bible Stories Child's Albums Children'sPopular Fairy Tales Books on NaturalHistory "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE, Tokomairiro andBalclutha. T> OPU LA R WORKS. M'Cheyne's Memoirs Additional Memoirs Thomson's The Land and the Book l)o. J-. ALL JA . JUST , BURNS' RAMSAY'S ROAD PURCHASERS CONVEYANCE Will run Twice Weekly fromBalclutha to Mataura, carryingPassengers andParcels. nnHE Partnershiphitherto existingbetween -L Messrs Pollock and M'Auslan, of the Newmarket Hotel, Clutha Ferry, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. THOMAS POLLOCK DUNCAN M'AUSLAN — Witness to both signatures Robert Gbigor. FamilyFrayerBooks (small) Church of England Hymns, Ancient andModern, large selection Accounts owingby theFinn willplease Confession of Faith be sent in for liquidation, and those Natural History for Boys cheap Dictionaries, Webster's ndebted to the Firmwill oblige by as prompt do. do., Walker's of their accounts, with Mr Robert Books on Travel, Games and Adven- settlement ;, , Grigor, Clutha Ferry. tures, for Boys People, tor the Information Chambers' 2 vols. N s A"" 100 Volumes Poetical Works, assorted, every author FENCING WIR E, Winston's Josephut, 1vol. Hood's W rks ArabianNight's Entertainments, 1vol Nos. 4,5, 6, 7, 8. LongiellowsWorks (Poetical),1 vol i I do do, Scott's Dickens Novels ALL , O . AMAKSFORD. Havelock. TokomairiroandBalclutha. and after the First of October next /CHILDREN'S GIFT BOOKS. /~\N R. WACKSMUTH'S Carlisle's Freemasonry Private School, Ingoldsby Legends the July 28th, 1869. BUILDING, on mHAT BRICK Milton. Dean Ramsay's Scottish Life and Rattiay.street,Dunedin. , „ Character /CONCERTINAS— Anglo-German— New Pupils receive a first-class English educa Wetherstones Road, Lawrence, previously Smedley'sHarry Co?erdale s Courtship NOTICE. with beparate Latin, Shipment, \J all fitted tion. Terms,'|l guinea per Quarter ; " andother Novels Screwed Notes, and warranted. Newlyim- French,Botany, Music, and DrawiLg, half a occupiedas the Tuapeka Recorder" Office "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE, Cameron's, to rosewoodand Concertinas, Road is in open superior proved Nev/ ryHE l'okomairiro and Balclutha. Apply to -i Lovell'sFlat Coal Pits. First-rate sup- polished mahogany cases, five-fold morocco guinea extra. HARROP, JONAS bellows, bra s screws to tops, keyholes bushed First OOKSSUITABLE FORTHE plies of Coal on hand. Quarter begins on Monday, the 11th SIXPENNY READINGS. cloth topreventratting, finished inevery with ; Hall, Medical Lawrence M'INTOSH, DONALD inst, at 10 a.m., in the room behind the Readings Smith's Or, respect as the bestmade English Concertinas, to Proprietor. Hall. Excelsior Volunteer Reciter and containing all the latest improvements, MACKAY, j Boik of Humorous Poetry JOSEPH produce vibrators, tempered steel which with Carpenter's PopularReadings Princes-street NEW ZEALAND ROPE. ESTATE. WYBER'S the fullest and purest quality of tone ever Standard Reciter Dunedin. Fenn's Readings Rope Manufacturer, attained ;warrantedfor Two Years. Hill's Oratorical Trainer GEORGE R. WEST'S NOTICE. ' would intimate to Tokomairiro Persons indebted to Mr William o « BRUCE HERALD1 OFFICE. Settlers, that he hs« appointedas agent for Music and Pianoforte Warehouse, PrincesMilton, must make Butcher, Wyber, TokomairiroandBalclutha. of Cattleat my sale, Glenthis District, street. animmediate settlement, as the estate ia to MB,H. WHITE, (Established 1861.) ore, on 31st ultimo, who may havelost Seedsman. be wound up without further delay. NOW ON HAND, any of the stock before re-branding, arecauHOTEL, THE ALEXANDRA Rope,always of supply of all sizes A good Accounts may be paid at the office of Mr tioned against removing the same, or any LargeandSuitable Stocksof Commercial,Plain on hand. Molyhbttx, Port R. R.Jones, Milton. andFancy " stock branded TM, withoutmy sanction. ADAM, mHE "BRUCE HERALD STATIONJAMES S. ANCE LL STATIONERY, THOMAS MURRAY. ERY WAREHOUSE will be found Proprietor. Glenore, 7th Sept.,1869. Trustee. "~~ suitable to the requirements of the Southern " replete with every article of— Wines, Spirits, andAles ofBestBrands. FOR SALE. Districts. T ONDON JOURNAL. Vol. .48, Latest Superior Accommodation for Travellers J-^ Date, 8s 6d. PLAIN, COMMERCIAL, ■andSea-sideBoarders. hundred (400) Merino Sheep, conSCHOOL BOOKS, "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE T7JOUR -"- sistingof j HAND, AND TO And every requisite in the Book and StaPOEMS, One Shilling. 200 four and six-tooth Wethers Shipments, tionery Department,at the Direct "« BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE. FANCY STATIONERY PRICES, Hoggets ON SALE AT DUNEDIN 200 Eweand Wether "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE. GENTLE SHEPHERD. 2000 VOLUMES. " Apply to Tokomairiro and Balclutha. AT DUNEDIN PRICES. BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ANDERSON, CRAWFORD J. InEvery Branch of BOARD NOTICE FORMS, "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE, Orders by Post carefully and punctually North Molyneux. ENGLISH LITERATURE, 100 5s per attended to. September 27, 1869, At "BRUCE HERALD" OFFICE. P^^cHknoji^duohw£JL«ppear in our next. Tokomairiro and Balelutba MR J. & D. M'TAGGART, Jonathan'sBest " Things "Brother BRUCE HERALD OFFICE, aud doingan excellent trade. (Established 1861.) JOHN ANDREW. ("iEORGE R. WEST, Pianoforte, ,-larOT monium, and Music Importer,PrincesOr JOSEPH MACKAY, street, Dunedin, Tuner Regulator and Re'Bruce Herald 5 office, pairer, etc. The largest and best Stock of Pianofortes in the Colony, including a large Mosgiel, Grange, number by Broadwood and Sons, whichhave September 25th, 1869. arrivals, the latest in the by been received most modern styles. All Pianofortes, HarFOR SALE. moniums, and other musical instruments will henceforward be selectedby G. R. v est himself, whois now on his way to England. BARLEY and CLOVER SEEDS, In thanking his customers for the warm just arrived, per William Davie. support he has received during the past eight DOUGLAS, ALDERSON & CO., that the same supyears, G-. R. West trusts port will be accorded to his manager, Mr Manse Street. Geo. Reichardt. Commissions for Music and Musical InFOR SALE. struments will be forwarded by every mail to will there receive G. R. West's England, and -t f\f\(~\ Acres Freehold, first-class immediateattention. Xv/Uv/ fattening country, with or I every mail New and Popular Music by Telfer, will firm, of the Mr Tuner fl^The without Stock. Apply to visit Tokomairiroand Clutha early in OctoJ. lURNBULL, ber. Tuturau. A LARGE STOCK; OF NEW SEEDS. /^OMLCAL HE Otokia Post Office Store, East M'Kegg, YankeeDrolleries Taieri,now occupied b3' Amos Horse "CLYDESDALE." For particulars, apply to the Proprietor, EOBERT TO LEND on Good Freehold Security,in sums from £100 to £2,500. Interest 10 per cent. Apply te CONNELL AND MOODIE, Parsnips Rhubarb Paul's Parsonage. Letter, answered; fee, One Guinea. Carrots Cauliflower WOOLPA CIS. CORN SACKS. -: ■ ',:. '-■:?,T ( .: TEA S. NEW HEW ■■";-. S U G A R 8>- DUNEDIN, R O, TOKOl A;I>RI AND MOLYNEUX FLOUR.? vria NEW OAT MBA;L\ p 7 STEW ART AND G OW, Balclutha and Tapanm. a Dancing A. B, COOK will open MRClass mthe Volunteer, Hali Milton, ( r 7.30 p.ia. onThursday Evening, 7th inst., at Intendingpupils will please applj Cook, atFrank Grant's MiltoaHotel. % ? at Mr Cook also purposes opening a class are Waihola.Gorge,so soonas arrangement completed. WEI)NESi>AY, OCTOBER 13, THE BBUCE HEEALD, 1869 MISCELLANEOUS. HORSES- HORSES. IF YOU WISH A GOOD FAMILY T9 MEDICTNE, TRY PETTIT'S PILLS rREPABED Br E. P.E T, * T TI ANTIBILIOUS ChemistJTokomairiro. — i THIS _^^UJ^. SEASON, TRAVEL Mokerita, STAND this season, at IN THE Mataura, the WAREPA, POPOTUNOA, MOLYNEUX, THOROUGH-BRED ENTIRE HORSE " TE HOUKA, AND WAIWERA TO Sold by the following Agents : Coombe, Woolshed; Hibbard and Co., Waitahuna ; Williams, Adam's Flat; Hilgendorf, Wainola ;Hutchins,Clutha Ferry ;Keen, Lawrence, PRIAM." "Priam" was imported from New South llaa Wales to Canterbury by W. H.Harris, Esq., fPENDERS wanted, for Making andBurn- in whosecelebratedstud he served two seasons. He is a beautiful dark chestnut, with splendid ing 20,000 Bricks. Firewood found. and fine action, combined with a good bone GREY, W. temper, and stands15& hands high. Waihola. DISTRICTS, Callingat Smith Bros.', Inch Clutha, The Draught Stallion <" THANE OF CLYDE." PSALMODY. The following address was prepared and intended to be delivered at the recent Presbytery meeting at Balclutha, but as the gentleman had not an opportunity ot doing so, he has sent it to us for publication : Moderator: I intend to offer a few remarks on the very important question now under discussion, namely, Church Psalmody. Whatever good may be in paraphrases and hymn3of man's composition, and whatever value may be attached to thesej yet Ihold that they are really not needed in the praising of Godin public, because the Psalms of David are sufficient in themselves for that high and noble pur " j pose. That these psalms are sufficient in every respect for a psalter in divine worship, Ishall now endeavor to shew. If this can be made out there can be no absolute necessity for the introduction of shall hymns into our church psalmody. I — 3 over spiritual enemies. The ancient Jews suitable psalm book wherewith to r»rai«e were always taught to regard the Messiah his name, but he has given us no pr-iyer as the capital subject of the psalter, and the l>ook. The Lord's Prayer is the only form early commentators of the psalms give a of prayer which is enjoined upon us. «nd spiritual meaningto them. Bishop Chand- if is more a model of prayer thana prayer. ler remarks that the Jews must have un- We have free scope ot language in our derstood David, their prince, to have been prayers, as is seen from the injunctions a figure of Christ : they would not other- to prayer, and the examples of prayers, wise have made his psalms part of their in The Word ot God ; but there is no daily worship, nor would David have de- evidence of any kind in the Word of God livered them to the church to be so em- that we have any such five scope of lanployed were it not to instruct and support guage in our praising God, beyond the them in the knowledge and belief of this Psalms of David. These psalms have fundamental article. If the Messiah were been ordained, and inspired, and written not concerned in the psalms, it were ab- to suit the case of every godly person in — surd to. celebrate twice a-day in their praising God, whatever that case may be. public devotions the events of one man's Paraphrases. A. paraphrase ot any PEDIGREE : " life who was deceased so long ago as to portion of inspired scripture is a free interpedigree : have no relation now to the Jews, and the pretation of that portion of scripture, and Horse THANE Entire Clydesdale invited for the erection of " Priam," by " of their affairs, or to tran- one which sets forth its meaning clearly fTTENDERS circumstances dam, Crucifix ; by OP CLYDE" was bred by Thomas -*- Presbyterian Manse, Clinton, Popotu- Tross, " scribe whole passages from them into their and fully. A paraphrase of scripture may out of Kathleen O'More, both im- Young,Esq., Renfrewshire, Scotland ;sire, for the coming of the Messiah. be written either in prose or in verse. prayers noa, to bereceived on or before the 30th in- ported from England to New South Wales by the far-famed and well-known stallion "Surthe same principle it is easily seen The paraphrases which our Churchuses in Upon stant, at 2 p.m. Plans, &c, to be seen at the Mr Katto. "iEther," imported to New Lanarkshire ; his objections Murdoch, that the which seem to lie praising God, are songs or psalms inter-' prise,"bred by Mr store of Messrs Stewart and Go , Balclutha, South Wales, was bred by the Duke of grandsire was the celebratedClydesdale horse against the use of the Jewish services in preting certain passages of inspired writ, here quote some passages from Home and at the office of cease at once. and may be called mutrical translations of j " Wallace." congregations Christian Grafton. with myown along Hooker and Hammond By substituting " " Messiah for David, the these passages; and thus they are much Further remarks are unnecessary, as his R. A. LAWSON, Surprise was out of the famous mare remarks: "The psalms are an epitome gospel lor the law, the church Christian akin to the Psalms of David in metre. Bible, purposes to of deadapted first-class "Comet," the first-prize taker for many- of the the squeeze it, Architect. sireand grandsireproved themselves votion,the treat occasionally of the creation, for that of Israel, and the enemies of the Take a bunch of grapes, and out race horses. For further pedigree,see N.Z. years. "Furprise" took several first prizes of substance a deal you get great other, psalms the and and formation of the world,thedispensation one for those of the Such, TO PLOUGHMEN. Wales f.tud Book, page 67. when two j'ears old ; when three yearsoldhe of providence, and the economy of grace; are made our own. Nay, they are with of it"to refresh and strengthen you. Every care takenof mares seat to this horse,J took the first prize at Glasgow, and a pro- the transactions of the patriarchs ; the more fulness and propriety applied now are our paraphrases. They are certain are required forthePloughing to the substance than they were of old, important passages of holy scripture, havbut without responsibility. miumof forty sovereigns. At four years old exodus of tbe children of Israel, their jourout into poetry ; about Acres of StubbleGround of 50 through the Wilderness and settle- to the "shadow of good things to ing their meaning squeezed One in five given to bonafide owners. he took a premium of forty guineas at Kirk- ney thus they are translations And, verse, ever and come." therefore siuce the and Canaan, Rolling laws, ment priesthood, Harrowing, also fortheSowing, and in their Terms, £4 4s, payable before removal of caldy, and a similar premium the following of God, and possess and ritual ; the exploits of their great men commencement of the Christian era, the i of the inspired Word of 100 Acres. For particulars apply to nnd have the strength, mares. year at the same place; in the same year he wrought through faith ; their sins and church hath chosen to celebrate the gospel real truth and THOMAS MURRAY, from and edification October, ; quality 1869 in of of instruction mysteries to commence 15lh the words these ancient thpir Inverness; Season took the HighlandSociety'sprize at repentances and restoracaptivity; them; but yet they are not at all Glenore. rather for that God in hymns, compose than to Da?id; victories tions; sufferings March, Ist 1870. the and of end when se* en years old a premium of forty reign of Solomon ; purpose new ones of her own. For when equal to the Psalms ofDavid in metre. For A. M'KAY, guineas and a silver medal was awarded him the peaceful and happy of invited for the erection of rpENDERS Messiah, with its effects the apostles, in preaching the gospel, had it is evident in many ways that the Book the advent of the -*- PresbyterianChurch, EastTaieri(brick Proprietor. at Glasgow ;at eight 3'ears oldhe took a pre- and consequently his incarnation, birth, occasion to rejoice in beingcounted worthy Psalms was written,for the expresspurpose ~ and stone), to be lodged withR. Somerville, THE mium of fiity gnineis and the first prize at life, passion, death,resurrection, ascension, to suffer for their master's — sake, they sing of being used in praising God in the conKirkcaldy; whennine years old, a premium kingdom, and priesthood ; the effusion ol tlia second psalm. Sea Acts IV 25). gregation of the saints. At least thisis Esq.,East Taieri, or with the undersigned, HORSE of fifty guineas at Glasgow, whilehis stock the spirit ; the conversion of the nations ; The primitive Christians constantly fol- one of its great designs. God appears to on or before the 16th October, at 2 p.m. ENTIRE lowed this method in their devotions, and have inspired it and writtenit for this end, have never beenbeaten either in the mother the rejection of the Jews ;the establishPlans, &c, to be seen at East Taieri and by the most learned ment, increase, and perpetuity of the when they gained victories over their and it is admitted ever lived, that it country or in the colonies where they have praise with the undersigned. saints chat and had occasion to God and eminent enemies, "MARQUIS," world; ; the the Christian Church end of fully ;but it does most introduced' success end goodness R. A. LAWSON, been for his and for the answers this great the general judgment, the condemnation of travel this season through Tokoany way that the other porno not in gospel, they appear of the found words so " triumph Architect. and final of the mairiro, Lovell'sFlat, Tuakitoto,and wicked, the THANE OP CLYDE is a rich dappled thfl intended to bepararighteous with their Lordand King*." These suitable for this purpose as the Psalms tions of scripture were public Hillend Districts, calling at Inch Clutha hands, a-half is exthe worship of phrased sung bay, standing Bixteen and The and in KNOWN, COLIN ALLAN Hotel. are the subjects which the psalms present to of David.— (Psalms XCVII 98). in a approach do paraphrases which God. Our uncommonly psalms, applied, advantages thus have ceedingly meditation, Immigration good-tempered, Agent) and what is there necessary (late active^ our £5, payableat the end of the sea- and has an excellent not, however finely certain degree to the Psalms of David in combinations Terms, fresh have During not psalms for man to know whichthese are constitution. Opened Labor Exchange and Agency Office son; Groom's Fee, ss, payable at time of may be executed ; for besides their metre, in so far as they embody the meanthe last four years he has proved himself a able to teach ?. They are, to beginners, an these for FarmandDomesticServants, Shepherds, service. Guarantees as per arrangement. incomparable fitness to express our senti- ing of the inspired Word of God, or are easy and familiar introduction, a mighty sure foal-getter of superior stock. He gained they are. at the same time, memo- a true translation of it ;yet, however good ments, knowledge mare3conveniently the first prize at the Southland Agricultural augmentation of all virtue and paddock for A clover of, to, former merciesand they may be in hat respect, they are not appeals dings, Princesstreet Dunedin and Mercer'sBuil in such as are entered before, and a strong rials situated at Mr Hislop's, South Tokomairiro, acknowledgments at all equal to these psalms, and cannot are They 1867, Grand Show in deliverances. Society's andPastoral perfect among confirmation to the most at 2s 6d, per week. All care taken, but no accomplished. They point for once be com[tared to them. Indeed, ANTED TO SELL.— The Old Build- resDonsibility incurred. prophecies and was awarded a premium of a gold meda others. Heroical magnanimity, exquisite of the connection between the old and whatever good may be in them, can be wisdom, 11ISLOP AND HAMILTON. out ing Mateiials of the late Catholic exact justice, moderation, grave at the TokomairiroAgricultural andPastoral teaching us to got far better in 'he Psalms of David, and October, dispensations, thereby Ist 1869. new patience, Chapel, Tokomairiro, consisting of Roofing Society's Grand Show held last year, and was repentanceunfeigned, unwearied substituted for these the mysteries of God, the sufferings of admire and adore the wisdom of God in they can never be Iron,Doors, Sashes, Timber,Bricks, &c, &c and, although we would reckoned by competent judges to be the best Christ, ; we or of Zion both, furnishing, songs and while read the terrors of wrath, the comforts them below their own Apply at once, to H. C. M'Cormick, Conan not them, variety depreciate bred horse inNew Zealand. sinir inexhaustable of the providence the works ot over this grace, of were they now tractor for new works. "THANE OF CLYDE," when two and world, and the promised joys of that world noblest matter that can engage the con- value, yet we believe that it would be our expunged psalmody, from three j'ears old, took several first-class prizes whichis to come ; all good, necessarily to templation of man. people Christian found that the best of the travel this season in the Inch Clutha done, had, or this one 2. But many are ready to object to the SECTIONS of LAND in the Town. npO in Scotland. His dam was the celebrated be either known or -*OQ least. th« want of them *J*J ship ofLawrence will be offered for North Molyneux, Kaitan»atß, Clutha celestial fountain j'ieldeth. Whatever psalms because some passages in them are would feel Hymns mare "Matchless," never beaten in her day. grief still further resale by public auction in the Court House, Feny, Kailiiku, and VYarepaDistricts, the or disease may enter into the soul of not suitable, to their condition. As for Hymns.— scripturalare and spiritual songs, closely "THANE CLYDE" is related OF man, and whatever wound or sickness may instance, how can they sing psalms when moved from Lawrence, on Tuesday, 26th October, 1869, CLYDESDALE ENTIRE HORSE " relate to scripture although they may Black, Westthorne," purchased by to Neil him, yet there is in this treasure- they are in prosperity, or psalm 33 when " CHARLIE," affect at noon. Upset price, £2 each. For details, Hymns are subjects. spiritual truths and Esq., and imported to Australia a few years honse a present comfortable remedy at all they are in health, or psalms 51 when they see Government Advertising Sheet. squeezed, " grapes times ready to be found. Itis full of sweet know that they have not been guilty of not the bunch of divine Bred by Mr JohnBarr. By LordPaisley," back, where he was never beaten. they are but are, paraphrases the counsels, divine raptures, humble comTT7V3R LEASE, on reasonable terms, 50 out of the celebrated mare Blanche, winner same that berry, of the Prize will be awardedby the owner plaints,hearty expressions love to God. any open and scandalous sin ? The -*A one generally formed from *£* of " '' objection may be as legitably made against Acres in the Clarendon District, for of first prizes at all the shows in which she of the THANE OF CLYDE lor the best Sometimes we find David swimmingin his a book of pharaphrases and hymns, and we bunch, and on that account they have not J the period of seven years, adjoining Coal competed. spiritual tears, sometimes ravished with his joys, hold that every passage m the psalms is the amount of juice and truth and "Charlie " is lour years old, and stands17 Fily Foal at foot, andlikewisethe bestHorse sometimes paraMine belonging to Mr Riddell. that is in the in them edification distrust, eclipsed with some- matter for meditation, and christiaus are j Foal, shown the followingyear at the Moly" from times raised with confidence. The psalms profited by contemplating on them. For phrases. Hymns are generally made Apply v Bruce Herald Office. hands high; and in his first season, as a three neux Show. may be single or taken it mottoes, words are a Christian's choicest oracle to fly to at instance, in psalms 51 we may meditate year old, has provedhimselfa sure foal getter, it may be not from and scripture, from ss. TERMS £4 especially NOTICE. all but in times of distress. times, psalm ; on the grievous nature t>f sin and in andis allowed to be one ofthebest Provincialwithout a motto But we may not dilate lunger on the suf- 6, we may meditate on the mournful and scripture, and it may be Groomage, ss. ijmore of the require they bred horses in theProvince. ; all and hence ficiency of the psalms alone as a book of both here and here- at fiIHE Finegand Road Board hereby give working up of the human art, and 'the First-class paddock accommodation at 3s praise to be rsed in our public worship of ruinous effects of sin after. ~*~ notice that they have applied to the wire-drawing of the mere versifier, and Terms, £4 ; Groom's Fee, 59, payable at per week, at Newmarket Stables, Balclutha God. In all ages since their composition, And again, whatis not now oui- con- both their sentiment and their poetry are 3. General Road Board to levy a rate of Is per time ofservice. at Aitken's, paddock they have been considered for that purpose dition may be afterwards our condition also accommodation W. flowing by the best of men sufficient. They have If we fall, psalm 51 will be suitaUe for us. very much forced, and far fro:r>spun out acre, and that the Assessment Roll for the All mares to be paid for on or before the Eldon Farm, Kaihiku, at Is 6d per week. are. much they and often sweetly, Due care will be takenofallmares, without been universally used also by all kinds and If we are afflicted with any bodily dis- so as to make a lengthy piece; that they year 1869 and 1&70 lies for inspectionat Mr Ist March, 1870. classes of men kirgs,princes, governors, temper, psalm 38 will answer us. If we in subHutchins', Druggist, Clutha Ferry. Dateof aesponsibility. ALBERT PILLANS, prophets, fathers, and the masses of the be penitent psalm 9 will tuit us, and so it are far from being rich spiritualmuch they yield paid for on or before the and cannot stance, All mares to be objections to said assessment, 15th day of common people ; also these psalms have may be said ofother psalms. Proprietor, edifying food to the spiritually minded. October. Ist February, after which £5 willbe charged. been found suitable by men for the worship sing psalms, to vindictive Such is the character of a great many reobject 4. Some of God in all their variety of circumstances G. W. HUTCHINS, JOHN MACINTOSH, 59, 69, 79, OWNER supposing hymns, although it is not the that psalms ligious such as They have and exigencies of their life. ENTIRE PONY Clerk. devout feelings the of psalms shock character of all of them ; but even the been sung in the wilderness and solitary these Newmarket Stables, is a misaltogether Christians; but this best of them can ba profitably dispensed battle-field PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. and on the Clutha Ferry. places, in the camp is, these The truth "NUTSHELL," psalms. taken view of with in public worship. One of cur Very amidst war and strife, in the congregations benevolence, and mis- best paraphrases is the paraphrase of first that a morbid only TTTILL Stand this season at Tokomairiro. saints chambers of the of the and in the chapter, on. the humble, and at the firesides of the faithful, taken philanthropy, and a partial and con- Corinthians, thirteenth "Nutshell," late the property of or love. It is very rich charity offence at these of Christianity subject tracted takes wood, and the workshop in the and the ToStand this Season, at Meadowbank, it is a bunch thronged marts of the merchantman, and psalms; for in reality they are not opposed and lull of spiritual truth,for Mr GeorgePram. ; yet it is weak lokomairiro, gospel, grapes squeezed the of the or to the love of divine spirit to of found, are the devout places in all where THE ENTIRE HORSE David's, psalms. THE THOROUGHBRED HORSE even in prisons. This psalm-book seems enemies which Christ enjoyed. Resent- compared with the best of terms : hymn far from a on the subbeing compose Butif" you to Imve been the manual of the Son of ment against evil doers is so PUNCH £1 £2 weaker, -STORM BIRD." Ifpaid at time of service and drier stilt in the it is exemplified ject love," sinful that we find it God in the days of his flesh, for he and TYTILL TRAVEL this Season, in the paraphrase. However, good,. Credit till IstMarch, 1870 £3 his apostles quote from it about seventy meek and spotless Redeemer himself, when than theparaphrases hard- then, our and hymns may beGroom'sFee 5s TERMS limes, and at the conclusion of the last he looked round in anger upon his — (Mark £6 South Tokomairiro, their want would be unbelieving private devotion, hearted and hearers. for which is they hymn genean supper sung Gr«om's Fee, ss. Lovell's Flat, and public worship. But we rally to be taken from it, for 111. 5.) If thtf emotion and its utterance no blank in our Paddock for»mares, 3s 6d per week. " theconsidered For further particulars, see Cards. CluthaDistricts. essentially sinful, depreciate hymns below bow could Paul cot wish to do hymn usually sung by the' Jews were value,; DAVID CORSAN. wish the of Christ accursed when nor do we deny that enemy their intrinsic the Great upon that occasion, they called TERMS JOHN L. GILLIES. £2 Os oa, by good purposes when read they writes If man have served any inspiration-:-" consisting of the psalms from the he Payableon or before the Ist February, 1870 Hallel,' by the ignorant him be both Christ, private, Travel this season, in the Taieri,Wainot Lord Jesus let and in sung love the dear 113th to the 118th inclusive." Our Groom'sFee, ss, payable at first service. Lorddies with passages from the psalms anathema maranatha." 1 Cor. XVI. 22), and the young, neither do we throw any pori, and GreenIsland,Districts, or how could he say of hi« own enemy slur on those who seek the introduction of THE SPLENDID YOUNG on his lips. When on the Cross he cries " JAMES RATTRAY, coppersmith, did me much into the public worship of God j Alexander, hymns the God, why hast thou "My God, my CLYDESDALE and Proprietor. out rpHE CLYDESDALE ENTIRE forsaken me," and with his last breath he evil : the Lord reward him according to yet we consider that the theology are people Christian 14.) And, Tim. IV. sanctification of the (2. his works."— these vords from the 3 1st psalm, "'utters ALFRED,'1 PRINCE my spirit." especially, how could the spirits of the just far sounder andsafer with the psalm* alone, thy Into hands I commend HORSE ENTIRE " for vengence on and that ourpeopleought to get more train-ot Will stand at the Commercial Stables, TokoFurther research would shew that the in heaven call upon God mairiro, visiting Lovell's Flat, Waihola, and of David are most sufficient in their enemies, when They cried with a ing in reading and singing the Psalms Psalms fountain, To Travel this Season in the Moa Flat, TaieriBeach. themselves without any other songs for loud voice, saying,how long, 0Lord, holy David, for it is from that divine stores greatest can draw the .of avenge judge they Flat, Miller's and that Teviot, and Coal Creek the praising of God, but what we have and true, dost thou not "PRINCE ALFRED" is three years old DUKE." "ROYAL that there is craving " blond on food. The spiritual our on them that dwell the earth." Districts, we said may for the present suffice. But "RoyalDuke is a bright bay,*4yearsold, bred by Mr WiliiamBlack, of Milbnrn),is a more grace and god- for hymns ,and their alteration now and (Rev. VI.10. The roust to some of the now endeavor answer orer16 hands high, fine temper, with great very powerful horse, with perfect symmetry, THE HANDSOME GREY ENTIRE objections which are urged against the liness Christians possess, and the more holy multiplication again, may arise from, a felt and fine temper, and is admittedly bone, and beautiful symmetry. Got by goodaction, by those who plead for theintroduc- zeal and sympathy for God and his cause, deficiency in' them to satisfy, just as a man is by *lChampion," dam, Jessie, imported in 1863 "the best Provincial horse here. HeMiller, "YOUNG INKERMAN" psalms Lord Paisley,"importedby Robert tion ot hymns into our Church Psalmody. they have the more will, they meditate who drinks brackish waterruns from pool .by Messrs Emery and Stracban, from Tas. Esq. ; dam, Violet, a very powerful Tas- TS 6 years old, stands 16 hands high, of 1. Some say, "Are we concerned with with increased profit on the whole of the to pool without gettinghis thirsts quenched, -*- fine symmetry the or it may arise from a weak and diseased mania; the same year she gainedthe Taieri manian-bredpure Clydesdale. and superior action, is a the affairs of David and of Israel now ? psalms, and will sing with appreciation But there is appetite for strong spiritual food ;but in most vindictive of them. ss, with an allowance made on sure foal getter. Eighty Terms, £4 Agricultural Society's first prize lor the best mares wereserved Have we anything to do with the ark and another way of answering this objection, whatever way it arise and is felt, let those hree or more mares. Guarantees as per no more. Are we temple They the ? are last Season, and only 3 missed. colonial-bred mare, and the second; prize for arrangement. still to go up to Jerusalem and to worship and that is by changing the imperative for who feel it ruu constantly to David's the-best draught mare at the show beating Good grass paddocks provided at 2s 6dper on Sion ? They are desolated and trod- the future, and read, instead of let them be psalms and keep drinking at that divine PEDIGREE : confounded, they shallbe confounded, &c. fountain, and they shall there be abunweek, taken, responsiandevery care but no imported Mr Nimmo'sblack mare direct from "YOUNG INKERMAN," imported by den under foot by the Turks. Are we to This construction the Hebrew is capable of dantly satisfied, and shall have.no need bility. sacrifice young bullocks according to tbe Scotland and the followingyears took prizes Fees payableonor before Ist February, 1870 Mr Isaac Gidney from Melbourne, by"ln- law ? The law is abolished never to be bearing, and thus the very hardest denun- to drink at the pools "' and ditches of man's in and Taieri. boith Dunedin kerman," imported from England to Mel- observed again. Do we pray for victory ciations made against sinners, in the scrip- diggingBLACK, WILLIAM Terms, £3 3s "; groom's fee, ss. GuaranMilburn. bourne by J. T. Bear, Esq.; out of a heavy over Moab, Edom and Philistis, or for tures, will be nothing more than a state~ ' ment of what shall befall them if theylive A gentleman named Tod has been com- » tees byarrangement. hunting mareimported from Englandby Mr deliverance from Babylon ? There are no £2 REWARD. impenitent. mittedfor trial at Manchester, on a charge and die Mares from a distance willhave a 400 acre such world. What thendo nations in the Bevan. endeavoring,by false pretences, to obtain we mean when we utter these expressions 5. Again, others say, may we not use of paddock to run in, free of charge, whereall T OSTfrom Mount Stuart, oneRoan Cow, and;North-Western London -*-* hymns speech in our of our devoin L4OOO fromthe persons composing own as the freedom of part care willbe taken, withoutresponsibility. branded S.C. nearrump. The above Teims £4, payable onor before Ist Feb- tions before God ? Assuredly we must and in singing them to the praise of God, .Railway Company. The prisoner alleges JAMES CULLEN, Reward willbe paid'on deliveryat my farm. ruary, 1870; Groom's Fee, ss, payable at mean a spiritual Jerusalem and Sion, a that we do in forming oar prayers and in that ha was in the Abergoldie accident* Owhiro, East Taieri. first service. spiritual ark and temple, a spiritual law, offering them up to God ? Why, for this whereas the companysay theycanprove that SAMUEL CORRY, October 15th, 1869. , / ; A. spiritual sacrifices, and spiritual victories reason, that God has given us a fall and he was not. M'LAREN & CO. : , Havelock. THE 11 — TENDERS — b^m^Mi ■ WILL 11 WANTED - - — , 1 - ... ... - - - " " - - — TO — " £|flS4jy — — — v r 1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOUJfiK 13. JLBW THE BBUCE HERALD. 4 ' f AUCTION SALES. —— — = J'^HURSDAY, 14th OCTOBER, t* *g At 2 o'clock. /("■■ MISCELL aNEOUS- MISCELLANEOUS. AUCTION SALEst MISCELLANEOUS TBURSDVY, 23st OCTOCER, At 12 o'clock. NEW SUMMER DRAPERY. ■"- SALE OF DAIRY COWS, FAT AND STORE BULLOCKS, MIXED CATTLE,_SHEEP, T> HIBBARD AND CO. Atstd ESTATES, flu HORSES, 11 and At Lake Waipori. Beg to notify the arrival of their New Stock "'! BUILDING SECTIONS. STEPHENSON and CO. for the Season, , , are instructed by Mr R. Robinson Horel, Bradley's Commercial to sellby auction at his farm, Lake WaiitAt Mr pori, on Thursday, 21st JOctober, at 12 «' Tokomairiro. Ex Asterope, William Davie, England, and o'clock, 140 HPAD CATTLE, as follows— j 46 Dairy Cows T>^v W. 'CAPSTICK Robert Henderson, 20 prime fat Bullocks 'Fnrby I)*' as een nstructed Messrs M 30 two and three years old St er and Trotter, to sell bypublic lane*'Hastings, and Heifers ;and And are now opening a large and varied 45 Yearlings auctwm,f at Mr Bradley's CommercialHnt«*l, 100 Ewes, in lamb to Romney Marsh Tokbraairiro, on Thursday, the 14th October, rams — assortment of First-class Goods. at ifo'cloek, the fallowing properties : 10 superior saddle and harness — Horses Oojaccount ofCharles Hastings, Esq. j| 1 Koad Dray '*<■> AH thatparcel of Land in theProvince 1 Particular attention is requested to the of Otapo,consisting of 100 acres of The above catte can with confidence be reS commended to intendingpurchasers, as being Section \Z Block VI; and 50 acres very well bred, Mr Robinson having been at followingLines, Section 4, Block VI, situate in great expense in securing one of the purest j(. bred bullsin'the Province. xk Table Hill District, with 2-roomed y.i SPRING and SUMMER DRESSES Cottage, and Shed 50 feet in length. Terms at Sale. Luncheon provided. " v with fenced, pos^s are 700 ' 15 acresground THURSDAY, 28th OCTOBER, LADIES' JACKETS ; whereas 9 acres are on the At 1 o'clock. and oats, barley, 3 acres in «owh in HATS, BONNETS 2 acres in potatoes and turnips. «,i n The 350 acres will besold per acre, CATTLE, LEICESTERS AND MERINO SILKS, FANCY GOODS SHEEP. including buildings thereon ; crops PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, &c, &c 'i and 700 posts to betaken at valuaOATS, AGRICULTURAL LAND, AND tion. e SUNDRIES AT GLENORE. — On account of John M'Farlane, Esq. that parcel of land called Birch- TTfRIGHT/STEPHENSON, MEN'S, YOUTHS' awd BOYS' b All and Co. are woodFarm, situate3miles from the * ' instructed to sell by auction, i at the jj READY-MADE CLOTHING. township of Milton, containing 301 Mill, Glenore, Thursday, instant, on the 28th l acres (moTe or less) being Sections2 at 1 o'clock, 8r NEW TWEEDS and COATINGS of 17, 18, 19, and lof2o; 200 acres 50 head mixed cattle double _, of which are fenced— with (Suits made to order). (JO Pure bre(i Leicester ewea 1, ditch and four wires being sheep is iproof. 50 acres broken up and in 1000 store wethers sl -artificial grasses; there is also a 3SQO bushel oats roomed House, 4-stalled Stable, BOOTS. BOOTS. BOOTS. Weighing machine, &c. Dairy Store-mom, Fowl-house, and J. 240 acres good agriculturalland, being j Piggeries, all adjoining Akntore Made to order by[the BestMakers. sections 44. 45, 45, and 47, block 1 busn, with 'first-class school within 11, TableHillDistrict. * quarter-mileofthehomestead. This LADIES' and CHILDREN'S BOOTS is a property the auctioneer can conThe above cattle are the a progeny of well ,. tfidently Tecommend to any person requiring a first-class Dairy Farm, bred quiet dairy herd. All the stock is in MEN'S YOUTHS' and BOYS' BOOTS. I J havingsuch easy access to the town- capital condition, and the wholefor positive % BEST COLONIAL AND ENGLISH ship ofMilton, wherethere is a ready sale. market for butter, cheese, eggs, and THURSDAY, 21st OCTOBER, 1869, t WATERTIGMTS. bacon, as a first-rateinvestment, At 12 o'clock. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. HELENSBROOK ROADBOARD. TOKOMAIRIRO FARMERS' CLUB. "TIENDERS willbe receivedup till 6 p.m, *on Saturday 23rd mat., for forming and metallingportions of road in Helensbrook (West Ward). Specifications to be seen at James Parlane'shouse, with whomTenders are to belodged. Messrs ChapmanandParlane will be in attendanceon Thursday, 21st, to shov the works, from 4 to 6 p.m.. beginning at the west end. Tenders to be addressed Works Tender, West Ward, Helensbrook." ?<-" * '" VALUABLE FREEHOLD FOURTH ANNUAL SHOW of Live THE Stock, Agricultural Implements, Produce, andPoultry,will beheld Dairy On the Recreation Ground, Tokomairiro, WRIGHT, "^ *' * ON Wednesday, the lat December, 1869, When the usual Valuable Prizes willbe offered. — " N.B. Fullparticulars willshortlybepubmENDERS are invited until the evening lished. -*of Saturday, the 16th inst., for the CHURCH, J. Secretary. Book Debts and well-selected Stock (to. gether)of MrHenryAmbridge, Tokomairiro" BRUCE LIME AND COAL COMPANY The Stock will be open for inspection on (LIMITED). and after Friday, the Bth inst., and Stock FTIENDERS are wantedfor the erection of a Sheets and Lists of Debts can be seen 1 LIME KILN at the Waihola Gorge. en application to Mr Arabridge, TokomaiPlans and Specifications to be seen on appli- riro ; or to the Trustees, in Dunedin. The highest or any tender not necessarily cation at the office of R. W. Capstick, accepted. Milton. Tenders to be lodged with Mr Capstick, on or before the 21st inst. J. F. WATSON ) JOHN ROSS jV Trustees. The lowest or other tender not necessarily m H O S. ALLAN, accepted. Wholesale and Retail R. W. CAPSTICK, AND SEEDSMAN, NTTRSERY Secretary. Exhibition Nursery, TOKOMAIRIRO MUTUAL IMPROVECumberland and Frederick streets, and the MENT ASSOCIATION. Forbury. mHE FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SOIREE SEED WAREHOUSE, ■-■- will be held in the Volunteer Hall, Cutting, Princes street, Milton, Dunedin. On Wednesday, 20th instant, At half-past 6 p.m. NORTH MOLYNEUX ROAD BOARD. The chair will be taken at 7.45, and the Programme, consisting of Recitations, Dialogues, Essays and Selected Readings, Singing of Glees, Quartets, &c, &c, will be proceeded with. Messrs Wright, Stsphensoit, »nd Co. report, for the week ending the 12fch vast-, as follows :— Fat cattle— One draft, prime quality, yarded, brought fully 30s per lOOlbs ;were,sold privately 30 head at 30s, delivered in town, whichis the value of prime beef;middling, 258. Fat sheep We sold by nuction 700 middling quality from 8s to 103 each ;andprivately,1000 at 3dper lb, delivered in town, which is the quotation for prime muttou. Store cattle We sold by auction, at Otakia and Waikouaifci, bullocks, two years and upwards, fromL4 15s to L 7 7s 6d ; mixed, from six months to two 10s to L3ss;dairy cows, from years,from L2 10s to LlO- Store sheep. There are enquiL5 ries for good store wethers and mixed hoggets; the followingsales have transpired, 6000 hoggets at 11sper pair, and 3000 2, 4, and 6-tooth wethers at 6s 6d each. Inthe absence of any freshstock coming to hand, no sales hare been held. A draft of useful light horse3wouldmeet a ready market at fair prices. — — - — — TheNew ZealandLoanandMercantileAgency Company (Limited) report, under date London, August 13th, as follows : We areable to report by this opportunity the result of the first sale of the August-September series of Wool Sales, which opened yesterday with a catalogue, comprising 2600 bales Australian, 2209 do New Zealand ;596 do Victoria ; 737 do Cape; 24 do Tasmanian— total; 6166 bales. There was a good attendance of buyers, both English anIForeign, and moderate competition,prices ruling on the averageabout equal to the closingrates of the previous series, in the case of a few firstclass combing woolscommanding a slight advance Though we areonly inthe position to recordthe issue of a single sale, it may be takenas a very fair test of the value of New Zealand wool, all descriptions of which were well represented. The condition of the home manufacturing districts is healthy, and as regards the continental section of the trade, though consumptionis by no means brisk in France, the more recentreports from Germany indicate a favorable tendency. Having regard to the excessively moderate quotationsnow current, and to the fact that the supplies of wool for some time to come will show at all events a very moderate rate of increase as comparedwith those of previous seasons, we aie perhaps justified in considering the actual position of the article as strong though the process of any improvementmust certainly be yery gradual, and to any material extent in all probability remote. The New Zealand arrivals since our last issue are as under : Wild Duck, ex Wellington, 3054 balos ;Lady Egidia, ex Otago, 4109 do ;Malay, exPort Underwood, 1460 do;Celseno, ex Lyttelton, 3195 do;Warrior Queen, ex Ofcago, 3865 do William Cargill, ex Otago, 1644 do- The following are quotations of New Zealand wool : Very superior fleece. Is 9d to 2s 3d ;Ist fleece, la 5d to Is Sd;medium fleece, Is Id to la 4d; inferior fleece, lOd to Is ;medium lambs, Is 2d to Is 41 ;inferior lambs, lid to Is Id;broken and pieces, lOd to Is Id; inferior pieces and locks, 7d to lOd ;superior scoured,Is 8d to 2s Id;medium scoured, Is 3d to Is 7d ;inferior scoured, lid to is 2d ;skiu, lOd to Is 2cl ; in grease, good, 811 to lOd,"ia grease, mediumand inferior, 6d to 7£d ;ingrease, pieces and locks, 4u to 6d. At Sydney, Adeleide,and Hobartown, onsame date, the markets were unchanged. — — — — TVTOTICE is hereby given, that it is the intention of the North Molyneux Road Board to apply to the GeneralRoad Board for leave to levy a rate of eightpence in the pound on an assessment of the annual value of all lands, houses, mills, buildings, hereditaments, wichin the district, for the Tickets, 2s 6d ; Children, Half-price. year 1869-70. Admission at7 45. Is C. V. BREWER, ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION. Tickets may be had from any of the memClerk to the Board. During this Week. bers, or at any of the stores in Milton. North Clutha, October 11, 1869. (For Particulars see Advertisements.) JOHN FERGUSON, R. W. Capstick. Thursday, 14th October, LOST. LOST. LOST, Secretaryat Bradley's Commercial Hotel,Milton, Freehold Estates and Building IT) ETWEEN Balclutha and the Warepa — Sites. BALCLUTHA [READINGS. Schoolhouse, about the 9th of Septem- Wright, Stepuenson & Co Friday, 15th Oct., at Maungatua, Cattle andHowes, ber, a WATERPROOF COAT. Whoever f Also,on account of George Trotter, Esq. &c. — A * All that parcel ofLand situate in the AT CROWN HOTEL, CLUTHA FERRY. persons having claims against the willbring the same to any of thePostOffices R. W. Capstick. Tuesday, 10th October, at "^*-LL M'Donald'd Yards, Kaitangata, 70 head Committee. of the above, are requested betweenBalclutha and Port Molyneux, will district of Tokomairiro, fronting the of Cattle. t to send in their accounts on or before the be suitablyrewarded. , Main South Road, containing a ~T\RIVER, MACLEAN & CO. beg to in- JD a*» co. -*-^ 23rd inst., to Mr A. C. Campbell,Secretary, NOTICE TO OUR READERS. * frontage of 200 feet, by 250 feet timate that they will hold theirusual CLOCKS. Last week we intimated our intention of ; Balclutha ; after which datetheCommittee WATCHES. '* running back. Monthly Sale at the Crown Hotel, Clutha TOKOMAITtIBO. publishingthe tale Hunted to Death." At will not hold themselves responsible for any Ferry, on Thursday, 21st inst., at 12 that time we had not had an opportunityof 11 AAA ACRES. GOVERNMENT debts. BAILEY reading the work, hut our information as to will o'clock, they when offer about 7ARDS, On14th, AT COMMERCIAL its superior excellence was derived from IIjUUU AGRICULTURAL UND A. C. CAMPBELL, Rattray Street, Dunedin, the Hon F. D. Bell'sruns) in what we considered a most reliable source. (bein^c part of 120 headMixed Cattle — , A Machine for SowingRye Grass, &c. Secretary. Practical Chronemeter and Watchmaker, Having now perused the tale, we regret to ©hag Valley. Notice is hereby given, that And the following allotments of land, comprising 11th October, 1869. 3 cwt <31over Seeds, moreor less fromJohn Poole'smaker to the Admiralty, find that its merits are in our opinion, not useful Horses such as to warrant it finding a place in these 30 about 11,000 acres, in the '-hag Valley, will London, And SIXPENNY READINGS be ope>t for application, in the Land columns. Our intention to publish it is Has now for Sale Watches and Clocks at therefore departed from. Office, Dunedin, on Wednesday, the2oth day TTTILL be 2 do Cocksfoot Seed, do do. given in the Inch Clutha Gentlemen desireousof offering stock at the of October. 1869, viz:— the followingLow Prices :— above sale, will please communicate with the Sections 9 to 38, Dunback District Schoolroom, on the Eveningof £ S D. Sections 2 to 52, Waihemo District Auctioneers, or with Gd. Spooner, Inch TermsLiberal. Hunting Silver Lever English in the and Office, Land Maps may be seen TUESDAY, the 19th OCTOBER. Clutha. lithographs of the same may be obtained from Watches, capped and and jewelled 5 0 0 TUE&DAY, 19th OCTOBER, the various Agents. Boors open at 7 p.m. Nemome impune lacessit" FRIDAY, 29th OCTOBER, do do 6 0 0 Do do J. T. THOMSON, At 12 o'clock. do 7 0 0 At 12 o'clock. do Superior do | TOKOMAIRIRO, OCTOBER 13, 1869. Chief Commissioner. A. M'LEOD. Do do do Compensated 9 10 0 Near the TaieriBridge. Our readers have doubtless read, with no Extract, fromLand Act.— "ln the event of €ATTLE AND BOSSES. SIXPENNY READINGS. 30-hour American Clocks, warranted attention, Mr Macandrew's speech at more persons having made application little two or 0 10 0 Balclutha, published by us two weeks ago. CATTLE. CATTLE. CATTLE. to go well for the same land on the same day, such land do 0 15 0 That it has failed, in their opinion, ro be put up for sale by public auction, mHE Ninth of the Second Series of Read- Do do do W. T% CAPSTICK T) W. CAPSTICK shall to am. -1 -*open — bidders." ings is Postponeduntil -■-"'" hasbeen instructed by R. Macdonald, -*-*" 8-day Striking American Clocks 1 15 0 acquit him of inconsistency in regard to has received instructions from Mr Notice The Governmjn has made ardo French do from 2 10 0 the views on the land question avoided by Do do Esq., of Kaitangata, and others, to sell by Sinclair Harold, to sell by auction, at his rangements with the Ltssee, whereby purWEDNESDAY, the 13th INSTANT. to the to 10 10 0 him on the occasion of his election auction,at his place, on Tuesday, the19th farm, within a short distance of the Taieri chasers of Land within this Block, whobona satisfied, perfectly CHURCH, J. we are superintendency, deoccupy the same, will be entitled to Repairs done in a Superior manner at and we are equally satisfied that ttey reOctober, at 12 o'clock, Bridge, onFriday, the 29 th October, at 12 fide Chairman of Committee. pasture cattle on the unsold lands within the ReducedPrices. greatly s~\ Cattle, gard his explanation as being* not only not hf Head of as follows: Block, or. paying to theLessee (the Hon. F. o'clock, openingof St MARY'S CHURCH, D. Bell) the su v of 3s 6d per annum for each rpHE Boy about 14 years, who borne out by the provisions of the Bill ANTED, a -*- Inch Clutha, is postponeduntilthe13th 11O HEAD OF CATTLE, the cry of triumph and of head of cattle so depastured. The grazing 5 Four year oldSteers Apply can milk. Shamrock Hotel, itself, or by right will be on the following scale : raised by the runholders genej October, on account of the fears expressed satisfaction Consisting of Tokomairiro. 10 Three year old do. Owners of not exceeding 100 acres will be rally on the passing- of the Bill,but also Dairy Cowa, in calf or entitled to depasture 10 head of greao cattle by many of stormy weather occuring on or first-class 36 as failing to prove that we have regarded Twoyear olddo. FOR SALE. 22 exceeding 100 and not exceeding 200 acres, 15 iaboutthe 6thOctober. with calves at foot the Hundreds Act otherwise than it dej head ;200 acrea and upwards, 20 head. R.L. STANFORD. to be considered. We shall take 43 Head MixedCattle a"d Heifers, two to four served Steers KEID, D. ; 40 A FEW Quiet Dairy Cows. Apply to an early opportunity to review his leading Secretary for Land and Works. And yearsold A. B. COOK, Teacher of Dancing, statements ; meanwhile we take the opJOHN EDIE, -*20 Good Saddle and Harness Horses 36 Steers and Heifers, one and two portunity of expressing our regret that in will commencea Class at the Waihola years old. seeking"to put himself right with his conWaitahuna. Hill, Round Gorge, onFRIDAY first (15th inst.),at 7.30 stituents he should have,on the one hand^ Termsat sale. STEAM TO POUT MOL^TEUX These cattle are well bred, being from COMMERCIAL. p.m., inMr J. G. Grey's Barn. so abusive of ourselves and our become PUERUA & the NUGGETS. Mr John Brook, Manse street, reports: and, on the other, adopted Shorthorned and Durham Bulls, and are correspondents, MEETING of the Stewards of the last There is nothing calling for particular remark spirit of complaint. His whining so a FRIDAY, 15th OCTOBER, worthy of the attentionof Graziers, Farmers, week. past YTO CX, the during Tokomairiro Race Meeting, will be in the produce murkft — us of the reminded appearance Her Flour, quotations: of is whole conveyance steady The demand at having secured the and Speculators. At 12 o'clock. Majesty's Mails from Balclutha to the held in the White Horse Hotel, on Tuesday Lls to Lls 10s per ton ;oatmeal, L24 do;pearl words of the nursery rhyme, put by Bulbarley, L2B do :wheat, 63 to 6s 3d per bushel ; lantyne into the lips of the petted, spoiled Also a mixedlot of South Clutha Districts, and vice versa, will 19thinst. at 8 p.m., as foloats,*4s 3d to 4s 6d do ;barley, 5s 6d do ;maize, member of the family, who, ready enough of Goaches Royal MailLine run his Sale of 10s do ; per ton;pollard,L5 75 Dairy Cows, Steers, and Heifers. lows, viz. from Puerua, every Monday at 5s 6d do ;bran, L5 10s do ; to annoy and injure his brothers, yet, ;straw, L2 10s do ;chaff, L4 do hay, Balclutha BUSINESS OP L 6 IMPORTANCE, arriving a.m. at time), (raiway 6 — DAIRY CATTLE, STORE BULLOCKS, L3 10s when assailed- by them, could run to his turnips, ; do ;carrots,L3do potatoes,L3 is hereby in time for the Morning Coach to Dunsdin, /"^LOSING ROADS. Notice ;butter, Is father with the whining complaint 5s fid bushel seed, per do ; rye grass arrival having Molyneux been and returning to Port on YOUNG STOCK HORSES, \j given, that objections bags,( 2dper lb ;cheese,liddo; bacon, 8d do ; GEORGE TAIT, settle Sandie, lodged with me against the shutting up of of the Northern Coach ;also, every Thurs' Faither, 14s dozen. per — GRAIN, AND He's makin' moos at me, certainRoadLines, included in the Roads day from Puerua andBalclutha at the same Hon. Secretary. The Arpus of the 28th ult- reports : jibbin', aye jibe He's 1865," Tuesday Friday situate in the and Ordinance, Every Diversion Also conhours. At Mtiungatua, West Taieri. Inthe import markets, t ade general'y An' wunna letme be,'' Districts of Landon, Chalgrove,Port Moly- Mornings, fromBalclutha for the Nuggetts, QUOiTING CLUB. tinues to maintain a quiet aspect. Nevertheless, Finegand. picturbeautiful and Glenore, Warepa, neux, Papakio, Wiltshire Bay, andthe there is a great promise of business for i.he week, We do not know whether Mr Macandrew, STEPHENSON and CO. Abbotsford, Lovelsbrook, Stoney Creek ; a esque scenery in the vicinity of the New chiefly through the auction rooms. In bread- in addressing his constituents after this Council of construction, wishing Executive now in course to become Members stuffs, nothing whatevercan be reported in the Special meeting Lighthouse of the "TTJARTTES likely to turn by are instructed Mr Heenan, to selli Buildings, allowing visitorsfrom the Clutha, Tokomai- -*- of the above Club, are requested to way ofsales. Flour is quotedat Ll7 to Ll7 10s fashion, considered them as held in the Government | will be us, as faither fiercely upon perhaps the by auction at his farm, Maungatua, West j Dunedin, on Thursday, the twenty-eighth riro, and Dunedin time to enjoy a bathein for country, and up to LlB for ./town brands. is no dis- was expected to turn upon Sandie ; or Taieri, on Friday, ISA October, at 12 o'clock. day of October, at noon, for the purpose of the bracing waters of the Southern Pacific, attend on Saturday Evening, at 8 p.m., at These are holders' prices ;but as therethey must whether he has returned to Dunedin conposition to operate at our quotations, deciding the said objections, when parties or otherwise enjoy a few hours'scamper in theMilton Hotel. *| f\(~\ head of cattle, consisting of— be consideredin a measure as nominal for the gratulating him3elf with having overinteresteiare invited to attend. the vicinity, to brace up the faggingenergies A MatchVill also be played on Saturday, present There is no wheat offering. Feeding whelmed the local press," or the "little J. MACANDREW, Superintendent. of ourcity men. grains are scarcely so firm. Maize is disposedof Dairy Cows October, first-class 1869. at 4 p.m., at the Milton QuoitingRinks. seem WHYTOCK, sth QO DAVID at 5s 3d, in trade parcels. The demand,howler1 coterie," in the neighborhood, which terribly. Proprietor. as hoid Dae* so If scale, buyers Coach to Bill trifiing is on rather** have served his old, SOUTHBRIDGE ROAD BOARD. 60 Bteers« two aDt tDree years ROADS.— The Commission- in consequenceof very heavy shipments advised such he the.case we rather think be will though many holders, on the And, ers to hear Appeals against the! as coming forward, carefully conveyed and punctually spec lily mistaken, for, if reother hand, anticipating an early rea tion, are find himself Southbridge Parcels the Ratepayers fIIHOSE in delivered. result of his address yearlings, mixed sexes 40 Assessment for 1869, will be at the School- cnreless of pressing sales. Oats are steady at 5s ports speak truly, theincreasing "*■ RoadDistrict who are willing to Cart no reported, have been bub to add signature* has b°en but 4|d. Enquiries inst., at 20 draught and Baddle Horses a small paddock in Toko- house, Gorge, on Thursdaythe 21st to the memorial requesting him to retire Gravel for the Board, will please send in actual sales have come under our notice. Melbourne sth from the Clutha representation, and which mairiro, within about a mile of the 2 o'clock p.m. Latest Australian 1000 bwtalsOats (primesample) their names to me on or before Monday October. Victorian flour, Lls ss. Maize, dull will shortly be put into his hands. The LINDSAY, GEORGE Post Office. of sale, from 5s to 5a Id. Oats are quoted at 5s Wheat (do.) . next, 18thinst. Hon. Clerk to Board. 4d to 5s 6d. The markets are steady at pre- determination to present this memorial terms, &c, Box No. 10, Apply, stating JOHN FLEMING, explains the non-voting on the part of J 10th October, 1869. eent. -The -above cattle, art. well-bred, in good P. p., Milton. .-.">■■"" Clerk. condition,and for posittowle. -*-^ . — -*-^ — " JlLibbard — " RH. The Bruce Herald. " ... — — — . 11/TR — DAVID — W~H A — " " WRIGHT, "' " * , MILBURN WANTED " THE BItTJ C WEIIjJJESPAY, OCTOBER 13, 18f*9 * HULTj. 5 am a carterreGeorgeJones, who said :I Tvpsent (votings and put in new crossings MILTON TOWN COUNCIL. The walking show of entires which wasinten-1 TheProvincial Council of Canterbury met for of Frievening in the siding Milton. On the in accordance with the instructions ->f to be lieVl in Milton to-morrow, has been| the despatch of business on Friday last. wet! as the fact that the arrangements as ded A meeting of the Town Council was hold the ActinK.Town Surveyor, and that he be; day lash I had occasion to go down to town postponedfor a week. j met Peter Jones to the meeting; were such that coi»p»ra" I A pair ofhedgehogs have beert imported into in the Council OharabiTs, oh the evsnins of instructed ai the same time to put tli■>. foot- onbusiness On my wayI '' o'clock. When we eight at little past a tivelyifew<of the electors, save such as are Tira old favorite ship Robert Henderson, Canterbury. yvoper into repair path* his Worpresent Monday last. Thefe were T Capt. Hardy, at Port Chalmers on three or It 's r ported tha'; a quicksilver mine Iris been J "Your Committee recommend that the passed the CommercialHotel, saw connected with Balolutha. were at all Wednesday lastarrived Mayor (in the chair), andcouncillors after .a stormy passage of 95 ship tlse a form at the end «f the sitting on four men "]>;>osite So'.uh il Thames. channnl on the Main Ro aware of the meeting, no public intimation days. She brings nopassengers, but a full cargo ji discovered at the imCunninghame, .VT'Laren, Duncan, Langley, the cTiamr >ck Hot. -1 and ont a'lne to - Mill- hotel. Prisoner "was one of them. I A pixk speo:men of the frost fi«h, four feofc in Gaelic, and of it having been given ;whilst, as we. cf general merchandise. in speak them mediately heaid street be ?>ror»"l pit-herl :vn«l g»-avel'e l, and our readers that the| length, was caught in the surf at Oaiuaru, on Good til, and Martin. tiave been informed, information was con- Wb need sea -cely remindClutha, looking round saw prisoner and the be opened Weduesday lust. The. minutes of previousmeeting were read that *lr Quill bo. uski'd <o bear half the ex- upon veyed privately to such in the district, who now English Chapel, Inch prove;will pit 'hing opposite the Hotel. others rise and fellow us. When at Amdoing penseof we favorable, Inch and confirmed. today. Should the weather round, and saw "Your Committee ivuonmi'.m.l that the bridctfs shop I a^ain looked support Mr Macandrew through thick and understand a considerable number of Tokomairiroj We understand that Mr Petchell,late of Letters were read from Mr .T. Daniels and ditch at no--th'sid--5 <>f Mili-ssivet fro ft the themenrushing onus. I thenreceiveda blow ,|I Clutha, is a candidate to represent Rivertonin the thin, and to all the runholders in the residents will be present at the ceremony F. Twiss, requesting permission to form corner of thy Simmrocl: Hotel to the corner from prisoneronthe back ofthe head. The neighborhood. These mustered in large Fudsr our colonial exchanges, we observe that ! ProvincialCouncil of Southland. down, and Mr corbespoudent A informsus that a Moorlie^ crossings over footpaths withinthe township. of Queen-street be filled in, and that the other two struck me, knocked me of Saxby tides during last force, having with them as many members the fears entertained to get up,but severaltimes kicked me. I tried week'were entirely groundless. Instead of high the representative of the well known firm of Councillor Langley suggested that all such Clerk bo insTncted to write M> Quill to -of their families as possible ; by their bold- tides proved v\ otlu-rspoonand Sons, Glasgow has purchased a crossings should be pitched, so as to save the inform him that he can tmt drain-pipes in wasjalways knocked down and kicked till! they everywhere being experienced, had enough of it. ing,up, in several instances, both bands, to bo unusually low, and the weather was desaid ditch to take «>ffany sirrphis drainage to suppose they thought1hadassistance, ' site for a meat preserving establishment iv th.0 expense of repairing footpaths. but no when the vote whs taken at the close of lightful. drain, previous to tha Corporation! Icalled several times for main Councillor Cunninghame concurred, and filling-in same. one came. The men said something in the meeting-, was the number thirty (not This district heartily joins in the cry for rain vicinity ofKukanui. j prisoner YourCommitteerv-conunend that k foot- Gaelic, and went away. The streetby forty as the 'Daily Times'had it) obtained. which is now so general throughout the Colony" A pew pounds of quartz'wasrecently sent from said these crossings asat present formed were the along me pulled several feet tell Inremargin(Quartz from Stewart'sIsland Itaefj a nuisance in winter. path from Ossian-'Htreet to MiU-sh'e&t <»i the Mr Macandrew has thus no grounds for The long continued «'ro light is beginning toand street bj fomvr.l and the hair of the head, and carried my cap with prejudicial effects upon the young crops, j jto Melbourne to be tested. The result ia that ifc His Worship : The Surveyor ought to be north sicto of Queen congratulating himself that he still pos- should to assault longer itbe ofmuch duration our formers has yielded at the rate of 7 dwts. to the ton. The instructed to see this done. gravelled the usual widh, about, 10 oh ims, away in his hand. He threatened sesses theconfidence of his constituents. are likely to suffer. There is, however, every me a week or two ago. He, along with the Popo-street, adjoining that High-sv/eet, and appliCouncillor Langley moved that the strongly recommends that the reef bo others, were working on the district road, There are between two and three hundred indication of an immediate changeof wi-aUier. and essayist cations be granted, noon conditions that the be gravelled15 feet wideand 8 inches deep, towards the cost of which I contribute. In "electors on the roll. The vote parsed in in a few days the crops will in all likelihood be tried at a greater depth that Moore-street be likewise formed crossings be either pitched or the footpaths and wasting refreshed. their time sufficiently passing I noticed them all, meeting Board was and deep gravelled A of the Milton Road 15 feet wideand 8 inches bis favor by only thirty, and these not. kept, in repair. Seconded by Councillor A CiXTTHA reader draws our attention to the heUin the oflbo of Mr R. R. Jones, on tho afterchains, and that Ossi la-struit be formed idly, and spoke to them about it. Ialso re12i nor nearly all, electors, chu scarcely be insiccui'.-iny carried. Goodalland the agricultural statistics reeonl-ly i gravelled as far as thebrick culvers, 15 ported the' same to a member of the rwai Tegarded as the vox vopuli A truer ex- ' compiled atofso great expense by the Provincial noon of Sa!urday lust. Thero were present Mr A letter was read from the town clerk, and have board, who told themIhaddoneso. I feet wideand 8 inches deep ef the co-operation pression of public opinion will be given Government;- According to them, the Clutha Goodall (in the chair), and Messrs Falconer, Liwrence, requesting the know from this. I no doubtthe assault arose recommend "Your Committee also that a in steps being taken to procure renot by iiiai when he receives the memorial now district this season should have raised iB9O tons Fleming, Brown and S.'otl. The minutes of council, Shakspeare-street be formed and gi-avolled the other offenders by sight, but charges seriously hurt, and of potatoes, whereas 700 t >ns is nearer the nvirk. previous meting were r^ad and confirmed. A duction of the present telegraphic I cut and in course of signature. name. was Johnston-street, junction to the of lo feet Councillor Langley quite agreed that the Suchinaccuracies are calculated to mislead and j j letter was lvad Irom the Secretary of Public had to get medicalaid. Mr Macandrew seems to have been render the information furnished worse thanusecharges were too high, and suggested that a wideand 8 inches deep. We wouldlikewise The prisoner cross-examined the witness, Works as to tho votu of the Provincial Council specialcommitteebe appointed to deal with recommend that section 70, b. 6, lyingbemuch chagrined at the fact that the other less. tween .Tohnstone and Ossian streets, be pur- butno new evidence was elicited. over the North Branch, the matter. for the erection of a bridge Bill, described as an amended Waste last witness The usual monthly J. P's. Court was held at quite chased, to completethe formerstreet, making Peter Jones corroborated the Lands Act, and introduced by him, had the Mafcaura Bridge, on Tuesday, last week. On I and stating that tho Grovermmmt would bi; glad Councillor Cunninghame was not the men came to him till going along as with ; its entrance i:ito Ossian-street. That Johnin internot been the subject of stricture in the the bench were Messrs Turnbull (Chairman), to avail itself of the assis'aneo of the Board in satisfiedthat they would be justified gravelled from its up, and said when the men came up proseDouglas and Campbell. The only o-ise hiMrd currying out the work. A letter was also read fering. The department wasnot kg!f-sustain- ston-street be formedand saw him in the !>ress or been opposed by the public. The was that, of was not junction with Ossian-street to its junction cutor was knocked down. I liv. Hill, for re'ii vi ig cattle oil* and if the expense no t ing half, M'Na to my heels and ran. I ■Silence with which this Bill has been re- plaintiff's run. Evidence was led which proved from the clerk to the fclxecutivo Council, granting met our, of the receipts for ineisagos, it would with Shakspoare-street, 15 feet wide and 8 gutter, and took " Peter," and ceived appears somewhat to asfonish him, t c cattle to be the property of defendant, and permission to the Boar.l to erect a toll-gute on have to be borne by some one else— perhaps inches deep, and that the sum of L25 be heard him cry murder," and feet. I did returned, he was on his I affecting* as it does the interests of the judgment w.is given in favorofthi> defendant with the district road to Fairfax, and mjuo*fcin-j that those who were not so able to pay. Those voted for the purchase of the said section when recognise not of the men. any to bolon^ing the for the Mr M. Martin. however, by The case of .Vl'Farkne was further list of tolls to be levied be submitted tolemessages require settled districts. There appears, costs. v. Jones to send alone who Your CommitteeinspectedSpencer-street, Jonathan Golding. when he wa3 in the approval of the Government. A letter was read graph reap the benefits ofthe department, to be as much disappointment as astonish- postponed till u^xt sitting. and to meet; therequirements of the residents back road, heard some one calling for asVVk a c glad to know that it is Mr Csirgill's from Mr K. R. Jones, resigning his appointment and as a rule are the most able to pay. ment ; hence the apparent chagrin, for, the notth «vad, recommend that the foot- sistance ; came to his front door ;saw some at Goodall concurred Mr Cunaddress his conin to meet and as Board. After a Councillor shortly Clerk and Treasurer to the ■doubtless,heexpected that the amendment, intention at Milton, he having so informed a paths, five chains long from the district road men running away, and prosecutor came up discussion the resignation was ace -pted and Mr ningham's view. ■of the Waste Lands Act would overshadow stituents be formed aud gravelled the usual width, and spoke to him. Tokomairirogentleman the other day. We trust saidthe evil would soon Langley Councillor the Hundreds Bill, and that the latter Mr Cargill will duly publish the day of the Wacksmuth appointedin his steaJ with a salary cure and that a footpath from the Main South The prisoner saidhe knew nothing about they found itself, for if the Government afc annum. letter was r.\ad Road along the district road to join font-path the matter, as he was not there till it was all the noise that the awd the rate o.' !Lls A meeting, secrecy consequent per so high charges through would escape detection than derived less revenueby the ofllosj Spencer-street which occurred in the trustee. in be formed and gravelled over. He calledseveral witnesses, who said disappointment recently £roni Mr Scott his of Ifc resigning and dust he looked for in connection with case of the Clutha constituency may not be the previous low charges, they would at once 3 feat they had seen prisoner during the evening, wide Falconer, seconded by Mi- revert to the old scale. was moved by Mr the changes effected in the administration repeated. but did not see him strike any one Your Committee cannot recommend Fleming, a:id carried, that the snae be accepted. His Worship thought the Governmenth-id of the Hundreds, the object of the amendHis Worship said the court believedthe anything Itisperhapspremature to makethe suggestion, The following accounts wei\> handed in and regarding channelling the the Main raising mistake in great committed a ment of the Act of 1866. Mr Macandrew but as more trout ova^are being hatched in Dunprosecutor's st.-.ry as the true one, as he had — as the lower they were mado the South Road, but would recommend that the given 3 his evidenceveryclearly andexplicitly. may not be aware of the cause of the ediu, and as we have a very superior pond examined : Day labor on Fairfax and Helens- charges, should footpaths gravelled. be advantage telegraph wouldbetaken " YourCommittee have also containing a large number of fish, brook roads, L25 JBs; J. Holliek, box culverts more the larger the It was clear a very cowardly and ruffianly "differences ofconduct manifested by the capableitofnot been in comrevenue. day labor and materials for of, and the be advisable and try do., would to secure for LlB attack Is; T). munication with had been made upon him, and it was to the two the Mr Ch.ish.olm regarding public and the press relative Councillor Cunningh.vne moved that another consignment, so soon as they are ready Elderlee B-oail, L 318s. It wa3 moved by absolutely necessary that it be put down purchase of land to require1 complete Bills,* we shall therefore inform him. for removal. There ia no reason to suppose but letter be not entertained. Seconded by csr-stre t to Ossian-streot, and havingSjien- by the strong arm of the law. In consideraIlemiig Mr and seconded Mr and bsen Brown, by carried. was into the all CouncillorGoodall and The one Bill introduced thatthe lish formerly placed in the pond are — tion of the"previous, good character of the movedthat Mr J. offered the same for L4O, recommend that prisoner, House of Representatives, with the con- safe, but it must be remembered thepond was carried That the foregoing accounts be allowed Councillor Cunninghame the court felt inclined to pass a purchased. it be Surveyor. Town acting appointed aud passed for payment, but that any excess over E.Brown be sent of the Provincial Council, the. other then quite new, and the water for sometime sentence. Fined £4, and expenses, lenient Edw. Stewart. lot another perhaps somewhat clayey, so * a fortnight's labor of two men will be takoninto Seconded by Councillor M'Larenandcarried. withhardlabor. days' imprisonment ■was not. Of the one the press and the would have a better chance tint l or seven of Chairmanof Committee." of securing the consideration m any appropriationfor the SpringCouncillor Langleymoved,in terms prepublic were well aware ;of theother they success of the experiment. expedient that tlie vious that it is notice, The various clauses were discussed at roads (excepting repairing culjuncil take steps to secure a tire engine for length seriatim and passed, with the excepiad no knowledge. Respect for constitu- As the provisions of the Hundreds Regulation field and Fairfax Original Correspondence. was moved by Mr Fleming, and C It verts). in the acquiescence action secured become community, — tional Bill the municipality. In doing so, he said that tion of the first, the considerationof which diffusedthroughout the Mr J. E. Brown seconded Mr Falconer That who to by (To objected to it is were some theEditor of the Bruce Herald), fully and understood, the conviction that although there was postponed for the production of certain; "one, and the same feeling roused them calculated seriously to impede the settlement of be valuator for the Board. Air Falconer was this, and although a considerable amount of documents, andthe last, the Council feeling1 Sis,— Sometime ago, the Tokoraairiro healthy public other. A the "oppose the Province is becoming more aud more deep- a'.thorisud to expenda sum not exceeding L 3 on odium hadbeencist upon him ir. consequence that they had no funds at their disposal for School Committee requested rue to supply "opinion accounts for the different reception rooted and universal. Ac Waikouaiti. the ether the road leading towards 'llilliiigclon dstrict. Mri! <>f the part he had taken in the matter, he: the purchase of the secti.mi in the meantime. [ plans and specifications for the proposed accorded to the two Bills. A lesson may day, Mr F. D.Rich, M.tE X, triedvery hard to j the public would yet come to see he "Councillor Langley moved the suspension additionto the school building. Mr Hollick thereby be learned by Mr Macandrew and convince his constituents that the Bill was a Fleming was authorised to fill the ruts on road believed right. If a tire occurred, the v;due of of the Standing Orders, in order that he I was likewise applied to at the same time. was that from the over south branch bridge beneiicial measure for the settlers, and Main road to be In Queens- might move the appointment of a eomnutte |Our instructions were to prepare plans, &c., "others who imagine that in Otago there is most the large majority of runholdcrs had been of Tokomairiro river, and also on Bridgeholme the engine would incalculable. town,°Oamaru. andother municipalities,they to confer with th.3 ofScjr-j of the no public opinion. The lesson is, tba? grievously injured by it- The electors, 'truce KAtles for what we thought would be a suitable however, had engines long ago ; but here, werea fire as to the bandnuisance. He referred to a' room, and at the lowest possible cost. We there is a publicopinion that, that opinion co%Ildnot see it, and prefe red to pass the fol- road. The meeting then &:.lj-.>urued. prevent the letter which appearedin the Bi-uce Herald didso and sent them in. They were before -will find expression, and that the public lowing resolutionsunanimously. (Our correspon- A meetik l^ of committee of the Tokom u'riro to occur there was nothingWetohad plenty of signed North," telling them they had the committee on Friday evening, when acthe Farmer's Club was held in the Commercial H>tei town being burnt down. twill respect whatever is imposed upon fhem dent requests us to invite the attention ofthem water could be supplied, :exceeded their powers in the matter, and cording to the reportin your contemporary, settlers to the firm stand taken by ou Thursday evening last. There were present wells from which " "constitutionally ; but that when eight ol Clutha That in the opinion of this Mr H. Clark, M.P.0., President, (in tho chair), but at present we have only buckets with which he considered wa3 impertinence. He that ofMr Hollickseemedto findmost favor, at Waikouaiti) "class legislation is surreptitiously foisted meeting, He had nodoubt held they had power to interfere, aad if a and they were both referredback to a subMr Rich, in supporting the Otago HunM'Gill, Macfarkne, Blues, Liglis, which to extinguish a fire. of the expense could be got from the } committeeof the Council were to wait upon committee, to enquire whether the carrying (upon them, because it cannot bear the dreds Regulation Act. 18(59, gave his support fco and Messrs the halt flight or be broughf face to face with the an Act calculated to injure his constituents by Newbigging;, and Givy. After t\vs pivli ninary Insurance Companies. Up m enquiry Iv* the officers they would not refuse to abate out of his wouldexceed mine by more than against the progress of business, tho committee we.it over seriatim the found Messrs It.B. Martin and Co had the the nuisance. Everyone iv the neighbor- L3O, and if nofc to accept the same. lam ipublic, it may expect public reprobation in raising an itnpedement in this Province. That by fchia Act. settlement nuimrou* addi- only engine for sale in Dunedm, and tkecost hood was amiO3red by the bi^ drum, which given te understand that the committee re* «the fallest degree, and its promoters be re- undue privileges are given to the pastoral tenants show list of last yosir, when tions and were made, and the list for withhose &c. wouldbe aboutLIOO. from alterations the manner iv which it was beat pro- ferred to resolved to employ theservices of a garded as traitors to the public good. public at the expense and to the injury of the thought the object a very de- duced most discordant sounds. )fcion Worship professional gentlemen upon the subject, was m His arranged. year the On the ensuing It is -rather amusing to see how often generally. For these reasons this meetiug begs the the Council could get if : one, agreed to pay him for his opinion; and acsirable Councillor Duncan You have no ear for 's, seconded Blu it was by of Mr Grey, by Air to record its difapprovalof the course taken :and how greatly Mr Macandrew and the Mr funds. The price mentioned by Councillor music. cording to the report referred to, he has as Rich, our representative, in the Assenbly, and advertising call for tenders for resolved to supporters =of the Hundreds Bill have far as this Act is concerned. ' 2. "That the Langley might bereduced a little, and a comLangley :Perhaps not ; but decided that the excess above my plans would Councillor were Judges mittee might be appointed to ascertain what there is very littlemusic there. only be a mere trifle." Now, sir, this nought, on the one band, to turn the at- thanks of this meeting are due to Mr Rich for printing for tho current year. f .r the various departments of tho Show, the insurance companies would give. : Have we the referee either prepared Mr Hollick'splan, tention of the public to the amended coining forward this evening to address his c>n- selected Councillor I'unmughame " but expresses it disapprovalof his con- and the Secretary was instructed to commuuicite Councillor Goodall quite agreed that an power to do this? NY>rrh says we have or at all events gave substantial assistance in Waste Land Act, with the view of divert- stituents, duct in the Fox the Show bewas very muchrequired, but it would not, and he a«eins to be a party whoknows its preparati>n, and it certainlyis not fair to supporting enwinp administration." with them. It was resolved thit ing their attention from the Hundreds ' more thanLIOO. All ths work- something about it. Is there no other re- me that he shouldhave been employedboth December. In cost much , correspondent A in the held on the firat in Wednesday Herald Bill,and, on the other hand, to make it gives a brief account of Mr Waikouaiti merely Rich's meeting at consequence of the walking show o( entires ing expenses had to be providedfor. dress than by applying to the Council ? Is bymy opponentand the committee. I appear as if the public confounded the Palmerston. At the close, an adverse resoluCuuninghama said an engine it a nuisance? If we takeup all these sort wishedto mentionthe matter,as any onecan 'Councillor " inst., bo held on the 13th it being in Dunedin to *two Bills. This, however, the public ha- tion was proposed and seconded, when the believe,inadvertantly the commitwould i>e nouse withouta brigade, and there of complaints we will have plenty to atte id see that, I mever done:j from the beginning they chairman (Mr F. Dillon Bell having failed to get was resolved that the sa-ine in Tokom liriro wnich wouldlie the difficulty. The Couucil, how- to. tee have placedme in a false position. amendment proposed, very artfully brought Avas to take place on the following day be post- ever otight to do something in the matter, am, &c, I strongly think it is Councillor Goodall:I ihave understood the object of both, and any meeting to a close without putting the re- poned till Thursday the 21st. Tho chairman and he thought they might trust to the public a nuisance, and it is higii time it was put a the James A. Dickson. between In the one ithe difference them. solution" Mr Bell then attempted to address a getting a brigade. He movedthat a com- stop to. 0 up ithey have all along seen a measure ofjus- those assembled, but was met with "a regular suggested that the committ.'e should, by giving bonus, or guaranteeing a certain number mittee be appointed to take the matter into Cmncillor Langley:Iplace it upon t'.io {To the Editor of the. Bruce Herald.) ttice.; in the other they have seen nothing burst ot confusion," in which shouts "go to the small consideration, audconfer with the insurance same footing as stagnant water or any otli3r endeavor secure a first-class hor mares, of to were alone coupled Sir,— My attention has been called to a distinguishable, !but the rankest injustice. The one they Mataura" securing engino. a view to an with nuisance in the town, as being injurious to letter signed "Tym Panum," which, "lest with the cries of a disturbed ram bleating most for the district. The desirability of the coursft companies, "could readily acquiosce in:; the other they furiously. Councillor Martin seconded the motion the health of the inhabitants. room, suggested was unanimously The audience left the having but it untoward accident shoald occur from in, concurred ' carried, Woi-ship and his and His Worship: The matter was never pro- some "can onlyregard as destructive of the truest Mr Bell followed them to the street, whore he which was delay," has been sent to the Standard for was thought to be too late n >w to make such and were Laugley Cumiiughame one colony. they representedin of the The an Councillors the iv. ff proper quart perly interests addressed those who would listen for half publication,and whichpretends to be a reply arrangements for this season. The meeting then appointed the committee. it had been so, every volunteer would at to mine of last week. In referriag to Mr ■could not fail to seehad altered the mode hour. At the of the motion standadjourned. adjourned meeting Duncanmoved the agreed once have to remove or abite the Panum, perhaps that gentleman will, for the Councillor "of ;administering ■certain monies; the The TokomairiroSchoolCommitteemet inthe Club, on Mouday evening last, Mr 11. Clark, ing in his name, for recinding the existing cause of complaint. Mr iYlarryatt should Ljo 1 "other -they could not fail to see shut up the office of Mr R. ~R. Jones, on the evening of sake of brevity, allow me to contract his the labor for pay whereby the Council about it in the right way. ! Wednesday last. Mr 'Goodall occupied the President in the chair. The Secretary having rule cognomento plainTarn. Well, anyone readsource wnennethe chief portion of provin- chair, properties of those Councillor Duncan seconded Mr Langley'a ing Tarn's effusion willat once see that it is were present Messrs Gillies, read previous minutes, proceeded to read the channeling infront of the and there viz., land Inglis, Ferguson, Murray and Church. After cial -revenuehas hitherto flown for the work being done. He ofShow to be held on Wednesday, who apply motion, if carried, would put a motion, and the Standing Orders were sus- entirely composed of personal invective, and sales. It is worse than folly in Mr Mac- confirmationof former minutes plans and specifi- programme thought the pended. evenTarn must surely know that calumny is December. After one or two slighi altera- stopito a great evil, as all the channeling Councillor Langley proposed his "Worjh'p no argument. Tarn has a bad case, andhas andrew to suppose t:hat the people do not cations for the proposed addition to the school Ist tions, the was as It the whole street passed programme correct. lifted when and Hollick, Langley jh (roodall as the sentinby Messrs Dicks and wouldhave to be and Councillors 3cnow the one Bill from the other. They buildings to find some substitute for facts and arguommittee. (do Ik-no w them! They know their parent- were c.irefnlly examined. After a discussion was arranged that a dinner be held on the even- is done. i and it would indeed surprise any o£ ments, The chanthe same were referred back to the sub committee of the Show, tenders to be called for b one ; His Worship quite concurred. His Worship objected to being placed on Tarn's acquaintances were that substitute age also, and, knowing this, hence the for enquiry as to the cost of each, and with in- ing properjeyel, the committee, and Councillor Martin w:is !composed of anythingbetter than low scurthe booths be sold by auction. A nelling had not been laidat the "different treatment accorded to the Bills structions' that if the cost of carrying out Mr also that ensued come up. Itshould proposed. as to printing and advertising, and wouldall have |tv discussion rilous ribaldry, of which style of composithan by respectively. LetMr Macandrew read the Hollick's plans should not exceed more either be all done at once, or let those who Councillor Cunninghame : The parties the acknowledgedchief. Tanahas peopled acquiescence in the one Bill, and £30 that of Mr Dickson's, to accept the same. and it was finally resolved to advertise in both wishedto channeldo so at their own expense- complaining should have represents1 tiie : tionhe is few schemes to beat down the big A letter was read from the secretary to the papers. Members of committee were then aptried a channeling All the has Goodall : umiti-jo. other, in the li/ht Education Board, intimating that in compliance Councillor the matter to the Volunteer Co their opposition to the in case, to attend on .Judges at the Show, and been done under the superintendenceof the The Council have no power to interfere in drum; and having been foiled each of this fact, and he may profit by the study with the recommendation of the committee, the pointed at that he to be wondered perhaps it is not of thanks the the by chairman, passed a vote to meet- Town Surveyor, and him. The matter, and no right whatever to do so. if should he continue to pursue a further Board had appointed Mr Ross to the office of after got out of temper. At first, Tarn was presentplansaves expense, as the parties pay Mr Marryatt had represented the nutter i1 hasenamoredwith the musicthat hemustered head master of the grammar schoolTokomairiro, was adjourned till Monday, 29th November. so political career. the same to take effect on the IstJanuary 1870 ; Welearn from our Balclutha Correspondent the proper quarter in a proper manner, it a bandof small boys, placedin their hands also intimating that the Board had sanctioned that a singular accident, resulting in the 1033 Councillor M'L&ren :If the people want it wouldhave been attended to. ! them Of channeled, they should pay the cost, but it $His Worship :Idon't think we have any all his empty kerosene tins, supplied the purchase from Mr Murray of the section BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. sticks, constituted himself band-master, occurred in that townwith draught horse, a valuable of L3O at once. price adjoining the school ground, at the shouldall be done p >wer ' audhis yard into a music halL Was'nt it as a site for the schoolmaster'sresidence. The ship on Saturday last. For the purpose of per{From Our Own Correspondent). His Worship :It is only done for the purCouncilor Cunninghame: If we interfere jolly fun .' Tarn being a novice in his newthem adjourned. surgery, meeting then forming an operation in veterinary pose of crossings, and those who want with the drum, what of public amusements, capacity, and perhaps feeling a little bashful, Invercargill, Tuesday 5 p.m. A meeting of the Southbridge Road Board the verycommon method of throwing was resorted should pay balls, &c. held in the same hall ? These a I did'tlike to appear before the public, aud Provincial Council The elections for the was held inthe office of Mr R. B. Jones, on the to. From some unexplained causa, the animal in Councillor Cuuniughame: Wherever chan- give annoyance to some. Are we to put them consequentlykept in the back ground. But, aremonopolising the wholeattention. evening of Saturday last. There were present, coining to the ground received a twist which neling has been doi.e, there is always a pool all down ? Inever read of anything of tie Tarn forgot there was a light behind him and M'Lennfm. of water at each end of the pitchingin wet sort beingdone in the home country cr any- which cast his shadowon the wallof thehall, Candidatesin favor of re-union are certain Messrs Hislop,Fleming, Allison, A letter was read from Mr Adams, offering loose broke its back and rendered its destruction neces- weather. Thosewho want goods taken across where else. ito be in the majority. This is generally stones for road metal at 8.1 per load, and if sary. We do not remember having ever heard to their stores should pay for the crossing, and there was Tarn twice as large as life, and Councillor Goodall:It is a nuisance, and in all his-gloryi What excitement! What "consideredto be the only means of retrieving quarried by the Board, at half price. It was of a like result from a similar cause. the pitch aad these should be compelled to ought «.o be put down. extraordinary attitudesTarngot himselfinto, moved by Mr Wm,—Allison, seconded by Mr While Mr Win, Hislop, ofsouth Tokomairiro, channel. the positionofthe Province. Councillor Cimnin-.jh.aniß : Tf ifc is neces- and how he wielded thebacon! Weil, I did Ihat, Messrs Hislop and and earmed Fleming Councillor Langley asked whether the sary to havea band, theymust practice some- laugh. Tarn getting suddenly out of breath Businessingeneral isfrightfully depressed. M'Lennan be appointed a deputation to wait was returning home with a dray and two horses, the laying where, and where but in their own hall. If superintended Surveyor Town had had to gibit up." Tarn, finding that the upon Mr Adam to arrange terms as to thn supply on Friday last and when at the MiltonHotel, the We begto remind our readers that the usual of stones for road metal. A letter was read from shaft horse, by ?ome mean3or other, managed to of the channels, to whichCouncillor Goodall you put them away to another place you will big drum interfered with his own private have a repetition of complaints from that theatricals, applied to the powers that be to "SixpennyReadings willbe given intheVolunteer Hugh Graham, and 4 other ratepayers, calling rub off his bridle, and the horses startedoff at full repliedthat he had. CouncillorGnnninghame: There were many quarter. attention to the state of the road at the cornerof gallop. Mr Hislop jumped out of the dray, ami Hall this evening. . kick them out-of the hall ; but, they found of them laiddown before the Council knew Councillor Langley :Seeing that the fe.l- they could'nt. and so did'nt. Tarnis now at repairs. We understand that a match at quoits will be Mr Grant's property, and soliciting some injj is so strong against it, 1be^, to withdraw his wits end, and judging thathe maybe surveyor was ordered to effect some small escaped with only a slight shake. When ap- anythingabout them. played on Mr E. Grant's ground on Saturday The Councillor Langley: Then Ihope the my motion. necessary repairs, and to let same by contract if proaching the bridge a party in charge ofa spring open to the voiceof reason, Iwouldgivehim -first, at 4 p.m. The motion was withdrawn and the meet- the benefit of the following suggestion. possible. The surveyor was directed to employ yan, coming in the opposite direction, turned his Town Surveyor will be instructed to be very in the matter. Murray's roads. vehicle across the road so as to intercept tho careful ing adjourned. A GRAND masonic ball is to be held at Clyde the dny man on Maitheson and Do'nt writeany more yourself,but yet some were appointed t:> CouncillorCunninghame secondedthe mo200 invitations have been Mr Allison and the surveyor of matters, runaways Noticing "on 21st instant. the state and one who —canto do so in courteous language th_' and Woolshed, inspect gravel in the river at tion and which was carried. COURT, MAGISTRATE'S for you, you onlysign your name at the horse the two leading getting free, > parted the RESIDENT gravel, issued. to arrange to start carting metal and It was also resolvedthat all partieshaving bottom. Address a letter to the committee TOKOMAIRIRO. We observe that tenders for the erection of a cartage ofmetal to commence on ISth October, company, the leader going over the embankment crossings not pitched becalledupon to have of the Bruce Rifles, containing a humble The surveyor at one side of the road,aud the shafter, with the them pitched forthwith. Monday 10th Oct jber, at Popotunoa, will be received up till the MrAllison to make arrangements for apology forthe past, and promise not to do the was barrows use of directed to two as get over the and in the Councillor Duncan withdrewhis motion rolling other, | landing dray, 30th inßtant/ instead of the 16th aa formerly ad* Board. It was moved by Mr Allison, and so river below. The dray was smashed, but the to passing a vote towards the erection of (Before J. P. Maitland, Esq., R.M. ;and A ihe like again. Tell them that your wife it — vertised. disturbedby the drum, andthatyourchildren conded by Mr M'Lennan That the resignation Jones, Esq., J.P-) Athenceum buildings. can't get to sleep. Ask them as afavor, not The Omeo, which, left Melbourne on the 6th of Mr R. R. Jones, as clerk and treasurer to the horse was uninjured. We have repeatedlyurged ASSAULT. His Worship then read the— following Fleming and that Mr John of this of theroad accepted, necessity being fenced, part Boardbe as a right, mind you, Tarn or your floored— TheGreat the yesterday. : Tn«t, arrived at the Bluff WilliamHindniffy wasbroughtupincusto ly !to muffle the obnoxious drum, and every be appointedinhis stead, a salary at the rate but we have no ideathat the accident of Friday report of the Works Committee — guilty ""Victoria** arrived at Melbourne on the 4th with of Lls per annum. It at v withhaving b.e-i police,charged was reported that Mr Your Committee having visited Manor of the volunteer will say %c Allright Tarn,my boy 130 passengers. The long continued drought Dunn had cut up and damaged the road on was of a sufficiently alarming character to secure sireet, find the channel in a veiy dirty con- of unlawfully and violently assanlting and it shall be done ; you should have come to aud notice was directed to be that it will yet be attended to. We must there- dition, andhave to recommend thatthe same beating George Jones, on the evening of the proper quarters at first." .Now Tarn, be had broken up, and reports from Melbourne, Mount Misery, make good the same to the satis- fore wait with patiencetill something more serious be cleaned out from the corner of Alfred- Friday last. The prisoner pleaded not ,advisedJby your friend. I to him to given Launceston, am, &c, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobartown, and — faction of the surveyor, otherwise he would lives lost, for instance and.then street That the clerk be instructed to -write guilty. Serjeant Weidner, who conducted ajl state thai; heavy and steady rain had fallen be summoned for damages under the 45th. occurs a few the fence "will be erected. to Mr Bradley, requesting him to remove the prosecution, theu sailed throughout thevarious colonies. . " . in all probability, section of the Roads Ordinance. four-fifths of the meeting- at ft ilclutha, as — 1 T 1 1 " — " " " " — " , % " " ' — ' " . ■ — — WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1869 THE BBUCE HBEALD. this is fidence was carried by a largemajority. Mr tLe land was not his fault. Now Mary AnnBaker,ayounggirlat Windhill, simply humbug-. On the abuse of the all Original Correspondence. afraid to meet his conTHE MAIL. is not NEWS BY Macandrew LAWRENCE. near Leeds, has died fromthe effects of hystituents and give an account of his steward- administration of the Land Act,1866, and A sparrow with three legs hat been caught drophobia. On the19th March last she was {From Our OwnCorrespondent.) ship, for, with untiring zeal and undaunted not on the Act itself, may be charged all at NorthShields. dog, complained on Saturday THE MOKARETA CORRESPONDENT skill, he fights their politicalbattles at home our grievances. The Act is, taken all in The novel excitement over Saxby's pre- A letter from TSatal states thatDr Colenso bitten by a pain THE arm, in her grew rapidly ON THE LATE ELECTION FOR last of great and abroad. Any colonialconstituency may all, a very creditable piece ot legislation, diction is noAV orer. To children it was a has been very ill. diedon Monday in great agony. COUNTY OF WALLACE. reckon themselves fortunate who have such and if it had been continued source of talk, but the more The Edinburgh conespondent of the worse, andHunt, administered as it was 27 yeara of age,ahousemaid Manny a man to represent themin theNew Zealand advancedin years treated the whole matter Morning Journal' gives currency to arumor Herald.) capable being administered, theBract of Hundreds herself thelEditor of London, (To in has drowned in the SerParliament. as a hoax, and many of our good citizens that Mr Moncriff, the Lord Advocate, is She had been keeping company Sir,— ln your issue of the 29th ult., I am, &c, | would have been proclaimed wherever I (having unfortunatelynothing better to talk about to be appointed Governor of North pentine.Guardsman, with a but no cause could be Flax. wanted, of suitable sizes and of suitably about) kept the ball rolling. Ihave read Australia. notice a rather lengthy article from your for assigned the suicide. and other many dreams mixed qualities of ground, and if anything somewhere that The Highland and Agricultural Society s Itis saidthat thepreparations forthe recep- Mokareta Correspondent bearing on the late more than a nominal sum had been paid things go by contraries,, and why not the Show, terto a brought Bruce Edinburgh, your (To Herald.) correspondentjdirects at was the Editor of tlie predictions of a would-be prophet ? If so, Iminationon 29th July, with a success ex- tion of theEmpress of theFrenchinEngland, election. Your the runholder it would have been more as — being pushed on with great activity. An attention to certain queries in connection Sir, Inyour contemporary'slastissuehe a matter of equity than as a matter of law, for one wonld thank Saxby to predict atmos- ceeding the most sanguine expectations of are liveries, the which are to be lauded order for un- with the above, and since you have not appears to have resumed his much pheric :changes |every week, if the result those engaged in promoting it. The total usually defy Mr Macandrew, or Mr anybody gorgeous,hasbeengiven to Mr Laurie, viz., dealing wrath and invective and I wouldbe as favorableas thelast. Here the sum raisedduring the three days has been deemedit ofjsufficient importance to refer to theme— measure atMr Macandrew. Fifteen else, to prove the contrary, and I tailor will take of Wales's and Mr ; something exThe Prince Marco been without magnificent, weatherhas columns,"or editorially, than was obtained Otago voted for thisobnoxious an early opportunity of dissecting the membersfrom tremely pleasant, favorable for all sores of L4049, being L2473 morelast year, and L1044 "Vido who acted a maitre d'hotelat Salih them in yourSleading at the show in Aberdeen Bazaarduring thevisitofhis RoyalHighness, Ibeg to offerifa few words in explanation Bill. If, as representedby the Standard,' Land Acl, 1866. and shewing what could employments andpursuits, and thosefarmers j more was realisedat Glasgowin1867. than (if bestir themselves has been sent to Paris with a credit of for your correspondent'sspecial delectation. the passing of this Act deals a death-blowto have been done under it, and in what who have neglected to A Louisville policemanpersonated a thief, complete the services of plate, that the future prosperity of the Province as far measure Mr Macandrew is personally liable there areare any such), oughtnot any longer for fun, the other night, and did it so well L15,000, to Your^Mokareta contributor sets forth and to arrange with oneof thefirst purveyors the Bill has already as immigration and settlement within its " Regulation to bear that time-honored name. Hundreds that he got shot. for the present state of the Province. He of the Palais Poyal to supply the table at The sale of cattle held at Robertson's to bear fruit, &c , that it has limits are concerned, all the fifteen membersj says are being made for the Beylerbey during her Majesty's stay. A commenced he has been abused for the adminiswhy single out | should suppose Vast preparations to blame but taught ; equally the that the consienare yards, Lawrence, last week,I already settlers Emperor of China this year. subventionof L2,000 has also been given to marriage of the tration sold thenumber and of the Land Act, 1866, which shut frouiijamong and were is a talent individual failure, as cows calves one wasa His destined wife Avas Mr Naumfor commencinghis operaticseason tious exercises of their franchise now fifteen. He is bitterly and viturbation and is being abused for his up l»nds, upwards. day The was the from 50s for the use of which they will be heldre- roll such torrents of abuse last year. inclement, and although there wasa goodat- selected are in circulation once more that a month earlier thanusual ;and he has, it is sponsible, and that the best devised system at him, as if he alone were the guilty party support of the Hundred's Regulation Bill, said, already engaged a strong companyin tendance, the bidding was neither nervous Rumors everproveinsufficient j (if guilt is implicatedin the ' passing of this wliich is to open them. The impudence the health of the French Emperor is on the Italy, which will be in Pera by the Ist Sep- of representationmust nor up to the expected mark. controlled by the expression of en- Act). The readers of the Bruce Standard of the fellow is unbounded ! The Hunyesterday, unless told me gentleman decline. A accompanied Empress will be tember. The lightened opinions from the mouth of a re- willbe aptto grow wearyof suchmonotonous dreds Regulation Bill has arisen by the The flour mill so long promised is to be j whohad seenhim recently thathe evidently by the Prince and Princess Murat, who re- flective public'J commenced at last. The timber necessary betrays fuhninations if persisted in ; certainly they walking. in at times great difficulty for its erection h:s been ordered, and must This is attributed to the return of an old cently visited Constantinople, and by three Now, surely,Mr Editor, these are senti- betray personal spleen, and, Ithink, are fear on the part of the squatters that wh/m chamberlains. the administration of the Land Act comes — By the re- ments worthy of a Stuart Mill, or thelate quite uncalledfor and border on cowardice, be on the* ground in three weeks. Ineed !malady which some years ago had nearly ladies of honor and two at at especially when levelled at one of the ablest, into different hands advantage may be hardly say that this will be an everlasting proved fatal, but which his physicians were The Destructive Fire Gefle. anything if there be Broiigham, Lord and Gefle, in Sweden, boon to Lawrence, as we shall get our flour i confident they were able to cure. It is said cent fire at the town of all wanting here, it is that littlespice from most liberal, and most unselfish statesmen taken of it, and the areas taken be greatly hundred houses and tenements were Horace seven next year at something like half what we (vide Johnson's Pocket Dictionary) the Province can boast off. ' Fullreports are the Dnke de while the compensation paid is he went to day 'that the burned and 8000 houseless persons out of a which your correspondent delights to parade givenby the Standard of all the sensation enlarged, havebeen chargedhitherto. fit, and a Majesty fainting greatly diminished, andeven the possibility had Mouchy's ' His 13,000, having of lost almost population I a quiet of the week took inrefercountry through the meetings held In the Ieginning it was with some difficulty he was placed—in everything they p jssessed, arenow encamp- occasionally. that they may find that ihe leases, behind ride as far as theTeviot(not,as some of my his carriage on his return to St. '"'loud. ing I have to complain of, however, is ence to this very agitating question, the What the air. loss is at open of in The estimated why such a which they consider themselves so securely friends averred, to get out of the reach a gratuitous assertion on the part of your Hundreds RegulationBill; but above L500,000. must confess London Letter.' of Mr Mac- entrenched, are for all practical purposes report to and Saxby's fearful waves), and I Correspondent, circumspect meagre for Mokareta the effect that A gentleman who started fromLondon a Clergyman in SwitzerHorribleFate of Balclutha, especially at when that, however much Iwas disappointedon valueless, which in srrict pointof law, and speech Mr character was a andrew's Brown's Edinburghon a bicycle, on Saturday morn- land.—The Rev. Julius M. Elliott, of defamationof the public wished to hear that side of the with a government disposed to take advanthe one hand, Isaw many things to ino-, July 24, reached his destination on Brighton, favorite mode of with Mr Webargument has been killed by a fallfrom the makeup for it on the other. My disapam pretty well question. Perhaps a fuli report of facts did tage of that fact, they are. There is a night, July 28. It is stated Schreckhorn in Switzerland. In springing ster's supporters, &c." I pointment arose from the fact of the ap- Wednesday gentleman's certainthat none of that friends not acquiesce with the editor's wishes at the painful absurdity in the manner in which was the worse neither rider nor vehicle from the snow on to the rocks, Mr Elliott parent lethargy generally displayed. From that in this districtcould be guilty of such un- time, or mayhave been deemed unworthy of Mr M. trots out his integrity, conscience, journey. for the jdown glided rapidly and fell. He slipped left Lawrence until Iarrived at worthy conduct towardsBrown (to say no- a place in the columns of this public journal. the timeI has been pleased to appoint the steep snow slopes, rolling occasionally thing Teviot, T met only two men on the road. The Queen I believethe greatnoiseraisedin the country virtue, and honesty. Whether or not he of Jones and Robinson.) of the to be Dean Macleod, D.D., sight Norman some over, disappeared until he from was swarmthe river ago by Some four months As to the duties of an electoral district the passing of this Act is nothingmore or has such a stock of these as he would lead Most Ancient andMost Noble Orderof the thousand fees below. officer, your ing withChinamen, but now none are to be Thistle, as contributor terms less thangas. Iconjecture those who have us to believe, it is scarcely advisable to returning in Chapel Royal and Dean of the Twoyoung men drowned whilebathing. seen; no, not one. Theriver having risen, contributed, him.I have no doubt that had correboth by pen and speech, to the such a display of them on every ocMuir, your of William Scotland, in the room Another bathing fatality is reported fromthe spondent asked that gentleman for any in- sensationraised through the Province have make ; they have spread themselvesoverallthe sur- D.D., casion he mayinjure their ratherdelicate deceased. men, Lake District. Twoyoung each English rounding country, so that Teviotis in a state A formationtouchinghis office onthat occasion, not the realand genuine welfareof the Pro- constitution by too much cold air. Coupar Angus at occurred calamity sad with a party about 20 yearsof age,lefthome of partial hibernation. But why should it Thursday, July 15, on the occasion ofthe of friends to visit EnnerdaleLake. When at he wouldhave most likely enlightened him. vince at heart, but took occasionofthis crisis am, &c, I be so 1 Ah, sir, to see the magnificent land on Iapprehend, however, that the deputy- as a stalkinghorse to gain their own ambisports. and athletic games Highland the lake, one of theyoung men, a Scotchman, returning officer was acting strictly under tious designs, and in the future may see a laying idle on both sides of the river, ab- annual and 1 Frank Fairly. at stand had been erected went into the water to bathe, solutelyunoccupied,is quite enough to give A grand chance of securing politicalcapital. occupied, but inamedGrant instructions from his principal. fully all the seats were o'clock companion seized with His cramp. and was any one a feeling of despondency, andhe no correspondent seems to be This political excitement is now waning, sooner had the games begun than the stand went into the water to rescue him, and both Your obtuse DUNEDIN. cannot helpexclaiming that God has given at meeting two of Mr Webster's and though the Act can't be looked upon astonished In a moment. insecurity. of eymptons were drowned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) upon — privaoy polling-room improvement us a splendid country, but that assuredlj gave of the still it is an fault, to it friends in the without escape, any time for one and without A French Tragedy. A poacher, named some other agent has given us indifferent bulged forward, then fell back, and the Momble, living at St Denis, got jealous of acting as scrutineers, being duly appointed the state of things it supersedes. The Pro- (Unavoidablyheld over froni our lastissue). legislators. My satisfaction arose in the behalf. Surely it was competent for vincialCouncil felt their dignity, high posi crash, a gave way with fearful mistress, and killedboth her andher son in that contemplationof thefuture of this glorious structure person his hatchetwhile they were asleep in bed. Mr Brown to appoint an agent in that tion and vanity a little ignored by the as- The ladies' testimonial to the volunwith it. The everybody carrying prevent witha district, whenthe obstaclesthat now seriouslyinjured, and who wasthe last 1 He has been sentenced to the guillotine. capacity, even your correspondent if he sumption that their rights had been inter- teers is now decided upon. The proposal settlement will be swept out of existence. most thought fit. But in this your correspondent fered with, had been divested of a power a George Winter, extricated, 'was Mr to be Much amusement,' to use the reporter's thought he had discovered a mare's nest, conferred by the Constitution Act regarding to apply the money collected for the purWhat a home for future generations:how Death unconscious. quite He was pose of purchasing a set of colors, to the by the proexpression, was createdin Court many happy homes and smiling faces will tailor. to his sufferings about a quarter duction of a miniature bed and two dolls in and his tone as regards the election, is so the proclamation of Hundreds. Such a purchase of a set of medallions was so an end put be there! Mr Webster's supporters, power they never possessed ; the recomhour after he had been taken out of it, in order to show the intelligent jury the inveteratetowards Thefew settlers sparsely located over the of an so petty and spiteful throughout as not mendations of Hundreds was the only power generally condemned, that the committee ruins. couple the positionin unmistakable which the murdered were district are beginningto show have granted, and still they have the exercise of of ladies decided to abandon the idea. At new claimant for the Breadalbane Peer- found. When asked by the judge what he worthy of perhaps the prominence I signs of vitalityand courage. Lontf lines of ageAhas this letter. that powerin its entirety. In the meantime, a meeting a few days ago, it was resolved Majorgivenit in person the of in appeared victims, his the did after he murdered ' fences are being constructed, and large areas — questions I would remark that so far of greater import and significance that L55 of the sum collected,be investad conclusion, Colonel of the In Fraser, late Simon placed the bodiesin a prisoner replied I enclosed. Had our lordly squatters done General engross Regulation ought to as Hundreds Act has borne to the attention of people and in the names of the field officers and Fraser claims the Royal Marines. General goodposition,kissed them, andthen left the fruit in this quarter, I half as much on their various runs as these the majority equitable believe of statesmen the and just adminis- Adjutant as trustees, to apply the annual ; of Bruce royal houses descended fromthe house." poorhard working men havedone, we should be Stuart. thebonafide settlershailit a boonthan other- trationof the Acts passed demand the seri- proceeds in the purchase of a suitable priza Englishand Kilmarnock. An arojnd Elopeir.ent at now see fine farms in all directions that affords ous and unbiassed consideration of counEmmanuel has made Prof. mannamedGeorgeRepply, whowasa lodger wise, as they wouldany measures Kin? Victor to be given to the best scorer in the priza the home establishment. But, alas, all we Frederick against that trybid cillors during the recess. protection Natural them some of the Director M'Coy. eloped or otherwise as they may appoint, firiug, cansee around most of them is a small en- History Museum of Melbourne, South Aus- with John Tweedie, Kilmarnock has your am, &c. species of cockatoo to which Ipresume I with Tweedie's wife. The faithless woman, Mokareta Own Correspondent " belongs ; closure, containing a few cabbages, a few tralia, a to be denominated the "Ladies' Prize," and Order of the Reader. Royal his Knight of who is much younger than her husband, those who live principally by taking cattle potatoes, and a few gooseberries. No class 6 be devoted to and that the remaining L of Italy." robbedthe house of almost every article of Ion terms, and occupying the Hundreds with have shown more indolence in causing and Crown 27, July purchase prize Oxford, of on the of a for the current University At the besides a considerable sum of assuredly clothing, none furtheringimprovements,and alltherubbish they can collect, to the detri- MACANDREW AT THE CLUTHA. year. conferred of D.C.L. was degree honorary the to to They supposed are havegone |ment of their bona money. have more perseveringly obstructed settleneighbors. It is to fide cockatoes (To the Editor of theBruce Herald.) Mr Longfellow, the poet, who was, it America. On Thursday last, Mr Justice Ward dement. Thi3 district, in every thing as re- uponbe of that large Cambridge pastoral at this class remembered, detained ' will gentlemen exalted who make the Injudgment in the case of Driver v. The livered interest in Mr Macandrew. gards crops, fruit, trees, &c., is considerably last take a great is indispensible, I year, and so prevented from attending dex of Rome do not seem in a much greater Hundreds and free grass they Henningham, in which a rule nisi had further advanced than Lawrence ; and as for end men above the ability, and as a means to this are unceasWe have of many Commemoration. hurry than ordinary index-makers and cata- ing in their endeavors to set class against must confess it is a pleasure to see the Oxford grass, I average, but men of genius are scarce. Mr been obtained calling upon the defendant The Prince and Princess of Wales have loguers in general. The last effort of that class, the few cattle that are to be seenin a con- visitedManchester and create antagonism where none M.'s talent for getting out of difficulties is to show cause why an attachment should Hull. At Manchester and been epibody has mysterious and learned ditionthat would tempt any one with shouldexist. they attended the exhibition of the Royal as great,in its way, as anything on such not issue against him for contempt of curian proclivities. It is a further satisfac- Agricultural Society,and at Bulltheyopened directed against a work on moral theI am, &c, Bishop Traja, 2500 Monte Cionde de correspondent ology by to find that a small scale can well be. Hedge him court on the ground that subsequent to to your tion Docks. The prince has also of Rio de Janeiro. The Avork appeared Scrutineer. round, libel, and while New Albert the selection. open land is now for acres of this nail him down, cover him over with his committal for trial forpending, of Mr Peabody in the exactly thirty years ago, and by thia time the statue unveiled I must was he pubblock, prosecution is Island the still As to what calledthe his iniquities, and bind him with his transLondon, which is erected opposite whatpoison it may have contained may well can see no chance of its ever City of in his newspaper, confess that I TAPANUI. lished a certain article him room gressions, allow elbow for royalhighnesses but xchange. Their paying as a goldfield, and therefore the the RoyalEWildbad, be supposed to have worked itself out. But on the case, and taking the waters. his tongue, and his iniquities melt away, the Echo,' commenting course at (To the Editor of the Bruce Herald.) summons to the Bishop worse still is the sooner it is given to those willing to oc- are nowArm to the of justice. Lkg. pervert matchofcricket calculated A from his wrists like v. One and cords loose — One the himself to surrender bodilly." The poor Sir, Your correspondent at Tapanuiapcupy the better. Had this been done six contempt one arm and held that a had been with His Honor players dead and buried these six pears to be either laboring under a heavy the greenwithes from Samson's. He is like committed, monthsago, what a difference would it now between eleven in imposing a penalty he leg played at Colchester. man has been one but eleven with whoha'e naughty youngsters, one of these present. seam of moleskin or else thepainfuleffects of circumstances, of day the one arms hadthe years. The roads throughout are good with the During the whole result The precisetitle of the Viceroy of Egypt a love disappointment;for ever since our always the excuse, the explanation, or th« would take the peculiar was -One arm, Ist best of it. The of the curiosity public, excitedsome among exceptionof a few places, but thenumber bachelors' fcallhe has only beenpayingatten- denial ready, and has, unfortunately, like the case into consideration. The article innings, two wickets down, has men employed will, if the weathercontinues innings, 36 ; 2nd and we take the opportunity of informing tion to somethingless thanhalf of what has them, little regard for truth or honesty. complained of was (in his Honor's opinion) innings, ; innings, Ist 29 2nd leg, One good, soon place them in a creditablecondi- 43. our readers that the exact designation of passed. 1see, in your issue of the 22nd a foolish one, both as being a contempt; 19. Some fun was created after thematch this potentate is Khidivis Missr. The Sept., an articlewherehe teaches slightly on Sober fathers are confounded by the glibe and also on the ground that if anindicttion. The materials for road making are by one-legged between youth, and their some walkingmatches abundant along theline. almanac of Gotha for 1889 gives theincorrect a ladies'hat case, whichwas of a most inter- eloquence of precocious Khidivi is esting nature, and afforded great amusement sober old senses are nearly enveloped in a ment was hereafter preferred against him orthography, Kedervi-el-Missr. Aninquest was heldin the TuapekaHotel competitors Bishop Cowie, the recently consecrated word signifying sovereign; Missr instead of slight amusement. The defen- cloud, through which the only object at all for the original libel, this subsequent pubon the body of a Chinaman, aged 19, a late Dr Zealand, was married on a Persian Arabic word for Eg>pt. The title dantappears to behighlysatisfied, andthank- visible is their hopeful progeny holding lication could be given as evidencein proof arrival, ofthe name of Ah Qung- He went of Auckland, Newdaughter is the of Mr William Hind, to bed with very little ailing him, but was July 20 to the or Kingof India, was also fulhe has been broughtin for nothing else. his own light up to his own virtues. Mr of malice. Taking the peculiar circumKhidivi Webber, of Spring Grove, Hounslow, and formerly in use. 'North German found deadin the morning by others who grand-daughter PresOur local poet gives vent to his poetical M.'s sins against Father Clutha, and stances into consideration, he thought the of late Sir Thomas the spondent.' sleptin the same hut. The jury returned a talents, in a well composedcrack bef ween a Father Glutha's consequent rage, seemed justice of the case would be met and the Beeston-hall, Norfolk. verdict in accordance with the evidence, viz. ton, bart., of Mansfield, ayoung womanof In February 1863, a desperatepoaching Garabaldijaclcot and a saucer bonnet. by due submission and an Mrs Arabella to threaten all manner of stripes and court satisfied, estate of General naturalcauses The occurrence of thiscase affray took place on the If Iam not encroaching too far on your punishment; but the hardy culprit ap- apology by Mr Henningham, either perhas been admitted of twenty-fouryears age, G'jlville, Newmarket, near regaidingthe assistance of aninterpreter,reHall, at Western may state that the people — valuablespace, I Of course Mr Bar of lowa. minds me of the fact that our interpreteris ito the Henry and the head keeperhad the side of his face herehave got holdof other amusements than peared before him the old gentleman sonally or by counsel. of written a life Bulwer was shot off. Three m^n were engaged on the thehatcase At the meeting mentioned by adjusted his spectacles and cane, and son Henningham was prepared to make the discharged; but, fortunatelyhadnot left the Sir Most valuableassistance the poachers, one of whom was sen- your correspondent, where Mr George Web- James made his defence. Sou James had apology, which was dona by Mr Barton, district and his services were promptly af- Lord Palmerston. placed inhis hands by Lady sideof has been just he havo been left, forded. Had what would tenced to penal servitude for fifteen years, ster, conservative candidate for thecounty of made many similar defences; he had had his counsel, who disclaimed any intention diarykept by shape of a the consequence? Certainly there are a few Palmerston in the the other to fifteen month's imprison- Wallace, addressedthe electorsin the schooland sneaking pilfering on the part of his client of making a from the year 1827. the thirdcould not befound until room, to the astonishment of a number pre- to acknowledge little Chinamen here who know a smattering of her husband and ment, Scotland, in a church himself on the old wilful contempt of court; thereupon his man, describing A and throw English, but for all magisterial purposes are Sunday last, when it was discovered that he sent, there appeared amongst them an object transactions in "No velvet cushisns unabashed, and Honor discharged the rule, saddling Mr to friend— But, gentleman's mercj'. Metropolitan Police thoroughlyincapable. The magistrate would writes a for style. The was a member of thecommitted dressed in a sheep skin, whichhad been previctories, he Driver with the costs of the proceedings. of former trial on a certainly have to fall back on John AliLoo, our pews. We don't go inseat." He has been for with sense strong Force. viouslyconsidered a man ;but, ever since, has the softest fattestperson hundred miles from murder. and, tormerly, wholives more than a a charge of as involved the old On Friday evening Mr D. F. Main, the appearance of the same on the street is began JohnRoberts, the Billiard Champion,is a A domestic tragedy of a horrifyingcharac- accostedby voices fromall directions, bawl- man's not very brilliant intellect in a very M.H.R., addressed a wellattended meeting here, and very possibly he might have been bankrupt in London.He ascribes his failure ter, has taken placein Douglas,Isle of Man. engagedin his own district, as numbers of ing out—" Oh !good day Mr Wooley. Who misty labrynth, and after confounding his of his constituents at Port Chalmers. At are Chinamen ha-e been flocking thitherward to losses ona trip to America. Hisdebts Ina low part ofthe town a car driver,named made your coat V It in also a wellknown judgment commenced to work on his the close ofhis address which was simply he lately. It is to be hoped that the Govern- L1429 Stuart, resided with his wife and one child, bachellors, since feelings ; talked about not sacrificing his a comprehensive review of the proceedTrout in the river Wye are becoming Samuel, aged five years. The family were fact that one of the gallant ment willre-consider their decision, and place year,owing to the great increase wretchedly poor, and were obliged to sell the above mentionedball, has disposed ofthe own conviction of what was best llto any ings of the past session ot the AssemMr Blunt againin the service, so as to pre- scarcer everyvery few cattle he possessed, and, according to the short time since Mr W. was awarded to pike of A unpleasant contingency arising bypiece, even to the poet's vent any in version, the money is to be spent on consideration either of ambition or self bly, a vote of confidence Hereford, who has a fishery, their furnituie piece Stephens, of *Stnart, states that Mr F. who, it appears, letter private the future. child'sbed. in the conhim. A interest;" proud .-Mrs has said he was A harmonium since been education^, in the mouthof one he was much mind, procured a ordered. Our populationis satisfactorilyincreasing ; caught 200 pike, andfry distressed in which There are a great many more sciousness that he had acted for the best, D. Rich, M.H.R., addressed his constian inch longseventy-seven cut the she evening. the fine weatheris amasingly enjoyedby all. found shoemaker's knife^ith I slightly touch upon,but Iwill .gnd- that the future would do him justice." tuents at Waikouaiti on the sam9 things. could and UnitedStates Canadian Some of the child's throat frtm ear to ear, almost sever- defer for the present, and agree with, your the but at conclusion received, well sneaking writing that theNova thief to the virtuous He was try again Tie little newspapers are ing the head fromthe body. After committhat the meeting mentioned dodge on with hisold parient." He not of his address a vote tantamount to an exTrade and Gospel. The following ex- Scotians intend to cut connection with ting this murder shernsned fromher house correspondentorderly politicalgathering ever was the most join the of want of confidence was passed. tract from a privateletterreceivedinOamaru Canada and Great Britain, and to thebeach and cut her own throat. he was at —politics here are often discussed sacrifice his convictions ! He think the pression condemned Mr Rich's action in from a gentlemanin Auckland, is printed in States." justice ! Ido believeit The vote attorney's clerk has been committed in a tap room. dohim An future will the local paper: Unfortunately instances The Great Britain had a narrow escape for trialby one of the London magistrates will,and do what oldFather Clutha ought supporting the Otago Hundreds Regularemain, &c, I are not wanting wheremissionariesharebeen from destruction by fire on her voyage for insulting a policeman by taking him to have done, whop his fundament most tion Act. and, while home. hucksters and tradersin lands; neck and kissing him! One that Creeps About the Street. particularly. Judging by the result, Mr The legitimate season at the Princess* annuallyproduced in roundthe preaching religion,havebeenkeepinga sharp The quantity of beer1,000,000,000 of six have left party persons gallons. An Arctic St. John, Balclutha was a Theatre has closed, and burlesque now display Macandrew's at look-outfortheir pockets, payingfor fencing Europeis estimated at Brunswick, New York for New even with Bibles sent out by peopleat home A private soldierinCalifornia has invented there to embark upon a steamer bound for (To theEditor of the Bruce Herxld.) masterpiece, but, taking his speech as re- reigns supreme. Mr Heary Talbott's enfits a skimming sort milk. He give thing. instanceofthis of new method of you I can an a ported, it says more regarding the thick- gagement has terminated. During the expedition The has been polarregions. the comSir, In your last week's number a A certainmissionary, whose name I do.not finegauze serve to ahoopofthe sizeofthe pan. provided with a complete assortment of headedness and susceptibility to humbug" time he was here he drew averagely signed "Clutha" appears. I choose to give,informedhis congregation on The milk is then poured intothe pan so as to mathematical, philosophical, ar.d astronomi- munication quite the writerthathe seems of those to whom he addressed it than of good houses. Prior to his leaving Dunbeg to remind When one occasion during morningservice thathe a little more than cover the seive. instruments. Competent artistsand men at sea as far as some of the statements he his own talent. Ido not dispute, or try edin, he proposes to give an entertainment cal lifted, and the had just received a bale of beautiful white the creamhas risen the hoopis of science have gone upon this trip, and it is advances pre concerned. Of this meeting, in any way to impugn Mr Macandrew's for the benefit of the local charities. His duck andanotherof blankets, which he was creamis thus completelyremoved. anticipatedthat valuable results will be ob- at which Mr Macandrew addressed his contalent he is the great prince of colonial agent informs me that it is just possible preparedto dispose of unusuallycheap, &c. It is stated that Baron Rothschild, the tained. publicity was given by the Daily political stituents, that he wager of laid a settler, Restitution, ' boy, son an old was the owner of humbugs. But,really, his cause that he will visit Tokomairiro, and give A little gold by misrepresentation the crew of one of the to The saved Times. It is a gross only whiteperson present, and he was evi- wouldwin the Brighton Cup, and have it on missing bad, was so and though he did as well as readings there before he leaves the ProJacket, Blue ship boatsof the burnt say that only a few runholder3 and their dentlyunnoticed until too late. A few days his dinner-tablein London by seven o'clock at sea. appears any man doing in the vince. now to be L15,000, instead friends composed the audience, refore whom I could conceive who ImmediatelyDaley, afterwards, this boy was asked by the mis- the same evening. kept of The survivors who the boat the vote of appeared, circumstances, arguments were so L4OOO. Macandrew and that bis A few days ago Mr Morton, chief officer Mr ecales, the sionary if he knew what he had told the rodeRestitution, had passed the entitled third of that, false, afloat are to a the value of Mr Macandrew emaassigned to statements so of the Tararua, was received into the ilimsev, confidence and his Maoris, to which he replied that he knewall Baronrushed off with the cup in his arms, the goldsalvage. this chosen band, so scant in really) to continue the simile, Father Hospital, suffering from severe injuries to nated from station, special a missionary to a talk to where driving hear and the and was astonished waiting, The gentlemen of the south of England numbers. On the contrary, the meeting Clutha must be in his dotage to pass him the spine caused by the falling" of the jibof trade and gospeltogether; whereuponthe train which hadbeen orderedwas inmansion, have played a three days' match with the was a very influential one, ablypresidedover so easily as he did. He commenced by boom trysail during a storm on the eventown boy trophy the some to his promised sped with the latter colored up, and players of the south of England at the Oval by Mr Thompson, MP.0., as chairman, atwager. (Restiult., while the vessel was and arrived in time to winhis tracts, to ensure his secresy. Ground, London. The players, who tended by alargenumberof bonajidesettlers, taking credit to himself for his opposition ing of the 27th this Cricket King of A week or two ago a young lady of lowa, tutionis half brother to Tom from the Bluff to this port. way 1860, Act, Land which be asserts on her able, satisfied the to the very bat, completed appeared by to the their first who byKing went first whileon her way to her wedding,was offered Province,theyhavingbothbeen got condition. precarious a very 475, explanationgiven by their the lands of the Province. He lies in up innings with a score of of which one clear and lucid has bound five dollars by another young man if she Tom). appeared in the topics He did not assist in framing that Act, but have political 78, and the various Several letters 155, representative man made another another 76. on attempt The to resusciconsented. ThePrinceof Wales's him, and -would marry had lost upon which he touched during his address, did his best to oppose it; nevertheless, by ' Daily Times lately, complaining ot che disappointed lover was not to be wholly tate a modified formof the bluecoat and gilt On Saturday evening the gentlemen Mr Grace, a and the satisfactory manner in which the four wicketsfor 439 runs. G. proved, buttons of has not matrimony, andtherefore our grandfathers his election as Superintendent theadminis- harsh manner in which the Government cheated oat of his famous bat, made 180, Mr Cooper 101, and numerous interrogations presented were disof the sums due to proposed, was accepted by, andmarried the as yet, very successful, whatever maybe the Mr posed of. The vote of approbationand'con- tration of it fell oo him;thaiit locked up is enforcing payment J.D. Walker waa 87, not out. triumphs reserved for it. "interof the jitter on the same day. 6 ' ' " ' ' ' " — ' " " " 1 — , " " 1 — ' " — — " — " " — — ' — ' THE BRUCE HERA L J). OCTOBEB 13, 1869 7 '" VA RIETIES. A VOYAGE TO THE FIJIS. 2. That one Provincial Council govern benefit of revenue raised in Southland. TAPANUI. waist generally betokens cramped A contemplate, ,the united province, taking as _a general- The Otago Commissioners The following notes of a voyage to and (From Our OwnCorrespondent.) in a similar condition. representation the population; and for a time at least, n portion of the revenues a tour through the Fiji group of islands brains basis of "Look out for paint," as the girl "said (Unavoidably held over from last issue). in conformity with resolution's b., c, and of Otago will be absorbed by the. present have been placed at our disposal, and we cheerfully give the.m to the public. The when a fellow went to kiss her. At the date of my last letter, we were d., appendix to the report of the Select absolute necessities of Southland." on the lOtago Representation at the very pitch of excitement over the Committee Don't take too much' interest in the 18. "United province to take over as- writer of these notes was deputed to the ' Fiji*? by several persons whointended settl- affairs of your neighbors. Six per cent. Wallace election. Although the number Bill (passed the Provincial Council of sets and liabilities of both provinces." of voters in this district is comparatively Orago, session 25, ]869), as follows : (b) The Commissioners may he allowed, in ing permanently in this Province, but who, will do. very small, the zeal of the partizans of both 'That, wherever practicable, 'heboundaries support of these propositions, to express n from the present state of our land laws "Old Dog Tray" is so affoctingly candidates was truly astonishing". Every of the Provincial Electoral Districts should a few of the grounds upon which they re- and the manner in which they were lately played by some Iiand -organs, that troops cepted. Thedreaded fifth of October has come individual having the privilege of usin^ coincide with the boundaries of the General commend to the representatives of both administered, determined to seek a of pups will squat before the machine, and and prone, and Lieut. Saxby has proved the franchise was ferreted out, and escorted Assembly Electoral Districts; and that, as provinces the adoption of the general home for themselves and families else- wipe tears from their eves with their paws. himself no prophet, at least"so far as this to the polling booth by those most far as possible, the Provincial Districts principle of re-union ; and heartily urge where. From the spirit, of enquiry at A revenue officer charged Noah with of the General the people to consider for themselves the present abroad in relation to this matter brewing beer in the ark, because he. saw a portion of the globe is concerned. Very energetic in their efforts to secure the re- should be subdivisions ' c was Assembly (c.) That all fresh advantages that are likely to accrue, es- we believe these notes, which will be found kangnroo going' on board with hops. fe^r people ever placed much reliance in turn ot their man. 'During the day, it ol boundariesDistricts ot Provincial Electoral Districts pecially to the outlying districts of both to be thoroughly practical, minute and his predictions ;bnt those that did, strove pretty well understood that the numberwas heiu' born in Ireland makes a mnn should coincide, as much as possible, with provinces. The Commissioners are fully comprehensive in their character, will be an"If their utmost to'imbue their neighbors with voters recorded tor each candidate Irishman, a poor son of a devil that's the same fear that animated them. 'There about equal, and just before four o'clock boundaries already existing", or with well- convinced that the principal cause of the read with interest : born in a stable must be a hoss iritirely !" manifested to anxiety was marked natural boundaries as the limits present comparative stagnation of trade Having lately returned to Otago from a is a good story going* the rounds, andit is considerable young lady who took the treijMethe result. This, however, could of Hundreds, survey districts or blocks, in the province of Southland arises from business tour among the Fiji Islands Iam Thefane)' that: a man whose children are being know raan's lias returned it with thanka. deputy Neish, runs, &c, public finances, the and the watersheds of and the desirous of placing before the the mountain the crippled state of her taught at one of onr district schools, wrote not be known, as Mr ' That inventor (d) applied to the Duke of rivers, had in&c.' of An ranges, returning-officer, carrying stated that he broad while out that the part inability, consequently, experiences of result of in my days to theheadmaster a few ago informWellington should, !or .of his bulletcourse of the the to a the populatijn large In extent, provision for rapid and easy communica- world. lam induced to do so from the " Putadoption ing him that he didn't intend to pay the structions not to do so. everywhere on," suid the Duke, proof offered in it. jacket. excepting was be into account of October, by districts, two to one taken the formation since to from my evening-, outlying Otago the sth of tion with fact that return school fees until after rifle. because if the tidal wave was to come, he in favor of Mr Brown. Although a fort- districts, regard should also be had to, a ruinous sacrifice of her landed estate these islands IhaVe found a great many and ordered up a servant with"loaded. -waiting the But the inventor retired without indebtedpess before declaration interesto! theinhabitants to night elapse identity extremely had to of of the to the General Governare anxious see should not have the Her who persons why he dicbVt benefit of the money he possessed before of the poll, at Hokanni, Icannot say that different, districts, and to the physical con- ment, constantly accumulating, must obtain information concerning- them. With for the trial. ; hut figuration of the country, so as to insure,■, shortly necessitate a realising of securities, the view of gratifying these, and other* Cuba described in a single line: "The it vras of no service to him. However, on the excitement altogether disappeared Saturday, when as much as possible, ease and convenience as it cannot lie expected that other pro- who may feel interested in the subject, Iland of tbe tie i, and the home of the slave. materially subsided until Thursday the tide at Port Chalmers and it will long submit to the course that place these notes before you for publicaDunedin was a footlower than usual, and it was again intensified by the arrival of as regards communication " between all parts vincesbeen A lady out with her l:trle girl and boy, hitherto pursued of relieving tion ; at the same time, Ibeg taave to boughthim a rubber balloon, which escaped has by a good many it was averred to be the the mail with the intelligence that Mr of the"same district.' firstprognostication of Saxby's prediction. Brown had been defeated by six votes. 3. That there shall be one Executive special provinces or counties of any diffi assure your readers that they will find him, and flew up in 'he air. The little culries they may please to rush into. The nothing stated by me but »'hat is reliable jiirl, seeing the tears in his eyes, said, Such, however, was not the case, as the Great hope is yet entertained, that a care- Council for the united province.'' ful examination of the several returns will 4. "That the various departments of Commissioners believe that a re-union of and to the point. As Iam not an immi- *' Never mind, Neddy , whenyou die and tideonly rose to its usual height. result in a totally different verdict. Government be under the control of one Otago and Southland would relieve the gration agent Ihave no interest in at- go ro heaven, you'll get it." of department." TAIERI. I have allowed a longer portion of time head " latter from her unenviable position,and so tempting to practice any deceprion in the The yountr man beginsby his glass to and occurrence 5. Provincial Superintendent to between the and intervene restore confidence as to give a fresh im- matter, neither have Ibeen hired with .*o w his wild oats ; and, in a few years, the (From Our Own Correspondent.) chronicling of a very distressing accident, Council of Otago to bo Superintendent, petus to settlement, trade, and commetre, fifty shekels of gold to write drivelling and policeman, dragging him to the station(Unavoidablyheld oeer iromlast issue.) in this { and Provincial Gouncil of united pro- and although more immediately would be bombastic eulogies of the country. No, house, gathers the harvest his oats f I feel brimful " of indebtedness to the which befel a well-known character iiave correspondent vince."" a burden on Orago, would ultimately, in sir, I Occasional Correspondent who in your districr, than a zealous However, will leave these little games in the grown. at the 6. If within one year after the coming one uni'ed,powerful, ami prosperous pro- hands of those who study them, and who last has so generously come forward to fill might be expected to do Frenchman, directing the mixing of up the breach caused by my late inatten- risk of givingyou second hand and over- into operation of this Act the services of vince, conduce also to her benefit, and wel- seem to wax fat on the profits amending bisAbrandy, told thebar-tendenuotto make to it. any officer in the employment of the fare. The Commissioners cherish hones them. So much by way of prologue. " A fortnight ! what do tion to duty, the result of several causes, date news, Ifeel inclined to refer it a fortnight. "Oh, not a fortbut chief of these the fact that the weather James Driscoll, an old man, who, for the Government of the Colony or of the Pro that it would be the first sfepping-stoue Now for my story. First, as to the voyage you mean ?" said be. has been so favorable for tussocking ope- last few years haslived inrather an isolated vincial Government ot the late Province of towards one united MiddleIsland Govern- to Fiji : The distance from Dunedin is nig lit, not too week !" to Southland are dispensed with in con- ment. The Commissioners, believing the somewhere close on 2000 miles, sailing in " rations this spring, that not a moment has condition, and whose occupation was neighyou arein !" said the What a passion " parnest in a northerly direction. If the passage is sequence ot the union ot the said Province Government of Otago to be in been lost by us. the Taieri tussockers ;and provide firewood for several of the Brook, splashing and fussof to the on the 13th last Rain runholders, was, hereby, day's Province constituted he their a on duration of average spade, boring Otago work with the with the desire to establish settlement the " Iwas quiet till you came," said after a hard made from one has not much encouragementto tackle month, engaged falling a tree, about one shall be paid out of the revenue of the the West Coast, are of opinion that re the voyage is generally about fourteen ing." v That's the way, people who the pen, in spite of the fact that the pen mile from his hut. Instead of falling as Province constituted hereby for each year union would facilitate the establishmentof a days. It is very probable that while the Brook. always throw the blame oa quarrels pick a sudden service, intended, salary according the tree took to I steam coastal of service one month's and that th« Bluff running along the New Zealand coast to is mightier than the sword of peace that Driscoll those trouble." breaking they on to righ.l him, regular landed to him at the of a encounter may payable being or, as to our turn and the rate time made of call for such the vessel port adapted ploughshare, is the the northward profession, the grubbing hoe, which has his left arm, and fracturing the cap of his the coming into operation of this Act, and service would encourage 'he development of sharp gales and heavy seas, but after j Never smile, or in nnv way show approleft thigh joint, thus renderinghim com- also a further sum equal to three months' many industries now dormant ; this, in its passing the East Cape there is generally val of any trait in a child which you do done great feats this season. One of our great poets or philosophers pletely helpless. By dint of marvellous salary according to the snid rate if such turn would improve the traffic upon the rail- fine weather and moderate seas till the not"' wish to cultivate. (Iforget which, but you, Mr Editor, can perseverance, and after spending six hours services be dispensed with without three ways,and render them in their turn a profit- termination of the voyage; at least, such Who goes there ?" said a"'sentry on the notice." able investment. The Commissioners would was my experience of it till reaching our Rapidan. " A friend." fCen stand supply the want from your library of re- in the attempt, he reached his hut utterly months' " ference) says he is a benefactor of prostrate ; and, by an effort almost unbe7. That, the united Province be sub- also point out that b}r opening up means anchorage in Levuka harbor. The town where you arc, for by the power* y«*'r the humanity who causes a single blade of lievable, managed to raise himself to his ject to rhe same laws as at present govern of communication through some of thp dis- of Levuka being the chief mercantile depot first I've seen in this murtherin' counthry.' grass to spring up where such did not bed, about two feet from the floor, where the Province of Otago with the exception tricts of Southland, some of the require for the Fiji group it is therefore the port There were not righteous people enough previously exist, or words to that effect. he lay.for two whole days unable to move. of the Waste Lands Regulations subject ments of the. outlying districts of Otajro of entry lor all Fiji bound vessels. There in Sodom to save it, but there wasa pretty Now, according to this calculation, a few The poor fellow relates how, that on the to said laws being altered by the un-ted would be more speedily and economically is a good natural hart or at this port, wiih good Lot. of our Taierifarmers must rank very high third day, he contrived to get off one of: Provincial met than bad those requirements to be safe anchorage and good holding "round. *' Council." pres.-ed her gentle form to me, and whisI indeed in the thermometer of human bene- his boots, and was not able to remove the 8. Laws to be assimilated by united met by expenditure within the province of The harbor is protected by a barrier reef pered iv her ear, if, when Iwas far awtty, faction, and chief among these Mr George other until the fourth. By tying several Provincial Council as soon as possible, Otago. That under the seventh head, the of coral, about three-quarters of a mile she'd drop for me a tear Ipaused for existing Anderson, of Meadowbank, who, since be- pieces of wood together, and fastening a saving all existing rights under Commissioners would call particular atten- disrant from the beach, and laying parallel some cheering words, my throbbing hearc tion to the exclusion from anjr chan/e of to it (or nearly so). There are various coming the fortunate possessor of this fine fork to one end of them, he managed to laws " of both provinces." to tool ; and with her rosy lips she said. estate, has so thoroughly drained the pre- bring a loaf ofbread within his reach, and 9. Notwithstanding the dissolution of the" Southland Waste Lands Act, 1865,' passages through this reef navigable for v 0 Jack !you're sich a fool." vious swamp, that250 acres are now being by substituting a hook " for the fork, he the Provincial Council of the Province of should the re-union wihOtago be effected, vessels of any tonnage, and. as a general j countryman who bad cropped, and the green blade has already likewise got hold of a billy" containing Southland, the persons who immediately during, at least, the tenure of the pastoral rule, there is a great depth of water along- " A bull-headed ile "on his land, tookhis daughter the place of the Maori-head; so a litrle te*, and solely on this he subsisted before the coming into opei'ation of this leases issued under its provisions, until the side these reefs, which are very numerous i struck city for an accomplished education. Hnat, in the words of your Occasional, the for eight days, at the end of which time, Act were members of the said Council shall, expiry of which any aleration would be round all parts of the group. As an in- to the an examination he was told that she wilderness is actually Dlossominjr like the Mr Stuart's bullock driver, who had gone on a day and at a time and place to be incompatible with justice. stance ot the peculiar nature of the passages After capacity. "Capacity V said not the had 11, ;he rose. Bir Robert Charteris, of Ury. farm, for a loadof firewood, found him in this fixed by the Governor by Proclamation in The recommendation under clause through them Imay mention that taking out his roll of green-bateks, "' capacity has also for the first time brought into pityable condition, and, to his credit be it the New Zealand Gazette, assemble, and the Commissioners consider would natu- vessel 1 was in sailed through one of these he, ? then Iwill buy her one." cultivation a large piece of swamp land, spoken, he lost no time in setting out for by lot or by ballot, to lie taken in such rally suggest itself to the inhabitants of openings, which I am certain was not over! as also the Messrs Christie Bros., and Capt. M'Kenzie's home station. The cap manner as shall be prescribed in and by the consolidated Province, and intelligence twenty feet wider than our beam. The | Rules of health. Rise early— bathe freMessrs William Shane*, Arnot, James rain being in Dunedin, Mrs M'Kenzie with such Proclamation, select eight of their of the uni'ed Council. The fundamental rock on ea<-h side was just awash, and quently exercise freely in the open air Allan, Leitch, and others in the neighbor- praise worthy proinpriiude despatched a number to represent, in the Provincial principles which should, in rhe opinion of plainly visible in the clear water. Th« take your — meals at regular hours--— eat hood ofOtakia; while the border of culti- man at once to Tapanui for D. M'Lauch- Council of the Province constituted hereby, the Commissioners, dictate the ac'ion of a sides of the passage appeared to rise from slowly masticate your food well abstain vated land on the western side of the plain lan, who was in the saddle in a moment, that part of the said Province which im- wise Government, are the consideration of the depths ot the ocean as plumb as the from intoxicatingdrinks dress warm, and has also been widened in a proportionate and at the suffers bedside in anincrediblv mediately before the coming iito operation the moral and material requirements of'the face of a wall, and the soundings in the not so tight as to impede the functions of degree. All of your readers who have short space of time. An abundant supply of this Act was included in the late Pro- people, economy of expenditure, and effici- narrow gap between them 200 fathoms. the organs or a free circulation of the blood early in well-ventilated apartments. ever witnessed the Taieri Plain from the of necessaries and luxuries was cheerfully vince of Southland ; and if at such time pncv of adminstration. These requisites As the town of Levuka was my first port --re'ire " Where are you going ?" said one boy surrounding heights must have observed provided by Mrs M'Kenzie, Mrs Stuart, and place appointed as aforesaid no such can be best obtainpd by affording every of call, some descriptionof it and the island another, who'*had slipped down on an to numbpr fringes only, Yaldwyn, were, that the as it have yet and Mrs to relieve the unfortu- persons or a less of persons than j facility to the inhabitants of a district to of Ovalau generally is necessary. The been brought under cultivation, and the nate man, and a number of willing hands hereby required shall have been selected as transact their business from aplace which appearance of the town is not calculated to icy pavement. Going to get up," was largest and richest portion of the plain is Eoon rendered him as comfortable as pos- aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Gover- is its geographical centre, and with which impress a traveller with any great ideas of the blunt reply ■tillcovered by swamp, which a few such sible, considering the circumstances. It nor, by warrantunder his hand, to appoint their interests areidentified. the importance of the place, as it consists A servant girl " entered a grocer's shop, seasons as the present would speedily re- affords me real gratificarijn to observe a number of persons equal to the number Some of the special advantages that merely of one row of wooden houses along and asked for a bottle of them things up duce to terra firma, capable of carrying that this sad occurrence is by no means so deficient, either from among* the per- would be derived from re-union would be the beach and distant from it about twenty there," pointing to a shelf filled with sauces hone and plough. the only instance wherein the genuine sons who were members of the said Pro- the extension, better development, and feet. They are built on a flat shelf at the &c. The shopman, anxious to supply her Every man to his trade, so having for hospitality and Christian sympathy of the vincial Council of Southland, or from more economical working ofmany of what bottom of the hill, and stand only about wants, asked which she meant; but her thought natu- ladies above referred to has been exhibited, amongst any other persons, being electi rj have proved themselves to be, by experi- t« o feet above high water mark. There memory was at fault. some time ceased to air my views, I " "' OhA!"bright rally rush to my own calling, and the andsuchconduct stands out most strikingly registered on any electoral roll for any ence, excellent ordinances and institutions are also a few straggling houses behind j struck her at last. said she, it's moreimmediate aspect of affairs relating against the inhuman and callous pemiri- electoral district returning members to the of Otago. mean ;" and, receiving this row, but placed higher up on the a bottle of Irolics I to the branch of trade which yields me ousness of the Southland runholders, as House of Representatives, lying wholly or went onher way.rehotels, capers, IMMIGRATION. are no a of she There less »han six bottle hillside. my daily bread in an honest and inde- shown a week or two ago. After being in part in the said late province of SouthIn connection with this subject, with- some of them containingall the latest ap- joicing. pendent, though rough and homely way. carefully and judiciously treated by Dr land ; and the persons so selected or ap out addition to the cost of working, and pliances necessary for the business, such *" Please accept a lock of my hhair"-saidrr"-said Had Bobbie Burns himself been a Taieri M'Lauchlan, lam happy to state that pointed as aforesaid shall be members of in addition to thepresentprovision forkeep- as billiard tables, bowlingalleys, apparatus an old bachelor to a widow, handing her a tussocker instead of an Ayrshire plough- Driscoll already shows signs of recovery. the Provincial Council of the province of ing up a constant stream of immigrants, for Yankee grab, &c, and some of them large curl. " Sir,"you had better give me man, he would none the less have been a Madam, you are very Otago, as if duly elected. or in any future scheme, the Commissioners appear to do a roaring trade. There are the whole wig.'' a poet of the very first water, nor his RE-UNION WITH SOUTHLAND. 10. "The united Council so constituted are of opinion that a stipulation should be also eight stores, three churches, one biting indeed, considering that your teeth ideas of independence have been any the continue until new electoral j entered into that immigrants for the Bluff school, and an athenaeum or mechanics' are porcelain." The Commissioners appointed by the as abovearetodefined, less noble and manly. and present Provincial should be landed thpre free of additional institute. I A little girl was very fond of preaching only saw one steam enjrine districts " (by effiuxion ofOtagoand Southland, with I have not yet done with my pet subject, Governments Otago expires Gouncil of ofi cost of passage, and that at least every at work in the town driving cotton gins. to her dolls. Her mother heard her one provinces, a view to a re-union of the two to anew phase of which I will with your I third vessel should make the Bluff an ad- Ifound, during my stay in Levuka, some " time.) " da> reproving one for being so wicked. at Invercargill on the 17th ulto. The permission return in my next, as anything met 11. to created by call, Oh, you naughty, sinful child!" she said, Land district be the vertised of or ofiener, if found old Dunedin acquaintances, some of them port following" Otago, the of representatives were relating to the great swamp lands of the to consist of the areapresently included I necessary^ Such a course would afford having apparently no cause to regret iheir shaking the waxenlimbs, w you will just Act Reynolds, James Shand and Taieri must be of interest at least to a Messrs W. H. within the boundaries of the province of j valuable facilities to the mercantile com- migration to that quarter of the world, bm go to that lake of brimstone and treacle, L. Gillies. For Southland there ap- Southland, large proportion of the settlers of that dis- J. with such portionsofi munity in the district for the inportation it is a wellknown fact that there is inall and you won't burn up, j'ou'll just frizzle ! Johnston, and the provincetogether may further add, in peared Messrs Pearson, Otago trict. Meanwhile, I of as shall, in the of merchandise, and ensure an equal mea- communities a cprtain class of men who are It is a good sign to see a man do an act the way of general news, that Mr Pram's Ross. Mr Gillies was appointed chairman. of the united Council of the to districts. and opinion justice outlying proscharity a bad sign to hear him boast i sure of all sacrifice their health of procontent to On the 28th the Commissioners for each vince, be geographically new outhouses are progressingrapidly to- province find of it. It is a goodsign to see a man wipe connected with pects at the shrine of Bacchus. I POSTAL SERVICE. they submitted resolutions which wards completion, and promise to be a province of Southland." the present The Commissioners are agreed that in Fiji is no exception to that rule ; in fact, the perspiration fromhis brow bad to see li great improvement upon the former tene- proposed as the basis of re-union. At the 12. Land district to have a Crown is a glorious retreat for men of that him wipe his lips as he comes outof a cellar evening sederunt on the same date, the Lands Commissioner and a Waste Lands any postal scheme entertained by the Gen- it ments. class, as they can supply their cravings for It's a good sign to see a man advertise in in Government, ' which the mail serItis a well known fact that the liberality Commissioners for Otago replied to the Board, as provided in clause 14, South- eral is to see the sheriffadvertise conducted by way of Foveaux strong wafers at a very small cost, there the papers badgood submitted for Southland, and land and Otago Union Bill,' passed the vice of a community does not sap the well- resolutions sort levied there. a any sign to see a woman no duties of for him. It's being Straits, the upon the 29th the resolutions of both \rere united Provincial Government springs of benevolence, but, on the con-i amalgamated. House of Representatives during its last should use their utmost endeavors to The usual price of spirituous liquors is dressed with taste and neatness— bad to October the followOn Ist trary,its effect is to increase its power and session." secure that the BluffHarbor should be the about Is 6d per bottle. The island of seevher husband sued for finery. force. The amount required for our new ing report was unanimously agreed to : is situated, is of relating sale, 13. "All business to the How do you get along with the Arithfirst and last port of call, andin entertain- Ovalau, whereon Levukabeing But Taieri church was raised in a few Report of Commission appointed for the letting, disposal, and occupation of waste ing only eight matic ?" asked a father of his little boy, small extent, its size service, contract for a coastal the any purpose of arranging a basis of reweeks, and last week two ladies connected limits of the land district to Provincial Council should insert, the pro- miles by seven ; it contains very little v I've ciphered through addition, condition union ot the provinces of Otago and lands within by with the Scroggs Greek place of worship united Provincial Coun- ! vision that theBluff should be one of the j level land. On the eastern side of the apparition, subtraction, attraction, distracSouthland,to besubmitted to the Pro- be constituted in connection with the same church, and j by district Waste ports of call. shall be conducted island the hills are very abrupt, presenting tion, generation, abomination, justification, cil, vinincial Councils ot both provinces Lands Board." where our worthy pastor has for years past a bold and irrepular outline. The highest communication, hallucination, derivation, ROADS. j " for their adoption. preached everj Sabbath afternoon, desirpeak in this island is about 2,070 feet appopriation, amputation, admiration,adop jurisdiction 14. The and operation of Though immediately on the consolidaous of assuring theRev. Mr Will of the The Commissioners appointed for the the offices of the Registrar ot Deeds, the tion above the sealevel. On the western side tion, and half through creation." Smart Province, of the portion of the that appreciation of his hearers of his valued purpose of determining the basis of re- Registrar of theisland the land is not so broken or boy that, he'd do for an engineer on a Supreme (both of the Court as district formerly comprised within the "nd earnest labors, speedily raised some union between the provinces of Otago and is abundance of natural wheelbarrow. hilly, and there ordinary "Can you tell me the road to Greenthe business of the regards Province of Southpresent of the £50 among the surrounding farmers and Southland, having given the matter re- Supreme Court, a6well as to the filing of limits good description. oif a As a general grass operation land would under the of come laborers, ferm which Iunderstand was |ferred to them their most careful considera* , ville V asked a traveller a boy whom he " Yes,ofsir," of sales and registration of mortgages the Otago Roads Ordinance in regard to rule, there is. very little of the tussac grass presented to therev. gentleman on noon- tion,have the honor to report as follows : bills grow does not said the grass I mean that tho met ou the road. stock), Registrar and the Births, " boy. of of '* you see the formation of main roads by the Goday last by the ladies referred to, whose Having resolved to treat the subject more Deaths, more in" the tufts, in bunches or but Do our barn door there £ Yes/ and Marriages, shall extend to the vernment, and subsidies to the district tvorser halves were thelargest contributers in the light of a matter of general policy, the area to We included in the roads, as presently obtains in the Province form of a regular sward. The gulljes said he. "Go to that. About three hunof whole church towards the new about to be than of minute detail, they beg to submit the ground are covered' dred yards beyond the barn }r ou will find of land district." of Otago, the Commissioners also, contem- and low parts oftimber, erected, as also for the Scroggs Creek the proposals of basis of union (as per boundary " among which are a lane. Take that lane? and with and follow along scrub ' portion least, a of the at church erected. minutes of meeting of Commission, dated 15 The revenue and expenditure in plate, for a time trees, about a mile and a .half. Then you will bearing various of fruitdescriptions IfI mistake not, more than one of our 29th Septemberult), which, if approved of, each province to be kept separate and dis- revenues of Otago will be absorbed by the such as the lime, lemon, orange,shaddock, come to a slippery elm log, you will be Taieri Horses willrank high at the coming would form heads of a Bill, to be introduced tinct, as a matter of Treasury account, at present absolute necessities of Southland. cocoanut, bread-fruit, &c, &c, scattered mighty keerful, stranger, about going on EDUCATION. . walking.show in Dunedin previous to the in the General Assembly at its next session, Dunedin and Invercargill." which you will find bananas, that log,and then you go on till you get to acknowledged success among apples, cost proportion universally 16. A of the of The departof the season. I think it to provide .commencement for the union of the two prosugar cane, and various the brow of the hill,and there the roads mumy ments to be chargeable against each pro- of the Otago scheme of education renders other indigenous fruits and plants in great prevaricate j and you take the left-hand a pity that the Otago Agricultural and vinces. "" it unnecessary for the Commissioners to profusion. -Pastoral Association does not take the 1. Provinces of Otago and Southland vince upon an equitable basis." There are several cotton plan- road, and keep that.until you get into a matter in hand andoffer premiums worthy tobere-united— Southland ceasing to exist 17. "The revenue and expenditure to be enlargeupon the advantages of having tations on this island, held by old settlers. thicket ," and when you get there, why then "— <" What then?" "lien of the occasion; if not, some of our local and the whole united province to be kept as a separate matter of account, with that scheme extended to Southland. —then— then— (To be continued.') [Signed by the six Commissioners.] societies should take the hint. called Otago." he view to Southland deriving theentire I'll be darned if you ain't lost!" . the Immigration department for monies advanced to immigrants. Over 200 writs hare been issued for the recovery of the monies,and judgment has been obtained in each case. The 'Times' has been authorised to state that the Government has no'desire to deal harshly with the debtors, and that any reasonable proposal for the paymentof the amounts due. will.be ac- — — — . *' ■ — — ' — — i — — — — — — — r — — — — — — " ■ — THE 8 BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. BRUCE DUNEDIN ADVERTISEMENTS. WEDNESDAY, OOTQBSB 1$ 186&* HERALD. DUNEDIN ADVERTISEMENTS. DUNEDIB ADVERTISEMENTS. , DPNEDIN ADVERTISEMENTS, WATCHMAKER. ITISSES FORRESTER PATENT GALVANIZED IRON PIPING. TAS. T. MACKERRAS AND Co. TAMES RUNCI MA N — FOR MINING PURPOSES SADDLERY DRESSMAKERS AND MILLINERS, KAIKORAI FLOUR & OATMEAL MILLS, HAVE ON SALE SADDLERY HOGG begs to inform his old I Sampan's of the of friends and the public generally, that cargo The finest lines GreenIsland. MOSQIBL, NOTICE TO MINERS AND WATERLOW AND SONS, Saddlers Beg respectfully to inform the inhabitants season's tea, in chests, half-chests, and RACE COMPANIES. he has again commencedbusiness near his old boxes have just received to h&od a large and of the Taieri, that they have just erected — yellow and white Rei<nie and Macqregor, Agents,Dunedin. Premises, Rattrary Street, Dunedin, next to i sugars T. HAWORTH are Mauritius prepared SADDLERY, comprisof rising varied assortment new and commodiousPreniise&.in this M'Liskey's, Bootmaker, as crystals, loaf andcrushed loaf RUN FENCING. r Make their Fluming on reasonable ing:— Colonial-maae Saddles, realgood, and township, where they intend to carry on Tobacco twist, in half and quarter i^iONNELL, and MOODIE havefor SALE WATCH AND CLOCKMAKER. ranches, and from terms. will be sol cheap lor Cash. Bridles, Martin- business in the above I tierces, half-lbs. tens, andaromatic \J — Wire Fencingspecially suitably for experience makiug-up extensive in the A Reward of £10 will be to any perpaid their Harness of deevery Breastplates, and gales, Ormond'sSwiss cigars RunBoundaries. It is all of Johnson Bros, departments, they trust to receivethe liberal son upon conviction for any infringement ot scription, which will be sold at prices that best make, andconsists of drawn annealed Watches. Clocks, &c, cleaned and repaired 2 barrels Elemeand ; Currants, in cwt surroundingcommunity. the above Patent. patronage of the ;dried apples wire, three stranded wire rope, and seven inhis usual style, and charges reasonable. fruit raisins, Cape new defy competition. Always onhand, select and varied stocks Sheet Copper— 7, 8, 9 and 10 lbs. stranded wire-rope, withstandards complete, Colonial andEnglish jams | A TrialSolicited. of Ladies' Drapery, &c, <fee whicb they are and has been ordered specially for this ON E V TO LEND, R. & T. HAWORTH, Patentees, PrincesKeillor's confectionary, candiedpeel market. LOW AND SONS, ] preparedto supplyat Dunedin prices. street, Dunedin. in various sump, onFreehold Security. | Colonial cheese London andParis fashions received direct Dunedin,Lawrence, and Clutha Ferry. Hams andbacon AND WEDDERSPOuN, N M JE R II Y~i j EXPEDITION GUARANTEED. by every Mail. " Accountant Candles,Belmonts andBrandon's and Commission Agent, Manufacturers ofDoors and Sashes by HE TEVIOT FERRY.PUNT pints Rents and Debts Collected. and quarts,in prime Arrol's ale, E W SEEDS. WM. JOHNSTON, Steam. Rear of M'Cubbin's Otago Hotel, Roxburgh, , Tradesmen's Books Posted, and Accounts ! condition. Made out. Loans Negotiated. Proprietors. TUBMAN BROTHERS Rattray Street, Dunedin. Solicitor, Dunedin. Just Landed, ex "Advance," InsolventEstates Wound-Up. WHITE, RED, COWGRA^S Crossing place on directroadto theDunstanj "XTOUNG, i^iARR on — Bought Colonial Produce Sold TVTM. and YELLOW, RIB GRASS, LUCERNE, Upper Taieri,Lawrence, &c,&c, K.B. Vertical Saw for cutting every deCommission. ALSYKE CLOVERS, STOCK, STATION, Everycareexercised crossingcattle and sheep SCARLET, and Also, scription of Circular work. Country Orders Office: Rattray-street, (OppositeShamrock Hotel), VERNARALIS, despatch. POA executed with AQUATICU, POA akd i^OBB AND CO.'s TELEGRAPHLINES Next to Mr Carey, Wood Turner, COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Sweet Vernal Grasses, Turnip, Radish, \U OF ROYAL MAIL COACHESV Dunedin. CLOVER. CLOVER. AGENT, GENERAL COM MISSION Cabbages,Lettuce, Cauliflower, TEVIOT JUNCTION, WEST CLUTHA. John ChaplinandCo Proprietors Celery, and other Garden WHEAT, OATS, FLOUR, AND OTHER Proprietor. The most RED, andALSYKE CLOVER* AND AUCTIONEER. And WOOLBROKER * Comfortableand CommodiousHotel in 1 PRODUCE. Ex Pampero,in fine condition. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Young'sBuildings. LAW, SOMNER, and CO. the District Good Stabling. M'GREGOR and GARDEN, Leaving the BookingOffice, cornerHighand Otago Wool Warehouse, Dunedin, VictoriaSeed Stores, Princes Street, streets, for allparts of the Princes DUNEDIN, SEEDS. SEEDS. N.B. Storagefor 2000 tons goods, bondand Province. MACLEAN, CO., beg AND Gilliesand Street's). Opposite (Immediately AUCTIONEER, free. to inform Farmers, Dealers, and others, Garden and Agricultural Seeds of the best Fares,time, &c, &c, see Bradshaw'sGuide; or, inquireat the Bookingoffice. quality, on sale by and GARDEN'S New that they areprepared to advance on Wheat, ÜBNEEAL COMMISSION AGENT, TA UEft LAW, SOMNER, and CO. Choice Flower Seeds, selected from Oats, Flour,and other produce, consigned to CARRIAGES. ISLAND GUANO and ' Maria.' MINING bestnamed varieties. By Post, 4s 6d per themfor sale in this market, or for shipment. SODA, NITRATE OF ex at J. C. and Co. They Fortnightly intend to hold Sales their have always on hand the T>LACK HOUSE I>REY\ERY, ETC. Dozen Packets. Warehouses during the season, which will be newest designs in Broughams, Barouches, AND GENERAL SHARE BROKE Equal to Phaetons, Waggonettes, and American Bug~T\yr'GREGOR and GARDEN'S New Vege- conducted withall possible care, in order to TUAPEKA. gies of every description. LAWRENCE. TUAPEKA ilX table andCustardMarrow.Telegraph, secure the fullestmarketrates. Peruvian Guano. "" Genuine StockAND Spine, Spine, White KOFOED Doctor, Long BASTINGS Their extensive range of warehousesoffers CARRIAGES BUILTTOORDER. O C AMPBELL, wood, c.c, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, and To- great facilities for storage ; and being are prepared to supply, ready delivery. is foi Is Packet. The above now All timber used in our Manufactory ha* Post, per By MINING AGENT. matoes. thoroughlydry and well ventilated, owners may rest assuredthat theirconsignments will Price, £15 per ton, with a liberalallowance THEIR NOW CELEBRATED ALES, been carefully selected and imported direct and GARDEN'S New and be keptingoodorder from America, andseasoned for yearsbefore Cases conducted inMagistrate'sComt, and at Dunedin prices. working. Rare CompleteSeeds, in Thirty-one to the trade. The following scale of charges has been "very description ofMiningbusinessconducts* Varieties, including Wellingtonia Gigantea. Repairsdone in a superior manner, with adopted, uniform and same has been fixed at all possible dispatch, and at the lowest By Post, Is per Packet. Or Selection com- prices, in HOTEL, " HORSE WHITE importers, the j heavy Apply to avoid to expenses order the charges. prisingPacket of eachVariety, £1. George Street, Dunedin. MEDICAL HALL. usually attendanton storage for a lengthened & CO. GEORGE GRAY RUSSELL period. charging This sysiem of fixed rates MANUFACTORY AND REPOSITORY, STAFFORDand GARDEN'S New has workedsuccessfully in the woolbusiness, Dunedin, 21st Oct., 1868. mHOMAS COLLINS, late of the Auld THEET. Broom,English I Seeds, Cape Hedging AND DKUGGIST _JL Reekie Hotel, Hokitika, has much CHEMIST it is believed that its adoptionin the Sweetbriar, Gorse, Privet, Accacia and 'Broom, to his numerous friends grain approval: pleasure intimating trade will meet in Superior carriage and buggy pairs, saddle Armetia, andOsage Orange. TTMBER YARD, and public generally,that he has opened the horses, hacks, always and CHARGES. on hand for tal» kinds of Drugs andPatent Medicines, Mills, SteamSaw andManufacturing above centralandcommodiousPremises, and, or exchange. Prescriptions accurately Dispensed, at /CATALOGUESForwardedFree, by Post, Receiving,weighing,storage,anddelivery, ! Princes street south, to merit by business, hopes strictattentionto Horses broken to saddleandharness. \j on application,and allOrders executed 3dperbag, estimating10 basts of flour, wheat, Dunedin. Dunedin Prices. a share of public patronage. and dispatch. promptitude with to ton. Sale— &c, charge the No further made On HARROP, JONAS lg|r(Notethe Address), unless produce is storedover three months. 600,000 leet red and white deals First-class Accommodation for Travellers, M'GREGOR & GARDEN, Peel Street. Lawrene*. Insurances One-eighthper cent, or 2s 6d 150,000 do Oregonlogs anddeals andPrivateRooms for Families. Seedsmen, Princes Street, shelving perLIOO worth, market value. This charge 25,000 do Dunedin. Wines and Spirits of the most choicebrands. D. M'T A G G A R T, will be made in all cases unless we are speci- 75,000 do Scotch flooring, all thicknesses And at 40,000 do lumber allyinstructed not to insure. TEA AND "pERRINS Kensington, Anderson's Bay Road. do 7in. dressed F E weatherboards First-class BillardTable. Haveiock, Commissions will be at the lowestcurrent i 50,000 rates, say 2^ per cent, and subject to arrange- 20,000 do 7in. roughF E weatherboards CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE 25,000 do clear pine ExtensiveStabling. Horse Breakers and Trainers. TUST ARRIVE D. ments f >r large parcels. Declared by connoisseurs to be do hard wood all sizes 10,000 at moderate Livery Stables, Good and Bait DRIVER, MACLEAN, and Co., THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. 10,000 shingles Horses Broken to Saddle, Single and POETftY FOR THE MILLION!!! charges. 10,000 palings, sft. and 6ft. Otago Wool Stores, | Double Harness. High-street,Dunedin. 50,000 feet kauri,all sizes LIVERY AND LETTING 20,000 do do 6 x l£ feet T and G Inclear legible type, \ TTTANTED Farmers to know that Bauer- 10,000 do do 6 x £ do STABLES TUAPEKA MOUTH STEAM SAW \ " ' || ONLY HALF-A-CROWN EACH. MILLS. man's latest improvedPloughs are for 500 blue gum hurdles, 6(t. CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. Jeffery Williams....Proprietor. sale, 50 tons English and Scotch iron, best The brands success of this most deliciousand unM'lntosh, G. ° " TIMBER YARD, LAWRENCE. | BRUCE HERALD OFFICE, onhand good harness and saddle rivalled Condiment having"caused certain Hope street Dunedin. 200,000 feetred pine',logs, boards, and scant- Has always Horses, &c, &c, forhire. dealers lings "tc apply the name of Worcestershire BUCHAN, AND CO., Horses bought and sold on commission. Sauce to their owninferior compounds,the Tokomairiro, andBalclutha. XYT ILLIAM S. DOUGLAS, Also a large assortment of doors, sashes, Pkopkietoks. Publicis hereby informed that the only way casements, architraves, mouldings, skirtings, secure the genuine, is to LAND, HOUSE, AND COMMISSION ridging,spouting, nails, &c. M,ney Lend, to on to sums of ASK FOR LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, arrived, Dunedin, ex of from Also, City just AGENT, Colonial Timber cut all sizes, and delivered "BftTJCE HERALD" FreeholdSecurity. and to see that their names are upon the Glasgow ivrapper, labels, stopper, andbottle. alongthe banksof the Clutha River. ELDON CHAMBERS, PRINCES STREET, BUNBDIN. 40,000 CHAS. REID, feet Gxl|L and G 30,000 feet 6x f borne of the foreign markets having been 30,000 feet 6x| Applications made to Waste Land Board 65,000 ieet 6xl Dunedin. supplied withaspurious Worcestershire Sauce, 70,000 All kinds of Imported Timber on hand. ieet feet 6 x 20,000 Stamped Crown Grants taken up, Deeds and 6xf W Bonrds. £ GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE, upon the wrapper and labels of which the Dressed 60,000 do Doors, Sashes. &c. Registered, &c. ofLea andPerrius have been forged, Junr., AND CO., names direct from Also, now landing, ex Sokrates, — L. and P. givenotice that they havefurnished Norway Agents, Landand Estate SAW MILLS STEAM "TTICTORIA correspondents with power of attorney REMOVAL. 30,000 feet 6xl£ Land G 30,000 feet 6x |Auctioneers, Arbitrators, Money-Lenders, their Main South Road, V COMPANY, GLENKENICH, takeinstant proceedings against Manufac50,0 ;0 do 6 x I 70,000 do 6 x f GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, to turers and Vendors of auch, or any other INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 30,000 do 6 x £ (2milesfrom Tapanui) 30,000 do 6 x § Stafford street, TJOYAL imitations by which their right may be in40,000 do 9 x 3 Baltic deals. DUNEDIN. Having completedthe erection oftheir extenJI/ift.von, TOKOMAIRIRO. fringed. TO RATTRAY STREET, Also, per Chanticleer, from Hobart Town Ask lor LEA & PERRINS' Sauce and see "ivt Works, arenow prepared to execute alNorth-west corner of Princes street. 6000 split posts and rails. FURNITURE. Nameon Wrapper, Label,Bottleand Stopper. Orders promptly. The machinery, beinjj very HENDERSON, LAW and Co., WholesaleandforExportby theProprietors. GUTHRIE and ASHER, powerful, and replete with,all thelatestimWorcester; Crosse and Blackwell London, DICKSON, Agents. Late W. Bell and Co. &c, &c, and by Grocers and Oilmenuniprovements enables the Company to execute Cabinetmaker & Upholsterer, versally. WATCHES AND JEWELLERY. feet, weekly. 60 000 OTAGO TIMBER YARD AND STEAM Bege "rdcrs to the extent of fIIHE proprietor would beg to announc call attention to his large stock of to They bave always on hand, large stocks of Established, 1858. SAW MILLS. HEBRUCE HERALD; Ob, Tokomaibibo Dining-roomChairs, Tables, Sofas, Couches, Building,and other Timber of every intng, Bf Clutha, Taiebi, Mount Bengeb,SwitPrinces street, Soi;ih Dunedin. Sasy-chairs, and Bed-room Chests Drawers zejrs andtuapeka recorderand advertiser, that he has lately added to his Stock a A LEX. T> E A V E R, description. variety, Washstands, DressingTables, is published every Wednesday, at the Ufflc AND GILMOUR beg to inti- ingreat Orders addressed WATCHMAKER AND JE WELLER, (all sizes), Commodes, Bedsteads, Milton, Tokomairiro. and Glasses mate to the inhabitants of Dunedin VICTORIA STEAMSAW MILL COMPY} large and general assortment of Palliasses, Hair Mattressesall sizes,Flock street, Pbinces and up-country districts, they and that have TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, TAPAIfUI, above,and having do., Flax do. commencedbusiness in the Manager, 12b per half-year, payable in advance. JOHN HOWAT Nearly opposite theBank of Otago. PLAIN AND FANCY TYPE, made arrangements for a constant supply of Always on hand, a large assortment of willreceiveevery attention. Deliveredin andaroundMiltonevery Wednesday timber for building and wheelwright pur- American Chairs, all kinds, cheap. morning. public rely having can on their poses, the and that he is now in a position to execute Regular Imports Also, all kiuds ofColonial made Furniture NEWMARKET STABLES, of first-class Gold and orders attended to with despatch, and at When forwardedby Post, 2s 2d per half-year,or Balclutha. always on hand, cheap, fur cash. prices that willgive satisfaction. 4s. per year additional. to order, heavy Silver Watches manufactured every description of On hand, New Zealand timber, all sorts Country orders punctually attended to. and sizes. Advertisements First insertion, 3s per in«h BEG to inform myfriendsandthepublic JOB PRINTING, cased and suitablefor Colonial use. THOMAS DICKSOS, Flooring,T and G, 6xl£ standing advertisements by arrangement. A that I have disposed of my interest in Do do, 6xl Cabinetmaker and Upholsterer. liberal discount allowed on Advertisement* inthe above Stables to Messrs Falconer and in a First-Class Style, and at the Lowes Do. do, 6x£ serted for afixedperiod. Do. do, 6x£ Weller, and would respectfully solicit the Rattray street, Good varietyof Colonial and English Shelvingand Lumber Prices, including Agents for the receipt of Subscriptions an patronage formerlybestowed on me. Also, anassortment of Next Shamrock^Hotel. " Jewellery. collection ofAdvertisements: ■-. T. HUDSON. Sashes, Architraves, Mouldings, Doors, Invoice Tops, Skirtings J.Robertson. JewelleryManufactured to Order. Ridging,Nails, &c. £? G\f\ C\C\ To be Lent at 8 per cent. Waihola Bill Heads, leased the above Stables, we English andScotch Iron Clutha ferry darkand Kirn Watches accuratelyRepaired. trnst by close attention to business, Also, just receiveda cargoof Hardwood, ex Interest on first-class Freehold Security. Ferry Clutha W. Cards, Business 1 Brown & Co. Free Trader, up to 11x8. A. BEAVER, and by keeping safe and serviceable Horses, sum, and £1000 in sums to suit Also, just landing, ex Joanna, a cargo of £1000 in one PortMolyneux W; ! Brown & Co. to merit a share of public support. Visiting Cards Kauri, large sizes, up to 16x12. Princes street. jy2l borrowers. Popotunoa FALCONER & WELLER. Thomas Pollock. Alao, just landing, ex Swordfish, a cargo of (Plain or enamelled), NOTICE. KENYON & MADDOCK, i Hardwood, all sizes, Hobart Town Split N.B. Cattle driven to any part of the Mataura JamesPollock Posts and Rails, five and six feet Palings, Solicitors, Duned in. undersigned beg to inform their up-| Province, also first-class Paddock Accommo- Admission Tickets, Battens, Shingles, and Dray Shafts. Tapanui JamesCrawford country friends, that they have just All orders deliveredto any part of the city dation. CIRCULAR. Check Books, at the lowestrates. Switzer's openedtheir new VeterinaryForgein the OcWm. Braithwait* CARR YOUNG FINDLAY AND GILMOUR, Prospectuses, m h o m a s smith, tagon, and having every requisite for a large .;. Teviot Mackay intimate that his Brother* begs to Auction -*^ business, they trust that this, combined with Boot amd Shoemaker, Princes street South. Room is now ready for the reception of goods Programmes, J. Harrop ■";.. placed in his hands, either for public or pri- Lawrence Mataura Bridge. their well-knownexperience,willentitlethem Posters fTIHE Undersignedare buyers of Oats and vate sale; and that he is prepared to offer Do. Begs to inform the inhabitants of Tuturau to a favorable share of support. Geo. Jeffery. -*- Barley, and willmake liberalcash ad- every possible facility in business with imCO., and surrounding district, that he has com AND others, by FORBES and cash porters advances or Waitahuna (plain and colored, all sizes Sydney Wilson. vanceson grainstored with them for sale in wise, and by prompt settlement at theotherI Next Simpson and Asher, close Lake Waipori menced Boot and Shoemaking at the aboveJas. Henderson. transaction. the colonies or GreatBritain. of each named place, and hopes by strict attentiob to Hand-bills (do.), Butchers. Dunedin M'CALLUM, NEILL, AND CO., Robert Mackay., business, combined with a good article at [ WILLIAM GTRACHAN, /"I IT V COAL YARD, T.Farmery and'Co. Receipt Forms, Wellington mulerate charges, to merit a share of the Bond-street Dunedin. BREWER, BOTTLER, PLACE, MORAY surrounding districts. STUART STREET AND H|"ALSTER, patronageof the George ;Street;ij 36 England DeliveryBooks, ABBEYLE IX STABLES, DUJSEDIN. [Cornhill, E.C:London. Maclaggan Street, Dunedin. AND IMPORTER, WEST TAIERI SAW MILLS. for Horses, Buggies Goodaccommodation Circulars, Funeral Notices, JOHN W. JAGO the undersigned, havingbought Mr I and Saddle Horses for hire. VICTORIA BREWERY, Begs to intimate that he is now preparedto Loose boxesfor Entires andRaceHorses. Grant'sLease of the MaungatuaBush Labels, Show Cards,Bye-laws, Pamphlets, Printed and Published by ihe ;Proprie{or,'l Joseph Mackay, residing opposite his, Regis* reserve, are now prepared to supply orders. ;supply Newcastle andColonial Coals, Coke, Horses bought, sold, or exchanged. Prices DUNEDIN. of any description. Boards and scantling's! Receipt Books(bound and perforated to suit the times. tered Printing Office, Main Soutli^load. Milton, and every description of Firewood,, of beßt in;jtne->'.Province Tokomairiro, County of Bruce, i; always on hand. ARTHUR SMITH, I j ';;-"' quality, at lowest remunerative prices. Proprietor. xtnmi obdww fcnotuaily attkhdbd »«. of Otago, NewZealand;-' ii-j Btc., Etc., Etc, MANN AND M LACHLAN. \fc3j]l EOBERT MESSRS R& — , - -- BENNET T^T" JBEIGHTON, WHITE, — "*"tTFTTFhTw hTT, DRTVER, M'GREGOR HOWLAND MESSRS . M'GREGOR M'GREGOR — ALL DUNEUIN — J& SHAMROCK M'COLL, — VARIOUS DALRYMPLE, — THOMAS — EINDLAY - - — I — — ... HAVING ... ... ... — THE WILLIAM ...... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ...... ... ... . . ... ... NEW WE, ... ... ... ... .. ... ■ . . * - '"'°