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Otago Daily Times. jDOTEDIR:.--SATURDAY,""APRIL 5, 1862. NO- 121 . ;: Shipping* Notices. Shipping .Notices. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS STEAM TO THE TAIEEI. TFIHEfavourite paddle steamer A T the request ofa large num-^ii^^N,^ -Ci; LYTTELTON," her of Merchants and Ship«*-*|ib'Ji^3S-^\. "will run regularly between masters, we have made arrange.'SulkSjE&SSSaiSss' Dunedin and the Taieri ferry, ments for booking passengers to and deliver goods at the head of Waihola Lake. For all parts of New Zealand and the Australian Colofreight or passage apply to ■'■'■'■' nies. C. FREDK. BEEBY, Passengers can secure tickets by first-class sailing at R. B. Martin '& Co.'s offices,. High-street. Ships or Steamers, at our offices, at Tuapeka HE "EXPERT" Steamer nP will <sfej?,..siL ■''■■' '• : : JL run with Passengers -' 'Wiitherstone's Waitahuna '• PORT DUNEDIN to '..- '.;■ ; ,-. ■' -• Waipori Steamer will leave: Dunedin at 9 o'clock a.m., and ~.' COBB &CO., Booking o'clock p.m. Office. Provincial Hotel. Dunedin: Port Chalmers, 12 o'clock* noon, and 4J o'clock p.m. DONNA ANITA." BARQUE Fares; Moderate. From Londox.- '. '■-. FOtt THK TAIERI FERRY AND WAIHOLA. ye m:wle arrangementi JSv nnHE Fine Powerful Steamer "\7si7"^' "RAINBOW,"- ~' VV with Messrs. J. Jones and *«|j!^'l*l||||s^ wi^ trade regularly^ between WSfagm%!3BaßßßF t&Ssia-jisEgxs^Z* G°;> agents for the above vessel, to [lighter her' cargo at current Dunedin and the Taieri Ferry, :■-,.:■ delivering'goods at Waihola. rates. For freight apply to ■■-■'■;;■ ?". No goods will be delivered -unless freighthasbeen paid. HENRY KOUGHTON; ."■ Walker-street, J. & R. BAIRD, .-1..: Messrs. H. Cooke fe Co:'a stores.* .......•■ Lighterage Contractors. POSTPONEMENT OF.' ALDINGA. 7. -L> T\/T 'KENZIE & POOLEj General J3JL Shipping and .Custom House STEAM TO MELBOURNE DIRECT. "7/jpslsSs\. Agents. Lighterage Contracted for at S..'S. ,;AIBIIf 8A;, TBSySsiv^ lowest l'ates.—Rentsand Accounts Col<g]Ws^^. J. McLean, Commander,will ■«^^SSK> lected... OFFICES—Jetty-street, Dun«87«^ot^^v- positively sail on TUESDAY, edin ; and 30, Flinders-lane, Melbourne. * SCREW STEAM SHIP VICTORY. Passage Mohet, £8. concluded Passengers conveyed on board without charge, by A RRANGEMENTS having been finally Mr. Scott, the Company's engineer, for either of the steamers. The last Boat will leave X* withwith the work of raising and floating the Duuedin Jetty at 11 o'clock a.in., on Tuesday. 1 proceeding ship; all persons having applied for'shares, above booking undersigned passengers. are now The requested to pay the first callof L2per share, on are ; or before.the first April, at the office of Messrs. R. B. DALGETY, RATTRAY & CO., : Walker-street: Martin and Co., otherwise their shares will "be forLLOYD, TAGGART &, CO., Or to ; feited. ;' ".'.': •■'■■•-. Jetty. ■■-•■■ Geo. Garsibb, ; Secretary. -,'! ': •'■■•"•"■ ." KOR LONDON DIRECT. Dunedin, 18th March, 1862. HE magnificentClipper Ship, vJ-->-»K "CHARIOT OF FAME." '■ fll ~]. FOR AUCKLAND. 1640 Tons Register, '^S'fJj\^jg^^>,-*1 H E favorite Al clipper Robert A. Kerr, Esq., rJ •gggjggggg|giis|s»a' nwKiiia « Jtitvs-niiX schooner ALBATROSS, *^|bi^sNsN^ Captain Commander. Clarke, will sail on or '^B^^^XfiZ^e^ One of the clippers of the Celebrated White Star •SlliSSpisiS^about THURSDAY, 3rd April. Line ofPackets, and so well known for herremarkFor frieght or passage, apply to able passagesfrom Melbourne to Liverpool. W. W. DUNBAR, ••:■-■ The Saloon accommodations of the Chariot of •■•No. 4, Mercer's Buildings, Princes-street. Fame" are unrivalled. They are spacious, and fully equal to the requirements of families. ThepassenTHIS DAY. gers will be provided with beds, bedding, &c. '• A milch cow is placed oh board. SYDNEY AND NEWCASTLE. FOR The Intermediate and Second-class accommodations are unsurpassed by anything afloat. The dietary H E splendid clipper brig ■s4>«fes^ rf^ scales are most liberal, and great care Will be taken ■wpyy^ligN. 'AUSTRALIA, JL'"" that all articles to be supplied shall be of the best de; a few ]^^^i^^^i^will sailo to,day, taking only cripfion. >^^^afo"''o^ and six saloon passengers. ' An experienced surgeonaccompanies the ship. Steerage £4 10 ..:■■ For freight and passageapply to Saloon. £8 0 DALGETY, RATTRAY, & CO. Four berths disengaged.. CARGILL & CO. M-KENZIB & POOLE, W.-CARR YOUNG, Jetty-street. And JOHN JONEiS & CO., Agents. FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT. ~~ FOR MELBOURNE. OPPORTUA SPLENDID A NITY. Will be immedirjYH E Celebrated ; Clipper *. -twkv atc-ly despatched, passengers being _^^^^^^^?-ar JL BLUE JACKET, at libeity to goon board at once, 1443 tons register, James White, ■^^^^P^^^^* ""SsßS^Nji*^^ Esq:, the Blackwall Al clipper ship Commander. A L C V ON E, This well-known ship, renowned as having accom600 tons register, Captain Grey, Commander. plished some of the most extraordinary passages on record, possesses passenger accommodation of, the This vessel has very roomy berths and great height most admirable character. She has a magnificent between'decks. She is the fastest ship ever laid on poop, with, accommodation for second and third class between this port and Melbourne, and with sailing passengers, which, afford all the advantages ofa chief capacities eqiial to that of a steamer combines all the cabin. advantages of a firet-class clipper vessel. ■'. The dietary scale is ample, and the provisions in Only a very few intermediate passengers will be all instances the best that can be procured. booked. .■,.■■■,,.For freight or passage apply to Steward's attendance will be provided, and the very JOHN JONES & CO., Agents. best provisions, .■without, limit, served out. FARES: -.."■. BLUE JACKET. Intermediate Cabin, with steward's f-l-IHIS Ship, is ready to dis■»-/Kwjjsj attendance £4 0 JL charge. Consignees, are Second Cabin., £5 10 ■^vS|C^af?~jK^\ requested pass Entries First Cabin as per agreement. witllout delay- Freight must The services of first-class stewards and attendbo paid before delivery of Goods. ants provided in every case. JOHN JONES & CO., Passengers will not be required to receive their -■■,■:■. Agents. messes, which will be taken charge of. by officers ■•■ provided for the purpose, and prepared by the ship's DONA-ANITA, ■■•■:; ipoks. ■■'■■• '■; From London. An opportunityfor reaching Melbourne with such f 11HIS vessel is entered at the i^^k. comfort, and moderate rates, will not likely -*-. Custom House. Consignees lespatch, will please pass Entries without )ffer itself again. Captain Grey has been honored higher testimonials as a seaman and gentleman qgg|«iigg|s|§^g' delay. Freight must be paid rvith ;hau any other master who ever entered the port. before delivery. For passage apply immediately to JOHN JONES & CO., Messrs. M'KENZIE & POOL, Agents. Jetty-street, Agents; ■'.:... or to Messrs. DARWENT & CO., • •Wsjvx^Sk. M!lJss£ii£M&&Z> -^ .. " .. '. . Merchandise. . ofthe best BRITANNIA METAL JDARWENT aud ELECTRO-PLATED of— ; r description ■ry & 00. have FOR SALE every GOODS, consisting Sugar Basins Merchandise, , ■ Miscellaneous. WITTKOAVSKI BROTHEKS, WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, AND IMPORTERS. (Of Melbourne, Ballarat, and Dunedin) ■. PRICE, 3 d. H A .11 R-I S • ;& ' OUNaHUS BAND "y" AN D SAMP SO N, Importers of BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, &c. (Over Jones §- Williamson's, Princes-street, et, Business Notices. - ~ C0 IMPORTERS, Tea and Coffee Pots Soup Tuiecns Mustard Pots OF MELBOURNE AND DUNEDIN, Pepper Boxes ■T)EG-1o call the attention of the Tobacconists, Water Pitchers s t Dunedin.J Salt Cellars Salcand Mustard Spoons ns _O Store and Hotel Keepers of Dunedin and the jg Beg to announce to their customers that they have Cream Jucrs &c.. fe., &c. Province generally, to their Wholesale Establishment ■nt TTAVE ON SALE-AMERICAN BOOTS Napoleons JLX i in Flinders Lane, next to Lazarus' Bond, Stafford behoved to the large Wooden Store at the rear of I'ISLDH tilM BROTHERS, iucliug Boots Street. Messrs. Perkin3 & Co., Princes-street. Watertights Wholesale Dealers and General Importer*> J. WANDELS. Manager. Bluchers The entrance is from the Second Right-of-way oil" 2, High street, Opposite Commercial Ilotel, of Wellingtons every description WITTKOWSIU BROTHERS, Rattray-street, x>une d i n ; where they will cfl'ect a iWomen's and Children's Cloth and Leather ler And G2, Queen-sti'eet, Melbourne, on Sale Tobacco—los, Boots, &c, &c, &c. lhnd and Twists, Cavendish, Honey Dew, and ALWAYS ON" HAND a large CLEARANCE of their ENTIRE. STOCK Pilot Jackets 3 Aromatic. and varied Assortment of— Moleskin Trowsers OF DRAPERY AND SLOPS Gold and Silver Watches Scotch Twill Shirts WITTKOWSKI BROTHERS, Clocks and Jewellery 'Scotch Tweed and Doe Suita 1( j Stile—Pipes—Clay, Wood, on and At greatly reduced rates. Table and Pocket Cutlery Tweed and Doe Trowsers Meerschaum, plain and mounted. Electro-plated Goods Crimean Shirts Tobacconist's Ware aud Fancy Goods, of every 8-4 Calico Grey WITTKOWSKI BROTHERS, description Blankets on Sale—Matches, Wood and Wax 1X Covntrv Orders Punctually Attended to. RECENT SHIPMENTS, Flannels, &c. and General Stock of Tobacconist's Vestas, t>S LET OTAGO FLOURISH. MB" Ex Western and City of Hobart, SAMPSON-' Ware. S£ OF SEASONABLE AND USEFUL GOODS" THE GLASGOW POLYTECHNIC, GREEN- f- AN SALE, AT TIIE STORES OP THE Business Notices. NOW ON SALE. ISLAND. \J UNDERSIGNED.— ProprieC0LL & CAMPBELL, c- WINES, AND SPIRITS, AND LIQUEURS. ~ NOTICE. iy tors. It is a matter of surprise to many Dawson's ale, in hulk DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. lio\v that this Store is doing so well and"' going is Bass's ale, in bottle IS HEREBY that the PartnerGIVEN, 2t- ALL outstanding ACCOUNTS due to James ■\TOTICE a-head."—We account for this success on thesese Byass's ale, in bottle Kilgour, Ll ship between the undersigned, SHADRACH -CX not !H settled before the Ist of May grounds—We buy cheap and we sell cheap—We To ]Jyass's stout, Inbottle EDWABD ROBERT JONES and CHARLES ED-D- next, will then be handed over to his solicitor for know what business is, and our great pleasure is is WARD BIRD, in the business of Auctioneers, Cattle collection. Geneva, red and green cases tie to meet the wants of our customers, and to please 3e Brandy, dark and pale, in bulk Salesmen, and General Commission Agents, at Sand-[d- Entry in Rattray-street, between Ilynian, jeweller, them in price and quality. Brandy, in cases, various brands hurst, iv the Colony of Victoria, and at Duuedin, in and Grey, confectioner. Tothe Greenislanders, we beg to state that we Sherry, re in cases and qr.-casks the Province of Otago, New Zealand, under the style Ist April, 1862. fla have how on hand a full assortment of general goods,», or firm of JONES, BIRD & C0.," was this day Port, in qr.-casks in groceries, diapery, ka. MR. BARR'S POEMS. '$ by dissolved mutual consent; and, in future, the saiil Rum, 10 and 30, O P, West Indian 1115 Publishing Committee beg to state that Comprising— Whisky, Kirkliston, Greenock Distillery Co., in in business at Sandhurst will be carried on by the said lid '"P Copies ofthe above work may now be had -' JL j The finest teas and Charles Edward case bulk Bird on his separate account, and the at1 Sugars, coftee Sparkling hock—sparkling Moselle business at Dunedin by the said Shadrach EdwardV the following places, viz. M'Leod and Gibson's store, Princes-street. Oatmeal,.cheese, barley, sago, rice Old Tom, in qr.-casks. \ Robert Jones on his separate account: and all debts Smith Marshall's, and do. Tapioca, soap, sperm and tallow candles do.' do. Claret, in,ca&es" due to and owing from the said partnership will be reSalad and castor oil, curry powder '" ' Mercer's do. do. do. ,£r Andrew ceived and paid by the said Shadrach Edward Robert John Mollison's do. do. do. Sardines, salmon, lobster, ling fish, vinegar PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES. Jones. Stationery Lambert's Warehouse, Stafford-streetAnd Pickle's, salt, currants Robinson's hnms—bacon, Warings' Witness ourhands this first day of April, 1862. ALEX. Secretary Raisins, carbonate and washing soda M'LEOD, herrings herrings—fresh Smoked SIIADRAUH EDWARD ROBERT JONES, Sinclair's ham ■■■■.. JAMES KILGOUIt, Treasurer. Lemon and orange peel, in tins CHAS. IS. BIRD. Ground and whole ginger Duncdin, 13th February, 1862. Whybrows' pickles—Colman's starch—blue and id Signed by both parties in the presence of— '• " Allspice, pepper, mustard ';'■'■ mustard IIKNItY Howokth; Dunedin, Gentleman. KEROSENE OIL AND IMPROVED Wotnersspoon's confections Sardines, halves and quarters William Rae, Clerk, Dunedin. ■KEROSENE LAMPS. Apples, lemon-peel, nutmegs Candlosj Brandon's, Hales', and Nevas, full 16 m Tobacco and waxvestas. (~\H SALEj i large variety of the above, including weights, and light weights (late Bird Jones, [Co.), JONES & Auctioneer, MEN'S CLOTHING. Salad oil, pints,' and.quarts—Capers Cattle Salesman, aud General Commission on M Table-stalJ d'' Hal1 ' Hil"SinS> Side, Bracket, Coats, vests, trousers, jumpers Feasts' sauces—Cameron's vinegar Agent, begsto intimate to the inhabitants of Dunedin Bedroom, Hotel, Billiard, and Pulpit Lamps, Chauand Lanterns. White, regatta, scotch 'twill plaid boxes—Currie powder Vestas, in tins and and the public of Otago generally, that he will carry*7 deliers, Also, Wicks, Shades, Globes, Chimneys, &c, &c Blue and grey, wool shirts "Arrowroot—Patnarice—castor oil—currants on business as usual, and trusts from his long experi'*• AND STEVENS, Crimean shirts brooms—alum—honey, American in tins— ence in Victoria and in this Province, to receive a .ImportersWHEELOCK and Wholesale Dealers, 166 Bourke-street Flannel and wove underclothing <..; nutmegs—sago continuance ofthat patronage hitherto so liberally be-c" East, Melbourne, Scotch wool and knitted socks Cape raisins—-Thins' jams, in tins Victoria. upon stowed the firm. Also, Sole Agents in Australia and New Zealand A splendid lot of French felt hats, also, «ab-dDunlop and Swiss cheese—lobsters S. JONES, , for Wheeler and Wilson's celebrated bage tree and Panama's new improved Bottled fruits—salt, in jars 111 Family Auctioneer, Cattle Salesman, and Sewing Machines. FOB THE LADIES. " General Commission Agent.\ Tea, in chests,! half-chests, and quarters, and id ~ ~ Plain and fancy dresses, in muslin, mohair;r; 'orange pekoe n otTcI and alpaca Irish and Californian oats—salmon THE DIGGERS' E X P:R ES S A nice lot of crinoline steel Mixed spice—cocoa—salt to diggers, travellers, and others. for Wincey and'rip skirts Holloway's Pills, and general assortment ofdrugs Prints, calicoes, blankets Honan's butter, in cloth—confectionery EAST TAIERI. royal hotel, Bed, toilet, and table covers soda—split peas Tartaric acid—carbonate of DAILY. Weatherstone's Gulley. A select lot of haberdashery Bleached ginger—Adelaide flour, silk dressed X EAVING Anderson and T M'DONALD Stoddart's, s, respectfully intimates that ho Bakers, Sugars—Java, Chinese, Victoria Company'ss JLJ George-street, at 245 p.m. And a great variety of general goods, in iron-i0 has now opened the above first class hotel, and mongery, cutlery, stationery, crystal ware,i, Mauritius, and Cossipore Leaving Reliance Hotel, East Taieri, at 8-30 a.m. he hopes by strict attention to business, and keeping &c.,' &c, &c. ....,,. nothing but first-class articles, meet with a share of fares: charges advertising The for in these our gold-dig- ;- ; 40Bales grey sheetings, 72 in. '■'■■■ public support. s. d. ;ing times, prevent us from enlarging, or quotingg Swiss, Manilla, and Havahnah cigars, tobacco,3> TheWmes, Spirits, Beer, '&c, are of the best To Green Island ... 6 2 ~, trices. ':■ ■' &c. quality, and the stock will he kept supplied from the To Saddle Hill ..." 4 0 Gingerbeer and lemonade bottles. To Rob Roy Hotel ... best-brands. 5 6 ARRIVE PER MARY E. RAY, TO House and Cooking Department under the manageTo Reliance Hotel, eighteen miles LEAVE MELBOURNE ok tub aiiit INST. IRONMONGERY, &c. ment of Mrs. M'Donald, with assistance of good cook. * pumDS—buckets—Colza from Town 8 .0 10,000 superficial feet 4\ x li Dougliis oil always ready from the hours of 8 A 10,000 ~4x2 Bar iron, all sizes—tin plates—zincs N.B.—The Proprietor of the Diggers' Express28 comfortable meal 4x3 20,000 Quicksilver-picks—hatchets—galvanized irona having made an arrangement with thoTßoatmen, Pas-3' a.m. till 10 p.m. Well aired beds. ;. 20,000 ~4^x3 ...-V. 6, ..7, and 8 feet i Bengers can be conveyed to the Woplshed Diggings-atlt Wetherstone's,' January 18th, 1862. 50 deals, 9 x 3, 1 cut Ewbank'S nails, all sizes-rAmerican nails/. '■:• ia reasonable rate. ■■■ 50 „ 9x3, 2 Long and short handled shovels ; JAMES CARMICHAEL,■"•'" 50 11 x3, 1 „ ANDERSON AND -SON S, ; Red lead, white lead—boiled oil, raw oil Pi-oprietor. (Late Hall and Alderson), 50 11x3,2 oil—point Colza brushes—sashliooks—guttering tanners and curriers, Piping—zinc nails—galvanized iron—hinges 55,000feet T &. G American lumber 2-in. clear pine Cart boxes—axle-trees—horseshoe nails—bass f jiHB undersigned offer their services for the pur-ranufacturers and Importers of 4,000 _L chase of TEA in the Melbourne Market; asIS ,» half-inch Scotch flooring, 6$ x J D L E R Y,—H A 11 N E S S, 66,000 brooms Wayne's Patant Breaking Saddles three-quarter inch Scotch flooring, they make this article a speciality, they are in a posi-i- tJ 54,000 Iron columns, solid and hollow—bridle posts Crimean and other Pack Saddles to get the best value. Sec. &c, CiX* ■■ Also 1tionThe », Boots and Shoes class of Tea that has been shipped to Dunedinn Enamelled and Japanned Leathers certainly does not require judgment, as the greaterr TIMBER. Doors, Sashes, &c. < portion ofthe shipments have been of alow character;•; Moroccos, Roans, and all other Fancy Flooring co., & 1 boards, in., £, in., ] cleve 5 1£ to. they recommend class Leathers would, however, Manse-street. Dressed and undressed weatherboards a better ofif I Mill Belts—Accoutrements Tea to be purchased ; and as they taste every dropp Quartering, 4x3,4x2,3x2 PALINGS, sft. Grindery thatarrives and Saddlers' Ironmongery having knowledge 9 A AAA T and G and a full of the c here, —shelving. fj V, Uy 30,000ft. kauri weatherboardss lumber .. ivarious qualities, they feel convinced they would givec 221, Elizabeth-street, Sydney. 10,000 ft. kauri scantlings, at Dunedin ■•, satisfaction. Black and Polar Oils always on hand. kip"grain-boots—Macguire's American nuggets1 Timber Yard CLEVE Sc CO., Manse-street.' E Brokerage, one per cent., buying and forwarding, I W. BELL fc CO. References for the satisfaction of the Importer. begs LEE, to inform the public" and O R~ O S~ A L E ROBERTSON & EVERARD, inhabitants of Dunedin in general, that the WITTKOV7SKI BROTHERS, Tea Brokers, I United States Hotel and Dunedin Restaurant is now Draught and light harness horses on Sale—Cigars—Manilla, Swiss, 69 Collins-street west, Melbourne,!.copen to receive boarders and lodgers at the most Freight waggons and Habana. Regalias, Media Kegalias, ] :—__ hopes by strict attention, 1 : i reasonable and terms, '—— American buggies ondres, Trabuco's, Prensados, Queens, Cabanas, -WINE, SPIRIT, AND) merit ashare of support.' waggons c.,-.&c. t Express ■M. A. LEE, Proprietor, OUNTRY AND TOWN ORDERS PROMPTLY An assortment ofharness and corn Backs. -Walker-street., PROVISION STORES, ATTENDED TO. .'■■-"■ COBB fc CO. ; .SHIPPING SUPPLIED. RESTAURANT AND CAFE ROYAL, BLUE JACKET. "IX7" MARRIS and CO. have FOR SALE, a Princes-street. Address—Flindei-s-lane, next to Lazarus' Bond, Stafford-street. MXIH' ROA V, WKTHB RS T O N'S, Stafford Street V V their yard, below George Hotel, George-street, 11l NOEL begs to inform the Public of Dunedin *■ NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA GOLD-FIELDS, T. and Gv lumber JD that besides his well-known Restaurant, he C. CAMPBELL & CO., Stafford-street, have on J. GIBSON & CO., ripHE Al Clipper Ship ANNIE f .jfc^*. inow has opened the large and elegantly decorated nnHE Steamer PRIDE OF THE 1 Shelving, doors, sashes '. SAL E:— I Room KIMBAI.L, 1,000 Architraves, 4, JpJfgSSv X and 6 inch UP-STAIRS as a CAFE, which will be contons, 5, been-engaged YARRA, [has *"i*«4k='S§-T|<^> JL Hams, Cpey's Frazer's and Campbell's Charles Mai-sh, Esq., Commander. ». Cornice moulds, sin. PROPRIETORS. <5ducted in a superior style heretofore unknownmpassengers on board, ■^sJF iI>'VWheSSL to convey Bacon, Campbell's, Reid's, and Coey's Mouldings, 3to 1J inch Dunedin. By polite and strict attention to the coin on MONDAY, 7th Arpil, at 9 8 s|||g|~=||g||ggfFor victoria, Vancouver's Island, Prime new cheese, just landedBuilders' ironmongery f fort of all who may honor him with their visit, F. N, •a.iv,, \-Z noon, and 3 p.m. t .'ill succeed the Alice Thorndikc, and sail'for-the Butter, oats, and salt :■ HOPE STREET FREE STORES. Bolts. &o. 1hopes to meet, with a fair share of that patronage •■• JOHN JONES &. CO., Agent's. !1 bovo port, Soda-crystals and carbonate of soda . which it will be his sincerest endeavor to deserve. _^— centrally r extensive and 9 Stores On.SATURDAY, SwrAPRIL, 1862. Preserved salmon and assorted meats .This.fine vessel■ will sail promptly, and having TOKOMAIRIRO TOWNSHIP. are STEAM TO THE MOLYNEUX. Jams, jellies, and candied, peel NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERT*. NO W OP E N plcndid accommodations, with most liberal dietary, Vinegar in qr-casks .■ the Hydraulic Press, now laying in JamesPaternnilE favorite paddle steamer s -■ale, passengers mayrely on every comfort and short *51%*2w3?k To receive Merchandise only. SALE.—Sections, 1 to 14, B 1, with Large Soap and purified tallow candles son and Co.'s Premises, is notremoved, and the 1 LYTT ELTON, will sail I assage. «?J«|P^v for Smithy, good 4-Roomed weatherboard House, Belmont and Victoria Molyneaux should suffisperm charges paid on the same within one month from this the do No Hazardous Goods Admitted. -: j booked through to San Francisco. Fof •fe^C^l^S^^' cient inducement . offer, on f Passengers Colza oil in 5 gallon drums ■..,-. 3-Stalled Stable. Sectionfenced and cultivated. To'. WsSs^W^?t"&--jS» . 0date, it will he sold to defray expenses. ..:.. : particulars tiler to app'v cheap., ir be sold Flour, Adelaide and Melbourne JAMEB PATERSON & CO." THURSDAY, 3rd hist. ■-■;- GILLIES & STREET, HENRY DRIVER & CO., Insurance Obtainable at Ordinary Rates. Ale and porter iri bottle, assorted brands For freight or passage apply to Dunedin, March sth. I Agents, Surveyors and Land and Estate Agents. in bulk :,,'■' d I » >> C. FREDK. BEELEY, Terms:— EDWARIT CASSON~~ROWNTREE, Stafford-street. Flour of sulphur Agent. ARCHITECT ARD SURVEYOR, POTATOES! POTATOES 1 ! POTATOES!!! NINE PENCE PER TON PER WEEK. Assorted confectionery "Cave Valley," "Flour Balls." Tasmakian Timber Yards, Dunedin, April Ist, 1862. FOR BLUFF, IKVERCARGILL, AND Old tornin qr-casks ... prefer "a good Potatoe, ask for Cave Valley On ATHOL-PLACE AND LEITH-STREET, you quantities Twenty C above Tons a discount will be RIVERTON. ' FIRST SHIP FOR Geneva,'JDKZ, in case Drawings, Specifications, and Es-' MELBOURNE DIRECT. Flour Bails. furnish allowed as per agreement. Champagne and liquors nnilE A 1 Clipper-built Ship STAR will Rail any description of building, superOtago?. nnHE schooner Which are the best in timates of jK*J>^Sv Potatoes t>i£^"fc\ Brandy in case, assorted brands ARABIA," one of Messrs. t^r>jti^L>^\ X for the above ports «*3?2§?'ns\ -*Decidedly the Cave Valley Flour Balls. a few Arrangements are made with Mr. Tomlinson, intendthe erection of buildings, or survey and value Ginger Wine Bright Bros, regular traders to days. For further particulars Families can be supplied by the undersigned, who whereby Importers of Goods maybe released from all j without any unnecessary loss of time, and at low Ice. &c, fee,. -^trouble and loss of time. receives weekly supplies per H^§ai§sSiin33fe tIIIS Portj ■"'ill De despatched for « Geelong," from ti .', CJcharges. J. C. CAMPBELL, & CO., WEBB, PANTLIN & CO., Oamaru. Melbourne in a few days. :As the HOPE STREET FREE STORES have Or on board the Star, at the Jetty. i'~■ Stafford-street. A. Mercek, Forfi eight or passage apply to THE REV, J- HARDING, • jj! been built exclusively, for Warehousing Merchandise, Wosleyan Minister, WIU. CARR YOUNG, 1 QTDV7ARD GENET, Auctioneer, General' ComCorner of High-street. mmany advantages and facilities are offered to those IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PAINTERS, five minutes' walk from Agent. Qi ESIDENCE, Agent, using RattrnyShipping J iyttelton. mission and them. 1T> Norwich'Quav, GLAZIERS, &c. J street, past Kilgour's bakery. Enquire' of i\ " •Apply atthe FOR. SALE, :. "■.: JlVj PLEDGER, Painter, &c, Walker-street, Confectioner, or of Boom and Evans, Gkey, •K-'ii—+<-v nnilE fine fast-miling Clippo N.8.-—Passengers' Lupfr.ige and Merchandise care- IHOS. G HOPE STREET FREE STORES: '■A FIRST-RATE RUN, acres, about 60 30,000 has sale— J- SWP on JES.SUP, f. illy stored, and forwarded so any part of the settleQGrocers, Rattray-street." Or, to EDWARD CASPER & CO., -ti_ miles from Dunedin, with over 5000 sheep, Oapt. NooS, will fail fur the White of the lead, quality icnt best i'.ci.L'hboriiig n or on reasonable terms. Sales H colonies, Exchange X^^ml^^' above Port, on Saturday next; Room, together with 6-roomed dwelling-house, weather'Raw and boived oils jggggSigglij"^ High-street. boarded, lined, and furnished. Cr J. BURROWS, Practical Sailmakerand Ship •; Window glass of every size Lost, Found, &c. 6th April. ~| good working order, with all the This Station is in _N Port Chalmers. Likewise a Chandler, splendid assortment ot pnperhang- necessary plant of sheep-yards, dipping tank, working -* For freight or jinssace, apply to ings. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT.: = Tar, pitch, oakum, spuuyam, marlin, and JAMES C. CAMPBELL & CO., Agents, drays, saddle horses, implemente, &c, &c. STRAYED between Wnitahuna and N.B.—The above articles are warranted the best in bullocks, J. BR O W NE, "1 housing. Stafford-street. For further particulars, apply to J Woolshed, a BAY MARE, with tether rope PROVINCIAL REGISTRY OFFICE, Ship and boat's spars imedin, and at the lowest prices Any person having lost the same, will WM. attached. CARR ship (Three New and second-hand and schooner's sails Observe YOUNG. doors from the Provincial a{ the address— HoteK FOR NELSON AND THE BULLER RIVER please to apply at Burkes Hotel, Waitaliunay ■. boat sails LET, Rents' Collected, and the general where they THOS. PLEDGER, DIGGINGS. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 1 can have it by paying expenses. Old risrging, blocks, &c, always on hand ■'•"-■' Back of Smith's Shop, Walker-street. business ofa House Agent carefully attended rjHIIE sailing punctually fast N.B.—Orders attended to, and every well-known tf^rCJv^ THE BOOT WAREHOUSE, CITY OF NEL- p issible dispatch given. HE. undersigned begs to inform his friends and fin "^■^A^H^^- K^^ schooner Octagon *i'l have immediate dcs: 1 the public generally that he is open to'receive -JjS&siEt^fcsSSw EX LDINGA" AND "OMEO." BE3£*222£££vii«*- patchT> for the above diggings. and ~Sn WILLIAM C. VAHLAND, Architect and mgoods for sale, by public auction, or otherwise, athia ", ,' CHARTER. George Steest. For freight or passageapply to and Surveyor. Office, Stafford-street, five n, new and spacious Sale Rooms, in Stafford-street. \ TTANTED, A VESSEL, from 300 to 500. tons AUTUMN AND WINTER FASHIONS. " 'dc■*J. and R. BAHID. above the Provincial Hotel. • He has also made'arrangements for premises for the adapted fur thd timber trade. Apply to J. S. tV >UTEMENT k CO. beg respectfully to call the rp F. ADAMS informs his Friends and the Pub- doors selling JL that he is off his 1 lie, ouolas, 2. Mercer's Buildings. present Stock at .—^ sa of Horses, Cattle, and other Stock, where he will sale J attention of the Ladies of Dunedin and vicinity -ALDINGA FROM MELBOURNE. periodical sales, and trusts, fi'om. his long exGreatly.ReducedPrices, in order to make room for T( hold TO & STEWARDS he CAPTAINS, PROVIDORES, their choice assortment of Autumn SIJirEM^TEAM SHIP VICTORY. and Winter IQHTEKS are This Day nHHHE VICTORIAN BUTCHERS', COM- pcperience in this business, to insure their support. jods, which have been personally selected in Mel- Fresh Arrivals by the T HUNDRED SHARES are still unallotted "\NE No Goods { discharging. DONA ANITA WM. SMITH, ISftwds&l^S. -wiU -M l>e delivered unless oh pro- \ J Application to be made to Messrs. R. B. Mar- urne. A , PANY beg-to draw the attention of all AND ■';' ■fisKsß&SaliSS^durtion Ladies' millinery and straw bonnets Stafford-street. those t arriving in Otago, to the fact that they are preof Bill of Lading, en- ti and (Jo., before list April, enclosing the first call KZZS32m£i&v%o%g& ACKBAR. pared supply shipping hats with fcj* per despatch, £ '2 share. i. to ana at ■' Freight dorsed for and Lightei-age. •■.-.. '. , Cnudien REWARD. prices. s do., trimmed and untrimmed reasonable rei £5 ;. Geo. Garsidb, TO BAKERS and STOREKEEPERS. Boat Notes to be obtained at our Office. from Tuapeka, a Brown Gelding.- Brand' •' Babies'hate and hooJs STAFFORD STREET, T Secretary. J. & R. BAIRD. NEAT well built Store and dress-caps Dwelling Ladies' House like M W near wart on of: shoulder, Opposite and the Provincial Hotel. JL or side Dunediu, 18th March, 1862. with a first-class Oven and Bakehouse, situated Apply nt Bank's Store, Gabriel's Gully; or, Ladies' and children'shead-dress fa face. bealskia and cloth in a good "'STCTANTED to Charter a Yes'■ business position, ona piece of land 27 feet TO CONSIGNEES~OF GOODS. —: —"—--: Messrs. M'Coll and Campbell, Green Island. 'fc*r**^ts. mantles and paletots m frontage by 165—a pump well of pure water, and a ~ sel from'6o 100tons; 1 LOYD, TAGGART k, CO., pass entries, and atGaribaldijackets NOTICE. vi. to'» " '■ £2 REWARD. ', load Cattle fromWanganui for J _J tend tothe delivery of Goods, two stalled stable, loft, Sec, on the ground. ; ■, DUNEDIN JEWISH-CONGREGATION. _^§^»r™^^&^ on receipt of Cashmere shawls B^r^j^Sr^S^- this Port. For'particulars ap- B ills oi Lading. Offices, Jetty-street, o/ strayed from Dunedin, a Brown Horse, property openings Children's Theabove is one of the best in belowthePostCongre- T dresses k GENERAL MEETING" of the above V o bigh, about 15 hands .with .white star on fore- ~; WRIGHT, ROBERTSON & CO., Dunedin, and will be let on lease, or easy term* for x oi Bee. Wincey robes gation will be held at the Otago Auction' Mart i~ W Mau&e-strect. branded o^~o on near shoulder. Any one' any number of years. \r French merino Maclaggan-street, next the Arcade, on SUNDAY head, „? such LOYD, TAGGART & CO., Ship Brokers, Cusgiving information- as will lead, to the recovery. POLE, DODS, & CAMERON. Foa'SALjj, r French twill th the 6th ." insUnt, _J toms Lighter, and General Commission thereof, .will receive the above reward on applica-. '?Coburg 1 Rattratf-sfcreefc. At Eleven o'Clock a.m.,, fTIHE Schooner PROMPT, IGO A gents, Jett3'-street. tion to Fancy Orleans tons burthen, oak built, and -i 3 UJiiJIITSON & SAMUEL FARROW, High-street.... •aJfej^^^^vV X een Plain and striped wincey LONDON PRICES NET, Medical and To Receive Code of Laws prepared by; the Com- ■_. CO., Stevedokes, Port Chalnew'y coppered 'las and had j a mittee; Scientific Books. " English and Foreign" I -»Ripe skirts ■t-iiJH" »^ffl lir^- thorough overhaul within the last £? JL1 mcrs. Vessels discharged with despatch, BwKwrf^fefgifafe' on the road to Port Chalmers, a Bay an<? Appoint Trustees for the Burial Ground; discount allowed 1^ velvet, Fancy pieces public carefully. iock landed Water in to and other institutions supGrey and Ballast Mare, with cloths on. Can be had on wo months. Admirably adapted to the timber trade. Cpnsideration of the Propriety of-Purchasing aSite rr Orders to tlie extent of £]0 and upwards sent Children's boas payment of expenses by applying to P_ ied. Apply to ' f for a Synagogue j ™carriage tree. Catalogues gratis, by post 6d.! F. \ A.large assortment of Trimmings TICKLE & CO. WM. MORRIS, Mount Pleasant. ?» &, Ship DARWENT And such other CO., Brokers, may Corn Business as occur. Bailliere, 85 Collins street east, Melbourne, London, j" Factors, and General Commission Agents, and Co. would particularly call the attention of Paris, New York, and Madrid. Any books By /CAPTAIN D. FLIGHT, WYSE, & CO/ B. order of the President, im' NOTICE. ." " nporters direct of Adelaide Flour, Wheat, Bran, dies purchasing to their superior stock of Under- ported .-to order, on same terms, namely, London \J Commission Agent3. Stevedores, and Shipping H.JOSEPH; ", T thing and Babies' Linen. prices. & 0.. Stafford-street, Dunedin, opposite Messrs. CampTMPOUNDED in my Paddock, Pclichet JJay r-^-Oiio Masters, Port Clialmers. Hon. Secretary. I ti illand Co.'s. :'-■■:> >: dark-brown has halter head shoes. Ballasting carefully attended to. pony, on, X a no ■. P.S,—All Members' of the Jewish Faith »re reADDRESS,—George-street, Dunedin. VICTORIAN PAPERHANGING WAREHOUSE quested, owner can have it bypaying expenses and damage ~\OWNES AND KINGSTON, Shipping Masters, n to attend. iThe .: do done. Maclagqan-Stheet, and Passenger Agents, Jetty-street, Dunedin, H. FUGATE & CO., WATER TANK, POM 1 CHALMERS. THOMAS CALCUTT, -* idJ Port al DOT :AND SHOE EMPORIUM" To .Buildess, Paintersand Others Chalmers. Ballast and Water Supplied. Clyde-street, Pelichet B&j at 7d. per id. CANDLES, ■OOBERTSON & CO., supply the Shipping with 1 1 Dcnedijt, 45, 'Arcade, . of & ATKINS, having just imported "f XV FRESH WATEIi on the shortest notice, and "I ESLIE & CO,, are now. prepared .to Book Pas-AT WATER OF IEITH ~ open.sHorUyrilie CAga^HE^ARIS, |~AVE always on hand a Splendid Assortment n large assortment of superior Panarhaneines >1 TfrT^Jfcgftq at a moderate charge. Signal—First distinguisMng J -Ji sengers and Seamen. Apply X CANDLE WORKS. L BOOTSIanJ SHOES, of eveiy deacription. Blfi^a£af!_to__E£33!^Alui-^fiMa^^MßßlfcnS..^ri Leslie and Co. J ; Pendant. J( :ttv-Ktr«£t_jJ ■^^^g^^,from ' '■ • ■ : .- ' ' '" • ■■ '' " HAVE ' ■ ■ ; _M/^^^^^^> • • •■ ■ ' ' ■fe^*^^C ' - " '' ■■ - ' -- . .. ■ t*4s"S^.\ •' ... . rO „„ „ „„ „„~ : ' ■ •. i s ' ■ : ' ■ ' . ■■ ■ ■ : ■ • " in: . . - ., °' to1 ] -t^^K " " . . . ' "- . *' ■ L ' ■ ■ ■ . ...... . . ■ ... . . ... . . ; ■ - r ■ -... • .■. ., . T JF .- . " ■ '. ' . . - . '"WILL " " " A" , BORTHWICK . 'MR. —+^-^. *" '<] —— ' — , , , •"\ • . .. • •.-, - . — ■ WHOLESALE " , • '• •cLOST - ■ .' ' . ., ■ •. ■ _' • FOPND ■ -. ■ _ '—:: :'LOST J A AT ■ ■ - : ' ' .. HOUSES ' the- FOUND "' ' ' — J „ ■ . ~ ' ' ' ■ ~ ■ ' " ; ' ] T^THOLE'SALE . .. . *" ■■ MA. • •- ' ■ ' 'THESE IF . — • ' ■ ' ' ", ' • ' . _^ ' - " • .• . '- ...... . ■ FOR - t*-^ffi^^ - ' ■ : -- . '■ < ■ . .. ... -, " aAVE • * : " 3 ■ . .. . . .- '"' ' ' .,, ~ . '' ' : :: „ :— '~ • ■ ■ , ■■ „ _ S. ,„ ' - ' . .. • ■ : .' • ,,,,. ...•. -. .. - '" — L' " ... ... . ' '" "■ ' ___________ • , ' y " . . .. , *dliSiMilills*■; ■ : ' ■ , ■ ■ . .. .. . . . . — ' : .- ■■ •fo<4?"^\ : wt^iI^S^X ' ' ■■ ,• • f^^^^^^^^f ■ :. . half-pounds,, .. ■ ■ ; ":JKBiP^\ • M< - ■ ' HAVE ' HAVE ..... ■ .' ' • ■ HAVE . . ..' . .- . . .. , - • ' ,. '• "TO^^^S." "X"' ~ ■ .' •• . ■ ■ ' ■ ~ . 2 Auctions. Auctions,, Tuesday; april 22ni>. OTAGO DALLY _ - • HORSE BAZAAR. -.. Auctions. TU-lti DAY. r ' . Auctions. .'■- CS~.' _— ■ Apkil 5, TIMJfIS. - . Merchandise. -i .',. OF SALE. POSTPONEMENT advertised to by 1862. Conveyances.- I WAGGONS^ AND CONCORD TO GENERAL STORE-KEEPERS, EXPRESS Auction,take plncc on Family Cars, Gigs, Dog Carts, Whitecbapel „„. _-* this day, is Postponccd until further notice. TjiOSTER &,ARMSTRONG are now landHarness, &c, on sale at Spring Carts, To Parties Desirous of an Investment. J. S. RAPHAEL, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c. MILLER; BROTHERS, -*- ing and offer for sale— Mole Trowsers Auctioneers and Valuators, DAILY SALES I \ Sugars, white nhd yellow Men'sTweednnd Coaoli Builders, Sthftbrd-street, Duncdin At the Tokbmnririro. .Stafford street. ,■ •„ OF T DANIFI.S acA CQ. havereceived instructions in Ito 141b. Doeskin Cofice, tins, ons s_ __: [Mg HORSES AND OTHER STOCK, / O to sell, at the C<mraercial. Sale Rooms, orf SaWax vestas^ Japanned boxes Men's,women's andchildCOBB & CO.'a TELEGRAPH PART OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MILTON.• turday, the sth April,', MONDAY, APRIL 7tli. At their Bazaar, Pr<)vindinl Hotel, ren's Boots Teas, Oilmen's Stores,&c. i LINE" OF ROYAL MAIL Cigars] and Blankets and Twill cigars Commenceiit 12o'clock. Tobacco S. will 170 FREEHOLD ALLOTMENTS, g V Tobacco Shirts Hardware, Axes and TinSplendid opportunity for investing- in COACHES. CARRIAGE .-REPOSITORY -' find Flannels Hosiery Oue quarter of an-acre each. Snuff ware ;iVOTT OPEN CHOICE TOWNSHIP ALLOTMENTS. Cole, Hoyt Sf Co., Proprietors. English Cheese Tents, driH-and calico Pipes, &c. v. Best Carriages Conveyreceive ol nud ve consignments No Reserve. Matting Druggettt /COACHES of the above Line will leave Further particulars to-morrow. LBAVINQ TUB COLONY. ances of every description. --. Butter, Bacon, and Hams Oil baize and er», To Working Men, Laborers on the Roads,''Carter*, Sale to cr-mnience at 11 o'clock. and Chintz KJ Jones' Provincial Hotel, Dunedin, DAILY UNEQUALLED ACCOMMODATION. (Sundays excepted) at £ past 5 oe'lock, a.m. for Merchants, Shipping Sand Commission JOKES, BJRD, & CG. Diggers, Mechanics and Others. THIS DAY. UNRESERVED SALE OF 36 LOTS. Walker and High-streets, Tnieri Ferry SATURDAY, stb APRIL. (Early Choices.) Duncilin. Wnihola Lake James by ra°s ,T> B. MARTIN & CO., are instructed ROOMS. ' • EXCHANGE SALE ~ Tokoiiiairirb Commercial Horse Bazaar. X\i. Smith, Esq., of the Tokomaririro, to sell I by ■■■■■•: j TOWN OF CLARENDON (WAIHOLA). "SOUTHERN LANDING,ex " CROSS"— Cameron's at nt 22nd, ground, Tuesdny,. April on auction, on the Best Baltic Red Deals, 9x3 Waitahuna 12 o'clock sharp, to the highest bidders. To Persons in search of Horses ! Saddle and Harness Horses 1 H. E. NATHAN & CO, have much icn Geelong Lime Tuapeka (Gabriel'sGully 170 VERY VALUABLE FREEHOLD pleasure they in thnt have been en announcingl Sheet Return Coaches leave; the United States Hotel Lead, 2J lb. to 4 lb. PREMISES. BUILDING ALLOTMENTS, BUSINESS T MACLEAN & CO. hare received instructions °"3 favored with instructions to sell by unreserved aueicH. HOUGHTON, Tuapeka, at £ past 5 o'clock, a.m., and the Golden Being part of the Property kno^yll as Milton.r. T7IDWARD CASPER &, CO. have several eral C.I • to sell by auction, at the above Bazaar, -011 on tion in the Otago Sale Rooms, Mhclaggan-strect, at Age Hotel, Wnitahuna, at J past 7 o'clocka.m., passStafford-atreet. Saturday, the sth mst., at twelve o'clock sharp.' The block now to be sold fronts the main GoGo- Jli 12o'clock on the above date, ing through all of the above-mentioned places, and and Without Reserve. vernment road tlii'ough the Tokomaririro riro SHOPS WAREHOUSES ALLOTMENTS, THIRTY-SIX SELLING OFF.. arriving at Dunedin early same evening. For tho superior very 10 saddle and harness horses iew Plains, extending from Mr. Vause's new TO LET OK LEASE. Town of Clarendon, Waihola. Molyueux, at 8 o'clock, a.m., on -Monday Hotel to past Mr. Mansford's Store, and Pair (grey) carriage horses, a perfect tnatoli int This township is situated on the Main Government IiBAVING THE COLONS', Wednesday, and Friday returning on alternate 1 nrst-clasS dog-cart, with harness from Mr. Smith's Store at the Bridge, to EXCHANGE t.ALE ROOMS. lilt Road, at the head of the Waihola Lake, and about spring-cart, new do -Mr, Jos: Martin's House, which is nlso on 1 halfway to the diggings. Storekeepers, and rTIO lnd Watchmakers, Jewellers, Also,— the main road to the Church School-house, TO LET ON BUILDING LEASE, For the Waipori Gold Fields. It is no exaggeration to say that Clarendonis now °.w .JL the Public generally. •A number of saddles, bridles, etc., et«. mid that very valuable Bush Reserve. A Coach will leave daily at 3 p.m., (Sundays an established fact, and is second only to Ditnedin iv Positively the last Throe Days of Sale These well-situated Freeholds can be recom<m- OITES FOR *"SS for Mnutigatuu, West Tnieri; returning, excepted), FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS whole of the Province. the All parties in want of a really good saddle or harar' mended, to all desirous of securing homes.. ies.. O will'leave West Taiez-i at half-past 7 o'clock, a.m. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND MONDAY, re Its eligible situation and its natural advantages are half-past the ness horse would do well to attend the above sale. will commence 10 o'clock oek Parcels property dry, The is fine and and situa.iaPREMISES. at The sale at booked for all of the above places at reasonmuch greater .than any other township at present tion is decidedly the best on the Plains, being eac"l day. able rates, and delivered immediately on arrival ofthe surveyed in Otago, and the auctioneers would point THIS DAY. ut the junction to all the diggings, and in the the NO PREMIUM. Coach. una'-quainted position with its out to those who arc on SATURDAY, APRIL 5. mostrising part of the country—as an inNo responsibility for parcels beyond the value £5000 worth ov that the town is on a- gentle slope from the, conch Ci), £5, unless declared and paid for at the time of MODE RA T B RENT AL vestmentent, this property can be liighlyre"n AT THE COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS. road to the Lake, stands high and dry, and is within JEWELLERY, capitalists. booking. commended to distance of the Woolshed, Waitahuna, and easy an Now selling at For the mechanic,' digger, or laborer, it is speEDWARD CASPER & CO.)j E. T. FOLEY, Agent. pcT DANIELS & CO. have received instructions ins Wctherston's diggings. It has a jetty, -it which has cially ndnpted, possessing the advantage of being)N tl to sell by Auction at the Commercial Sale ale been landed many thousand tons of goods, and it is MR.- JONES', COMMERCIAL HOTEL" |"£ ROOM AND AUCTION close to a number of good genuine stores, butchers, EXCHANGE SALES probable that it will become the cenn" sharp, great more than Rooms, Princes-street, at 12 o'clock (Private Room, Up Stairs,) MART. flour mills, bakers, ice, and where buildings arc arc CASPER & CO., To Storekeepers, Grocers and Others. tral depot of tiiis portion of Otago, as it can be To Let. ). "PDWABDAUCTIONEERS, BT PRIVATE CONTRACT, daily being erected. ~„ reached by water from Dunedin harbour in ten Jtli '50 casks Schweppee soda water, each 10 down. •■■:> Consisting of— To the Australian who may dread the winter here, Commission, Merchants, Land, House, and 10 do dolemonade hours. ,SD rj£ Shop with dwelling attached. P. Lawit may be. well to point out that these Freeholds are hes rflO LET, Gold and Silver English patent lever Watches It is also worthy ofnotice thnt there is a coalfieldin in Estate Agents, 20 cases Orlando Jones'starch itre close to the J- hence, Kent House, Bell Hill. of much advantage to the he An assortment of Stop Watches, with centre Inform the which will be district, Importers, and Wholesale sale 40 do do do Merchants, .J COAL FIELDS AND BUSH RESERVE. seconds, by the best makers township, and considerably enhance the value of pro-o40 bales Calcutta lines Buyers, that, till the completion of theiir preireLET, the new Store next to Day & Mierilie's «rt Colonial and English Gold Guards and Albert Termsliberal, at Sale. in Tobe Sold "Without Reserve to Close Consignments. in the district. mises, they will occupy the newly erected building jin fa perty JL Princes-street. Apply to Day & Mierillie. Chains, of the finest pattern The whole of the sections are sold, and since the he [ High street, facing the Rattray streetjetty. Sale at 12^o'clock. .Dia>i«spltindid Rings, at A assortment of Diamond fnOKXMAIRIRO.—SpIendid many first sale have been re-sold four times the lie Farm for .Sale or is; C. and Co. make advances on bills lading, ng, No Reserve. At 11 o'clock sharp. md X To Let. J. Doughty. GoldenCross Hotel. mond Pins, Diamond Studs, Sleevlings, and original purchase. pay import and other charges, arid hold goods accordothers of Colonialmake THIS DAY. a •'■' Ml Thesections here advertised are the property of"a ing to arrangement, so as to ensure'the obtaining'full magnificent ■■:■■■ 'Diamond Necklaces, THURSDAY, ABRIL 17th. Bracelets,Ea-!ar- mo BE LET OR SOLD, a BARGAIN, that re gentleman who is'leaving the colony. They were SATURDAY, APRIL 5 market value. rings, Brooches set with precious stone* X splendid Store, situate in Stafford-street, lately rly chosen by him at the first sale, and are undoubtedly Advances are also made om all tangible securities UeS Opera and powerful Race Glasses THE BROCKVILLE ESTATE, .in the occupation of R. Wilson & Co. Terms easy. pick of the survey. AT THE COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS. placed with E. C. and Co.for realisation. Pencil Cases, Toothpicks, Charms, Lockets, 8t«, Apply P. Lawhencb, Kent House, Bell hill, no reserve! no reserve !! ■_ Large parcels of first class Merchandise always on Half-way Bush and Kaikora. Keepers and Wedding Rings, DANIELS & CO.' hare received instructions ma Note the place and day of sale— hand for private sale LET, Two Cottages, ten' minutes' walk from '..'-'.. The Property of J. Borton, Esq. to sell by Auction at the Commercial Sal* xU Gold and Silver Snuff Boxes OND AV APRIL 7th. Goods stored without charge for two weeks. Post Office, Apply at .M'Cubbin's, Arcade 13 And Jewellery of every description, toonumerous Princes-street, on Saturday,; April £th. at 19 OTAGO SALE ROOMS, E.G. and Co. will be happy to place their services ces Booms, sharp, |_£ Cafe, Arcade, Dunedin. to mention, every article of which ii guaranTo Gentlemen, Squatters, Merchants, Fanners, X'K o'clock Maclaggan-street. in effecting Sales, either by New Arrivals, and Market Gardeners. yp quarter-casks whiskey 7 Glenlevit H. E. NATHAN & CO. teed to be of the finest quality. PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE CONTRACT, GRAZING PADDOCKS. f)AA ACRES at the Kaikorai, Green Island, At the disposal of.those desirous to sell ost THIS DAY. 200 Acres of the Finest Land and the most An early inspection by the Ladies and Gentlemen 01 or /CUy 3s. Od. per week. 80 acres of Ploughing: ANNOUNCEMENT. Merchandise, Timber, Furniture, Land, Houses, or IMPORTANT sth SATURDAY, APRIL. delightful locality near Town, only 2J miles from respectfully J™ this district is Ships. to let; Apply, to splicited. the rost Office, now surveyed and subdivided m in Open, from 10 o'clock a.m., till 9 p.m. \ ATKIN & BARNIER. THE OTAGO AUCTION MART. Blocks offrom 10to 50 acres. THE EXCHANGE SALES ROOM. CARPENTERS TOOLS. (ADJOINING THE AHCADB, IN MACLAQGAN-STItEET.)) Entrance to the Sale Room by the private door ofthec /~V to Letin the best partof Princes-street. FFICES Hotel. MARTIN & CO. have been favored with ith DANIELS & CO. have received instructions to *c \J GILLIES & STREET- Princes-street. 100 TONS SUGAR. N.SOLOMON, Puioi'RTkor, H. E. NATHAN & CO. beg to an-a~ for : sell, at the CommercialSale Rooms, on Satur- TMTESSRS. instruSSons from J. Borton, Esq., to offer for Late of Bourkc-street, Melbourne jjA. nounce to theirfriends andthepublic generally,y, _^ TO LET. '. sale by auction,_ on Thursday, April ISth,at oneo'clock ck T7IDWARD CASPER & CO. are instructed to day, fhe sth April, at 11 o'clock, opened the above commodious and exthey have that nn\Vo Commercial above Chambers, OFFICES, ANVILS, VYCES, JS, BELLOWS, really property. by JQi valuable sell Private Cohtract, 5 doz. No. 4 broad axes *•"c QM.ITHB' tne whole of this premises as an Auction Mart, where they are ; tensive JL Daniels _& Co.'s Sale Rooms, also, Four Roomed Portable Forges, Horse Shoes ;)il.8 One Hundred Tona Sugar, 12J doz. socket chisels %to 1J inch Blocks Nos. ,110 and 115, contain each about prepared to receive consignments, and to offer by auc-c* IO House, five minutes walk from Post Office. J. & R. Chaff Cutter, Riddles, and Sieves 5 doz. mortice chisels, J to | inch acres, isuncultivated, but fine productive soil. Assorted qualities and descriptions. description tion of Merchandise. any Princes-street. Baird, Japanned " Goods Frypans, Girdirons, 2 hand saws.; Blocks Nos. 130, 131,133, each about 11 acressjy Thetrade and wholesale buyers are invited to an Storage for 1000 Tons. Coffee Mills, Churns, and Wood-measures iis eariy inspection, as from prices fixed there is little 0 LET, Shops and Offices in the New Building, ia all fenced, and forms oue paddock. This ttle CO., H. E. NATHAN & Lifting Jacks, Gold Scales, Calcutta Lines, &c. ed doubt of the whole parcel being soon cleared. Sale to commence at 11 o clock. corner of Stafford and Princes-streets.—Apply part of the property can be specially referred .•■■■Auctioneers1 ~~ SORLEY & SAMUEL, to as being fine rich soil, with a nice stream ~ to Cobb&Co. THIS DAY. Ironmongers, Hope street. [^ EXCHANGE SALES ROOM. of water running through it, and beautifully PAT E R SON SATURDAY, sth APRIL. CO, T A S. & LET.—Breadalbane House, West Taieri. Possheltered. They will be put up in seperate PRIVATE SALE.17 mo Two Hundred Cases Whiskey. TJIOR lots. X session can be given, 26th March. Apply to ..'.-,.•.■ Anchor Brand Geneva, 50s \D t Jewellery, Watches, Plated Ware, &c. ABB JD id W. Blocks No. 134, contains nearly ten acres, uri-n' POI.LOCK, Butcher, Princes-street, Dunedin. Brandy, ) Fine 40s "ODWARD CASPER & CO. have for SALE— -fenced, and is fine bush. E. DE CARLE and CO.'s Auction Mart, FOR LEASE OR SALE, DANIELS and CO., have received instruct AUTHORISED BY GOVERNMENT Block 135. Upon this section of nearly 13 acres es Sh 200 Cases Real AtholeBrose. the Times" Princes street. ft. office, Opposite A FIRST-RATE STORE, containing two aparfcto sell, at the Commercial Sale Rooms, ot TTT". WATTS, Auctioneer, Rattray-street, Dun stands a cottage and a comfortable brick un TO SELL ■■ _£X. mentSj each 28 x 36, within three minutes' the sth April, at 11 o'clock, 5w and Mar Saturday,Gold house, and the stone foundation for a new Yy edm : Moorabool-street, Geelong; walk of Post-office, and in close proximity tollattraywatches " building ;■ the gardens attached are abun-n- iet-btreet, Melbourne. street Jetty. Apply Perkins .and Co., PrinceaRIFLE, SPORTING, Silver hunting and open faced do. dantly stocked with rare and choice fruit »t ON SALE, street. Ladies' gold guard chains '. trees, and well known to yield most abun-aStout, Ale, Brandy. AND y Gold signet rings. LAND TO LET. dant fruit. BEVERLY, Watchmaker, Jewel-Jl" T> CAMPBELL CO. are instructed to let for & Also, Blocks 137, 139. Nicely timbered and fenced. Storage for 1,000 tons. ler, &c, Princes-street, Dunedin. XV). BLASTING term of years. Block 141. Has a small cottage upon it,_ and Plated Cruets ~ '.Landawith frontage "SALE~BY"AUCTION. to Great King-street, of 132 Candlesticks part of it divided into one paddock with a P 0 W and ie" feet with a'depth of IGS feet, at a moderate annual MERCER, Retail, Wholesale, DEE Genegorge fronting beautiful fence in Cake baskets the road; m FREEHOL D PROPE RT Y. ral Merchant, Family Grocer and Com-n" rental. Inlaid tea trays oil about 12 acres. mission Agent, corner of High-street andPrinces|f &c, &c, &c. Blscks 143, 145, 147, 149and 151,; in all about TO LET, TOWNSHIP OF SILVERTON, 53 30 c mw o valuable j£ street, Dunedin. 60 acres, securely fenced, and nowlaid down allotHandj i. X MENTS, each frontingbuilding Bay. A FEW COLT'S REVOLVERS on Anderson's |j stone grass. in The house is built of. and thee Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. Walker-street, 82 feet Wig Maker, Tj GRIFFIN, Dresser, SUPERIOR I'INISH. .: : Hair ~ out-offices axe of the most substantial characinches 50 of, depth Dalgety. 6 a near Rstteet, [ and Ornamental Hair Manufacturer, Arcade, c tray, by THIS'DAY. te A/P 1- W> CAIIR YOUNG has received instruc-icand Co.'s Enquire Ben. Smith, Architect, ter, built regardless of expense by the late Dunedin (formerly of the Strand, London.) SATURDAY, sth APRIL. m, 'yO JxJL tions from T. F. Every, Esq., to sell by auction, proprietor. It is bounded on one side by Princes-street. Merchandise. j early in April, trasn, and can be particularly .recommended 38 sections, averaging nearly 1,000 square yards 'da An. Invoice of Water proof Clothing^ PORT CHALMERS. = /"^ARD.—J. S. DOUGLAS, Accountant andd for the residence of a gentleman or for a each. 7TIHE Undersigned have FOR SALE, 4 and 6 \j Commission Agent, No. 2, Mercer's Buil11 nnO LET on most advantageous terms, those two dairy farm. ; ,/■■,' Engines 209 j grant. ; pull dings. Beer of the best make. 34c X valuable Sections situate in George-street, Blocks 152, 153, 154. Is enclosed and fenced in Title-^Crown n DANIELS & CO. have received instructed; toto JL ~ bered 53 and 54 on the plan of the Port Town. numTheabove land is situated on the main road beJ. DARWENT and CO., sell at the Commercial Sale Rooms, on Satur-r. one paddock of 30 acres or less) and1( j tween FACTORY, OACH Stafford Street 21 Dunedin and and extends from Portobello, particulars, apply >m For to day, April, has alsoTseen down in grass. t the sth at 11 o'clock. Stafford-street. 1 Blocks the School-house to the Bay, commanding a DunedinJOHN JONES & CO., is opposite An Invoice of water-proof Clothing, comprising,I, 160, 161. Contain each aliout 10 acres; is ~* splendid view of Dunedin and the neighborhood. It Proprietors. 1* J MILLER BROTHERS, light drab coats Dunedin. Zephyr cambric unfenced, and will be offered in two lots. SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED,— is one mile and a-half by water from the Jetty, and nd Black, grey, and brown reversible Alpacas The Auctioneers, in refetriug to this unusuallyj Chests and Boxes Congou BUILDING ESTABLISHMENT, St. it. TO HOTEL-KEEPERS AND OTHERS. by the road from the Post-office. two miles and a-half j j . Alpaca with confidence that Black twilled p every roi)erty, lect can assert ks rpO Let, a Large Three-storey BUILDING, with Andrews-street, Dunedin. Smith, Hutcheks Taylor's Chocolateand Cocoa, Nutmegs land is most eligible for theresidence 3eof gr Theabove nothing can surpass it in the Neighborhood, either Coats and ponchos j"' & Co., Coach Builders and Wheelwrights. I Cellaring, now in the course of Erection, suitArrowroot, Salt in 2 lb. packets being elevated, undulating, and remarkably "y Black alpacoa ponchos and wrappers for situation, quality ofsoil, and the distance from m families, Candles—Neva Stearine, various brands able either.for a First-class Hotel or two Shops, healthy. Silkreversible coats with jpockete Sinclair's Jowls in barrels ia- Princes-street North—adjoining the Octatown, only about two miles and a half HOTEL, JUNCTION, N, situate general (much wanted) For few situations are stores Superfine blue cloth reversibles st Tlie locality has been chosen by some of the oldest ire (Late Chaplin's,) Morton's Totted Pastes, Meats and Game,;, COMMERCIAL v_/ gon. more promising, the distance of the Tomahawk DisOveralls: settlers for theirresidences. The property can at no 10 WEATHERLY & CO., jSincluding Partridge, particulars apply to HOME, ana For further Pheasant, d being inconveniently trict from Dunedin great for the ne Knee caps Proprietors time beencroached upon by small homesteads, Grouse ... Almonds S. CORBETT, Itis well known that the late proprietor during hisjs numerous settlers. .' coats and Zephyrs Reversible Barcelona Nuts and Shell Manchester'House, Builder, ;c. ■■ T7^ Practical Sec. MILLS, Architect, building purposes, plentiful Firewood, and stonefor residence here spent several thousands of pounds upon &c, &c, &c. m and Vinegar, Wax Vestas, Castor Oil '..Princes-street. ™ ' George-street Jli. scenery neighborhood near .at hand. The in. the od property, advantages purchasers jjj tlua which, the Ling Fish, Sardines, halves and quarUrs will iis most beautiful, and the ocean beach within, an easy sy ; walk. benefit. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock. 7 COTTAGE BUILDING SITES TO LET. Salt Beef in barrels & J. M'KAY, Upholsterers and Cabinet obtained at beautifully Plaiis&nd further information can be ALLOTMENTS, situated, Butter, double rose Cork Further particulars, with a plan of the lots, will be be COMMERCIAL SALE ROOMS. Tt Makers, Rnttray-street, Dunedin. 15 30c}c mWENTY the office of the Auctioneers. ■•'-■■X overlooking the Bay from Stafford-street.having Cheese, Cheddar and Dunlop ready next week. Paddocks and bush land will be be .T DANIELS & CO. tender their grateful thanksg Terms liberal. DANIELS & CO., Auctioneers, Valu-IThese allotments will surround a square, '•■'■■■. Finden Haddocks (Dunns) to the Merchants, Traders, Importers, and-,i: offered for sale and lease early in May. O WRIGHT, ROBERTSON & CO., " es the advantage of a cart right-of-way, and only one ators, and General CommissionAgents, Princes Public Generally of Dunedin for the liberal support\ Street. minute's walk from the Post Office. Rent, ss, per WEDNESDAY, 23rd APRIL. <fc CO. having commenced business as as accorded to them as Auctioneers, tec, since their esManse-street. week. Apply to H. Fakley. Arcade. r-ttablishment, and take the present opportunity ofresAuctioneers, are prepared to enter into ar■' SWITZER, Wholesale and Retail1 rangemeuts with Impotrers, Merchants, Tradesmen, n, pectfully THE GLENORE. soliciting a continuance of the same. j SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED,— ( FREEHOLDS. Leather and Grindery orD. Black Princes&c, to sell goods at warehouses, shops, the wharf, or. finding increasing Warehouse, J. & Co., that their business Sheet Iron, 19 x2O guage TjlOR SALE, or to LET for a tei-m of years, a street, Dunedin To Mining Companies, Diggers, Speculators, Store-X iwherevertheir services are required.) rrequired extra, accommodation, have extended their Hollow-ware, various descriptions .17 newly built COTTAGE, containing six rooms, keepers and Others. H. Knox & Co. intend to devote their whole att- ppremises by the addition of a new Auction Room, to0 Calcutta Rope, and Bengal ClothesLine quarter-acre,in a retired situation. with TAMES KNOX General Commission CO., k n legitimate tention to the Auction Bnsiness. they invite inspection ; it will be found thec v which and L.H. Shovels . D.H. Also, two Double Cottages near Knox's Church, Agents and Gold Buyers,. ti HIGHLY VALUABLE AURIFEROUS LAND.'.Offices, Manse-street. J Most Hunt's Shingling.Hatchets, Assorted Cutler Commanding and Best Situated in Dunedin forr will be ready shortly. Broadway, Wetherstoiica. i jj ~ Auction Sales of every class of merchandise that reEwbank's Patent Nails, Horse Shoos '. For Sale, several Freehold Cottages and land. & CO., Commission Merchants,~ THE WOOLSHED. TO AUCTIONEERS. q quire display; and especially for. land sales, Bar Iron, St. Holla'brand For Sale and Lease, sections in Port Chalmerß, '."'Auctioneers, kc, Bridge-street, Nelson. The First Discovered .Diggings. & CO. will make arrangements for or J. D. & Co. wish to; intimate to Merchants and 1 White Lead, and Boiled Oil Invercargill, kc, choice Rural Land, North and •.. , selling at Auction Rooms, Sale Yards, theac Others C that they donot import themselves, and thatt Glassware, Plated Ware, Crockery ; South. Apply to 160 MOST VALUABLE ALLOTMENTS, i Wharf, or elsewhere. t whole attention is devoted to the interest ofif Printers'lnk, Paperhangin};* thejr 'CALLUM & MURRAY, Importers ol>1 THOS. REDMAYNE, Offices, Manse-street. ti their constituents, whose sales intrusted to- them j Cross-cut Saws Fronting the Main Road passing the Woolshed, andj Drapery, Maclaggan-street, opposite AbbeyCastle-street. c not otherwiserceive the same consideration. fronting the Tokomairiro River. Havannah Cigars ; J House. TO PERSONS LEAVING THE PROVINCE. could Jeix To meet the convenience of buyers and sellersb Jewelry and Watches := & CO. are prepared to sell Furniture T AND TO LET on BUILDING LEASE, re Surveyors, ESSRS. PILLIET & ADAMS, , Tub Sale to take place on the Ground. ®sales will in future commence at 11 o'clock. Invoices of Books I_J in the following sti-cet» in the City of at private Residences. and Land Agents, Maclapgan-streot, uear thec ;DUNEDIN Advances made on intended sales. Wooden Houses, &c. &c. ", :— Offices, Manse-street. Arcade. MARTIN & CO. are instructed by E. MusSales guaranteed. Georjre«street '. Dowling-street WRIGHT. ROBERTSON k 00, No charge for storage. grave, Esq., J.P.,'to offerfor sale by auction,i, TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, 'CARTHY, BELL-HANGER, LOCKSMITHI Stuart-street Manse-street. . " ] Rftttray-street Account sales promptly rendered. en Wednesday, the 23rd April, at 12 o'clock, on thec TTICTORIAN AUCTION MART,' .opposite GUNSMITH, MACHINIST, te FHleul-strcet Manor "Place "'■ ground, at the Woolshed, V Times Office, Princes-street, Dunedin.—E.3 Princes-street, Dunedin, Ist April, 1862. / AND SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED,— St. Andrew-street Stnn"ord-street CARLE & CO. are now prepared.to receive COMMERCIAL HORSE BAZAAR. \ Port Wine, 1; 2, & 3, grape .' THE TOWNSHIP OF'GLENORE, re GENERAL JOBBING SMITH, Hanover-street Walker-street JDE Goods for Sale. Moray Place Sherry in Bulk The Otagon HIGH-STBEET, DoNEDIN. WITHOUT RESERVE, \ ONIONS. TASMANIAN ONIONS. Patent Keys, Trubses, Biar.d Marks, ice., mad1 iTerm of Lease, 14 years. Valuation given for iinBrandy, Champagne Cob. k Worfchington'n, Consisting of 160 Allotments_ of nearly one quarterr TUESDAY, APRIL Bth. Ex Daniel Watson, from Hobart Town. in case Z of an acre each offine rich. land. & CO., VETERINARYr Pprorements. T>RITCHARD Apply to D. J. NAPIER, Rum, West India, 10to 30 o.p. now to be sold extends from the To Furniture Dealers, Hotel Keepers, and and CO. will sell by auction, att SHOEING FORGE, Rattray-street. "Sots.—.The Block MACLEAN ± Mixing Brandy, Whiskey in bulk Princes-street. -* Private Families. to; beyond Mr. Cosgrpve's store, and 1 £ the above Bazaar, on Saturday, the sth inst., Ginger Brandy and Wine Waterwheels rj Printer JOHNSON, within four miles of an excellent ,'Bush, with a first: ai FOR SALE OR "p.EMOVAL.—THOMAS —: at 12o'clock, before the horse sale, LEASE, Geneva, Key brand I JlXi Bookbindkk, removed to Telfer's BuildCAMPBELL& CO., hare received instructionsis Milton Accommodation House, Tokomairiro. rite dray road to it. -..-. 4 tons first-class Tasmanian onions, all in good Old Toni. Swaine, Board & Co. jj arid ings, Rattray-btrcet, next door to Hutton's New f proprietor, wishing to dispose of the above from Alexander Cumming, Esq., to sell by iy It.is. also well known,that the yield of gold in this1 J order. Cordials, Cloves, Peppemient, & Lemon pPtore. apot made the fortunes of some of the oldresidents, ppublic auction, at his Store, Stafford-street, on luespremises, either by sale or lease, does herewith ~~ ~ '■..;•■' ■Syrup d the Bth April at 12 o'clock. to any party wishing to invest in a proiit(rive and .it only remains now for experienced diggers to3 day, DAY. notice THIS Raspberry Vinegar and Orange Bitters AGENTS for WM. SMITH, Leather P Q avail themselves of..the present opportunity.. 25 Cases Superior London and Glasgow made a business, that the above house and stables, with SATURDAY, APRIL 5. k. Claret," St. Estephe," and Still Hock Merchant, Melbourne. A. M'LANDRESS able The general report is that the men at work at the of laud attached, is to be disposed of on FURNITURE, 01 one acre WRIGHT, ROBERTSON & CO. CO., opposite Dalgcty, Rattray, and Co.. 'reasonable terras. A AND C of— For particulars apply to the unpresent time on the river-bed at the opposite side arej Consisting Commercial Horse Bazaar. Manse-street, making frqin1 £20 to £25 per .week per man. Or it,t. Mahogany 100 tables and chairs dersigned. AND HISLOP, d< SINCLAIR DUNCAN CHISHOLM. only as homesteads to intending resident diggers, this? Dinner waggons, ■writing tables Draught Maxes, Heavy (LATK If.'SINCLAIR), Mares. MANCHESTER HOUSE, Ladies' work tables and Davenporta Tokomairiro, Ist March, 1862. epporhinity can be"recommended.,' V PRINCES STREET, DDNEDIN. Princes-street, Dunedin. Office wash-stands, easy chairs. Ex Daniel Watson, from Hobart Town. SHAWL, MANTLE, MILLINERY, m f Tailor. Draper, and Outfitter, is V Brydon and Son's patent Venetian blinds. TO STOREKEEPERS AND BUTCHERS. i Ladies', Children's, and Gentlemen's Outnow selling off the whole of his extensive k Mahogany ciib bedsteads, Wingfield and Sona AND BOBART, Registry "I MACLEAN &CO are favored with instructions g" •VTEULETT * On the same day will be offered the House at pregreatly Drapery Warehouse. SUMMER at reduced ft fit General prices, STOCK and .conI and Labor Mart, next Victoria Butchers' Office Com". sent in the occupation of Mr.JCosgrove, consisting ofi Patent iron do. tl from Thomas Simpson, Esq., to sell by auction, ,ijlisting of-— Photograpliic Artist, above p"Spany, Stafford-street. -« Curled hair, and other upholstery goods, too nu- at MELUISH, six rooms,-with Stock-yard, Garden, &c. at the above Bazaar, on Saturday, the sth inst., at Black frock coats i the Odd Fellows' Hall, near the cutting, Thiß latter.part of the property to be submitted for merous to particularise. t\i twelve o'clock sharp, complete Ditto sac and over ditto with filler Machine, Sausage p Superior musical boxes, Nicules" S for sale. Sorley and Samuel, Ironmongers «ale offers an unusual opportunity to persons anxious Without Reserve. Princes-street. Pilot and drab ditto for a good stand for a general business. It is sup- On 0 View at the Premises in Stafford-street, till dayf ri magnificent heavy draughtmares, young, sound, ILLIAM M'LELLAND, Auctioneer, ■Hope-street. Tweed andreversible ditto "1 H of Sale. in splendid condition, and all thoroughly posed that there are at. the presenttime about 500 Black, doe, and tweed trowsers Estate, and Commission Agent, No. 2, " TO MANUFACURERS Terms liberal. staunch. persona steadily and profitably employed onthe spot. Bedford cord ditto Buildings. M Mercer's qi Of Ginger Beer, iErated Waters, Cordial Makers, &o. Planfl will be issuedin a few days. Pantaloons and breeches " undersigned TOWN H fTIHE has for sale consignments of su[CARD.] No Reserve. PROPERTY. THIS DAY. Mole and cotton cord trowsers. perior ginger beer and soda waterbottles, corks, J WATTS, Rattray-street, Dunedin; Moora- X Terms —Half cash; balance by bills at 3 months. SATURDAY, srn APRIL, UNDER-CLOTHING. \ ginger, First-class Hotel for Sale. Cochin Geclong; ( and bool-street, Market-sti-eet, wire, whiting, lemonnde bottling; • Crimean and flannel shirts and drawers bn tartnric and citric acids, tinfoil, gentian and CAMPBELL & CO. have for disposal by pri- T CARLE and CO. will sell by auction, at *x Melbourne: Auctioneer and General Commission baskets, And a large stock of Hosiery, Ice., &c making otherroots, of suitable for bitters, &c, glass Agent. SALB FIXED FOR J contract as first-class JL their ', opposite "Daily DAY OF THURSDAY. vate Hotel situate in the M rooms,-Princes street, HATS. funnels, graduated measures, kc. mmain street of the city, now" doing a large business. Times" Ti: office, 17th APRIL. Black silk deerstalkers DR. CRAWFORD, fp J. BLACK, The Premises are extensive, consisting of eighteen,i 5 cases Sinclair's hams F. cabbage Surgeon Royal Plush, felt, and Garibaldi's, tree's Naw, Criterion"Motel. \>t and bar, tap-room, three large public3 60 half-chests tea bed-rooms, Fancy, black cloth, and navy caps THE BROCKVILLE ESTATE, T Senior Surgeon H.M. Flag-ship fine out-offices, together every appliance brandy rooms, ro with 20 cases practical Two and a-half miles from the' Post-office, on the aE JJ Raleigh j ten years' Balmorals, &c, &c. experience m the NOTICE. and convenience for carrying on a large, increasing,( 50boxes "Window glass BOOTS AND SHOES. Half-way Bush Road. Colony Co of "Victoria. fIiHE partnership existing between the undersigned, rj M lucrative business. and 10 single and double iron bedsteads "Wellingtons and half ditto' Plans now in course of preparation. Boarding Lodging Keepers, is this day Residence—Criterion X 1 as and | 4W Hotel. Further.particulars, and every-information, to be 15 kegs Cork butter Spring sides, lace ups mutually dissolved. All accounts against or due to BE OFFERED .FOR SALE BY had of theAuctioneers. 48 Sinclair's hams, loose EDWIN JONES, Bluchew, American pegged the firm will be paid and received by Roderick AUCTION, on an early day. in sections An invoice of large tinware, kc, and a large assortR. CAMPBELL & CO. And a assortment of women's and JEWELLER AND DEALER from Mi MoKinzie, who will continue the business as usual. ment ofsundry merchandise children's boots and shoes. tvx Mathematical, Optical, and Philosophical Maclaggan-street. 10 TO 50. ACRES EACH. NEIL M'GOWAN, 5 cases bacon WOOLLEN DRAPERY. RODERICK MCKENZIIS. The Auctioneers feel great pleasure in bringing this d Instruments, 6 chests tea, Oriental colored cloths Estatb before the public. It is well known to be the T PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Black and fancy M MaelagganMi r<-et, Dunedin, 2nd April, 1862. 30 Geneva DUNEDIN. cases doeskins and heavy ' and CO. have received instrucBlack and tweeds Witness,' Biost delightful locality round orabout Dunedin, com- IV lengths 3000 spouting and ridging tions from Mr. John Duncan, to sell, at an BedfcrJ and woollen cords, &c. miuidiag the'most magnificentviews, completely shel- r~ JOHN. T. GRIGOR. 1 2 eases saloon matches WETHERSTONE'S. day, Xs large shipments are about to arrive per Eleanor" As tared -ntw bush, and a'plentiful supply ofpure water. cearly Sign Writer, Houss and The Lease for ten years of Suburban Section Kb".' 5 casks prime mess beef and "Donna Anita," the whole must be cleared I Ii is iiardly necessary to say that several thousands, of an WHEAT SOWING. \ ship bread 3 casks Coach" subdivided into v ." 2, being now 28 without allotments, beep expendetl' having delay. Hinds hare on the property by the g 10 eases2 lb. jams PAINTER, or 25 feet to a street, being a continuation T] In conclusion, T. C. begs to assure his friends and Smut in Wheat. TMPORTANT TO FARMERS; teTroprietor,1 and the greaterportion has been under frontaarcs r2 2 cwt. coffee, duty paid Decorator and Paperhanger. public that, from his long experience andpractical prevented. By Royal ofGreat and almost the banks Wheat j[_ street, King entirely on of the the the X Smut in crop. Plans and further information can be obtained Water ?i An invoice of carpenters tools, the best make. knowledge of Leith, and the entrance to the sequestered: kn in the Tailoring .Department, all orders " Letters Patent. Day's Farmer's Friend, for prevent-, d» theAuctioneers and rural retirement of the most beautifulsuburb of LA CAKD.j ing smut in wheat, and ravages from slugs, grubs, with which lie may be favoredwill receive the strictest R. ,B. MARTIN & CO. ™) THIS DAY. j£ city—the NorthEast Vallay. good style, GILLON, Auctioneer, the and a and JAMES and lit, guarantees aphit, work- ~l\ attention, ap7 wire, scissor worms, and other insects," super-.' SATURDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK. To intending purchasers of .villas or country re_Ll manship. General Commission Agent, Morey-place. sedingthe old way of pickling with blue stone,..and ma sed ~ sidences the situation of the above lots presents many mr TMT R. R. T. D O S S I T T, «« NOTE THE ADDRESS— all'other preparations; never known to fail, having MANCHESTER HOUSE, SYDNEY JAMES' advantages as regards distance, its accessibility for TO THE WORKING CLASSES AND OTHERS. established its reputation and fame in these colonies, i (Late of Melbourne,) in the' neighborhood at all liours of the day -__, needs Princes-street, Dunedin : and the AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT, residents nee no further comment. «' CARLE & CO., are instructed to Sell by to to Desires to intimate that hehas opened and from the city by public conveyancesj its T^ WONDER.OP THE WORLD, IPrice 2s. per packet, procurable through chemists' LITKRT, BAIT, AND COMMISSION STABLE* by Auction, on the' ground, on Saturday, at be beautiful woodland scenery and quiet retirement, J— LARGE AND EXTENSIVE PREMISES, Arcade. and storekeepers. Observe, none genuine unless, and Maclaggan-street be in a well sheltered and healthy position, render- 2? o'clock, an Allotment of Land, fronting St. being On the bearing at each end facsimiles of ProprietorV signabea Saddle and Harness Horses Jbr. Hire. nearly opposite Andrew-street; the Royal" George of the most choice localities for a suburban •s?' TO HOTEL KEEPERS, &c, &c. MAIN.ROAD, WETHERSTON'S. ture. Manufactured only by sole patentee and proinlingit onearound ,HoteL two doorsfrom Messrs. Simpson & Hendersons the Cityof Dunedin. [A Card.] fK j prietor,pr Charles Day, M.P.5.G.8., Agricultural CheHe is prepared to Buy. or Sell on Commission, and residence Plans are being prepared, and'will shortly be on ' On C the property is erected a substantial ThreeR. SETT & CO., BILLIARD TABLES. T. DOS mis mist, 27 Lonsdale-strcet, Melbourne. to make Cash Advances on' Goods 'storedrfor positive view vie at the rooms of the auctioneers. i roomed rooi Cottage, Wooden with Tl & have on «aIe,'THBEE Chimneyi Q Brick CAMPBELL CO. " Genuine Horse and Cattle Medicine, Chejse 'and Auctioneers, Stock and sal*. "' ' Further particulars and.day of sale in ft futurrad- \', The 1 leas* is.for 14 years, at a merely nominal' Jti Butter coloring. SUPERIOR BILLIARD TABLES,; GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, -■ , vertisehient. .-'gn^ ', possession given; or, 80s-* -wit' Agent for Dunedin;. ... -with all necessaryfittings complete.1 ir_ flun'momMi 1 • WHiTHRRSTOTiJ'n'.'R fini.T.T.■ At 12 o'clock, sharp. S. SATUREAY^.oth APRIL. / JONES beg to.inform Dealers and the- public üblic generally, that there are . . Snle rj^HK. l'\ , • ■ ■ - . - . .- • ' . "to is°e" , '"' .. .. : f^ . - — J. .. . . al ; . e ' _ - -_ . .. _, .. ' , c ■ .. , ■ R. . '" > — -• — •. " — E '. . . • •- . .'' ' *■ . - ON _ R.CAMPBELL . • , _ ~ ' . . rental^lmraedia.te -_ '• R" ' * ' 'SILK," - . ' ' SADLER'S , — th! — JM'CORMACK, _ . ., ~ ~ : — *—_ _ _ W . '_ - WM. —MR. . *THE •, _ " , ' FORMERLY " ' - —:i ■ * ' EDE . ,— ' ■ ~~ : ' SOLK ■ „ J - ■ - •- _, JOHN ' '- ', ~ . ED. t ; I : — M^ ■ ' _ <JLEYIEN • >' > " ' . '.■■ T — ■ : R .• . .. :COACH TCORBETT, . .- J _' > • '< "' . ■ c■ . ON r __ —? ' ■ (\" ,; ' — — .. ' ■ . ' : : . J. ■ , : WILL -— ' '" ; lhnstmtj). 3 ■: a HKNOX . RB. SttimUn Duaiiutss ARTHUR A• ON' < — HKNOX , - " " .'' J. . ... TO ' ■ i • , — : , ■ _ • ':HKNOX . TOWNSHIP~OF .. : , . ~~~~ .. J. — - : — ■ ' - , '• ■ ' : . ' ■: J. _^ ' __ • ~ -, . .. . ' , - — , ■ ■ .... .... .... .... —_ ' RB. . ' ' . Ie- - • NOW MESSRS. ' ~ ' , ' .' • - — . . .. ' . ' , ' g e ' ' Bl^ ' s . ._ It I tp,listen ftt oncij to reason, ar\tl; to do immediate, sppears>qnHo!cfeftr•tbatt.hese^ poor fijllows'wdre tvith- I"V7-he:i "she was puziied'alroady 1 'Became it enmo over ■ifli an-aee of -actual•doUveraiic'o,-aiKl--nutatsJinvo been her, on a Riddca, thai, she had forgotten, in Uie ds-eadst.aiids thus hjjre,;. w.e.pinnat.post aftcri'J.p.m., on ! justice. Not that we.should haye1 cared- u"'pih- 'SaVedyliaiaiittie'-inore energy- mid intelligence been ful confusion .of the.tUßCi-Vdiieii was which; and of 'favors,'.ai;c., l- .the, lOtli, and'3'ptugenerally, delivered who agreed or. disagreed with .us,.so, satisfied were g party who 'went to- the'rescue; -and, vrpi-o course she wanted, to look closer at them, and see ; Jihint) anil <Khcr*i'roli tiers, for so snri c late .on"'.that cventiul eyening or thc^nest day; we of the goodness of our cause ; and, as -used\bythe: ' _ told I' letters of "London Gossip," kin lly placed at, ouv'■"■j!':tini\'oiv"tUe close' yavy. so to tliein for time.- It;is-hard lines;" "aiid'Mie couldn't soe ; and lo her dying day she could :(it is;said:in rbVitnce)' astlie b'okrGuy'qii's gafri [-" fhus'prccluclinir'all lioncof answering, tlib] same.' yo;i par hwt, I we' wei;e united aa one nian^aiial perhaps, id be^.blr.tned for-'-a long' disposal for public ilion. T: will lie seen thai son quits rllonie^-llien1 jbeg'ins 'the ''ccsntin6nth; il 'Is riofth'j's non-sueeessj-.but'l fliiiik" neverforgive herself; and let them throw" her overrf's'tu|>l'.l 'iirJ-nngcnitntl.? \Vhy not dc- nier.iifc fighting to the death.-. It was, however. ■tiiis-.isa-.casd; -requires.' wliich close -anil' it is; bo.M-a, ,foi- si miaei'fiblc w.-etch, if they liked—and r;o owing lo llic siinuitaiii.o'.is nvriv.il of tn\> mailsltT Is struggle for-.nmferordoin. ,Oh, y'es, Bondpartc'floo: s livci' our Ictb'crs two or three d:«.yS before the mail mos i gratifying to find that foreign--.potonfcafes jof; to.4)e hoped your authorities -will doccnmity,their-duty in the oil,' till the p'ei-sevenng" docLor was we.irjed out at the December und January letters have; b >lhei>iueie as he.Jikesj ami everybody:'fears him: What's:ir iv 'leaves'?'. 'I:hoj)U''it is better iriybur country ; if: aUjioiitical shades,, and. whether'hostile or not to matte.-. Who .be, \nr.l; and ,'javeup Mrs. Drabble, and "gave up, with krioVs.-buir-Stuart'and-Go:-may, to hand together. Wiicii we published Hie iir:.t;t .store,"..wii.o.siiu,!! say...?- .GntTibalui^idshis legions s: nut '.re must sec alioilt :t. 1'• 1dixtit!ji>rities get the- us on other points, agreed with nsinthi.? and said, .placed -in. iJurko's -.situation I -And shall they: 100 her, the whole case," of these leti(."-s v.-e f\p!ui'ia.l thai the •.vriter 1)2-i .keep,.i-beir■■ bright swords, .ready, for the: coining j, ■.coin.out-6f-"Sii'fbr.i.d6ing avmy simple" jol>i aud its! -we.were ri^ltr. This was'a" fine position to bo in,, psrbli iV..;a a similar cause..- Vn: (iai;ii.esko, let this" So the poor childien were weighed and the heaviest figbr.. and whei.hertits .to, bt'gin.iu Venc-IM, orin 1. a.«6od.payii;g-U;ni;f, -ujkl if-they won't' try to be- | ja.cl we we;e piTparing to carry cut onr ulfimatiiih banit»;i.;o-:to. .'."■:. . . .-.'. "_: .v>< i;;ned to Mrs. Hsavysides—tliu i-eSiilt'lisinj,' that ----lkved l.is tVidii'i io I).- stiil u.-;i.i:ig in .\feil, ;urli.>,;."=VjI ]I;:iig:irr, ' ~ or in Poland,,'any day miivVuddenly ;•■, h:iV£.haixai:.i\i vJiis.viful niiit.ci1, tii."V must: be seen I jand how arfxiousiy wir watcbeJ.. ar.;L wnifedjfor lfii'i, 7 oV; >ck; n- m.^—T-iiis te-.Saturday .lushi, and the u.iMl'imiStte raivAtbf Avas a poor man all his life uud it will ]>■' no.ii.Ml tint hi< (.;■..i;;iu jii iVju Ufi'us.' 'Msa>HinK;"N. (if. recruits, his ;■ Vcdvs ov Wiw has been and'ttuly. delineated week.; mast-. pii:;i.(,!i;.3.a-Uorb=fi)«-t.;ieclack f>tril><« ni-ic ihi.s while flic other iii'ji'.'iie.'l a'for'linne,* These lively tales ..,•.-,' ..",;-:■--; ! 'fin-.'.neei it to. '.'.W.bjllftl^rg^t'.tllJS., l-.'ft-a litiie spa.cc, «.s you-sie/in' hopis of will amuse .many.a. fireside in the Christmas holiNfcw Zo.tiniKl r;i-.i :tl-ct..:<.i-fly diviv-jil isvjni l,\ ;j an'.i evcryjifidy iiidii^if iii.s praise." Where then ki .I. had the A.urfraiian news .of. .October .25th (for a'rter week by-mr.vown.clear Pnach albresaiil. --But s>ve;;L;g.. _.l :{'■.-' As", what, a fearful, war it, wuiild have been, dreadful havi-io; to V3j)l,y to. yoiu-Uetisr, or. say. thank yo, for day*. ',\'oli(!ei-'lioVib"Ji " which many tlnuiks), but no ietter.last ..i.naij. ~.'< .<■■ M.,; Melbourne p-ipers. \V«. p.ib.Mt ;iv:.i cik;iv, ;is he" likes; ; '"' y',iur.iiciV3y.Mser, but-the last momenthas nowa:?iva:l, f«)!H yo'Si- place 'i<i tiienew Eldorado rich alike to victor paper vanquished} The'rush I 1 had bat the w:-l.s a and and sudden -death said, letter, j no showing what iul>.< \k'>v.-> have ueun i-i:c ilated int se«u;s but no.other.,arrival. I.sr.p:K>Re youi(ifany) favor.i to' be •{■heckwl.-nncl-let us'h<Vtjfe Ivi'orc its 5 'treiit; 'It"gave"":v Ju'ii iiccotint of Siiiart's exnlo-' to.commerce and •proyrdss/1 took' fir a, m'o'irtent; will ;-■■■ Jitstioe tn a Soor'cii -llEt:r2—Bngl'slr'law jargon be tletivere.! time on-lUomiay.; iiM am l<nglund, tii.o-i^.i Liio mstiiiiiii of the \'L-tori.ui-: jj renewal'yourw'ili sye:mbi\r cWriiiy into its 3 fjit'bii" Ko." "2, whiifli' I greedily'devoured (other lit Cniuuhij where theland ilghfciilg- was to be; we; enough.ti :.s;ai anytlii.ig, -.it..shall, bs soreplieiio,liio'cv 1 -bearings., andpeople and is kv:l.eno'.l;:h, but Ssotoh:la^rj:irgan.-beat»!:it all to press.—lid. Iht: y Turn-,. nut-leave the'substance ibr the •.' -'tfi'if'gs tlioi-eni co.'iiiiiiicd'T-shall speak of aiion), and vic-iv- send ing- troops as filstns -possible to bercadv duty aiijwerud'i>n(l acknowledged lioxt'uialh'■. . nol-hin^, A\rho, on- the other side the Tweed, can >.-... .",.•/• London, l)i.ceiubjr, IP6I. >i shadow., .•.;:,,......:; Iliad a.long <liscrtssion-with -L— iibbnfStuart.: there.' Ship ai'tcr ship has' iilfea^ly gone loaded"; .Look out.fdiMje\v3 of-our missing troop-ship;: she is ..make head.oxtail to t!ie,K Xols-erton business now in Mr Duii ini|j.iiiii-i ; tiisj comj litiun'..,s .1 see .you have your.murdering. Kiqes ?con:rfs 3 Theheggai'wouKln'treUdifc.biitmiuleuiotelihimaH svith sdmo of our best men ;. ancj iVipiji) more were called the. Parana, .and' lias on "board 1100'o- 3200 the b'ooi'jh Courfcof .Session—before one of^the Ordiof the ><u:t.-;oi] and a h.ippy new year. Long eree we have, our Mul.llusS'J Its truly lamentable?to >- about.;it, and- then -he condescended.to give his< buckling on their armour, ready aud willing; at mi Scots Fusiie'ers, &c. We have 110. news of her-yet, "iiarip3 ; and what is an ( Qrdinary,tp begin with 1 He you gel ■.!:■.>! tiif hu.isoii will nave t!i:appeared, aiid know.that .your Mi- Green,, a,ii.d;-ucii.: quiet going o:iiuiou.pu. ,it..t -Will you prepare:-to'liciir that; hour's nol.ee to ctait on tucli a divadful joiivnev, b'.itthe .Times says we have V.otbing to .-apprehend ; ihust.be dn extraordinary, if he can understand the 1 There is a. Suit of w big iiolu be made ;n the new \ ear. iSV. e:liic- i nie,n should boinstantly saeri'lqed to.the revenge- Stiiavt is' is.-a, ijniff■;'- So'.Siiiti1. tlio lnight.y—". Wiiy an oven.v.'l march "f^.un.heJs of miles <jf" snov,"y certainly rX\a has not been spokon. anywhere, and we Sroc'eeclings.of liis;ow:i Court. further inteiiigeuoe, and. hope for •eolaration." at the instance, of, lilts.">" Teresa lfcs--, 1 u..n Ibuhnjly L-oiiiiil in iiiis pi-iseiiL montii-1 in) 'feeling.-; of.such savages. Look at our soldiers, .-if I.v.;i.'i. io. go.:qn that .job/'isays he," I should- mountains ami Bibcrian bivouacs-avid there to fight are bound ; to wait-'.:.■*<■'..'.".<',.'.. Lons\yorth or Yelvertonjand.iin action, of1 "Freedom '.■'..; ■ ot\uiiip!unoiii.s io make u. civil :>pev"eh, or suilL-r Wisy'tliwy'think nothing,' now-ii-days,' cif killing f tiiiio men and' lin;;iics and.,g.rut). enough .to. iast for lor England's honor.. AH England and the .Eng- the best..... •■■ iThe weather has justnow. set in most ssvore. Up or putting tosilence," on tlie part.of M;ijoivY;elverton. for my kuvapory. £>o «t once, l.iy boy, ;i joilv1 their superior "offU'orsV offer t'.ie villain's have a:nr thr.e. I siiouid-esttiblislvdcj'OiSaS every,B or: lish were iv anns, and' wou'd'nt the old flag"have to.■ the.lii.at few days,w,s have ha I v:o \yiuso- yet, built We should, have fancied this' gentleman', if he was CJiriotiiia-- lo vim. unuergtmeexira drill for''misbehavior;lS:c. But ; loViuilos... I. .-iliouid dig for-.or oMienvtisC fincl been uphold? "I believe yon my boy." Cnnula projiises now to make up foe lo;.t tiine,,aTu"..t'ier3.is, eycr.io be put.to sileace/ must"have.' : to Jiwen putCan And noli, tearing puformed that plja^ant partt the- T'iaiej say.s it- must -lab pitta stop-to,'iintl retoo w-is in cai'iw&j, and she has 116,v .shewn us she sbnia liopss fbi- skating^-no snow., yet,, hiit plenty. s.leiicc by jiie^'ovelaiioiisof tie'DublinI'tiirjl. wii-ier as I w.-nt niong. I shpiild'.itake a fowl Ar.noi'uiy letler, ] muse ha-jU: to niailv.iv; u i:l>;h are-2 eoirmieni.ls-taking.ii.tvny- ainmtmitioi!-; '&«.;;' Tiiere !'..,sitonjj's with;me, to seUleaecounts M'ith the 1111- can help herself pretty tidy. I dare say ws shall loxuiu;;iu the future.. It really ought tocome down,: anybody tall us whois to be made, t» declare what, now loii-tideri.d Ijc-iv uf. ir.nl importance to ouri1 live-.•many.. diifiaaltius to enspijiuai-, ;but tiie. •tiyes.j;I. Ejjoiudtaku.ton: thousand niijiioa.balls-of- ■'.' henceforth keep (=ia-oi)g jyirrisons over flier.?, ftv -.you! know,.ones" a year at lea..t; .fqiy when do. or.r fcrwho ii to 1)3 put to ;;i°enc2; ;r,hd w.lr/'aiid.wheii anil country, on." eommei' e, :tnd our lionur ; but MiL iii.. .thundarei- speaks and, we.niay-ttructdeF,-iti [fait one or two we.ik points must now and for over bo Parks look,so 'grand aiidi .beautiful, as v/lieu covered howl WiH.anjbod,; put the,'psocefidingsinto iniellia '.twine.for traciiiiv ''ijsJiould. take.PAppersand miners fliiftly ]iii«a<.li and l'alme:v.loii at the helm, tile ;.o >d[ accfnilpsi; -.. '..;.,..,'■. ~..,.., guatvlct', and friend Jonathan nuy i.ike thick 'ivit|i snow. In KywVce they have lind .skaimg ■giblc English.i*6r us '? .Wesiiciud be ftlad.tp pay for to, clear.away scrnb, and all such like .pajtry irn~.i .for some ■•time,-and -I.,rend that' 'la .tha Bois ue Bon- the'ex;}l?.!)K,iio;i at our ursiuil h:',nclsome rafe of oao ship Great Britain shall steer cluir of :til shoals, .1 .sj'.i'njjylliiso. with yo.ii.r poor.eat.tle and'theii; pediinenls. I'should create .i>.lj".proper, telegrajih; my word for it, his chance of conquering our -ljgiiC,.l;apoleoii ! ■,owiiers'.'i,-'Tiia.t and will make it-awkwaul fur the hiimj," wmo- ~ and his wife have been gallivanting po.ind2l3rlr.le; but v/e',cloubt i? the mau.exists who pfeum-pneuhifliik,. must. ■be a "stations.'■ lii "i'aci;, I'sKdnjd take every conceivable,, Canadian provinces lias dcpaitcd cntncl}, audtic' and capering about for six or saven hours., a (lay, to ,ca 1 .c.eoipr.er the.legal hieroglyphics ; qf,,Scptch prolivei'lichc. It may or may not "be. news, {:> yo'il (Ireadiui afiiur. Let's lyar rtgnin A-oiJi Science.': mail Vvohiiih"and cliild, horse?, -esirts and c;irriiige,y,.j; Mumou doctrine so inii:li vauntod iv Ameiie.m tie mob and tli_eaiselv;33. g.'e;it deiijitioft'ie wjII thai a 15riii\h iui.il boat, from a i.outr.il u> a ,' ''■Your !.).ip'i;rs - cedure.. All we can see. Is,X that■tiiere is a.Suit v/liich hereafter be in the silent inoo'i. justly gjorifying-'tiic'oneiiing. btiiiocks;' cthvs/'pigs, -poiiftry, aud' gaiiie and-:1Councils ■tem.pu.s'fugU, and ~:'.Mn won't do ;'I must shnt affeots -iwo poor, la/lies"Sifal?:y,.a,ad,'tliat it ss'.has been '.., B:'.t neutial pi-i't, was revc-miy, wilii nuieh violence, ,' ofiha Gtpp's:l r.iiuiakes.,' V/'hat -I can see of it evey act; dccil.'nlafcter and thing"should by mcrbe jI Behold our banner! The Bufsh Lion now keep« up ;■;■£)!■ -more .treasons.. than one-; and so. goodbye, .dragg;;:g its slow ocurs3 doiijfor years,' iri forms tliat !l boarded In :iu American ship of Mai—i>an Ja- ■'twillbe a. fine^ 'tiling for your colony; *l--'■- .-•then and there done hnd performed; v.rhich'.should iI watch on the Canadian frontier; and the'-'American" /'at ones, and for aye,1' and>G-oa.ble'Jssypu. It' I- bey.''..tiers themeniovy,, and, in languagei that defies the ijasse.ea a.reel.lii a bottle einto, Capt-iii Yv'i.ko (tlie aggressor), and "tin!} !' I "•see,--too,- .y'oitr rag^ei1 schools* are in favor. make failure impossible.'- I-'sliouid.'do-, tho job-by Eagle had belt, r dhccfc her flight to other clones don't hear from you every in jiuVn, either,by.letter, or- luidbrstauciifls. Trent, Cai.iai.i iloir (the vieuai). Int papjrs -Go itj-myboy ; 'look 'alter■•■.the: -and unedu^. ..such-aids-inui-appliances of tny own be tiieyjof the ifronques-t bo her object;- for there it .is no %o> .j)iipei-,.~l^sha.lltbink-you'i'e dead.or.very-i11,. t0 "/or- Th's case Seems a Scjicjireel in a'bojt'c'of smoke. ;,;,, ..,;.,.;' JPttrih: ■'-. ■ ,;...; ,;. ;v.:: you recciiu fcive all 2)iu-tk:iilni'a of this, oairnj^c, eatcd-iuid you must thrive (in spite of the hop-. order Carbou;or.otheiiwise, and I;£-hould expect to And when we tui-n to the oL'her act of the tragedy get me not." r f .-i. :. >. '■'•■ " T.id Foiut.it List.—The for'elt listfpr J859-61 is and when in pod»e.>siuiii)i'ute f.:ctj- you will ibnn : -Dosition.").. ~,!-■ ■~. ■;... Good bye, and beliove'rae ever yours, is apparent? ..;..,....;i ~■ .ih'ein hisv.ory. ..,I should not start on such^a- caper; (so nearly performed) what conclusion .v.ii a Lii'^e one ;but, alolion^U nsminafcors li'ave been ~.....;._» Very sincerely, .-, an opinion n-lictiicr we are ivrony, wiieii I.tell s., j .Xoii {jive, a.,queer uainc to » neat system pnt .'.with the old.i'ii.sliioii uptious of .Park, C.arpsuter, Look at out-fleet and look at our armaments, a«d Ik iv j'tin many ins^aucefi, the 'w'nr.ers have you Old England is iu arms. Thereis but uue,! you.r.way, biit.as thei;e,seems.to,;b.n a.goorl niany; Sav.tgc,.Ltu-dnci'j'&c.,but _should .cxciviso ,my own look atoui' mighty resources'and tlio mighty' ener&c" &■> &c- v>"'ty j,ol<s.ije"r own wi'otu/ fairl/-., i'or i«bi.aiice (akhough expression UucJ, and t!isit i.->, Vv'ai !" On the j .tit,it,."sUcking,up/;.musf;'be a go.od game. ■/ "' " .scientific discretion. I ought.to have.been.in Aus-. .- gies that woald have been developed., lain sure to L.oeile d jfjvo 'iad to orgr up), Sir Jo^epl' Ha^ley ADIAGRACEFUL CASE. 30th November the Jii-ropa"t«ok out io Lord j ■* T shall be 'glad' to hear, „ tliaf. ybitr.' "frtiiia.""- What's the use of paneling such people I have no \v <jd to attempt this ilhi'-tuition, or '■The!cause heard yesterday iii "-the- Cosaty -Court o Uy !aclcs>. LIOO Oi* ilrs'Ju's l)e jy xooney, and Sir Lyons the instant ultimatum oi'ihc iiriti-sii Cabi-J "Agriciiitural' Land Licenses are 'numerously ■wifcH'snfeh.'an'tiquatc"d''ideasi on such a spec, &c." weaVy I'ou wlthconjccfcur.il details on a thing to public interest, with the .exception of Cj... !•••( Monck only Ll2j o-" Qdme^ters" J^t. Leger. of ware uo netjivliicli is iwm.cdiatc reaiorjt.o;i Yoii will "tTi-'fuby get good'■' citizens,- "Citn tlicre' be rVny'iloiibt'ab'ont'it—says tlifit Stuart manifest, your "own practical acquaintance 'thereaiiclj3W!ifcs,..T^liiclj..I'flissloisei-L a Jt J\ls.- y '-j tjl7s siio » for TJGnmiby.'sPerby, and Vveium!iim_,v..Lau_hei:_ oi1 the pri-' issued, souers, and un ample apology, or his passports— -iviuclr-is a flue '" tl'iiti^g- "iri: a\noiv"country.- is'a-muir'.'tnd'nou up to'his: worlc;'ahd'thci-eforc he ":with, and your own tuie British heart %yilt suggest state of tlim^-i which.it' is to be liopsd is'noiv.-iually Jfr. E> /uod Ll5O for Bu^teillv'a Oak?, and Lord and the re 4. '.Jionday1, 15t!i Dee'.—^-Prihce': Albert :d led ;on --fails. 'You:kua\v,t!'.c'dear-^—wbii*t-airowthatcvcn ';ail this'to'yon; and-we will both instanterjiimp to met with. I'iie plaintiff, a (Jorinan purveyor of street A.'3sb>7iy L225 for St. Albau's St. Lege..' During wrsprid up vith'n L3O; All soils ofßiirniises are indulged in by our Saturday: night last, nearTnidmght.'The-paiicr^-I Jack-.-can-iplay'at Billiards'; -iHiat1 is, can the very agreeable conclusion' that the slaii-sp.in- music, iii;the:year 1857 iinp'o'fted with him frij.-i Ira "a^t 7 3ir the Cunbiid^es-iro V? -> ,\swe M;. rA'tt^on s.till Ireks papers as lo the intentions of Ameiicu wh'h re- send will.t'jll you all about i£ ; but perhaps this, .play properly. --To' anyone that knowtanythiiig j jglcd-bannei- would havebeen universally Atj a dis- .naavelaad.nveyoimg.females, wlio were aitided :to!; ftn-i tlie Clrv.ter gard to us, our trade, ami our provinces ; but let ivili reach.you first. It lias taken- m-all-quitu.by.. .'..of.anglesaud'tlielaxvsjof gravity, it. js- -quite clear count, that our own juek-frxvq -and bright blup hiva.as apprentices, to ieavn from him. as best :he L32rfoi-a lor OasLe^e--, Col. ToTrnoley L2jO for 1 rnn's Derby, £> h! Mr. Saxon L225 for his dear lirotlicr Jona.'nan bownro. The "bouneea- surprise. We knew he had been mivoH..;fbr the I'that a cannon -is mado;.at.au..angle of-^5 °- by ■;■jackets-woiild-liaVe chased the-'Yankee--?rascals all ..cpii'd.teajii t em, the'ai'fc (frequently- heard to per- Ket^ecl steeets) o/'abusing the -powers.- Oate. It is no yiaa 1 thing1 fo a meei/ng like Donble bully" will catch a hot 'uu if iie aggravates lajt two .or three .weeks', but it \yas announced as striking the ball low, on the top, &c.' ButJl will 1overthe watery world,and' made them the laughing fsotion in..Melbourne iuten(led:to be used for,the prociu'.itionj daiter, vheie tlie s a1.2? of'6l pmoi-.i eu t0iL15,120, ofiiist.yv.'meuts us to strike ; for wo are just now in pr.we fettle ; a severe coid, and people,'..of course,. thon^ht not/further ti'y'your patience by. des^ribing^iu: .j..sjjoek.of nations ; Jo tliink that such bounceable, ofmusical sountls. The'plaintiff youihfurap.-* .1 .iove it paid vp uLeaii;, srve Jj5o"0; atult ct&vin fit for anything- at sea. 11 is expected thai Milne's nothing about.it, but all at once gastric fever frieiid'y profound' puilo'sophy,' eudiigli is1 said to icut-throat" bullies, could bo so effectually and so prentie.es,d--ly readied Melbourne,aiidrliis ( eidbly reduced when this where theiv laßoi'S will, 'o tlou'oi, be coii'.ljibie squadron in tho Atlantic is quite equal to any shewed ifeelf, andthe Prince rapidly .stink untlcr convince'theWoVK! wiib is ta'C man proper'¥■■ and. in. 1easily whipped/ Have we Dear talked now ijrovscV.hi^iily profitable to the plaintiff, full/ circulated among mial, ViV'lt "lir -eot'on lisi/" definite Home Nmvs. emergency, but if necessary we can treble it in ,it. ': Thi'3'i's'another dreadfulshdck to the Qaccn, case.his wiiereiibouts"should not'bo equally well <enough 01 these .patent humbugs. I buppos-e jon.'\c lippe.'jL'eci fdi" theevidence, through his havinn;: estati*l. ' 'had 1 11l IOT TN &lirLl»—B\T "V AS JCIIL KcMl D\ consequences'after your papers iilnncdtately proclaim si/, (pardonncz,nn>') her re- known, let that I and yet with the female defendant which we'reI', qunutum less than no time. One can hardly imagine that and we treniblc for the : a,' liftle lihe;.Lr.e!ii.tLons _n co «. - p 'ncip"'ly of <! y. iif; any enlightened, nation, with commerce for her cent severe affliction.. The Prince" of Wales was there.issiich.aphi.eeas--^^inOldßnglnndi'l expect '■)'more. '.Thoit stupid civil qtiau-eL>we'll leave to its quite; inconsistent with the s'ixtji; article of'their' V —' <1 w 1 oil ye v b°u'j diii uer*, bin uhc j base, could now a-days bo found trilling with the luckily at hand ; ho was with-his father the whole our dear friend-, will bcalanningly astounded when ifate—the issue is so" pla:n; i. c, the " tliiited agreement,' " that he should be towards her n faithful c n a* ci net i o i i.TS 5i a ire ot this inighty engines of deottuction science has lately of-baturthiv, and will'be a jrreat solacerto the I tell hiurwhat.lfiirther know in this matter, i.e., ■!States" isa thing of the past; and of eourss neither proie.g.'pr,":she was compelled foi^ajtiijje to seek shel(i er tsvn t ■> laim j p'le l^d n 1&_8 lor so tie Hospital. in;the.Eying-in On"!eaving iisylum, this foigcd, a>id not only running counter to, but ac- Queen. .1 have sent you. a specimen of the London that your own Smart is again on his. travels, for I of tho parties beUgoi-cn^.w;U get the best bf the ter pe\ jii^y übc e\v s i (JpcUk. ii vie health sue de.tc.'inined to leave'the pjaineff's./service,' butsho ,i tjiiiJ tually forcing a quarrel upon this country. papers ; as you might .expect, they arc .all, ;near!y' read that his'thiyd expedition has started, let me ssquabble—they are both ruined, now aiid for •I'efuiicd nil o V\o sh^ep r„ 1, i fion> tiic to n-'ow hoi" to .or her ./ takg.aijfly.liei^-filothes I need not tell you that our uio'.to is'pcace— iilied with this incl.ancboly subject,..and.,yoii. arid I at onceutter my' hearty "God' Speed,'''arid what- (ever one may say, Tana~i6~wiirbo well tbrThem all banjo inftn she had sighed' aiPl'O'tJ. (produced in hi In ii i cof 1" s I ukl psi \-> u'ip li°i'oitc not at any price. Peace and trade is what we w.ii! join with'thcin in .all sympathy for ithe'Royal eycr of envy, maliceor dread uncharitablencss may iwhen ones thu "foolery is over, if they pot to woi!c cou. t), purporting to be an aekr.<>'.vle<!;i'eraer.i for,so lii/ p ncii li>2o uhe )i ii ciiLCb Oi i.iie dis°ise vi j want, and H is well known we put up with much Widow, and prayers for the dejiaTted. 'And■we exist in the good heart "and fertile brain of our iin putting their respective houses in order,1 cease, !much*of lier pftssa^ei-mbnby as'was tlielr,':abco-'d"Og'"to' ' 'i. j\ ti Al bite a hole fldclt » Two fi" h ton-lit An 1 ■">!, lisi? id nf, i ignominy and injustice to obtain and preserve may us well at'oticc endorse all the good things scientific home friend,-I, for one, shall bo fully ttheir insane bnfilcum and behave like rAtionnll- 'plaintiff's ealcuiatio'ii', not repaid to hiurb'y hi3r"snf-" floe'> Mt b'ie nlmeva the'dead. 1 sin' o* ■• It. (is jT "" i,>e r')3e[) would precious things they say despatches Many these of Tiicre can. bo no donbt that- alive to all reports, accounts and in any. 1beings. a lesson will have boea taught .vicisl'' to- thnt1' date/'^-l'ur this iimdunt,-r;'rso com- I i ; but there is a limit to forbearance, and we expect if the Yankee makes'us as a husband and a iatherhe was all that 'could be way relating to .Stuart's exploration, No. 3, and t them, and:for the iiiiurc I. .think it .will,tako" nit' pufed M\f: .'£io'- 103.,' ..the prcssnt-j^plaiut was ii1 ), a-vl llic meof \ tuous c lie io" 'ion iec»in «Ucll ■" P 'iJC SOI J, CX, IQ^Q itv ,1 HI fight, so much against our -will, all Europe and wished, and that he by his own good lifeset an, perhaps shail have the pleasure of spinning many, :.ttheir time to hold their own, aud leave but little bi'puglit ,an'rtliist-'.: tho" "'young .ii:'woitiaiv-.:and ■; her lil(,ld"Cl ) aiina uehji Ml ail, lriiv d i lii E v ops the world will rejoice to see the " tarnation lar- excellent cxamp'c-to the young'princes destined another long yarn, be-it .to'your-horror or-to your sspace for iillibustering, and if so, the old proverb husband, she .liavhtg -since "feen -mari'ied.-! ;lt wast' ii Ii ci eno pi >pj l "n> i il ; cv j■> deco~L o 1 of upon atl by by counsdl-ibrthetlefeiidaiits a-id recurs " out of evil cometh good," the world at | roni'arkcd ,'{.'■ ■",.-■.: l ruping We'll give him." But11 shall leave this: probahly to rule and reigufcvor this great countiy, amusement. ou i Jo io" i wet1 £ iiomti Uiti ilo fie cl j that, it was-, very siiig--*hu" thai; the IJO U jSTcccl I sny, lam still. much.intorcstcfl in poor 1 subject now-; for I daresay you have had enough and for, tliis Prince .Albert is entitled to ail oar largo shall benefit by the execs- of American j the-,i;'.dge, o o ia »la auiAnyi and oaoa.d iwve been v>r..ifcteu in. !Gngl".«!i, irhei all tbe et pa me in the ill of faiy preaching. The chances are. thatlong be- praise ;" for we we'd know how differentthey might Burkes fate, your only hops, «s I now read, is' in 1bounce.' Even now while I am talking thus to you i partie? whose names appeared upon it were Germaus-, i r notli "ond o liid n. peiin litnL oi'tcven a luck foreyou receive this, and Ireceive your sentiments, turn .out. under, lef.s favorable parentage; You the neighbourhood of Cooper's. Creek. But the twe are in the very thick oftheir dark and >A -omy| aud could not to-tUis day spaak, or understand Engrt! eiie* t n iv i o (oi waul n,) o<i uho xl .the subject will have died away (let us pray) ; must not thinking prosy while I am discoiirsing accounts are to vague to make miichput of them. Ipassions; for unless I toUl yo? you'd not believe 1 iish.; and it was sworn by the .female defendant that en in jo I mo d or Ie s to i co the flock oi bnt I could not help having a jaw about it, and on this slid thetric.'.. t'j'eol bound in duty to devote arid' ftfjventlydo I hope ".tiiat'the next mail\<i I' iit, they have several ships of war in andabout our it was never explained-to her, butthat she signed it pun c die flock 1 ept i» ore Jian ojo jeii ou one entire page to it, and Iknow you arc with me; enlighten me. 'It is truly sad to think even of tile | docks at Southampton, ships ofthe rival factions, under compulsion, as plaintiff said otherwise he would the f nin, miuil 818 Ha\isijiTi tlnt-veoi purcli"std ; I shall now leave it in better hauds. i flocV of Luicokbl hi. twes fo brocc^, I com I had just time last Kiail to do postscript, and I much regret that I am compelled to' wait probability of such a-tale as Eranklin's. - Party cand they ai'C threatening each other in most war- 1 keep her clot'tes and her music. The case for the de- me ice I\\ uU p; \ iv uliem iboul one _, 11 of fine diy clays yet for the mail. I should prefer sending after party sent out on perilous tr.iveis, and find- like mood;; but fchcy'ii not" fright th!.s dear isle ot fcnda'.ita v/av, that plaintiff had disentitled himself, to acknowledging letter of Sept. 24th. foui1 1 iltj \>ni t cli da , duiing the lutuain uid c-'ily » subsisting from of the relations the.nature, recover, oii this to inarch instanter, you you early its.propriety."They snftcring that and death. And when i about the docks in I might be in You might have spared your Blpiiiliuian philiping only tFacos of ol s > j'y, iid it the toi 11 nation ot a>c ~ from young pi between himself and the woman ; that the.acpic ; for it so happens I did not go on purpose to possession, but Ihave the consolation of thinking in my vaniul, I sometimes think I should have tthe .most.approved Guy Fawkc-j fashion,-with dark j knowledgmeut cts obtaiued from her by duress; then fi pi 'ial Ia v siL sue I witA iilie and"'hoping that you shall kiiow it its' soon as gloried in an 'expedition of, this soi't, I cannofc but 1lanterns and. combustible signals to give notice to 1 aud that it was av/as gee him break his neck. I had .two or three reapiikbii,!. Al-ei twelve jei c\. lenenca lam of tli judge sfcal-3 claim. The said he "consons ibr'going to see him. I thereby had a holi- any one so far off; and no'w, to 'conclude Avith all l-jcollecfc that I have been,. spared. more dreadful ttheir fricnds; .of the slightest movement of an j curred with the counsel for the defendant;", that qu t r^ivinced till this is a &nc pie\ciLi\e of th» day, and I went to Sydenham ; and I went over, prayer and: sympathy for the dead and the living, suffering than can'be easily.explained, capecially ,cenemy's ship;.aud the .gentlemen aro re- 1 it w;-s a stale ease, and one that oiight never to hava co ipl i ill anl fe»l conrdcat in l "■commending it o : the palace ; and if I did just cast up my eves at amen. ■ thosu who know .nothing of such horrors. One fpoitcd as armed cap-a-pie but our an tho- been.brought before a British.court of justice. The oin It iefi.i te s leetc v anil oest \ u!ej I>i tliw 16th.; We had quite a rush of excitement yes- more prayerfor Burke aud Co. The issue we must 1'nfcies .at Southampton have given thee 1 plaintiff had acted quite .inconsiiteiitly with his agree- pit pc c banj; lutcid 1 with no -naste, ait' Tvith b"i the man oh the rope, what harm was there"? But " ■■■■•'"" illustrious strangers"- notics to qn'.t ; and f ment'to be a true and' 'faitliful .'prolee tor. He hs-.. lev i1 10 n°i qiTut" , uncemoith snppiv imouius '' there's no fear,- he'il never hurt; and I'll bet terday. An American mail brought President wait. .' tint lieyed the document had beeii obtained "from hereby' to 7s Gel «.per he id It &my candid opinion Gold Fields donot realise an- we have sent the Dauntless, 86-gun frigate, from threatening you glasses round that when this magic rope- Lincoln's message, and ns it was of a warlike teuTho.NewZcalaud smv' (lose., if it cnic the to keep her' clotlics—" obtained By diii-es" ding uij lcp 11 evei «-oinmil dancer arrives in Melbourne (as he is sure to do), deney the eltenp; 'papers announced " Declaration tieipatioa, "seemingly ; thisof cuurso is'undorstood SSpithead, to watch .them ; but tlieir hostile into iliso co wil1 mo\t it die liom ilesili as aad.there was "no consideration it." iHe" sup-poi-j; you, will be one of his earliest visitors. If so, I of .War," &c.. The morning papers, however, by the accounts brought to your shores by the re- ttentions towards one another are so apparent that would allow plaintiff's counsel to be non-suited, cr he we las c t-uio al> the qmlity Lambs vill eat the hope some kind friend will let me know;, and see have calmed flic .public miud, and \ya must wait turning ships. It is shocking to read of the result we have di''liu'!Lly. told the spooney warriors— would I 'hen m a,few oits a verdict for dpfeadanl;v .Plaintirfs co nii well is he dam give wtek to kupw.ourfiicc.. The Europa took to many of-ybar citizens, who were foolisii'enough tboth IVdcraland Confederate—that if they do get ; if I dont walk into j ou, and pay off old scores. another to -be non-suited, wll'i £S G3. 2d. w U lie birlcj, ivln Ii I dec n better thin linseed counsal elected And now let us drink health to the bold Stu- out the ultimatum, as I have, told you, on t!ie SOfch to go so far on such an uncertainty. Of the many vup a fight in our peaceable, neutral watejs, costs. I h^ c not lost i &he p The ne::fc caoe on the paper was" a uocond ciko i o'd oi !<■■> vn'-liiio expect reply ult.; and it is notreasotiabie to in less to Dauntless I atbresaid'shaH may you largo appear immediately and he come buck that left numbers :be wnnJleifavor.each: again :by plaintiffagainst once.more safe the.hnsba ad 'of. another Ijj tli c inplunl toi mmy jews art, claim the ilie Loid May andsouud; and if he has then really and truly than a month from that date. We shall ha?e a ing about Otago, &c, in divadful plight. What ""belligerent" with a fine old.Britishbroadside, ofthe girls, aud the'-judge askedwhether the: p:ai:i-. Thj Mytrivid is.h Alvpki j;—ln a send 'em all to Davy Jonea" locker. They tiff intended to proofed with this, -intimating tint,if 01 sCmk, on I *\y apo son dccubny liimself as crossed the Austrulids, let him rest on his laurels,- mail in on the 2(sth, another- ou.tho. 2St!i, and a Christmas Day. It makes one shudder to and uch lane supd a levery determined, nevertheless, and positive the .ei-cnmstanoss were the same a similar'veixlicu. i ' looieti y d eiiu i>i Abeiumy and treat him well. What a man to smoke a pipe another on the 30th insfc. 15_y one or all of thc:;o read qf it it. -And what,a. .lucky escape, Iread, seem s for jCIO. being for goso o are issued that no two ships shall leave would follow. ■; Under, these cirjnmsiaucas t*ie case ti eel colonel in heiiI'opv jcul with! Oh4! I envy you that much. Why, if I ships we shall be informed of the decision of the ihauy had in Melbourne'who were on'thc/point of orders, i husband for his ng seiM"°s iciKne ed could get at.'him; and he'd only smoke a pipe and Washington Cabinet. Need I sny how anxiously starting. I expect hundreds'.of the victims will titogether, but that 21 hours' shall elapse between war; allowed to stand OYtt.—Arr/tis, .March 25. wlicwas glite 1 jaw, d Itwould se^in that i The foi'owi is f.\i:n the of uhe ;=.-cco2"!^'i departure actually 13 Art/us ; and so a3 tnoy mean to I believe he .and I should be pals. It is to we all look for the solution of this grave matter. never be able to get back again, unless your'an- ceach ye^enla../, uolavjwi- "ii ons to fet muii^cl a.me to the monetaev aocnt, c each other's1thrbats,: they'll have'to do it out d.iy:—"ln Jie C>n:n.y Co.iri;, be hoped lie is good.at book-making. "Stuars's I suppose you will know all about-.it long before thdritie3 send out ships free gratis, for nothing cut uji £2 10 the ii "lt.on of some adveitise Monday, on ilial. Iclt for juc';,o the iemark of tho a sea. The Dauntless has orders to follow them, tf.iiu'li.is Travels'' will be worth reading. Help him if you you, hear, again fromme.' I must tell yoit here, like. ; Query; Doh'i; you think it would be ;i at and pioinjsed him £10 if "it -".i-! a (ti-j, acerul bu:in3/3 aUo^eiher," the plal.i- menls in tl c newspanci" timt your legal, friend Edwin James is now.an popular thing to start. Try it on ■my boy, and and a I should rather like to be iv her, for the ras- tiff ,'can—that iy, if he wants it. WeJHtii'iiu b.-ou^ht his ccitond action uj trial, the he co Odfind him i wjfo Tne lady vag first ad\er seWpei lequned h} "j vidowei lj'" It's sa'd to think of poor Burke and Co., but I American citizen, and has taken up his degrees you may have all the credit of it. Don't say I cals c are sure to have a " go in ;" and.it will be a JiienJaius being ti ed io Ob a "ho girls imported by n one of the hoknn, i Crovei uno it l pojn{ rient, ho was to be am sangliine in these matters?aiid don't give them there, and now practices at the American bar. gave you the hint. .What.! Did I liearyou mut-i ssight worth looking at. iro >i (ierjiany. a"icl ilie husband she lias liiarsti diclnnch vii and membei ol Chi But d'ye you lately, What think Punch forth the other week? No one know dead another me d a ,-tcr e;reilTiSo.in3S.s c.i&js pat ago.". barring so, -It 11. The of lhe wo were simi;If up to the last moment: it really is not too late "why ie has-been done long I.reof Portugal ; fever killed him, just as it lsr, ■«Juii the e::ccp*.loi thai in this Instance the when a i inswu\i is lece vod fiom fie q\ Poituguese I yet, and I earnestly hope they'll yet turn up, or ( Just this " England's latest insult to America ; ioicc to hear, it, and say at one, God.bless your Prince lie >. iou<»ht the sjnation would that coloiel, repeated jj;^ the ilni'ttV dcii'e not cc t°tin^ fiiatifie:!, King, you. p James domiciled in New York.". Not so Ciiarity. -Let me know. The poor things ought did d his brother, us I told vas Is it not some of them at least, to gi-.-o an account of the Edwin nsd- mlinli ci, he wi miormed that it vis a wife, bad ; and you must now be told of one of his ear- to be saved if possible. Only think what wonders astonishing thai any nation should prefer to iivc [.olloHajous, aeeoiiipanio 1 alve.-natoly by injucemej." suit not a rest. Once more let us pray. j, housekc pet, thatjthe widower leqnired. beVaviour of the and 11 such abominable filth as thoss Portuguese? it aiuillua^e. The " dip;;raceful" Your paper tells me you've caught the l>l(iek liest paiibrmaiiees in his adopted country. The these gold finders effect. I was reading in your in coiihSue.i'.iy plai.i iff to.va.vls ijo girl'in 1857 v/js PholOoi iplis of the lady and gentleman "ncie c.. monster 'Harry." AH, honor to. the gallant vagabond ex Q.C. actually volunteered, anil ranscd papertluit you have exported within a given time ;iactually breeds fever and pestilence all over the jiV'l'i'l L 13.1in the laantier in which he altemjLjl eh i d, a v uietv of ne ooia ions wue enteicd into, and at last it enters the palace, and even 1,0 ilViclii her eiidcicc ya^jjrday, 0 Humphreys f.ji- this achievement. It was well to be duly published an "opinion" on the vital- £120,000,000 worth of gold and wool, and this country, Inol en oil", uid ilion lesumed , The a^ent lepeatedly b/'Jie pro- lmtJoiLimed tl will have its victims—but I suppose it will drcliosi of a witnes-, a yo'un* mail, who tiic letuea coloifel to sigii a piper pio and gloriously done. (My coniplimeiils to him question of t.:c T, cut, to the ellcct that the Yankees, Ibrings asain to my mind the value of the laborer, there swo.-e Ira cert,r.m quite right , now, re n to a for the extent,remedied, poor premises, Truly, wo in the and dear old who so the shall be. iho o velum 410 it the jiiat^h ciraeoff , biic fellow, Enghclpcth hlepo y.l yojS'^e old MiJi tile to misin^ very'specially.) Is is not a wonder the villain -■' du-'iti-? j are almost in insurrection about it; but this counii-y. This was explained by the fema'c de- tin ie lefused to do, stata1 £ Hi it it -\vo ild be \,antadidn't fight for it ; but of he we'd have eno'. Of : land and her gallant Captain Moil' out of Court. iba-immortalised. I sometimes fancy that the New people V business. fendant, that the yjut'.i was then only a small boy, uio nfc to tellins his dau.,l ter, wjio ultiraitely got course long before this readies its destination Now, what's to be said of a.fellow like this ? He Zealand miners will turn soldiers in their'dcspe< :t-:that's their I see you have nccllmaliiscl the Hare—that's and that, from the, crowded state of the ship, they mil iJ to tie -widover 'i'heie was d, third party, you have duly killed the wretch and had him commits all sorts of peccadilloes in his native hind ---ration ; and I have almost hopcdlo hear such was to be satisfied—the biide-Jicoin's "best disgraces your , s and the English bar, and then in a death- the case,; for it might be else that,their .thoughts.. some reward for exertions. Go on and were obliged, three girls and this boy, to sleep iv one biwevei, euttn. imtuedto ex berth. Til? same evidence was given a<s to the keep- mm," the mone uar> i^ent, and he aMeetings V of any Lady Canning died lately at Calcutta'.' This struggle question between two friendly nations, ---.would turn to buccaneering, or sunnnut in that prosper. i,' t LlO fiom th<> bndeS papj ininical iiUbil instrument, ing girl's ohe clothes and Our Parliament opens next month, and the place an took between him is a sad wind up for theotlierwise glorious career '■prostitutes his fame as an advocate to inflame the line. I look for inu.ch news by next mail. t but imie ible natme signed, (written in lingiM)1) was mia a 1 aekno\\]cdgineiit ; of Jonathan v weather will be ditto soon after then comes the passions Mr.,Bully against hang I see, you have condescended to two of in of the Indian hero. He, has iVad a very arduous excited language; aid the icured colonel, at the lattei s omees andHy althogeiher, we are full of hope 11J113 of th" pai tics to it umleistauding fieb«idp=s time of" it, nnd on all hauds is allowed to have our poor little island ; but, as I have said before, your dreadful. bushrangers, nnd there appears to Exhibition, so, aod the female defendant swore that, the ticenl tns sim what uiucenuy messengerof shall-be heard of in' this quarrel in spite of ba many more that want hanging. I suppose you a'and promise in Old England. plaintiffthreatening 10 keep her clothes, one Morri- m n biou oht au action in the Loicl Hayoi'^> Court foi done his work well, and we should have all liked ".we The Co'itineiit h very quiet just now, if we son (who was brought forward as a witness, present tieiocoveiy of the LlO Itwai, however demon James, Esq., n.nd the lot of them. have no better way of disposing of sr.c'i wretches. him to bring back safe his lady-love to share his Edwin And now a v;ord for onr bold Volunteers. An 1 have often thought a cheaper, more-expeditious cexcept Ilali.m brigands and Vesuvius. Old Ve- on each occasion wiien plaintiiF made the girls give sti t d tli it he ■« is thiouDhout the agent of the honor and glory, but that was not ti> be. p4pa in la%\, of that liaj and rot now ividowei, .'"aiing up ord'jr suvius been in lino this time 1.0. fastened the and told.her that door, lately head-quarters stylo U.) was issued, that and'more effectual mode of treatment would be to -si him an from Old Sir Petei Laurie, the city magistrate, is thiiik I slioul I liice to see that once). That if she did not s.i';n the pn.iier, plaiiiUiTs. wife would md he did not mich mcicl his case by ,i pioceedmg also amongst the departed. He died in age and ;no resignations would be accepted after 14 d;iys pitch such scoundrels 011 some desolate island and —(I upon by the- llecordci —tLat ot previously had seveiclv comment°d come, village, hi and bent her. Tin's woman unhappy again been newly mamed cniple with sijpbcenas honor, and when we recollect that he walked up —tlia limited time has expired, and our-gallant cut ofF all possibility of escape, and let the vaga- vgobbled up by Torre del Greco, has Only at'ncked her with a knife, because the plaintiff had &c vmg the tho lava, fibres and hot. g from -Edinburgh, many years ago, with old Sir' \self-ciectod battalion of nearly a quarter of a- niil- bonds devour one another at -leisure,-the world tiiink com c of teenies, luwevci, was not pijl.ei'-ted m, what grandeur, what havoc, and what boasted to his wi"e that he had lodged at a puMic- lhis ti y .igeirt w is j,t hit non, suited Kichiird Birnie,"6f.Bow street 'notoriety'(both ar- ..lioii are a.ixtnre. I dase say a great majority would bo well rid of thorn.. Sec about this. id tne moneta judge The ob->.:rveil that he h.id no i suiibrings 7CO or GOOOiorses and house vithlier. [ was interested, but disappointed in the open- di'Oidfi.l d riving bare foot), and no friends to weieomd or of them are quite content to stick to their c-.dors, in saying that he ou^ht to deal with this EnqlK.li Papa * people, many killed, and, of course, thou- limitation upov a Gtvmpkeepeb—On 2 22,000 up and wade to their knees in blood at their of Exhibi'ion. No doubt much Attack ing your previous (lid must accounts on the ■\LiTi DriiOLs say precisely lie deserved his good fortune.. as he he with the ca-e assist, we si ini.lc deaii'uitG. I oficn wonder how it is d;>y. The plaintiff had altogether failed in his duty, Moidaj aft"inojn, while Ale\andir Boslve 1!, the You may liuvc read that-Victoria's third son, country's call, and—God bless them 1 but Ithink' trouble arid exertion, care and iinxUity, have bean ta'ids ti will continue .to build and re-build city on ami to eiitille himself to recover. lie undertook to undei oaiaol ecpui on the c«tate of Sir Ggoicje Cloik, Prince Leopold, bad long been -ailing, and is now Ithere's many a mammy's darling amongst them bestowed ; and I sympathiss with the kind peop'e they city as they do, .it the foot of-those dangeroiu bring out live youngwomen here, aud to be to them Bo of Pemeuik, wib out Broin^ his lounds on the abroad. His chief attendant w.is General Bo- !who just now would rather not bj " woliunteer.'' who liave done all this, when'l read of how few- :ci certain destruction awaiting the a iVilMiil proteetoi- during the period they were put of the csta*e known as Beikiesido Pljn^tion, But it's to be hoped this very serious business visitors appreciated tiis thing.' I supjjose politics voicanoes—ivith vi water, ,'i'he gaUnnfc General took ill at Cannes, pait of the plantation, si so it is, and no sooner down than u^ articled to him. Instead.of that he tried to debauch snots weie hea d at a diitant and has just died, and its to be hoped the young will speedily be settled without •' an appeal to bad much to do with the very small daily attcn-- same—but to the spot fiom tlioiu, and under those circumstances they were per- and on some pai"-ons pioceedmgthey again. Even now, we read of surveyors, &c., (lances. Certainly you had bad weather, but that, ai prince is not left without a propsr "gniifa—:a. fine arms." seomed to come, 'lie considered wiucii tha sound found some leaving fectlyjustified in his service. Any way, you'll rejoice ta hear that JTrnncc. ought not to have operated to any such an ex- Pprowling about the -'ruins of Pompeii," p.epiraopening, by the bye,-foi-Lord Brougham. You jbit , acknowledgement was void, as it was obv ap which 13o^ ell hal bsen s.een tory to imothci' ru-build. 1 can get no informa- the written ljmg by tlic sdeofa hedoe, and at a short distance know he has it i'rench. eh.itean .tliere; and if takes this opportunity to p.it us on the back, and tent. Its quite in-my line,-and I.look-anxiously -t< by upon agreement plaintained and the the duress, ti on this subject from books or otherwise, so tift*could-not recover, as he had failed in his duty to t e\ iound the Ili*, pip», and ofthe ga.mekeepei old Harry should.happen to be in the neighbor- savs we behave like men ; all other nations say for. a better appreciation by the people-of so bene- tion c'en rely on my own pooi: judgment for a the pirls, and they wero perfoclly justifiedin leaving. —tne liat 1> ivm 'evcul p ccc aeni offit Onfuithei hood he's just ti-,e man for.tho prince to seek. ; so too, and 1 dare sny the great Mackney will lici:;l an attempt to improve everything and ;nnn:3t .s'(7 ou is plait. ; help solution of lhi-> riddle s( side will attend this. me ltwasfomJ that Baswell had gone to the song being, right you mqiuj as on the to everybody. Of course I have rtad all about Iheassemblinstof vonrnew include us in Iris Verdict ibr the defendant, with costs. hou.e of tht heal gaiu°keepei, which, was about a have we to fear ?" From our own'forthcoming Exhibition much is I m.:st suppose then, waiting your better judgPnrliaiucnt. I suppose your present Ministers are of AJordan," so, what that the house he had a,nl svaiu, ejteriug that there is some feudal interest at le d autx ment, stake; through although the air that poor old esuactcd, even it* has lost theright-hand' '"-■ in report floats about the best you can get, and I hope they'll rebeco-je qni'e insensible, the cause of which i/as A STRANGE DILEMMA. o" el;-e, tbat there fcxi.sto some necessity fora lnr^e it, man, our poor Prince Albert. "We alt know the 01 gain their position and do good for fjujd to bs a, l->igc and deep vvpund on the your country. Paul is dead ; but thu papers say nothing of i'nnvj.iiata (jonveniciice locality, iv that for In a Christmas book called Tom Tiddles's lrek ot his head. A medical gentleman You have a fierce opposition, and from id! I can io of course we don't-believe it. He has been ill universal gi)bd that-must of necessity attend -tttown " 01 of workpeople, or of that sort. As under the auspices of Mr. was linmediatelv &ent foi, and he found see a very discreditable one. How about that Mr for some time past certainly -, and u.b liia age we thess glorious efforts, and: we naturally grieve' before said, help mesomething out of this difficulty if yor Ground," published Bully. ; .Surely his name ought to be Dufier. I might be prepared for his death—but, just now, when:reading: such gloomy accounts as your bcan; Charles Dickens, is the following queer story die wound tj be of such a senoi's nature to ni'j appears extraordinary for il so I shall « all.hopehewill-.be'.. obliged publish: you cjused the uufoiuinat&m-m \f> be removed to to shall repapers are ; But ; profit have rcniY about your bath proprietors, the he-is much wanted, and we till I get at it. emigrant ship about iilnu hellojal InhLmaiy, v\here]ie still lies insensible, l*f nut icst content Two born on an bytbre again by boys If I write this melanlesson from this are 'spared year to us. ceivc another-1 us to wie Byrnes,' ulso about Mr. Costellp and his election ti])pc.ird It as if some cabin the ; important move is on the the same time and in the. same muse and in i vc^ piecanons. Suaoe, not Ii iMn3 jet been in :.. ■capers, also about your City Treasurer, also your choly event should htiypeiv'don't be surprised sat it, or be forever fallen (old style.) Your AccUmatization Banquet has been duly titapis with the G.iribnidiaiis, for eicry now and docs what she can for both, but in the perplexity s comu^ioi to einiu, idecki.ition It is suppps°d that its facetious members, Donovan hearing of it. : Ciiy Council and tl 11 btartiing speech of the hero's goes the of the moment forgets which is which i,he v\o^ id, must liavojbeen caised either by a gimlooking- over your native " Punch" discussed and ciiticisud, hare, and we begin to then I have been altogether, my boy, and Co., and. I come -to the He was the other day appointed "'No marks 611 one or other of them, that hap.r.i, saou oi a blow -Kith the batt of a uirskei/ On Aion sorry conclusion that tilings are in Queer sirett. —(the .Uaoiiteraiiij),and must confess disappoin:- think there is a wonderful psople at the autipodes Pp.iiicr.-' louiulh. of some new-formedVolunteerKegimcnt, pened to catch your eye?' asked Mr. Sims. There, dly aii,ei noon, a tele^riin was desnatehed to Mr List, C ; but I suppose, it's a yousig'u:i, and will the idea ol" it being possible anywhere in this Colonel ' 'Melbourne. Why don't yon upset, and reform raeiit c'net consuibleforthe county,' fo ming him ol whit a wound ivp his address afain in his old style, must have been strongish marks to catch my.eye improve with growth and local appreciation. wide world to take tlio shine out of our own groat and your local.institutions? You must do that beThai genUemiii immediately pio You have wi'i in abundance, i know, amongst City Magnate—why its truly wonderful, and you "" Attend to your drill—stiict discijiline—swords in tbe light I had to work by, and in the profes-- ha i occnued and in uh.e cow. c of the evening .fore you, can possibly got or reasonably ex- (he Melbourne colonists. bright—you'll scon be wanted, &c &c." In the hional difficulties I had to grapple with,' .said the ceeded to Peaicm',., Stir them up, and may depend on'this, that oar future 13 C. mon- b two pect: anything like a respectable l\trliamenfor •>i\)iehe-ided named Alet Cowan and meantime.Koine sends malcontents into Naples, doctor. ' I saw they were both straight, well- TlioJia^ fiiaj, boohpopchcrs ..-. arciis will vie with eacii other in till forthcoming nand laho cis la Pemcuik, Qn Buspidecent men fur your Minister^- j often think my j claim my thanks., fearful atrocities are committed in Southern formed children—and that's all I saw!' | * Ato a to redeem the character tlieir worldspreads rcujistances of of consequence old friend Harry TJarkiy'iriu'sfi »;e a nice time cio i In c wlach trans ; 111 fact, up to the present time its anything their infant features sufficiently developed to indiI pueJ, tjiese men -\veie det,i'ed, ( md on Wednesday famed hospitality ; and if such folks as you can' Italy •ofit. On the first opportunity my compliments London, January, 1862. Italian unity. However, Mr.Bonaparte has, cate a family likcnes1-?' inquired Mr. Purling:' morim.,' and -broiicd do. b but examined brought on table a roasted a to lid nbur^h infl wei,e put kangaroo to him, nud I heartily wish him better assistants, is believed, ordered Bomba out of Home ; and Should you say they took after their fathers or' befoiefjiieijff Gordon and ]>lr Lothia,n, PrpcuratoiMy Bkau .Weare waiting most anxiously. yon shall soon hear of our.folks cosking a live fit ' Your papers I see are like our own, full of all 1 for thought Pope i its < also the himself is under orders" their mothers?"' them committed to golden .light eye's,]' jtlipvweae jyison with Both of had i" "i dish, Fiscil, which, eU'p'iant serving up answer, and iton a which, we.shan't sorts of horrible accidents and offences.' Its a for the Lim-oin-Scwarilor more, and I'Vuiee, as well as St. Peter ; also, that the and light air—such as it is,' replied "Mr. Jfolly, funiie* e>,amina i* us I may not the City Anns .'.manufactured expressly for the from Scotsman get for another week and I can't, LONDON GOSSIP. I Uotnoj thc':mdauiaus'seri.ator'ls,politely reminde: $ 1.'1,1. don Jt;think the,msils.;j\re.-vvell.regulated. ■ /Ttliat"' three-mililons/pcr' "nniiUin*for tiVnt job I is Wo are ncftja nb'.e to lay before • our readersr ! -b'e'.'ler i!mu having to maiht'sjiiV^curnsiof observa IT. ■ , ,! .' - ,— . .~ . > ..... ..... ... : ' • ■ . : : .. . ' : ' ' >' J . •• . ' ,• •'' . . . . . . '. • ' ■ . . .: ..... aro: , ;. '" ... , ■ -:,-:. : ■ , : , ' •, - , , .. . .• ■■ •■ ■ 11...,- x ' .. . .. -. r > -. . , : ' ' . ■'■ ~ ' , " . ' v v i . , IL ' ' : : : ' ■, ■ ■ — — • . ,- . - • " millions sterling per anirura)'of the garrison in " carve'you right. ' :— ■ — : , ■; teach people better manners? it quite horrifies one to read of them; all over the have time to write much, I begiu early to tip you my monthly gossip. .-world it seems the same. My boy you arc surely slow, mnuy questions do There*!! old Vesuvius, too, spouting forth death reply ; and I tl;;re say there will; and destruction to all around. Its high time her Iask and get no this liitlo note. You must inhe one or two in lofty career was'checked. Can science do nothing? In former days perhaps it didn't" much deed clear up as we,go along, or it will, be endless BJgiiify how si any of the LasHsaroni, or other dirty confusion. Try back a bit, and don't be bashful. vagabonds of Naples uncl its vicinity, were disTell ma, have you Melbourne Reading; JJooins, posed of in that or any other manner, but things j where, as in London, ti man may for a penny have are different kow, and Italians are supposed to be a literary'banquet ?" Cau you, and do you, see all men at last, and much is expected of them. -0/ the .English jinpors on thu instant arrival of every, course I must here say a-word or two on their imiH ?*" Tell me that, anil don't forget. Again,:l polities. want to know iha.arfa of the European news when Konolcon 111. having confessed bankruptcy lias ■you get it ? as also of the''American news, for. through living the court with colors, and is the chances are. that you get intelligence of many gopo awarded a-first-class certificate, iu fact, lie is once important matters as soon as we. If so, I go ratmore Ai everywhere, and he still means to do as tling on and wasting lots of precious paper, talkhe likes. My last letter gossip'd a bit on the ing to you of'tilings you kuow ail about, and Dappe's Valley affair. Well, our old friend has i tbinli myself pretty clever : while 3-011 in spoiling settled that little business, and to prevent any j your time say, pooh, 1Iciiew all about that, Mr: Kow, should such bo the case, and you futureeomdlicatfons about." all that" little piece or ; parcel of no man's land or neutral ground, he has actually blackguard me in such wise, I am clearly taken it into his holy-keeping, it is annexed to the damnified in the premises, and tliereto an action glorious French empire. Of course he does as he may lie. However, all that may be, I shall, till likes, and when any stupid Prench "Joey Hume" you undeceive me, keep on the even tenor of my ventures to grumblei at the large item (three way, and' inflict on you all sorts of stale news, and i < 5 ■ ■ ■ : . 3 ' ' pity j on — ' • '■ '' '■'' ' ■' ''' ':' ' < A ' : ■ • ' ' — ' ., . ■- - ■ .. a: ■ . : ■ ,< , : . ~.., ; : ' :: .— : • • .. , ■ : ' .- . • .: : v: ...■ .. . r : •: , You'll have to sscrew is put on Austria so very tight just now occasion by Hunt and Eoskill. task all your resources and all your talent to keep' thai the Veir-nan question must be Settled in the .{-comingspring ; but you are quite prepared to be pace with we ; so look to it. infoi'incd that all these little matters await the I hope yon had a little bit of jolity at Christ- 1! of our facetious Napoleon IK. mas; but I suppose as you have no skating at that pleasure A dreadful report has just arisen that some of iimo/'you eiinnot go in at egg-flip,' elder-wine, our brave soldiers have been lost on the passage beef and pull &c I suppose, also, that roast to ; let us hope it is only report. I lia\e plum-pudding would not digest unless surrounded yetCanada day before c.'osing this Jotter, and another ■> by mile-high icebergs, and such-hke comforts. ihall be able to verify or contradict it. Lang Syne,." you Nevertheless I hope for Auld The 13th falls on Sunday, so Ishallhave to post friends at did a little jolly, and drank to absent on 13th; iv.il, as they publish the on leas: one bumper ;at all events, aye or nay, we tthe "Saturday, I shall just have the JDU^atch opportunity took the initiative. of sending you the very latest news. 15th.' America has now made her choice before Your Australian mail li?? just arrived, the Kent, I the two messengers suggested to her by our own ttliink, off Dover ; but if thd.-e's any dispatches for dear Putw'i—the Eagle o.- the Dove. The lllus- mo I shan't get.tiiem t:ll alter this is ported. (I tration will show you what a struggle it was in :=ha!l keep iv open till the 1-i^t miiiuic, in iiopes o" r.oYankee-land which .of the two parties would pre- 1knov.-led^!ng .sumiuut.) Jiut onrpapeis alieady give vail in the Washington Cabinet; but the glorious cxUaoW f^ovn youis, by which I leovti the cci tarn .sad at lcnjrrh tile of Burke and his party ;—all deal, as I read, exmessenger ofpeace, the little Dove, ■<■ one, and that one fciive;' or.ly by native humanity. arrived ; and the Eagle's talons shall not this ceyu Is tiis so? Jf yea, some one is niiichfo blame time be driven into kindred blood. All praise is [beeji.ha', poor "BvrkOj^iad two otherji, were at the; foi-i Depot offered up to .that mysterious being, Napoleon 111., *;at Cooper's Cieek -nilhiri a few minui.es after the refor the very decided part he has taken in this \ lieving party had left it; that one of the relieving doubt is entertained that serious matter, and no afterwards came back lo the Depot ; and a<>ain party liis view-decided the critical point, and compelled Apcor Jjui-ke and Co. were-missed. From tlie snort the wavering and the warlike American minds jparfcicular.l we have liad just now presented to i's it * * ' " s c x :has s c * ' Siim'll-. — ~ A\ r:^cusJl AV-vqiß in I,kvncf— The Opinwne ' 03 cs and light hair,' remarked, Mr. Nauonal(,\\m thq following —" On nighly Saturday last, child hps light Sims. ' And Simon Ileavysidcs iias lijjht eyes and m con>>equeuce of an eqcentnc wager -ttcre seencharac in the pol Lnglisji, Jie five tiavelleis light hair, rejoined Mr. Purling. 'I should re- i.enside KivoU it ele\en o'cloqk at niglit, com'ng from commend waking Mr. Smallehikl, and bending for Jtue on v,as Ja,cquos^ of of them the duec ion £i One. Kcavj fides, and letting the two fathers tossl upfor foot, the four fttheis m a comfojtfible caiit,' suggested Mr. Sims. The parental'feeling is ita ocand wlucji ViiUiantlyilluminated tlie^nteuprw,is of not to be trifled with in that heartlcss-manrier,' anjl fiuiiished with baskets of provisions to dissipate retorted Mr. Purling. 'I should recommend fry- the ennm of a lDn"journe}< A pelestnan, a joung Wliat.,mny belpnpjmß that be, jinn ing theVoice of Nature.' ta nu hwoiftble family, ba4 acconisir?' inquired Captain Gillop, with great curiosity. plishel one of t]io c acts a<, pnqe iash and.thoughtless, in which, he staked liisSh/p or hjs health againstHea 'The maternal instinct,' replied Mr. Purling. v-w'ty,, The mother's intuitive knowledge of hei" own veiy UJhnAsatisCicawnTOjus,perl)ODal oflejed,tonoitr 40 loi-\ (£■&) that he would acchild.' 'Ay, ay!' said the captain.1 'Well Jiad of tweutv-four hours, compUsh on fooit m tJic Jolly, to the Voice- ,lhe iQUincy.Jrom EayS-.W.-Ajrie-mi (fully seventy thought of. What do yon say, >• of Nature?'" > .' '. ■< '^English jnile^). Tlijs «agei-Jia.a^)een .taken ,up, and The doctor held up his hand impatiently. He ;he opposite ipaitfes rollowcd.ihfpMn a,,.carpage in " engaged in resuming the, tifforf* to rofne Mrs. onle-- to superintend the eKecu^ofl ttfthe pro£ramme, wa-3 Drabbles memoiy by a system of aiJialeur cro's-_ex- 'of whiclvtlie fir!,t,cojdition..vvasaja.kfcir 9f,,Btoppase amination, with the nnsatisraetorV'l'esult of confus.iil£! for the rerre,shinenti.ofth.c pedegtrian,champion. The her more hopelessly thatt'ever. CoUld^he put the' distance ]md.been.,finjsheU',iR.-twejity-jfcnd^-quarier cradle bac>, m her own'miiid, into itt original 'ywi- hoa-3!by.tjie,.intrepid »'allfCV,v>vh()..had drained his tion 1 No. Could she lfenieraber whether tie laid iwa^e^. and jetnrnecii safe.and.sQund tQjfaris.^. the starboard baby (otlltovHse Ileavysidcs) qil'tite' Jt.is..stated that Alessra.Glass, JSlli(?tj. and Co , side of the cradle nearest 'the''stern of the' ship,'Or have..tendered to the- English, Government to lay nearest the bows'! 'No.'' Cdiild 'she rdinember' Any ■a cable from: Milford'tHaveii.to Halifax by Tulyi belter about the laVbcfaitf-baby^UienVise" Sinall- '4862,fQr.c£rOO,oe&,- guarautwinffite jofficiency for child)? No. Why didshe move tKe'^craaiOj on"tO qhe cabin table, and no bewilderself additionally, one year. doggedly. Judge for yourself,' 'Mr. ' '■ ' .... ' ■ : ' l- - Aprili OTAGO I3AJLLY: Ti.MJbfe. bars of one iength from tipper deotto kelson, to both which they are secured'm: the strongest possible manner, for the double purpose of supporting the deck, and forming a central connection between the entered inwards. vessel's bottom and her upper deck platforms. At April ■].—Prompt, 8G tons, Ilisoox. from Mel- the line ofintersection of these hold trusses with the Co., agents. lower beams are secured a strong baok-to-back double bo\r"e »• hli general cargo. Tickle and .Uiii I.—Afiiry Ann, 101 t.ms,, Valentine, irom range of angle iron clamps, 'gripping the stanchion Cliailes Ross and trussess, and strongly rivetted to them and the hold general cargo. an, Ho! I'own, with jbeams. Glasgow iicrald. ApTiit.'-Witch ofgenoul j Founjhsring or niK Ship tlie Smv, 300 tons, Harkley, "Ancient Makinkh," Pnntlin, Boaki). —The Ancient Maric:u\;i>. Webb. ftt.ni Newe.-ihlle, with with Fiftken Men on belonging anil Co., :i;;em-. left Montreal with a Sunderland, to. I ner, KNTKIIKI) OUTWAKDS. cargo of grain and flour for London, and on the 24th a strong westerly gale, she encountered of October Apiil 4. —Nil. on increasing. As there was danger of j which went COASTWISE, IXWARDS. driving on shore, she was wore round, when ship the April 4.—Nil. j she laboured heavily, the sea breaking over her deck. COASTWISR OUTWARDS. I The pumps were kept incessantly at work, but, in April 4.—Prince Alfreil. 701 tons, Bowdesi, for | consequence of their becoming choked with grain, the Lyltelton, with general cargo/ anil 44 passengers. water nainwl upon'the vessel considerably. Shortly An IMPORTS. after this the pinnace was carried off the davits. was was made to launcli the life-boat, but it April 4 —Prompt, from Melbourne :—3O eases attempt managed to bale her men, swamped. S2 The however, jams, brandy, 178 bass'sugar. 125 do do, 20 cases was then proposed to cut away the mizendv castor oil. 50 do pickles, 355 bags sugar, o cases out. toIteae the ship, but it was not carried out. At peppor, 12 lihds als, 1 piano, 1 ewe samples, 55ipkas uiii.st were live feet of water in the hold. lumber, Tickle and Co. IS)" casks hardware, 4 cases thistentime there all hands left the pumps, as the ship apweighing p.m. 12 3 \t holloware, grates, do 2 kes?s do. olilids settling down. A heavy sea struck,the peared machines, 3 joiners'crumps, 9 bdls iron, 9 bdls s-teel, ship to be and she went down headforemost; the shock nails. 1 cask liardware, 1 2 bdls crowbars, 80 keg.-? merchandise. on her broadside, and then her over 0 stoves, 12 iirt-t' threw Kile merchandise, 2 bdls A rush was made by the men to save ovens, 3 cases furniture, 3 trunks ironmongery, 2 rWited her. clinging spars and floatingfragments to by 2 themselves bags'flour, cases coffee, 2 eases boxes apparel, 100 sucthe ship settled down. Three of the mentowed checre, li kegs nails, 25 cases furniture, 1 hhd brandy, as which '■ was being getting ceeded in into a boat 10 casks 10 beer, sherry,. 23Wirts beer. 2 qr.-easks when the adrift, just had time to cut they wine, 1. hhd brandy, 2 lihds astern, and ca-es whiskey, 1 qr.-cask Johnson and wi!!.-.koy. 1 case" cigars, 12 cases ■brandy, 150 bags ili-fate'd ship 'disappeared. Captain_ with the vessel and of his went down crew ti'.uL-, '■•/■>) basis sugar. 50 barrels porter. ! 'fourteen three survivors in the boat could not Als'i-y Anii', from Hobart Town :—4 ca=es wearing perished.of The the sufferers floating about on spars. apparel, 4 jars salts, Kilgouv; 1 caseroompnper, 2 see anybeing biiffelted about during the night the men -i cases After drill's paint oil, 5 bars iron, 1 pkge doors, up and landed at Cape Hosier, gl;iss, Hooper and Co. 4 crates lemonade bottles, A. in the boat were picked they suffered much from the cold. The Ancient S. Wilson IS casesgreen fruit, 26 pkgs onions, 12 do but of COO tons, and ship and cargo upwardf Mariner was jam, 2 boxes 2 cases green carrots, -12 baskets fruit, wearing apparel. 9keirs butter, 6k boxes greenfruit. are reported to have been insured. palings, green 1 fruit 13,000 oi'Jer -"l case bools. box COMMERCIAL. <0,000 shingles, 15 pairs cart shafts, 45,000 feet ol Custom House, Duncdin, April i\—Witeh of the Seiu?, from Newcastle:—£00 April, 4, 1862. lons coals, 4 carts and 1 bullock dray, order. 1418 bags Sydney: oats, Per Thane of Fife, from The quantity of gold entered to-day amounted to C Cell •-2 cases saddlery, !•'. Fulton ; Sdoperimnery, 5,7770z5. 12dwts., upon whicli the duty levied was j'lMoin'oo; 2 bales leather, J. 11. Baird ;87 doors £722 4s. anilsumhies, l'isher and Orcen; 62 pkgsmerchandise, The imports realised £452 7s. 7d. order; a cases biscuits, order; 1 trunk wearing apparel, M'Glashnn and Co; Shipping Intelligence. — : , ; ; ; . ounces. POUT CHALMERS—MARCH 4. Wind, at noon, N.E.; light airs; weather dull. Barometer, .29-78; thermometer, 05. ARRIVALS. Thane of Fife, schooner, 1-21 tons, Hughes, from Sydney on the 22nd, with general cargo; 9 passengers ; proceeds to Dunedin. DEPARTURES. Yarra, schooner, 121 tons, Hedstrom, for Newpn-.tle, in ballast, with 31 passengers and 3 ounces of . Prince Alfred, s.s., Bowden, for Northern Ports and Sydney. Passengers per Thane of Fife :—ln the cabin, 'Messrs. Logic, South, and Day 5 in the steerage. AurSi 4. —Prince Alfredfor Lyttelton —Rev. Mr. jim'-'Mrs .Tohnstone, Messrs. Frazer, Hislop, BalJaie, Jones. M'Gee, Brennan, Kerr, Fulhani, M'Millan; and 33 in the steerage. The .ship British Trident has not yet come up from the heads, but her passengers and part of her sheep, have bot:ii brought up by the steamer Ruby. Severai Prince of the passengers proceeu to Lyttleton. by the Samuel Alfred, and among those who landed is Air. Brk'ht, junr.,son of Mr. Bright, of the firm of Gibbs, Bright and Co., of Liverpool. of oats The Thane of Fife, schooner, with a cargo on Thursday and general goods, arrived at the heads evening. (Friday) yesterday the evenin '- and at Port Siia loft Sydney on the 22nd March, had light westerly winds until she reached Stewart's Island, when »he had easterly winds and thick weather. Off the heads .she sighted a barque making for the Port, name unknown.. By a letter received in town on Saturday from Captain' Btacroft of the Prince Regent, lying in Recherche, we learn that the Nautilus, Maid of Erin, nnd Southern Cross, were also lying there. Captain Beucrott further reports that when off the Chatham Islands the Pryde was there, with the same as lastreportal: the Emily Downing- 20 tons, and several American ships doing nothing. Captain Beacroft 'further s:iys as follows :—" I came round the Three Kings and through the middle ground, and there I llt.li January, 1862, in saw a vessel bottom up, on the hit, 35 deg. 57 mm. S. and long. IG2 deg. 26'min. E. her I lower a' boat and went on top of her, and found rsdder un. hipped, and a hole cut in her bottom, winch I had to cut larger, and through the skin, to see the contents of her cargo, and found she was loaded with cedar logs. She measured sixty-three feet I on the keel. I think she had a round stern, but could not see her name. All her hull seemed perfectly sound, and copper nearly new.1' Hobart Town Mercury, March3. Ikon Ship:?.—The four improved Warriors ordered and now building—the Achilles, at Chatham ; the Minotaur, at the Thames Ironworks; the Captain, at Mr. Laird's ; and the Northumberland, at Mr. j\!;U!;'k—are each and all of them to be larger, stronger, tiiid swifter than any that have gone before. In fact, when we look back on our brief but rigorous competition'with the French, we find that our first attempts at iron ships were in many important particulars bolow the standard from which the French stnrted with ia Gloire. Bui'the difference is that the French-.nave adhered to their standard, while wo have constantly striven for improvements and more improvements; and the result is that, so far as our present, knowledge goes, we have attained perfection, while our neighbours are comparatively still drudging at the Vottom of the form. That this statement of the two countries in iron ships is perfectly wellfqjmded. we think we can show. Only a few weeks since one or two of our most eminent shipbuilders, horouglily conversant with ironsides, visited some of the French dockyards to see what was doing there. They were allowed to inspect some of the iron-clad, frigates building, all the works, connected with which were advancing much more slowly than they had been led to expect. Those which they inspected were merely wooden ships plated, or to be plated, with apparently little, ifait all, more than three-inch iron. They were mostly vessels offrom 3,000 to 3,500 tons ; in fact, frigates and two-deckers cut down and much strengthened in their scantling, ,to enable thorn to carry armour from end to end. From the want of great tonnnge, a flat floor, and large displacement, it was evident that they would be so immersed by the weight of their armour as to bring their port-sills dangerously near the water, and render their guns all but use'ess iii a seaway. Nor is this their only fault, for their wooden frames, not haviDg the strength of our iron vessels, which are as rij?id as bolts, work so in a seaway as almost to work much when steaming docking and fresh caulkthem to pieces, and to make ing necessary after every gale. But the worst of all their defects is, that the iron and the oak do not go well together, and we may infer, from the causes being alike in both cases, that the framework of the Fmich'ships will rot as quickly as our own floating batteries did—that is to say, within some eight or ten j-fjare. These defects are very well known to the Admiralties of other Governments besides our own, and tliu result is, that the Continental Powers are coming here to have their iron frigates built, instead of going to France ; and thus, through the medium of our pti-i vate firms, encouraging still further the monopoly we have almost gained in the manufactureof these great ships'of war.— The Times. ; . : — Launch.—New Principle of Construe- tion.—On Tuesday, MessrsWilliam Simons anil Co. launched from the London works, Renfrew, a new Fun-ripped iron-ship of 1000' tons, named the David firm. This ship is B&"g, the property ofa Liverpoolrecently adopted by constructed on the new principle carried tlie builders, find first out in the iron ship Robert Mrckenzie, just arrived in the Clyde from Calcutta, after experiencing a hurricane in which several'Vessels of the common formationfoundered, nud the severity ofwhich was such that the Robert Mackenzie lay for twelve hours on her beam ends, thesails being torn from the spars, and the boats and fitting's swept from the deck. The chief characteristics of this construction are—lst. Each range of iron beams me placed diagonally in the reverse direction to each other, forming collectively a complete system 'of diagonal trussing, so that a ship in the above position at sea it is impossible to strain ; 2nd, the waterways, instead of being a patched arrangement of iron, wood, and oakinn, are formed ofplate-iron alone, rounded in its interior edge, where it joins the deck, this plate waterway being double riveted to every beam end which projects vertically into its interior ; 3rd, The- main kelson is formed-of-three ranges of plates, arranged iv the box form, into the interior of to each projection 'which the floors project up, and so .that before such a the kelson is strongly secured, up tear the bottom floors, 'kelson can yield it must and with it the keel and keel-plating. ; 4th, In place deck staunchions 'tween lof the nsnal.vertical hold.and : as a deck-support, the in two pieces, intended merely Begg by a David is divided 'longitudinal centre of the " ? -'double diagonal range of 5 by 2 iron^girder-trusses in "'' — Valparaiso Cape of Good Hope Miiuritius Austkaman Mclbouvne *T 912Jx ,JJ«; -f } ' < ■ '" • - J T £ijl i" on T:,a"• Colonies— COURT. —; ; ; , ° ° M-"""- 2b M,nr- 2p 1J Sydney RESIDENT MAGISTRATE'S ; *c bJM-bi upon having an efficient service between that Province and Melbourne, acting on the as- Friday 4th April. ISG2. (Before Alfred Uhctham Strode, Esq., 11.M.) sumption that by doing so, the other Provinces Dhuskksskss. The undermentioned parties woro or, in default, committed for would feel the necessity of placing themselves fined 20;>.respectively hours.—John Dunce (who had been lilif.ated from in frequent communication with the terminal 48 gaol on the iirovinii"? day after oxpiatiiifr n sentence of point of the English mail service. With, or three Mitclid Nes>bett ArchiluM Nesbett; months) ; reverential attention. Tt has been reserved without Mr. Ward, this would have been David Jackson Thomas (Mllm ; and Stephen Nifor civilised man to disregard the sacred claim done; indeed, as we have before pointed out, oholl a'^iiinst this List named man, a charge was enthe for havi.ig no lawful or visible shoot, operation tered on tiia on his attention* that persons of aberrated it was safe to leave the result to of support: l>ut as the witne<sso.i v.-ere not preintellect possess. The revelations brought of necessity itself—necessity, which will de- means wor.ship his sent, discharseU him, with a caution to to light of late years of the treatment adopted velop, besides [.the present proposed coastal lead, in future, a good and moral life. was charged in private and public mad-houses, have sjrvice, direct communication between several Abusivk Ijanouagi!.—MitcliullNeibetl by pilice sergeant Cleary vith having usdindoc-jiit touched even hearts not prone to sensitiveness, of the Provinces sepaiately and Otago. and a reform has been conceded to imperative But we have.proceeded on the assumption and alm-ive language in a public place jestevla;--. man said he knew nothing whatever about demand. that the service between Melbourne and The having done so. He was lined ]<H,or in deiault {*"• <-•". "" £'"• *'; '•■ ' Ceylon (Colombo) China (Hoiij? Kons,O Il.in.lmy Calcuttti Siuunporc and entit'ed'to profound respect. The misapprehension is easily accounted for; their helpless condition appeals to the generous instincts which, in savage races, civilisation has not repressed, and they regard with an excess of kindly consideration the objects of their 5, Xt^rS Otago was already satisfactorily, Is it fit that in the young colonies of the empire the worn-out system should be revived, and humiuity be again revolted by new scenes of cruelty en ic.ted on helpless lunatics ? True, it is not safe to generalize fn>m individual casts, but if the abuse continues where will it stop? It is sufficient to know that one lunatic has been beaten, to make us ask wh:it other revolting acts may follow. settled—:a comniilted for 2-1 hours cumulative on the former result which is far from being the case. As yet the mutter rests on the old fooling, and it Nuisances. —Mr. James Niinon reported that fil:i3 the defendants formerly cited entirely depends upon the conduct of the the eases against residing the Arcade were now abated, and they were Provincial. Government to remodel it. On thereforeindismissed. Mr. Carrie was ordered.to reMonday the time expires for receiving tenders move a quantity of mortar which he had deposited in J,? Wau^amii The steamer Melbourne. monthly 1for the to :•• Ma' -' front of'the JJank of New South Wales. lidward WclliiiKtou JJ av. 4 tenders were called for before the subsequent Caspar was summoned for plicin? a quantity of stone Ilawke's Hay J""-. the Ward, touching aiid !i.md on tlie footpath in High-street. TJiis ease arrangement with Mr. Caulci-bury I'd), l-l adjoui-ned until to-morrow morning for evidence jrnrlborougli Cruelty follows cruelty. carriage of the other Provincial mails was ■wasMr. 1-'ili" Ifeid, clerk to the Town Board, who vsu wii i Nekon Ami when tlie chain agreed on, so thnt the successful tenderer will iif M»r- ,9V by the defendant to have given him permission to do Auckland Bu^iny with wnmffi of sroli a stain, upon have consideration afterwaids thrust A-ar. 10 this cast; against one (leorgo Gillies wsis ivmanded Taranaki so. A AVliat horrors fnr.ii the rear. probably a matter of after to Tuesday next. Mai-. Id Iiiveicai'iiili But to return to Dr. Hnlme. He ma}'take him to be madeThe service Alli:bi:» Ohstruotios.—Thomas Norlni wr.s.called arrangement, ie-arranging the exception to being saddled with the responsi- from appear to a summons charging him with having will then be the next matter to bility of the acts of his subordinates, but we to Melbourne eroficd an office at the corner of ilaiifce and PrincprPOST OFFICE NOTICE. especially part of it strcets, into that account, take which huildini: abutted on to ths p'.iblo does, holding MAILS CLOSE. the position he tell him that, relating to the imposition of penalties in case of thormighfare. Mr. Poiith stated that the defmlant For Great Britain, Australian Colonies, India, these responsibilities must and do test on him, non-fulfillment of contract. Tt is well that wri-s out of town, and would not return until MonChina, Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius,-&C, per s.s. and no sophistry can take them off his newspapers on the provincial authorities should be alive to day but the ense lnisrlit proceed if the Bench would Aldiwea, for registered letters and Stamped letters can shoulders. To ensure the pro[ er management the fact that they have accepted the respon- consent to receive Mr. Norton's evidence ntler his reMondiiYthe 7th iiist., at i p.m. hospital, quired the very least n is a turn. Mr. Niinon chawed him with haying erected be put"into the letter box up till 9 a.m. on the fol- of the surgeon and also a resident superin- sibility and that they will make themselves an oiiiee at the corner of Mau=o and IViuccs-slrccr, resident lowing morning. it ridiculous, more than if when something bavin"- a notice up, intimating that it was a Shipping in whom managerial For Oamani and Lyttelton, per Geelong, on Tues- tendent, or Secretary to the point they fail to carry it out. Ofti-.e". Wlicn cross-examined by Mr. South, the powers are vested. If Dr. Hulmc is unable comes day Bth inst.,' at half-past 9 a.m: said that the words "Contractor's Oitire" We may say that Mr. Ward will probably be prosecutor AHCH. BAlttt, to live on the premises, he is ineligible Tor the were not upon the building; but the same premises Chief Postmaster office entrusted to hun, and should long ready to at once take up the negotiation ifhe were, at one time, in the occupation of a person who now ago have demanded to be relieved. find the Provincial Government disposed to carried on business a? a contractor. Mr. Houth Chief Post Office, be in a And in connection said that were the case icmanded, he should Dunedin, ord April, 1562. That his skill and ability would let it fall through.anxiety yrected licit to that the defendant had position prove to undertake on be valuable as Visiting or Honorary Surgeon, with Mr. "Ward's neither was he the tenant of the place. contract the office, aridaccordingly adjourned until'Mouday. no one wijl for a moment deny ; but, neither General Government account a The case was ABSTRACT SALES BY AUCTION. of the of which expense Patten-.—Judgment the main burden for plaintiff in £2 Lua v. THIS DAY. he nor anyone else is fitted for the duties of Otago ready accept, together was to we will "let out with costs. 4s. who is not able to give.the Surgeon House Sale Rooms— appearance Sc at the Commercial —No ofeither Co., J. Daniels v. Nathan. whole of his time to the exercise of his"duties. a little fact which hitherto we have concealed. 'M'Ouli.umdismi-sed. Plato, Watches; Carpenter's Tools ; Waterproof .Whisky. ;It is bad enough that, under any circum- In plain terms, if Mr. Ward had contracted party. Case Mackay.—No Soda ; Water, appearance Clothing ; Cigars, &c. Co. v. STOCK IN BOND. D'u Cahle & Government, the J. M'Lean &■ Co., at the Commercial Hoise stances, the twofold purposes of a Lunitic on behalf of the General would still have ofeither party. Case dismissed. ~,.„.. Custom Hlouse, Saturday, Bazaar—Horses; Onions. : Rouhkh v. Haggitt.—Judgment for plamtift m Asylum and a;i Hospital should be united major share of the expense March 29th, 18G2. —Allotment of under one building. to Otago. The expenses of mail con- ■f"4 o*, together with costs. their rooms fallen Co., E. de Caulk & at 14,144 galls. Brandy Gordos v, Williamson-.—Judgment for.plaintracts are annually divided amongst the proLand; Merchandise. 14,547 Whisky/ Od, topretljpr with costs. vinces, in proportion to the revenue which tifi'in £11 Osv. Bbyis.—No appearance of cither 9,354 Rum feeling pride with some little of that we Robbins It fs Custom House and from the .• 11.354 each derives dismissed, Geneva Case THE point to the successful termination which ap- other receipts. Now, the revenue of Otago, party. Kay v. Campbell.—No appearance of either 'A738 9m •• pears ahout to wait on the exertions we have from the sources indicated, is .more than all party. Case dismissed. 14,531 Wine 39 made in respect to the remodeling of the the other provinces put together: it follows Shaw v. Wilson.—No appearance ofeither.party. All others lbs. 89,634 Mail Service; ; It is some four months dismissed. Otago I'obaoco that in any case the lion's share of Case 15,732 Cigars since we first took the'subject up. At the therefore, Cukvio v. Wyse.—No appearance ofeither.party. devolve upon it. The Case would expense the 70,608 Tea '.dismissed. Tucket.—Mr. South appeared lor time, the Mail Service connecting Otago with with Waukel 98,508 Coffee v. question then resolves itself into this,Otago the other Provinces, with- Australia and with about .-• Inveniam viam aut Jaciam." 288,034 Sugar an equal expenditure, should the plaintiff, and applied for a remand until Tuesday " galls. England, imperfect was as as it could bo. The 3,452 the absence of a. material of the Mail Ser- next, in consequence ofadjourned Ale, in wood retaining the control prefer accordingly, 2,295 English Mails went on to Sydney, and then vice, or handing it over to the General Go- witness. The case was Do., in bottle DUNEDIN, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1862. Raffehiy v. Cliff.—Judgment for plaintiff reached Otago via Nelson, Wellington, and vernment to be subject to political influences Buiding allotments in this city still keep their high Canterbury. There was, besides, a monthly whenever required? Whilst the answer is Hooper v, Atkins. —Mr. Prendersast for the devalue. Yesterday the 14 years' lease of thatvaluable a or two since mail to Sydney and -Auckland, and a fortof this case are as follow site facingPrinces-street and the Post Office, known Our attention was directed day which ap- nightly one to Canterbury, Wellington, and obvious, that Otago should determine to keep fendant. The particularslast William Hooper, tho competiOn the 27th December to a letter signed " Humanitas". as the "Manse/was submitted to public the service in its own hands, we do not mean plaintiff, Atkins,- the defendant, a an.improved Nelson. The first towards to Richard steps instant, The on the Ist leased journal by any Messrs. Paterson & auctioneers. in this to conCo., price peared tion it should submit to that say for a term of twelve deep of 25 feet shape piece ground of a contract block was divided into 13 allotments, and realised and which it was contended was capable of a system were taken in the tv'actors may choose to ask. We anticipate at £VZ, per annum. Application had been the following annualrentals : reflecting on the professional entered into with the owners of the Omeo, for that these, acting in a spirit of fairness, will months, construction rental several and defendant occasions, made for on But x eoit £7 o u Lot l. with the English Mails within forty- ask only a fair sum, and in such a case the had paid two sums of 30s. each; but there appeared skill and ability of Dr. Hulme.; We have leavinghours 2. 20 xCO 7 10 0 after their arrival at Melbourne. with to a right of-way. eight dispute respect communication with the to ourselves in make no diffiexist some Provincial authorities should placed 20 x60 7 10 0 3. the Uench delivered taken, having been ■:•*•■ Evidence writer, and in reply he has informed us that The arrangement was of a very crude cha- culty in closing with the offer.. 20 x60 8 0 0 i. judgmentfor the plaintiff in £3, together with costs. —no stipulations were made for penal5. , 20 x 60 '. 8 10 0 his reflections were not meant to apply to Dr. racterso Lyons Prenderga&t Co. —Mr. frr k, Uatisk v. 20 x60 8 15 0 that the contractors could relinquish G. Hulme in his professional capacity, but to him ties, contract We publish elsewhere two more interesting plaintilfj Mr. South for defendant. The plaintiff, ,20 x 60 they pleased 7. 8 10 0 whenever their Portuguese, one else on whom rested the had been in the responany kindly or to service of jriaced at our John Cater, a letters of " London Gossip," 8. 20 x60 8 15 0 the defendant, who keeps a restaurant in the Arcade, sibility of the management of the Hospital. to do so. To do them justice, however, disposal by a gentleman in this city. •• 10 0 0 9. 20 x 60 say, they wajjes. it fair to that have 10s. sd. as arrears of The is and claimed £12 12 5 0 We may add that in the somewhat hasty su10. 35 x 50 for a considerable to their portion of the arrangement thin house; at the attention of the Court was occupied Last night there was corner allotnit. 18 0 0 11. pervision to which the letter was editorially adhered which involved paltry something ease, time with this the delays tp.which thejr were snb- theatre, owing apparently to the rain and the concerning a blanket, alleged to have been appro25' x50 9 5 0 12. subjected before insertion, the same idea was even when 15? 95 ■ y fifl 10 0 0 gathered of its meaning, -^otherwise it would jected must have deprived them of any profit dirty state of the streets. " Black eyed Susan" priated by the plaintifl, and who had apparently betn The total amount being an annual rental of not.have received admission. If it in reality (Jut of the moderate subsidy of which the}' was performed for the first' time, and was followedI summarily discharged. The Bench did not consider £2,739 155., averaging £9 11s. per foot. we were in receipt. There was still no arrange- by the now established favourite burlesque, the thatthe plaintiff had been rightly dismissed, and gave A section through the Cuttingfetched £3 per foot be susceptible of a double-interpretation, judgment in £12 10s. and costs. rcret that one of these should be calculated ment for returning the English mails to Mel1)yos v. South.—Settled out of Court. ground rent, and £240 bonus. Honeymoon." This evening the same perforA Ten Acre section close to the White Swamp, £60. to°reflect on Dr. Hulme's professional ability, bourne in time for the monthly steamer, and "mance will be repeated, but it is to be presumed Cunningham v. Akhurst. —Mr. South for the began to show that this was even Join. Cunningham, and Mr. Cook for the plaintiff, which we believeis deservedly held in high experience it is announced that larger far audience, as to a importance of more than the mails bringing are men Indeed there few medical defendant, Charles Akhurst. The particulars "of the BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. esteem. repeat his remarkable feat of, case are as follow :—On Thursday, the 2ulh IMarch will England. case, out from In the latter Mr. "Waldock although skill or the to uncourage either the who have Reserve Fund, £215,000 dertake the unaidedprofessional management of doubtless, early receipt of letters is very de- leaping a horse over a five barred" gate. It is also last, being one ofthe days of the races, plaintiff let a Capital, £750,000. defendantfor the day. It w.is in gocd far as the course of post is notified that atestimonial from the Jockey Club horse to the so large aninstitution as theDunedin Hospital; sirable, still inso respect Wales condition at the time, and worth from £35 to' £40. AGENCY of the Bank of New South early stage. concerned, to is Mr. on the replies, are it be to Waldoek presented the is to In the course ofthe next afternoon the animal was lias been opened at WETHERSTON'S for and when it is considered how various With the utmost speed .state, and Mr. Aloorhonee, a the purchase ofgold, receipt ofdeposits, and granting cases brought to a public Hospital, and how of no assistance. concerts have received an additional returned in a deplorable Thatcher's English veterinary surgeon, had expressed an opinion that it mails in Otago diafts on the numerous Branches of the Bank in New sudden the emergencies calling for the per the receipt of the attraction, in the presence of Mr.Lceman, the was not worth £5, it had been so badly treated. A and also the London office. cannot be calculated on till too late to Australia, Zealand on send of important and difficult operations, con- witness named liarictt, described as a groom, .stated Drafts also granted payable at.the various branches formance by the homeward steamer of tlje same well-known bass singer. Thatcher himself it must be conceded that he who has beenable replies the horse was brought iv it could not eat of the National Bank of Ireland. tinues to find food for his satirical humour, and to that whenalthough Nearly month. a month is or no and therefore .for them, plenty of food juul been placed aid, with with little Jeft anything, to deal Signed, and the arrival of the mail a day Qr produce new songs with astonishing fertility. One before it, and that, on the following morning it wf s JAMES A. DOUGLAS, without his treatment as far as we are aware replies, about the arcapital thing, last is a really cramped. or evena week or two has no of his Another witness whowas examined, said he two, Manager. question,—it must later effect having been called into His would not now give £2 for the horse, as it stood'in the Dimedin, Ist March, 1862. be conceded, we say, that he is a_ man possess- in preventing answers being returned by the rest of the gainblcrs oil the race course. thatj being so ill-used and injured, before but stable, first homeward mail that in. any case description of detectiye Tijci>iyell apostrophising BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. ing an adequate knowledge of his profession. had offered to buy it from Hie plaintifffor the sum But without a one of the party inpafchetic jxmes^."Qh ! Tommy he stands before the public in would >:be available. Eut Dr. Hulme to 10s. or £'35. For the deit, wit,'£34 gave he for argued the" injury Capital, £750,000. Reserve Fond, £218,000. another capacity ; in that of Manager of the steamer to leave Otago in time fo to tfig horse had arisen was is it you dear?" particularly tickled the audience. fence itwant DUNEDIN BRANCH. cv'§ an 4 ; it from of UVQBT Hospital. The functions that ordinarily are the homeward mail a delay of a month is The mystery concerning Captain Frascr still might have suffered "from 'being gabled /in a GRANTED, on the most favorable vested in Trustees, in Committees or Boards really occasioned to the course of post, and continues. The honorable member for South- too liciited state where there was a 'draught terms, on the numerous Branches of the Bank of Management, and in a paid secretary, are persons are put to very serious inconvenience. alleged thu( inand it w.is further ; from the windows in New Zealand and Australia : also on London, and as far as we are aware centred in himself For instance, during the three consecutive land, despite his residence on the epot, seems had an abundance of food placed animal having payable at the various Branches ofthe National Bank disposed to make any explanation of tho intention the October, and overgorged November, December, months of itself. The defendant only we reiterate what we have before was it, alone; and had of Ireland. to him, iv terms impos, sworn, and examined by Mr. Cook, to the effect, that INTEREST is allowed on Deposits as under :— said before, and what is patent to every one— owing to there being no steamer leaving which has been ascribed' tl:g from the he rode endeavoring returning of to in homeward races mistake,' Otago, permison and about the time when the mails sible to seek On the minimum monthly balance of that no one man is capable of fulfilling these of about 5 miles an hour; it tocfe current accounts 2£ percent duties properly, in addition to the medical should have been sent, excepting the Oscar, sion for the absence of Captain Erazer, although horie at the pace •• hour and a or an hour and three? half, •him about an deposits per On fixed for three months 3 cent. even supposing he which was wrecked, advices by those English that gentleman, in local matters at least, might be qu v tors to come in trom the race course. Winner v do. six months 4 per cent. duties of the Hospital, Do. were positively lost to this Province. morning, when it was' treiu* Do. do. twelvemonths 5 per cent. devoted all his time to them and lived on the mails considered the opponent of him who it is said ling saw the horse on Fridayand he, considering the a.uimol stable, Advances made on -wool or other produce hypothe- spot. But even the two latter require- To guard against such contingencies in undertaken to excuse his absence, A. more indeli- bling in an open ordered it to be removed to a warm, ami future a was Bank; chilled, having bearing good by the Local two not steamer Bills, always Yearly cated to fulfil: he ments Dr. Hulme does" to gonceivo. We impossible it is position cate 11° *'ien instructed a man to boil some Htull. names, discounted. Agencies of other banks under- has a private practice besides his to start .from" Otago the last moment on should be sorry to think that Mr. Dillon Bell who? closer water for the Ostler to mix: a warm mash of oats for the taken onreasonable terms. be calculated to catch which it could one, and he d oes not reside recommended that a Hospital veterinary surgeon and Signed, has filled a not unimportant part in the political horse, should hi called in. lli.s Worship observed that i% on the spot. It follows, as might be. expected the mail steamer in Melbourne, was now history JAMES A. DOUGLAS, colony,, should allow local matters appeared and of the there was no proof dcsii-e, is the a memorial him of the. hone generally.'felt Manager. Hospital brought to to that the managementof the been uvertridden, and it was quite possible into very grave question. It is quite true that effect was presented to the-Superinten- to obtain such a hold on hinj as to lead him to having Dnnedin, Ist March, 1862. the which the animal laboring, dihoaso undar was that the defect* may not arise from the per- dent. In accordance with it he immediately undertake.the task of procuring the abscnce:of that might have been caused by a chill or improper feed, BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES. called for tenders, for putting on a monthly local opponents. ing. sonal ignorance or neglect of'Dr. Hulme, butif steamer The bad no hut JJench alternative t-> uisinisn ; to Melbourne. Capital, £750,060. Reserve Fund, £218,000 those under him display these qualities, the md liejiburq, two Accidents, more or less serious, proceeding the case ; adjudging Messrs. Dixun co-,N at the rate of juncture TUAPEKA AGENCY. this the Post witnesacs who been examined, only of their laches can be At Master-General had from want of proper care on the part of men em- 10s. the Purchase of Gold, receipt of Deposits, responsibility of the colony appeared on the scene, and proeach. Mr. South saying that hj should take the and issue of drafts on the numerous branches of deemed to rest on him in whom the functions ployed in excavating,have been of frequent occur defendant into a higher Court. the Bank in. New Zealand and Australia. Drafts of manager are centred. We can feel for Dr. posed to undertake the service, between Mel- rence lately. A fa'fal accident to a man named Giriiioxs & Wir,sos v. Isaacs.—ln tlik ense tlia also granted on London, and on the various branches Hulme in his sensitiveness to an attack on his bourne and Otago on General Government defendant did not put in an appeavanej, and service f the National Bank of Ireland.} professional reputation,.and, as we have said, account, as well as. to remodel the inter- William Glass, proceeding- from this cause, took of summons having been form.illy j>ruved, judgment Signed, in the Cutting, at went for the plaintiff by default, in £17 lfi-i. Sd., tuwould be no party to it, but, until Dr. Hulme provincial service. The reception enjoyed by place on Thursday afternoon .. JAMES A. DOUGLAS, gethur with costs. Prom the evidence adprobably remains within the re- the top of Princes-street. tells us that the responsibility of the manage- Mr. Ward Manager. The business of the Court terminated at half-past ment of the institutiondoes not rest on him, collection of most ofour readers. Most of the duced at the inquest held yesterday, before II- 2 o'clock. Dunedin, Ist March. 1862. we cannot consider that he is freed from the Provincial chambers of Commerce, excepting Howarth, Esq., coroner, it appear that, the deBANK OP NEW ZEALAND. blame of mismanagement. We are told of that of Canterbury, expressed great doubts ceased was engaged in excavating a trench for Incorporated by Act of the General Assembly. alterations, which the purpose of detaching a large block of earth RESIDENT MAGISTRATES' COURT, PORT circumstances that occur at the Hospital tb/it of the policy of Mr. Ward's Capital, £500,000, CHALMERS best were considered to be of rather an in- from the embankment, when the mass, rendered DUNEDIN BRANCH of this Bank positively .make one shudder to think at FrirUy, -ith April. was opened for the transaction ofGeneral Bank of. We are not able to follow Dr. Hulme volved tynintglljgiblc. inture. by the rain, fell upon him, inflicting such rotten T. A. Mansfohd, Esq., It.M.) (Before In Otago Mr. "Ward was received with injuries as to cause instantaneous death. The into the scientific discussion as to whether ing Business on Monday, the 2nd December, 1861. On Friday week an information laid by Sergeant Rates of Interest, Discount, and Exchange, and a certain.amount of physical restraint may or something more than a inerp esprpssiori of Otago Police, against Mr Crichniorc, of returned a verdict of—"Accidental death." Burns, oftlie general terms of business may be ascertained upon may not be required in extreme cases of opinion, his offer was positively rejected. The jury the Iloyal Hotel, Port Chalmers, was heard before application at the Banking Office, Kattray-street. at the Resiby yesterday Government, backed the trial of a case .inuring restraint, disorder. But the if necesProvincial the Chamadjourned mental until to-day for decision, this Court, and By orderof the Board of Directors, sary, should surely be of a mild character, ber of Commerce, not on'y refused to give up dent Magistrates' Couyt. all the witnesses on botli instating liis judgmentin the case, his Worship said GEORGE M-LEAN, Manager. | having for its object the preventing the the Provincial service with Melbourne, but sides were ordered to retire. In the first; instance thit the inforniation was one fur selling spirituous liquors witlioiit bi'in<>; «U)ly licensed. The sain thoii»h Dunedin, 23rd Dec, 1861. patient from injuring either himself or others, also offered to remodel that service, and plape they obeyed j but at a subsequent stage of j;he pro- uut'adnritted who anpi'ared'i'uij by the learned J3AJSK UJ*' NEW ZEALAND. and not be of a nature calculated to increase, it on such a footing that by it the mails to and ceedings, three of then) might have been seen coolly the defendant, "was" scarcely counsel disputed, and-,' even if fy AGENCY of this Bank has been es- instead of repress cerebral excitement. -We from allNew Zealand Gould be brought down standing at the entrancerdoor, in which position had been, was clearly proved. Tin; defence set uji tablished at Waitahuna, under the manage- can understand that there may be cases of or sent fiack from or to Melbourne! Findiug was that the house wa-> licensed, but that in consetheypould hear everything t^at transpired in evi- quence ment of Mr. Alfred .Tone?. of some difficulties that stood in the way, mental disorder in which, in the absence of he could do nothing else, Mr. Ward yielded a dence. By orderof the Board of Directors, use of prdering witnesses to owing principally, to the absence oftlie original ho'der, "Vyimt ):|(e is and went assent, securely fences, rooms and contrived reluctant on Melbourne, to padded GEORGE M'LEAN, licence could not be legally transferred. 'flint a afterthe allqvyed to listen Manager. a certain amount of restraint should undertaking to be back at the time the tenders leave the Court, if tliey are license tor the l|oi;se existed \ym evident, rind tl|O Dunedin. 23rd Dec. 1801. be put upon the movements of the were to be opened, to enter upon the"question wards? question iiro'e wither the breach complained of waa contemplated by'the Act, and for which soserious patient; but nothing could justify per- of the especial requirements, and the ap» When the I^scort catne in on Thursday evening o,:iepenalty BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. us £.)0 is inflicted. Ifc could not help AGENCY of this Bank has been sonal violence, nothing could justify the portionment of the expense thereof, of the itbrought down three men committed totake their athinking* that it was only intended such a fine :fs opened at WETHERSTONE'S, under the brutal exercise of vindictive force on the Northern Provinces. In Melbourne, Mr. Ward, trial for the recent sticking up affair at Waipori, this should l)e enfqrced in cases where persons so far ,' Management of Mr. T. C. Oohiltree. wretched object that, possessed of the shape of arranged for the chartering or subsidising of one man under a conviction of larceny, and a fifth Infringed thelawastosullspiritswitlioiit a Uficnscljayirw By order of the Board of Directors. humanity, is deprived of its highest attribute, two stcamers,by the aid of whichand with oneof sent down as a lunatics been granted for thp hpus-e in which, these .spirits werjj GEORGE M'LEAN, sold, ami in eonf}rination of tljis he read i]ie 14thantj Manager.- God-like reason. What excuse is there to be the Coleman boats, he proposes to give comDuring the hearing of a case at the Resident 15th clauses of this Act, which are {is follows :— found for the patients or a patient being sub- munication three or four times a month beDunedin, 23d Dec, 1861. Jivery .suqli certificate shall be null and vokl jected to corporeal punishment, which we are tween Otago and Auckland. Of the nature Magistrates' Court, yesterday when all tho wit- ."14. the banie, and the sum of £30, or in case Uio NO T I C E. arrangement made nothing definite is nesses had been ordered out, a stranger was ob- unless house to be licenced shall be within tlio limits oftiny and AFTER the of April next, ALL assured is the case at theDunedin hospital. of the known, unimpeachable the is all the in and as out," following by gentleman veracity, yet occasionally going borough, of who informa- served to be Letters must be prepaid by stamps, and not A tho siun of ;£4U shall be lodged in tHe " or more of the oiKce of then such treasurer, as aforesaid., on or Lofore tendering money at the Post-office window. lives in the vicinity, informs us that from his tion to hand. The two Coleman steamers though lie were (^inferring with one of June next following the annual day OOtli ARCH. BARR, own house, the spectacle was seen of one of will be placed upon the line between Sydney parties who were to give evidence. The notice of the Chief Postmaster. at which such certificate was beating a patient with a stick ! and Otago via Auckland, Napier, and the the bench being called to the subject, His licensing meeting the attendants ''15. On receipt of such certificate, and granted." ChiefPost-office, One ef the" steamers On another occasion a female patient managed other provinces. asked the man if he had been communi- payment of the wild sum of £30, or in case the house Dunedin, 28thMarch, 1862, Worship to escape, and in accents and tones of extreme chartered in Melbourne will run be- cating with the witnesses outside tho Court, and to"be licensedshall bo within the limits ofany borough, and Auckland ' via tieaaurer shall issue and Otago asked to be hidden away,for that.some tween then the snin of £40, sucha license The Convict .Redpath.—The Rev. H. Bostock, terror in the form'hereand the other will run be- being answered in tho negative, cautioned himthat shall register in his officefrom liead master of the Warrin'gton Free Grammar one was following to murder her. The latter Napier; this, hid Worship contipiescrib--d." so, if he convicted of he inbefoie detected, doing was or Otago, Gv case arisen from a tween Ancklaiul and in connection nephew, peculiar phase might have (the Rev. School, lias received from his it .seemed Jear th:tt the liouse is licenced and nued, J. Bostock, of Freemantle, Australia,) an autograph of mental disorder, but itisequally probable the with the Melbourne steamer to and from the would be committed to prison. not the person. Supposing any other breach had been letter sent to that gentleman by the convict Redpath, fear might have been occasioned by the confused latter place. Leaving Auckland on or about the Act, in a case similar to this, committed under Theletter was accompanied coloring given to actual experience of ill-treat- the 10th, it will call in at the other provinces ths notorious swindler. which where a license had been granted but not transferred, Redpath has published. A Libel..—The proprietors of the Argus have n the by a volume of poems, information would be laid again.', t the mails to be despatched good action for libel against the compiler of the Mel- holder and not against the party in possession,original The following is a copy of the letter —" Rev. and ment. Another instance which speaks more and bring down the ft ia dear sir,—Agreeably to my promise I send you my of neglect than cruelty, is told us by our own from Otago by the steamer for Melbourne on bourne Bill of Entry. Among the imports for the the interest of the original holder to pet a ending asses, Bth instant we iiiid. " Live stock, speedily as possible, for in the event tofind in perusing it any amount reporter. On a late visit to the hospital he" or about the 17th or 18th of each month. week legal book. Do not expect transfer as of polish—i^is all rough hewn; but I trust it will be was startled by the apparition of ayoung, at- The same.steamer will then be ready to return 2/Wilson aud Mackiuiion."—Cr6'e?o;i<7Advrtiser. his sureties would be the parties of'any breach he and to Cublikg.—The Scotch papers r jporta grand curlfound to express the sentiments of a penitent heart. tractive-looking, dark-skinned female, whom with the English mails from Melbourne due all this, it was in evidence liable. In addition With every Christiansentiment, pernht me to say, I he supposed to be a Maori,rushing round the in Otago on the 20t'i of each month. ing match which took place between "North and that tho defendant had done all in his power to obtain Leopold RedVictory favoured the south. a transfer, but had not been able to succeed. Under am,: dear sir, your faithful servant, December 31. South," on Such is the outline of Mr. Ward's provin- Ibid. building in a state of perfect nudity. path. Rev. G. J. Bostock, Freemantle, 10, 9,1801. all the circumstances—more particularly, considering™"* Amongst savages, people suffering from dis- cial service. We forbear to criticise it miThe Rev. G. J. Bostock, in the letter to"his uncle, Agnes Wyles who, on the 3rdpf December, pleaded as he did, that a manifest injustice would be don/ says of Redpath, and his pastor, "that he is_ most ordered intellect are objects of peculiar care nutely till further details of it are made public. guiltyto the charge of perjury on the trial of Curran, inflictinga fine —he could come to no olhep* 1^ constant in his attendance at church, and in his ge- and reverence. They suppose them to be Sufficient is, however, shown to prove that the cabman, for the outrage on Miss Jolly in Dublin, sion than that the information mustjW*^ neral conduct and, demeanour appears to tie truly Stksentenced to 12 months'imprisonment. At the banie time he thought itrights*?5 * penitent.1' 1:■• ;.■■■'' fayored by, or representatives of, the Deity, the people of Otago were right in insisting was on the ■. "V. i Qiieerisliind A/'""' }* AIlirMav. Ih J«n- 2"2 Adelaide L:umcfstoii Hobnrt Town Perth Nbw Zeai.asij— pen- '^ • • • ' By America New York San Francisco ■ EXI'OBTS. •,.. April 4.—Prince Alfred, for Lytteltou —9 parcel-: do, weighing of gold dust, weighing 13V ozs, 5 boxes do 5 000 ozs, -Union"Bank of Australia; 4 do, weigh-, shipZealand, ing 5,773 ozs 18 dwts. Bank of New pers. Oriental-Bank, 'consignees; 3 cases idrapcry, 1 Youngdo 1 do do, do, ■do do, 1 do do. and 1 bundle, 1 Turnweather; lease sadhusbaud and Co; 1 cart, For Wellington :—6 c;ises dlery, Charles Moore. drugs, W. C. Young. For Nelson :—3 cases drugs, For Youut;. Tnranaki:—18 oars, order ; A \V "C. Iniiis, 65 ozs, M.j M'Millan, 72 ozs—total, 137 . LATEST DATES. England' • telegraph . ' .. ... .... .... .. , ' .. .... ... ... „„„ „„„ „„ „„ „ . .. — - ... .. ■ ■ -. Otao gDaily Times. " : ... .-. . :a AN : i- ' DRAFTS .. ....... .... ' . - ... FOR - ■ - THE • ' AN . . AN ■ 0 Ist' ON ■ : - . ~ . : . ' • A fix »..«. *.!.. _ ij.i A* !*• ..><■;.<.■:#. * i /.''-... Ia , i ..t IA __».* . . .. .... . • . . l_i|_ 5 Auctions. Shipping NoticesFor Sale. -the intermediate c'.nss (persons expecting to land with Wanted. only small funds, which will render theiu dependant .. ON AN EARLY DAY. upon occasional employment), and the remaining NEW DRAPEUY~GOOD^ FOB THE Situation as Storeinan or Clerk, in COASTAL STEAM SERVICE. / third to the farm laborer and skilled labor classes. Tow n oi' Country, by a steady active man, WINTER SEASON. CAMPBELL & CO. have received instnicBy accepiing persons proposing for membership experience with colonial in every kind of business.. , tiona from Messrs. Gilliesand Street; as agents S. S. WHITE SWAN, 300 tons, To arrive per "Akbar," now due. (•Jowl lufcrenccs and fust class testimonials. acccrdin" to those degrees, the association carries 13.L. for John M'Glashan, Esq., Balranrowen, to submit Allan A. Harper, Commander, Ollicj of Daily '1 inn's. out its" plan for "regulating the proportions of competition, early day, of which due Dunedin House bus accordingly. public late of to CAMPBELL, capitalists are Some of the mHE undersigned having con- notice will be given. on nn Of the other ca?es before the Court, one was a capital and labor." them just received and offi-rs i'ov Sale, Invoices of \\J AiCTioIITA JS'UKbIiKY MAID to protradesmen, the majority of tractod with the Govern«?>&; -''-TrJ^x X suit brought by James Waite against Peter Munro for farmers, but most WINTER which lo England in a few -nooks. Apply to GOODS, » Choice Assortment of coal Ami PROPERTY, being intending carry nipntof farmers. SUBURBAN New Zealand to ■'wi'H^jSwSSv^ selected to her order from the well- Mks. y.wii.n. Pnnees Street. £20, part of the value of a promissory note of £•!s>. of the latter association offers another feature. In have all been of K,~&'^fZ(^ mni's bctv.vpn the various parts Comprising about 20 Acres, situate on the HalfInthis case judgment was given for the plaintiff, and here the who have known hnnse* Cniunbi1)! and Co. and Stewart and ft^ANTlij)7To hell eliuap papc-limming*. 10,000 oftTc Mi Ml.Miiid Northern Mauds bythe s.s. White Way Bush and North East Valley Roads, order to moi-t the requirements of those a writ of execution issued. by thoroughly competent a Macdonald, Glasgow,' of farming or land opeV V piece I'iiLLisn't.Tottenham House, George- Swan, publishes lliefollowimr anil about ten minutes'walk from the North Patrick Doyle, oiuu-jwd with depasturing a hop.' iittlo or no knowledgeto elect, on arriving in ihe person. Mivct, below Rowil Cii'orni1 Ildli!. end of George-street. ■' within the township, :ui 1 Davil Uurle, diargod with rations, it is proposed MONTHLY TIME TABLE: serve tho settleis (iuuT.il Serwuic. The his-licst sumo lit and properperson to position it The of the above valuable Freehold ProANTEO, depasturing two goats, were lined ten shillings and colony, WILL AItIUVB. II ART & WILL DEPAiIT. himself, ROBINSON, CO,, employ il\\J i;n"a»Ticultnrnl instructor :—to a» wages given.- Apply.to Mrs. Jso. M'Neill, May (i being convenient to the North 7 is choice, May perty Otujro costs. V V most B'.uff giving di-cd, in crnsr-itig from farmstead to faimseead, STAFFORD-STREET. 11 end of the City, and the Water of Leith ; open and Lyttclton Queen's Arms Hotel, Princes-street, Duuediu. Orngo 10 HAVE ON SALE, hints, suggestions, and directions, to alltotheanovices 13 well-sheltered, yet sufficiently elevated to command a Lyttclton Wellington 12 ANTED, buyers of portraits, of Dr. Chalmers, in the art'of husbandry. This officer is be person I,^/? and White SUGARS, Napier Counters ,', W ellington lo ~10 magnificent view of the City of DuneJiii, suburbs, 7V; John Knox, ami Dr. Cairns.—Fiiiicusori & oflong colonial experience, and aptness to impart his Crystals, Congou aud Guupowder Teas, 4 Auckland .. 19 anil surrounding country. Napier' 17 knowledge to others. Through his instrumentality Engravers, Mitchell. Princes-street, above Bank of Napifr chests and b.xes Towards the West and South-West, the view is „26 ~24 Auckland DUNKDIN HOSPITAL. Now South AVales. the projectors hope to give a "cue to members, who, Cork butter „28 varied and beautiful, and extend to the Kaikorai Wellington Nr.picr „27 left to com ordinary under r circumstances, would be Diuilop cheese Valley, To the Editor of the Otacjo Dah.t Times. —Female Servants and Farm LabourJune 1 in the direction of the Green Island; the Canterbury W c'lington SO cultivating the land in every awkward fashion Patrass currants ers for the Provincial Registry Office, three, June 2.. Canterbury Otaao 3 wooded slopes of Brockville, the residence of F. imSir,—In your impression of April Ist, 1862, ap- mence oi-w'ho. at the best, would have butmodes Esq. ; the villas of Messrs. Roy, Oliver, CoiFee in tins docirs from the Provincial Hotel. o Borton, Humanity," iniajrimiblc, Otago Bluft" peared a defamatory letter, signed 4.. perfect opportunities of observing the best Sardines, i and \ Hepburn, Jnnor, Shank, ltoss, and the far-famed A. G. M'COMBIE. wherein the writer tells us he is acquainted with the practised in the colony. all concerned to know the Cneapes X^TANTEI), English jams Craigielee. On the North and East is the beautiful model construction ol 2Gth 1802. Melbourne, March, Hospital, Bedding ; Manufactory Dunedin with the is Fuli'Okd & Co., TVMeantime, the executive is entering-upou the arpanoramic prospect ofthe forest scenery towards the Oysters, \, 1 and 2 lbs. Asylums, and the treatment of insanity therein. A rangements necessary for Iho embarkation.of so largeGeorge-street, opposite Mr. Loggie, Butcher. .MatFlagstaff Hill, Mount Uargill, and the lofty snowy honestly Sperm candles rarely nn name deals writer under assumed tosses of all sizes and material made to order on the body. They are about to contract with the New "THANE OF FIFE," FROM SYDNEY. mountains in the distance the North-East Valley Curry powder with fiicts. He makes no mention of a fact that the aZealand shortest notice. brokers for three yes-els ofthe largest burthen Castor oil and Sidleitz powders and Road to Port Chalmers, Signal Hill,1 and the Dunedin Hospital is not a Lunatic Asylum,ova.build- and of first-class description. Arrangements have the is entered at £i&>.c|sx meandering Confectionery in bottles •fc IS Schooner carryingevery npH Male and Female Servants of w course of'the Water of Leith, till lost in ing in the least degree adapted for out the already been made for a large reduction iv the passage Spices i:i fancy cartoons Customs. Consignees will the woodlaud landscape of Peliuhet Bay inlet. On .description. Victorian Registry' Office, oppotreatment and management he advocates. But, raies, and for special comforts during the voyage. -*entries without Vinegar qr. please pass in the the scene is towards the Harbor and shipSouth, ,-•* Shakspeare Maelaggan-street. -casks site jySlsiifisl^SiL Hotel, actuated either by malice or mischief, he makes an BelV.i Weekly Messciujer. ping ; the wooded hills of the.peninsula which-sepaMustard, starclr; and blue -" attack on my professional knowledge mid skill, calcuGardener, with a little capital,to join a Agent. CAPTAIN rates Harbor HUGHES, sago as Arrowroot and the of Otago from the Southern ocean ; public c-tcem. No doubt, lated to injure me in another experienced one in the Market Gar in the distance towards the ocean beach may be seen Bottled fruits and sauces HOW TO STEAL A FEATHER BED. other students have done, he has walked through the dening business." Apply W. H., ofliee of this paper. sailing essences and vessels engaged in the Australian, insanity views Salad oil and assorted NOTICE. steam Morningside Asylum, Week.) and (Once a wards of the coasting, and foreign trade, passing to and. fro in the Wood and wax matches, in great variety through the spectacles of his teacher. But there arc a Married Couple, for a Station in the to sell one Ticket direction Stopping for a, glass of cider at a village public■te*4>^\ "^''ANTED fancy and of Foveaux Straits, Stewart's Island, and prove they Soup—Liverpool statements have North. For to C. particulars, apply y others here whose wiil W. house in liast Devon, I heard a story in connection *r V by ship Annie Kimball," Brandy in case and wo.;d, various brands settlements on the Southern coasts of New Young, Esq. Been more than lie appears to have done. Curiously with the above recondite subject, which amused me foi' Vancouver's Island. Apply to the SEliSli&^F^ Geneva aud old torn Zealand. enough, a belt for securing the arms of fightable much, and may interest some ofthereaders of Once a JettyANTED to Sell a Mastiff Dog. Good Watch JSf^JfrlpgpagM'TCKNzTr. & PoOLE, This valuable property is now being surveyed in Whisky patients in that institution is in Dunedin. Walls Week. and Pig Dog. To be seen at the Victoria trcet. lots to suit the convenience of purchasers, and more Port and ginger wine sixteen feet high -lUTOUUilingthe Edinburgh Asylum Bakery, Stafford-street. A rustic, who had spent all his money in getting quarts and suitable sites for private residences could hardly ba pints Champagne, are a sulticiuut security to the public against danger- tipsy at the rival establishment, came up to the landFOR MELBOURNE -ALCYONE Potatoes and onions, splendid sample desired, having the advantage of cheap firewoodfrom ous and runaway patients. The hobbles on the lord'of the Crooked Bilet, and asked him to yivehim ATEIt CASKS on Sale from 100 to 300 Galls." requested proximity to the bush,, and the additional TT)ASSENGERS its close Hospital are re- some liquor—about the height cf all possible insult are Likewise, Frenchman's legs at the Dunedin ROBERTSON & CO., t»*f';-^N. of possessing the right to run stock on the quired as a substitute for the Morningside high walls. to n publican, and so he of the Crooked Bilet seems ■«r-3:;i--I^^^^N Port Chtilmers. 8° ou board TnistoDay, privilege Hundreds, Assorted stationery > -":> which extends over the. ranges to ready proceed adjacent of sea. one's to think—but the_ tipsy one was. not to be put oft' in us she is to V2S|p2&2Js*r Both occasion the unpleasant consciousness and paper bags Brownpaper in by "Of 7" ANTED a situation a young man.a Only afew more passages can be the North Taieri and Silver Stream. beinsr a prisoner. No doubt it is cruel to deprive an a hurry ; he continued his importunities, and for a Table and pocket cutlery Grocery, Wine, or Spirit Store. Has long ESlllillillisNilS^' YY the Wanted Cook. The Government School of the District is within liberty, paqualified but circumstances, a individual of his White and gold china pint of cider, he said, lie would impart a most valuexperience and good reference. Apply M. P., office booked. tient's safety, the public security, and the law require able secret. McKENZIE & POOL, a short distance of the property. American and clout nails The landlord saemed rather to prick up 'paper. of this Jetty-street. medicine as in Unhappily it. there i« a fashion in Platadware his ears at this, and at length consented to bestow a Plans are being prepared, and will shortly be on other tilings. Medicnl men engaged in specialities— half-pint, to Sell splendid Decorations,.per Alon condition of " hearing something to his Glassware view at the Rooms of Auctioneers, Maclaggan-street: dinga." Peeling's Cheap Paper-hangings, in the study and treatment of abstract! medical sub- advantage";' and the liquor was handed over and STEAM TO MELBOURNE. Holloware and at Messrs. Gillies and Street's, Laud Agents and jects, oft ntimes rush from one extreme of practice to drained by the applicant. Royal Geoi'ge-street, George. below Brushware x Surveyors, Princes.-street, Dunedin. the other. There are bigots and enthusiasts in most SCREW STEAMER "CITY OF HOBART." Phial corks "Now," siid he, with a confidential air, and in to Sell 1000 pieces Marble Paper-hangdepartments of medicine, and those who treat excluANTED cups "Next time da steal a Bitter It. CAMPBELL & CO., whisper, you stentorian ings, 1000 Oak Paperhangings CKeap, per sively of insanity, may be heard in courts of law aveather-bed, Masr, mind you goo down stairs wi' uu <§J&"<-s- ;3L Auctioneers, Valuators, &c. &<\ fTIHIS well known and favo&c, c &c. giving different opinions as to a patient's sanity, to Aldinga." Pelling, George-street. JSfrs^^yS. JL rite steamer is permanently TO MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, SPECULAbackwards." cTJmTiWg7~i.uMb7 & co Utago the astonishment of the public and the discredit of the ou between and Mclthis second «£J§£islMpS£s>lnill -> indignation at Great was the host's a.Maid Servant for House and JLaim Ship Brokers, TORS, AND OTHERS. profession. The so-called humane system of treatbourne. She is expected to araffront, but greater was my curiosity to know the dry "Work Apply to Mrs. Pike, Carisbrook jnginsanityhas its imperfections, which Humanity," meaning ef the rive here about the 16th, and will be despatched phrase employed, and enquiring of Licensed Lighter, Customs, and General Commission FISHER & GREEN will sell_ by by Couple upo a Married a situation spark punctuality days How the vital has been exafter her Agents, again omitted to state. with her usual two a farmer in the inn, I obtained the following explanaPnblie Auction on Wednesday next, April 9, an Agricultural farm or a cattle station. Ad- arrival. tinguished by the cold douch,—how, in the best con- tion :— 2, Flinders Lane, Dunedin. paper.. at 12 o'clock, sharp. 1802, A office of this to dress, B, apply Agents; passage trived and regulated establishments, accidents hapthe Freight For or was, it seemed, at a village some distance ThePremises now in their occupation and situpened,—how the insane, in the full exercise of the off,There TED to rent or purchase about 5 acres o B. B. MARTIN & CO. a surgeon who prided himself upon his acute'.■.. Agents, in Port Chalmers— ated in Princes:street, having 3^ years or freedom allowed them in these institutions, sometimes ness, and continually boasted thathe had never been Land within fj miles of Dunedin. Address, McBEAN & CO. BARROSS, thereabouts yet to run, with a yearly nomian destroying themselves. Ifsuch tike the liberty of S.S. ALDINGA. J.W., office of this paper. nalrental of £18. ','.■ accident were to happen in the Dunedin Hospital, done. to sell happened day, house-lining it one that a scamp who lived ALLEN'S FOOT lIOT OINTMENT. 74-inch Calico, lid. Now, given within 14 days of the purchase. Posseession "where there are none ..of the securities obtained in by his wits was lurking about the house on the lookMELBOURNE, Felling's Cheap Papei'-hangiug Warehouse;' CONSIGNMENT of the above valuable Oint~W7\ ORTuesday, Tlr's property, from its central situation, and being April. lunatic asylums, what would "Humanitas" say—it out for plunder, and having noticed the surgeon's wife Bth George-street. of received jars just .JL ment, in cases 12 each, immediately in the line of road to the diggings, is the imperfections was to bo attributed to the of set off for market, saw presently the surgeon himself from the Patentee, and £. r sale at the stores of the two Iron Tnnks, capable ofcontaining; admirably adapted for any class of business. The building,, or the ignorance and brutality exhibited iv go DALGETY, RATTRAY & CO. Building is capable of he supposed, to visit his patients. Him, undersigned. gallons.—Apply to Dalgety, as 400 or 500 considerable enlargement. out, the The 6f course. latter, department hospital. this of FREDERICK MOSS & CO are Booking Passengers this da>\ he watched off the premises, and then, findRattra.y & Co, Walker-street. Intending bidders are invited to inspect the preand. likewise I have been sufficiently long in the profession,home ing the coast clear, stole in through the--front door, BALLAST LIGHTERSL mises. The Auctioneers will be happy to afford any TANK AND with medical institutions in the WATER connected SERVANTSfor thfi Northern Hotel, SALE.—A large sized Billiard-Bagatelle and walked up-stairs to lay hands on whatever seemed further information that may be wished. country, to form an opinion, and make a book for my- most eligible ; the booty selected was the best feather Oamaru. Apply to Mn, Baker, Oamaru; Table, complete. Enquire at T. Noiiton & prepared to supply CO. place practice to GOLDIE & are Terms at Sale. hope give see extremes a or to again descending Captain Boyd, Gcelong self. 1 to steamer, Dunedin. bed ; this he took on his back, and Go's. High-street. ■•■"■•.. J Fresh Water by the "Emma" water-tank, and more beneficial, wherein lunatic patients are allowed the stairs, with the precaution of coming down backTHIS DAY. ANTE]), A HOUSEKEEPER. A respecta- likewise Ballast by lighters. the greatest freedom compatible with safety, and the wards ; he had got about halfway down when in came ble middle aged woman. Salary liberal to a Dunedin can be supplied PKOSPECTUS Qoasters running from smallest degree of restraint where it is necessary. the surgeonagain. SATURDAY, APRIL 4th. competent person. Apply to Mr. Geohee Collie, with to water and ballast in any weather, by coming From the 32nd annual report for 1851), ofthe directors my man, where are you going to with that Company, Princes-street. New Zealand Guard-ship, Hallo! Port Chalmers, at a '• by near anchor the Murray's lloyal Asylum for Lunatics an of James OTAGO FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE bed." Ironmongers To and Others, and General Dealers. with'despatch. ANTED TO SELL A GuOD PIG. DOG. moderate charge and COMPANY, Perth, brought to me a short time since by Dr a gen'lmu " Groan up-stairs wi' tin, sur. There's says'is A smart, active Boy Wanted. Apply VicN.B. Forty tons fresh water and 100 tons ballast Lindsay, the Superinrendent. I make the following down old sur, as th' Hose and BE DANIELS Crown, at TO & CO. are instructed to sell, at the daily. torian Restaurant, Princess-street South, can be delivered verbatim copy:—" Use and abuse of physical friend o' yours, just come from Inger; and comun to Commercial Sale Rooms, on Saturday, April Incorporated by Act of the General Assembly '. a situation us Storekeeper or Countrestraint.1' wi'you, sur—and comun up hisself presently sharp, of New Zealand. at 11 4th, o'clock, stop physical re- wi's luggage—and he've sent I up, sur, wi' this yer erman. Address Business, Daily Timez We are not of those who believe that Amusements. •J Ton Manilla rope, 1Jand 2 inch straint is never necessary in the treatment of in- bed." 'Office. CAPITAL, £100,000, f 2 gross T hinge.-!, S, 10, 12, and 14 inch ■■■■■' sanity, nor in the management of the insane, and admit it. I '•'I shall admit it. I shall not Draught Apply Horse. 0 doz. Socket shovels In 120,000 Shares of £5 each, with power to increase OVAL PRIN CESS THE AT RE. ANTED, a Staunch that it should not under any circumstances be had don't know not .6 do. Spades any such person, and I'm not goingto be to Mr. Griffin, Timber Yard, or to Ben. to £250,000. recourse to. And we hold it to be an evidence, of imposed upon—likely indeed—d'you suppose thing, 12 cwt. Best'whitelead Messrs. Fawcett & Co. Lessees Smith, Architect. gross bigotry and of great ignorance, as well as a any any stranger can come and quarter himselfon me 4 Liglit iron trucks piece of the most flagrant cruelty and injustice,, to' with a tale like that V No, no, you go back and Temporary Offices, Stafford Chambers, corner, of Hogskin saddles 4 to Lad Webster's Sew.Girl, consequence work & In of the a condemn a man merely because., conscientiously* fol- fake the bed along, too, and give my compliments to Stafford aud Manse-street?, Dunedin. And a general assortment of Ironmongery ing-Macbine. Apply Machine-SewingEstabIMMENSE SUCCESS lowing o-.it his sincere and honest convictions, and the gentleman, and say he's made some mistake, and Chests tea, ex Sea Witch. Of 17£ King-street. guided by the dictates of the purest and most disinte- I dyn't know him. PROVIS ION A L COMMITTEE, lishment, Cheese Douglass Jerrokl's celebrated Nautical Drsma, he ventures to apply physical TO WINE AND (JORDIAL MANUFACday, sur; and make so bold rested humanity, 'tis With to add to their number power Wellt^sur, warm Bacon Request, At Universal TURERS. restraint in the few exceptional cases in which it is sur, I hope you'll allow me something to drink." Lobster, in tins Tuos. Dick. Esq., M.H.R. SUSAN, BLACK EYED Undoubtedly occasionallyrequired in everyasylum."— by experienced Bottler, employment. Very well, I don't mind giving you a glass, to be E. B. Cakoill, Esq., M.P.C. Hams Will be repeated. Page 13. Appiy, 20 Arcade. Esq., M.P.C. and say as I've back, business-tliere-you go Kilgouu, rid of the Jas. Onions, &c, &c, &c. TOM FACW ET T MR In the Dunedin Hospital there is not a patient told you." Cutten, Esq., C.C.L. W. H. a Sheep Station Management the of Once more as an Port wine accident under restraint but tiie l'renehman. If Esq. rascal with his burden. Jokes, lambing Off walked the JonN a and the maguarantee good will W I L L I A M. Sherry do. is brought to the Hospital, and I treat and manage By and. bye, returned Mrs. Surgeon, and went War. Cami Youxg, Esq., J.P. Apply J. Wm. Foster, CaleDUNN AS GNATBRAIN. uogement of men. MR JOHN Ginger do. teaches me is the way experience the patient in a up-staira to take off her bonnet; down -she came R. B. Martin, Esq. donian Boarding House, Maelaggan-street, After which Scented soaps best. What right has Hamanitas, a man of no ex- again. Adolph Bing, Esq. (Turnbull, Bing, & Co.) justly celebrated sportsman, known and The well perience or eminence in the profession who knows Book-keeper an/ Accountant A. M'Leob, Esq. A COMPETENT PRELIMINERY NOTICE. Now, my dear, always making some alteration MR SAMUEL WALDO'CK, nothing about the case, to comment on my practice without consulting me, and what have you done with Jas. Rattuay, Esq. (Dalgetty, Rattray, & Co.) J\. is desirous of being-engaged in the evening to Will be presented with a Henry Dkiveb, Esq. in the public journals ] What has he to do with the that new feather-bed?" post books lor merchants or tradesmen, or any emConsignment of Timber, ex Mary Ann, from Hobart PARTING TESTIMONIAL, Hospital'! His intermeddling is uncalled for and ployment in writing. Address N. W., office of this "Oh Lord!" said the wretched man. "I see it Chas. E. Bird, Esq. (Jones, Bird, & Co.) Town. A tribute of respect and friendship from the impertinent, and I am resolved to convince him that all." paper. Alfred Cleve, Esq. (Cleve & Co.) 30,718 Sawn Timber OTAGO JOCKEY CLUB, I will not have myreputation made sport of in the Pi-ay what do you see, my dear V W. Rawlins, Esq. Pailings, 5 ft. Friends. Box 12,640 And bis numerous DRIVER Wanted, for a Station in public prints, nor be represented in the Daily Times J. C. Campbell, Esq. "PULLOCK But enough. Of course the the surgeon's reputa23,300 Shingles Also, he will again appear in the well known North. Must be a sober, good hand, to as ignorant of my profession, with impunity. J3 the Esq. sharpness was gone, and that was the appair tion for W. W. 15 16-ft. Cart Shafts Tickle, whom good wages will be given ; if a married man MARQUIS OF WATERFORD FEAT Edward I-lulme, M.D., &c. proved way to steal a feather-bed in this neighborAlex. Cummino, Esq. Of without children, no objection, to whom rations will hood. E. Dk Carle, Esq. DANIELS & CO. havereceived instructions to GATE be allowed. Apply LEAPING A FIVE-BARRED H. Farley, Esq. sell by Auction on a day to be named " Upon the Stage. COLONY/ OF NONCON R. B. MARTIN & CO., Cargo of the Mary Ann, comprising : The screaming burlesque to with the The whole conclude High-street. FORMISTS IN NEW ZEALAND. Original-Anecdote op Burns.—As Lord CrawBANKERS : 30,718feet Sawn Timber some time past preparation^ have been in pro ford and Lord Boyd was one day walking over the YE HONEYMOON. BANK OF-NEW ZEALAND. !. Forfor 12,6405-foet Box Pailings ted by practical Foreman, colonial MISS H. GORDON. uniting into the nucleus of a new colony, or lands in Ayrshire, they saw Burns ploughing in a Bakers.—Wan press 25,300 Shingles experience and references, employment. Adspecial settlement, about 1000 intending NewZealand field hard by. Lord. Crawford saH' to Lord Boycl, And remember the SOLICITOR ! 15 pairs 16-feet Cart Shafts not ROUND, chiefly {tec of Dissenters, but exdress "Baker," 20, Arcade. Do you se.e that 'rough-looking fellow across S. M. SOUTH. LADIES WILL WALK Settlers, to consist As soon as landed. Last Time.. For the clusmjjy so: (flhe association appears to 'be lind'er with the plough ? I will Ja-y you a wager you cannot wanted for a O BOAT BUILDERS.—Tenders jiyispieofs of a number of leading ifojiconfunnists—lay say aiiytliiug to liim that he will not make a rhyme SKCRETA3IY (pro tein.) W. R. Douglas, SATURDAY, 12tii MARCH. Apply Boat 70ft xlO beam. to several of." ""Done," said the other ; and immediately going as well as 'ministerial—find, judging from MR. JAMES. W. HAY. Wood Haugh Saw Mills, Dunedin. ■p OVAL PRINCESS THEATRE. issued by up to the hedge, Lord Boyd cried out, "Baugh!" rapid increase of population, consequent upon At Mr. Thos.Robertson's Stock-yard, Anderson's Bay, jliunted periodical reports which have been the "first Burns stopped at one, leaust against the plough, and, rrUIE GRAND PRESENTATION NIGHT. tlie management,to 9. large proportionhasofalready of people to this Province, through SERVANTS WANTED.—Wante a Behind the School-house. L the influx been surveying the assailant from head to foot, he quietly the discovery of the Gold Fields, has necessarily Mrs W. H. 1000," required sail in May next, Apply nurse and a cook. to gecured. The site of the intended settlement is answered— a vast number of buildings, Outten, Anderson's Bay. On SATURDAY, the sth INST., To Dairymen, Breeders, &c. the erection of caused of It's not Lord Crawford, but Lord Boyd, describad as being about seventy miles north-west and has also increased the stocks of merchandise to a A Testimonial will bo presented to MARTIN & CO. are instructed by Mr. Of grace and manners he is void degree hitherto unparalled in the city of Dunedin. the city of Auckland, and within the province ofthat MR. SAMUEL WALDOCK, Tendersproamong bull tho of valuable rye, Notwithstanding rapid n:iine. Jnst like a this increase Chas. Crawford, of Sandfly Bay, tO) offer for ■ and which occasion Sportsman ; on in the of The celebrated goes by." outlay capital by sale Auction on Saturday next, at 1 o'clock, an The chief feature in the project consists Cries ''Baugh !" at folks as.lie perty—thereby causing an enormous those Mr Sam. Waldock will again accomplish the great above. carrying out of the special settlement idea embodied The wager was of course won. TO BUILDERS, &o. no facilities have been afforded, further thanFields, FEAT WATEIIFORD required of the Auckland Governfor the Erection of a in the Waste Lands Act nnENDERS are 8 prime milk1cows, broken "%> milk, somo in previous to the discovery of the Gold To Make Hens Lay.—Take some pats and boil existing OF LEAPING THE FIVE-BARKED GATK. Building in PrincesthemL Large Brick and Stone full milk and others near calving ment. The promoters, however, put forth another until soft; then fry them in fat, and, according so as toenable merchants and others tobesecure them may at be on and after attempt safely the movement as an stated South. seen 5 heiefers; yearlings Plans, &c, representing against by may loss fire and it street ■view, in the Praire Farmer, you will have any quantity of selvesthe existing April sth at distinct from ordinary to CLUB. 2 steers Insurance Offices in Dunedin have the 27th iust. Tenders to be sent in on DUNEDIN GARRICK . systematic colonisation, and so that egg.s A ACTING MEMBERS are particularly requested property in 2 o'clock. Lowest or any tender not necessarily 2 veryfine youngbulls, of the Ayrcshire breed emigration undertakings. Having been originated not the power to insure one-tenth of the by men belonging to various of the more active Xi. to meet at the Provincial Hotel this day puncThe cattle can be seen on Friday previous to sale this city. Atthe same time, owing to the crowded accepted. enterprise has Monson, the the total want W. Robertson's paddock. Church, H, Separate portions of Christinn Wanted. Bedof and in Mr. Dunedin, sections the 4.RD and Residence state of some tually at 4 o'clock. Architect, Those who want quiet cattle will do well to attend -also its elmraeteiistbs as a Christian work ; and, inroom. By Order. Stnte Terms to A. B. C, at the OiKce of proper appliances for the extinguishing of fires, '■■:'■" what the pro- ofthis Pnpei1. i, Mercer's Buildings, Princes-street., the sale. anxiety is universally felt, so much no that every deed, it aims at the development of great spectus describes as'mi entirely new plan of Christian 1 mare and foal ■person would be glad to insure, and be willing.to pay rj^ENDERS will be received, until Monday next, Sale at 1. this thought may be realised Missing Friends. colonisation. How far BOARD and RESIDENCE, with Kueh rates as must handsomely remunerate an insuApril, at 12 o'clock, for the erection of a Oth of the X working after tha out Terms at Sale. «maiw to be seen separate bedroooms, at Mrs. Jenkin's, Clifton rance Company. will be CatholicChurch and School House. Plans and speit details, present experiment. going . into statistical Your Diggings. Without Elih XOHN Waitahuna house, SCOTLAND, Maclaggan-street. Clergyman's Villa, ; cifications to be seen at the ON MONDAY, APRIL 7th. The association holds out as the inducement to gain patent to the minds of all observers that there is at Row, off Rattray-street. '.■..' tl wife is in Dunedin. Address "Daily Times' its register roll" the social, religious, and other adn-esent in Dunedin property worth immense sums oi Office. Thelowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted. At One o'Clock, Sharp* ADRIFT, a DINGEY, black outside, money, insured at a rate totally inconsistent with its vantage's likely to accrue from the union ofChristian lead color inside, wiih three pine thwarts. Ap- actual value, to say nothing of the many houses un- nnENDERS will be required for building (labor and r\ EORGE CAVANAGH, per Success, barque, people hound" on so arduous an enterprise. The No Reserve. is requested to communicate having no plensiii.tuefs ofsocinl intercourse is promised in initi- ply to Wm. Phillips, on the Jetty. insured, through the present Fire Agents with Shops ; VJT from Melbourne, JL materials) two Dwelling HousesPlans privations which policies—a reeutioii ut numberless sorrows and and spe- with Thomson and Campbell, Storekeepers, Waipower to increase the number of theirof in Walker-street. awaiting him. Brandy, Twkt Tobacco Honey Dew, Cigars, the amount and Six Cottages, .' Case the on'i-iarv emigrant, is heir to. The society ot athuna. Letters consequent upon the exhaustion Tuesday, April sult on Oth, inspected cifications may be Dried For SaleCheese, Corned Beef, Bottled Fruits, friends, neighbours, or persons of kindred sentiments of capital which the European and Australasian Com- at my office, between the Bank of N. S. Wales and may, Apples, Colonial Soap, Picks, Shovels, JONES.—Wife and child arrived from /NHARLES panies have authorised them to invest here. and sympathies is to counterbalance, as far as itand the Cutting. R. C. Luscombe, Architect. Shovels, Boarding to Newmarket Black Axes, \j Kyncton. Sharp's Stopiflng, of the form Fatherland, proposed forsaken home old it is to for the FIRST-CLASS MOB OF CATTLE FOR SALK Under these circumstances, Dunedin. Nelson Flour, &c, &c. compensate; for the reft ties, the thought of which has of Female Cattle, from 1 year to 6. a Company under the above title, for the purpose of rriENDERS are invited for tho erection of Six House, Princes-street, QAA.HEAD & CO. are instructed to sell by MARTIN held hack thousands of the timid and halt-hearted /C\j\J hi*h condition, now running' in the insuring against losses by fire, with a capital of one JL Cottages, labor only. Plans and specifications "VTOTICE.—Thomas Dean, Donald M'Kay, and in at their Rooms, High-street, on MonClinging auction, emigrant's career. pounds, in twenty thousandshares to be seen at the office of G. Greenfield, Architect, from embnrkinir on an thousand part Otago. of hundred to Angus M'lsjvac, your passages paid northern are •J_M at one o'clock, by the to the faith of their fathers, the founders of the inof five pounds each, power being reserved DaUxKTY, RATTRAY k CO. Manse-street. Auckland in Hie Salcombe Castle." Apply to day next, WITHOUT ANY RKSEKVE, tended •' colony" propose to appoint, or hope to seAct of Incorporation, to increase the amount of capiLeslie & Co., Shipping Agents, Jetty Street, 167 cases Pale brandy WETHERS. WANTED. cure, a minister, with a soul for the lofty task winch STORE tal to two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, two TENDERS leader of such Dunedin. 1 do Twist tobacco spiritual deposit the upon sixpence per paid Twenty as share, to be must devolve npENDERS are invited for the erection of to arrive shillings and already on rpHE undersigned has for Sale, expected 27 do Honey dew a body A physician and surgeon aie .-.-■■■ upon application for shares and as soon as one half j[_ Cottages and two Stores, in Cumberland-street. letters for you. R. Little and shortlyl— cigars not to be left 5 Swiss sick are 24,000 Saturday, and thus the the Act of Inon "roll;" allotted, specifications ready the of the number ofshares are PI ;ns and will be Co,, High-street. 4.000 STORE WETHERS. 20 cases Bottled fruits to dip, untended, in the wilderness A schoolmaster, corporation will be applied for. Until alter the pas- April sth, to be seen atthe residence of Mr. Hy. F. Dried apples WM. SMITH, 20 casks school, Is to be of communal and GORmade, eye the conduct the further call will be meet the of Mr. GAVIN sing Hardy, Maelaggan-street. of such Act, no this should for Stafford-street. 100 boxes Colonial soap (1 cwt. eacb) e'ected'previous to the embarkation. Besides the then only after due notice, at intervals'of. one month, Not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender. DON, the friend you sent for to Melbourne has a public educator in the ~ 50 doz. Picks, assorted tiwn teacher there is to beand EPICURE. and in sums not exceeding five shillings per share. arrived by the Blue Jacket. Please call at tlie second TO THE which IMPORTANT newspaper, lor 5 cases Sharp's axes printing press operations of other nnENDERS Wanted for the Conveyance of Passen- terit past the Caledonian Hotel, Walker-street. Bbape ofthe The experience derived from the with one of not 6 dozen Black shovels, Scotch the belief that Companies, froinD.unediriJetty Alc!inga,Omeo.and the executive have made arrangements Insurance warrants to the gcrs great desideratum, after the Theatre, is a rnHE J. on 2 tons Nelson's fine flour are, said, There it is required share will ever be from Mr. John per Gottenburg steamers, at Port Chalmers.' To be fortheir Yorkshire members. Farthan or 15s. letter to tc more 10^. MITCHELL..—A Mohtos'is, visit Messrs. Wateiis X Arcade, whose Petite Soupers" are the admi- to be paid up. 1 ton prime Canterbury cheese the muster-roll, members of literary, musical, and ley's to the undersigned before noon on Monday, Hood is lying for you at the office of Messrs. warded 'so that the intenddo. do., Damaged order; dividends deelarec ■£ Judging unprecedented Apply other tastes of a cultivated from the Dalgetty, Rattray' aud Co., Walker-street. Vivants." the 7th ApriI. 10 tierces Beef (all faults) ing settlers have also in prospec.tu some of the old ration of nil "Boh by Companies established through the influence of DALGETY RATa HAY &co Immediately. Private Dinner Parties, Suppers, &c. Terms at Sale. companies remains ofthe mother country. and which Victoria, Uuprt'itil Capital in Walker-street. Colonial operations No Reserve. l"But;l as' the promoters say, the advantages of such at a period when most of the commenced JONES Sale CO, merely ; not from a &' and when Board at One o'Cloclc, by to be estimated -will the Town erections, buildings a combination are insured' were 'wooden be. received A CARD. FrVENDERS Chemist, Dispensing There and point extinguishing of view. are Pharmaceutical fires existed JL of Dunedin, on. or before Monday, 7th instant, social and sentimental THIS DAY. :;' no greater '"facilities for MANSE-StHEET,' to be Ol> and benefits CoßNJill that divir to Drain in tangible presumed willing other, safely Gentry substantial be construct a and of Dunedin and its h'greV'it'may parties Aristocracy "certain there tfimi from Side' To the '* (Next"to CobVs Booking'Otjices), bodies like special settlement, Vicinity. (lends equally will be declared by the proposed Princes-strqet. ssalised. For'have' For the benefit ofwham it may concern. theiv reach, abundance "the public of Dunedin that they have Company. Ashi?h (in instance take the prosperity. o'± the witliin Specifications may be seen on application at the the' present' at CARLE & CO. will sell by auction,' This ptherwise gift, as a or a Establishment with a Stock of in Melopened free their new Office, Company having comFire and Insurance Town & MORTON land, sometimes of Victoria Marine Board WATERS i Day, at'l2 o'clock, pfmrge merely' nominal in amount. Ihe members ot the most genuine Drugs and Chemicals, and trust bourne, which ]ias already returned its original CapiChas. Reid, pleted arrangements, their extensive are now 48 Sinclair's hams Clerk to the Board. thp body now in course of organization willreceive, as from their lengthened experience to receive a. share P,t tal to the Shareholders, in addition to upwards of dd prepared to take contracts for Large and Small Din2 cases do forty acres for each adult,and twenty public patronage, per cent, per annum, by way of dividend and bonus. an absolute sift, ner Parties, Picnics, Ball Suppers, Wedding Break2 iron bedstead's accurately prepared. may that c]iild grit prescriptions and in order that when established ; Company PbvsHftns1 Itis the' intention of the TO PLASTERERS. fasts, Dejeuners a la Fouchette, &c, &c.. acres for each 5 large English clocks executed, appears promptly * Country orders be of real value, the Auckland Government to treat liberally with all propo&als for insurance. Messrs. WATERS AND MORTON'S combined, mENDERS are required for 3,000 yardi! or 12 dozen steel forks of the lrofacts, foregoing statement to 1p have offered tp the association nearly gOO.OOO acres ~ satisfaction, patrons every per yard. Parti- experience ensures their toddy ladles From the Lath and Plaster at Work, _|_ SALE, FOR be 3i no pf land pf average quality, from which'to select about visimial Committee feel assured that there can until April 11th. the CUISINE " being under the immediate super1 half-chest tea. lot of Mixed Cattle, to be delivered doubt as to the success of the company in realizing cxdars at CommmercialChambers, 60 000 acres of the best and most productive asoil—s-oii intendence of Mr. Morton, whose successes in gasBEN No reserve. Terms cash. SMITH, obtained district to those purposes— as ~ for agricultural and other on tlio Ashburtun. dividends proportionate in amount tronomy are so wellknown and appreciated. fit' ~~ Architect. 32(i Head ofvery superior Cattle, of mixed ftges in Victoria. settlement party , on which to locate the contemplated THIS DAY, young very tine the preparing "including for embarkation in one will be received at sexes, persons, now WORKERS, MESSRS. WATERS & MORTON'S CAFE AND Applications for shares of 1,000 and CARPENTERS AND ZINC At 12 TO o'clock. broken to in bull. Most of the cows are Company's temporary offices, Stafford Chambers, rriENDERS are requested for the erection oi three 11 ay. The executive have according sent out two RESTAURANT, Farley's Arcade. competent pioneers toexamine these lands, and choose corner of Stafford and Manse-streets Dunedin, on T7l DE CARLE & CO. will sell by auction; TW» X Two-story Shops, Princes-street North. PartiDALGETY, RATTRAY & CO. The report of. these pioneers and after the 7th April, 1862, where forms of appli- ticulars until April 9th, at Commercial Chambers.; the n quisite quantity. Moreover, X-i. Day, at 12o'clock, NOTICE. the association has Architect, shortly. may obtained. SMITH, expected is cation be BEN. 24 firkins butter COALS FOR SALE. CO-PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing beby the carnot only secured this splendid grant,itbut Due notice will be given of the period of the first 3 cases 2 casks cheeso Cargo of Wallsend Coals ex "Witch of the tween R. A. Watt, Hugh C. M'Alpine, and is argued that rvitiff out of its associative principle WORKING CARPENTERS. Alexander JohNstone, under the firm of the 10 tins cod fish quantities to suit steamers. .allotment. in TO FIRST-CLASS sale, ten is on Tees," inevitably prova of y cverv acre of that land must 3 tons potatoes Company,'' are for a TWO-STOREY Dennid Saw Mill has been disApply required nnENDERS to, W. HAY, •' Glen fold value to the settler, compared with land in the 5 cwt. coffee, in 1 and 2 Ib. tins. DALGETYj RA.TTRAY & CO. TEN-ROOMED HOUSE. solved by mutual consent. IParticulars Secretary. down wilderness or unpeopled forest; for the putting be No reserve. Terras Cnsh, April Saturday, until sth, _L_i.uLiuiini. MHjiijirj by m on and after Thebusiness will be carried in future R. A. t^r^rr*"**1 on an ~—~~~ of a thousand persons simultaneously will ~ Thursday, April 10th. AUSTRALIAN EWES. Watt and Alexander Jqiinstone, by whom all nsrfjreiration whose very numbers must enhance the REWARD. DAY. SMITH) £2 THIS fine Australian BEN very paid.. Maiden .debts will be 3,000 ~'... SALE, of the land to a degree to which the isolated from the Half-way Bush, a Brown At 12o'clock. vafue Architect. Ewes, 2 and i tooth, now landing ex "British settler can only reach by years of toil and much outRiding HORSE, with black points, white near ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS. at Port Chalmers. Commercial Chambers, Princes-street. which may soon be- Trident" 1 ...'. on his fore feet, noue on Insi hind CARLE a population of athousand,this shoes & CO. will soil i>y auetiom, This hoof, bind DALGETY, RATTRAY_&_OO 1 hypothesis conDay, at 12o'clock, rne several thousands, will on unbranded, last seen going by the road to biiver r|T\O LET, Two Shops and Store in Princes-street, feet, various families WAB D by the :rt each land grant received POPPEL It TOX 30,000 Havannah Cigars, in bond or SALE, Prince of Wales Hotel. Apply to A. solid worthCity Surveyors, delivering the said horse to Mr. William X opposite At the risk of the former purehaper. .to a little property of unmistakable and CEMENT, beat.quality at 32». per Harnett, Walker-street,, past Dalgetty and Ratj j.. , Street, '•■■■• No reserve. Xerpis casli. Half-ivay Bush, willreceive the above reIt would appear that out of about 600 persons acM'Kenzie, Hugh CumberOffices Princes Caldek, Address— Barrel. stores. tray's aftlly enrolled towards the -'first thousand,' about land-street, Foundi-y. V ward. the opposite to capitalist class, one-third me-third belong to the - '• $n his opinion, Sergeant Burnfc "very properly brought this case uuder the consideration of the Court, and with reference to the charges which were incidentally iriade against tho police, lie had taken the trouble to investigate them, and found them to be very nearly, if not altogether, unfounded. The case was dismissed - WANTED.— . MRS. " Original Correspondence. - MAURITIUS . " — . .. . WANTED WANTED " ' . :. ■ ■ : ■ - - • : 'A WAN WANTED " . . WANTED ("iAREY, WANTED, . . ; " ■ ■J. WANTED, : " " WANTED , ;: WANTED, " • " . - . ' ■ J. — " ,• rO " ..- MESSRS. • ■ ' ,elllllliyip ' ' . ■ ___^ WANTED, " _ .. t WANTED, WANTED, ■ " io. " 'WANTED ■ - ' " FOR • r J^'f3N\\ ■ ' • . ..: : WANTED, ' • .. .. „ .. „ .. .. ~ .. , .. ~ ' ~ ,■ WANTED, , - .... .. .... .. „ „ — ■ R : _ " FEMALE : — . . ; . BO SUPERIOR RB. . ■ FOUND ■ . - ■ ; . , " ~ — : SUPERIOR -"■ lllJe" THE FOR _ "' INFORM _ PORTLAND '' , , , —. ... .. . ....,naM STRAYED, StAnv'one : ' . JSUGDEN— IF ■ . MRS. ' ' , : A., EDE MESSRS. ~ " .. ~ °U6JAMES RB . " ~ ' ; ' THE ■ — .- ' , . EDE _ ■ ' . _ 6 OTA^O .. JDAIIJLX -XL^lMb- , '-Ai/HEL 5, lfe'b& ; . . sot ;■'■;'. ?ißusines3'.:;lT6,uicßs;'.l';.''i'.'...'.-'-'' I.would doubtless, lutye..felt flattered at the value had the""criehiV coul rt~l?4n!nTdec&y,;Mrr Slon^^ THE CHANNEL RAILWAY. been his study " not only, to supply these,: but tion ofa Canada" "before, ifc so""rapid'an;! i'Henf'ive as 'novejists'ancVsentiinental Ij by the.foreigner* on any. object solely because actually has been don this strike biotas by complete a"project which it oiit'to 'be/' Witii honest freiif- belonged to.iiiin. Fancy., tlia tale of an emperor's ...'. travellers have liiade Adverting to the recently published project to mature and BEDDING^ CHRA3?!:VOIiEAP^ BEDDINk the walls of the capifcil of. his empire, ! important work might at once be, placed when the danger of war became imminent coniriuUctio:i> however,- ho quotes from- a, il'arliaine.rir:j: effects bcneaUi by a people, he despised ,aa, weakbarbarians' of Mr. James Chalmers, for connecting Eng- among the realities of the age." ■lt is needless to press the question. Tlie colo tuiv return a statement t:;:it in 1831) the average and this Fisher's Bedding and Palliass JLainif:io.iOLy, A. of: •• Bakery.to ihe horrors of war fro i tmimbfer ofehildreii livid;,',fwm -air Indian iiiaiiwfge in and talked of; driving into'the sea-! The proceeds land and France by what he calls a " Channel ~■ George-street, near tiio Victoria Mr. Chalmers is not a professional engineer, nies are exposedwitli LvJiver Canada vn.s not above four-to live parried J thesjile aaiountel. t0.32,000 dollars, and the amount tho liome country". in L sample:l thcdiiijisiutton, of treasure secured waj dstimated at. over 01,000 dolRailway," the Times of the 9th November re- nor are we, but, as. lie pertinently reminds us, tlicir connection argument, Fiithe satoi of Upholsterer,.P.alliaws. FISH Fill ami Mattress ..j be c po*d:ir.l or-siiiallyofthe1 North Aiuerienu-. Indians piay! lar*, maldngn -rough ioti! .of 03,()0.0 dollars. Of lliis so neither were George Stephenson and others, way that they WOUlrt not ? Miuurtiiuiiirarj respectfully informs his friends marks \r— great ■ ■■ be attributed f> Mr, Merivale's patent causes,-, guu- -two-thirds-was set.iiijart for distribution in propyrall he asks for is enquiry by such as are. connection did not exist.. Ana it is not to n opened "whilethat be lina business in Ci ooiy;e-street, -.whore Tn nil the splendour of Aladdin's palace the We cannot si-t forth his plans as far as we snpi'ioscd tl'.ev shoisld be liable to iiil t!ie peri ''•■■ powder, tire-water, Kmuii-pjx,■ ivc.,. but wiiat.iia7.iie ilonaiu .share; .to tlui soWioii*,-..and one thin! llu'tiie[;I j ;v gc-noral stock ofnil clashes ox bedding ism ■bo hud c'ugagod during in. active 'swvice Magician could suggest something which was understand them ourselves, because his dia- of the conncclion wiilrjut h:ivin» a direct cliii i to say i;i Wui ea=o of the South' Ainerican.-. Indians 1. officers, of all tliuso at reasonable prices. Palliasses liny sizes vjnade to r<>B;.py, tlie tferuiun naturalist, whoso bo.:itaiiical tlio d.ty of the uautnre.o'f.tiiu ptil.ice.-i Sir Hope Grant 1|| order, on the shortest notice, ;.. i •, .-. wanting to its perfection, and could render its .grains are required to make them intelligible to whatever pvoteotion from the<e psrils ti Air. auatogv jMr'."Mosi\-;ile-i-.ai!s fasioifitl/ after, -a resiaun^e very .Kuaerouwly jixadcli'U sliaro over to the mcii, and Publicans and ProprhjLors ofLodging housed ..supinquisitive uncomforthowever, .extremely Thi,, owner and does no ; of several yoar^ iu to our readers, and the questions of materials, union can stated the ibliow- as.n token of.lis'peofc, the oliicers presented !iim with plied at wholesale prices. mos m:ikinjj able. We' arc ourselves no better oft" with our construction, troin tiie one.of the liaiidsoaiesfc chased, goUi-ol.irefc exenrpt colony jug riddy I'nct'j e«ch ing Ecstuiling neatly executed. :— The eo'ijperrcploi'ed" inuii cannot endure .a and working capacity, we leave ~. .' physical advantages, alter all our victories to the collective ia his neigbor.- •piqoes oi'the'buoty. On hand,, .double. and single, cedar, sofas, with wisdom of Great George- energulic cfTorts to arm itself with the bes ; the spread of i'luroi/etm civilisationatinos'jjlibref. ;.vit!i-.: squabu and bolsters. ; over matter by land and sea, if the tempter street. At the same time, we may observe, mi-ans of nrote.:tion from foreign invasion tha ---;hbod. but parishes, in itsspirits, or u-'jin ardent c-imleniioi, :'Blili«ri3ig. a out point great tak? car and to ! Bedsteads, ■.stretchers, &c. by hand, can still v* the n that the amateur's estimate is sufficiently en- it can cmnninnd. But. on the other IIiXTttAORTHRAUY StfMICAL OI'KiiATION.—It has ware, as i'< tQiiohwl by a poisonous breath;" --The ; supplied. Thu Trade by material want unsatisfied in the days of rail- couraging othe any extraordinary operation. «3 when we take into account the exertion for self-defence mademay c;m b Jesuit Reductions are a otiikiiy e:\.-e i-i p.'int.. fallen tens to record bo wavi, the Great Eastern, and the electric teleperformo'l Brady's city worked at ■l'Vaiikiin this ILLIAM b?, House,-in "GRKENWOVjD'begs colony, complete they easily however Indians well woil to'inform the line, f«:J, clothud, Tha wuru supposing returns from such a The case is an fuMov/s :—A iahisi- name I:inli:ibilanta of Dinie.iih,:th;;fc he has'entered country from th ! in the climate to which they iv:tc: accustomed, jea-i of Tolan.l. graph. Tho tempter in this instance has itprobable ever in working order. One thing we may held to liberate the home chosen a happy .moment, the return of the vice, inuig'evum.-i or exotic, 11. 11. Lave, of Happy Uauip, on. the i'nliuelF river,, 'into the business of CES^POO'L and ULOSHT a^-niiivt o'.ligatioil of :iff!.rdin«: prompt and effecti s lousiy guardedfron'i there are-no. .landowners add in favor of it: war, anil vet notwithstanding the in the northern' part of the-Stats,: aged twenty-six CLEANfNtf, and promises* to iio ail such woj-k to his £>-enera!lv free wanderings, continental bein, it. attacked En^iir.limaufVom possessed of votes in the Lords or Commons prorecti«n to youngrecruits which ihe pious f.itiiera brought in years, anaU've of Sfissoiiii, cnino.i'roin his work into the satisfrtcfciCin. of his customers, and oil'- the most to orlor him a continuous Hue of rails from to be bought at ;>. price which will render the The duty ol not ck-lumlinji her colonies in wi_r 1 Kfiw "theii- sh'.vc-litiuthijj raids cu tlie unoouverted iUm Francisco, to seek ruiief under the foikr.viiijr cir- reasr:i!E,blo fcerinJ; po.st.ible.-'- ■" "- ■'"'"■ is England, keep up tlftir einiisiaiwjs:—;l'or the : last eighteen years n tumor Adth'e.y.!—''Boxeft," Afiielajigan London to Taris, to save him from sea sick- Whole Princes '■"street' urges upon Adderly Mr. ; years tribe'.", thsso estiibiWiiucn 8 could"nott'olysiesiau unremuuerative for which investment ness,-change of vehicle, transfer of batrgage, whic lslvs. grew upon his !e.°t side, in the l-ejdon of the middle street, and Stafford street.■ •"•WilijlAm- G-kkbS\vooi>, numbers. The populations isf-the con- fact one of those stnilliiiij paradoxes possibility be or of hope 'there can no by and.lungs, Nightman. ';' : '"'': ribs, and in close uont.mt with the heart delay aiid dependance on wind and tide, and' structing branches or suckers of traffic; while attract notice for :i time fr«;m the veryttranj>e may have beeircxnjfU'ei'n'ed, a>.has beuu a.werted, it never appeared to the touch T*.TOT[CE tlu'ii- (H-srovei'ors, t'hVouji'h their having taken the r'or sKtsena years and submission to ills v. bkh be fancied irreOF-.KKJ.WYAI,.—Mir H,-HouaHTo:; of their cha.actcr, but which speedi. Kfiiiiefciine.i dwindled down to larger, than nut, Lands Clauses Compensation Act can only n crowds who flocked to sen them not for a co.; mediable. It is artful of the tempter to the lias removed froaV.;Wa!ber-&treist to the-S.tore* and as lorgottcn imprac the discai clod as a the of a Within the last two..years, how- XS turbots, inhabitants, hut, away, shrimp?., portion, miTe'sauiplc pea. of the i->iiss but of the sbo of Messrs. Homy Driver stud Co.,•,Stafford-street; display bis map and show the cwvergance be invoked in favorFurthermore, there are cer- tic^blc r.nd absurd. to adopted, rapid depopulation gradually ii increased the siz-3 of a man's ever, it it' the lowest tssfimatcs !>e and the oysters. of our railways to each other at certain tain national considerations to commend the in ihe Pacifie mu--t!)e admitted to have head., and even lai'gev. It hunjr down under his r.ruicolon of the is'ands The older and ?tron"cr cverv'British jilacu since thsir dlscovci-yby Kuropcans—too pit like a'bundle tied in a 'poiikebhandkerehicf, and BOOTMAKER, MELBOURNE AND DUNISDIN centres with one exception, an interval of to take a taken the it bo 'able a more will become,, England, France and with such TilAUKKR having completed the buildInvgelobenet'oini'wi'brby dvunlcenaessaiKi Jiuropemi very painful, ami must bel)r.dealt with one way or some twenty, miles of sea. Our railways project. lu-x'iis, vouhi be like Siamese twins; while, effi dive part in ddendmg its^iwn snores fro diseases, ing of his Store in Hops-street,''is prepared to Toiand,. that.eminent alt'iougli these,"as among the NovMi Ame'rir other. Advised to consult coiQiuitt-jd frightful ravages in the reach the coast lines of the English Channel as for invasion, took the matter in hand ; but to his dismay execute all orders iie may-be"favored w'fcli. ;■■'•■•' very big ;m encinj', and the lighter will be the burue ha%-e a little soldier or a can Indians, lihvsioliin and interlaced its and there stop, at a terminus of shingle or islaiiilSj arid -roused their inhabii-aiiU to Murderous found iliat the tumor had rooisd at either end would suffice to keep it it will impose upon the homo country for aid WAIHOLAGOR«E INN, ~:.;< -; pebbles. U here is no great city at cither of bung wrath a,gainsMii.;ir introducers. It ;ii;-; only the other tundi'ib through three or.four of tlierib.j. Here wv.s such a bond of connevion be- in"- in its defeii'-e. l>ut as long us the bon if with out, mU&ionary aud those ribs out to detach the Half-way between Dunedin and the Diggings/and 4 of the iisaissination of a diieiniuM. Must bo cut renphore day two conn we heard stations, and between these- tween the their the empire was chance common unites any j-h-ronations there ofonc Miles south-west from the Waihola, La£e,- on the two roi-ten-part-from the sound? It was even so.. Conhis ■■vile, because the measles had broke ovifc in stations there is simply a valley, at present in- of an interruption ■■■-..-•' ■..:.■ Main Head. of the entente cordialu. tries together, so long .1.-11 the dependenc mauga. Mr. Meriviile in a note-points .out with cha- sultations with other physicians and surgeons were undated, as is obvious to the most, obtuse, but In fact, country obtain from the th a by right courageous have a to heart, and racteristic honesty how the well-looked alter I'euxna'nt ha 1, but Dr. Toland.- v.ith such are the vistas opened out ■•: JOII N DA V I.D SO N, ■": duty of th such a valley as railway contractors would de- this 111 in 1.835 to skilful hand, boldly undertook to cut away the tumor, aboriginals war, of whiuh is the the Tasnianiati fell from protection that we o f Chalmers, temptation from Mr. to intimate to the public, that he has opened Any state which is unabl 45 in 18-.15, and to 10in 1555.- The only histan-.-.j of and threa of the ribs with a pare of the. fourth, light to make a road through, where the land invite the competent authorities to examine later to snpph'".to the above new-and commodious premises], and weiglit which he .brings'forwardon his si-ie ofthe around which-it had entwined ita corroding roots, is cheap, the ground firm, and where the gra- his it a roc's egg with which or «mvillin X take "tiie chief part in th any hopes by Is war stiict attention to cleanliness and cpui fort, project. being 'pruteetecl During operation from which rotted. the it; were, case tliut tlie Hottentots, and dients r.re remarkably easy. '.In any other the deluding magician is mocking-u*, as he military defence of a colony, can have n a;:d combined with moderate charges, to merit a share of famine, increased from 17,000 in 1800 to 00,000 the poor fellow, was put to sleep under the public patronage.•■ case, he says, we should deal with this hiatus tempted the 1823. Present slatistUs would have been more influence of but ere ordeal was over Aladdin, or is it really a feasible claim to the allegiance or the possession of tha chloroform, in J. D., -takes-this-•' opportunity of thanking old summarily. Let us suppose a mound or wall, colonj'. And if Mr. Adderly'o policy wer satisfactory, and a supposition thatthe mysterious in- lie awoke. At this juncture the doator.forced down friends for past support, and hopes that they 'will not even a chain of Alps, crossing raid dividing scheme ? fluence of Wliich we have been speaking.may fluctuate his throat a pint of pure brandy, which the patient n' tempted to be carried into execution, it woul forget tv to give hhii a call in his new house, which they .says saved his life.. The ruor; measured from its its operation is not inconsistent.wifcli. a beliefin its into t\w> seperate sections all therailways condissolve the entire co'onial empire of Grea in eighteen inches, and will find to be far more commodious and; comfortable triumph. posterior ENGLAND PROTECT HER anterior to its surface, SHOULD eventual Manchester, ....'■■■■ necting London with Liverpool, .iii j'ae rib) weighed twenty pounds. Britain in a twelve month. '£ he disease had than the old one. : ■■ .: :.■ ■i' COLONIES? and the North. Ifall the trains by day or Wines, Beer, and; Spirits of the very best ,brands implicated the ribs, and also the muscles of the abdo- alwaysoii;hand< LOOTING. ■•-■•';' ("From the Weekly Age.) ,'■ •■ night were stopped at this impediment, obliged operand delicate the. whole dangerous \yas (phom narrative of 3mil3 south oiiisa cajii'ajcix men. So THE QUESTION OF NEW ZEALAND. Oats, Chaff, and Bran, always, on Sale at^'ciirrent There is ii small but active section of poliop 1000. by hobert swisiiok. ation, that when the tuihor and ribs were cut away,1 to. transfer passengers and freight, to condemn wide ,'r :- :-.■ :': r -; •"'■'.■--■'.ij.r, "':'" (From the Scotsman.') most of the former to the sensations of a terri- ticians in England who say of the Officers and men,' English and French, were rush- nothing remained, to preserve the heart, lungs, and in- rates. but the inner.Tnembrane(skin) which coated '■' : "' /■■■■■■ GOOD STABMKO.■' ble irialaily. to which gout or. toothache are spread colonial"empire of Great Britain what A country which has become tlie seat ofwar is ing about in a most unbecoming 'manner, each eager testines, noyv that remains between the and tiiis is now all ribs, ~ the aequisKiou of valuables. Mostof the Frehch■■;■■: SEWING MACHINES.:mere amusements; if it cost the companies some of our pro-squatting wiseacres say of apt to figure itself to tlie fancy of people at a for man and death-.; The dangerous-gash is bandaged that "it distance as* perpetually and completly canopied meu were armed with large clubs, aud wliat they the 'half the revenue derived from freight to agriculture in Victoria, namely, that nature will restore the hone ':"■'■••' carry away they ■smashed to atoms. In one up, and it i3certainpatient,though could.not gentlemen thundering rattling cannon, These would of •■'. H. sSiTH. ■'-; :'-';:' not with the smoke pay." weak,has survived: transfer their goods traffic across this impedi- doe3 you would see several officers and men of all of now ribs. The military defence rifles, and smouldering homesteads. Life there is room No. 49, A r o-a d/e, •:;; ranks with their heads: and hands brushing and the operation ten days, ;and /the. strongest hopes are ment, and they knew and felt that this ob- throw the entire cost of the up merely fightin to made offear and supposed recovery. be We saw.him upon themselves. Even knockin^togother in same box, searching and entertained of liis ultimate been constituted sole agent in" Otago struction hindered them of half their gains, of the colononies would which, grasping' its contents. ;tho the mother ing". The ordinary current of existence In another a scramble was on Thursday, and he appeared to sleep easily, with for;..-.;; :,■-;,:■■';;.,;,".:..'.- ,\ ■..:'.:■.we'may be sure, says the tempter, they would war time theyto the aidhave although somewhat ruffled, uo doubt, still flows on going on.over a -handsome, state robes. moderate breathing. ~.;.. If this man survives, we of pf of the coloany come collection'1 difficulty country somehow. Chat Moss WHEE LE ft & WI L S ON' S S E WIN G- ' dispose of tbe much as usual, save in the places directly devas- Some would be playing pitch and toss against the must say that this is one of the niostwonderfol sur-, ■•■/■■ was no obstacle ; the .Britannia Bridge spans nies subjected to hostile attack only in their tated by the military torrents, is totally ignored. ■large MACHINES, ;'■■■■; : f amusing themselves gical operations ever performed.—-Californian paper. mirrors would be ;-others, solely then aiid simple machines the sea; the great Tubular Bridge of Canada utmost extremity ov peril, and A Man Charged with Five^Murders.—- Begs to offer these, most We have heard so much of pahs and saps, skir- ■by taking " cock" shots at .the chandeliers, llospeofc service should correspondent gives very,-'low. of the Times an ab- to the Public at andreasonable ratesl: ', mishing in the fern and desperate attacks ami re- •of position was completely lost sight of, and the most The Turin bestrides a waste of seething waters. Wiry, on the condition that a*.similar when the Anglo-French valley is only wider be rendered by the colony to the mother pulses, lately in. connection with New Zealand, perfect disorganization prevailed. Thelove of gain is stract, ef the published reports-of the trial at Milan of The Machine mory be seen in use, and all informacontagious, and-ineverysense thc-incitametUwn the villain Boggia, who is charged with five murders. tion obtained at No. 49, Arcade. ;■ -■■■-. l by some miles,and deeper by some fathoms, country herself when in like distress. Mr. that its normal life had quite slipped out of Bri- most as the Latin, grainuiari-ightlyteachesus. No Boc'gia was a house-porter, in easy circumstauce3,for exponent of tish -rt collection. N.JJ.—Country orders carefully:attended-to, and The annual 13 luebook pub- malorum, should this arrest our progress? The sea Adderley, M.P., is the leader and justthen cared for. gazingtranquilly at the works one ofiiis standing in life., very.assiduous in the disone. Registrar application. who hold these lished the General of the sent politicians by colony— price lists on which roils through it is treated by poets as the small section of art; each one was bent on acquiring, what was charge of his religious duties, somewhat over-demonthat all " The Statistics of New Zealand for 1860—re- of most valuable. That scone afforded a very goodproof strative in hia display ofzeal and devotion, and a darlinvincible, but the tempter whispers in our views. For it is a mistake to supposeoutlay MS. HENRY BAYLISS V -■:. minds us that thecolonists have been buying and '■■■ of the innate evil in man's nature when unrestrained' ing of the Milan priesthood, who once got him out of at annual of large the grumble word who hydrostatics." spell ear the He has a CCOUNTANT, Valuer, Estate and- House selling, marrying and giving in marriage, despite'■' " the force of law orpublic opinion. Licensed theft a sanguinary scrape, for which,, but for theii' inter- XA• Agent, Princes-street, (next Medical :iHall), for angry Neptune, and a refuge from iEolus, the Imperial Exchequer, under the head of the conflagration caused by that antipodeanIby displays the love of greed natural to every heart; ference, he would have been hanged. '.' Imagine," Duae:lin. The best references in the City, andunder and, though Asiatics have been content to military expenditure in and on account of the Althea's dream," the firebrand, Wirimu Kingi. soon and its concomitant vices, jealousy and dissension, says the report, " a little man, about sixty-five years the patronage of the following firms :— i .■■'.. whip "heir naughty Hellesponts, he suggests colonies, concur with this gentleman in his "This volume is the fifth of its series, and MrBen- speedily follow. Thesilk 'warehouses ■on the right of age, with venerable grey hair carefully smoothed ,;a.c. Messrs. Jones, Bird & Co, impracticable opinions on nett has made it even more complete than its pre- were burst open, and dozens rushed in over the piles down on the temples and. the back of the head, an '; that lie can make ours construct, and fetch very strange and Cole, Hoyt & Oo» cheerfulness, however, and decessor. His labors mayappear to some me> e'y of valuable rolls of silk and embroidered dresses. easy of: countenance, an impurtnble ~ ',-: '.:■:. and-cany, and minister to our convenience in the question. Mr. Adderley, Tho3. Norton & Co. armfulj. There were piles calnmesj of speech, a spotless white.<neckcloth; the perhaps some half dozen members of the mechanical, but tact as well as industry is re- These were thrown out in ■Patton & Hodge ways they never dreamt of. piles of them ; and though plunderers were con- whole outward man would lead you to look upon him and certainly ~;.■: do hold It. Wilson-& Co. Commons.besides, draw his tabulations, quired up clearly-copious Chalmers, for he is the tempter, House of to Air. James away by cartloads, still the ground was as a poor aged wight brought into difficulty by some opinions we and he has a full right to make use of the modest ! veying them Kirkpatrick &Co. •has taken us l)3r the button, and we are like and labor hard to propogate the with them, and there was yet more in the mistake, or in consequence of some deep-laid 'scheme: Scott & Co. ■; : I' that " they have not been unsuccessful in strewn A commission of prize agents had been of calumny. The /'resident a»l<s him by .what cir- : the guest with the Ancient Mariner, con- .have, mentioned with respect to the military boast hou.-es. -•■■:.:■ Wallacli, Bros..'. diffusing definite and views of the conaway accurate he led to with 1113lastvictim, do, possessions, by Hope purpose and formed Sir Grantfor tlis of collect- cumstances was ■-.•;:. Feldheim,-Bro3. v strained to stop and listen. Given the prob- defence of British colonial and progress of New Zealand in various ingtogether curiosities to dispose offer the benefit of the woman Peiwchio, sixty-six years old, who had ;. Miller & Co. \'i lem to cross the English Channel byrailway. It both in a recent pamphlet and in lectures dition influential quarters, where previously compara- -1 the army j";aud the officers composing it were busyall welcomed him to her house: with the most perfect ■-.■■■■■ .7. of the firm M'Lean, ~olM'Caw, Mr. appears that in this, as in every practical the gentleman illustrates his views by the tively vague, rubbing his hand, takes his if not absolutely erroneous, notions i day in making their selections from what yet trust;.'■■■Bogjria.begins by M'Lean and another. : ■ .. difficulty since the days of Sir Robert Peel, following reference to Canada. He says :— were entertained." Commerce,and consequently remained undamaged; while" hundreds of others handkerchief out of his pocket, wipes-his mouth ; theii Mr. AndrewS. Wilson. •■ v : ■:■■■■ instant, the. security of Canada is takes a good pinch; then, we have a choice of three courses. the revenue, seem to have flourished in New were looting '0n... their own account.; New pulls out his snuff-box, ■'' : Mr. Henry Hoyuolds. " There "The '• Dr. of the eye, no faltering of the voice, .-; ■;:..•.-. threatened, let England go to her assistance, Zealand during the last troublous year, but we rooms were constantly being found as the without a wink are three ways of effecting railway communiGeorare Wilson. : : remorse or glimpse compunction, without a of he thus let have only room for a fuw remarks on population. marauders extended their researches, .still' untouched tells £c, Kc. &c :■■ ■:'-.:■ -:■ cation with England and the continent, and the moment England is threatened, hi-3 atrocious tale:—'What can I say to you, my filled with old bronzes, clocks,: enaiiif-llei;;jars, and help us, for The European population in 1858' was about and through the earth bj' tunnelling under the the Canadian militia comeupon HOTEL, infinityof jade-stono curiosities.V.;To\<;bi6§(ji!hg; .-(Lord President? We were there, all alone; the old and an AUSTRALASIAN us,to nothing calling help Ca- GO,OOO. Since then it has increased by rather plunderers rushed with eagerness.. The booty^was" ?<to.itiauj.smiled; a whjsn or inspiration came upon me"; bed oi the sea ; through the water within sub- there was MACIAGOAN-STREIiT. GRIFFITHS'(Iate Providoreaud Chief merged tubes, or through the air on a bridge." nada in time of need which did not, call upon more than 31J- per cent. Taranaki is the.only plentiful, but the means of conveyance scarce. ■I>ibol^uj>,.niy hatchet, and let it go at hor head with' which exhibits a decrease. This is s he did utter one cry; she to province surrounding good:an^ium that; us under like circumstances." In from the crowded and so not Steward the Melbourne, Geelosig. and jAde- ~ villages her to aid Chinese in prefer to pass, Through whichever element we the war more than added their numbers to the vivacious .looters, and waii knocltSiU tJown instantly, and died quite easy. laide~ Steamers,) in retiu'ning thanks to his numerous a war provoked possibly by some diplomatic natural enough. Owing tosought we have, moreover, a. choice of twelve prohalf the population have other homes. hundreds of them..wove going backwards and forwards W"hen slie;lfi|S6n the ground, stretched out, 1 sat down .patrons, begs to iutiniato to them,!and the Public jects, sixFrench and six English, apart from quarrel in reference to Europe or tiie East, The proportion of female- fugitives is double all day laden with bundles of spoil. Aftsr the spo- for a quarter'SKari hour looking at her, anil as Ilooked generally, that having niScie exteiisive.alteratioiis in that of Mr. Chalmers himself Three pro- and in which Canada had not the slightest in- -that of the male. l('or the whole colony liation had continued some tiui3, light portable valua- a fit of laughter seized, me.. I then went ©lit, for a the above Hotel, he is now prepared to offer superior to jectors propose tunnelling under the Channel, terest, he would let that colony bear, out of the excess of immigration over emigration dur-ng bles became move rare, and the natives were soon little air, and came back to sleep. Ou the morrow I accommodation, and hopc^,. by strict legs, to be able, to put her in ray their.comfort, to merit a continuance of their favor. its own resources only, the whole bfunt of an 18GO was GO6-i, of births over deaths 2053. seized upon ,as poiteio for the larger curios. An cut offtlie woman's seven proposed submerged tubes, one proby " of basket with used would, handles, struggling weight large (a bo under the of basket kind ofneor seen poses an arched roadway or tunnel on the attack from the enemy, and would have the Stewart's Island.und Chatham Islands swelled this old SADDLERY.--SADDLERY. jars, furs, and embroidered suits ; ho would meet street porters in Italy to carry burdens 011 theirshoulV BROTHERS bog- to call the attention of bottom, and one, an Englishman, a mammoth home country decline going to the expense total by a contribution-of ii little girl each ;in a native similarly laden;, the native would be made der.') to make it one jobonly as I carried her to my their numerous Customers and .the' Public in. bridge. All these are independent of Mr. and trouble of aiding her, unless she was on neither during the twelvemonths did n death occur. to my a.goodly cellar, 1 due: open his pack, and the choice contents being cellar. When I had her in to their Ne\v Stock of Racing, Steeplechase, marriages took place in New added toout Chalmers's own plan, which invoive3 the con- the point of being overpowered; and then Nearly "00 white the officer's load, the native would be com- grave viui brava'J'ossa) along the wfjll; took out the' general and Ladies' Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Colouial, best year. pieces grave woman, of the old laid them down in the only one was cele- pelled to relinquish the remainder, of his spoil and -Btru>-.tiou of a tubular railway on the bottom the aid should be given only on condition of Zealand last ministerOfofthese ",'", ".. the Jewish persuasion," undertake the freight of.the officer's burden. Soon- very nicely; stretched out at full leiigth,- and there &.C. .'. by a also: while--some of them have,'such very Canada doing the same favor to the home brated sp!?,ndid " N.B.—A assortment of all kinds of-Harend 'And Whatofßibof it.' Hibbone? only the fourth which had been so the rumor spread that treasure had been discovered, was an aud this was And, as with Cacountry in time of need. ness'always on haiid. enticing conditions that we may leave them celebrated there for six years. Either the cliil- aud'an o.v.cite;l crowd ran about to seek for the spot, hone V asked the Court. This' Hibbone was an old ■■Rattray-streer, 2Oth March. 1862. to the appreciation of the British capitalist ■nada, so should it be with the Australian co- ilren of Israel of Boggia; he lived in the same house, —a good must be far less numerous in New but very wisely a guard had been placed over it, and friendfond patted them on of children, Hoggin's lonics, the Cape, &c. Is such a policy practi- ; Zealand than they man, without our superfluous recommendations. male to hands for fair "who money proper the was over .notice..".■ ;.; •■. ," in our other Pacific coloare penny them took them out for consistently preservation English bought toys, the:h3ad, with the of nies, where Moses, Levy, Cohen, &c., are some of division botweeii the and French armies. At One of them, that of M. tie Gamoml (name cable, TTOTEL aiVl HOUSE. VALIJATIONS, ;Aoreeclose of the day's loot; it. was found, as was to' be 0 walk, and was quite intimate with the family. J_X mksts Djiawn, Loaks NEGOTIATED, and Casks of ominous import), had been examined by a her colonies to England ? We venture to as- the commonest of names, or they have lost the the expected, that much dissatisfaction oeeuired among J-Boggiii asked' his friend for a loan of twenty lire. Duawk v? for AnuiTKAiioN, .by JAMES a more or impracticable impossible^ of eminent is sert that which elsewhere ■engineers, family commission said to fondness for tics is so the different members of the p,rmy. Numbers of the Ribbone: promised to try to got them, but Boggia's 811 OWKE, at. the Provincial; Registry,, three have been looked upon with favor by the line of policy could not well be propounded ; m'irked a characteristic of their race. officers, and nearly the whole of the man, had by their impatience got the better of him. He'fouud some from the Provincial: Hotel, who has had sixteen French Emperor, and was only finally rejected and; that any attempt to put it into execution |^Ia consequence of the war, no fresh enumera- duties b:en deprived of participation in the spoil; pretext to decoy his friend into his cellar, asked him : doors years' Colonial expedenoe ,in_ conducting Sales and empire disastrous to the colonial of tion of the Maories lias been made. In 1559, anticipated they and'among on account of its inteference with would be those that were-there several .had .fa'.lcn to look for something' ho had dropped on the ground, Transfers of Hotels and Licensed Houses. ■-.■■-.■■ the stopped ho was over him with 36,049; 55,275 (of whom up- nsross articles of great value, while .others lia-l only and as the other the navigation of the Straits of Dover. It Great Britain. Mr. Adderley's theory is a were estimated apinhabit the northern island) is procured trumpery gewgaws. Some of General Na- fir niilable halchct which he had secreted under his PROVINCIAL REGISTRY OFFICE, wards of 50,000 proposed to form in the Channel a series'of blunder throughout. It rests upon an erro- the n;;pa cloak, and with one stroke on the of the neck ho Stafforb-stkhet, estimate for 1860. Whatever may be thought pier's staff officers, moreover, had stripped off and islands, amounting in number to thirteen, a neous assumption, namely, that the colonies, why (Tliree doors from the Provincial Hotel).,, of the exactness of estimates founded, like brought away with them the roofof a neglected cot- leveled him, stoim dead, with the ground.did 'But not probaker's dozen, and dig down through them possessing, as he supposes them to do—com- these, mistaken for brass, but which did you kill him V ' Simply because he very imperfect data, there can be no tage, which iial beeu description on ■TTWERY of Domestic and Bush Seriwonty lire I'wanted.'" "On another' into terra firmu, and tunnel east and west. plete self-government, should bear all the doubt that the Maories arc decreasing in number. turned ont to be nearly pure gold, worth some £9000. cure ins--the vaats can be obtained at this office, immediately placed at the disposal of the occasion, after killing one ATazza, ' he wont out of his onVJapplication. Mr. Dc la Haye proposed to construct a series burdens Of self-governjnent, one of which is, They admit the fact themselves, and mourn over This theyofhandsomely General their division, and it being beaten ont fr cellar for atolittle air,"' as ho saiil, and walked along of wrough-iron tunnels, each 400 feet long, the duty of self-defence. But it is not the it. An almost forlorn hojie of checking this de- distribution see. the boats.loading; then came back at among the troops, when Sir.Hope Grant the canal Y7 AR D CASPE R. &. CO., and, then submerge them; but. as he says, fact, that any British colony possesses com- crease was one of their motives for setting up a. received intelligence ofthe.intention, and fearing tha night, and dug the usual grave. But the grave was .■■'■. : .': '• colony long enough. No can enter lie doubled up the corpse as he AUUTIONEEES, COMMISSION part plete self-government. the cf the work which native diminution has been on distribution not king. going among portion will appear the This dissatisfaction that such a MERCHANTS, "most complicated, will be to connect keep company with the other to proc'.ucr, and in order to best could, and left it to the divi- into any diplomatic relations with a foreign for years. In 1837, Sir Kichard toBonrkeanaffirmed of the army was sure HOUSE-AND ESTATE LAND, AGENTS, more equal for those whose victim. " High-street. Duaesih. sions xinder water," and his temptation for country; It cannot, by negotiations or other- that disease aud death prevailed such extent, make matters prevented tho:n from shaving -in the A No'aiiEitAN in the PixLPiT.—;On Sunday, Lord the British capitalist will befully appreciated wise, avert a war into whieh England is enter- even amongst the, Maories who, having placed duties of he issue-.1, orders to call Teynhain preaeliel twice in the Victoria Hall, BelNOTICE! ! ! spoliation : .; under the direction of the missionaries, work when it is added that "the operation will be ing, although its interests are wholly opposed themselves all the iooc acquired by the officers, appealing fast, t-.i large audiences. For sonic time Lord TeynF ITTLE DORRIT, "NEWCOMES," Tale of might have been supposed to have derived nothing in attended with no extraordinary difficulty to to that war; nor, can it hasten the advent of but and gentlemen to-their honor as officers to to public restore ham has devotoJ'himself this line of usefultwo cities, Uncommercial traveller, Peg Wofa benefit from the influx of the English, that he faithfully all they, had taken. _-. This measure, those tvho can remain half an hoar in deep peace, although peace is most necessary for its feared where, it is said, his ministrations h'ngton, Douglas Jerrolds', Level's', Thackeray's CurNew Zealand would before many years be couree, caused great grumbling ou the other ssidoof lies? in England,large audiences.— Northern Whig. water:' Another tubular project involves welfare. Every British colony is perfectly destitute have attracted rie Bell, and 200 select works by the most popular single aboriginal inhabitant. He of a pnt those whohad themselves to considerable A WosD3ttFßi Loan.—There is now in course of• authors, have been added to the the recommendation that " the slope given to helpless and passive, in all matters relating to added that the Maories generally, contrasting amon; trouble in the acquisition and brirssring away of what DUNEDIN LIBRARY. the submarine railway would admit of a theforeign aiiairs of the empire, and to ques- their own condition with that of the white settlers, they manufacture at Wolverhampton a new patent keyless, ■ held. One officer, in' particular, who had Jadcn lock, MAintiois Joel, having 244,140,025 combinations. This lock is tions war. : peace sufficiently motion of and It must follow the who were singularly blessed with numerous, his horse with his treasures and trudged all the way powerful to enable the Proprietor, Princes-atreet, ;■ :Opposite carriages'to cross the Channel without a steam fortunes of the mother country in all such healthy offsprings, hail'arrived at. the conclusion on foot to camp some :ive iniie-s, leading his steed by the invention of Count Kersolon, a-iFrenchman, but the Government Offices. country Loysell. is the in this of a Mr. propsrty now bridle, become the-object to many sallies of wit engine;" while, according to an estimate momentous affairs blindly and without remonthat the God of the English was removing the abo- th-5 N.B. A large assortment of merchants' account marked with when the orders were published. A sale was then It has five rollers, and, each rollerIfisthe made, the cost might amount to about strance. No colony has a voice in the matter riginals to make room for his votaries, and were, in appointed letter at books, stationery, Novels books for presents, aud to take placo oil the 11th of all the articles twenty-five letters of the alphabet. themselves consequence, up to a desschool books always on hand. -. ... £87,400.000. giving therefore, Another proposes to sub- of war or peace. No colony, has by the commission, as well as the -booty which it is set should not be discovered, the exhaustvita. In the text of his very collected merge a tube to a. uniform depth, the same perfect self-government* that is exer- pairing teediwn called in ; but, on restoring his spoil, each onieer had ing of all the variations necessary in that case to the lectures Mr. Merivale colonisation, require expenon an immense CLOTTY DUNEDIN. at which it is retained by ties "below or cised by the mother-country, and by her valuable the option of redeeming it at a price, fixed by the opening of the look would discredits the belief that the Maories are fast commission. When the-French had finished "their diture of time. It is intrude .1 to. place one of these best suited for it, are to be "had of buoys above, and, in order, that it should alone. And it is in consequence erroneous and fading from the land of their fathers ; but he work'of destruction in the interior of the palace, they- joe'-.s upon some iron safes that are bKiifj made for BOOTS, MANLY TIIACKER, Premier Bootmaker, unjust motion, have a partial freedom of to say that colonies should bear the admits, in a note, that there has been a rapid sot it will ter;; forthcoming World's Fair. In one Hope-street, rear of Dalgetjr k llattray's. .; the Emperor's private residence on fire, and -then exhibition at the proposed minate with solid ends before reaching the burdens, as well as enjoy the advantages of diminution in their numbers of late years. This rejiuquifuied to place thesilin of £500, grounds and removed their camp to a ot' the sifes it is the shores, whence the communication would be self-government. Self-government they pos- he accounts for by war, infanticide, and diseases viiliige in front of the An-ting gate. The Seikhs and which is to fall to the lot of the parson who may "t)TUSt ARRIVED, ex Western and Omeo,at Fui. ler's Commercial Cigar Divan, No. l,JArcadn, opby chain'"piers or by small steamers. The sess only in part —that is, for the management introduced by Europeans. He combats Dr. a few of the dragoons were the only privatesthat had bs fortunate enough to effect an opening of the safe. Cigars, ■. PC'Site Union Bank, a splendid asEortineut.of author of this plan proposes to deep his tube, of their own local affairs only. But in all other Thompson's theory that " breeding in and in " is found their way to the pulaje, and consequently their —Leeds Intelligencer. Tobacco, Meerschaum Pipes, &c, &c. •' •' twenty miles long, into the sea from pontoons, respects they follow without deviation in-the the chief cause of the depopulation, by instancing camps, especially that of the former, were much re*■ to purchase price sorted for the of the silks; BENEVOLENT ASYLUM, ,-DUNEDIN. releasing it at a signal from the electric tele- wake marked out for them by the Imperial the cases of portions of the Scottish Highlands usually demanded averaging one dollar (4s. GJ.) arrot;" For Sale. graph in all its parts simultaneously, and he Government in London. The home country and the Swiss and Italian Alps, where intermar- whereas thereal value ofthe silk might have ratedt; supported by Voluntary To be Contributions. of kindred have taken place -for ages, and at from L!3toL5. asks for only £15,000,000. The projector of may engage in a war for the sake of some re- riages The store and canteen keepers yet finer men cannot be found. "Breeding in who followed the camp consequently, drove a OFF, Stock-in-trade, comprising tothe arched roadway or tunnel at the bottom mote or general interests of the Empire, with and "He that hath pity on the poor, happy is he." QELLIN.Gnot deteriorate the human large says, he will in," receiving cigars,-pipes, " fancy business in this article, mutches, snuffa and pay- >O bacco, would go to work with 40 sub-acqueous boats which interests a certain colony may not have race by itself. There mustbe some other causes ment for and liquors - .supplied-. to the fioous; likewise the business premises, situated in Oiweots :-— (of which he is the inventor) and 1,500 sailors the most distant concern ; and yet the whole in combination, with which we are not ac- troops in silksi-ores at that rate. But for knicknncks and Rnttray.-street. - 13. Makes and Co., wholesale of relieve the aged, infirm, disabled, or destitute of fury might navvies, and and construct us a tunnel for the first outburst of hostilities be quainted." Those who believe that the simple bijoux the French camp offered the greatest allure- tobacconists. : all creeds mid nations, by receiving ai;d';inam£10,000,000. He of the mammoth bridge expended on the coasts of that colony. Should contact of civilisation, independently of war, the ment for several days. You had only to a«k the first in a suitable building, such as may hi most will make in the Channel 190 pedestals, 300 the home country remain passive in that case, destruction of game, the importation of ardent French soliiier you met if he had anything for sale, -pAPEUHANG-INGS. .10,000 pieces Dining-room, fciining, by boing inmates of the Asylum. he would soon produce gold watches, strings of X Drawing-room, Shop, Bar and Ceilings, Marble benefited feet rquare at the bottom, consisting of rocks until the assailed colony was on the point of spirits, &c, exercises a mysteriously mortal in- and 11 l (jotlinnicni 1 imiv niuiiutel thuh \nl'ino uc s Henry jewels, Peiaiku, House jade ornaments, or furs; and numbers of and Oaks, Is. and Is. 3d. not to savage people lashed common fluence on a will have far imt i <ut-> to* tho piupo c i i^> liop'd Ji it i "-Uih together, being bolted and gradually rising overpowered ? Would that be British officers, who had disposable dollnrs. quickly Decorator, (jo6rge-s>treet, below Royal George, and o utnf sum Mill bo CiUectL to illo v ffi pin on ci the—-at an angle of 75 degrees till they form eacfi justice? Would it be sound policy ? How long seek for the cause of the dwindling away of the found means of exchanging them for objects of greater ; Queen-street, Melbourne. i has \"s him eic icd iidicdyfo the leCjilio of lun,, very forcibly stated value in the French camp. For week?, in cither nn insular plain, 150 feet square, 40feet above would the colonies be reconciled to the connec- Maories. Mr. Darwin imu t^s buioie 11 c ntn st in 1 theory, and expended it to the contact of a eirnp, nothing was talked of but curiosities purloined !j •* the level of the sea ; on these he will build tion with the home country upon such terms? this lengthsfSpoutting, t 11 i Co j mitji i* superior race, though uncivilised. from the Sumincr Palace, and what thfv were likely /GALVANIZED IRON, all towers, 100 feet in diameter, 260 feet high, The state ofaffairs on the American continent " Besides JOH\ lIM^L lIVKRiS of destruction, there to fetch. Numbers of the French officers had ac- V3T all patterns, made by machinery. Works, these several evident causes and crown the whole with a tubular bridge at present furnishes a means of aptly illustra- appears to be some more mysterious agency quired tolerable fortunes, and their men were rollin'<» Princes street, next. Barracks, aud Melbourne. \LIHID CjILPJI v [ blitOD] 50 feet deep and 30 wide. TWl' S A DOUOjjAS ting the utterly impracticable character of generally at work. Wherever the European has in dollars, which led to much disorder and serious \o(t'"L JULII)-> al] England camp. distarbnnccs in their FOR SALE. After these competitors for the transport Mr. Adderley's colonial policy. Let For dnva after their trod, death seems to pursue the aboriginal. We return 1 D\WiPD Cr LD\VARPS their late bivouac their soldiers were conBT.UESKIN DISTRICT, of the continental mails and passengers and for instance, raise the blockade of the may look to the wide extent of the Americas, stantly from to be met with n \ in state of intoxication, and B\ hoi i c i^ribuuons noeun ""Jy '■olicitcd, a id goods traffic, conies Mr. Chalmers himself, the Southern American ports, in the interests of Polynesia, the Cape of Good Hope, and-Australia, stilleniTymgoutthe acquired 10 MII.KS IT.OH TOWS, vill 1 c than! ni''\ le^u-vecl of plunder and tempter par excellence. Pie only wants British commerce generally, and of the cotton and we shall find the same result. N,or is it the Kpoii.itimi to ihe villages in Bjijrit VALUABLE SECTIONS, good II n tion? mij 'so h'- pid U J c nrco\ ni oi the their neighborhood. aspect, wood and water. £12,000,000 for constructing a Channel rail^' trade in particular. The immediate result white man alone that thus acts the destroyer. The British share of the plunder was.all arranged Duncd n Pc c\o'i.nt As luu at c it of me \i i tm.i MORSE & ORBELL, of Malay extraction has in parts for exhibition in ths ball of the large llama temple, Bm> b •way through a series of tubes laid along the would be war between Great Britain and the Tlie Polynesian Rattray-strcet. Indian Archipelago thus driven before where the Head-quarter's Staii were quartered, and bottom of the sea, into which the traveller Federal States; and the first step taken in of the East chirk-coloured native. The varieties of a goodly display it wa? : white and green jade-stone entering will'experience a sensation akin to that war would be an incursion of Federal him the cloths, &c, oh cues, each other in the ornaments of all enamel-inlaid T I M B E It , tints, TABLES, balls, upon "jars, antique to act same of " road volunteers across the borders, into Canada, man seem "PILLIAUD what we feel after walking on a gravelly gold and silver figures and statuettes. Ii) sale, James Fiscii & Co., Kattray-street. as different species of animals ; the stronger shape,'bronzes, with thinshoes when we step upon the downy bearing fire and sword into her peaceful way fine collection of Melbourne. Paser, many Agents of which for Julius PKI&CLS STIJLI 1 IHIj Kit i VI?D &c.; furs, theory were"' 1 always extirpating the weaker." This, sward of a smooth1 green" lawn." •He shows towns, villages, and cities. Now Canada has Mr. Merivale opposes He maybe right-in calling of much value, such as sable, sea-otter, ermine, Astraenn and court i r <i k itlii<.\'< d« Pilinas lamb, &c.; nmon"unc'ei^iLiiedl costume, diagrams, analogies the reader all the elevations, trans- no interest direct or indirect, in the cause its supporters, zoological and botanical, cii<h'j\ lioikd were two or three of the Emper.or's state robes TjlOE SALE, a Flate Glasa Front, consisting- of stifcl =outh, •> 11ils,„< re nd verse and longitudinal sections, and describes that would have led to the war, namely, the fanciful."- As he points out, one race"of brutes which of rich yellow -silk, worked upon with dragons in .I.* 5 panes, 3xo and 7xo, with plaster sash and fctock of Building *In\o n -, iij;, o', viz , " at length his method for laying the tubes, raising of the blockade of the South. But, as destroys another-by the simple method of devour- gold thread, and beautifullywoven with floss-silk em- ( tstbleture complete. 11 x 0 a'ld 3 B i!u di \k,, J. SWITZER. do; which he partly accomplishes,, aswe said,by a British colony, she hastofollow thefortunes ing it or its food ; the seeds of one class of brodery on the skirls, the inside being lined with sil- ■•'.■•-• Do. do cut vegetables cannot spring up where a stronger growth- ver'fur or ermine, and cuCsd with glossy sable. At Amciicin'l md (r Juml ti ird s cimiiqt the aid of hydrostatics. There are few^per- of the British empire, in war, as well as in has curiously piled the end of the hall were immense quantitities of itself; but Mr. Merivale Do tin u*eim.> nd t\< ilh ibcoids BRICKS FOR SALE. Kobt. Fuxeons he remarks,-who,now a da3's, doubt the peace; and although she had no voice, act, or begsestablished the question, or rather perpetrates a bull, when -.rfrlls of silk and crepe of,various colours, with several C x IA, o\:,Ox ;, 0 x ], J an 1 G fco eh wick, Moray-place. practicability/of constructing iron tubes capa- part in bringing about the war, she is the first, he'maiutains thr.t the asserted law, if proved to be a of the beautiful.imperial yellow, a kind prescribed by ilooi ino *^»n w ble of containing-a railway, or of making them to. suffer the bloodshedand violence which it Jaw, wouldbe an "anomaly." If, as he says, the, the Chine.se .-law. for the use of his Imperial Majesty Ctdii, ftoni 1 inch bo ids to 3 i lth planlcs by the Undersigned, Drat Wheels Btr'dlig enough to resist'the pressure to which entails. Should the home country, in that theory, even if established by due induction, would alone. The sale continued over three whole days, FOR,andSALE, Iscw /.(. il uid scnntlin^ i id \\t itliubo utls Axles. : ■ tally with our previous scheme of nature, this and was largely attended both by officers and'men. Van Di in m's Land qimkimo intl joi^tiiij they will, be. subjected 'm'deep water.L The case, leave Canada to impel the invasion as best not WEBB, PANTLIN & CO. would merely shew that we had rounded off our A perfect mania of competition appeared to have Do p 'nys, Qiiinglci, mid b itttns guiding themL'cqr/'egih/,,'to'"tJieiv position wider she could-T-only coming to her aid in her ex- scheme —thatthere were morethings even_ou seized ell ranks, and the prices realized were fabutoo. soon Couu^atcd lion mouldings water, the jpliihg:' iJ^em JvTien there, and effec- tremity of danger, as Mr. Adderly proposes? earth than had been dreamt of in our philosophy— lous. The most trivial article fetched £2 or £3,: and BILLIARD TABLE, cheap. ;'Apply Aichilii^cs md SALE, Doors, and stshe< Gilliganand Co., Cordial Manufactory, Mactual arrangements jorkeeping them down, seem Or should the troops of England be hurried that room must be found in our knowledge not for an one of the court robes was knocked down at the high GEORGE O'DRISCOLL. to bare been wanting hitherto; and it has across theAtlantic in masses to the protec- anomaly, but for a new law. Tlie NorthAmerican figure of 56120. Had the Emperor been present he 1laggan-street. boitow. itin^if U - ~ . . . . . - • ■ '• !i " '• ... . . : ■ A ' ' '~ ' ' ' ■ . . -. . MANLY ■ BEGrS : ' ' • . . ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■- ■■ ' ''' ■ HAVING•: , ■• , . • ... . ..--.- . .. . . .. . ;- ■ : ■ -. • ' - . ■ : • . - ■ ■ ■ ■ '■ , ■ . ■■ ' ALBEIIT ' ■ ■ , REAN ■ ' . -• . ... ■ • . ■ ■■ ■ , • • : . ' '■ ■• , v ' ■ . • ■■- ■ ■: ■ ... - ' . .• ' ■ ... ■- '■ " . . . . -. . , • . . ' ED ■ '. . " ' .- ■ . .. . • ' TO " ' - • ■ "^ SEVERAL ■' : ■ : .'. -. 'EIRE "EOR THF : • '""" Aphil . \ OTAGO DALLY TIMES. 5,1862. _ Business' Notices. CAMP HOTEL, Merchandise* FOR*S A L E, Business Notices. i)R. wllson, , POLE, Government.Notices. DODSi AND CAMERON offer for sale . Government Notices. (Late of Kyncton, Victoria,) THE ENTIRE CARGO OF TIMBER, at their Wholesale Stores, Ruttray-street, OB IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCHABEKS. BE CONSULTED DAILY AT HI[S Ale, in bulk, Man-ion's, 3 1 Ex FLYING SQUIRRET," SURGERY, Ale and itout, in bottle, Byass's and Tennant's E. WALSH begs to intimate that he 1!U! From Hobart Town. Brandy, in qr-easks, dark and pal ARCADE, OPENED the above commodious and ext Brandy, in case, Martoll's and other brands period for L landed •at Maeandrew's Bay, East Ist /HROWN LANDS.—NOTICE.—The From 10 to 12 a.m., and from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.n Geneva, key and anchor, red and green cases sive premises. \_J the receipt of applications for tho purchase of Harbour. O T AGO Hillem) in Whisky, qr-casks, Distillery Coiliprismg Slbki's at this "Provincial."' Dundas Hill rural land in Blocks iv. and v. District, The Bar is one of the largest in the Provin :e> Whisky, in case, Stewart'* and Dunn's 20 pieces 20 x 8 x 3 is hereby altered from the 31st instant to Tuesday, being over 30 feet wide, and the accommodation a d :■ Rum, fine old West India, in bulk EXPRESS, day of April next, on which day applicaCITY 18 20 x7 x 3 GOVERNMENT the 15th attendance is unrivalled. The Liquors have been e Port wine, in case and qr-casks 23 ~20x8x4 tions will bereceived at the Land Office, JDuncdin, AGGAGE or parcels called for and delivered to leoted by MrWalsh personally, and are therefore of Ti Sherry do., in case and qr-casks 18 20x7x4 and at the Comniissioncrs Cnvip, Tuapeha. Tho JIJ all pjvrt.i of the town. Ordersreceived at Gob1,b T OWN LAND SAL ES Ginger wine and other cordials 3 ~17x7x4 decision, on which applications will be given on first-rate quality. There is ample aceoininodati 011 & CoJ, at Victorian Store, Maclaggan-streetJ at tli 10 Brandy bitters, in doz. cases Wednesday, the 7th day of May next, when tha 18x0x4 the Z 15 Royal Boarders, George George-street;-or Carriag for and bedrooms are clean and co nat Hotel, 18 15x6x4 Sections will be put up to Sale by Auction, at tho fortnble. Large and roomy Stables are attached to Stand, corner of Prince and Stafford-street. Tea, in shests, J chests and boxea Camp, Tuapeka. 02 Uxtt.xa JAMES OSGOOD. the Hotel, and as the Junction is the usual halti ng Coffee, whole and ground, in tine and loose 14x4x3 Forms of applications may be obtained gratis on " WAIHOLA TOWNSHIP. Sugars, Victorian Company's Mauritius, andd place for draymen, they can bo supplied w; th application at the Commissioner's Camp at Waipori; 63 12 x4 x 3 J K.F RV, Cossipore Waitahuna, and Tuapeka, where maps of the Bliock. Wholesale, Retail, and Ocnural Storekeeper, Horse-feed and Accommodation. Sugar, English loaf in tierces 34,000 box pnlincs A T tho Waihola School-Home, oa Tuesday,V, maybe seen, and copies of tho maps may be pur■' Mark the Address.—Camp Hotel, Camp Ro m 1 TUAPEKA HOUSE, Candles, Hale's British sperms, and Price's The palings are from the well-known Oyster Coy« tt chased of Mr.. Livingston, Stafford-street, Dunedin, Junction. .PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. belmonts Estate. and Mr. J. Mackay, Gabriel's Gully and Waipori. In the 20th instant, at 12o'clock. E. WALSH, Proprietor. Soap, Victorian, in c'wt. boxes J. S. DOUGLAS,3, Apply to consequence of the misapprehension of the nature of Goods weighed and forwarded to the Digging Castor and salad oils, pints and half-pints 2. Mercer's Building.'. the Otago Land Regulations by persons lately arc; MOLYNEUX TOWNSHIP. Confections, Wootherspoon's PILLIET Sc ADAMS, Suryeyc rs 3130 rived in the province, the public areinformedthat, in TO BAKERS, STOREKEEPERS, HOTELCurrants and raisins order to bid at the Auction of the Sections in the Draughtsmen, and Land Agents. Surve >-s SPICER, MURRAY, & CO., KEEPERS, AND OTHERS. Jams, English in 1 lb jars and tins ay above-mentioned Blocks,.they must make application .effected in all parts of the Province. Plans, lnaj S, BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS, GEORGE-STREEI At the CluthaFerry, on Thursday, the Ist day & CO., Stafford-street, have for>r Sardines, % s. and J s. executed with despatch. Transact all business co non the 15*ft day of April next. The making an DirNBDiN, Hams, bacon, and cheese neeted with the transfer ofhouses and lands. Lai ld TTATE ON SALE a large stock o Sale:— of May next, at 12 o'clock noon. application involves no responsibility, and the appliFlour, Adelaide and Victorian, best brands. Office. White's Valley superfine silk-dressed\ cant is not obliged to take up any of the land applied'; JLJL Doors and Snshes, (ex Adelaide flonr for, unless he becomes the purchaser at the Sale; Office:—Maclaggan-street. Shelving, American Lumber and PORT CHALMERS. Bullenworth's ditto Now Australia and landing, Near theArcade. ditto ex Warren Goddard. and it is usual to apply for the whole Block, as the 1 Champagne, brandy, company's cognac, in Weatherboarding, Skirting, &c. Harvey's Bottled Beer applicant can only bid for those sections for which / case S., M., and Co. having a large Timber Yard At Port Chalmers, on Hokdat, the 12th day of 01 he has applied. Blocks Colonial Oats Cheese, prime cheddar & MITCHELL, Engkaveks as d are prepared to receive and sell on commission, conit. and v., Hillend DisCoßsipore and loaf sugar Californian do. trict, are situate on the north hank of the Clutha Lithoqraphebs, Princes-street, above Bar k signments of Timber and all sorts of Building MateIrish at 12o'clock noon. next, May do. are within 12 miles of tho Gold-field, and on River, Hew South Wales. Wedding Cards, Bill Head i, rials. Potatoes To arrive, ex Jessie and Prompt. the high road to the diggings from the South. Tho Maps, Plans, &c, " Onions English.. loaf sugar, Cossipore, and Victoriani navigable Clutha Itiver is for STANFO R D & C O.i Steamers drawing 4 feet OAMARU. Company's •Tea water, to a point above the land now open for appliJENKINS, Wellington Hott I, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Coffee day 28th cation. W. H. Chief Commissioner. CUTTEN, At on the of of Wednesdat, Oamaru, XXi Moray-place, Dunedin, Licensed to Reta il DEALERS IN Sugar TIMBER Waste Land Board Office, T\ UN ED IN YARD> ■ Wines, Ale and Beer. Meals alwas's ready. Wei KEROSENE OIL AND LAMPS, Cheese Dunedin, May 12 o'clock 27th 1562.' March, at noon. next, aired Beds. Princes-street, Dunedin, &C, &c, &c. Note.—The whole ofthe purchase money must bo 200 Doors, from 6 ft 6 in x S ft 6 in, to> (Opposite Day & Mieville.) J. DARWENT and CO., paid at the time of Sale. 7x3 Day's concentrated compound c i. Stafford-street, ALE OF ■' LANDS, SO sash doors, 6 ft 6 in x 2 ft 6 in, and <5 ft 8! Q1 TOWN WAIHOLA. sences ofred Jamaica sarsaparella, with dandi Opposite Jas. C. Campbell & Co. TUST ARRIVED, a Splendid Assortment, inx2ftßin. CONTRACTS.—The Governlion and potash, effectually cures of kinds of ski tf consisting of— 200 pairs sashes, from 7 x 9 to 11 x 17 JLot. Section. Block. Town \JT ment does not in any case bind itselt to accept diseases, pimples, ulcers, swellings, boils, soxe throaundersigned any tender. Therespective tenders must contain tho 111 SALE, at the Rooms of the 10_ 12 Lamps Chandeliers Billiard Glass Shades 30 casement Bxloand 1 4 Waihola. windows, i eyes, legs, piles, and bad thoroughly eradicates ar y Suspension Lamps Stand do 2 16 do address which will find the tenderer by post, Paper do at Wholesale Invoice Cost. 2,000ft 2-inch moulding traces ofsecondary symptoms, destroys the injuriov Side 3 do and must be written on foolscap paper, in a plain, le2,000ft 2£ do » do Kitchen do Globes Note Paper, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, Pencils, ■■■-■■■:■ effectsproduced by mercuryupon thesystem,isthebe: J Bracket -do Hall Lanterns Twine Boxes, Inkstands, and Ink Pow4 <J do Pens, 3,000 ft architraves, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hand, and lodged in the Superintendent's Office, 1 Chimnies remedy for nervousdebility, weakness of the stomacl to Coppying unedin, on or before the days mentioned Parlor do Stable do 5 8V Iders, Account Books, Presses, &c. 1,000ft cedar, from J 1J thick Wick, &c, flatulency indigestion, biliousness. For purifyingtt 15 do All planß, &c, in connection with Roads and CO., pirie, IJ, c And the PURE KEROSENE OIL. CAMKBELL & ft clear and thick 6 below. 2,000 2, R. li blood, invigorating and strengthening theconstitutioi Bridges, will be seen at the Road Office, and those 7 10 do All country orders will receive prompt attention. Auctioneers, Maclaggan Street. 50,000 ft dressed weatherboards generally to stand fatigue, and in all cases of ches relating to Public Buildings, at the office of Public 8 0 do 1, 6 x I, and 6 x i T and G boards carefully packed any January, part Goods and forwarded to ot 6 x 50,000ft 18th 1862. and lung affections, torpid or sluggish liver, an New Zealand. ■■■■■.., 9 11 do 10,000ft broad shelving Buildings, Dunedin ; andif they are to be seen at any so incidental to these colonies, its effect 1 ~ rheumatism, ~ ~~~ SALE, by the undesigned :— 10 13 VIII other place, it will be notified in the advertisement. 20,000 ft T & G lumber ~ are truly astonishing in working cures. Cossipoie sugar ridging, NOTICE 5 tons iron half-round 11 1 IX CONTRACTORS withdrawing a tender after tha earespouts, Galvanized Sole proprietor—-Day, chemist, 27 Lonsdale-streel TO ICERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, &c. 2 1000 bushels best Baltic oats 12 do the last day o{ receiving the same will not bo heads, and eloows pipes, down West Melbourne. to be delivered on account of bottled ale 13 do ,3 Goods are 100 casks allowed to tenner for any Government work, during Agent for Dunedin, Mr. Geo. Caspar, Australia: 100 boxes marble soap At W. BELL & COs .14 4 do the six months' immediately following such withProvincial Hotel, without a written order. [, Store, Dunedin. purified 50 tallow candles R V R D 15 11 VI drawal. do, T,MBE A S. JONES, By order, Johm Logan, Clerk to Superintendent. 20 bales prepared flax inattresse* 12 do Princes-street, 16 BROTHERS & CO., General Blacksmith i 11430 c Proprietor. QMITH (Near the Barracics). 1 bale se-£i.wcfddo. .17 4 do /HROWNLANDS.—Notice.—All persons requiring JO Horse Shoers, and Wheelwrights. P. HAYMAN & CO., do Wellington potatoes 20 tons 18 7 \j>, certificates of occupation of land purchased by ORDERS EXECUTED AT SHORTEST NOTICE. R. LITTLE & CO., Jewellers and Importers 6) do 5 do. do. onions 10 8 them, must produce their receipts of payment on,, George-street, oppositeHospital. High-Street. apples General Merchandise, Rattray-street) do. 20 1 do. 0 do applying for .sncli certificates. W. H. Cuttew, Opposite the Bank of New South Wales, Dunedin; 21 10 Chests, half-chests and boxes finest congou ON do SALE Chief Commissioner. Waste Land Board Office, ~'' MEDICAL. and Queen-street, Melbourne, have always or 22 13 do ' • ten Iron Bedsteads sth March, 1862. ._^ (late M.D. Accoucheur, surgeon o hand, and are continually receiving a regular Assort10 quarter-casks OtaiiFs brandy 14 do Smith's Anvils 23 .„ R. BAIRD, Her Majesty's GovernmentEmigration Service ment of Melbourne and English-made Jewellery, 24 16 do Vyces, Hammers, &c. J. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that-Bloek 111.. years Dispen for three Medical Officer to Kilworth Gold and' Silver Watches, Clocks, Electro-plated Princes-street. 25 17 do JL\ Moeraki District, and Blocks VI and VII Carron boxes and tire irons sary,)may be consulted at his Ware, Stationery, Perfumery, Tobacconists' Goods. 21st March, 1862. 26 II OamaruDistrict, have been withdrawn from Sale. ' Long and short handled Shovels MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY Cutlery, Musical Instruments, Brush-ware, and all W. H. CUTTEN, 2 do Rogers' patent platform Weighing Machines 27 No 35, Arcade, Dunedin. descriptions of English and Foreign Fancy Goods. TO MERCHANTS, STOREKEEPERS. HOTEL28 3 do Chief Commissioner. Frying-pans Country orders will meet with prompt attention. Private Residence, No. 35 Arcade. Waste Land Board Office, KEEPERS, AND COUNTRY GROCERS. 29 4 do &c. &c, 30 12 do Dunedin, April 3. 1862. TAMES M. THOMAS, CM., (late Governmeni W I L L I A M J OH N S T ON, "O M E O." 31 do 11 No. 403.—The right to occupy the country R E C E I V E D Notary Public. W Emigration Surgeon, and District Surgeon tc r IIHE Undersigned have on Board the Omeo," TUST 82 9 do within Run No. 403, Hawkam Ranges, will Office :—Corner of Princes-street and High-street. JL hourly expected to arrive from Melbourne, the theDundee Royal Infirmary and Dispensary) upwards 33 13 do put up toauction between the applicants on Friday, be in tubs, American nests of 26 years' medical practice, oan be consulted dailj Dunedin, (next door to Fraser & Granger, Saddlers.'; following goods of prime quality, and specially selected 34 14 do the 25th inst., at 12 o'clock noon. Galvanized iron buckets at No. 35 Arcade. for this market:— 35 5 do W. H. CUTTEN, Fine assortment plated ware ©5* N.B.—Ship Protests must be noted -within Fine Adelaide flour 36 6 do GS* Residence, Princes-street, near Cutting. Cutlery, &c Chief Commissioner. Forty-eight hours after the Arrival of Vessel. do Sugar—Cossipore and Mauritius White ! 37 7 Waste Land Board Office, spring Hand trucks Crystals MEDICAL HALL, DUNEDIN, 8 do 38 Dunedin, April 3, 1862. R. LITTLE & ! .-: CO., Brandy (Jules Robin) VII pale, qr.-casks hhds.and 39 fl NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. High-street. Established 1852. Brandy (Martell) dark, hhds. 6 do 40 PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing beOAMARU TO WAITAKL—TEN, Brandy (Jules Robin) cases 41 0 X tween the Undersigned, under the style or THOMAS MTwiLKINSON, DERS will be received on or before Friday nEDAB. CEDAR. CEDAR Brandy (Inipl. Co. Murat) cases 42 10 do . 11th April, Firm of HALL AND ALDERSON, expires This for the construction of n, portion of thai. ■ (lateWilson,) Taylor's, bulk 43 11 do Stout, ' Northern Trunk Road, extending between RibblePHARMACEUTICAL AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, Day by effluxionof Time. The Business will be con4 In«h 44 .12 do Ale, Linden and Col. Co., bulk tinued as usual by William Maddison Alderstreet and the Town Boundary, Oamaru. SpecificaImporter of Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c, IV Stout, Marzetti and Morice. Cive and Co., 45 1 son, in conjunction with his sons, William Henry tions Wholesale and Retail. at Police Station, Oamaru, and Road Office, bottled 15 do 46 Alderson and Thomas Alderson, under the Dunedin. 47 21 do Ale, Bass No. 3, and Youngers' strong, bottled A. S. WILSON, in retiring from the above style of ALDERSON AND SONS, by whom all acTaylor's 48 2 do Hams, "VTOTICE, £100. REWARD.—The undersigned 3 business, respectfully thanks the inhabitants counts of the late Firm will be settled. Bacon, Coey's 49 20 do _L^l hereby offers a reward of £100 to any person Witness—Thomas'Southern. ofOtago for the support so liberally extended to him do 50 19 Cheese, Cheddar and Wits either producing the person or giving authentic inDoors, Sashes, Kaurie and Hardwood, Lim« during the past seven years, and desires to introduce THOS. B. HALL, Soap, London and Liverpool do Ironmongery, 51 18 Builder's &c. of Paget O'Grady, Viscount Guillimora, &c, formation, W. M. ANDERSON. Mr. Wilkinson as his successor, whose practical do Sardines, i and 3 tins AT 52 4 whoarrived in the colony gf Victoria in 1857, and December 31st, 1861. 221, Elizabeth-st., Sydney knowledge will, he feels assured, give full satisfaction 17 do Salmon, 1 Ib. employedin slockriding, bullock-driving, and and 53 has been GRAY, SMITH, CO.'s, to all who may favor him with their patronage. 54 16 do Ginger, Jamaica, bleached splitting in various parts of N.S. Wales, and from re.Dunedin, March. 1802. Rattray-street Timber Yard, MESSRS. GILLIES AND STREET, Turps, spirits of tar, and boiled oil allotments frill be sold by auction, inl liable information, lias lately arrived in Otago from Land and Estate Agents, Accountants, and .-, The above pitch Yards.) (Opposite Stockholm tar and Commercial Sale Burrangong' Diggings, N.S. "Wales. Viscount GuilGoods stored at current rates, at tlie School on House, Waihola, TUESDAY, the 20th Subveyohs. Sauces, Crosse and Blackball, and Lea and limore has but recently succeeded to his title, and in day of April, 1862. Scott & Co.'s. Princes-street. 366 39 invested in Land, and Loans on Perrins' therefore better known as Patrick or Pat Grady, a /TALVANIZED CORRUGATED ANP PLAIN (Signed) Mortgage effected, Surveys executed, and Capers, and curry powder ■■■•«■■ name he has assumed since his first arrival in VicVJT" CorruIRON, Spouting,'"Ridging, Piping, CUTTEN, MINERS' EMPORIUM W. H. Maps constructed. Castor oil I toria. gating curving.—Warburton, and Chief Commissioner. ST. JOHN BRANIGAN, Commissibn»r 11, Little BourkeFencing wive Insolvent and Partnership Estates wound up. InAND of Police. Melbourne. Land Bonrd street, West, Office, "Waste terest .Rents and Accounts collected. Corn sacks March 28th, 1862. WHOLESALE DEPOT. Register of Lands and Houses for Sale or to Let, AND MEASURES, Unstamped DALGETY, RATTRAY & Co., and maps for reference kept. or Light, found in the possession of Walker-street.: EX DONA ANITA. OF SECTIONS, TOWNSHIP OF any person on and after Monday, 14th April, 1862; Land Office business transacted, and reliable inforc VICTORIA STORE S. TUST Landing, »large supply offirst-class BOOTS [J mation furnished respecting Lands in all parts of the TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS AND OTHERS; t) MOLYNEUX. the Person having the same will be prosecuted as by from the home country, including Ladies' and law provided. James Mills, Inspector. StaffordProvinces of Otago and Southland. WETHERSTONE'S. UNDERSIGNED have FOR SALE every Gentlemens' Riding Boots, with Boxes and Spurs. " Block. ROBERT GILLIES. Lot. Section. Town. street, Dunedin. description of SHIP CHANDLERY, conTheabove goods warranted by the subscriber, Molyneux. 1 13 XV. CHARLES HENRY STREET. sisting of— T. F. ADAM. Straw and 2 12' do .DUNEDIN.—Wanted Offices—Princes-street, near the Cutting. Rope Compasses Octagon and George-street do Chaff. Apply immediately to the Hospital /CONTAINS every article required by the Miner, 3 11 Anchors Caulking Irons. .-..:.: Keeper. do V_>: Storekeeper, Hotel-keepers, Boarding Houses, 4 15 Orders received and executed for Blocks Brooms do Blucksmitlis, Carpenters, and Draymen. all descriptions of Mining and Agricultural 5 16 Paints Beds do /CARPENTERS WANTED.—AppIy to Mb. '" Machinery. Steam Engines, all sizes, with large 6 17 &c, &c, &c. Stock. \_J Finne, Foreman, Military Barracks. 18 do 7 boilers, always on hand, with round and flat rope J. DARWENT & CO. 8 6 for hoisting, &c. XVII. TASMANIAN TIMBER YARD, T>UBLIC BUILDING DEPARTMENT.—Notica ALL ARTICLES GUARANTEED, LIECESTER RAMS. 9 20 do R. TOWNS & CO., I is hereby given, that all articles supplied for ATHOL-PLACE, splendid flock of Liecester Ewes, lately ar10 19 do 26 Wiiliam-street, rpiHAT department must be delivered in virtue of; athis AND JL ex do Winged having rived 18 Arrow, from Clyde, 11 Melbourne. signed order from the department, and, that when 12 17 do LEITfr-STREET, now finished lambing, Gentlemen desirous of proaccounts are rendered for such, these requisition* LOWEST PRICES CHARGED. 16 d» "VTOW LANDING, from the ISABELLA, and curing pure Liecester Ram Lambs, should take an 13 FLOUR FOR THE GOLD FIELDS, must be attached to them. 7th March, 1862. FOR SALE— _L\ early opportunity of forwarding their orders to the 14 14 do i PROM MOSSGIEL MILL, TAIERI. 13 40,000 ft. Tasmanian timber, of sizes varying subscriber, Totora Tree, Oamaru. 15 do EETING OF THE PROVINCIAL COUNCIL. -\/T T)ARTIES ordering flour for the diggings are from 3 x 7in. to 6 x 6in. 12 William: Brown. 16 do |VI Proclamation, by John Larkins Cheesa Twenty frames of houses 24 x 12 ft. and 12 ft. JL respectfully informed that the best colonial 11 do VICTORIA STORES, WAITAHUITA, 17 iRichardson, Esquire, Superintendent of the Province flour can be had from the above mills, (Mr A. J. high, divided into two lower and two upper A CCLIMATISED RAMS.—Shaw's Celebrated 18 1 XIX. New Zealand.—In pursuance of the power, Otago, 6t XjL Australian Breed, 2 and 4 tooth, 15 months' do Burns.) and that by carting from here, a saving rooms each. 19 2 and authority vested in me in that behalf, Ido hereby Ha?, in addition to the above, a of 10 miles of-cartage may be effected. And do wool on them, for .Sale by Frbdehic Giibek, 20 3 i fix and proclaim that the Fifteenth Session of the Arrangements maybe made for delivering from the The very best Oyster Cove Split Palings and Mansestreet. 21 do ]Provincial Council ot'the Province of Otagoaforesaid,' 4 LICENSE TO SELL WINES, SPIRITS, Taieri Ferry or Scrogg's Creek. Shingles 22 6 do shall be holden within the Provincial Council Hall, ;Ax the Tasmahian Timber Yards. do Bran, Pollard, and Seconds always on hand. ]Dunedin, in the said Province, and shall connnenc* SHEEP STATION FOR SALE. 23 7 AND BEER, JAMES & JOHN H. BARR, Timber will be sold for cash at extremely low !fTIHE Undersigned have for sale n superior RUN 24 do upon WEDNESDAY, the Sixteenth day of April, 5 being supplied from the estates of JL in this Province of 23,000 acres, with. 6000 25 do 9 i1862, at twelve o'clock noon; and the members of Dunedin, agents., rates, the whole BY THE BOTTLE do the proprietor, and sent over by his own vessels, of sheep. There all requisite improvements for working 26 10 t the said Council are hereby warned to give their atXXI. which a sufficient number will be laid on to keep a efficiently. 27 U WILSON & WAIN'S t tendance at the said time and'place accordingly. supply for the largest possible demand. (Given under my hand, and issued under the Publia 13 do constant RATTRAY & 28 DALGETY, CO. COMMERCIAL HORSE BAZAAR, 12 do The Flying Squirel. daily expected. 29 of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, thia The proprietor will now sell a genuine article in the Rattray-Street. 30 do EDW. C. ROWNTREE, ACCLIMATISED EWES. 11 r Seal Twentieth day of March, eighteen hundred and sixtyby Manager. line 31 16 do j above a SALE, 600 First Class Acclimatised Ewes. J. L. C. Richardson, Superintendent of tho do 32 17 1two. May remain on the run onterms, if desired. * Province of Otago. HORSES, CARRIAGES, &c. EX "SOUTHERN CROSS.' do particuiars apply to SINGLE -BOTTIU For 33 18 PANTLIN & CO. are Just Landing2i do LICENSING-- MEETING, 19 NNUAL ON HIRE AND SALE, WEBB. PATTLIN & CO.. long-handled Ames' shovels 85 20 do OAMARU.—Notice is hereby given, thattha AT ; Hay forks ice HAY, CORN, 1 do Justices, for Granting Publicans' TO SETTLERS, GRAZIERS, BUTCHERS 86 J]annual meeting of Manure forks WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 2 87 do Licenses for the ensuing year, will be held at tha WHOLESALE PRICES. AND OTHERS. Axe handles ]Police office/in Oamaru, on TUESDAY, the 15th of 38 3 do American brooms /-RATTLE. The Undersigned are now in 89 4 do April, 1862, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which PROVINCIAL LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. Vy receipt of regular shipments of fat and stor Sharp's axes do 40 6 itime and place applications for Publican* -Licenses,, Cattlefrom Welllng-ton, and are prepared to enterinto Douglas' ; Pumps do 41 VICTORIA STORES, CLARENDON, Horses Carefully Broken to Saddle, or to Single 7 will be taken into consideration. All application* arrangements Hunter's hatchets with Settlers, Graziers, and Butchers, do 42 8 or Double Harness ; Dog Carts, Buggies, must be drawn up in proper form and be lodged at i to supply them on liberal terms. The Cattle, which EX "ALDINGA.' (this Office onor before the first Tuesday in April. 43 9 do and other Conveyances for Sale AND LICENSED from the of Messrs. Smith are well bred, are runs k Baines' salmon, lib. tins do or Hire. 44 10 T. W. PARKER, Revanb, and J. Tullt, Esq. Coleman's starch. 45 1 XXIII. BARRY beg respectfully to inform ? Resident Magistrate. WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT DEPOT, mAGGART &Farmers," WRIGHT, ROBERTSON & CO., Coleman's blue do 46 2 I Settlers, and the Public generally Manse Street. Oysters in lib. tins do 47 A CCOUNTS. will be paid .at the Treasury on that having taken the whole range of those Splendid Herrings White 48 4 do _£jL the second day after the same are received at FAT WETHERS. Stables, at the rear of the Provincial Hotel, they are Hed herrings 49 11 -do SALE, 1000 FAT WETHERS, deliverable now prepared to offer unequalled accommodation to i the Office of Hig Honor the Superintendant,'from""" GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, Pearl barley do the Heads of Departments. Gentlemen favouring them with a call. at a convenient distance from town, or at the 50 14 1 Lea and Pen-ins' sauce diggings. A first-rate lot. TAGGART Sc BARRY. 51 10 do SPIRITS, FLOUR, | 18 do HARBOUR.—Notice is hereby given, Apply to CARGILL & CO.. Princes street Full Livery per night, 7s Gd. AH other charges 52 that parties taking atones from, the Harbour 53 do equally moderate. ■■. E 19 S A L &c, «cc. a, written permission from Captain Thomson, " without AUSTRALIAN EWES FOR SALE. 20 do '"...•'>■; 54 Holloway's Pills and Ointment Harbour Master, will be prosecuted as by law dimHE UNDERSIGNED have FOR SALE— 55 10 do '...■■• ]rected. TO PAINTERS AND UPHOLSTERERS. X eating'sLozenges, Seidlitz Powders At"Carriog« Advance on Dunedin Prices. 56 9 do Flavoring Essences, Essential Oils, Croamof JL 3,000 first-class Maiden Ewes. days, Expected to arrive at Port Chalmers in a f»w 57 2 XXVII. PAPERHANGINGS. Tartar, Liquorice per ship British Trident, from Melbourne. do 58 9 Tartaric, acetic, and citric acids TUST ARRIVED, ex.," Simoon EIGHT rnOKOMAlßlßO.—Travellers and the inhabitant? DALGETY, RATTRAY & CO. 8 do 59 Spirits of Wine, ginger, tinfoil STORAGE ACCOMMODATION FOR 600 TONS. *J Cases Paperhangings of excellent assortPlain are respectfully informed that th« ,; JL of theGOLDEN 60 2 do adapted And other articles for cordial STORE SHEEP. superior designs. and CROSS HOTEL ment .1 do -.".: manufacturing,at w ready for their reception, and will be found replet* SALE, 510 large framed Store Wethers, now 61 To arrive per "Hannah" Nine Cases ditto ditto; Theabove Allotments trill bo sold at the Clntha JOEL'S, Halfway Bush. Apply to MAURICE with paddock, every in at comfort. JOHN JAMES & Ferry H. BARR. Princes-street. *( Houae, on THURSDAY, the first day of May Wright, Robertson & Co., Manse-street. VICTORIA S T ORES, J next, at 12o'clock noon IWINES, BEER AND SPIRITS POLLOCK, WILLIAM FAT WEDDERS FOR SALE. W. H. CUTTEN, BUTCHER, PER DONA ANITA. Ofthe very best quality, warranted free from STAFFORD STREET, Wedders from W. Chief Commissioner., TUST from Fat J.T.Clarke's Vessel, London, by received the above most respectfully to thank the public ADULTERATION. per Apply.UU V flocks to arrive Voltigern. Waste Land Board Office, Dunedin, for their liberal patronage, during his tem- O 200 Boxes Price's candles DUNEDIN. to— Ist April, 1862. '.:•■•: First-rate porary stay in Walker-street, and trusts by his conStabling and Paddosks. Dalgbty, „ Raixrat. & Co., Daily; Times And Witness Office. tinued exertions to please customers, to obtain their 3 Bales blankets Walker-strict. A OF TOWN LANDS, PORT CHALOffice for Cobb and Co.'i Royal Mail __________——__________________ Booking custom. •■'■■'' haberdashery, bassinettes, &c. 3 Cases j^ MERS:— Line of Coaches. W. P. has removed to his new premises in Princes COMMISSION AND FORWARDING AGENCY 40 Window glass (assorted) between Dunedin and the Race Course, JAMES DOUGHTY, Propritt«n. street, opposite the Barracks. No. 320 Port Chalmers. 12 Grindstones small bunch of Keys, (one a Chubb patent 1 Section N.B. Shipping supplied on the shortest notice.. TO do 326 do latchkey.) Chests ofdrawers, and other furnitur* \2 """ do do 327 LOFTY ELEGANT SHOP,' •■ 5 Tons Morewood's galvanized iron~j Whoever will deliver the above atthe Police Office, 5 (Cedar Front and Fittings, Plate do 237 do ALL PARTS OF THE PROVINCE. 4 Undersigned having commenced a REGIS Glass' Window*, 12,000 Feet patent continuous roofing will be liberally rewarded. Dunedin, 5 do 238 do pails TRY OFFICE for town and country servants, Dozen I Lion" Stone and Brick Building, galvanized 40 239 do 6 do solicits a share of public patronage. Care will be 8 Cases ea. 300 galvanized iron tiles V brand per For Three £5 REWARD. Pounds do 240 do Week. 7 taken that none be recommended but those bearing Hidge capping, piping, pipe heads I from Tuapeka, a Dark Bay Horse, branded 8 8 do 241 do / H. MOSES, Iroprietor, good characters.. Gutter brackets, and guttering of CASPER & CO. are instructed TO I D near shoulder, near hind foot white, whit* fl0 do 304 do Orders promptly attended to. All various kinds J LET on Lease for Five Years, 10 do A USTRALIAN AGRICULTURAL COMdo 305 TO. MACINTOSH, 102 Packages spades, shovels, picks, bedsteads, star in forehead. The above reward will be paid on 10 The desirable Premises now erecting in Rattray11 11 do 306 do delivery to J\ PANY'S COAL, screened or smithy, deVictoria Store, Maclaggan-street, and assorted ironmongery, and tinware. opposite the Bank of New Zealand. ig Tokomainro. GOODALL, street, MR. 13 do 307 do suburbs, city by „ in or the MOSS notice, livered at shortest FREDERICK CO. do 328 is13 do The position—the commanding appearance of tho undersigned. EUIBII & BO BAR T, OR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED,— £20 REWARD. U 14 do 829 do 1building—the expensive and superior style of finish, JAMES L. & C. BURKE, Sugars, Mauritius and white Java 15 do 330 do or Strayed from the White Swamp, on 15 imake this the beatobtainable shop in the city. Princes-street, opposite Barracks. General CommissionAgents and Pkoducb 1« 'do 331do Ten, chests, half-chests and quarter! the night ofthe 17th inst., 380 sheep, more or 16 Lon the back LABOR currants andraisins 1-2-0and 17 17 do 33a do TO PUBLIC COMPANIES; SOLICITORS, AND. Coffee, MERCHANTS, VICTORIA MART less ofmixed brands, Nos. do OTHERS," 18 do 346 Caudles, Belmont's, light weights, and tal- and near side. Any person giving such information 18 NOW OPEN in premises three doors above the Next Victoria Butchers' Company, ] low will do recovery same, the of the receive 18 19 do 284 Shakspeare Hotel, Rattray Street, for thesuppl) as will lead to Desirous to Secure Suites of Offices in substantial do Soaps, castor and salad oils Stafford-street, the above reward. 20 do 285 » of Mechanics, Female Domestics, &c, ice. Stone and Brick Building,' in the very heart of cAHE 286 do Cheese, hams, and bacon. 21 do the City. Always on hand a good selection of Books ant N.B.—SeAhen's Shipping' Owicb. ' do 270 Sardines, £lbs. and |lbs. 22 22 do Commercial Stationery. jams, mustard do 271 do Lobsters, CO., are instructed.' to 23 23 FIVE POUNDS REWARD. CASPER F. HUMFFRAY, 24 do -272 do Starch, pepper j Let on Lease, Mnnnger from Waikouaiti. a GREY MARE, 24 ELECTION NOTICE. 25 do 289 do Flour, Adelaide Bencraft'i oatmeal, ia ;' ", Any. person (diamond) P offneck. THE-FIRST .FLOOR branded H £ bags, assorted sizes do 371 do RICHARDSON, haying learned that giving information to ensure recovery will receive th« 26 Of that Largo and Commodious'Building now being *° Cheap Paperhangings do 872 do Oats, Colonial, Califomian, and Scotck there was an illegality in his nomination as a 27 2»th Jones,'Waikouaiti, above reward. Thomas erected, opposite the Bank of New Zealand.',. *'p< The' abdvs allotments -will be sold by 'auction at The Bran (Adelaide), and gram 10,000 pieces Dining-room, Drawing-room, Bad candidate for the House of Representatives, returns x March, 1862. Floor is.dividedinto'roomy'andlofty chambers, Potatoes and onions. Port Chalmers, on Monday, the 12th day of May, room, Parlor, Passage, Shop, and Ceiling Paper his thanks to the electors of Dunedin for the assurV which may either be occupied singly or thrown into, Longings, house-lining Calico, Tacks,Bordere, Corners ances of support which he hasreceived on the occasion,' The whole of the above articles are all <A prime k IS at 12 o'clock noon. BROTHERS, WHITEHOUSE, 1862, UTLER, two or more Suites op Offices, and the rent is fixed^^-"" Centre pieces.. Falling's Tottenham House Paper and only withdraws from the contest with the in- quality, and will be guaranteed to purchasers a* WnOLESALB SADSLXRS, W. H.CUTTEN, 1 IItONKOXQBES. Shillingsper Week per Office. _-^-"" from Fifteen Roya | / hanging soliciting George-street, below tention of the honor of their iv such. AND SaDDLBRS Chief CommissioDer. Warehouse, H>BNESS.,IfA_3RS support •. a .■ whpn ■■ j»lf>!ttinn writ sh• nnfiet^i for George Hotel. Painting, Paperhanfting, &c on' th *■ Camp Road Junction, Gabriel's "Wetheustonk's. and s MR. ' - MAY " . _ , FERGUSON TJICHARD OBSERVE ! .. . ~~~~ . . JDARWKNT . ' ■ _ ■ .. fOmeo -. . . --- WHOLESALE1 MR. STORAGE.— ' ' MB. , - ~- ~ WEBB, . ON " ' ■ ~~ PAPERHANGINGS ! - ' ! MAJOR . j np™ ■ " __ STOLEN ' , ■ - WEIGHTS .. HOSPITAL, .... ■ : .. .... . > ' .. ' .... , .... , .... , .. ■ ...... .... ■< .... .... ..~ ■ ■ .... ■-, , .. .. .. .. .... OTAGO '' ■ .. > .... ' .. '■•■ ■ r : STRAYED, , - ■ ' , '. • ;' : " , ' ■ ■ - ; ' • ' _ SALE LOST, , . . . .' ' . .. . LOST — ■ * 2AAA I "V" ■' ■ FOR J . • : : - .S2s}*w.■.■■-■ „ . , FOR .. ■ : * FOR . . • - - .. .. RUN .. .... :: ..... ROADS.— . . : ~ ■ .... ' THE S'ble ' . , BEGS /GOVERNMENT SALE MACHINERY.— ■ .. .... i»_„ THE IS .. ... .. ' . . '- ~ . " MONEY .—— . _ .'.. ' , THE -. - HAVE ■ . . . ■ - FOR . , '' FOR - ■ - ,NO '' ■ . ■ ■> »> JWORRAL, . ' • • „ „ „ „„~„ ■ a's■• ,_ " AL — MESSRS. ■ Merchandise. _^_ 7 . .. .. . .- .', -' EDWARD , '■ .. , .. .. EDWARD , v ' ">* - * ' , 8 'TWO . Houses,. Land, etc." " AGUES ■ FREEHOLD minutes' FOR SALE. PROPERTY walk of O.ivsjrshain, within twenty Post Office, to which the attention of parties desir of a suburban residence is'requested.. The above is one of the finest sites for a private tsidencc, and commands some' of the most splen views in the neighbourhood of the town. There is also a small Cnttago and a valuable. Fi stone Quarry on the property. Apply to "hugh calder, Builder, Duuedin R borthwick" House and Ship Painter, Ulazier, &c, .___ . Mnclnmran-street. . "OAPERHANGINGS, Oils, Colors,&c, for sale, JL reasonable prices. TO BE SOLD. WEATHER-BOARDED COTTAGE o iiiining three ajiartnieiits,' together with the mainder of unexpired lease. Situated, on Bell H: coinniuTiding a view of the N.E. Valley and tlic riv May be had a bargain, as the parties are leay: town. Apply to Aiichibam) Lamb, on the prenris nt;irMr. Fenwiok's. ~~ PORT CHALMERS. TTALUABLE Property and Business for Sale, i V feet frontage, house, store, bakery, &c. active and extensive business doing. GILLIES & STREFT, Princes-street. ■ A . _ ________ ___ . _ r|lH]- Lease of a quarter acre section, in Duned: JL with good house, close to |,the business part the town. Also,. The lease of n store in Rattray-street.GILLIES & STREET. Princes-street. ' TO BE SOLD, Hundred and Thirty-two Feet FRONTAGE to Princes-street, Di'medi with a depth of 2£ chains, being: Allotments Nos and 10. Block V., together with the Dwelling-hoi: ONE thereon. The Furniture will be sold withthe Hoik and possession piven in February next. There c two Spxings of Water on the property. One half t Purchase money mayreinniii on mortgage. (Adjoiningthe above,) Also, (Adjoiningthe above) Lease of Ten Yenrs of Allotment No. 8, Block V.never-failintr stream of water on the ground. D. J. NAPIER, Apply to Princes-street. — ■ STATIONS FOR SALE. undersigued have received positn to sell the Depasturin instructions -*License to 120,000 acres of the finest country Otago. far removed from the vicinity of theHundred npHE : and neither of an auriferous nor agricultural cha: < acter. -"Will be sold either in one block, or in two more runs, and with or without present stock 0000 sheep. Terms easy. DALGETY. RATTRAY & CO., FOR SALE IN DUNEDIN, "OUSINESS SITES, Places of Residence, Siti _O ation for a Large Hotel, Boarding Housi or Club, All that Block ofSections, numbered 23, % 25, 20, 41, 42, 43, 44, Block V., having Frontage i Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight Feet to Walker-stree Melville-street, and Stafford-street. This Proper! can be readily Let at an annual rental of Fiftee Shillings per foot. It'commands a fine view of tl Bay, iswell sheltered and supplied with water. A pp] to D. J. NAPIER, Princes-street. . ■ : " yOE, FREEHOLD SALE, PROPERTY in Dunedir Allotment No. 5, Block V., near Mr. Q'Dris coil's Princes-street Timber Yard. Frontage, (36 fee , Allotments Nos. 16 and 17, Block V., Walkei street, above Messrs. Dalgety, Rattray, and Co. stores. Frontage, 132 feet, Allotments Nos. 9 and 10, Block XIV., having Street Frontage of 7 Chains, one of which is to Mora Place. One-half the purchase moneymayremain o: mortgage. Apply to D. J. NAPIER, Princes-street. PRELIMINARY NOTICK GILLIES and STREET-have receive instructions from Messrs. Smith and Martii to lay off and sell a Township at the junction of th Main Road to Tunpeka and the Woolshed to be callei the Township of NEWTON. Plans and full nartieulars to be obtained shortly a thoir offices in Princess-street. FORSAKE. Freehold Pkopkkty in Dunedin. MESSRS. '■that Valuable Allotment . ALL of LAND numbered 1 Block VI., nearly opposite tli Barracks. This allotment comprises aboiit One Hundred am Eighty Feet of Frontage to Princes-street, and tlii same to Hope-street. Apply to D. J. NAPIER, Prinoes-'itreet. TO MERCHANTS, STOREKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. DESIRABLE .INVESTMENT. FOR SALE, npHELEASE for 14 or 21 years of a splendic Building Site, desirably situated in StaffordJL street, within three minutes walk of the Ouston: House, having a frontage of about 132 feet tc Stafford-rtreet, by a depth of about 165 feet. For plans and pai-ticulars apply to KENTON & RAWLINS, Solicitors. 26 30c GOOD INVESTMENT AT "WATIAHUNA. FOB PMVATE SALE, THE CAMP HOTEL, VVAITAHUNA, MOST Substantial and Commodious Building of. Corrugated Iron. This is arare opportunity for any one with a small capital, desirous of getting a lucrative husmess. Present stock will be given at r valuation. Further particulars may he ohtained by apply-IDS DALGETY, RATTRAY A CO., Dunedin; or, J. A. ROSS, "Waitahuna, On the Premises. J. H. WALLACE. X AND and Estate Agent, and General Commission JLJ Merchant, Wellington, New Zealand. f A ' .,. • PROFITABLEINVESTMENT. FOR SALE, ■/'•' mHEjWJNCTION BAKERY and GENERAL an extensive Business at the SBtfeE, doing X Junction, Tu.npeka. ■" ..; Forparticulars, apply on the Premises, or to Mr. Roberts at the store of W. C. YOUNG, Esq., . ~~- .... Princes-street,l)unedin.., ' _ _ V i1!1/*^^ <£ t ?i — A 12 MONTHS CREDIT. r RICHMOND HILL, HEAD OF MACLAGGAN : STREET. 1 11HIS is an opportunity specially for the indusX trious or working men, who can obtain a building freehold in a respectable and healthy locality within twenty minutes walk of the post-office. Only a few allotments will he offered on these terms, and early application is necessary. Apply to the Agents, K. B.MARTIN & CO., High street. ■ • ELIGIBLE INVESTMENT. FREEHOLD PROPERTY* TO SELL OR LET. niO SELL OR LET for a term of years.—4o I acres.of valuable'LAND at Caversham, 'intei'- sected by the. Forbury road to the Ocean Beach, and admirahly.adapted.assites for the erection of private villas, being" within twenty minutes walk of the Post Office,-and possessing a splendid, view'of the Ocean and surrounding country. Beach The ahove property is all fenced, and a* large por tion of it under crop, with a dwelling' house, a fivestSlledstahle,' cow shed, poultry yard, and three'small cottages. There is also a Stone House in course of erection on the ground, intended to contain seven or eight apartments, r.nd a large garden well stocked with first-class fruit trees in full bearing. Apply to HUGH CALDER, Builder, Dunedim. TO FARMERS AND SPECULATORS. ' TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY. VALUABLE MUNICIPAL SECTION oi LAND Waihola Park, within two A' of Waihola, sectionsof the 50 adjoining township containing acres ofprime Alluvial Land, within a few yards oi an extensive Bush ; has a stream of water running through it, and a Lake frontage to the Great Southern Road. Would be an excellent site for Villas, or an accommodation house. The Lease to extend 18 years, subject to the nominal rent of £8 per annum. Application to JAMES GILLON, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Moray Plnce. 1 AA-4CRESinTokomairiro for sale ; sections ■ _^ TlkW -■"A-JPEZL- 5,- 186&- , I .. • . _ ..- ' " ~ AtJ^Sr* ; ' • ■ • ■ ■ • '' —; ■ ' '■; '' THE. ' :; ■ , • - • " ■ < . . .. .. . Gr\rvr\ — T .. -. , , , ——~ MJJ ''' . . U , . ' '-- ■ ■ ■ ; ' ' ' t , " "' "" ~ . a : , . ■ -, ■ - ' ■' ' •' ... ' "' — > ■ ' .. ■: • " > ' " , ■' ■ • _ . . ■■ -■ •, : .. . , ■ . " " ' ■ — " ' • ' s ~~ ' ■ : : : • - > e ''"' — ... r . ._ ■. - * :* : ' ■ * '- '_ : : •— ■ ', • ■ roc&^2^«^Ti£^Jfi& ' ■'~•■ ' . . . . ' ...... . . , —— —' .. . ,. . . _ . .• ' : : : ■ ■• ' : .- -: ■ ■ £ ■ ' : ~ — ' 's^ ,1 _ ■ _ , ' _ , =' , : . . " S?£ttit^ ... • PSfof^ ■ ■ . . . , .. , . -. .. . , ■ x^ls*>™I™L ofSr^incial „„ . ■ • - 0_j _ . . '- . .. . . . . • Ai TJn " c , .. . . . __ i'■ l^ve 2? ■ ' , ...... ■ : ~~ ; ■ *" ' "' ' — ■ , :- : - ■ --^ ' 1 ,, \™ ,, _ __ FREEHOLD CHEAP. DAIJLY ®$kA&O ~ mjnMhe]irionf\ of npht fo l>r hau' hj lot Audit 41. .Any pi-i-iorTmriking fiiliteh anil banl; fence 0 i 60. Every holder of a pasturage license Miall, upo shillings/tind pence-, o the section 6t " """TTouaeSj Land. &C. sh-ill iiol he l,u\ful i 1 tlio Do ml <o he v am anpl-e i- L-miK uljomij'g V\':;-*p Lam's of flic Orran mayfrnl:c application to the Waste Lnnds Board, be cnlilli'd t the Waste Lamia of the Crown hrmnaficr described, <,i"'•(irfi laufii li;i)f (he l.'inil miuimi for tinl fii (ch a pre-emptive right °ver portions of his vim, as fol n;i' nml lmth this day paid to ™Wf™k**-**&!* ™*& uxm&mt vilh the Tnwurer of th TOM SECTION SALF, Cheap ug nnil brruli:, prnuc/i'd Unit no ditch or bank'shall Ibe | lows:—l;or arun of tint lera liaii 1.000 acrpj mid Waste Lands Board of the Pi-oviucc of Oantei-burv. , moie than 5,000 news, over a block of land eompris the said sunVot more IJii.ii tix lt( t In wi.ith. pounds. shillings,,.-ukl "lla a Section to- of n r icri 0)lq livdc to t B a1!( | insr and ciiciimjacent to liis Jiomcsrcad to tlie c-xleu all(i pence, the receipt whereof is heiiiby rt Icdged,- NOW KNOW AT.Tj HKS AND a-knbwTill.—COMPENSATION USDS. of5 per cent oi'tho ncrengc oi'tlic run. For arun rwT,^> 'litaStyirtsticet jettj tluieon, .md of ..11 quips if irmuv p«nl to thef<1M0I1 TIIJ:sIS bni^ejors, Land and Lstate j slllcr mA ponnal]i o} n] ] tlle {~<,<.„.,>,„,,„ o f (]lt upwards, acres and "over 250 ncre3 of land com Pii^SKNTS witness, tliat Wo, in pursuance of the I! 42. Wlu-rcnS it is deniable lh."t p'ivnfp- pel-■( ons 5,000 Ac;cntt pricing and circumjacent to hishomestead or principn powers vr-3.ted in us as Commissioners of Hho said Boaid; and *uch imputes shall b< sim.°d b\ all thc> should lie enabled U> receive f ortion* of Wfcte La lu^ station. at for occupied hereby jiip«uit runs, ComiTi!"-oneie <in> uiretiiic A-nd such in (Acbaimu fbr privuti lam)-; titkcu for l nails or jU'r, j And all over all lands Waste Lauds ilonrd, do b; an Uioriv and empower }jis heirs or assigns, at nny time aftar TOR S VLJZ, n iiniUs shall be open to the inspection of all persons oilici' jaiblic pinji'i-t1-;; if any person shall be emit ](,(j any buildings, enclosure-*, plantations, cultivations' the said Poitobdlo Baj, desniiiß; to inject the same, at "ill iia«onahie hourb, to il'cCiVu liny compensation hi respect of any laln( j or any Michother improvements assli.ill in the judjr he date hereof, to enter upon all tiiat section' of'land I*^ VALUABLE PHOPPRTY of liftv Acies, on pi Miient of the sum of two shillings and sixpence nhirh shall fiavo nirnt of the Waste Lauds Board be defined RiifHeien tuated in street, in the town of oolii tulceu for the puiposes. ol C a vuth irood Stone House, B.irn, and Out- | foi ciei\ si.eh insncction. the purposes of this clause, together with (iff; marked, No. in the authenticated map of the road ov of any other public work, or in lespeet oi'au ,y for and circumjacent to thu lands so oc said town iv the Crown Lands Otiice and containing builuui'r*, md natci fiontagi, to both Poitobello Hay in stthveys damaaos douu to liis property by the laUnp ofsii )c j, acres comprising ami North-east Harbor. .... 15. xj,erfi si,nn je .; c llief Surveyor who shall be land for such purposes, such prrsonshall, unon aj1!1,]{_ cupied cr improved. . acres, or thereabouts, being the section of lhe above is a very valuable investment, and well appointed andremovable by Cl. The Licence shall at the time of his npplicatioi Rn'i so purchased us aforesaid, and to hold and enjd/ Warrant under the hand ention to the Waste Lam's Board, bo entitled ti0 a suited for marine .residences. a sufficient description oi the land give to the Board same for his and their absolute use and beneß*.'' Superintendent, many of the and" -A ««istimt Surlaud such filiation he shall selc the xt, gipnt t vey6is as shall be necessary, aswho shall i.c appointed subjectofi-nnil in ai Also 19 or 20 Head ot Cattle, and a strong well to the conditions fis to form find frontage■in over which lie claims such pre-emptive right, to tin Given under our hands at the sitting round o ton .boat. ano>emoveablc by the Superintendent upon the re- Uic^e rciruliilions contained, to the extent of one a<(;re satisfaction of the Cliicf Survevor. And the sann of the Waste Lands Board held ■}, at on the •■ ■' .coimnondatimi of the ChiefSurveyor. Applyto^ for every two pounds .stciling of the amount, of coi m shall be marked oil" on he authenticated Maps in th< *■>'■■■■■'■■■ MLbbßs GTLLItS & STREET, 18 pi'nsation which the applicant fhall be entitled to Land Office. day 01 16. All surveys shall be conducted in such Princes street, next Day andtMicvilleV. ■:,- as the Board by any regulations to be made manner (lie purpo1 in that icccivo in ie-^vct oi land taken for such ises (j2. The lands included in such pre-emptive rigl ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ behalf shall direct. : may be of such form as the applicant shall choose or'Jn reject'ofsuch draiage as. aforesaid. J UNO T, lON SCHUDUUI 13. O.TEX, IV.—the land revenue. 43. If any person shall contract with the Superiin- but any land purchased by him in the exerciseoi'sucl Tttapeka Road, ■■ 17. All payments to be made in respect oflandshall tendent to make and complete, within agiicn tinno, right shrill be subject to tlieregulations as to form mm Province ) Junction of Gabriel's and Wetlicrstone's. to the Treasurer of the Board durina:'the any public road, bridge, or drain, or be made of my frontage $ hcicin contained. part of n TTEEBERT. and CO. desires to intimate that they sitting thereof, and the- Treasurer shall thereupon such load, bridge, or chain, i'uinisliinsranj Canterbury. ) such secuu 'tv 63. The Waste Lands Board shall not receive no XX have opened their new and extensive premises give receipts for the same. LICENSE TO OCCUPY iKURAI, LAND.. as the Superintendent may require for tlie duo eoi n", entertain any application to purchase, from ■<•"■ at the above address. ..;•:< ! am 18.—By the 62nd clause of the Constitution Act pictiun ofsuch couliact, and shall select such portiion Whukuas of hath been duly de<-■-■■> other than the runholder, the aforesaid blocl clared ■" peiwrii They have excellent accommodation for Boarders the Governor is authorised and required to pay out o of the purchaser for the sum of pound.% willing1 land be shall be a\ |IV accept by lural to «■> around the homestead or principal station which doc and as it is their, intention to carry on a legitimate the revenue arising from the disposal of the Waste of payment shillings, pence, and of the section or compensation, or by way of part ]>a '.V- not include''the whole of suchblock. Hotel business, their patrons will be secure irom any Lands of the Grown all the costs, charges, and ex- niCiit or compensation the Waste Lands of the Crown hereinafter described, bo lai Vl" for such it shall work; 04. -The right of pre-emption hereby given shall bi and hath this day paid to noisn or disturbance. penses-incident-.to the- collection, management, and the Treasurer of tlir =-„ .■ "for the (lupeiiuii'mientto re>ervc such portion exercised within one week for alllands within twentj Waste Lands Hoard of tlie Province of Canterbury, On hand, -a-first-rate stock of Liquors, of the best receipt thereof; and also to pay out ofthe laidrevenues n land liom tale for such given time but brands to be had m the province. miles of the Land at Christchurch; am Office, s"ch sums us shall become"payable under certain longer; anilpublic the said of pounds, shillings, and sum person completion sueh shall, on tho one month for all lands at a greater distant1; pgnce, the receipt whereofis hereby, Treasurer of such contract, be entitled to a tree mint of-cuch lau 9 Within —'""' other provisions therein contained. Thepay therefrom; such time being reckoned from the date ledged, iSow know all misx axd acknowKOlt SALE, the Waste Lands Board shall, therefore, out ofall or so much thereof its the Board shall adjudge, n tiikse of service of a written notice from the Waste Land: pkb^kstb witness, that We, irt pursuance of tha "|~\ "WELLING HOUSE of Six Booms, well the funds coming'into his hands under these; regula- exceeding acre .for every two pounds sterlii lo^ of the application for anj powers vested in us as Commissioners of the said XJ finished, Stables, Well, &c, &c. Ben. Smith 'tions all such sums for the abwßi-named purposes, in which tlie one Superintendent shall certify to the Was "Fl> Board, setting forth a copy pre-emptive right. Suci Waste Lands Board, do hereby authorise and empower of the lands included hi the Architect.'Printe'sVcreet.---Immediate possession.•'-'• such manner and to such persons as the Governor Lands Board to be tlie bondfide value of the work *£ notice may be served either personally on the runIlls boil's or assigns, at any time after thf said done by such person according to the prices for woi Weather-board,Houses for sale, sba"ddirectt t T -public rfsekvk« by loading the same at iiis lnst-knowi mWOJIOOMED opposite or holder, the date hereof, to enter upon all that section of laud and materials at the time of performing such"cdutrn Bank of; New Zealand, within the Province, or at the prineipa situate and bounded as hereinafter described, that is to 10 place ofabode Govern^ current in the district. .1 jxaxtntir-street. homestead or station on the run. ____^__ say ; and to hold and to enjoy the same for merit and for other public purposes'may, upon the Every such' reservation rof land from public sa FFIOKOMAIRIRO,—IOO Acres "of first-rate Land, eeomniendation of tlie Provincial-.Council, be madef 1 63. The applicant for any rural land included ii his and their absolute use and beneiit, subject; nevershall be"published in the Government Gazette of tllie :JL Por Sale—partly fenced. J. Doughty, by the Superintendent; and .shall, not-be alienated i Province/ theless to the Regulations now in force for the sale, any pre-emptive right deposit shall with the Treasure! directed ;l liegul; as in clause 19 of these l of the Waste Lands Board a sum equal to 4s. per acn letting:, disposal, and occupation of the Waste Lands Golden Cross Hotel. .'•■'.•.: .-t:.«;\ .-i from the specific purposes to which they shall have tions. -, of the Crown ■within the Province of Canterbury. __i LL i_ been severally dedicated, except under tlie•provisions ; No such reservation shall continue in force for t a of the purchase money, and the remainder he shal ■•'■ :':: under our hands at the sittingl Assembly, of an Act of the General entituled'the longer period than twelve calendar months from tl he -Pav Tf'tiiin oneorweek from the date of his applieatioi Given shpup sTtmmw i?nn «*nu STATION FOlt £jALE. « Pub]ic Rcsm es Act 1854;" and-a full of the Waste Lands Board, held being granted, forfeit such deposit. Such deposit and nmxir. t? comon it date Tvhicli shall have been made. at, mHE Undesigned a very mode- plete description for sale at on the every such, i-eseive. and: of the immediately returned on demand jVo land included in a Pasturage License with Pn e of shall be however, r \fte P,nce> a li.tJ^,°* purposes to which it shall have been, dedicated shall emptive Eight shaU, as against, the holder of sui(.]! if the holder of the pre-emptive right shall give notict day of fine. <loun*l7 18 Acreftogether part of this Province, with & £onm possible after it shall e.Kortl'ern have been made, he Pre-emptive Rightj be" so reserved or granted utttil of his intention to purchase any portion of the lant 6000 Sheep and lambs.. published in the GovernmentGazette ofthe Province, he shall have been allowed the option of purchasir nn applied for, and pay the requisite deposit, k AV m fr VALbhIY, VAVt UAlLllAi, Sc CO. and set fortlfcou tlie autlienticated maps.in the Land such land in the manner prescribed-in; clauses 64 ai nd ■, ; Schedule C. 66. Ifthe holder «f the pre-emptive right decide 'MugMjM^jßMMß^njQßMa^uauMMißac^^ OiKee. Provided that the Superintendent may, if 60 to'these 'Regulations. Province ) upon purchasing any portion of the land applied for ;'"." the Provincial Councilbe not then sitting,temporarily of No" greater amount of laud than 250 acres ;sluall he shall forthwith pay to the Treasurer of the Waste ■: Hotels, &C. ; re.ser.ve land^forsuch purposes until the next session under the-provisions of thisclause be reserved ior Lands Board a deposit of4s. per acre of the purchase Canterbury. } ; '- ofsuch' Council. LICENSE TO DEPASTURE STOCK. 'grunted to any person under any such contract, ui n- moneyof such portion; and, ifhe shall not within sis 20. Reserves for public highways, and of bridle-paths, paid purUNION HOTBt WETHEBSTONE'S. less in payment of work for which a vote hns beten weeks thereafter have theremainder ofthe Whereas! hath' been duly dea"d passed by the Provincial Council. chase money, he shall forfeit such deposit, together clared to be entitled to a license to depasture stock a well selected Stock of .Wines, Spirits, shall bo set forth on *»lfjaten«l^ Hand, f\N maps m the 8 9 .-..-j tjo upon the Waste Lands of the Crown within the Pro.the authenticated No greater amount of land than 1000 acres in tlhe with all right or title to the laud, V anttJjeers. Land Office. _•• ■'- I; Superintendent The and the Provincial aggregate shall; any one year,. be reserved or n If the holder of any pre-emptive right other than vince of Canterbury, upon the terms" and upon"the BAKU, MALCOLM, & CO., CouncU may by Ordinance alter Hie line of any such granted under theinprovisions conditions hereinafter mentioned: Now therefore"Wei or this clause, withoiut those created by clause 60 of the Waste Lands Regust'Proprietors. t Proprietors. ~ _^ highways, bridle-patlis, and foot-paths, and dispose of the special sanction ofthe Provincial Council; lations shall neglect or refuse to purchase any portion in pursuance of the powers" vested in us as .Comrais the land theretofore used for the same. always ■" Provided that of ed every parcel applied portion grantf wit? '<5A t r land so of the land shall from and sioners ofthe Waste Lands Board to tho', said' Pro,' for, such ,; JJUxL'.oAJjJIi, may temporarily resen'e !shall be subjected to the sameVjonditiOnsas -. ! any^21.landTheforSuperintendent tofon•m immediately after such neglect or refusal be released vince, do hereby grant to the said [; DESIRABIiB'INVESTMENT. the preservation, or sale ofthe timber aiidfrontage as any rural lana so (under these R< eof to purchase the exclusive license, from and after the date hero " right pre-emption open all and "QUEENS. ARMS" TAVERN thereon; but such land may at any time cease to he\ gulations; provided also that no application for lei-ss from tlie terms of these Regulations, as if the same had untilthe first day of May next, to depasture sto so reserved upon a resolution of the Provincial than 20 acres shall be received under this clause, bi ut on Apply to Kcnyon & Rawlins, Solicitors. upon the land situate and bounded! as herciua'( included in any pre-emptive right. not been Council. 25G 36 that where airy amount of-compensation awarded tav and contain 67. Pasturage Licenses with pre-emptive right in described, that is tosay— 22. Tlie Superintendent may, upon the recom■— the-Board shall be of less than 20 of acres or thereabouts. Subject ncV ■; extent acres lam purchased '— (i OLDEN connection with lands, whether AGE HOTEL, mendation of the Provincial Council, by proclamation the the theless to all the provisions and conditions contain entitled may pay the balance in cash upo"» m Canterbury Association or the Crown, shall, under from Main Road,- Weatherstone's. in the Government Gazette, reserve from tlie opera- the person and same terms as other applicants for the purchas se after the first day of April, one thousand eight imthe Waste Lands now in force within rilHE proprietors beg to intimate, that they hare tion ofthese regulations any tl-act ofcountryinwhich ofrural lands under these .Regulations. Province of Canterbury. hundred and fifty-six, be taken and deemed to be the JL on hand an excellent Stock of.Wines, Spirits, the precious metals maybe found to exist: and the at the sitting Given under our .hands pasturage IX.—NAVALAND MILITARY BOUNTIES! licenses over the lands included therein, and Beers. Their accommodation for boarders is all land within such tract ofcountry shall be disposed of of the Waste Lands Board, held upon the terms of these Regulations, with a prethat can be desired, and their cuisine is unrivalled, according to regulations hereafter to be issued and 44. Whereas the Superintendent "and the Provin at 'on the . right over all such land, to be exercised subThey have erected a large concert-room, capableof published in that behalf; in the same manner cial Councilarid other the inhabitants' of Canterbur'v]~ emptivc day oi 18 ect to these Regulations as regards notice of applica■■-■' holding, over 400 persons, which is nightly filled by and under the snsne authority as these, present are desirous to aid in making provision for the main payment deposit, purchase money, price 'T of of tion, admiring regulations. an audience. ■It is their intention to spare tenancc of such persons of Her Majesty's land an ENDORSEMENT. > i and, and size and shape of blocks. If the land no expense in order to secure for their patrons the sea forces as maybe discharged as unfit ibr furthef?" lcovered for valuable consideraI, the within-named YX town ixtanr by such pre-emptive right shall be included tion IjAr"DS< very best amusements. ■To accomplish this they are , -, service of •' consequence paid by m in wounds or loss of healt 111 me of do-hereby towns .to by 2«. The sites of shall be determined by the within" the limits of a run held license under makingarrangements for-the immediate appearance the within written Superintendent, upon tlie recommendation of the incurred in the; present .'war with Russia, and also fo jr clauses 50 and 53, the holder thereof in paying transfer to the said -: of the most eminent artistes. Provincial Council, and shall be notified by procla- the maintenance of the widows of those who may b je rent for the same may take credit for the amount paid Pasturage License, and all my estate" and interest Lahge and CoiisiOßlous Stabms killed in such war therein. to the premises, with first-rate eed mationm the Government Gazette of the Province. in respect of lands covered by such pre-emp!andAre. attached Any such person, or widow shall, upon applicatio:« by him Witness my hand this d y of 18 24. lown Lands shad be sold by public auction, in tive right. ?ood attendance. .upon productio; to the Waste Lands and the Witness Board, Parcels per Cohband-Go., are delivered daily at sections,.tlieisize and upset price, of which shall be ofsatisfactory evidence from the proper authorities arls 68. Holders of pasturage licenses without preAPPENDIX by Superintendent determined the and the Provincial Age eiuptive 2'ight the Golden shall he entitled to hold such licenses or Clauses 35 aiid 43, which were repealed by tha Hotel. or death, be entitled to receive n Council; .and having been so determined, for each '..to such discharge have themrenewed upon- the terms of their conRICHMOND & YANCE free grant not exceeding 30 acres of the Waste Land js to Waste Lands Regulations Amendment' OrdiProprietors tovm severally, shall not again be altered. within this to the conditions as t to tract with the Canterbury Association or the Crown, Province, subject nance, Sim. VII., No. 2, 1850, oi-iginally Thetime and place 25* ofevery auction sale shall form and frontage contained in these the a may ; any person a s case be but if holding stood axfollows: Regulations be fixed by the Superintendent, and shall be notified ATTTTt' TfFVTTTVi always that such shaS be mad jp license under the Canterbury Association or the 35. No section ofrural land shall be sold containing in the Goverament Gazette, and one or more news- provided "FnTlNTTurßrw EDINBURGH pawp"' to the W aste Lands Board by such person or widovw Crown A ill voluntarily resign the same, he shall be lessthan twenty acres ; provided that any section so CAbILE wnTPT HOTEL, of t]le Province at least tMrt d bf Regulations, entitled u> receive a license under those such o )r and shall from the date ofsuch exchange hold his run limited by frontage lines or private lands as to con] in person within three years "after such sale shall take place. ,m ™-i (Two Miles : discharge fromTmen, on the Road to the tain less than twenty acres may be sold by '■■ at 26. No such notificationof any.sale of-town lands death. at the rate and on the conditions specified in these the unset price of forty shillings''per acre; auction1 IS"'' the time shall te a X.—PASTURAGE. map published sijmed by until ot the town, j tj Regulations. t>t*Vs?% c-rn » a -n. and place of sale, and'the mode of sale and payment TABLI:NG a" PAD" ' Surveyor, S6CUre tlle Clli" shall have been laid open for <^st,? granted, 45. Until or reserved for sold, public purany person exchanging purchase money nearly 69. If his'license shall for of to be as as may be" in DOCKS, under the superintendence ofthe public inspection in the Land Office; and such map iposes as herein provided, the Waste Lands bi ie any period included in the new license have paid rent accordance with the regulations herein contained, Proprietor. set forth, accurately delineated, all the town toccupied for pasturage purposes by persons may holding -chAkgbs MODERATE.a higher rate than would-be payable under such applicable to the sale of Town Land. .■. .. shall sections numbered consecutively, so far as laid out, 1licenses from the Waste Lands Board to occupy tin;eS at license, such overpayment shallbe adjustedat thenext 43. If any person shall at any time have.made, and , . „., '. „ doing , „ shovHng- the sections to be submitted for sale, and the «same. n ', ; disposed of a "Restaurant payment of rent. completed at iiis own cost any public roador bridge Obe '-.. a first-rate pullUc reserves in connection with them, 46. Any person applying for a pasturage licensi ;e business. A^ply Geo. Lumd, 2, Hmders-lane, 70. In the event of improvements having been ef- or any public main drain, or any part of shell ro.idj «7. Town sections may be put up to auction, either cshall state to the Commissioners what are the bounfected by the licensee of a run on any. land which bridge, or drain, such person shall, upon application 2 doors above Provincial Hotel. by order ofthe Superintendent, or upon the applicaextent of the run applied for, and tin e shall be reserved by the General Governmentor by' to the Waste Lauds Board, be entitled to afree grant tion ot some person whoshall, at the time of making daries and description of the stock which he posami number Provincial Governmentunder these Regulations, ofrural land in such situation as he shall select, subcent, application, deposit such UNION HOTEL, WETHERSTONE'S ten per of the upset =sesses, or will undertake to place upon the run withirn the the licenseee shall receive payment of the ject to the conditions as to form and frontage in —cMon -1 an excellent twelve months from the date ofthe license. value of such improvements, such value to be de- these regulations contained, to such an extent as the 47. The extent of run allowed to each applicant t cided by arbitration under direction of: the'Waste Board shall adjudge, not exceeding one acre for every made, be considered as the deposit upon the sale _. •'. , sshall be at the rate of 120 acres to every head of grealt Lands Board, and to be paid by the Treasurer of the four pounds sterling which he-shall prove to.tho Wine?, Spirits, and Beers. at such public auction. satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that he shall 28. Ifany section shall be purchased by other than „cattle, and 20 acres to every head of small cattle. Waste Lands Board out of the land fund. BAEB,, MALCOLM& CO., 71. All payments on account of pasturage runs have actually expended in the construction of such Proprietors. the .original applicant, the deposit money shall bo The words great cattle" shall be construed to mean_.,1 shall in future made on day bridge, or drain. honied be or before tlie first of cattle, road, asses, male and fehorses, mules, and ~~ IbrthwiLhreturned on demand. nt, -a oat -n iUKin accordance with clause 51, at the Land Office, ProviV:'i always that it shall be proved to the bALJs, 20. Ten days at least before a.ny such auction sale, male,iwith their offspring above six months of age;.". May, and the Lands Christchurch, Waste, and the words "small cattle" shall be construed at Board shall satisfaction ofthe Board that the money~so. expended mHAT. Baking Establishment situate on the Main a list, of :all the .^sections about to be ofFered for sale mean sheep, male and female, with their weaned to sit at that place for the Treasurer to receive the by the applicant, him nenn beneficially exporiifpil off- 1 \ifofc be published, m the Government Gazette, and s X Road, Tokomairii-Ojbelonging to P. M'Queek, *hall ,'.....'■;.'. ■■ he use and advantage of the public. same. spring. ■ Provided al * doing a first-class business— and, owinjrto its position one or mm-e newspapers of the Province. tor less than. twenty, acres shall application 72 All payments to be made on account ot pastur-- hat no Every pasturage run shall be in one block, and, -fcvery auction sale of land shall be held by the 48. and the iucrcasiug population ofthe Plain, daily im30m open court as hereinbefore pro- aas far as circumstances will admit, of a rectangular age runs before the first day of May next ensuing be received under this clause, but that where any Commissioners ; proving. form :■ the frontage, under ordinary circumstances shall be made for the portion of the year only whien amount of compensation awarded by the Board shall , '„,",',' , The property is freehold, and consists of iof an v"?,(;ll" m " : shall elapse between such day of payment and t be ofa less amount than twenty acres of land, the Tho who shall.be declared the highest Slshall not be greater than ono-linlfthe depth. acre, vvith.substantial weather-boarded House, and .'3lPfreon party entitled may pay the balance in cash "upon the hl"or at such auction shaU immediately pay a deposit 49. Tlie fee to be paid for the license snail be at the 2 said first day of May.' first-class brick oven erected thereon. terms as other applicants to purchase rural cent, of the purchase money to the rates same per ollowing every containing calculating npid often run less than 73. In the opportunity < openThe present affords an excellent :—For i amount of the license fee Trea-; lauds under these regulations. shillings' for every hundred acres; ; the stock required to be on the run, the year coming for intending purchasers, and is to be sold a bar- suror, and m default thereof,the section shallbe again" j'LOOO acres, twenty tcfor every,run containing 1000 acres, and not less than mencing onthe said first day of May shall be deemed Clauses 07 and 68, which ware repealed by proclaimmediately put up to auction. gain, owing to the proprietor retiring from business. l to be tlie same year as that for which such part paymation of the.Governor, dated lith August, Pai(l t0 t'l6 Treasurer m full, within one week after sOOO'aci2s, two-pence per acre for the first thousand[ Apply to 185(5,published in the Provincial Government 're '"ewninder of" the purchase money shal Ibp aimd one penny per acre for every acre in addition. "" ment shall have been made. SMITH & HIBBARD "" Gazette, Vol. 111., No.-17, y. 03, 4th Sej>*'"■ ay mntnining' upwards tnc everv nin sflon 'nnre* or ofsale; and, in default thereof, the pur' For Tokomariro. 74. .Notwithstanding anything contained in these 1856, originally stood tisfollows: farthing per acre for the fi^t and second years, regulations, tember, deposit money, !fise shall forfeit his 01 me c} imm. and also al q^.^» it shall be lawfulfor the Governor, upon » J^Mma»« ■».- al-». 67. Holders of pasturage licenses with; pre-emptive right or title to the land;, and the section maybe. 0Ime half-pennyper acre for the third and fourth years,i tiifi Tenomiiipiirtation n) the SupflWnte.nde.ntßTHl.Pro-: ——^ right connection with purchased lands, whether sold to any person applying for the same for the price hrce'-farthhigs per acre for the fifth and every subseA TT(TNr*J J vineial Cpunil, at any time, and from time to time, be underinthe n, Ti Ji 17 RTTT UUJ^ A UOJNh Canterbury Association, or. the Crown, t wh;ch ( knocf ce d Jowa at the auctioll lamij q,[uent year; provided that tho first'yearshall be takenL proclamation in the Oovurnmmtt Gazette of the shall entitled to claim pasturage licenses over the be f25, if not so' sold, the section may be again put up to <?:o,be the time elapsing fi-oin the date of the originalI Province, to reserve for the purposes hereinafter T| r op no AT «, lands includrd therein upon the terms of these reguUibJ^UbAJb, bALifc,THf__,_,'^ I,I>r.LIINC- AND hiicense to the first day of May next following. auction at any future sale. mentioned any lands within the Province, adjacent to'-: lations, with a pre-emptive right over such land)" to OCCUPATION 33. Upon payment of the purchase money in full, 50. Njb pasturage license be granted for. a lesslor in the neighbourhood.ofany town, now, or whjch subject to these regulations as regards OP THE the purchaser shall receive from the Commissionersa -aiinnual fee than £2 10s. shall. may hereafter be formed and to declare that on and be exercised application, payment ? notice of of deposit and purpaid Occupy," WASTE LANDS. OF THE CKOW2T "License to in the form set forth in: 51. The" fee shitll be to the Treasurer of the from, a day to be named in siich proclamation all dev IH the Schedule A to the Waste Lands Resulatiohs, and' jVasteLand Board every year, in advance; for. the ! pasturing Ifeenses issued under these regulations, in chase money, price of land, and eize and shape of by \ blocks. Tf the land covered irst the issue of such" pre-etupfive license, year such License -shall be'restored to the Commissioners'- '& on the and for ths second respect of such reserved lauds, shall cease and be of PRP"VIISrCE OS CANTERBUEY : upon receipt ofa Crown Grant of the landpurchased.; aimd every subsequent year on any sitting day of the no effect; on and from which day, all such licenses right shall be included within the limits of a run hvld as amended. by license under clauses 50 and the holder thereof, 53, day April B of day til—rurai. land. between'the 20th aMthe first I. A lii! Ecgulations now iii force in the Proas respects such lands,' cease aiid be of no effect _/ paying rent for the s:une, may take credit for the m- A:,ll ,laT\a,s "ot inclused »n any ofthe foregoing -otf May, inclusive; and:every pasturage license^iidt shail, X3L .vince of Canterbury for the sale, letting, accordingly. And it shall be lawful for the.Governor on him paid by respect amount in of lauds covered by by payment required shal be for sale at re enewed of the fee, open regulations as rural land, an on or before at any time, hereafter, by regulations to be issued in such pre-emptive right. lisposal, and occupation- of the Waste Lands of ,. taiio first day of May, shall, unless good cause to the that, behalf, according to,the provisions.of.the uniform nnco ot fortyshillings per acre. he Crown are lierebv renealed Waste,. 68. Nothing: in these Regulations shall be interontrary be shown to the satisfaction-of the Waste Lands Act, upon the recommendation of the Supe'rpreted equitable h;gal;rightß to affect the or -ands Board, be considered as, abandoned. contracts regulate the' intendent and Provincial Council, made by the Canterbury Association or the Govern52. Every" pasturage license shall be in the form set" occupation of thr> Waste Lands of thetoCrown within )rthin the Schedule C to the Waste Lands Regul'ament with holders oi'the pasturage licenses; but i such reserved districts, v holding my person a licence under the Canterbury ions, and shall be transferable by endorsement in the ■Issoeiation or the Government, • shall voluntarily mn set forth in such Schedule, andsuch transfer shall I TIMBER. '■■■' deemed to be complete upoij notice thereof ;being ; 75. Ifany tract of land shall have been reserved for" •e&igrn the sams to the Government, he shall be en» uly given to the Waste Lands Board, and not before. the sale of the timber thereon, such timber may'be .itied to receive a license under these H'.-trulations md shall from the date of such exchange hold hisrun pasturage licence shall entitle the holder thereof to sold by public auction at an upset price and subject it therate and on the conditions specified in le exclusive right ofpasturage over the land specified to conditions to be fixed by the Superintehdeut, and thWe Regulations. qtrree'to remoye, tt.—the ■waste lands BOARD. shall bo included in a Pasturage License with Pre- -tinlerein upon the terras .above., stated. Such license the purchaser shall the same within APPENDIX 11.. 4. There shall be established a Board to be called" emptive Right, the holder of such License shall be s'!llall be renewed by 'endorsement from year to year, a certain time; and all the timber not removed within again up public he Waste Lands Board, to consist of one Chief Com- entitled to exercise such Pre-emptive Right under uuutil the land specified'therein shall be purchased, such time maybe to Clauses Nos. 33, 31, 52, 65, 66, and 71, which wcr put auction. » aste I/tind*. Jiegulatiqn repealed by the oissionerj and of not lessthan two nor .more thanfive these Regulations upon payment of the sum of forty Pfr.ranted, or reserved under these regulations;' and the ■76. No person sliall, "without a license, cut or re| ' ither Commissioners, all'of whom (except such one poundsfbr such s&tion. feee to be paid in respect ofsuch license shall riot be al- move any timber from any Waste Lands of the Crown Amendment Ordinance, Suss. IX., No. 1," originally stood as follows: s shall be appointed to act as Treasurer) shall be ap3G. Every section of rural land shall be in one tet:red imtil the Ist May, 1870.' Such license shall give (except timber'which lie shall havepurehased under lointed and be removable by waiTant under the hand block, and, except as hereinafter provided, of a'rect- no0 right to the soil or to the timber, and shall'immedi- the last clause); and any persons so cutting or re33. Immediately on the payment of the purchase angular form, and if bounded by a frontage line ,shall ntt:ely determine overany landwhich maybe purchased, moving timber shall be liable to pay the cost of such noney in full, the- purchaser shall, receive .from, tho if the Superintendent. aniiUy or these-regulations." (or chains) gi'i :5. One'member of the Waste Land? Board shall be of a depth of half "40 from such a License to Occupy," in the form ranted, reserved under A rea- license for one year together with thecosts ofrecover- Commissioners et forth in the Schedule A hereto nuncxuil, which ha Iso be the Treasurer there'ofj and such membershall frontage.. inable right of way shall be allowed through all pas- ing the amount of the same;. ...-.-.■ ■■~.. " return to the Commissioners when he ag.iin tui hall appointed by frontage irageruns. ie and removable the Governor. Note.—A line shall be taken to'mean the 77.' -Every license for cutting or removing timber 53. It at anytime during the.-first,four years after hall receive the Crown Grant of the Land. 6. The Waste Lands Board shall sit at the principal boundary of a road, river, or public reserve, or any for one mouth, or for one year, at the License to Occupy" shall ha transferable bySuch Office ofthe Province, at certain stated times streamor.watercourse which.shall have been declared tl«ie issue of the first license the quantity of stock for shall be issued enof the person applying for the same; and a obe determined by the Superintendent, and shall by notification in the Government Gazette to consti- th<le run shall be1 lessthan that originally required, or request in the form set forth in the Schedule, 10s. shall be paid upon every monthly license, orsement, dviring thenext three years lessthan twice thatamount, fee of Iso sit fbr'special purposes at such places and at such tute a frontage for the purpose of selection. 51. The fee shall be' paid to tho Tiensurer the yearly license. of upon every and £5 every year, Vaste Lands Board in advance ; for the imes as "the Superintendent shall direct; of which 37: Where, from•the frontage not being a straight or during any subsequent period less than three times 78. A license shall entitle no one but tlie person ret year on the usue of the License, and for the ittings due notice shall be given in the Provincial line or rom'the interference of other frontage lines, tinlat amount, the Waste Lands Board lnaydeclare the nnmed jcon'd and every subsequent year on the first day ot therein to cut down standing timber; but it Sovemm'ent Gazette, and one or more newspapers natural features, or tiie boundaries of private lands, wiihole or a portion of such run to be forfeited; proemploy any. number of persons, lay; and every pasturage license not renewed by üblished fn the Province. the above rules in respect offoi-mcannot be accurately viddetl .always'that with .regard to runs, granted prior to will 'authorise himof to the license, to saw, split, orremove aymentof the required fee on the first day of May 7.. Tlie' Chief Commissioner when present, and in observed, the form of the section shall be determined theie issue of these Regulations such first period of four during the termcut; and-such license shall not be is absence then some memberselected by those pre- as nearly in accordance with these rules as, in the ye::ars shall commence; from the date on which these the timber so /,'•■ ■all, unless good cause to the coirt rary be shown '# Reegulatioas shall come into operation provided \ brlt at any.meeting of the Board, shall preside there- judgment ofthe Board, circumstances will admit. le satisfaction of the Waste Lauds Board, be consithat Iransferable. 38.-In sections of lands not adjacent to or bounded on<ie or more runs held by the same individual or firm 79. A license to cut timber shall extend only to the ered as bandfooned. • t, and filial! have a casting vote in all questions ; by a frontage line, all the sides may be equal, but one nyiay for the purposes of this clause be considered as one district named therein. SZ. Every pasturage license shall be in tho form oming before the Board. ;t forth in the Schedule C hereto annexed, .• 8; All questions coming before the Board shall be side may not be less than one-third of the other; and ruiin. ■.■•!:'.'.■,"••■ -'(' _■ .' --..•_ ':'■•: i 80.. Ifany person duly licensed shall have established and shall ecided by a majority of the Commissioners present sucli section shall not be less than half a mile distant I54. In any case in which a runholder can prove to a saw-pit for the purpose of sawing timber, no other transferable by endorsement in the form set forth tiereat. ■....-. thee satisfaction of the Waste Lands Board that lie is person shall cut timber within the Schedule; and shall entitle the holder to the from a frontage line. 50 yards ofsuch pit i 9. All meetings of the Board shall be attended by eclufivoright of pasturage over tha Jumls specified 39. Any person possessing a section of land may at preeclucied by arrangements entered into previous to the without. consent of the person first occupying such lercin, upon the terms above stated. It is intended t least three Commissioners; and shall be open to the anytime'select another adjacent thereto, of such p«sssing of these regulations fi-om actually, for a given saw-pit; provided that if the person establishing such '■' ~;'.''.' f form'that the two together, being considered asj one perriod. pliicing-his .stock on .his own i-un, it shall be pit shall not use the same, and shall not cut timber lat i.uch license shall ba renewable from year to year üblic. 10. All applications for Land and for.Pasturage section, shall be in the form required for a single sui:ilicientifheprove, to the satisfaction of. the Board within such distance a* aforesaid from the pit for 28 util the'land specified. therein shall be"purchased-; nd for Timber Licenses shall,'after hearing evidence section under the foregoingrules. thaat he possesses within the Province the requisite consecutive days, it shall be lawful for any other holder •anted, or reserved, under these Hegulaiious; and lount purchase rhen necessary, be d'etemined by the Board at some the am and will undertake to to to cut so renewed, the fee to be' paid in respect of such Immediately payment place thereupon, 40. on the of of stock> the same of a license enter and timber as ttiug thereof. senses shall not be altered until the fiistof May, money,the purchaser shall receive from the Commis- ntthe run at the expiration of such peoiod. though such pit had not been established. 11 TheBoard shall have power to hear'and de- sioners a License to Occupy," in the form set forth. 555. Every holder of a license shall, at any time, upon 570. -Such license shall give no right to the so:.'or 81; If any person shall, for thepurpose ofremoving' ;nnine all disputes between the holders of Pastur- in the Schedule B hereuntoanDexed; and as soon ay>fvritten order tiura the Waste; Lands Board to that the timber, and shall immediately deterjuiie over timber, have made a road upon land being the Waste and Timber Licenses respecting the boundaries thereafter as conveniently maybe, the land shall be efieect, make a ti-ue and complete return ofall thestock Lands not being highway, of the Crown and a it shall. ly laud which may be purchased, gr.-.nted, or redistricts, nearly wilfully;.and and and shall have and exercise all laid off by a Government Surveyor) as in ac-. on Ids run: and if he shall i-ved under these Itccrulatioiis. A reasonable right kriowinHy not be lawful for any other person to use tlie same tieruns powers which may be lawfully had and exercised cordance with the description given by the purchaser ma]tke any felse return, the Waste Lands Board shall without way shall "be allowed through all pasturage runs. the permission cjf the person making the same y any Commissionerof Crown Lands, under the pro- in his application as these regulations -will admit; im*mediately declare his license to be forfeited. 05. The applicant for any rural land included in that if such road sliall not provided first obtained; isions of the "Crown Lands Ordinance, Sess. X., provided that whenever the lands selected lie without 556. "Every run or portion thereof which shall have be used at any time for 00 consecutive da;'S, it shall iv pre-emptive right shall deposit with the Tjensiircr the Waste Lands Board a sum equal to 4j. i.eracre o.l;" and the "Crown Lands Extension Ordinance, the surveyed districts, the expense of the survey and beeisn forfeited, as above provided, shall be put up by be lawfulfor any holder of a license at any time thercess. XI., No. 10." the purchase money, and the remainder lie shail of connecting such survey with the existing surveys the1Wiiste Lands Board to public auction, after an ad- aiter to use the same. 12. AH the routine business of the ;Land" Depart- shall be borne by the.purchaser, whoshall at the time' verl•tt=c!nent in the Government Gazette, and one or y within one week from the date of his application icnt shall be transacted by the Cliief 82. Ifany person holding a timber license shall be ing granted, or. forfeit such deposit. Such deposit, purchase deposit the amount of the estimated cost nioi■re newspapers ofthe Province. A license granted proved Commissioner,' of before the Waste Lands Board to have ibject to such regulations as may be made; by the of such surveys with the; Treasurer of the Waste, afteer forfeiture shall be deemed to be an original license; wever, shall be immediately returned on demand, oard in that behalf. the holder of the pre-emptive right shall purchase ■' Lands Board, which shall be made as soon aspractic- Upcion appeal from any person whose run has been for- offended ajruinst any regulations herein contained re13. A book to be called the "Application Book" able, by order of the Chief Surveyor. Provided feit(ed, within GO .days" from the date of such forfeiture, specting timber, or,'to have wilfullyor negligently iny portion of the land applied for. .'■ ; open durifag office hours at the Land always, that should any section when surveyed prove its)hall be lawful for the Superintendent to reserve or ured or destroyed by fire or otherwise any timber beCO. If the hqlder of the pre-emptive right decide i^l beinkept longing to the"Crown, such license shall tic, and shall which the name of every person desiring to 'to'1 differ' in any respect'from that intended by the susjpend such forfeiture either wholly or in part. >on purchasing any portion of tlu and applied'fox, fhee, to be forfeited, and it shall be immediately take any application to the Boara shall b6 .wi-itten be declared &', responsible Every person taking will not>7. out license a run 'shall forthwith pay to the Treasurer of the Waste be a for which purcliaser, the, Government Bofinl a deposit of 4,5. per acre of. tho purchaso 1order by himself or any person duly authorised on for any loss'or inconvenience which the purchaser ismlot stocked will be required to deposit with the Trea- at the discretion ofthe Board torefuse toissue auother uuls is behalf. And the Commissioners shall, duringthe may experience, nor will the purchase money be re- sureer the sum of ten shillings for every hundred acres timber license to the same person. mey ofsuch portion; and if he shall not within six tting of the Board, consider and determine allappli- tui-ned. Provided also, that the eks thereafter have paid the remainder pf the'pufshall inel luded in the license; which will be returned without if: ase.money, he shall forfeit such deposit together itions m the order in which they shall appear in the: find ithat the whole extent, of land in the seje.cted inte evest as soon as, he shall have fulfilled the conditions SCHEDULES. iphcation book. Provided that if any person shall locality falls short, of'the;-quantity;:paid for by.'the in'rirespect to stocking the run within the prescribed th all right or title, to the land. . -.-„-. )t appear himselfor by^ome 71. All payments'on" account"of pasturage runs person: duly aiithorised' purchaser, the Treasurer shall repay so much of the: periliod ;.but ifsuch conditions be not fulfilled such de"■ Schedule A1 his behalf before the. Board, wHen.calle'd' in his" purchase money as exceeds ;the nrice ofthe land to be; posiiits shall be forfeited ill in future be made on .the first day of May,- at ' Province ) Land Office, at Christchurch, and.the \Vaste conveyed. Tlie "License to Occupy" shall, in ..any ■'&8. The above ru 11 respect to stocking a run, and ira«-'liu'ap^J^tioja'E£a|l'b'efdjsmiswd'ant3:li£3'-iifiine ■-of all appear again- hi the ißbbkin order.- 'Provided such case, be amended by the Commissioners,in ac-.i: \-to tlhe lodgment of c< p money with the Treasurer, Canterbury, nds Board 3hallsit at tl>at place .for the Treasurer j so that if,two, or more persons shall" apply at the cordance with the report of thfe* Surveyor, arid the! shall11 not apply to ru t '.containing less than5000 acres. ; receive the sanio me time to-mite'tlieir names in tue Application Crown Grant shall'be made out in accordance1 5£9. Every holder of a 'license -may be required at LICENSE TO OCCUPT TOWH LANDS. e-"Cl"ef Commisb'oncr snaU .^"*9jfef< their, : and the (t L"«nse J) shall'he' retumedltd any time to nayfor the actual costp of the survey of jj£HgttßAa_tlj._. by Proprietors %t ■of hathbcea duly dc- Printed D.-.Campbell, for the * ; w - '• • ' '\ ' ■ .., s ,, . -. '
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