THE EDGE - GE Ski Club
THE EDGE - GE Ski Club
EDGE THE GE SKI CLUB NEWSLETTER MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 327 NEW HARTFORD, NY 13413 WEBSITE: MARCH 2016 Inside This Issue Board Meetings & Basket Raffle Board Officers & Happy Hours Mtn Kilimanjaro & Nominations 50th Anniversary Party Ski Season Winter Events Table Forms Calendar (February/March) 1 2 3-5 6 7-8 9 10/12 13/14 VOL. 49 ISSUE 11 General Membership Meetings Are held at the Elk’s Club on `1315 Champlin Ave. in Utica at 6:30 PM. Meetings are now the 3rd Tuesday of every month from Sept. to April. Guests are always welcome. See You All in April!!! Newsletter Articles must be received by March 20th to be in the April newsletter and sent in Word format. E-mail to [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Membership Forms can also be found on the website at Board Meetings Board Officers meeting will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at the Gander Mtn. store in New Hartford. April 12th If any general member wishes to bring anything up to the board, - they are welcome – but strongly suggest they contact the VP to get on the agenda. ******************************************************************************************************************* BASKET RAFFLE ATTENTION: ALL YOU SUPER HEROES OUT THERE!!! "Yes" everyone reading this can be a "super hero" and your RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM needs you to "jump-start" our fundraising for the American Cancer Society. All you have to do is gather item(s) to create a "basket". Sometimes it helps to have a theme, for example, movie night, lottery board, beach party, Italian Dinner, you get the idea. Then bring your creations to the April General Meeting on the 19th and we will raffle them after the business part of the meeting. For those who prefer to buy raffle tickets, we need you too. So, will you be a Super Hero???? For more info or questions, contact Ron Geiskopf 732-5926 or Pat O'Hara 525-7288. NOTES FROM BETH BOARD OFFICERS MARCH 2016 FOR 2015-2016 PRESIDENT BETH MARTIN 315-404-0783 [email protected] Well it is March and the last good month to ski here in Upstate NY. Let it snow. VICE PRESIDENT JERRY STELMA 868-3309 [email protected] TREASURER JEANNINE MURTAUGH-REATH 735-0349 SECRETARY SANDY MCGLYNN 768-4243 ALPINE ANDY REATH 735-0349 CROSS-COUNTRY VACANT MEMBERSHIP/Info/Applications ROSEMARY FORSTI 735-8842 WAYNE DEL MEDICO 738-0166 [email protected] NEWSLETTER DONNA WESTER 527-6100 [email protected] PUBLICITY JERRY GORTNER 762-8038 [email protected] Elections are underway. Don't forget to cast your ballots. The Spring Picnic is March 13th at Royal Mountain. Weather permitting of course. Always a great time. Bring a covered dish to pass. We are always looking for summer events. If you have anything in mind you would like to do please let the board know. It's all about the fun! Happy Easter, Beth SOCIAL – CHRISTMAS/SPRING [email protected] TRIPS DICK FORSTI TOM LAZZARO 735-8842 489-6432 [email protected] SERGEANT-AT-ARMS KATHY GREEN MIKE HARDIMAN 865-8442 982-2224 Immediate Past President TOM O’HARA 525-1858 [email protected] HAPPY HOURS (around 5:30 pm for Happy Hour) March March 4th – Killabrew (New Hartford) March 18th – Uno’s – (New Hartford) April Apr 8th – Stockdale's, (Oriskany) Apr 22nd – The Mill (Rome) CLIMBING MOUNT KILIMANJARO TUESDAY, MARCH 22 6:30 PM SITRIN HOME CONFERENCE ROOM, 2050 Tilden Ave, Main Building. Enter through the second entrance near the larger parking lot Paul Fortin, a member of our club, recently climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. He will deliver a presentation of his experience. ************************************************************************************* July Camping Trip If you’ve thought about planning your Summer then you may want to include camping in your plans. We will be camping at Lewey Lake, located North of Speculator on Rte 30, on the July 15-17th weekend. Some campers do start their trip on Wednesday or Thursday. We currently have site #’s 113, 121, 122,& 119. Go to to make reservations. Contact Ron – 732-5926 for more information. ********************************************************************************************************************** Nominations For Board Members It's Nomination Time. The Nomination Form is included in this Newsletter as well as having been attached to NewsBlasts and available at the General Meetings. Nominate as many people as you like, some may not accept their nomination. Also, nominate yourself for any position you want. Please avoid write-in votes later. In the interest of transparency, all candidates should be known to all the voters. The ballot should be open and honest. Do not participate in hidden agendas and surprises. You can email your Nominees to [email protected] . You can also follow the mailing instructions on the back of the form. I misspoke at the February Meeting. The Nomination period will end on March 31 NOT February 29. The Election will begin April 5th, 2 weeks before the final General Meeting as per the Bylaws. Jerry Stelma, Vice President GE Ski Club Position and Description 2016-2017 Board Position Nomination Form I nominate (Nominate as many people as you like for each Position) President: Shall be Executive head of the Club, and when present, shall preside at General and Board Meetings. Shall work with all Board members and generally oversee and be advised of all Club activities and functions. Shall be an ex officio member of all committees. Shall promote the Club in the local and ski community. Vice President(s): Shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the President's absence, removal, or resignation. Assist in planning and running General Meetings and notifying all Board members of Board Meetings and said business. Oversee the Inventory List and coordinate spring/summer/fall events with Board and Event Chairpersons. Complete special tasks requested by the President. Treasurer: Responsible for managing all funds of the Club, keeping full and accurate account of all receipts and expenditures for each and all events. Collect required financial forms from those handling club monies. Advise the Board on financial matters pertaining to past events. Responsible for all deposits and reconciliation of the Club's accounts. File taxes by the federal deadline. Keep an accurate Inventory List on file provided by the Vice President. Secretary: Responsible for recording, maintaining, and reporting all meeting minutes to the Board. Take care of other Club correspondence. Sergeants-at-Arms: Shall staff the entrance door at General Meetings to make sure only proper age persons enter, check that only Members, guests, prospective members, or speakers enter. Shall greet all entrants. Shall collect entrance fee, 50/50 raffle money, or special donations required for entry. Shall record the entry finances and submit with proper financial form to the Treasurer. May be required to assure that only proper individuals are at Board Meetings. May be required to bring a motion to terminate a Board Member. Should assure that all individuals are conducting themselves in a proper manor at all meetings or events. May be required to escort improper individuals from a meeting or event with any help needed to do so. Should notify the Board of any such needed action. Membership Chairperson(s): Responsible for processing membership applications, collecting dues, forwarding money and financial forms to the Treasurer. Maintain membership information of Club members and should have a Membership Roster available by the end of January. Position and Description I nominate (Nominate as many people as you like for each Position) Trip Chairperson(s): Responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, and advising all details relating to day and multiday trips. Collect completed trip sign up forms and payments from each participant. Balance trip finances at completion and turn in report to Treasurer. Work with Alpine and Cross Country Chairpersons. Alpine Chairperson: Responsible for the promotion of alpine skiing within New York State and surrounding areas. Investigate and assist in selecting ski destinations; work with Trip Chairperson(s) and X-C Chairperson in planning trips and events. Set up a ski lesson program at a local ski area, if needed. May act as a Trip Leader in the absence of a Trip Chairperson. Promote Club with local ski shops. May act as a liaison between the Club and other ski organizations. Cross Country Ski Chairperson: Responsible for the promotion of cross country skiing. Organize and plan cross country ski events. Work closely with Trip and Alpine Chairperson(s) on trips and events. May act as a Trip Leader in the absence of the Trip Chairperson. Assist in promoting the Club with local ski shops. Publicity Chairperson: Publicize the Club to the general populace and Club Events to the Members by appropriate means, such as newspaper, radio, TV, flyers, social media, or public events. Newsletter Chairperson(s): Responsible for collecting, organizing, editing, and distributing the newsletter and other material received from the Board, General Membership, or Event Chairpersons. Recording of minutes from all Board Meetings in the absence of the Secretary. Social Chairperson(s): Responsible for planning and organizing the Club's major social events and gatherings. Turn in event financial report and forms to the Treasurer. Shall work with the Board on special projects and assist in the planning of speakers or entertainment at General Meetings. Sales Chairperson(s): With advisement to and guidance from the Board, shall design, research, procure, and store Club logo items for sale or gifts to Members or guests. Return completed form in person to Vice President, or mail to G.E. Ski Club, Inc., Attn: VP, PO Box 327, New Hartford, NY 13413 Hay everyone the invitations are out. We are getting excited about the upcoming event and we hope you are as well. All you have to do now is send in your reservation with payment to secure your spot. If you did not get an invitation in the mail you can print this one and send it in. Don't wait, do it now before you forget as our DEADLINE is May 10th. It may seem like a ways away but it isn't. In fact I have already received reservations. Don't be shy. Call Kathy White if you have any questions 723-7741 Well folks, so far this has been a tough season for the club. Two Gore busses not full and lost money, one and possibly another canceled. Elk Mountain and Magic Mountain trips canceled. Sunday River only half full. The board and trip chairs are at a loss to explain this. These events are put together for your enjoyment. If you want you may contact the president and let us know why you may not have participated this season. It can help us in the future to plan winter events. Keep in mind, lots of good spring skiing coming up. The good news is, the trip to Mt Tremblant is full. That should be a good time for those going. Remember the spring picnic on March 13. It will be at Royal Mt again. ROYAL MOUNTAIN Come join fellow ski clubbers for our annual spring ski picnic to be held at Royal Mt. route 10 Caroga Lake on March 13. Bring an appetizer or desert to pass. We will support the area by buying main lunch entre from the cafeteria. After skiing we will retire to the bar for a couple après ski beverages. Royal has had very good snow conditions and grooming this season. Some of the best around. MT. TREMBLANT Ski, Snowboard, Cross Country or just relax and shop at our French Neighbor When: Sat April 2nd through Tues April 5th Bus Leaves DOT Parking lot at 7AM Sat Where: 2 Bedroom Condos w/common Kitchen & Living Room. In the heart of pedestrian village at La tour des Voyageurs Hotel. Ski in/Ski out w/ hot tub COST(s): Bus and Condo: $280 per person PLUS the number of Lift Tickets: $50/day ($35 Seniors/Youth) 3 days available! Lift Tickets must be paid by March 1 to get these rates. $100 due Jan 1 $100 due Feb 1 Bal by March 1 Checks made out to GE Ski Club with a trip form Dick Forsti 735-8842 [email protected] G E SKI CLUB WINTER EVENTS 2015-2016 as of 2/24/16 Ski area & Ski club events* Special Mountain & Council Deals** For all G E club trips, you must be a member and a trip form must be completed for each event. Mar 13, Sun, Spring Picnic – ROYAL MTN Apr 2-5, Sat-Tues, MT TREMBLANT, Cn. Empire card.- on line $99. 1st day free, 50% off mid week, 25% off weekends, 6th day free. Gore, Whiteface, Belleayre. Toggenburg: Military ID-$15. Lift, lesson, lunch special: Sr. 60+, M, W, F, $20 & 25. Adult, Tu & Th, $30 & $35 ORDA -Coke Wed. Full coke product, reduced rate lift tickets.–non holiday. Gore & Whiteface $48, Belleayre $32 Ski council discount days**membership card+photo I D May 21, Sat. Club’s 50th anniversary party Catamount- M-F, non holiday, all season -$20 3/5,12-$49 Gore:-$42-3/7,20,21 Whiteface:-$42-3/6,7 Belleayre:- $38 -3/14, 20, 21 Mad River -$39-3/21 to 25 STOWE: -$45-; 3/18-20; 4/8-10 Mt Snow:$56 3/12 Okemo- 3/4,26,27-$44; 3/5-$49 Killington:; Pico $35 3/11,14;- Kill-$49 Pico-$403/12,13 Windham -$45: 3/17 Plattekill: $10 off * Events and dates may be changed, added or delegated, depending on snow conditions, weather or other circumstances beyond our control, without notice. G E Ski Club member discounts at these Local ski areas** *** **Picture I D and current club membership card required at ski areas for club lift ticket discounts. Snow Ridge-$25, McCauley Mt -$20, Oak Mt- $10 off (member & immediate family), Toggenburg -$30, Greek Peak -$49, Royal Mt.-2 for 1, Plattikill- $10 off, Butternut - $5 to $20 off, Willard (many discounts avail.), Catamount- M-F N/H $20. ***-Weekend prices, midweek may be lower, holidays may be higher. March Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri Sat 4 5 Happy Hour Killabrew Heart Run and Walk – Utica College 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sunday River Sunday River Board Mtg Gander Mtn. – 6:00 Sunday River Sunday River Sunday River 16 17 18 X-Country - TBD Sunday River 13 14 Spring Picnic – Royal Mtn. 15 General Mtg – Elks Club - 6:30 pm 19 Happy Hour – Uno’s 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 2016 3 April Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Mt. Tremblant 3 4 5 Mt. Tremblant Mt. Tremblant Mt. Tremblant 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 Happy Hour Stockdales (Oriskany) 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 Board Mtg Gander Mtn. – 6:00 17 18 19 General Mtg – Elks Club - 6:30 pm 24 25 26 Happy Hour The Mill (Rome) 27 28 29 30 2016 3