October 2012 - Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan


October 2012 - Needlework and Textile Guild of Michigan
October 2012
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
MISSION STATEMENT: The purpose shall be to foster the art of needlework, with special emphasis on work done with a
needle with an eye & related disciplines, with an eye to encourage high standards of design & technique & to bring together
members who shall learn, share, teach & participate to the fullest extent in this endeavor.
Volume 2, Issue 2
From the President:
We are off to a great start this year. Following an insightful lecture by member Linda
Soberman, we had an inspiring image transfer workshop. Hopefully, some of us will have
finished our pieces and can bring them in to show everyone. An important part of the Guild
is sharing our work, so please feel free to bring in your current projects (even Works in Progress) for others to see. We will have a table by the podium for Show and Tell items.
Speaking of workshops, we are experiencing high demand for workshop spaces this
year. Please remember that you are not in a workshop unless you have paid for it. We will
review the signup and cancellation policy details at the next meeting, but we strongly encourage everyone to reserve their workshop spots early. If you are new and haven’t taken
any workshops yet, they are fun, and great sources of inspiration because we have such a
friendly, sharing, and talented group. Come join us!
Finally, last year’s instructor Carol Furtado (felted scarves) will be having a studio
open house on Saturday, October 6th at 1410 Barnard Rd. in Ann Arbor from 11-5. There
will be live music from 1-3. Also showing will be Idelle Hammond-Sass (fine jewelry), Claudia
Hershman (prints), and Janet Kelman (glass). For more information, call Janet at (734) 3890454.
Enjoy the fall -
Debra Gash
Directions to St. Paul United Methodist Church – 165 East Square Lake Rd.,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Oct. Program
Nov. Program
From Woodward (to avoid Square Lake traffic):
—Coming north on Woodward, pass Square Lake Rd. About .1 mile after the
light, just after the Iroquois Club, look for Winthrop on the right. It is the first
residential street.
—Turn right onto Winthrop, then take an immediate right onto Hillsdale. At the
fork, bear right almost to the end. Turn left onto Barrington. Pass the main
(upper entrance) of the church on the right and follow Barrington to its end. Turn
right onto Mulberry, passing the upper parking lot entrance, and turn right into the
lower parking lot entrance.
Program Coupons
Library Information
Member Information
Inside this issue:
Programs @ a Glance 11
Board Members
From Square Lake Rd. eastbound: —You have several options
—First, you can do a Michigan left to head north on Woodward.
—Or, stay on Square Lake and take the second turn around opportunity.
—Go straight across Square Lake to Rutherford. The first right is Barrington.
—Follow to the end, turn right into the second (lower) parking lot.
—Or, if traffic isn’t bad, go to the 3 rd turn around, turn and get into the right lane.
—Turn right onto Mulberry and left into the first (lower) lot.
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 2
October Program: Oct. 9 & 10
Lecture Speaker: Kathie Briggs
Topic: Art Quilts 101
Do you think you’d like to begin making art quilts? Are you afraid that it’s too hard or are you
concerned that you need a lot of experience making traditional quilts? Then this program is for you! I
will talk about how to get started making art quilts. I will show examples of realistic to abstract art
quilts I have made and share what inspired each piece. I will also discuss art fabrics and techniques to
make them.
I am fascinated by the interplay of color, form and texture. My artwork sometimes includes tactile elements like beading and layering as well as dimensional components such as wired leaves. I enjoy combining my own hand-dyed and painted fabric with a wide variety of commercial fabrics.
My work has been exhibited in galleries, art centers and at national and international quilt
shows; and has been featured in books and magazines. I am a member of, the Jordan River Arts Council, Crooked Tree Art Council, Charlevoix Circle of Arts, and a professional artist member of the Studio
Art Quilt Associates.
Kathie Briggs lives in Charlevoix Michigan.
Workshop Leader: Kathie Briggs
Topic: Art Quilts 101 Creating Strong Compositions
Do you have wonderful fabrics languishing in your stash? Perhaps it is art cloth you created in a surface design class or a special piece of ethnic fabric bought on vacation, or maybe a piece of fabric that is too
beautiful to cut up, or a collection of wonderful batiks. This is a great opportunity to showcase your beautiful
fabrics. Using some of the fundamental design tools that artists use to add interest and visual power to their
work, you will create 3 to 4 small fabric compositions (8" x10" up to 16" x 20").
Sewing machine is not used the first day and is optional on the second day.
Discussion of Tools and Basic Techniques
Exercise 1: Picture As Inspiration
Exercise 2: Isolating with a Viewfinder
Exercise 3: Landscape, Seascape, or Cityscape
Exercise 4: Let the Fabric Do the Talking
Exercise 5: Save those Scraps: Fun with Free-piecing
Wrap up
October Program: Oct. 9 & 10
Workshop Leader: Kathie Briggs
Topic: Art Quilts 101 Creating Strong Compositions
Supply List: [students are responsible to being to workshop]
Notebook and/or sketchbook and pencil
1 sheet of foam core board about 20” x 30” to use as design board
Basic Sewing Kit: pins, hand-sewing needles, thread, sharp scissors
A selection of fabrics which could include batiks and prints as well as fabrics that read as solid.
Scraps are great since will be working small. Select fabrics that have eye and tactile appeal as well
as special ones like sheers, velvets, corduroy, silk, rayon and voile for transparent and textural ef-
Volume 2, Issue 2
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Page 3
fects. Thrift shop finds are great too. Include some fabrics with large bold prints and designs. Black
and white fabrics (solids and prints) can be very useful. And be sure to bring any special fabric that
you have created using surface design techniques such as painting, dyeing, stamping, stenciling,
Sketches, photos, pictures, etc. that inspire you. Good sources for images include travel guides,
greeting cards, calendars, advertisements and postcards
Rotary cutter, small cutting mat and ruler
Fusible web and/or glue stick
Iron and small ironing surfaces
Thin (low-loft) batting. (optional)
Backing fabric (optional)
Sewing machine in good working order (optional)
Digital camera (optional)
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 4
Lecture Speaker:
November Program: Nov. 13
Margaret McGuiness
[email protected]
Topic: Collage Art Therapy for Autistic, Traumatic Brain Injury and
Margaret McGuiness is a Board Certified and Registered Art Therapist, professional member of the
American Art Therapy Association, the Michigan Association of Art Therapy and the Buckeye(Ohio) Art
Therapy Association. She has co-authored a chapter on an Art Therapy Program for Traumatic Brain
Injury for Guilford publications due this fall provided workshops focusing on healing, recovery, and
creativity, and presented “The Healing Image of the Doll” and “Measurable Goals and Objectives in Art
Therapy,” for the Michigan Association of Art Therapy (MAAT) and the Buckeye(Ohio) Art Therapy Association (BATA). Margaret is also a professional artist specializing in mixed media, fiber arts and watercolor paintings, exhibiting her work in the Metro Detroit
Workshop Leader: Margaret McGuiness
Topic: Healing Dolls, African Wish Doll
Margaret will help each workshop attendee create a doll that helps with the emotional healing process. The
wrapped doll is placed under the dreamer's pillow to travel to the land of the ancestors and seek
the dreamer's answer to the question that was placed inside the doll's head. The doll is said to "carry you
Supply list:
 Pease bring materials which have significance for yousuch as a favorite article of clothing someone dear wore, buttons, jewelry, yarns, fabrics, embellishments, etc., to add to your doll.
(When I made my first wrapped doll, I brought my children’s first tooth and clippings from their hair, to
include in the wrapping.)
 If you purchase a doll mask from me you’ll want to bring acrylic paints to paint it.
 Roving, or yarns for hair
 needle and thread
 Scissors
 Glue (hot glue gun or tacky glue)
 Choice of fabrics
 Threads
 Beads
 Craft paint & brushes
 Needles
 Pins
Kit Fee: Between $2 to $3 ( for doll masks)
Page 5
October 9th & 10th , 2012
Kathie Briggs
Art Quilts 101
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________
E-MAIL: ________________________________
PROGRAM FEE: $55 plus a kit fee TBD
C/O Sue Mathes
1184 Ruby Ave.
Rochester Hills 48309
Questions: 248-289-6003
November 13th , 2012
Margaret McGuinness
African Wish Doll
NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________
E-MAIL: ________________________________
PROGRAM FEE: $18 plus a kit fee – Margaret will have face masks for sale to use on your doll $2 ea.
C/O Sue Mathes
1184 Ruby Ave.
Rochester Hills 48309
Questions: 248-289-6003
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 6
New Items:
Knitting Creative Details: Designing Original Knitwear DVD– Vicki Square
Spend over 2 hours with knitting expert Vicki Square, who shares her tips for successful designing. Access to patterns is included.
Journey to Inspired Art Quilting - Jean WellsAnother good introduction to art quilting. This book walks the reader through the creative design process, and reviews the elements of design. Jean’s examples show how she comes up
with designs, chooses fabrics, and intuitively pieces her quilts.
As usual, if you have any suggestions for particular books, or topics you feel warrant more
books or DVDs, please email me.
Goals and Policies:
The goal of the NTGM library is to provide all members with free access to books and other
materials on a wide range of fiber art-related topics. As with any public library, we need to be
sure books stay in circulation by ensuring that they are returned in a timely fashion. Please be
considerate of other members and try to return your materials by the next meeting. You must
be a current member to check out any materials.
If you check out books and cannot come to the next month’s meeting, please find someone to
bring them in (check your NTGM directory) or mail them, so that other members may have access as well. Many people did a fabulous job of this last year. We realize that last minute things
come up that may prevent you from attending a meeting (illnesses, etc.), but people do wait for
a book to come back in.
Due to the popularity of the library, we must limit the number of materials checked out by a
member to a maximum of 5 per month
If something bad happens to your book (the P.O. loses it, the dog eats it, you spilled ice cream
over it at the beach, etc.), please expect to replace it for the Guild. If you have friends who are
not members who would like to use this resource, please encourage them to join. YOU are responsible for any items checked out in your name.
Finally, we will continue to make reminder calls the Monday before meetings, if it is helpful.
As always, if you have a particular item you’d like to see in the library, please let us know.
Email me ---I can’t remember items mentioned at the meetings!
Please DO NOT return items to the church office!!
Volume 2, Issue 2
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Page 7
Barbara Shanahan
4528 Lynne Ln, Commerce, MI 48382
cell 248-931-3738
[email protected]
MEMBERSHIP UPDATE: Email changes from last year
Barbara Bloom - [email protected]
Eleanor Siewart - [email protected]
Collette Pariseau - [email protected]
red) Kit
IP (I’m Prepa
ing Supplies Basic Sew
read, thimble
Needles, pins, th
per & fabric
 Scissors– pa
 Pencil, pape
Light or magnific
Sewing machine
if needed
Extension cords,
Submit1. 1. to Marge Kluk
a: sewingal@woww
2. 2. information,
articles, etc. for publi
cation by the 25th
of the month
3. 3. text &/or char
ts in Microsoft form
at (Word, Excel, Po
wer Point)
4. 4. Photos as a jp
eg file
**I welcome any su
ggestions, ideas, ph
oto or
articles for the news
Volume 2, Issue 2
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
AM to 2 PM
th from approx. 10
d dessert.
 Meets 1st Mon
ill supply drinks an
 Bring a sand
get new ideas.
al way to knit and
Page 8
Oct. 1
Nov. 6
Dec. 3
Jan. 7
Feb. 4
Mar. 4
Apr. 1
May 6
June 3
Mary Willsie
Jean Clark
Kathy Shuller
Barb Gash
Joyce Smith
Joyce Smith
Sophie Malkowicz
Jean Clark
Jan Van Tilburg
248 552-8136
248 646-0185
248 398-1941
248 338-3011
248 647-0797
248 647-0797
248 618-9717
248 646-0185
248 988-8883
 Meets 1st Tuesday of each month
 Includes current projects, unfinished projects (UFO’s), & projects members would like
to have help with
Nov. 6
Ellie Herkommer
She will serve lunch & can handle up to 10 people.
Please call her by Oct. 31 if you can come.
248 642-9772
Oct. 2
Dec. 4
Feb. 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
June 4
Joan Koelsch
Lunch provided
RSVP @ 248-549-4237
QUILTING CONNECTIONS: “Beautiful Original Quilts by Area Artists”
September 15 – October 27, 2012
Tues, Thurs, Sat; 11:00 – 3:00 or by appt.
Central United Methodist Church
23 E Adams
Detroit 48226
Free parking in rear
Volume 2, Issue 2
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Page 9
NTGM (Needlework & Textile Guild of Michigan)
Volume 2, Issue 2
Page 10
Tao Silk and Parisienne Scarf - Free Knitting Pattern
Finished Measurements: 6 1/2 x 86 inches
 1 ball of Colinette Parisienne in 163 Vincent's Apron
 2 balls of Colinette Tao Silk in 163 Vincent's Apron
 Straight knitting needles, US size 9
Gauge - Not super important
 rs: Right Side
 ws: Wrong Side
 K: knit
 P: purl
 K2TOG: knit 2 stitches together, as if they were one.
 PSSO: pass slipped stitch over.
 YO: yarn-over
1. Holding 1 strand each of the Tao Silk and the Parisienne together, CO 28 sts
2. Row 1(rs): K2, *K3, YO, SL 1, K2TOG, PSSO, YO; repeat from * to last 2 sts, K2
3. Row 2 & 4 (ws): Purl
4. Row 3: K2, *YO, SL 1, K2TOG, PSSO, YO, K3; repeat from * to last 2 sts, K2
5. Repeat rows 1-4 until scarf measures about 85 inches unblocked (or until you only have enough
yarn for 1 more row)
6. BO all stitches.
Page 11
Linda Soberman
Artist and her work, Image
Maker, Collector and Historian
Photo Transfers Techniques: Building Imagery
Kathie Briggs
Art Quilts 101
ART QUILTS 101 Creating
Strong Compositions
Collage Art Therapy for Autistic,
Traumatic Brain Injury and
Healing Dolls, African
Wish Doll
WhistleStop: Julie Blair
NTGM Goes To The Movies
Sharon McKenna
Seminar Day: Mary Ann Sherry
Jane Dunnewold
The Evolution of Art Cloth
Finishing Techniques for
Textile Artists
Jacqueline Sullivan
Transition From Paper To Fiber
Acrylics Meet Fibers
Diane Nunez
Sculptural Fabric Constructions
Blossoming Garden
Annual Luncheon, Member Exhibit & Creativity Show
NTGM 2012-2013 Board and Committee Officers
President: Debra Gash
[email protected]
Program Chair: Sue Mathes
[email protected]
Recording Secretary: Carol Buszek
[email protected]
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Ann Sherry
[email protected]
Treasurer: Joan Koelsch
[email protected]
Standing Committees
Directory: Carol Buszek- [email protected]
Flea Market: Sue Baetens- [email protected]
Hospitality: Connie Soon- 248-399-7586
Independent Projects: Kathy Shuller- [email protected]
Librarian: Debra Gash- [email protected]
Claudia Scroggins- [email protected]
Membership: Barbara Gash- [email protected]
Newsletter: Margaret Kluka- [email protected]
40th Anniversary Committee: BarbaraGash- [email protected];
Jeannine Krause- [email protected]; Barbara [email protected]; Marj Levine - [email protected]
Community Service or Seminar Day:Mary Ann [email protected]
Whistlestop: Judi Kottler- [email protected]
Barbara Gittleman - [email protected]
Publicity: Julie Blair- [email protected]