File - Hebron United Methodist Church
File - Hebron United Methodist Church
“Good Good News” November 2013 Hebron United Methodist Church 2325 Mebane Oaks Road Mebane, NC 27302 [email protected] Pastor: Bryan Sexton, Jr. P a s t o r’ s C o r n e r Greetings to the Saints, Doors are passage ways to go from one place to another. After the crucifixion of Jesus the disciples hid behind closed and locked doors. On the day of His Resurrection Jesus appeared to them in the place where they were hiding, behind a closed and locked door. The fact of Jesus’ resurrection and appearance to them allowed the disciples to go beyond that locked door and fear into a new place of faith in the resurrected Lord and thus into the world to be His emboldened witnesses. A personal encounter with the risen Lord enabled them to move from one place to another. They moved spiritually from fear and depression into another place of faith, hope, confidence, assurance and boldness. In Acts 14:27, November 2013 Luke reports on the missionary success of Paul and Barnabas: 27 Now when they had come and gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles. We often hear of ‘doorways of opportunity’ and are familiar with expressions such as; “Opportunity knocks but once”, and “He who hesitates is lost”. I first heard the later expression, “He who hesitates is lost” during a football game and it was spoken to me by a coach. Late in a ballgame we were losing by 5 points and our team was making a march in the closing minutes of the game to score a touchdown to win the game. It was third and long yardage to keep the drive alive. We had the ball at midfield. My coach turned to me and another running back and said, “I need one of you to take in the screen pass”. The other running back had a little bit better speed than I had, but I had better hands and ability to catch the ball. I was sure that the coach would realize this and choose me to take in the play. When suddenly, the other running back ran out onto the field and shouted back at us, “I got it coach!”. That’s when the coached looked at me and spoke the words that taught me a lifelesson I have never forgotten; “He who hesitates is lost”. Our team lined up on the field for the play that would either continue to keep the drive alive or end our hopes for a comeback victory. The ball was snapped. The quarterback executed a perfect fake to one running back that froze the other team’s linebackers. He dropped back to pass and the other team’s defensive line came after him hard and fast. The running back who took the play in gave a brief attempt to block and then swung out of the backfield into the left flats behind our offensive line which had repositioned themselves to provide blocking for the running back once he got the ball. The quarterback executed a perfect pass that landed right in the hands of the running back, and as I had suspected and feared … he dropped the pass. That ended our drive. We punted away on fourth down and never got the ball back again and the game ended. We lost. “He who hesitates is lost!” Continued on Page 4 “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Page 1 2nd Brian Yoder 3rd Bradley Dixon 6th William Overby 10th Jeff Wilson Brian Freshwater 11th Wendy Nelms 15th Matthew Yoder Mary Elizabeth Sinatra 16th Amanda Blankenship 18th Douglas Wilson Donna Flack 19th Angela Hundley 20th Charlie Wilkinson 21st Patrick Forrest 23rd Catherine Kinley 24th Valerie Gerzma Zachary Holliday 25th Richie Mullis April Strader 26th Rebecca Richards 27th Vanessa Brady 29th Jordan Jeffreys 30th Lucas Lobaugh, Jr. If your birthday or that of a loved one is not on this list or is incorrect, please call the church office to correct it. Page 2 Attention UMW Members Please note that individual UMW pledges and gifts to any other area of mission giving will be due by Sunday, November 24, 2013. Questions may be directed to Margaret Lankford. Acolyte Schedule November 3rd A Maddie Moss A Caleb Sykes C Aaron Moss Communion Maddie Moss Aaron Moss Caleb Sykes Sub Patrick Forrest The Mebane Historical Society and Museum and The S.W.I.F.T. Foundation (Sue Windsor Initiative for Teens) both shared their missions with Downtown Mebane on October 12th, to celebrate Autumn Fest "2013". S.W.I.F.T. gained exposure and support at this year's festival. By working with these two non-profit organizations, Downtown Mebane is investing in our future (by providing support to at -risk youth in our local schools) and honoring our past (through the preservation of our history.) REMEMBER: If it is your assigned day, it is your place to swap out and get a sub if you cannot serve —DO NOT JUST NOT SHOW UP! DO NOT assume the sub on the schedule will be there to cover for you. They MIGHT Swift had a very large presence at Autumn Fest both on stage and with a information booth. This event served as the official kick off to raise awareness of SWIFT throughout the community. The presence of Hebron UMC and the support of Hebron Church members did not go unnoticed. We would like to formally say thank you for your support of SWIFT and its missions with the youth in our community. With your support and assistance we hope to make a positive impact in the future lives of young people. have a conflict too! Reminder to always wear black and white if you are on the schedule. With Sincere Appreciation The Sue Windsor Initiative for Teens November 10th A ?? November 17th A Patrick Forrest A Alex Arizmendi November 24th A Callie Walters A Daisy Cook “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” November 2013 Minutes for October 2013 Board Meeting (submitted by Susan Martin) The Administrative Council met October 13th, 2013 with 24 members present. Tim Dallas called the meeting to order and Greg Martin opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes from September Meeting were read and approved w/ vote Treasurer’s Report General Fund - $2,973.63 Paid to Conference – $14,928.98 Savings - $25,472.59 Insurance - $6,465.05 (left from roof claim - $2,720 paid for ceiling) Old Business: Reminder was made that all plastic toys from playground needed to be removed and the area cleaned up. Lynn Walters volunteered youth to begin that process when they start cleaning nursery and play area for a youth project on October 19th. They will be doing general cleaning of toys and fix or discard any broken toys. It was recommended that if any of the play ground toys could be sold at yard sale to try that first, if not then they needed to be discarded. Sanctuary ceiling sides were painted and blended well. Mike Blalock reported that vacNovember 2013 uum was repaired for $225. Vanessa asked for help for yard sale: Meet 6:30 Friday night to set up and 6:00 AM Saturday morning to begin. Mike Blalock advised that the Eagle Scout project proposal by Trabor Hamilton was cancelled due to complications with moving water heater. New Business: Scott Powell questioned the possible need in near future of exterior painting and Robin Wilson questioned if we could use some of the left over insurance money to paint. Ken Powell suggested that we purchase the needed tile replacements first and wait until after October fund raisers to see how much is left owing for apportionments then decide what to do with remainder of insurance money. Board agreed to table for now and wait until later date to discuss. Ken Powell presented the 2014 Budget as recommended by the finance committee for a total of $210,018. After time was given to look over budget line items Ken made a motion to accept the budget as recommended by the committee and it was seconded by Judy Hall. Motion passed with a unanimous vote. Pastor Report: Pastor Bryan presented the list of Administrative Council for 2014 with positions as mandated by the book of discipline. The list was incomplete so Bryan asked for recommendations or volunteers to fill the “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” positions. Under Administrative Committee positions: Scott Powell volunteered to serve as the 2014 Trustee position and the motion passed with a unanimous vote. Greg Martin recommended leaving staff parish as is with one open spot; seconded by Vanessa and motion passed with unanimous vote. Under Ministries positions: Open positions: Lynn Walters advised that Callie Walters would serve as the ACS position. Judy Hall volunteered to return as the Acolyte Coordination. Robin Wilson volunteered to fill the Alter Guild and Flower position. Vanessa Brady added the position of Children’s Church to the list with her and Pattie Sexton. Alan Wilson volunteered Timothy Wilson for the Website position. All other positions were filled except Sunday School Coordinator. Robin Wilson explained that the Membership Secretary was a duplication of duties based on the new computer system used by Cathy; therefore it was eliminated from the Administrative Positions. Tim Dallas made a motion to accept the Administrative Council as presented with additions and changes; it was seconded by Ken Powell and passed with unanimous vote. Bryan read the recommended membership removal roster for the second year of a three year process. Greg Martin made motion to remove these members and it was seconded by Scott Powell. Vote passed unanimously. Continued on Page 6 Page 3 Continued from Page 1 was forever burned into my memory as one of those negative learning experiences of life. To hesitate or to refuse to go through an open doorway of opportunity may mean missing out on a blessing or on God’s will for our lives. The Apostle Paul referred to open doors of opportunity that were presented to him by God. In 1 Cor. 16:8 he informs the church of Corinth by letter; 8But I will tarry in Ephesus until Pentecost. 9For a great and effective door has opened to me. And again in his second letter to the church of Corinth he states; 12 Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ’s gospel, and a door was opened to me by the Lord, (2 Cor. 2:12) Sometimes ‘opportunity knocks but once’ and we all know the deal …’You snooze you loose pal’ … ‘He who hesitates is lost.’ What a beautiful contrast is portrayed by Jesus in Revelation 3:20; 20 Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together. (CEV) Notice the present perfect tense of the verbs that Jesus uses: I am standing, I am knocking. This tense of verbiage indicates an ongoing action, not just a onetime thing. In the epic 182 line poem ‘The Hound of Heaven’ written in the nineteenth century, the English poet Francis Thompson reflects on his life. He takes into account two things: God’s persistence in seeking him out, and his persistence in resisting God. In the end the ‘Hound of Heaven’ is successful in bringing the resistor of His grace Page 4 into a relationship with Himself as Thompson eventually surrenders to the persistent love of God. How wonderfully gracious is our God, who is persistent in presenting us with doors of opportunity for us to go from a place of loneliness without him, to a place of fellowship with him. Jesus continues to stand and to knock on the door of our hearts asking for permission to come in. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to note that the Great God of Heaven, ‘The Hound of Heaven’ is reaching out to us through His Son Jesus, not in an effort to draw us into a legalistic religion of rules. The Good News is not about external rules, but about internal fellowship with the person, character and divine nature of God through Jesus. When we respond to the persistence of God in Christ and open the door of our hearts to Him, we do not become enslaved with religious laws that we should but cannot keep, but rather we become partakers of the Divine Nature through Him who persistently stands at the doorway of our hearts and knocks. How incredible that God desires to live His life in and through us and constantly presents us with the opportunity to experience His presence in our lives. He freely gives us His Divine nature to live inside of us. The Laws of God are an external expression of His Divine nature. Christ Jesus is the fulfillment of all of the law and of the prophets. So when He comes to live in our hearts we become holy because He is holy! When we open the “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” door of our hearts to Jesus, He transports and moves us through the door of fellowship with Him from one place to another; from sinfulness to righteousness, from alienation to fellowship, from faith to faith. Selah. Stay in the Word, Pastor Bryan Daylight Savings Time Ends on Sunday, November 3rd!! Please set your clock Have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!! November 2013 Hebron’s United Methodist Men are holding a Brunswick Stew Sale on Saturday, November 16th. The cost of the stew is $7.25 per quart. The stew must be picked up by 12 o’clock. Sign up sheets are available in the Vestibule for orders. The United Methodist Men will be meeting on Sunday, November 24th at 5:30 pm rather than the normal 6:30 pm. We will begin to decorate the Church and Fellowship Hall for Christmas on Saturday, November 30th at 8:30 am. Please come out and help!! There will be a showing of Billy Graham’s “My Hope” at Hebron on Thursday, November 7th at 7 pm. Please come and join us for this special presentation. UPCOMING EVENTS FOR DECEMBER Our annual Thanksgiving Service will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 7 pm this year. Please make plans to attend. DECEMBER 8TH STAFF/PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE WILL MEET AT 4 PM ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL WILL MEET AT 5 PM MEBANE PRESBYTERIAN HAND BELLS CHOIR WILL BE AT HEBRON AT 7 PM REFRESHMENTS WILL FOLLOW IN THE HUT Everyone is invited to a Baby Shower for Rachel Lankford on Sunday, November 17th from 2 to 4 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Rachel has registered at Walmart. November 2013 DECEMBER 15TH CANTATA “SILENT NIGHT, HOLY NIGHT @ 10:30 AM YOUTH CHRISTMAS PLAY @ 7 PM DECEMBER 24TH CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE @ 7:30 PM “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Page 5 Continued from page 5 Two additional names were recommended for immediate removal; Vanessa Brady and Margaret Cheek with verify with those members for immediate removal. Charge conference will be Oct 21 at Graham UMC 7-9. The Bishop has called a mandatory meeting with pastors and volunteer for lay leaders, for October 25 at Elon UMC from 3-5. Pastor Bryan reminded board of the “My Hope” presentation by Billy Graham on November 7. Tim closed the meeting and Monty Freshwater closed the meeting in prayer. CROP Walk Results Thanks so much for all prayers and donations. Hebron had a total of $320 in donations from 15 sponsors. Please remember, whenever we have a joint effort, the seemingly smallest donation becomes a lot. Never hesitate to give whatever you are led to give. Thanks again! Page 6 Sympathy The Church wishes to extend its heartfelt sympathy to the families of: Louise Atwater Kirkpatrick William Ham Prayer Concerns Tootie Riley Harriet Squires Joan Gregg Betty Albright Jean Mullis Peggy Gregory – Mike’s Mother Pastor William Holliday Barbara Lee Unsaved Charlie Wilkinson Leon Summers Family of William Ham If you have a prayer concern for next week fill out a prayer request card or call the church office at 919-563-3375 or send an email to [email protected]. “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox GiftsSince 1993, more than 100 million children around the world have been touched by the power of a simple gift. Every shoebox that you pack, also carries the gospel message to a child somewhere in the world. We are called to tell the "Good News" of John 3:1617, so what a great way to do it! Please use the brochures which will be available with item suggestions and labels to add to each box. Please remember to include $7 for each shoebox in the donation envelope. You can donate it online if you want to discover the destination of your box. Shoebox collection Sunday will be SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24. Please place shoeboxes in the library on or before 11/24 so they can be delivered that day. Remember to pray for the children receiving each box. Thank You! November 2013 OUR COLLEGE AND MILITARY ADDRESS FOR 2013/2014 College Jeff Arnette 151 Pressley Creek Road Cullowhee, NC 28723 Whitney Blalock 800 Meadowview Drive #11 Boone, NC 28607 Ashley Martin Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. MSC Box 110461 Lynchburg, VA 24502-2214 Phillip Martin Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. MSC Box 110467 Lynchburg, VA 24502-2214 Caroline Powell 132 Arial Street Lillington, NC 27546 Anna Megan Sexton Methodist University Box 12386 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-1498 Jonah Sykes Moore Hall - Room 717 UNC Charlotte 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223 Rachel Sykes 211 East Wilson Street P. O. Box 1437 Wingate, NC 28174 Military SR Annis, Jeremy Ryan Ship 09 Div 406 3425 Sailor Drive Great Lakes, IL 60088-3415 Lucas Brady 1715 Hayford Road Apt. M204 Spolane, WA 99224 Zachary Holliday P. O. Box 331424 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Shannon F. Long 4680 Spruce Ct. Unit 3 Andrews AFB, MD 20762 We are trying to reach the following people, if you can help with an address or phone number please let the church office know. Letters sent to the addresses on file have been returned. Alan Daniels Randy Lineberry Dale Ray Bobby Riggans Anita Singley Phil Yarborough Janice Blalock Stephanie Shelton Janice Doby Chappell Johnny Crawford Tony Deal Lori Dewoody Susan Dunlap Don Estler Glenn Kirby Keith McDaniel Denise Robinette Sharelle Robinette Andy Speight Wendy Blalock Tilley Beverly Glosson Warner Archie Wilborn, Jr. Kip Foster Linda Utley Wayne Utley Sherri Pennington WHITE CHRISTMAS Worship Committee The White Christmas Committee is now accepting nominations for families, individuals, and/or Hebron neighbors that we could possibly help this year and try to brighten their Christmas season. The forms were in your bulletins this past Sunday and extras are out in the vestibule. The last day to submit your nomination will be November 10. On November 24, a list of needed items to help with our project(s) will be available if you would like to sign up for specific items (if there is a need that we can specifically request in this way). Monetary donations and gift cards will be received starting November 24 by placing in collection plate and marking White Christmas donations. Other donations such as requested items on our specified list, canned goods / staple items can be placed under our Christmas tree starting December 1. December 15 will the last day to donate and/or turn in your donations. November 2013 “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Page 7 HEBRON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2325 Mebane Oaks Road Mebane, NC 27302 919-563-3375 November 2013 Weekly Meetings Sunday Sunday: 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service 4 pm UMYF Meeting Wednesday: 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting, 7:00 pm Choir Practice Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6:30 pm UMM 4th Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 Youth Daylight Savings Time Ends 11/3 3 Daylight Sav- 4 Trustees to 5 6 7 “My Hope” Billy Graham 7 pm ings Ends / Communion/ Senior Citizen / Covered dish lunch meet at 7 pm 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 Baby 18 19 Deadline 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30Decorating SPRC 5:30 pm/ Admin. Council 7 pm Shower 2-4 pm Rachel Lankford 24 UMM @ Pilgrimage For December Newsletter 25 26 5:30 pm / Thanksgiving Service 7 pm Nov. Nov.. Nov.. Nov 3 Nur 10 Nur 17 Nur 24 Nur 16 UMM Brunswick Stew Pick up by Noon $7.25/quart of the Church at 8:30 am Tammy & Kristen Powell Judy Hall & Tammy Doles J.A. & Joannie Wilson Jennifer & Dwayne Allred Hall Monitor Hall Monitor Hall Monitor Hall Monitor Margaret Cheek Vernon Cheek Monty Freshwater ?? Greeters for November: Alan & Robin Wilson Page 8 “Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” November 2013