schedule of masses - St. Matthew RC Church
schedule of masses - St. Matthew RC Church
April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 1 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Roman Catholic Church of St.Matthew The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law 35 North Service Road, Dix Hills, New York 11746 Tel: (631) 499 -8520 Fax: (631) 499 -1530 Office Hours: Monday-Friday at the Parish Center 9:00 am –5:00 pm April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter Rev. Robert S. Hewes Pastor Parochial Vicars Rev. Lawrence Chadwick and Rev. Raymond Akpunonu Pastoral Associates Sister Anthony Therese Roncallo, O. P. Sister Kathleen McCarthy, O. P. DEACONS James McQuade, Carmine DeStefano, Luis Roberto Polanco Saturday 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 (Tridentine Mass in the Chapel); 9:30 (Family Mass), 11:00 a.m. (Choir Mass) , 12:30, and 5:15 (Youth Mass) Weekday Masses take place; 9:00 a.m. in the church and 5:15 p.m. in the chapel. Saturday 9:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Holyday Will Be Printed In The Bulletin CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:45–4:45p.m. Eve of Holyday and Eve of First Friday 3:45– 4:45p.m. And at any other time, please call to make an appointment with a priest. BAPTISMS SCHEDULE The 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 1:45 p.m. and the 4th Saturday of the month at 12:30 p.m. Contact the Parish Center to arrange the ceremony and for the Baptismal Preparation Class which meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. The only exception is in December when no class is held. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made at least 6 months in advance and should be made prior to making plans for a reception. Call the Parish Center for an appointment with the priest or deacon you wish to witness your wedding. All couples are required to attend Pre-Cana. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE FAITH Those seeking information about the Catholic Faith are invited to contact the Parish Center concerning the R.C.I.A. Program. DEVOTIONS EUCHARISTIC ADORATION In the chapel, Monday through Friday at 3:00 p.m. and concluding with Benediction at 5:00 p.m. FIRST FRIDAY Masses are at 9:00a.m. and 5:15 p.m. Exposition of the Holy Eucharist takes place in the chapel from1:00 to 5:00 p.m., concluding with Benediction. FIRST SATURDAY– 8:15 a.m. devotions ANOINTING OF THE SICK The Sacrament is available EVERY SATURDAY after the 9:00 a.m. Mass , the Sacrament is available for those who are to undergo a serious medical procedure the following week or who have a serious illness and who have not been anointed within the past three months. If you wish to be anointed, please let the celebrant know before Mass. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA – Monday-– 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Chapel. CHARISMATIC PRAYER Takes place every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Holy Communion will be ministered to those confined at home. Those who are seriously ill should request a priest for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. PARISH REGISTRATION New families and new parishioners are encouraged to register at St. Matthew. Registration forms are available at the Parish Center or on line at Kindly notify us when you move so that we may send a letter to your new pastor. PARISH SCHOOL—HOLY FAMILY REGIONAL Please contact: Principal, Constance Jenkins-543-0202 April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 2 Dolores Tiernan Weekly Collection Business Manager Monday Novena 5:15 p.m. Legion of Mary 2:30 p.m. In the Blessed Mother Room Tuesday Morning Prayer Group at 10:00 am. In room. 201. Rosary Society meets the first Tuesday after the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 p.m. K of C General/Business Meeting 8:00 p.m. (2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month) Thursday Young Seniors 9:00 a.m. Apostleship of Prayer- First Thursday after 9: 00 Mass Fatima Spiritual Formation Prayer Group: 1st & 3rd Thurs of the month @ 7-8pm We meet in Blessed Mother Room Adult Choir practice 7:30 p.m. in Family Room Festival Choir: 2nd and 3rd Thursday in Family Room Saturday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Spanish Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Tridentine Mass Choir (Latin) 4:00 p.m. in Family Room April 6th & 7th Richard Bove Finance Chairperson $19,713 Thomas Tirino Dir. of Music Ministry Faith Direct $1900.00 Please use your Envelopes and Please indicate donation amount on the outside of the envelope. Sister Kathleen McCarthy Parish Outreach Deacon Carmine DeStefano and Joseph Napolitano Trustees PARISH MINISTRIES ALTAR SERVERS John DiGiorgio : [email protected] Mark Petosa: [email protected] APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER Kathryn Giandoreggio 491-3735 ATHLETIC DIRECTOR: Chris Felice: Moderator: Sr. K. McCarthy 499-8520 x 124 BAPTISMAL PROGRAM: PLEASE CALL TO REGISTER Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 BEREAVEMENT Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 Kathryn Monaco Douglas 495-8541 Anthony Monoco 516-779-3568 BIBLE STUDY Anthony Albano 586-4827 BOY SCOUTS Sal LaRosa 516-567-6486 BULLETIN: email: [email protected] Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 x 126 BUSINESS OFFICE ACCOUNTING Dolores Tiernan, Mgr 499-8520 CATHOLIC MINISTRIEs APPEAL John Gatto 499-8520 x 117 C.C.D. -RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mary Donaldson ,D.R.E. 864-3321 Rita Minder, Assistant CHARISMATIC GROUP Louise Williams 265-7007 CHEFS ON CALL Sr. Kay McCarthy, Moderator Mary Motlenski 586-7446 Judy Archbold 667-4629 ADULT CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 Dolores Tiernan, Coordinator CHILDREN’S CHOIR Nicole Nicholson: [email protected] FESTIVAL CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 TRIDENTINE CHOIR (LATIN) CHOIR Thomas Tirino-Director 499-8520 x116 Ed Oriani - Cantor COMPASSIONATE CARE AND CONSOLATION MINISTRY Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 x120 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Julie Cohen 586-2553 EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Ray Smolenski 243-0449 FAMILY ROSARY GROUP Paul Pileggi 424-2364 FEED THE POOR MINISTRY Frank Harnos 499-0074 Julie Maddaloni 242-2183 FOOD PANTRY Sr. Kay McCarthy 499-8520 x 124 John Gatto 499-8520 x 117 KIDS 4 KARING Kara Lulley 643-7636 Sr. Kay McCarthy, Moderator KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Sir Mark A. Negron, G.K. 631-355-1651 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SQUIRES Sir Francis Scotti 917-567-9829 LECTORS Helen Campa 586-0682 LEGION OF MARY Terry Sbashnig 254-9472 MINISTRY OF PRAISE Rosemary Sammon 499-5176 MOMMY and ME Caroline Rafferty 351-1328 Silvia Campa 254 -6827 PARISH OUTREACH Sr. Kay McCarthy 499-8520x124 PILGRIM MADONNA Adreana Napolitano 673-9353 PLANT ENGINEER Luis Flores 492-7881 PRAYER GROUP (Tues. Morning) Ed Sheil 549-1861 PRE-CANA Deacon James McQuade 586-5326 RCIA Marie Prainito 499-4725 Robert A. Ruvio 595-2175 RIGHT TO LIFE Toni Shannon 586-3807 ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Co-Presidents: Mildred Czech: 631-249-4519 Tina Murgolo: 631-595-2860 SECRETARY TO THE PASTOR/ PARISH SECRETARY Bettyanne Russo 499-8520 x 126 SENIOR CITIZENS Dix Hills Unit 351-3253 SONS OF ITALY Stanley Klein 549-4278 Spanish Ministry: Deacon Luis Roberto Polanco 648 7330 STEWARDSHIP/HOSPITALITY Marge Puccio 667-1176 ST. VINCENT de PAUL John Gatto 499-8520 USHERS Thomas Siegler 920-2055 YOUNG SENIORS Sr. Anthony Therese 499-8520 x120 YOUTH MINISTRY Gina Drost 631-835-3088 [email protected] April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 3 Thursday, Apr 18 9:00 am Deceased Members Patocka, Rosato & Fokolek Families & James Richards 5:15 pm Mary Mc Kenna Saturday, Apr 13 Friday, Apr 19 5:00 pm Living Intention Jack Tseng 9:00 am Barbara Scott Paula & Jean Benoit 5:15 pm Florence Mc Carthy Thomas P. Moore Saturday, Apr 20 Michael Morgan 9:00 am Rena Santoro Deceased Members of Raio Family Victor & Vincente Gonzalez Maria, Vincenza & Gina Fiorella John Murphy Jr. 7:00 pm For Our Armed Forces Patrick A. Gigante Sunday, Apr 14 Margaret Sullivan 7:30 am Michael Morgan Bernice Mulligan 9:00 am For All Our Parishioners 5:00 pm Living Intention Jack Tseng 9:30 am Carl Pica Ann Olsen 11:00 am Mary & Joseph Lechtenberger Taylor Ann Cavaliere 12:30 pm Frantz, Yolene, Lubin. & Family Living Int. Michael Morgan 5:15 pm Anthony P. Gentile Dec'd. Mbrs. Pileggi & Natale Families Jennifer & Thomas Maguire Monday, Apr 15 7:00 pm Deceased Members of Our Parish Family 9:00 am Deceased Members of Roncallo Family Sunday, Apr 21 5:15 pm Andy Masi & Francesco Barna Tuesday, Apr 16 7:30 am Nancy Cortina & Anna Cortina 9:00 am For All Our Parishioners 9:00 am Anthony P. Gentile 9:30 am Charles Cummo 5:15 pm Maria, Francesco & Giuseppe Barna 11:00 am Michael Morgan Wednesday, Apr 17 12:30 pm Gabrielle & Ronald Manganaro 9:00 am Biddy Sweeney 5:15 pm John Santarelli 5:15 pm Rocco & Connie Commisso St. Matthew Parish Catholic Ministries Appeal 2013 Goal: $ 122,700.00 As of April 1, 2013: $14117.45 in Pledges 322 Donors You can make a difference in the lives of those around us by making a gift to this year’s Appeal. Your generosity helps support the formation of our priests and deacons who give their lives to the Church. provide religious education to more than 110,000 of our youngsters in public schools. provide food, shelter and care to the disadvantaged in our communities through the good works of Catholic Charities and our Parish Outreach programs. Last year, we provided assistance to thousands of families who were displaced due to Hurricane Sandy. form future generation of Catholics through Campus Ministry, Young Adult and Youth Ministry programs. Pledges can be made over 10 months with Check, Cash, or Securities. Appeal envelopes are available in the Church and Parish Office Many thanks for your continued support and generosity. God Bless. April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 4 The St. Matthew Athletic Program wishes to thank everyone who helped make the 2012/ 2013 Basketball Program a success. We would like to extend a special thanks to the following people: Fr.Hewes, Sr. Kay, Dolores Tiernan Luis Flores, Bettyanne Russo All of the Players and Their Families Chris Felice – Athletic Director Pat Mantione – Intramural Coordinator John Natalone - CYO Coordinator Andrea Hiu - Data Coordinator Alison Jaworowski – Uniform Coordinator Matt Lulley – Equipment Coordinator Sharon Bentz – Registration Distributor Alysse Lo Presti – Registration Distributor Dom Sabatino – Web Site Coordinator All of the Coaches Half Hollow Hills School District Elwood School District Knights of Columbus Nassau/Suffolk Catholic Youth Organization Referees – Adult and Youth Scoreboard Operators Molloy College Slam Dunkers Cheerleaders-New Image Gymnastics National Anthem Singers Commack Abbey Funeral Home-IPAD Donor Mangano Funeral Home-IPAD Donor Boyd Caratozzolo Funeral Home-IPOD Touch Donor This year, we were happy to have about 500 children in our Athletic Program. We’re also very grateful to the many, many people who attended our Annual Trophy Day on March 23rd. Thank you and God bless you. April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter Edith DeStefano 5 The Bread and Wine are in Loving Memory of We Remember In Prayer Those Who Are Sick or In Need In Our Church And Community PRAYER FOR THE SICK: Before you place a name on the weekly prayer list, please be sure to have permission from that person to publish their name in our bulletin, and be prepared to give your own name as the person requesting prayers. ** The names will remain on the list for 30 days.** Margarita Abelaruiz Bea Alessi Baby Chloe Atienza Hank Baluta Vivian Blom Esther Chahin Elizabeth Crapet Louis Crapet Joseph G. Costa Carmela David Robert F. Drawbridge Irene Drawbridge Jo Ferlini Marino Figueroa Josephine Flynn Karen Garrison Connor Golden Laurie Kramer Thomas Labette Denis McNamara Patricia McNeill Krystina Moskwa Greg Pederson Mario Puliciani Helen Reineking Charles Sanzone Harry Siedel Louis Soriano Margaret Stachler Ed Stein Diego Stincone Terry Tanzer Becky Zallek Bernard Zoborowski We Pray, especially for our Service Men and Women: 1st Lieut.Autumn Baur-Marines-Behrain ,1st Lt.Gerard J. Connolly II-Army-10th Mountain Division-Afghanistan, Michael Lembo-Afghanistan Warren Officer 2nd Tour, Pvt. Michael Dore, U.S. Army, Lt. Brendan Johnston, U.S. Navy, Petty Officer Lawrence B. Famighette, U.S. Navy – Afghanistan, LCPL Michael Porfidio, Marine in Afghanistan, Robert Gabriellini, Navy—Afghanistan, Cpl Louis Angulo-Afghanistan, Corporal Michael Grella — Navy Airman, First Lieut. Michael DiPietro-Army-Iraq, PFC James Suschinsky-USMC, Stacyann WillinghamCombat medic– Army, LCPC. Marc Krauthamer-Marines, Iraq, Sgt. Capt. Francis Xavier Sperl-Army, Sgt. Shurwin Julien-Army-Iraq., Lt. Col. Robert Wright-Marines, Lance Corporal Robert Kirschenheiter-MarinesIraq, Corpsman Devon Westerlind-Navy, Wayne Corrigan – Iraq, Christian Suarez -Marines, Stephanie Uliano -Air Force, Major Shirley Crumpton, Sgt. Travis Coleir, Sean Keeffe -Army, Tara Kelly, Chris Skala - Marines, Sr Airman Leah Dunne, Paul Ryder - Marines, Nicky Bivona - Navy, LCPL Andrew Dubriske, Michael Wissemann, LPL San Sievero -Marines, Ambrose Michelino, Jarod Racuot-Army, Robert Scarpelli, Anthony Lazado -Marines , Richard Freese, Jr. -Navy, Rho Nagasguna - Marines ,Michael Doherty -Army, Pablo QuirindongoCW4-Army, Cpl. Ronnie Belmarez- Marines, Lt. Christopher Grande-Navy. Please notify us when he/she returns home! The Tuesday Prayer Group gathers every Tuesday at 10:00 am. in room 201. The morning includes The Rosary, Prayer for Priests, Prayer for America, Bible reading, Religious songs and during Lent, The Stations of the Cross. Please call Ed Sheil at 631-5491861 for further information. The Family Rosary Group prays the Rosary each month (the first Friday of the month at St. Elizabeth in Melville and the 2nd Friday at St. Matthew in Dix Hills NY at 8:30 pm... PS...if you have any prayer intentions, please email them to [email protected] April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 6 The Place for Learning and Praying Our Family/Children’s Mass is Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Mary Donaldson, Director, Rita Minder, Assistant Religious Office Phone 864-3321 Fax 499-1530 [email protected] LOOKING AHEAD Sunday, April 14, 2013 there is a combined 9:30AM Family Mass for grades 1,4 and 5 in the Winter Program. Tuesday, April 16, 2013, there is a Communion music rehearsal from 4:30-5:30PM for the 2nd grade children. Drop off and pick up is in the Church. Saturday, April 20, 2013, is Reconciliation for our second grade children in Group III from 10:00AM to 12:00PM in the Church. Parents and students should arrive by 9:45AM as we will begin promptly. Parents are invited to join us downstairs in Msgr. Goggin Hall for coffee and cake while your child goes to Confession. Sunday, April 21, 2013, our second grade children will be attending the 9:30AM Mass. It is 'Pray For Me' Sunday and all First Holy Communion students are expected to be there. For the students attending grade level Masses on the various Sundays listed above, please sit in the front of the Church. Try to arrive by 9:10 AM and remember your tithing envelopes as they are not only used for a donation but also for taking attendance. The last week of classes is April 15th. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION First Holy Communions here will all be on a Saturday. The dates are May 4th, 11th and 18th. There will be two First Communions each week; one in the morning at 10:30AM and one in the afternoon at 1 :30PM. Students making First Holy Communion must arrive in Msgr. Goggin Hall forty five minutes prior to their Communion time. FIRST COMMUMNION REHEARSALS May 4th 10:30AM May 4th 1:30PM Wednesday, May 1st 3 :00 - 5:00PM Thursday, May 2nd " " May 11th 10:30AM Tuesday, May 7th " " May 11th 1:30PM Wednesday, May 8th " " May 18th 10:30AM Wednesday, May 15th " " May 18th 1:30PM Thursday, May 16th " " April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 7 IN MEMORY OF … A FUND-RAISER WALK ON SATURDAYJUNE 1, 2013 AT 10:00 AM AT BELMONT LAKE STATE PARK THIS IS A FUND RAISER WALK IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO HAVE LOST THEIR LIVES TOO YOUNG, FOR THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR SPOUSES, THEIR PARENTS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS. WITH THIS FUND RAISER, THE LONG ISLAND YOUNG WIDOWS/WIDOWERS ARE HOPING TO: BRING AWARNESS TO THE MANY YOUNG PEOPLE, NOW WIDOWED ON LONG ISLAND. THEY HAVE LOST LOVED ONES DUE TO VARIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. PROVIDE FINANCIAL AND MORAL SUPPORT TO THOSE RECENTLY WIDOWED. PROVIDE WHAT EVER IS NEEDED IN BEREAVEMENT CARE PROVIDE BOOKS AND PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT, TO HELP THEM AND THEIR CHILDREN GET THROUGH THIS DIFFICULT TIME. BE ABLE TO HELP ANY YOUNG WIDOW, IN HIS OR HER FIRST YEAR OF BEREAVEMENT. THOSE WHO WERE SUDDENLY LEFT TO RAISE THEIR CHILDREN ON THEIR OWN AND TO SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES WITH MINIMAL FUNDS. WE VERY MUCH APPRECIATE ANY DONATION YOU CAN MAKE TO SUPPORT OUR CAUSE. WALK WITH US, STRENGTH COMES IN NUMBERS, SHOW YOU CARE BY JOINING US ON JUNE 1ST WIDOWEDNOTALONE@AOL,COMOR 631-495-8541 TEAR OFF AND SEND WITH EMAIL ADDRESS: NAME_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (SHIRTS FOR WIDOW/WIDOWERS AND CHILDREN ONLY) PHONE NUMBER____________ WALK PARTICIPANT?_____ SHIRT SIZES & NAMES_________________________________________________________________ DONATION: $_____ (DAY OF WALK)________YES OR NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR WALK: $10.00 PER PERSON $10. 00 PER WIDOW AND CHILDREN *WIDOWS WITH HARDSHIPS ARE EXEMPT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ST MATTHEW'S WIDOW AND WIDOWERS GROUP C/O SISTER ANTHONY TERESE ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH 35N SERVICE ROAD, DIX HILLS N.Y.11746 Lectors Schedule April 20 & 21 5:00 PM 7:30 AM H. Campa M. Puccio 9:30 AM J. Schebece 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 5:15 PM K. Zaki R. Ruvio ——— Eucharistic Minister Schedule April 20 & 21 5:00 P.M. R. Grande 7:30 AM B. Hermosura 9:30 AM J. Burke 11:00 AM E. McEvoy 12:30 PM A. Fazio 5:15 PM J. Maccio M. Schmucker R. Stio R. Germain G. Roosa C. Sposato M. Brennan C. Vogt C. McNeil F. Manetta G. Merendino M. Shef J. Commisso M. Puccio ** J. McIntyre A. Cantone R. Ruvio April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 8 On Thursday April 18th, Anthony Monaco will be facilitating a bereavement group for teens; this is a 6 week class. Contact Anthony for more information at [email protected] Come let us adore Him! Could you spend 1 hour or 1/2 hour with Jesus in our church Mon.-Fri. between the hours of 3 and 5 p.m.? Call Julie Cohen at 586-2553 if you are able to commit to a particular time and day each week or month. You can also sign up at the reception desk. All are welcome to join us on First Fridays for Eucharistic Adoration throughout the night, Friday 6:00 p.m. to Saturday 9:00 a.m. At 8 p.m. we meditate on the lives of Jesus and Mary as we pray all four Mysteries of the Rosary and at 3 a.m. we pray the Chaplet of The Divine Mercy. If you would like to be a Eucharistic Guardian, please call Lisa at (631) 499-6684. “Lord, let us always be aware that there is no greater love than you have already shown in your passion and death and that you continue to show in this awesome gift of the Eucharist. Thank you, dear Jesus, not only for that extraordinary gift, but also for the faith to believe in your Real Presence here “ "The Next First Friday Nocturnal Eucharistic Adoration is Fri. May 3rd from 6 p.m. till Sat. May 4th at 9:00 a.m. Parish Outreach Thank you so much for all of the food that you have donated. It is only because of your kindness and generosity that we can help those who come to us for assistance. What we really need now are gift cards to Supermarkets so that those who come to us can purchase perishable food as milk, eggs etc. We also need Spring and summer clothes for girls, sizes 3, 6, 7 and 16- new or used but clean and in good condition. Please call me at 499-8520 x 124 if you are able to assist these children who really need clothes. May you experience the new life of the Resurrection. May you and your families have a happy and blessed Easter. Thank and God bless you. Sister Kay McCarthy St. Matthews Youth Ministry April Schedule We invite all teens 8th-12th grade to join us on our Journey to Christ We meet ever Saturday at 8pm in the library April 13 April 20 April 21 April 27 YM Movie Night "Field of Dreams" "We walk by faith and not by sight" Youth Mass 5:15 in the Church Long Island Youth Conference St. Josephs, Babylon 9am to 9pm Contact Information: Gina Drost, Youth Minister: E-mail Youth @smrcc.orgPhone 631-835-3088 Facebook @ St. Matthews Youth Ministry Twitter@MatthewsYou 1 Timothy 4:12 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 9 Registration Mommy N’ Me Program Fathers and Grandparents are welcome too! Spring Session 2013 Class Schedule Age Group Monday: Tuesday: Tuesday: Thursday: 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. 18 mos. To 3 years old Birth to 2 years old (NEW CLASS) 3 to 4 years old 18 mos. to 3 years old **** Classes may change based on enrollment **** Classes begin April 2, 2013 for 10 weeks ~Session fee is $65.00 first child / $45.00 additional child~ Please make check payable to St. Matthew RC Church. Please, no cash. ~Please mail or drop off your registration form~ Come and Join Us . . . Register as soon as possible Mommy N’ Me is an innovative program for children to experience Catholic traditions in a stimulating, fun, and creative atmosphere. Mommies, Daddies, Grandparents and children join together for prayers, songs, snacks, story and circle time. Please call Silvia Campa at 254-6827 or via e-mail at [email protected] or Caroline Rafferty at 351-1328 or via e-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions. You can download the registration form from our website: Please drop off your payment and completed registration form in the locked Mommy N’ Me/Registration Suggestion Box by the Gymnasium. You may also mail the form to: Sr. Kay McCarthy, Mommy N’ Me, St. Matthew RC Church, 35 North Service Road, Dix Hills, NY 11746 April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 10 April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 11 OPEN HOUSE AND REGISTRATION PRE-SCHOOL THROUGH 8TH GRADE Wednesday, April 17th 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and 5:30p.m. - 7:30p.m. (631) 543-0202 or [email protected] Here is what people in our community are saying about Holy Family Regional School: PARENTS: “We found Holy Family exceeded our academic, emotional and social expectations in a supportive, encouraging environment. This is because the Principal and staff are knowledgeable, love their work and care about every one of their children….I can recommend Holy Family because it has been an extraordinary experience for my family.” Sera L. Parent of a 4th grade child, St Joseph Parish, Kings Park “We felt such a sense of family & love at HFRS when searching for the right school to send our children. The academics exceed NYS standards and the friendships we have all made are truly special.” Christine W. Parent of children in 8th and 5th grades, Christ the King Parish, Commack STUDENTS: “I really like Holy Family Regional because of my “specials” classes and my teachers. My teachers are very nice. It’s a great school because it doesn’t matter where you are from, they welcome everyone.” Luke C. 3rd grade, St. Joseph Parish, Kings Park ALUMNI: “ Before entering Saint Anthony's High School in 2009, I was concerned about transitioning to high school. However, I was thoroughly prepared in all of my classes. I had no trouble excelling and doing well in my first year at Saint Anthony's. I am now in 6 honors classes”. ---Jeannette-Marie L., Holy Family Class of 2009, St. Matthew Parish, Dix Hills “Teachers at Holy Family have helped me establish a strong academic foundation, which has allowed me to succeed at Chaminade High School, where I currently place in the top 10% of my class. Holy Family instilled the good study habits and drive needed to reach my fullest potential." Ken C. Holy Family Class of 2009, St. Thomas More Parish, Hauppauge Invest in your children by placing them on a success-oriented path at Holy Family Regional School. April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter 12 Please join us for a Pilgrimage to Canada Dates: August 14th-17th, 2013 Places to visit: St. Joseph of Montreal Oratory, St. Anne de Beaupre, Cape de la Madeleine Donation: $350 per person Included: Breakfast, Lodging, and Bus Transportation. For reservations and further information please call Nailie Rose Germain At 631-813-2355 or 631-357-9036 or Louise Benenati at 631-586-4515 St. Patrick School 8th Annual Spring Car Show TODAY Sunday, April 14th (rain-date April 21st) St. Patrick Church 280 East Main Street Smithtown See a large section of movie replicas and monster trucks Huge variety of Cars Food and Entertainment for the whole family Admission $5 Children free All show vehicles: $15 For information call 631-588-2696 Spiritual Care Companion Workshop Are you looking for an avenue to volunteer your time with others? Consider sharing your gift of time and presence as a Spiritual Care Companion with those that are hospitalized or living in a nursing home or are homebound or adults with special needs. Catholic Health Services of Long Island sponsors a free six-week training for volunteers of all faith with basic pastoral care skills and information to become a caring, attentive, listening presence. Topics include – communication skills, concerns of the sick and homebound and adults with special needs, spiritual companioning, grief, death & dying, ethical issues and more. TRAININGS: Thursdays, October 4,11,18,25, November 18th 6:45-9:30 Location – St. Catherine Hospital, Route 25A, Smithtown For more information or to register call Carol Cella at 631-465-6307 or Trish Luvin 631-4656306 There is a Spiritual Care Companion information night being held this Thurs. 9/13, at St. Catherine’s Hospital Education Center Route 25A, Smithtown from 7 to 9 PM. It is too late to get info out about this but if you personally know anyone who might be interested you could let them know. They should call Carol Cella at above # to let her know they will be coming. Directions to Education Center: Enter St. Catherine Campus and follow road past Nursing Home. As you approach the ER on the left side the ER parking lot is on the right. Take a right turn just before the ER parking lot. On this wooded road you will then see a 2 story building on the right – this is the Education Center. Main entrance on the side. Go to the first Conference Room on the right. Holy Family Regional School is sponsoring a clothing drive to benefit the needy in countries including Africa, Poland and regions within South America. Please donate your clean, useable and wearable clothing for men, women and children. Shoes, accessories, stuffed animals, toys, games, dolls and household items are also accepted. You may drop your donations off on Saturday, April 20, 2013, from 9 am to 12 noon in the Bishop McGann Room at Holy Family Regional School at 2 Indian Head Road in Commack. All donations must be placed in plastic garbage bags and tied. Thank you for your kindness. For more information, please contact [email protected]. God Bless April 14, 2013 The Third Sunday of Easter Helpful Phone Numbers Life Center of Long Island: 631-243-2373 Long Island Women's Coalition: 631- 666-8833 Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk: 631-360-3606 Child Abuse: 631-439-0480 Day top: 1-800·2·DAYTOP Brighter Tomorrows: 631· 395·1800 The Retreat (Domestic Violence Hotline) 631· 329·1200 Birthright: 631· 821-9727 Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info): 631· 789-9546 Good Shepherd Hospice: 631-376-3758 Alcoholics Anonymous 24·Hr Hotline: 631· 669·1124 Emotions Anonymous (EA) meets at St. Matthew every Saturday Night at 7:30 p.m. Please call Dominick with any questions: 631-321-1980 Mood Disorder Support Group of Long Island 516-499-MDSG (6374) Suicide Prevention 1-800·SUICIDE D.R.V.C. Special phone line for reporting allegations of sexual abuse by church personnel and volunteers: 516-594·9063. 13