COMPANY PROFILE Our company which was established in 1964 continues its manufacture in its own building over 1500 m2 closed are with its experienced engineers and workers. Our basic principle is ‘ Quality and Human’ Security. Our products and Company have ISO9001, TS 671-1, TS EN 671-2, CE 1299-CPD-0038, CE 1299-CPD-0037 and NFPA certificates which indicate our sensitiveness about the quality system. With our product rage to meet every kind of needs our company is preferred by the outstanding Establishments and Institutions of our country. Our quality in manufacture made it possible for us to take part in the projects abroad. OUR QUALITY POLICY Our Quality Policy is; To providing the reliable products, Within the shortest time, with the lowest price to our customers and maximize the customers’ satisfaction. Manufacture at the first time, accurately, in accordance with the standards; and become a world’s leading brand in our sector. THE NUMBER ONE FIRE CABINETS IN TURKEY SINCE 1964 MAĞAZA Rüzgârlı Ege Sokak Uçar Ticaret Merkezi No:5/175 Ulus - Ankara/TÜRKİYE FABRİKA Ankara Demirciler Sitesi No:5/106-107 Altındağ - Ankara/TÜRKİYE Tel: 00.90.312 311 29 19 (Pbx) • Fax: 00.90.312 312 46 35 [email protected] • www.kizilkayapres.com Made in TURKEY REFERANSLARIMIZ ANKARA M.S.B. NİZAMİYE KAPISI ANTALYA IC TROPICIANA OTEL MERZİFON 5. ANA JET ÜSSÜ ANTALYA KEMER YENİ KÖY B.G.A. TESİSLERİ MİLAS MUĞLA FETHİYE VERGİ DAİRESİ ARDAHAN M.S.B. SİNGER TABYA TESİSLERİ NEVŞEHİR ORDU EVİ ARDAHAN POSOF TÜRK GÖZÜ HUDUT TAKIM KARAKOLU NEVŞEHİR JANDARMA ORDU EVİ ANKARA BUCHER SCHÖRLING FABRİKASI ANKARA İSPANYOL ORMAZABAL FABRİKASI ANKARA GÜRCİSTAN BÜYÜKELÇİLİĞİ ANKARA KENT PARK A.V.M. ARDAHAN EMNİYET MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ İNŞAATI SAMSUN KOSGEB BİNASI ANKARA A CITIY OUTLET A.V.M. ARTVİN ÖZEL İDARE KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ SARIKAMIŞ ORDU EVİ ANKARA MALTEPE A.V.M. ARTVİN YÜKSEL İNŞAAT BARAJ İNŞAATI TESİSLERİ TARSUS BAŞER İPLİK DOKUMA FABRİKASI ANKARA GALERİA ERYAMAN AVM BALIKESİR ÜNİVERSİTE REKTÖRLÜK BİNASI TOKAT GAZİOSMANPAŞA ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA CROWN PLAZA OTEL BOLU ALMAN G.T.S. SOSYAL TESİSLERİ TOKAT İL SAĞLIK MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ANKARA CHP GENEL MERKEZ BİNASI BOLU DORUKKAYA OTEL TRABZON KARADENİZ TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA NTV BİNASI BURDUR SAMUR HALILARI FABRİKASI TRABZON DEVLET HAVA MEYDANLARI İÇ HATLAR TERMİNALİ ANAYASA MAHKEMESİ BURSA ULUDAĞ ÜNİVERSTESİ TUNCELİ 4. KOMANDO TUGAYI ANKARA YARGITAY BİNASI ÇANAKKALE ÇANAKKALE ŞEHİTLİK MÜZESİ TUNCELİ 500 KİŞİLİK ÖĞRENCİ YURDU ANKARA BAROLAR BİRLİĞİ HİZMET BİNASI ÇANKIRI 9. ZIRHLI TUGAY KOMUTANLIĞI VAN 100. YIL ÜNİVERSTESİ ANKARA BAŞBAKANLIK BİNASI ÇANKIRI VALİLİK BİNASI YOZGAT ADLİYE SARAYI ANKARA GATA ÇORUM TSE ÇORUM BÖLGE MD. VE LABORATUAR BİNASI YOZGAT ADLİYE SARAYI M.S.B. ARŞİV MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ (LODUMLU) DİYARBAKIR BAŞBAKANLIK BİNALARI ZONGULDAK KARAELMAS ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA 4. ANA JET ÜSSÜ AKINCI DÜZCE ABANT İZZET BAYSAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ ANKARA JANDARMA İSTİKAM GRUP KOMUTANLIĞI DÜZCE VALİ KONAĞI ANKARA KARA HAVACILIK OKULU ve EĞİTİM MERKEZİ ELBİSTAN TERMİK SANTRAL ANKARA M.S.B. OKULU EĞİTİM MERKEZ KOMUTANLIĞI ERZURUM FORD PLAZA 4. KOLORDU BANDO KOMUTANLIĞI BİNASI ESKİŞEHİR 1. HAVA İKMAL MERKEZ KOMUTANLIĞI CEPHANELİĞİ ANKARA HAVELSAN GEBZE EMNİYET MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ANKARA OYAK İNŞAAT ZİRVEKENT KONUTLARI GİRESUN HÜKÜMET KONAĞI İNŞAATI ANKARA BMW BORUSAN OTO SERVİS BİNASI GİRESUN İL JANDARMA KOMUTANLIĞI ÇAVUŞLU İLÇESİ KARAKOLU ANKARA ANKARA ÜNİVERSİTESİ GİRESUN JANDARMA BÖLGE K. ALARM İSKAN TESİSİ ANKARA GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ GÖLCÜK DONANMA ÜSSÜ BAŞKENT ÜNİVERSİTESİ HASTANESİ ISPARTA EĞRİDİR KEMİK HASTALIKLARI HASTANESİ ANKARA HACETTEPE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İSTANBUL VIAPORT OUTLET A.V.M. FUAR VE KONGRE MERKEZİ ANKARA AKYURT DEVLET HASTANESİ İSTANBUL WOW OTELLERİ ANKARA DİKMEN VADİSİ İŞ MERKEZİ ve KONUTLARI İSTANBUL İLAHİYAT FAKÜLTESİ ANKARA ERYAMAN TOPLU KONUTLARI İSTANBUL ARNAVUTKÖY SPOR SALONU ANKARA HYUNDAI PLAZA İSTANBUL MARMARA ÜNİVERSİTE HASTANESİ ANKARA KEÇİÖREN BELEDİYESİ ESTERGON KALESİ İSTANBUL HALKALI TOKİ KONUTLARI ANKARA ANKARA ANKARA ANKARA ANKARA KOZA DAVETİYELERİ İSTANBUL KAĞITHANE BELEDİYESİ KONGRE KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ ANKARA NA-CE FABRİKASI İSTANBUL KİPTAŞ BAŞAK KONUTLARI ANKARA ANKARA ANKARA SANATORYUM HASTANESİ TANSAŞ MAĞAZALARI TCDD GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK İSTANBUL İSTANBUL İZMİR TUZLA PİYADE OKULU ULAŞTIRMA OTO ALAY KOMUTANLIĞI METRİS TÜRK SAVUNMA SANAYİİ MÜSTEŞARLIĞI SAHİL GÜVENLİK ANKARA TED ÖĞRENCİ YURDU İZMİT DERİNCE DENİZ KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANLIĞI ANKARA SİLAHLI KUVVETLER REHABİLİTASYON VE BAKIM MERKEZİ İZMİT YUVAM AKARCA TOPLU KONUTLARI ANKARA ANKARA ANKARA ÜMİTKÖY PARK SİTESİ ÜZÜMCÜ A.Ş. FABRİKA ve YÖNETİM BİNASI VOLKSWAGEN PLAZA KARABÜK KARS KAYSERİ KREDİ YURTLAR KURUMU BAŞBAKANLIK TOPLU KONUT İDARESİ 1. ETAP KAYSERİ PARK A.V.M. ANKARA SANATORYUM HASTANESİ KAYSERİ ORDU EVİ ANKARA İVEDİK OSB HİZMET BİNASI KIRIKKALE KIRIKKALE ÜNİ. İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ ADANA ADANA ADAPAZARI BELEDİYE TOPLU KONUTLARI KIRIKKALE KIRIKKALE ÜNİVERSİTESİ KÜTÜPHANESİ SEYHAN BELEDİYESİ KIRIKKALE KIRIKKALE ÜNİVERSİTESİ ORDU EVİ KIRKLARELİ YENİCE-LÜLEBURGAZ HAVA RADAR MEVZİ KOMUTANLIĞI AFYON ASKERLİK DAİRESİ KIRŞEHİR EĞİTİM FAKÜLTESİ AFYON HAVA MEYDAN KOMUTANLIĞI KONYA KARA KUVVETLERİ KOMUTANLIĞI ALANYA MY MARINE RESIDENCE KONYA SELÇUK ÜNİVERSİTESİ AMASYA HAMAMÖZÜ TERMAL TESİSLERİ KONYA KONYA KIZILAY HASTANESİ ANTAKYA 39. MEKANİZE TUGAYI PİYADE ALAY KARARGAH BİNASI KÜTAHYA ASKERİ ORDU EVİ ANTALYA CLUP MARKOPOLO TATİL KÖYÜ MALATYA DEVLET HASTANESİ ANTALYA DİLEK OTELİ MANAVGAT CLUP PASİFİK KURUMLAR ADALET BAKANLIĞI EMNİYET GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ HALK BANKASI ŞUBELERİ İMAR VE İSKAN BAKANLIĞI M.E.B. OKULLARI M.S.B. SAĞLIK BAKANLIĞI TÜRK TELEKOM BİNALARI VAKIFBANK ŞUBELERİ VAKIFLAR GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ ZİRAAT BANKASI ŞUBELERİ YER ALDIĞIMIZ YURTDIŞI PROJELERİNDEN BAZILARI AFGANİSTAN KABİL NDS DEVLET HASTANESİ AZERBAYCAN BAKÜ GENEL KURMAY BŞ. ASKERİ ATEŞELİĞİ AZERBAYCAN BAKÜ DİYANET VAKFI İNŞAATI AZERBAYCAN KONUT İNŞAATI GÜRCİSTAN KONUT İNŞAATI GÜRCİSTAN TÜBERKÜLOZ HASTANESİ IRAK KUZEY IRAK KONUT PROJESİ IRAK ERBİL KONGRE MERKEZİ VE KÜLTÜR SARAYI KAZAKİSTAN KA-CELL MERKEZ BİNASI KAZAKİSTAN KONUT İNŞAAT KIBRIS KIBRIS BARIŞ GÜCÜ KIBRIS CORINEUM OTEL KIBRIS KONUT İNŞAATI KIBRIS HASTANE KIRGIZİSTAN KONUT İNŞAAT RUSYA TIR GÜMRÜĞÜ SURİYE PEACE PALACE TÜRKMENİSTAN BAKANLIKLAR KONUTLARI TÜRKMENİSTAN NEFTA GAZ BAKANLIĞI TÜRKMENİSTAN TARIM BAKANLIĞI LOJMANLARI İNŞAATI TÜRKMENİSTAN MERKEZ BANKASI TÜRKMENİSTAN TÜRK TELEKOM KREŞİ TÜRKMENİSTAN DEVLET KONUKEVİ Fire Cabinets Appropriate for Using in Buildings Fire Cabinets and Fire Extinguish Carriages Appropriate for Using in Open Fields Foam System Fire Extinguish Cabinets and Carriages Other Fire Equipments and Installation Connects Mounting Elements Our Technical Informations and Documents A B C D E Fire Cabinets Appropriate for Using in Buildings A KP-1100 Series KP 1114.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED LID APPLICATION CODE TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID WAY DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE CAPACITY OF THE TUBE LID IS OPENED FROM FRONT and BACK SIDES Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-1113.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 190 630 730 KP-1113.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 220 630 730 KP-1113.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 250 630 730 KP-1114.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 190 630 730 KP-1114.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 220 630 730 KP-1114.3 BUILT- IN TDEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 250 630 730 KP-1123.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 190 670 770 KP-1123.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 220 670 770 KP-1123.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 250 670 770 KP-1124.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 190 670 770 KP-1124.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 220 670 770 KP-1124.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 770 250 670 770 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A1 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1100 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3-Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A2 Since 1964 KP-1200 Series KP 1214.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED SINGLE OPENING TUBE CABINET APPLICATION CODE WAY LID IS DIAMETER CAPACITY OF OPENED and TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID FROM FRONT Cr-Ni CASE CAPACITY OF THE TUBE and BACK PIPE SIDES Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-1213.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 190 780 730 KP-1213.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 220 780 730 KP-1213.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 250 780 730 KP-1214.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 190 780 730 KP-1214.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 220 780 730 KP-1214.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 250 780 730 KP-1223.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 190 820 770 KP-1223.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 220 820 770 KP-1223.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 250 820 770 KP-1224.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 190 820 770 KP-1224.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 220 820 770 KP-1224.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 820 770 250 820 770 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A3 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1200 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A4 Since 1964 KP-1300 Series KP 1314.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED DOUBLE OPENING TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID DIAMETER and LID IS OPENED FROM W H D W1 H1 CAPACITY OF THE CAPACITY OF FRONT and BACK Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING TUBE (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) PIPE SIDES KP-1313.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 900 730 KP-1313.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 900 730 KP-1313.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 900 730 KP-1314.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 900 730 KP-1314.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 900 730 KP-1314.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 900 730 KP-1316.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 900 730 KP-1316.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 900 730 KP-1316.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 900 730 KP-1323.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 940 770 KP-1323.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 940 770 KP-1323.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 940 770 KP-1324.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 940 770 KP-1324.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 940 770 KP-1324.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 940 770 KP-1326.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 190 940 770 KP-1326.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 220 940 770 KP-1326.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET-GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 940 770 250 940 770 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A5 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1300 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A6 Since 1964 KP-1400 Series KP 1414.1 1” FIRE CABINETS DEMOUNTED SINGLE LID WITH HORIZONTAL TUBE CABINET APPLICATION CODE WAY LID IS OPENED DIAMETER CAPACITY OF FROM FRONT TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID and CAPACITY Cr-Ni CASE and BACK THE TUBE OF PIPE SIDES Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-1413.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1413.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1413.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1414.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1414.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1414.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 660 960 KP-1423.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 KP-1423.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 KP-1423.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 KP-1424.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 KP-1424.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 KP-1424.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1000 200 700 1000 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A7 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1400 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A8 Since 1964 KP-1500 Series KP 1514.1 1” FIRE CABINETS DEMOUNTED SINGLE LID WITH DOUBLE HORIZONTAL TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID DIAMETER and CAPACITY LID IS OPENED W H D W1 H1 FROM FRONT CAPACITY OF Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING AND BACK (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) OF THE TUBE PIPE SIDES KP-1513.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1513.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1513.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1514.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1514.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1514.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 660 1160 KP-1523.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 KP-1523.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 KP-1523.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 KP-1524.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 KP-1524.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 KP-1524.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1200 200 700 1200 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A9 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1500 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A10 Since 1964 KP-1600 Series KP 1614.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED LID CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID DIAMETER and CAPACITY LID IS OPENED W H D W1 H1 FROM FRONT CAPACITY OF OF THE Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING and BACK (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) PIPE TUBE SIDES KP-1613.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1613.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1613.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1614.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1614.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1614.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 660 760 KP-1623.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 KP-1623.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 KP-1623.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 KP-1624.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 KP-1624.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 KP-1624.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 800 200 700 800 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A11 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1600 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6-All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A12 Since 1964 KP-1700 Series KP 1714.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED SINGLE LID AND TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE CAPACITY OF THE TUBE LID IS OPENED FROM FRONT W H D W1 H1 Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) and BACK SIDES KP-1713.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1713.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1713.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1714.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1714.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1714.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 810 760 KP-1723.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 KP-1723.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 KP-1723.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 KP-1724.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 KP-1724.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 KP-1724.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 850 800 200 850 800 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A13 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1700 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A14 Since 1964 KP-1800 Series KP 1814.1 1” FIRE CABINETS WITH DEMOUNTED DOUBLE LID AND TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID LID IS OPENED DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF W H D W1 H1 CAPACITY OF FROM FRONT and Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) THE TUBE PIPE BACK SIDES KP-1813.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1813.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1813.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1814.1 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1814.2 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1814.3 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1816.1 BUILT- IN DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1816.2 BUILT- IN DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1816.3 BUILT- IN DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 930 760 KP-1823.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1823.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1823.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1824.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1824.2 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1824.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1826.1 ON PLASTER DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1826.2 ON PLASTER DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 KP-1826.3 ON PLASTER DEMONTE SAC-CAM 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 970 800 200 970 800 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A15 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-1800 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semihard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. 3- Our Fire Cabinets are manufactured with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4mm TEMPERED fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass with the serigraphy techniques and it is heated at 700 °C in ovens. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction after the frame is mounted to wall. 5- This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. 2” Fire Valves which we use in our Fire Cabinets makes it more easy for the fire fighters to work. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A16 Since 1964 KP-1900 Series KP 1923.1 1” FIRE CABINET WITH SLIDING VERTICAL ROLLER CAPACITY OF DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE THE TUBE CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID KP-1923.1 ON PLASTER-BUILT IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. KP-1923.2 ON PLASTER-BUILT IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET KP-1923.3 ON PLASTER-BUILT IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET NOTE: Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME W H D (mm) (mm) (mm) 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 300 1400 750 1” - 25 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 300 1400 750 1” - 30 m. 2 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 300 1400 750 If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A17 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes . KP-1900 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our sliding vertical model Fire Cabins are mounted to wall vertically and roller moves to fro on the slide. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. The pipe has a special system make possible for it open with an angle of 180° degrees. The roller is delivered with 1” Şiber Valve, 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) rolled up, all tested. 3- The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi. Our cabinets have usage and mounting plan. 4- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. A18 Since 1964 KP-101 Series KP 101.1 1” MOVABLE ROLLER SYSTEM CODE APPLICATION WAY VALVE SPECIFICATIONS DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE Cr-Ni ROLLER W H D (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-101.1 MOUNTING WITHOUT CASE 2” FIRE VALVE 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 720 620 190 KP-101.2 MOUNTING WITHOUT CASE 2” FIRE VALVE 1” - 25 m. OPTIONAL 720 620 220 KP-101.3 MOUNTING WITHOUT CASE 2” FIRE VALVE 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 720 620 250 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1-Moving roller systems that are mounted without frame are preferred when the place is not suitable and in the gaps of shaft. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. Our roller has a wall apparatus so that it is installed to wall. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A19 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-102 Series KP 102.1 1” FIXED ROLLER SYSTEM VALVE DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Cr-Ni ROLLER W H D (mm) (mm) (mm) CODE APPLICATION WAY KP-102.1 MOUNTING ON PLASTER WITHOUT CASE 1” ŞİBER VALVE 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 530 670 190 KP-102.2 MOUNTING ON PLASTER WITHOUT CASE 1” ŞİBER VALVE 1” - 25 m. OPTIONAL 530 670 220 KP-102.3 MOUNTING ON PLASTER WITHOUT CASE 1” ŞİBER VALVE 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 530 670 250 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1-Fixed roller systems that are mounted without frame are preferred when the place is not suitable and in the buildings in which it is difficult to remove the installation. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. The pipe is fixed and has an special apparatus that makes possible for it open with an angle of 180° degrees. The roller is delivered with 1” Galvanized Connect pipe, Şiber Valve, 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) rolled up, all tested. Our rollers have wall apparatus that makes it possible for them to be fixed to wall. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A20 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-2200 Series KP 2214 2” FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE AND DEMOUNTED LID CODE APPLICATION WAY DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF LID IS OPENED TYPE OF CAPACITY OF FROM FRONT and Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME DEMOUNTED LID THE TUBE PIPE BACK SIDES LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-2213 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 690 150 550 650 KP-2214 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 690 150 550 650 DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 690 150 590 690 KP-2224 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 690 150 590 690 KP-2223 ON PLASTER NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A21 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-2200 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 mm optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top, and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Rollers have the capacity to roll 2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) and arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The frame has apparatuses so that the roller and lace are fixed to right or left sides. 3-Our Fire Cabinets are with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4 mm fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction, after the frame is mounted to wall. 5-This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. This model of our cabinets are for professional use and they are identical to the system used by fire brigades. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A22 Since 1964 KP-2300 Series KP 2314 2” DEMOUNTED SINGLE LID FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE AND TUBE CABINET DIAMETER CAPACITY LID IS OPENED FROM FRONT W H D W1 H1 and OF THE Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME LIGHTENING CAPACITY (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) and TUBE OF PIPE BACK SIDES APPLICATION TYPE OF WAY DEMOUNTED LID KP-2313 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 740 690 190 700 650 KP-2314 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 740 690 190 700 650 DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 740 690 190 740 690 KP-2324 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 740 690 190 740 690 CODE KP-2323 ON PLASTER NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A23 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-2300 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 mm optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top, and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Rollers have the capacity to roll 2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) and arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The frame has apparatuses so that the roller and lace are fixed to right or left sides. 3-Our Fire Cabinets are with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4 mm fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction, after the frame is mounted to wall. 5-This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. This model of our cabinets are for professional use and they are identical to the system used by fire brigades. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A24 Since 1964 KP-2400 Series KP 2414 2” DEMOUNTED DOUBLE LID FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE AND TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID IS OPENED DIAMETER CAPACITY FROM FRONT Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME and CAPACITY and OF THE TUBE OF PIPE BACK SIDES LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 820 650 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 820 650 OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 820 650 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 860 690 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 860 690 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 860 690 190 860 690 WAY LID KP-2413 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL KP-2414 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL KP-2416 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET - GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg KP-2423 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. KP-2424 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS KP-2426 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET - GLASS NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A25 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-2400 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 mm optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top, and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Rollers have the capacity to roll 2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) and arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The frame has apparatuses so that the roller and lace are fixed to right or left sides. 3-Our Fire Cabinets are with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4 mm fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction, after the frame is mounted to wall. 5-This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. This model of our cabinets are for professional use and they are identical to the system used by fire brigades. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A26 Since 1964 KP-2500 Series KP 2514 2” DEMOUNTED SINGLE LID FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE AND HORIZONTAL TUBE CABINET CODE APPLICATION TYPE OF DEMOUNTED DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE CAPACITY OF LIGHTENING W H D W1 H1 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) WAY LID KP-2513 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 550 860 KP-2514 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 550 860 KP-2516 BUILT- IN DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET - GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 550 860 KP-2523 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 590 900 KP-2524 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 590 900 KP-2526 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET - GLASS 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 590 900 190 590 900 NOTE: THE TUBE LID IS OPENED FROM FRONT Cr-Ni CASE Cr-Ni FRAME and BACK SIDES If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. A27 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes . KP-2500 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabinets are made of 1.2 mm (1,5 mm optionally) Carbon Steel sheet metal. Our cabinets have four valves which is making it possible for the water supply to come from right -left sides and top, and apparatuses making it possible for the entering lid and roller to be fixed to right and left sides. 2- Rollers have the capacity to roll 2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) and arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The frame has apparatuses so that the roller and lace are fixed to right or left sides. 3-Our Fire Cabinets are with special radius and with demounted metal sheet or demounted glass lids. The warning writings are embossed on the metal sheet lids. For the demounted glass lids, 4 mm fume glasses are used, and the warning writings are written on the glass. 4- The demounted lids of our Fire Cabinets can be mounted to the frame easily with four screws upon the completion of construction, after the frame is mounted to wall. 5-This model of Fire Cabinet meets TS EN 671-1 standards. This model of our cabinets are for professional use and they are identical to the system used by fire brigades. The lock system on the lid of our fire cabinets are built-in and are made of CrNi if demanded. 6- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint, Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 7- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. A28 Since 1964 Fire Cabinets and Fire Extinguish Carriages Appropriate for Using in Open Fields B KP-3.200 Series KP 3.211/1.1 KP 3.231/1.1 2” and 2”/2’ FIELD TYPE FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE LID IS OPENED DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF FROM FRONT W H H1 H2 H3 D CAPACITY OF Cr-Ni CASE LIGHTENING and BACK (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) THE TUBE PIPE SIDES CODE APPLICATION WAY ROLLER NUMBER KP-3.211/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1400 600 700 100 150 KP-3.211/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1400 600 700 100 150 KP-3.211/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1400 600 700 100 190 KP-3.211/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1400 600 700 100 190 KP-3.221/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1500 600 800 100 190 KP-3.221/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1500 600 800 100 190 KP-3.221/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1500 600 800 100 190 KP-3.221/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 600 1500 600 800 100 190 KP-3.231/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1500 500 900 100 150 KP-3.231/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1500 500 900 100 150 KP-3.231/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1500 500 900 100 190 KP-3.231/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1500 500 900 100 190 KP-3.241/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1600 300 1200 100 190 KP-3.241/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1600 300 1200 100 190 KP-3.241/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1600 300 1200 100 190 KP-3.241/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1600 300 1200 100 190 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. B1 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-3.200 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our fire cabins are manufactured 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal, either fixed or on leg appropriate for the land conditions. 2-Rollers have the capacity to roll 2’/2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) fire pipe and arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. 3- The warning writings are embossed on our fire cabins with metal sheet, and our lock system is built-in and it is made of CrNi. 4- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic polyester powder paint, Ral 3003 colours at 210°C in ovens. 5- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes B2 Since 1964 KP-3.100 Series KP 3.111.1 KP 3.141.1 1” FIELD TYPE FIRE CABINETS CODE APPLICATION ROLLER WAY NUMBER DIAMETER CAPACITY OF LID IS OPENED and CAPACITY FROM FRONT Cr-Ni CASE THE TUBE OF PIPE and BACK SIDES LIGHTENING W H H1 H2 H3 D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-3.111.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 20 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 1500 630 770 100 190 KP-3.111.2 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 25 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 1500 630 770 100 220 KP-3.111.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 30 m. - OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 670 1500 630 770 100 250 KP-3.141.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 20 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1600 500 1000 100 190 KP-3.141.2 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 25 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1600 500 1000 100 220 KP-3.141.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 30 m. 1 Ad 6 kg OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 700 1600 500 1000 100 250 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. B3 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-3.100 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our fire cabins are manufactured 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal, either fixed or on leg appropriate for the land conditions. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. The pipe is fixed and has an special apparatus that makes possible for it open with an angle of 180° degrees. The roller is delivered with 1” Fire Valves (2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) rolled up, all tested. 3- The warning writings are embossed on our fire cabins with metal sheet, and our lock system is built-in and it is made of CrNi. 4- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic polyester powder paint, Ral 3003 colours at 210°C in ovens. 5- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes B4 Since 1964 KP-5.200 Series KP 5.211/1.1 2” and 2”/2’ FIELD TYPE HORIZONTAL FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE W H D (mm) (mm) (mm) CODE APPLICATION WAY ROLLER NUMBER DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE Cr-Ni CASE KP-5.211/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.211/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.211/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.211/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.221/1.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.221/1.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.221/2.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.221/2.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 2”/2’ - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our fire cabins are manufactured 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal appropriate for land conditions, with specially insulating lid against freezing, having legs so as to mount to the ground and appropriate for rolling the pipe with the desired length. 2- Rollers have the capacity to roll 2’/2” (optionally with the length of 20m – 30m) fire pipe. 3- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic polyester powder paint 3003 colours at 210°C in ovens. 4- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. B5 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-5.100 Series KP 5.111.1 1” FIELD TYPE HORIZONTAL FIRE CABINETS CODE APPLICATION WAY ROLLER NUMBER DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE Cr-Ni CASE KP-5.111.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.111.2 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 25 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.111.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH SINGLE ROLLER 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.121.1 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.121.2 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 1” - 25 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 KP-5.121.3 IN OPEN AREAS WITH DOUBLE ROLLER 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 100 70 55 NOTE: W H D (mm) (mm) (mm) If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our fire cabins are manufactured 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal appropriate for land conditions, with specially insulating lid against freezing, having legs so as to mount to the ground and appropriate for rolling the pipe with the desired length. 2- Our Fire Cabinets’ rollers are water fed from centre and their waterline is made of brass. There is a heavy type roller arms making it possible for the roller system to open with an angle of 270 degrees. The roller is delivered with 2” Fire Valve (including 2”x1” Reduction), 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and conceded with 1” connection pipe which supplys water feed from the roller centre, all tested. 3- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic polyester powder paint 3003 colours at 210°C in ovens. 4- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. B6 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-6.100 Series KP 6.101.4 1” WHEELED TYPE FIRE PIPE ROLLER CODE APPLICATION WAY RECORD SPECIFICATIONS DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE Cr-Ni ROLLER KP-6.101.4 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED 2” FIRE RECORD 1” - 40 m. OPTIONAL KP-6.101.5 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED 2” FIRE RECORD 1” - 50 m. OPTIONAL KP-6.101.6 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED 2” FIRE RECORD 1” - 60 m. OPTIONAL NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1- By the long pipe used in the wheeled systems it is possible for the pipe in the roller to reach distant places. It is used by means of connecting to Hydrants and Fire Valves. 2- The roller of our Wheeled Fire Pipe Rollers are water-fed from centre, and their water lines are made of brass. The roller is delivered with 2”x1” Reduction, 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 40 m.- 50 m.-60 m) and conceded with 5m 1” connection pipe which supplys water feed from the roller centre, all tested. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. B7 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. Foam System Fire Extinguish Cabinets and Carriages C KP-4.110 Series KP 4.113.1 1” FOAM SYSTEM FIRE CABINETS CODE APPLICATION WAY TYPE OF DEMOUNTED LID DIAMETER LID IS OPENED and CAPACITY FROM FRONT OF PIPE and BACK SIDES TANK Cr-Ni CASE LIGHTENING CAPACITY W H H1 H2 D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-4.113.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.113.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.114.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.114.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 1” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. C1 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. KP-4.110 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabins are on plaster and have legs and they are made of 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal. There are 2 valve head gate so that the water is given from right and left sides, and apparatuses so that roller are attached to right and left sides. 2- In our foam model Cabinets, rollers are water-fed from centre, and their water lines are made of brass. There is a heavy roller arm that makes it possible for the roller to open with an angle of 270° degrees. The roller is delivered with 2”x1” Fire Valve, 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 20 m.- 25 m.-30 m) and 1” connection pipe supplying water from the roller centre, all tested. There is 50 lt capacity CrNi Foam tank and Foam Heat exchanger in the cabinet. 3- Our cabinets are manufactured with demounted metal sheet lid or glass lid. 4- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens. 5- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. C2 Since 1964 KP-4.210 Series KP 4.213.1 2” FOAM SYSTEM FIRE CABINETS WITH FLAT PIPE CODE APPLICATION WAY DIAMETER LID IS OPENED TANK TYPE OF FROM FRONT and CAPACITY and BACK DEMOUNTED LID CAPACITY OF PIPE SIDES Cr-Ni CASE LIGHTENING W H H1 H2 D (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) KP-4.213.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.213.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED METAL SHEET 2” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.214.1 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 20 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 KP-4.214.3 ON PLASTER DEMOUNTED GLASS 2” - 30 m. OPTIONAL 50 lt. OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 800 1550 1400 150 300 NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. C3 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes . KP-4.210 Series SPECIFICATIONS 1- Our Fire Cabins are on plaster and have legs and they are made of 1,5 mm carbon steel sheet metal. There are 2 valve head gate so that the water is given from right and left sides and apparatuses so that roller is attached to right and left sides. 2- In our foam model cabinet, the Roller has the capacity to roll 2” fire pipe (optionally with the length of 20 m.30 m.). There is CrNi Foam tank with 50 Lt, Foam Heat exchanger and Foam Lace in the cabinet. 3- Our cabinets are manufactured with demounted metal sheet lid or glass lid. 4- All the parts of our Cabins are painted with electrostatic powder paint Ral 7035 or Ral 3003 colours at 200°C in ovens 5- Our fire cabins are dispatched in carton boxes. C4 Since 1964 KP-4.120 Series KP 4.121.4 1” WHEELED TYPE FOAM SYSTEM FIRE CABINETS RECORD DIAMETER and CAPACITY OF PIPE SPECIFICATIONS TANK CAPACITY Cr-Ni ROLLER 1” - 40 m. 50 lt. OPTIONAL 2” FIRE RECORD 1” - 50 m. 50 lt. OPTIONAL 2” FIRE RECORD 1” - 60 m. 50 lt. OPTIONAL CODE APPLICATION WAY KP-4.121.4 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED 2” FIRE RECORD KP-4.121.5 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED KP-4.121.6 IN OPEN AREAS - WHEELED NOTE: If you chose optional alternatives, you should specify which option you chose with product code during the order. SPECIFICATIONS 1- By the long pipe used in the wheeled systems it is possible for the pipe in the roller to reach distant places. It is used by means of connecting to Hydrants and Fire Valves. 2- The roller of our Wheeled Fire Pipe Rollers are water-fed from centre, and their water lines are made of brass. The roller is delivered with 2”x1” Reduction, 1” Nozzle ( with shutdown settings Jet/Sprey ), 1” round semi-hard fire pipe (having the length options of 40 m.- 50 m.-60 m) and conceded with 5m 1” connection pipe which supplys water feed from the roller centre, all tested. There is 50 Lt capacity Foam tank and Foam Heat exchanger in the cabinet. Our products are secured by a patent of TPE. C5 We Reserve the right to change designs and sizes. Our Technical Informations and Documents E TECHNICAL DATA 1” FLOW RATE and DISTANCE DATAS OF FIRE CABINETS 1” Nozzle Jet Position Distance Datas Throwing Distance (m) Throwing Distance (m) 1” Nozzle Sprey Position Distance Datas Entrance Presssure (bar) Entrance Presssure (bar) 1” Nozzle Sprey Position Flow Rate Datas Flow Rate L/min Flow Rate L/min 1” Nozzle Jet Position Flow Rate Datas Entrance Presssure (bar) Entrance Presssure (bar) E1 Since 1964 + %10 - TECHNICAL DATA 2” FLOW RATE and DISTANCE DATAS OF FLAT PIPE FIRE CABINETS Throwing Distance (m) 2” Nozzle Jet Position Distance Datas Throwing Distance (m) 2” Nozzle Jet Position Distance Datas Entrance Presssure (bar) Entrance Presssure (bar) Flow Rate L/min 2” Nozzle Sprey Position Flow Rate Datas Flow Rate L/min 2” Nozzle Jet Position Flow Rate Datas Entrance Presssure (bar) Entrance Presssure (bar) E2 Since 1964 + %10 - E3 E4 E5 E6 E6 E6