Newsletter - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Newsletter - Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Emmanuelight In this Issue From the Pastor Current Events Stewardship A Look at September How we served Opportunities to Give and Serve Opportunities to Learn August Calendar Serving our Congregation for August Prayer list Check out our Church Web Site AT Emmanuel August 2016 Don’t worry about the world, worry about your neighbor Recently a friend posted on Facebook probably something we all think from time to time. She wrote, “The World must be coming to an end!” She then listed a number of examples from the news headlines and concluded by pleading to her audience, “turn back to God!” Things do look bleak. Everything is falling apart. Worse, we don’t seem to have any competent leaders in whom we can place our hope. The headline news can feel suffocating as all the problems of the world close in on us. My friend concluded her fearful plea with the classic, “We need to turn back to God!” While that is a true statement for all people all the time, I’m afraid even worldwide repentance would not stop the world from ending at all! The world is going to come to a grinding halt! There is nothing we can do about it. We can’t slow it down or hasten it! It is like the inevitability of your favorite band starting to suck by their 10th album. Too often we find gigantic global issues holding our brains and spirits hostage. More than ever American Christians are losing sleep by everything from the absurd choice for a future president to terrorist attacks in France. I have discovered myself addressing in sermons one cataclysmic event after another Sunday after Sunday. Unfortunately all of this global chaos steals our attention from the things God has given us to actually be concerned about. Don’t worry about the world. Worry about your neighbor. Before all the insanity began appearing regularly in your newsfeed, your neighbor was undergoing her own personal crisis; death of a loved one, husband addicted to porn and now abusive, a son who struggles with suicidal thoughts. To each person these struggles are no less debilitating than the riots in Ferguson. This past week while I was stressing out about Putin’s clamping down on evangelism in Russia, two young kids had to be told their father would not be coming home again; he’s with Jesus. How is this event any less a crisis than the whole Vietnam war? Yet unlike those gigantic issues, God has placed you directly in the lives of your neighbors. Your political party affiliation doesn’t matter to their problem. Your thoughts on gun control policy doesn’t mean a damn thing to their fear of death. Your opinion on how to stop ISIS will not dry their tears. Yes, God certainly directs the universe. Jesus reigns. All things matter to Him, even who wins the race to lead this failed experiment we call the USA. He will take care of it all! And perhaps your vocation requires you to worry about global affairs so do your best. Yet Christ’s mission through His church is not to fix the world, or even change it for that matter. Though that is coming for sure. Come Lord Jesus. Christ’s mission through His church is not to slowly perfect or even reform the world. He didn’t come to make things better. He came to raise the dead! Through the Church, through the hands and mouths of His people, Jesus kills and resurrects real flesh and blood people through the preaching of His Word, the drowning in the waters of baptism, and the resuscitating meal of the Eucharist. So turn off your T.V. and newsfeed, stop worrying about the world. You know where it is going after all. Start worrying about your neighbor who you can actually hug and who can actually hear your life giving words in Christ. Rev. Joel Hess CURRENT EVENTS Wednesday Worship Schedule 5:45p 6:15p 6:45p 8:00p BOARD MEETINGS ARE SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY AUGUST 16TH starting at 6:30p. Council will meet at 7:30p. Dinner Worship Bible Study Hyper Jesus BEACH BUMS FELLOWSHIP EVENT, AUGUST 5TH. Tickets are $5 each. Meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. We’ll carpool to the game which begins at 7:05 followed by FIREWORKS!! Let the office know you would like to meet at the game. A sign up sheet is located in the fellowship hall. If you can not make the Fellowship event August 5th stop into the church office and pick up tickets for another game that fits your schedule. BEACH BUMS TICKETS. $5.00 each for a game of your choice. A schedule is located on the Current Events bulletin board. Make Checks payable to Emmanuel MEN’S BREAKFAST AND BIBLE STUDY will be held on Saturday August 6th 9:00a at Big Boy. Restaurant. For more information call Jerry Struck at 775-4480. JOYFUL HEARTS BIRTHDAY BBQ CELEBRATION will take place on Wednesday August 17th at 5:30p. We have a professional doing the barbequing. Everyone is welcome to join us! Please bring a passing dish to share. Scrip Orders Are Due August 21st CPR AND FIRST AID CLASSES will be held at Emmanuel Lutheran Church on Saturday August 27th starting at 8:30a. The cost for CPR is 40.00 and 55.00 to take both CPR and First Aid. If you are interested in taking the class, please call the church office to register by August 22nd. Lunch and Learn: Tuesdays at 12:00pm. Stop in for an hour long bible study. Lunch and Learn will not take place while Pastor Hess is in Germany August 9th and 16th. SATURDAY AUGUST 27TH join us for a day of target shooting at the Marion Rod and Gun Club. Please bring a dish to pass, there is a sign up sheet located in the fellowship hall. LCMS STEWARDSHIP NEWSLETTER ARTICLE “THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS INEXPRESSIBLE GIFT” (2 Cor. 9:15)! This is St. Paul’s exclamation upon hearing the Corinthian church’s response to the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his request for support for the Church in Jerusalem. The Christians in Corinth heard and received God’s mercy in Christ, and they responded to St. Paul’s call to support Christians in Jerusalem with a collection. The Corinthian’s joy filled Jerusalem’s need. This is the reality of stewardship. Because of God’s generosity in the giving of His Son to die on the cross for us, we are to be generous with all that we receive from Him. What do we receive? Everything. All that we are and all that we have is the Lord’s. He is the creator and the giver. We are His creatures and those who receive what He gives. It sounds easy. And it is. But then again it isn’t. Stewardship is easy because it God’s work. Through what God gives, we give to others. Through what God gives, we support the work of the church for the life of the world. He gives; we receive. And like our generous Father in Heaven, we, as His children, use what He gives to us to love and serve others. But stewardship is also difficult. That is because it goes against our natural inclination to think that what I have is mine to do what I want with. This is our sinful nature. It is our selfishness and our greed. How can we who have been given everything—life, food, clothing, house, home, forgiveness, divine sonship, an eternal inheritance—be so stingy with what we give to the church, the place where we hear about and receive all that God gives us and does for us? We are all guilty of this kind of thinking. And the only godly response is to repent and trust in the Gospel. For if God has given you His own Son, will He not give you all things? Yes. He will. This is His sure and certain promise. God provides for His people. He provides everything we need for this body and life and for the life that is to come. The church is a mercy place. It’s a place where God’s mercy in the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, is given and received. For we who believe in Christ, it means forgiveness, life, and salvation in the face of sin, death, and the power of the devil. Here in the church we inhale God’s mercy in Word and Sacrament, and exhale this same mercy in love and service to our neighbor. And that is an enduring, joyful thing to do. Our joy fills our neighbor’s need because His joy filled ours (Heb. 12:2). Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift! A LOOK AHEAD AT SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER CALENDARS ARE STARTING TO FILL IN QUICKLY! HERE ARE A FEW MORE THINGS TO ADD TO IT. Education Sunday September 11th Sunday School Kick Off Blessing of the Back Packs Church Picnic September 11th Family Nights Will begin on September 7th following Labor Day. We will once again follow the below Wednesday evening Schedule. 5:00p Confirmation 5:45p Dinner 6:15p Prayer & Praise 6:30p Knights & Roses and Adult Class 7:30p Choir 8:00p Hyper Jesus HOW WE SERVED THANK YOU TO THE GENEROUS MEMBERS OF EMMANUEL WHO GAVE OF THEIR TIME, TALENTS AND TREASURES TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARSHIP FUND. To those of you who donated home baked and canned goods. Thank you! To those of you either made an early monetary donation or stayed to purchase the goods. Thank you! We feel truly blessed to be part of a congregation which so closely mirrored the churches of Macendonia in their giving to our Scholarship Fund. “For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own free will…” We raised $3,000! We are pleased to now be able to further support the youth of our congregation wishing to impact the Kingdom by attending a synodical school. Thanks for your generosity! THANK YOU TO ALL OUR DEAR FRIENDS OF EMMANUEL, we are so grateful for your prayers, visits, calls, cards and memorials, for our Carl. We are truly blessed to know all of you! Thank you for the wonderful service, Pastor Hess, Bekki and Jim. You made it a real blessing for all! Carl is so happy! We also want to thank all those who planned, prepared and served the delicious dinner, it was wonderful!! God’s Blessings and our Love, Dorothy Wolforth and Family. THANK YOU to everyone who helped make the 4th of July booth in the park, outdoor Worship service and parade a huge success! CONGRATULATION TO THE SCHELLHAS FAMILY on the birth of a beautiful baby boy, Ezekiel Isaac Schellhas, born July 13, 2016 at 2:50pm weighing 7lbs 9oz and 20inches long. Ezekiel Schellhas was welcomed into Gods family through the waters of Holy Baptism on July 31,2016 Ezekiel’s Sponsors Are Brian Barcey and Julie Hess VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL was a wonderful success! 100 Children explored Egypt where they were able to try different foods, play a variety of games, do some cool art projects and hear many wonderful Bible stories and songs . We were very blessed to have wonderful helpers to lead the children to the different activities. We had talented people working in the kitchen preparing all the snacks. It was wonderful to see the Youth of our congregation volunteering and giving back to the programs they were once enjoying as VBS students. Thank you to everyone that donated food, items for art projects, and materials to transform our church into Egypt. This is one of Emmanuel's largest outreaches and we could not do it without the wonderful support from Emmanuel’s members. Thank you!! Opportunities to Give and Serve Emmanuel Lutheran Church Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop Located at: Ministry House Garage Hours: Friday and Saturday only 10:00am – 1:00pm Accepting donation (at the Ministry House garage) Monday’s only 10:00a - 1:00p Donations should be clean and in very good condition. PLEASE KEEP OUR SEMINARIAN Andrew Belt and his Family in your prayers. They will begin their Vicarage call on August 1st. If you would like to send a card, the new address is 735 Gettinger Street, Sainte Genevieve, MO. 62670 Emmanuel Lutheran church Sign up for Shop with Scrip 1. Go to and click Register, then click join a Scrip program. 2. Enter our enrollment code. 565C6758286L By entering this code, your account will be associated with our non-profit organization so you can begin earning rebates! 3. Fill in all required personal information and click ‘I Accept.’ 4. Choose two security challenge questions from the list and provide answers. Scrip Orders will be place on the 3rd Sunday of the month. August 21st TO GIVE A DONATION VIA YOUR SMARTPHONE. Send a text to 586- 8347432 with any dollar amount. (Example) $10. Follow instructions on your screen to fill out payment information. To Give a donation via our website, go to Oktoberfest Silent Auction We need your help! We are planning on holding a silent auction this year during Oktoberfest. You could help out by donating a hand made item or volunteering a service. (Some examples of services might be: dinner for four, a dozen cookies a month, free house cleaning or babysitting, etc. Be creative!) While we would love to have mostly hand made items we will also accept anything you would like to donate. Do you know a merchant or vendor that might be willing to donate an item or service? Please approach them on behalf of Emmanuel. We would like to have all of the items and services for our auction by October 9. That way we can print out a list of all the items up for bid. Please contact either Beth or Bob Menz if you have items or services you would be willing to donate. FOOD PANTRY: Please bring in your non perishable food items to be donated to The New Hope Shelter for Men and Women in Cadillac. The donation box is located under the mailboxes. Items are distributed at the end of each month. We switch each month between the Men and Women so each group can benefit from this wonderful outreach. HELP FILL UP THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND! We currently have two major repairs that will need to take place at Emmanuel this summer. We need a new drain field and new Air conditioning unit for the church Fellowship Hall. The jugs are divided into Men and Women again. We all know the Women won last time and the men had to serve dinner. Lets see If the ladies can repeat another victory. OPPORTUNITIES TO LEARN “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”Matthew 4:19 August 7 This week’s Sunday School and Joyful Hearts lesson is “Joseph Forgives His Brothers.” Despite their sins against him, Joseph forgave his brothers. Despite our sins, God forgives us for Jesus’ sake and helps us forgive others. Consider asking, “To whom do you need to offer forgiveness?” “Why is it difficult to forgive those we know well?” Memory Challenge: Be kind . . . forgiving one anoth-er, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 August 14 This week’s Bible story is “The Temptation of Jesus.” Jesus resisted the temptations of the devil and kept God’s Law for us because we cannot. Jesus strengthens us through His Word to resist temptation and assures us that He has won the victory over sin, death, and the devil for us. Talk about, “How does the Holy Spirit help you resist temptation?” Memory Challenge: Be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion. . . . Resist him, firm in your faith. 1 Peter 5:8–9 August 21 In Sunday School and Joyful Hearts this week, the children learn about “Three Men in a Fiery Furnace.” God rescued the three faithful young men from the fiery furnace. God rescues us from harm and helps us endure the troubles that He allows to come into our lives. Discuss, “What troubles have you faced in the past week?” “Whom does God send to help us when we have troubles?” Memory Challenge: The Lord will rescue me from ev-ery evil deed and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. 2 Timothy 4:18 August 28 The Sunday School and Joyful Hearts lesson for this week focuses on the story of “The Saints in Heaven.” The saints in heaven praise God for His power and glory and wisdom. God, who is all powerful, loving, and wise, will answer our prayers, as He has promised. Parents could discuss, “Where do we sing praises to God like the saints in heaven?” “How are the words of our songs of praise similar to theirs?” Memory Challenge: Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. Revelation 19:1 THE REV. DR. MATTHEW C. HARRISON has been re-elected to a third term as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod after receiving the majority vote on the first ballot during the June 11-14 election period, it was announced on June 15. Harrison is the 13th man to serve as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) since its founding in 1847. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Our Short Northern Michigan Summers come to an end very quickly. As your planning your calendars please note that we will resume our Wednesday Confirmation, Knights and Roses and Adult Bible class programs Starting September 7th. Mite Box 8:30a Worship w/Com 9:45a Education Hr. 11:00a Worship w/Com 10 –1 Donation Day For Bountiful Treasures 12:00p Linked in Prayer 29 9:30a Counters 12:00p Linked in prayer 28 Scrip Orders due. 22 9:30a Counters 12:00p Linked in prayer 10 –1 Donation Day For Bountiful Treasures 12:00p Linked in Prayer Pray for Group in Germany 15 9:30a Counters 12:00p Linked in prayer 10 –1 Donation Day For Bountiful Treasures 12:00p Linked in Prayer 9:30a Counters 12:00p Linked in prayer 8 1 9:00 Library Co. 9:30 Counters 12:00p Linked in prayer 10 –1 Donation Day For Bountiful Treasures 12:00p Linked in Prayer Monday 21 8:30a Worship w/Com 9:45a Education Hr. 11:00a Worship w/Com Pray for Group in Germany 14 8:30a Worship w/Com 9:45a Education Hr. 11:00a Worship w/Com 8:30a Worship w/Com 9:45a Education Hr. 11:00a Worship w/Com 7 Sunday 12:00p Lunch & Learn 1:00p Staff Meeting 4:30p Book Club 30 23 12:00p Lunch & Learn 1:00p Staff Meeting 4:00p Human Care 6:30p Board Meetings 7:30p Council Meetings Pray for Group in Germany 16 12:00p No Lunch & Learn 1:00p Staff Meeting 4:00p Human Care 6:30p Board Meetings 7:30p Council Meetings Germany Trip Begins Please pray 9 12:00p No lunch & Learn 2 12:00p Lunch & Learn 1:00p Staff Meeting Tuesday Dinner Worship Adult Class Hyper Jesus 5:45p 6:15p 6:45p 8:00p 31 24 5:45p 6:15p 6:45p 8:00p Dinner Worship Adult Class Hyper Jesus Dinner Worship Adult Class Hyper Jesus Pray for Group in Germany 5:30 BBQ 17 10:00a Peace Quilting 11:30a LWML Pray for Group in Germany 10 5:45p 6:15p 6:45p 8:00p 3 10:00a Peace Quilting 5:45p Dinner 6:15p Worship 6:45p Adult Class 8:00p Hyper Jesus Wednesday 25 Pray for Group in Germany 18 Pray for Group in Germany 10:00a –1:00p Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 26 6:00p Harper/Denning Rehearsal 19 Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 7:00p Home Bible Study Pray for Group in Germany 12 Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 7:00p Ladies Aid Meeting 11 5 Friday 4 Thursday Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 27 8:30a CPR & 1st Aid 9:00 Gun Club Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 20 2:00p Harper/Denning Wedding Pray for Group in Germany 13 Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 9:00a Men’s Breakfast and Bible study Bountiful Treasures Thrift Shop 10:00a –1:00p 6 Saturday Finance Ushers Greeters Deb Weisfeld Foster Caregivers Ed & Donna Proctor Jan Ringel The Price Family Jan Ringel Wilma Bushor Sharon Gonder Don Wells Brian & Diana Heyniger Henry Hess Nick Meier Shelby Ryder Jackie Breithaupt Jan Ringel Linda Dryburgh Jessica Gottleber Ben Cathcart Linda Wetherell Don Borman Jayne Foster Jamie Otis Betsy Shinneman Sharon Gonder Lois Sutton 8:30 11:00 Jan Ringel Wilma Bushor Linda Dryburgh Mark Zagers Dick & Lois Sutton Sandy Shene Jerry Shinneman Patti Stitt Betsy Shinneman Pat Struck Lois Sutton Linda Wetherell Brian & Diana Heyniger Jayne Foster Ben & Mary Cathcart Deb Weisfeld Lorna Vanderwal Carol Hall Ben Cathcart Don & Jean Borman The Weidner/ Lloyd Family Jerry & Betsy Shinneman Sandy Shene Linda Wetherell Jamie Otis Paul Ruck Dave Dalton Alden Gonder Jeff Shuster Elaine Phalen Dan Schmidt JoAnn Socall Donna Proctor Sam Hess Maggie O’Malley September 4 AUGUST Ed & Donna Proctor 11:00 Wayne & Onalee Rippee Bob & Jan Ringel Deb Weisfeld 8:30 Jamie Otis Dan Schmidt Matthew Flaska Chad Koehn Craig Belt 11:00 Chad Koehn Craig Belt Bob Menz Dave Wright Alden Gonder Jeff Shuster Tom Mix Bob Ringel Bob Menz Dave Wright 8:30 Elders Paul Ruck Dave Dalton Jamie Otis Carol Hall Art & Jackie Breithaupt Dave Dalton Linda Robinson Sandy Shene Nancy Shimek Craig Belt Pat Struck Nino Medina Emily Harding Ashley Wright August 28 Coffee Craig Weidner Wanda Pillsbury Lorna Vanderwal Patricia Price Gabby and Summer Price Jessie Wetherell Evan Parker August 21 Dan Schmidt Lindsay Meier Halee Nowland 11:00 Charlie Howell Michael Gottleber 8:30 August 14 Audio/Visual Altar Guild Acolytes August 7 SERVING OUR CONGREGATTION IN Prayer Chain * non Members AUGUST BIRTHDAYS AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 1 Dennis Pruetz 2 Audrey Devereaux 2 Katie Gundersen 2 Cameron Harwell 3 Nathaniel Boersma 4 Betty Johnson 4 Shaun Miller 4 Jim Ripke 4 Jeanice Sylvester 4 Jaime Weidner 5 Kelly Hein 6 Quentin Miller 6 Charles Veres 7 Thomas Jones 7 Peggy Wickstrom 7 Robin Zagers 8 Christopher Pillsbury 9 J.D. Moffit 9 Braden Rice 10 Lisa Lackie 11 Caiden Gunnett 11 Kenneth Tacoma 11 Kevin Taylor 12 Ashlee Rheaume 12 Debra Weisfeld 13 Emily Kelley 13 Olivia Rice 13 Katie Schultz 13 Abbygail Shuster 13 Cole Wetherell 14 Jeanette Borman 14 Jacob Denning 14 Valerie McNalley 16 Tom Dettloff 16 Bob Thompson 18 Cynthia Belt 19 Caleb Devereaux 19 Tyler Wetherell 20 Mary Hudgins-Argue 22 Alden Gonder 22 Jeffrey Mulder 23 Sheri Carroll 23 David Champion 23 Jo Stojic 24 Julie Hess 25 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 30 31 Marguerite Haines Daymien Otis Edie Fechter Jorrdan Podbilski Steven Thompson Sandy Meekhof Helen Tice Jack Foster Jonathon Rheaume Alexia Gunnerson AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 3 George & Bonnie Johnson(26) 5 Nancy & Chuck Shimek(44) 8 Mary Hudgins-Argue & Jerry Argue(8) 8 Ed & Donna Proctor(52) 8 Bob & Jan Ringel(42) 9 Andrew & Rebecca Belt(2) 11 Garry & Susan Marcum(26) 14 Matthew & Meghan Flaska(6) 14 Christopher & Elizabeth Wetherell(17) 16 Harold & Penny Larson(41) 17 Vince & Tina Dean(6) 19 Randy & Brenda Gauthier(21) 21 Brian & Diana Heyniger(6) 24 Douglas & Beverly Mobley(25) 24 James & Amy Whitney(14) 25 Hubert & Maria Toupin(65) 27 Douglas & Kemmie Pelton(33) 28 Chris & Doreen Paluck(6) MILITARY PREGNANCY Samuel Boyce* Elmer Dake* Joshua Flitman* Brian Loughmiller Jr. Joe Meier Jeremy Moffit* Adam Soldan* Will Spence Chayce Verity* Caleb Wakefield* Joshua Wakefield* Lauren Howie* Amedee Mortenson* Ayla Owen* Hillary Zielazinski Check out Pastor Hess’s sermon on Podcast VICAR Tim Selim Andrew Belt Adam Debner* Comfort and Strength For the family of Margaret Carpenter Long Term Medical Helene Bowers* Sherry Bowman* Carter Brunink* George Clark Larry Cornell* Janice Graham* Mayme Guthrie* Carol Holman* Roger Johnson* Kristy Kelly* Rachel Knoth* Sam Lovell Dawn Narcker* Aaron Reis* Kay Reitz Barb Rogers* Jim Ruark Pat Ruark John Sadowski Rev. Bryan Salminen* Louise Schut* Nita Sundal* Boston Suriano Emily Stoll* Roy Tacoma* Charlie Thomas* Jeffery Thompson Joe Teufner John Washeleski* Kathy Wessel* Sam Whedbee* Grace Wilhelm* Julie White* Short Term Medical Tracy Dake Ellen Hesselink Joseph Homminga* Eric McGahan* Marlene Pissott* Kay Reitz Scott Ward* SHUT IN Deanna Beem Peggy Decker Joyce George Hubert Toupin Maria Toupin Emmanuel Lutheran Church 11198 E. Division St. Cadillac, MI 49601 ADDRESS S ERVICE R EQUESTED Emmanuel Lutheran Church 231.775. 3261 Joyful Hearts Early Learning Center 11198 E. Division St.; Cadillac, MI 49601 231.775.3898 The Rev. Joel A. Hess, Pastor The Rev. Ted Turanski, Visitation & Shut-in Pastor Mrs. Jayne Foster, Director of Joyful Hearts Mrs. Rebekka Koehn, Ministry Coordinator Mrs. Cindy Belt, Secretary Mr. Jim Foster, Business Administrator [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]