Pastoral Council - Our Lady of the Mountains
Pastoral Council - Our Lady of the Mountains
WELCOME! Our Lady of the Mountains and All Saints Catholic School 1425 Yaqui Street Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 (520) 378-2720 Fax: (520) 378-6825 Email: [email protected] School: 520-378-7012 Office Hours 8:30a.m. ~ 5:00p.m. Monday ~ Friday Closed for lunch 12:30-2:00p.m. Staff Pastor Fr. Michael Bucciarelli School Principal Sr. Carol Seidl Parish Secretary Donna Parsons Business Manager Teresa Mullen Religious Ed Kathleen Shilson Youth Ministers Andrew & Amy Kjolsrud Maintenance Joe Laird School Secretary Joelle Landers Deacons Jim Burke, Rodger Miller, Jose Huerta-Nunez, Reynaldo Romo, Jim Schaff, Gene Tackett Pastoral Council President Vice President Secretary Richard Chapman Marianne Adams Finance Council Chairman Co-Chairman Secretary Members Business Manager ASCS Principal Andrew Kjolsrud George Adames Vacant Patrick Ledger Sergio Velasquez Teresa Mullen Sr. Carol Seidl Board of Directors Treasurer Secretary George Adames Doug Shough LivingGod’sWord Wecanpraythatwecontinuetoliveinthefreedomofthechildren ofGod,tobeledbyGod’sSpirit,togoforthtodrawothersintothis familyofGodbyshowingthejoyofbeingdisciples. VivamoslaPalabradeDios Podemosorarparaquecontinuemosviviendoenlaslibertaddelos hijos e hijas de Dios, para que seamos guiados por el Espiritu de DiosyatraigamosaotraspersonashaciaestafamiliadeDiosaldemostrarleslaalegrı́aquesigni icaserdiscı́pulos. Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 8:00am Wednesday 5:30pm Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am (Spanish) & 5:00pm Holy Day of Obligation: Varies see inside Other Sacraments Anointing of the Sick ~ By appointment Baptism ~ By appointment only. Registration & Baptism classes required. Please call Parish Office. Marriage ~ Minimum 4 months advance notice. Please call Parish Office. Confessions ~ Saturday 4p.m. or anytime by appointment. ADORATION I WAIT FOR YOU May 30, 2015 ~ Saturday 5:00p.m. Bill Whitlock by Monica Whitlock Richard Bocknack by Mary Kryworuka May 31, 2015 ~ Sunday 7:30a.m Bill Merritt by SOF Group Smiles Blakey by Barbara Adric 9:30a.m. Bea Hackman by Nancy Leo & Gloria Fiaschetti 11:30a.m. For the people of the parish 5:00 p.m. Ofelia Liston by The Sodies Family June 1, 2015 ~ Monday 8:00a.m. Deceased members of the Nichols Family by Bernie Nichols June 2, 2015 ~ Tuesday 8:00a.m. Bill Loesch, Cliff Bondarek & Luanne Kritzberg by Grace Loesch June 3, 2015 ~ Wednesday 5:30p.m. Jean Leidinger by Bill & Bobbi Clark June 4, 2015 ~ Thursday 8:00a.m. Intention for Bernie Nichols by Margarita Fate June 5, 2015 ~ Friday 8:00a.m. Jarka Jelinek by Carol Jelinek June 6, 2015 ~ Saturday 5:00p.m. Brooke Coates by Monica Whitlock June 7, 2015 ~ Sunday 7:30a.m Marilyn Smith by Frank & Linda Smith John Anthony by Pat Anthony 9:30a.m. For the people of the Parish 11:30a.m. For the sick of the parish 5:00p.m. Intention for the St. Vincent De Paul Society Saints and Special Observances Sunday: The Most Holy Trinity Monday: Ninth Week in Ordinary Time; St. Justin Tuesday: Ss. Marcellinus & Peter Wednesday: St. Charles Lwanga and Companions Friday: St. Boniface; First Friday Saturday: St. Norbert; Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday The Statue of Our Lady Of Fatima will be at the home of Betty Jans until June 7th. Poor pitiful sinners, do not turn away from Me...Day & night I am on the watch for you in the tabernacle. I will not reproach you...I will not cast your sins in your face…But I will wash them in My Blood and in My Wounds. No need to be afraid.. Come to Me… If you but knew how dearly I love you.” Please join us for Adoration on Thurs, June 4 at 8:00a.m. until Fri, June 5 at 8:00a.m. with Solemn Closing & Benediction WEEKLY CALENDAR Hispanic Prayer Group Young at Heart St. Vincent de Paul Mtg Hispanic Rosary Morning Doves Evening Mass Divine Mercy Chaplet Adoration Zumbathon Confessions Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday-Friday Saturday Saturday 12:30p.m. 11:00a.m. 4:00p.m. 6:30p.m. 1:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 2:00p.m. 3:00p.m. 8:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 4:00p.m. Planning Calendar June June 06 ~ Zumbathon Fundraiser in Hall June 07 ~ St. Vincent de Paul Stuff the Trailer June 20 ~ Fr. Mike’s 40th Anniversary Potluck Dinner June 27 ~ Collect Baby Bottles July July 11 ~ Vine of Grace Women’s Retreat in the hall July 20-24 ~ Vacation Bible School July 25 ~ K of C Blood Drive July 25 ~ Parish Anniversary Dinner Additional Envelopes: Holy Father, Peter’s Pence June 27/28 Daily Morning Mass will be held in the Parish Hall the week of June 1-5. Mr. Joe will be waxing the church floors. Schedule for Next Weekend June 6/7 Altar Servers Sat, 5:00p.m. Ian Pottebaum, Charity Scudella, Margaret Sommerhauser Sun, 7:30a.m. Karen Acosta, Doug & Lorene Shough Sun, 9:30a.m. Paige Carter, Danny & David Coronado Sun, 5:00p.m. Isaac Kjolsrud, Julian Valenzuela, Jaime Hernandez Lectors Sat, 5:00p.m. (1) J. Tritz (2) S. Zimmerman Sun, 7:30a.m. (1) J. Chambers (2) A. Lee Sun, 9:30a.m. (1) C. Alejandro (2) G. Monger Sun, 5:00p.m. (1) Teen Mass Eucharistic Ministers Sat, 5:00p.m. RayAnn Bondarek, Betsey Hartwigsen, Mary Sosa, Jerry Wertis Sun, 7:30a.m. Frank & Linda Smith, Kathleen Shilson, Carole Van Vleet Sun, 9:30a.m. Mary Burke, Doris Sims, Nick & Ana Tomes Sun, 5:00p.m. Chuck & Debby Everding, Bill Hansen, Rafi Saba Ushers Sat, 5:00p.m. Gary & Marcia Imdieke Sun, 7:30a.m. Queta Ramirez, Teresa Owens, June Leaveck Sun, 9:30a.m. Pat Wagner, Joe & Carol Wolfer Sun, 5:00p.m. Teen Mass Linens Carmen Sodies MINISTRIES AND CONTACTS Adoration, Delores Martins 803-0325 All Saints Catholic School 378-7012 Altar Servers, Paul Fletcher 910-578-7905 AVE Neighbor, Jan Ross 378-1754 Baptism Class, Steffani Hays (En) 678-6739 Dcn. Reynaldo Romo (Sp) 559-2400 Bereavement, Dcn. Jim Schaff 378-2332 Blanket Ministry, Phyllis Ballard 378-3192 Bulletin Folding, Pat Jensen 803-1052 Compliance Officer, Dcn. Jim Schaff 378-2332 Charismatic Prayer , Dcn. Bob Sadorf 378-1527 Cursillo, Spanish, Jesus De La Rosa 378-1056 Dancers Etc., Doris Sims 417-0092 Divine Mercy Cenacle, Liz Nelson 378-6836 Eucharistic Ministers, Dave Gilcreest 458-7135 Justa Valles 378-1837 Gift Shop, Millie Dalton 459-3889 Hispanic Spiritual Dir, Dcn. Romo 559-2400 Holy Rosary Group, Hospital Euch. Ministers, Joel Childs 378-9415 Jail Ministry, Dcn. Gene Tackett 378-6501 Knights of Columbus, Gary Imdieke 803-0302 Lectors, Mark Lobner 458-5609 Mayra Velasquez 236-7134 Linens, Laura Gilcreest 458-7135 Marriage Preparation, Dcn. Jim & MaryAnn Schaff 378-2332 Money Counters, Barbara Wedge 378-7086 Music Ministry, Jo Merritt 241-8337 Prayer Garden, Doris Sims 417-0092 Rectory Project Mgr. Keith Mullen 266-4230 Religious Education Kathleen Shilson 378-2720 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Dcn. Jose & Leonor Huerta-Nunez 459-1967 St. Vincent de Paul 378-2720 Strengthening Our Faith, Betty Jans 378-0554 Mo Pryor 335-6056 Ushers/Greeters, Dave Waldmann 378-0159 Gloria Dutton 378-3486 You Are Not Alone, Suzanne DeRosier 458-6903 Young at Heart, Pat Wagner 803-0722 Youth Group, Andrew & Amy Kjolsrud 459-2188 OLM Monthly Stewardship Report April 2015 We welcome the addition of names of parishioners and family members who are HOSPITALIZED or CRITICALLY ILL. Names of CHROINICALLY ILL PARISHIONERS and FAMILY MEMBERS are in our BOOK OF PETITIONS, which is in the back of the church. You and your loved ones are in our prayers daily. Patrick Barry-Piccirilli (grandson of Mary Piccirilli), Lorraine Schieffer (formerly #110), Dimitar Stoyanof #121, Katrina Chovich (sister of Pat Hortien)#107, Sue Backus (daughter-in-law of Stan & Jan Ross)#104, Pamela Warren, Tom Bannan & Julie Fulton (son & daughter of Tom & Carol Bannan) #116, Susan Gwiazda #124, Ivy Penix (sister of Tim Penix)#112, Michael Martin (nephew of Phyllis Ballard)#102, Kaitlyn Wildenthaler (niece of Phyllis Ballard) #102, Jim Wedge #106, Georgia Romero (sister in law of Barbara Adric)#116, Deacon Rodger Miller #112, Luke Garcia (grandson of Jeanne Herbert #114), Carmelyn Borroz #115, Calla Kindred #105, Jackie Bisby (daughter of Sue Zook) #123 Don Allan (son of Leon & Laura Vander-Heyden)#101, George Kirmse #101, Robert “Bob” Lusignan #105, Rosalio Rios(father of Ana Escamilla #114), Donna Parsons #115, Peter Chovich(brother of Pat Hortien)#117, Cesaer Nicolas Serrera (grandson of Esperanza & Nicolas Avitia) #107, Jayden LaMoreaux & Alene LaMoreaux (family of Teresa Mullen #114, Mary Alice Adamczyk #109, Wayne Shilson #125 and Sue Zook(formerly of #123), Frank Smith #116, Maximo Matarrita (father to Maria & Hubert Schroer #110), Donald Johnson, Marion Gardner (brother-in-law Caroline Bentley #101), Pat Wachendorf #125, Dorothy Hopkins #111, Dave Waldmann #106, Lonnie Massey (brother of Teresa Mullen #114), Alex Aguilar(father of Victoria Peters), Sherry Zimmerman #115. Heavenly Treasures Gift Shop The Heavenly Treasurers Gift Shop is open before and after all weekend Masses. You can also shop during the week by stopping by the office between 9:00 and 4:00. The gift shop does not accept credit cards or debit cards, cash or checks only. Thank you for supporting the Heavenly Treasures Gift Shop. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday JMJ Weekly Readings, 04 – 10 May 2015 Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8 Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11 Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17 Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21 Sixth Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 April 4/5 April 11/12 April 18/19 April 25/26 $6,424.95 $4,833.40 $4,143.25 $4,358.44 Online contributions (as of 04/27/15) $ 4,685.00 Total Church Contributions $24,445.04 Total contributions of $ 35,000.00 + monthly are needed to meet OLM obligations + Operations reserve and future needs. OLM Special Contributions: Inc. online 04/27/15 Building Fund/Capital Imp. $860.00 Mortgage Reduction $778.00 Rectory Building Fund $915.00 Support Our School $6,862.55 * *Other Church Contributions $5,319.77 Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 * Total Church Contributions ** Total Other Church Contributions Total Parish Activities Income $273,037.94 $22,531.23 $21,392.28 YTD Contributions/Income YTD Expenses YTD School Mortgage payments/Adj. YTD Total (+Over/-Under) $316,961.45 $299,161.96 $2,775.04 $ 15,024.45 GOAL: (12 x $35,000.00) $420,000.00 75.47 % Contributions % to date of our goal Current No. of OLM Families: 1002 Easter Sunday Collection as of : 4/27/15 $5,079.00 Monastic Experience Benedictine Monastery in Tucson, Arizona May 23-May 29 The Monastic Experience encourages women who are discerning a religious calling to experience monastic life without any strings attached. It will provide participants an in-depth look at monastic life and the opportunity to experience it on a daily basis. Women discerning a religious calling will enter into the rhythm of monastic life, receive daily input on prayer, their discernment, ask vowed women religious questions about their own vocations and engage in faith sharing with others who are traveling on a similar journey. The event is for single Catholic women between the ages of 18 and 47 who are discerning a religious vocation. The Monastic Experience is free for participants and includes room, board and recreation. For more information, please contact Sister Ruth Elaine at (660) 944-2221 or [email protected]. In the Gospel today, Jesus says “ Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus we can do everything. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Quinto Domingo de Pascua 03 de Mayo de 2015 Hispanic Ministry Contacts Acolitos Lectores Cursillos Bienvenida Coro Eucarista Ministres Esperanza Avitia 255-0931 Mayra Velasquez & 236-7134 Monica McCall 559-639-3704 Jesus De La Rosa 378-1056 Gloria Dutton 378-3486 Maria Acuna 378-2319 Justa Valles 378-1837 Para El Proximo Fin De Semana Programa De Acolitos Zennia De La Rosa Angelica De La Rosa Programa De Ministerios De Eucarista Luis y Patricia Galindo Cristina Woods Monica Humphrey Programa De Lectores Teresa Aguirre y Edi Mont’ros Consejo Matrimonial de la Semana Algunos argumentos simplemente no valen la pena reñir. Si tú y tu amada(o) tienen un desacuerdo continuo, considera si es tiempo de perdonar y dejar que éste se pase. Virgen Peregrina de la Familia Virgen de Guadalupe Las imágenes de la Virgen Peregrina de Guadalupe estarán el mes de Abril a Mayo en la casa de las familias de: Doris Combs, Ruth Cruz, y Martha Rivera respectivamente. Para más información contacte al Diácono José o Leonor HuertaNúñez al teléfono (520) 459-1967 OLM COUNCIL 10799 Grand Knight, Gary Imdieke 803-0302 Highway Clean-up is scheduled for Sat, 9 May. Council Business Meeting is scheduled for Thurs, 14 May in OLM’s Lower Hall. All Knights are welcome to attend. Assembly Business Meeting is scheduled for Mon, 18 May in the Columbian Hall. All 4th Degree Sir Knights are welcome to attend. Wheelchair/walkers - Anyone having a need for a wheelchair or walker, please contact Al Edmond at 458-5060. Our Lady of the Sierras has an immediate job opening for a weekend Site Coordinator. This position will work Saturday 9:00am 5:00pm & Sunday 10:00am – 6:00pm and possible additional days during the week based on need. Job duties included by not limited to: open shrine, greet visitors, stock supplies, light housekeeping duties, handle situation decisions and lift 40 lbs. Bilingual preferred. Applicant must know the Catholic faith and Sacraments. Pay $13.00 / $15.00 DOE. Email resumes to: [email protected] Tucson For Life First Saturday: Pro-Life Meeting – June 6, 2015 EVERY FIRST SATURDAY.....The Tucson community gathers to witness to LIFE. 12:00pm GENERAL MEETING LUNCH WILL BE PROVIDED cookies and snacks are welcome...come share your favorite goodies!!!! Elections, HHS mandate, 40 Days for Life campaign…. And much more Email or call Kelly with questions/comments [email protected] 520-903-4099 Marriage Tip of the Week Some arguments just aren’t worth fighting. If you and your beloved have an ongoing disagreement, consider whether it’s time to forgive and let this one go. All Saints Catholic School News All Saints Catholic School News Tues., 5th-National Teacher Appreciation Day!-Tell your teacher thank - you for a great year! Wed., 6th-5:00pm School Advisory Board meeting Thurs., 7th-Grs. 7th and 8th Retreat Day Fri., 8th-8:10am School Mass-readings by Grade 1; final collection this year for Boxtops For Education and Campbell's bar codes. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES-All Saints Catholic School has the following teacher openings: Kindergarten and 7th/8th grades and part-time Physical Education Teacher. Contact Sr. Carol at 378-7012 or stop in at 1425 Yaqui Street for an application. May 3rd May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st Youth Group: May Calendar Youth Group 3:15pm Youth Mass 5:00pm NO YOUTH GROUP DONUT SALE: 8:00am Youth Group 3:15pm NO YOUTH GROUP Youth Group 3:15pm Position Openings, Diocese of Tucson The following vacant positions within the Diocese of Tucson are available as of 4/27/15. Diocese of Tucson: Department of Catholic Schools, Tucson, AZ – Student Services Coordinator Human Resources Department – Human Resources Assistant (Temporary position) Parishes: San Martin de Porres Parish, Sahuarita, AZ – Religious Education Coordinator (Part-time) Schools: All Saints, Sierra Vista, AZ – Kindergarten Teacher All Saints, Sierra Vista, AZ – 7th/8th Grade Teacher All Saints, Sierra Vista, AZ – Part time PE Teacher St. Joseph Catholic School, Tucson, AZ – Third Grade Teacher St. Joseph Catholic School, Tucson, AZ – Pre-K Teacher GOSPELS AND QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK 5th Sunday of Easter, John 15:1-18 Strengthening Your Faith May 3 Adults: When have you been “pruned” by your experiences in a way that led to greater abundance? Children/Youth: When have you felt stronger or better because you did something hard to help another person? Next Week’s Gospel Preparation 6th Sunday of Easter, John 15: 9-17 Love of Your Neighbor May 10 Congratulations to all our young people who received Jesus for the first time last Saturday, April 25. We pray that Jesus will always live in your hearts and that you will be able to receive Him every Sunday as you continue to grow in your love for and knowledge of our most gracious and merciful Lord. Giovanni Avechuco, Austin Cushman, Justin Fee, Marcus Fee, Isabella Garcia, Martin Meadows, Alanie Moreno, Anisa Nunez, Audrey Nunez, Tucker Paladenic, Kaylee Petersen, Katherine Presnall,Fatima Serrano, Amaya Taijeron, Kai Taijeron, Krista Valenzuela, Autumn Young. This Sunday, May 3 will be our last day of classes for this school year. Please be careful and stay safe this summer. Don’t forget to pray!! Classes will begin again on August 16. We are in need of a 4th grade catechist and a 7th/8th grade catechist. You do not need to “know” a lot to be a catechist. It is more about who you love than what you know. If the Holy Spirit touches your heart please give me a call at the church office. Kathleen (520) 378-2720 Ext. 116. Thank you for considering this important ministry. Devastation in Nepal As we have seen in the newspapers and on the nightly news, Nepal experienced a 7.8 earthquake and several aftershocks that have left thousands of people dead and many thousands injured. The devastation is astounding. Our diocese has had a close relationship with Nepal, especially through Father Silas Bogati, a priest of the Vicariate of Katmandu in Nepal who has visited frequently in our diocese and spoken at a number of our parishes. Catholic Relief Services has begun to provide emergency relief. Parishes are taking up a second collection to help relieve and alleviate some of the suffering and loss of life and property that has taken place. Please be generous as we seek to help our brothers and sisters in Nepal. Your contribution will make a big difference. We will have a second collection for Nepal next weekend, May 9th and 10th. In the second reading today John encourages us to love one another in deed and truth not in speech only. Do you show your spouse that you truly love them, not just say it? Love your spouse in deed by giving the gift of yourself; make the time to attend the next Marriage Encounter weekend. Upcoming World Marriage Encounter Weekend; May 29-31 in Tucson and July 10-12 in Phoenix. For other dates and more information visit (Para los fines de semana en español, por favor visite St. Andrew the Apostle Education Scholarship Endowment St. Andrew the Apostle Scholarship Endowment will award up to $2,000.00 in scholarships to students from the Sierra Vista area who are enrolled in an institution of higher learning. To apply, please pick up and complete a scholarship packet at St. Andrew the Apostle Parish office, Our Lady of the Mountains Parish office or Holy Family Catholic Community office on Fort Huachuca. Applicants must be Confirmed Catholics. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on the quality of their scholarship packets. Applications must be received no later than May 14, 2014. BREAKFAST All women are welcome SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015 Viscount Suite Hotel 4855 E. Broadway Blvd. 8:30a.m. Registration 9:00a.m. Breakfast The purpose of Magnificat is to help Catholic women open their lives more and more to the work of the Holy Spirit through a deeper commitment to Jesus. A breakfast is held quarterly with time for praise, worship and a personal testimony by a guest speaker. Join us on the 9th for food, fellowship, and the testimony of LILA REICH, a convert from Judaism. Tickets ($16 / $18 at the door) On sale at JMJ Religious Store, Trinity Catholic Books, Casa de Inspiracion Bookstore or by calling 326-6796. Care Net Walk for Life Mother’s Day 2015 Saturday, May 9th 8:00a.m. Calvary Chapel 1155 Wilcox Dr. 2 miles Call 520-459-5683 to register Creating YOUR Catholic Legacy… Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, Fr. Mike Bucciarelli and the Catholic Foundation are hosting this free workshop. Learn the answers to… “Why should I have a will?” “Do I really need a power of attorney?” “What is a living trust and what are the benefits?” “How can I support my family and my parish or favorite charity?” Wednesday, May 13, 2015 4:30-6:00p.m. Bryerton/Brazaskas Meeting Rooms Our Lady of the Mountains Church Please RSVP by May 10, 2015 to: Nancy Kirk, Director of Major & Planned Giving, Catholic Foundation, 520.838.2508 or [email protected] Thank you to Paul Melo, Attorney at Law, for offering his time to present this workshop. May 21,2015 Dear All Saints Families, I am very honored, excited, and blessed to have been chosen as the new principal of All Saints Catholic School! I have 17 years of educational experience serving students from kindergarten through high school. For the past four years I have worked in the Tucson Unified School District as a Learning Supports Coordinator, implementation. focusing on assessments, student behavior, teacher coaching, and curriculum Prior to that, I taught in Amphitheater Public Schools district as a teacher for 13 years. I am originally from Phoenix and, just as your children are presently doing, I too attended Catholic school while growing up. My sister, brother, and I all attended St. Gregory's School from kindergarten through 8th grade. My sister and I both went on to graduate from St. Mary's High School, while my brother graduated from Brophy College Prep. My husband also attended Catholic school, having graduated from both St. Cyril's and Salpointe. You can see that Catholic school has been important in my family! My husband, Matthew, and I are the proud parents of two daughters. th Claire is 12 and will be an 8 grader next year. She runs track and cross country and plays the drums in the school band. Abby is 6 and is going into the 1st grade. She is learning to play tennis and loves to read. Matthew principal at both Huachuca Mountain important is the assistant and Pueblo Del Sol Elementary Schools, so education is very to both of us! In Tucson we are parishioners at St. Francis Cabrini Church. It is my hope that we can all work together to make All Saints the best school it can possibly be. Once I finally arrive in Sierra Vista, please feel free to stop by and introduce yourself. My door is always open and you are always welcome to meet with me. I am looking forward to meeting you and your child. Sincerely, Kathy Chandler Principal All Saints Catholic School
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