Lugoff – Elgin Middle School 2015
Lugoff – Elgin Middle School 2015
Lugoff – Elgin Middle School 2015-2016 School Year Where understanding hearts and positive attitudes make a great school and where EVERY child is a promise with potential and possibilities. 1 Dear Lugoff-Elgin Middle School students and parents, Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year and the home of the Mighty Leopards! The purpose of this handbook is to explain to students and their families some of the basic procedures at LEMS. Topics include attendance, dress code, medication, discipline, and cell phone procedures. Please take time to review the contents of the handbook so that you will be familiar with the expectations at LEMS. With the help and support of all stakeholders, LEMS has earned several honors including the distinction of being a Schools to Watch and a Palmetto’s Finest School. Additionally, LEMS earned Palmetto Gold and Silver Awards from the State Department of Education over the last several years. These accomplishments signify the dedication of teachers, students, and parents at LEMS. I am thankful that LEMS is a school where EVERY child is a promise with potential and possibilities. I value the opinions of parents and community members. LEMS is your school. Please contact me at 438-3591 if you have questions or concerns. Let’s make 2015-2016 the best school year yet! With Leopard Pride, Karen S. Bullard, Principal 2 Dear LEMS supporter: Welcome to the 2015-16 school year! Your school PTO is excited about working closely with Lugoff-Elgin Middle families and staff to have a successful year. The PTO is an integral part of the school and welcomes participation from all parents and employees. Please watch for the announcement of our meetings and plan on attending. We need your voice and input to strengthen our programs. This year we will focus our fundraising efforts to improve literacy. Several ways that you can support these efforts are by: Purchasing a Leopard Card with a wide variety of discounts that can be used yearlong at local merchants; Participating in the fundraiser this fall; and Attending the annual Turkey Supper holiday meal featuring student talent. Special incentives are available for top student sellers with both the Leopard Cards and fundraiser sales. We are proud to be a part of a school with a history of academic excellence as evidenced by recent Palmetto Gold, Palmetto Silver, Palmetto’s Finest and Schools to Watch awards. We look forward to working together to continue these accomplishments! Sincerely, Lugoff-Elgin Middle School PTO PresidentVice PresidentSecretaryTreasurer- Mary Anne Byrd Melody Hall Cathe Epps Traci Quinlan 3 The School Improvement Council of the Lugoff-Elgin Middle School welcomes you to the 2015-2016 school year! In South Carolina, School Improvement Councils (SIC) are required by state law. The main purpose of these councils is to provide assistance to the school administration in providing the best possible education for the students – Our Children!!! The School Improvement Council consists of parents of current students elected by parents, teachers elected by the faculty, and community members appointed by the Principal. The Principal is an ex-officio member. At Lugoff-Elgin Middle School, we have been successful in organizing a very active School Improvement Council for many years. Many of the improvements in the school are a direct result of the School Improvement Council working cooperatively with the school administration, parents, and other stakeholders. We hope to continue this tradition as we focus on the needs of our students. Organizations such as the SIC will assure continued improvement in the quality of education at Lugoff-Elgin Middle School. Our children are the direct beneficiaries of such progress! Success cannot be obtained without significant parent involvement and community support. Thanks to all who contributed in the past years. The support of ALL parents for the upcoming school year will be greatly appreciated! LUGOFF-ELGIN MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT COUNCIL Barbara Partin, SIC President 4 Table Of Contents Topic Page School Attendance………………………………………………….................. 6 Medical Homebound………………………………………………................. 7 Start Time/Dismissal……………………………………………….................. 7-8 Tardy Policy…………………………………………………………….................. 8 Check Out Procedures…………………………………………….................. 8 Discipline………………………………………………………………................... 9-10 West Wateree Virtual Academy.……………………………................... 10 Field Trips……………………………………………………………….................. 11 After School Activities Procedures…........................................... 11 Dress Code….............................................................................. 11-12 Cell Phone Policy…………………………………………………….................. 12 Den Time………………………………………………………………................... 13 Lockers…………………………………………………………………................... 13 PE Lockers………………………………………………………………................. 13 Clubs/Activities………………………………………………………................. 13 Awards/Recognitions……………………………………………................... 14 Principal’s Award…………………………………………………….................. 14 Be Great Academy…………………………………………………................... 14 Medication/Health……………………………………………….................... 15-16 T-Dap Vaccine…………………………………………………………................. 16 Website Resources………………………………………………….................. 16 General Policies………………………………………………………...............,. 17 SPOT Expectations…………………………………………………................... 18 Hall Passes…………………………………………………………….................... 19-32 5 GOOD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IS EVERYBODY’S JOB A written statement from a parent/legal guardian, physician, dentist or other recognized licensed/certified medical practitioner or legal officer is required for each absence. The statement should be dated and include the date(s) of absence(s), the reason(s) for the absences(s), telephone number of the parent/legal guardian and the required signature. The statement must be presented to school officials no later than the student’s fifth day back at the school. If a student fails to bring a valid excuse to school, he/she will automatically receive an unexcused absence. If a student brings a false (or forged) excuse, the teacher will refer the student to the school administration for appropriate action. The school district will consider students lawfully absent under the following circumstances. Under State Board of Education regulations, there are two types of absences; lawful and unlawful. Lawful absences may include, but are not limited to, the following. absences caused by a student’s own illness and whose attendance in school would endanger his/her health or the health of others absences due to a serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family absences due to a recognized religious holiday of the student’s faith absences due to activities and/or extreme hardships that are approved in advance by the school principal absences for children due to a certified court appearance or related court ordered activity including, but not limited to, court ordered treatment services Unlawful absences may include, but are not limited to, the following. students who are willfully absent from school without the knowledge of their parents/legal guardians students who are absent from school without acceptable cause with the knowledge of their parents/legal guardians Note: suspension is not counted as an unlawful absence for truancy purposes. 6 The following procedures will be followed for unlawful absences: After three unlawful absences, a letter will be sent by the school principal to the parent/legal guardian explaining the attendance law and policies. After five unlawful absences, school officials will make every reasonable effort to meet with the parent/legal guardian to identify the reasons for the child’s continued absences and will develop an intervention plan in conjunction with the student and parent/legal guardian to improve future attendance. The student and parent/legal guardian must sign this plan which will become a part of the student’s permanent record and will be included in any future family court documents, if necessary. After the seventh unlawful absence, the school will notify the district attendance coordinator and furnish documentation required by the family court for truancy cases. The matter will then be referred to the court. The school board authorizes school principals to promptly approve or disapprove any student’s absence, lawful or unlawful, for more than 10 days. Students who are absent during the school day may NOT participate in extracurricular activities (dances, athletic events/practices, and meetings) during that day. Taken from Kershaw County School District policy JH - Student Absences and Excuses. MEDICAL HOMEBOUND It is the responsibility of the student and parent/legal guardian to get the medical homebound forms from the school and return them with a doctor’s signature, reason for medical homebound and dates of the medical homebound instruction. SCHOOL START/DISMISSAL TIME Students should not be dropped off before 7:00 am. They must report to the cafeteria and wait to be released to their classes at the 7:30 am bell. The dismissal bell will ring at 3:00 pm. Car Riders should be dropped off and picked up in the designated area at the front of the school and must be picked up by 3:30 pm. Parents who choose to pick up their child at the LEHS Annex site must do so by 3:15 pm. After that time, students should return to the car rider area 7 on campus where they will be adequately supervised. Parents/guardians should not park in the parking lot and wait for students, but should drive around the circle in the right lane to safely pick up their child. Walkers should clear the campus by 3:10 pm. Bus Riders are to load the buses in the bus loading area at the rear of the campus. Students must be aboard their assigned bus for departure within ten minutes of dismissal. Students not picked up by 3:30 pm can be referred to the Be Great Academy’s “Safety Net” program. (see Be Great Academy section) TARDY POLICY Parents who choose to bring students to school assume responsibility for getting students to school on time. Kershaw County School District provides bus transportation for all students living in the Lugoff-Elgin Middle School attendance zone, outside of a 1.5 mile radius. The official start time is 7:35 am. Students who are not in the building by 7:35 am will be marked tardy to school. AN ADULT MUST COME INTO THE OFFICE AND SIGN LATE STUDENTS INTO SCHOOL. Siblings are not allowed to sign in late students. Students who are tardy to school will face the following consequences: st 1 Unexcused tardy – Warning nd 2 Unexcused tardy – Warning rd 3 Unexcused tardy –Detention/parent contact th 4 Unexcused tardy –Detention/parent contact/guardian invited to attend a Tardy Intervention Meeting th 5 Unexcused tardy – ½ day of in school suspension (ISR)/parent contact th 6 or more Unexcused tardy –Administrator will assign a Level II and ISS or OSS/parent contact **Policy valid on a per semester basis** CHECK OUT PROCEDURES Parents/guardians will complete a Student Safety Sheet. Only adults who are listed on this sheet will be allowed to check students out of school. Students may not be checked out of school between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm. 8 DISCIPLINE Lugoff-Elgin Middle School follows the Kershaw County School District Parent/Student Summary Code of Conduct for all grades. Level I offenses are addressed and documented by classroom teachers. Parents will be contacted by teachers to inform them of inappropriate student behavior(s). An accumulation of four Level I offenses within a ten weeks period will result in an administrative referral as a Level II. Administration will refer to the Code of Conduct for all grades to determine an appropriate disciplinary method. Possible methods include detention, lunch work detail, In-School Suspension or Out of school suspension. During detentions and work details, students sit at an isolated table during lunch and/or recess and assist the custodial staff with cleaning the cafeteria during recess. During ISS, students are removed from the regular setting and placed into a small population in a nonsocial setting. They work on assignments sent by their teachers while under the supervision of a mentor for the prescribed time set by the administrator. During out of school suspension, the student must remain at home for the prescribed time period set by the administrator. Students may not participate in extracurricular activities while being suspended. An assignment sheet will be completed by the student’s teachers and sent to the office to be picked up by a parent/guardian for completion. Students are responsible for all school work missed during suspension. For any fight, an automatic three day out of school suspension is enforced for all students involved. If a student is involved in a second fight, the student could face a referral to the district hearing officer. Six Level II offenses could result in a referral to the hearing officer for an Expulsion Hearing. Level One offenses include: Cheating on test or classroom assignments, dishonesty, acting in a manner so as to interfere with the instructional process, failure to complete assignments or carry out directions, abusive, profane, obscene language or gestures among or between students, school or class tardiness, truancy, or other disorderly acts as determined by the Board and administration. Level Two offenses include: Acts of disruptive conduct may include, but are not limited to, the following: disruptive behavior, use of forged notes or excuses, cutting class, fighting, bullying or instigating fighting, vandalism (minor) against property valued at $25 or less, gambling, threats against other students, abusive, profane, obscene language or gestures directed toward staff, refusal to obey school personnel or agents (such as volunteer aides or chaperones) whose responsibilities include supervision of students, possession or use of unauthorized substances, including but not limited to tobacco, tobacco products, e-cigarettes, non-prescription, “look-alike” drugs, and drug paraphernalia, including rolling papers and “look-alike” drug paraphernalia, 9 illegally occupying or blocking in any way school property with the intent to deprive others of its use, unlawful assembly or unauthorized class walkout, disrupting lawful assembly, possession or use of a paging device/telecommunications in violation of District Policy JICJ, inappropriate verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including physical displays of affection, theft, possession or sale of stolen property valued at $25 or less, being in an unauthorized area or location, failure to stay for teacher or administrator detentions, failure to obey a safety procedure/reckless behavior, throwing objects, are other disruptive acts as determined by the Board or administration. Level Three offense include: gang activity; assault and battery, extortion, bomb threat, unauthorized setting off of a fire alarm or destroying, stealing, or illegally setting off a fire extinguisher, possession or detonation of fireworks, illegal entry into District-owned buildings, possession, use, or transfer of dangerous weapons, including but not limited to a pistol, knife, blackjack, brass knuckles (multi-finger rings), incendiary devices, or explosive devices, bullets, shot gun shells, etc., sexual offenses, vandalism (major) against property valued at more than $25, theft, possession, or sale of stolen property valued at more than $25, arson, use, distribution, sale, purchase, manufacture, unlawful possession; or being under the influence of alcohol or an unauthorized substance or a controlled substance, threatening to take the life of or inflict bodily harm upon an administrator, teacher, support staff member or members of their immediate family; or other individuals, use of computers or the Internet in violation of District policy, other actions or criminal acts as determined by the Board or administration, harassment, intimidation, hazing or bullying including but not limited to gestures, electronic communication or written, verbal or physical, disturbing school, possession, use or transfer of “look-alike” weapons, or violation of Board, Hearing Officer or Re-Admission probation. WEST WATEREE VIRTUAL ACADEMY (WWVA) The WWVA is a behavioral/educational intervention that Kershaw County School District has approved for schools to utilize for their students. It is located on the campus of Lugoff-Elgin High School. Students that have four Level Two offenses are eligible to be placed at the WWVA for an extended stay in a more structured/restrictive learning environment. 10 FIELD TRIPS Field trips are offered as an extension of the classroom and will be connected to learning standards. Students and parents must complete a field study permission slip before the student can participate in a field study. The cost of the field trip must be paid in advance and is due by the designated deadline. No refunds will be given for field trips. Parents attending field studies must complete a Volunteer Application. Students who have three or more Level II referrals or are involved in a fight or other serious discipline infraction will not be allowed to participate in a field study. These students, however, may write an appeal letter, which must be signed by the parent and submitted to administration for possible approval to attend the field trip. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES When the school sponsors after school activities such as athletic events, dances, tutoring, and clubs, parents will be notified of dismissal times. It is the responsibility of the each student’s parent/guardian to pick their child up at the appropriate dismissal time. Students who are not picked up within fifteen minutes of the dismissal time could face the following consequences: The Kershaw County Sherriff’s Department will be notified to take the student home. The student will not be allowed to attend another extra-curricular event. Students who have three or more Level II referrals or are involved in a fight or other serious discipline infraction will not be allowed to participate in dances. DRESS CODE POLICY: Code AR JICA-R The administration is committed to providing the most productive and distraction free learning environment possible for each and every student. In order for us to do this we must have set guidelines/rules. We thank you in advance for trusting in us and abiding by these rules in order to promote a productive learning environment. Administration reserves the right to determine if clothing and/or personal appearance disrupts the learning environment. All fashions, extreme fads, make-up, un-natural hair colorings, hair styles and/or accessories that distract from instruction taking place in the classroom will not be allowed. Parents/legal guardians and students are expected to comply to ensure that a comfortable safe and non-confrontational environment is provided for all students. Students are allowed to wear clothing of their choice as long as the following rules are applicable. Shirts will be tucked in at all times for boys, and when appropriate for girls. Shirts should cover all areas of the upper body. No midsection or cleavage should be exposed. Shear shirts should be worn with an 11 appropriate undershirt. All shirt straps should be at least three fingers wide. Clothing should be free from inappropriate language, print, symbols, racial slurs, and tobacco or alcohol advertisement. Undergarments should not be exposed. Pants must be worn at the waist with the aid of a belt, if necessary. All shorts, skirts and dresses should be no more than 4 inches above the knees. This rule also applies to any holes in pants. Clothing that is excessively form fitting is prohibited. (yoga pants, leggings, jeggings, etc.) Because of health and safety hazards, students must wear shoes at all times. Shoes deemed unsafe by administration will not be allowed. Heavy chains, fish hooks, studded bracelets, or collars, nose/lip chains, facial and tongue piercings are not allowed. Accessories, such as book bags, hats, and sunglasses, are to be placed in the students’ locker at the beginning of the school day and will not be allowed to be taken out of the lockers until the end of the school day. Items seen out of the student’s locker during the school day will be confiscated. Students may carry small purses or cinch sacks for PE clothes or other necessary items. Purses should not be larger than an average textbook. Students may not attend class while in violation of the dress code. ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Cell phones, IPods, Tablets, Etc.): Code JICJ Students are allowed to bring devices to school; however, students must turn them off once they arrive on campus and place them in lockers for the entire school day. Electronic devices are not allowed en route to and from school on school buses. Each principal or his/her designee is authorized to further limit the use of or confiscate electronic devices if they are causing a disruption to a school or school-sponsored event. Those who violate this policy will have their devices confiscated and will receive a Level II. Devices will be returned to a PARENT. Consequences for Electronic Device violations are listed below: st 1 offense: Level II; returned to parent at the end of the next school day nd 2 offense: Level II; held until end of semester; returned to parent rd 3 offense: Level II; held until end of year; returned to parent School personnel and/or the district are not responsible for the loss or damage of any electronic device brought onto district property by students. Further, the school and/or district will not be responsible for the condition of any confiscated device upon its return to the student's parent/legal guardian. 12 DEN TIME Den Time is an intervention held on site, per grade level during lunch/recess, daily. Students who do not complete homework assignments can be assigned Den Time. School lunch is delivered to students while they work on missing assignments in a classroom setting. LOCKERS Lockers are on loan to students during their enrollment at Lugoff-Elgin Middle School. Students are NOT to share lockers with other students. ****Parents please note that students are responsible for ALL items that are on their person, in their locker, in their desk, and in their book bag. The administration reserves the right to look through any of the above item as necessary. PE LOCKERS Lockers in the gym area are NOT secure. Students who are scheduled for PE and use these lockers, assume all responsibility for items locked inside. Personal locks can be used on these lockers as long as appropriate information is provided to administration. CLUBS/ACTIVITIES LEMS offers various clubs and activities in which students can participate. Some clubs have age, academic, and service restrictions/requirements. Students should inquire with their teachers if they are interested in the following: Fellowship of Christian Athletes- Christian fellowship and fun Science Club- experiments beyond the classroom Quiz Bowl- middle school “Jeopardy” Girls on Track- healthy minds and bodies Ambassadors- represent LEMS at special events Safe School Ambassadors- anti-bullying campaign Student Council- represent fellow students Club Cure- support Relay for Life all year long Girl Power- empowering young ladies Beta Club- academics/community service Winter Guard- accompany the LEHS band FOR Club- specializes in random acts of kindness Art Club- showcase your artistic talents Book Club- bookworms welcome 13 AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS LEMS students have the opportunity to earn recognition for various achievements throughout the school year. Students can inquire with their teachers about the requirements to receive the following awards. A Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll Larry Patrick Citizenship Leopard of the Month Leopards on a Roll Student of the Quarter MAP Goals Perfect Attendance Duke Tip Scholar Junior Scholar Oratorical Contest Superintendent’s Writing Contest Black History Month Project PRINCIPAL’S AWARD The Principal’s Award is an annual, culminating award that all students can earn. Students receive this award by earning academic achievements, participating in school athletics, activities, and clubs, and displaying good behavior throughout the school year. Students must request a requirement sheet from the Main Office and collect verification of their accomplishments th during the 4 Nine Weeks. BE GREAT ACADEMY The Be Great Academy is a tuition based afterschool program held on site and managed by The Boys and Girls Club of the Midlands. The program is held every school day from 3:00-6:30 pm. More information concerning enrollment in the Be Great Academy can be found in the Main Office. Safety Net: Any LEMS student not enrolled in the Be Great Academy can be referred to the Be Great Academy’s “Safety Net” program, if they are not picked up by 3:30 pm. Any expenses occurred from the use of the Safety Net Program will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 14 MEDICATION AND HEALTH Because the needs of students who require medication during school hours should be met in a safe and prudent manner, the Department of Education and DHEC established guidelines for assisting with medications during school hours. These procedures are also in accordance with the Kershaw County School District’s Policy on Medications. Whenever possible, morning doses of medication should be given at home to minimize disruption in the school day. When medications are necessary during the school day, the following procedures must be followed. All medications, prescription and non-prescription, require a doctor’s order. A completed Permission for Medication form, available on the district website or from the school, must be completed by a doctor and signed by the parent or legal guardian in order for any medication to be given at school. All medication should be brought to school by the parent or legal guardian in the original container. Prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy bottle and must contain a pharmacy label including the student’s name, date, medication name, dosage, strength, and directions for use. Non-prescription medication must be in the original manufacturer’s container. All medications will be inventoried by the school nurse every three months. Out of date medications will be picked up by the parent or destroyed by the school nurse. An inventory of destroyed medications will be maintained. Terminated medication, or medication remaining at the end of the school year, must be taken home within 2 days, or it will be disposed of by the principal or his/her designee. Students with serious medical conditions should provide all needed medications along with district permission forms and medical orders. All medical procedures require medical orders before they can be carried out. All medication and medical procedure orders must be updated at the beginning of every school year. Students with special health-care needs who require that they keep medication with them during the school day must complete Permission for Student to self –Monitor/ Self-Administer Medication form. If medications are needed on the bus, during field studies, for extracurricular activities, or for after school clubs, the parent must contact the nurse to make necessary arrangements. 15 All medications must be provided by the parent. The school does not have stock medications. Students with food allergies who need dietary modifications will need to provide a South Carolina School Food Services Diet Prescription For Meals at Schools form that has been signed by the doctor and parent to the school nurse. Immunization requirements for school are mandated by DHEC. A completed South Carolina Immunization Certificate, Medical Exemption Form, or Religious Exemption Form is required for registration and enrollment. These forms can be obtained from your child’s physician or from the Kershaw County Health Department. T-DAP VACCINE: One (1) dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) is now required for all SEVENTH grade students. Tdap is routinely administered at 1112 years of age; however, if Tdap is needed at an earlier age, a dose administered on or after the seventh birthday will meet this requirement. WEBSITE RESOURCES Our school website and Facebook pages are the primary means of communication to parents, students, and community members. Please see below a list of available resources from our website. Student Handbook Retake/Retest Policy Academic and Athletic Calendars School Lunch Menus PTO News and Information Standards and What Your Child Should be Learning Middle Matters Newsletters Research and Homework Help Bullying Contact Form Classroom Spotlight Activities and Happenings of the School 16 IMPORTANT POLICIES/PROCEDURES Food and/or drinks should not leave the cafeteria and be taken to the classroom. Plain water is allowed in tightly sealed containers. Chewing gum is not allowed on campus in the cafeteria, classrooms, hallways or outside areas before, during, or after school. A student must purchase an agenda. The cost is $5.00. Students must have an agenda in hand when in the hallway. Teachers must complete the hallway/passport section. Students without agendas are subject to disciplinary action. If a student loses an agenda, another one can be purchased in the office during lunch. 17 S.P.O.T RULES Show Respect Practice Safety Organize Yourself Take Responsibility These are our Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) Rules. They represent student expectations throughout the school year. These rules are posted in various locations in the school with specific examples for the expectations in that area. Example: In the cafeteria, “Showing Respect” would be represented by eating with proper manners. In the hallway, “Practicing Safety” would be represented by walking on the right side. But that’s not all…get caught representing proper behavior by an adult in the building and you can get your SPOT Card signed. Once a card is filled with signatures, you can redeem them for various prizes and privileges such as pencils, erasers, goodies, eating outside at lunch, attending quarterly celebrations, and many more!! 18 Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 19 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 20 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 21 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 22 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 23 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 24 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 25 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 26 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 27 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 28 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 29 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 30 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 31 Signature Hall Pass Date Teacher Destination Time Out Time In Use these codes in the Destination column to save space… R=Restroom MO=Main Office L=Locker LB=library G=Guidance 32 Signature