January/February 2010
January/February 2010
Fogolar Furlan Club of Windsor January / February 2010 Fogolâr News FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS PER I SOCI E AMICI > Fogolars 2010 Information PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello Everyone, We have reached the end of 2009, which marks eight years on my leadership of this Club. I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. New board and mandate; elections were held at the November general meeting and nine positions have changed for the Fogolar. I congratulate the new directors and say thank you to them for taking interest in the Fogolar. With new Dear Members, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. I was born in 1951 in Roveredo commune di Varmo, province di Udine. My father immigrated here direct to Windsor in 1953 and my mother, my grandfather and I followed in 1957. We boarded the transAtlantic ocean liner called the "Julio Cesare" and landed in New York. After being processed, we boarded the railway train and crossed into Canada at Fort Erie. I enrolled in school that year and years later ended up at the University of Windsor, but only completed 1.5 years of study. Instead, I started to work in the financial field of lending and collecting money for Beneficial Finance Company, Traders Guaranty Trust Company managers and a new board comes new ideas. In addition, I would like to thank the past board of directors for their support throughout the past years. The financial results will be presented at the January 2010 assembly. Even though this past year was tough due to the existing market conditions, compared to this time last year with have done much better. INSIDE THIS ISSUE the Club for I will always be around. I would like to thank all the volunteers and everyone who has assisted me in the last eight years to accomplish what we did. To all of our existing members, we have elected the new board of directors, so I trust that everyone will come out to support them. > Announcements > Cultural Activities News > Events > 50th Anniversary Update > 2009 in Photos I wish you all the best in 2010. Best Regards, Luciano Sovran I am not running away from and finally the National Bank of Canada. I did a short stint with Dan Kane Chevrolet, financing and leasing vehicles until I bought my own business in 1986 selling Ford and New Holland agricultural and construction equipment. I sold the franchise only to a conglomerate of 5 dealerships. I recently accepted a position with them and continue to sell agricultural and construction equipment. In 1970 I belonged to the Fogolar Youth Club. In 1975 I was treasurer on the executive board of directors implementing the three hundred dollar bond to eliminate the monthly dues. This also helped the Fogolar pay back all of its existing debt. Since 2008 I belonged to the Auditing Committee and felt the need to get involved again. As your new President of this exciting Club I have the following two mandates. First, we needed a change – “a breath of fresh air,” as they say--hopefully bringing new ideas and excitement. The second mandate is to attract the youth back into our Club, thereby giving our Furlan heritage longevity. I hope to recruit some young and different "blood" into our annual festivities to make things exciting and create a feeling of belonging to something special. I challenge the new generation to approach the Club and the board of directors for information as to how to contribute and get involved into the exciting Fogolar. UPCOMING EVENTS January General Assembly Sunday, January 31, 2PM Carnevale Sunday, February 14, 3PM Hunter’s Banquet Saturday, February 20 February General Assembly Sunday, February 28, 2PM Looking forward to seeing everyone in the New Year. Happy Holidays on behalf of my entire family. Mandi, Cesare Pecile A special thank you to all who attended our Family Skate on Dec 29! FOR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Fogolâr News Page 2 CONGRESSO INFORMATION ATTENTION N EW M E MB ER S FROM 2 0 0 9 A N D P R E VI O U S M EMB ER S WHO PA ID ANNUA L DU ES Annual dues of $60 are now due as of January 1st. It is your responsibility to make payment in order to keep your membership intact. If you have any questions as to how much you owe, please speak with Angie in the office 519-966-2230. NOTE: If total payment of $60 is not received by February 28, your membership will no longer be valid. In Memoriam Our condolences go to the family of the late Claudia Di Piazza and Robert Fogolin. Our prayers are with you during this time. As you know, the “Congresso of the Federazion dai Fogolars dal Canada” will be held at our Fogolar on the Labour Day weekend of 2010: September 3,4,5,6. All activities will be held on Fogolar grounds. all input. I invite you to leave me notes at the office or contact me at the information below. Alternatively, speak to one of the committee members. They are: Massimo Bon Olga Bozzi Dino Campagna Mauro Constantin Luciano Sovran Maria Sovran Sandro Tesolin Fausto Volpatti This is an open call to the membership for Len Ziraldo We welcome any and all contribution. suggestions. If you have talent in any area of In advance, on behalf of the committee, I the arts such as music, photography, thank you for your contributions and look painting, sketching, writing, etc. we would forward to working with everyone towards a love to hear from you. If you have private successful “congresso”. Updates will be libraries of “Furlan” literature that you would provided in future newsletters. be willing to lend for the weekend, we would love to hear from you. This also applies to Sincerely, collections of artifacts, miniatures, pictorials Danilo Zannier, Chair etc. available for display. Ph: 519-979-9001 Email: [email protected] Please do not consider any idea or suggestion too trite. The committee will study The committee has approved a program “in principle” and work is about to begin on the specific details. As this progresses, much help will be required from the membership. Many of you have offered your assistance, for which we are extremely grateful. ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW MEMBERS Alayna Pickering Alisha Lesperance The awards were presented at the Members' Christmas banquet and in addition to the monetary prize, each winner receives a free year of membership at the club. Good Luck with your studies and we hope to see you at the club in the future! VOLUNTEER HOURS Please submit your volunteer hours to Tim Mussio (via the Office) so that we know who to invite to our annual banquet. A minimum of 16 volunteer hours are required in order to receive an invitation. Congratulations to Lia Marinelli (Left) and Lucia Truant (Right) who became members in November 2009. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Congratulations to the winners of the 2009 Fogolar Furlan Club Scholarships! Jessica Oxford Carly Nicodemo Kristina Collavino Danielle Gyemi Fogolar Women’s Association Donate $5,000 to Angioplasty Representatives from the Fogolar Furlan Women’s Association visited Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital last week to present a cheque for $5,000. The Fogolar Women’s Association raised the funds at their annual Pasta Night held in October. The funds will go to support the Angioplasty Program at HDGH. (Photos can be seen on page 4). CONDOLENCES Our condolences go to past president Enzo Nadalin & his family on the loss of his father Severino in Italy. Page 3 Fogolâr News PER I SOCI E AMICI CULTURAL ACTIVITIES NEWS CARNEVALE Sunday, February 14 This year's Carnevale event is being held in the Friuli hall on Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 3PM. As we did last year, we are asking only canned goods for admission. The Women's Association will be selling Crostoli so you can get your fill in before Fat Tuesday! Anyone wishing to volunteer should contact Mario Fontanin at (519) 7390737. LA FIESTE DEL POPUL FURLAN This year at the Fogolar Furlan we are trying to organize “La Fieste del Popul Furlan” which is celebrated by all Fogolars around the world on April 3rd. This celebration honours all people that have roots in Friuli. It is a well deserved recognition of people strong in their work ethic and living all over the world, especially in the building industry; impressive monuments of their skills and innovative imagination. This celebration is a well established event in all the Fogolars throughout the world. Here in Windsor we never had such a celebration, so it is about time we start to have strong enthusiasm and a joy-filled event to say we are proud of being descendents of the most beautiful part of the world. We have the most expressirve language, food to die for, and not to mention some good looking people! This celebration calls for all events to be done in Furlan, including mass, a round table discussion on Friuli and its beauty and good qualities. The food of course has to be typical of the region, the music and entertainment has to be a celebration of the “Furlanitat,” not using someone else’s music and folklore. With this format we have a real opportunity to celebrate our ancient traditions, to give the younger generation an opportunity to learn to live and to never forget our proud and beautiful traditions. This is the main purpose of this event, but to be able to really be a big successful celebration, we need the input of everybody at the Fogolar, young and old. You have to make it your personal celebration. We invite you to get excited about this celebration. There is no better cause than to celebrate our “Furlanitat.” In the next bulletin we will give you further details. —————————————————— Quest’anno, al Fogolar si stà cercando di organizzare “La Fieste del Popul Furlan” che tutti i Fogolars nel mondo celebrano ogni anno il 3 aprile. Questa festa consiste nel onorare la gente Friulana nel mondo, che merita onorata come gente forte, laboriosa impenditrice che con le loro mani e sacrifice, hanno lasciato memorie del loro lavoro in tutti gli angoli del mondo. Questa festa é conosciuta e onorata da molti anni da tutti i Fogolars nel mondo. Nel nostro Fogolar di Windsor, non é mai stata presentata nel passato. The 50th Anniversary DVD Committee presented a short clip of their anniversary video to the members at the November general assembly; from the club's beginnings to interviews with past presidents and members, the committee is pleased with the progress to date, but we're not done yet we still need your help. If you are interested The results of the election for the new Board of Directors are as follows: President Cesare Pecile Vice President Fausto Volpatti Secretary Dante Pecile Treasurer Rob Bagnarol La festa consiste che tutto sia fatto nella lingua Friulana: la santa messa, una conferenza sul tema del Friuli e la sua gente, il cibo, la musica, tutto nel costume Friulano, questo darà l’opportunita hai vecchi Friulani da rivivere le loro tradizioni e dare hai giovani da conoscere le vecchie tradizioni dei loro nonni. Membership Secretary Dennis Ganzini Questa é l’idea e lo scopo della festa. Ma, se si vuole una buona riuscita, occorre la partecipazione, e collaborazione di tutti gli uomini, donne, e giovani membri e nonmembri del Fogolar. Entertainment Director Tim Mussio Fateci sapere la vostra oppinione, in modo che si possa organizare una festa, che senz’altro farà onore al Fogolar. Ulteriori in formazioni vi sarrano date nel prossimo bolettino del mese di marzo. Cultural Chair Mario Fontanin Mandi Mario Fontanin EVENTS / 50th ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL HUNTER’S BANQUET Saturday February 20, 2010 Contact the office for ticket information. 2010-2011 FOGOLAR FURLAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS in partaking in the memorial DVD, please email Jeff Nadalin at [email protected] for more information. The committee will continue working on the DVD until the club's anniversary in 2011 where a special presentation of the completed documentary will be presented to the members. A big thank you to all the volunteers and members who have dedicated their time over the last year and a half to make this project possible. Thank you, we couldn't have done it without you! Sergeant-at-Arms Silvano Colautti Building Director Enzo Mio Public Relations Maria Pia Vitale Sports Chair Sandra Jones We would like to thank all those individuals who ran for a position and a big thank you to everyone who came out to vote. It was great to see so many faces. MAINTENANCE POSITION The Fogolar is currently accepting resumes for a full time position in our maintenance department. Preference will be given to members with experience. Please submit your resume in person at the office. Page 4 Fogolâr News 2009 IN PHOTOS NEWSLETTER MAILING LIST Members who would like to receive the Fogolar Newsletter via email can join by using the signup form located at http://www.fogolar.com/newsletter.html or by emailing us at [email protected]. MAR/APR NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Sunday, February 21, 2010 The Fogolâr News is published bi-monthly by the Fogolar Furlan Newsletter Committee Dante Pecile & Jeff Nadalin Newsletter can be found online in PDF format at www.fogolar.com Fogolar Furlan Club of Windsor 1800 E.C. Row (North Service Rd) Windsor, Ontario N8W 1Y3 Phone: 519-966-2230 Fax: 519-966-2237 Email: [email protected] http://www.fogolar.com