Living It Out


Living It Out
At The Movies
Les Misérables
For week beginning August 19, 2013
With the overwhelming response to the film adaptation of Les Misérables, one
has to pose the question: What's the big deal? This is a movie based on a musical
based on a 1,000 plus page book that was written over 150 years ago. The book
was written in French and, at points, does not translate easily to English. The title
Les Misérables has in fact been changed to at least seven different English
suggestions, none of which have really stuck. Besides an intricate plot and
compelling characters, the story touches on some great themes that have
resonated with audiences for generations.
Les Miz is a story of love, redemption, and forgiveness. Jean Valjean, the
main character, is harshly sentenced for the crime of stealing bread to feed his
sister and her starving family. After 19 years in prison, he is released but he is
intensely bitter about his time away. Having no
Even the darkest
where to go, Valjean is taken in by a Bishop
night will end and
named Myriel. This kindness is repaid by Valjean
attempting to steal the church’s silverware. Instead
the sun will rise.
of turning Valjean over to the police, Bishop Myriel
gives Valjean a second chance at life. He actually
Victor Hugo
encourages the thief to also take two additional
candlesticks! The Bishop prays to God that
Les Misérables
Valjean will spend the rest of his life making up for
the second chance that he was given. Myriel essentially shows the convict grace.
Valjean decides to become an honest man and extend that same grace to others
throughout his life.
Sound familiar? Jesus told a story about a young man who also experienced
undeserved forgiveness. The parable of the prodigal son can be found in Luke
15:11-32. After demanding his father’s inheritance, the prodigal son spends all of
his money on wild living. He ends up tending pigs, a great disgrace for any Jewish
person. He decides to return to his father in shame. Instead of getting what he
deserves, his father sees him at the end of the road and rushes to greet him! The
father orders a feast for his son's return and begins celebrating.
The story of the prodigal son is really the story of us. In the book, The Return
of the Prodigal Son, Henri Nouwen puts it this way, “God is looking into the
distance for me, trying to find me, and longing to bring me home.” We have all
sinned. Isaiah 53:6 says, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray. Each of us has
turned to our own way” (New International Version). Realizing that God is waiting
patiently for us to turn from our evil ways and come home is the best news we will
ever receive! When we lay down our lives for Jesus, we are given eternal life.
Though the gate is narrow, it leads to an expansive eternity. God’s grace is not
cheap, but it is free for everyone.
Stories such as Les Misérables and biblical parables like The Prodigal Son
point to an undeniable fact: redemption is possible. Jesus' message was one of
absolute forgiveness. Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved.” Everyone! God wants to redeem and restore what has been
lost. Redemption is here. Will you, God’s lost sheep, return home?
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
August 19—Psalms 100:1102:28 / Galatians 3:1-29
2—Daily Bible Study
MONDAY — Shame is of the Devil
Big Point: Freedom from shame comes through vulnerability with
God and others.
Shame is not of God; in fact, it is a direct tactic of the enemy. When God
convicts us of our sin, we feel guilt. Guilt says, “I have sinned; I need forgiveness.”
Shame is a torturous demon. It penetrates
deep into the core of who we are and says, Shame is like everything
else; live with it for long
“I am sin; I cannot be forgiven.” In his
book, Shame and Grace, Lewis Smedes
enough and it becomes
says, “The difference between shame and
part of the furniture.
guilt is very clear—in theory. We feel guilty
for what we do. We feel shame for what we
-Salman Rushdie
are.” Guilt is from God; shame is from the
At the 2013 Global Leadership Summit, Dr. Brené Brown, author of Daring
Greatly, spoke about vulnerability. She has done groundbreaking research in the
fields of vulnerability and shame. Brown says, “Making mistakes, life-changing
decisions, irresponsibility, blatant disregard for others—no matter the origin, we all
know what it is like to experience regret over our past. When the regrets pile up
over the things we’ve done or what has been done to us, we experience shame.”
God does not want us to feel shame. There is no condemnation in Christ and God
wants to lift you out of shame and into the freedom found in Jesus.
People can only be shamed so long before they completely shut down and
engage in self-protection. Shame festers in the dark. In Jesus, you can find
freedom from shame. Open yourself to God’s hand in your life and surrender to
His love; be vulnerable before God and others to bring shame into the light. Brown
expresses it like this, “Vulnerability is not weakness. I define vulnerability as
emotional risk, exposure, uncertainty. Vulnerability is our most accurate
measurement of courage. To be vulnerable is to let ourselves be seen, to be
honest.” Be vulnerable, so that shame cannot keep you from the joy and freedom
God has for you.
READ and THINK….What does the Bible say?
1.In the previous chapter of Romans, Paul discussed the discouraging battle that
wages within believers and identified the true root of their grievances. Here, Paul
reminds them of their solid rock and foundation of peace, which they have in
Christ Jesus.
Question: What does believing in the forgiveness and sacrifice of Christ free us
from, according to Romans 8:1-2?
Romans 8:1-2 (New Living Translation)
1So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ
Jesus. 2 And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving
Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.
3—Daily Bible Study
2. The Holy Spirit comes into the hearts of people at the moment of conversion.
The Spirit is with all believers and serves to reprove of the world, leading followers
of Christ on God’s path.
Question: According to John 16:8, the Spirit convicts us when we sin, which
creates guilt and hopefully leads to repentance. How will the Spirit convict?
John 16:8 (New Living Translation)
And when [The Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world of its sin,
and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment.
3. Jesus is the Lord and the giver of the Spirit, but he is also one with the Spirit—
the very life and spirit of the law.
Question: What is found wherever the Spirit of the Lord resides?
2 Corinthians 3:17 (English Standard Version)
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there
is freedom.
LIVE…What will you do now?
Jesus died for you, to free you from shame and the bondage of your sin. As you
confess your sins to God, you will find freedom without condemnation. What are
some sins, choices, mistakes, or situations that cause you shame? How will being
vulnerable before God grant you freedom from that shame?
Because we are free in Christ, we must be strong and courageous, walking in the
light of his love and forgiveness. After praying about the things you listed above
and being forgiven or releasing shame, how can you live today in the light of the
freedom you have been given?
PRAY…God, what do you want me to know and do?
Praise God for the sacrifice of His son on the cross. Thank Jesus for bearing the
weight of your sin so that you may have freedom and life-everlasting. Ask God to
help you to be vulnerable with Him and others, releasing the shame in your heart.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
August 20—Psalms 103:1105:45 / Galatians 4:1-31
4—Daily Bible Study
TUESDAY—You Can Never Go Too Far From God
Big Point: God’s love is greater than your sin. He wants you back.
We know right from wrong. We understand God’s plan is perfect for us. Yet,
we can easily get caught in the same sin. Day after day, time after could
God ever forgive me— AGAIN?!?!?!
The Bible is full of good news. One of the best news flashes is that humans
who have crossed the line of faith cannot out-sin God! As exasperated as you get
with your sin, God forgives you every time. He
does not remember your repented sin. His
What sin? It was gone the
mercies are new every morning! No matter how very minute you confessed.
many times you’ve walked away, no matter how
Buried in the sea of
many times you’ve failed, God can’t wait to
welcome you back! When you come before God
with a repentant heart and the intent to sin no
more, confess and receive His forgiveness, the
-Morgan Cryar
sin is forgotten.
from “What Sin”
Let’s revisit the prodigal son. Where was
the turning point of the story? The son admits
his mistakes and returns to his father to beg for mercy...only he doesn’t get the
chance. The grieving father has kept vigil, watching for his son’s return. He
discovers his son on the far-off horizon and races out to embrace him! Just like the
ecstatic father in the story, God runs out to meet you on your way back. His love for
you is absolute. This means His love has no restriction, exception or qualification.
The mind-boggling power of God’s love comes from its being absolute. There is
NOTHING that can separate you from His love, absolutely nothing (see Romans
READ and THINK….What does the Bible say?
1. In this passage, Paul pleads with the Roman church to consider God’s attitude
toward His sinning children. It is revealing of just a few of the aspects of God’s
Question: What is God’s intent with His kindness, tolerance and patience?
Romans 2:4 (New Living Translation)
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with
you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his kindness is
intended to turn you from your sin?
2. This passage describes what happened when the prodigal son humbly returned
home. Jesus used this example to illustrate God’s heart toward His children.
Question: What was the father’s response to his son’s return? What does that
response say about God’s heart?
5—Daily Bible Study
Luke 15:20 (New Living Translation)
So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way
off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he
ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.
3. Jeremiah (who wrote Lamentations) is often called ‘The Weeping Prophet’. He
lamented, as he served God—brokenheartedly—by warning his people of God’s
impending judgment (resulting in 70-year Babylonian captivity) due to their idolatry.
Question: How is God’s faithfulness demonstrated in the following verse?
Lamentations 3:23 (New Living Translation)
Great is his faithfulness;
his mercies begin afresh each morning.
LIVE … What will you do now?
Is there persistent sin in your life? It could be something you do for comfort,
entertainment or distraction. What keeps you returning to the sin?
Since God is wonderfully kind, tolerant and patient, why do you think we choose
sin over obedience?
Check out Psalm 103:12. How far away from you is your repented sin? What does
that say about God’s love and power?
PRAY… God, what do you want me to know and do?
Thank God for His faithful mercies, meditating on His overwhelming love. Praise
Him for His power over our sin. Ask Him to forgive your willfulness or
inattentiveness leading to sin. Ask Him to help you understand His nature and His
abundant love for you. Ask Him for the wisdom to humble yourself and surrender
to His mercies.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
August 21—Psalms 106:1108:13 / Galatians 5:1-26
6—Daily Bible Study
Big Idea: God can heal you from the devastating consequences of sin.
Last year, a teenager who was declared brain dead by four doctors made a
"miraculous" recovery. His parents asked for a fifth medical opinion, just moments
before his life support machine could be switched off. Steven Thorpe, then 17,
suffered horrific injuries in a multiple car crash. He was rushed to the hospital and
surgeons performed a craniotomy to help
alleviate the swelling on his brain. But,
Healthy people don’t need
despite the operation being successful,
a doctor—sick people do. I
brain scans failed to detect any electrical
have come to call not those
pulses and he was declared brain dead.
who think they are
Doctors told his family he would never
righteous, but those who
recover and asked them to consider
donating his organs before his life-support
know they are sinners.
machine was turned off. Instead, Steven’s
father enlisted the help of private General
-Jesus Christ
Practitioner Julia Piper to check his son
Mark 2:17
again as doctors at University Hospital in
(New Living Translation)
Coventry, West Midlands, agreed to let a
neurologist re-examine him. Remarkably,
she detected faint brain waves indicating Steven had a slim chance of recovery and
medics decided to attempt to bring him out of his coma. Just five weeks later,
Steven was discharged from the hospital having made a near-full recovery.
Perhaps more amazing than this miracle is the fact that God can heal our
spiritual and emotional wounds from sin. Many have been hurt by themselves or
others. When you are in the midst of pain, it seems like the hurt itself is too great to
overcome. While healing is a process and not an event, God can right all wrongs
and heal all wounds. No matter how bleak things may seem, God can create a
miraculous spiritual recovery in you!
Perhaps in a great stroke of irony, it was by Jesus’ wounds that we are healed
from sin. God had the power to bring Jesus back to life, though his wounds were
great, and He can do the same for you.
READ and THINK…What does the Bible say?
1. Psalm 147 was written during the Jewish exile, a dark time in the history of the
nation of Israel. The psalmist speaks to how God heals in the midst of great pain.
Question: What does the psalmist mean by “He heals the brokenhearted”? Can
God perform open-heart surgery?
Psalm 147:3 (New International Version)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
2. Again the psalmist knows how God heals us. He brings us out of our darkness –
whatever our trouble may be.
7—Daily Bible Study
Question: Why does the psalmist say “He broke away their chains”? What chains
are they bound by?
Psalm 107:14 (New International Version)
He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away
their chains.
3. Isaiah describes, long before Jesus was alive, how he would conquer our sins
by his own suffering. This is a prophetic passage in the Old Testament, predicting
that the Suffering Servant would take the sins of the people upon himself. This was
fulfilled by Jesus Christ on Good Friday.
Question: Why was Christ pierced and crushed? Why was he beaten and
whipped? What was the outcome of this violence?
Isaiah 53:5 (New Living Translation)
But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was
beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.
LIVE…What will you do now?
Remember God can heal your spiritual and emotional wounds from sin.
Identify the sins that have spiritually or emotionally wounded you the most. What
would complete healing from these look like for you?
What sins, committed by others, have affected you the most? Give your pain over
to God and write down the emotions you are feeling. Remember, God can heal all
PRAY…God, what do you want me to know and do?
Praise God for the care and love He shows you by healing your hurts and sins.
Thank Jesus for being pierced for your rebellion and crushed for your sins. While
healing is a process and not an event, ask God to help heal your wounds. Ask Him
to guide you along the journey of healing and into the freedom found in Him. Praise
God for His healing touch!
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
August 22—Psalms 109:1111:10 / Galatians 6:1-18
8—Daily Bible Study
THURSDAY — God Restores What is Lost
Big Point: All that is lost through sin can be restored by God when we
place our trust in Him alone.
When we sin, we not only separate ourselves from God, we harm ourselves
and the people around us. The punishment for sin is death, which is why Jesus
died on the cross; but God doesn’t only want to take away the threat of punishment
in your life, He wants to restore what has been lost
When we learn from
because of sin.
At the end of the message this past weekend, experience, the scars of
Barb shared this, “I’m at a place in life where there
sin can lead us to
are a few unknown doors. There’s some sadness
restoration and a renewed
and some heartache. God does heal and He does
intimacy with God.
restore, but it is a process, it will happen over time
and as I wait in my situation, here is a verse that
has come to mean so much to me – it actually
-Charles Stanley
brings me to tears each time I think of it because I
cling to this promise (in Joel 2:25) like the air I breathe: ‘I will repay you for the
years the locusts have eaten…’”.
Locusts have been known to destroy an entire harvest in a few hours, but this
is a promise we can cling to every day. God promises to restore what was lost when
we turn our hearts to Him and repent of our sins. Whether your life has been
devastated by loss, pain, abuse, choices or actions, don’t lose hope. God offers
spiritual restoration in your life; He wants to give it to you. He understands your
suffering; Jesus experienced it all in his time on earth. God asks you to put your
hope in Him completely so that He can restore all that was lost.
READ and THINK … What does the Bible say?
1. In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul encourages the people of Philippi to forget the sins
of their past as God has forgotten them from the moment of repentance and
Question: How is Paul being vulnerable and humble in the beginning of this
passage? What does he tell them to focus on instead of the sins of the past?
Philippians 3:13-14 (New Living Translation)
13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on
this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies
ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the
heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
2. Satan is the liar and deceiver whose goal is to separate us from God. Jesus
connects us with God.
Question: What does the enemy do in our lives and with our spirits to separate us
from God? What does Jesus offer us?
9—Daily Bible Study
John 10:10 (New International Version)
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that
they may have life, and have it to the full.
3. The following passage may have been predicting an actual locust plague that
would destroy the Israelites’ crops or it could have been predicting an army so
vast and daunting that it would be like a swarm of locusts attacking. Either way,
the destruction predicted by Joel was terrible, complete, and sent by God.
Question: In this verse, how does Joel show the people that if they will return
their hearts to God and repent of their sins, God will restore all that was lost?
Joel 2:25 (New International Version)
“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—
the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm—
my great army that I sent among you.”
LIVE …What will you do now?
How have you seen God restore what was lost in your life? For example: If you
lost a friend(s) or have always felt alone, who has God put in your life to bless
you with friendship and fellowship?
Barb shared that she clings to the promise in Joel 2:25. What promise(s) do you
cling to in times of trouble, discouragement, pain or loss? (Check out these
promises: Jeremiah 29:11, Matthew 11:28-29, Isaiah 40:29-31, Philippians 4:19,
Proverbs 1:33, John 14:27, Romans 10:9 and Romans 8:37-39!)
PRAY…God, what do you want me to know and do?
Praise God for blessing us with spiritual restoration. Thank Him for the many
promises He has given us, which we can trust in because God’s love never fails.
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Reading Plan
August 23—Psalms 112:1114:8 / Ephesians 1:1-23
10—Daily Bible Study
FRIDAY— Celebrate Recovery
Big Point: With God, total recovery is possible!
The main point of this week's message is to realize that with God in control of
our lives, we are redeemed. With that in mind, CedarCreek is very pleased to
announce that we are offering the Celebrate Recovery program at all four
campuses, beginning Sept 27th.
Created by Rick Warren's team at Saddleback Church, this outstanding
program has helped over a million people lay their hurts, hang-ups and habits at the
foot of the cross. Although addictions are a part of the program, they only consist of
30% of the people helped by Celebrate Recovery! This is so much more than an
addiction program. This is a tool for living a Christ-centered life, where we learn to
believe that we are saved from our past through God's mercy and grace. Whether
you have codependency issues, dysfunctional family problems, financial difficulties,
struggles with pain, depression or anything that is hindering you from leading a
fulfilling life in Christ, this program is for you!
This is a volunteer run program as well, so if you are interested in becoming a
leader or volunteer, or if you are thinking of joining please check out the website:
READ, THINK and LIVE. Read the Bible and apply it to your
This verse in Ecclesiastes is talking about the strength that is provided by
companionship. There is truly power in numbers!
Questions: Think of a time someone bailed you out of a tough spot. What might
have happened without the other person to lean on?
Are there any ongoing patterns of sin or dysfunction that you need to address? How
might a program like Celebrate Recovery help you to overcome these?
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (New Living Translation)
9 Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other
succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But
someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying
close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm
alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but
two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a
triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
PRAY…God, what do you want me to know and do?
Thank Our Heavenly Father for granting His mercy and grace, allowing you to be
redeemed. Ask for His help in moving past shame to a place where you can lay your
hurts, habits and hang-ups at the cross. Praise Him for blessing you with fellowship
and friendship in the family of God.
11—Daily Bible Study
Questions for Discussion— Try these in a group, with
friends or at the dinner table.
1. Romans 8:1 says, “So now there is no condemnation for
those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Do you struggle with
shame? In what ways has shame negatively affected your life?
2. Was there ever a time in your life when you were actively
running away from God? What was the result?
3. Read Luke 15:11-32. What stands out to you most about
this story? Which character do you relate most closely with
and why?
4. What stopped the prodigal son from initially returning
home to his father after the money ran out? What changed
inside of the son that caused him to come home?
5. In this story, the father represents God in Heaven. What
does the father’s reaction to seeing his son reveal to us about
God? Do you ever struggle with believing God wants to forgive
you like the father forgave the lost son?
6. God wants to bring restoration in your life and redeem you
from your broken past. What would God’s restoration look
like for you?
Weekend Updates!
Saturday Daily Bible Reading—August 24—Psalms 115:1-116:19/Ephesians
Next Week’s Sermon: Please make every effort to attend CedarCreek at one
of our four physical campuses this weekend! It will be a monumental occasion
for our church as we welcome representatives from the organization Stella’s
Voice. You will hear real life stories of young girls who are Taken. Hear live from
survivors as they share their personal experiences from Moldova, the world’s
leader in human trafficking.
The Big Push is Coming! — Join us for Life in 3D this September! Grab some
invites this weekend and be praying for the people in your life that currently do
not attend church. Invite family, friends, coworkers… everyone! The Big Push is
September 14/15, September 21/22, September 28/29.
12—Daily Bible Study
Living It Out: August 2013
But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for
finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the
work of telling others the Good News about the
wonderful grace of God.
-Acts 20:24 (New Living Translation)
Living It Out
It is the dream of CedarCreek that everyone who calls this their church
home will be reading and studying the same topics, both individually and
in groups. Each week, join with thousands of others at CedarCreek
Church in applying God’s Word, the Bible, into your daily life. Our hope
is that while we learn and grow together, as individuals and as a church,
we will collectively live out the weekend message.
Living It Out resources, such as the Daily Bible Study, Daily Bible
Reading Plan, Discussion Questions and Scripture Memory Verses, are
designed to help us embrace a missional mindset…a mindset that
compels us to love Jesus, serve others and tell the world about Christ.
Living It Out: Daily Bible Study…Daily Bible study activities to reflect on the weekend
Living It Out: Daily Bible Reading Plan…Read through the Bible in a year
Living It Out: Discussion Questions…Weekly questions to discuss with others
Living It Out: Scripture Memory…Memorize one Bible verse per month
All of these resources are also available electronically at, where you can subscribe to have any or all of them
emailed to you as they are updated and you can listen to the audio
study by subscribing to the podcasts.
We Want Your Feedback!
Tell us about any questions or comments you have about this week’s
Living It Out: Daily Bible Study. Forward them to [email protected].
Living It Out: Daily
Bible Reading Plan
scriptures are listed
29129 Lime City Road
for each day. By
Perrysburg, Oh 43551
completing each of the
Phone: 419.661.8661
daily readings, you
(Les Misérables
Fax: 419.661.8665
read the entire
Bible in 1 year. These
readings are separate
from the Daily Bible
CedarCreek Church
This week’s
Living It Out:
Daily Bible Study
written by:
Stephanie Coil
Becky Miller
Kelda Strasbourg
Penny Taylor