Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
Nr. 227 - April 2008
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Es ist mal wieder soweit: in Anbetracht der
enormen Titelflut aus Amerika ist unser
Newsletter bis zum Bersten mit Infos zu
den Titeln gefüllt. Da müssen die JapanTitel ebenso draußen bleiben wie die ansonsten sehr umfangreichen Grafiken. Denn
sonst würde wieder die magische Zahl von
60 Seiten gesprengt werden und wir
müssten unsere Print-Version manuell heften. Aber das möchten wir uns sparen auch angesichts des herrlichen Wetters, das
uns geradezu vom Arbeitsplatz weglockt!
Man möge also ein Nachsehen mit uns haben. Nicht verzichten möchten wir indes
auf unseren Film-Blog (siehe unten) sowie
auf einen kurzen Rückblick auf die
”Fantasy Filmfest Nights” (siehe Seite 60),
die am vergangenen Wochenende in Stuttgart Zwischenstopp gemacht haben und die
wir uns natürlich nicht haben entgehen
lassen. Viel Spaß beim Lesen.
Ihr Laser Hotline Team
Neue Geschäftszeiten
ab 01. Mai 2008
MO, DI, DO, FR jeweils
16:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
MO, DI, DO, FR jeweils
16:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr
Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog
Freitag, 11. April 2008
Mixed Martial Arts Kid
Nach langer, schwerer Krankhait darf
endlich wieder geblogged werden, dass
es die Software verbiegt ;-) . Aber Spaß
beiseite: die Erkältung war schon ziemlich heftig. So heftig, dass ich freiwillig
auf zwei Screenings verzichtet habe.
Somit blieb es in dieser Woche für mich
bei genau 1 Film.
Da scheint sich mal wieder jemand an
den wunderbaren KARATE KID Film
aus den 80er-Jahen erinnert zu haben.
Denn das Grundgerüst dieses Films
ist genau dieselbe Story. Die einzigen
Unterschiede: die Kids sind etwas älter,
die Kampftechnik vielfältiger und die
Brutalität etwas erwachsener. Die Qualität des Originals wird jedoch nie erreicht. Selbst Musik und Kamera sind
nicht mehr als zeitgenössischer
Einheitsbrei. Wer sich etwas Gutes tun
möchte, der greife zum Originalfilm anstatt sich ein Ticket für’s Kino zu kaufen. Alle anderen dürfen sich den 15.
Mai für den Kinobesuch vormerken.
Das war es also für diese Woche - kurz
und schmerzlos. Aber die Woche ist
ja noch nicht vorbei. Denn Samstag
und Sonntag warten je vier Filme im
Rahmen der Fantasy Filmfest Nights
auf mich...
Donnerstag, 17. April 2008
Wieder ein Supergau
Gleich die erste Pressevorführung in
dieser Woche eine Schlappe...
Offensichtlich hatte es der Filmverleiher nicht nötig, seinem Fachpublikum
ordentliches Filmmaterial bzw. eine
gute 2K-Digitalversion zu präsentieren.
Stattdessen wurde uns eine erbärmliche Consumer-DVD (ein sogenannter
„Screener“) vorgesetzt. Und da das ja
inzwischen richtige Tradition zu sein
scheint, wurde selbige DVD im
„Stretch-Modus“ vorgeführt. Will
heissen: das nicht anamorphe Bild wurde verzwangsanamorphed und alle (bis
auf mich?) wunderten sich vermutlich
ob der üppig breiten Darsteller. Abgerundet wurde dieses Fiasko dann
noch durch einen lächerlichen MonoSound. Amateurtechnik hat halt im
Profibereich nichts zu suchen. Aber da
fühle ich mich wie der berühmte Schreier in der Wüste. Allerdings darf sich
der deutsche Verleiher nicht darüber
wundern, wenn die Fachwelt diesen
Film nicht sonderlich mit Lob überschüttet. Das er - ganz nebenbei bemerkt - auch nicht verdient. Die Geschichte zweier ungleicher Brüder
im Thailand des Sex-Tourismus hatte
schon irgendwie etwas Langweiliges an
Freitag, 18. April 2008
Freitag der Kontraste
Zum Wochenausklang ein Double Feature, das unterschiedlicher nicht hätte
sein können.
Mit beeindruckenden 3D-Aufnahmen dürfen wir hier teilhaben an
einer Fotosafari in Afrika. Die
Kamerafahrten durchs Schilf sorgen dafür, dass man ständig versucht ist, das Schilf mit den Händen vom Kopf fernzuhalten. Den
40-Minüter gibt’s ab 1. Mai in ausgewählten 3D-Kinos zu sehen
FUNNY GAMES U.S. (1:1.85, DD
Regisseur Michael Haneke hat seinen Klassiker über die Konfrontation einer Familie mit brutaler Gewalt
nochmals neu verfilmt. War das
Urwerk noch als österreichische
Produktion angelegt, so schöpft
Haneke jetzt in seiner amerikanischen Fasung aus dem Vollen und
hat mit Naomi Watts sogar StarPower im Cast. Dennoch bleibt der
Film extrem unbequem und
hinterlässt beim Zuschauer ein
sehr ungutes Gefühl beim Verlassen des Kinosaals. Dieser Film ist
nichts für schwache Gemüter, denn
die gezeigte Gewalt ist authentisch. Meiner Meinung nach
müsste der Film direkt auf den Index, denn labile Menschen könnten ihn als Anleitung missverstehen. Ab 29. Mai ohne
Jugendfreigabe in den Kinos.
Schönes Wochenende!
OKAVANGO (Digital 3D, 5.1)
Seite 2
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025979
Appleseed Ex Machina (2 DVDs,
Ekusu Makina
Dir. Shinji Aramaki
Zeichentrick/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 178min.
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026011
Appleseed Ex Machina (EinzelDVD)
Ekusu Makina
Dir. Shinji Aramaki
Zeichentrick/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 139min.
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026010
Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Interaktives Spiel
Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) 16min.
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025870
Betty Boop - Cartoon Classics Vol.
Betty Boop - Cartoon Classics
Zeichentrick 58min.
cms (aberle media) 22.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025977
Yesterday Once More
Zeichentrick 1998 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(Jap) 120min.
AL!VE (OVA) 16.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026041
20 Messerstiche
The United States Of Leland
Don Cheadle, Ryan Gosling, Chris Klein,
Jena Malone, Lena Olin, Kevin Spacey,
Michelle Williams, Martin Donovan, Ann
Magnuson, Kerry Washington, Sherilyn
Fenn - Dir. Matthew Ryan Hoge
Trailer, Spots, Bio- und Filmografien
Die Helden von Bern
Dir. Florian Plag, Martin Seibert, Ingo Dominik Steidl
30-minütiges Bonusmaterial: Making of, Interviews, Trailer
Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 2004 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025871
Black Blood Brothers, Vol. 03
Black Blood Brothers
Dir. Hiroaki Yoshikawa
Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 120min.
AL!VE (OVA) 16.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026039
BraveStarr - Vol. 3- Episode 49-65
(4 DVDs)
Dir. Bob Arkwright, Ed Friedman, Lou
Kachivas, Marsh Lamore, Tom
Tataranowicz, Lou Zukor
Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1987-1989 FF DD
2.0 (D) 374min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025931
Flip der Frosch
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 56min.
cms (aberle media) 22.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025978
Helden 06
Dir. Ingo Dominik Steidl, Daniel Müller, Martin
Seibert, Florian Plag
Iron Man - Die komplette Serie (2
Iron Man
Action 1994-1996 min.
Polyband 16.05.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026017
Krieg der Vampire
¡Vampiros En La Habana!
Dir. Juan Padrón
Zeichentrick/Komödie 1985 (D) 71min.
Icestorm (ICE Revolution) 03.06.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025901
Drama/Thriller 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 105min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025981
2001: Odyssee im Weltraum
2001: A Space Odyssey
Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Daniel Richter, Leonard Rossiter,
Margaret Tyzack, Robert Beatty, Sean
Gregory Sullivan, Alan Gifford, Glenn Beck,
Ann Gillis, Ed Bishop, Bill Weston - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
Audiokommentar, Original Kinotrailer
Science Fiction 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 133min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026027
Shaman King - Complete Season
(7 DVDs)
Shaman King
Dir. Seiji Mizushima
Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2003 FF DD 5.1 (D)
Foreign Media (company of kids)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026016
Superman Vol. 2
Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 56min.
cms (aberle media) 22.05.2008
24 Hour Party People (2 DVDs)
24 Hour Party People
Seite 3
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Steve Coogan, Lennie James, Shirley
Henderson, Paddy Considine, Andy Serkis,
Sean Harris, John Simm, Ralf Little, Danny
Cunningham, Chris Coghill, Paul Popplewell,
Keith Allen, Rob Brydon, Enzo Cilenti, Ron
Cook, Dave Gorman, Peter Kay, Kate
Magowan, Kieran O’Brien, Simon Pegg,
Rowetta, Paul Ryder, John Thomson,
Raymond Waring - Dir. Michael
Drama/Musikfilm 2002 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 20.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025892
Arnold, Meret Becker, Monica Bleibtreu,
Nina Boerner, Jim Boeven, Karl-Walter
Diess, Dagmar Hessenland, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Manfred Krug, Roberta
Manfredi, Christoph M. Ohrt, Armin Rohde,
Charlotte Siebenrock, Dan van Husen, Kai
Wiesinger - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr, Bruno
Jantoss, Michael Lähn
28 Minuten bis zum Tod
Auf Achse - 2. Staffel, Folge 14-26
(3 DVDs)
The Ticking Man
Alan McCafferty, Ian Hanmore, Sheila Donald, Margo Croan, James Bryce, David
Paul Baker - Dir. Steven Lewis Simpson
Thriller 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 85min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025911
Airwolf - Season 3, Part 1 (3
Jan-Michael Vincent, Ernest Borgnine, Alex
Cord, David Hemmings, Belinda Bauer, Helene Phillips - Dir. Donald P. Bellisario
Action 1984-1987 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025908
Alle lieben Blanche
Après Vous...
Daniel Auteuil, José Garcia, Sandrine
Kiberlain, Marilyne Canto, Michèle Moretti,
Garance Clavel, Fabio Zenoni, Ange Ruze Dir. Pierre Salvadori
Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(F) 106min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025982
Dokumentation, Making of
Abenteuer 1978-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025862
Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Markus Knüfken, Berrit
Arnold, Meret Becker, Monica Bleibtreu,
Nina Boerner, Jim Boeven, Karl-Walter
Diess, Dagmar Hessenland, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Manfred Krug, Roberta
Manfredi, Christoph M. Ohrt, Armin Rohde,
Charlotte Siebenrock, Dan van Husen, Kai
Wiesinger - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr, Bruno
Jantoss, Michael Lähn
Abenteuer 1978-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025863
Auf Achse - 2. Staffel, Folge 27-41
(4 DVDs)
Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Markus Knüfken, Berrit
Arnold, Meret Becker, Monica Bleibtreu,
Nina Boerner, Jim Boeven, Karl-Walter
Diess, Dagmar Hessenland, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Manfred Krug, Roberta
Manfredi, Christoph M. Ohrt, Armin Rohde,
Charlotte Siebenrock, Dan van Husen, Kai
Wiesinger - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr, Bruno
Jantoss, Michael Lähn
Abenteuer 1978-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025864
Auf Achse - 3. Staffel, Folge 42-54
(4 DVDs)
Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Markus Knüfken, Berrit
Arnold, Meret Becker, Monica Bleibtreu,
Nina Boerner, Jim Boeven, Karl-Walter
Diess, Dagmar Hessenland, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Manfred Krug, Roberta
Manfredi, Christoph M. Ohrt, Armin Rohde,
Charlotte Siebenrock, Dan van Husen, Kai
Wiesinger - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr, Bruno
Jantoss, Michael Lähn
Arme Millionäre (3 DVDs)
Sky Du Mont, Andrea Sawatzki, Mavie
Hörbiger, Maxi Warwel, Ludger Pistor,
Kristian Erik Kiehling, Gregor Bloéb, Maria
Bachmann, Tobias Vandieken, Karoline
Kunz - Dir. Peter Gersina
Drama/Komödie 2005-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025861
Auf Achse - 1. Staffel, Folge 01-13
(4 DVDs)
Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Markus Knüfken, Berrit
Abenteuer 1978-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025865
Auf Achse - 4. Staffel, Folge 55-66
(3 DVDs)
Nele Mueller-Stöfen, Markus Knüfken, Berrit
Arnold, Meret Becker, Monica Bleibtreu,
Nina Boerner, Jim Boeven, Karl-Walter
Diess, Dagmar Hessenland, Rüdiger
Kirschstein, Manfred Krug, Roberta
Manfredi, Christoph M. Ohrt, Armin Rohde,
Charlotte Siebenrock, Dan van Husen, Kai
Wiesinger - Dir. Hartmut Griesmayr, Bruno
Jantoss, Michael Lähn
Abenteuer 1978-1996 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025866
Auf Anfang [:reprise] (OmU)
Espen Klouman Høiner, Anders Danielsen
Lie, Viktoria Winge, Christian Rubeck, Odd
Magnus Williamson, Pal Stokka, Henrik
Elvestad, Rebekka Karijord, Sigmund
Sæverud, Silje Hagen - Dir. Joachim Trier
Drama/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(Norw) 102min.
Ascot Elite (MFA) 19.06.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026051
Barry Lyndon
Barry Lyndon
Ryan O’Neal, Marisa Berenson, Patrick
Magee, Hardy Krüger, Gay Hamilton,
Leonard Rossiter, Godfrey Quigley, Arthur
O’Sullivan, Diana Körner, Steven Berkoff,
Maire Kean, Murray Melvin - Dir. Stanley
Original Kinotrailer
Historienfilm/Drama 1973-1975 Ltbx DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 178min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026028
Baxter - Der Superaufreißer
The Baxter
Michael Showalter, Elizabeth Banks, Michelle Williams, Justin Theroux, Peter
Dinklage, Zak Orth, Michael Ian Black,
Catherine Lloyd Burns, Paul Rudd - Dir.
Michael Showalter
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 87min.
Senator 30.06.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026034
The Best Man - Ein Trauzeuge
zum Verlieben
The Best Man
Stuart Townsend, Amy Smart, Burn
Gorman, Seth Green, Jane How - Dir. Stefan Schwartz
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1. (D) DTS
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025983
Die Bestie
Savage Messiah
Polly Walker, Luc Picard, Isabelle Blais,
Isabelle Cyr, Julie La Rochelle, Pascale
Montpetit - Dir. Mario Azzopardi
Originaltrailer, Biografie, Bildergalerie
Thriller/Drama 2002 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 91min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025984
Bollywood DVD-Box Vol. 2 (3
Zee Cine Award 2006 / Kucch meetha ho
jaye - Das ist Liebe / Shahrukh Khan Das ist mein Leben
Shah Rukh Khan - Dir. Samar Khan
Bildergalerie, Filmografien, Trailer
Komödie/Bollywood 2005-2006 375min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025972
Seite 4
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025986
Bye, Bye Harry
Bye Bye Harry!
Tim Dutton, Bela B. Felsenheimer, Moanna
Ferré, Veronica Ferres, Iddo Goldberg,
Joanna Page, Til Schweiger - Dir. Robert W.
Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) 92min.
EuroVideo 19.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025951
Callahan (Special Edition)
Book of Swords
Book Of Swords
Pak Ho-Sung, Kevin Ula Christie, Taimak,
Liesl Lombardo, Richard Divizio, Shaun
Gayle, Bert Matias - Dir. Peter Allen
Action/Fantasy 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 90min.
starmedia 12.06.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025930
Magnum Force
Clint Eastwood, Hal Holbrook, Mitchell
Ryan, Felton Perry, David Soul, Robert
Urich, Kip Niven, Tim Matheson, Christine
White, Richard Devon, Tony Giorgio, Albert
Popwell - Dir. Ted Post
Action 1973 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 118min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026018
Agatha Christie - Poirot
Collection 4
David Suchet - Dir. Peter Barber-Fleming,
Renny Rye
Kriminalfilm 1989 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Polyband 27.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025905
Control (Einzel-DVD)
Sam Riley, Samantha Morton, Alexandra
Maria Lara, Joe Anderson, James Anthony
Pearson, Toby Kebbell, Craig Parkinson,
Harry Treadaway, Richard Bremmer - Dir.
Anton Corbijn
Borderland (k.J.)
Brian Presley, Martha Higareda, Jake
Muxworthy, Rider Strong, Damian Alcazar,
Sean Astin, Roberto Sosa, Francesca
Guillen - Dir. Zev Berman
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Dokumentationen, Webisodes
Thriller/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 101min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025912
Bruderschaft des Bösen
Like Minds
Toni Collette, Richard Roxburgh, Eddie
Redmayne, Tom Sturridge, Cathryn
Bradshaw, David Threlfall, Kate Maberly,
Ben Szoradi, Amit Shah, Patrick Malahide,
Jon Overton - Dir. Gregory J. Read
Audiokommentar, Trailer
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 120min.
Capelight 30.05.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025976
Control (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Sam Riley, Samantha Morton, Alexandra
Maria Lara, Joe Anderson, James Anthony
Pearson, Toby Kebbell, Craig Parkinson,
Harry Treadaway, Richard Bremmer - Dir.
Anton Corbijn
Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, Konzertszenen, Interviews, Bildergalerie
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 120min.
Capelight 30.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025975
Drama/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 104min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025985
Thriller 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 98min.
Glenn Close, Rose Byrne, Zeljko Ivanek,
Noah Bean, Tate Donovan, Takako
Haywood, Anastasia Griffith, Casey
Drama 2007 559min.
Sony Pictures 05.06.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025900
Damages - Im Netz der Macht,
Die komplette 1. Season (4 Discs)
Glenn Close, Rose Byrne, Zeljko Ivanek,
Noah Bean, Tate Donovan, Takako
Haywood, Anastasia Griffith, Casey
Drama 2007 581min.
Sony Pictures 05.06.2008
59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025949
The Damned Thing - Texas Horror
Masters Of Horror 2.01: The Damned
Sean Patrick Flanery, Marisa Coughlan,
Brendan Fletcher, Georgia Craig, Ted Raimi
- Dir. Tobe Hooper
Featurette, Making of, Audiokommentar
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 55min.
Splendid 30.05.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026014
Deewaar - Hölle ohne Wiederkehr
Amitabh Bachchan - Dir. Milan Luthria
Kriegsfilm/Action 2004 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Hindi) 165min.
T-House Productions (Bollymax)
tba BestellNr.: 20025968
The Defender
The Defender
Dolph Lundgren, Jerry Springer, Shakara
Ledard, Thomas Lockyer, Caroline Lee
Johnson, Gerald Kyd - Dir. Dolph Lundgren
Trailer, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien
Johnny Depp Box (3 DVDs)
Johnny Depp
Drama/Komödie min.
Kinowelt 06.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025961
Buddies - Leben auf der Überholspur
Damages - Im Netz der Macht,
Die komplette 1. Season (3 DVDs)
Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 88min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025987
Jürgen Vogel, Gregor Törzs, Pierre
Besson, Nele Mueller-Stöfen - Dir. Roland
Suso Richter
Dean Cain, Peri Gilpin, Shiloh Fernandez,
Julie Warner, Chelah Horsdal, Landon
Liboiron, Ryan Kennedy - Dir. John Kent
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 90min.
Paramount 29.05.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026036
Crossroads: A Story of
Detektiv Rockford - Staffel 3, Teil
1 (3 DVDs)
Crossroads: A Story Of Forgiveness
Seite 5
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
The Rockford Files
James Garner, Noah Beery jr., Joe Santos,
Gretchen Corbett, Stuart Margolin, Tom
Atkins, James Luisi
Kriminalfilm 1974-1980 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025909
Der Diener (k.J.)
The Servant
Dirk Bogarde, Sarah Miles, Wendy Craig,
James Fox, Catherine Lacey, Richard
Vernon - Dir. Joseph Losey
Drama 1963 111min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025935
Driving Lessons
Rupert Grint, Fay Cohen, Ruby Mortlock,
Michelle Duncan, Tamsin Egerton, Nicholas
Farrell, Jacques Kerr, Laura Linney, Julie
Walters, Oliver Milburn, Jim Norton - Dir.
Jeremy Brock
(E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 153min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026029
Interview, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes
Klaus Wennemann, Hans-Jürgen Schatz,
Dieter Pfaff, Dietrich Mattausch, Barbara
Kriminalfilm 1985-1993 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universal Pictures (ARD Video) 26.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026022
Komödie/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025913
Der Fall Maurizius (2 DVDs)
Matthias Fuchs, Sigfrit Steiner, Heinz
Bennent, Martin Halm, Eva Brumby, Susanne Schäfer, Judy Winter, Ruth-Maria
Kubitschek, Thomas Petruo, Marie Rando,
Peter Sattmann, Hans-Jürgen Schatz, Alice
Treff, Vladimir Weigl - Dir. Theodor Kotulla
Drama 1981 FF 420min.
edel (m² home entertainment) 11.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026003
Dirty Harry (Special Edition, 2
Dirty Harry
Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino, Reni
Santoni, Andrew Robinson, John Mitchum,
John Larch, John Vernon, Mae Mercer, Lyn
Edgington, Ruth Kobart, Woodrow Parfrey,
Josef Sommer, William Paterson - Dir. Don
Action 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 1.0 (Sp) 98min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026019
Dirty Harry in das Todesspiel
(Special Edition)
The Dead Pool
Clint Eastwood, Patricia Clarkson, Liam
Neeson, Evan Kim, David Hunt, Michael
Goodwin - Dir. Buddy van Horn
Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer
Action 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 87min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026020
Die Draufgänger
Je Préfère Qu’on Reste Amis
Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Paul Rouve, Tilly
Mandelbrot, Lionel Abelanski, Annie
Girardot, Isabelle Renauld, Yves Jacques,
Élisabeth Vitali, Xavier de Guillebon, Valérie
Benguigui, Cassandra Harrouche - Dir. Eric
Toledano, Olivier Nakache
Originaltrailer, Making of, Bio- und Filmografien
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(F) 96min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025988
Der Fahnder - Die dritte Staffel (3
Faustrecht (Einzel-DVD)
Das Dunkel der Nacht
The Uncanny
Peter Cushing, Ray Milland, Joan
Greenwood, Roland Culver, Susan
Penhaligon, Simon Williams, Alexandra
Stewart, Donald Pilon - Dir. Denis Héroux
Bildergalerie, Biografien
Horror/Science Fiction 1977 FF DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 89min.
M.I.B. 15.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025903
Ehe ist ... - Die komplette 1.
‘Til Death
Brad Garrett, Joely Fisher, Kat Foster,
Eddie Kaye Thomas, Anthony Anderson,
Krysten Ritter, Nick Bakay, Margaret Cho,
Jerry Lambert, Timm Sharp - Dir. James
Widdoes, Rob Schiller, Ted Wass, Madeline
Komödie 2006-2008 456min.
Sony Pictures 29.05.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025902
Andreas Wilson, Linda Gyllenberg, Henrik
Lundström, Gustaf Skarsgård, Marie
Richardson, Johan Rabaeus, Kjell
Bergqvist, Magnus Roosmann, Jesper
Salen, Björn Granath, Lennart Hjulström,
Christian Hollbrink, Henrik Linnros, Fredrik
af Trampe - Dir. Mikael Håfström
Trailer, Biografie, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene
Szenen, Alternatives Ende
Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
(Schwed) 109min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025989
Der Filmamateur / Der Zufall
möglicherweise (2 DVDs) (OmU)
Amator / Przypadek
Dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski
Drama 1979-1981 DD 1.0 (Poln) 234min.
absolut Medien 25.04.2008
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026001
Enttarnt - Verrat auf höchster
Chris Cooper, Ryan Phillippe, Laura Linney,
Caroline Dhavernas, Dennis Haysbert,
Kathleen Quinlan, Gary Cole - Dir. Billy Ray
Audiokommentar, Entfallene und alternative Szenen, Behind
the Scenes, Featurette, TV-Episode
Thriller/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 106min.
Fox (MGM/UA) 13.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025893
Eyes Wide Shut
Driving Lessons - Mit Vollgas ins
Eyes Wide Shut
Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Sydney Pollack,
Marie Richardson, Rade Serbedzija, Todd
Field, Vinessa Shaw, Alan Cumming, Sky
Du Mont, Fay Masterson, LeeLee Sobieski,
Thomas Gibson, Madison Eginton, Louise J.
Taylor, Stewart Thorndike, Julienne Davis,
Camela Marner - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Drama 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Five Across the Eyes (k.J.)
Five Across The Eyes
Angela Brunda, Sandra Paduch, Danielle
Lilly, Jennifer Barnett, Mia Yi, Veronica
Garcia - Dir. Greg Swinson, Ryan Thiessen
Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 85min.
Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 15.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025867
Seite 6
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Sean Nelson, Giancarlo Esposito, Samuel
L. Jackson, N’Bushe Wright, Ron Brice,
Jean Claude La Marre, Luis Lantigua, Yul
Vasquez, Cheryl Freeman - Dir. Boaz Yakin
Drama 1994 109min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025936
Five Across the Eyes (Special Edition) (k.J.)
Five Across The Eyes
Angela Brunda, Sandra Paduch, Danielle
Lilly, Jennifer Barnett, Mia Yi, Veronica
Garcia - Dir. Greg Swinson, Ryan Thiessen
Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes,
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 95min.
Ascot Elite (Atomik-Films) 15.05.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025868
Bertille Noel-Bruneau - Dir. Luc Jacquet
Drama 2007 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 11.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025889
Flotte Teens Box 2 (3 DVDs)
Full Metal Jacket
Komödie/Erotik 250min.
EuroVideo 19.06.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025952
Der Fluch von Sleepy Hollow
The Hollow
Kevin Zegers, Kaley Cuoco, Nick Carter,
Ben Scott, Stacy Keach, Judge Reinhold Dir. Kyle Newman
Der Fuchs und das Mädchen (Bluray)
Le Renard Et L’Enfant
Bertille Noel-Bruneau - Dir. Luc Jacquet
Drama 2007 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 11.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025891
Full Metal Jacket
Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin, Vincent
D’Onofrio, R. Lee Ermey, Dorian Harewood,
Arliss Howard - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Audiokommentar, Original Kinotrailer, Dokumentation
Kriegsfilm/Drama 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 112min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026030
Original Trailer, Bio- und Filmografien
Horror 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 79min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025990
Forstinspektor Buchholz - Staffel
1 (4 DVDs)
Horst Kummeth - Dir. Stefan Bartmann,
Rainer Klingenfuß
Drama/Komödie 1989 600min.
EuroVideo 28.05.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025962
Freediver - In der Tiefe lauert der
The Freediver
Alki David, Adam Baldwin, Camilla
Rutherford, Dominique Swain, Judd Nelson,
James Fox - Dir. Alki David
Abenteuer/Drama 2004 FF DD 5.0 (D)
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025914
Der Fremde (k.J.)
Out Of Season
Dennis Hopper, Gina Gershon, Jordan Frieda, Dominique Swain, David Murray, Jim
Carter, William Armstrong - Dir. Jevon
Originaltrailer, Bio- und Filmografien
Thriller/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 101min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025991
Gerhard Olschewski, Jona Mues, Edgar
Davids - Dir. Wolfgang Dinslage, Ingo Haeb,
Motte Jansen
Der Fuchs und das Mädchen (Einzel-DVD)
Le Renard Et L’Enfant
Bertille Noel-Bruneau - Dir. Luc Jacquet
Drama 2007 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 11.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025890
Der Fuchs und das Mädchen
(Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Le Renard Et L’Enfant
Kurzfilm 2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025869
Gert Fröbe, Karin Baal, Mario Adorf, Helen
Vita, Gretl Schörg, Ilse Pagé, Curt Bois Dir. Wolfgang Staudte
Kriminalfilm 1966 min.
Kinowelt 06.06.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025896
Gia - Preis der Schönheit
Seite 7
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Mitchell, Eric Michael Cole, Kylie Travis, Louis Giambalvo,
John Considine, Scott Cohen, Edmund
Genest, Mercedes Ruehl, Faye Dunaway,
Alexander Enberg, Scott Green Jr. - Dir.
Michael Cristofer
Drama 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 122min.
Warner Home Video (HBO) 18.07.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026012
Girl Fever
Girl Fever
Chad E. Donella, Jennifer Morrison, Erinn
Bartlett, Steve Monroe, Juleah Weikel,
Chene Lawson - Dir. Michael Davis
Komödie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E) 91min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025992
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025883
Die Glorreichen Sieben - Die
komplette zweite Season (4
The Magnificent Seven
Michael Biehn, Eric Close, Andrew Kavovit,
Dale Midkiff, Ron Perlman, Anthony Starke,
Rick Worthy, Laurie Holden, Dana Barron Dir. Geoff Murphy
Western 1998-2000 FF DD 2.0 (D) (E) (F)
Fox (MGM/UA) 13.06.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025894
Glue (OmU)
Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Inés Efron, Nahuel
Viale, Verónica Llinás, Héctor Díaz,
Florencia Braier - Dir. Alexis Dos Santos
Entfallene Szenen, Interview, Trailer
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (Sp) 110min.
Salzgeber 29.04.2008
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025878
A Gun For Jennifer (k.J.)
A Gun For Jennifer
Deborah Twiss, Benja Kay, Freida Hoops,
Arthur Nascarella, Rene Alberta, Veronica
Cruz, Tracy Dillon, Sheila Schmidt, Joe
Palister, Alan Gordon, James O’Donoghue,
Carl Jasper, Eric Mabius - Dir. Todd Morris
Girl in 3D
Girl In 3D
Coyote Shivers, Michael J. Aronin, Yareli
Arizmendi, Eddie Zammit, Jonathan Paley Dir. Luis Aira
Thriller/Drama 2005 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 93min.
starmedia 25.06.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025928
Girls in the City - Das ganz normale Chaos
A Girl Thing
Kate Capshaw, Stockard Channing,
Rebecca De Mornay, Mia Farrow, Elizabeth
Franz, Irma P. Hall, Linda Hamilton - Dir. Lee
Komödie/Drama 2001 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025881
Girls in the City Grossstadtmädchen
A Girl Thing
Kate Capshaw, Stockard Channing,
Rebecca De Mornay, Mia Farrow, Elizabeth
Franz, Irma P. Hall, Linda Hamilton - Dir. Lee
Komödie/Drama 2001 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025882
Girls in the City - Reine Frauensache
A Girl Thing
Kate Capshaw, Stockard Channing,
Rebecca De Mornay, Mia Farrow, Elizabeth
Franz, Irma P. Hall, Linda Hamilton - Dir. Lee
Komödie/Drama 2001 min.
Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer
Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1996 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 91min.
good!movies (Independent Partners)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026015
Hans im Glück (2 DVDs)
Horst Kummeth, Michaela May, Edwin
Marian, Luise Deschauer, Udo Wachtveitl,
Sigmar Solbach, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek,
Dieter Kirchlechner, Gert Burkard, ClaudeOliver Rudolph, Fritz Straßner, Saskia
Vester, Uwe Fellensiek, Cleo Kretschmer,
Kristina Nel, Ilse Neubauer - Dir. Frank
Drama/Komödie 1986 FF DD 2.0 (D) 360min.
EuroVideo 19.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025953
Ein Hauptgewinn für Papa
Heio von Stetten, Dana Vávrová, Anica
Dobra, Elisabeth Wiedemann, Gina
Sehlmeyer, Alexander Seidel, Sophie
Bäumer, Karl Kranzkowski, Anian Zollner,
Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Jaecki Schwarz, Dieter
Montag, Ingo Naujoks, Andreas Mannkopff,
Klaus-Dieter Klebsch - Dir. Bodo Fürneisen
Komödie 2006 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025884
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025906
Hitchcock-Collection: Das Fenster
zum Hof / Vertigo (2 DVDs)
Rear Window / Vertigo
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 233min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025937
Hitchcock-Collection: Der Mann,
der zuviel wußte / Cocktail für
eine Leiche (2 DVDs)
The Man Who Knew Too Much / Rope
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 197min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025938
Hitchcock-Collection: Die Vögel /
Marnie (2 DVDs)
The Birds / Marnie
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 239min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025939
Hitchcock-Collection: Frenzy /
Der zerrissene Vorhang / Saboteure (3 DVDs)
Frenzy / Torn Curtain / Saboteurs
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 337min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025940
Hitchcock-Collection: Immer Ärger mit Harry / Familiengrab /
Topas (3 DVDs)
Trouble With Harry / Family Plot / Topaz
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 330min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025941
Hitchcock-Collection: Psycho / Im
Schatten des Zweifels (2 DVDs)
Psycho / Shadow Of Doubt
Dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Thriller 207min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025942
Horror Collection (k.J.)
Memorial Day - Der Tod wartet schon /
Töte! / Silo Killer
Drew Barrymore, George Newbern, Dennis
Christopher, Brandon Malone - Dir. Christopher Alender, Avi Nesher, Bill Koning
Horror 1993-2002 269min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025973
Helden der Nacht - We Own the
We Own The Night
Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg, Robert
Duvall, Eva Mendes, Alex Veadov, Danny
Hoch, Oleg Taktarov, Moni Moshonov, Tony
Musante, Antoni Corone, Craig Walker, Joseph D’Onofrio - Dir. James Gray
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2007 113min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 26.06.2008
I Am Omega
I Am Omega
Mark Dacascos, Jennifer Lee Wiggins,
Seite 8
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Geoff Meed, Ryan Lloyd, Gregory Paul
Smith, Matthew Bolton - Dir. Griff Furst
EuroVideo 19.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025954
Audiokommentar, Making of, Outtakes
Action/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 87min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025915
Boris Karloff Collection Chamber of Fear
The Fear Chamber
Boris Karloff, Julissa, Carlos East, Isela
Vega, Yerye Beirute - Dir. Jack Hill, Juan
Horror 1972 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025880
Kein Science Fiction
Indiana Jones - The Adventure
Collection (3 DVDs, Steelbook)
Indiana Jones 1-3
Harrison Ford, John Rhys-Davies, Sir Sean
Connery - Dir. Steven Spielberg
Intro, Featurettes, Storyboards, Bildergalerie, Demo-Spiel
Abenteuer 1981-1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 347min.
Paramount 08.05.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026042
Steve Buscemi, Sienna Miller, Tara Elders,
Molly Griffith, Robert Hines, Jackson Loo,
Philippe Vonlanthen - Dir. Steve Buscemi
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) DD 5.1 (F) 83min.
Evolution Entertainment 25.09.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026046
John Rambo
Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew
Marsden, Ken Howard, Graham McTavish,
Reynaldo Gallegos, Jake La Botz, Tim
Kang, Paul Schulze - Dir. Sylvester Stallone
Gekürzte Fassung
Action/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) min.
Warner Home Video 27.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026025
John Rambo (k.J.)
Sylvester Stallone, Julie Benz, Matthew
Marsden, Ken Howard, Graham McTavish,
Reynaldo Gallegos, Jake La Botz, Tim
Kang, Paul Schulze - Dir. Sylvester Stallone
Gekürzte Fassung
Action/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) min.
Warner Home Video 27.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026024
Kampf der Titanen gegen Rom
Pierre Brice, Marie-José Nat - Dir. Sergiu
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 1967 Ltbx 16x9 DD
1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (Rumän) 102min.
Jan Henrik Stahlberg, Arved Birnbaum, Nicole Marischka, Heidi Ecks, Thomas
Wittmann, Sarah Meyer, Angela Menzel,
Siegfried Antonio Effenberger, Nadja
Becker, Christoph Kottenkamp, Bettina von
Kolbeck, Kali Zmugg, Mark Weigel, Sybille
Schedwill, Jost Meyer, Christiane Olivier,
Rainer Knepperges, Kathrin Leutert, Silke
Natho, Claudia Mischke, Edith
Höltenschmidt, Klaus Ebert, Henning Grübel, Ingrid Kaltenegger - Dir. Franz Müller
Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Bildergalerie
Drama/Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
epiX Media 19.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025955
Keller - Teenage Wasteland
Ludwig Trepte, Sergei Moya, Elisabetta
Rocchetti, Birgit Doll, Georg Friedrich, Ana
Stefanovic - Dir. Eva Urthaler
Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Drama/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Pro-Fun Media 28.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026023
Ein knallharter Deal
Eric Balfour, Colin Hanks, Lauren German Dir. Ariel Vromen
Thriller/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 83min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025993
Die Kreuzritter – Der Kampf der
Könige (Teil 1+2)
Mihai Viteazul-Unirea
Amza Pellea, Florin Piersic, Ioana Bulca Dir. Sergiu Nicolaescu
Panzerschiff Graf Spee / Für Königin und
Denzel Washington, Richard Burton,
Marcello Mastroianni, Peter Finch - Dir.
Patrick Sheane Duncan, George Pan
Cosmatos, Michael Powell, Martin Stellmann, Jonathan Emerson
Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer
Kriegsfilm 1956-1989 391min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025974
KurtsFilme - Die Fußball Megabox
Kurzfilm 1998-2005 230min.
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025872
KurtsFilme - Die Trashbox (4
DVDs) (k.J.)
Making of, Musikvideo, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen
Kurzfilm 1998-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) 277min.
Kurt Media (KurtsFilme) 15.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025966
Küss mich, Tiger!
Uwe Ochsenknecht, Peter Sattmann, Barbara Rudnik, Dominique Horwitz - Dir. Jan
Komödie 2001 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025885
The Last Man on Earth
The Last Man On Earth
Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia, Emma
Danieli, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Umberto
Raho - Dir. Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow
Bildergalerie, Vergleich „Last Man on Earth“ und „I Am
Omega“ mit der Buchvorlage
Horror/Science Fiction 1964 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 85min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025916
Die Lerche fliegt im Morgengrauen
Midnight Man
Rob Lowe, Kenneth Cranham, Deborah
Maria Moore, Hannes Jaenicke, Daphne
Cheung - Dir. Lawrence Gordon Clark
Biografien, Originaltrailer
Action/Thriller 1995 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E) 171min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025994
Der letzte Kampf des Lee Khan
Abenteuer 1970 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD
1.0 (Rumän) 201min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025958
Ying Chun Ge Zhi Fengbo
Li Hua Li, Roy Chiao, Feng Hsu, Bai Ying,
Tien Feng, Angela Mao - Dir. King Hu
Action 1973 (D) (E) (Manda) 101min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025959
Der Krieg des Charlie Wilson
Charlie Wilson’s War
Tom Hanks, Amy Adams, Julia Roberts,
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rachel Nichols,
Erick Avari, Mayte Garcia, Cyia Batten, Om
Puri, Spencer Garrett, Maulik Pancholy Dir. Mike Nichols
Drama 2007 98min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 12.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025907
Kriegsfilm Edition (2 DVDs)
84 Charlie Mopic / Massaker in Rom /
Die letzte Rechnung zahlst Du
Al Di Là Della Legge
Lee Van Cleef, Antonio Sabato, Gordon
Mitchell, Lionel Stander, Bud Spencer,
Graziella Granata, Herbert Fux, Ann
Smyrner - Dir. Giorgio Stegani
Western 1968 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(It) 110min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025917
Seite 9
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Fiorentino, Vincent D’Onofrio, Rip Torn,
Tony Shalhoub, Siobhan Fallon, Mike
Nussbaum, Jonathan Gries, Sergio
Calderon, Carel Struycken, Fredric Lane,
Richard Hamilton, Kent Faulcon, John Alexander, Keith Campbell - Dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerien, Musikvideo, Trailer
Science Fiction/Komödie 1997 Ltbx 16x9
DDTrueHD 5.1 (D) DDTrueHD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1
(Poln) DD 5.1 (Tschech) 98min.
Sony Pictures 26.06.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025943
Der letzte Zeuge - Die komplette
dritte Staffel (3 DVDs)
Ulrich Mühe
Kriminalfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025873
James Mason, Marianne Stone, Shelley
Winters, Peter Sellers, Diana Decker, Jerry
Stovin, Gary Cockrell, Suzanne Gibbs - Dir.
Stanley Kubrick
Original Kinotrailer
Drama 1961 Ltbx (D) (E) 147min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026031
Lost Voyage - Das Geisterschiff
Lost Voyage
Judd Nelson, Janet Gunn, Jeff Kober, Mark
Sheppard, Lance Henriksen, Wendy Robie,
Robert Pine - Dir. Christian McIntire
Making of Featurette, Texttafeln zu Lance Henriksen und Judd
Horror 2001 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD
2.0 (D) 91min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025995
Mary - This is My Blood
Juliette Binoche, Matthew Modine, Forest
Whitaker, Ettore D’Alessandro, Marco
Leonardi, Mario Opinato, Kate Conner, Marion Cotillard, Robert Fieldstreet, Heather
Graham, Cory Landis, Suzie Pollard,
Stefania Rocca, Gabriella Wright - Dir. Abel
Drama/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 90min.
Galileo 06.06.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026043
Master of Shaolin 3 (k.J.)
Wong Fei-Hung Tsi Sam: Siwong Tsangba
Jet Li, Lau Shun, Max Mok, Rosamund
Kwan, Hung Yan-yan, John Wakefield - Dir.
Tsui Hark
Action 1993 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 105min.
Evolution Entertainment 28.05.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026052
Mein langsames Leben
Ursina Lardi, Andreas Patton, Anne Tismer,
Wolfgang Michael, Clara Enge, Nina Weniger, Katharina Linder, Sophie Aigner, Devid
Striesow, Margit Bendokat, Angela
Schanelec, Rüdiger Vogler - Dir. Angela
Drama 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 82min.
Filmgalerie 451 23.05.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026037
Messer im Kopf
Bruno Ganz, Angela Winkler, Hans-Christian Blech, Heinz Hoenig, Hans Brenner, Udo
Samel, Eike Gallwitz, Carla Egerer, Gabriele
Dossi, Hans Fuchs - Dir. Reinhard Hauff
Interviews, Biografie, Presseheft, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Drama 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 108min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 06.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025897
Marcus (k.J.)
Ross Kurt, Scoot McNairy, Samantha
Shelton, Marc Rose, Jade Dornfeld, Frankie
Ingrassia - Dir. Bob Hardison, Rich
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Thriller 2006 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
starmedia 19.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025948
Men in Black (Blu-ray)
Men In Black
Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda
Mini-Max oder: Die unglaublichen Abenteuer des Maxwell
Smart - Dritte Staffel (5 DVDs)
Get Smart
Seite 10
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Don Adams
Komödie 1965-1970 min.
Kinowelt 06.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025898
Monster (Einzel-DVD)
Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci, Bruce
Dern, Scott Wilson, Pruitt Taylor Vince, Lee
Tergesen, Annie Corley, Marco St. John,
Bubba Baker, Marc Macaulay, Brett Rice,
Robb Chamberlain, Chandra Leigh,
Catherine Mangan, Christian Strokes, Tim
Ware - Dir. Patty Jenkins
Drama/Thriller 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) 104min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025996
Der Mörder hinter der Tür
Quelqu’un Derrière La Porte
Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland, Anthony
Perkins - Dir. Nicolas Gessner
Thriller 1970 90min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025944
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025933
Nightstalker (k.J.)
Roselyn Sanchez, Bret Roberts, Danny
Trejo, Evan Dexter Parke, Derek Hamilton,
Brandi Emma - Dir. Chris Fisher
Audiokommentar, Trailer, Nicht verwendete Szenen
Thriller/Horror 2002 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (E)
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025918
Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge, Myriam Tallard,
Lucie Laurier, Antoine Desrochers, Martin
Matte, Raymond Bouchard - Dir. Alain
Action/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (F) 86min.
Splendid 25.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026004
Om Shanti Om (Einzel-DVD)
Om Shanti Om
Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Arjun
Rampal, Kiron Kher, Shreyas Talpade,
Bindu, Javed Sheikh, Satish Shah, Nitish
Pandey, Yuvika Chaudary, Shawar Ali,
Asawari Joshi - Dir. Farah Khan
Jirka Zett, Miriam Horwitz, Angela
Schanelec, Fritz Schediwy, Mark Waschke,
Agnes Schanelec, Katharina Linder, Tobias
Lenel, Karina Krawczyk - Dir. Angela
Interviews, Trailer, Presseschau
Trailer, Poster
Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 91min.
Filmgalerie 451 23.05.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026038
Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Hindi) 168min.
Rapid Eye Movies 30.05.2008
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026035
Namastey London - Jetzt bockt
die Braut
Namastey London
Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif, Rishi Kapoor,
Upen Patel, Javed Sheikh, Tiffany Mulheron
- Dir. Vipul Amrutlal Shah
Making of
Komödie 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Hindi) 132min.
T-House Productions (Bollymax)
tba BestellNr.: 20025969
Die neun Pforten
The Ninth Gate
Johnny Depp, Frank Langella, Lena Olin,
Emmanuelle Seigner, Barbara Jefford, Jack
Taylor, Jose Lopez, James Russo, Tony
Amoni, Willy Holt, Maria Ducceshi, Jacques
Collard - Dir. Roman Polanski
Audiokommentar, Isolierte Tonspur, Making of, Bildergalerie,
Horror/Thriller 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS-ES 6.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 128min.
Kinowelt 11.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026050
Night of the Living Dead 3D (2
Disc Special Edition)
Night Of The Living Dead 3D
Brianna Brown, Joshua DesRoches, Johanna Black, Greg Travis, Sid Haig, Ken
Wood - Dir. Jeff Broadstreet
Trailer, Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien,
Hintergrundinfos, Originaltrailer
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 77min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
Ricky Gervais, Martin Freeman, Mackenzie
Crook, Lucy Davis, Emma Louise Manton,
Philip Pickard, Jane Lucas, Ben Bradshaw,
Ewan MacIntosh - Dir. Ricky Gervais,
Stephen Merchant
Komödie/Drama 2001-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 (E) min.
Polyband 25.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026005
Tchéky Karyo, Rutger Hauer, F. Murray
Abraham, Julia Ormond, Amanda Plummer,
Assumpta Serna - Dir. Roger Christian
Drama 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 118min.
Ascot Elite 15.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025874
Nur für Dich
I See You
Arjun Rampal - Dir. Vivek Agrawal
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(Hindi) 124min.
T-House Productions (Bollymax)
tba BestellNr.: 20025970
Nur über ihre Leiche - Meine
himmlische Verlobte und ich
Over Her Dead Body
Eva Longoria, Paul Rudd, Lake Bell, Jason
Biggs, Lindsay Sloane, Stephen Root, Ali
Hillis, William Morgan Sheppard, Wendi
McLendon-Covey, Kali Rocha, Colin Fickes,
Misha Collins - Dir. Jeff Lowell
Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 90min.
Galileo 06.06.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025924
The Office - Die komplette Serie
(4 DVDs, OmU)
The Office
Josh Hamilton, Harold Perrineau jr., Isabel
Gillies, John Fleck, Vanessa Ferlito, Eric
Millegan, Liz Owens - Dir. Jed Weintrob
Komödie/Drama 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) (E) 82min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025919
One Tree Hill - Die komplette dritte Staffel (6 DVDs)
One Tree Hill
James Lafferty, Chad Michael Murray,
Hilarie Burton, Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy
Galeotti, Paul Johansson, Moira Kelly, Barry
Corbin, Barbara Alyn Woods, Lee Norris,
Craig Sheffer, Danneel Harris, Antwon
Tanner, Bevin Prince, Brett Claywell, Bryan
Greenberg - Dir. Gregory Prange, Thomas
J. Wright, Billy Dickson, John Mallory
Asher, Paul Johansson, Bethany Rooney,
David Carson, Mark Schwahn
Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes
Drama 2003-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) 902min.
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026013
P2 - Schreie im Parkhaus (Bluray)
Rachel Nichols, Simon Reynolds, Wes
Bentley, Grace Lynn Kung, Paul Sun-Hyung
Lee - Dir. Franck Khalfoun
Audiokommentar der Filmemacher, 4 Featurettes (Making of,
Der Drehort und die Stunts, Der Regisseur Franck Khalfoun,
Seite 11
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Lynne, Brooke Lewis, Kenneth Del
Vecchio, Julianne Michelle, Brandon Slagle,
Kelli McCarty, Mark Belasco - Dir. George
Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 85min.
starmedia 25.06.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025929
Behind the Scenes), Fotogalerie, Teaser, Trailer
Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 93min.
Kinowelt 22.08.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025888
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025876
Irina Podapenko, Henriette Müller, Desirée
Jaeger, Amina Schichterich, Martin Kiefer,
Caroline Peters, Marie Salomon, Neshe
Demir - Dir. Birgit Grosskopf
Kurzfilm „Mars“, Trailer
Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 80min.
Salzgeber 29.04.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025879
Pro-Life - Des Teufels Brut (k.J.)
Masters Of Horror 2.05: Pro-Life
Ron Perlman, Mark Feuerstein, Emmanuelle
Vaugier, Bill Dow, Chad Krowchuk, Caitlin
Wachs - Dir. John Carpenter
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 54min.
Splendid 25.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026007
The Raven
Jillian Swanson, Jack Quinn, Victoria
Ullmann, Michelle Guest, Sharon Senina,
Ulli Lommel - Dir. Ulli Lommel
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) 81min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025920
Rote Rosen - Folge 71-80 (3 DVDs)
Moon To
Andy Lau, Daniel Wu, Louis Koo, Anita
Yuen, Jingchu Zhang, He Mei-tian - Dir.
Derek Yee
Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) 109min.
EuroVideo 15.05.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025875
Angela Roy, Joachim Raaf, Janette Rauch,
Gerry Hungbauer, Sarah Maria Besgen,
Caroline Grothgar, Anna Lena Class, Christoph Mory, Kim-Sarah Brandts, Brigitte
Antonius, Nadine Arents, Jan Hartmann,
Jochen Kolenda, Beat Marti, Roy Peter
Marino, Ernest Allan Hausmann - Dir. Gudrun Scheerer, Christa Mühl
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 500min.
Studio Hamburg (ARD Video) 28.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025963
Featurettes, Making of, Audiokommentar
Pier Paolo Pasolini Collection (5
Accattone - Wer nie sein Brot mit Tränen
aß / Gastmahl der Liebe - Comizi
D’Amore (OmU) / Große Vögel, kleine
Vögel - Uccellacci e Uccellini / Edipo Re König Ödipus (dt. Kinofassung) / Edipo Re
- König Ödipus (restaurierte Fassung)
Dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini
Der Prozess
Pelts - Getrieben vom Wahn (k.J.)
Le Proces
Anthony Perkins, Orson Welles, Jeanne
Moreau, Romy Schneider, Elsa Martinelli,
Suzanne Flon - Dir. Orson Welles
Drama 1962 108min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025945
Masters Of Horror 2.06: Pelts
Meat Loaf, John Saxon, Ellen Ewusie, Link
Baker, Michal Suchánek - Dir. Dario Argento
Rache - Vergeltung hat ihren
Preis! (k.J.)
Dokumentation, Original Kinotrailer, Booklet
Drama 425min.
Filmgalerie 451 16.05.2008
54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026040
Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes
Horror 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 53min.
Splendid 25.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026006
Polycarp (k.J.)
Michael Paré, Charles Durning, Beverly
The Raven (k.J.)
Already Dead
Til Schweiger, Ron Eldard, Marisa
Coughlan, Patrick Kilpatrick, Geoffrey
Pierson, Christopher Plummer - Dir. Joe
Entfallene Szenen, Trailer
Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 90min.
Ascot Elite (Circle Three) 15.05.2008
Rübezahl - Herr der Berge
Franz Essel, Bobby Todd, Fritz Wepper -
Seite 12
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Dir. Erich Kobler
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1957 min.
Kinowelt 06.06.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025899
El Ataque De Los Muertos Sin Ojos
Dir. Amando de Ossorio
March, Patrick Wymark, Adrienne Corri,
Vittorio Gassman, Clinton Greyn, Alan
Arkin, Lex Barker, Elsa Martinelli, Sir Michael Caine, Anita Ekberg, Philippe Noiret,
Rossano Brazzi, Catherine Samie - Dir.
Vittorio De Sica
Drama 1967 96min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025946
Bildergalerie, Restaurierte Uncut-Szenen, Split-SceneFeaturette, Kinotrailer
Sky High (2 DVDs)
Die Rückkehr der reitenden Leichen (2 DVDs) (k.J.)
Horror 1973 FF DD 1.0 (D) min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025921
Der schwarze Tod
Jason Flemyng, Lena Headey, David La
Haye, Christopher Fairbank, Jon Finch, Ian
McNeice - Dir. Alberto Sciamma
Sky High
Yumiko Shaku, Takao Osawa, Shosuke
Tanihara, Naho Toda, Aya Okamoto,
Hiromasa Taguchi - Dir. Ryuhei Kitamura
Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, TV-Spots
Fantasy/Action 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (Jap) 123min.
Sunfilm 09.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025923
Bildergalerie, Filmografien, Featurette
Historienfilm/Thriller 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) 111min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025997
Das Schwert des Shogun – The
Bushido Blade
The Bushido Blade
Richard Boone, Toshirô Mifune, Timothy V.
Murphy, Frank Converse, William Ross,
Shin’ichi „Sonny“ Chiba - Dir. Tom Kotani
Bud Spencer & Terence Hill 3er
Box (3 DVDs)
Hügel der blutigen Stiefel / Zwei vom Affen
gebissen / Freibeuter der Meere
Bud Spencer, Terence Hill
Bildergalerie, Alternatives Ende, Bio- und Filmografien,
Entfallene Szenen, Hintergrundinfos, Trailer
Action 1967-2001 283min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025957
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Still Life (OmU)
Abenteuer/Drama 1981 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E) 89min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025934
Sanxia Haoren
Zhao Tao, Han Sanming, Wang Hong-wei,
Li Zhubin, Xiang Haiyu, Lin Zhou, Ma
Lizhen - Dir. Jia Zhang-ke
Bonusfilm, Bildergalerie
SeaQuest - Season Two, Part One
(3 DVDs)
Seaquest DSV
Kenneth Zunder, Roy Scheider, Stephanie
Beacham, Stacy Haiduk, Don Franklin,
Jonathan Brandis, Royce D. Applegate, Ted
Raimi, Shelley Hack, Scott Coffey - Dir.
Irvin Kershner
Science Fiction 1993-1996 FF DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E) min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025910
Shadows of the Dead
Shadows Of The Dead
Jonathan Flanigan, Beverly Hynds - Dir.
Carl Lindberg
Originaltrailer, Bildergalerie
Horror/Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 79min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025998
The Shining
Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Danny
Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, Philip Stone, Joe
Turkel, Barry Nelson, Anne Jackson, Tony
Burton - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Audiokommentar, Original Kinotrailer
Horror/Thriller 1980 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 115min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026032
Siebenmal lockt das Weib (k.J.)
Woman Times Seven
Shirley MacLaine, Peter Sellers, Elspeth
Drama 2006 108min.
EuroVideo 03.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20025950
Sturm der Liebe - Folge 271-280:
Das ersehnte Glück (3 DVDs)
Inez David, Lorenzo Patané, Silvia Seidel,
Christoph Arnold, Dirk Galuba, Jan van
Weyde, Michael Zittel, Henriette RichterRöhl, Gregory B. Waldis, Judith
Hildebrandt, Mona Seefried, Sepp Schauer,
Antje Hagen, Florian Böhm, Isabella Jantz,
Christof Krix, Nicola Tiggeler, Susanne
Huber, Mirja Mahir, Dominique Siassia, Martin Gruber, Susan Hoecke, Claudia Wenzel,
Simone Heher, Jenny Gröllmann, Sebastian
Deyle, Sandra Keller, Jenny Marie Muck,
Christian Rudolf, Karyn von Ostholt, Wayne
Carpendale - Dir. Klaus Witting, Markus
Schmidt-Märkl, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge,
Jürgen R. Weber, Alexander Wiedl, Dieter
Schlotterbeck, Klaus Knoesel, Stefan
Jonas, Siegi Jonas
Drama 2005-2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) 500min.
EuroVideo (ARD Video) 19.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025956
Emily Brontës „Sturmhöhe – Wuthering Heights“ (2 DVDs)
Cime Tempestose
Alessio Boni, Franco Castellano, Luca
Cianchetti, Ivo Novák - Dir. Fabrizio Costa
Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(It) 200min.
KSM (NewKSM) 12.06.2008
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025932
Stürmische Zeiten (2 DVDs)
Wolfgang Stumph, Max von Thun, Marie
Zielcke, Henry Stange, Sven Pippig,
Maverick Quek, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Werner Haindl - Dir. Zoltan Spirandelli
6 Bonusfilme, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie, Entfallene
Drama/Tragikomödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) 90min.
Polar Film (ZDF Video) 08.04.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025887
Suburban Shootout - Die Waffen
der Frauen
Suburban Shootout
Rachael Blake, Lucy Robinson, Emma Kennedy - Dir. Gordon Anderson
Satire/Action 2006 min.
Polyband 25.07.2008
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026026
Sweeney Todd - Der teuflische
Barbier aus der Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of
Fleet Street
Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan
Rickman, Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron
Cohen, Jamie Campbell Bower, Laura Michelle Kelly, Jayne Wisener, Ed Sanders - Dir.
Tim Burton
Musical/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 111min.
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026047
Sweeney Todd - Der teuflische
Barbier aus der Fleet Street (2
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of
Fleet Street
Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan
Rickman, Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron
Cohen, Jamie Campbell Bower, Laura Michelle Kelly, Jayne Wisener, Ed Sanders - Dir.
Tim Burton
Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie
Musical/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 111min.
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026049
Sweeney Todd - Der teuflische
Barbier aus der Fleet Street (Bluray)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of
Fleet Street
Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan
Seite 13
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Rickman, Timothy Spall, Sacha Baron
Cohen, Jamie Campbell Bower, Laura Michelle Kelly, Jayne Wisener, Ed Sanders - Dir.
Tim Burton
Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie
Musical/Horror 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS-HD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp)
Warner Home Video 18.07.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026048
Todesfalle Hongkong
On Dangerous Ground
Rob Lowe, Kenneth Cranham, Deborah
Maria Moore, Jürgen Prochnow, Ingeborga
Dapkunaite - Dir. Lawrence Gordon Clark
Biografien, Originaltrailer
Action/Thriller 1996 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 2.0 (D) 160min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025999
Trade - Willkommen in Amerika
Kevin Kline, Alicja Bachleda, Paulina
Gaitan, Cesar Ramos, Marco Perez, Linda
Emond, Zack Ward, Kate Del Castillo, Tim
Reid, Pasha D. Lychnikoff - Dir. Marco
Audiokommentar, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene
und erweiterte Szenen, Trailer, Hintergrundinfos
Drama/Thriller 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 115min.
Fox 13.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025895
Cristina Brondo, Féodor Atkine, Carlos Lasarte, Julian Villagran, Marisol Membrillo,
Natalia Sanchez - Dir. David Carreras
Making of, Trailer, Teaser
Horror/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 89min.
e-m-s GmbH (e-m-s) 08.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026000
Truck Driver - Gejagt von einem
Road Games
Stacy Keach, Jamie Lee Curtis, Marion
Edward, Grant Page, Bill Stacey, Thaddeus
Smith - Dir. Richard Franklin
Thriller 1980 92min.
Universal Pictures (Universal) 05.06.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025947
Uhrwerk Orange
A Clockwork Orange
Malcolm McDowell, Michael Bates, Patrick
Magee, Paul Farrell, Warren Clarke, John
Clive, Adrienne Corri, Carl Duering, Clive
Francis, Miriam Karlin, Aubrey Morris,
Godfrey Quigley, Sheila Raynor, John
Savident, Anthony Sharp, Philip Stone,
Margaret Tyzack, David Prowse - Dir. Stanley Kubrick
Original Kinotrailer
Science Fiction/Drama 1971 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 131min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026033
Und tschüss auf Mallorca
Komödie 1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 93min.
Kurt Media 15.05.2008
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025877
Der Unerbittliche (Special Edition) (FSK 18)
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026008
Willkommen in Lüsgraf
The Enforcer
Clint Eastwood, Tyne Daly, Harry Guardino,
Bradford Dillman, John Mitchum, DeVeren
Bookwalter, Johnny Crawford, Samantha
Doane, Robert Hoy, Jocelyn Jones, M. G.
Kelly, Nick Pellegrino - Dir. James Fargo
Action 1976 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 5.1
(E) 93min.
Warner Home Video 04.07.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026021
Sonja Kirchberger, Hannes Jaenicke, Anna
Böttcher, Heinrich Schafmeister, Gudrun
Okras, Brigitte Grothum, Ursula Karusseit,
Teresa Harder, Jochen Nickel, Heinz Gerhard Lück, Weijian Liu, Jona Mues, Nico
Schulz, Margot Nagel - Dir. Lars Montag
Komödie 2006 min.
KNM Home Ent. 17.04.2008
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025886
Unschuldig - Für die Wahrheit ist
es nie zu spät (3 DVDs)
Kostja Ullmann, Hinnerk Schönemann, Jan
Niklas, Katja Weitzenböck, Fritz Karl, Cheyenne Rushing, Björn Casapietra, Lars
Rudolph, Marvin Platzer, Marlon Kittel, Daniel Zillmann, Gabriel Walsh, Alexander von
Wietersheim, Lenn Kudrjawizki, David Vogel, Marie Colbin, Nino Sandow, Jens Wassermann, Mareike Lindenmeyer, Attik
Kargar, Christian L. Schaeffer, Nicola Goethe, Luka Omoto, Sarah Mühlhause, Peter
Rappenglück, Billie Zöckler - Dir. Sharon
von Wietersheim
Melodram 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Ascot Elite (Rich and Famous) 15.05.2008
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025967
Alexandra Neldel, Clemens Schick, Erhan
Emre, Loretta Stern - Dir. Phillipp
Kadelbach, Benjamin Quabeck
Drama 2008 540min.
Polyband 25.07.2008
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025904
Vater wider Willen (5 DVDs)
Christian Quadflieg, Anna Schmidt, Lambert
Hamel, Suzanne von Borsody
Komödie 1995-2002 894min.
EuroVideo 28.05.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025964
Vera Wesskamp (5 DVDs)
Maren Kroymann, Katharina Brauren, Stefan Gebelhoff, Stephanie Philipp, Jenny
Marie Muck, Alfred Urankar - Dir. Frank
Drama 1992-1993 900min.
EuroVideo 28.05.2008
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025965
Das Vermächtnis des geheimen
Buches (Collector’s Edition, 2
National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Jon Voight,
Harvey Keitel, Justin Bartha, Helen Mirren,
Ed Harris, Bruce Greenwood - Dir. Jon
Abenteuer/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 119min.
Walt Disney Studios (Buena Vista)
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025860
Das Vermächtnis des geheimen
Buches (Einzel-DVD)
National Treasure: Book Of Secrets
Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger, Jon Voight,
Harvey Keitel, Justin Bartha, Helen Mirren,
Ed Harris, Bruce Greenwood - Dir. Jon
Die Zeit, die man Leben nennt
The Zombie Diaries
The Zombie Diaries
Russell Jones, Craig Stovin, Jonnie Hurn,
James Fisher, Anna Blades, Imogen Church
- Dir. Michael Bartlett, Kevin Gates
Horror 2006 min.
Splendid 25.07.2008
tba BestellNr.: 20026009
Special Interest
Die besten Frauen der Welt
(Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Silvia Neid, Linda Bresonik, Lira Bajramaj Dir. Britta Becker
Dokumentarfilm/Sport 2007 min.
Kinowelt 06.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025960
Dieter Hallervorden - Mit dem Gesicht
Dieter Hallervorden
Interview, Featurettes, Trailer, Easter Egg
Kleinkunst/Kabarett 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) 100min.
Turbine Medien 25.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025746
Die Hochstapler
Abenteuer/Action 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 119min.
Walt Disney Studios (Buena Vista)
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025859
Dir. Alexander Adolph
Dokumentation 2006 min.
Kinowelt (Arthaus) 20.06.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20025816
El Violín
Jak To Sie Robi
Piotr Tymochowicz - Dir. Marcel Lozinski
El Violín
Dagoberto Gama, Fermin Martinez, Gerardo
Taracena, Don Angel Tavira - Dir. Francisco
Drama 2005 98min.
WVG Medien (ICE Revolution) 25.07.2008
Der Weg zum Erfolg (OmU)
Hintergrundinfos, Filmografie
Dokumentation 2006 FF DD 2.0 (Poln)
absolut Medien 25.04.2008
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20026002
Seite 14
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
filled episodes sure to give children lots of giggles.
Book of the Dead
A.D. Police: To Protect and Serve
- Complete Series / Parasite Dolls
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD 5.1 395min.
ADV Films, Inc. 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075062
Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin Mysteries of Hard to Find City
Stop-motion animation, once considered a dramatic movement
in special effects, is something of a lost art. When it’s done
well, it can have beautiful and creepy effects missing from the
sterility of computer-generated images. Kihachiro Kawamoto’s
BOOK OF THE DEAD is an exquisite example of the potential
of this dying technique. This ghost story with a Buddhist soul
might confound viewers, but its beauty cannot be denied and
will demand, and encourage, multiple viewings.
Childrens, Animated min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075452
Bravestarr: The Movie
Television, Childrens, Animated min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075181
Baldr Force Exe - The Complete
OVA Series
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 120min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075263
Batman - The Complete Fifth
Childrens, Animated min.
Warner Home Video 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075898
The animated space-western show BRAVESTARR, which
follows the citizens of a planet named New Texas, is set in
the 22nd century. This feature-length adaptation of the
BRAVESTARR legend revolves around the lead character
Marshall BraveStarr, who was saved by a Shaman after a
creature named Stampede destroyed the planet on which he
grew up. In this epic adventure BraveStarr finally tries to
defeat the evil Stampede, but he also has to make sure that the
occupants of New Texas come to no harm during the battle.
Like many cartoons of the era, BRAVESTARR contains a
strong moral message that aims to educate its young audience.
Childrens, Animated 91min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075135
Care Bears - King of the Moon
Batman - Gotham Knight (Special
Edition, 2 DVDs)
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075511
Childrens DD 2.0 75min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075912
Care Bears - Share N’
Childrens, Animated FF S 44min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075282
Batman: Gotham Knight
Dramas min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075891
Care Bears - Ups and Downs
Beast King GoLion
Television, Action/Adventure 396min.
Media Blasters 27.05.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075541
Childrens, Animated FF DD 5.1 44min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075278
Black Blood Brothers - Vol. 3:
Collection of 2007 Academy
Award Nominated Short Films
Dramas Ltbx S 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075262
BLEACH - BOX SET 1 compiles the first 20 episodes of the
supernatural anime television series created by Tite Kubo.
The show’s main protagonist, 15-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki,
has the ability to see ghosts and fights evil spirits with the
help of Rukia Kuchiki, a death god from the Soul Society.
Largely unseen by the public at Oscar time, 2007’s Academy
Award-nominated short subjects are given their due in this
collection of these remarkable live-action and animated films.
Included here are the Oscar winners „The Mozart of
Pickpockets,“ in which a homeless boy becomes a good-luck
charm for a pair of unsuccessful thieves, and the animated
„Peter & the Wolf,“ a dark retelling of Prokofiev’s musical tale
of a boy, his animal friends, and a certain carnivorous wolf.
Also featured here are the live-action nominees „At Night,“
„The Substitute,“ „Tanghi Argentini,“ „The Tonto Woman,“ and
the animated nominees „I Met the Walrus,“ „Madame TutliPutli,“ „Even Pigeons Go to Heaven,“ and „My Love.“
Action/Adventure 440min.
Viz Media, LLC. 10.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075008
Dramas S 229min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075616
Blood + - Part Two
Comedy Central’s TV Funhouse
Childrens, Animated FF S 124min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075167
Television, Comedies FF S 216min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075699
Bleach - Box Set 1
Bob the Builder - Let’s Build the
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075479
Curious George: Takes a Vacation
and Discovers New Things
That lovable little monkey is at it again in this collection from
the Emmy-nominated children’s series, based on one of the
most beloved illustrated characters of all time. It seems
George can get into trouble wherever he goes, so when the
Man with the Yellow Hat decides to take him overseas,
nonstop adventure and folly follow them all the way from the
airport to deep beneath the sea. Included here are eight fun-
Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 105min.
Universal Studios Home Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075565
Death Note - Vol. 5
Dramas FF 100min.
Viz Media, LLC. 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075878
Death Note - Vol. 5 (Limited Edition)
Dramas FF 100min.
Viz Media, LLC. 24.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075879
Devil May Cry - Level 2
Action/Adventure DD 5.1 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075052
Devil May Cry - Level 2 (Limited
Action/Adventure DD 5.1 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075051
Dragon Ball Z - Double Feature
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 105min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075260
Dragon Ball Z - Double Feature
Action/Adventure 105min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075261
Dragon Ball Z - Season 5
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1 600min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075255
Dragon Ball Z (Spanish) - Vol. 7
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 75min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075256
Dragon Ball Z (Spanish) - Vol. 8
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 75min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075257
Dragons - Destiny of Fire
A young dragon named Jon-Jon, who was stolen by condors
while he was still encased in his egg, attempts to solve his
identity crisis in this Spanish-language animation.
DRAGONS: DESTINY OF FIRE follows Jon-Jon as he fulfills
his destiny and returns to the dragon kingdom.
Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0 90min.
Laguna Films 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075467
Embracing Love: Cherished
Dramas 60min.
Media Blasters 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075545
Emma: A Victorian Romance Season One
Education/General Interest, Animation/General S 300min.
BayView Entertainment 24.06.2008
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Seite 15
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075963
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075103
Exquisite Short Films of
Kihachiro Kawamoto
Hell Girl - Vol. 5
Japanese filmmaker Kihachiro Kawamoto is renowned for his
inventive frame-by-frame style of animated short films, which
use a variety of models, including puppets. This compilation
includes the shorts „Farce Anthropo-Cynique“ (with French
dialogue), „Self-Portrait,“ „Kataku,“ „Dojoji,“ and two films
featuring paper-cutout characters, „Oni“ and „Shijin No
Childrens, Animated min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075453
Fantastic Four: World’s Greatest
Heroes - Complete Season 1
Television, Childrens, Animated Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075273
Fireman Sam - To the Rescue!
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075480
Full Metal Panic!: The Second
Raid - The Complete Series
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 450min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.05.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075266
Futurama the Movie: Beast with a
Billion Backs
Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 90min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075289
Television, Childrens, Animated 325min.
Media Blasters 17.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075550
Garfield & Friends - A Cat and His
Childrens, Animated FF M 135min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075279
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075264
Go, Diego, Go! - Great Gorilla
Television, Childrens, Animated min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075685
Gundam SEED Destiny - Final
Set in the Cosmic Era, two years after the inauguration of the
Earth Alliance peace treaty, the final episode of this sciencefiction anime chronicles the events of the Second Bloody
Valentine war. As the evil Durandal tries to steal the requiem
cannon, the Gundam Seed pilots must take part in mortal
combat on the moon to save the Orb and humankind.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy DD 2.0 24min.
Bandai Entertainment 15.04.2008
Childrens FF 85min.
PorchLight Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075652
Hell Girl - Vol. 6
Maggie & The Ferocious Beast Beach Party
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 16x9 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075268
He-Man and She-Ra - The Secret
of the Sword
Force Captain Adora is under a spell and doesn’t know she is
really She-Ra - Princess of Power - He-Man’s twin sister.
Can He-Man free his long-lost sister and teach her the
powers of the sword.
Childrens, Animated 90min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075138
He-Man and the Masters of the
Universe - Volume Two
Animated, Television, Childrens 286min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075139
Kanon - Vol. 4
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075058
Childrens, Animated FF S 66min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075172
Kirameki Project: Robot Girls Vols. 1 & 2
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 150min.
Media Blasters 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075536
Kujibiki Unbalance - Vol. 2: Love
Glass Fleet - Vol. 6
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075553
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075267
Kenny the Shark - Vol. 3: Catch a
Galaxy High School - Vol. 1 & 2
Rumor says that a secret message board which can only be
read at night gives readers the ability to get revenge on
anyone simply by posting the grudge on the board. Once the
wish is written down, the Hell Girl will go to work. This is the
fifth volume of episodes in the animated series.
play, and children love to join in on the magic.
Comedies 130min.
Media Blasters 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075549
Lampies - Bikey
Childrens, Animated 55min.
PorchLight Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075651
Lampies - Dustywuppy
Childrens, Animated FF 88min.
PorchLight Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075650
Land Before Time: Through the
Eyes of a Spiketail
This collection includes over 90 minutes of adventure and fun
featuring those whacky dinosaurs—Littlefoot, Spike, and the
rest of the gang—as they get into trouble, sing some songs,
and of course learn a new lesson or two. The Great Valley
never gets lonely as long as these lovable guys are around to
Childrens, Animated 90min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075768
Magikano - Vol. 3: The Witch’s
Comedies DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075054
Moonlight Mile - Vol. 3:
Conspiracy of Honor
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075059
Mustard Pancakes - The Dancing
Kids can sing-along with the infectious songs on this entry in
the fun and frivolous Mustard Pancakes series. Host
Courtney Campbell teams up with the lovable characters from
the show in this selection of episodes, including „The Dancing
Princess,“ in which Tiny Tina Ten Toes decides she never
wants to dance again.
Childrens 109min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075763
Naruto Uncut - Box Set Vol. 8
Action/Adventure FF 325min.
Viz Media, LLC. 10.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075876
Naruto Uncut - Box Set Vol. 8
(Limited Edition)
Action/Adventure FF 325min.
Viz Media, LLC. 10.06.2008
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075877
Nerima Daikon Brothers Complete Collection
Comedies DD 2.0 300min.
ADV Films, Inc. 27.05.2008
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075050
Oban Star-Racers: Volume 2 „The
Oban Cycle“
Childrens, Animated 300min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075771
Otoboku - Vol. 1: Maidens are
Falling for Me
Comedies FF 125min.
Media Blasters 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075551
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 16
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
bumbling yet charming main character.
Sonic Underground - Volume 2
The PEZ candy dispensers have continued to grow in
popularity since their introduction in the 1970s. Limited
edition runs of the plastic containers even fetch hefty sums
among collectors of the PEZ brand. This collection of
cartoons brings the dispensers to life in animated form. The
program features two kid-friendly PEZ tales that are sure to
appeal as much to fanatical adults as they are to the show’s
target audience. An additional documentary takes an eyebrowraising tour of a PEZ dispenser factory.
Childrens, Animated 480min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075776
Childrens, Animated 60min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075860
Popeye & Friends - Volume One
Childrens, Animated min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075904
Popeye the Sailor: 1938-1940 Volume Two
Childrens, Animated min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075890
Project Blue Earth SOS - Vol. 3:
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075053
Pumpkin Scissors - Vol. 4: Inferno
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
ADV Films, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075049
Sonic X: Chaos Emerald Saga
Childrens, Animated 250min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075265
Speed Racer: The Next Generation - The Beginning
The SPEED RACER characters originate in a Japanese
anime series, titled MACH GOGOGO, from the late 1960s.
The central character in SPEED RACER is Speed, a
daredevil car driver whose agility behind the wheel is only
matched by his impressive martial arts skills. This release is
a full-length introduction to a new set of characters in the
SPEED RACER universe, and revolves around the son of
Speed (who is also named Speed), and his friends at the
Racing Academy—Lucy and Conor. Speed has no trouble
filling his father’s shoes as he takes to the track, but THE
BEGINNING also finds him trying to solve the puzzling
disappearance of his father’s car.
Television, Childrens, Animated FF DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075526
Steven Spielberg Presents
Freakazoid!: The Complete First
Childrens, Animated min.
Warner Home Video 29.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075892
Sexual Pursuit
Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny
Toon Adventures Season 1,
Volume 1
Dramas 60min.
Media Blasters 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075542
Childrens, Animated FF min.
Warner Home Video 29.07.2008
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075893
Shattered Angels - Vol. 1:
Kyoshiro & the Eternal Sky 1
Stargate Infinity - The Complete
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075060
Shin Chan - Season 1, Pt. 1
Comedies FF 300min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 13.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075258
Shuffle! - Vol. 3
Comedies FF S 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 05.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075254
Simoun - Vol. 4: Crescendo of Lamentation
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 125min.
Media Blasters 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075548
Snoop Doggs - Adventures Of The
Blue Carpet Treatment
Snoop Doggy Dogg
Childrens, Animated 81min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075857
STARGATE INFINITY is an animated show that imagines a
world where human and aliens live side by side. The show is
a spin-off from the STARGATE SG-1 series (itself a spin-off
from the 1994 feature STARGATE) in which a device is
discovered that can open up wormholes in the universe,
allowing people to travel to faraway planets. The events in
STARGATE INFINITY revolve around Major Gus Bonner, who
travels through the galaxy with his team of recruits in an
attempt to clear his name after being framed by hostile aliens.
This release includes every episode from the short-lived
show, which first aired in 2002.
Childrens, Animated 600min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075775
Television, Childrens, Animated FF S 60min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075695
Teen Titans - The Complete Fifth
Childrens, Animated min.
Warner Home Video 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075897
Teknoman - Complete Collection
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1100min.
Media Blasters 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075546
Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye
- Vol. 6: Final Decisions
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF
BayView Entertainment 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075944
Thomas & Friends - Mud Glorious
Thomas the Tank Engine, the adorable children’s favorite and
the Island of Sodor’s beloved train, returns with his friends
for these episodes of his long-running show. In this volume,
Thomas and his fun-loving pals sludge through the mud on
their way to adventure.
Childrens, Animated/Live-Action FF DD 2.0
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075041
Tokyo Majin - Vol. 3: Dark Arts:
The Bodhisattva Eye
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075057
Transformers Animated Movie
Childrens, Animated FF S 70min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075692
Tweeny Witches - Vol. 2: Through
the Looking Glass
Science-Fiction/Fantasy DD 5.1 161min.
Media Blasters 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075540
Variable Geo Neo - Vol. 2: Fighters Clash
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit DD 2.0 30min.
BayView Entertainment 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075961
Strawberry Panic - Vol. II: Second Star
Variable Geo Neo - Vol. 3: Final
Dramas 150min.
Media Blasters 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075543
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF 35min.
BayView Entertainment 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075962
Tak and the Power of Juju - The
Trouble with Magic
Veggie Tales - Tomato Sawyer &
Huckleberry Larry’s Big River
This magical Nickelodeon series follows a jungle tribe, the
mystical creatures that live all around them, and Tak, a klutsy
kid whose favorite hobby is avoiding responsibility. But as
fate would have it, he’s the only one of his tribe endowed with
magical Juju powers. Unfortunately, his new abilities, not to
mention his wild imagination, tend to get him into more trouble
than anything else! Based on the popular video game, this
slapstick series features richly detailed CGI animation and a
Childrens, Animated FF min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075330
VeggieTales - Lessons From The
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Seite 17
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075012
Sock Drawer
Childrens FF S 79min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075874
4th Dimension
Wallflower - Lesson 3: 10 Things I
Hate About Yuki
Comedies DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075056
Welcome to the N.H.K. - Vol. 4:
4th Conspiracy
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075055
Louis Morabito, Miles Williams, Karen
Peakes, Kate LaRoss, Suzanne Inman - Dir.
Tom Mattera, David Mazzoni
A socially reclusive scientific mastermind begins to
experience the passing of time differently after coming into
possession of a mysterious clock in this sci-fi drama.
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 82min.
TLA Releasing 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075810
6 Peliculas - De Accion
A GOLPE DE HACHA are just three of the titles included on
this action-packed collection of Mexican cinema. Each film
brings some hard-hitting subject matter to the screen, and
tales about the drug trade, police corruption, and tumult at the
Mexican border all feature.
Witchblade - Vol. 6
Kent Williams - Dir. Yoshimitsu Ohashi
One of the sexiest anime characters of all time is back for
volume six, although the prospect of her survival seems bleak.
Now that Takayama has taken control from Wado, perhaps
there is some hope left despite all the predictions and the dark
history of the Witchblade. The world will hold their breath,
since this time there’s a lot more at stake than just one life—
in fact, all of Tokyo will be held in the balance. These are the
episodes that will have fans debating for ages.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075269
Wonder Pets - Save the Nursery
Television, Childrens min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075686
Foreign Films, Latin FF 518min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075121
6 Peliculas - De Terror
The 6 Peliculas series brings some of the best Mexican
horror movies together in one frightful collection. This entry
in the series features six more films, including
DIMENSIONES OCULTAS, in which an experiment with a
Ouija board goes horribly wrong; and CEMENTERIO DEL
TERROR, which finds a group of medical students bringing a
serial killer back from the dead.
Foreign Films, Latin FF 535min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075122
6 Peliculas - Enmascaradas
Mexican film directors love to take masked wrestlers from the
lucha libre and place them in movies. This six-film collection
includes some of the best big-screen appearances from these
anonymous sportsmen, with aliens, gangsters, and many other
foes all being brought to justice by the heroic wrestlers.
World of Mirage of Blaze Collection
Dramas 415min.
Media Blasters 20.05.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075547
Foreign Films, Latin FF 500min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075120
xxxHolic - Second Collection
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD 5.1 100min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075259
Zegapain - Vol. 4
A mysterious Japanese girl, Shizuno Misaki, transports a
teenage boy, Kyo Sogorua, to a futuristic alternate dimension
where reality and experiences are simulated. In the fourth
volume of this science-fiction anime, Kyo and the squad from
the Oceanus spaceship realize to their horror that their
memories are about to be deleted.
7th Heaven - The Complete Sixth
Jessica Biel, Stephen Collins, Catherine
Hicks, David Gallagher, Barry Watson, Belle
Mitchell, Mackenzie Rosman
Dramas FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075677
Action/Adventure DD 2.0 100min.
Bandai Entertainment 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075102
Las Abandonadas / Bugambilia
In a career that spanned both Hollywood and Mexican film
production, Dolores Del Rio is a film icon unlike any other.
Sometimes her torrid affairs with the likes of Orson Welles
may have overshadowed her work on the screen, but this
double feature of two of her later Mexican films should remind
fans why she could practically burn down the theatre with her
Dolores Del Rio, Pedro Armendariz - Dir.
Emilio Fernandez
4 for Texas
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Anita Ekberg,
Ursula Andress, Charles Bronson, Victor
Buono, Ellen Corby, Jack Elam, Three
Stooges - Dir. Robert Aldrich
When con men Zack Thomas (Frank Sinatra) and Joe Jarrett
(Dean Martin) team up to open a gambling den, they quickly
realize that business in the wild West isn’t so easy. Both
miscreant banker Harvey Burden (Victor Buono) and loosecannon gunman Matson (Charles Bronson) are out to stifle
Zack and Joe’s moneymaking schemes. Luckily, the grifters
still find plenty of time to romance a couple of voluptuous
frontier babes (Anita Ekberg and Ursula Andress).
Westerns min.
Dramas FF DD 2.0 197min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075494
Absolutely Fabulous - Absolutely
Julia Sawalha, Jane Horrocks, Jennifer
Saunders, Joanna Lumley, June Whitfield
Television, Comedies DD 2.0 1154min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075105
Acapulco H.E.A.T. - The Complete
Television, Action/Adventure min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075182
Acapulco, Cuerpo y Alma
Patricia Manterola, Chantal Andere, Karla
Alvarez, Elsa Aguirre
Television, Dramas FF DD 2.0 364min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075506
Ace of Hearts
Anne Marie DeLuise, Britt McKillip, Dean
Cain - Dir. David Mackay
Dramas FF DD 5.1 99min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075274
Aces N’ Eights
Casper Van Dien, Ernest Borgnine, Bruce
Boxleitner, Emily Warfield, Jake Thomas,
Jeff Kober, Jack Noseworthy - Dir. Craig R.
Westerns Ltbx S 80min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075001
Action (3-Pack)
Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cube, Julia Roberts,
Brad Pitt, George Clooney - Dir. Steven
Soderbergh, Wolfgang Petersen, David O.
Lavish Las Vegas casinos, hurricane-tossed seas, and
wartorn Iraq are among the settings for these action-packed
films starring George Clooney. Included here are Steven
Soderbergh’s OCEAN’S ELEVEN, Wolfgang Petersen’s
PERFECT STORM, and David O. Russell’s THREE KINGS.
Please see individual title for complete synopsis information.
Action/Adventure min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075883
Adams Chronicles
Television, Dramas FF 650min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 13.05.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075093
Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet
Vol. 1
Dramas 150min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075766
Against Time / John Schneider’s
Collier & Co. / Hot Pursuit
Dramas min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075971
Alamo / Hidalgo
Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif, Zuleikha
Robinson, Emilio Echevarria, Dennis Quaid,
Billy Bob Thornton, Jason Patric, Patrick
Wilson - Dir. John Hancock, John Sayles,
Joe Johnston
THE ALAMO: An epic that evokes films such as HOW THE
ALAMO details the key 1863 battle fought to win Texas from
the Mexican government. Originally constructed as a Spanish
mission, the Alamo provided a secure post between Texas
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
settlements and the troops of General Santa Anna (Emilio
Echevarria), protecting the scores of people working to
develop the budding territory, including Davy Crockett (Billy
Bob Thornton), James Bowie (Jason Patric), and Sam Houston (Dennis Quaid). But when it was left in the care of an
inexperienced leader, the men stationed at the Alamo found
themselves in a deadly ambush by Santa Anna. With an
insurmountable advantage in strategy and sheer numbers,
Santa Anna led the complete slaughter of Alamo forces, an act
that incited the ire of Houston who initiated the turnaround
that brought Santa Anna’s quick defeat.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075148
and the King of Siam
Foreign Films, Spanish 170min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075613
Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell,
Jodie Foster, Yun-Fat Chow, Bai Ling, Tom
Felton - Dir. Andy Tennant, John Cromwell
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075295
Amateur Porn Star Killer 2
This sequel to the 2007 film AMATEUR PORN STAR KILLER
is a further shocking entry on the resume of controversial
filmmaker Shane Ryan. The film follows a deranged serial
killer who poses as a filmmaker to lure women into his lair.
Ansiedad / Escuela de Musica
Pedro Infante, Libertad Lamarque - Dir.
Miguel Zacarias
Alien Agent
Horror/Suspense 80min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075384
Mark Dacascos, Billy Zane, Emma Lahana,
Amelia Cooke, Kim Coates
An American Crime
Dramas FF DD 2.0 190min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075495
This sci-fi thriller follows the adventures of Rykker, an
extraterrestrial soldier who must protect the earth and its
inhabitants from Saylon and Isis, the leaders of an evil alien
organization. ALIEN AGENT stars Billy Zane (TITANIC),
Mark Dacascos (DOUBLE DRAGON), and Amelia Cooke
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 95min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075074
Alien vs. Predator / Alien vs.
Predator: Requiem
Catherine Keener, Ellen Page, James Franco - Dir. Tommy O’Haver
Catherine Keener stars in this disturbing story based on
actual events from 1965. When the daughter (JUNO’s Ellen
Page) of two carnival acts is left under the care of Gertrude
Baniszewski (Keener), she becomes the unfortunate victim of
the single mother’s tortured and abusive mind.
Dramas 2007 92min.
First Look Home Entertainment 19.08.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074979
American Crude
Steven Pasquale, Reiko Aylesworth, John
Ortiz, Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Ewen
Bremmer - Dir. Paul Anderson, Brothers
The first two cinematic installments in the ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR series are featured on this program. ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR (2004) sets the scene for the explosive battles
between the two creatures, and is followed by ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR: REQUIEM (2007), which transports the action
from Antarctica to the American suburbs. Please see
individual titles for synopsis information.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 213min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075276
Rob Schneider, Ron Livingston, Michael
Clarke Duncan, Jennifer Esposito, Amanda
Detmer, Cynthia Watros, Missi Pyle, John C.
McGinley, Raymond J. Barry - Dir. Craig
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 98min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075157
American Film Theatre Complete
14 Film Collection
Dramas FF 2052min.
Kino on Video 01.07.2008
296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075466
Alien vs. Predator / Alien vs.
Predator: Requiem (Blu-ray)
Steven Pasquale, Reiko Aylesworth, John
Ortiz, Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Ewen
Bremmer - Dir. Paul Anderson, Brothers
The first two cinematic installments in the ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR series are featured on this program. ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR (2004) sets the scene for the explosive battles
between the two creatures, and is followed by ALIEN VS.
PREDATOR: REQUIEM (2007), which transports the action
from Antarctica to the American suburbs. Please see
individual titles for synopsis information.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 206min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075290
Alive or Dead
Horror/Suspense 83min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075519
All the Right Moves / Lucas
Amityville Horror (1979) / The
Amityville Horror (2005)
Ryan Reynolds, Melissa George, Jimmy
Bennett, James Brolin, Margot Kidder, Rod
Steiger - Dir. Stuart Rosenberg, Michael
Horror/Suspense 208min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075604
Anthony: Warrior of God
Jordi Molla, Arnoldo Foà - Dir. Antonello
Foreign Films, Italian Ltbx DD 2.0 108min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075528
Army Wives - The Complete First
Catherine Bell, Wendy Davis, Kim Delaney,
Brigid Brannagh, Sterling K. Brown, Sally
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 552min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075143
Sarah Roemer, Mark Rolston, Jake
Muxworthy, Travis Van Winkle
Horror/Suspense DD 2.0 min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075599
Bachelor Party / Revenge of the
Robert Carradine, Anthony Edwards, Curtis
Armstrong, Tom Hanks, Adrian Zmed,
Tawny Kitaen - Dir. Neal Israel, Jeff Kanew
Comedies min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075293
Andromeda Strain Miniseries
Back Soon
Benjamin Bratt, Christa Miller, Eric
McCormack, Rick Schroder - Dir. Mikael
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Universal Studios Home Video 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075563
Windham Beacham, Matthew Montgomery Dir. Rob Williams
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 83min.
TLA Releasing 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075808
Corey Haim, Kerri Green, Charlie Sheen,
Winona Ryder, Tom Cruise, Lea Thompson,
Craig T. Nelson - Dir. Michael Chapman,
David Seltzer
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075291
Angel, Las Alas del Amor
Almas Rebeldes / La Tierra del
Anna and the King (1999) / Anna
ANSIEDAD: Two twins who were separated at birth are
reunited later in life in this vintage Mexican feature. The two
adults have lived such different lives that they don’t recognize
one another when their fated reunion occurs.
Adriana Louvier, Gabriela de la Garza,
Juan Carlos Martin del Campo, Guillermo
Television, Foreign Films, Spanish FF
Laguna Films 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075469
Ballad of Narayama
Ken Ogata, Shoichi Ozawa, Sumiko
Sakamoto - Dir. Shohei Imamura
In the Japanese peasant village of Shinshu, it is the custom
that when a person reaches the age of 70, they are taken up to
Mount Narayama to die. While Orin approaches her time, she
tries to settle the affairs of her sons.
Foreign Films, Japanese Ltbx 130min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075068
Bank Job
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Seite 19
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Perry Caravello - Dir. Brad Jurjens
When inmate Kenny is finally let loose, he wastes no time in
hooking up with Brandon, an old pal and fellow criminal with
plans to rob a bank. The venture leaves Brandon injured, and
forces Kenny to steal a car for their escape. But what they
don’t realize is what’s hidden in the trunk—and it’s a secret
that leads them to become involved with a slew of crazy
Action/Adventure FF min.
Laguna Films 03.06.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075478
Batman - The Movie
Adam West, Burt Ward, Burgess Meredith,
Cesar Romero, Lee Meriwether, Frank
Gorshin, Neil Hamilton, Stafford Repp,
Madge Blake, Reginald Denny - Dir. Leslie
Kaaapowie! Holy feature film, Batman... one based on the
tongue-in-cheek, campy 1960’s television series. Watch
Batman and Robin battle sharks, Catwoman, The Joker and
The Riddler on the big screen. Can they try to prevent the bad
guys from taking over the world? With a „wham!“ and a „pow!“
and a „zip!“... our heroes just might win.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 105min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075023
Batman - The Movie (Blu-ray)
Adam West, Burt Ward, Burgess Meredith,
Cesar Romero, Lee Meriwether, Frank
Gorshin, Neil Hamilton, Stafford Repp,
Madge Blake, Reginald Denny - Dir. Leslie
Kaaapowie! Holy feature film, Batman... one based on the
tongue-in-cheek, campy 1960’s television series. Watch
Batman and Robin battle sharks, Catwoman, The Joker and
The Riddler on the big screen. Can they try to prevent the bad
guys from taking over the world? With a „wham!“ and a „pow!“
and a „zip!“... our heroes just might win.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 105min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074985
Batman Begins Limited Edition
Gift Set (Blu-ray)
Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson,
Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy,
Rutger Hauer - Dir. Christopher Nolan
Action/Adventure min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075922
Bedazzled (1967) / Bedazzled
Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Hurley, Frances
O’Connor, Peter Cook, Dudley Moore,
Raquel Welch - Dir. Stanley Donen, Harold
Comedies min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075296
Berlin Schoenhauser Corner
Gerhard Klein, Ekkehard Schall
Foreign Films Ltbx 82min.
First Run Features Home Video 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075252
Best of Buster Keaton
Buster Keaton
Dramas 673min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075751
Best of Cybill
Cybill Shepherd
Television, Comedies 240min.
First Look Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075237
Batman Begins (Blu-ray)
Bewitched - The Complete Sixth
Christian Bale, Liam Neeson, Ken
Watanabe, Cillian Murphy, Morgan Freeman,
Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Katie Holmes,
Sara Stewart, Lucy Russell - Dir. Christopher Nolan
Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick Sargent, Agnes
Moorehead, Mabel Albertson, Deacon
Jones, David White, Alice Ghostley, Paul
Lynde, Danny Bonaduce, John Fiedler, Roy
Roberts, Charles Lane, Bernie Kopell
Genius of mystery and intrigue Christopher Nolan (MEMENTO, FOLLOWING, INSOMNIA) helms this prequel to the
Batman films based on the DC Comics series, explaining how
Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale)—the billionaire prince of
Gotham whose parents were killed in an alleyway mugging—
transformed into the crime-fighting superhero. With
flashbacks to his privileged childhood, young Master Wayne,
as he is called by the butler Alfred (Michael Caine), develops
a terrible fear of bats when he falls through the backyard
garden into a hidden cave. As a young adult, Wayne lives
among the League of Shadows, a martial arts group in the
mountains of Asia. His leaders Ra’s al Ghul (Ken Watanabe)
and Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) teach him strength,
endurance, and—unfortunately—evil, against which he
naturally rebels. Returning to Gotham and reinstating himself
as a dapper socialite and the rightful heir to his parents’
enterprise, Wayne quickly devises his secret identity,
commanding help from the gadgetry expert Lucius Fox
(Morgan Freeman). With one eye on his childhood playmate
Rachel (Katie Holmes)—now a beautiful woman
Science-Fiction/Fantasy min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075033
Television, Comedies 760min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075163
Big Bow Wow - The Complete
Series: Uncut
Batman Begins Limited Edition
Gift Set
Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson,
Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy,
Rutger Hauer - Dir. Christopher Nolan
Action/Adventure min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075896
ABC aired the sixth season of their long-running sitcom
BEWITCHED in 1969. The role of Samantha Stephens’s
(Elizabeth Montgomery) husband, Darrin, was played by Dick
Sargent in this season, replacing Dick York who had to leave
the show due to an ongoing illness. The show is based around
the mismatched couple, who attempt to overcome the fact that
Samantha is a witch and Darrin in a mere mortal. Samantha’s
family, led by her mother, Endora (Agnes Moorehead), never
approved of the marriage, and the overbearing mom regularly
casts wicked spells on the beleaguered Darrin. Despite all
these obstacles, Samantha and Darrin somehow manage to
stay together, and this wickedly funny season continues in
much the same vein as the preceding five.
Television, Dramas FF S 300min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075658
Big Easy - Season One
Tony Crane, Susan Walters, Barry Corbin
Television, Dramas FF 960min.
MPI Home Video 24.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075622
Big Gay Sketch Show - The
Complete First Season
Here it is: the complete first season of the sketch comedy
show devoted to gay themes and gay humor! Collected here
are Tranny 911, The Gay Facts of Life, The Gay All in the
Family, and many other laugh-out-loud sketches that lampoon
both the gay lifestyle and its relationship to pop culture,
politics, and romance. Nothing is sacred or out-of-bounds for
this cast of comedians who understand what being gay is all
about and, more importantly, know how to turn it into comic
Television, Comedies FF S 88min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075683
Birds of Prey - The Complete
Television, Dramas FF M min.
Warner Home Video 15.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075915
This entry in the Asian Sexploitation series is a provocative
Japanese feature from 1965 named THE BITE. A succession
of alluring young women fall under the seductive spell of a
male escort, but they don’t realize that their lovemaking is
being secretly viewed by some wealthy clients of the gigolo’s
Foreign Films, Japanese min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075381
Black & White Milk Cow
Yang Dazhe, Guan Luancang, Yang
Dongjing - Dir. Yang Jin
Director Yang Jin’s BLACK & WHITE MILK COW follows a
man named Jinsheng who is offered a milk cow in return for
teaching in an impoverished village. Jinsheng, who also has
to care for his grandmother, shows remarkable spirit as he
attempts to overcome all the hurdles in his life.
Foreign Films Ltbx 93min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075802
Black Ops
Lance Henriksen, James Russo, Gary
Stretch, D.C. Douglas, Jim Hanks
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1 90min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075223
Blood and Wine A Brazilian Story
Foreign Films, Portuguese FF 105min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075377
Blood Brothers
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 95min.
First Look Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075225
Blood Work / Absolute Power /
True Crime 3FE
Clint Eastwood - Dir. Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood both directs and stars in this trio of taut crime
CRIME. Please see individual titles for synopsis information.
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075921
Boarding Gate
Asia Argento, Michael Madsen, Carl Ng,
Kelly Lin, Joana Preiss, Alex Descas, Kim
Gordon - Dir. Olivier Assayas
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Director Oliver Assayas has established his name by crafting
well-made erotic thrillers like DEMONLOVER and CLEAN.
The director sticks closely to his guns by adding another
similarly themed entry to his canon in BOARDING GATE.
Assayas’s film is a loosely plotted drama that stars the
provocative Asia Argento (SCARLET DIVA) as Sandra, a
former prostitute with a penchant for S&M, narcotics, and
assassination. Sandra’s former flame, sleazy businessman
Miles (Michael Madsen), wants to get back together with her,
and the two meet after indulging in some steamy phone sex.
Sandra murders Miles during a bout of coital rough-andtumble, and she flees to Hong Kong to be with her new lover,
Lester (Carl Ng). But Sandra finds herself on the run as she
arrives in Hong Kong, with Lester’s wife, Sue (Kelly Lin),
aiming to permanently cut her husband’s mistress out of his
Dramas 106min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074994
Jessica Lange, Kathy Bates, Joan Allen,
Christine Baranski, Victor Rasuk, Tom
Amandes, Tom Wopat, Tom Skerritt - Dir.
Christopher N Rowley
Writer-director Christopher N Rowley makes a strong
directorial debut with BONNEVILLE, a different kind of road
movie. After her adventurer husband, Joe, suddenly dies
while they are in Borneo, a lonely and scared Arvilla Holden
(Jessica Lange) returns home to Pocatello, Idaho, where her
husband’s daughter from a previous marriage, the snooty
Francine Holden Packard (Christine Baranski), is waiting to
bring her father’s body back to Santa Barbara, California, and
bury him next to her mother. But Arvilla has already had him
cremated, so Francine makes a deal with her: If Arvilla will
bring her husband’s ashes to Santa Barbara in time for the
funeral service, she will allow Arvilla to keep the house.
However, Arvilla had promised Joe before he died that she
would scatter his ashes to the wind. So Arvilla and her two
best friends, the loud and boisterous Margene Cunningham
(Kathy Bates) and the prim and proper Carol Brimm (Joan
Allen), set off in Joe’s 1966 Pontiac Bonneville convertible,
ostensibly to get to the airport to fly to Santa Barbara, but
Arvilla has something else on her mind, leading to a funn
Dramas 93min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075021
Japanese captors. British and American intelligence officers
conspire to blow up the structure, but Col. Nicholson (a
fabulous Alec Guinness), the commander who supervised the
bridge’s construction, has acquired a sense of pride in his
creation and tries to foil their plans. Although credited to
screenwriter Carl Foreman, the script was actually written by
blacklisted writer Michael Wilson. The film garnered seven
Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor
(Guinness). The climax is one of the great finales in film
Dramas 167min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074974
Chris Cleveland, Emilio Roso, Kelly Noonan
Everyone knows that illegally crossing the Mexican border is
a dangerous game. But worse than the desert heat, the rivers,
or the feds are the bandeleros who profit from the desperate
souls trying to improve their lives. But when the government
turns its back on its own taskforce after one of its members
gets killed, it’s time for these officers to take care of business
outside the law.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 105min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075075
Robert Duvall, Thomas Haden Church,
Scott Cooper, Greta Sacchi - Dir. Walter Hill
AMC’s epic western mini series, directed by Walter Hill
(DEADWOOD), stars Robert Duvall (LONESOME DOVE,
THANK YOU FOR SMOKING) and Thomas Haden Church
(SIDEWAYS) as an uncle-and-nephew team of cowboys,
charged with running a herd of horses through the Wild West.
The pair encounter a group of Chinese girls who are being
sold into prostitution, and after saving them from that bitter
fate, they find themselves charged with their care. The film is
based on the novel by Alan Geoffrion.
Westerns 184min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074978
Yul Brynner - 3 Classic Signature
Yul Brynner
Dramas DD 2.0 min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075749
Buddha of Suburbia
Based on the 1990 novel by author/screenwriter Kureishi (MY
BEAUTIFUL LAUNDERETTE), this frank, funny BBC mini
series originally ran on UK television in 1993. It is the mid1970s, and Karim (Andrews) is a teenager of Pakistani
descent in London. His office worker father (Seth) suddenly
becomes a neighborhood guru, teaching meditation classes
around the neighborhood. Before long, Karim’s father has a
mistress (Fleetwood), whose son, a glam rocker who is also
the coolest kid in school (Mackintosh), Karim finds himself
strangely attracted to. Will Karim be able to navigate the
confusion of youth and make a mark in theater? Kureishi’s
funny and expansive tale, full of interesting characters, is
given due treatment here, with a fine soundtrack by Bowie.
Dramas FF S 238min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075111
Boston Strangler
Horror/Suspense Ltbx min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075819
Antonio Sabato, Angie Everhart, R.H.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx DD 5.1 85min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075360
Stephen Dorff
Horror/Suspense 95min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075894
Burn Notice - Season 1
Jeffrey Donovan, Gabrielle Anwar, Bruce
Campbell, Sharon Gless
Bridge on the River Kwai
William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack
Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa, James Donald, Geoffrey Horne, Andre Morell, Peter
Williams, Percy Herbert, Harold Goodwin,
Ann Sears, K. Katsumoto, Henry Okawa Dir. David Lean
One of the all-time great war films, THE BRIDGE ON THE
RIVER KWAI is yet another classic from the marvelous David
an outstanding, psychologically complex adaptation of Pierre
Boulle’s 1952 novel, a classic story of English POWs in
Burma forced to build a bridge to aid the war effort of their
La Cage Aux Folles / The
Robin Williams, Nathan Lane, Ugo Tognazzi,
Michel Serrault - Dir. Edouard Molinaro,
Mike Nichols
Comedies 216min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075608
Broken Trail (Blu-ray)
Steven Mackintosh, Susan Fleetwood,
Naveen Andrews, Brenda Blethyn, Roshan
Seth - Dir. Roger Michell
Border Lost
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075284
When intelligence agencies need to dispense with one of their
spies they serve a burn notice. A burn notice informs other
agencies that the spy has become unreliable, effectively
ending his or her career. The USA Network’s BURN
NOTICE follows Michael Westen (Jeffrey Donovan), whose
intelligence career comes to an abrupt halt after a botched job
in Nigeria. Westen returns home to Miami, Florida, only to
discover that he has been cut off from all his contacts in the
agency and his bank account has been frozen. Without a
penny to his name, Westen decides to work as an unlicensed
private investigator, using the money he makes to launch his
own investigation into his fate with the intelligence agency.
Television, Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Calibre 44 / Escuela de Valientes
Eulalio Gonzalez, Pedro Armendariz - Dir.
Julian Soler
CALIBRE 44: Two feuding killers each adopt one of the twins
belonging to a recently murdered man. One of the twins must
play a part in ending the bloodshed as the constant fighting
between the two men builds to an unseemly climax.
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 178min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075497
Californication - The Complete
First Season
David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone,
Madeline Zima
Television, Comedies FF DD 2.0 600min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075694
Call of the Wild
Nick Mancuso, Miles Challenger, Shane
Jack London’s classic adventure story has been interpreted
for the screen a number of times, but this version does one of
the best jobs of capturing all the excitement and the drama of
London’s timeless coming-of-age tale. Starring Nick Mancuso
and Shane Meier, this film is perfect for the entire family.
Action/Adventure FF 120min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 22.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075076
Camp Rock
Nick Jonas, Alyson Stoner, Joe Jonas, Demi
Lovato, Paul Kevin Jonas, Maria CanalsBarrera, Anna Maria Perez de Tagles,
Jasmine Richards, Meaghan Jette Martin,
Jennifer Ricci, Sarah Frances, Aaryn
Doyle, Jordan Francis, Anjelica Scannura,
Roshon Fegan, Daniel Fathers - Dir.
Matthew Diamond
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075145
Campeones de la Vida
Ana Serradilla, Gabriel Porras, Martha
Mariana Castro
Television, Foreign Films, Spanish FF min.
Laguna Films 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075470
Can I Do It...Til I Need Glasses
Robin Williams - Dir. I. Robert Levy
A „naughty“ comedy filled with a wild and spicy cast who just
can’t seem to get enough sex. Cameo by Williams at the end of
the film.
Comedies Ltbx 73min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075128
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Seite 21
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Cannon - Season One: Volume
William Conrad
Television, Dramas FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075698
Nadine Labaki, Yasmine Al Masri, Joanna
Moukarzel, Gisele Aouad, Siham Haddad,
Aziza Semaan, Fatme Safa, Adel Karam Dir. Nadine Labaki
Warm and sweet, this Lebanese film lives up to its titular
substance without ever being too sugary. Actress Nadine
Labaki cowrote and directed CARAMEL, an ensemble comedy
set in and around a Beirut beauty salon. Labaki also stars as
Layale, a beautician torn by her secret affair with a married
man who beckons her with his car horn. Her coworker
Nisrine (Yasmine Al Masri) is about to get married, but she
withholds a secret from her fiancé and hides her modern looks
from his family. Meanwhile, shampooist Rima (Joanna
Moukarzel) lusts after a female customer and her lush locks.
Client and aging actress Jamal (Gisele Aouad) makes
frequent visits to the salon to measure up to her much younger
competition, but her efforts don’t seem to be helping her
career. In contrast, Rose (Siham Haddad) seems to have
given up the fight against her advancing years, but the
appearance of a new suitor may change things, even though
she devotes most of her time to the care of her older sister
(Aziza Semaan).
Foreign Films, Arabic 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075486
Sean Bean, Tilda Swinton, Nigel Terry, Michael Gough, Robbie Coltrane - Dir. Derek
In CARAVAGGIO, the life of the notorious titular Italian
Renaissance painter is artistically depicted by British
director Derek Jarman.
Rendall - Dir. John Poll
At the start of CHARLIE BARTLETT, the title character
(Anton Yelchin) is expelled from yet another elite boarding
school. This incident is just one in a long chain of expulsions
resulting from Charlie’s eccentric behavior. Despite his
charming looks and wealthy upbringing, Charlie is just as
insecure and unconfident as many teens. In fact, it’s his
intense desire to be popular that gets him into trouble. His
high-strung, heavily medicated mother (Hope Davis)
persuades him to enroll in public school, where he wears a
prep school blazer and an all-too-eager look on his face.
When he meets school bully Murphey (Tyler Hilton), who
shoves his head down a toilet bowl, his dreams of acceptance
are quickly crushed. But the young entrepreneur soon finds
another use for the same bathroom stall, setting up shop as
the school’s unlikely shrink to his troubled fellow students,
who line up for unorthodox counseling and medication that
Charlie gets from his family’s on-call psychiatrist. Charlie’s
the talk of the school until he catches the eye of the
depressed Principal Gardner (Robert Downey Jr.). If Charlie
is forc
Comedies 2008 97min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075027
Che - AKA Che Guevara
Eduardo Noriega, Sonia Braga
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 80min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075365
Chicano Blood
Damian Chapa
Action/Adventure FF min.
Laguna Films 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075473
Linda Blair, Dan Haggerty, Troy Donahue,
Ron Vincent - Dir. Jack A. Sunseri, Deland
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 90min.
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075985
At Universal Cryogenics entire families are preserved in
ultra-cold storage awaiting future resurrection. But when a
freak lightning storm re-animates the bodies, an undead Army
of ravenous creatures emerges to wreak their unspeakable
Carve Her Name With Pride
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 105min.
Media Blasters 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075538
Virginia McKenna, Paul Scofield, Jack Warner - Dir. Lewis Gilbert
Dramas Ltbx 119min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075587
Johnny Cash - 3 Classic
Signature Movies
Johnny Cash
Television, Dramas DD 5.1 198min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075748
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 89min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075507
Charles In Charge - The
Complete Third Season
Kat Dennings, Anton Yelchin, Robert
Downey, Hope Davis, Tyler Hilton, Jake
Epstein, Lauren Collins, Dylan Taylor, Mark
Chop Shop / Man Push Cart
Leticia Dolera, Charles Daniel Sandoval, Ali
Reza, Alejandro Polanco, Isamar Gonzales,
Rob Sowulski, Carlos Zapata, Ahmad Razvi
- Dir. Ramin Bahrani
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075394
Cinema Classics Collection Rawhide / The Gunfighter / The
Garden of Evil
Gregory Peck, Helen Westcott, Millard
Mitchell, Gary Cooper, Richard Widmark,
Susan Hayward, Tyrone Power, Hugh
Marlowe - Dir. Henry Hathaway, Henry King
Westerns min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075280
Circadian Rhythm
Rachel Miner, Seymour Cassel, David Anders, Sarah Wynter
Action/Adventure min.
York Entertainment 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075980
City of Vice
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 300min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075400
Classic British Thrillers - Phantom Light / Red Ensign / Upturned
Erik Estrada, Larry Wilcox, Robert Pine,
Lou Wagner, Paul Linke, Brodie Greer, Lew
Dramas 209min.
MPI Home Video 29.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075624
Jon Baker (Larry Wilcox) and Frank „Ponch“ Poncherello
(Erik Estrada) were two Los Angeles-based Highway Patrol
officers who rode into the imaginations of millions of TV
viewers in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Each episode saw
the boys straddling their magnificent machines and riding off
to solve some crimes—and the sight of Ponch and Baker
riding through California on their bikes has become an iconic
image in television history. Equal parts comedy and crime
drama, the series offered plenty of outrageous moments and
spectacular freeway stunts. This collection presents the
complete second season.
Television, Action/Adventure FF M min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075900
Alejandro Polanco, Isamar Gonzales, Rob
Sowulski, Carlos Zapata, Ahmad Razvi Dir. Ramin Bahrani
Charlie Bartlett
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 84min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074988
CHIPS: The Complete Second
Chop Shop
Scott Baio, Nicole Eggert, Josie Davis,
James Callahan
Television, Comedies FF S 648min.
Arts Alliance America 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075348
criminal activity to achieve his goal. When he learns a
devastating secret about his sister, it makes him more
determined than ever to change things. But reality proves a
difficult opponent in his struggle for the American dream.
Set in Willet’s Point, an industrial sprawl of auto repair shops
and junkyards in outer New York City, CHOP SHOP tells the
story of 12-year-old Alejandro (Alejandro Polanco), an
orphan living a hardscrabble existence in the „Iron Triangle.“
The boy earns a meager living hustling customers into body
shops, hawking candy on the subway, and helping to chop up
the parts of stolen cars. But he dreams of a better life. When
his older sister Isamar (Isamar Gonzales) comes to live with
him, Alejandro devises a plan to escape their desperate
situation: they’ll buy a lunch truck that they can run together.
Alejandro begins stashing money, and even indulges in
Action/Adventure 89min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075162
Closer - The Complete Third
Kyra Sedgwick, J.K. Simmons, G.W. Bailey,
Anthony John Denison, Jon Tenney, Corey
Reynolds, Robert Gossett
Brenda Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) arrives from Atlanta to lead
the LAPD’s Priority Homicide Division, the special division
that deals with explosive high-profile criminal cases. Almost
immediately, her mix of brassy toughness and Southern sass
begins to rub the mostly male policemen the wrong way. They
resent this eccentric, folksy, and occasionally neurotic woman
running the show. But when it comes to her CIA-trained
interrogation skills, they’re forced to admit that she’s a pro’s
pro, a psychological surgeon who gets inside the subjects’
minds and draws out their darkest secrets and confessions.
And that’s why she’s the closer. In this third season of the
show, Johnson investigates the brutal slaying of a family in a
tony L.A. neighborhood, gets some surprising news from her
doctor, and becomes an unexpected Youtube sensation.
Dramas 685min.
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Seite 22
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075899
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075778
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075413
Cowboy (3-Pack)
Cuando Seas Mia
Color Honeymooners - Collection
John Wayne - Dir. John Ford
Jackie Gleason, Art Carney
Television, Comedies FF DD 1.0 600min.
MPI Home Video 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076007
Westerns min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075928
Television, Dramas 500min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075483
Color of Freedom
Joseph Fiennes, Dennis Haysbert, Diane
Kruger - Dir. Bille August
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 118min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075366
Combat Classics - 50 Movie Pack
Action/Adventure min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075176
Comedy (3-Pack)
Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Rick Moranis,
Dave Thomas, Chevy Chase - Dir. Mel
This hilarious collection presents some of the classics of
irreverent, outrageous comedy: CADDYSHACK, BLAZING
SADDLES, and STRANGE BREW. Please see individual
titles for complete synopsis information.
Comedies min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075931
Conduct Zero / Marrying the Mafia
Hyo-jin Kong, Seung-beom Ryu, Jun-ho
Jeong, Jeong-eun Kim - Dir. Heung-sun
Jeong, Geun-Shik Jo
CONDUCT ZERO: Joong-pil is the best fighter and leader of
the gangs at Moonduk High. Soon Joong-pil notices Min-hee
who is the prettiest girl at the local all girls school. Then a
mysterious transfer student, Sang-man, comes to school and
has eyes on Joong-pil’s throne. With his new found love for
Min-hee Joong-pil seems to have lost his will to fight, but a
showdown with Sang-man is inevitable.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 215min.
ADV Films, Inc. 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075061
Breckin Meyer, Adam Scott, Laura Harris,
Bess Armstrong, Monica Keena, Melinda
Page Hamilton - Dir. Daniel M. Cohen
Directed by Dan Cohen (DIAMOND MEN), this comedydrama tells the story of Ted, a married computer engineer who,
after becoming vice president, falls under the destructive
influence of a sleazy colleague. CORPORATE AFFAIRS stars
Breckin Meyer (ROAD TRIP), Monica Keena (BROOKLYN
RULES), Melinda Page Hamilton (DESPERATE
HOUSEWIVES), and Bess Armstrong (PECKER).
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075044
Andy Serkis, Jennifer Ellison, Georgia
Groome, Reece Shearsmith, Steve
O’Donnell - Dir. Paul Andrew Williams
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075161
Childrens FF 44min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
Gossip, gossip, and more gossip! This BBC film adaptation of
Elizabeth Gaskell’s classic novel captures all the nuances of
life in a small upper-class English town. It’s a place ruled by
social order, and plagued by women who sneer and connive
behind closed doors. All it takes to set these ladies off is a
small ripple in the social fabric; so when a handsome stranger
enters their lives, he brings a world of trouble to their
supposedly quiet universe. But are things in this uptight little
neck of the woods about to change? How long can a place
obsessed with tradition hold on to its perceived values as
industry and modernity are creeping in all around them? Their
world is about to get rocked not just by scandal and intrigue,
but by a new train that is going to unite their cut-off society
with the rest of England. Drama, romance, and dirty little
secrets abound in this clever period piece.
Dramas Ltbx S 295min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075106
Crimson Tide / The Rock
Nicolas Cage, Sean Connery, Denzel Washington, Gene Hackman, Viggo
Mortensen, George Dzundza - Dir. Tony
Scott, Michael Bay
CRIMSON TIDE: Director Tony Scott keeps the tension
running high in this fast-paced military thriller. When Russian
rebels gain control of nuclear weapons in the USSR, the
United States retaliates by deploying the USS Alabama, a
nuclear submarine commanded by Captain Frank Ramsey
(Gene Hackman). Veteran soldier and Naval legend Ramsey
selects Lt. Commander Ron Hunter (Denzel Washington)--a
Harvard graduate who prefers using brains over weapons—
as his Executive Officer. While submerged, the Alabama is
attacked by a Russian sub and loses radio contact just as an
order is being transmitted from headquarters. Old Navy dog
Ramsey firmly believes that the interrupted transmission ends
with an order to fire their nuclear missiles at the Russian
rebels. Hunter, desperate to avoid starting World War III, is
determined to re-establish radio contact and act only after
complete orders are received. Without the second-incommand’s agreement, the missiles cannot be launched, and
soon Ramsey and Hunter are engaged in a tense battle of
wills, forcing the crew to choose sides.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075150
Corporate Affairs
Count on Sports
The Duke himself, John Wayne, stars in this trio of exciting
western adventures.
Cross Bronx
Dramas 99min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075848
Cry - La Llorona
Christian Camargo, Adriana Dominguez,
Carlos Leon, Miriam Colon - Dir. Bernadine
Horror/Suspense DD 5.1 80min.
Monterey Media 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075619
Crystal River
Sean Patrick Flanery, Emily Carpenter
Davie Nance’s (Emily Carpenter) marriage hits crisis point
as she begins a friendship with her new neighbor, the
handsome Clay (Sean Patrick Flanery). Davie’s obsession
with Clay soon becomes the subject of local rumor, and the
tension in CRYSTAL RIVER mounts as she is faced with a
tough decision to make about her husband.
Dramas FF 100min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
Curse of the Devil
Pal Nashy, Faye Falcon, Maria Silva - Dir.
Charles Aured
Spanish horror star Paul Naschy stars once again as Waldemar Daninsky, the nobleman werewolf from his previous three
films. Resurrected at the beginning of the film after a silver
bullet is removed from his corpse, Daninsky returns to his
castle where the two vampires who murdered him are buried.
When two students wander into the castle and accidentally
revive them, history begins to repeat itself. Suspenseful and
filled with the gothic atmosphere that became his trademark,
CURSE OF THE DEVIL was Naschy’s most popular film.
Foreign Films, Spanish Ltbx 16x9 M 84min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075993
Cut Off
Malcolm McDowell, Amanda Brooks, Thomas Ian Nicholas, Kurupt
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 88min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075989
Da Vinci’s Inquest - Season 3
Nicholas Campbell, Ian Tracey, Donnelly
Rhodes, Venus Terzo, Sarah Strange
Television, Dramas FF 585min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 10.06.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075094
Dallas - The Complete Ninth
Larry Hagman, Patrick Duffy, Victoria
Principal, Barbara Bel Geddes, Jenilee
Harrison, Dack Rambo, Linda Gray
Television, Dramas FF min.
Warner Home Video 15.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075933
Dante’s Cove - The Complete
Third Season
Reichen Lehmkuhl, Tracy Scoggins, Thea
Gill, John Fleming, Jensen Atwood
Television, Dramas FF S min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075534
Sometimes the life of an author is more interesting than her
subjects. While Daphne Du Maurier’s REBECCA is one of
the most appreciated works in English letters, her secret love
life was full of difficulties and trauma that certainly informed,
and might even be more fascinating than, her fiction. This
dramatic interpretation of her life is based on letters, and on
biographies that examine her forbidden love affairs with highsociety figure Ellen Doubleday and the actress Gertrude
Lawrence. It’s a story that can rival anything Du Maurier ever
invented and one that will transport viewers back to an era
that was as sensuous as it was repressed.
Television, Dramas Ltbx S 88min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075109
Dark Shadows - The Beginning #5
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 690min.
MPI Home Video 29.07.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075621
Date With Judy
Jane Powell, Wallace Beery, Elizabeth
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Seite 23
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Taylor, Carmen Miranda, Xavier Cugat, Robert Stack, Selena Royle, Scotty Beckett,
Leon Ames, George Cleveland - Dir. Harold
F. Kress, Richard Thorpe
Interesting early postwar musical that combines the
musicomedy warhorses of the ’40s with the rising Hollywood
stars of the ’50s, including the lovely Taylor. Choreography
by Donen distinguishes plot of teenage doings before a big
dance. Includes the songs „It’s a Most Unusual Day“ and
„Cuanto La Gusta“ (with Miranda!).
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
Warner Home Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075888
Day of the Outlaw
Robert Ryan, Tina Louise, Burl Ives, Alan
Marshal, Venetia Stevenson, David Nelson,
Nehemiah Persoff, Jack Lambert, Elisha
Cook - Dir. Andre De Toth
Robert Ryan and Burl Ives star in DAY OF THE OUTLAW, a
gritty western that pits feuding farmers and ranchers against
a common enemy—a group of bloodthirsty outlaws who want to
take over a small, snow-covered town. The outlaws are led by
Jack Bruhn (Ives), a man who strikes a hard bargain with the
locals that may just save the town from a grisly fate.
Westerns Ltbx 92min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075589
Days That Shook the World: Pilot
and Season 1
Dramas 770min.
Warner Home Video 05.08.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075117
Television, Childrens FF 90min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 01.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075331
Degrassi: The Next Generation Season 6
Shenae Grimes, Melissa McIntyre, Jake
Goldsbie, Cassie Steele, Ryan Cooley, Sarah Barrable-Tishauer, Stacey Farber
Television, Dramas FF 420min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 27.05.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075271
Demon Pond
Shinji Takeda, Ryuhei Matsuda, Yasuko
Matsuyuki, Kitaro, Tetsuro Tamba - Dir.
Takashi Miike
Takashi Miike (DEAD OR ALIVE) helms this fantasy feature,
which is based on a play the director staged in Japan. The
story is based on a fairytale about a man who is looking for a
friend, Akira, who has vanished. Akira has actually settled
down with a lover amid the hermits of Demon Pond, where a
magical world full of princesses and fantastical creatures
appears before him.
Fantasy 130min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075382
Catherine Deneuve Collection
Catherine Deneuve
Foreign Films, French 504min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075485
Dead and Gone
Kathy Bates, Gillian Shure, Quentin Jones Dir. Yossi Sasson
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 84min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075510
Dead Presidents / A Rage in
Forest Whitaker, Gregory Hines, Robin
Givens, Danny Glover, Willard Pugh,
Larenz Tate, Keith David, Chris Tucker,
N’Bushe Wright, Freddy Rodriguez - Dir.
Allen Hughes, Albert Hughes, Bill Duke
Directors Allen and Albert Hughes (MENACE II SOCIETY)
return for another stylish take on the crime element in DEAD
PRESIDENTS. A young black man from Brooklyn leaves his
girlfriend and his numbers-running mentor to fight in Vietnam
in 1968 only to return three years later to find no welcome and
little hope for him and his buddies. Unemployed and desperate, he plans and executes an armored car robbery to secure
enough „dead presidents“ (slang for cash) to give him a fresh
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075152
Dead Zone - Season 6
Anthony Michael Hall, Nicole de Boer, Chris
Bruno, John L. Adams
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD
5.1 546min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075522
John Fallon, Deke Richards, Claudia Jurt,
Anna Jaeger
Action/Adventure 78min.
Maverick Entertainment 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075634
Dear America - The Royal Diaries
Detectives o Ladrones / Teatro
del Crimen
This double bill of classic Mexican comedies features two of
the country’s most beloved entertainers, Viruta and Capulina.
First up is a hilarious mock-detective film where two clumsy
sleuths try to unravel the plot behind the theft of a valuable
piece of jewelry. Then it’s time for an homage to PHANTOM
OF THE OPERA, where a Cuban dancer is being hunted by a
madman hidden in the theatre. Lots of laughs and ridiculous
moments follow in these nostalgic flicks.
Comedies DD 2.0 159min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075498
Diamond Dogs
Dolph Lundgren, Yu Nan, William Shriver Dir. Shimon Dotan
Tibetan treasures should be left alone, especially by
outsiders. But if the treasure also has a curse on it, has
attracted the Russian mob, and is almost guaranteed to get
anyone killed who dares to get near it, then it’s an even
clearer choice. But for one soldier of fortune, who owes a
mint to a Mongolian crime syndicate, the odds don’t seem so
bad—that is, until the bullets start flying. Legendary actionstar Dolph Lundgren fills his enemies with lead in this tombraiding adventure loaded with martial arts, gun-play, and bad
guys who are just asking for an ugly death.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 94min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075164
Diary Of A Spider And More Cute
Critter Stories
Childrens min.
New Video Group, Inc. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074999
La Diosa Arrodillada / La
Maria Felix, Arturo De Cordova, Ignacio
Lopez Tarso - Dir. Roberto Gavaldon, Juan
Dramas FF DD 2.0 191min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076003
Directed by Roger Corman
Horror/Suspense min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075752
Distinto Amanecer / La Perla
Emilio Fernandez, Pedro Armendariz, Andrea Palma, Maria Elena Marques - Dir. Julio
While film history tends to favor actors and directors, there
are a handful of cinematographers who are legends in their
own right. Gabriel Figueroa was not only one of cinema’s
most talented men behind the camera, he was also one of
Mexico’s greatest artists, often drawing comparisons to
Diego Rivera. Here’s a double feature of his work to reminds
all of us just what an enormous talent he had with light and
Dramas FF DD 2.0 194min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075490
Fredric Andrei, Roland Bertin, Richard
Bohringer, Gerard Darmon, Jacques Fabbri
- Dir. Jean-Jacques Beineix
Foreign Films, French Ltbx DD 2.0 117min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075487
Tom Conti
Television, Dramas Ltbx S 344min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 13.05.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075095
Doctor Dolittle (1967) / Dr. Dolittle
Eddie Murphy, Rex Harrison - Dir. Richard
Fleischer, Betty Thomas
Comedies min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075297
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Dougray Scott, Tom Skerritt
Horror/Suspense FF S 88min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075713
Doctor Who - The Five Doctors
Peter Davison, Jon Pertwee, Patrick
Troughton, Tom Baker - Dir. Peter Moffatt
A fan’s fantasy come true. This legendary special is a grand
one-time-only reunion of the first five Doctors, as well as a
reunion of all their most famous friends, foes and monsters.
Peter Davidson’s more humanistic doctor is the lead in this
incredible assembly of characters from the classic science
fiction series.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF
Warner Home Video 05.08.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075020
Doctor Who: Black Orchid (NO.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF M 50min.
Warner Home Video 05.08.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075991
Doctor Who: Ep. 17 - Time
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Meddler, The
Dublerzy Double
Maureen O’Brien, William Hartnell
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF min.
Warner Home Video 05.08.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075990
Two Polish tourists went to a wedding in Sicily to celebrate
the union of love, drink a little wine, and take in the sun. The
last thing on their minds was to get mixed up with the local
mafia syndicate. But when a little miscommunication gets them
into a lot of hot water, it results in plenty of hilarious
situations. Not the everyday screwball comedy, this Polish
flick mixes dark humor, wild stunts, and some of Poland’s
great character actors.
Foreign Films, Polish Ltbx 110min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075206
Conor Mclean, Nadia Qaquish
Comedies 84min.
Ariztical Entertainment 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075087
The Dukes of Hazzard TV Double
Doodlebops - Live in Concert
Canadian TV show THE DOODLEBOPS proved so
successful that the cast members hit the road and brought
more musical entertainment to the masses. This live recording
features 25 songs from the Playhouse Disney stars,
presenting kids with a great opportunity to sing along with
Deedee, Rooney, and Moe.
Television, Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075914
Childrens, Live-Action FF DD 2.0 75min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075509
Dynasty - The Complete Third
Dos Caballeros De Espada / La
Duquesa Diabolica
Al Corley, Linda Evans, Pamela Bellwood,
Joan Collins
Television, Dramas FF 570min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075669
German Robles, Dagoberto Rodriguez,
Ariadne Welter, Rodolfo De Anda, Ofelia
Montesco - Dir. Arturo Martinez
Foreign Films, Spanish FF 171min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075611
Dos Fantasmas y Una Muchacha /
Los Fantasmas Burlones
German Valdez, Manuel Valdez - Dir.
Rogelio A. Gonzalez, Rafael Baledon
Bringing Pachuco culture and Mexican slang to the screen,
German Valdes is an important figure in the evolution of
Mexican cinema. Although his films are not well known north
of the border, here’s a chance for film buffs, or those already
familiar with his work, to catch a double dose of this iconic
Mexican star.
Comedies FF DD 2.0 158min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075491
Double Dynamite
Frank Sinatra, Jane Russell, Groucho Marx,
Don McGuire, Howard Freeman, Harry
Hayden, Nestor Paiva, Joe Devlin, Frank
Orth - Dir. Irving Cummings
An innocent bank teller, preparing to be married, hits it big at
the racetrack but lands in a mess when his winnings are
taken in a bank robbery. A completely forgettable farce.
Comedies 80min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075911
Michael Paré, Tom Berenger, Ellen Barkin,
Marina Orsini, Matthew Laurance, Bernie
Coulson - Dir. Martin Davidson, JeanClaude Lord
Dramas 199min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075602
Elmo’s World - Summer Vacation
Television, Childrens FF S 51min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075777
EN LA PALMA DE TU MANO: A con man and his assistant
find themselves in hot water after they attempt to scam women
by pretending they are in possession of psychic powers.
Dramas 190min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075610
BerNadette Stanis, Clifton Davis
A young Jewish man, David, and his African-American
girlfriend, Mia, have just gotten engaged but the culture clash
between their respective families brings tension to a boiling
point. Will both clans be able to go beyond their racial
prejudices in this family comedy?
Horror/Suspense Ltbx min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075740
Comedies 87min.
Maverick Entertainment 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075636
Yuen Shun-Yee, Yuen Biao, Lily Li, Kao Fei,
Sammo Hung, Kwan Tak-Hing, Ka-Yan
Leung - Dir. Yuen Woo-ping
After his wife is killed, a man goes berserk and becomes the
serial killer White Tiger. When the police are unable to stop
him, it’s up to a timid laundry boy to stop the madman. From the
director of the fight sequences of THE MATRIX.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese DD 2.0
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075004
Television, Comedies 176min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075905
Ensalada de Locos - Vol. 2
Manuel „Loco“ Valdes, Alejandro Suarez
Television, Comedies FF DD 2.0 83min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075514
Sarah-Jane Redmond, Jerry Wasserman,
Daryl Bennett
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 81min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075504
ER - The Complete Ninth Season
Noah Wyle, Paul McCrane, Alex Kingston,
Goran Visnjic, Laura Innes
Television, Dramas Ltbx S 986min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075895
Erotic Horror Triple Feature
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF 256min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075369
An Erotic Werewolf In London
Misty Mundae, Darian Caine, Ruby
LaRocca, Julian Wells, Anoushka Garin Dir. William Hellfire
Horror/Suspense 148min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075739
Essential Westerns - 150 Episodes
En La Palma De Tu Mano / La
Eddie and the Cruisers / Eddie
and the Cruisers 2: Eddie Lives!
buddies—played by Tim Meadows (SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE)
and Steve Hytner (SEINFELD’s Kenny Bania)—stop by to
share in the mayhem. Sure to warm the heart and tickle the
funny bone, this collection presents all eight episodes of the
show’s first season.
Tristram Coffin, Scott Forbes, Bill Williams,
Gail Davis, Lorne Greene
Television, Westerns min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075178
Eureka - Season Two
Colin Ferguson, Joe Morton, Greg Germann, Olivia d’Abo, Matt Frewer, Sarah
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD
5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 15.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075556
El Evangelista
Foreign Films, Spanish min.
Laguna Films 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075474
Bill Engvall Show - The Complete
First Season
Evening Shade - Season 1
Bill Engvall, Nancy Travis, Steve Hytner,
Tim Meadows
Television, Comedies FF S min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 15.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075693
In this sitcom role as a family counselor, BLUE COLLAR
COMEDY star Bill Engvall steps out of the standup spotlight
to play to the toughest crowd of them all: the wife and kids.
Though he may tend to other people’s problems by day, Bill
Pearson (Engvall) still has his work cut out for him when he
has to deal with the quirks of his own clan. Though far from
dysfunctional, his family is sure full of surprises! Along with
his wisecracking wife Susan (Nancy Travis), Bill shows he
still has a lot to learn as he shepherds his two sons and
teenage daughter with humor and grace. Meanwhile, Bill’s
Every Which Way But Loose / Any
Which Way You Can / Honkytonk
Clint Eastwood
With a drink in his hand and a chip on his shoulder, this
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
collection of Clint Eastwood films shows the actor’s lighter,
backwoods side. In EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE and
its sequel ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN, Eastwood stars as
bare-knuckle fighter Philo Beddoe alongside his orangutan
costar, Clyde. HONKYTONK MAN tells the story of Red
Stovall, a struggling country singer on the verge of his big
break. Please see individual titles for complete synopsis
David Connolly - Dir. Anthony Stagliano
Life and nightmares merge as Arthur Dichter (David Connolly)
suffers from a protracted bout of insomnia. No longer able to
communicate, a gulf opens between him and his wife (Sarah
Lassez). As Arthur loses his grip on reality, he embarks on a
path of self-destruction that may prove fatal.
Comedies Ltbx DD 1.0 min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075918
Dramas Ltbx 75min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075378
Evil Woods
La Familia P. Luche
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 83min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075517
Eugenio Derbez, Consuelo Duval, Regina
Blandón, Miguel Perez
Comedies 226min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075512
The Eye
Jessica Alba, Parker Posey, Alessandro
Nivola - Dir. David Moreau, Xavier Palud
THE EYE adapts the influential 2002 Hong Kong ghost tale by
the Pang brothers into a star vehicle for Jessica Alba. While
it remains faithful to the original story, this version ups the
number of jolts for thrill-seeking Western audiences. Writing/
directing team David Moreau and Xavier Palud, creators of
the popular 2006 French thriller THEM, make their U.S. debut
with a screenplay by Sebastian Gutierrez (SNAKES ON A
PLANE), putting a few new twists on a cult favorite.
Horror/Suspense 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075533
The Eye (Blu-ray)
Jessica Alba, Parker Posey, Alessandro
Nivola - Dir. David Moreau, Xavier Palud
THE EYE adapts the influential 2002 Hong Kong ghost tale by
the Pang brothers into a star vehicle for Jessica Alba. While
it remains faithful to the original story, this version ups the
number of jolts for thrill-seeking Western audiences. Writing/
directing team David Moreau and Xavier Palud, creators of
the popular 2006 French thriller THEM, make their U.S. debut
with a screenplay by Sebastian Gutierrez (SNAKES ON A
PLANE), putting a few new twists on a cult favorite.
Horror/Suspense 2008 Ltbx 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075527
The Eye (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Jessica Alba, Parker Posey, Alessandro
Nivola - Dir. David Moreau, Xavier Palud
THE EYE adapts the influential 2002 Hong Kong ghost tale by
the Pang brothers into a star vehicle for Jessica Alba. While
it remains faithful to the original story, this version ups the
number of jolts for thrill-seeking Western audiences. Writing/
directing team David Moreau and Xavier Palud, creators of
the popular 2006 French thriller THEM, make their U.S. debut
with a screenplay by Sebastian Gutierrez (SNAKES ON A
PLANE), putting a few new twists on a cult favorite.
Horror/Suspense 2008 Ltbx DD 5.1 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075515
Eye 3
Bo-Lin Chen, Isabella Leong
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 86min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075525
Eye for an Eye
Robert Lansing, Patrick Wayne, Slim
Pickens, Strother Martin, Gloria Talbott - Dir.
Michael Moore
A rancher and a bounty hunter — both of whom are disabled
— team up and set out to find the outlaws who murdered the
rancher’s family.
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 92min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075482
Sarah Lassez, Michael T. Weiss, Devon
Odessa, Steven Petrarca, Anthony Drazan,
Family (3-Pack)
The whole family can gather round and enjoy this outstanding
collection of films: DENNIS THE MENACE, RICHIE RICH,
and HANSEL & GRETEL. Please see individual titles for
complete synopsis information.
Dramas min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075934
Fire Within
Maurice Ronet, Lena Skerla, Jeanne
Moreau - Dir. Louis Malle
At his doctor’s request, Alain, a disillusioned alcoholic
writer, leaves a clinic in Versailles where he is drying out
and returns to Paris to visit his friends and old haunts. Alain
has made up his mind to commit suicide and, giving himself a
48 hour period, searches for reasons to live. Although his
friends care a great deal for him, Alain cannot muster enough
feeling for them. When he again examines the superficial lives
they lead — the very life he himself led — Alain strengthens
his resolve to kill himself.
Foreign Films, French Ltbx M 108min.
Criterion Collection 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075351
First Deadly Sin
Frank Sinatra, Faye Dunaway, James
Whitmore, David Dukes - Dir. Brian G. Hutton
While contending with his impending retirement and his
beloved wife’s illness, a New York City homicide detective
investigates a series of seemingly unrelated murders.
Action/Adventure M 112min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075032
Family Fun Pack Quadruple Feature
Flavor of Love - Season 3
Jason Alexander, Rene Russo, Robert De
Niro, Janeane Garofalo, Randy Quaid, Ben
Kingsley, Bill Paxton, Anthony Edwards,
Rowan Atkinson, Natalie Imbruglia, Ben
Miller, John Malkovich, Frankie Muniz,
Amanda Bynes, Paul Giamatti, Isaiah Washington - Dir. Shawn Levy, Peter Howitt,
Jonathan Frakes, Des McAnuff
It’s hard to please everyone, but this entertaining collection is
a great match for the whole family. Included here are BIG FAT
LIAR, starring Frankie Muniz (MALCOLM IN THE MIDDLE);
JOHNNY ENGLISH, starring Rowan Atkinson (MR. BEAN);
THUNDERBIRDS, a live-action version of the cult British
BULLWINKLE, starring Jason Alexander and Robert DeNiro
as Fearless Leader and Boris Badenov. Please see individual
titles for complete synopsis information.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075569
Farewell Bender
Eddie Kaye Thomas, Kip Pardue, Josh
Dramas FF S 96min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075815
Fastlane - The Complete Series
Bill Bellamy, Peter Facinelli
Television, Action/Adventure FF M min.
Warner Home Video 01.07.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075913
Films of Morris Engel
Dramas min.
Kino on Video 06.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075462
Final Approach
Action/Adventure Ltbx 170min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075712
Finish Line
Samuel Page, Scott Baio, Taylor Cole
Television, Action/Adventure FF S 80min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 10.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075714
Television, Comedies FF 654min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 03.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075987
Demi Moore, Michael Caine, Lambert
Wilson, Joss Ackland - Dir. Michael Radford
Michael Radford (IL POSTINO) brings an artful touch to
Edward Anderson’s screenplay with FLAWLESS, a serious
account of a remarkable heist at London Diamond, one of the
world’s premier diamond holders. Set in 1960s London, the
film focuses on Laura Quinn (Demi Moore), a woman so
driven she’s chosen career over personal life and found her
way into the boys’ club known as the diamond business. As
Laura gets overlooked for a manager position year after year,
she resolves to work even harder, hoping that, despite her
history, her efforts will one day pay off. Ironically, it’s Mr.
Hobbs (Michael Caine), a night janitor, who takes note of
Laura’s frustration. The seemingly simple Mr.Hobbs finds a
way to use this to his advantage, proposing a plan that will
only work with Laura’s cooperation. When Laura rejects the
offer, Mr. Hobbs encourages her to question just what’s
holding her back, personally and professionally. While
Laura’s precarious position within a male-dominated world
gives her understandable motive, Mr. Hobbs’s is trickier to
Dramas 109min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074992
Flight of the Phoenix (1965) / The
Flight of the Phoenix (2004)
Dennis Quaid, Giovanni Ribisi, Tyrese
Gibson, James Stewart, Hardy Kruger,
Richard Attenborough - Dir. Robert Aldrich,
John Moore
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075298
Flor Silvestre / Subida al Cielo
Dolores Del Rio, Pedro Armendariz, Lilia
Prado - Dir. Emilio Fernandez, Luis Buñuel
Two classic Mexican films, including one directed by
legendary art-house heavyweight Luis Bunuel, are collected
here. In FLOR SILVESTRE, starring the incomparable Dolores Del Rio, a young political activist risks it all for his
beliefs and his family. But when he leaves behind a wife and
son, will they continue his fight for justice against all the
odds? Then in Bunuel’s SUBIDA AL CIELO, a dying woman’s
fortune is causing her no-good sons to plot her quick demise.
When one brother catches wind of the plot, he aims to have
the will changed; but is his heart just as corruptible as those
of his brothers? It’s a double feature of some of the biggest
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
names and highest drama in Mexican cinema history.
Dramas 165min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075496
Fly (1958) / The Fly (1986)
Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis, Vincent Price,
David Hedison - Dir. Kurt Neumann, David
Horror/Suspense min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075304
Fool’s Gold
Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Donald Sutherland, Ewen Bremner, Alexis
Dziena, Kevin Hart, Ray Winstone - Dir.
Andy Tennant
Having proven themselves a magnetic pair in 2003’s HOW TO
LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS, Kate Hudson and Matthew
McConaughey team up once again as two fun-loving,
bickering exes in this action-packed, violent, and sexy
treasure hunt. Part romantic comedy, part deep-sea diving
adventure, FOOL’S GOLD is set in the beautiful seas and
sunny shores of Key West, where Tess (Hudson) and Finn
(McConaughey) are set to meet for divorce proceedings. Fed
up with Finn’s money-squandering lifestyle, Tess can’t wait to
be rid of him so she can return to the academic pursuits she
abandoned seven years earlier, when the two lovebirds
embarked on a romantic globe-spanning hunt for rumored
treasure. But as fate would have it, Tess just happens to work
aboard a yacht owned by Nigel Honeycutt (Donald
Sutherland), the same rich man Finn has his sights on as a
prospective benefactor for his latest diving debacle.
Suspecting this, Tess encourages Nigel to sail off as soon as
the divorce papers are in her hands, but their departure is
delayed when Nigel’s spoiled heiress daughter, Gemma
(Alexis Dziena), arrives. Using his sex appeal an
Comedies 2008 Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075035
Fool’s Gold (Blu-ray)
Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson, Donald Sutherland, Ewen Bremner, Alexis
Dziena, Kevin Hart, Ray Winstone - Dir.
Andy Tennant
Having proven themselves a magnetic pair in 2003’s HOW TO
LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS, Kate Hudson and Matthew
McConaughey team up once again as two fun-loving,
bickering exes in this action-packed, violent, and sexy
treasure hunt. Part romantic comedy, part deep-sea diving
adventure, FOOL’S GOLD is set in the beautiful seas and
sunny shores of Key West, where Tess (Hudson) and Finn
(McConaughey) are set to meet for divorce proceedings. Fed
up with Finn’s money-squandering lifestyle, Tess can’t wait to
be rid of him so she can return to the academic pursuits she
abandoned seven years earlier, when the two lovebirds
embarked on a romantic globe-spanning hunt for rumored
treasure. But as fate would have it, Tess just happens to work
aboard a yacht owned by Nigel Honeycutt (Donald
Sutherland), the same rich man Finn has his sights on as a
prospective benefactor for his latest diving debacle.
Suspecting this, Tess encourages Nigel to sail off as soon as
the divorce papers are in her hands, but their departure is
delayed when Nigel’s spoiled heiress daughter, Gemma
(Alexis Dziena), arrives. Using his sex appeal an
Comedies 2008 min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075034
Jamie Foxx Film Collection
Jennifer Garner, Chris Cooper, Jeremy
Piven, Danny Huston, Jamie Foxx, Peter
Sarsgaard, Wade Williams, Jacob Vargas,
Katherine Randolph, Dennis Haysbert, Jake
Gyllenhaal, Regina King, Kerry Washington,
Colin Farrell, Gong Li, Naomie Harris, Justin
Theroux, Luis Tosar - Dir. Taylor Hackford,
Michael Mann, Sam Mendes, Peter Berg
Equally at home in comedy and drama, Jamie Foxx has shown
he can do it all. This collection presents four films featuring
the Oscar-winning actor: RAY, MIAMI VICE, THE KINGDOM,
and JARHEAD. Please see individual titles for synopsis
Dramas min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075561
Dramas 90min.
First Look Home Entertainment 12.08.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075230
Frantic / Presumed Innocent
Harrison Ford - Dir. Alan J. Pakula, Roman
These superb thrillers feature Harrison Ford in two of his
best roles. In FRANTIC, Ford plays a vacationing American
in Paris whose wife suddenly disappears. Then, in
PRESUMED INNOCENT, he plays a prosecuting attorney
who is deeply shaken by the rape and murder of a colleague
and former love interest. Please see individual titles for
complete synopsis information.
Horror/Suspense min.
Warner Home Video 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075926
Free Will
Foreign Films Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 163min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075732
Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Daniel
Day-Lewis, Jim Broadbent, Brendan
Gleeson, Liam Neeson, John C. Reilly, Henry Thomas, Liam Carney, William Kiernan,
David Hemmings, Cara Seymour - Dir. Martin Scorsese
Director Martin Scorsese revisits New York City’s notorious
past with this dazzling historical drama. A throwback to the
epics of yesteryear, GANGS OF NEW YORK is set in the
mid-1800s, when the streets of lower Manhattan were teeming
with tension and violence. Leonardo DiCaprio is Amsterdam
Vallon, the son of a revered gang leader (Liam Neeson). As a
youth, Amsterdam witnessed the death of his father at the
hands of William „The Butcher“ Cutting (Daniel Day-Lewis),
the maniacally driven ruler of the city’s most powerful gang.
Sixteen years later, Amsterdam is finally released from the
orphanage that raised him. Determined to avenge his father’s
death, Amsterdam makes his way back to the volatile Five
Points to track down Cutting and exact revenge. As he
gradually infiltrates Bill the Butcher’s camp and earns the
crazed gangster’s respect, he must also contend with the
tumultuous, but beautiful, Jenny Everdean (Cameron Diaz).
DiCaprio and Diaz are impressive in their respective roles,
but it is Day-Lewis who steals the show. Resurfacing after a
five-year retirement, the Irish actor delivers a performance
Dramas 167min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075018
Gao Gai Gar
Friday Night Lights - The Second
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 625min.
Media Blasters 10.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075552
Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, Zach Gilford,
Kelly Minka, Scott Porter, Aimee Teegarden,
Gaius Charles, Taylor Kitsch
Elizabeth Gaskell Collection
Football is one of the most popular sports in America, but in
Texas it’s closer to religion. This Emmy Award-winning show
uses the game as a focal point for each episode’s structure—
but the gridiron action often takes the backseat to the more
pressing issues of life in Middle America. The real star of the
show is the fictional town of Dillon, a place that represents
the struggle of hardworking yet flawed human beings getting
through another year of life in a small town. The local team,
the Panthers, may be headed for the top, but can their coach
(EARLY EDITION’s Kyle Chandler) and the players keep it
together as the pressure of their personal lives threatens to
knock them down? This collection presents the second
season of the documentary-style series.
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075554
Fugitive - Season Two: Volume
Television, Dramas min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075682
Fun in Girls’ Shorts
Dramas 86min.
TLA Releasing 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075800
Future Of Emily
Brigitte Fossey, Hildegard Knef - Dir. Helma
Dramas Ltbx 106min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075210
Gamblers / Wild Camp / Clara Et
Elizabeth Gaskell’s novels capture an England during the
Industrial Revolution, where snobberies, gossip, and smalltown values collide with the rapidly modernizing world. These
film adaptations for the BBC capture all the nuance, romance,
and deviousness of Gaskell’s characters who have thrilled
generations of readers. In CRANFORD, the local ladies rule
the small town through their words uttered behind closed
doors. But their world is about to be changed by more than
just a handsome new stranger. NORTH AND SOUTH is a
look at the contrast between rural life and that of a booming
new mill town. And finally, WIVES AND DAUGHTERS takes
the microscope to a well-heeled social circle filled with
nobles, their wives, and the scandalous behavior that follows,
as seen through the eyes of a 17-year-old girl whose father is
about to take a new bride. This trip back in time reminds us
that, though some things may change, there are plenty of
human qualities—admirable and not—that are perennial.
Television, Dramas S 828min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075108
Gay in Amsterdam
Hugo Metsers, Serge-Henri Valcke
Foreign Films, Dutch min.
Laguna Films 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075468
Germany, Pale Mother
Eva Mattes, Ernst Jacobi - Dir. Helma
Eva Mattes, a regular player in the films of Rainer Werner
Fassbinder, stars in this powerful drama set in Nazi Germany.
Lena is a young wife whose husband is a Nazi soldier. When
she is raped by American soldiers, her husband accuses her
of infidelity, yet she remains defiant, with her daughter by her
Foreign Films, German FF 123min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075201
Good Chemistry
Islid Le Besco, Denis Lavant, Julie Gayet
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 256min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075375
Lance Lee Davis, Brooke Anderson,
Lawrence Turner
Dramas 86min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075970
Gangs of New York (Blu-ray)
Good Girl, Bad Girl
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
creature who calls the park home.
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 2.0 95min.
Maverick Entertainment 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075635
Horror/Suspense FF 95min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075077
Good Man Is Hard to Find
Deborah Cox, Golden Brooks, Darrin Dewitt
Henson, Melissa De Sousa
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 89min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075277
Las Guapas del Jaripeo: Magdalena
Foreign Films, Spanish FF min.
Laguna Films 06.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075476
Good Morning Vietnam / Dead
Poets Society
Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker, Tung
Thanh Tran, Robert Wuhl, Bruno Kirby,
Richard Dreyfuss, Robert Sean Leonard,
Ethan Hawke, Josh Charles - Dir. Peter
Weir, Stephen Herek, Barry Levinson
Robin Williams moves beyond his comic persona in this pair
of films that show off his dramatic range: GOOD MORNING
VIETNAM, the true story of a nonconformist radio host in
Saigon during the war; and DEAD POETS SOCIETY, the
story of an unconventional New England prep school teacher
who inspires his students with poetry and encourages them to
embrace life. Please see individual titles for detailed synopsis
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075151
Shannon Lucio, Riley Smith, Chris
Marquette, Chris Lowell, Adam Arkin, Huey
Lewis - Dir. Michael Mayer
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 89min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075618
Grand - The Complete Collection
Michael Siberry, Mark McGann, Tim Healy,
Susan Hampshire, Camilla Power
Television, Dramas FF min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 27.05.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075096
Great Literature on Film Adventure Classics
Dramas DD 5.1 min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075756
Greenwich Village
Carmen Miranda, Don Ameche, William
Bendix, Vivian Blaine - Dir. Walter Lang
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075285
Grindhouse Classics
Action/Adventure min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075753
Grizzly Park
Glen Morshower, Randy Wayne, Zulay
Henao, Emily Foxler, Shedrack Anderson,
Julie Skon, Kavan Reece, Jelynn
Rodriguez, Trevor Peterson - Dir. Tom Skull
Troubled pasts aren’t the only danger for the eight teens in
this classically styled horror film. Their sentences of
community service send them to California state park, where
they are stalked by two killers: a serial murderer and a lethal
Gilberto De Anda, Roberto „Flaco“ Guzman,
Monica Navarro, Elizabeth Aguilar - Dir.
Raúl de Anda
Made by two members of the esteemed de Anda family of
Mexican filmmakers, EL GUARDAESPALDAS (THE
BODYGUARD) stars Gilberto de Anda and was directed by
his brother Raul Jr. A tough-guy bouncer is hired by a local
crime boss to act as his bodyguard. However, as he learns
more about what his boss is involved in, the bodyguard finds
his work increasingly distasteful. When he learns too much,
the gangsters decide to eliminate him, and the bodyguard finds
himself using all his wits and combat skills to survive. EL
GUARDAESPALDAS is an action-packed crime thriller costarring Elizabeth Aguilar, the first centerfold in the Mexican
edition of Playboy.
- Dir. Bruce Hendricks
Based on the hit Disney television show, HANNAH MONTANA/MILEY CYRUS: BEST OF BOTH WORLDS CONCERT
TOUR 3-D provides dedicated fans an all-access pass to the
Best of Both Worlds concert tour. Leaving behind character
Miley Stewart, the concert instead splits time between pop
phenom Hannah Montana and Cyrus, who assumes the role of
Montana’s „ordinary girl“ alter ego. Footage of the concert is
interspersed with numerous behind-the-scene vignettes.
Among these are pre-tour rehearsals—orchestrated by HIGH
SCHOOL MUSICAL impresario Kenny Ortega—and a
touching jam session with father Billy Ray Cyrus. Also
included are ecstatic fan testimonials and the film’s most
humorous moment, in which fathers race each other in highheeled shoes for the chance to win concert tickets and
backstage passes. Montana/Cyrus is joined on stage by the
Jonas Brothers, who whip up the crowd with their own brand
of high-energy pop. The film employs most of its 3-D tricks in
the opening credits then pulls back the reins to focus on
giving viewers the next best thing to actually being at the
show. Filled with fist-pumping anthems („G
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 90min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074969
Harlequin Triple Feature - Vol. 4
Action/Adventure FF 90min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075030
Mel Harris, Kelly Rowan - Dir. George
Bloomfield, Michael Kennedy, Timothy Bond
Dramas FF DD 2.0 285min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075488
Gunfight at Dodge City
Harlot’s Progress
Joel McCrea, Julie Adams, John McIntire,
Nancy Gates, Richard Anderson, James
Westerfield, Walter Coy, Don Haggerty,
Wright King, Harry Lauter - Dir. Joseph M.
Westerns Ltbx 81min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075591
Toby Jones, Zoe Tapper
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 100min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075401
Gunsmoke - The Second Season,
Volume 2
One of TV’s longest-running crime dramas (only LAW &
ORDER would surpass its record-setting 12-year run), the
1970s television series HAWAII FIVE-O captivated audiences
with its smart and stylish take on the standard policier
formula. Filmed entirely on the Hawaiian Islands, the actionpacked series followed the crime-fighting adventures of an
elite state-police squad anchored by quintessential tough guy
Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) and his detective team of Danny
„Danno“ Williams (James MacArthur), Chin Ho Kelly (Kam
Fong), and Kono Kalakaua (Zulu). Almost single-handedly
rewriting the book on police dramas, the series distinguished
itself with intricate plotting, inventive cinematography, exotic
locations, and, of course, an indelible theme song and
timeless catchphrase („Book ‘em, Danno!“). This collection
presents the iconic series’ fourth season in its entirety.
James Arness, Amanda Blake, Milburn
Stone, Dennis Weaver
James Arness vaulted into the annals of television history
with his iconic portrayal of U.S. Marshal Matt Dillon in the
long-running television Western GUNSMOKE. Armed with a
quick draw and an even quicker wit, the principled and intelligent Marshal Dillon brought peace and righteousness to the
lawless frontier of 1800s Dodge City with the help of his
trusted deputy, Chester Goode (Dennis Weaver), his friend
Doc Adams (Milburn Stone), and saloon keeper Miss Kitty
(Amanda Blake). This collection presents the second volume
of the series’ second season.
Television, Westerns FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075688
Adam Carolla, Oswaldo Castillo, Heather
Juergensen, Chris Darga, Constance Zimmer, Tom Quinn, Jonathan Hernandez,
Harold House Moore - Dir. Charles HermanWurmfeld
In THE HAMMER, Adam Carolla plays Jerry Ferro, a man
who has reached his 40th birthday but he still has plenty of
fight in him. After getting fired from his construction job, Jerry
decides to get back in the game with a return to his original
love: boxing. This comeback comedy also stars Heather
Juergensen and is directed by the actress’s KISSING
JESSICA STEIN helmer, Charles Herman-Wurmfeld.
Comedies Ltbx S min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075814
Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus:
Best of Both Worlds Concert
Miley Cyrus, Kenny Ortega, Billy Ray Cyrus
Hawaii Five-O - The Complete
Fourth Season
Sharon Farrell, Kam Fong, Jack Lord,
James MacArthur, Zulu
Television, Action/Adventure FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075701
Heart Of The Beholder
Ken Tipton, Matt Letscher, John Dye, Greg
Germann, Michael Dorn, Jason Wiles, Anne
Ramsay, Priscilla Barnes, Patty
McCormack, Chloe Grace Moretz, Sarah
Dramas 106min.
Vanguard Cinema 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075862
Hell to Pay
Dave Courtney, Billy murray - Dir. Roberto
Gomez Martin
Dramas 87min.
York Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075982
Hella Crazy
BMX riders, skateboarders, and surfers are all featured on
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
this collection of incredible stunts. The clips have been put
together by the fearless We Play Crazy team, who push a
selection of top athletes into some hairraising situations.
Comedies FF 145min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075129
Heridas de Amor
Guy Ecker, Diana Bracho, Sergio Sendel,
Enrique Lizalde
Television, Dramas FF DD 2.0 782min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075529
Los Hermanos Muerte / Pedro
Lola Beltran, John Gavin - Dir. Rafael
Baledon, Carlos Velo
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 178min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076004
Hero Wanted
Cuba Gooding, Ray Liotta, Norman Reedus,
Tommy Flanagan, Jean Smart - Dir. Brian
The directorial debut of stunt actor Brian Smrz is a fast-paced
action feature that focuses on the rocky existence of a lowly
trash collector named Liam Case (Cuba Gooding Jr.). Case is
desperate to win over the girl of his dreams, and he gets a
chance to prove his heroic qualities as he seeks revenge on
the shadowy figures who hospitalized him during a bank
robbery. But Case finds himself in trouble with the law as he
takes justice into his own hands, and it’s not long before
Detective Terry Subcott (Ray Liotta) is hot on his heels.
Subcott’s interference leaves Case with little time to get the
job done, sparking some frantic and harrowing moments.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 95min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075160
Henry Winkler, Sally Field, Harrison Ford,
Val Avery, Olivia Cole, Hector Elias, Dennis
Burkley, Tony Burton, Michael Cavanaugh,
Helen Craig, John Finnegan - Dir. Jeremy
Paul Kagan
Winkler stretches from his starring TV role as the Fonz to
play a Vietnam vet who escapes from a mental hospital to meet
a war buddy (Ford, in a pre-stardom appearance) with plans
to start a worm farm. Along the way he meets charming oddball
Field and they join destinies. A typical road film with winning
performances and a dash of social commentary, too.
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 103min.
Universal Studios Home Video 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075571
Hi Ya Kids!! A ’50s Saturday
Morning Box
Episodes from vintage TV shows such as LASSIE, ANNIE
JURY are included on this collection. These shows captured
the imaginations of kids whose eyes were firmly glued to their
TV sets on Saturday mornings during the 1950s.
Television, Comedies 570min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075772
Westerns Ltbx DD 5.1 85min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075524
High Society
Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Grace Kelly,
Louis Armstrong, Celeste Holm, John Lund,
Louis Calhern, Sidney Blackmer, Margalo
Gillmore - Dir. Charles Walters
Porter adds the tunes and Sinatra adds the ring-a-ding to this
swinging musical remake of The Philadelphia Story. A prim
socialite (Kelly in her last role before becoming Her Serene
Highness) finds herself in a the middle of a comic mess when
her ex-husband (Crosby) and an amorous reporter (Sinatra)
come to cover the preparations for her upcoming wedding.
Adding to the tension is her skirt-chasing father, who’s also
returned home for the ceremony. The resulting confusion—and
several potent drinks—melt the ice princess’s frosty exterior.
It isn’t long before she sees through her society-climbing
fiancee, and warms up again to her crooning jazz musician
ex-husband. Rare chance to see rivals Crosby and Sinatra
together. Includes such hit numbers as „True Love,“ „You’re
Sensational,“ and „Did You Evah.“ Academy Award
Nominations: 3, including Best Motion Picture Story.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF S
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075011
Higher and Higher
Frank Sinatra, Leon Errol, Michele Morgan,
Jack Haley, Victor Borge, Mary Wickes,
Elisabeth Risdon, Barbara Hale, Mel Torme,
Paul Hartman - Dir. Tim Whelan
Sinatra’s first big starring role in a musical comedy about a
bankrupt businessman who schemes with his household staff
to come up with some cash. They choose to hoodwink the boynext-door (Sinatra), who happens to be filthy rich, into
marrying a maid who’s posing as the businessman’s daughter.
The plan is scuttled when con man Borge happens onto the
scene, imitating a wealthy aristocrat. OK musical, but mostly
notable for young Frank. Academy Award Nominations: 2,
including Best Song („I Couldn’t Sleep a Wink Last Night“).
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 90min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075909
El Hijo Del Bandido / El Vengador
Victor Parra, Carmelita Gonzalez, Jorge
Ancira, Jose Munoz, Emma Roldan, Andres
Soler, Domingo Soler, Mercedes Soler - Dir.
Rolondo Aguilar
Foreign Films, Spanish FF 165min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075612
Home Improvement - Final
Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson, Richard
Karn, Earl Hindman, Zachery Ty Bryan,
Taran Noah Smith, Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Television, Comedies FF S 621min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075142
High Noon
Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Thomas Mitchell,
Lloyd Bridges, Katy Jurado, Otto Kruger,
Lon Chaney, Harry Morgan, Ian MacDonald,
Eve McVeagh - Dir. Fred Zinnemann
As Sheriff Will Kane prepares to retire from his law-making,
gun-fighting duties and marry his pacifist girlfriend, he
receives word that a man he sent to prison has been
pardoned. Kane initially escapes, but returns to protect the
town from this killer and his band of outlaws only to find
hostility and resentment among the uncooperative townsfolk.
Danny Glover, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Charles
S. Dutton, Mary Steenburgen, Gary Clark,
Vondie Curtis-Hall, Stacy Keach, Kel
Mitchell, Keb’ Mo’, Ruben Santiago-Hudson,
Sean Patrick Thomas - Dir. John Sayles
Director John Sayles (LONE STAR) takes a journey back to
racially segregated Alabama for this provocative feature. The
year is 1950, and Tyrone „Pine Top“ Purvis (Danny Glover) is
a club owner whose establishment, the Honeydripper Lounge,
has fallen on hard times. With the club about to close, Tyrone
decides to take one last gamble, announcing that the
legendary Guitar Sam is to make an appearance at the
Honeydripper. When Guitar Sam is a no-show, Tyrone calls
on a young guitar player named Sonny (Gary Clark Jr.) to
impersonate the errant star, hoping that none of his patrons
will notice and the club will earn a late reprieve.
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 103min.
Universal Studios Home Video 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075025
Hood Hostages
Joe Torry
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 S 130min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075997
Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, Donnie
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 122min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075484
Hotel Babylon - Season 2
Television, Dramas FF 465min.
Warner Home Video 05.08.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075116
House of Venus: The Complete
Second Season
The complete second season of the critically acclaimed LGBT
sketch comedy show, HOUSE OF VENUS, is included on this
release, which skewers gay stereotypes, right-wing
ideologies, and heterosexual lifestyles.
Television, Comedies FF 120min.
Alluvial Filmworks 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075019
How Did It Feel
Blair Underwood, Tom Bresnahan, Lucinda
Clare, Natasha Gregson Wagner, Brandi
Rose, Raymond Navarro Smith - Dir. Daniel
An underachieving African-American writer (Blair
Underwood) lives in the shadow of his wife (Lucinda Clare),
a best-selling new-age author. He finds a renewed sense of
inspiration when he enters an extramarital affair with his
flirtatious, wild, and white sister-in-law, Maggie (Natasha
Gregson Wagner).
Dramas 98min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075046
Action/Adventure Ltbx 90min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 08.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075716
Hypocrites / Eleanor’s Catch
This program compiles two films shot by female directors in
the 1910s: Lois Weber’s religious drama HYPOCRITES and
Cleo Madison’s feminist short, „Eleanor’s Catch.“ Please see
individual titles for complete synopsis information.
Dramas FF 65min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075457
I Love New York: The Complete
Unrated 2nd Season
Tifanny Patterson
Television, Comedies FF 440min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 03.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075988
I Really Hate My Job
Shirley Henderson, Danny Huston, Alexandra Maria Lara, Anna Maxwell Martin, Oana
Pellea, Neve Campbell - Dir. Oliver Parker
Though they may seem like hired help, the staff at this London
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
eatery are far more than just waitresses—at least according
to them. An actor, a writer, and even a revolutionary hide
behind the aprons and bad attitudes of these young women.
And when a Hollywood actor (Danny Huston) makes a
reservation, it throws them into a hilarious frenzy of
speculation and introspection. Neve Campbell, Shirley
Henderson, and Alexandra Maria Lara star in this comedic
ode to day jobs.
Comedies Ltbx 90min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075615
Icons Of Advenure
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 M 332min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075158
Identity Theft
Sam Gros, Cristobal Tapia-Montt, Raul
Villarreal, Antonio Chavez - Dir. Alfredo
A poor man becomes hugely successful after assuming the
identity of a deceased man in this thriller. But is the real
Diego actually dead?
Dramas FF 90min.
Laguna Films 22.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075472
Intelligence - Sex, Drugs and
Incredible Hulk - The Complete
Third Season
Ian Tracey, Klea Scott
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 676min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 29.04.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075097
Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno, Jack Colvin, Michael Santiago - Dir. Bill Bixby
Bill Bixby stars in this classic television series inspired by
the Marvel comic book, which ran from 1978 to 1982. When
withdrawn research scientist David Banner is accidentally
exposed to toxic radiation, even the smallest agitation
transforms him from man to monster. Bright green and
enormous, the Incredible Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) crushes anyone
in his path, defeating his enemies left and right. As Banner
wanders the open road in search of a cure, he frequently
bumps into surprising guest stars and infuriating situtations.
This collection presents all 23 episodes from the actionpacked third season.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD
2.0 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075558
Indiana Jones and the Last
Harrison Ford, Sean Connery, John RhysDavies, Alison Doody, Denholm Elliott, River
Phoenix, Julian Glover, Michael Byrne, Robert Eddison - Dir. Steven Spielberg
If By Chance
A group of co-workers are ill-prepared for the surprise that
awaits them in IFBYCHANCE. The group all work with an
elderly man whom they are all very fond of, but are unaware
that he is all set to leave his hidden fortune, which amounts to
millions of dollars, in their hands once he dies.
Dramas 87min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075387
When Indy’s archaeologist dad, Prof. Henry Jones, embarks
on a quest for the Holy Grail, he is kidnapped by the Nazis,
who also desire the priceless chalice. Naturally, Indy comes
to the rescue, joining his father in the search for the Grail.
The audience is in for a wild ride „keeping up with the
Joneses“ as the two men battle enemies, trade insults,
encounter rats, evade traps, become involved with the same
woman, and meet Hitler. The film is a loose retelling of the
Parsifal myth.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 S 126min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075673
If I’m Lucky
Vivian Blaine, Perry Como, Harry James,
Carmen Miranda, Phil Silvers - Dir. Lewis
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075286
If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be
Suzanne Pleshette, Ian McShane, Mildred
Natwick, Murray Hamilton, Sandy Baron,
Michael Constantine, Norman Fell, Peggy
Cass, Joan Collins, Marty Ingels, Pamela
Britton, Luke Halpin, Aubrey Morris - Dir.
Mel Stuart
Spoof of American tourists on a whirlwind vacation through
Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw, Amrish Puri,
Roshan Seth, Philip Stone, Ke Huy Quan Dir. Steven Spielberg
The continuing saga of Indiana Jones, occuring
chronologically before RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, finds
Indy venturing into India in search of magical stones. Along
the way he tries to save hundreds of children enslaved by a
leftover Thugee cult. Of all the series, this one plays most
like the Saturday serials to which George Lucas and Steven
Spielberg were paying homage.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 118min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075672
Inglorious Bastards
Bo Svenson, Peter Hooten, Fred
Williamson, Michel Pergolani, Ian Bannen Dir. Enzo G. Castellari
Arrested for crimes against the army, five World War II G.I.’s
break out of prison only to find themselves in the middle of a
fateful battle between American and German troops.
Comedies Ltbx M 98min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075590
Incredible Hulk - The Complete
Fourth Season
Bill Bixby, Jack Colvin, Lou Ferrigno
Bill Bixby stars in this classic television series inspired by
the Marvel comic book, which ran from 1978 to 1982. When
withdrawn research scientist David Banner is accidentally
exposed to toxic radiation, even the smallest agitation
transforms him from man to monster. Bright green and
enormous, the Incredible Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) crushes anyone
in his path, defeating his enemies left and right. As Banner
wanders the open road in search of a cure, he frequently
bumps into surprising guest stars and infuriating situtations.
This collection presents all 18 episodes from the actionpacked fourth season.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075559
Intervention - Season One: Then
and Now
Television, Dramas 180min.
New Video Group, Inc. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075067
Into The Arms Of Strangers
Ron Carey - Dir. Chris Harris
Dramas 101min.
Vanguard Cinema 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075866
Ironside: Season One - Volume 1
Television, Dramas 195min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075767
It Happened in Brooklyn
Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson, Jimmy
Durante, Peter Lawford, Gloria Grahame,
Aubrey Mather, Tamara Shayne, William
Haade - Dir. Richard Whorf
An American soldier befriends a British aristocrat while he’s
abroad. When the Brit comes to visit the soldier in Brooklyn,
the buddies decide to go into showbiz together. Romantic
complications ensue when both men fall in love with the
beautiful music teacher who joins their act.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075906
Jack and Jill vs. the World
Freddie Prinze, Taryn Manning, Kelly
Rowan, Peter Stebbings, Vanessa Parise,
Charles Martin Smith, Robert Forster - Dir.
Vanessa Parise
Freddie Prinze Jr. returns to the romantic comedy genre that
made him famous with this sweet film about love between
opposites. Jack (Prinze) is a New York businessman who
finds his dull life upended by the appearance of Jill (Taryn
Manning). Though they’re separated by years in age and
miles in personality, the pair quickly falls in love and moves in
together, but nothing is as easy as it seems. JACK AND JILL
VS. THE WORLD also stars Kelly Rowan and Robert
Forster, as well as director and co-writer Vanessa Parise.
Comedies 87min.
First Look Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075221
Jake and the Fatman - Season 1:
Volume 1
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 M 99min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075733
Television, Dramas FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075676
Inglorious Bastards (Special Edition, 3 DVDs)
JC In The Hood
Bo Svenson, Peter Hooten, Fred
Williamson, Michel Pergolani, Ian Bannen Dir. Enzo G. Castellari
Arrested for crimes against the army, five World War II G.I.’s
break out of prison only to find themselves in the middle of a
fateful battle between American and German troops.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 99min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075736
Saafir - Dir. Dale Stelly
Dramas 76min.
Vanguard Cinema 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075867
Jericho - The Complete Series
Michael Gaston, Lennie James, Erik
Knudsen, Pamela Reed, Ashley Scott
Television, Dramas Ltbx min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075680
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
world, and Millie may be caught in the crossfire.
Jericho - The Second Season
Skeet Ulrich, Ashley Scott, Gerald
McRaney, Pamela Reed
Television, Dramas Ltbx min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075691
Jet Fighter Collection: Jet Li 4Film Set
Jet Li
Action/Adventure 360min.
First Look Home Entertainment 22.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075872
Joe Vs. Joe - Round 1, 2, 3
Action/Adventure FF 90min.
Anime Who 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075367
John Adams
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2008 88min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074983
Jumper (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Jamie Bell, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L.
Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Michael Rooker,
AnnaSophia Robb, Max Thierot, Diane Lane
- Dir. Doug Liman
Based on Steven Gould’s critically acclaimed novel, JUMPER
leaps onto the screen courtesy of director Doug Liman. David
(Hayden Christiansen) has inexplicably been given the power
to teleport himself, or jump. He can jump into a bank vault,
then to the top of the Sphinx, then back to his luxury Manhattan apartment. But despite all his power, he still misses his
childhood love, Millie (Rachel Bilson, THE O.C.). When the
opportunity arises, David jets off to Rome with Millie, but it’s
not all romance in the Italian city. David’s unique abilities
place him in the middle of a war between the jumpers and the
paladins, a secretive group intent on hunting down the
teleporters. Led by Roland (Samuel L. Jackson), the paladins
track David and fellow jumper Griffin (Jamie Bell) across the
world, and Millie may be caught in the crossfire.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074981
Dramas Ltbx 501min.
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075339
Journey to the Center of the
Earth 3D
Just Add Water
Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson, Anita
Briem - Dir. Eric Brevig
Jules Vernes’s classic novel gets a high-tech update thanks
to star Brendan Fraser and special-effects-supervisorturned-director Eric Brevig. This action-filled family film
takes full advantage of the 3-D format, making all the
adventure larger than life.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 89min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075002
Jamie Bell, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L.
Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Michael Rooker,
AnnaSophia Robb, Max Thierot, Diane Lane
- Dir. Doug Liman
Based on Steven Gould’s critically acclaimed novel, JUMPER
leaps onto the screen courtesy of director Doug Liman. David
(Hayden Christiansen) has inexplicably been given the power
to teleport himself, or jump. He can jump into a bank vault,
then to the top of the Sphinx, then back to his luxury Manhattan apartment. But despite all his power, he still misses his
childhood love, Millie (Rachel Bilson, THE O.C.). When the
opportunity arises, David jets off to Rome with Millie, but it’s
not all romance in the Italian city. David’s unique abilities
place him in the middle of a war between the jumpers and the
paladins, a secretive group intent on hunting down the
teleporters. Led by Roland (Samuel L. Jackson), the paladins
track David and fellow jumper Griffin (Jamie Bell) across the
world, and Millie may be caught in the crossfire.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074982
Anika Noni Rose, Dylan Walsh, Jonah Hill,
Justin Long, Tracy Hiddendorf, Danny
DeVito - Dir. Hart Bochner
This quirky comedy from writer-director Hart Bochner (PCU)
stars NIP/TUCK’s Dylan Walsh as a Ray Tuckby, a middleaged man who simply never got around to leading a more
exciting life. But when the small-town resident discovers his
wife cheating, he begins to change things for the better,
including reuniting with an old flame (Tracy Hiddendorf).
SUPERBAD’s Jonah Hill plays Ray’s teenage son, while
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD’s Justin Long costars as a man
terrorizing the California town. JUST ADD WATER also
stars Danny DeVito and Anika Noni Rose.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 91min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075169
Just Love Me
This romantic comedy follows the adventures of a successful
Polish architect who must make a choice between two women
that he is involved with.
Foreign Films, Polish Ltbx 98min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075205
Killer’s Moon
Four sadistic psychopaths who recently escaped from a
prison mental hospital take out their demented hostilities on a
busload of schoolgirls and two young campers.
Horror/Suspense 90min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075735
Killing Zelda Sparks
Jumper (Blu-ray)
Jamie Bell, Hayden Christensen, Samuel L.
Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Michael Rooker,
AnnaSophia Robb, Max Thierot, Diane Lane
- Dir. Doug Liman
Based on Steven Gould’s critically acclaimed novel, JUMPER
leaps onto the screen courtesy of director Doug Liman. David
(Hayden Christiansen) has inexplicably been given the power
to teleport himself, or jump. He can jump into a bank vault,
then to the top of the Sphinx, then back to his luxury Manhattan apartment. But despite all his power, he still misses his
childhood love, Millie (Rachel Bilson, THE O.C.). When the
opportunity arises, David jets off to Rome with Millie, but it’s
not all romance in the Italian city. David’s unique abilities
place him in the middle of a war between the jumpers and the
paladins, a secretive group intent on hunting down the
teleporters. Led by Roland (Samuel L. Jackson), the paladins
track David and fellow jumper Griffin (Jamie Bell) across the
Colm Feore, Vincent Kartheiser, Sarah Carter, Geoffrey Arend - Dir. Jeff Glickman
For many, high school is a time that people would like to put
behind them forever. But for two friends who have taken
drastically different directions in life, something from the past
is about to come back and bite them. That something, or rather
someone, is Zelda Sparks—a sexy but dark figure who
defines the old adage about a scorned woman. Now two men
will have to think quick before someone ends up dead. The
twists and turns build to a climax as devious as it is hilarious
in this dark comedy.
Dramas Ltbx S min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075923
Kissing Bandit
Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson, J. Carrol
Naish, Ann Miller, Ricardo Montalban, Cyd
Charisse, Vicente Gomez, Sono Osato,
Billy Gilbert, Mildred Natwick, Edna Skinner
- Dir. Laslo Benedek
This 1948 technicolor spectacle features Frank Sinatra in the
unusual comedic role of a Mexican bandito. Sinatra as
Ricardo, who travels to California to claim the inn his
mysterious father left to him. Here, Ricardo discovers that his
father was known as the „kissing bandit.“ This information
initially shocks Ricardo, but he soon follows in the footsteps
of his father due to prodding by his father’s old gang and local
girls such as Kathryn Grayson and Ann Miller who anyone
would want to steal a kiss from. Grayson, as Sinatra’s
counterpart is fetching as a governor’s daughter with tax
troubles. Sinatra offers her the goods of his thievery and in
the process steals her heart. This MGM musical is full of
showstoppers, particularly a fiery dance between Ricardo
Montalban and Cyd Charisse. Songs include Songs include:
„Love Is Where You Find It“, „Tomorrow Means Romance“,
„What’s Wrong With Me“, and „If I Steal a Kiss.“
Musical & Performing Arts 100min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075908
Bret Roberts, Nicole Lenz, Mike Erwin,
Matthew Carey, James DeBello, James
Duval, William Atherton
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 90min.
Maverick Entertainment 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075638
L.A. Blues
Kevin Rahm, Dave Foley, Anthony Michael
Hall, Nicholas D’Agosto, Marsha Thomason,
Liza Lapira, Rebecca McFarland, George
Wendt, Elaine Hendrix, John Farley, Kevin
Farley - Dir. Ian Gurvitz
Set in a Los Angeles dive bar, this comedic drama tells the
story of six male friends who often meet up to discuss their
problematic personal lives. Things come to a head one fateful
evening when one of the men tries to commit suicide,
prompting his pals to reminisce about recent traumatic events.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 95min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075045
Last Request
Danny Aiello, T.R. Knight, Vincent Pastore,
Joe Piscopo, Frank Vincent - Dir. Frank
Vincent Pastore (THE SOPRANOS) and Danny Aiello (RADIO DAYS) have roles in this comedy about a dying man who
requests that his son, Jeff (T.R. Knight), marries and has a
son before he passes away. Jeff, who is training to be a
priest, has to leave his old life behind as he embarks on an
epic search to find a woman.
Comedies FF DD 5.1 min.
MTI Home Video 22.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075628
Last Winter
Ron Perlman, James Le Gros, Connie
Britton, Kevin Corrigan, Jamie Harrold,
Zach Gilford, Pato Hoffmann, Joanne
Shenandoah, Larry Fessenden - Dir. Larry
In a cinematic world where most horror films are loud and
flashy, it might be easy to overlook Larry Fessenden’s quietly
creepy THE LAST WINTER. But if they do, genre fans would
be missing out on a truly unsettling film that centers on the
real-life chills of the changing environment. Ron Perlman
(HELLBOY) stars as Ed Pollack, an oil company employee
who arrives in Alaska. He’s eager to take some of the
tundra’s oil bounty, but the rising temperatures have an
environmental scientist (James LeGros, ZODIAC) worried
about the irreparable damage they could do to the Alaskan
wilderness. Soon things start to go wrong at their camp, and
one of their one dies mysteriously. Whether it’s cabin fever,
poisonous gas, or supernatural forces, something is
threatening the camp and the people who live there.
Horror/Suspense FF 101min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074986
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Lather Effect
Left Behind Trilogy
Lipstick Jungle - Season 1
Tate Donovan, Peter Facinelli, Connie
Britton, Eric Stoltz, RZA
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 95min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075043
Kirk Cameron
Action/Adventure FF 284min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075417
Brooke Shields, Kim Raver, Lindsay Price,
Paul Blackthorne, David Alan Basche,
Andrew McCarthy, Robert Buckley
Lawrence of Arabia
Legends Of Hollywood - Bob
Peter O’Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony
Quinn, Jack Hawkins, Omar Sharif, José
Ferrer, Claude Rains, Anthony Quayle,
Arthur Kennedy, Gamil Ratib, John
Ruddock, Fernando Sancho, I.S. Johar,
Hugh Miller, Henry Oscar, Michel Ray,
Norman Rossington, Donald Wolfit - Dir.
David Lean
This classic film was based on the real-life exploits of
legendary British scholar and soldier T.E. Lawrence.
Stationed in Cairo in 1916, Lawrence languished in the
mapmaking department of British Intelligence until he was
asked to find and gather information on Prince Feisal, leader
of the Arab Allied forces in World War I. His desert journey
inspired his first military success when he led a small
contingent of Arabs against the Turkish stronghold of Aqaba.
Lawrence’s military career flourished as he attempted to forge
a new, united Arab nation out of squabbling tribes.
Action/Adventure 226min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074975
Bob Hope, Fred Astaire, Cary Grant, Frank
Sinatra, James Stewart
Dramas min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075747
Dramas FF DD 2.0 850min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075125
Legends Of Hollywood - Comedy
Bob Hope, Buster Keaton, Bing Crosby,
W.C. Fields
Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Chelsea Noble, Clarence Gilyard, Colin Fox, Gordon
Currie, Janaya Stephens - Dir. Vic Sarin
On an international flight, journalist Buck Williams (Kirk
Cameron from GROWING PAINS) and pilot Rayford Steele
(Brad Johnson, the formor Marlboro Man) discover that
several passengers have simply vanished. Soon, it becomes
clear that millions of people have disappeared off the face of
the Earth, and they take it upon themselves to uncover the
root of this perturbing mystery.
Religious FF 96min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074989
Left Behind - World at War
Kirk Cameron, Louis Gossett, Gordon
Currie, Arnold Pinnock, Janaya Stephens,
Chelsea Noble - Dir. Craig R. Baxley
The third installment in this Christian science-fiction series,
based on the books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins,
stars Academy Award winner Lou Gossett Jr. (TOY
Fitzhugh, president of the United States. U.N Secretary
General Nicolae Carpathia (Gordon Currie, LEFT BEHIND)
has succeeded even further in his efforts to unite the world
under a new, religion-free ideology. Now he is poised on the
brink of a U.S. invasion, and Fitzhugh, in the interests of
world peace, has rendered the country ill-prepared for attack.
The desperate president turns to the group of underground
rebels known as the Tribulation Force, who recognize
Carpathia’s true identity and fight on the side of the Christian
god. At the helm of the rebels is journalist Buck Williams
(Kirk Cameron, GROWING PAINS), and his team includes his
former flame and new wife, Chloe (Janaya Stephens).
Together they fight against the clock and Nicolae’s seemingly
insurmountable power to save the world in this explosive
dramatization of the Book of Revelations.
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075562
Gary Wheeler, Malcolm McDowell, Hilarie
Burton, Will Patton, Chuck Carrington
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 107min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075283
Little Family Conversation
Comedies FF DD 2.0 868min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075124
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 69min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075218
Legends Of Hollywood - Kings of
Michelle Angelo
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF 67min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075379
Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi
Left Behind - The Movie
Leslie Townes Hope, better known as Bob Hope, is a
celebrated actor whose career has taken in appearances on
the stage, in radio, on television, and in motion pictures. This
collection features 10 of Hope’s films, including THE LEMON
The Legends of Hollywood series continues with this
collection of films featuring comic actors who love to have
audiences rolling in the isles. Among the highlights are
Harold Lloyd’s starring role in Preston Sturges’s 1946 feature
turn as a boxing manager in the 1934 rib-tickler PALOOKA.
Leading Men - The Ultimate
Dramas FF min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074990
Bob Hope
Based on the best-selling book by Candace Bushnell, author
of SEX AND THE CITY, this fun and sexy series follows the
lives of three ambitious women in Manhattan: Wendy (Brooke
Shields, SUDDENLY SUSAN), a successful movie executive
who struggles with juggling her career and family; Victory
(Lindsay Price, BEVERLY HILLS 90210), a fashion designer
with big hopes for her professional and love life; and Nico
(Kim Raver, THIRD WATCH), a no-nonsense magazine
editor. Though their lives in the big city may have their ups
and downs, they always manage to keep their good humor and,
more importantly, they always have each other. Like SEX AND
THE CITY, the main attraction here is the show’s modern take
on romance, glamorous portrayal of urban life, and daring
humor. This collection presents every episode of the series’
debut season.
Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff are two horror movie icons who
have some of their best work collected for this entry in the
Legends of Hollywood series. Among the titles included are
Lugosi’s classic 1932 feature WHITE ZOMBIE and Karloff’s
Little Girls
Lo Mejor de Chiquilladas - Vol. 2
Horror/Suspense FF DD 2.0 1040min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075126
Anahi, Lucero
Childrens FF DD 2.0 min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075513
Less Than Zero / The Pick-Up Artist
Locos y Sueltos - Vol. 4
Molly Ringwald, Robert Downey, Dennis
Hopper, Andrew McCarthy, James Spader,
Jami Gertz - Dir. Marek Kanievska, James
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075292
Letters From Iwo Jima
Tim Moore, Ken Watanabe, Shido
Nakamura, Tsuyosi Ihara, Hiroshi
Watanabe, Takeshi Yamaguchi - Dir. Clint
Clint Eastwood’s companion piece to FLAGS OF OUR
FATHERS is again set during World War II. But in LETTERS
FROM IWO JIMA, he looks at the war from the Japanese
perspective, using Japanese dialogue. With American forces
on their way, General Kuribayashi (Ken Watanabe, THE
LAST SAMURAI) arrives on the island to find his troops
woefully under-trained and hopelessly outmatched. Japanese
pop and television star Kazunari Ninomiya plays Saigo, a
young soldier who asks, „Am I digging my own grave?“ as he
creates trenches. With no hope of reinforcements, these men
have little hope of leaving the island alive.
Dramas FF min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075036
Miami Beach is a place to relax and soak in the sun. But a few
unfortunate souls have their Miami experience rudely
interrupted by the LOCOS Y SUELTOS team, who wield
hidden cameras and perform a variety of pranks in this fourth
volume of clips from the show.
Television, Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF
DD 1.0 85min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075359
Lone Wolf and Cub TV
Kinnosuke Nakamura, Takumi Satô,
Taketoshi Naitô
Television, Action/Adventure FF 180min.
Media Blasters 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075539
Sophia Loren Collection
Sophia Loren
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 448min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075499
Lost Colony - The Legend Of
Adrian Paul
Action/Adventure 95min.
Allumination Film Works LLC 20.05.2008
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075078
Foreign Films, Japanese FF DD 5.1 96min.
Media Blasters 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075537
Love Thy Neighbor
The events in LOVE THY NEIGHBOR plummet into a
downward spiral as a man seeks vicious revenge after his
girlfriend breaks up with him. A spate of murders in a local
Atlanta community leave the deranged man with blood on his
hands, leading to a frantic search to find him before he can
kill again.
Horror/Suspense 83min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075386
Love to Keep
Foreign Films, Spanish Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
Wolfe Video 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075663
H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume
1: Cool Air
Horror/Suspense S 140min.
Microcinema 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075575
Madeline - Next Stop, America
Childrens FF S 45min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075281
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075010
John Sturges’s hugely influential western THE
MAGNIFICENT SEVEN inspired a CBS TV spin-off in 1998.
An impressive cast, which includes turns from Michael Biehn
(ALIENS), Ron Perlman (HELLBOY), and Eric Close
(WITHOUT A TRACE), helps to bring the Old West to life as
seven men join forces in an attempt to save an Indian village
from Confederate troops. After saving the village the Seven
face further problems as they settle in a small town and
attempt to work together to protect its residents. This
collection includes every episode from the two seasons of the
Lizzy Strain, Ron Fitzgerald, Bill Steele
Jeanne Moreau, Alain Cuny, Jean-Marc
Bory, Jose Luis De Villallonga, Judith Magre
- Dir. Louis Malle
Jeanne, a bored French housewife, is tired of her passionless
marriage to a Henri, an aloof newspaper mogul obsessed with
his work. Though they live in lovely château with servants
and every amenity, Jeanne regularly trots off to Paris, where
her craving for excitement is satiated by a flighty crowd of
socialites. Henri grows suspicious of Jeanne’s relationship
with Raoul, a handsome, polo-playing bachelor with whom
she’s having an extramarital. At Henri’s request, Jeanne
agrees to invite Raoul for the weekend. She goes to town to
invite him, but after returning from Paris, Jeanne meets
Bernard, a young man whom she also invites to her home. That
night, Jeanne and Bernard have an encounter that changes
her life forever.
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0
Criterion Collection 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075350
Love’s Unfolding Dream
Erin Cottrell, Scout Taylor-Compton, Patrick
Levis, Dale Midkiff - Dir. Harvey Frost
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 87min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075275
Minase Yashiro, Asami, Honoka - Dir.
Noboru Iguchi
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD 2.0 min.
MTI Home Video 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075627
Christina Lindberg - Dir. Floch Johnson
A young naive country girl visits the romantic city of Stockholm for the first time. The story of sweet innocence coming of
Foreign Films FF M 80min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075723
Machine Girl
An evil wizard named the Magus threatens to use his magical
powers to wreak havoc on the human race in this sci-fi
Maid In Sweden
Horror/Suspense 120min.
Microcinema 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075578
Jon Heder, Anna Faris, Diane Keaton, Jeff
Daniels, Eli Wallach - Dir. Tim Hamilton
Michael Biehn, Eric Close, Andrew Kavovit,
Dale Midkiff, Ron Perlman, Anthony Starke,
Rick Worthy
Horror/Suspense 130min.
Microcinema 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075576
H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume
4: Pickman’s Model
Mama’s Boy
Jon Heder, Diane Keaton, and Anna Faris star in this comedy
about a 29-year-old man (Heder) who still lives with his
mother. He has no desire to leave, until his mother’s new
boyfriend (Jeff Daniels) moves into their precious little world
and forces him to grow up quick.
H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume
2: Dreams Of CTHULHU - The
Rough Magik Initiative
Horror/Suspense 120min.
Microcinema 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075577
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 114min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075130
The Magnificent Seven - The
Complete Series
Television, Westerns FF 624min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075600
H.P. Lovecraft Collection Volume
3: Out Of Mind
share a cell with.
Maiden Voyage: Ocean Hijack
Casper Van Dien
Television, Action/Adventure 90min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075761
Man of the West
Gary Cooper, Julie London, Lee J. Cobb,
Arthur O’Connell, Jack Lord, John Dehner,
Royal Dano, Bob Wilke - Dir. Anthony Mann
A brutal, violent, and uncompromising look at the American old
west. A former outlaw, along with two other victims, are
robbed and held hostage by members of his former gang.
Westerns Ltbx 100min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075595
Man With The Gun
Robert Mitchum, Jan Sterling, Karen
Sharpe, Henry Hull, Emile Meyer, John
Lupton, Barbara Lawrence - Dir. Richard
Clint Tollinger (Mitchum) is a stranger in a small western
town looking for his estranged wife who left him. During the
search he consequently gets wrapped up in the troubles of the
townsfolk who are living in constant fear of an intimidating
landowner who rules the people through his rough and tumble
henchmen. A town tamer by trade, Clint accepts a commission
from the town sheriff to help the people get their lives back
and to set things straight.
Westerns FF 83min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075598
Maneater Series Collection Vol 1
- Blood Monkey, In The Spiders
Web, Maneater
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 264min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075719
Maiko Haaaan!!!
Mannix - The First Season
Kou Shibasaki, Sadao Abe, Shin’ichi
Tsutsumi - Dir. Nobuo Mizuta
Foreign Films, Japanese DD 5.1 120min.
Viz Media, LLC. 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075875
Joseph Campanella, Mike Connors
Making Of
Lotfi Dziri, Foued Litaiem, Afef Ben
Mahmoud, Fatma Ben Saidane, Lotfi Abdelli
- Dir. Nouri Bouzid
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 115min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075393
Malas Temporadas
Javier Camara, Leonor Watling
Three people endure all the ups and downs that life throws at
them in this Spanish-language feature. The action in MALAS
TEMPORADAS takes place in Madrid, and follows the disparate lives of Ana, a kindhearted woman who comes to the aid
of refugees; Carlos, who makes his living by importing Cuban
cigars; and Mikel, who is trying to find the man he used to
Intertect is one of the most high-tech detective agencies in the
business, specializing in using computers to solve its clients’
most baffling mysteries. But one of the company’s detectives,
Joe Mannix (Mike Connors), likes to do things the old
fashioned way: with a little boot leather and a punch to the
gut. He may butt heads with his straightlaced supervisor, Lew
Wickersham (Joseph Campanella), and scoff at the precious
computer’s results, but Mannix’s unorthodox methods pay
dividends—he always gets his man. Developed by Bruce
Geller, creator of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, the long-running
show was known for its over-the-top fistfights, inventive title
sequence, and swinging theme song. This collection presents
all 24 episodes of the series’ debut season.
Television, Dramas FF 1210min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075670
MANswers - Best of Manswers:
Season One’s Top 25 Manswers
Television, Comedies FF 203min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075696
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 33
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Manzanas De Dorotea
Maria Elena Marques, Jaime Fernandez Dir. Raúl de Anda
Alberto and Dorotea have recently been married, despite still
being wary of one another. But when Alberto disappears after
a plane crash, it provides the opportunity for both lovers to
test the other’s true intentions. Alberto manages to parachute
out of the plane at the last moment, and takes refuge at his
brother Carlos’s farm. He sends Carlos to meet with Dorotea
and her family to see whether they are appropriately
distraught over his „death.“ Dorotea, however, is suspicious
of Carlos, and plans on a surprise of her own for when he
arrives. LAS MANZANAS DE DOROTEA was directed by
Mexican filmmaker Raul de Anda, and stars de Anda’s son
Agustin, who would later be tragically murdered by the father
of his fiancée.
Foreign Films, Spanish FF 90min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075029
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075398
Westerns min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075179
Meet Bill
Aaron Eckhart, Jessica Alba, Elizabeth
Banks, Timothy Olyphant, Logan Lerman,
Kristen Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, Craig Bierko,
Todd Louiso - Dir. Melissa Wallack, Bernie
Aaron Eckhart (THANK YOU FOR SMOKING) stars in this
dramedy about a man whose life is less than impressive. He’s
miserable in his job, his wife (Elizabeth Banks, DEFINITELY,
MAYBE) may be having an affair with the local newsman, and
he’s unhappy with his growing gut. When he begins to mentor
a student, his own life surprisingly starts to make sense,
though that may also have something to do with the arrival of a
sexy young woman (Jessica Alba).
Men in Black (Blu-ray)
Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda
Fiorentino, Vincent D’Onofrio, Rip Torn,
Tony Shalhoub, Siobhan Fallon, Mike
Nussbaum, Sergio Calderon, Carel
Struycken, John Alexander, Michael Willis,
Richard Hamilton, David Cross, Kent
Faulcon, Bernard Gilkey, Jonathan Gries,
Fredric Lane, Sean Whalen - Dir. Barry
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Deborah Kerr,
Cesar Romero - Dir. Jack Donohue
Comedies Ltbx 109min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075885
Meet The Mobsters
A hilariously stoic top-secret federal agent (Tommy Lee
Jones) and his wisecracking partner (Will Smith) don their
matching Ray-Bans and skinny black ties and proceed to use
all their considerable weaponry and wit to save the world
from an undocumented and extremely unfriendly mantislike
alien. MEN IN BLACK is a successful, tongue-in-cheek spoof
of summer blockbuster alien invasion flicks, based on the
comic book by Lowell Cunningham.
Comedies 88min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075850
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 98min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074972
Martial Arts Essentials - Vol 3:
Best of the Best Series
Meet the Spartans
Method Man, Kevin Sorbo, Carmen Electra,
Sean Maguire, Ken Davitian, Diedrich Bader
- Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Gary Shannon, Shelly Farrell - Dir. Patrick
Dramas Ltbx DD 2.0 85min.
TLA Releasing 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075811
Comedies 95min.
First Look Home Entertainment 15.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075219
Marriage on the Rocks
Action/Adventure 540min.
First Look Home Entertainment 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075873
Master of Taste
Bernard Giraudeau, Jean-Pierre Lorit,
Florence Thomassin - Dir. Bernard Rapp
Events take an unusual turn for Nicolas Rivière after he is
hired to become the food taster for an eccentric millionaire
named Frédéric Delamont. This unusual thriller takes Rivière
on a terrifying journey as his relationship with Delamont
slowly unravels.
Dramas Ltbx 90min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075804
Masterpiece Theatre - A Room
with a View
Elaine Cassidy, Laurence Fox, Rafe Spall,
Timothy Spall
This dramatic television series presents an adaptation of E.M.
Forster’s romantic novel A ROOM WITH A VIEW. It tells the
story of Lucy, a repressed young woman in Edwardian England who escapes to Italy and its promise of sexual and
political freedom. This Masterpiece Theatre production stars
FIRE) and his son Rafe Spall (HOT FUZZ) in their first
onscreen appearance together.
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 S 86min.
WGBH Boston Video 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075316
Masters of Murder Collection
Dramas Ltbx 385min.
First Look Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075231
McHale’s Navy - Season One, Vol.
Dramas 180min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075769
Comedies 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 87min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074980
Meet the Spartans (Blu-ray)
Method Man, Kevin Sorbo, Carmen Electra,
Sean Maguire, Ken Davitian, Diedrich Bader
- Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer
Writers/producers/directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron
Seltzer (DATE MOVIE, EPIC MOVIE) use the film 300 as the
basis for their latest spoof. Born to be the perfect Spartan,
Leonidas (Sean Magiure) faces numerous trials en route to
becoming a man, including a face-off with the penguin from
HAPPY FEET. Once he has proven himself, Leonidas not only
becomes king, but also marries superhot (and slightly slutty)
Margot (Carmen Electra). When Leonidas learns that
Persia’s King Xerxes (Ken Davitian, BORAT) plans to make
Sparta his own, he has his captain (Kevin Sorbo,
HERCULES) recruit Sparta’s finest and prepare them for
battle against invading Persian forces. Unfortunately, that
amounts to only 13 half-naked men with painted-on abs who
literally prance to their destination. To make matters worse,
Spartan councilman Traitoro (Diedrich Bader) is, well, a
traitor. Still, Leonidas and his men face their enemy in battle,
riffing on STOMP THE YARD, GHOST RIDER, TRANSFORMERS, and numerous other films along the way, as well
as the video game GRAND THEFT AUTO.
Comedies 2008 87min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074984
McLeod’s Daughters - The
Complete Sixth Season
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 1380min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
Writers/producers/directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron
Seltzer (DATE MOVIE, EPIC MOVIE) use the film 300 as the
basis for their latest spoof. Born to be the perfect Spartan,
Leonidas (Sean Magiure) faces numerous trials en route to
becoming a man, including a face-off with the penguin from
HAPPY FEET. Once he has proven himself, Leonidas not only
becomes king, but also marries superhot (and slightly slutty)
Margot (Carmen Electra). When Leonidas learns that
Persia’s King Xerxes (Ken Davitian, BORAT) plans to make
Sparta his own, he has his captain (Kevin Sorbo,
HERCULES) recruit Sparta’s finest and prepare them for
battle against invading Persian forces. Unfortunately, that
amounts to only 13 half-naked men with painted-on abs who
literally prance to their destination. To make matters worse,
Spartan councilman Traitoro (Diedrich Bader) is, well, a
traitor. Still, Leonidas and his men face their enemy in battle,
riffing on STOMP THE YARD, GHOST RIDER, TRANSFORMERS, and numerous other films along the way, as well
as the video game GRAND THEFT AUTO.
Las Mejores Rancheras - 5
Mexican Blow
Vincent Klyn, Jamie Luner
MEXICAN BLOW is the story of a South American warrior
who continuously fights against an oppressive drug cartel in
Mexico. The situation escalates over time and pushes the
hero to abandon all traditional rules an go to war with the
drug dealers. The more the tensions rise, the bigger the
weapons and the body count gets.
Action/Adventure FF min.
Laguna Films 03.06.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075477
Mighty Ducks / D2: The Mighty
Emilio Estevez, Lane Smith, Joss Ackland Dir. Stephen Herek
THE MIGHTY DUCKS: An unruly group of kids needs a
coach for their hockey team, and they end with a seemingly
heartless exec (Emilio Estevez) who’s looking to beat a
drunk-driving rap by doing community service. After much trial
and error, „Coach“ teaches the boys that cooperation can help
them overcome their opponents’ superior skills and expertise.
And along the way, their young instructor learns a few things
about himself—like the importance of family and friends.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075149
Mill on the Floss
Emily Watson, James Frain, Ifan Meredith,
Bernard Hill, James Weber-Brown, Lucy
Whybrow, Nicholas Gecks, Cheryl
Campbell - Dir. Graham Theakston
Masterpiece Theatre presents this adaptation of George
Eliot’s Victorian novel, starring Emily Watson as Maggie, a
woman whose independence and intelligence puts her at odds
with her family. Chronicling eight years in the life of Maggie’s
family, as Edward, her father, struggles to keep the family mill
in business and her brother Tom grows up to be a respected
and stern young man. However, adversity soon strikes the
family, as their mill is taken over by a neighboring
businessman, whose son falls in love with Maggie. Bolstered
by Ms. Watson’s star turn, George Eliot’s dense novel is
brought to breathtaking life.
Television, Dramas FF S 112min.
WGBH Boston Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075307
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 34
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Morning Departure
Jason Dolley, Luke Benward, Nicholas
Braun, Kellie Cockrell, Kara Crane, Dexter
Darden, Charlie Fratto, Nicholas Hammond,
Molly Jepson, J.P. Manoux, Steven R.
McQueen, Irene Santiago, Tevor Snarr,
Talon G. Ackerman, Chelsea Staub - Dir.
Lev L. Spiro
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075146
Miracle / The Rookie
Kurt Russell, Dennis Quaid, Noah Emmerich
MIRACLE: From Walt Disney Pictures comes MIRACLE, an
inspiring family drama that combines hockey and history in
retelling the story of one of sport’s all-time greatest upsets. In
1980, amidst the tense political climate of the Cold War, Herb
Brooks (Kurt Russell) took over as coach of the U.S. Olympic
hockey team. With the help of affable assistant coach Craig
Patrick (Noah Emmerich), Brooks selected a group of 20
amateur hockey players who faced the daunting task of
bringing respectability to their country’s floundering program.
While Brooks was well aware that his team lacked the talent
and experience of the team from Russia, he nonetheless
devoted his energy to realizing his lifelong dream: to coach a
team to Olympic gold.
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075147
Mirada de Mujer: El Regreso
Renata and Cecilia are two sisters whose father also had two
other daughters, Marijo and Mariana, with his previous wife.
MIRADA DE MUJER: EL REGRESO tells the story of these
four women as they try to overcome the numerous problems
inflicted on their families, which escalate when Renata and
Mariana fall in love with the same man.
Television, Dramas FF 774min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075137
Carmen Miranda Collection
William Bendix, Phil Silvers, Harry James,
Phil Baker, Vivian Blaine, Perry Como, Carmen Miranda, Don Ameche - Dir. Lewis
Seiler, Walter Lang, Busby Berkeley
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075288
Miss Conception
Heather Graham, Mia Kirshner, Tom Ellis Dir. Eric Styles
Heather Graham stars in this romantic comedy about a woman
whose biological clock is a ticking time bomb. Georgina’s
womb skips a beat every time she sees a child, so she kicks
her boyfriend to the curb since he doesn’t share her desire to
be fruitful and multiply. But the 30-something soon learns that
menopause may be approaching sooner than she had thought,
and she embarks on a quest to get pregnant. Mia Kirschner
(THE L WORD) costars as Georgina’s best friend.
Comedies 94min.
First Look Home Entertainment 05.08.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075228
Monk - Season 6
Tony Shaloub, Ted Levine, Jason GrayStanford, Traylor Howard, Stanley Kamel
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 08.07.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075557
John Mills, Nigel Patrick, Peter Hammond,
Michael Brennan, George Cole, Victor
Maddern, Richard Attenborough, George
Thorpe - Dir. Roy Ward Baker
Dramas FF 102min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075586
Most High
Marty Sadler - Dir. Marty Sadler
Dramas FF 98min.
MPI Home Video 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075626
Moulin Rouge (1952) / Moulin
Rouge! (2001)
Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, Richard
Roxburgh, José Ferrer, Zsa Zsa Gabor,
Eric Pohlmann - Dir. John Huston, Baz
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075300
Movies for Her (3-Pack)
Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine, Benjamin
Bratt, Hugh Grant
TWO WEEKS NOTICE: Determined activist, lawyer, and
idealist Lucy Kelson (Sandra Bullock) has a noble reason for
accepting a top position at Wade Realty Corporation. By
taking the job, she can save the beloved community center in
her Coney Island neighborhood. Along with the job comes the
position of personal advisor to her high-maintenance boss,
George Wade (Hugh Grant). As the two work together, downto-earth Lucy becomes utterly indispensable to millionaire
playboy George, so much so that he seeks her advice on
everything from stationery selection to his divorce settlement
to what suit he should wear. When Lucy gives her two weeks
notice and realizes that her potential replacement, June
Carter (Alicia Witt), has some strong chemistry with George,
she has to acknowledge her own romantic feelings for her
boss. Likewise, faced with losing the person he relies upon
most, George is forced to do some soul searching of his own.
Dramas min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075930
Movies For Kids (3-Pack)
Children of all ages should enjoy this entertaining collection
and DUMA. Please see individual titles for complete synopsis
Childrens min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075927
Mummy’s Kiss / Erotic Rites Of
Countess Dracula
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 273min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075368
Eddie Murphy Comedy Collection
Eddie Murphy
Whether he’s playing one character or a dozen, Eddie
Murphy can draw big laughs no matter what face he’s
wearing. This hilarious collection includes BOWFINGER,
II: THE KLUMPS. Please see individual titles for complete
synopsis information.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075566
My Blueberry Nights
Norah Jones, Jude Law, David Strathairn,
Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz - Dir. KarWai Wong
After the critical success of IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE and
2046, Wong Kar Wai assembles an impressive cast for his
first English-language film. To escape heartbreak, Elizabeth
(singer Norah Jones) wanders across America, making money
and friends as a waitress in various spots throughout the
country. MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS also features the talents
of Jude Law, David Strathairn, Rachel Weisz, and Natalie
Dramas 2007 FF min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 01.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075007
My Friend Flicka / Flicka
Alison Lohman, Maria Bello, Roddy
McDowall, Preston Foster - Dir. Harold
Schuster, Michael Mayer
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075301
My Mom’s New Boyfriend
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 97min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075156
Naked Brothers Band - Polar
Comedies FF S 70min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075690
Nathalie Granger
Jeanne Moreau - Dir. Marguerite Duras
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 79min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075208
Nathalie Granger (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Jeanne Moreau - Dir. Marguerite Duras
Foreign Films, French 79min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075216
National Lampoon - Electric
Apricot: Quest For Festeroo
Les Claypool
Comedies FF S 96min.
Arts Alliance America 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075344
National Lampoon - One, Two,
John Melendez, Jeffrey Ross, Bellamy
Young, Hudson Leick
OK, so it’s a National Lampoon production which can only
mean three things: beer, breasts, and love. Love? Yes, that’s
right. And while this sexed-up comedy starring Howard
Stern’s Stuttering John Melendez is full of all the booze and
bosoms that are the hallmark of the company that brought us
ANIMAL HOUSE, this is also the tale of one man’s quest to
find true love. He’s looking for that perfect girl: one who is
smart, affectionate, and, most importantly, willing to invite
another hottie into the bedroom. Ahh yes, love indeed.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 S 93min.
Arts Alliance America 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075345
National Lampoon’s Cattle Call
Thomas Ian Nicholas, Jenny Mollen, Nicole
Eggert, Chelsea Handler, Diedrich Bader
Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 87min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 35
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075501
Navajo Joe
Burt Reynolds, Aldo Sambrell, Tanya
Lopert, Fernando Rey - Dir. Sergio
A sole survivor of a bloody massacre vows revenge on his
Westerns Ltbx 93min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075596
Pedro Infante, Sarita Montiel, Columba
Dominguez, Roberto Canedo - Dir. Miguel
Zacarias, Emilio Fernandez
For both laughter and tears this double bill of Mexican cinema
should do the trick. First up is a hilarious comedy about a
mechanic who falls in love with a tall beauty. But can this
simple grease monkey charm her into romance? Then, to
swing all the way over to other side of the emotional
spectrum, the collection includes a film about a man recently
released from prison who comes home to find his mother dead,
his romantic interest the victim of a brutal rape, and an exgirlfriend who turns out to be behind the imprisonment he just
left. Comedy and drama share the screen in this classic
collection of Mexican films.
Dramas FF DD 2.0 206min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075492
Neo Ned
A man named Ned, who claims he killed an African-American
woman, is incarcerated in a mental hospital in this dramatic
feature. Once there, Ned befriends an African-American
woman who believes she is the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler.
They escape the institution together, but life on the outside
proves to be tougher than they ever imagined.
Dramas 97min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075849
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075981
Nude Bomb
Don Adams, Sylvia Kristel, Pamela Hensley,
Vittorio Gassman, Dana Elcar, Rhonda Fleming, Norman Lloyd - Dir. Clive Donner
A beautiful young Amish woman leaves her strict family household and travels to New York to become a burlesque dancer in
this outrageous film from director William Friedkin (THE
Bumbling secret agent Maxwell Smart returns to battle the
insidious forces that threaten to detonate a „nude bomb,“
which would destroy all the clothing in the world, leaving
humanity totally naked.
Dramas Ltbx M 99min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075592
Comedies DD 2.0 95min.
Universal Studios Home Video 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075570
David Niven
David Niven
Dramas DD 5.1 min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075750
Nobody Loves Alice
Horror/Suspense 89min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075741
Noche De Perros
Guillermo Quintanilla, Rafael Goyri,
Alejandra Adame, Valentin Trujillo,
Alejandro Galan - Dir. Jose A. Medina
NOCHO DE PERROS is a Mexican western that follows the
murderous activities of a man who seeks vengeance for his
murdered son.
Foreign Films, Latin Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075123
None But the Brave
Never So Few
Frank Sinatra, Gina Lollobrigida, Peter
Lawford, Steve McQueen, Charles
Bronson, Dean Jones, Philip Ahn, John
Hoyt - Dir. John Sturges
A charismatic military leader stationed in Burma during World
War II teams his British and American soldiers with native
Asian troops to repel the invading Japanese army. While
dodging bombs and bullets, the commander also finds time to
get involved in a potentially dangerous romance.
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 1.0 125min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075013
Frank Sinatra, Clint Walker, Tommy Sands,
Brad Dexter, Tony Bill, Sammy Jackson,
Tatsuya Mihashi, Takeshi Kato - Dir. Frank
A troop of Japanese soldiers are stranded on an island during
World War II. When a plane carrying U.S. servicemen is
forced to land there, the Japanese are dismayed at having to
share the land with their adversary. But after an American
medic helps an injured Japanese serviceman, both groups
agree to a truce on one condition: that neither group calls for
help. If that pact is broken, warfare can commence. When the
Americans fix their airplane radio, will they risk using it and
starting a battle?
Action/Adventure Ltbx 106min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075884
New Maverick - Pilot 1
James Garner
Television, Westerns min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075903
Nora’s Hair Salon 2
Comedies FF S 80min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075272
New Yorker
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 75min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075805
Not Gay
Night of Lust
José Bénazéraf’s erotic French crime-drama NIGHT OF
LUST includes a score by jazz great Chet Baker and
generous helpings of violence and nudity. The plot concerns
two rival Parisian gangs who attempt to take control of the
drug trade in the city.
Jason Robards, Britt Ekland, Norman
Wisdom, Forrest Tucker, Harry Andrews,
Joseph Wiseman, Denholm Elliott, Jack
Burns, Bert Lahr, Elliott Gould - Dir. William
Necesito Dinero / Pueblerina
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 62min.
Microcinema 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075174
Night They Raided Minsky’s
The four short films collected here all deal with the issues
facing straight-gay friendships. THE BEST MEN by Tony
Wei, FLOAT by Kareem Mortimer, COWBOY FOREVER by
Jean-Baptiste Erreca, and KATYDID by Scott Boswell all
question what happens when male friends have different
sexual preferences, but try to keep it out of their
relationships—and sometimes fail.
Matthew Perry, Lynn Collins, Mary
Steenburgen, Kevin Pollak
Matthew Perry (FRIENDS) stars in this delirious comedy
about a man who tries to find the right therapist to treat his
rapidly deteriorating mind. As the movie unfolds, Perry’s
character, Hudson Milbank, soon discovers that the people
placed in charge of treating him are actually crazier than he
Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 94min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075363
Ocean Waif / 49-17
This program compiles two feminist takes on melodramas and
westerns directed by directors Alice Guy-Blache and Ruth
Ann Baldwin in the 1910s. Please see individual titles for
complete synopsis information.
Dramas FF 62min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075458
Ocean’s Eleven
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis,
Peter Lawford, Angie Dickinson, Richard
Conte, Cesar Romero, Patrice Wymore Dir. Lewis Milestone
Frank Sinatra stars as Danny Ocean in this crime comedy
about a former paratrooper, who talks ten other ex-members of
the 82nd Airborne into a plan to take five of the biggest
casinos in Las Vegas for a few million dollars on New Year’s
Eve. Of course among the group are the legendary members of
the Rat Pack: Sam Harmon (Dean Martin), Jimmy Foster
(Peter Lawford), Josh Howard (Sammy Davis Jr.), and Mushy
O’Connors (Joey Bishop). Danny, whose marriage to Bea
(Angie Dickinson) is on thin ice, feels the skills he acquired
in the service will prove more profitable in the criminal world.
Not all the prospective thieves are self serving; the injured
Tony Bergdorf (Richard Conte) needs the money for his son’s
education. But most of the men, like Josh, who won the
Distinguished Service Medal and now drives a garbage truck,
feel they deserved better from their country. It appears that
Danny has drawn up the perfect heist—assuming they can
steer clear of Duke Santos (Cesar Romero), an ex-con (and
Jimmy’s prospective father-in-law) who’s caught wind of their
Comedies Ltbx M min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075009
Odd Couple - The Fourth Season
Jack Klugman, Tony Randall, Al Molinaro
Television, Comedies FF 562min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075681
Omen (1976) / The Omen (2006)
Dramas min.
Strand Releasing 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075665
Liev Schreiber, David Thewlis, Mia Farrow,
Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, David Warner Dir. Richard Donner, John Moore
Horror/Suspense min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075302
Notorious Colonel Steel
One That Got Away
Westerns min.
York Entertainment 20.05.2008
Hardy Kruger, Colin Gordon, Michael
Goodliffe - Dir. Roy Ward Baker
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
This taut war film, based on actual fact, tells of the daring
escape attempts of a captured German ace pilot, Fran Von
Action/Adventure Ltbx 106min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075594
Only the Valiant
Gregory Peck, Gig Young, Lon Chaney,
Barbara Payton, Ward Bond, Neville Brand,
Jeff Corey, Warner Anderson - Dir. Gordon
Capt. Richard Lance is an officer who is both respected and
hated by his men, due to his by-the-book methods. Then one
day, he and a small team of soldiers are assigned to keep
watch over a mountain outstation, until the other troops arrive
to retrieve them. Realizing that the nearby Apaches will
surely attack their small, vulnerable group, Lance decides to
choose the men who despise him the most for the lifethreatening task...
Westerns FF DD 2.0 105min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076006
Operation Arsenal
A dramatization of one of the Polish underground’s most
daring feats during World War II. The „Gray Ranks“ freed 25
prisoners en route to Pawiak Prison.
Foreign Films, Polish FF 93min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075211
The IFC called upon Greg and his counterpart Warren
Demontague (plus a few other supporting characters who will
be familiar to fans of the show) to spoof a series of classic
films, and this second volume of highlights includes some of
their best parodies. In addition to the movie mayhem, this
release also includes a reunion special that features
appearances from comedians and actors such as Jon Favreau,
Seth Green, and Sarah Silverman.
Action/Adventure 122min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075022
Television, Comedies 210min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075774
Tyrone Power
Dramas min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075294
El Penon de las Animas / El
Maria Felix, Jorge Negrete - Dir. Miguel
Zacarias, Emilio Fernandez
All the hallmarks of classic Mexican drama are captured in
this double feature from the Golden Age of Mexican cinema.
First, Jorge Negrete and Maria Felix star in a film about two
rival families whose hatred runs so deep that it threatens to
poison all of their chances at happiness. Then, director Emilio
Fernandez weaves a tale about a temptress who uses her
beauty to steal not only hearts, but land. Both feature all-star
casts and performances from some of Mexico’s most beloved
screen stars.
Dramas FF DD 2.0 205min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075493
Picture This
Robbie Amell, Ashley Tisdale
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075607
Other (1972) / The Good Son
Macaulay Culkin, Elijah Wood, Uta Hagen,
Chris Udvarnoky, Martin Udvarnoky - Dir.
Robert Mulligan, Joseph Ruben
Horror/Suspense min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075299
Ashley Johnson, Daniel Stern, Illeana
Douglas, Kevin Pollak, Bostin Christopher Dir. Tony Krantz
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 2.0 100min.
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075901
Planet of the Apes (1968) / Planet
of the Apes (2001)
Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena BonhamCarter, Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall,
Kim Hunter - Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner, Tim
Science-Fiction/Fantasy min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075303
Tyrone Power Collection 2
Prairie Fever
Kevin Sorbo, Lance Henriksen
Westerns FF S 80min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075715
Profoundly Normal
Kirstie Alley, Delroy Lindo
Television, Dramas 90min.
Starlight Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075760
Iranian culture and politics are complex and prone to radical
shifts in leadership and values, as this film about a man who
murders his brother’s unfaithful fiancée shows. His crime,
once considered by some as an act of honor, is transformed
into shame by the world he meets outside of prison 12 years
later. THE PROTEST is a devastating look at Iranian culture
through the lens of longtime filmmaker Massoud Kimiayi.
Dramas FF 102min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075202
Psych - The Complete Second
James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson,
Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten
Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 08.07.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075555
Player 5150
Punky Brewster - Season 1 Vol. 1
Action/Adventure 91min.
First Look Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075226
Soleil Moon Frye, George Gaynes, Cherie
Johnson, Susie Garrett, Ami Foster, Casey
Ellison, Eddie Deezen, Loyita Chapel, Dody
Ashley Johnson, Daniel Stern, Illeana
Douglas, Kevin Pollak, Bostin Christopher Dir. Tony Krantz
Horror/Suspense 100min.
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075902
Out of the Blue
Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves, Gary
Busey, Lori Petty, John C. McGinley, James
LeGros, John Philbin, BoJesse Christopher
- Dir. Kathryn Bigelow
The life of young Penelope „Punky“ Brewster (Soleil Moon
Frye) provided some wholesome family entertainment during
its four-season run on NBC in the mid 1980s. Punky is an
eight-year-old girl whose father walked out of her life when
she was just two, and whose mother abandoned her in a
supermarket six years later. Together with her faithful canine
companion, Brandon, Punky moves into an apartment owned by
photographer Henry Warnimont (George Gaynes). Despite
his cranky nature, Henry ultimately becomes Punky’s foster
father, and they quickly embark on a new life together. The
cast is supplemented by performances from Cherie Johnson,
Casey Ellison, and Ami Foster, who all play Punky’s friends,
and Susie Garrett, who plays Cherie’s grandmother. This
collection of episodes are all taken from the first season of
the show, which originally aired in 1984.
Otis (Blu-ray)
Karl Urban - Dir. Robert Sarkies, Matthew
Dramas 2007 FF S 103min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075358
Outer Limits Original Series
Complete Box Set
Television, Horror/Suspense Ltbx min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075583
Passion of Greg The Bunny: Best
of the Film Parodies Vol. 2
Characters from the former Fox sitcom GREG THE BUNNY
enjoyed an unlikely comeback on the IFC Channel in 2005.
Westerns FF 90min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 08.07.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075718
Point Break (Blu-ray)
POINT BREAK is the high-velocity thrill ride in which cleancut FBI agent Johnny Utah (Keanu Reeves) goes head to head
with surfer renegade Bodhi (Patrick Swayze) in this nonstop
action drama. Utah is assigned to go undercover,
investigating a string of 28 bank robberies by a gang called
the Ex-Presidents. With very little to go on, as the ExPresidents are adept at their trade, deal only in cash, and
never leave behind clues, Utah’s only lead comes from his
partner, Pappas (Gary Busey). Pappas believes that the ExPresidents are a surfer gang, lead by charismatic adrenalin
junkie Bodhi. Posing as a surfer himself, Utah slowly
becomes a member of Bodhi’s gang, enticed by his energy and
craziness. As Utah’s investigation goes deeper, with dazzling
extreme sports hijinks that involve night surfing, sky diving,
and well-executed bank robberies that serve as the glue
between his world and Bodhi’s, Utah must ultimately choose
between duty and friendship. Director Kathryn Bigelow
presents a well-sculpted masterpiece with this action-lover’s
dream, adding another gem to an already glowing filmography
(K-19: TH
Television, Comedies 162min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075765
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman,
Ronald Lacey, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm
Elliott, Alfred Molina - Dir. Steven Spielberg
Action-packed and adventure-filled, RAIDERS OF THE LOST
ARK is director Steven Spielberg’s loving homage to the
Saturday matinee cliffhanger serials of his childhood. When
the Allies discover the Nazis are planning to use the Lost Ark
of the Covenant as a weapon, the U.S. government enlists
archaeologist-adventurer Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) to
locate the biblical treasure chest where the remains of the
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Seite 37
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
broken tablets of the Ten Commandments were placed. En
route, Jones and his feisty ex-girlfriend, Marion (Karen
Allen), must escape the clutches of evil Nazis, duplicitous
„natives,“ and a nest of venomous snakes—not to mention the
wrath of God. The groundbreaking special effects and furious,
never-ending pace make for a stylish whirlwind of a movie,
topped off with a fabulous sense of humor. This bareknuckled, barnstorming, pot-boiling, eye-popping bucket of
Technicolor popcorn became Paramount Pictures’ highestgrossing film, and deservedly so—RAIDERS OF THE LOST
ARK is quite simple one of the most enjoyable movies ever
Suerte Te De Dios
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 S 115min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075671
Red Cell
Raisin in the Sun
Diddy, Sanaa Lathan, Audra McDonald,
John Stamos, Sean Patrick Thomas, Bill
Nunn, Phylicia Rashad - Dir. Kenny Leon
Lorraine Hansberry’s play, A RAISIN IN THE SUN, has
enjoyed a charmed life since hitting Broadway in 1959. The
original Broadway cast took the play to the big screen in
1961, earning a Golden Globe nomination for Sidney Poitier,
and now the 2004 adaptation, featuring Sean „P. Diddy“
Combs, makes the same transition. The plot follows a 1950s
African American family who are eagerly awaiting the arrival
of a $10,000 insurance check. Walter Lee (Combs) wants to
spend the money to buy a liquor store, while his mother, Lena
(Phylicia Rashad), wants to purchase a house. Walter’s
pregnant wife, Ruth (Audra McDonald), sides with Lena,
while also considering getting an abortion. Trouble strikes
when Walter fritters most of the money away on his bad
investment and Lena stirs up racial conflict by putting a down
payment on a house in a white neighborhood. This adaptation,
directed by Kenny Leon, embodies much of the controversy
and fine performances that made the original production so
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 131min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075165
Raising Jeffrey Dahmer
Scott Cordes, Bo Svenson
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 2.0 85min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075518
RECIEN CASADOS NO MOLESTAR: Catalina loses interest
in her millionaire husband after he reveals that he’s not the
legendary lover he pretends to be. But her plans to get rid of
him hit a few problems as this Spanish drama unfolds.
Comedies 196min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075609
Donovan Schwartz - Dir. Chris Schwartz
A dying man wakes up in a dilapidated basement to find
himself the victim of monstrous medical operations performed
by an unhinged surgeon in this horror flick.
Horror/Suspense 87min.
York Entertainment 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075977
Real McCoys - The Complete
Season 3
Walter Brennan, Richard Crenna, Kathleen
Nolan, Lydia Reed, Tony Martinez, Frank
Ferguson, Charles Lane
Television, Comedies FF min.
Infinity Entertainment Group 17.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075356
Recien Casados No Molestar /
Set during World War II, this action-drama follows the
adventures of a Polish train driver who must travel through
German occupied territory.
Foreign Films, Polish FF 79min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075203
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby,
Sammy Davis, Peter Falk, Barbara Rush,
Edward G. Robinson, Victor Buono - Dir.
Gordon Douglas
This silent drama, Walter Lang’s feature film debut as a
director, tells the tale of Gabrielle Darley (Priscilla Bonner),
an attractive young woman who enters into a life of
prostitution in order to support herself and her charming but
shifty beau, Howard Blaine (Carl Miller). When Gabrielle
discovers that Blaine intends to marry another, she shoots him
dead as he attempts to buy the wedding ring. Acquitted of the
crime, Gabrielle is adopted by a socialite whose primary
motivation is not kindness but publicity. Gabrielle is soon
back on the street, prepared for her old profession, when love
comes knocking once more. THE RED KIMONA, an
engrossing character study that stands among the best U.S.
silent films of the mid-1920s, features a plot that clips along at
a fine pace and splendid costume and set designs that proffer
excellent documentation of a mesmerizing, long-vanished
Dramas FF 80min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075459
Red Room 2
Remember the Daze
Alan Ciangherotti, Milliy Quezada, Irene
Foreign Films, Spanish min.
Laguna Films 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075471
Kazimierz Opalinski, Ryszard Pietrusky,
Teresa Szmigielowna - Dir. Bohdan Poreba
Robin and the Seven Hoods
Larry Casey, Christopher George, Gary
Raymond, Justin Tarr, Eric Braeden
Ratas de Dos Patas
Road to the West
Priscilla Bonner, Tyrone Power, Theodore
von Eltz, Carl Miller, Mary Carr, Virginia
Pearson - Dir. Walter Lang, Dorothy
Rat Patrol - The Complete Series
Television, Action/Adventure Ltbx 600min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075601
Dramas FF S 88min.
Kino on Video 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075460
Red Kimona
Horror/Suspense min.
TLA Releasing 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075812
ABC’s RAT PATROL was a popular drama that aired for two
seasons at the tail end of the 1960s. The show was based on
four army men—Sergeant Sam Troy (Christopher George) and
three of his soldiers (played by Gary Raymond, Lawrence P.
Casey, and Justin Tarr)—who were stationed in North Africa
during World War II. This collection includes all 50 episodes
from the show, which follows the men as they head out on
daring missions, often facing off against their deadly German
opponent Hauptmann Dietrich (Eric Braeden).
Fuller (Corrigan), he’s forced to flee Manhattan with Marty
(Daniels), a girl from his past. They land in Far Rockaway,
Queens, where Marty confesses her love to Simon, but he is
drawn back to the L.E.S. for a final showdown. Indie auteur
Harrison’s uncompromising feature won a Jury Prize at
Amber Heard, Alexa Vega, Katrina Begin,
Melonie Diaz, Charles Chen, Shahine Ezell,
Lyndsy Fonseca, Brie Larson, Chris
Marquette, Leighton Meester, Moira Kelly,
Wesley Jonathan - Dir. Jess Manafort
This end-of-the millennium comedy boasts a quartet of young
talents: Amber Heard (NEVER BACK DOWN), Alexa Vega
(SLEEPOVER), Leighton Meester (GOSSIP GIRLS), and
Melonie Diaz (BE KIND REWIND). These girls in the class
of 1999 are just about to graduate, but they don’t intend on
waiting for college to cut loose, as drugs and sex beckon.
Their futures and the year 2000 loom, but in the meantime,
there are keg stands and hookups to be done.
Comedies 101min.
First Look Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075222
Jun-ho Heo, Woo-Sung Jung - Dir. Dong-oh
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts Ltbx S
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075335
Rhythm Thief
A Chicago gangster, called Robbo, tries to hide fifty thousand
ill gotten, and very hot, dollars by donating the loot to the
Blessed Shelter Orphans Home. The result is a lot of good
press and public adulation for Robbo, who finds he really
enjoys the fringe benefits of his new public image. So much
so, in fact, that he and his henchmen decide to open up a
mission for the poor souls on Poverty Row — of course they
might just do a little gambling in the back room from time to
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music S
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075015
Robin Hood - Season Two
Dramas Ltbx S 578min.
Warner Home Video 29.07.2008
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075115
Rollerball (1975) / Rollerball
Chris Klein, LL Cool J, Jean Reno, Rebecca
Romijn-Stamos, James Caan, John
Houseman, Maud Adams - Dir. Norman
Jewison, John McTiernan
Action/Adventure 226min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075605
Room 314
Joelle Carter - Dir. Michael Knowles
Dramas 100min.
Vanguard Cinema 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075865
Route 66 - Season 2 Volume 1
Martin Milner, George Maharis - Dir. Arthur
Hiller, George Sherman
Television, Dramas FF min.
Infinity Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075357
S is for Sexy
Dramas min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075973
Jason Andrews, Eddie Daniels, Kevin
Corrigan, Kimberly Flynn, Sean Hagerty,
Mark Alfred - Dir. Matthew Harrison
Sabrina The Teenage Witch Seasons 1- 4
The story of a Lower East Side bootlegger who gets busted
selling tapes of a militant all-girl punk band, 1-900 BOX.
When the band comes after Simon and beats up his sidekick
Beth Broderick, Melissa Joan Hart, Martin
Mull, Caroline Rhea
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Seite 38
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Television, Comedies FF S min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075668
Sabrina The Teenage Witch - The
Complete Fourth Season
a million bottles of wine from the Nazis in this picturesque
adaptation of Robert Crichton’s comic novel.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 139min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075585
Melissa Joan Hart, Beth Broderick, Caroline
Rhea, Martin Mull
Television, Comedies FF S 420min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075667
Samurai Action
Over the course of a string of successful comedies that
Will Ferrel has perfected a type of swaggering, machismofueled character, heavy on ego and severely lacking in
intellect of any kind. Typically set in the world of sports,
these movies have allowed Ferrel free range to both mock and
celebrate idiot masculinity. SEMI-PRO, Ferrell’s homage to
the wild, afro-picked splendor of the short-lived American
Basketball Association, continues this trend, and finds him
embodying yet another larger-than-life hunk a burnin’ love in
the form of Jackie Moon, R&B singer-turned-owner/player/
coach of the hapless Flint, Michigan Tropics.
There are few better ways to spend a rainy weekend than
chilling out with classic 1970s and ’80s martial arts flicks.
Both charming and ridiculous, this type of cinema offers a
pleasure unrivaled by any other genre. Collected here are
nine movies sure to satisfy any action fan looking to create a
mini martial-arts film festival in their living room. SAMURAI
THE IRON FISTS are just a few of the cult titles to work their
way into this high-flying, roundhouse-kicking collection.
Action/Adventure min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 18.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075755
Santo en el Museo de Cera / Santo y Blue Demon en el Mundo de
los Muertos
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 178min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076005
Santo y Blue Demon en la
Atlantida / Santo y Blue Demon
Contra Los Monstruos
Santo, Blue Demon - Dir. Julian Soler,
Gilberto Martinez Solares
There’s Mexican wrestling legends and then there’s Santo—
wrestling champion, public figure, and, most importantly, star
of some of the greatest B-movies ever made. Huge monsters,
ridiculous special effects, and of course The Blue Demon!
This double feature includes two classic Santo titles that are
cult entertainment gems.
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 168min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075489
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074998
Semi-Pro (Blu-ray)
Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Will Arnett,
Andre 3000, Rob Corddry, Maura Tierney,
Josh Braaten, De Ray Davis, Jay Philips,
Jackie Earle Haley, Andy Richter - Dir. Kent
Over the course of a string of successful comedies that
Will Ferrel has perfected a type of swaggering, machismofueled character, heavy on ego and severely lacking in
intellect of any kind. Typically set in the world of sports,
these movies have allowed Ferrel free range to both mock and
celebrate idiot masculinity. SEMI-PRO, Ferrell’s homage to
the wild, afro-picked splendor of the short-lived American
Basketball Association, continues this trend, and finds him
embodying yet another larger-than-life hunk a burnin’ love in
the form of Jackie Moon, R&B singer-turned-owner/player/
coach of the hapless Flint, Michigan Tropics.
Comedies min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074996
Semi-Pro (Special Edition, 2
Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Will Arnett,
Andre 3000, Rob Corddry, Maura Tierney,
Josh Braaten, De Ray Davis, Jay Philips,
Jackie Earle Haley, Andy Richter - Dir. Kent
Saving Grace: Season 1
Dramas DD 2.0 599min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075306
Sci-Fi Classics - 10 Movie Box Set
Science-Fiction/Fantasy DD 5.1 min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.09.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075754
Secret Invasion
Stewart Granger, Raf Vallone, Mickey
Rooney, Edd Byrnes, Henry Silva - Dir.
Roger Corman
Dramas Ltbx 95min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075588
Secret of Santa Vittoria
Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani, Virna Lisi,
Hardy Kruger, Sergio Franchi, Renato
Rascel, Giancarlo Giannini, Eduardo
Ciannelli, Leopoldo Trieste, Quinto
Parmeggiani - Dir. Stanley Kramer
A small Italian village, led by an oft-drunk mayor, tries to hide
Will Ferrell, Woody Harrelson, Will Arnett,
Andre 3000, Rob Corddry, Maura Tierney,
Josh Braaten, De Ray Davis, Jay Philips,
Jackie Earle Haley, Andy Richter - Dir. Kent
Over the course of a string of successful comedies that
Will Ferrel has perfected a type of swaggering, machismofueled character, heavy on ego and severely lacking in
intellect of any kind. Typically set in the world of sports,
these movies have allowed Ferrel free range to both mock and
celebrate idiot masculinity. SEMI-PRO, Ferrell’s homage to
the wild, afro-picked splendor of the short-lived American
Basketball Association, continues this trend, and finds him
embodying yet another larger-than-life hunk a burnin’ love in
the form of Jackie Moon, R&B singer-turned-owner/player/
coach of the hapless Flint, Michigan Tropics.
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074997
Senior Skip Day
Lea Thompson, Norm MacDonald, Larry
Miller, Clint Howard, Tara Reid, Ted Lange
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 83min.
First Look Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075220
Sensitive Skin: Complete First
and Second Seasons
Dramas Ltbx S 342min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075107
Sergeants 3
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford
Westerns Ltbx 112min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075603
Serial Killers Triple Feature
Horror/Suspense Ltbx DD 5.1 247min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075530
Nikki Nova, Erika Jordan, Sandee Westgate,
Lisa Daniels, Christine Vinson
Deservedly renowned sex icon Nikki Nova hosts this steamy,
interactive „erotic adventure,“ and unusual (and unusually
hot) program in which luck determines whether the viewer
gets a fabulous prize—or a sexy setback. Some of Nikki’s
gorgeous pals are happy to help with the fun, including Erika
Jordan, Sandee Westgate, Lisa Daniels, and Christine
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Peach DVD 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075031
Shaolin vs. Vampire
Chia Hui Liu
Action/Adventure Ltbx M 90min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075994
Shark Swarm
Daryl Hannah, Armand Assante, John
Action/Adventure FF S 180min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075711
Shinobi: Heart Under Blade
Jô Odagiri, Kazuo Kitamura, Yukie Nakama
- Dir. Ten Shimoyama
Action/Adventure 102min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075270
Sick Nurses
The white walls of a hospital hide a den of evil activity in this
Thai horror film. A group of sexy nurses and an esteemed
doctor have conspired to harvest the organs of dead patients
and sell them the black market. When one of the nurses
threatens to reveal their criminal enterprise, her life is
brought to a ghastly end. But the violence is far from over
when her spirit returns to fulfill her dying promise of revenge.
Horror/Suspense 82min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075614
The Signal
Cheri Christian, Anessa Ramsey, AJ
Bowen, Matt Stanton, Suehyla El-Attar,
Justin Welborn, Sahr - Dir. David Bruckner,
Jacob Gentry, Dan Bush
Much like 28 DAYS LATER, THE SIGNAL is a zombie film in
disguise asking the question, „What would you do if everyone
suddenly turned psychotic?“ Conceived by Atlanta filmmakers
Jacob Gentry, Dan Bush, and David Bruckner as an exercise
in which each would write and direct one of three acts, the
result is an experimental and apocalyptic horror tale with a
for-fans-by-fans mentality that is cerebral and visceral, both
disturbing and thought-provoking. In the first segment, it is
New Year’s Eve in the city of Terminus, and Mya (Anessa
Ramsey) has just begun an extramarital affair with Ben
(Justin Welborn). As she leaves his apartment, he turns on
the television to witness a noisy and colorful swirl. The
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
mysterious transmission affects all television, radio, and cell
phone signals, causing normal citizens to transform into
bloodthirsty killers. By the time Mya reaches her apartment,
her building is littered with corpses, and her husband, Lewis
(A.J. Bowen), shows the first signs of the condition, causing
Mya to flee for safety. Part two is a bleak domestic comedy in
which Lewis, searching for his wife, invad
Horror/Suspense 2007 103min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074993
The Signal (Blu-ray)
Cheri Christian, Anessa Ramsey, AJ
Bowen, Matt Stanton, Suehyla El-Attar,
Justin Welborn, Sahr - Dir. David Bruckner,
Jacob Gentry, Dan Bush
Much like 28 DAYS LATER, THE SIGNAL is a zombie film in
disguise asking the question, „What would you do if everyone
suddenly turned psychotic?“ Conceived by Atlanta filmmakers
Jacob Gentry, Dan Bush, and David Bruckner as an exercise
in which each would write and direct one of three acts, the
result is an experimental and apocalyptic horror tale with a
for-fans-by-fans mentality that is cerebral and visceral, both
disturbing and thought-provoking. In the first segment, it is
New Year’s Eve in the city of Terminus, and Mya (Anessa
Ramsey) has just begun an extramarital affair with Ben
(Justin Welborn). As she leaves his apartment, he turns on
the television to witness a noisy and colorful swirl. The
mysterious transmission affects all television, radio, and cell
phone signals, causing normal citizens to transform into
bloodthirsty killers. By the time Mya reaches her apartment,
her building is littered with corpses, and her husband, Lewis
(A.J. Bowen), shows the first signs of the condition, causing
Mya to flee for safety. Part two is a bleak domestic comedy in
which Lewis, searching for his wife, invad
Slapstick Symposium - The Stan
Laurel Collection Volume 2
Stan Laurel
Comedies FF 340min.
Kino on Video 03.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075465
Slasher Series - Vol. 1: Darkworld
/ Darkest Hour
Horror/Suspense 184min.
Maverick Entertainment 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075639
Serge Gainsbourg, Jane Birkin - Dir. Pierre
Comedies 90min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075153
Smuggler’s Ransom
Action/Adventure Ltbx 50min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075418
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Horror/Suspense 2007 103min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074995
Mike Myers, Brenda Fricker, Nancy Travis,
Amanda Plummer, Phil Hartman, Anthony
LaPaglia, Debi Mazar, Steven Wright - Dir.
Thomas Schlamme
Simon, King of the Witches
Charlie Mackenzie (Mike Myers) is a love-shy „poet“ living
in San Francisco, who frequents neighborhood coffee houses
reciting his tortured odes to unrequited love. Burned by a
string of failed relationships, Mackenzie’s fear of commitment
has intensified into outrageous extremes of paranoia. When
he finds himself falling for the sweet-faced butcher (Nancy
Travis) at his local meat shop, he sees it as a final chance for
love to overcome his painful cynicism. Feeling he has
squelched his nagging fears, Mackenzie marries the woman.
But his anxiety quickly manifests itself in the conviction that
his betrothed is actually an infamous axe murderer whose
antics are described in juicy detail in each week’s issue of
the Weekly World News. Myers also plays his own father,
Stuart Mackenzie, a football-loving, Rod Stewart-singing
Scotsman who repeatedly refers to Charlie’s over-cranial
younger brother William as „Head.“
Andrew Prine, Brenda Scott - Dir. Bruce
A modern day warlock engages in a variety of cult practices
including ceremonial sex and human sacrifice.
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 99min.
Dark Sky Films 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075625
Sister Aimee
This religious drama tells the story of Aimee Semple
McPherson, the Canadian evangelist who founded the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel. The feature
focuses on the controversial events of May 1926 when
McPherson was allegedly abducted, though many believed
that she had eloped with her lover.
Dramas 109min.
Maverick Entertainment 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075633
Gail O’Grady, William R. Moses, Mariana
Klaveno - Dir. Russell Mulcahy
Horror/Suspense FF S 85min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075717
Slapstick Symposium - Extra Girl
/ The Gusher
Mabel Normand, Ralph Graves, Keystone
Kops - Dir. Mack Sennett
Comedies FF 82min.
Kino on Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075463
Slapstick Symposium - Harry
Langdon: Three’s a Crowd / The
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075803
Soap - The Complete Series
Katherine Helmond, Cathryn Damon, Robert
Mandan, Richard Mulligan, Billy Crystal
Television, Comedies FF M 2262min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075171
Solo Sunny
Foreign Films Ltbx 102min.
First Run Features Home Video 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075253
Some Came Running
Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Shirley
MacLaine, Martha Hyer, Arthur Kennedy,
Nancy Gates, Leora Dana, Betty Lou Keim Dir. Vincente Minnelli
Slice-of-life drama, which takes place at the end of World
War II. When an ex-soldier, who’s also an aspiring writer,
becomes intoxicated, he’s sent back to his home in the
midwest — a place he’d hoped never to see again. He
despises his brother and sister-in-law, and wants nothing to
do with them; he does however, fall head-over-heels for an
acquaintance of theirs. He enlists the help of a good friend to
deal with the situation, but even there tragedy looms...
Dramas Ltbx 137min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075886
Something for the Boys
Vivian Blaine, Phil Silvers, Carmen Miranda,
Michael O’Shea, Perry Como - Dir. Lewis
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075287
Soul Food - The Complete Series
So I Married an Axe Murderer
Harry Langdon
Comedies FF 124min.
Kino on Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075464
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074977
Li Hong-Qi’s SO MUCH RICE is a moving tale about a man
named Mr. Mao, who escapes from his old life during a game
of hide-and-seek. Mao flees to a neighboring city where he
begins a new life with a new lover, but it’s not long before a
bout of wanderlust strikes and he hits the road once again.
Mike Myers, Brenda Fricker, Nancy Travis,
Amanda Plummer, Phil Hartman, Anthony
LaPaglia, Debi Mazar, Steven Wright - Dir.
Thomas Schlamme
Charlie Mackenzie (Mike Myers) is a love-shy „poet“ living
in San Francisco, who frequents neighborhood coffee houses
reciting his tortured odes to unrequited love. Burned by a
string of failed relationships, Mackenzie’s fear of commitment
has intensified into outrageous extremes of paranoia. When
he finds himself falling for the sweet-faced butcher (Nancy
Travis) at his local meat shop, he sees it as a final chance for
love to overcome his painful cynicism. Feeling he has
squelched his nagging fears, Mackenzie marries the woman.
But his anxiety quickly manifests itself in the conviction that
his betrothed is actually an infamous axe murderer whose
antics are described in juicy detail in each week’s issue of
the Weekly World News. Myers also plays his own father,
Stuart Mackenzie, a football-loving, Rod Stewart-singing
Scotsman who repeatedly refers to Charlie’s over-cranial
younger brother William as „Head.“
Comedies 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074976
So Much Rice
Zhang Yaodong, Han Dong - Dir. Li Hongoi
Rockmond Dunbar, Darrin Dewitt Henson,
Boris Kodjoe, Aaron Meeks
Television, Dramas FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
237,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075675
Soul Food - The Final Season
Rockmond Dunbar, Malinda Williams,
Vanessa A. Williams, Nicole Ari Parker
Dramas FF DD 2.0 741min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075674
Donny James Lucas
Dramas 98min.
Vanguard Cinema 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075863
Spanish Harlem
David Miller
Dramas min.
York Entertainment 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075983
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Dramas Ltbx DD 5.1 98min.
Wolfe Video 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075662
believed National Football League strike of 1987, Howard
Deutch’s THE REPLACEMENTS follows a team of scab
players as they fill in for the real pros. The newly formed
squad must learn to set aside its differences if it is to win
three out of four games and make it to the playoffs. Gene
Hackman and Keanu Reeves star in this gridiron comedy.
The Spiderwick Chronicles (Full
Sports/Recreation min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075929
Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick
Nolte, Joan Plowright, David Strathairn Dir. Mark Waters
Square Pegs - The Complete
Spider Lilies
Based on the bestselling series of children’s fantasy novels
of the same name by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi, THE
SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES follows the adventures of the
Grace family, newly transplanted from New York City to an
inherited home in the remote New England woods. Angry with
his mother (Mary-Louise Parker) about the move, the sulky
Jared (Freddie Highmore) begin to explore the strange old
house, and discovers a magical tome written by his great,
great uncle Arthur Spiderwick (David Strathairn). Soon Jared
and his twin brother, Simon (also played by Highmore with the
aid of seamless special effects), are drawn into a realm of
goblins, boggarts, and ogres—a reality that coexists with the
human world. By the time the boys’ older sister, Mallory
(Sarah Bolger), is in on their secret, the siblings are steeped
in a conflict with the evil shape-shifting ogre Mulgarath (Nick
Nolte), who will stop at nothing to get Spiderwick’s book.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2008 FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076011
The Spiderwick Chronicles
(Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick
Nolte, Joan Plowright, David Strathairn Dir. Mark Waters
Based on the bestselling series of children’s fantasy novels
of the same name by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi, THE
SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES follows the adventures of the
Grace family, newly transplanted from New York City to an
inherited home in the remote New England woods. Angry with
his mother (Mary-Louise Parker) about the move, the sulky
Jared (Freddie Highmore) begin to explore the strange old
house, and discovers a magical tome written by his great,
great uncle Arthur Spiderwick (David Strathairn). Soon Jared
and his twin brother, Simon (also played by Highmore with the
aid of seamless special effects), are drawn into a realm of
goblins, boggarts, and ogres—a reality that coexists with the
human world. By the time the boys’ older sister, Mallory
(Sarah Bolger), is in on their secret, the siblings are steeped
in a conflict with the evil shape-shifting ogre Mulgarath (Nick
Nolte), who will stop at nothing to get Spiderwick’s book.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2008 Ltbx 16x9
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076012
A young Sarah Jessica Parker starred in this early ’80s
sitcom about two teenage girls who are desperate to overcome
their geeky nature and fit in with the cool kids. SQUARE
PEGS originally aired on CBS in 1982 and ran for one
season, which is presented here in full. Parker plays Patty
Greene, who is based on the show’s creator, SATURDAY
NIGHT LIVE writer Anne Beatts. Patty fumbles through her
time at Weemawee High School with her best friend, Lauren
Hutchinson (Amy Linker), who has a similarly awkward
disposition. Each episode usually finds Patty and Lauren
dreaming up schemes to get the popular kids to like them,
often with the aid of their nerdy male counterparts, Marshall
Blechtman (John Femia) and Johnny Slash (Merritt Butrick).
The show has gained a strong posthumous word-of-mouth
reputation despite its brief lifespan, and the episodes have
been endlessly re-run on multiple cable channels, exposing
the loveable antics of Patty and Anne to many subsequent
Television, Comedies FF M 460min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075166
Steel Trap
Horror/Suspense Ltbx min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075816
Step Lively
Frank Sinatra, George Murphy, Adolphe
Menjou, Gloria De Haven, Walter Slezak,
Eugene Pallette, Wally Brown, Grant
Mitchell - Dir. Tim Whelan
Zany and brisk musical about a musical troupe that must put
on a show in five days — because that’s how long they have
until a check for $50,000, given to the producer, will
undoubtedly bounce at the bank.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 88min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075910
James Stewart Mix
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Freddie Highmore, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick
Nolte, Joan Plowright, David Strathairn Dir. Mark Waters
Based on the bestselling series of children’s fantasy novels
of the same name by Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi, THE
SPIDERWICK CHRONICLES follows the adventures of the
Grace family, newly transplanted from New York City to an
inherited home in the remote New England woods. Angry with
his mother (Mary-Louise Parker) about the move, the sulky
Jared (Freddie Highmore) begin to explore the strange old
house, and discovers a magical tome written by his great,
great uncle Arthur Spiderwick (David Strathairn). Soon Jared
and his twin brother, Simon (also played by Highmore with the
aid of seamless special effects), are drawn into a realm of
goblins, boggarts, and ogres—a reality that coexists with the
human world. By the time the boys’ older sister, Mallory
(Sarah Bolger), is in on their secret, the siblings are steeped
in a conflict with the evil shape-shifting ogre Mulgarath (Nick
Nolte), who will stop at nothing to get Spiderwick’s book.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy Ltbx 16x9 min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076013
Sports (3-Pack)
Freddie Prinze, Jessica Biel, Keanu
Reeves, Gene Hackman, Kevin Costner,
Rene Russo
THE REPLACEMENTS: Inspired by the too-ludicrous-to-be-
Sarah Jessica Parker, Amy Linker, John
Femia, Tracy Nelson, Jami Gertz
Donald Crisp, Cathy O’Donnell, Alex Nicol,
Jack Elam, James Stewart, Arthur Kennedy,
Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs,
Elsa Lanchester, Janice Rule, Hermione
Gingold, Lee Remick, Ben Gazzara, Arthur
O’Connell, Eve Arden, Kathryn Grant,
George C. Scott, Orson Bean, Russ
Brown, Murray Hamilton, Ken Lynch, John
Qualen, Howard McNear - Dir. Anthony
Mann, Richard Quine, Otto Preminger
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 160min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075155
James Stewart: The Western
Audie Murphy, Dan Duryea, James Stewart,
Maureen O’Hara, Brian Keith, Don
Galloway, Arthur Kennedy, Julie Adams,
Ruth Roman, Walter Brennan, Marlene Dietrich, Shelley Winters, Rock Hudson - Dir.
George Marshall, Anthony Mann, Andrew
V. McLaglen, James Neilson
of fans with his dry-witted banter and trademark drawl. When
not running up and down the streets of Bedford Falls, Stewart
gained acclaimed in a series of Westerns that became some of
the genre’s undisputed classics. More than a few are found
this collection, which includes DESTRY RIDES AGAIN, in
which Stewart plays a lighthearted lawman who doesn’t carry
a gun, and WINCHESTER ’73, which follows Stewart as he
tracks down a stolen rifle from owner to owner. Also
presented here are BEND OF THE RIVER, THE FAR
Please see individual titles for complete synopsis information.
Westerns Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 min.
Universal Studios Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075560
Helen Morse, Hugh Keays-Byrne, Ken
Shorter - Dir. Sandy Harbutt
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 M 99min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075734
Guillermo Diaz, Frederick Weller, Duane
The Stonewall riots are a well-known period in the ongoing
struggle for gay rights, but this fictional dramatization from the
BBC brings new life to the subject. As upbeat as it is
poignant, the film captures all the turmoil and energy both
before and after the riots that took place in Manhattan’s West
Village in 1969. Stunning performances by Guillermo Diaz,
Fred Weller, and Duane Boutte also mark this as a triumphant
production about a period of time that should never be
Dramas min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075104
Action/Adventure 110min.
TLA Releasing 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075807
Strange Wilderness
Steve Zahn, Allen Covert, Jonah Hill, Kevin
Heffernan, Ashley Scott, Peter Dante, Harry Hamlin, Robert Patrick, Joe Don Baker,
Justin Long, Jeff Garlin, Ernest Borgnine Dir. Fred Wolf
From the production team that brought you HAPPY GILMORE
and BILLY MADISON comes this amiable, foul-mouthed
„nature“ comedy. Steve Zahn—sporting his best burned-out
surfer dude drawl—leads a ragtag crew of wasted nature
documentarians deep into the Ecuadorian forest on a quest for
the legendary Bigfoot. Constantly being rousted for their
drunken ineptitude and ill-informed voiceover narrations, the
boys need a break to boost their ratings and Bigfoot might be
it; all they have to do is remember to load the camera and not
get eaten (especially by a certain turkey). Allen Covert,
SUPERBAD’s Jonah Hill, Justin Long, and Kevin Heffernan
are the crew. Harry Hamlin is a rival bigfoot tracker. Ashley
Scott (INTO THE BLUE) provides the ubiquitous foxy babe
interest. Ernest Borgnine, Robert Patrick, and Joe Don Baker
show up in bit parts. A sort of low-rent LIFE AQUATIC,
WILDERNESS is such a fall-down farce that viewers might
forget they’re not cracking jokes while watching ANIMAL
PLANET with their cronies instead of seeing a real movie, but
maybe that’s a good thing. Former SNL scribe Fred Wolf
(JOE DIRT) dire
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075000
Stray Bullet
STRAY BULLET is a disquieting portrait of a Korean
accountant who has to grapple with a sequence of disturbing
and tragic events. The film, which was directed in 1960 by Yu
Hyun-Mok, highlights many of the financial and social
pressures inherent in Korean society during this era.
Foreign Films, Korean 108min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075383
The quintessential Everyman, James Stewart won the hearts
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Streets of San Francisco - The
Second Season: Volume 1
Darleen Carr, Michael Douglas, Karl Malden
Television, Dramas FF M min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075666
Stump the Band
Suspense (3-Pack)
Subete a mi Moto
Some unexpected events occur when an internationally
acclaimed author returns to his native Mexico in this Spanishlanguage drama. A chance meeting between the author and his
former flame sparks desire in both of them, leading to some
tough decisions for the couple, who are both in relationships
with other people.
Television, Dramas FF 774min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075133
Suite Life of Zack & Cody - Lip
Synchin’ in the Rain
Cole Sprouse, Dylan Sprouse, Kim Rhodes,
Phill Lewis, Brenda Song, Ashley Tisdale
Comedies FF 89min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075144
Sunday School
Full of thrills and chills, this collection of suspense films
PROOF OF LIFE. Please see individual titles for complete
synopsis information.
Dramas min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075932
Scott Cordes, Annie Tedesco, Caroline
Vinciguerra - Dir. Alec Joler, Ethan Shaftel
Dramas Ltbx S min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075924
John Leguizamo, Tyrese Gibson, Bobby
Cannavale, Rosie Perez, Yul Vaquez, Jake
Muxworthy, Matthew Hatchette, Laurence
Mason, Roger Guenveur Smith, Carlos
Sanz - Dir. Brad Furman
Criminals learn that they may have messed with the wrong
man in this thriller starring John Leguizamo, Tyrese Gibson,
and Bobby Cannavale. Leguizamo (EMPIRE) plays Felix De
La Pena, a man just trying to survive in East L.A. when he is
carjacked by a violent criminal (Gibson, FOUR BROTHERS).
Soon Felix learns that his experience wasn’t an isolated
incident, and he begins to search for the men behind the
scheme before he becomes a suspect for their crimes. Rosie
Perez (DO THE RIGHT THING) costars as Felix’s wife.
Dramas FF DD 5.1 100min.
Maverick Entertainment 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075637
Action/Adventure 80min.
Vanguard Cinema 22.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075868
Action/Adventure Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 96min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075159
Superhero Movie
Leslie Nielsen, Christopher McDonald,
Drake Bell, Sara Paxton, Brent Spiner, Marion Ross, Kevin Hart, Jeffrey Tambor, Robert Joy, Regina Hall, Pamela Anderson Dir. Craig Mazin
In this spoof of Hollywood blockbusters, director and
screenwriter Craig Mazin (THE SPECIALS) tackles the ageold story of a regular guy who suddenly finds that he
possesses super powers. Ricky Riker (Drake Bell) is a
typical teenager, except that his luck is worse then most.
Basically, he’s a loser. He’s been in love with beautiful Jill
(Sara Paxton) for years, but is sure she doesn’t know he
exists. Even his techie best friend, Trey (Kevin Hart), is
willing to throw him over for another clique. But Rick’s life
changes dramatically when a genetically enhanced dragonfly
bites him during a school field trip. In a flash, he becomes the
Dragonfly. He can scale buildings, and has immense
strength—though he’s still a klutz. Rick isn’t sure he has
what it takes to be a superhero, but it’s up to him to save the
city from the villainous Hourglass (Christopher McDonald),
who literally sucks the life out of people, and threatens to
harm those dearest to Rick.
Comedies Ltbx min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 01.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075005
Horror/Suspense FF 90min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075376
SURVIVING EDEN is a Christopher Guest-style
mockumentary about the life of Dennis Flotchky. Flotchky has
just won a million dollars on a reality TV show and has been
thrust into the tabloid spotlight. Meanwhile, a never-ending
parade of fake friends want to get their hands on his money,
and a documentary crew are following every painful misstep
Flotchky makes. Guest regular Jane Lynch stars, along with
Michael Panes, Cheri Oteri, and Peter Dinklage.
Comedies FF 94min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075969
Horror/Suspense 88min.
TLA Releasing 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075809
Survive This
Panes, Cheri Oteri, Jane Lynch - Dir.
Gregory Pritikin
Mysterious, troubled, and brilliant—Russian composer Pyotr
Ilyich Tchaikovsky created an emotional array of compositions
that captured both his inner demons as well as the time period
he lived through. While facts about his life, and particularly
his homosexual affairs, are difficult to come by, this dramatic
interpretation is blended with a documentary approach led by
acclaimed composer Charles Hazlewood. It’s both a creative
imagining of what Tchaikovsky’s turmoil might have been like
as well as a detailed analysis of what made his music so
Dramas Ltbx S 116min.
Warner Home Video 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075110
Tender Trap
Frank Sinatra, Debbie Reynolds, Celeste
Holm, David Wayne, Carolyn Jones, Lola
Albright, Tom Helmore, Willard Sage - Dir.
Charles Walters
Theatrical agent Charlie Reader lives a dreamy bachelor
existence on Sutton Place — he throws parties for
sophisticates and has access to a bevy of beautiful women.
One such woman is Julie, who has already set a marriage
date for herself even though she doesn’t have a beau. And,
unbeknownst to Charlie, she has cast her net for him. Will
Charlie wind up caught in the tender trap of marriage?
Comedies Ltbx 111min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075887
Surviving Eden
That Girl - Season 1 Vol. 1
Sam Robards, Peter Dinklage, Michael
Marlo Thomas, Ted Bessell, Lew Parker,
Rosemary DeCamp
THAT GIRL was a ’60s sitcom that starred Marlo Thomas as a
young woman who moved to New York City with a head full of
acting ambitions. Unfortunately Thomas’s character, Ann
Marie, has to make do with some interminable temp work while
she tries to make it big in the acting world, but this doesn’t
prevent her from indulging in the big city life. Among the
supporting cast are Lew Parker and Rosemary DeCamp, who
play Ann Marie’s parents, and Ted Bessell, who plays her
boyfriend Donald Hollinger. The show made its mark as one of
the first TV productions to center on a single, carefree
woman, and also became known for its much-parodied theme
song and opening credit sequence. A selection of episodes
from the first season of THAT GIRL, which originally aired on
ABC in 1966, are featured on this collection.
Television, Comedies 180min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075764
Thieves and Liars
Steven Bauer, Elpidia Carrillo, Lymaria
Three families find themselves tangled in Puerto Rico’s drug
economy in THIEVES AND LIARS. As the island has become
the main gateway for cocaine into the U.S. east coast,
ordinary lives have begun intersecting with the world of
narcotics trafficking. Among the film’s ensemble of sharply
drawn characters are Isabel, a divorced mother with a
rebellious son; Miguel, a young man dabbling in the drug
trade; and Wanda, a headstrong woman who refuses to be
Foreign Films, Spanish Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075881
Marek Kondrat - Dir. Jan Hryniak
Foreign Films FF 95min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075213
Thomas Crown Affair (1968) / The
Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
Pierce Brosnan, Rene Russo, Denis Leary,
Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway, Paul
Burke - Dir. Norman Jewison, John
Action/Adventure min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075606
Thousand Women Like Me
Niki Karimi - Dir. Rezi Karimi
Foreign Films 108min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075212
The Three Stooges Collection 1937 - 1939
Comedies FF M 412min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075168
Throw of Dice
Action/Adventure FF 74min.
Kino on Video 15.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075455
Tick Tock Lullaby
A British lesbian couple dream of becoming parents. But, in
this dramatic comedy, they first have to come to terms with the
problems in their relationship and also decide the best way to
become pregnant.
Comedies FF 73min.
Wolfe Video 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075972
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Seite 42
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Tiger Blade
An ancient sword, known as the Tiger Blade, holds the key to
defeating a gang leader named Mahesak in this action-packed
feature. A young police officer named Yosthana tries to find
the sword so he can prevent Mahesak and his cronies from
wreaking havoc on his city, but he faces a race against time
as the deadly gang leader also strives to find the ancient
Treasure Island Kids 2 - The Monster of Treasure Island
Childrens FF 81min.
PorchLight Home Entertainment 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075649
Action/Adventure Ltbx 91min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075132
Till Death Do Us Part
TV Mania Too!
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 S 286min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076001
Rin Tin Tin, Bob Hope, Dinah Shore,
Monkees, Bing Crosby, Jimmy Durante,
John Wayne, Jack Benny - Dir. Johnny Legend
Television, Comedies 130min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075745
Till the Clouds Roll By
Van Johnson, Lena Horne, Robert Walker,
Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Tony Martin,
Lucille Bremer, Van Heflin, Joan Wells,
Angela Lansbury, Cyd Charisse - Dir. Richard Whorf
This large-scale Technicolor musical is one of those overthe-top, maximalistic productions that the Golden Age of the
Studio System was famous for! Based on the life and times of
composer Jerome Kern, TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY
features an all-star cast which includes the great crooner
Frank Sinatra, the legendary musical starlet Judy Garland,
and the notoriously beautiful Lena Horne. And of course, it
features many of the hit tunes of the era.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals FF M
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075014
Time For Murder
Dramas FF 309min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075098
Times and Winds
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 111min.
Sisu Home Entertainment, Inc. 15.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075454
Daz Crawford, Andre „Chyna“ McCoy, Jose
Maria Alarcon
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1 91min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075502
Tobor the Great
Charles Drake, Karin Booth, Billy Chapin,
Taylor Holmes - Dir. Lee Sholem
When villainous spies kidnap a scientist and his family, the
loyal robot he brought to life sets out to rescue them.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF DD 2.0 77min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075503
Tokyo Shock Horror Pack - Triple
Chiaki Ôta, Raf, Mustumi Fujita - Dir. Teruo
Ishii, Mari Asato
Horror/Suspense 253min.
Media Blasters 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075544
Action/Adventure FF min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 08.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075817
Horror/Suspense Ltbx 104min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075818
TV Mania! Box Set
Jack Benny, Humphrey Bogart, Jackie
Gleason, Melvyn Douglas, Charles
Bronson, Marx Brothers, Kirk Douglas,
Hattie McDaniel
Television, Comedies min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075744
TV Westerns Favorites 58
Television, Westerns min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075180
Twin Warriors
Jet Li, Chin Siu-Ho, Yuen Kit Ying, Michelle
Khan, Fennie Yuen, Yuen Cheung Yan, Lau
Shun - Dir. Yuen Woo-ping
A pair of lifelong friends are expelled from their Shaolin
temple after being accused of cheating. Tienbao becomes a
powerful and oppressive military leader while the other,
Junbao, (Li) joins the rebels. Only the discipline of Tai Chi
can help Junbao defeat his former friend. Includes some of the
most spectacular martial arts fight scenes ever filmed,
including a huge finale with a cast of thousands.
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 96min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 29.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075006
Two Tickets to Paradise
John C. McGinley, Paul Hipp, Ed Harris,
Moira Kelly, Pat Hingle, Janet Jones, Mark
Moses, Rex Linn, Ned Bellamy, M.C.
Gainey, Vanna White - Dir. D.B. Sweeney
Comedies 91min.
First Look Home Entertainment 22.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075227
Foreign Films, French Ltbx 82min.
Strand Releasing 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075799
Valentina’s Tango
George Perez, Jordi Cabellero, Guillermina
Quiroga - Dir. Rogelio Lobato
Dramas FF 98min.
MTI Home Video 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075629
Will Patton, Luis Guzmán - Dir. Bette Gor-
A young girl takes a job selling tickets at a seedy porno
theater in Times Square and is drawn into the realms of
voyeurism, sexuality and crime on the streets of lower Manhattan. A fascinating, eccentric study of human nature.
Dramas Ltbx S 97min.
Kino on Video 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075461
Vice - Complete Second Season
Ken Stott, David Harewood, Marc Warren,
Caroline Katz, Anna Chancellor
Television, Dramas 390min.
MPI Home Video 24.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075623
Horror/Suspense Ltbx min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075337
Walk All Over Me
Leelee Sobieski - Dir. Robert Cuffley
Dramas Ltbx S 99min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075813
Walker Texas Ranger - 6 Pack
Television, Action/Adventure FF min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
352,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075678
Walker Texas Ranger - The
Complete Fifth Season
Clarence Gilyard, Chuck Norris, Noble
Television, Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0
Paramount Home Entertainment 01.07.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075689
Wanted Dead or Alive - The Best
Steve McQueen
Television, Westerns 198min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075998
War Crimes
Dramas 82min.
Vanguard Cinema 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075864
War Games: The Dead Code
Matt Lanter, Chuck Shamata, Maxim Roy,
Nicolas Wright, Amanda Walsh - Dir. Stuart
Action/Adventure Ltbx DD 5.1 100min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075584
The Way West
Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum, Richard
Widmark, Lola Albright, Michael Witney,
Stubby Kaye, Sally Field, Jack Elam - Dir.
Andrew V. McLaglen
Adapted from A.B. Guthrie Jr.’s Pulitzer prize-winning novel,
a sprawling Western adventure about a wagon train of
pioneers making the overland journey to Oregon. The party is
led by Senator William J. Tadlock, a visionary of almost
fanatical strictness whose unyielding ways don’t sit well with
an ill-tempered fellow pioneer or his less-than-enthusiastic
trail scout. As the group struggles to survive the arduous
trek, their many hardships are compounded by interpersonal
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Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Westerns Ltbx 122min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075597
John Wayne - The Fox Westerns
Rock Hudson, Lee Meriwether, Stuart
Whitman, Lee Marvin, Ernie Kovacs, Fabian, John Wayne, Marguerite Churchill,
Tyrone Power - Dir. Raoul Walsh, Henry
Hathaway, Michael Curtiz, Andrew V.
Westerns Ltbx min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075305
Marian Dziedziel - Dir. Wojtek Smarzowski
Foreign Films, Polish Ltbx 109min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075214
The Wedding Singer / The Mask /
Dumb and Dumber
Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore
- Dir. Frank Coraci, Chuck Russell
Comedies Ltbx DD 2.0 min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075641
Weeds - Season 3
Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins,
Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, Justin Kirk,
Hunter Parrish, Alexander Gould, Matthew
Modine, Mary-Kate Olsen
Television, Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 388min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075520
Weeds - Season 3
Mary-Louise Parker, Elizabeth Perkins,
Kevin Nealon, Romany Malco, Justin Kirk,
Hunter Parrish, Alexander Gould, Matthew
Modine, Mary-Kate Olsen
Television, Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 388min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075521
Theodore Bouloukos - Dir. Michael Todd
Set the date for a crazy weekend with this wild and raunchy
comedy. When rich-kid Jacob decides to throw the ultimate
bash, it means his best buds Benjamin and Marty are invited—
and half the high school. With big dreams of getting lucky, or
merely glimpsing a boob, these kids discover that not
everything turns out as they think it will in this rowdy and
hilarious party.
Comedies Ltbx S min.
Warner Home Video 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075916
Welcome To September
Victor Burke, David Leisure - Dir. Phillip
Dramas FF 89min.
York Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075978
Werewolf Shadow
Paul Naschy, Gady Fuchs, Barbara Capell,
Valena Samarine - Dir. Leon Klimovsky
Paul Naschy, a horror star on the order of Christopher Lee in
his native Spain, stars once again in this movie as Waldemar
Daninsky, a nobleman cursed for eternity with the mark of the
werewolf. Here, Naschy rescues two young women doing
research on the legend of a powerful witch and supposed
vampire known as the Countess Wandessa. Unfortunately,
their studies awaken the Countess, who is far more powerful
than the girls could have imagined. Imbued with all the
trademarks of Naschy’s werewolf films such as gratuitous
nudity, gore, and a palpable gothic atmosphere, WEREWOLF
SHADOW is an excellent early 1970s monster movie.
Foreign Films, Spanish Ltbx 16x9 M 94min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075995
Western 3-Pack
John Wayne - Dir. John Ford
Tight-lipped cowboys, dusty stagecoaches, and desolate
landscapes usually have two things in common: John Wayne
and director John Ford. Together, they crafted some of the
greatest Westerns every to hit the silver screen. Collected
here are three of their classic collaborations: THE
see individual titles for complete synopsis information.
Westerns min.
Warner Home Video 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075882
What Did You Do in the War,
Dick Shawn, James Coburn, Harry Morgan,
Carroll O’Connor, Jay Novello, Sergio Fantoni, Giovanna Ralli, Aldo Ray - Dir. Blake
A group of frustrated American soldiers tries to convice an
Italian city to surrender to the Germans, but the local wine
festival and other silly situations get in the way.
Comedies Ltbx M 116min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075593
What Up?
Kadeem Hardison, Godfrey - Dir. Dale Stelly
Comedies Ltbx DD 5.1 82min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075516
What’s Happening! - The
Complete Series
Ernest Thomas, Haywood Nelson, Mabel
King, Danielle Spencer, Fred Berry, Shirley
Television, Comedies FF M 1612min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075170
Who’s Your Monkey
Scott Michael Campbell, Scott Grimes,
Jason London, Kevin Durand, Wayne
Knight, Susan May Pratt, Ali Hillis, David
DeLuise - Dir. Todd Breau
How much trouble can four friends cram into one night? The
buddies in this award-winning indie comedy attempt to find out
as they kill a criminal, save some innocent animals, and get
rid of a dead body in the space of a single evening. WHO’S
YOUR MONKEY, titled THROWING STARS on its festival
run, features Jason London, Scott Michael Campbell, David
DeLuise, and Scott Grimes.
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 86min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074991
Fran Kranz, Kenan Thompson, Darrell Hammond, Jenny McCarthy, Andy Milonakis,
Zachary Levi - Dir. Mark Steilen
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 93min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074970
Min-seo Chae - Dir. Shin Ye-on Wong
Horror/Suspense FF S 106min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075334
Willows Way
Casey McDougal, C. James Roberts
For a man who lost his son, a strange encounter with a being
from another world will present him with a moral dilemma that
will affect the destiny of all mankind. Sent to Earth to witness
the planet’s spiritual awakening, the alien observer finds his
path tangled with the bereaved father who will risk the entire
planet’s destruction for a shot at going back in time and
saving his son. It’s a sci-fi thriller that relies more on the
philosophical issues it raises than the special effects or
overblown action sequences common to the genre.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy FF 82min.
York Entertainment 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075979
Wind at My Back - Complete
Third Season
Kathryn Greenwood, Dylan Provencher,
Tyrone Savage, James Carroll, Shirley
Douglas, Robin Craig, Cynthia Belliveau
Television, Dramas FF 600min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075801
Oprah Winfrey Presents Mitch
Albom’s For One More Day
Michael Imperioli, Ellen Burstyn, Samantha
Mathis, Oprah Winfrey - Dir. Lloyd Kramer
Mitch Albom’s FOR ONE MORE DAY is a best-selling novel
about a suicidal man named Charles „Chick“ Benetto.
Benetto’s life has been stuck in a permanent downward spiral
since his mother died, but as he contemplates taking his own
life, he is allowed to spend one more day with her. This ABC
TV movie was produced by Oprah Winfrey and stars Michael
Imperioli (THE SOPRANOS) as Benetto and Ellen Burstyn
(REQUIEM FOR A DREAM) as his mother.
Dramas DD 5.1 92min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075500
Wire - The Complete Fifth Season
Dominic West, Lance Reddick, Sonja Sohn
Dramas FF 630min.
Warner Home Video 12.08.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075338
Wire in the Blood - The Complete
Fifth Season
Robson Green, Simone Lahbib
Television, Dramas Ltbx 16x9 344min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075402
Witchblade - The Complete
Science-Fiction/Fantasy min.
Warner Home Video 22.07.2008
104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075889
Witless Protection (Blu-ray)
Larry the Cable Guy, Ivana Milicevic,
Yaphet Kotto, Peter Stormare, Eric Roberts,
Joe Mantegna, Jenny McCarthy - Dir.
Charles Robert Carner
Standup comedy phenom Larry the Cable Guy (CARS, BLUE
COLLAR TV, DELTA FARCE) brings plenty of girth and mirth
to his latest film, the police caper WITLESS PROTECTION.
Larry (real name Daniel Lawrence Whitney) plays Deputy
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Seite 44
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Larry Sandler, a small-town sheriff’s deputy with good time
buddies, a sassy but adoring girlfriend named Connie (Jennie
McCarthy), and dreams of being an FBI agent. Providence
comes Larry’s way when he spots Madeleine Dimkowski
(Ivana Milicevic) and concludes that her FBI escorts, led by
Yaphet Kotto (HOMICIDE), are not on the level. Larry kidnaps
big city snob Madeleine, who is a key government witness
against corrupt businessman Arthur Grimsley (Peter
Stormare), and resolves to deliver her to the proper
authorities in Chicago. Hotly pursued by Kotto’s bogus FBI
agents, as well as Grimsley’s devious security chief (Eric
Roberts), Larry and Madeleine must learn to bridge their
many cultural differences if they are to make it to the trial
alive. Lampooning everything from celebrity adoption habits to
Homeland Security, the film cuts a broad swath of unabashed
political incorrectness
Comedies 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075531
Witless Protection (Full Screen)
Women Who Love Too Much Exes & Oh’s: The Complete 1st
Season / The L Word - The
Complete 1st Season
Jennifer Beals, Pam Grier, Mia Kirshner,
Michelle Paradise, Marnie Alton, Angela
Featherstone, Heather Matarazzo, Megan
single and clueless when in comes to the rules of lesbian life,
documentary filmmaker Jennifer (Michelle Paradise) makes
more than a few stumbles in her search for love in this comedy
series. Lucky for her, she has some good friends to guide her
along the way, among them, bed-hopping bartender Sam
(Marnie Alton); longtime couple Chris (Megan Cavanagh) and
Kris (Angela Featherstone); and punky Crutch (Heather
Matarazzo), a 22-year-old musician with some lessons of her
own to learn. A witty take on relationships that runs the gamut
of lesbian life, the series’ first season is presented here.
Larry the Cable Guy, Ivana Milicevic,
Yaphet Kotto, Peter Stormare, Eric Roberts,
Joe Mantegna, Jenny McCarthy - Dir.
Charles Robert Carner
Television, Comedies FF 200min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075679
Standup comedy phenom Larry the Cable Guy (CARS, BLUE
COLLAR TV, DELTA FARCE) brings plenty of girth and mirth
to his latest film, the police caper WITLESS PROTECTION.
Larry (real name Daniel Lawrence Whitney) plays Deputy
Larry Sandler, a small-town sheriff’s deputy with good time
buddies, a sassy but adoring girlfriend named Connie (Jennie
McCarthy), and dreams of being an FBI agent. Providence
comes Larry’s way when he spots Madeleine Dimkowski
(Ivana Milicevic) and concludes that her FBI escorts, led by
Yaphet Kotto (HOMICIDE), are not on the level. Larry kidnaps
big city snob Madeleine, who is a key government witness
against corrupt businessman Arthur Grimsley (Peter
Stormare), and resolves to deliver her to the proper
authorities in Chicago. Hotly pursued by Kotto’s bogus FBI
agents, as well as Grimsley’s devious security chief (Eric
Roberts), Larry and Madeleine must learn to bridge their
many cultural differences if they are to make it to the trial
alive. Lampooning everything from celebrity adoption habits to
Homeland Security, the film cuts a broad swath of unabashed
political incorrectness
World War Collection
Comedies FF 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075523
Witless Protection (Widescreen)
Larry the Cable Guy, Ivana Milicevic,
Yaphet Kotto, Peter Stormare, Eric Roberts,
Joe Mantegna, Jenny McCarthy - Dir.
Charles Robert Carner
Standup comedy phenom Larry the Cable Guy (CARS, BLUE
COLLAR TV, DELTA FARCE) brings plenty of girth and mirth
to his latest film, the police caper WITLESS PROTECTION.
Larry (real name Daniel Lawrence Whitney) plays Deputy
Larry Sandler, a small-town sheriff’s deputy with good time
buddies, a sassy but adoring girlfriend named Connie (Jennie
McCarthy), and dreams of being an FBI agent. Providence
comes Larry’s way when he spots Madeleine Dimkowski
(Ivana Milicevic) and concludes that her FBI escorts, led by
Yaphet Kotto (HOMICIDE), are not on the level. Larry kidnaps
big city snob Madeleine, who is a key government witness
against corrupt businessman Arthur Grimsley (Peter
Stormare), and resolves to deliver her to the proper
authorities in Chicago. Hotly pursued by Kotto’s bogus FBI
agents, as well as Grimsley’s devious security chief (Eric
Roberts), Larry and Madeleine must learn to bridge their
many cultural differences if they are to make it to the trial
alive. Lampooning everything from celebrity adoption habits to
Homeland Security, the film cuts a broad swath of unabashed
political incorrectness
Comedies Ltbx 97min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075532
Karl Johnson, Michael Gough, Tilda
Swinton, Clancy Chassay - Dir. Derek
Derek Jarman’s WITTENSTEIN is a spare, understated look
at the life and work of the brilliant, tortured philosopher
Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Comedies Ltbx 69min.
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075986
Action/Adventure FF DD 2.0 379min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075508
Yard Sale
Demetrius Navarro, Jon Huertas, Roberto
Sanchez, Aris Alvarado, Adriana Millan
Comedies min.
Laguna Films 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075475
You Belong to Me: Elusive Lover
Dramas min.
Wolfe Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075974
Young Japan 2
Shinya Tsukamoto
Action/Adventure 192min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075085
Young Yakuza
Foreign Films, Japanese Ltbx 99min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075380
You’re Triflin
Juan Branch, Michael Blackson, Walter
Comedies 88min.
Well Go USA, Inc. 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075938
Youth Without Youth
Tim Roth, Marcel Iures, Alexandra Maria
Lara, Bruno Ganz, Andre Hennicke - Dir.
Francis Ford Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola returns to the director’s chair for the
first time in nearly a decade with his ambitious parable
YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH. Set in Romania on the eve of
World War II, the tale begins when 70-year-old linguistics
professor Dominic Matei (Tim Roth) is struck by lightning,
miraculously restoring him to the flower of youth. Swaddled in
bandages, blind, and mute, Dominic astounds his doctor
(Bruno Ganz) with his swift recovery—new teeth, smooth
skin, and a shining mane of hair—and even the young nurses
start to take an interest in the dashing, vigorous
septuagenarian. But things turn perilous when the Third
Reich learns of Dominic’s rejuvenation and wants to harness
his new, superhuman abilities. On the run in wartorn Europe,
Dominic uses his powers to keep one step ahead of the Nazis
and finish his life’s work, an expansive study on language and
human consciousness. The unpredictable plot thickens when
Dominic falls for Veronica (Alexandra Maria Lara), a beautiful
young woman who reminds him of a lost love and, what’s more,
has also had a fateful encounter with lightning—leaving her
Dramas Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 124min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074971
Youth Without Youth (Blu-ray)
Tim Roth, Marcel Iures, Alexandra Maria
Lara, Bruno Ganz, Andre Hennicke - Dir.
Francis Ford Coppola
Francis Ford Coppola returns to the director’s chair for the
first time in nearly a decade with his ambitious parable
YOUTH WITHOUT YOUTH. Set in Romania on the eve of
World War II, the tale begins when 70-year-old linguistics
professor Dominic Matei (Tim Roth) is struck by lightning,
miraculously restoring him to the flower of youth. Swaddled in
bandages, blind, and mute, Dominic astounds his doctor
(Bruno Ganz) with his swift recovery—new teeth, smooth
skin, and a shining mane of hair—and even the young nurses
start to take an interest in the dashing, vigorous
septuagenarian. But things turn perilous when the Third
Reich learns of Dominic’s rejuvenation and wants to harness
his new, superhuman abilities. On the run in wartorn Europe,
Dominic uses his powers to keep one step ahead of the Nazis
and finish his life’s work, an expansive study on language and
human consciousness. The unpredictable plot thickens when
Dominic falls for Veronica (Alexandra Maria Lara), a beautiful
young woman who reminds him of a lost love and, what’s more,
has also had a fateful encounter with lightning—leaving her
Dramas 124min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074973
Zakland - The Shiny Surprise
Childrens Ltbx 51min.
PorchLight Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075648
Zombies Anonymous
Gina Ramsden, Joshua Nelson
Horror/Suspense 104min.
Well Go USA, Inc. 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075937
Josh Hartnett, Naomie Harris - Dir. Austin
Dramas 88min.
First Look Home Entertainment 26.08.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075229
American Idol - Season 6 Finale
Performance Show: The Top 2
Blake Lewis, Jordin Sparks
The dramatic finale to the sixth season of AMERICAN IDOL
is featured on this program. The final two contestants in the
sixth season, Blake Lewis and Jordin Sparks, perform a
selection of songs and talk about their experiences on the
show while the infamous judges’ panel discusses their
talents. Also included is a season-spanning overview of
Blake and Jordin’s journeys to the final, and a triumphant
performance by the winner.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts, Pop
Music Ltbx 16x9 90min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075410
And This is Free: The Life and
Times of Maxwell Street
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
wonder. Here they are getting the groove on live in Washington D.C.
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075759
Bachatas Pegaditas En Video
Born in the Dominican Republic, bachata music reflects its
poor and rural origins with its sad and melancholic overtones.
This program compiles music videos by renowned bachata
artists including Sergio Vargas, Giordano Morel, Zacarias
Ferreira, and Ubay.
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075780
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Innovative Distribution Network 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075353
Boulez / Mahler Chamber Orch. From the House of the Dead
Olaf Bar
Ballet Class For IntermediateAdvanced
David Howard is the premiere instructor admired by Nureyev
and Baryshnikov, here sharing advanced technique for the
serious dancer. Included are techniques that will help to
expand any dancer’s vocabulary of ballet.
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction DD 2.0 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075421
Olaf Bar, Eric Stoklossa, and Stefan Margita star in this
adaptation of Czech composer Leos Janacek’s 1930 opera,
FROM THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD. The performance was
staged at the Grand Théatre de Provence in 2007 and features
the Mahler Chamber Orchestra conducted by Pierre Boulez
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075837
Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers The Miracle of Hope
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (The)
Beatles - The Red Album
A selection of expert commentators examine the weighty
influence of the Beatles’ RED ALBUM on this documentary.
The record, which collects some of the Fab Four’s biggest
hits, has enjoyed a long shelf life since its initial release in
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075388
The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers are a large, 285-voice
ensemble who have been performing together since the early
1980s. This unusual performance gave the Singers a chance
to spread the word of God to the inmates of Angola Prison,
which is part of the Louisiana State Penitentiary. Angola is a
maximum security facility that houses some of the most
dangerous prisoners in America. This performance formed
part of a faith-based educational program that has greatly
reduced the number of violent outbursts in the facility. The
songs in THE MIRACLE OF HOPE are interspersed with
interviews from various wardens and prisoners from Angola.
Religious FF min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075783
Beatles, The - Rare & Unseen The
Bill Bruford’s Earthworks Footloose in NYC
John Lennon, Phil Collins
Bill Bruford
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075395
This music documentary dedicated to The Beatles compiles
exclusive 1960s live footage and interviews with John Lennon
and Phil Collins.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
16x9 S 97min.
Alternative Distribution Alliance 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075047
Bellydance With Jillina
Choreography Box Set
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 333min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075859
Tab Beniot - Live In Nashville
Tab Benoit
Blues musician Tab Benoit made a name for himself by working
the small clubs of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. This
recording was shot in 2007 and sees Benoit joined by his
faithful backing band, LeRoux, for a full live set in Nashville.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075247
Bizzy Bone: Ouija Board
Bizzy Bone
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075415
Blue Magic - Live in Concert
Philadelphia’s Blue Magic topped the charts back in 1974
with their signature hit „Sideshow.“ Although that was
certainly their most popular track, this quintet has always had
a lot more to offer the soul and R&B world than just a one-hit
Roy Buchanan - Live From Austin
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075392
Clash - The Clash Live: Revolution Rock
Some bands are defined by their time period while others
transcend it. And while it’s true The Clash will always be
associated with the British punk scene of the 1970s, their
sound has proven to be way ahead of its time and still
manages to sound cutting-edge no matter what generation digs
on it. This collection of performances from across their entire
career will remind fans why The Clash are one of the most
important, and perhaps best sounding, bands in rock history.
Included here is footage from studio recordings; famed London
venues; and a massive, stage-rocking extravaganza held at
Shea Stadium.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
Sony Music Distribution 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075789
Classic Albums - The Doors
A future classic was unleashed in January 1967 as the Doors
released their eponymously titled debut album. This
documentary in the Classic Albums series takes an in-depth
look at the album, with commentary from Bruce Botnick, who
worked on the album, and the three remaining Doors—
guitarist Robbie Krieger, keyboard player Ray Manzarek, and
drummer John Densmore. The three band members also play
some of their instrumental parts from the album, offering
invaluable insight into how the songs were constructed.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075242
Classical Images: A Concert In
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 43min.
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075423
Coldplay - Phenomenon
This unauthorized documentary uses musicians, critics,
interviews, and archive footage to examine the rise of the
British band Coldplay to international status.
Roy Buchanan
Musical & Performing Arts DD 2.0 32min.
RED Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075710
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
16x9 66min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074987
Burn The Floor - The New Show
Floor Play
Albert Collins - Live From Austin
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance DD 5.0
Kultur Films Inc. 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075450
Albert Collins
Television, Musical & Performing Arts DD
2.0 68min.
RED Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075708
Caifanes / Jaguares - De Caifanes
A Jaguares
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 22.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075784
Celebration: 40 Years of
Australian Opera
Joan Sutherland - Dir. Baz Luhrmann
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical FF S
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075447
Eric Clapton - Masterpieces
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
Willie Colon - The Hit List: La
Willie Colon
Grammy Award-winner Willie Colón has sold more than 30
million records worldwide during his long-running career with
his mixture of jazz-rock, salsa, and traditional Puerto Rican
melodies. This music program features live footage of Colón
performing some of his greatest hits, including „El Gran
Varón,“ „Atrapado,“ „No,“ and „Idilio.“
Foreign Films, Latin FF min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075791
Sheryl Crow - In Concert
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075408
Evgeny Kissin Plays Schubert /
Brahms / Bach / Liszt / Gluck
Dark Funeral Attera Orbis
Terrarum Vol. 2
Yevgeny Kissin
Piano virtuoso Evgeny Kissin plays pieces by Schubert,
Brahms, Bach, Liszt, and Gluck in these recorded
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075373
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075839
Mink DeVille - Live At Montreaux
Mink DeVille were a loosely assembled bunch of musicians
who were brought together to showcase the talents of singer
Willy DeVille. The band began in San Francisco, enjoyed a
stint as the house band at CBGBs, and toured extensively
throughout its career. This live performance from Montreaux
in 1982 includes songs such as „Savoir Faire“ and „Lipstick
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075245
Bob Dylan - 1978-1989: Both Ends
of the Rainbow
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music S
Music Video Distributors 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076008
Elvis: Up Close and Personal
Elvis Presley
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075722
Vicente Fernandez - Para
Vicente Fernandez
Mexican ranchera singer Vincente Fernandez performs live
on a TV special on PARA SIEMPRE. The show is hosted by
Mexican soap star Angelica Rivera, and sees Fernandez
performing his PARA SIEMPRE album in full. Among the
tracks, which are shot in a variety of locations, are „El
Chofer“ and „Estos Celos.“
Foreign Films, Latin 47min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075796
Firestone Dances
A collection of rare, classic dance sequences from the Voice
of Firestone television series, 1962-63, including such gems
as Rudolf Nureyev’s American television solo debut, the team
of Jacques D’Amboise and Melissa Hayden, and dancers from
the Royal Danish Ballet and the Ballet Espanol XimenesVargas.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts,
Dance DD 2.0 49min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075430
Floaters - Float On: Live in
Enchantment - Greatest Hits Live
Born in the center of the R&B universe, this soulful group
from Detroit has always put together sounds that swoon,
melodies that fill the heart with romance, and lyrics that get
under the skin and make listeners want to sing out loud. Here
they are live, performing the songs that evoke such strong and
sweet emotions.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Innovative Distribution Network 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075354
Envy - Transfovista
Withstanding time and traversing the full spectrum of experimental punk, Tokyo-based Envy have earned their following
as much as their following have earned the ability to
appreciate the band’s uncompromising sound. Collected here
are 17 live performances from over a dozen years of the
band’s experiments with noise, guitars, and hardcore.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Alternative Distribution Alliance 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075048
All true R&B fans have heard of The Floaters, and are at least
familiar with their chart-topping hit from 1977, „Float On.“
Still, their short career has probably kept them under the
radar for many followers of the genre. Well here’s a chance to
catch them live as they perform some of their original tunes
alongside many classic R&B hits that all fans know and love.
Placido Domingo, Kiri Te Kanawa
An all-star celebration of the Romantic composer on the
centenary of his death.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical S
Kultur Films Inc. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075425
Gallhammer: Ruin Of A Church
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075414
James Galway - At The
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075444
Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On +
Greatest Hits Live
A full-length concert and a documentary feature are included
on two-part program on soul/R&B legend Marvin Gaye. The
former Motown star reached some unimaginable highs and
lows in his life, scoring hits such as „Let’s Get It On“ and „I
Heard It Through the Grapevine,“ but also succumbing to a
terrible drug addiction, career failure, and a tragic end to his
life in 1984. These incidents are part of the documentary,
titled „What’s Going On,“ while the concert footage is taken
from a 1976 appearance in Amsterdam.
Frey / Studer / Schneider / BFO Lohengrin
Gillan - The Glory Years 19791982
Paul Frey - Dir. Werner Herzog
Ian Gillan
This production of Richard Wagner’s three-act romantic
opera LOHENGRIN was staged at the Bayreuth Opera house
in 1990. Peter Schneider conducts the Bayreuth Festival
Orchestra, while the lead role of Lohengrin is taken by Paul
Freyas. In an unusual turn, the direction is provided by
maverick German filmmaker Werner Herzog.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075838
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
Bill and Gloria Gaither are joined by some of their
Homecoming friends for this celebratory concert of praise and
worship. The Gaithers draw on the talents of artists such as
Joy Gardner, Sue Dodge, and David Phelps, who perform on
songs such as „When I Survey the Wondrous Cross“ and
„Jesus I Come.“
Singer Ian Gillan enjoyed a highly productive period as the
frontman of his own band, Gillan, in between his stints with
Deep Purple and Black Sabbath. This concert was recorded
in 1981 and originally aired on the BBC. The program also
features numerous other televised appearances from Gillan,
including four performances on legendary Brit TV show TOP
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075241
Gluck - Orfeo ed Euridice
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical FF
Qualiton Imports LTD. 15.04.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075707
Howard Goodall’s Big Bangs
Religious 90min.
EMI Christian Music Group 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075191
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical S
Kultur Films Inc. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075441
Gaither Gospel Series - Singin’ In
My Soul
Grupo Niche - Una Aventura, La
Bill Gaither, Gloria Gaither
With a musical career spanning over 30 years, Colombian
salsa band Grupo Niche is renowned for its socially involved
lyrics and upbeat numbers. This musical program features live
Prolific gospel singers Bill and Gloria Gaither introduce some
very special guests on this live recording. SINGIN’ IN MY
Gala Tribute To Tchaikovsky
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075243
Bill & Gloria Gaither and Their
Homecoming Friends - Rock of
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music DD
2.0 120min.
EMI Video 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075194
Religious min.
EMI Video 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075192
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Innovative Distribution Network 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075355
Erasure - Live At The Royal Albert Hall
Andy Bell and Vince Clarke had been performing as Erasure
for 22 years when this celebratory concert was recorded in
2007. The show finds Bell and Clarke delivering a hit-packed
set before their devoted fans, and they also delve into tracks
from their album LIGHT AT THE END OF THE WORLD. The
show features all the flamboyant costume changes and wicked
humor that Erasure fans have come to expect from Bell, and
the singer clearly relishes playing in the impressive
surroundings of the Royal Albert Hall. Among the tracks
featured are „Blue Savannah,“ „Chains of Love,“ and „Love to
Hate You.“
SOUL draws on the talents of Bill and Gloria’s Homecoming
Friends, including Tanya Goodman Sykes and Jeanne
Johnson, who lend a helping hand to songs such as „My Sins
Are Gone“ and „How Long.“
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
performances of some of the group’s greatest hits, including
„Mujer de Novela,“ „Hagamos lo Que Diga el Corazón,“
„Duele Más,“ „La Gallinita de Los Huevos de Oro,“ and „Gotas
de Lluvia.“
Foreign Films, Latin FF min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075794
Alejandra Guzman - Reina De
Corazones, La Historia
Singer and actress Alejandra Guzman, also known as the
„Queen of Rock“ in her native Mexico, won a Latin Grammy
Award for her 2002 million-selling album SOY. REINA DE
CORAZONES, LA HISTORIA features music videos and live
performances of Guzman’s greatest hits, including
„Eternamente Bella,“ „Mala Hierba,“ „Toda la Mitad,“ „Tu Eres
Mi Luz,“ „Volverte a Amar,“ and „Quiero Estar Contigo.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
Sony Music Distribution 15.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075793
Janowitz, and conductor Herbert Von Karajan, on this 1991
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075835
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075830
James Last - Live At The Royal
Albert Hall
Janowitz / Weikl / VPO / Solti Arabella
Georg Solti
The three-act opera ARABELLA tells the tale of a young
woman searching for love while her impoverished family
members try to persuade her to marry into money. This
performance of Strauss’s piece was shot in 1984 and finds Sir
Georg Solti conducting the Wiener Philharmoniker.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075834
Jewel - Essential Live Songbook
Ed Hamell - Rant And Roll
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075370
Hed P.E. - The DIY Guys
Hed P.E. is an uncompromising alternative band that performs
a self-styled mixture of punk, metal, rap, and funk that they
call G-Punk. THE DIY GUYS includes extensive live footage
of the band, and also features a humorous documentary on
their career, which bears a close resemblance to the British
version of THE OFFICE.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075372
Homemade Hillbilly Jam
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
First Run Features Home Video 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075250
Isabela - En Vivo Desde
Stanley Jordan Trio - The Paris
Stanley Jordan
Musical & Performing Arts FF min.
Music Video Distributors 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075632
Karajan In Concert - Karajan /
Berlin Philharmonic Orch.
Herbert Von Karajan
A documentary produced to celebrate Herbert Von Karajan’s
70th birthday is included on this package, which also features
performances of works by Beethoven, Debussy, and Wagner.
Karajan is joined by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and
pianist Alexis Weissenberg for each piece.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075831
Korn - Live At Montreux 2004
Hit songs such as „Flaca o Gordita“ and „Mas No Puedo“
feature on this 13-track live recording by award-winning
Mexican singer Isabela. The show was recorded in
Michoacan in Mexico.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075836
The Italian Opera Collection Il
Tabarro; Pagliacci; L’elisier
Three of the performances by acclaimed tenor Luciano
Pavarotti at New York’s Metropolitan Opera are gathered for
this entry in the Italian Opera Collection. Included are
reworkings of Puccini’s IL TABARRO, Ruggiero
Leoncavallo’s PAGLIACCI, and Gaetano Donizetti’s L’ELISIR
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075841
Janowitz / Van Dam / BPO / Karajan - A German Requiem
Jose Van Dam, Gundula Janowitz
Brahms’s A GERMAN REQUIEM, which was composed over
a three-year period between 1865 and 1868, is performed by
the Berliner Philharmoniker, Jose Van Dam, Gundula
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075409
In 1993 Korn formed out of the ashes of two California-based
metal bands, going on to enjoy a lucrative career as one of the
first bands to fuse hip-hop, funk, and heavy metal (helping to
form the „nu metal“ genre in the process). This live recording
finds Korn performing in Montreux after sticking together for
11 years and recording numerous multimillion selling albums.
The group made for an unusual addition to the Montreux lineup, but the band members perform with all the explosive
energy that made their name, and the concert marks one of the
final occasions on which founder member Brian Welch played
with the band.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075246
Kreator - At The Pulse Of Kapitulation - Live In East Berlin 1990
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF S
Ryko Distribution 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075726
Lagrimita - En Vivo
Lagrimita are Mexican performers who have appeared in
numerous television shows, including their own OPERACION
TALENTO. This presentation is based around songs from
their 2008 album EN VIVO, and includes performances of
songs such as „Juntos Por Siempre“ and „En Mi Pancita.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
In 2007 James Last took his orchestra to London, where they
performed in the ornate surroundings of the Royal Albert Hall.
Last has enjoyed a lengthy spell of success in England,
where his albums sell in enormous quantities. On this
recording, the capacity crowd at the Albert Hall welcome Last
and his band as they perform a diverse range of material,
including easy-on-the-ear versions of „Somewhere Over the
Rainbow,“ „Love is in the Air,“ and „The Way We Were.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075240
Learn To Dance Like The Stars Beginner To Ballroom Pro with
Louis Van Amstel
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction FF S 190min.
BayView Entertainment 15.04.2008
178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075960
Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day:
The Inside Story
Led Zeppelin helped define the musical landscape of the
1970s, and this documentary pays warm tribute to their
talents. THE INSIDE STORY draws on interviews with all
four original band members to tell their remarkable tale.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075390
John Lennon - Classic Albums
„Plastic Ono Band“
In 1970 John Lennon released his first solo album, JOHN
LENNON/PLASTIC ONO BAND, following the dissolution of
the Beatles. The album, which features classic Lennon
compositions such as „Working Class Hero“ and „Mother,“ is
discussed by Yoko Ono, Ringo Starr, and many others in this
entry in the Classic Albums series.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075244
Linkin Park - From A Whisper To
A Scream
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075371
Live From Austin TX - Clarence
Gatemouth Brown
Television, Musical & Performing Arts FF DD
2.0 65min.
RED Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075709
Madama Butterfly
Cheryl Barker, Jay Hunter Morris
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical S
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075448
Magic In The Air And Bantry
House Music
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075443
Mana - Arde El Cielo
Mexican rockers Mana formed in 1978 and have accrued a
worldwide audience through a succession of Grammy awardwinning albums and a relentless touring schedule. ARDE EL
CIELO is a live recording of the band, captured on camera in
San Juan, Puerto Rico, during its Amar es Combatir Tour.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
WEA 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075936
Mcintyre / Ligendza / Sawallisch
- The Flying Dutchman
Donald McIntyre, Caterina Ligendza
Richard Wagner’s 1843 opera THE FLYING DUTCHMAN is
based on the mythical tale of a phantom ship that is doomed to
sail the oceans until the end of time. This performance,
recorded in 1975, draws on the talents of Wolfgang
Sawallisch, who conducts the Bayerische Staatsoper Orchestra.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075832
John McLaughlin / Zakir Hussain Remember Shakti: The Way Of
John McLaughlin
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075724
Meat Loaf - In Search Of
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075833
Merengues Pegaditos En Video
Originating from the Dominican Republic, Merengue music is
famous for its trademark upbeat and joyful rhythms. This
program compiles music videos by renowned Latin artists
including Miriam Cruz, Oro Solido, Ramon Orlando, and
Wilmer B.
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075781
Robert Merrill in Opera and Song
This Voice of Firestone telecast includes the great baritone
Robert Merrill singing arias from „Carmen,“ „The Barber of
Seville,“ „I Pagliacci,“ „Hamlet,“ and „Il Trovatore“; plus songs
by Weill, Leoncavallo, and others.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts,
Classical DD 2.0 105min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075433
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075449
Sherrill Milnes, Anna Tomowa-Sintow,
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James
Jorge Negrete - El Charro Cantor:
Exitos De Pelicula
The much-performed SIMON BOCCANEGRA is brought to the
stage at the Metropolitan Opera on this 1984 recording.
Verdi’s celebrated opera is performed by an impressive cast
that includes Sherrill Milnes and Anna Tomowa-Sintow, who
are joined by the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
and conductor James Levine.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075846
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075391
Buddy Miles - Changes
Buddy Miles
Musical & Performing Arts FF DD 2.0 77min.
Music Video Distributors 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076009
Milnes / MET / Levine - Simon
Jorge Negrete
Legendary Mexican singer and actor Jorge Negrete Moreno
rose to fame in the 1930s with his traditional ranchera
folkloric songs. This music program compiles famous tracks
taken from Moreno’s movies including „Yo Soy Mexicano,“ „El
Hijo Del Pueblo,“ „Mexico Lindo Y Querido,“ and „Hermosas
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075790
Missa Solemnis - Tomowa-Sintow
/ Baldani / Tappy / Karajan / BP
Jessye Norman - A Portrait
Anna Tomowa-Sintow, Herbert Von Karajan
Opera singer Jessye Norman’s career is discussed and
analyzed in this documentary. Norman sheds her usual
reticence to provide welcome insight into her childhood, her
love life, and her glittering career. The program also includes
13 performances of pieces by Ravel, Strauss, Mozart, and
Beethoven’s MISSA SOLEMNIS is brought to life in this 1979
performance. This interpretation of Beethoven’s work was
staged at the Easter Festival in Salzburg and features the
talents of acclaimed soprano Anna Tomowa-Sintow, conductor
Herbert von Karajan, and the Berlin Philharmonic.
Jessye Norman
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075843
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075825
Monchy & Alexandra - En Vivo
Desde Bellas Artes
Patrulla 81
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075788
Moneen - It All Started with A
Red Stripe
Indie rockers Moneen present a candid look at their off-stage
lifestyles on this presentation. IT ALL STARTED WITH A
RED STRIPE includes plenty of on-the-road footage, clips
from recording sessions, music videos, and a full-length live
show recorded in Toronto.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075239
Patrick Moraz - Live in Princeton
Patrick Moraz
Footage made to accompany Patrick Moraz’s THE STORY OF
I album is combined with a live show from Princeton, New
Jersey, on this release. The live show was captured on
camera in 1995.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075028
Movin On Up - The Music &
Message Of Curtis Mayfield & the
Metallica - The Halcyon Years
Soul legend Curtis Mayfield’s career began in the late 1950s
with his work with the Impressions. This documentary takes
an in-depth look at Mayfield’s politically charged songwriting
and his amazing career, which peaked with his 1972
soundtrack for the film SUPERFLY. Among the guests talking
about Mayfield’s influence are Carlos Santana and Chuck D
from Public Enemy.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075828
Jonathan Summers, Elizabeth Connell - Dir.
Barrie Kosky
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical FF S
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
Pop Music, Musical & Performing Arts min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 17.06.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075967
Luciano Pavarotti - Un Ballo In
Luciano Pavarotti, Judith Blegen, Katia
Ricciarelli, Bianca Berini
This interpretation of Giuseppe Verdi’s three-act opera UN
BALLO IN MASCHERA is part of a series of releases that
collect some of Luciano Pavarotti’s best performances at the
Metropolitan Opera. In this production, which was staged in
1980, Pavarotti is joined in the cast by stars such as Judith
Blegen, Bianca Berini, and Katia Ricciarelli, while Giuseppe
Patane conducts. UN BALLO IN MASCHERA is a
controversial piece that is loosely based on the tragic
assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075820
Pavarotti Sings Verdi - Unballo In
Maschera / Il Trovatore / Ernani
Luciano Pavarotti
The stage at New York’s Metropolitan Opera has played host
to some incredible performers over the years. The legendary
tenor Luciano Pavarotti starred there on numerous occasions,
and this release includes his appearances in three of Verdi’s
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075840
Pavarotti / Rescigno / Metropolitan Opera - L’elisir D’amore
Luciano Pavarotti, Judith Blegen, Sesto
Bruscantini, Brent Ellis
Gaetano Donizetti’s L’ELISIR D’AMORE is brought to the
stage by the Metropolitan Opera on this presentation. Luciano
Pavarotti takes a lead role (as Nemorino) in this adaptation of
Donizetti’s most famous piece, and the great tenor is joined by
an impressive supporting cast that includes roles for Judith
Blegen (as Adina), Sesto Bruscantini (as Dulcamara), and
Brent Ellis (as Belcore).
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075821
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 49
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Pavarotti / Sutherland /
Metropolitan Opera - An Evening
with Pavarotti and Sutherland
Luciano Pavarotti, Joan Sutherland
In 1987 the Metropolitan Opera brought together Luciano
Pavarotti and Joan Sutherland for a special gala performance.
This program captures the entire show, which features
Pavarotti and Sutherland performing four scenes from
Donizetti’s tragic opera LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR, the third
act of Verdi’s LA TRAVIATA, and the third act of Verdi’s
RIGOLETTO. The entire performance is conducted by Richard Bonynge.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075822
Pavlo - Mediterranean Nights
Musical & Performing Arts Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 120min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075185
Axel Rudi Pell - Live Over Europe
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 218min.
Ryko Distribution 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075725
Andrea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose
Excerpts from some of Puccini’s most popular operas,
BOHEME, are featured on this collection. The performers
who bring the great composer’s works to life include Luciano
Pavarotti, Andre Bocelli, and Jose Carreras.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075829
Salsas Pegaditas En Video
Featuring several Latin artists such as New York crooner
Victor Manuelle, Puerto Rican group N’klabe, and La
Organizacion, this program compiles famous salsa music
Raphael - Yo Soy Aquel, Los
Since the age of four, Raphael has been entertaining
audiences with his magical voice. Rising first to the top of the
charts in his home country of Spain, he is now recognized as
one of the premiere figures in world entertainment. No one can
resist his soulful melodies, and his beautiful voice that sends
chills down the spines of audiences lucky enough to see him
perform. Now, even if fans can’t make it out to his latest show,
this collection of live performances captures all the grace and
charisma that is Raphael.
Musical & Performing Arts min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075795
The world of psychedelic rockers Pink Floyd opens up on this
comprehensive retrospective of the band’s entire career.
Among the highlights on WELCOME TO THE MACHINE are
archive interviews with the group members, rare live
recordings, and an in-depth analysis of their career arc.
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075798
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075389
RMM 20th Anniversary Collection
DVD - Vol. 3
Tito Nieves, Tito Puente, Tony Vega
This staging of Ildebrando Pizzetti’s MURDER IN THE
CATHEDRAL, which is an adaptation of a T.S. Eliot play, was
staged in 2007 at the Basilica di San Nicola in Italy. The
elaborate production features notable performances from
Ruggiero Raimondi and Sonia Zaramella.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075845
Popular Puccini
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075847
Elvis Presley - At Sun Records
Walking into Sun Studios today, it’s hard to imagine that the
small storefront recording studio was the birthplace of so
many earth-shattering records. The most emblematic figure to
come out of Sun, as well as the grandest icon rock-and-roll
will ever have, is, of course, Elvis. This documentary is a
look at his humble Sun Studio days, including rare footage and
interviews with those who were there to witness history. Also
included here are 32 remastered tracks recorded at Sun from
1954 to ’55.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076010
Puccini Gold
Musical & Performing Arts, Folk/Ethnic DD
2.0 72min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075420
Maria Ewing
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075436
Jerry Rivera - Amores Como El
Nuestro ... Los Exitos
Ruggero Raimondi
Folk music of the Soviet Union. The Pyatnitsky Russian Folk
and Dance Ensemble, the Siberian-Omsk Folk Chorus, the
Uzbekistan Dance Ensemble, and the Moldavia Folk Song and
Dance Ensemble perform Russian songs and dances.
Narrated by Tony Randall.
Henry Purcell: Dido and Aeneas
Pink Floyd - Welcome to the
Pizzetti / Raim - Murder In The
Russian Folk Song and Dance
The New York City-based salsa label RMM was formed in
1987 by Ralph Mercado. In 2007 the label reached its 20th
year in the business, and this is the third installment in
RMM’s celebratory video series. Among the artists included
here are Tony Vega, Tito Nieves, and Tito Puente.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075824
RMM 20th Anniversary Collection
DVD - Vol. 4
Celia Cruz, Tito Nieves, Oscar D’Leon, Jose
Artists such as Celia Cruz, Tito Nieves, Jose Alberto, and
Oscar D’Leon feature on this fourth installment in the RMM
label’s 20th anniversary celebrations. RMM has provided a
platform for some of the best salsa artists in the business, and
these seven performances demonstrate just why they are so
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075823
Diana Ross - Visions Of Diana
Diana Ross
Diana Ross’s career began in the late 1950s with the
Supremes and continued over subsequent decades as Ross
became a huge-selling solo star. VISIONS OF DIANA ROSS
includes music videos for some of her biggest ’80s solo hits.
Many of the clips are lavish, big budget productions, such as
the Marvin Gaye tribute „Missing You“ from ’84; „Muscles,“
which was written and produced by Ross’s close friend
Michael Jackson; and the Daryl Hall-penned „Swept Away.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
EMI Video 29.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075193
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 28.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075782
Sass / Kovats / LPO / Solti Bluebeard’s Castle
Sylvia Sass, Georg Solti, London
Philharmonic Orchestra
BLUEBEARDS CASTLE is a 1911 opera from Hungarian
composer Bela Bartok. This production of Bartok’s work
features the combined talents of the London Philharmonic
Orchestra and conductor Sir Georg Solti. Hungarian soprano
Sylvia Sass stars as Judith, while Bluebeard is portrayed by
Kolos Kováts.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075826
Serrat & Sabina - Dos Pajaros De
Un Tiro
Captured live last September in Madrid’s Palacio de Deportes
de la Comunidad, this concert by Catalan singer-songwriter
Joan Manuel Serrat and Spanish poet Joaquín Sabina
features the duo’s greatest hits. Included here are „Hotel,
Dulce Hotel,“ „Tu nombre me sabe a yerba,“ „Mediterráneo,“
„Penélope,“ „Y sin embargo,“ „Princesa,“ and „Y nos dieron las
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
Sony Music Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075797
Sin Bandera - Hasta Ahora
Both a greatest-hits compilation and a farewell release,
HASTA AHORA draws the finest tunes from Sin Bandera’s
four full-length albums. A group that consistently reached the
upper tiers of Mexico’s pop charts, the duo—consisting of
Leonel Garcia and Noel Schajris—is well represented by
eight music videos for successful soft-rock singles such as
the breezy „Entra En Mi Vida“ and the plaintive „Suelta Mi
Foreign Films, Latin FF min.
Sony Music Distribution 15.04.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075792
Slave - Live in Concert
The 1970s were the golden age of funk bands, and Ohio’s
Slave were among some of the funkiest. The dance floor was
never empty when they dropped their hit single „Slide,“ and
here they are live in Chicago as they blast out their grooves
with a solid brass section and party-inducing rhythms.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Innovative Distribution Network 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075352
Patti Smith - Under Review
This exhaustive look at musician Patti Smith provides fresh
insights into the artist’s three-decade spanning career. The
documentary offers the opinions of journalists and music
experts, interviews, and never-before-seen material.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075024
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 50
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Soviet Army, Chorus Band and
Dance Ensemble
Folk music of the Soviet Union the Soviet Army, Chorus, Band
and Dance Ensemble performs a wide variety of Russian
dances and songs.
Musical & Performing Arts, Folk/Ethnic DD
2.0 71min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075419
Stewart / Fassenbaender /
Kelemen / Karajan / BP - Das
Peter Schreier, Brigitte Fassbaender
Herbert von Karajan conducts the Berlin Philharmonic in this
interpretation of Wagner’s DAS RHEINGOLD, shot in Munich
in 1978. The epic production, which was also directed and
staged by von Karajan, includes lead roles for Peter Schreier,
Brigitte Fassbaenderas, and Thomas Stewart.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075842
Strauss - Die Fledermaus
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
EMI Video 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075186
Tomowa-Sintow / Baltsa / Karajan / VPO - Symphonies Nos. 8&9
Herbert Von Karajan
Bruckner’s Symphonies Nos. 8 & 9 are performed in an
appropriate setting—in the church of St. Florian, just outside
of the Austrian city of Linz, where the composer spent much of
his youth—on this recording. The performance is conducted
by Herbert von Karajan, who also directed the piece.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075844
Richard Tucker in Opera and
The Voice of Firestone television program brought the world’s
greatest opera singers into the homes of music lovers through
their innovative telecasts. In this program, legendary tenor
Richard Tucker sings a number of the great operatic tenor
parts, demonstrating the power of his vocal range and
Television, Musical & Performing Arts,
Classical DD 2.0 36min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075432
Musical & Performing Arts FF DD 5.0
Qualiton Imports LTD. 15.04.2008
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075706
Jethro Tull: Jack In The Green Live In Germany
Richard Strauss: Intermezzo Glyndebourne Festival Opera
Jethro Tull
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076002
Felicity Lott - Dir. John Cox
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical S
Kultur Films Inc. 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075437
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075827
April Wine - I Like to Rock: Live
In London 1981
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music S
Music Video Distributors 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075720
Amy Winehouse - The Girl Done
Good: A Documentary Review
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075631
Work Series: Musician
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music Ltbx
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075207
Iannis Xenakis - Kraanerg
Greek composer Iannis Xenakis’s modernist compositions
brought him much acclaim during his rich and productive
lifetime. This program pays tribute to Xenakis’s life and work,
and also includes a performance of his ballet music
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075581
Frank Zappa - Zappa Plays Zappa
Stravinsky: Once At A Border - A
Film By Tony Palmer
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075424
UFO - Showtime
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Ryko Distribution 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075003
Hans Van Manen Festival
Super Vallenatos Del Ano 2008
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075785
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance Ltbx S
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075446
Maxim Vengerov - Playing by
Heart and Masterclass
Joan Sutherland: Bel Canto
Opera legend Joan Sutherland makes her only appearance on
the Voice of Firestone in this special presentation, showing
off her singing abilities at the height of their powers.
Television, Musical & Performing Arts,
Classical DD 2.0 30min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075431
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075442
Joe Veras - La Travesia
Joe Veras
Tech N9ne - Psychumentary
Rap star Tech N9ne allows his fans to take a look at his
lifestyle in this documentary. The participants in
PSYCHUMENTARY, who all pay warm tribute to the innovative hip-hop artist, include Tech N9ne’s wife and artists such
as the Kottonmouth Kings and Krizz Kaliko.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075238
Timbiriche 25 - Vivo En Vivo
Timbiriche were a New Kids on the Block-style Mexican band
whose infectious pop songs propelled them to huge success in
Latin America. In 2007, on the 25th anniversary of the group,
the band members reunited as Timbiriche 25. This film
captures all the excitement of their reunion, and features a
mixture of new songs and Timbiriche classics.
Dominican singer Joe Veras performs live on this 12-song
collection. Most of the songs are based around his LA
TRAVESIA album, which demonstrates his talents as a
performer, an arranger, and a songwriter. Among the tracks
included are reworkings of „En El Amor“ and „Mala
Foreign Films, Latin min.
Sony Music Video 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075779
Recorded live at two shows, one in Portland and the other in
Seattle, this concert film captures two dynamic and
unforgettable performances from a tour featuring Dweezil
Zappa playing hits from his father’s extensive catalogue.
Along for the ride were fellow musicians Joe Travers, Pete
Griffin, and many other talented players who not only capture
the spirit of Frank Zappa’s tunes, but also reinterpret them for
a new generation of fans. Also included here is an interview
with Dweezil Zappa where he discusses the impetus for the
project and where it might stand in relation to the body of
work produced by his prodigious father.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
DD 5.1 225min.
Sony Music Video 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075786
Frank Zappa - Zappa Plays Zappa
Recorded live at two shows, one in Portland and the other in
Seattle, this concert film captures two dynamic and
unforgettable performances from a tour featuring Dweezil
Zappa playing hits from his father’s extensive catalogue.
Along for the ride were fellow musicians Joe Travers, Pete
Griffin, and many other talented players who not only capture
the spirit of Frank Zappa’s tunes, but also reinterpret them for
a new generation of fans. Also included here is an interview
with Dweezil Zappa where he discusses the impetus for the
project and where it might stand in relation to the body of
work produced by his prodigious father.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
DD 5.1 225min.
Sony Music Video 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075787
Herbert Von Karajan Documentary
Special Interest
Austrian conductor Herbert Von Karajan has his life and
career celebrated in this documentary. The performance
footage has been carefully selected from the archives, and
offers an intimate glimpse of the great conductor at work.
Commentary is provided by an array of opera stars, including
Rene Kollo, Anne-Sophie Mutter, and Christian Thielemann.
02 in H20: A Self-Help Course on
Breathing in Swimming with
Terry Laughlin
Sports/Recreation, Swimming FF 60min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 51
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
BayView Entertainment 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075958
American Gangster - The
Complete Second Season
10 Minute Solution - Pilates OnThe Ball
It’s so simple really—just a round piece of rubber filled with
air. But the variety of Pilates workouts that can be performed
using an exercise ball are almost unlimited. And more
importantly, they are some of the most effective routines for
building lean muscles and getting that toned physique
everyone wants. The workouts collected here are focused on
routines using the ball and will have participants getting cut
in no time—literally, just 10 minutes here and there will really
add up.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF DD
2.0 55min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075039
Ving Rhames narrates this documentary series that explores
the lives of African-American criminal masterminds and their
rise to power. With an eye toward the facts, and the impact on
communities, AMERICAN GANGSTER offers an unromantic
yet always fascinating look at these complicated individuals.
Among those examined here are the Philly Black Mafia, who
used Islam and race as a cover for their campaign of terror;
heroin kingpin Melvin Williams, the inspiration behind the TV
series THE WIRE; prolific bank-robber Chaz Williams, who
takes the viewers on a tour of his life in crime; and John
Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo, better known as the D.C.
Snipers. Collected here are all 10 episodes of the enthralling
second season.
Television, Dramas FF 496min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075684
American Nudes Volume 1
132nd Westminster Kennel Club
Dog Show
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
New Video Group, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075642
2008 NCAA Men’s Basketball
Sports/Recreation, Basketball FF 60min.
Arts Alliance America 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075349
3 Flavors: Aerobic Dance
Workout, African, Latin & Hip Hop
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 69min.
BayView Entertainment 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075942
6 Kids Fitness Workouts - Fit Kids
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF S
BayView Entertainment 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075953
65 Energy Blasts For Kids Fitness
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF S
BayView Entertainment 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075951
African Dance Workout with
Debra Bono
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
BayView Entertainment 15.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075943
All American Freeride Redux
Some of the best American freestyle motocross competitors
are featured on this documentary film from director Doug
Parsons. The film was shot during a number of fiercely
contested events, including the Gravity Games and the X
Games, and features riders such as Mike Metzger and Tyler
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports min.
WEA 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075870
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 65min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075154
American Stag
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Westlake Entertainment Group 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075968
Art Of Nature: Jellies
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Microcinema 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075579
Asphalt Junkiez: Throttle Trauma
Vancouver proves to be a hotbed for daring motorcycle stunts
in this pulse-racing documentary. THROTTLE TRAUMA
shows how the streets of Vancouver are awash with thrill
seeking motorcycle riders who are out to prove their worth in
the stunt game, and the program makers also speak to a
number of these riders in some in-depth interview footage. As
well as the jaw-dropping action, which is presented in an
easy-to-follow format for any newcomers to the sport,
THROTTLE TRAUMA also highlights some of the perils of
partaking in such a dangerous activity.
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports min.
WEA 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075869
Atheism Tapes
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075397
Backyardigans - Mighty Match-Up!
Education/General Interest, Animation/General FF 99min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 08.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075697
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075396
Barney - Hi, I’m Riff!
Alley Dogs
Matt Wylde, Nikki Nova, Ron Jeremy,
Hannah Harper
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Peach DVD 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075645
Childrens FF DD 2.0 57min.
Hit Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075341
Battle For The Olympia XII 2007
Bodybuilding Spectacular
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
BayView Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075955
Before the Nickelodeon: The
Early Cinema of Edwin S. Porter
This historical documentary chronicles the cinematic
achievements of film pioneer Edwin S. Porter, a director for
Thomas Edison’s studios in the early 1900s.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Kino on Video 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075456
Best of Comics Unleashed
David Brenner, Margaret Cho, Kim Coles,
Dane Cook, Cedric the Entertainer, Brad
Garrett, Jon Lovitz, Howie Mandel, Dennis
Miller, Caroline Rhea, Rita Rudner, Aries
Spears, Harland Williams, Katt Williams,
Pauly Shore, Godfrey, Ralphie May, Kevin
Pollack, Sheryl Underwood
A constant presence on late-night TV, Byron Allen’s comedy
showcase has brought legions of high-quality comedians to
viewers over the years. This collection presents the show’s
most hilarious moments, with an all-star lineup that includes
Dane Cook, Cedric the Entertainer, Howie Mandel, Katt
Williams, Margaret Cho, Kevin Pollak, Dennis Miller, and
Sheryl Underwood. And that’s just getting started!
Television, Comedies DD 2.0 176min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 29.04.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075037
Best of Loco Comedy Jam
George Lopez, Gabriel Iglesias, Mike
Robles, Jeff Garcia, Pablo Francisco
George Lopez, Jeff Garcia, Mike Robles, and Gabriel Iglesias
are just a few of the stand-up comedians who feature on this
collection THE BEST OF LOCO COMEDY JAM finds each
performer taking to the stage at Pasadena’s Ice House comedy
club, where they deliver their material before a capacity
Comedies 98min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075131
Best of Meerkat Manor - The
Complete Second Season
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
FF S min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075071
Best Of Platinum Weddings
Education/General Interest, Wedding/Social
Event Ltbx 16x9 min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 03.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075336
Big Busty Whoppers
Wendy Whoppers, Summer Cummings,
Rebecca Wild, Summer Knight, Tara Gold,
Veronica Rio
These ladies’ cups runneth over...and they’re more than
happy to share the wealth! In BIG BUSTY WHOPPERS, topheavy talents such as Wendy Whoppers, Summer Cummings,
and Rebecca Wild all strip down to reveal their breast bounty.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF S 60min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075640
Big Rig
Education/General Interest, Media Arts Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 95min.
Universal Studios Home Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075567
Bishop Leonard Scott - Be Lifted
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 52
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Jimmy Mirikitani grew up in Hiroshima, survived the
Japanese-American internment camps in California, and was
living on the streets of New York by the time the World Trade
Center came down. Perhaps it’s ironic, or sad, that he is an
artist whose main message is peace. But how did Mirikitani
end up on the streets of Manhattan and what amazing secrets
are hidden in his past? This is an amazing portrait of the man,
but also a fascinating example of the process of documentary
filmmaking. What started as the filmmaker’s interest in the
peaceful artist blossomed into something neither of them would
have ever expected.
Leonard Scott
Religious 80min.
Ryko Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075743
Bob the Builder - Three
Education/General Interest, Art FF 74min.
Arts Alliance America 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075343
Childrens FF DD 2.0 45min.
Hit Entertainment 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075340
British Empire in Color
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF S 147min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075099
Sports/Recreation 88min.
First Look Home Entertainment 17.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075224
John Cage - The Revenge of the
Dead Indians
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075582
Joseph Campbell - Mythos II: The
Shaping of Our Mythic Tradition
Education/General Interest 282min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 29.04.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075092
Cardio Kick Step-Boxing with
Kelly Coffey-Meyer
Cardio Sculpt Fitness with Kelly
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
BayView Entertainment 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075947
Catching Out
„Catching Out,“ or freight train hopping, is generally regarded
as a practice of depression-era hobos. This affectionate
documentary by Sarah George, a rail-rider herself, examines
the lives of four young modern-day train hoppers and their
reasons for partaking in this distinctly American way of
travelling. Switch and Baby Girl met at a soup kitchen in
California and rode the rails together for several months
before becoming parents. The daughter of a hippie ship
captain who died when she was a year old, Jessica dropped
out of the University of California to ride the rails with her
boyfriend. Her periodic train travels fuel her writing, some of
which has been published. Environmental activist Lee lives in
a forest hut, publishes a hobo-themed zine and rides over
10,000 miles a year on hopped trains. George shot
CATCHING OUT over a period of five years, allowing her to
capture a series of dramatic events in the lives of her
subjects, all of whom see the trains as a symbol of freedom
from the constrictions of society. Though often technically
crude, CATCHING OUT sheds affectionate and often amusing
Cats of Mirikitani
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture DD 2.0 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075439
China’s Great Wall
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture Ltbx 16x9 100min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075403
Churchill - The Life And
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075434
Cold War Hysteria
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
Mill Creek Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075177
Comedy Central’s Home Grown
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
BayView Entertainment 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075948
Education/General Interest 80min.
Microcinema 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075026
Che Guevara: Hasta la Victoria
Dave Chappelle, Sarah Silverman, Lewis
Black, Amy Sedaris
Television, Comedies FF S 180min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075687
Core Attack - Resistance with
Trish Muse
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF S
BayView Entertainment 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075950
Jeff Corwin Experience - The
Complete Season Two
Jeff Corwin
Television, Education/General Interest,
Nature/Wildlife FF S 543min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075069
Noel Coward Trilogy: A
Celebration Of An Extraordinary
BayView Entertainment 10.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075957
Days of Victory: VE Day - VJ Day
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II FF 160min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075082
Dialogue: An Interview With
Screenwriters: Bobby & Peter
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
Passion River 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075703
Dialogue: Jonathan Hensleigh
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
Passion River 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075704
Dialogue: Robin Swicord
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
Passion River 22.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075705
Charles Dickens’ London - Part 1:
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 60min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075083
Charles Dickens’ London, Part 2:
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 60min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075084
Dr. John Izzo: Five Secrets You
Must Discover Before You Die
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075184
Betty Dodson: Her Life of Sex
and Art
Betty Dodson has spent her time sharing her insight on sex,
and now this documentary brings her own life into the
explores biography of the renowned artist and feminist in
explicit detail.
Education/General Interest, Sex/Sexuality
Ltbx S 65min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075657
DogTown - Second Chances
Education/General Interest, Biography
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075445
Education/General Interest, Pet Care/Animal
Husbandry FF 150min.
Warner Home Video 01.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075328
Jay Cutler: From Jay To Z
Dream Boys - Bare Naked
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 53
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Rob Lee, Paolo Da Silva
The men captured in this collection define male beauty and
viewers will be transported to a photo studio where these
gorgeous hunks take it all off. Some of these guys are
athletes, some are models, but all of them are hot. Paolo Da
Silva, Rob Lee, and a host of other living statues are ready to
share their godlike proportions.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075655
Fog City Mavericks
Hardly Boys in Hardly Gold
Steven Spielberg, Anthony Minghella, Milos
Forman, Frank Darabont, Michael Douglas
Mostly known for his artful photographs of Weimaraners,
William Wegman continues his use of his elegant canines in
this fun film modeled after the detective stories that the title
parodies. Keeping with his lighthearted approach, the film
presented here imagines his dogs as sleuths hot on the trail of
a seemingly unsolvable mystery. Is it art? Is it silliness?
Either way, Wegman’s lens captures the grace of these
beautiful animals in this carefree production.
While Hollywood will probably always be considered the film
capital of the United States, the Bay Area is no slouch when it
comes to creating unforgettable celluloid moments. Lucas,
Coppola, Forman and many other legends in maverick, cuttingedge cinema have lived and worked there since the 1960s and
this documentary is an inside look into their thriving film
Education/General Interest, Media Arts Ltbx
16x9 120min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075038
ESPN - Down The Barrel
Sports/Recreation FF 100min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 01.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075195
ESPN - ESPN AND 1 Mixtape X
Sports/Recreation FF min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 15.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075197
ESPN - Inside Access: Jeff Gordon
Sports/Recreation FF S 220min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075196
Freeride Entertainment: New
World Disorder 6: Unchained
Megadeth, Public Enemy, and Anthrax provide the soundtrack
to this collection of stunts from a fearless bunch of bike
riders. The Freeride Entertainment team travel to contests in
Mexico, Utah, Bolivia, and many other destinations in their
attempt to document death-defying riders such as Cameron
McCaul and Kyle Strait.
Sports/Recreation, Bicycling min.
WEA 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075871
From The Ground Up
ESPN - Ringside Rivalries
Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Jake LaMotta,
Jack Dempsey
Sports/Recreation, Boxing FF S 260min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075198
ESPN - Shaun White: Don’t Look
Sports/Recreation, Snow Sports FF 90min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075199
Childrens, Special Interest 54min.
Microcinema 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075573
Future Combat Aircraft
Fly with the aircrafts which are rewriting the rules of combat
in the year 2000. Includes the B-2 „Stealth“ bomber in flight.
Education/General Interest, Aviation FF
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075081
Gay Getaways - A Tribute To
Sports/Recreation, Travel FF min.
Ariztical Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075090
Fast Jets
Childrens, Special Interest 60min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075086
Gay Getaways: Las Vegas
Fat Burning Belly Dance
With a seemingly endless array of new exercise fads, doesn’t
it make sense to try something that has worked for thousands
of years and focuses on the natural beauty of the female body?
For those looking for a workout that is both effective and
beautiful to watch, belly dancing is the answer. This program
is the perfect primer for those looking to sway their hips to a
slimmer, sexier physique.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075089
Get Strong 101 - Fitness For
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF DD
2.0 45min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075040
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF S
BayView Entertainment 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075952
Fight for the White House
Great Writers: William Faulkner
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture DD 2.0 min.
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075758
Foreign Films Ltbx 93min.
First Run Features Home Video 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075251
First World War - 1914-1918
Education/General Interest, War/World War
I DD 2.0 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075440
William Faulkner is one of America’s greatest writers,
creating such works as THE SOUND AND THE FURY, AS I
LAY DYING, and ABSALOM, ABSALOM. Learn all about the
influences that shaped Faulkner’s work, his Southern
upbringing, and his lengthy and celebrated career.
Education/General Interest, Biography DD
2.0 45min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075429
Guys Next Door 4
For anyone who has ever wondered how their sexy hunk
neighbor might look completely in the buff, this program is
sure to satisfy. Viewers will get a sneak peek as these studs
go about their daily activities wearing nothing but what they
came into the world with. It’s a voyeur’s dream come true!
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 90min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075088
Childrens FF 120min.
Microcinema 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075173
HDNet Fights: Fedor Returns
„Yarrenoka“ From Japan
In a sport with no room for mistakes, hesitation, and
especially weakness, rising to the top is a momentous
achievement—and few mixed martial arts fighters have risen
as far as Fedor Emelianenko. Still, even the toughest of the
tough have to take a break every one in a while. But on a dark
night in Tokyo, Fedor returned to the ring to show the world
why he gives other MMA fighters nightmares. Here it is, the
fight fans have been waiting for, shot live in Japan along with
eight other incredible bouts featuring an international cast of
the most intense athletes on the planet.
Sports/Recreation Ltbx DD 5.1 190min.
Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075617
Heavy Metal In Baghdad
Dramas FF S 60min.
Arts Alliance America 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075346
Hell’s Kitchen - A New York
Dramas FF 82min.
Vanguard Cinema 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075861
Hell’s Kitchen - Season 1
Gordon Ramsay
In 2005 garrulous TV host and former soccer prodigy Gordon
Ramsay brought his hit British reality show HELL’S
KITCHEN to American screens. Ramsay’s extraordinary
drive and passion for food helped establish him as one of
Britain’s most sought-after chefs, and his subsequent career
in television has brought a delirious mixture of pleasure,
terror, and amusement to unsuspecting TV viewers. This first
season of the U.S. version of HELL’S KITCHEN pits two
teams against one another as Ramsay prepares to open a new
high-end restaurant in Hollywood. A series of challenges
slowly eliminates contestants while Ramsay watches on,
offering advice and exploding in his trademark fury whenever
things start to go wrong in the kitchen. At a certain point in
the show the two teams are merged, and the contestants have
to work together as they are faced with some ingenious
challenges from Ramsay. This release includes every episode
from the show’s first season.
Television, Dramas 540min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075853
From the New York subways to print ads, the Helvetica
typeface has made a sans-serif assault on the world since its
creation in 1957. This documentary focuses on the ubiquitous
font, exploring its impact on graphic design, communications,
and even psychology.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
Alternative Distribution Alliance 06.05.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40074965
Hemalayaa - Beautiful Belly
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 27.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075101
Hin Yin for Men: Serects of SelfEroticism
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 54
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
The ancient Chinese art of Hin Yin allows men to awaken
their natural sexual energy and achieve spiritual and physical
balance. The many different auto-arousal massage techniques
demonstrated in this release are designed to bring men to new
planes of physical and spiritual pleasure.
New Video Group, Inc. 29.04.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075066
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF S 60min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075653
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Speaks: Peace and Prosperity
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075323
La Historia Del Futbol: Brasil Y
Las Potencias Sudamerican’s
There is one national team whose name is synonymous with
the game of soccer: Brazil. The first part of this documentary
takes a look at the rise of the Brazilian game, while the
second part puts their achievements in a wider context by
analyzing the South American contribution to the beautiful
Sports/Recreation, Soccer 139min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075770
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
Warner Home Video 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075321
Inside the Vietnam War
Education/General Interest, War/Vietnam
War min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075325
JDM Mischief - Vol. 2: Attack of
the Killer Tuners
Sports/Recreation 58min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075996
Jillina - Shape Up N’ Hip Out
History Channel Presents - Life
After People
Some state-of-the-art special effects work brings a disturbing
vision of the future to life in this History Channel
presentation. LIFE AFTER PEOPLE takes a look at what
would happen to everything left behind on Earth if the human
race was annihilated. The program makers consulted
structural engineers, who demonstrate how landmarks such
as the Sears Tower and the Golden Gate Bridge would simply
wither and ultimately collapse in a future world without
humans. The show also examines how the animal kingdom and
the natural world would adapt to this human-less future, and
ponders how quickly the various records of our existence on
Earth would decay. A real-life example of this possible future
is accounted for by a close analysis of the area around
Chernobyl, which remains uninhabitable 22 years after the
explosion at a nuclear power plant. But the most impressive
feature of LIFE AFTER PEOPLE is the incredible effects
work, which provide an all-too-real depiction of what the
planet may look like in the future.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
New Video Group, Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075064
Hit Favorites - Summertime Fun
Childrens FF DD 2.0 57min.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075342
Instructor Jillina, who is part of the acclaimed Bellydance
Superstars team, presents a series of lessons in the art on
this program. Jillina draws on a group of talented dancers to
help demonstrate the three routines included here, which are
aimed at a broad range of bellydancers—from beginners to
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075858
Lawrence Jordan Album
Education/General Interest, Biography FF
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075217
James Joyce: So This is
The city of Dublin is an integrated character within the works
of James Joyce, and this documentary takes a look at Joyce’s
life and times, focussing on his Dublin background and what
that city was like in Joyce’s day.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture DD 2.0 38min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075427
LA Ink - Season 1
Television, Childrens, Special Interest FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 22.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075333
Hooked: Monster Fish
Sports/Recreation, Fishing FF min.
Warner Home Video 08.08.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075329
Lashed in Latex #3
Hot Nude Yoga for Beginners
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit Ltbx S 135min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 13.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075664
Human Weapon - The Complete
Season One
The History Channel uses the reality TV format to teach
viewers about the history of martial arts on this innovative
piece of programing. HUMAN WEAPON follows hosts Bill
Duff, who is a former Cleveland Browns player, and Jason
Chambers, who is a mixed martial arts expert, as they learn
about various forms of fighting during their travels across the
globe. Duff and Chambers soak up plenty of local history after
they arrive in each location, but they also face some rigorous
training sessions and a tough test of the new skills they have
picked up in each locale. Every episode from the first season
of the show is included on this release.
Television, Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 80min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075659
David Leadbetter Golf Instruction
Special Edition Vol 3
This two-part program includes a wide variety of golf drills
from David Leadbetter, which range from basic lessons to
more advanced instruction.
Sports/Recreation, Golf FF 180min.
Well Go USA, Inc. 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075940
David Leadbetter Golf Instruction
Special Edition Vol 4
sional golfers use to improve their game.
Sports/Recreation, Golf FF 155min.
Well Go USA, Inc. 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075941
Lez Shrink - Girlfriends Forever
Nurse Mary Jane is back, as sexy and wild as ever in this
naughty film by Bob Alexander. This time she’s hoodwinked
some lovely ladies into believing she’s a shrink. Of course
there’s only one cure Mary Jane is going to prescribe—a
little lesbian lovefest!
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 18.04.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075654
Life of Jesus
Religious FF min.
K.C. Sales 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075535
Lil JJ’s Almost Grown Variety
Lil JJ
Comedies FF 77min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075852
Living With The Kombai Tribe
Mark Anstice, Oily Steeds
The Travel Channel sent two explorers—Olly Steeds and
Mark Anstice—to live with an ancient tribe for this
fascinating show. The Kombai Tribe had lived in the same
primitive fashion for centuries when Steeds and Anstice went
to live with them, and the culture clash between the tribe and
the travelers produces some remarkable moments over the
course of their three-month stay.
Television, Childrens, Special Interest Ltbx
16x9 DD 2.0 248min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075361
Long Live Pakistan: Pakistan
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 108min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075215
Mahatma Gandhi
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture DD 2.0 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075438
Maillart’s Bridges
Education/General Interest, Biography FF
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075200
Man You Had In Mind
Education/General Interest, Media Arts Ltbx
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075385
Mapping Stem Cell Research:
Terra Incognita
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology Ltbx 16x9 83min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075209
The fourth and final installment in David Leadbetter’s Golf
Instruction series is based around 25 drills that many profes-
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Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Maximum MMA - Cage Rage 19:
Ryko Distribution 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075746
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling min.
First Look Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075119
NBA Bloopers - Volume 1
Meerkat Manor - The Complete
Third Season
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
FF S 260min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075072
Meerkat Manor - The Story
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Ltbx 76min.
Weinstein Company/Genius 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075073
Sports/Recreation, Basketball min.
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075907
NBA Champions 2007-2008
Sports/Recreation, Basketball Ltbx DD 5.1
Warner Home Video 15.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075917
Newsreel History Of The Third
Reich, A: Vol. 13
Childrens, Special Interest 90min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075079
Next Big Bodybuilding Thing
Metropolis: 2003-2007
Television, Education/General Interest,
Media Arts FF 364min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075405
Microsoft: Excel 2007
Education/General Interest, Computers min.
EMI Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075188
Microsoft: Internet & Email
Education/General Interest, Computers min.
EMI Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075190
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
BayView Entertainment 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075956
NFL Road to Super Bowl XLII
Here it is—not just the highlights—but the entire game as it
unfolded. All the glory, and all the surprises of one of the
biggest, if not the biggest, upset in Super Bowl history. Of
course since this is a ROAD TO production, fans will also
get clips from all the drama and sacrifice that led to the
Giants’ incredible accomplishment. A must-have for all NFL
football fans.
Sports/Recreation, Football min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075880
Microsoft: Powerpoint 2007
NHL Stanley Cup Champions
Education/General Interest, Computers min.
EMI Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075189
Sports/Recreation, Hockey Ltbx DD 5.1 min.
Warner Home Video 08.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075925
Microsoft: Word 2007
Nimrod Nation
Education/General Interest, Computers min.
EMI Video 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075187
Dramas FF S 232min.
Arts Alliance America 20.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075347
Millions - A Lottery Story
North America’s National Parks Visions of Majesty
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075374
Childrens, Special Interest FF 44min.
Razor Digital Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076014
Nova - Absolutely Zero
Monsterquest - Complete Season
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 611min.
New Video Group, Inc. 27.05.2008
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075065
National Geographic - Birth of
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 90min.
Warner Home Video 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075327
Education/General Interest, New Age/
Metaphysical Ltbx DD 5.1 65min.
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 112min.
WGBH Boston Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075312
Nova - Ape Genius
Television, Education/General Interest,
Nature/Wildlife Ltbx 16x9 56min.
WGBH Boston Video 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075314
Nova - Astrospies
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture FF 56min.
WGBH Boston Video 13.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075313
Nova - Becoming Green: Growing
Environmental Awareness
This program compiles three episodes from the educational
television series NOVA, which explore pressing environmental issues. BECOMING GREEN features „Car of the Future,“
„Solar Energy: Saved by the Sun,“ and „Global Warming:
What’s Up With the Weather?“
Television, Education/General Interest,
Environmental FF S 227min.
WGBH Boston Video 15.04.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075309
Nova - Car of the Future
Hosted by Tom and Ray Magliozzi from the radio show CAR
TALK, this educational documentary takes an in-depth look at
the future of transportation in America and the pros and cons
of new technologies.
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 54min.
WGBH Boston Video 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075311
Nova - Four-Winged Dinosaur
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 56min.
WGBH Boston Video 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075315
Nova - Secrets Of The Parthenon
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture 56min.
WGBH Boston Video 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075308
O Tapes - The Ultimate Guide to
Female Orgasm
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075656
Operation Homecoming - Stories
From The Heart
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 211min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075332
Our House
Education/General Interest, Sex/Sexuality
First Run Features Home Video 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075248
Panda is Born - A Baby Panda’s
First Year
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
FF S min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075070
Pantyhose, Stockings and High
Heels Party of Peril
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 68min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075661
Paranormal State - Season 1
Penn State University’s Paranormal Research society is
tested to its limits in this first season of episodes in the
spooky PARANORMAL STATE series. The A&E show follows
Ryan Buell and his team of detectives as they draw on some
startlingly innovative technology while trying to assist people
with their paranormal woes. Poltergeists, haunted houses,
and the Mothman are no match for Buell and his team, who
draw on help from a variety of sources (including priests and
psychologists) in an attempt to get to the bottom of any
paranormal outbreak that their clients may encounter. Every
episode from the first season of the show is included on this
Television, Education/General Interest,
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Strange Phenomena min.
New Video Group, Inc. 29.04.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075063
Philippine Fighting Arts By Julius
Melegrito Vol. 3: Knife Tactics
And Applications
Payaso Comedy Slam
The California Theatre in San Bernadino is the location for a
wild night of Latino comedy on this presentation. The PAYASO
COMEDY SLAM was designed to give a voice to some of the
most talented Latin American stand-up comedians, and this
compilation features the cream of the crop. Among the
highlights are performances from Edwin San Juan, whose
routine includes an amusing look at the risks of firing office
workers in America; Johnny Sanchez, who includes a section
on racial profiling in his act; and Jeff Garcia, who pokes fun
at the sex lives of white people.
Comedies 90min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075851
PJ Party Secrets
Heather Vandeven, Zoe Britton, Darenzia,
Jamie Lynn
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Peach DVD 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075647
Plasma Window: Plasmaquarium
2 - Ultra Coral Reef
Peach Girl Diaries 2
Karlie Montana, Bridget Banks, Nicole Oring
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit min.
Peach DVD 13.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075646
Peach Premium Label Vol. 1
Shay Laren, Karlie Montana, Lux Kassidy,
Angie Savage, Erika Jordan, Jamie Lynn,
Nikki Nova, Jaime Hammer, Crissy Moran,
Carli Banks
For everyone who has watched a Peach Girl production,
they’ve probably wondered why all their favorite moments
haven’t been complied together to create one magnificent
blend of beauties. Well, here it is! Only the hottest of the hot,
the best of the best, and the sexiest of the sexy—which is
saying a lot for this production company—are collected here.
Experience over two hours of highlights from the Peach Girls
archives that will melt any screen.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 180min.
Peach DVD 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075643
An expert camera crew has captured some eye-opening
footage of the coral reef off the coast of the Philippines for
this presentation. ULTRA CORAL REEF includes a soothing
soundtrack and spectacular imagery that combines to creates
a deeply relaxing viewing experience.
Education/General Interest, Virtual Videos
FF DD 2.0 60min.
Microcinema 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075175
Poetry of Ireland
Join Kathleen Watkins as she reads the poetry of Yeats,
Patrick Kavanagh, Seamus Heaney, and more. Featuring lush
landscapes and beautiful poetry, this video is a must for any
fan of modern Irish culture.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture DD 2.0 38min.
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075426
Raw Organic Cuisine In Ten Minutes
Education/General Interest, Health/Diet
Starlight Home Entertainment 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075762
Red Sox Memories: The Greatest
Moments in BoSox History
The Boston Red Sox were founded in 1901 as the Boston
Americans. In 1912 they made Fenway Park their home, and
by 1918 they had won the World Series five times. This
retrospective look at the greatest moments in Red Sox history
includes extensive highlights of all the great games in the
club’s history. Also included are special features on some of
the best players to ever grace the team, such as Ted Williams
and Pedro Martinez, and their celebrated break of the „Curse
of the Bambino“ in 2004.
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 100min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075773
Reich Underground
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II 104min.
First Run Features Home Video 20.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075249
Anita Renfroe - It’s Probably Just
My Thyroid
Anita Renfroe
Pope John Paul II - A Saint for
Our Times
Penn & Teller - Bullshit!: The
Complete Fifth Season
Though they came to fame as magicians, Penn & Teller have
turned their comedic talents to TV with PENN & TELLER:
BULLSHIT! The duo debunks various popularly held ideas
using Penn’s acerbic wit (Teller is famously silent) and
interviews with experts. With humor, intelligence, and a
refreshing lack of tact, the fifth season covers such touchy
topics as obesity, immigration, and Wal-Mart. Since Showtime
is its broadcast home, Penn & Teller are free to curse and
cover controversial topics with abandon in this Emmynominated series.
Television, Comedies Ltbx 16x9 S 300min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075700
Rodney Perry - Family Business
Rodney Perry
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 S 80min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075992
Philippine Fighting Arts By Julius
Melegrito Vol. 1: Single-Stick
Tactics And Applications
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 90min.
BayView Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075964
Philippine Fighting Arts By Julius
Melegrito Vol. 2: Double-Stick
Tactics And Applications
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 110min.
BayView Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075965
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 100min.
BayView Entertainment 17.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075966
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 158min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075136
Education/General Interest, Media Arts FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075416
Comedy and music combine on this performance from Christian stand-up comedian Anita Renfroe. Renfroe, who has
appeared on GOOD MORNING AMERICA and FOX &
FRIENDS, performs before a hometown crowd in Atlanta,
Georgia, where she presents a wickedly funny twist on a
number of pertinent topics.
Comedies FF min.
WEA 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075935
Pope of the Century
Resistances[s]: Vol. II
Religious 58min.
Passion River 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075702
Foreign Films 110min.
Microcinema 29.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075572
Power Body: Strength Training
With Rob Glick
Road to Iraq
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 67min.
BayView Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075945
Power Body: Total Core Pilates
With Jules Benson
The decision to go to war in Iraq will probably always be a
subject of endless debate, but there are certain key factors no
one can afford to miss regardless of what side of the conflict
they come down on. This carefully researched and organized
documentary from National Geographic takes a close look at
all the steps that led up to war in the first place. Using original interviews with many of the key policy makers, the
filmmakers take viewers through a journey that was
controversial at every step along the way.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 60min.
BayView Entertainment 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075946
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture Ltbx 16x9 50min.
Warner Home Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075324
Prehistoric Earth
ROH - Best in the World
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 563min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075113
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 194min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075407
PRIDE Fighting Championships Shockwave 2006
ROH - Greatest Rivalries
Japan played host to a frantic mixed martial arts contest in
December 2006—the PRIDE Shockwave event. This program
includes extensive highlights from the competition, including
mouthwatering match-ups such as Kiyoshi Tamura vs. Ikuhisa
Minowa and Shinya Aoki vs. Joachim Hansen.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 200min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075406
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 57
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Phil Ross’ Street Combat Mixed
Martial Arts: The Complete
Collection 4 DVD Set
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
BayView Entertainment 10.06.2008
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075954
S.W.A.T. Workout: Extreme
Weight Loss and Fat Burning
Tom Stroup
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 50min.
Well Go USA, Inc. 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075939
Sea Monsters
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 10.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075322
Secrets of China’s First Emperor Tyrantand and Visionary
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture FF 58min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075404
George Segal - American Still
George Segal
Education/General Interest, Art 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075428
With STEP INTO LIQUID, Dana Brown emerges from his
legendary father’s shadow and adds another classic film to
the surf documentary canon. Son of hugely influential
filmmaker Bruce Brown (THE ENDLESS SUMMER, ON ANY
SUNDAY), Dana’s debut as a writer/director is a gorgeously
photographed tribute to surfing and the individuals who love
it. Journeying all across to the world to show just how
universally praised a sport—and lifestyle—surfing is, Brown
uses his natural enthusiasm and humor to great effect,
narrating the film with an infectious, breezy optimism. He
presents a wide range of surfers, from superstars (Kelly
Slater, Laird Hamilton, Keala Kennelly) to amateurs, including
an old man who hasn’t missed a day of surfing in over 25
years.The locations include such unknown surf spots as
Wisconsin, Texas, and even Ireland, to the more widely
regarded waters of Hawaii, California, and Australia. Brown
wisely saves the best for last, as a group of incredibly bold
surfers journey out to sea to test out their skills on 60-footplus waves. But what makes STEP INTO LIQUID such a vital
experience is its overall
Sports/Recreation, Surfing Ltbx DTS 87min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075481
Strange Days on Planet Earth 2
Education/General Interest, Science/
Technology 50min.
Warner Home Video 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075326
Comedies Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 90min.
Universal Studios Home Video 17.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075564
Take Five and Other Tales!
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 90min.
Pacific Media Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075660
They Filmed The War In Color Victory in Europe
Education/General Interest, War/World War
II FF min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075399
Thing Of Wonder: The Mind And
Matter Of Jerry Andrus
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 50min.
Microcinema 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075580
Titanic: Born in Belfast
Strength Attack with Trish Muse
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF S
BayView Entertainment 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075949
Strip To It - Core Moves &
Fantasies Sexy Striptease
The infamous ship Titanic was built at the shipyards of
Belfast, and this program looks at the long and arduous
process of building the magnificent ship, filmed on location in
Belfast. Includes rare photographs and interviews with
eyewitnesses of the ship’s construction and launch.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 61min.
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075435
Education/General Interest, Specialty
Instruction FF DD 2.0 119min.
BayView Entertainment 29.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075959
TNA Wrestling - Destination X
Stylemasters 2
Childrens, Special Interest min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075721
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 210min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075127
TNA Wrestling - Lockdown 2008
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 60min.
Kultur Films Inc. 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075451
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF S 210min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40076000
Sunrise Earth - American
To Die For: The Images of Peter
Kennard & Cat Picton Phillipps
Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports FF 75min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075134
With SUNRISE EARTH, the Discovery Channel presents a
soothing set of images that are designed to provide a deeply
relaxing viewing experience. The program consists of
glorious sunrises across America, beautifully capturing the
balmy atmosphere of morning as the country slowly wakes
from its slumber.
Education/General Interest, Photography
Microcinema 27.05.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075574
Sinking Of The Lusitania
Childrens, Special Interest DD 5.1 495min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 15.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075364
Shape Up
Ballet master David Howard leads a complete exercise
program for both the dancer and non-dancer. Includes a warmup sequence and beginning through advanced aerobic
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness DD 2.0
Kultur Films Inc. 29.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075422
Sidewayz - Street Graffiti
STREET GRAFFITI is a compilation of clips taken at illegal
streetcar events—also known as sideshows. Sideshows
involve huge groups of people, who congregate on street
corners to watch daredevil riders perform a selection of
stunts. On this presentation the Sidewayz team have captured
some of the best sideshow riders on camera.
In May 1915 the RMS Lusitania, a passenger ship carrying
nearly 2,000 people en route from New York to England, was
sunk by a German submarine. The incident spurred many U.S.
citizens to join the armed forces during World War I. This
History Channel program offers an in-depth look at the
Lusitania’s historic final voyage.
Television, Childrens, Special Interest Ltbx
16x9 S 84min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075362
Soviet Air Power
Childrens, Special Interest FF 60min.
Ryko Distribution 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075080
Step Into Liquid
Super High Me
Doug Benson, Sarah Silverman, Bob
Odenkirk, Patton Oswalt - Dir. Michael
Doug Benson (BEST WEEK EVER) forgets the rule about
„everything in moderation,“ and decides to get high for 30
days in a row à la Morgan Spurlock’s fast food binge in
SUPER SIZE ME. First, the pot-loving comedian lives for a
month without his drug of choice, to determine how he
functions without marijuana. Then the fun begins, and he sees
how his brain and body really react to weed. Though the film
may seem to only be an exercise in comedy (and insanity),
SUPER HIGH ME is an intelligent documentary that examines
the legality of marijuana in the U.S., specifically in California.
Benson’s celebrity friends—including Sarah Silverman, Bob
Odenkirk, and Patton Oswalt—also makes appearances in
this enlightening film.
Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and Christian Cage all feature on this
explosive entry in the TNA Wrestling series. DESTINATION
X was staged in March 2008, and this program features the
entire three-hour event plus a host of extra footage that
wasn’t aired in the original broadcast.
Mostly known for his documentary work and starting the
Argentinean film-collective Cine de la Base, Raymundo
Gleyzer made his first and only experimentation with fictional
narrative with this film. But like his revolutionary spirit and
the political aspects of his journalism, this production
explores issues of labor, corruption, and politics during the
Peron era.
Dramas FF 105min.
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075204
UFC 81: Breaking Point
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 27.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075235
UFC 82: Pride of a Champion
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April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075232
UFC 83: Serra vs St. Pierre
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 29.07.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075233
UFC 84: Ill Will
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 26.08.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075234
Ultimate Knockouts 5
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 03.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075236
Uptown Kittens
Jamie Lynn, Heather Carolin, Star, Kina Kai,
Lela Star, Erin Avery
This erotic production features a loft every man would want to
live in. But why? Is it the central location? The huge eat-in
kitchen? No, it’s the scores of naked Peach Girls. Here’s a
chance to take a tour of the hottest address in real estate with
Erin Avery, Jamie Lynn, and bunch of other equally enticing
ladies who are ready to share more than just their square
spare time to promoting the value of education to other
impoverished kids. THE PACT also features an appearance
by legendary comedian Bill Cosby.
Dramas FF S 85min.
WGBH Boston Video 15.04.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075317
WGBH Boston Specials - Twisted:
A Balloonamentary
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 79min.
WGBH Boston Video 03.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075310
WGBH Bostons Specials - Caring
For Your Parents
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 112min.
WGBH Boston Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075319
WGBH Bostons Specials - The
Truth About Cancer
Childrens, Special Interest FF S 112min.
WGBH Boston Video 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075318
What Remains - The Life and
Work of Sally Mann
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 60min.
Peach DVD 15.04.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075644
Photographer Sally Mann allows a camera crew into her
Virginia home in this documentary on her life and work.
Mann’s photography can be found in the Metropolitan Museum
of Art and the New York Times among many other places, and
she has often courted controversy throughout her career.
Tom Waits - Under Review: 19832006
Education/General Interest, Photography
Ltbx 16x9 80min.
Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 22.04.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075984
Tom Waits
Education/General Interest, Biography FF
Music Video Distributors 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075630
War Zone - The War That
Changed The World
Dramas FF 101min.
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 10.06.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075100
Where’s Jimmy Hoffa
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 360min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075854
This first biography of Hoffa focuses on his life and times, as
well as his mysterious disappearance. Through authentic
footage, exclusive itnerviews and an actual conversation with
Hoffa himself, viewers will learn why this man was so well
loved and so widely feared.
The War Zone - Unsung Heroes
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 158min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075856
Education/General Interest, Biography
MPI Home Video 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075620
Wholphin: Issue 1
Miguel Arteta, Selma Blair, Patton Oswalt
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075731
War Zone: Hitler’s Wrath
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 217min.
Universal Music & Video Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075855
Wholphin: Issue 2
WGBH Boston Specials - Building
Education/General Interest, Environmental
FF S 360min.
WGBH Boston Video 22.04.2008
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075320
WGBH Boston Specials - The Pact
This documentary follows the successful professional lives of
three friends who, after growing up in a poor neighborhood of
Newark, have managed to go to medical school and become
doctors. Now, Rameck, Sampson, and George dedicate their
When the Moors Ruled Europe
Steven Soderbergh, Donald Trump, Daniel
Handler, Andy Richter
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075727
Wholphin: Issue 3
Bob Odenkirk, Alexander Payne, Dennis
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075728
Wholphin: Issue 4
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075729
Wholphin: Issue 5
Paul Rudd
Education/General Interest, Media Arts min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075730
Wild China
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture Ltbx S 300min.
Warner Home Video 01.07.2008
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075112
Wild China
Television, Education/General Interest,
World History/Culture 300min.
Warner Home Video 01.07.2008
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075114
Women Of The World
Education/General Interest, Mondo/
Shockumentaries FF M 107min.
Ryko Distribution 24.06.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075140
Womens Extreme Wrestling - Vol.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF M 240min.
Brentwood Home Video (BCI Eclipse LLC)
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075999
Workout: One-On-One Training
with Jackie
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness DD 2.0
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075505
World War II - Vol. 3 1940-1945
This third volume in the five-part When the World Went to
War series includes more footage from World War II. The
series is based around Dwight D. Eisenhower’s book
CRUSADE IN EUROPE, and this section centers on the
battles in Dunkirk, North Africa, and Italy.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075411
World War II - Vol. 4 1944-1945
Dwight D. Eisenhower’s CRUSADE IN EUROPE is brought
to life in this fourth part in the When the World Went to War
series. This installment includes sections on the atomic bomb,
D-Day, Adolf Hitler’s rise and fall, and the victory
celebrations in central Europe.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075412
World Wrestling Network
Presents: Shimmer 6
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 140min.
First Look Home Entertainment 20.05.2008
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075118
World’s Fairs
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture min.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 59
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
April 2008
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
St. Clair Entertainment Group 20.05.2008
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075757
WWE: Vengeance 2008
WWE - Nature Boy Ric Flair - The
Definitive Collection
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 180min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 29.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075017
Ric Flair
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 540min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 08.07.2008
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075975
Ying & Yang Yoga with Simon
WWE - Tagged Classics 2003:
Backlash / Judgement Day
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness Ltbx S
Acorn Media Publishing Inc. 13.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075091
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 360min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.05.2008
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075976
You - Steps for Extending Your
WWE: One Night Stand 2008
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling FF 180min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 01.07.2008
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075016
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Koch Entertainment Distribution - Canada
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40075183
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags: 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (BadenWürttemberg) bleibt unser
Verkauf geschlossen.
Baumschere und Kaiserschnitt
Ein Rückblick auf die „Fantasy Filmfest Nights 2008“
von Wolfram Hannemann
Brutal wird ein angeketteter junger Mann, von
zwei Helfern bäuchlings auf den schlammigen
Boden des Schweinestalls gedrückt. Das Oberhaupt der degenerierten Nazi-Familie setzt
fachmännisch die riesige Baumschere an die
Achillessehne des Opfers an. Was jetzt folgt,
schmerzt nicht nur den Protagonisten, sondern
auch alle Zuschauer im Kinosaal... Gäbe es einen Preis für den Film mit dem höchsten Blutzoll, so hätten ihn unsere französischen Nachbarn souverän verdient. Xavier Gens, dessen
Film „Frontiere(s)“ am vergangenen Wochenende als Bestandteil der „Fantasy Filmfest
Nights“ im Stuttgarter Metropol-Kino gezeigt
wurde, war eine von zwei französischen Genre-Produktionen, die in Sachen Sadismus wohl
kaum zu überbieten sind. Im zweiten, “Inside”
von Alexandre Bustillo und Julien Maury, muss
sich eine Schwangere auf höchst blutige Weise
gegen eine äußerst brutale Beatrice Dalle zur
Wehr setzen. Dabei ist selbst ein Kaiserschnitt
mit der Hausschere kein Tabu mehr. Beide Filme zeugen von einer offensichtlichen Tendenz
im zeitgenössischen französischen Horrorfilm:
eine auf Hochglanz polierte „Gore“Achterbahnfahrt ohne Sinn und Verstand. Erfreulicherweise war dies aber nur eine von vielen Facetten, mit denen die Veranstalter Appetit machen wollten auf das kommende “Fantasy
Filmfest”, das im September in Stuttgart gastieren wird. So wurde ein ansprechender, vielfältiger Filmcocktail gerührt. Nicht viel weniger blutig, dafür jedoch mit einem netten Augenzwinkern serviert, bewies Neil Marshalls
neuer Film „Doomsday“, dass Action a la James
Bond noch lange nicht der Weisheit letzter
Schluss ist. So furios wie in dieser Film-
zitatensammlung jagten schon lange keine Autos mehr die Pisten entlang. Auch immer wieder
gerne genommen: Zombies. Die sind erfahrungsgemäß einfach nicht totzukriegen. Urvater aller
Zombie-Filme, George A. Romero, war mit seiner neuesten Schöpfung „Diary of the Dead“
vertreten und zeigte seinen jungen Kollegen,
dass es etwas mehr braucht als nur blutiges
Make-up, um einen Horrorfilm zu machen. So
fanden sich hier nicht nur sozial-, sondern auch
medienkritische Ansätze. Mit großer Spannung
erwartet wurde Japans Antwort auf den ItaloWestern: “Sukiyaki Western Django” vom
Enfant Terrible des japanischen Kinos, Takashi
Miike. Eine (leider) etwas zu lang geratene Parodie auf die Leones und Corbuccis der sechziger
Jahre, die den vollen Kinosaal köstlich unterhielt. Mit “Eden Log” stand Frankreich ein
dittes Mal auf dem Programm. Der Öko-Thriller überzeugte weniger durch seine Story, sondern vielmehr durch seine atemberaubenden Bilder und Set Designs. Doch wie so oft entpuppten sich einmal mehr die vollkommen
unspektakulären Filme als die wahren Perlen auf
dem Festival. Und beide kamen in diesem Jahr
aus Spanien. So forderte das gut durchdachte,
intelligente Drehbuch von „Timecrimes“ den
Zuschauer zum Mitdenken auf. Wer das Angebot annahm, der wurde bei dieser originellen und
wunderbar besetzten Zeitreisegeschichte aufs
schönste belohnt. Und schließlich sorgte Jaume
Balaguero mit seinem neuesten Streifen “[REC]”
dafür, dass es so manchen Zuschauer vor Schreck
aus dem Kinosessel hob. Wer dieses Gefühl mag,
der darf sich schon auf September freuen.
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 07/08 (Nr. 227)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2008) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis
sowie alle anfallenden
Importkosten inkl. unserer
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol
sind Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
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offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma LASER HOTLINE.
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
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Dolby Merchandise
Seite 60