We Journey Together - Catholic Charities


We Journey Together - Catholic Charities
We Journey Together
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
AN N UAL R E P O RT 2 0 1 3
We Journey Together
We at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
Chicago have much to celebrate this year, including
the welcoming of Pope Francis as the new leader
of the Catholic Church. A man with a special
devotion to the poor, his vision has energized us all
and reminded us that we have the humble honor
of journeying with our neighbors as we help to
strengthen and support our community.
It’s a Journey of Listening,
a Journey of Caring,
and a Journey of Guiding...
and one that we do together.
leads us to
go out from
and more,
to give
and to serve
pope francis
“At Catholic Charities, we live our
values as we journey with our clients.”
monsignor michael m. boland
October 29, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Meeting the challenge of serving God’s people in need is the mission of Catholic
Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Called and sent by the Church to
care for the poor by feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, comforting the
brokenhearted, and restoring hope to the hopeless, Catholic Charities fulfills the
command of Christ for each of us to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Last year,
one million people of all races, faiths and economic backgrounds—one out of every
three citizens of the City of Chicago—were helped through the broad range of
services offered by Catholic Charities.
francis cardinal george, o.m.i.
Archbishop of Chicago
“We Journey Together” is an appropriate theme for the 2013 Annual Report of
Catholic Charities because it emphasizes the mission of Catholic Charities. Truly
caring for and helping the poor is not simply providing the basic necessities
of life—food, clothing, and shelter—though these are extremely important.
Catholic Charities also provides a vast array of professional services to help
people work through their struggles so that they may begin to rebuild their lives.
Most importantly, Catholic Charities delivers its services with Christ’s love and
compassion so that each person on a journey of healing is treated with the utmost
respect and dignity. As His Holiness Pope Francis has reminded us, each of us is
called to use our God-given talents to care for those in need, just as Jesus “awakened
great hopes in the hearts of the simple, the humble, the forgotten, those who do not
matter in the eyes of the world.” We as Christians and Catholics are blessed to have
the opportunity to bring Jesus’ light of hope to others, as Catholic Charities does so
well every day of the year.
The good works of Catholic Charities would not be possible without the dedicated
support of the members of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors and Board
of Advisors, the Junior Board, the parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago, and the
thousands of volunteers, donors, and benefactors of Catholic Charities. I am deeply
grateful for your continued commitment to Catholic Charities and its clients. I am
also greatly appreciative of the vital support of our business and government funding
partners. In addition, I commend Monsignor Michael Boland and his staff for their
passion and dedication to the most vulnerable among us.
If you have never been to one of the service locations of Catholic Charities, I urge
you to consider taking a tour. It will warm your heart to see the journey of listening,
caring, and guiding in action. May the charity of Christ continue to inspire and
impel us to greater love and service of God and our neighbors. You and those you
love are in my prayers; please keep me and the needs of the Archdiocese of Chicago
in yours.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
October 29, 2013
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities,
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is profoundly blessed to journey
with 1 million people each year throughout Cook and Lake counties. It is our
mission to walk with those who are suffering—listening to their struggles, caring
about their well-being, and guiding them to peace—just as Jesus did.
rev. monsignor
michael m. boland
Administrator, President and CEO
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
On the following pages of our 2013 Annual Report, you will see beautiful images
and read inspiring stories of Catholic Charities listening, guiding, and caring for
the elderly, children, families, veterans, the homeless, the hungry, and those with
nowhere else to turn. When people come to Catholic Charities, they know that
we are with them for the long haul; we join them side-by-side on their journey
to wholeness and health. With our professionally trained staff and specialized
services, we not only provide a helping hand, but also a “hand up,” ensuring that
those who come to us can begin to improve their lives and have hope for a better
Since the start of his Pontificate in March 2013, His Holiness Pope Francis has
shone a new light of hope on those most in need and asked each one of us as
faithful Christians to examine our hearts and refocus our own priorities. He has
called for “a poor Church for the poor,” and urged every Catholic, young and old, to
get involved in helping our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. In his poignant
homily at his installation Mass on March 19, the feast day of St. Joseph, the
“protector” of Jesus and Mary, he asked us to “protect with tenderness.”
“The vocation of being a ‘protector’…means protecting people, showing loving concern
for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need, who are often
the last we think about.…It means building sincere friendships in which we protect one
another in trust, respect, and goodness. In the end, everything has been entrusted to our
protection, and all of us are responsible for it.”
Through more than 150 programs at more than 160 service locations, Catholic
Charities is indeed the protector of the poor and vulnerable in the Archdiocese of
Chicago. With the help of our generous donors, dedicated volunteers, outstanding
board members, and excellent staff, we build genuine friendships with those who
seek our services, partnering with them to overcome life’s challenges, share their
joys and sorrows, and marvel in Christ’s presence in our lives.
I would like to thank each of our donors, board members, staff, and volunteers
who accompany Catholic Charities on the journey of so many lives that have been
bruised or broken. Sometimes it is in helping others on their journey that our
own paths become clearer.
May Christ’s love and compassion for the least among us continue to inspire us
as we walk with the poor and those who are suffering, lifting them up with the joy
that Christ’s light brings.
We Journey Together
August 2012: Health Fair at St. Gall Parish
September 2012: Babette Peyton outfitted by Mary’s Closet
• C
atholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago joined a lawsuit in federal
court, seeking to overturn the mandate issued by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS). “The sole matter at hand is that
religious freedom has been compromised by the mandate in violation of the
First Amendment of our nation’s Constitution,” said Monsignor Boland.
• We began providing outreach to senior citizens through our new Hospital
Transition Program (HTP) in the South Suburbs, with the goal of preventing
costly readmissions to local hospitals. HTP is an “Innovations” program
funded by Medicare and Medicaid Services, and helps us in our work to keep
seniors living in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.
• The Forever Free Program celebrated 20 years of helping homeless women
recovering from substance abuse reunite with their children, and achieve
educational and occupational success.
• The Irish Children’s Fund (ICF) donated $180,700 to Catholic Charities to
provide steady support of its Child Development Centers from July 1, 2012
through June 30, 2015. For nearly 30 years, the Irish Children’s Fund brought
together Catholic and Protestant children from Northern Ireland for a onemonth visit each summer in the Chicago area.
• O
ur St. Aloysius Child Care Center, part of a brand-new parish center, was
blessed by Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
• Our Lady of Solace Shelter opened in Chicago’s Englewood community to
serve more homeless families in the City.
• By the second week of August, we served more than 350,000 meals to
children at 213 sites across Chicago through our Summer Food Service
Program. Our job training programs provided more than 330 summer jobs
for youth and adults.
• Our health fair held at St. Gall Parish on Chicago’s Southwest Side had
record-breaking attendance; 340 people received free check-ups, dental
exams, and referrals from trained professionals who volunteered their services.
October 2012: Mobile Outreach
• On September 14, a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives held
the hearing, “Housing for Heroes: Examining How Federal Programs Can
Better Serve Veterans.” Presenters from many veterans’ advocacy groups
discussed barriers that homeless and low-income veterans face in securing
services. Eileen Higgins, our Vice President of Housing Services, was one of
the presenters, along with two of our veterans: Caesar Hill, a Navy veteran
and Community Affairs Manager in Community Development and Outreach
Services; and Babette Peyton, an Army veteran and resident at our St. Leo’s
campus. Mr. Hill and Ms. Peyton were outfitted for their testimony by our
Mary’s Closet program.
• Catholic Charities began providing Mobile Outreach services across the City
of Chicago, 24/7, responding to referral calls from the City’s 311 Call Center
involving homelessness, lack of food, loss of utilities and other urgent
situations. Nearly 50 new staff were hired and trained in a short period of
time to launch the new program. Catholic Charities was the first private
social service agency awarded the Mobile Outreach contract. Previously, the
program had been operated by the City.
• An exciting new venue served as the location for our annual Ayudando
Nuestras Familias fundraiser - the National Museum of Mexican Art in
Chicago’s Pilsen community. In FY 2013, Catholic Charities supported more
than a quarter million Latinos in the metro Chicago area. This fundraiser,
presented by our Latino Advisory Committee and emceed by Lourdes Duarte,
WGN-TV News Anchor, raised nearly $30,000 for our family strengthening
• Catholic Charities Board of Advisors held its 95th Annual Meeting on
November 29. Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I. presided, and long-time
Board Member Chip Mulaney Jr., a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps,
Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, was named Board Chair for a two-year term.
• The Lake County Christmas Gift Program, an annual adopt-a-family event,
was a record-breaking success in 2012. In all, 14,800 people were served.
There were more than 400 volunteers involved in the process of intake,
matching, recruiting donors, and distributing the gifts.
Y EAR IN REVIEW 2 0 1 2 -2 0 1 3
November 2012: St. Vincent Hall is filled with bikes and toys for the 65th Celebration of Giving
March 2013: Holbrook Center
• I n Cook County, Catholic Charities celebrated the 65th Anniversary of our
annual Celebration of Giving Holiday Gift Program. Tens of thousands of
donated gifts filled a donated Merchandise Mart showroom to the brim.
Hundreds of needy families were provided with thoughtful gifts and
necessary household items that our hard-working volunteers and staff picked
up, organized, and distributed.
• T he 1,350 guests who attended Catholic Charities Annual “Spirit of Saint
Nicholas Ball,” were overjoyed when Monsignor Boland halted the festivities
and announced a “million dollar moment.” For the first time in the 23- year
history of this elegant black-tie event, the Spirit of Saint Nicholas Ball netted
more than $1 million dollars to benefit scores of programs and services for
more than 240,000 children in Cook and Lake counties served by Catholic
• We purchased an apartment building in Chicago to house lower-income
families in safe, affordable units. The families in our St. Joseph Apartments
receive case management services from partner agencies within the City.
• For the 5th year in a row, Gibson’s Steak House and Hugo’s Frog Bar provided
a New Year’s Day dinner for clients in our programs. Nearly 500 were served
this year by the staff of both restaurants who volunteer their time with family
and friends in what has become a New Year’s Day tradition for many.
• O
ur 9th Annual First Look for Charity event at the Chicago Auto Show was
emceed by Lauren Petty of NBC 5 Chicago, and raised over $140,000 for
Maternity and Adoption programs and our Neighbors in Need fund. Major
sponsors included Bredemann Toyota-Scion and Bredemann Lexus,
Cummins Allison, and Monterrey Security.
June 2013: Monsignor Boland with Mae Vappie, who has attended every Senior Unity Mass since they began 40 years ago
• Catholic Charities welcomed Pope Francis as the new leader of the Catholic
Church who has a special devotion to the poor and understanding of the
work our agency does each day.
• Our Holbrook Counseling Program moved its main office from 651 W. Lake
Street to the beautiful grounds of Holy Name Cathedral. The move brought
our services to an easily-recognized, high-traffic location and allows for
expanded services—including groups and workshops.
• The St. Philomena Food Pantry on Chicago’s Northwest side opened. The
parish will operate the pantry with volunteers. Catholic Charities will train
volunteers and act as consultants to the parish.
• Bishop Timothy J. Lyne†, a priest for 70 years and a bishop for 30, was honored
at An Evening with Bishop Lyne, a fundraiser for Catholic Charities Holy
Family Villa skilled care facility. Bishop Lyne was a lifelong example of
compassionate care for others, particularly the elderly. Catholic Charities
residence for retired priests bears his name.
• Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. dedicated our 18th affordable apartment
building for seniors, All Saints Residence, in Chicago’s West Pullman
Community. All Saints added 42 affordable apartments for low-income seniors
who liveindependently, safely and actively thanks to Catholic Charities on-site
management and social service coordinators.
• In Lake County, our Diaper Depot began a partnership with Bundle of Joy and
the national Diaper Bank Network, to expand our capacity to provide diapers
to low-income families with babies and toddlers.
• We celebrated our 40th Annual Senior Unity Mass on June 28 at Holy Name
Cathedral. This special event, which is organized through our Keenager News
publication for seniors, drew nearly 300 seniors for a beautiful liturgy and
lively box lunch in the Cathedral courtyard and school. Staff, Board Members
and clients from our programs serving seniors all helped make the day a
memorable one.
A Journey of Listening
Mary was a single mother with six children. A series of
events had caused her to lose her home and she was
frightened she would lose her children next. The family
already had been to several housing programs and
Catholic Charities Madonna House was their last hope.
When Mary arrived she had few parenting skills but
was eager to learn and to Listen. She shared her story
with our case worker who heard a story of heartache
and struggle and the case worker Listened to a woman
desperate to keep her family together and provide a
stable life for her children. That day Catholic Charities
committed to helping Mary on her Journey. Mary was
taught how to cook and learned self-sufficiency skills
while her children received tutoring and reading help
and were given a safe place to play and make friends.
And when our case worker Listened to Mary’s story
and learned she had family, we Journeyed with her to
connect her with her family that did not know of her
struggles. Each day Catholic Charities Listens to the
stories of more than 500 people in our interim housing
programs and Journeys with them on their path to
When Susana lost her job she was afraid of losing her
home, too. Her savings quickly depleted, she called
Chicago’s 311 City Services and asked for Short-Term
Help. The call was seamlessly transferred to our
Homelessness Prevention Call Center where we
Listened to her story, understood her struggles and
goals, and identified the resources to help ensure her
family kept their housing. Our highly-trained
Information and Referral Specialists Listen and
Journey with residents who need assistance, like
Susana, to help ensure they are matched with any
available resources to help prevent homelessness. The
Homelessness Prevention Call Center at Catholic
Charities is a true city-wide collaboration through our
agency, the Chicago Alliance to End Homelessness,
City of Chicago, Emergency Fund, private foundations
and other homelessness prevention advocates and
social service agencies. Since 2007, staff have Listened
to more than 400,000 calls, helping to end the cycle of
homelessness and keep families together.
Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe the feelings
Chris and Maria experienced when they lost their son
to suicide. Confused and unsure of how to explain their
son’s death to their two other children, Chris and Maria
turned to the Catholic Charities Loving Outreach to
Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program for Children and
Youth. We Listened to their needs and Journeyed with
them on the path to healing. The program gave their
children an outlet – an opportunity to be Listened to
and heard; an opportunity to be children again. And,
most importantly, the children said it gave them a
chance to remember their brother and all their happy
memories with him in a safe place. Since its founding
in 2010, more than 125 children have received
counseling and therapy services from the LOSS
Program for Children and Youth.
Each year our 3,000 highly trained and dedicated staff
members Listen compassionately to the needs of more
than 1 million Chicagoans as we Journey Together to
help them become as self-sufficient as possible.
“When we listen with an open heart, we often start to
turn a life around and bring hope to our clients.”
monsignor michael m. boland
“Be a person who listens to what people need...
Listen in order to intercede and help out.”
pope francis
A Journey of Caring
Every day, Catholic Charities is in the community,
Caring about those often forgotten – those with no place
to call home, no welcome mat waiting for them to dry
their feet on, no one to answer when they call out for
help. Our Mobile Outreach Program, the official mobile
response to the 311 City of Chicago well-being requests,
delivers vital food boxes and transports people to shelters
and cooling and warming centers. But it is more than a
mode of transportation; the Mobile Outreach program is
a van of Caring, a van where every person is treated with
humanity and dignity and listened to as an individual,
not just a number. When our outreach workers met Jon
and Nancy and their two children, they had nowhere
to turn. They had lost their home to foreclosure, were
struggling to find employment and wanted more than
anything to keep their family together. We patiently
listened, took time to hear their story and Care about
their well-being and worked with them to find shelter.
When others may just walk by, we stop and Care as we
Journey Together to help those with no place to call
home. Each week, more than 1,000 Chicagoans like Jon
and Nancy are Cared for by Catholic Charities and our
Mobile Outreach Program.
Parents who enroll their children in one of Catholic
Charities 10 Child Development Centers located in
Chicago, Summit and Berwyn want the very best for
their children and families. They depend on our centers
to provide a safe, nurturing and Caring environment for
their children and can feel confident that their children
ages birth to 5 will receive high quality early Care and
education and their children ages 6 to 12 will receive
after school and full day childcare that provides a safe
and enriching experience. Every day, more than 1,500
children receive high quality Care from centers that
are accredited and provide holistic services for young
children and their families. Our early childhood
curriculum encourages children to learn through play
while targeting their social, emotional, physical,
cognitive, and language development which prepared
Angela and Michael to be ready for success in Kindergarten. Our Caring and supportive staff members develop
strong and supportive relationships with families so
were able to assist Ms. Anderson with enrolling in our
on-site GED classes and Mr. Santos with enrolling in
our on-site English as a Second Language classes and
when Ms. Jernison disclosed an abusive relationship our
Caring staff were able to refer her for counseling and
legal services. At Catholic Charities we are committed to
Journey Together with families.
Joe has lived a life of adventure and is filled with stories to
share of his days as a Chicago Police Sergeant. He
and his late wife had eight children who are now
scattered throughout the country. When Joe was injured
stepping out of his wheelchair at home, his family knew
he needed to be in a Caring place to help him heal. Holy
Family Villa, home to nearly 100 residents, provides Joe
with the medical care and personal attention he deserves
while his family can rest at ease knowing he is Cared for
in a professional and courteous manner. Founded in 1949,
Holy Family Villa has embarked on an aggressive
expansion plan to meet the needs of the growing
population of seniors in our communities. With more
than 20 senior residential care centers and skilled care
centers, Catholic Charities Caring and compassionate
staff Journey Together with more than 4,000 seniors to
provide them with the Care, dignity and respect they are
worthy of.
“We must go into the communities that most need us,
those that are struggling the most and lift them up.”
monsignor michael m. boland
“The measure of greatness of a society is found in
the way it treats those most in need, those who have
nothing apart from poverty.”
pope francis
A Journey of Guiding
When Connie was discharged from the hospital after
suffering a near-fatal heart attack, she was scared. She
had little support at home and was worried – she didn’t
want to reenter the hospital again, as she had so many
times before. A Catholic Charities hospital transition
support coach met with Connie to assess her needs
and Guide her through her health options. The coach
created a specialized care plan that included not only
her medication needs but also nutritional coaching
and access to other community resources. Thanks to
the Guidance Connie continues to receive from her
hospital transition coach, she is on the path to healing.
In fact, only 12% of patients who receive coaching are
re-hospitalized, 20% less than the national average.
Our hospital transition coaches Journey Together with
patients to ensure they are expertly Guided through
their care and receive the needed support so they can
have an active role in their health care.
John knew that people wondered why he didn’t just
get a job. In fact, there was nothing more he wanted in
life than a job that would pay him a living wage, where
he could have his own place. When he returned from
the war he found the skills he gained in the military
weren’t translating to the real world and he struggled
with substance abuse. After receiving counseling and
breaking his addiction, he found a home at St. Leo
Residence, a long-term transitional residence home to
133 residents, most homeless veterans. John opens up
to his case worker who Guides him along his Journey,
providing supportive services and helping him adjust to
the community again. They visit in the garden donated
by the Illinois AMVETS as she shares job services and
training available to him. John knows he has a long
road ahead of him, but he is determined to finish his
Journey with a job and a home of his own, thanks to
his case worker who is Guiding him every step of the
way as they Journey Together.
Every day for the past three summers José and his five
children Journey down the street to St. Agnes Church.
There he knows he is able to give his children
something that he struggles to do at home – provide
them with a healthy, nutritious meal in the summer –
thanks to the Catholic Charities Summer Mobile Food
Program. And this summer, because of a grant from
the ConAgra Foundation, José’s children learned about
nutrition and the importance of living an active lifestyle
from a nutrition aide. José notices that more families
are taking part in the program now – a sign of the
struggling economy. But he is grateful that his children
receive Guidance on what foods are healthy and which
to eat in moderation. Every day in the summer more
than 8,000 children Journey to one of our Summer
Mobile Food Program sites to ensure that while they are
not in school they still receive a nutritious meal. The
program provides children with a safe place to go – a
place to learn and play and be a kid. The children and
their parents Journey Together with Catholic
Charities to Guide them on healthy eating because no
child deserves to be hungry and every child deserves a
safe place where they can enjoy the summer.
“We must first listen and then guide as we
help those we serve on their journeys.”
monsignor michael m. boland
“Charity, patience, and tenderness are very beautiful
gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with
pope francis
A Journey of Giving
How You Gave
Corporate partner: Happy Products
“At Happy Products we are dedicated to providing the
highest nutrition to our clients, and above all a better quality
of life. This is why we share the Catholic Charities devotion
to help all human beings, providing much needed services
to improve their lives. It fills us with joy as a company and
individuals to be able to engage in this mission of hope with
such a commendable organization. We are Happy to help
Catholic Charities bring the smiles back to the faces of so
many people in need.”
juan valentin, owner of happy products
Individuals &
Family Foundations
$8,808,632 (33%)
$2,635,218 (10%)
$1,759,361 (7%)
$2,424,177 (9%)
$925,512 (3%)
$10,347,454 (38%)
Total $26,900,354
Individuals made 71% of the cash donations and pledges
received this year.
Parishes take up a special collection for Catholic Charities on
Mother’s Day. They may also make financial contributions for
specific programs and fundraising events; hold food, clothing
and toy drives; provide volunteers; and contribute space for
our programs.
Legacy of Hope Society
Individuals are invited to join the Legacy of Hope Society
when they inform us that they have included Catholic
Charities in their estate plans. The society has 245 current
members. In FY 2013, we received payments or distributions
of legacies from 60 deceased individuals.
Foundations, Corporations and
Through the generous support of a wide range of foundation,
corporate, and organizational partners, Catholic Charities
has been empowered to continue to serve individuals and
families in need throughout Cook and Lake counties. Last
year, more than $7 million was raised from approximately
1,000 foundation, corporate, and organizational donors who
gave over 2,000 gifts. Of that, nearly $1.2 million were event
sponsorships. More than 200 new foundation and corporate
partners contributed nearly $350,000 to Catholic Charities
programs. Featured below are a few of the many partners
that have supported Catholic Charities this last fiscal year:
Polk Bros. Foundation
Supported Catholic Charities’ programs including our
Homelessness Prevention Call Center and St. Leo Campus
for Veterans, which is located in Chicago’s Auburn-Gresham
Donations to three major appeals met our most urgent needs:
• Mother’s Day Appeal - $1,422,016 from 361 parish
collections and 2,710 direct donations
• Neighbors in Need Fund - $535,389 from 2,203 donors
• Year-End Appeal - $2,295,272 from 6,463 donors
The John and Kathleen Schreiber Foundation
Fundraising Events
Russell and Josephine Kott Memorial Charitable Foundation
Contributions to our special event fundraisers by individuals,
corporations and foundations resulted in $3.34 million in
net proceeds in FY 2013. Funds raised at each one of our 29
events benefits a specific program or region. More
information about each event can be found on the following
Strengthened our efforts to serve Lake County clients in our
Family Self-Sufficiency Program, New Hope Apartments,
home delivered meals, the food pantry, and our newly
expanded Veterans Employment Program.
Assisted our Northwest Suburban Senior Case Management
Program, providing in-home assessments, care coordination,
and the monitoring of conditions for older adults living in the
northwest suburbs.
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Continued their support of the Catholic Charities Summer
Food Service Program that provides free meals to children
in underserved communities throughout the city of Chicago
when school is not in session.
McCormick Foundation
Expanded their support of our Veterans Initiatives in Cook
and Lake counties while also continuing to support the
Homelessness Prevention Call Center.
Northern Trust Charitable Trust
Aided Catholic Charities newest interim family shelter, the
Our Lady of Solace Shelter located in Chicago’s Englewood
2012-2013 Events
Charities Golf Classic: Charley & Ellie Clarke, John Brinckerhoff, Monsignor
Boland, Susy & Mike Hoch
Golf Invitational: Tom Grusecki, Jr., Jim Ryan, Monsignor
19th Annual Charities Golf Classic
Monday, July 23, 2012
Knollwood Club, Lake Forest & Shoreacres, Lake Bluff
$184,875 was raised to benefit Lake County Services.
Honorary Chairs, Charley & Ellie Clarke, and Chairs, Mike Hoch, John
Brinckerhoff, and Scott Roberts, welcomed guests to a memorable day of
golf, BBQ lunch, an auction, a raffle, dinner, and cocktails. Major supporters
included Bob & Joanie Reynolds, Ray & Debbie Guerin, L.J. Sheridan & Co.,
and the Helen Brach Foundation.
15th Annual Golf Invitational
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Cog Hill Golf and Country Club, Lemont
$286,718 was raised to benefit Child, Youth, & Family Services
Jim Ryan and Mike Smith served as Co-Chairs of the signature event which
featured golf, breakfast, grilled lunch, an auction, a raffle, legendary steak
dinner, cocktails, and the first-ever helicopter ball drop. Happy Products was
the presenting sponsor. Other major sponsors included Beech-Nut Nutrition
Corporation, Manufacturers Sales Solutions, Organic Milling, The Thomas &
Christina Grusecki Foundation, East Lake Management & Development Corp.,
Cummins-Allison Corp., Pepsi Beverages Company, and Monterrey Security.
A Sunday in the Park at Ravinia
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Ravinia, Highland Park
$5,000 was raised to benefit the Food Pantry at the Catholic Charities
North and Northwest Office in Des Plaines.
Supporters gathered at beautiful Ravinia and enjoyed a musical evening of
Tchaikovsky’s works. Ed & Mary Willer chaired the effort.
11th Annual William E. Joyce Golf Invitational
Monday, August 6, 2012
Crystal Tree Golf & Country Club, Orland Park
$70,143 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of
Suicide (LOSS) Program.
Jim Sexton served as the Chair of the event which featured a memorable
day of golf, lunch, cocktails, dinner, and a cash raffle.
Holy Family Villa Golf: Eileen Kositzky, Sr. Georgine Hroma, Sr. Cindy Drozd,
Mary Ann Smith
2nd Annual Patrick J. Ryan Golf Outing
Thursday, August 9, 2012
St. Andrews Golf & Country Club, West Chicago
$102,673 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of
Suicide (LOSS) Program for Children & Youth.
Chaired by Jim & Marie Ryan and family, the outing featured golf, breakfast,
lunch, dinner, a wine raffle, live and silent auctions, and popular “Rattle the
Rev” hole to support young survivors of suicide. Art Norman of NBC 5 Chicago
served as emcee. Major sponsors included Happy Products, The John Buck
Company, Life After Suicide Foundation, Chip & Ellen Mulaney, Cushman
& Wakefield, Monterrey Security, Organic Milling, and the Perry Family
2nd Annual Holy Family Villa Golf Invitational
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Gleneagles Country Club, Lemont
$63,372 was raised to benefit the Holy Family Villa Expansion
Chairs, John Parise and Steve Kositzky, and Co-Chairs, Fran Parise and Eileen
Kositzky, welcomed guests to a day of golf and lunch followed by dinner,
cocktails, raffles, and pick-a-prize. Quality Therapy & Consultation, Inc. was the
Presenting Sponsor.
Junior Board Boat Cruise
Friday, August 17, 2012
The Ft. Dearborn, Chicago
$6,460 was raised to benefit Emergency Assistance programs.
Social Committee Co-Chairs, Mary Woodka and Matt Persohn, spearheaded
the three-hour cruise along the lakefront.
2nd Annual Culinary Classic
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Hawthorn Woods Country Club, Hawthorn Woods
$19,299 was raised to benefit Meals on Wheels in Lake County.
Guests enjoyed dinner and silent and live auctions. The event was Co-Chaired
by Beth McElroy, Jim Thompson, and Becky Vallorano. Garry Meier, Host on
WGN Radio 720, was the event emcee.
Junior Board Boat Cruise: Members of the Junior Board
Gala of the Arts: Richard & Christine Guzior
11th Annual Gala of the Arts
Friday, September 2, 2012
Navy Pier, Chicago
$160,927 was raised to benefit the Emergency Assistance programs.
Catholic Charities’ Board Members, William & Mary Alice Jovan and William
& Jeanne Hardy, served as the Chaircouples, welcoming guests to an
incredible art sale and show, culinary delights, an exquisite Golden Raffle
and pick-a-prize. Allison Rosati served as Master of Ceremonies. American
English: The Complete Beatles Tribute provided the entertainment for the
night. The Mandatum Award was bestowed upon Richard & Christine Guzior.
Major sponsors included Carol & Michael Bilder, Fifth Third Bank, Richard &
Christine Guzior of Richards Building Supply Company, Thomas Havey, and
Chip & Ellen Mulaney. Artists donated pieces to the event, giving 100% of the
proceeds to Catholic Charities.
12th Annual Brighter Futures Golf Outing
Monday, September 10, 2012
Riverside Golf Club, Riverside
$45,151 was raised to benefit the West Regional New Hope Housing
An incredible day of golf, food, a prize raffle and cash raffle were part of the
day Co-Chaired by Kathy & Doug Kurtenbach and Karen & Jeff Stelmach.
Generous sponsorship support was provided by Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Mosaic
Experiential Marketing, Doug & Kathy Kurtenbach, Jeff & Karen Stelmach,
and Robert W. Baird & Co. Special guest, Most Rev. John R. Manz, Auxiliary
Bishop, Vicariate IV was also in attendance.
Team Catholic Charities
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Grant Park, Chicago
$77,933 was raised to benefit the Neighbors in Need fund.
Members of Team Catholic Charities ran 26.2 miles through Chicago and
then celebrated their finish in Charity Village. Forever Om Yoga and 10Pin
Bowling were Team Sponsors. Other sponsors included William Blair &
Company, Dutch Farms, Family Health Network, Grove Snacks, Happy
Products, Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation, and Kates Detective Agency.
Ayudando Nuestras Familias: Monsignor Boland with Lourdes Duarte
4th Annual Ayudando Nuestras Familias/
Helping Our Families
Thursday, October 11, 2012
National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago
$29,806 was raised to benefit Family Strengthening programs.
The Latino Advisory Committee of the Board of Advisors hosted the unique
event which featured a mariachi band performance and Lourdes Duarte,
WGN-TV News Co-Anchor, was the emcee. Major sponsors included Azteca
Foods, Inc. and Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Velasquez, BMO Harris, Happy Products,
Kates Detective Agency, Goya & Thomas Vega-Byrnes, Chicago Title, and
Wintrust Financial.
11th Annual Compassion in Action Dinner
Saturday, November 2, 2012
Calumet Country Club, Homewood
$13,870 was raised to benefit South Regional services.
Supporters enjoyed a cocktail reception, lovely dinner, and auction, as well as
live entertainment by the Seton Academy Jazz Band. James L. Austing, Frank
Fry, Jr., and Elizabeth A. Wakefield received the Compassion in Action Award,
and Thomas M. Schell received the Bertrand W. Ellis Award.
6th Annual Charities Royale Casino Night
Saturday, November 3, 2012
St. Ignatius College Prep, Chicago
$25,000 was raised to benefit Emergency Assistance programs.
Social Committee Co-Chairs, Mary Woodka and Matt Persohn, led the planning on the Junior Board’s largest fundraiser. Over 200 guests played casino
games, participated in a silent auction, and raffle, while dancing the night
away to the live band Underwater People.
Holiday Tea and Boutique
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Wynstone Golf Club, North Barrington
$36,000 was raised to benefit Lake County services.
More than 130 guests kicked off the festive shopping season with a
variety of clothing, accessories, and gifts offered by local vendors. Other
features included fashion and floral workshops, high tea, and a luncheon.
St. Nicholas Ball: Jim and Molly Perry, Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. and Monsignor Boland
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration: Nick Hammon
23rd Annual Spirit of Saint Nicholas Ball
Friday, December 2, 2012
Hilton Chicago
$1,069,683 was raised to benefit Children’s programs.
His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I, Monsignor Michael Boland,
and Chaircouple Mr. & Mrs. James Perry welcomed 1,345 guests for a
gourmet dinner, spectacular live music, and dancing to kick-off the holiday
season. For the first year since its inception, the Ball netted more than $1
million dollars. The Perry Family Foundation, with thanks to Mr. & Mrs. James
Perry, supported the Ball as a Cherubim Sponsor. Other major sponsors
included Mr. & Mrs. John Canning; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cole; Deloitte and Mr.
Rich Caffarelli; Fort Dearborn Partners and Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cleary, Mr. † &
Mrs. Kevin Flynn; The Arthur J. Gallagher Co. and Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick
Gallagher; Mr. & Mrs. George Halaby, The Logos Charitable Fund, Inc. and
Mr. Noel Moore; Mr. Larry Morris; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mulaney, Jr.; Mr. & Mrs.
Robert Parkinson; The Private Bank and Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wiatr; Reagan.
com and Mr. Tony Saliba; Wintrust Financial and Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wehmer.
Meals on Wheels Dinner Dance
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Maravela’s Banquets and Catering, Fox Lake
$26,285 was raised to benefit Meals on Wheels in Lake County.
The Silver Plate Award was presented to Larry & Ellen Wing in front of 185
guests who enjoyed dinner, dancing, a silent auction, and a raffle.
12th Annual D’Vine Affair
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Union League Club of Chicago
$103,805 was raised to benefit Self-Sufficiency programs.
Founders and Chaircouples, Joseph & Helen Glunz and John & Teddi Scholz,
and Co-Chaircouple, Joseph & Jean Imperato, welcomed guests on several
floors of The Union League Club to participate in wine seminars and sample
250 impressive wines from around the world. Major sponsors included Louis
Glunz Wines, Inc., Bank of America, BMO Harris Bank, Dowd and Dowd, Ltd.,
Edwin & Eileen Frederick, Mark & Karen Noetzel, Michael & Virginia Primack,
John & Teddi Scholz, and ViBern Foundation.
9th Annual First Look for Charity
Friday, February 9, 2013
McCormick Place, Chicago
$141,133 was raised for Maternity and Adoption programs and
the Neighbors in Need fund.
The event was Co-Chaired by Marty Bredemann and Chris Lawler. Our private
suite featured wonderful hors d’oeuvres, open bar, a silent auction, and raffle.
Lauren Petty of NBC 5 Chicago gave a warm welcome to our supporters. The
Snite Family Foundation was a major benefactor. Major sponsors included
Bredemann Toyota-Scion and Bredemann Lexus, Cummins Allison, and
Monterrey Security.
Legal Lifelines: Monsignor Boland and Bernie Judge 10th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Thursday, March 7, 2013
FitzGerald’s, Berwyn
$30,257 was raised to benefit the New Hope Housing Program in the
West Region.
Highlights of the Irish-themed benefit included performances by the McNulty
Irish Dancers, the Shannon Rovers, and Underwater People. Event Co-Chairs
were John O’Leary, Pat VanDeWalle, and Ben Jagoe. Major sponsorship
support was provided by McAndrews & Norgle, LLC and Cooney and Conway.
5th Annual “Legal Lifelines” Cocktail Reception
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Union League Club of Chicago
$86,296 was raised to benefit the Legal Assistance Program.
Legal professionals enjoyed scrumptious hors d’oeuvres and cocktails at the
fundraiser Co-Chaired by Megan Glunz Horton and Carolyn Trenda. The
Justice For The Poor Award was presented to Bernard Judge. Major sponsors
included Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Bob & Jeanne Casey, George & Mary
Fitzpatrick, Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP, and Kralovec, Jambois & Schwartz.
4th Annual Holy Family Villa Dinner
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
$124,856 was raised to benefit the Holy Family Villa Expansion
Bishop Timothy J. Lyne† was honored with the Caritas Sanctae Familiae Award
as he celebrated 70 years as a priest and 30 years as a bishop. Bishop John
Gorman and the late Monsignor John Kuzinskas chaired the event. John
& Fran Parise Co-Chaired the Holy Family Villa Host Committee, and Dick &
Maryjeanne Burke Co-Chaired the Catholic Charities Host Committee. Underwriters included Quality Therapy Consultation, Philip Corboy Foundation, and
Paul Borg Construction.
Bishp Lyne Dinner: Bishop John Gorman, Bishop Timothy Lyne† and Bishop Francis J. Kane Veterans In Need: Lincoln Park ROTC Cadets and Allen Lynch
2nd Annual Spring Housewalk
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Wynstone Golf Club, North Barrington
$31,603 was raised to benefit Lake County Services.
Two beautiful homes were toured by more than 130 guests at the housewalk
chaired by Connie Antoniou. Special thanks to Sotheby’s Hunter-Fairways and
our gracious homeowners.
Pedersen of HGTV served emcee; Sue Ward served as Chair of the event.
Major supporters included Michael & Cara Levinson, Jim & Brenda Grusecki,
W.S. Darley & Co., The McShane Foundation, Mr. & Mrs. Herve Sarteau, Jim &
Kelly McShane, William & Sue McErlean, Goldman Sachs, George & Michelle
Hinchcliff, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, John & Catherin
Taylor, Michael & Marie McCann, Fred Teitelbaum Construction, and Erik &
Monica Pedersen.
15th Annual Helping Hands Dinner & Auction
Friday, April 19, 2013
Silver Lake Country Club, Orland Park
$27,425 was raised the benefit homeless services in the Southwest
Highlights of the “Jazz”-themed benefit included dinner, an auction, and
music by the Marist High School Jazz Ensemble and Fr. John Moulder and
Friends. The Helping Hands Award was presented to Fr. Mark Walter of St.
Christopher Parish in Midlothian; Susan Carlson, Morning Anchor on CBS
2 Chicago, was the event emcee. Major sponsors included The Windy City
Thunderbolts, Perfetti Sales & Marketing, Inc, and Richards Building Supply.
24th Annual Hearts for Homeless Families Dinner
& Auction
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Sanfilippo Estate, Barrington Hills
$118,559 was raised to benefit the New Hope Apartments Program.
Guests were treated to a Derby Day-themed, murder mystery performance
while enjoying dinner in front of a colorful, European salon carousel. Garry
Meier, Host on WGN Radio 720, was the event emcee. Honorees included
Stephen O’Brien-Combs Heart of Charity Award recipient, Patty O’Brien, and
St. Marcelline Parish of Schaumburg, the Parish Partner Award recipient.
Major supporters included Schneider Electric, The Overture Group, American
Family Insurance, Barnes & Thornburg LLP, and The Duchossois Family
2nd Annual Veterans In Need Dinner
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Union League Club of Chicago
$120,519 was raised to benefit Veterans Services programs.
Co-Chaired by Claudia Dunne and Norman & Mary Carlson, the event’s
highlights included: guest speaker, former United States Secretary of
Veterans Affairs, Jim Nicholson; emcee, Alan Krashesky, ABC 7 News Anchor;
cadets from the Lincoln Park ROTC who served as volunteers; and the
attendance of Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, Allen Lynch. Major
sponsors included The Sullivan Family Foundation, Charles & Ellen Mulaney
and Family, United Parcel Service, Clifford Law Offices, and Jim & Brenda
22nd Annual Blossoms of Hope (LOSS) Brunch
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Drury Lane, Oak Brook, IL
$93,288 was raised to benefit the Loving Outreach to Survivors of
Suicide (LOSS) Program.
More than 915 guests enjoyed a scrumptious buffet brunch. Tregg Duerson,
son of former Chicago Bears player Dave Duerson, was honored with the
Charles T. Rubey LOSS Award for his work in suicide prevention. Monica
24th Annual Art of Caring
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Exmoor Country Club, Highland Park
$260,318 was raised to benefit Lake County Services.
The Women’s Board of Catholic Charities of Lake County hosted more than
200 guests who enjoyed cocktails, dinner, silent and live auctions, and paddle
raise. Mr. & Mrs. Quinn Stepan served as the event Honorary Chaircouple.
Event Co-Chairs were Jan Elwart and Sue O’Callaghan. Vera Purcell received
the Irene Leahy McMahon Award. Major Sponsors included Larry & Jean
Morse, Quinn & Debbie Stepan, Robert & Mary Kay O’Meara, The Grainger
Foundation, Bob & Joanie Reynolds, The Dodd Family Foundation, The
Carbonari Family Foundation, and William & Margaret Crane.
5th Annual A Day at the Races
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Arlington Park, Arlington Heights
$5,551 was raised to benefit Emergency Services in the North Region.
The North Regional Advisory Board and supporters placed their bets while
enjoying a lovely day at the racetrack.
We Journey Together
Partnerships with
More than 230 parishes in the Archdiocese
of Chicago Journey with Catholic Charities
to help their neighbors through our Parish
Outreach Program. Their congregrations
Care for those who need a helping hand
up and provide Guidance when there is no
where else to turn. We are eternally grateful
to our parish partners for their partnerships
with Catholic Charities. In the last year,
parishes have:
“It is amazing how many people in parishes are so busy
in their own lives and yet carve out time to ensure that the
needs of the struggling people are met. We are grateful to
each and every parish that Journeys with us to help those
most in need.”
monsignor michael m. boland
• Hosted health fairs
• Held food drives to stock the shelves at
parish and Catholic Charities pantries
• Provided hundreds of Christmas gifts
• Supported the Mother’s Day Appeal
• Created dining space for evening suppers
for the homeless
• Encouraged youth to participate in
Catholic Charities service projects
• Helped open early childhood centers and
family strengthening programs in closed
Catholic school buildings
• Opened an emergency assistance center
and food pantry at a parish
A Journey of Remembrance
Bishop Timothy Lyne
Msgr. John Kuzinskas
1919 - 2013
1926 - 2013
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago was
blessed to have two friends Journey with us throughout
their lifetime, the Most Reverend Bishop Timothy Lyne
and Monsignor John Kuzinskas.
Bishop Lyne celebrated 70 years of priesthood in the
spring of 2013. He was dedicated to ministering to
senior clergy and known for bringing people of all
faiths together. Monsignor Kuzinskas dedicated 61
years to the priesthood, with a particular affinity for the
people of Lithuania. We are especially grateful for his
commitment to Catholic Charities Holy Family Villa
where he served in many capacities, including as
President of the Board of Directors.
Friends to the poor and to Catholic Charities, their
steady presence and guidance will be missed. Their
lives were spent building bridges and bringing
communities together as humble servants of God.
“May these holy men be remembered as ones that listened
with open hearts, cared for all and guided many.”
monsignor michael m. boland
A Journey of Stewardship
October 29, 2013
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities,
Explaining why he chose the name “Francis,” the Pope reported
that when he received the necessary votes in the conclave, he was
immediately embraced by a fellow Cardinal who whispered in his
ear: “Don’t forget the poor!” He will not and we have not for the
past 96 years.
charles w. mulaney, jr.
Chairman, Board of Advisors
Catholic Charities has a tremendous impact on metropolitan
Chicago. More than 1 million people are served by Catholic
Charities each year. It is sobering and humbling to realize that
so many of our neighbors need assistance; need a helping hand
to be lifted up.
Our community is afflicted with serious difficulties – joblessness,
violence, hunger, inadequately cared for youth and elderly,
homelessness and so much more. With all these challenges,
Catholic Charities has been by the side of those who need us most
to help them on their journeys back to self-sufficiency.
The support of our donors and volunteers is honored and made
fruitful by the compassionate and professional efforts, day after
day, of our nearly 3,000 staff members. They know intimately
what Pope Francis means when he reminds us that “true charity
requires courage: let us overcome the fear of getting our hands
dirty so as to help those in need.” Join us as we “get our hands
dirty” and journey together on the Church’s mission of helping
all those in need.
Catholic Charities
Board of Directors
Catholic Charities benefits from the
support of three separate boards:
the Board of Directors, the
Board of Advisors and the Junior
Board. These boards advise and
support Catholic Charities and its
administration to fulfill our mission
of serving the poor and advancing
the organization’s core values:
Respect, Compassion, Competence
and Stewardship.
board of directors
The Board of Directors has 40
members from diverse and
accomplished backgrounds
and often with deep and strong
relationships with Catholic
Charities and its various
programs and events. A subset
of these members serve on the
Board’s Executive Committee.
Board members also serve as
Chairpersons of our 26 Board
Standing Committees. In FY 2013,
under the leadership of Chairman
Charles W. Mulaney, Jr., the Board
has provided necessary and valued
guidance to Catholic Charities and
its senior administration during
challenging economic times.
executive Officers
Rev. Monsignor
Michael M. Boland
David K. McHugh
Michael Y. Scudder, Jr.
Charles W. Mulaney, Jr.
Timothy J. Rivelli
Vice Chairman
Cynthia D. Smetana
Assistant Treasurer
and Assistant Secretary
2013 Board of Directors
Linda C. Abbott
Kathleen M. Almaney
John P. Barrett
Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland
Richard W. Burke, Sr.
Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
Kevin W. Cleary
H. Richard Collins
Maria P. Daley
James R. Figliulo
Martha FitzGerald
Louis J. Glunz, III
William L. Hardy
John J. Hartman
Angela Hickey
David R. Hoese
Richard S. Jalovec
Mary Ellen Kastenholz
Michael P. Kendall
Judith M. Kendzior
Janice R. Klich, M.D.
William L. Lamey, Jr.
Ronald P. Laurent
The Honorable
Christopher E. Lawler
Robert G. Lindeman
Margaret M. Lombardo
Joseph F. Luby
John J. Lynch, Jr.
David K. McHugh
Robert P. McNeill
Matthew Mohlman
Michael L. Monticello
Lawrence P. Morris
Robert R. Morris
Charles W. Mulaney, Jr.
Mark L. Noetzel
Timothy J. Rivelli
James M. Ryan
Michael Y. Scudder, Jr.
Cynthia D. Smetana
Gregoria Vega-Byrnes
Rayelle Weber
Jude P. Zwick, JD
CORPORATE officers
Rev. Monsignor Michael M. Boland
John J. Ryan
Cynthia D. Smetana
Kathleen A. Donahue-Coia
Michele Bianchi
A Journey of Stewardship
Board of Advisors
The Catholic Charities Board of Advisors
celebrated its 95th year of guiding Catholic
Charities in FY 2013. We are blessed to have more
than 650 talented and dedicated individuals from
a very broad range of backgrounds, experiences
and professions serve on the Board of Advisors.
Members serve on one or more of the Board’s
26 Standing Committees. Through this service,
our members assist, advise and support Catholic
Charities in a multitude of areas, including:
fundraising, investment management, finance,
strategic planning, real estate, legal, veteran’s
affairs and communications. Board of Advisors
members also provide advice and support to the
many programs of Catholic Charities including
working on one of five regional advisory boards
to assist the efforts of regional offices and staff
in Waukegan (Lake County), Cicero, Worth, Des
Plaines and South Holland (Cook County).
Our Junior Board celebrated a record-breaking year
in 2013 with more than 100 new members. More
than 400 young adults serve on the Junior Board
and are committed to promoting the compassionate
works of Catholic Charities and becoming leaders
in the Church through effective community action,
including volunteer service, social fundraising,
and theological exploration. In FY2013, The
Junior Board raised $43,000 dollars to assist our
Emergency Assistance programs and provided an
impressive 6,835 hours of service.
In addition to serving on board committees,
members of the Board of Directors and Board of
Advisors also regularly volunteer in our programs. In
FY 2013 the Board of Advisors clocked an impressive
2,900 volunteer hours.
More than 15,000 people comforted those in need
by volunteering 234,000 hours at our programs
throughout the Chicagoland area. They are there to
Listen, Care, and Guide our clients in a variety of
ways, including reading with and tutoring children,
providing companionship and conversation with
seniors, organizing food drives and serving meals,
and providing administrative support at our
Catholic Charities relies on
contributions from individual
Operating Highlights Years Ended June 30, 2013 and 2012
supporters, organizations,
foundations and corporations
to offset the loss from
Program Operations each
year to assure that the full
extent of Catholic Charities
programming can continue.
Fees/grants from government
Program service fees
Program contributions
Total operating revenue*
Audited financial statements
are available upon request;
Basic Human Needs
please call Cindy Smetana at
Families and Individuals
Management and General
(312) 655-7864.
*Excludes investment income
and other non-operating
revenue and gains.
** Excludes retirement benefit
changes and other nonoperating expenses and losses.
Total operating expenses**
Revenue Source 2013
Revenue Source 2012
Expenditures 2013
Expenditures 2012
A Journey of Thanks
Thank you to our
generous donors - July 1,
2012 to June 30, 2013.
Catholic Charities Board
of Directors and staff
are most grateful to all
donors. We regret that
space permits us to list
only those gifts of $1,000
or more. Our sincere
apologies to anyone
inadvertently omitted from
this list. Please notify us
so that we may update our
Individual & Family Foundation
Mr. † & Mrs. John J. Ahern
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Bartels
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Baumgartner
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Beeson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Berg
Mr. Henry R. Berghoef
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Berti
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Bidwill, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bilder
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brodarick
Ms. Frances M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Byrne
The Canning Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Carlson
Mr. Richard & Ms. Lisa Cederoth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Coman
Philip H. Corboy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. John DeJoris
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. DeMint
Mrs. Rosemary DeMore
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene DeMuro
Mr. Daniel P. Dietzler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dineen
Ms. Sandra J. Dones
Mr. Paul J. Donovan
Early Family Foundation
Mr. Carl P. Eigelsbach
Ms. Mary Irene Esdale
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Jr.
Mr. † & Mrs. Kevin Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent W. Foglia
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. John N. Gavin
Adolph & Eleanor Glabowicz Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Glunz III
James P. and Brenda S. Grusecki Family
The Thomas & Christina Grusecki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Guzior
Mr. & Mrs. H. Patrick Hackett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Halaby
Mr. Thomas W. Havey
Walter E. Heller Foundation
Mr. Brian T. Herbstritt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hickey
JMJ Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Kaiser, Jr.
Mr. John Kastenholz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keiser
Mr. Peter M. Kelliher II
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kelly
Mr. Christopher T. Kenny
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kiefer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Konen, Sr.
Mr. Thaddeus F. Kulma
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Kurtenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Lange
Mr. John J. Lynch, Jr.
Most Reverend Timothy J. Lyne †
Mr. & Mrs. Roger V. Manderscheid
Ms. Amy Mazzolin
Mazzolin Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Edward W. McCaskey
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McDonough
Mr. Edward McMahon &
Ms. Donna M. Jania
Mr. & Mrs. David P. McNicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. McQuaid
Mr. Lawrence P. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Morse III
Mr. & Mrs. Al Moschner
Mr. Edward J. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mulaney, Jr.
R. J. Mullen, Sr. and Family Foundation
Mrs. Carolyn L. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Noetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. O’Brien, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. O’Meara
Mr. & Mrs. James J. O’Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. Robert D. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Parise
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Perry, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Raaf
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds
Mr. Craig P. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery D. Roberts
Mrs. Suzanne L. Rogers
Mr. Gary M. Ropski & Ms. Barbara M.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Rossi
Mr. David L. Roxe
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Scanlan
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Scholz
The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Sents
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Sever
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Shinnick
Mr. Henry Smogolski
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sneed
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Spiotto
Mr. Matthew E. Steinmetz
Mr. & Mrs. F. Quinn V. Stepan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. R. Ryan Stoll
Mrs. Frances J. Sullivan †
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Swaback
Szalay Family Foundation
Mr. Brian J. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Walsh, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Wehmer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Weicher
Professor Robert E. Weigand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Westropp, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Wetoska
Mrs. Virginia M. White
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Witzel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wymer, Jr.
Individual & Family Foundation
$1,000 - $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Vito E. Abbate
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo O. Abello
Mrs. Lina A. Abraham
Mr. & Mrs. John Adamczyk
Mr. Ifeoma Afoenyi-Onyejekwe
Rev. Michael P. Ahlstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Aldrich
Mr. Theodore J. Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Adnan Almaney
Mr. Warren W. Ambler
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ambrose
Mr. Bennett P. Applegate
Mrs. Lorraine L. Arenberg
Ms. Peggy Arizzi
Mr. Steven Ashby
Mr. John M. Atkinson
Dr. & Mrs. Luben Atzeff
Ms. Angela R. Axelson
Ms. Eleanor B. Badalich
Ms. Mary Baffico
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Bagdon
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Baisley
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Baldwin
Mr. † & Mrs. Gerald T. Ball
Ms. Anita C. Banas
Mrs. Stanley R. Banas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Barkei
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Barrett
Ms. Julie K. Barrientos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Bartels
Mr. Gregory L. Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Basler
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Bauernfreund
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Baumann
Mrs. Barbara J. Baumhart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Owen E. Beacom
Dr. & Mrs. William Beam
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Beci
Ms. Kaitlin P. Behan
Mr. & Mrs. John Behof
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Beirne
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. Bell
Mr. Jon Bell
Mr. Terrence M. Belton
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bender
Ms. Juliann B. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Benson, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Benz
Mr. Steven Beranek &
Ms. Madeline McCarron
Mrs. Louise W. Berezny
Mr. Theodore Berg
Ms. Doreen Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Bern, Jr.
Mr. Steve Bernas
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Billmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Birck
Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Bischoff
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Black
Mr. Bruce H. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Blaisdell
Mr. & Mrs. James Blanda
Mr. Eric Block
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Bohannon
Rev. Msgr. Michael M. Boland
The Bolton Sullivan Fund
Ms. Jacqueline P. Bombka
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Borggren
Rev. Robert J. Borre
Mr. Dennis P. Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. J. Terence Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bowman
Ms. Jennifer Bozarth-Kamin
Mr. Bruce Bozich
Mr. Robert J. Brack
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bradshaw
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Bradshaw
Mr. Brian Brady
Ms. Gayle S. Bragunier
Ms. Joan M. Bransfield
Mr. & Mrs. Abdon J. Bray
Mr. Paul C. Breckner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Bredemann
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Bredemann
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brejcha
Mr. & Mrs. John Bremner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Terence K. Brennan
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Bresnahan
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Brinckerhoff
Ms. Patricia G. Broadbridge
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Broadhurst
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Broccolo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Brock
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Brody
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Brown
Ms. Dionna L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Brown, Jr.
Mr. Michael Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Brucks
Mr. Anthony S. Bryk
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Bufalino
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Bunte
The Honorable Edward M. Burke &
The Honorable Anne M. Burke
Ms. Josephine Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Burnell
Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Burnham
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Burns
Mr. Kenneth B. Burns †
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Burns
Mr. Robert Bushwaller
Mr. James M. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Caffarelli, Jr.
Mrs. Susan C. Calandra
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Callahan
Mr. James Calzaretta
Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Cameron
Mrs. Diane Campion
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence M. Canning
Mrs. Dolores F. Caray
Carbonari Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Carl
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Carlson
Ms. Susan M. Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward O. Carney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Carney
Carney Family Foundation
Mr. Charles H. Carpenter, Jr.
Mr. David Carpenter
Ms. Donna Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Carroll
Ms. Shannon J. Carstens
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony E. Cascino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Casey
Ms. Jennifer L. Cass & Mr. Zach Adami
Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Castellini
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Chafetz
Mr. & Mrs. Kedric J. Chamberlin
Ms. April C. Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Charhut
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Chenault
Mr. Zivile Chirban
Mr. James A. Ciarlette &
Ms. Colleen E. Wunderlich
Dr. & Mrs. Sam M. Ciccarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Cizzon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
Drs. Adelina & Manuel † Claudio
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Claus
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Cleary
Mr. Patrick R. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cleary, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dane H. Cleven
Ms. Mary N. Clohisy
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Cocozza
Mr. Marty J. Coe
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Coffey III
Mr. & Mrs. David T. Cohen
Ms. Erin R. Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Coia
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Colleran
Mr. & Mrs. Barry G. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Collins
Mr. Frank S. Collura
Mr. & Mrs. William Condon
Mrs. Julie Conger
Mr. & Mrs. James Connor
Mr. Charles W. Connors
Mr. Donald Conover
Frank W. & Nancy S. Considine Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cooney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Conzelman
Rev. William T. Corcoran, Ph.D.
Mr. Brad L. Cote & Ms. Debra McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Gary P. Coughlan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Coughlin
Ms. Nancy P. Cournaya
Mr. Vinay Couto & Ms. Lynn Vincent
Ms. Sara B. Coveny
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Coyle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Crissie
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Croghan
Mr. & Mrs. Sean B. Crotty
Mrs. Marianna C. Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. John Cullerton
Mr. Amory Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Curley
Ms. Patricia R. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Damico
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Danis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Darley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Davison
Mr. & Mrs. Hanley Dawson III
Ms. Linda Dean
Mrs. Mary Lou Dean
Dr. & Mrs. Robert P. DeCresce
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Dee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. DeGraff
Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. DeGuilio
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Deiters
Mr. & Mrs. Clement DeLuca
Thomas A. Demetrio Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Demski
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce V. Denny
James & Catherine Denny Foundation
Ms. Rose DePaola
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Derrick
The DeSantis Foundation
Mr. John Desjardins
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Devers, Jr.
Ms. Caroline E. Devlin
Mr. Thomas M. Dewbray
Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeZellar
Ms. Theresa Dias
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Diggs
Mr. Charles C. DiGiovanni
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Dillenburg
Ms. Debbie DiMartino
Mr. Robert A. DiMeo
The Honorable Barbara J. Disko
Mrs. Sandra DiVarco & Mr. Derrick Kaleta
Mr. J. Ross Docksey
Dodd Family Foundation
Mr. Michael E. Doherty
Mrs. Florence K. Dolan
Mr. Kevin M. Dolan
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Dolehide
Mr. & Mrs. Dante Domenella
Mr. & Mrs. † Leo J. Domzalski
Ms. Elizabeth Donahue
Mr. Timothy J. Donohue
Ms. Mary Doohan
Mr. Philip A. Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dorgan
Miss Dolores M. Dorman
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Dougherty
Mr. Brian J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Doyle
Mr. James Driscoll
Mr. Robert S. DuCharme
Mr. Brian C. Duda
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Duggan
Mrs. Claudia G. Dunne
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Dunne
Ms. Laureen Dunne
Ms. Mary Dolores Durkin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Duwe
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Dynes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Eck
Theodore Eckert Foundation
Mrs. Lois K. Eckland
Ms. Rose M. Egidi
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ralph Egloff
Ms. Goldie G. Einecker
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Eischeid
Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand W. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ellis
Mrs. Mary Erhardt
Mr. Glen A. Eriksson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Erlenborn
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Ewing
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Excell
Mrs. Lorraine K. Fabian
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fanning
Mr. Anthony Farino
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Farrell, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Farrell
Ms. Mary S. Feeley
Rev. Richard J. Feller
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Geno Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Fifer
Mr. James R. Figliulo
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Finnegan
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Fisher
Ms. Ann C. Fitzgerald
Ms. Mary K. Fitzgerald-Kew
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fitzpatrick, Jr.
Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. FitzSimons
Dr. & Mrs. John P. Flaherty
Dr. & Mrs. Mark W. Fleming
Mr. Thomas G. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Fornaris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Fraher
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Francl
Mrs. Loretta M. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Franke
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Frederick, Jr.
Mrs. Dolores A. Freitag
Mr. & Mrs. Richard X. French
Mr. Mark A. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Frost
Ms. Patricia Ann Fruin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Frye
Mr. Kenneth S. Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J.P. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gallagher
Mr. Thomas Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Gallagher
Ms. Marjorie Galloway
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Galway
Mr. Donald C. Gancer
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Gannon
Mrs. Theresa Ann Gapp
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Garino
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Gates
Mr. & Mrs. J. Denis Gathman
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Gaytan, Jr.
Ms. Stella Gaytan-Jara
Ms. Mary Lee Geesbreght
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Geldermann
The Honorable & Mrs. Francis A. Gembala
Mr. Michael R. Gervasio
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Giancola
Ms. Joan M. Giardina
Mr. Donald Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Gilbert
Mr. Steven J. Gloeckle
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glunz
Louis Glunz III Family /
Regis Technologies Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Go
Ms. Vivian I. Goeb
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Goggin
Mr. David F. Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Brad S. Goldenberg
Mr. Alfred G. Goldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Goodman
Most Reverend John R. Gorman, D.D.
Ms. Margaret R. Gorman
Mr. Richard J. Gorman
Ms. Ellen E. Gorney
The Gorter Family Foundation
Mr. Donald E. Goss
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Grabar
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Graben
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Grabowski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Granberg
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gravante
Ms. Anne M. Grayhack
Mr. Paul Green
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Greene
Mr. Harold F. Grenning, Jr.
Mr. John J. Gresens
Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Grossi
Ms. Catherine Grover
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Grusecki
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Grusecki
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grzelak
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Guerin
Gurtz Family Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth Gustafson
Mr. William P. Gutekanst
Mr. Matthew Haaf
Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Habercoss
Mr. Joseph M. Haberkorn, Jr.
Mrs. Joan Hackett-Metzger
Mrs. Julie Haeger
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Hagarty
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Haider
Col. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hamlin
Mr. Donald R. Hand
Mr. Robert D. Handleman
Ms. Marian C. Haney
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hank
Ms. Patricia J. Hantsch
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Haran
Mr. Mark F. Hardiek
Mrs. Lori Hardwick
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Hardy
Mr. David S. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. David Harrison
Mr. Michael Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond V. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Hassfurther
The Haugh Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Hausken
Mr. Alan Hawksley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Healy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heil
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hellige
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Helmer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Hemler, Jr.
Mr. Michael L. Henn
Ms. Elizabeth M. Hennessey &
Mr. Neil K. Mahoney
Ms. Colleen M. Hennessy
Ms. Marilyn Hennessy
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Hennings
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Henry
Ms. Melanie Heriff
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Herrmann
Mr. Daniel J. Herting
Ms. Amy Lynn Hess Fischl
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Hibbeler
Mr. & Mrs. John Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hickey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hillery
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Hilliker
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Hinchcliff
Mrs. Patricia R. Hinkle, Jr.
Mr. James Hinkler
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hitpas
Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Hoch
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hoese
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hogan
Dr. & Mrs. Henry M. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Holmes
Lawrence T. & Dorothy A. Holmes
Dr. & Mrs. William M. Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hopkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Hoppe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Horton
Ms. Anna M. Hudak
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hudzik
Mr. Boyd Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hupp
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Hyde
Mr. Michael S. Hyman &
Ms. Stephanie A. Young
Mr. Robert Iannotta
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Ibbotson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick S. Imburgia
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Insprucker
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer B. Isola
Mr. Philip Isom
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Jagoe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Jalovec
Ms. Rose Janulis
Mr. James A. Janus
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Janus
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Arkadiusz A. Jasnos
Mr. Andrew Jaworski
Mr. John G. Jaworski
Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Jensen
Mr. Rolland B. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Craig S. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Emile Johnson
Mrs. Marcia P. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Johnson
Mr. William R. Johnson
The Joseph and Catherine Johnson Family
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jones
Mr. John Josten
Mr. Constantine J. Jovan
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Jovan
James N. Jovan Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. Judge
Mrs. Helen M. Jun
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Just
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kadleck
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Kadleck
Ms. Catherine Kallal
Mr. Gary C. & Dr. Ann B. Karch
Mrs. Helen M. Kastenholz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Kastenholz
Ms. Prathibha Kata
Mr. & Ms. Eric W. Kaup
Mr. Thomas E. Kawalec
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Kearney
Mr. Andy Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kelleher
Mr. Patrick B. Kelleher
Ms. Blanche M. Kelly
Mrs. Byrd M. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard D. Kelly
Ms. Mary Anne Kelly
Mrs. Nancy Kelly
Mrs. M. Rose Kelly & Mr. Dennis M. Hughes
Mr. Stephen E. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kenefick
Kathleen and David Kennedy Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Kerrigan
Mr. Thomas R. Kiley
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Killian
Mr. Joseph Kinahan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. King
Ms. Margaret M Kinsella
Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Kitchie
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence E. Kiwala
Mr. Craig Kleinrichert
Dr. Janice R. Klich
Mr. Louis Klobuchar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klupchak
Ms. Casimira Kluza
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Knop
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Koberda
Mr. & Mrs. David Kobza
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Kolber
Ms. Mary J. Komparda
Mrs. Judith A. Konieczka
Mr. & Mrs. David Koo
Mrs. Camille A. Kopielski
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Korpics
Mr. & Mrs. Steve C. Kositzky
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kowalczyk
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kramer
Mrs. Christina Kranz
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kressin
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Krol
Ms. Janet L. Krueger
Dr. Jacqueline Krump
Ms. Mary J. Kruse
Ms. Bridie Krystof
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kubacki
Mr. Kevin M. Kucik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kuhel
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Kuhlman
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kuhn
Mr. Thomas Otman Kuhns
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Kunkel
Ms. Susan M. Kurowski
Rev. Msgr. John A. Kuzinskas †
Rev. Msgr. Patrick R. Lagges
Mrs. Nancy Laird
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Lamey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Land
Mr. John E. Land
Ms. Anne M. Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Desmond R. LaPlace
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Larocca
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald P. Laurent
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Lawler
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawlor III
The Lawlor Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Lawrence
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Layden
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary D. Lazar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leahy
Mr. Samuel J. LeBlanc & Ms. Erin Aldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Leeds
Ms. Amalia Lemar
Mr. Robert E. Lembach, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lemker
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Lentino
Mrs. Myrna V. Leon
Mr. David Leone
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Leone
Mrs. Bernice C. Leracz
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan L. Lerner
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Liddy
Mr. & Lawrence J. Ligas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Lindeman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lindo
Mr. Leonardo Linian
Ms. Sandra M. Lis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lisy
Mr. & Mrs. Homer J. Livingston, Jr.
Mr. Edwin A. Lohmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Lolli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Lombardo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Long
Mrs. Patricia D. Long
Ms. Linda Lopez
Ms. Barbara J. Lowery
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Luby
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Lucas
Mr. Vitalii Luchka
Mr. Alan Luke
Mr. Christopher Luke
Mr. Ronald Lundin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Lupo
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Lutz
Ms. Barbara J. Lynch
Mrs. Dolores K. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Lynch, Jr.
Mr. John J. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lynch
Mr. Nicholas J. Lynn
Miss Felicia M. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maas
Mr. & Mrs. Tim MacEachern
Mr. Robert A. Maciulewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Mack
Mr. Douglas J. MacLeod
Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Madden
Mr. Thomas P. Madsen
Ms. Michele G. Magner
Mrs. Edward Magurany
Rev. Thomas F. Maher
Mr. John Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Mahoney
Mr. Robert F. Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. Mahoney
Mr. Thaddeus J. Makarewicz
Ms. Mary Ann Mallahan
Mr. Thomas L. Mallman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mallof
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Maloney
Mr. William G. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Malooly
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Manno, Jr.
Ms. Barbara A. Manny
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Manus
Mr. & Mrs. Rod H. Marinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Marks
Mrs. Marcia A. Marshall
Mr. Robert J. Marshall
Mrs. Mary P Martersteck
Mr. Bruce F. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Mascari
Mr. Nick Mascari
Mrs. Marcia Masloski
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mason
Mrs. Anne H. Massaro
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Masterson
Mr. Randy Michael Mastro
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McAdams
Mrs. Michelle M. McAtee &
Mr. John J. Hardt
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. McAuliffe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh G. McBreen
Ms. Maura Ann McBreen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McCann
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark McCareins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. McCarron
Mr. Gerald S. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McCarthy
Mr. John T. McCarthy
Rev. Terrence A. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. James McClelland
Mr. Steven D. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McCue
Mrs. Janet McDermott
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene T. McEnery
Mr. & Mrs. William M. McErlean
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McGillicuddy
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. McGivern
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. William T. McGrath
Mr. Timothy V. McGree
Ms. Therese M. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McGuire
Ms. Patricia A. McHenry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. McInerney
Mr. William A. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A McKanna
Catherine McKeever Denten Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. McKernin
Mr. & Mrs. S. Michael McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. John McMahon
Mr. Michael J. McMahon
Ms. Mary Ann McMorrow
Mr. Neal Edward McNamara
McNeill Memorial Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John P. McNicholas, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James A. McShane
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McSorley
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce C. McTavish
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Meade
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Meagher, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Meehan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mellado
Mr. Kenneth E. Menclewicz
Ms. Mary J. Mercier
Dr. Shari Meyerson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Michalek
Mr. Francis X. Michl, Jr.
Mrs. Sheila M. Mickus
Mr. Elwyn J. Mix
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mize
Mr. Donald J. Mock
Mr. Patrick Moertl
Mr. & Mrs. John Alan Moery
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mollman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Molo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Montgomery, Jr.
Mr. Michael L. Monticello &
Dr. Karin B. Ulstrup
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Mooney
Mrs. Jo Anne M. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Mooney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Mooney
Mr. Scott E. Moresco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Morette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Morsch
Mr. & Mrs. Dale T. Mortensen
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Moser
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Mosko
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Mozal
Mr. Matthew W. Mraz
Ms. Ann P. Muehlebach
Mr. Ronald P. Mueller
Ms. Eileen Mulaney
Mrs. Suzanne Mullane
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Mullen
Michael and Emer Mulvihill
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo Munoz
Mr. Daniel H. Munro
Mr. Michael J. Munro
Mr. & Mrs. John Charles Murphy
Mr. Richard J. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Murphy
Dr. Thomas E. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Myers
Rev. Thomas R. Nangle
Napleton Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nash III
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Naso
Mrs. Lucille S. Neacy
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Newell
Mr. F. Oliver Nicklin
Mr. Greg Nicolaou
Mr. Douglas E. Nieman
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Noetzel
Mrs. Mary Jane Nogal
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Noha
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Nomellini
Dr. Joseph R. Nora
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Brad A. Novak
Mr. Paul Novak
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Nowacki
Mr. & Mrs. John Nowak
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nowak
Mrs. Amelia Nowakowski
Mr. & Mrs. E. William Nugent
Mr. Daniel S. Nuter
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Brien
Mr. Robert O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wm. O’Brien
Mr. Donnell O’Callaghan III
Mr. & Mrs. Donnell P. O’Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Grady
Mr. & Mrs. William P. O’Hara
Dr. & Mrs. J. Paul O’Keefe
Ms. Mary A. O’Laughlin
Ms. Josephine C. O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. O’Malley
Mr. William O’Malley
Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Malley
Mr. William T. O’Neill
Dr. Mary E. O’Reilly
Mr. Kevin J. O’Shaughnessy
Mr. & Mrs. John M. O’Sullivan
Mrs. Martha N. O’Toole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. O’Toole
President & Mrs. Barack Obama
Ms. Barbara T. Ocwieja
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Oddi
Mr. John F. Offenbacher
Mr. Robert Oleszkiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Olson
Dr. Sandra F. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Olund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Onan
Dr. Clara E. Orban & Dr. Elliot S. Weisenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Oskielunas
Mr. Michael W. Osterhout
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Ottaviano
Mrs. Suzanne M. Otterbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Ottley
Mr. Thomas W. Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Page
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Pandaleon
Mr. John W. Parizek
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Partain
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Passalino
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Patchin
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome K. Patt
Rev. Peter P. Paurazas
Ms. Susan A. Payne
Ms. Nancy A. Payonk
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Pease
Mr. John Peck, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Pepping
Ms. Christine Percheski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice C. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perlow
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Persohn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Pesch
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Petersen
Mr. Abraham J. Peterson
Ms. Denise M. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Vito G. Petruzzelli
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pfanzelter
Mr. Zachary A. Pfeiffer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Philipp
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Pick
Pickell Family Foundation
Mr. Daniel G. Pikarski
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pikarski, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Pisani
Mr. James M. Plunkard &
Ms. Kathleen A. LaPorte
Mr. Philip D. Podgorny
Mr. David P. Poitras
Mr. & Mrs. Xavier M. Polanski
The Polen Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pollard
Ms. Barbara J. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Posewick
Power Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Powers
Mr. Richard J. Pozdol
Mr. Colin J. Prendergast
Mr. & Mrs. John Preschlack
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lee Primack
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Prince
The Prior Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Leslie Prizant
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Proesel II
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Purdome
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Purtell
Ms. Claire Putlack
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Radcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Radway
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rao
Dr. Megan A. Ratliff
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Rayis
Mr. Douglas P. Reading
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Rebeck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Redden
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reedy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy
Mr. Charles F. Regan, Jr.
Mr. John P. Regan
Mr. Matthew Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn E. Rehn
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Reifenberg
Mr. David E. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Reilly
Mr. Terrence J. Reilly
Mrs. Mary W. Remien
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reynolds
Ms. Roxanne M. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Riechers
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Riley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard B. Rinella
Mr. & Mrs. James Ringler
Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Rivelli
Mr. & Mrs. Mario S. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Rocci
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rocotello
Mr. William J. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Rogowski
Dr. Herbert J. Rohr
Mr. James Rollings
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Romano
Drs. Adam & Julia H. Romeiser III
Mr. David Roper & Ms. Susan E. Pavish
Mr. Daniel M. Rosenthal
Mr. Mark Rotert
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Rourke
John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe
Mrs. Linda A. Roxe
The Roxe Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Rozdolsky
Rev. Charles T. Rubey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Rubinelli, Sr.
Mr. Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ruebe
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Ruf, Jr.
Mrs. Clairmont A. Ruff
Mr. Jean-Paul P. Ruiz-Funes &
Ms. Mary P. Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Rundio, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence D. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan, Jr.
Thomas Maura Ryan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Rybak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Rzendzian
Mr. Alan Salpter & Ms. Shelley Gorson
Drs. Ponciano & Emelina Salud
Mr. & Mrs. Silvano Salvi
Mr. Martin J. Salvucci
Mrs. Sheila M. Sammons
Mr. Thomas Sampson
Mr. Herve Sarteau
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin T. Saunders
Mrs. Barbara Chiesa Schanmier
Ms. Diana C. Scheeler
Mr. Thomas M. Schell
Ms. Katherine M. Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schlenker
Mr. Richard J. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schmitz
Ms. Mary Ellen B. Schopp
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schornack
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schroll
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Schwarz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Scolaro
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Y. Scudder, Jr.
Mr. John Scully
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Scully
Ms. Lori Ellen Seaman
Mr. Lee Selander
Mr. Nikolaus Semaca
Mr. Joseph T. Seminetta
Mr. James Sepich
Mrs. Mary H. Sergesketter
Ms. Toni Sergott & Mr. Dale Chellis
Mr. James A. Serritella
Dr. & Mrs. Rohit R. Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Frank V. Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick † S. Shannon
Mr. Michael H. Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Sharkey
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Shaw
Ms. Denise M. Shea
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Shea
Shea Family Foundation
Mr. Francis Sheahen
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Sheahen
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Sheahin
Shelton Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Sheridan
Mr. Thomas Shimko &
Ms. Lindsay Van Sickle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Shomo IV
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Siebenaler
Mr. Phillip Siebert
Mr. Walter W. Siebert
Mr. Robert F. Sieja
Ms. Judith M. Silekis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Simpson
Mr. William G. Simpson
Mr. Lawrence R. Sink
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sise
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Skender
Mrs. Mary Ann Slack
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smetana
Mrs. Andrya R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Smith
Mrs. Helen L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Smith
Mr. Matthew D. Smith
Mrs. Janette E. Smock
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Snider
Mr. Robert T. Soles
Mr. Andrew Soucheray
Mr. Fred Southward
Ms. Jeanne M. Sowa
Mr. Edward H. Sowin
Mr. Christopher J. Spala
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Spale
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Spehlmann
Ms. Dorcel M. Spengler
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Spriegel
Mr. Timothy Guy Springer
Mrs. Mary C. Springman
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell A. Staggs
Mr. & Mrs. Markham T. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Stanley
Mr. Richard E. Starkey
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Staudt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Stelmach
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert G. Stengel
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert G. Stieg
Mr. Lee H. Stiles, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stoeckel
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Stoll
Ms. Eileen Strang
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Strauch
Mr. William J. Strnad & Ms. Stacy Jo Haney
Carole S. & Alfred Stroh
Deacon Stanley D. Strom
Dr. Bernadette A. Strzyz
Mr. Don Stueland
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sullivan
Ms. Geralyn G. Sullivan
Mr. Hugh Sullivan
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Sullivan
Mr. Timothy P. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sullivan
Virginia Mary Sullivan Benz Foundation
Sullivan Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Angelo Suozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Swanson
Mrs. Lesley B. Sweeney
Dr. & Mrs. Philip P. Sweeney
Miss Therese H. Sweeney
Ms. Rosemary E. Tagge
Mr. James Christopher Tansey
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Tansey
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Tazalla
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Teresi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tevonian
Ms & Mrs. Betsy J. Tharp, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Theis
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Therriault
Mr. Mark J. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tiberi
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. Tiemann
Mr. Donald Tierney, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Tilghman III
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Todd
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Toohey
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Totten
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Trahey
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie M. Trapp
Ms. Carolyn M. Trenda
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Tritschler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Tuerk
Mr. Leonard J. Tufo
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Tunney
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Twede
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Urbaszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Vahl
Mr. John P. Vaile
Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Vallorano
Mr. Charles Van Hecke & Ms. Cathy Baechle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vanden Boom
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Vander Vennet
Mr. & Mrs. Randy A. Vanderaa
Mr. Joseph P. Vargas
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Vasta
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vega-Byrnes
Mr. Steven C. Verney
Dr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Vertuno
Mrs. Carol Vetta
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Viera
Mr. & Mrs. Roger M. Vilmur
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Vilutis
Ms. Pamela A. Visk
The Vitale Family Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vonder Heide
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vonderhaar
Ms. Maureen CK Wade
Mr. Ronald J. Wagenhofer
Mr. Stanley A. Wager
Mr. Robert F. Wahlin
Mr. Gregory W. Walch &
Ms. Melinda McFadden
Mr. Frank J. Waldeck
The Kathleen B. and Charles R. Walgreen III
Mr. Joseph M. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. James Walsh
Rev. Michael J. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Walsh
Mr. Brian Ward
Mr. Douglas Ward
Mr. Rupert J. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Washburn
Ms. Lynne Watka
Rev. Wayne F. Watts
Mr. Charles Wawak
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Wayne
Dr. Daniel T. Weber
Mr. Geoffrey S. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tyler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Wegner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Weir
Dr. & Mrs. C. Michael Weldon-Linne
Mr. & Mrs. Hardy L. Wenner
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Westphal
Mr. Wayne W. Whalen & Ms. Paula Wolff
Admiral & Mrs. Henry F. White, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas A. White
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. White
Mr. Timothy M. Whiting
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wholey
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Wiatr
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond O. Wicklander, Jr.
Mrs. Patricia Wiegand
Mr. & Mrs. Trent Wilfinger
Ms. Martha M. Wilke
Ms. Nancy J. Wilke
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wilkinson
Mr. Jeffrey L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Williams III
Mr. Richard T. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wilmouth
Mr. & Mrs. James Winikates
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Winker
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Witry
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wojcicki
Mr. & Mrs. John Wojciechowski
Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Wojewski
Honorable Michael A. Wolfe
Ms. Louisa Wolter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wonder
Mr. & Mrs. Alain Wood-Prince
Mr. Robert P. Wujtowicz
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wunderlich
Mrs. Barbara Yale
Ms. Lydia Yee
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Yohanan
Mr. & Mrs. Simon P. Yohanan
Mr. Clifford E. Yuknis
Dr. Margaret M. Yungbluth
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Zahler
Ms. Esmeralda Zepeda
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Zilka
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Zimmer
Mr. Kenneth W. Ziolkowski
Mr. Thomas M. Zollo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Zorc
Rev. Michael L. Zoufal
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Zubik
Mr. & Mrs. Justin F. Zubrod
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Zuercher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Zulkey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Zurblis
Mr. & Mrs. Jude P. Zwick
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Zyck
Legacies & Bequests Received
Mr. Alfred J. Anderson
Ms. Anne Andrius
Mr. Thomas A. Barron
Mrs. Anna M. Bending
Mr. Roland Boertitz
Ms. Elizabeth A. Capilupo
Rev. Gilbert A. Carroll
Mrs. Dorothy J. Chatman
Rev. Roger J. Coughlin
Mr. Francis W. Cross
Rev. William J. Devine
Mr. Edward F. Dirsa
Mrs. Laverne R. Dondlinger
Mr. Thomas R. Esterhammer
Ms. Judith A. Galanti
Mr. Eugene J. Garvy
Mr. John M. Grady
Mrs. Marie H. Grimaldi
Ms. Vera E. Hampel
Mrs. Mary Coletta Hogan
Mr. Edward F. Hosek
Dr. Richard J. Houk
Mrs. Martha Jacobshagen
Mr. John H. Kehl
Mrs. Patricia R. Kelly
Mr. Robert J. Kennedy
Mr. Anthony R. Kilik
Miss Frieda Konrath
Mrs. Ann E. Kuseski
Mr. Walter B. Lehmann
Mr. John A. Leonard
Ms. Rose L. Leonard
Ms. Irma R Lobe
Miss Rose M. Lombardo
Miss Loretta Malyska
Ms. Therese A. Mannix
Ms. Stella L. Michalski
Ms. Mary D. Molloy
Ms. Dorothy H. Moriarty
Miss Mildred J. Musil
Ms. Hermine A. Neubauer
Mr. James J. O’Mara
Mr. William L. O’Meara
Mr. Adam Orsatti
Mrs. Ruth A. Perry
Ms. Joan Pisanelli
Mrs. Marie A. Quinlan
Ms. Ruth B. Reynolds
Ms. Katharine Scallan
Mr. Raymond A. Seng
Dr. Harry Staffileno, Jr.
Mrs. Jean I. Taylor
Mr. John H. Tazelaar
Mr. Francis J. Trapp
Ms. Mary A. Woeber
Mrs. Lorraine M. Yonke
Mrs. Adell Zine
Foundations, Corporations
& Organizations
Abbott Fund
American Cancer Society, Illinois Division
Guy A. & N. Kay Arboit Charitable Trust
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Beech Nut Nutrition Corporation
Better Business Planning, Inc.
Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd
Paul Borg Construction Company
Helen Brach Foundation
Bredemann Toyota - Scion In Park Ridge
Fred J. Brunner Foundation
The John Buck Company
Burke, Warren, MacKay & Serritella, PC
Carrigan Charitable Trust
Catholic Charities USA
Harry F. and Elaine M. Chaddick Foundation
Charter One Bank
The Chicago Community Trust
Chicago Tribune Charities - Holiday
Campaign, a McCormick Foundation fund
Chi Town Jazz Festival
Christ Child Society of Chicago
Cole Taylor Bank
Combined Federal Campaign
Community Memorial Foundation
ConAgra Foods Foundation
Cummins-Allison Corp.
Deloitte LLP
Dubsdread, Inc.
Joseph J. Duffy Company
East Lake Management &
Development Corp.
Eby-Brown Company LLC
Emergency Fund
Family Health Network
Fifth Third Bank
First Bank of Highland Park Foundation
First Look for Charity
Fort Dearborn Partners, Inc.
The Arthur J. Gallagher Co.
Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust
Max Goldenberg Foundation
Daniel P. Haerther Charitable Trust
Happy Products, Inc.
Harmony Health Plan
The Carl R. Hendrickson Family Foundation
Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation
Illinois Club for Catholic Women
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
The Irish Children’s Fund Inc.
Michael Joseph Foundation
Kates Detective & Security Inc.
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
The Russell and Josephine Kott Memorial
Charitable Trust
Frank J. Lewis Foundation
Life After Suicide Foundation
Loft Development Corporation
The Logos Charitable Fund, Inc.
Macquarie Capital
Manufacturer’s Sales Solutions Inc.
Mazza Foundation
McCormick Foundation
Col. Stanley R. McNeil Foundation
Medline Industries Inc.
Mi-Jack Products, Inc
Monterrey Security Consultants, Inc.
The Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable
The News Sun
The John C. & Carolyn Noonan Parmer
Private Foundation
Northern Trust Company
Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation
Opus Foundation
Order of Malta, Federal Association, USA
Organic Milling
P-K Tool & Mfg. Co.
Payson Casters, Inc.
Richard A. Perritt Charitable Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
Prince Charitable Trusts
PrivateBancorp, Inc.
Quality Therapy & Consultation, Inc.
Ravenswood Health Care Foundation
Reade Industrial Fund
Reagan.Com, LLC
Michael Reese Health Trust
The Retirement Research Foundation
Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation
Richards Building Supply Company
Schneider Electric/Square D Foundation
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Service Club of Chicago
Share Our Strength Foundation
Fred B. Snite Foundation
St. Clement Parish
St. Joseph Parish, Libertyville
St. Sabina Employment Resource Center
Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The Theodore Fund
The Trustmark Foundation
ViBern Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Westlake Health Foundation
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Zion Township
Zurich North American Insurance Company
Foundations, Corporations
& Organizations
$1,000 - $9,999
1st Advantage Financial LLC
3 Corners Grill, LLC
3838 North Broadway LLC
4501 W. Augusta, LLC
4720 South Drexel LLC
A. Marek Fine Jewelry
Access One, Inc.
Addus HealthCare, Inc.
J.L. Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc.
Advance Auto Parts
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
Advocate Health
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
Alexian Brothers Health System, Inc.
Alliance Paper
Allstate Foundation
Allstate Giving Campaign
American Bulk Services, Inc.
American Family Mutual Insurance
American Foundation for Suicide
American Legion Post 777
Lindsay Anderson Consulting
Anthonian Association of the Friends of
St. Anthony of Padua
Aon Foundation
Apple & Eve LLC
Aquamist Plumbing &
Lawn Sprinkling Co., Inc.
Arlen Music Consultants Inc.
Arlington Computers
Assurant Health
Assured Guaranty Corp
AT&T Federal Political Action Committee
AT&T Illinois Employee Political Action
ATI Foundation
Azteca Foods, Inc.
Bank of America, N.A.
Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum &
Nagelberg LLP
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
Belfor USA Group
Bensinger, Dupont & Associates
Walter J. & Edith E. Best Foundation
Richard M. Beuke & Associates, PC
Big Sisters of Chicago
Blistex Inc.
Blk & Wht Valet
Blommaert Bros. Masonry, Inc.
BMO Harris Bank
BNSF Railway
The Bohnen Family Foundation
Paul Borg Construction Company
BP Fabric of America Fund
BP Foundation, Inc.
Brann New Door
Breakfast Exchange Club of Gurnee
Bredemann Lexus, Ford, Toyota & Chevrolet
Brother Rice High School
Bud’s Ambulance Service
Bunzl Mid Central Region
Burling Builders Inc.
John Burns Construction Company
C J Erickson Plumbing Co.
CA Matching Gifts Program
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Cardinal Health Foundation
Carmichael Truck Leasing, Rental & Repair
Catholic Cemeteries
CF Industries, Inc.
The Chicago Bar Foundation
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Chicago District Ford Dealers Advertising
Fund, Inc.
Chicago Gaelic Park Inc.
Chicago Title Insurance Company
Chicago White Sox Charities
Churchill, Quinn, Richtman & Hamilton, LTD
Sam M. Ciccarelli, D.D.S., LTD
Citizens Financial Bank
Claven LTD
Clifford Law Offices, PC
The Clorox Company Foundation
Comet Die & Engraving Company
Community Chest of Cicero
Community Savings Bank
Joseph C. & Dorothy E. Conley Trust
Continental Air Transport Company, Inc.
Cooney & Conway
Crowe Horwath Group LLP
Crown Family Philanthropies
Crystal Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance
Cubs Care, a McCormick Foundation fund
Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
Cytosport, Inc.
Daprato Rigali, Inc.
Davis Bancorp Incorporated
Dean Foods Company
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Disabled American Veterans Charitable
Service Trust
Donohue, Brown, Mathewson, & Smyth LLC
Dowd & Dowd, LTD
D.P. Murphy Ambulance Company
Dutch Farms, Inc.
Eaton Vance Investment Managers
The Edgewater Funds
George M. Eisenberg Foundation for
Encompass Insurance
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Evanston Catholic Womans Club
Events & Management Plus
The Earl and Bettie Fields Automotive
Group Foundation, Inc.
Fifth Third Foundation
First Bank & Trust
First Chicago Insurance Company
First Choice Dental, LLC
First Midwest Bancorp, Inc
Fleet Services, Inc./Caritas Vehicle
Flood Brothers Disposal & Recycling
Systems, Inc.
Forest Hills Decorating
Frasca Hospitality Group
Fresh Start Produce, Inc.
Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt, PC
The Frye Foundation
Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc.
GE Foundation
General Mills
Geraty and Company
Gilligan Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift
Law Office of Daniel E. Goodman, LLC
Google/ITA Gift Matching Program
Gordon & Pikarski
W. W. Grainger, Inc.
Grajer Electric LLC
Grant Thornton LLP
Greenplan Management
Grosvenor Capital Management, LP
The Grove, Inc.
Grubhub, Inc.
Gurber, McAndrews & Norgle LLC
Hampster Industries
Haran & Associates, LTD
Harris Bank Foundation
Hawthorn Woods Women’s Club
Healthcare Management Solutions, Inc.
Heneghan Wrecking Company, Inc.
Hi-Style Dinette & Bedding Co.
The Lawrence & Ada Hickey Foundation
Highland Park Community Foundation
Holland & Knight LLP
Hollister Incorporated
Holy Cross Parish
Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary
Holy Family Medical Center
Holy Family Parish, Inverness
Holy Family Parish, Roosevelt Rd.
Holy Name Cathedral
Holy Rosary Catholic Community
Hope Assistance Plan Incorporated
Horizon Cartage
The Horton Group, Inc.
Hospira Employee Giving Campaign
Huron Consulting Group
IBM Corporation
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Ingredion Incorporated
InnerWorkings Inc.
Immaculate Conception Parish, Highland Pk.
International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers #134
Jaeger Nickola & Associates Architects
Jel Sert Co.
Jones & Cleary Sheet Metal Co., Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kalle USA, Inc.
Kellogg’s Company
Law Offices of John G. Kelly, PC
Kiyoshi Management, LLC
Kottke Associates, LLC
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts Program
Law Offices of John B. Kralovec &
Associates, LTD
L. Marshall Roofing Inc.
Lakeside Bank
Larry’s Cartage Co., Inc.
LaSalle Building Corporation
Latkin Family Foundation
Lavelle Law, LTD
Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation
Liberty Mutual - Give with Liberty
Lions Club of Long Grove, Inc.
Loyola University Sacramental Life
Luther Village Spiritual Enrichment
The Robert H. Lyon Leukemia Foundation
M. Ecker & Co.
MacNeal Health Network
Madden Funds Management, LTD
Marquette Funeral Homes LTD
Marshall Pierce & Company
Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish
Maryville Academy
MB Financial Bank
McCracken & Walsh Attorneys at Law
Philip S. McCully & Associates, Inc.
McGil Services, Inc.
McGraw Foundation
McGuireWoods LLP
McShane Foundation
Metalworking Lubricants Company
Midwest Direct Mailers
Misericordia - Heart of Mercy Center
Moms Brands
Morgan Stanley & Company
Mosaic Sales Solutions
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Much Brothers Real Estate
The Much Group, Inc.
The Muldowney Foundation
D.P. Murphy Ambulance Company
National Equity Fund, Inc.
National Title Solutions, Inc.
Nick & Howard, LLC Underground
Donald J. Nolan, LTD
Northern Environmental Development
Northwest Community Healthcare Affiliates
Northwest Side Hunger Walk
O’Brien International LLC
The William F. O’Connor Foundation
Old Plank Trail Community Bank
Old St. Patrick’s Parish
The Options Clearing Corporation
Order of Malta, American Association
The Overture Group
Our Lady of Ransom Parish
Our Lady of the Wayside Parish
P.E.L., Inc.
The Patrick Dealer Group
Pavalon & Gifford
Monica Pedersen, Inc.
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc
Perfetti Sales and Marketing, Inc.
Peterson Johnson & Murray Chicago, LLC
Pico Chemical Corporation
Polonia Banquets
Popovits & Robinson, PC
Michael E. Powers, LTD
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Priests’ Retirement and Mutual Aid
Prince of Peace Parish
The Private Bank and Trust Company
Pro-Orthotics, Inc.
ProSigma Patners LLC
Proven Business Systems
Quantum Foods
Quest Products Inc.
The Rabine Group Foundation
Radian Group Inc.
Raimonde Drilling Corporation
Regis Technologies, Inc.
Religious Offering Fund
Rex Electric & Technologies, LLC
The Rise Group, LLC
Rivers Casino
Roundy’s Foundation
Rush Oak Park Hospital
Ryan & Ryan Attorneys at Law
Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard PC
Sam Family Foundation
Sandler, O’Neill & Partners, LP
Schaaf Glass Co.
Allen N. Schwartz, LTD
Scott & Kraus, LLC
Seeco Consultants, Inc.
Seven ‘C’ Foundation
Seville Foundation
Friends of James J. Sexton
Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Virginia Lee Shirley Private Foundation
The Sidley Austin Foundation
Sigma Security Services, LLC
Splash Publications, LLC
Sports & Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
St. Alphonsus Parish, Wellington Ave.
St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish
St. Anne Parish Project Hope
St. Athanasius Parish
St. Catherine Laboure Parish
St. Cecilia Parish
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish
St. Edna Parish
St. Emily Parish
St. Gilbert Parish
St. Gregory the Great Parish
St. Hubert Parish
St. James Parish, Arlington Hts.
St. Joseph Parish, Wilmette
St. Joseph Parish, Round Lake
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
St. Marcelline Parish
St. Mary Parish, Evanston
St. Mary of Vernon Parish & Mens Club
St. Matthew Parish
St. Paul Parish, Chicago Hts.
St. Paul the Apostle Parish
St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Korean Catholic
St. Paul of the Cross Parish
St. Peter Parish, Antioch
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Catherine
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Daniel
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Joseph,
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Joseph,
St. Zachary Parish
Standard Bank and Trust Co.
Stanton Mechanical Inc.
Sunset Cartage, Inc.
Sunset Food Mart, Inc.
Superior Ambulance Svc., Inc.
Tablecraft Products Company
TCF Foundation
TDC Supply, Inc.
Fred Teitelbaum Construction Co.
Testa Produce, Inc.
T.M. Doyle Teaming Co. Inc.
Top Notch Building & Maintenance Inc.
Toyota Dealer/Lexus Pursuit of Potential
Match Program
Toyota Financial Services
Triad Electrical Contractors, Inc.
True Understanding, Inc.
TTX Company
Two Humbertos, Inc. DBA Timothy O’Tooles
UBS Investment Bank
UIC Athletics
Union Pacific Railroad Company
United Conveyor Foundation
United Parcel Service
United Quick Transportation
US Foodservice
Varinius Holdings, LLC
VedderPrice PC
Verit Advisors, LLC
VFW Barrignton Memorial Post 7706
Village Bank and Trust
W.S. Darley & Co.
Ward & Ward, PC
Ward Contracting & Building Restoration
Warehouse Direct Office Products
Waukegan Roofing Co., Inc.
Wayne Hummer Investments
The Weston Foundation
Wetoska Packaging Distributors
Wheels, Inc.
Whiting Law Group, LTD
William Blair & Company
Winston & Strawn Foundation
Winston & Strawn LLP
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Wynstone Golf Club
Lila and Violet Zaranti Foundation
In-Kind Donors
1 World Sports
312 Chicago
Abbott Laboratories
Ms. Toni Accentura
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Adams
Advocate Trinity Hospital
Mr. & Mrs. Art Allendorph
All Star Carpet Care
Allstate Insurance Co.
Alpha Baking Co.
Mr. Mark Antenora
Antioch/Lake Villa Township
Arlington Park Racecourse, LLC
Artisan Specialty Foods
Ascension Parish
Mr. Jeffrey Baltruzak
Bathsheba Grand Chapter, Order of the
Eastern Stars
Bel-Aire Entertainment
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel E. Belbis
Ms. Sarah Berghorst
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bern
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Berti
Bilani Custom Clothiers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bilder
Blast Zone
Mr. Tom Bloom
Blue Plate Catering
The Blues Jean Bar
Ms. Julie Ann Bohnen
Rev. Jeremiah M. Boland, S.T.L.
Rev. Msgr. Michael M. Boland
Bottleneck Management
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Bowman
Mr. Edward P. Bridgman
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Brinckerhoff
Brother Rice High School
Bruss Landscaping, Inc.
Burlington Coat Factory
Budget Car Rental
Café Pyrenees
Bob Campbell Photography
Carmel Catholic High School
Carnivale Restaurant
Catered Productions
Ms. Betty Chambers
Chef by Request
Chicago Bears Football Team Inc.
Chicago Bulls
Chicago Cubs
Chicago Hilton & Towers
Chicago Special Event
Chicago Sweet Connection Bakery
Chicago White Sox Charities
Chicago Wolves Pro Hockey
Christ Child Society
Christ Hospital
Christ the King Parish
Church of St. Mary, Lake Forest
Dr. & Mrs. Sam M. Ciccarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Clarke, Jr.
Coat Angels
Cog Hill Golf and Country Club
Comfort Inn Suites
Community Savings Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Nick M. Confio
Connor Construction & Communications
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant
The Culinary Classic Committee
Custom Case Company
Mr. & Mrs. Hanley Dawson III
Deacons of Vicariate V
Mr. Thomas Dee
Deer Path Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro G. Deligiannis
Mr. Thomas W. DeMint
Mrs. Mary Ann Diamond
Divine Infant Parish
Mr. Steve Dolinsky
Ms. Gloria N. Donoher
Mr. Luke A. Douglas
Mrs. Claudia G. Dunne
Drury Lane
Mr. Patrick E. Dwyer III
Ed Debevic’s
Eddie Merlot’s
Elk Grove Graphics
Ms. Miray Estephan
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Farrell
Federal Aviation Administration
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Feifar
Fenwick High School
Fifth Third Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Finnegan
First Midwest Bank, Crestwood
Fogo de Chao
Steve Foley Cadillac
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Forsyth III
Four Seasons
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Franklin
Frassati Catholic Academy
The French Ouarters
Froggy’s Catering, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gerry
Ms. Catherine H. Gledhill
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Glunz III
Louis Glunz Wines, Inc.
Green Mill Jazz Club
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Greene
The Grille on Laurel
Ms. Pooja Gugnani
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guzior
Mr. Don Haider
Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Hoch
Holy Cross Hospital
Holy Cross Parish
Holy Family Medical Center
Holy Family Parish, Inverness
Holy Ghost Parish
Holy Name Cathedral
House of Blues
Mr. Dave Hughes
Hyatt French Quarter
Ignatian Volunteer Corps
Immaculate Conception Parish, Highland Pk.
Immaculate Conception Parish, Talcott Ave.
Immanuel Bethel United Church of Christ
Incarnation Parish
Indestructo Rental Company
Infant Jesus of Prague Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Janis
Mr. Phillip Jennings &
Ms. Faith R. LeBrun-Jennings
Jiwanji Custom Clothiers
Mr. Bill Johnson
Jumer’s Casino Rock Island
K & D Vending
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Kearney
Keefer’s Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Keller
The Kerryman
Kincade’s Bar & Grill
Mrs. Liane Klingler
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kloempken
Ms. Laura Kmec-Langert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Knauff
Knights of Columbus
Ms. Mary Knutson
Landmark Restaurant
Lassik Deli
Latham & Watkins LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary D. Lazar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Liddy
Little Company of Mary Hospital
Log Cottage
Loyola Academy
Loyola Medical Center
Lucky Strike Lanes
Louis Glunz Wines, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lynch
Lynfred Wineries
Ms. Christy Lyons
Madden Funds Management
Maine South High School
Make It Better LLC
Manufacturer’s Sales Solutions Inc.
Maravela’s Banquets & Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Rod H. Marinelli
Marist High School
Marquette Bank
JW Marriott
Marshall Pierce and Company
Ms. Katherine Martinez
Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish
Maryville Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mason
Ms. Amy Mazzolin
Mother McAuley College Prep
Ms. Deborah McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. John McLaughlin
Menza Foods
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Merrill
Midtown Athletic Club Bannockburn
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Minetti
Miramar Bistro
Monterrey Security Consultants, Inc.
Mr. David D. Moran
Mosaic Experiential Marketing
Mother Butter’s Popcorn
Rev. John Moulder
Mr. Jim Mullins
Mr. Dave Murphy
Rev. James P. Murphy
Mr. Steve Murphy
Museum of Science and Industry
NBC 5 Chicago/WMAQ-TV
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Nelson
Mr. John P. Noldan, Jr.
NoMi Kitchen
North American Herb and Spice
Northern Builders, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nosek
Mr. William Nugent
Mr. William O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Donnell P. O’Callaghan
Old St. Mary Parish
Olympia Fields Country Club
Once Upon A Child
Option Pit
Mrs. Lorraine Orbon
Orland Park Rotary Club
Our Lady of the Brook Parish
Our Lady of Charity Parish
Our Lady of Hope
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Our Lady of Ransom Parish
Our Lady of the Wayside Parish
Our Lady of the Woods Parish
Our Lady, Mother of the Church
Paintball Explosion
Palatine Postal Workers-NALC Branch 4268
Palmer House Hilton
Panera Bread
Mr. & Mrs. John Parise
The Peninsula Chicago
Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc.
PepsiCo Foodservice
Ms. Nancy Perlson
Ms. Linda Petersen
Mr. Sean Philips
Mrs. Jeroldine A. Pietka
Pine Meadow Golf Club
Ms. Tara M. Pink
Ms. Agnes Piszczek
Planemasters Jet Charter
Mr. Tony Pollastrini
Prime Staffing
Prince of Peace Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Purcell
Ms. Sarah Purcell
Queen of All Saints Basilica & Men’s Club
Queen of Martyrs Parish
Queen of Peace High School
Queen of the Rosary Parish
Ms. Carol Ramirez
Mr. and Mrs. Stepen Ramsey
Real Valuation Group
John Reilly Photography, Inc.
Renaissance Chicago
Resurrection Health Care
Reyes Holdings
Richards Building Supply Company
The Ritz Carlton Chicago
Rivers Casino
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Roberts
Rockit Bar & Grill
Mr. Orlando L. Rodriguez &
Ms. Elsa M. Bishop-Rodgriguez
Rosebud Restaurants
Round Lake Park District
Roundy’s Foundation
Royal Dental
Royal Melbourne Country Club
Mr. Donald E. Ryan
Sacred Heart Parish, Palos Hills
Sacred Heart School, Winnetka
Salinas Pizza
Mr. & Mrs. Silvano Salvi
Mr. & Mrs. John Sasaki
Mr. Christopher M. Saternus
Mr. Stephen N. Schanz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Schau
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schlenker
Second City
Seton Academy
Ms. Barbara Shanley
Shedd Aquarium
Shoreline Sightseeing
Ms. Judith M. Silekis
Sir Speedy
The Sleep Center Store-Gurnee
Society of the Divine Word
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Smead
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smetana
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Smith
Specialty Food Group
Sports & Entertainment Holdings, Inc.
Ss. Faith, Hope, & Charity Parish
St. Agnes Parish
St. Albert the Great Parish
St. Alexander Parish
St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish
St. Andrew the Apostle Parish
St. Anne Parish, Barrington
St. Anne Parish, Hazel Crest
St. Barbara Parish, Brookfield
St. Barnabas Parish
St. Beatrice Parish
St. Bernadette Parish
St. Bernadine Parish
St. Blase Parish
St. Bonaventure Parish
St. Cajetan Parish
St. Catherine Laboure Parish
St. Catherine of Siena-St. Lucy Parish &
St. Cecilia Parish
St. Christopher Parish
St. Columbanus Altar & Rosary Society
St. Damien Parish
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish
St. Dismas Parish
St. Domitilla Parish
St. Donatus Parish
St. Edna Parish
St. Edward Parish
St. Emily Parish
St. Fabian Parish
St. Felicitas Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Orland Park
St. Francis of Rome Parish
St. Francis Xavier Parish, La Grange
St. Francis Xavier Parish, Wilmette
St. Gerald Parish
St. Gilbert Parish
St. Giles Parish
St. Helena of the Cross Parish
St. Hubert Parish
St. Isaac Jogues Parish
St. James Hospital
St. James Parish, Arlington Hts.
St. Jane de Chantal Parish
St. Joan of Arc School
St. John Berchmans Parish
St. John Bosco Parish
St. John Brebeuf Parish
St. John of the Cross Parish
St. John the Evangelist Parish
St. John Parish, Glenwood
St. Joseph Hospital
St. Joseph Parish, Hermitage Ave.
St. Joseph Parish, Homewood
St. Joseph Parish & School, Libertyville
St. Joseph Parish, Round Lake
St. Joseph Parish, Summit
St. Joseph Parish, Wilmette
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
St. Jude Parish
St. Julian Eymard Parish
St. Juliana Parish
St. Julie Billiart Parish
St. Kieran Parish & Women’s Club
St. Leonard Parish
St. Louis de Montefort
St. Luke Parish
St. Marcelline Parish
St. Martin de Porres High School
St. Mary of the Angels Parish
St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish
St. Mary of Celle Parish
St. Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center
St. Mary of Vernon Parish
St. Mary of the Woods School
St. Mary Parish, Buffalo Grove
St. Mary Parish, Des Plaines
St. Mary Parish, Riverside
St. Mary School, Lake Forest
St. Matthew Parish
St. Michael Parish, Cleveland Ave.
St. Michael Parish, Orland Pk.
St. Norbert Parish
St. Odilo Parish
St. Patricia Parish
St. Patrick Parish, Lake Forest
St. Patrick Parish, Lemont
St. Paul Chong Ha Sang Parish
St. Paul of the Cross Parish
St. Peter Parish, Skokie
St. Peter Parish, Volo
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
St. Pius V Parish
St. Pius X Parish
St. Raymond de Penafort Parish
St. Rene Goupil Parish
St. Robert Bellarmine Parish
St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr, Posen
St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr Parish
St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish
St. Tarcissus Parish
St. Terrence Parish
St. Theresa Parish
St. Thomas Becket Parish
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
St. Viator High School
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Catherine
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Gregory
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. James
Arlington Hts.
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Michael
Orland Pk.
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Tarcissus
St. Vincent Ferrer School
St. Walter Parish
St. William School
St. Xavier University
St. Zachary Parish
Standard Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Starshak
Phil Stefani Signature Restaurants
Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Steffens
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Steiner
Mr. Matthew Stephan
Stonewall Orchard Golf Club
Story Co.
Ms. Vivian Straka
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Streppa
Sullivan’s Steakhouse
Summit School District #104
Sunset Food Mart, Inc.
Swissotel Chicago
Ms. Hedy Tan
Tapas Valencia
Tavern at the Park
Taylor Made-Jeff Skaleski
Ms. Beth Teich
Texas de Brazil
Corinne Torkelson Photography
Tour Edge
Trader Joe’s
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Treslo
Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago
United Parcel Service
Univision Radio/WVIV
USPS Summit
USPS Waukegan
Mr. & Mrs. Raul M. Venzon
Village of Grayslake
Vince’s Flower Shop, Inc.
Mr. Robert Vitton
Waldorf Astoria
Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Wathen
Ms. Diane Watier
Waukegan Township
Mr. Charles Wawak
Weber’s Bakery Inc.
White Deer Run
Wine Discount Center
Wines for Humanity
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Women’s Board of Catholic Charities Lake
Wyndham Chicago
Wynstone Golf Club
Ms. Tina Wysocki
York Furrier
Zion Township
United Ways
Barrington Area United Way
United Way of Lake County
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
North Shore United Way
Northwest Suburban United Way
South-Southwest Suburban United Way
United Way of DuPage/West Cook
2013 Mother’s Day Appeal
Catholic Charities thanks all
Blessed Alojzije Stepinac Croatian Catholic parishioners who contributed so
generously to their parish
collection on Mother’s Day and who
sent donations directly to Catholic
Charities in the name of their parish
and the Mother’s Day Appeal. This
list reflects the total dollars
accounted for as of September 13,
2013. We sincerely apologize if your
parish collection was inadvertently
omitted. Please call (312) 655-7012 so
that we might update our records.
St. Adalbert Parish
St. Adrian Parish
St. Agatha Parish
St. Agnes Parish
St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish
St. Ailbe Parish
St. Albert the Great Parish
St. Alexander Parish
All Saints-St. Anthony Parish
St. Barnabas Parish
St. Bartholomew Parish
St. Aloysius Parish
St. Beatrice Parish
St. Alphonsus Parish (Wellington Ave.)
St. Bede Parish
St. Alphonsus Parish (Lemont)
St. Bede the Venerable Parish
St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish
St. Benedict Parish (Irving Pk. Rd.)
St. Ambrose Parish
St. Benedict Parish (Blue Island)
St. Anastasia Parish
St. Benedict the African (East) Parish
St. Andrew Parish
St. Benedict the African (West) Parish
St. Bernadette Parish
St. Ann Parish (Leavitt St.)
St. Bernardine Parish
St. Ann Parish (Lansing)
St. Blase Parish
St. Anne Parish (Barrington)
Blessed Sacrament Parish
St. Anne Parish (Hazel Crest)
Most Blessed Trinity Parish
Annunciata Parish
St. Bonaventure Oratory
St. Anselm Parish
St. Bride Parish
St. Ansgar Parish
St. Bronislava Parish
Blessed Anton Martin Slomsek Slovenian $375.00
St. Bruno Parish
St. Cajetan Parish
St. Andrew the Apostle Parish
Catholic Mission
St. Anthony Parish (Prairie Ave.)
St. Camillus Parish
Ascension-St. Susanna Parish
St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish
St. Catherine Laboure Parish
St. Catherine of Siena-St.Lucy Parish
Ascension Parish
Assumption B.V.M Parish
Assumption Parish
St. Cecilia Parish
St. Athanasius Parish
St. Celestine Parish
St. Barbara Parish (Throop St.)
St. Charles Borromeo Parish
St. Barbara Parish (Brookfield)
Chicago Airports Catholic Chaplaincy
St. George Parish (Tinley Pk.)
St. Joan of Arc Parish
St. Gerald Parish
St. John Parish (Glenwood)
St. Christina Parish
St. Gerard Majella Parish
St. John the Baptist Parish
St. Christopher Parish
St. Germaine Parish
St. John Berchmans Parish
Christ the King Parish
Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
St. Gertrude Parish (Granville Ave.)
St. John Bosco Parish
St. Clement Parish
St. Gertrude Parish (Franklin Pk.)
St. John Brebeuf Parish
St. Cletus Parish
St. Gilbert Parish
St. John Cantius Parish
St. Clotilde Parish
St. Giles Parish
St. John of the Cross Parish
St. Colette Parish
St. Gregory the Great Parish
St. John De La Salle Parish
St. Columba Parish
Haitian Catholic Mission
St. John the Evangelist Parish
St. Columbanus Parish
St. Hedwig Parish
St. John Fisher Parish
St. Constance Parish
St. Helen Parish
St. John Vianney Parish
St. Cornelius Parish
St. Helena of the Cross Parish
St. Josaphat Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
St. Henry Parish
St. Joseph Parish (Hermitage Ave.
St. Cyprian Parish
St. Hilary Parish
St. Joseph Parish (Orleans St.)
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish
St. Joseph Parish (Homewood)
St. Clare of Montefalco Parish
Holy Angels Parish
Czech Mission
Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish $1,338.06
St. Joseph Parish (Libertyville) $16,257.23
St. Damian Parish
Holy Cross Parish
St. Joseph Parish (Round Lake)
St. Daniel the Prophet Parish
Holy Family Parish (Roosevelt Rd.)
St. Joseph Parish (Summit)
St. Denis Parish
Holy Family Parish (Inverness) $11,082.62
St. Joseph Parish (Wilmette)
St. Dismas Parish
Holy Ghost Parish
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Divine Infant Parish
Holy Innocents Parish
Misión San Juan Diego
Divine Providence Parish
Holy Name Cathedral
St. Jude the Apostle Parish
Divine Savior Parish
Holy Name of Mary Parish
St. Julian Eymard Parish
St. Domitilla Parish
Most Holy Redeemer Parish
St. Juliana Parish
St. Donatus Parish
Holy Rosary Parish
St. Julie Billiart Parish
St. Dorothy Parish
Church of the Holy Spirit
Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis Lithuanian $1,368.00
St. Edmund Parish
Holy Trinity Polish Mission
St. Edna Parish
St. Hubert Parish
St. Kevin Parish
St. Edward Parish
St. Hugh Parish
St. Kieran Parish
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish
St. Hyacinth Basilica
St. Kilian Parish
St. Emeric Parish
St. Ignatius Parish
St. Ladislaus Parish
St. Emily Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish $6,496.60
St. Lambert Parish
Epiphany Parish
St. Lawrence O’Toole Parish
St. Eugene Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish (Talcott Ave.)
St. Leonard Parish
St. Eulalia Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish (44th St.)
St. Linus Parish
St. Fabian Parish
Immaculate Conception Parish (88th St.)
St. Louis De Montfort Parish
Ss. Faith, Hope, & Charity Parish $20,185.25
Immaculate Conception Parish (Highland Pk.)$13,029.03
St. Louise De Marillac Parish
St. Felicitas Parish
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish
Santa Lucia/Santa Maria Incoronata Parish
St. Ferdinand Parish
Incarnation Parish
St. Luke Parish
(North Pk. Ave.)
Catholic Mission
Five Holy Martyrs Parish
Infant Jesus of Prague Parish
St. Malachy/Precious Blood Parish
St. Florian Parish
St. Irenaeus Parish
St. Marcelline Parish
St. Frances of Rome Parish
St. Isaac Jogues Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret of Scotland Parish
St. Ita Parish
Santa Maria Addolorata Parish
St. James Parish (Fullerton Ave.)
St. Maria Goretti Parish
St. Francis Borgia Parish
St. James Parish (Wabash Ave.)
St. Francis De Sales Parish (Ewing Ave.)
St. James Parish (Arlington Hts.) $15,088.48
St. Mark Parish
St. Francis De Sales Parish (Lake Zurich)
St. James Parish (Highwood)
St. Martha Parish
St. Francis Xavier Parish (La Grange)
St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Kostner Ave.)
St. Isidore, the Farmer Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Roosevelt Rd.)
St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Orland Pk.)
Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish
St. James Parish at Sag Bridge
St. Martin De Porres Parish
St. Francis Xavier Parish (Wilmette) $14,951.00
St. James Parish (Sauk Village)
Old St. Mary Parish
St. Gabriel Parish
St. Jane de Chantal Parish
St. Mary Parish (Buffalo Grove)
St. Gall Parish
St. Jerome Parish
St. Mary Parish (Des Plaines)
St. Genevieve Parish
St. Jerome Croatian Parish
St. Mary Parish (Evanston)
St. George Parish (Ewing Ave.)
St. Joachim Parish
Church of St. Mary (Lake Forest) $15,283.00
St. Simon the Apostle Parish
St. Mary Parish (Riverside)
Our Lady of the Ridge Parish
St. Mary of the Angels Parish
Our Lady of the Snows Parish
St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish (Belden St.) $790.00
St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish
Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica
St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Parish (Posen)
St. Mary of Celle Parish
Our Lady of Tepeyac Parish
St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish
Our Lady of Victory Parish
St. Stephen, Deacon & Martyr
St. Mary of the Lake Parish
Our Lady of the Wayside Parish
St. Stephen King of Hungary Parish
St. Mary Magdalene Parish
Our Lady of the Woods Parish
St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish
St. Mary of Perpetual Help Parish
St. Pancratius Parish
St. Sylvester Parish
St. Mary Queen of Apostles Parish
St. Pascal Parish
St. Symphorosa Parish
Mary, Queen of Heaven Parish
St. Patricia Parish
St. Tarcissus Parish
Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish
Old St. Patrick’s Parish
St. Teresa of Avila Parish
St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish
St. Patrick Parish (Lake Forest)
St. Terrence Parish
St. Mary of Vernon Parish
St. Patrick Parish (Lemont)
St. Thaddeus Parish
St. Mary of the Woods Parish
St. Patrick Parish (Wadsworth)
St. Thecla Parish
St. Theresa Parish
St. Paul Parish (22nd Pl.)
Mater Christi Parish
St. Paul Parish (25th St.)
St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church
Maternity B.V.M. Parish
St. Paul the Apostle Parish
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
St. Matthew Parish
St. Paul of the Cross Parish
St. Thomas Becket Parish
St. Matthias Parish
Maryville - Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
St. Peter Parish (Madison St.)
St. Thomas of Canterbury Parish
St. Peter Parish (Antioch)
St. Thomas More Parish
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
St. Timothy Parish
St. Michael Parish (Cleveland Ave.)
St. Michael Parish (Orland Pk.)
St. Peter Parish (Skokie)
St. Michael the Archangel Parish
St. Peter Parish (Volo)
St. Monica Parish
St. Peter Claver Mission
Mother of God Parish
St. Peter Damian Parish
Transfiguration Parish
Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish
St. Turibius Parish
St. Viator Parish
St. Philip Neri Parish
St. Victor Parish
St. Philomena Parish
St. Vincent De Paul Parish
St. Pius X Parish
St. Vincent Ferrer Parish
Prince of Peace Parish
St. Walter Parish
St. Priscilla Parish
St. Wenceslaus Parish
St. Procopius Parish
St. William Parish
Our Lady of Charity Parish
Providence of God Parish
St. Zachary Parish
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish
Ss. Peter and Paul Parish
Nativity of Our Lord Parish
St. Philip the Apostle Parish
St. Nicholas Parish
St. Nicholas of Tolentine Parish
St. Norbert Parish
Notre Dame De Chicago Parish
St. Odilo Parish
Our Lady of the Brook Parish
Our Lady Gate of Heaven Parish
Our Lady of Grace Parish
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish
Queen of Angels Parish
Queen of Martyrs Parish
Queen of the Rosary Parish
Queen of the Universe Parish
Our Lady of Hope Parish
Our Lady of Humility Parish
St. Raphael the Archangel
Our Lady of Knock Parish
St. Raymond De Penafort Parish
Our Lady of Loretto Parish
St. Rene Goupil Parish
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish
Resurrection Parish
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
St. Rita of Cascia Parish
St. Robert Bellarmine Parish
St. Roman Parish
St. Rosalie Parish
St. Sabina Parish
Sacred Heart Mission
Our Lady, Mother of the Church
Our Lady Mother of the Church Polish Mission
Our Lady of the Mount Parish
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
(Belmont Ave.)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
(Melrose Pk.)
Our Lady of Peace Parish
Sacred Heart Croation Parish
Sacred Heart Parish (Melrose Pk.)
Sacred Heart Parish (Palos Hills)
Sacred Heart Parish (Winnetka)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
Shrine of the Sacred Heart
Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii
Seven Holy Founders Parish
Our Lady of Ransom Parish
St. Simeon Parish
Ways to Give
As a generous benefactor, you have unique priorities and reasons for giving. There are many ways to
give, and each gift will be carefully used as directed. For answers to your questions about giving, contact
Judith M. Silekis, Director of Development, at (312) 655-7289 or [email protected].
Cash donations of any size are gratefully accepted.
Mail your check to: Catholic Charities, 75 Remittance Drive,
Ste. 1623, Chicago, IL 60675-1623.
Your credit card or bank account can be automatically charged
each month. Enroll online at www.catholiccharities.net/donate
or ask us to mail the sign-up form to you.
Make a gift and receive steady payments in return.
Your annuity payments will not be affected by economic
downturns, and will continue for life.
Online giving is safe, secure and fast.
Go to www.catholiccharities.net/donate.
To help future generations, name Catholic Charities as a
beneficiary of your will, trust, retirement account, or insurance
policy. You become a member of our Legacy of Hope Society
when you include us in your estate plans.
For many companies, giving to Catholic Charities is a
compelling way to support the communities where they do
business and their employees and customers live. Make a
program grant, sponsor a special event, do a food or clothing
drive, or volunteer for a project.
Become involved in one of nearly 30 fundraising events as an
individual or corporate sponsor, a ticket or table purchaser, a
member of the committee or a volunteer.
Gifts of appreciated stock may result in tax savings for
you. Give your broker our DTC#0010 for credit to account
#2437010 for “Catholic Charities Chicago.” Our broker is
Brown Brothers Harriman, (312) 781-7124.
Bring gently-worn clothes, small household goods and food to
721 N. LaSalle in Chicago or to any of our regional offices.
You can make a donation in honor or in memory of a loved
one or celebrate a special occasion. We will send a card on
your behalf.
If you are age 70 ½ or older, you can make an IRA Charitable
Rollover. Instead of receiving the income from your IRA, you
may give it directly to Catholic Charities and it will count
toward your minimum required distribution.
We accept cars, trucks, boats, RVs and even golf carts! Pick-up
is free and we do all the paperwork. Call (877) 786-4483 or visit
Ask your employer if a matching gift program is offered.
You may be able to double or triple your generosity with a
matching gift.
You can find Catholic Charities at more than 160 sites
across Cook and Lake counties, strengthening the lives of
1 million people at more than 150 programs.
“You can tell where the needs in our communities are
the greatest because that is where Catholic Charities
is…. On a journey with those who most need us.”
monsignor michael m. boland
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Central Administration Building
St. Vincent Center
721 North LaSalle Street
Chicago, Illinois 60654
(312) 655-7000
North/Northwest Regional Office
1717 Rand Road
Des Plaines, Illinois 60016
(847) 376-2100
West Regional Office
1400 South Austin Boulevard
Cicero, Illinois 60804
(708) 222-1491
Southwest Regional Office
7000 West 111th Street, Ste. 101
Worth, Illinois 60482
(708) 430-0428
South Regional Office
16100 Seton Drive
South Holland, Illinois 60473
(708) 333-8379
Lake County Services
Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Center
671 South Lewis
Waukegan, Illinois 60085
(847) 782-4000
Catholic Charities fulfills the Church’s role in the mission of charity
to anyone in need by providing compassionate, competent and
professional services that strengthen and support individuals,
families and communities based on the value and dignity of human
life. In order to remain faithful to our mission, Catholic Charities is
guided by these core values: respect, compassion, competence and
Annual Report FY 2013
Editor: Kristine Kappel
Design and layout: Jennifer Sirota
Writers: S heila B. Haennicke, Kristine Kappel
Photography: Emilio Albertini, Sheila
Haennicke, Mike Hyzy, David Joel, Steve Liss,
John Reilly