September 18, 2016 - St. Bridget Parish


September 18, 2016 - St. Bridget Parish
September 18, 2016
25th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Roman Catholic Church
Route 9 East
Framingham Centre, Massachusetts
(508) 875-5959
Rev. Monsignor
Francis V. Strahan
Rev. George Brown
Rev. Frank Campo
Rev. Peter Shen
Deacon Joseph Maalouf
Part-Time Assistants
Saturday Vigil Mass
Sunday Masses
9:30AM Family Mass
Daily Masses
Monday thru Friday
Sacrament of
Saturday 2:00 - 3:00PM
The Second Vatican Council has called us to envision the Church as the
people of God. As a community of believers we are responsible for our
brothers and sisters, their salvation, their journey of faith, their physical
well-being. Many of the documents of Vatican II and volumes of work
since the mid-1960s give us advice, guidelines, and encouragement to
take care of one another: the poor, the elderly, the unborn, the broken,
the infirm.
Because Vatican II is part of our recent history--indeed many of us were
already born--this may strike us as a new and revolutionary idea. But
today's readings show us the agelessness of the issue of social justice.
Eight hundred years before Christ was born, Amos warned the wealthy
not to cheat the poor. In Paul's first letter to Timothy, he encourages all
prayers to be for all people; and finally, the Gospel urges the wise use of
Mass Intentions & Feast Days
Monday, September 19, 2016
9 :00AM
Special Intention
Karen Riley-Bayley
Glenn Calmus
Paul & Claire Janda
9 :30AM
Anne Gilpatrick & George King, Sr.
Paul McKeown
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Friday, September 23, 2016
Sunday, September 25, 2016
From the Business Office
Last Weekend’s Offertory
Last Weekend’s Second Collection
$3,286.00 was collected for Church Grounds &
Maintenance. Thank you for your generosity.
Missionary Co Operative Appeal
September 24th & 25th
As part of the annual Missionary Co Operative
Program Mrs. Maureen Crowley Heil, a
representative of the Society of the Propagation of
the Faith, will speak at all Masses about the
Society of the Propagation of the Faith, one of the
four Pontifical Mission Societies represented here
in the Archdiocese of Boston. She will share her
experience in the missions with us as a way to
raise awareness about the need to spread the Good
News to the more than one billion people in the
world who have yet to hear it proclaimed.
The Society of the Propagation of the Faith is the
official mission agency of the Church dedicated to
helping missionaries bring the Gospel to people in
need around the world.
They thank you in advance for your prayers and
God Bless,
Stephanie Yovchev
The Sanctuary Lamp
Is lit with Special Intention for
John Ryan O’Neill
Given by
Herminda DeSabogal
Vocation Chalice
The Vocation Chalice this week
will be hosted by
Barbara Conlin
Banns of Marriage
I. Jameson Foley & Lauren Kent
I. Ryan Kulik & Emily Vargelitis
Restore our Church Campaign—
Phase II Update
As of September 9, 2016
we have received $129,682.00.
Only $20,318.00 more to be collected to
make our goal of $150,000.00
by September 30th!
This represents 17% of our parish families;
thank you so much for your support! If you
have not yet made a contribution, please feel
free to do so now. If your next pledge payment
is due, please send it to the rectory or drop in
the collection basket on the weekend.
Call To Serve Weekend
Thank you to those who baked delicious cookies
and brownies for those checking out the
ministry tables at Call to Serve Weekend. Your
baked goods made it a fun and successful two
days and we also found some additional bakers!
God bless and peace to all.
Our own beloved
Msgr. Strahan’s
Birthday is TODAY,
September 18th!
It’s registration time for
Grades 1 to 5 Wednesday
Religious Education ! ! !
Registration is now taking place for any
student who is entering Grade One who
attends public school. Classes are held
on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00PM
to 5:15PM.
If you are new to the parish and have a
child in another grade, please enroll
them too. Please feel free to email me if
you need a registration form, otherwise
they can also be found on the parish
website under the Religious
Education tab.
God Bless You,
Gail Barbato
[email protected]
Coordinator of Rel. Ed. for Grades 1- 5
St. Bridget Parish
Blessing of the Animals
Bring your pet to St. Bridget Parish on
Saturday, October 1st at 10:00AM for a
Blessing in the Upper Church parking lot!
St. Bridget School seeks substitutes for the
nurse's office. Must be a Massachusetts
licensed Registered Nurse. Please submit
resume to Mrs. Cathy Chaves, Principal.
Clean out your closet and help us raise funds!
Items collected help fund: St. Bridget Parish Youth Ministry
Collection Date: Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 9:00-5:00
CLOTHING & SHOES Men’s, women’s, children’s
OTHER TEXTILES Bed/bath towels, sheets, blankets, pillows, curtains, tablecloths
ACCESSORIES Hats, mittens, scarves, ties, socks, purses, wallets, backpacks, bags
ELECTRICAL Small toasters, blenders, coffee makers, mixers, juicers, waffle irons, griddles,
hairdryers, curling irons, KIDS Toys, games, puzzles, stuffed animals
KITCHEN Pots, pans, utensils, china cups, mugs, vases, dishes, cutlery, glassware, silverware,
KNICK-KNACKS Jewelry, crafts, candles, baskets, ornaments, hand tools
MEDIA Hardback and paperback books, magazines, records, tapes, CDs, videos, DVDs, computer
SPORTS EQUIPMENT Balls, bats, tennis rackets, Frisbees, baseball gloves
WE CANNOT ACCEPT: Used sports equipment (ex. Helmets); used baby goods (ex. Cribs, high
chairs, etc.)
Item Drop-off:
Back of St. Bridget Parish Rectory
15 Wheeler Avenue, Framingham, MA
For questions, please contact:
Samantha Ormond, Youth Minister [email protected]
Embraced by
God’s Mercy
The Jubilee of Mercy
The Jubilee Year of Mercy closes
in November but the lessons
learned and pondered this year
will impact us for a lifetime.
Join Regina O'Connor on
Wednesday, September 21,
2016 at 7:30 PM in the Parish
Renewal Center Room 1,
located in Saint Bridget School,
to spend an evening reflecting
on the Year of Mercy. This
month we will look at
relationships, especially the
living Mercy calls us
to and looks like in
the everyday.
Boys in Grades 1-5 are invited to join
St. Bridget Parish Cub Scout Pack 5
We have a great year of events planned for our Cub Scouts:
Overnight Family Camp Out at Camp Sayre
Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold Banquet & Cake Contest,
Overnight at the Museum of Science or Ecotarium, And
Much More!
Our Pack meets the first Wednesday evening of the
month. Dens meet once a month as scheduled by the Den
Leader. Cub Scouts is a family oriented program.
Participation by a Scout’s parents and siblings in our
outings and events is encouraged! Build friendships, build
skills, build character, and most of all build fun and
adventure! Want to see what Cub Scouts is all about? Sign up to join us at our first September camp out. Pack 5
is also recruiting Den Leaders for Grade 1 Tigers and
Grade 2 Wolves.
For more information contact Pack Leader
Monique Dini at [email protected]
or (978) 590-9405.
Upcoming Events
Pastoral Care to the Sick and Homebound
Mass for Public Safety
Personnel and Families
Fall 2016
Sunday, October 9, 11:30am
St. Raphael, Medford
Cathedral of the Holy Cross, Boston
Wednesdays, Sept. 7-Oct. 12
Virtus-Protecting God’s Children
Instructor: Judy Talvacchia
October 15, 2016, 10:00AM—1:00PM
For information or to register: Karen Farrell
Saint Bridget School Hall
[email protected], 617-746-5843
All those who serve in ministry or who volunteer at
Fee: $40
St. Bridget Parish or Saint Bridget School must take
this one-time training if they have not done so
Coming In September!
previously. Materials are provided. In order to
Sign up for Bishop Barron’s DVD series
receive credit for having taken the session
Catholicism: The New Evangelization
participants must attend and remain for the whole
This series includes DVD material and discussion
program. Participants may not enter a session
among the participants.
already in progress.
The series will be offered on two Monday
*Participants must sign-up ahead of time so that
afternoons at 3:00pm beginning Sept. 19 in the
there are materials for everyone. Sign-in takes place
Rectory Meeting Room.
promptly at 10:00AM. A light lunch will be
To register contact Director of Parish Ministries,
provided. To register contact Karen Mallozzi,
Karen Mallozzi, at 508-651-9788 or
Director of Parish Ministries at
[email protected]
508-875-6009 or [email protected].
*If you are interested in an evening session and will You will need to provide phone and email contact
commit to two evenings, also let Karen know.
information for the school or parish that you
volunteer/minister at and city.
One Day Retreat for Hope and Healing after
Repeat presentation of Train the Trainer
Fall dates: Saturday, Sept. 24, Nov. 12, Dec. 3
Workshop on Palliative Care and Advance Care
9am-5pm, Location is confidential.
Come to the Waters of Healing is a one day retreat
Pastoral Center, Braintree
designed to help women hurting from past abortions Thursday, October 27, 9:45am-2:15pm
experience the personal love of Christ and find hope The Archdiocese has established an initiative to
for healing. It will offer a loving and confidential
promote and educate our faith community about
palliative care for people of any age who are
Sponsored by The Rachel Project.
diagnosed with serious illness. (Palliative care is not
Requested donation of $10 to cover lunch, limited to just about care of the dying.) We hope to develop
10 participants.
informational resources in every parish or
Pre-registration is required:508-651-3100 or
collaborative community. This activity has been
[email protected]
approved by the American Nurses Assoc., MA to
Respect Life Sunday-Moved By Mercy
award contract hours.
Attendance does NOT
Mass and celebration in the Year of Mercy
automatically commit you to being a trainer in your
Sunday, October 2, 2016
parish or collaborative, but is will qualify you to do
St. Patrick Church, 44 East Central St., Natick
so if you are interested. Contact the Pastoral Center
11:30am Respect Life Mass
to register or for more information.
1:00pm Blessing of Pregnancy Help, Project Rachel,
Pro Life Offices, 61 South Avenue, Natick
Those attending are welcome to bring a warm fall/
winter outfit (size newborn-0-3 months) to assist
mothers and babies served by the Pregnancy Help
Ministry of the Pro Life Office.
Sponsored by the Pro Life Office-Archdiocese of
508-651-1900, [email protected]
Help-a-Student Fund
Second Collections for
October—December 2016
October 2nd—Church Grounds & Maintenance
October 16th—Tootsie Roll Drive
October 23rd—Mission Sunday
November 6th—Campaign for Human Development
November 20th—Retired Rel. Sisters
November 27th—Church Grounds & Maintenance
December 11th—Church Grounds & Maintenance
December 25th—Christmas Collection:
Clergy Health & Retirement Trust
1Q: Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?
2Q: What has a head, a tail, is brown but
has no legs?
Saint Bridget School is deeply rooted in the
Catholic Traditions. Our collaborative
environment nurtures academic excellence,
social responsibility & Christian values in a
changing & challenging world.
Saint Bridget School partners with families
and our Church to develop the whole person
within a community of faith. As its primary
goal, the HAS Fund is to assist needy students
with their yearly tuition at Saint Bridget
School. We need to keep the HAS Fund alive
and well to do this. CAN YOU HELP? Checks
may be made payable to St. Bridget HAS
FUND and sent to the Rectory… “since no
student should be denied a Catholic education
because of tuition.”
If you are interested in ‘adopting a student’,
please contact:
Maria Sebastian (Fin. & Ops. Mgr.)
(508) 875–5959.
Your donation will be fully tax deductible.
1A: Because they are always stuffed!
2A: A penny
Catholic Memorial School Open House
Catholic Memorial School is hosting its annual Open House on Sunday, October 16,
2016 from 2:00-4:00 pm for the High School Program. Please join us for student-led
campus tours. Meet faculty, staff, coaches, students and parents to discuss programs and
answer questions.
Visit our website at or call Admissions at 617-469-8019.
The Sanctuary Lamp-Sign of the Lord’s Presence
For all those who would like to memorialize a departed loved one, or a special intention, the Sanctuary Lamp (candle) in
the lower Church is available for that purpose. The Sanctuary Lamp continues to burn for 8 days. The cost of the
candle is $15.00. The name of the loved one will be listed in the bulletin (if so desired) or the “special intention”
request. There are weeks available for memorialization starting at the end of October. If you are interested drop
this form off at the rectory as soon as possible. Each request will be honored in the order it is received.
Please return to the rectory.
Donor’s Name
In Loving Memory of
Or Special Intention
Next Weekend’s Liturgical Minister’s
September 24th & 25th
Saturday, 4:00PM
Sunday, 7:30AM
Sunday, 9:30AM
Family Mass
Confessions are heard this
Saturday from 2-3 PM.
This week confessions will
be heard by Msgr. Strahan.
Sunday, 11:30AM
Altar Server
Mikey Amighi
Brendan Coutts
Peter Hsieh
John Mauritz
Joe Repole
Chris Ryan
Fr. Shen
Jim Hall
James Brady
Rita Hall
James Scamby
Maria Chaput
Brian McGillicuddy
Jerry Judge
Joe Kovalchin
Dave McIntyre
Fred O’Connell
Tony Suatengco
Fr. Shen
Mario Laferla
Christine Rocco
Cathy Warshofsky
Yolanda Barbier
Alice Costa
Joe Horrigan
Patricia Horrigan
Karen Kirwan
Leslie Bishop
Richard Bishop
Jennifer Ryan
Barrett Pearce
Paige DeVeau
William Ryan
Rudy Caballero Msgr. Strahan
Alfredo Canhoto
Tim Garahan
Joe Crisafulli
Natalie Mullen
Betty Panza
Grayce DiCenzo
Gene Grzywna
Serafien Khokhar
Rene Myers
Ryan Caron
Shanice St.
Tricia Cincotta
James Feudo
Edyta Konrad
Betty O’Neill
Next Week’s
Scripture Readings
First Reading -- Woe to the complacent.
Their wanton revelry shall be done away
with (Amos 6:1a, 4-7).
Psalm -- Praise the Lord, my soul!
(Psalm 146).
Second Reading -- Compete well for the
faith. Keep the commandment until the
appearance of the Lord Jesus
(1 Timothy 6:11-16).
Gospel -- The parable of Lazarus and the
rich man (Luke 16:19-31).
Msgr. Strahan
Please Pray For:
Marguerite LaMarque
Robert Lew
Mary LoCicero
Stephanie McComas
George Meninno
Valerie Montuori
Taryn Reynolds
Stephen Virdinlia
Walter Weldon
Benjamin Austin
Jane Bratica
JoMarie Bucantis
Linda Casella
Pierce Deane
Edward Duggan
Kevin Forster
Lisa Lamare
LCPL Lorenzo Giovanella, USMC, Fort Devens
Lt. Andrew Sweeney, US Navy
Finance & Operations Manager/
Mrs. Maria S. Sebastian
508-875-5959, ext. 103
[email protected]
Director of Parish Ministries
Mrs. Karen M. Mallozzi
M-W-F 9:30AM—3:30PM
[email protected]
Director Of Music/Organist
Mrs. Ann O’Brien
Mrs. Marge Withee
Mr. Francis Jesch
Administrative Assistant
Ms. Meaghan Turchi
508-875-5959, ext. 104
[email protected]
School Mailing Address:
832 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702
School: 508-875-0181
School Fax: 508-875-9552
School Home Page:
Saint Bridget Rectory
15 Wheeler Avenue
Framingham, MA 01702
Rectory: 508-875-5959
Rectory Fax: 508-875-1270
[email protected]
Office Hours:
9:00AM—6:00 PM, M-Thur.
9:00AM—4:30PM Fridays
(8:00AM—3:00PM Summertime/Fridays)
9:30AM—2:00PM Sat.
9:00AM—1:00PM Sun.
Parish Home Page:
Please send Bulletin Announcements to:
[email protected]
By noontime on Tuesday
Coordinator, Grades 6-10
Ms. Samantha Ormond/
Paula Flanagan
508-879-4271, ext. 2
[email protected]
Coordinator, Grades 1-5
Mrs. Gail Barbato
508-879-4271, ext. 1
[email protected]
Youth Minister
Ms. Samantha Ormond
[email protected]
School Principal
Mrs. Cathleen R. Chaves
508-875-0181, ext. 222
[email protected]
School Secretary
Ms. Melissa Barron
[email protected]
Admissions Office
Mrs. Jennifer Ryan
508-875-0181, ext. 229
[email protected]
Extended Day Director
Mrs. Victoria Peterson
508-875-0181, ext. 226
[email protected]
Sacrament of Baptism
Before an infant baptism parents must attend a baptismal catechesis class. Classes are held on the first Friday of
each month at 7pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. If there is a change due to bad weather parents will be
notified. Participants should park in the Rectory parking lot and enter the door on that level. *Dates for baptism are
set once the class has been attended and all paperwork is received and complete. Baptisms take place once a month
on a Sunday at 2pm. To register for class or to ask a question call 508-875-6009.
Sacrament of Marriage
Arrangements should be made with one of the priests at least one year prior to the intended date of marriage so that
all requirements can be completed. Please Note: Saturday weddings can be celebrated from 10:00am to 1:00pm at
the latest. Sunday weddings can be celebrated from 1:30pm to 4:00pm at the latest.
Pastoral Ministry
Visitations to the sick and the homebound are made by Pastoral Visitors who bring the Blessed Sacrament and
offer spiritual befriending on a weekly basis. If a member of your family, or friend, or neighbor is in the hospital or
is home­bound, we would appreciate hearing from you. Kindly call the Pastoral Ministry Office at 508-875-6009 to
request assistance.