February 7, 2016 - Church of St. Francis de Sales
February 7, 2016 - Church of St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis De Sales CATHOLIC Church 135 East 96th Street ● New York, NY 10128 Phone (212) 289-0425 ● Fax (212) 996-2028 www.sfdsnyc.org A PARISH OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK Pastoral Staff: Rev. Philip J. Kelly, Pastor Msgr. Neil Connolly Rev. Richard Bauer, MM Ms. Jayne Porcelli, Pastoral Associate, DRE Sr. Lynne Jacoby, RSHM, Pastoral Associate James Stayton, Music Director Kathleen Calderon, Office Manager William Ramos, Sacristan Alberto Pena, Plant Manager Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Weekend Associates Msgr. Robert Stern Rev. Anthony Ciorra Passionist Fathers MASS SCHEDULE Sundays 9am, 11am, 12:30pm*, 6pm Saturdays 5:00pm** Weekdays 8:30am *Misa en Español **Vigil- Sunday Mass Celebrated First Friday Devotions: after 8:30 am Mass Jesus directs Simon to take his boat into deep water for a miraculous catch of fish. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Simon and his partners leave all to follow Jesus (Luke 5:1-11). PARISH INFORMATION Contact any staff or clergy through our website or by calling the church rectory and leaving a message. (212) 289-0425 OFFICE HOURS MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, Feb 7 Saturday Feb 6, 2015 5:00PM Bernice Cavallo (D) 10am-11:00am-Rel Ed Classes Sunday, Feb 7 , 2015 Monday, Feb 8 9:00AM Dosik Park (D) 11:00AM Joseph Costanzo (D) Summer Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am—5:00 pm Wednesdays -9:00am– 8:00pm CHURCH HOURS Weekdays: 8:00 am—4:00 pm Weekends: 8:30 am—4:00 pm CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4:30 pm—5:00 pm and by Appointment GROUPS & PROGRAMS 20/30’s Young Adults TBA 40’s/50’s Adult Group (2nd Tuesday of the Month 7:30PM) RCIA-Sunday,11 Mon 7PM Religious Education-Sunday 10AM Mon 4PM Gay Straight Catholic Alliance (4th Wednesday of the Month 7:00PM), Catholic Asian Family and Friends Association 2nd Sunday At Noon Young Couples TBA, Social Media Team MINISTRIES Adult Choir, Hospitality Ministry, Eucharistic Ministry, Ministry of Lector, Altar Servers/ Acolytes, Coro Para Adultos en Español STAY IN TOUCH Facebook St. Francis de Sales Parish CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK OF FEB 7 –FEB 13 12:30PM Josefa De Leon (D) 6:00PM Sales For the Parish of St. Francis de Monday, Feb 8, 2015 8:30AM James Porcelli (D) Tuesday, Feb 9, 2015 8:30AM Enrique Anez (D) Wednesday, Feb 10, 2015 8:30AM Edward Kuberski (D) 8:30 Mass 6:30pm-Little Rock Bible Study 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm-RCIA Tuesday, Feb 9 8:30AM Mass 7:30pm-Mardi Gras Comedy Night Wednesday, Feb 10 (Ash Wednesday) 7:00AM Mass 12:00pm Mass 4:00pm-Service 2:30PM– Legion of Mary 6:00pm-Mass 6:30PM-AA Thursday, Feb 11, 2015 8:30AM Thursday, Feb 11 8:30AM –Mass 7:30PM-Ping Pong Friday, Feb 12, 2015 8:30AM Friday, Feb 12 8:30AM-Mass Saturday, Feb 13 5:00PM– Vigil Mass SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION BAPTISM We celebrate the baptism of infants & young children on the third Sunday of the month during the 11:00AM mass. Baptism class is held the first Wednesday of the month. Bautizos en Espanol son celebrados el tercer Domingo del mes a las 12:30PM. Come to the office to talk to a staff person to register for baptism Please bring Birth Certificate when you come in to register. Call us or visit our website for more information. FIRST COMMUNION & RECONCILIATION AND CONFIRMATION Two year preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Classes meet on Sunday Mornings and Monday afternoons. All families invited to participate. MARRIAGE Please call to make an appointment at least 6 months in advance of possible date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK- Please call and let us know if a family member is sick and would like to be anointed. WEBSITE WWW.SFDSNYC.ORG Email Addresses Fr. Kelly: [email protected] Jayne Porcelli: [email protected] Kathleen Calderon: [email protected] RCIA Update As we begin our Lenten season please keep our RCIA brothers and sisters in your prayer. Mardi Gras Comedy Night Priests available for Confession after Masses on Ash Wednesday Join us this Tuesday night at 7:30pm in the Church Hall. For a night of stand-up, improv, and musical comedy before we begin the Lenten season! Featuring Tom Leopold, Pat Shea, Tracy Mull & friends, hosted by Jay Malsky, all proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services. RSVP to [email protected] Operation Rice Bowl Ash Wednesday Schedule Our Lenten Parish project is a fundraiser for Catholic Relief Services called Operation Rice Bowl. Many of us are familiar with this giving project from when we were younger. (Remember your ‘mite box’?) The ‘bowl’ to be placed on your kitchen table or other suitable spot, is a reminder to collect change during Lent to help feed others in the world who do not have the many blessing we share. Imagine how full your rice bowl bank would be if you put in what one cup of coffee cost you for the forty days of Lent. Rice bowls are available on the tables at the entrance to the church. Please take one home and use it daily as a means of prayer and sacrifice and good works. Return the boxes themselves or a check for the amount you collected when we celebrate Holy Week. Thank you so much on behalf of Catholic Relief Services. February 10, 2016 7:00AM Mass 12:00PM Mass 6:00PM Mass In addition to our regular schedule for Ash Wednesday we will be adding in a special prayer service with the distribution of Ashes at 4pm. This prayer will be led by the families in the parish religious education program and is open to all parishioners and neighbors. We invite you to join us before you head home from school or work. Lenten Twilight Retreat series Lent is a time when many try to spend extra time in prayer, focusing on the God who continues to call us. Come join us for some ‘twilight retreat time’ Monday nights during Lent. February 22, and 29, Mar. 7, 14 and 21. This retreat is being organized by Fr Neil Connelly and Mr. Tom Taft. A Life to Live By written by Fr. Jim O’Connell, MHM is the text for the five weeks. Each session will begin at 7pm and conclude shortly after 8pm. Prayer, discussion on readings, quiet time and benediction are all a part of the schedule. We look forward to praying together with you for the needs of our parish, ourselves and our world. Little Black Books on Sale Now Looking for a way to add a bit of prayer and meditation to your Lenten practice this year? Check out the Little Black books, available for purchase at the table in the back of the church. The book is a compilation of six minute reflections on the weekday Gospels of Lent. Surely we can afford the 6 minutes and the $1.00 to draw closer to Jesus during these holy days. Also available in the parish office Monday – Friday. SFDS Foodies SFDS Foodies - Tuesday, March 8 Please join us at Mountain Bird for our next SFDS Foodies night. This French-meets-Japanese-meets-American venue has been named one of New York's best restaurants by Esquire Magazine and the NY Times. It is located at 251 East 110th Street (between 2nd and 3rd). Dinner includes: choice of appetizer, entree (chicken, fish or vegetarian option) and dessert. $40 per person (includes tax and tip) or $50 per person (includes tax, tip and 2 glasses of wine). Dinner begins at 6:30 pm. Seating is limited to 24 guests. Please RSVP to: [email protected] History Editor Needed As you heard announced last weekend we are looking for someone to help us edit our ‘history’ page on our website. We want to edit what is currently there, and update the page to include all the marvelous growth that has happened in the last four or five years. Are you interested in helping us? Contact the parish office for details. Second Collection There is a second collection Today for Peter’s Pence. Welcome-Bienvenidos! Stewardship IS a Way of Life “Where your heart is...there too is your treasure.” Data Collection includes: Cash, envelopes, and Parishpay Parishpay Enrollments Jan 31 Jan 24 Jan 17 Jan 10 Jan 3 154 154 153 153 152 $ 6,000.33 $ 5,147.73 $ 5,261.03 $ 6, 113.72 $6,647.64 Weekday Collection Total: $182.00 To sign up for parishpay please go to: www.parishpay.com If you would like to become members of our parish, please fill out the following information. You may place it in the collection basket, mail it or bring it to the rectory. You may also register online. Date/Fecha:__________________________________ Telephone/Telefono:___________________________ Name/Nombre:_______________________________ Address/Direccion:____________________________ City/Cuidad:________________State/Estado:_______ Zip code/Codigo Postal: ________________ Email:______________________________________ ( )New to the Parish/Nuevo en la Parroquia ( ) New Address/Nueva Direccion. ( ) I will use/Usare www.parishpay.com ( ) I would like to receive contribution envelopes/ Quisiera recibir sobres de la colecta. Su Boletin en Español ¡SANTO, SANTO, SANTO! “¡Santo, Santo, Santo!”. Los idiomas antiguos, como el hebreo empleado en la Sagrada Escritura, no siempre tenían la manera de expresar superlativos en una sola palabra. Isaías no tenía una palabra similar a “santísimo”, así que usó la triple repetición de la misma palabra. Este detalle de minucia bíblica sobre estas “tres pequeñas palabras” que cantamos en Misa cada domingo sirve para recordarnos que responder al llamado de Dios tiene que basarse en estar consciente de la santidad de Dios. En Isaías y el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, escuchamos relatos que revelan el poder y la fuerza de Dios: los serafines en el templo y la pesca milagrosa. Estas no son revelaciones maravillosas sin razón. Dan lugar a una respuesta misionera, la de “Aquí estoy, ¡envíame!” de Isaías y la de los discípulos que lo dejan todo para seguir a Jesús. De igual manera nuestro “¡Santo, Santo, Santo!” nos lleva a Cristo en la Eucaristía de cada domingo, y a una vida de seguirlo día tras día. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Manual Para Ministros de Hospitalidad Manuales para ministros de hospitalidad estan disponbles Por favor llame la oficina si usted desea comprar un manual el costo es $7.00. Gracias Ministros Esta usted intersados en otro ministerio aqui en la parroquia? Posiblemente usted siente una llamada para servir como un lector, Cantor, Servidor en el altar (acólitos), un ministro de la Eucaristia, o un ministrode hospitalidad? Habla con un miembro del equipo pastoral para aprender mas como servir en la comunidad. La comunidad te necesita y Dios esta llamandonos a usar nuestros dones! LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Día Mundial de la Vida Consagrada; Domingo de los Niños Exploradores Lunes: San Jerónimo Emiliano; Santa Josefina Bakhita; Año nuevo lunar (chino) 4714 Miércoles: Miércoles de Ceniza; Ayuno y absti nencia; Ayudar Jueves: Nuestra Señora de Lourdes; Jornada Mundial de los Enfermos; Día Nacional de Visitar a los Confina dos Viernes: Nacimiento de Lincoln; Abstinencia Music MINISTRY Hymns 5PM, 9 AM & 11:00AM Masses 6:00PM Mass Processional A Rightful Place We Have Come Into this House Offertory Can’t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus I Have Decided to Follow Jesus Communion Pescador de Hombres Pescador de Hombres Recessional Go Make a Difference Oh Give Thanks Big Brothers & Big Sisters CBSBB’s mentoring program enables young people to expand their horizons, their hopes and their dreams. It helps inspire them to improve academic performance and reduce risky behavior, which ultimately leads to stable health, strong personal relationships and gainful employment. You should know that research has proven that CBSBB’s integration of mentoring, family counseling and skill building ensures that our mentoring relationships are healthier and last longer than the national average. CBSBB’s target populations are children from first generation, low-income communities. Many of the families we work with are overwhelmed by multiple stressors. Poverty, a shortage of skills and a lack of exposure to opportunities are some of the issues our mentees face every day. These children are eager to expand their horizons and having a mentor can be the difference between their current reality and a successful future. You can be that difference! “Follow Me…” Don’t forget to let folks know you’ve been here on Sundays for Mass-check in on Facebook! Be proud of your parish! Norms for Fasting and Abstinence SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Day for Consecrated Life; Boy Scout Sunday Monday: St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita; Chinese New Year 4714 Wednesday: Ash Wednesday; Fast and Abstinence; Almsgiving Thursday: Our Lady of Lourdes; World Day of the Sick; National Shut-in Visitation Day Friday: Lincoln’s Birthday; Abstinence Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence. For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards. Our Communal Table Coffee and...cookies and cakes always welcome, Bake something and share it with us. Less calories sitting on your kitchen table to tempt you! ---COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 007074: St. Francis De Sales 135 East 96th Street New York, NY 10128 PHONE: (212)-289-0425 CONTACT PERSON: Kathleen Calderon SOFTWARE: Publisher 2010 PRINTER: Brother Laser Printer NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 THROUGH 4 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION: TRANSMISSION TIME: 2:30PM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Bulletin For Feb 7, 2016. Please call Kathy @ 212-289-0425