St. Peter Catholic Parish Skokie, Illinois
St. Peter Catholic Parish Skokie, Illinois
St. Peter Catholic Parish Skokie, Illinois Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 PAGE 2 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEB 1, 2015 Rectory / Parish Office 8116 Niles Center Rd. Skokie, Il. 60077-2520 Phone: (847) 673-1492 Fax: (847) 673-6979 Web: E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 5:00 P.M. (CHAPEL) Sunday: 7:00 and 9:00 A.M. (CHURCH) 10:30 A.M. and 12 NOON (CHAPEL) PARISH STAFF Pastor: Associate: Resident: Rev. Michael A. Wulsch Rev. Carlos Pereira, SFX Rev. Paul Adaja Sunday Assistance: Rev. Thomas A. Baima Rev. James N. Grace Pastoral Associate: Baptismal Prep: Sr. Kathy Maloney, OSB Office #: (847) 679-1202 ext. 307 ext. 309 ext. 312 HOLY DAY MASSES 6:30 A.M., 8:15 A.M. 7:00 P.M. in the evening SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays: From 3:30 to 4:00 P.M. Business Manager & Parish Calendar Andrea Steinert Secretary/Bulletin: E-mail: Dianne Wisniewski ext. 300 [email protected] Ministry of Care: Please call the Parish Office. Music Director: Jill Goldsmith ext. 301 ext. 304 SCHOOL: 8140 Niles Center Rd. Skokie, Il. 60077-2520 Phone: (847) 673-0918 Fax: (847) 673-6469 Web: E-Mail: [email protected] Principal: Secretary: Ms. Julie Crawford Mrs. Peggy Lloyd RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM 8140 Niles Center Rd Skokie, Il. 60077- 2520 Phone: (847) 679-1202 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: D.R.E.: Secretary: Sr. Kathy Maloney, OSB Mrs. Elaine Weiss WEEKDAY MASSES CHURCH: 6:30 A.M., 8:15 A.M. Monday-Friday, 8:15 A.M. Saturday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of each month at 1:30 P.M. in Church. Please call Sr. Kathy (847) 679-1202 to make arrangements for a Baptism. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal preparation session. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY A couple who wishes to be married in St. Peter Church, must meet with a parish priest at least 9 months prior to the wedding date. Please do not make any other arrangements before meeting with one of the priests. There is a required sacramental preparation program. REGISTRATION New parishioners should register promptly by coming to the Rectory or by calling the Office ( 847-673-1492). CHURCH ETIQUETTE The presiding priest should be the last one entering the Church/Chapel, and the first one to be leaving the Church/Chapel. PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME FOR MASS If you are arriving late for Mass, please choose an appropriate time to enter the Church/Chapel, such as when everyone is standing, but not during the readings or prayers. ALL CELL PHONES AND PAGERS SHOULD BE TURNED OFF. THANK YOU FEB 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NEEDED PER SUNDAY $11,500.00 SUNDAY — January 25, 2015 ENVELOPE LOOSE ACH for January $ 5,546.63 $ 2,185.72 $ 2,001.00 Total $ 9,733.35 Short : $ 1,766.65 SHARING for Jan MAINTENANCE for Jan SCHOOL for Jan $ $ $ 623.00 953.93 482.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY PAGE 3 Please pray for all the sick, shut-ins, and the convalescents of the parish, our relatives and friends, and especially: Francis Cardinal George Bridget Albert Patricia Allen Mary Boateng Angela Campbell Luz Castillo Fernando Framil Jeff Gaston Albert Geimer Rev. James N. Grace Joe Gross Rose Hankes Declan Henry Dara Javier Piper Johns Daniel Kelley Joan Kelly Paula Kelly Emiliana Lee Danielle Loftus Kanikai Mary Jeanette McKinnis Louie Meno Heidi Nicolai Chris Nicolai Agnes Onate Irene Rudzinski Donald Scherer Irene Stieg Elizabeth Sypek Rosita Telosa Rosalia Weinketz STEWARDSHIP GIVING OF TIME, TALENT, AND TREASURE Sr. Marguerite Yezek, BVM IN GRATITUDE FOR ALL OF GOD’S GIFTS For Your Information Financial statements of contributions to St. Peter Parish for the 2014 year have been mailed. If you are expecting a statement but have not received one, please call the Parish Office (847-673-1492). All are invited to pray the “Rosary for Life” each Sunday after the 9:00 AM Mass. We extend our sympathy to the families of . . . Kenneth J. Sartini Martha Miller FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART February 6th 7:00—8:00 PM Holy Hour & Benediction All are invited to this time of prayer. PAGE 4 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEB 1, 2015 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Brothers and sisters: I should like you to be free of anxieties.” - 1 CORINTHIANS 7:32 How much anxiety do we bring upon ourselves by constantly worrying about not having enough or attaining more things? God won’t necessarily give you everything you want, but He will provide everything you need. Try this – use the word “pray” instead of the word “worry” in the future. FEB 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 Please Support the 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal “Entrusted with Responsibility” Please spend some time this week reflecting on the Annual Catholic Appeal brochure that you received with your bulletin. Please remember that the Annual Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can make a gift payable in installments. As you review the work enabled by your contribution to the Annual Catholic Appeal, please reflect on God’s gifts to you. He has given you all that you have. With these gifts, you are entrusted with responsibility. Your gifts to our parish, to the Archdiocese and to the work of the Church throughout the world should be given in gratitude for the continuing gifts that God gives you. Each pledge makes a difference because all parishes participate in the campaign and the gifts of many enable our Archdiocese to deliver needed ministries and services. Our combined gifts not only signify our gratitude to God, they fund a significant portion of the work of our Archdiocese. After our parish goal of $ 38,312 is reached in cash, 100% of any additional funds come back to our parish to help to fund our needs. If you received your pledge form in the mail, please complete it and mail it back or bring it to Mass next weekend. For those of you that did not receive a mailing or have not had time to respond to it, we will conduct our in-pew pledge process at all Masses next weekend. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and generous response. Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults If you are an adult who has celebrated the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist but have not as yet been Confirmed, you are invited to prepare for this sacrament. Confirmation will be celebrated on June 3 at Holy Name Cathedral PREPARATION SESSIONS (choose one site) Tuesdays: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Mondays: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Our Lady of the Brook 3700 Dundee Road. Northbrook IL 60062 Holy Name Cathedral 735 N. State St Chicago, IL 60611 April 7, 21, 28 May 5, 12, 19 April 27, May 4, 11, 18 Contact: Deacon Peery Duderstadt (847) 272-5686 x.17 or [email protected] Contact: Thomas Aspell 312-573-4478 or [email protected] If you are interested in participating in preparation sessions please register at one of the sites; you will also need a copy of your baptismal certificate. Please call Sr. Kathy (847-679-1202) for more information. PAGE 6 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEB 1, 2015 Vicariate II Mass Welcoming Archbishop Blase Cupich Bishop Francis Kane invites all Parishioners and Families of Vicariate II to participate Thursday, February 12, 2015 7:00 PM Mass St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave, Niles, IL A reception with an opportunity for photos with the Archbishop will follow the Mass. Names of Military Members are as follows: Master Sgt. John Giese (Air Nat’l Guard) Major Patrick Scanlan (Army) Ch. War. Officer Bret Buivis (Air Force) Sgt. Albert Geimer, Jr. (Army) Pvt. 1st Class Nicholas Mericle (Army) Ens. Matthew Deppen (Navy) Sgt. Arlen Rosenaw (Army) Robert Valverda (Air Force) Lt. Matthew T. Dammrich (Marines) Stefanie Pizzolato (Navy) Angela Hart (Army Reserve) LCpl. T. King, II (Marines) CW3 Michael Maides (Army) Pxil DeGuzman (Navy Reserve) Roman P. QueyQuep (Air Force Airman) Sgt. Eric E. Stillman (Marines) Lt. Col. Timothy Zajac (Army) Sgt. Michael Nagel (Army) Chief Petty Officer Joseph Manning (Navy) Sgt. John J. Kiolbasa, Jr. (Marines) Sgt. Michael Habel (Army) Ismael Ramos—Aircraft Armament Commander Gregory R. Bart (Navy) LCpl. Lois Angelo Villaseran (Marines) Captain Kyle Lesmes (Green Beret—Army) LCpl. Edward McDonough (Marines) Lt. Nicholas Tawil (Navy) Captain Brian Blake (Army) E2 Cedrick Calalay (Navy) Lt. Commander Liezl Santos Payawal (Navy) Cheri Sonderman (Navy) FEB 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 LENTEN EVENINGS Join us for our Lenten series: PRIEST, PROPHET, KING a DVD-based study program. Wednesdays during Lent February 25 March 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 7:00 PM - Rathskellar Cost: $10.00 for the study guide Please register for this series by contacting Sr. Kathy at 847-679-1202 or [email protected] CALL BY FEBRUARY 3RD to allow for the shipping of the study guides . Priest, Prophet, King Study Program Registration To register for the upcoming Priest, Prophet, King program, please call Sr Kathy (847-679-1202) by February 3rd; then complete this form and return it to Sr. Kathy or to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________ Preferred phone number: ___________________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________________ PAGE 8 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEB 1, 2015 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE DATE TIME Feb. 7 5:00 PM Feb. 8 7:00 AM LECTOR Mary Anne Murphy Peter Weinketz Liela King 9:00 AM Kathy Egloff 10:30 AM Maria Munoz 12:00 PM EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Lourdes Dacumos Troy d’Souza Gin Gaiser Gus Serrano Nicole Serrano Paz Aceron Dorothy Hagen Gary Schultz Choir: Nancy Schultz Mariano Castillo Ludelle Castro Ralph Egloff Sheri Wills Pam O’Brill Millie Dacuycuy SERVERS Nicole Miller David San Diego Matt Coath Andrew Coath Maria Araujo Joseph Mendez Alyanna Arlegui Charity Ceniza Mass Intentions for the Week MON.—Feb 2—Presentation of the Lord 6:30 am Ernest H. Des Enfants 8:15 am Fr. Kenneth P. Klose TUES.—Feb 3—St. Blaise, Bishop, Martyr 6:30 am Deceased Members of the Class of 1959 8:15 am Moo Hyang Kwun WED.—Feb 4—Weekday 6:30 am Edmund dela Merced 8:15 am Angela Puthenveetil THUR.— Feb 5—St. Agatha, Virgin, Martyr 6:30 am Mary Leahy 8:15 am Deceased Members of the McNulty & Haben Families FRI.—Feb 6—St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs 6:30 am 8:15 am Anthansio Lee Teresa V. Remando SAT.—Feb 7—Weekday 8:15 am World Peace FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 5:00 PM (Chapel) Jeanne Nicholas SUN.—Feb. 8 7:00 am (Church) Deceased Members of the Giese & Schiller Families 9:00 am (Church) Eric Sagritalo 10:30 am (Chapel) Deceased members of the Hackett & Manning Families 12 Noon (Chapel) James Edward Berry
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