masses for the week - Our Lady of Peace Lynbrook
masses for the week - Our Lady of Peace Lynbrook
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS MASSES FOR THE WEEK In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Blessing of the Animals will take place next Sunday, September 30th at 1:45PM in Our Lady of Peace Schoolyard. Bring your pets to be blessed. Monday, 9/24/12—Weekday 7:00 AM For Peace in the World 9:00 AM Jack C. Myers Tuesday, 9/25/12—Weekday 7:00 AM Jean & Frank Ciccone 9:00 AM Maria Concetta Curra—4th Anniversary 1:30 PM Rosary, Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration Wednesday, 9/26/12—Weekday—Ss. Cosmas & Damian 7:00 AM Carmelina Marcellino 9:00 AM Multiple Intentions Mass: Rosario & Josephine Puleo; Joan N. Tragesser—10th Anniversary Thursday, 9/27/12—St.Vincent de Paul 7:00 AM For Religious Vocations 9:00 AM Vincent & Geraldine Malone Friday, 9/28/12—Weekday 7:00 AM Paola Manfre 9:00 AM Ints. of Karen Lee Pizzo on Her Birthday Saturday, 9/29/12—Ss. Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, Archangel 9:00 AM Joseph & Alberta LaRocco Sunday, 9/30/12—Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Sat. Multiple Intentions Mass: Santo Barbarino; Herbert Lorenzen; Craig Woods; Intentions of Kenneth Kees 8:00 AM Sun. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9:30 AM John Ramberg—1st Anniversary 11:00 AM Thomas R. Sullivan 12:30 PM Santo Barbarino 1:45 PM Blessing of the Animals LET US WELCOME OUR NEW PARISHIONERS Brian & Kristen Casey Lori Corrente Gerald & Marie Dawes Alyssa DeMarco Theresa Ebert Marius & Carrie Jaskowski James & Joann Krudis Diana Hensley Evelyn Laboy Richard & Kathleen Longenecker Lucy Olofsson Stephanie Paz-Ferng William & Rosemarie Penninipede Ryan & Fioney Rose Larry & MaryAnn Tormey Christopher & Lisa Wagner BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST TIME: Justin Damers, OLP / Tiffany Povinelli, Notre Dame, New Hyde Park, NY. Alexandra Calvo / Jeffrey Dold, both from OLP. 2012 VOTERS’ REGISTRATION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012 LYNBROOK PUBLIC LIBRARY 12 Noon—3PM SECOND TIME: Megan Murphy, OLP / Josh Vlasto, New York City, New York. If you are not a registered voter and would like to vote in the November 2012 Presidential Election, please join us at the Lynbrook Public Library and register to vote. SOME GOOD NEWS… We congratulate Fr. Mark Rowan on his recently received honor as a Monsignor and wish him God’s continued blessings. Unfortunately, we received the following announcement from Fr. Mark too late to be published in last week’s bulletin: DAILY MASS INTENTIONS Fr. Mark Rowan, who served here in Our Lady of Peace from 1996 to 2003 and is now serving in our military as an Air Force Chaplain, has recently been named a Monsignor by the Holy Father. He will be installed as a Monsignor by Bishop Murphy at a “Mass of Thanksgiving for the Conferral of Papal Honors” at St. Joachim’s Church in Cedarhurst this Sunday, September 23rd at 11:00AM. All are welcome to attend. We still have many 7AM Masses available from September thru December 2012. Please consider offering a 7AM Mass for the intention of a loved one, living or deceased. Please stop by the Rectory during our office hours to make your arrangements. 2 419 Grant Us Your Salvation! PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL, ESPECIALLY: Anne M., Francis Musselman, Tracy & Krystal Foss, Brian Cox, Al Largo, Windy Kujawa, Terry Masari, Joan D’Andrea, Dominick Consolazio, Jan Mangione, Andy LoMonaco, Anthony Mack, Alice Steer, Dorothy Berkery, Terry Thompson, Eric Fabris, Julie & Elise Fuschino, Patricia Waiter, Anna Caponi, Christine Carvino, Deirdre Gordon, Irene Ryder, Baby Eric Gulliksen, Jeanette Werfel, Arlene Goodman, Patricia Wiater, Phyllis Hanna, Sister Mary Beata, Mary DePinto, Adrienne Kozillkawsky, Mercedes Espinal; Rosalie Filauri, Mary Morahan, Fabian Duran, Dorothy Ehmsen, Christina Malatestinic. (List will remain approximately four weeks. After that time, you may call to renew your request for prayers). AND FOR ALL THE SOULS IN PURGATORY BREAD AND WINE (We have many openings to memorialize for this year from September thru December. The Bread and Wine this week has been donated in loving memory of Alberta & Joseph LaRocco. “Always in our hearts & prayers. THE ROSE FOR LIFE The Rose For Life this week has been donated in loving memory of James Polk, with love unending—Mom and Dad. SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Lamp this week has been donated in loving memory of Genevieve, Louis, Theodore, Gerald & Albert Vetere. WE HAVE BREAD AND WINE ($50), ROSE FOR LIFE ($10) AND SANCTUARY CANDLE ($10) WEEKLY MEMORIALS available for 2012. It is a beautiful way to honor someone living or deceased. Stop by the Rectory or call us at 599-6414. AROUND OUR PARISH..… — HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in the Church. Please join us at 1:30 as we pray the Rosary. There will be Benediction on the 1st Tuesday of each month. — MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA - Please stay and pray with us every Saturday morning after the 9AM Mass in the Church. —TWICE BLESSED THRIFT SHOPPE - Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 2:30PM all year long. Please leave only gently-used clothing and other items. —CYO - for any information regarding CYO please visit our website at READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 30, 2012 Nm 11:25-29; Jas 5:1-6;Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 Reflection Adults: What will we try to change this week so that we can live our lives closer to Christ? Let’s ask the Lord to show us how we can grow in love of God and others and how we can be models of Christian behavior. Children: Will you try to be extra kind and respectful to others just like Jesus asks you to be? 3 419 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY: Chaplain Col. Mark Rowan, U.S.A.F.; Chaplain Maj. James Krische, U.S. Army; Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Robert Coyle, U.S.N.; Sgt. Kevin Kearney, Special Forces, U.S. Army; Cpl. Manuel Callejas-Rodas, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Alvah E. Ingersoll, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Michael Harmon, U.S.N.; Safaridin Khan, U.S.A.R.; Maj. Eric M. Carrano, U.S.A.F.; Pvt. Kristopher Lewis, U.S. Army; Pfc. Kristian Kleffmann, U.S. Army; PV2 Joseph C. Lisciandri, M.P.; Pvt. lst Cl. Joseph DeFilippe, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. Christian Orellana, U.S. Army; lst Lt. Clayton Z. Cohn, U.S. Army; Sgt. Robert J. Lant, U.S. Army; Pfc. Dan McEnerney, U.S. Army; Rick Soethout, U.S. Army; Paul Barrett, Special Forces U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Matthew Conn, U.S. Army; Maj. John Sottnik, U.S. Army; Cpt. Lee Zeldin, U.S. Army.; Sgt. Brian James Dolan, U.S. Army; lst. Lt. Michael A. DeVita, U.S.A.F.; Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Delamere, U.S.C.G.; Sgt. Albert Santini, III, U.S.M.C.; Pvt. lst Cl .Michael Deras, U.S. Army; Pfc. Matthew Duggan, U.S.M.C., U.S. Navy; Petty Officer Christopher Nusselt, U.S. Army; Private 1st Class Gregory Nusselt; Maj. Colleen Fitzpatrick, U.S.A.F.; L.Cpl. Ryan Carriddi, USMC; Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Stephen Szalai, U.S.N.; Pv2 Alejandro Arroyave, U.S. Army; Michael Stapleton, U.S.M.C.; Mark Callei, U.S. Navy; Ltjg Steven Fusswinkel, U. S. Navy; Captain Maureen Dooley, U.S.M.C.; Pv2 Christopher Montgomery, U.S. Army ; Maj. A. J. Griffin, U.S.A.F.; lst Lt. Matthew Blumenthal, U.S. M.C.; Spc. Christopher Nevin, U.S. Army; Pvt. Frank J. Pascale, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Mike Deegan, U.S. Army; Cpt. Ryan Harmon, U.S. Army, 1st Class Andrew Kenny, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. William T. Heritage, U.S. Army; CWS3 Pablo Cheveres, U.S. Army;1st Lt. Steven R. Liguori, Jr., U.S. Army; L. Cpl. Brendan Hennessy, U.S.M.C. IMPORTANT: in order to keep an up-to-date list for our bulletin, please be kind enough to contact Lynn at the Rectory if you would like your loved ones removed from our Prayer List for Our Armed Forces or if you would like someone added to our list. Thank you. JOB BANK OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISHIONERS HELPING PARISHIONERS… Please note: Our Lady of Peace can not specifically endorse nor recommend anyone on this list. We are just able to list individuals looking for employment. For further information, please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry at 599-7448. RESPECT LIFE… —Seeking Part-time Position in Construction - experienced in: bathroom kitchen, deck construction, sheetrock, roofing, carpentry—doors, windows, painting, operating forklift, cutting lumber to specifications. Commercial or residential. If you need someone who is professional and reliable, please phone Jamie at (516) 351-5531. —Plumber Seeking Position - Experience working for large company as well as in private homes. Dependable, reasonable rates. No job too small. If you need my services, please call John at (516) 872-7818. —Seeking Position as Administrative Assistant in Finance or Healthcare - Experienced financial advisor: monitored accounts, resolving differences with patients, government agencies, & insurance companies and medical billing. Worked in reception area: phones, scheduling appointments, insurance certifications. Excellent organizational, communication and computer skills. Proficient in MS Word, Excel, Quickbooks. If you have a position open, please call Susan at (516) 764-8418. —Respect Life Youth Contest 2013 Theme: “Faith Opens our Eyes to Human Life in all its Grandeur and Beauty” - the contest is for Grades 7-8 Level ONE, and Grades 9-12 Level TWO. We welcome all Catholic youngsters in the Rockville Centre Diocese attending Catholic Elementary, High Schools or parish programs including Religious Education, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, youth groups, youth choirs and we encourage children with special needs to participate as well. It may be: Essay; Poem; Music; Photography; Book Mark Design or Video Clip Design. The awards’ ceremony will be held on March 14, 2013 at Kellenberg Memorial High School Auditorium at 7PM. All entries must be attached to the registration form, postmarked by January 20, 2013 and mailed to the Respect Life Office. Registration form must be signed by a parent or guardian. 1st place winner-$400; 2nd place winner-$250 and 3rd place winner-$150. For further information Call the Respect Life Office (516) 678-5800, Exts. 626 & 381 or download registration forms from the diocesan website at 4 419 TODAY—SPECIAL COLLECTION TIME, TALENT & TREASURE Today, is the special collection for retired priests, living at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility where our senior priests who need extra care and attention are cared for, in a setting that fosters their spiritual lives, nurtures their physical well being and guarantees that they can continue to live with dignity. Please support this extraordinary facility by being as generous as your means will allow. This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to use, we gratefully salute Our Lady of Peace Parents’ Association & Development Committee. Stewardship Thought for the Week Today’s second reading warns that a heart consumed with avarice and envy leads to jealousy, strife, conflicts and disputes. A giving heart, in contrast, can sing instead with the Psalmist, “Freely will I offer you sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness. Parish Sacrificial Giving Collection from last weekend: Collection from the same weekend last year: CONFIRMATION PROGRAM FOR GRADES 7 AND 8 Class for students in Grades 7 and 8, preparing for Confirmation, will begin on Wednesday, September 26th. We will meet in Church. Grade 7 — will meet at 7:00PM Grade 8 — will meet at 8:00 PM This opening class is ONLY for Religious Education students and their parents. $12,349.00 $12,308.00 COUPLES MARRIED 50 YEARS OR MORE Students and parents from Our Lady of Peace School will be given their information on Wednesday, October 10th at 7:30PM in the Church. This fall, couples that have been married 50 years or more will be honored at a liturgy on Sunday, Oct. 21st at the Church of Christ the King in Commack. The liturgy will begin at 2:30PM. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at OLP Rectory. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship at our Diocese in RVC by Oct. 4th for the Oct. 21st liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the spring for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call (516) 678-5800, Extension 207. The program will be introduced for the year. Journals, textbooks and calendars will be distributed. Students will also get their class assignments at this time. BACK IN THE SING OF THINGS As Fall approaches, the great festivals of Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner! If you like to sing, consider joining the choir. You do not have to read music. We’ll learn together. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings from 9:45AM to 10:45AM beginning November 4th. Please join us! We need all voice types! Raise a joyful song! LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE NEXT WEEKEND SEPT. 29th & 30th (Thank you for your service to your parish. Please remember if you are unable to meet this obligation, you must get a replacement.) September 29th— 5PM Mass Altar Servers: M. Dormer; A. Lewis; E. DiCarmine EM: V. Blankowitz; D.Gerardi; D. Gerardi; M. Dormer Lectors: M. Dormer; L. Bender September 30th—8AM Mass Altar Servers: —— EM: J. Rapaglia; B. Marshall; B.Geier; C. Rosaschi Lectors: M.A. Barrella; A. Szalai September 30th—9:30AM Mass Alter Servers: I. Rodriguez; J. DiGiorgio; B. Hartmann EM: G. Picillo; J. Berry; Bob Sorensen; C. Sorensen Lectors: —— September 30th—11AM Mass Altar Servers: M. Hynes; S. Cardoso; S. Nealon EM: C. McTigue; T. McTigue; C.L. Kearney; J. Kearney Lector: J. Matier; S. DiCaro September 30th—12:30PM Altar Servers: M. Ventura; J. Reardon; J. Dougherty EM: L. Meyers; E. Meyers; L. Liguori; M. Biondi Lectors: H. Buckley; D. Neligan 23RD ANNUAL LYNBROOK EXPO SATURDAY, OCT. 13, 2012 10AM TO 3PM VENDORS WANTED TABLE SPACE $35.00 MANY VENDORS WILL BE PRESENT CALL CAROL (593-6534) FOR MORE INFORMATION. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Mother Teresa 5 419 OUR LADY OF GRACE SPIRITUAL CENTER, MANHASSET—invites you to join them WELCOME TO OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED for Embracing the Mystical Vision, Saturday, Sept. 29th from 9AM to 3PM with Sister Nancy Hawkins, IHM. Cost: $50. Call 627-9255 to register. Alexandra Omosola Waeda Kashimawo Annabelle Omolola Walyat Kashimawo THIS WEEK AROUND OUR PARISH... CATHEDRAL PREPARATORY SEMINARY ELMHURST, NY 20TH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC NORTH HILLS COUNTRY CLUB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2012 Contact Tim McCleary in the Alumni Office for further information (718) 592-68000, Ext. 137. DIVORCE AND BEYOND A ten-week program for those separated or going through the process of divorce. The program is designed to help men and women find encouragement as they explore the emotions and experiences often associated with separation and divorce. The group meets every Friday beginning, October 12th at 7:30PM at St. William the Abbot Church, 2000 Jackson Ave., Seaford. Cost for the ten-week program is $20. For further information and registration please contact: Carol (516) 432-2241 or e-mail us at [email protected]. PROJECT RACHEL Do you know someone who is hurting from an abortion? The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of October 26th-28th, 2012. It begins Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon. This retreat is conducted in English. For more information contact: Deacon Frank Gariboldi at (516) 523-0586 or e-mail: [email protected] All communication is strictly confidential. To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look online at www.rachelsvineyard.lorg or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME. The Malverne Historical Society is proud to present DANCING WITH THE MALVERNE STARS Saturday, Oct. 13th at 7PM Music and Dancing will follow the show $45 per ticket: gourmet sandwiches, unlimited beer, wine and soda. Lynbrook Knight of Columbus, 78Hempstead Ave., Lynbrook Call Rosalie 599-1028 for tickets 6 419 THIS SUNDAY!!! 7 419 8 419 9 419 10 419 Flyer 1 9/23/12 419 Flyer 2 9/23/12 419
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