June 19, 2016 - St. Patrick School
June 19, 2016 - St. Patrick School
June 19, 2016 Administrator Fr. John Dumas Deacon Emeritus Rev. Mr. George Cousino Mission Statement: We, with the Guidance of the Holy Trinity, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Communion of Saints, endeavor to spread and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assist one another through the precepts of the Catholic Faith in attaining eternal salvation. DIVINE GRACE CATHOLIC PARISH 2996 W. LABO ROAD CARLETON, MI 48117 PHONE 734-654-2500 FAX 734-654-6594 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.divinegrace.weconnect.com ST. JOSEPH MASS SCHEDULE Monday & Friday: 8:00 am Mass (Except First Fridays at St. Patrick) Sunday: 8:00 am Mass CONFESSIONS By Appointment ST. PATRICK MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday: 8:00 am Mass Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass Saturday: 4:00 pm Mass Sunday: 11:00 am Mass CONFESSIONS Saturday at 3:00 pm Page 2 Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton This Week in Our Parish Sunday, June 19 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Madonna Hall) Monday, June 20 8:00 am (SJ) Cloyce (Pete) Post (1st Anniversary) by The Post Family Tuesday, June 21 8:00 am (SP) Jordan Erz by Gerald Goretski Thursday, June 23 7:00 pm (SP) In Thanksgiving of Fr. John Dumas by Parish Staff Friday, June 24 8:00 am (SJ) Leo (Sonny) Quell by Jimmie Kiebler Saturday, June 25 4:00 pm (SP) Peter Trzaciak by Betty Motyka Sunday, June 26 8:00 am (SJ) Thomas & Dorothy Liedel by Family 11:00 am (SP) Rita Nemec by M/M Dennis Miller 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Madonna Hall) Liturgical Schedule for June 25 & 26, 2016 Mass Reader EMHC M. Dobberstein F. Dobberstein 4:00 pm D. Janssens 8:00 am V. Eby T. Lieto D. Martell 11:00 am N. Vadasz P. Liedel F. Vallade Altar Servers Usher E. Calkins J. Illes J. Mitchell S. Mitchell J. Belinky A. Blackmore T. Blackmore B. Thoma S. Cousino M. Eby Need 2 D. Hoffman B. O’Rourke J. VanDevelde Need 1 J. DeSana S. McGrath G. Iott Need 3 C. Jones A. Wickenheiser Calendar Planning Parish or school groups wishing to utilize parish buildings for events from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, are asked to submit dates and times (inclusive of set up and clean up) to the parish office by Monday, June 20, 2016. Dates will then be confirmed. As of this publication only one organization has responded. Your Gifts of Treasure 6/12/16 Envelope Total $4,812.00 Loose 274.00 Total $5,086.00 Priestly Vocations: The Watchmen Regional Discernment Groups Regional Discernment Groups are for men ages 16-55 who want to actively discern the call of the Lord in their lives. These groups will meet for times of prayer, presentations on discernment, food and fellowship with other like-minded men. Upcoming events: Northeast Region: June 26 following the 11 am mass at Holy Trinity Parish-St. Joseph site, Port Huron For more information, locations, and dates visit detroitpriest.com Food Assistance Available Know someone with limited resources who is choosing between food purchases and other necessities? The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps eligible individuals and families including seniors to save money on groceries to pay bills, for medications, clothes, and other necessities. Thanks in part to generous support from the Walmart Foundation, Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM) is helping residents of Oakland, Macomb, and Wayne counties to quickly learn if they are eligible and enroll. Make a confidential call to CCSEM today at 248-338-4250 ext. 3700! $45,655.00 Goal $27,584.00 Pledges/Payments $18,071.00 Shortfall to Date Pat Adam Barb Basinger Ida Blaser Jeanette Bodine Marcia Bracciano John A. Bruck James Burger Jeffrey Colf Nora Devine Helen Fuhrman Donna Langton Florance Pauletih Hunter Salenbien Dolores Siegel David Totten Pat Totten Sharron Totten Ron Waltz Elyse Wickenheiser Divine Grace Prayer Chain Anyone wishing to be part of Divine Grace prayer chain or have someone prayed for please call Cathy 587-2141 or Mary 654-2047 or email: [email protected] Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton Page 3 Abeare, Earl Fix, Oscar Murphy, John, Aleksa, Jim Funchion, Fred Ochs, Zeno Anderson, Arthur Genord, Joseph Pelic, Joseph Bacarella, Samuel Girard, Clement Pilon, Joe Beamish, Thomas E. Glandenes, John Plovie, George Becker, William Gratz, Edmund Post, George Blaser, Christopher Greca, Dan Powell, Dale Bleyaert, Grant Greca, Danny Schear, Arthur Bodine, Stanley Greca, Richard Sharkey, John J. Bowling, Ernest Greengtski, Julius Siegel, William Brant, James Hall, Hollis Staelgraeve, Albert Brittain, Luke & Moss Harvell, Rudy Stangis, Donald Busenbark, Alfred Haut, Joseph Stangis, Edward Calvin, Joseph Haut, Robert, Sr. Stasa, Ed Chilson, Brian Haws, Murl Stasa, Frank Chilson, Ernest Hedges, Ken Stasa, Thomas, Sr. Chinavare, Dale Jackson, Richard Stenger, Joseph Chinavare, Dallas Jamison, R, Sr. Stevens, Trevor James Colf, Raymond Johnson, Darwin Strimpel, Arthur Corbin, James Francis Jones, Reginald Szajner, Adam Cousino, Fredrick Kaczan, Michael Thompson, Arthur DeBacker, Julien Kennedy, Donald Tibai, Edward Diaz, Angelo Klein, Nicholas Trpelka, Jacob Diehl, Leroy Komendera, Leonard Uhlik, John Dobberstein, Frank Kuderik, Joseph Urbanski, Chester Dobberstein, Frank J. Lambrix, Charlie VanDevelde, Jerome Doederlein, Harry Lane, Archie VanStone, Alphonse Doederlein, Ken Latondress, Guy Vidaurri, Jose B. Drexel, Robert LeDuc, Wilfrid H. Vogen, Joseph Dudek, Michael Liedel, Thomas Waldo, Frank Dudek,Eugene Marcero, Miles Wasilewski, Julius Dudek, Michael, Sr. Martell, Ray Wiseman, Edward Dylenski, Paul Meier, Ted Yensch, Gilbert Eby, Jim Meiring, Robert Yinger, Delmar Eby, William X. Meyer, Andrew Zawacki, Leo Eccles, Robert C. Meyer, Herb Zochowski, Julian Eccles, Robert O. Mignano, Anthony Emerick, Arthur Motyka, Edward Emerick, Joe Motyka, Ron Page 4 Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton Father's Day Blessing Single fathers usually sit in the back row of their children's school performances. Fathers who are married usually sit as close to the front of the audiences, with their spouses. Why is this? Well, we all know how important mothers are to the well-being of a family. However, we as a culture look at single fathers with a bit of suspicion. Fathers are as important as mothers are, but offer a different perspective on life and bring a much needed role in bringing up children. Let us welcome all fathers today to the front row of our lives and acknowledge how important they have been, and continue to be in our lives. Let us pray... Gracious God and Father, our first father, You are the One who has brought us to life in this world you created. You created us and everything around us. We turned away from you and only after disappointing you did we return your love. Look with favor on our earthly fathers. They helped create us in your image. We have disappointed them, but have come to realize just how important they are to us. Bless all our fathers, living and deceased, with comfort and health. We bring all their needs to you and ask for strength so they may live worthy lives. We ask all this in the name of your Son, our model of what it means to reverence our fathers. In Christ's name. Amen. 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time "Once when Jesus was praying in solitude, and the disciples were with him..." The first line of today's Gospel presents a strange image. Jesus was both by himself and with others. He was somehow experiencing the solitude of personal prayer, but was also close enough to his followers to engage in conversation with them. Although we don't know exactly what the details were of this situation, it does suggest for us an example of what we might call spiritual "balance." Here we see Jesus taking time to be alone in prayer, but also taking time to engage in spiritual reflection with the other members of his community. He didn't sacrifice one for the other. He found a way to have both. We are called to do the same. Developing the habit of personal prayer is an essential part of our spiritual lives. Like Jesus, we too need to set aside time and space to pray by ourselves, connecting as individuals with our Father in heaven. Whether it be a few quiet moments in the morning, or time to pray at night, this kind of prayer keeps us connected to God. It enables us to give our own answer the poignant question Jesus poses today, "But who do you say that I am?" Personal prayer alone, however, is not enough to fulfill us spiritually. We are also meant to participate in the larger community of believers, joining together with others in communal prayer and reflection. This, of course, happens every time we attend Mass as we gather together at church and join in the liturgy. For some, "sacrificing" our Sunday mornings week after week may seem like too much to ask. But this is one way we can carry out the challenging command of Christ to take up our cross and follow him. Reborn through the Holy Waters of Baptism: Levi Benjarmin Hoffman, son of Brandon Mettert and Kara Hoffman. Godfather, Gabriel Hoffman. Andrew Thomas Boudrie, son of Russell and Sarah (Baron) Boudrie, III. Christian Witness, Joshua Foland and Godmother, Rachel Foland. Did You Know& If you attend another church in the Monroe Vicariate, please use Divine Grace’s collection envelope. It will be forwarded to Divine Grace Parish. Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton Page 5 Host families for the Traveling Vocations Chalice June 18/19 - June 25/26 Tibai Family June 25/26 - July 2/3 Ruth Meiring July 2/3 - July 9/10 Host Family Needed Meeting June 27th at St. Joseph Divine Grace Parish Principal: Ruth Meiring Director of Religious Education: Janice Doederlein [email protected] Director of Music: Curtis Posuniak Gym Phone Number 654-2522 654-6444 1-248-593-1034 654-2300 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 p.m. until all are heard at St. Patrick Sacrament of Baptism You must be a registered parishioner (receiving envelopes) attending Mass regularly, and take Baptismal Preparation Class. (Please notify the rectory prior to the child’s birth ). Josh Basinger, U.S. Air Force Gerald Borawski, U.S. Army Alexander Brant, U.S. Air Force Jamie Bushman, U.S. Army Greg Bushman, U. S. Army Basil W. Carsner, U.S. Marines Anthony Cook, U.S. Air Force Michael J. DeJean, U.S. Air Force Kyle Emerick, U.S. Air Force William Fluharty, U.S. Army Brian D. Haws, U.S. Air Force Bradley Hollister, U. S. Army National Guard Nathan D. Ihrig, U.S. Marines Rachel (Lambrix) Kallenberg, USAF ANG Jared M. Lappin, MP US Army Brian Liedel, U.S. Army Thomas Mack, U.S. Army Special Forces James McGlynn, U.S. Army Mark McGlynn, U.S. Army Dianne C. McLaughlin, U.S. Air Force Derek Naida, U.S. Air Force Jordan C. Osier, U.S. Army Joseph Riley, U.S. Marines Kenneth M. Sobecki, ANG Kenneth M. Sobecki II, U.S. Marines Michael E. Sobecki, U.S. Marines Shawn P. Tague, U.S. Air Force Jeff Terrell, U.S. Army Paul Tremonti, U.S. Air Force Douglas Vadasz, U.S. Air Force Carissa Warren, U.S. Air Force Robert Warren, U.S. Air Force Thomas Warren, U.S. Air Force Korey Wichowski, U.S. Army Sacrament of Marriage You must be a registered (receiving envelopes) and active member of Divine Grace Parish for at least six months before a wedding date will be scheduled. Weddings will take place six months or more after scheduling the date. If your marriage does not take place, there will be a wedding preparation fee. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound Notify the Parish Office of illness, hospitalization or nursing home status as soon as possible. Bulletin Deadline: Articles and inserts must be received by email no later than Friday, 12 noon 2 weeks prior and must provide the dates desired for publication. (No inserts will be done on Holiday weekends or when the parish office is closed.) Prayer for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. ARTHUR BOBCEAN FUNERAL HOME, INC. PRE-ARRANGED FUNERALS AVAILABLE MONUMENTS & MARKERS 1142 Monroe Ave. • Carleton 734-654-2000 26307 Huron River Dr. • Flat Rock 734-782-2755 David Wiss, D.D.S. Lawrence Gerstein, D.D.S. Jonathan Gerstein, D.D.S. Karl Lyngaas, D.D.S. HURON DENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C. 18757 Huron River Dr. • New Boston (734)753-5000 Appointments Monday through Friday with evenings and Saturdays available www.hurondentist.com Calvin Meyer Monroe Collision Service, Inc. Sales Associate Office: 734-654-2111 Cell: 734-770-4199 [email protected] 12640 Grafton Road, Carleton, MI 48117 !"#$%&'$()*+#+&,&-./&!"#$%&'$()(0$0 !"#$%&'("#)*+(%,),*&-&./00)')/,&"%1#)" 2+%%0�)*,$%,(&3&4#0#,.),* ('(*&12&345467.89&:;&,&<=>7=4?&<@ A=>7=4B=55CDC=>EF.9==2B=A 3G<&<GG:H&,&3H::I&<GG:H HJ&<GG:H Gary E. Nowitzke, EA, CTS 11 Scott St., Monroe 734-457-3700 www.lotus-financial.com Income Tax Preparation • College Education Plans IRA’s • Annuities Rollovers • Health • Life Offering Securities Through Sigma Financial Corp., Member FINRA/SIPC. Lotus Financial Services is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. BUSEN’S APPLIANCE INC. Major Appliance Sales, Parts & Service of Most Brands 2323 Fort St., Lincoln Park Mike Busen 734-676-4900 – Parish Member – A&M TRANSMISSION 734-782-0575 Transmission & Drivetrain Specialists Front Wheel Drive Owner - Mike Rogers 14020 Telegraph, Flat Rock Across from Flat Rock Speedway U.S.A. Trailer Sales Selling, servicing and supporting our community for over 30 years New Boston 734-654-2155 Monroe 734-241-9403 www.friendlyfordmonroe.com All Models & Sizes in Stock Residential Roof Specialists RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL STORM DAMAGE Fully Ful Licensed & Insured R 30 OVE EXP. YRS 734-564-5776 !!!"!#$$%&''()*++,",'- 2800 N. Telegraph Rd. • Monroe, MI 48162 734-243-6000 FORESTERS FINANCIAL PARTNERS, INC. Mitchell Langton, FIC, RR www.hertz.com Retirement Planning Life Insurance IRA’s/Roth IRA’s 401K Rollovers • Annuities Long Term Care Ins. College Scholarships Contact John Thornburgh to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6393 Off 734-654-8458 • Cell 734-755-0514 [email protected] Securities offered through Foresters Equity Services Inc./ Member FINRA, SIPC SCHAFER AGENCY INC. www.schaferagency.com Joseph A. 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