05/15/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
05/15/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
Office Hours Parish Phone – 269-6635 Parish Website – http:\\www.stjosephskp.org Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, 1:00 to 4:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, l:00 to 5:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon l:00 to 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM Emergency calls may be made at any time. Parish Regional School – Holy Family Regional School is located at 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY. It offers a Catholic Education for Nursery School through Eighth Grade. For more information, please call: Phone – 543-0202 Website – www.holyfamilyregional.com To schedule a tour of the School please contact [email protected]. Stewardship OurSacraments Way Of Life We CelebrateIsthe The Sacrament of Baptism Registration: Parents are asked to register at the Parish Center at least a month before the date of Baptism. Preparation: The Pre-Baptism program is held in the school at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month. Ceremony: Baptism is celebrated on the first, second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. Mass Intentions May 16, 2016 Monday, May 16 7:00 Maureen Raab - Her Husband, George and Family 8:45 Frank Daconta - Maryann and Charles Coatney and Melanie Shoupes Tuesday, May 17 7:00 Frank J. and Frances A. Lule 8:45 Mary Santoro - Michael Ryan Wednesday, May 18 7:00 Justina Zito - Don and Carolyn DeGolyer 8:45 Frank Daconta - Dorothy Konopka Thursday, May 19 7:00 Anthony Portuallo - Jenny and Theresa Portuallo 8:45 Deborah Story - Christopher Story Friday, May 20 7:00 Rebecca and Joseph Sauer - The Shea’s 8:45 Charles Dolan - Rachel Dennihy Saturday, May 21 8:45 Violet Sheehy - The Cotter Family 5PM Gregory Watson - Bill, Kathy, Sarah and Kevin 6:15 Joseph Haller - The Hoffmann Family The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements for weddings should be made at least eight months prior to the date of marriage. The Sacrament of Reconciliation In the Nazareth Chapel in the Parish Center on: Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM Eve of Holy Days and of First Fridays: 4:00 to 4:45 PM The Sacrament of the Sick Arrangements for sacraments and visitation of the sick in the home or hospital are arranged through the Parish Center. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The RCIA is the current form of instruction for those who wish to join the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received First Holy Communion, or are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the Parish Center at 269-6635. Sunday, May 22 7:30 Veronica Randall - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honickman and Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Honickman 9:00 Joseph Daly of Whitcomb Family - The Meyer Family 9:30 Purgatorial Mass 10:30 For Mass Guild Members 11:00 Justina Zito - Kathy, Steve and Alex Seltzer 12:00 For All Our Parishioners 5PM Mary Jo Tew - Kitty Borgess and Family From the Desk of Fr. Seán Stewardship Is Our Way Of Life Second Collection Bishop Murphy has authorized a voluntary collection to be taken to assist the needs of those affected by the devastating earthquakes in Ecuador. The collection will be taken up here at St. Joseph’s Church next weekend, May 21st and May 22nd. Disaster relief envelopes are located in the Church. Please place your envelope in the second collection next weekend. The people of the Diocese of Rockville Centre have always been generous to people in need. Your generosity in this effort is deeply appreciated. Parish Stewardship 5/8/16 General Collection $15,432.67 Catholic Communications $2,870.22 Parish Events St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks tickets are being sold in the Parish Center during normal business hours. Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Tickets cost $1.00 each. A winner will be chosen every three months and will win half the amount that is collected. New tickets will be sold on April 4, 2016. World Apostolate of Fatima With the approval of Bishop Murphy the Rockville Centre Diocese Division of The World Apostolate of Fatima is sponsoring the Fatima Centennial US Tour for Peace. This U.S. tour of the historic International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima is to commemorate the Fatima Centenary in 2017, visiting more than 100 U.S. dioceses in all 50 states. The dates for our Long Island Diocese are as follows: Tuesday, May 24th St. Matthew’s Church, Dix Hills 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Wednesday, May 25th St. Agnes Cathedral, Rockville Centre 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Thursday, May 26th Basilica of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Southampton 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, Manorville 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM For information regarding this Tour for Peace, please contact Debbie Taglialatela at 874-4138 or email [email protected]. As part of the celebration of this Jubilee Year of Mercy, please consider participating in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, DC. The date of the pilgrimage is Saturday, September 24, 2016. St. Joseph’s Church will be providing transportation to and from the Basilica. There will be a fee for the bus depending on the number of attendees. Please contact Cathy Cotter at the Parish Center (2696635 ext. 219) for more information on this wonderful event and reserve a seat on the bus. Please join us! St. Patrick’s Singles Fellowship Coffee and Conversation Sunday, May 15th 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM St. Patrick’s Parish ~ Smithtown Widowed, single, divorced, separated ages 45 to 60+. For information, call The Outreach Dept. at 265-2668. ~~ SAVE THE DATE ~~ St. Joseph’s Parish Family Celebration Sunday ~ May 29, 2016 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM Outdoor Field Mass: 11:00 AM (please bring a lawn chair) Food Stations Open: 12:30 PM An Opportunity for You and Your Family to come join in a day of fun, food, rides, games, and more Admission Tickets are available at the Parish Center during office hours on weekdays and on the weekend. Pre-Register: Adults Children (5 - 15 years old) $ 7.00 $ 5.00 Day of Picnic: Adults Children (5 - 15 years old) $14.00 $10.00 Children under 5 St. Joseph’s Children’s and Teen Choirs Presents ‘‘Let Freedom Ring’’ A delightful and entertaining program featuring our talented youth. Showtime begins at 2:00 PM in Travis Hall. Dessert Table We will have a sharing dessert table available for you to enjoy. We would like to invite all families to bring a dessert to be shared by everyone. Free Rain or Shine...it will be a great day. Please Bring your Lawn Chairs, Tables, Tents, and Picnic Baskets... Prize and Cash Raffle Tickets... Take a chance to win one of the great raffle prizes during the day. Spring Raffle 2016 Limited Tickets Only 300 Tickets will be Sold $10,000 Grand Prize 9 Additional Cash Prizes Come to the Parish Center to purchase your Spring 2016 Raffle Ticket Raffle to be drawn at the Parish Family Celebration, Sunday May 29 th Parish Events Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus is hosting a MILITARY BRIDGE No knowledge of bridge is necessary!! Friday, June 3rd at 7:00 PM Christ The King Family Center – Lower Level Indian Head Road – Commack Ticket $10.00 Please join us for an evening of fun & prizes Including a Chinese Auction Light refreshments will be served. No tickets will be sold at the door. For more information & tickets call: Louise – (631) 499-4379 Mary – (631) 543-9460 St. Joseph Vacation Bible and Music Camp July 11 - 15, 2016! A Spring Concert featuring Handel’s Messiah Selections from Part 2 and 3 Bible Camp For Children Ages 4 - 7 Music Camp for Children Ages 8 and older 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon The great oratorio covers Christ’s passion, resurrection, and glorification in heaven. Presented by: St. Joseph’s Chamber Choir and Soloists Sunday, June 12, 2016 3:00 PM St. Joseph’s Church Thank You The crown of flowers on the Statue of the Blessed Mother are In Honor of Ann Carey. Registration Forms available online. Volunteers are needed. Please contact the Religious Education Office for more information. Parish Events St. John the Baptist High School Honor Roll The following students from our Parish achieved Mid Year Honor Roll status for the third quarter at St. John the Baptist High School: 9th Grade: Amber Epp Leah Diminich Nicholas Reid Isabelle Rosado 10th Grade: Joseph Adamo Joseph Cassidy Catherine Endres Jessica Ferrigno Andrew Lee Brittanie Pic 11th Grade: Alexander Greco Christopher Reid th 12 Grade: James Clancy Erin Endres Connor Haggerty Stephanie Pic Alexandra Ramos 2 E. Main Street ~ Smithtown, NY 11787 631-724-3700 ~ www.smithtownpac.org LAOH Missions and Charities Fund Raiser Please reserve by mailing a check (payable to LAOH) to Karen St. John, 326 Meadow Rd., Kings Park, NY 11754 by May 15, 2016. For any questions, please call 269-5029. Please Note On Sunday, May 29th there will be no 9:30 AM or 11:00 AM Mass in Travis Hall. However, the 11:00 AM Mass will be held under the Tent. Religion and Rock Tune into ‘‘Religion and Rock’’ with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00 to 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM. Next Sunday’s theme is ‘Community’. Don’t forget to tune in! ‘‘Before and After Death’’ What you can do before your Death to make it easy for your Family after your Death. Join us for a Complimentary Seminar that will educate you on what legally happens when you pass away with, or without, a Will. The questions that will be explored are: – What is Probate vs. Administration? – Should I avoid Probate? – What are the duties of the Executor? Date: Thursday, May 19, 2016 Time: 6:30 to 7:30 PM Location: Gurwin Jewish Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 68 Hauppauge Road, Commack The Seminar will be presented by Craig A. Andreoli, Esq., an experienced attorney concentrating exclusively on Elder Law and Estate Planning. Admission is free, but seating is limited. For more information or to reserve a seat call 686-6500. Scripture Reflection Pentecost Sunday The picture painted in the gospel about Pentecost is a colorful description of the spectacular beginnings of the infant church as an active missionary community. The Holy Spirit, like a roaring wind, descends with tongues of fire on the heads of the apostles, and breathes new life into this faint-hearted band. The immediate impact on the apostles is radical and dramatic. Inspired by the Spirit of God they boldly go out to the marketplace and proclaim the resurrection of Christ and his conquest of sin and death to those who had only recently crucified their master. They are no longer the terrified and cowardly collection of individuals locked away in the upper room for fear of the Jews. Their world, which had fallen apart with the crucifixion and death of Jesus, was changed and transformed into a new creation. They emerge full of enthusiasm, gifted with eloquence and with a very clear sense of their vocation. The thought strikes us that the first Pentecost must have been an exciting time to be alive in the church. The atmosphere was joyful, change was in the air and the outpouring of God’s love upon all of creation was like a river in flood. However, the coming of the Holy Spirit was not something that happened only at the foundation of the church. The living breath of God is at work in every age as a permanent feature renewing and building up the body of the church. The gift of the Holy Spirit, given at Pentecost, is available to the worshipping community gathered here, provided we are open and willing to receive it. He acts through human persons like ourselves but depends on our response to his promptings. If we are prepared to live our lives according to his guidance and inspiration, by always doing what we sincerely believe is right, there will be no limit to the support he will give us. This feast, which celebrates the birthday of the church, is an excellent opportunity for evaluating the use we are making of our God-given gifts. The church is built up when we use our individual talents, not for our own personal benefit but for the good of all. We are all laborers whom the Lord asks to go into the harvest. How we love each other and care for each other is a message to everyone we meet and is what outsiders judge our Christian faith on. The fact that our gifts are not of the spectacular type, which fascinated the onlookers on the first Pentecost, does not diminish their importance. Being a patient father, a loving mother, a good listener and having time for the elderly may not attract the headlines but it witnesses to the fact that God is to be found in the humdrum of a daily routine. It is in the ordinary that we share most fully in the greatest of God’s gifts. As we face the difficulties and trials on our earthly journey we should rejoice that the Holy Spirit is ever present, enlightening our mind with hope and gradually forming Christ in us as we did in the womb of Mary. ‘‘Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.’’ Guild Mass Intentions The following members will be included in the Mass Guild Intentions at the 10:30 Mass beginning May 22nd, May 29th, June 5th and June 12, 2016. (*indicates Mass is for the living) For: John Brooks, Jr. Dolores Sharley Rosemarie Carroll Christopher Ohm William F. Ahern, Jr. James Knott Salvatore Grilli Salvatore Grilli William Kenneth Treco Michael Monckton Gerard Ziegler From: The Mauer Family The Germano Family Jo and Jim Cheplic Missy Bonner Peter Tabone and Family His Family Irv and Diane Apgar Scott Apgar and Kelly Piazza George and Pat Ziegler Judy and Marty Mullarkey Judy and Marty Mullarkey Learn to be Tobacco Free St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center and Suffolk County Department of Health will host a free smoking cessation program, beginning Thursday, June 9th at 6:00 PM. This 6 week program is open to the public and will be held in the St. Catherine of Siena Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center, 52 Route 25A, Smithtown, lower level Fr. Fred Hill Room. For more information and to register, please call (631) 870-3444. Pastoral Care Religious Education Minister to the Sick and Homebound Office Hours If you have a family member who is homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the Parish Center at 269-6635 to make arrangements. Monday ~ Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Thursday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Fridays ~ Closed Additional Times Available by Request If you or a loved one are in one of our local hospitals, please call the Parish Center so that a Pastoral visit can be made. Class Times st Dignity of Life Issues ‘‘A reflection of God’s own reality shines out in the human person, in every person, whatever the stage or condition of his life.’’ ‘‘Pope Benedict XVI, Address of February 27, 2006 www.goo.gl/4Bj3ss © 2006 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. th 1 – 6 Grade: 7th & 8th Grade: 5:00 to 6:00 PM 7:00 to 8:30 PM Grade 1 First Grade Registration has begun for children entering first grade in September. Please call the office for information. Holy Hour Holy Hour will be Friday, May 20th, from 9:30 to 10:30 AM in the Nazareth Chapel. Sisters of St. Dominic Homecoming Farm Annual Garden Party Friday, June 17, 2016 Dominican Village 565 Albany Avenue 6:00 – 8:00 PM Helen Butler Hall Amityville, NY 11701 An opportunity to learn about our Mission, Supporters, and the Partnership of Homecoming Farm and The INN. Delicious wine, beautiful appetizers, raffles, live music and more! $40 Donation per Guest Congratulations to all our students and their families who received First Communion and Confirmation. We are so grateful for all those who made the day for them so wonderful ~ The Music Ministry, the Ushers, the Altar Servers, Adult Altar Servers and, of course, our dedicated Teachers. Community Service Anyone looking for community service hours, please contact the School of Religion office. Life Center of Long Island OUR MISSION To register: www.homecomingfarmgardenparty.eventbrite.com To promote, encourage and foster public sentiment and respect for the dignity of human life. Info: Susan Mac Donald 516-643-5286 [email protected] (516) 798-9100 or (631) 243-2373 www.lifecenterli.org Memorials Remembering Loved Ones Many parishioners have expressed an interest in making a monetary donation to cover the cost of flowers or the cost of bread and wine or Sanctuary Lamp for a period of one week, usually in memory of a loved one, living or deceased. If at any time you are interested in making such a donation, please call the Receptionist at the Parish Center (269-6635) or stop in to make arrangements. An acknowledgement of your offering will appear in the bulletin. Main Altar Flowers ............................$75.00 each or two pieces for $125.00 Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers ................. $75.00 St. Joseph’s Altar Flowers ........................ $40.00 Bread and Wine ....................................... $25.00 Sanctuary Lamp ...................................... $25.00 Respect Life Rose ..................................... $10.00 Those Who Were Baptized This past week the following children were welcomed into the Church: Cameron Anderson Cassidy Anderson Preston Cuvilly Charlotte Howe Avery Page Declan Roby Respect Life Rose This week’s Respect Life Rose is In Loving Memory of Susan J. Argiento ~ Always In Our Hearts ~ Her Husband and Family. Sanctuary Lamp Memorial The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In Honor of our newly Confirmed from Fr. Seán. Bread and Wine Memorial The Eucharistic Bread and Wine for this week are In Honor of The Connick Family from Margie. Flower Memorial The Flowers on St Joseph’s Altar are for our dear Grandson, Joseph Ryan Stephen Hoffmann, who received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation ~ Love and Prayers, Grandma Jo and Grandpa Jim. Wedding Banns Please pray for the following couple who is preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony: (*St. Joseph’s, K.P.) Daniel Herbert * and Michelle Ricciardi * Please Remember In Your Prayers Those Who Are Sick Jane Przonek, Baby Abby Rose Iapoce, Maria Magdalen, Mildred Ingram, Helen Williams, Helen McDowell, Richard Belardo, Thomas Mooney, Nuala Gillearn, Judy Natour, Nina Finerman, Al Snolis, Anthony Ferrara, Sandi Ferrara, Michael Ferrara, Theresa Ferrara, Josephine Ferrara, Joseph Ferrara, Peter Ferrara, Bernadette Cicero, Gabriella Richter, Steven Richter, Sal Marinello Jr., Joan Blom, Sharon Biasi, Toni Ingenito, Anne Bernardi, Brianna Ferrara, Maryann Lerro, Fr. Manly, Pauline McDonnell, Eric Kobus, Gabe, Jaen, Catherine Healy, Victoria Rahn, Robert Schuster, Lena Spongberg, Michael John Ryan, Leah Langsam, Lorraine Grippi, Doris Terlaga, Sal Conigliaro, Michael Riordan, Herbert Haubeil, Dora Goldring, Robert Vencak, Jessica Allen, Dominick Laudato, Anna Sexton, Dorothy Konopka, Loretta Commins, Marianne Banks, Helen McDowell, Michael DiPippo, Frank Genna, Jimmy Kash, Sr., Anthony J. DiDonato, Joseph Montemurro, Silvestri Triplets, Debbie Ferrante, Arlene Caporaso, John DiPippo, Rosemarie Carroll, Peter Villar, Vincent Palmieri, Jessica Wolin, Evan Wolin, Maxine Ryan, Lisa Sayas, Debbie Neri, John Weber, Nicole Mallas, Henry Heedles, Phyllis Stabile, George Mueller, Daniel Salmon, Arthur Paoloni, Julie McDowell Scott, Thomas Mooney, Ann Carey, Kathleen Evans, Caitlin Zambito, Scott Frease, Susan Bennardo, Muriel Stoddard, Barbara Troiano, Kim Tortorella, Stephen Tucker, Patrick Dugan, Michael Leili, Jr. Those Who Have Died Hilda Fighera Gerard Ferrara Please Remember In Your Prayers Those In The Service LTC Aaron Allgeyer, US Airforce PFC Kiersten Armstrong, US Army Sgt. Michael J. Bang, US Army CPO Louis Barani, US Navy Lt. Timothy Barnikel, US Navy Airman James Tyler Bartram, US Airforce Ensign Barbara K. Beal, US Navy A1C Byron S. Beal, US Airforce Sgt. William Beisler, US Army Cpl. Ken Boss, USMC LCpl. Ronnie Brandafino, USMC Airman Nicholas Buttgereit, 106th Air Rescue, Air Guard 1st Lt. James Byler, USMC Cpl. Jesse Callahan, USMC PFC Ryan Canedo, USMC Sgt. Paul Canedo, USMC Pvt. 1st Class Frank Capozzoli, III, USMC PFC David Caulfield, US Army Staff Sgt. Michael Cavezza, 82nd Airborne 1st Lt. Adam Cecil, 82nd Airborne 1st Lt. Robert Cilla, US Airforce Cpl. Robert Conaghan, US Army Pvt. Joseph Covello, USMC Specialist Jason Dennington, US Army Sgt. Mark Dennington, US Army Sgt. Patrick Doherty, US Army PFC Chris Digangi, USMC Staff Sgt. James T. Drew, US Army LCpl. Peter Dudek, USMC PFC Robert Elsmore, US Army PFC Patrick. Fagan, USMC Captain Michael Farrell, USMC PFC Steaven Flannery, US Army Lt. Lauren O’Neill Fleming, US Navy Commander Edward Galvin, US Navy Captain Peter Gerboth, US Army Pvt. John Giacalone, US Army Staff Sgt. Laura Ann Hagmeyer, US Airforce LTC Jim Halloran, US Army Col. Brian Hand, US Airforce Major Emily Harris, US Airforce Sgt. Cory Holdorf, USMC 1st Lt. Brian Holleran, US Army Major Sean Hood, US Army LCDR Diane Howell, USNR Lt. J.G. Michael Hyne, US Coast Guard Major Lucian Icardi, US Army LCpl. Michael Johanidesz, USMC Pvt. Brendan Johnston, US Navy Lt. Brian K. Johnston, US Airforce Lt. Kevin W.F. Johnston, US Army Col. Corey Keppler, US Airforce Pvt. Daniel Kuhlmann, US Army Lt. Keith M. Laffman, US Navy Seaman Joseph Leahy, US Coast Guard Commander Steve Marty, US Navy Spc. Scott Michael Molloy, US Army CWO2 Frank E. Marano, III, US Navy T. Sgt. Michael R. Marotta, US Airforce Ranger Brian McGuire, US Army Sgt. Michelle Meyers, US Army 2nd Lt. Matthew F. Moore, US Army CPO Cole Norman, US Navy Seals Sgt. Donald Norton, US Army National Guard Sgt. Robert A. O’Connell, USMC Lt. Commander Patrick O’Reilly, US Navy Lt. Timothy O’Reilly, US Navy Cpl. August R. Oetting, III, USMC Lt. Alexandra Ostebo, US Army Lt. Denali Ostebo, US Army Captain Donald Pagel, Jr., USNR LCpl. Cory Paradine, USMC FM Henry J. Perez, US Navy Captain Carl Petersen, US Navy Col. Chris Reimer, US Army Airman Dylan Revere, Airforce Pvt. Joey Rinaldo, USMC LCpl. Edward F. Salmon, IV, USMC Captain Shaun Salmon, US Army FC2(SW) Nicholas Scott, US Navy Staff Sgt. Frank Segreto, US Airforce PFC Rick Silecchio, US Army 1st Lt. Douglas M. Sparacio, US Airforce Lt. Christian Stanco, US Coast Guard Captain Marc Stanco, US Airforce LTC Jeffrey Starke, US Army Airman Michael Strombelline, US Airforce Commander Edward J. Sullivan, US Navy Lt. Commander Colleen Symansky, US Coast Guard Pvt. 1st Class Michael Richard Theiss, US Army Commander Michael Tutoro, US Coast Guard SRA Brendan Johnson, US Airforce LCpl. Brian Weiyler, USMC ET, SS Thomas Wiese, US Navy Sr. Airman Matthew Winkeleer, US Airforce Cpl. Tyler Winterfield, USMC Spc. Daniel Wiwczar, National Guard Please Note: We are currently updating this list. Reviewing it would be appreciated. If you know anyone who no longer needs to be on this list, please notify the Parish Center (269-6635) so that our list can remain current. Thank you. Altar Servers If you are looking for a more meaningful experience at Mass, become an altar server. It is a great way to learn more about the Mass and to take an active role in the Church community. Altar serving is a privilege and a very special responsibility. It provides you the opportunity to become more involved in your faith and the Church. Altar servers learn responsibility and organization. Altar serving is a great community service opportunity. Anyone in 4th grade or older can become an altar server. Training classes are offered at different times throughout the year. We are holding a training class for new altar servers on Tuesday, May 24th in the Church from 5:00 to 6:30 PM. If you are interested in becoming an altar server, please email or call Diane Nally in our School of Religion office. [email protected] 631-269-4383 VIRTUS Articles... We Are Chosen! We are Blessed! By Paul Ashton, Psy.D., D.Min. “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” —Mark 16:15 With fond memories of Pope Francis’ wonderful visit to the United States, we recall here the inspiring words of his homily at the vespers service at Saint Patrick Cathedral, New York, “There is a cause for rejoicing here …” although “… you may for a time have to suffer the distress of many trials.” (1 Peter 1:6) These words of the Apostle remind us of something essential. Our vocation is to be lived in joy. Pope Francis continued, “Remembrance of the amazement which our encounter with Jesus Christ awakens in our hearts. To seek the grace of remembrance so as to grow in the spirit of gratitude. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves: are we good at counting our blessings?” his words of support and affirmation and reminds us that when we are challenged, we need to keep our focus and move forward. Pope Francis stated, “We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God’s people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God’s eyes. To see and evaluate things from God’s perspective calls for constant conversion in the first days and years of our vocation and, need I say, great humility. The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds: God sees to the fruits of our labors.” Our work these past 13 years to educate, inform and prevent child and vulnerable adult sexual abuse has been blessed. We know of these blessings through the countless stories of healing we have heard from those on the front lines. We have listened to the pain, and shared in the suffering of many victims who have come forth in hopes of healing. We stand in solidarity through prayer and perseverance with those whose voices have been silenced and are unable to come forward. They know we are there with them. Many have affirmed us; many encourage us and support us; many pray for us and for the success of our work. We hear many challenge us and say we are not doing enough, that we are dishonest and that they will never let us forget the horrible tragedies that have occurred. We count all as blessings. We know that we have not done enough, and that is why we continue in our work. We listen and we develop new programs and evaluate and improve the existing programs. We listen to victims and respond to their needs, and we support those who serve and assist them, and we respond as best we can. We know our program is but a mere steppingstone and a paradigm for empowerment and healing to take place. We honor and respect that. We are present in many arch/dioceses spreading the good news of our prevention programs near and far. We have trained thousands of facilitators from the pews of each of these arch/dioceses to go forth and bring our prevention programs to every church, school, hospital, orphanage, nursing home, hospice, rectory, monastery, friary, convent, soup kitchen, and into the hands of thousands of Catholic Charities outreach workers throughout the country. We take great comfort in the presence of our Holy Father Francis and in his words of encouragement to the workers in the vineyard, which we take for ourselves, “I know that many of you are in the front lines in meeting the challenges of adapting to an evolving pastoral landscape. Whatever difficulties and trials you face, I ask you, like Saint Peter, to be at peace and to respond to them as Christ did: he thanked the Father, took up his cross and looked forward!” We have educated children, teens and adults through our children’s programs in schools and religious education programs. We have sat with and listened to the anger, despair and outrage of hundreds of people who have been affected by this horror show and nightmare. We have been cursed at, called names, challenged, derided and demeaned. The arrows aimed at us have flown by day, and darkness covered many of our nights. Yet nothing has stopped us from perfecting the effectiveness our program. We have clung to it with fervor, and although many have politicized our work, message and effectiveness, we are not deterred. Why? Because we feel called and missioned to do so. We, as coordinators, directors, facilitators, volunteers, employees and administrators have answered this call with joy and great energy and commit ourselves to its mission to protect and heal. We count this entire blessing. We have been chosen for this ministry, and we recall our blessings no matter the cost. We count it all joy and blessing. We stand together to meet the needs of all of God’s Children with joy in our hearts and on our lips. Thank you for all you do, for all you are and for all you bring to the great table of our shared blessings and gifts. We are encouraged greatly by our leader Pope Francis who reminds us to count our blessings. He propels us forward with Thank you Pope Francis for all that you do for us and for the ways in which you show us God’s love. Thank you for making us proud to be who we are in the fullness of our history and in the present day in which we work. Thank you for reminding us to count our blessings and to be joyful. Thank you for leading us to Hope and Mercy and for teaching us not to be afraid. We heed well your words, and promise to follow your example, “Let us commend to Our Lady the work we have been entrusted to do; let us join her in thanking God for the great things he has done, and for the great things he will continue to do in us and in those whom we have the privilege to serve.” And we all say Amen! 2016 Summer Basketball Camp Sponsored By: St. Joseph’s Summer Sports Program We are happy to announce that Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset has agreed to allow us to add the August 8th to August 12th week at their air-conditioned gymnasium so that we can honor our commitment to all those who want to attend camp. Although the school district’s bond issue has eliminated the use of any Kings Park facility, the special reduced fee for all St. Joseph’s parishioners will be honored for all who attend the All-American Basketball Camp in Syosset under the direction of Gus Alfieri. The one-week session for boys and girls from Grades 3 through 11 (as of September 2016) Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 3:50 PM, from August 8th to August 12th. (Free early morning drop-off is also available) The camp’s special offer is open to all Parish CYO team participants, children of parishioners, residents of Kings Park school district. For further information, please contact Camp Director Gus Alfieri at (631) 265-7142, or email him at [email protected] and a flyer will be sent to you. May 15 – May 28, 2015 Parish Calendar Palm Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 AA 2PM Rm 107 AA 10AM Rm 106 NA 7PM Rm 106 Mother’s Club 9:30AM Rms 101, 103, 108 Children’s Choir 5:30PM CR Teen Choir 7PM CH AOH (Joint) Mtg. 7:300PM TH Pre-Baptism 7:30PM Rm 106 AA 10AM Rm 106 St. Joseph’s Ensemble 6PM TH Bereavement Ministry 7PM PC Icon Painting Class 10AM Rm 101 Saturday May 21 AA 10AM Rm 106 Chamber Choir 7:30PM CH Kings Park Irish Dancers 7PM Rm 108 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Nazareth Chapel 9:30 to 10:30 AM AA 7:30PM Rm 107 Contemporary Music Group 7:30PM CH NA 8PM Rm 106 CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM May 22 AA 2PM Rm 107 Eagle Scout Award Ceremony 2PM TH May 23 AA 10AM Rm 106 CDA, Jr. 6:30PM CR NA 7PM Rm 106 CDA 7PM TH May 24 Mother’s Club 9:30AM Rms 101, 103, 108 Children’s Choir 5:30PM CR Teen Choir 7PM CH May 25 May 26 AA 10AM Rm 106 Chamber Choir 7:30PM CH St. Joseph’s Ensemble 6PM TH May 27 May 28 AA 10AM Rm 106 Bereavement Ministry 7PM PC Martha’s Hands 7PM Rm 103 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Nazareth Chapel 9:30 to 10:30 AM Kings Park Irish Dancers 7PM Rm 108 AA 7:30PM Rm 107 Contemporary Music Group 7:30PM CH NA 8PM Rm 106 CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM St. Philip Neri Please call the Parish Center with schedule changes. Key for location of activities: TH = Travis Hall, CH = Church, PC = Parish Center, NC = Nazareth Chapel, LH = Lighthouse SC = School Chapel, CR = Centennial Room and Room Numbers are for classrooms in the School of Religion Building
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Bernadette Cicero, Gabriella Richter, Steven
Richter, Sal Marinello Jr., Joan Blom, Sharon
Biasi, Toni Ingenito, Anne Bernardi, Brianna
Ferrara, Maryann Lerro, Fr. Manly, Pauline
McDonnell, Eric Ko...
01/03/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
A., Mickey Murphy, Fr. Manly, Eric Kobus,
Catherine Healy, Michelle Hutchins, Michael
Ryan, Maxine Ryan, James Mahoney, Douglas
Corneille, Susan Bennardo, Anthony Ferrara,
Sandi Ferrara, Michael Fe...