01/03/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
01/03/16 - St. Joseph`s Parish
Office Hours Parish Phone – 269-6635 Parish Website – http:\\www.stjosephskp.org Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, 1:00 to 4:00 PM Wednesday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, l:00 to 5:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon Saturday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon l:00 to 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM Emergency calls may be made at any time. Parish Regional School – Holy Family Regional School is located at 2 Indian Head Road, Commack, NY. It offers a Catholic Education for Nursery School through Eighth Grade. For more information, please call: Phone – 543-0202 Website – www.holyfamilyregional.com To schedule a tour of the School please contact [email protected]. Celebrate The the Sacraments We Celebrate Sacraments The Sacrament of Baptism Registration: Parents are asked to register at the Parish Center at least a month before the date of Baptism. Preparation: The Pre-Baptism program is held in the school at 7:30 PM on the third Tuesday of every month. Ceremony: Baptism is celebrated on the first, second and fourth Sunday of the month at 1:30 PM. The Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements for weddings should be made at least eight months prior to the date of marriage. The Sacrament of Reconciliation In the Nazareth Chapel in the Parish Center on: Saturday: 4:00 to 4:45 PM Eve of Holy Days and of First Fridays: 4:00 to 4:45 PM The Sacrament of the Sick Arrangements for sacraments and visitation of the sick in the home or hospital are arranged through the Parish Center. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) The RCIA is the current form of instruction for those who wish to join the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received First Holy Communion, or are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact the Parish Center at 269-6635. Mass Intentions January 4, 2016 Monday, January 4 7:00 Dan Donaghy 8:45 Mary Jo Tew - Catherine Donnelly and Family Tuesday, January 5 7:00 Diane Seaman - George Sucich 8:45 Alfred Pensavalle - Kathryn Sedlock Wednesday, January 6 7:00 Mrs. Schadel - Ann and Jim Gaughan 8:45 Halina Staniczek - Kathryn Sedlock Thursday, January 7 7:00 Gandolfo Iraggi - The Cartisano Family 8:45 Margaret Gerardi - Her Children and Grandchildren Friday, January 8 7:00 Frank J. and Frances A. Lule 8:45 Anthony Varlese - Catherine Maurer Saturday, January 9 8:45 Patricia Dunne - Len Moss 5PM Lydia Garcia - Anita Rehrl 6:15 Joseph Haller - Carol Diamond Sunday, January 10 7:30 Beatrice Kirby - Her Family 9:00 Ernest Prete - The Van Ophemert Family 9:30 Purgatorial Mass 10:30 For Mass Guild Members 11:00 Joseph Haller - Marion Preisler 12:00 For All Our Parishioners 5PM Helen Dabrowski - The Rogers and Rzemyk Family Stewardship Is Our Way Of Life Second Collection Next Sunday’s second collection will be for Facility Maintenance. Thank you for your support. Due to the bulletin deadline for the holiday, the figures for this week’s collection were not available. They will be posted in next weekend’s bulletin. From the Desk of Fr. Seán ‘‘I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown’ And he replied, ‘Go into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way!’ So I went forth and finding the Hand of God Trod gladly into the night He led me towards the hills And the breaking of day in the lone East. So heart be still! What need our human life to know If God hath comprehension. In the dizzy strife of things Both high and low, God hideth His intention.’’ Minnie Louise Harkins 1875-1957 The dawning of a New Year evokes all sorts of emotions for each of us. There is the melancholy of seeing another year come to its close and the wariness of what the year ahead might bring. We know what we’ve had... we don’t know what we’re going to get. The year 2015 is not one that many of us will look back on with fond memory ~ it brought its own unique challenges, losses, and its ‘dizzy strife of things’. Hopefully, it also had its moments of happiness and blessings for each of you as well. As I look back over the past 12 months, I am reminded of challenges, sorrow and loss... and I also recall moments of great joy and happiness. So what of 2016? Perhaps the way we initiate this New Year is to follow the suggestion of the above poem ~ to place our hand into the Hand of God and allow Him to guide us gently and steadily through the days that lie ahead. In the good that comes to you this New Year ~ thank and bless God. In any misfortune and sorrow that may cross your path ~ trust that only God can draw good from the worst that life can bring. It’s no accident that the Solemnity of Mary ~ Mother of God is the threshold of the New Year. The Church gives us her example and intercession as we embark on the journey of these next 365 days. Let us faithfully follow her example of complete trust and confidence in God and be at peace, secure in the knowledge that she prays for us. In 2016 may you discover in wonderful and surprising ways The Infant King who was sought by Wise Men and shepherds... May the year ahead be filled with the presence of Emmanuel ~ God with Us... be mindful of the message of the Angel on that Wondrous Nite ~ ‘‘Be Not Afraid, I bring you tidings of great joy!’’ The intentions, hopes and prayers of each of you will be among my intentions as I celebrate the First Masses of this New Year ~ God Bless Each and Every One of You! Fr. Seán Parish Events Scouting News St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks ~ Save the Dates ~ St. Joseph’s Lucky Bucks tickets are being sold in the Parish Center during normal business hours. Tickets cost $1.00 each. A winner will be chosen every three months and will win half the amount that is collected. New tickets will be sold on January 4, 2016. Rosary Society Rosary Society will meet for Mass and Rosary on Monday, January 4th at 1:00 PM in the Nazareth Chapel. New members are welcome. No obligations except prayer support to each other. Dominican Village Open House Dominican Village is a not-for-profit Independent and Assisted Living Rental Retirement Community located in Amityville. They offer outstanding programs, all-inclusive services and bountiful amenities. They are holding an Open House from 1:00 to 3:00 PM on the following dates: Saturday, January 9th Thursday, January 14th Saturday, January 23rd Thursday, January 28th For more information or to schedule a tour at your convenience, please call 842-6091 or [email protected]. Boy Scout Sunday Mass Sunday, February 7, 2016 ~ 9:00 AM Girl Scout Sunday Mass Sunday, March 6, 2016 ~ 9:00 AM All scouts are invited to attend in uniform. Younger scouts will receive earned Catholic medals at these Masses. Altar Servers and EMs should get on the schedule for these dates. All other scouts participating in the Masses should register with Carolyn Flynn at 269-1145. Hats, Gloves and Socks Needed Marykate Haggerty and Amanda Hain, students at Holy Family Regional School, will be collecting men’s and women’s hats, gloves and socks for the homeless on behalf of their Girl Scout Troop. Please place any donations in the bin in the Atrium of the Parish Center during normal business hours. All items will be picked up on Sunday, January 17, 2016 and delivered to the Grand Central Neighborhood Shelter in New York City. If you have any questions, please call 2620912. Thank you for your support and generosity. Celebrate New Life Parents, grandparents, godparents, families and friends are invited to attend a Special Mass and Blessing of Babies at 12:30 PM in Travis Hall on Sunday, January 10, 2016. The blessing is for babies baptized during 2015. There will be hospitality following the Mass. Faith and Light Meeting Friday, January 8th ~ 7:00 PM St. Thomas More Church 115 Kings Hwy., Hauppauge, NY Faith and Light is an international faith-sharing organization for people with developmental challenges and their families and care-givers. For information call Marcia and Jack Gaudet at 439-9724. Parish Events Catholic Daughters of the Americas Education Contest Open to all Students in Grades 4 - 12 and CDA Members The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Ave Maria invites all students in grades 4 to 12 and Adult Members to participate in the 2016 Education Contest. The themes of the contest are: (Choose One) ‘‘We Are Stewards Of God’s Creation’’ and ‘‘How Do We Care For The Environment’’ It is a wonderful opportunity to share your talents and your faith through original artwork in the following categories: Grades 4-5: Grades 6-7-8: Essay, Poetry, Art, Computer Art Essay, Poetry, Art, Computer Art, Music, Photography Grades 9-10-11-12: Essay, Poetry, Art, Computer Art, Music, Photography Adult CDA Members: Poetry, Art, Computer Art, Photography You may contact Rosemary Geronimo at 2696297 for contest rules and all necessary forms. The deadline for all submissions is February 1, 2016. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place winners at local, state and national levels. Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect gift for each other? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend just might be what you are looking for. Renew, Restore, Refresh and Rekindle Your Sacramental Relationship. The next weekend on Long Island is scheduled for February 12th –14th, 2016 at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore, NY. Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at www.wwme.org. Katherine Martell Memorial Scholarship for Nursing In an effort to provide financial assistance to two worthy candidates (male or female) who wish to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Ave Marie #832, Kings Park, NY will award two scholarships in the amount of $500.00 each. One award will be given to a graduating senior from Kings Park High School or a child or grandchild of a CDA Court Ave Maria member in good standing or a member of our JCDA Court. The award will be paid in one lump sum, to the student, upon receiving proof of registration and payment of tuition to an accredited school of nursing. You may contact the Parish Center for scholarship rules and the necessary forms. Scripture Reflection The Epiphany Of The Lord All nations are invited to sing the Lord’s praises for they have been called to hear the good news and worship the long awaited Messiah and King with the gift of their lives. Epiphany gets its name right here, in the story of the three astrologers from the East. They saw a sign in the heavens, correctly understood it and chose to follow it no matter the personal costs. These three are fearless pilgrims, walking in the tiny light of a star, traveling by faith. They are called wise because they search the heavens and their dreams for direction from a source they cannot name. And in their zeal, they find the One they are looking for. The astrologers were the first Gentile followers of Jesus. Without the benefit of Scripture or the stories of salvation, without religion and its rituals, they made their way into the presence of Christ. Many have since followed in their winding footsteps, through many places and years, searching for the light that they do not entirely understand but are willing to risk everything for. Mainstream religion tends to scorn them, banish them to the New Age, ridicule their search. But some of them will find their way to the light, with or without our encouragement. We are challenged to locate the doorway to the new Jerusalem in your life – in those who gather in worship, in a place, or a circumstance – and work to keep that door wide open. Commit yourself to being open to the sacred, and give encouragement to those who are struggling to find their way to the light. St. Vincent de Paul The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank all the parishioners who were so generous this Christmas season. We would also like to thank all the communiy organizations for their support and the KPFD for their donation of food from the Christmas Parade. You all helped to make it possible for us to serve the needs of our clients. God’s blessing to you all! Guild Mass Intentions The following members will be included in the Mass Guild Intentions at the 10:30 Mass beginning January 10th, January 17th, January 24th and January 31, 2016. (*indicates Mass is for the living) For: Sonny Orlando Lawrence Taffner James Lewis James Lewis James Lewis Maryann and Kenneth Breed * Anslem Reynolds From: Barbara Stirnweis The Tuttle Family Bob and Gerry Creighton Noel and Ann Carey Knights of Columbus Council 821 Geraldine and Nick Guneri Geraldine and Nick Guneri St. Michael’s High School, East NY Class of 1966 Reunion Graduates of St. Michael’s High School Class of 1966 are organizing a 50th Anniversary Reunion for June, 2016. A planning committee is compiling a list of graduates and needs up-to-date contact information. If you are a graduate or know a graduate from the class of 1966, please send your contact information to: S. Pat Koehler, O.P. 450 Round Hill Road Roslyn Heights, NY 11577 or [email protected] Worldwide Marriage Encounter The search is underway for Longest Married Couple in the U.S. Do you think you know who they are? Maybe it’s your parents... grandparents… That nice couple who live down the street… Nominating a couple is easy! Just send their names, wedding date and where they live and your contact information to: [email protected] Nominations accepted until January 10, 2016. Winners will be announced February 2016 to celebrate World Marriage Day. Nominate a couple you know today! Pastoral Care Religious Education Minister to the Sick and Homebound Office Hours If you have a family member who is homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist, please call the Parish Center at 269-6635 to make arrangements. Monday ~ Wednesday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Thursday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Fridays ~ Closed Additional Times Available by Request If you or a loved one are in one of our local hospitals, please call the Parish Center so that a Pastoral visit can be made. Class Times st Dignity of Life Issues ‘‘Regardless of our circumstances and whether people acknowledge it, nothing and no one can take away our God-given dignity.’’ ~ USCCB 2015-16 Respect Life Program ‘‘Maggie’s Story: Living like Dad’’ www.goo.gl/JKnvWc Holy Hour Holy Hour will be Friday, January 8th, from 9:30 to 10:30 AM in the Nazareth Chapel. Life Center of Long Island OUR MISSION To promote, encourage and foster public sentiment and respect for the dignity of human life. OUR SERVICES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sonograms by a licensed physician. Crisis Intervention Counseling. Post Abortion Counseling. Hope Alive Counseling. Pregnancy Tests. Emergency Shelter. Information and guidance on employment, housing and continuing education. Baby items such as cribs, car seats, clothing, diapers. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats. Natural Family Planning Classes. Abstinence Education. Training for crisis pregnancy services. (516) 798-9100 www.lifecenterli.org th 1 – 6 Grade: 7th Grade: 8th Grade: 4:45 to 5:45 PM 7:00 to 8:00 PM Please See Calendar Classes resume Monday, January 4, 2016 Grade 8 All meet on Thursday, January 7th at 7:00 to 8:30 PM in Classrooms. Saint Report is due. Grade 7 No classes this week. Memorials Remembering Loved Ones Many parishioners have expressed an interest in making a monetary donation to cover the cost of flowers or the cost of bread and wine or Sanctuary Lamp for a period of one week, usually in memory of a loved one, living or deceased. If at any time you are interested in making such a donation, please call the Receptionist at the Parish Center (269-6635) or stop in to make arrangements. An acknowledge- ment of your offering will appear in the bulletin. Main Altar Flowers ............................$75.00 each or two pieces for $125.00 Blessed Mother’s Altar Flowers ................. $75.00 St. Joseph’s Altar Flowers ........................ $40.00 Bread and Wine ....................................... $25.00 Sanctuary Lamp ...................................... $25.00 Respect Life Rose ..................................... $10.00 Respect Life Rose This week’s Respect Life Rose is In Loving Memory of Susan J. Argiento ~ Always In Our Hearts ~ from Her Husband and Family. Sanctuary Lamp Memorial The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In Loving Memory of Jim Lewis from Mary Gann and Family. Bread and Wine Memorial The Eucharistic Bread and Wine for this week are for the Intentions of Jane Przonek. Religion and Rock Tune into ‘‘Religion and Rock’’ with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00 to 8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM. Next Sunday’s theme is ‘Life’s Struggles’. Don’t forget to tune in! Those Who Were Baptized This past week the following children were welcomed into the Church: Carl Carmella, IV Lorelai Schramm Please Remember In Your Prayers Those Who Are Sick Bill Stottler, Ann Marie Gordon, Joel Rapzker, Marion Mlodynia, Robert Schuster, Anthony Arone, Denise Hahn, Richard Affenit, Elizabeth Boyle, Ron Flood, Jessica A., Mickey Murphy, Fr. Manly, Eric Kobus, Catherine Healy, Michelle Hutchins, Michael Ryan, Maxine Ryan, James Mahoney, Douglas Corneille, Susan Bennardo, Anthony Ferrara, Sandi Ferrara, Michael Ferrara, Theresa Ferrara, Brianna Ferrara, Josephine Ferrara, Peter Ferrara, Gerard Ferrara, Bernadette Cicero, Gabriella Richter, Steven Richter, Sal Marinello Jr., Joan Blom, Sharon Biasi, Toni Ingenito, Anne Bernardi, Gail Torraca, Joy Blom, Julie McDowell-Scott, Michael DiPippo, Michael Gaudio, Patrick Dugan, Kathleen Wagner, Loretta Commins, Blanche Komarek, Nancy Nardi, Darlene DeNegres, Pauline McDonnell, Theresa Carioscia, Jack Sinnegan, Vincent Palmieri, Jessica Wolin, Evan Wolin, Donald Kuhn, Audrey Graf, Kathleen Cmarada-Saldana, Silvestri Triplets, Lisa Sayar, Debbie Neri, John Weber, Katherine Ansbach, Connie Anderson, Christopher Mullaney, Gloria Leggrottaglie, Thomas Roberts, Oscar Barahona, Kathy Worshman, Susan Bennardo, Frank Wojcik, Gabe Jaen, Louis Ranucci, Nadine Melnik, Al Snolis, Rosemarie Carroll, Frank Genna, Kathleen Casey, Loretta Tucker, Robert Ansbach, Anthony J. DiDonato, Amy Whittaker Those Who Have Died James Lewis Marie Giattino Elizabeth Schreiner Please Remember In Your Prayers Those In The Service LTC Aaron Allgeyer, US Airforce PFC Kiersten Armstrong, US Army Sgt. Michael J. Bang, US Army CPO Louis Barani, US Navy Lt. Timothy Barnikel, US Navy Airman James Tyler Bartram, US Airforce Ensign Barbara K. Beal, US Navy A1C Byron S. Beal, US Airforce Sgt. William Beisler, US Army Cpl. Ken Boss, USMC LCpl. Ronnie Brandafino, USMC Airman Nicholas Buttgereit, 106th Air Rescue, Air Guard 1st Lt. James Byler, USMC Cpl. Jesse Callahan, USMC PFC Ryan Canedo, USMC Sgt. Paul Canedo, USMC Pvt. 1st Class Frank Capozzoli, III, USMC PFC David Caulfield, US Army Staff Sgt. Michael Cavezza, 82nd Airborne 1st Lt. Adam Cecil, 82nd Airborne 1st Lt. Robert Cilla, US Airforce Cpl. Robert Conaghan, US Army Specialist Jason Dennington, US Army Sgt. Mark Dennington, US Army Sgt. Patrick Doherty, US Army PFC Chris Digangi, USMC Staff Sgt. James T. Drew, US Army LCpl. Peter Dudek, USMC PFC Robert Elsmore, US Army PFC Patrick. Fagan, USMC Captain Michael Farrell, USMC PFC Steaven Flannery, US Army Lt. Lauren O’Neill Fleming, US Navy Commander Edward Galvin, US Navy Captain Peter Gerboth, US Army Pvt. John Giacalone, US Army Staff Sgt. Laura Ann Hagmeyer, US Airforce LTC Jim Halloran, US Army Col. Brian Hand, US Airforce Major Emily Harris, US Airforce Sgt. Cory Holdorf, USMC 1st Lt. Brian Holleran, US Army Major Sean Hood, US Army LCDR Diane Howell, USNR Lt. J.G. Michael Hyne, US Coast Guard Major Lucian Icardi, US Army LCpl. Michael Johanidesz, USMC Pvt. Brendan Johnston, US Navy Lt. Brian K. Johnston, US Airforce Lt. Kevin W.F. Johnston, US Army Col. Corey Keppler, US Airforce Pvt. Daniel Kuhlmann, US Army Lt. Keith M. Laffman, US Navy Seaman Joseph Leahy, US Coast Guard Commander Steve Marty, US Navy Spc. Scott Michael Molloy, US Army CWO2 Frank E. Marano, III, US Navy T. Sgt. Michael R. Marotta, US Airforce Ranger Brian McGuire, US Army Sgt. Michelle Meyers, US Army 2nd Lt. Matthew F. Moore, US Army Sgt. Donald Norton, US Army National Guard Cpl. Robert A. O’Connell, USMC Lt. Commander Patrick O’Reilly, US Navy Lt. Timothy O’Reilly, US Navy Cpl. August R. Oetting, III, USMC Lt. Alexandra Ostebo, US Army Admiral Thomas Ostebo, US Coast Guard Captain Donald Pagel, Jr., USNR LCpl. Cory Paradine, USMC FM Henry J. Perez, US Navy Captain Carl Petersen, US Navy Col. Chris Reimer, US Army Airman Dylan Revere, Airforce Pvt. Joey Rinaldo, USMC LCpl. Edward F. Salmon, IV, USMC Captain Shaun Salmon, US Army FC2(SW) Nicholas Scott, US Navy Staff Sgt. Frank Segreto, US Airforce PFC Rick Silecchio, US Army 1st Lt. Douglas M. Sparacio, US Airforce LTC Jeffrey Starke, US Army Airman Michael Strombelline, US Airforce Commander Edward J. Sullivan, US Navy Lt. Commander Colleen Symansky, US Coast Guard Pvt. 1st Class Michael Richard Theiss, US Army Commander Michael Tutoro, US Coast Guard SRA Brendan Johnson, US Airforce LCpl. Brian Weiyler, USMC ET, SS Thomas Wiese, US Navy Sr. Airman Matthew Winkeleer, US Airforce Cpl. Tyler Winterfield, USMC Spc. Daniel Wiwczar, National Guard Please Note: We are currently updating this list. Reviewing it would be appreciated. If you know anyone who no longer needs to be on this list, please notify the Parish Center (269-6635) so that our list can remain current. Thank you. Our Lady of Knock Garden of Remembrance To commemorate St. Joseph’s 125th Jubilee Year and to honor the unique contributions of Irish Americans to our Parish and the Kings Park Community, the Ancient Order of Hibernians of Division Three (Men, Ladies and Juniors) have given a striking statue of Our Lady of Knock - Queen of Ireland, as a gift to the parish. Surrounding this impressive statue is a carefully crafted brick plaza and adjoining benches. The brick pavers that cover this plaza are being made available for engraving. Those who would like to participate might want to honor the memory of a loved one, or you might choose to add your family name to the plaza as we celebrate this special Jubilee Year. The offering for each brick is $125.00 and a sample order form is shown on the opposite page of this announcement. If interested, please feel free to call the Parish Office with any questions you may have. St. Joseph’s Church 59 Church Street Kings Park, New York 11754 Our Lady of Knock Remembrance Garden Purchaser’s Name:________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ Phone:___________________________________________________________ NOTE: Maximum of 13 letters per line including spaces. Lettering will be centered on Paver. Layout A: For Memorializing A Loved One Centered Cross 2 Lines of Inscription Layout B: 3 Lines of Inscription For Office Use Only: Donation: $125.00 Approved by Purchaser:_______________________________________________ January 3 – January 16, 2015 Parish Calendar Palm Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 AA 2PM Rm 107 AA 9:30AM Rm 106 NA 7PM Rm 106 Mother’s Club 9:30AM Rms 101, 103, 108 Children’s Choir 5:30PM CR Teen Choir 7PM CH AOH (Ladies) 7:30PM TH SVDP Mtg. 7:30PM CR AA 9:30AM Rm 106 St. Joseph’s Ensemble 6PM TH RCIA 7PM CR Kings Park Irish Dancers 7PM Rm 108 Icon Painting Class 10AM Rm 101 Religious Ed Grade 8 – ALL In Classrooms 7:00-8:30 PM AA 9:30AM Rm 106 Saturday January 9 AOH (Ladies) Mtg. 2PM CR AOH Joint Installation 7PM TH Chamber Choir 7:30PM CH AA 7:30PM Rm 107 Contemporary Music Group 7:30PM CH NA 8PM TH Religious Education ~~ Grades 1–6 ~~ 4:45 to 5:45 PM CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM St. Elizabeth Seton January 10 Catholic Committee on Scouting 10AM Rm 102 Blessing of Babies w/Hospitality 12:30PM TH AA 2PM Rm 107 January 11 AA 9:30AM Rm 106 CDA, Jr. 6:30PM Rm 101 January 12 Mother’s Club 9:30AM Rms 101, 103, 108 Children’s Choir 5:30PM CR Boy Scout Committee Mtg. 6:45PM Rm 102 Jr. Hibernians 7PM CR NA 7PM Rm 106 St. John Neumann Teen Choir 7PM CH January 13 AA 9:30AM Rm 106 St. Joseph’s Ensemble 6PM TH RCIA 7PM CR Kings Park Irish Dancers 7PM Rm 108 AA 7:30PM Rm 107 January 14 Religious Ed Grade 7 7:00-8:00PM In Classrooms January 15 January 16 AA 9:30AM Rm 106 Grade 8 – Groups A&B In Travis Hall 7:15-8:15PM Chamber Choir 7:30PM CH Contemporary Music Group 7:30PM CH CYO Coaches Mtg. 7:30PM Rm 104 NA 8PM TH AOH (Men’s) 8PM TH Religious Education ~~ Grades 1–6 ~~ 4:45 to 5:45 PM CYO ~~ Ball Fields 1, 2 & 4 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM Please call the Parish Center with schedule changes. Key for location of activities: TH = Travis Hall, CH = Church, PC = Parish Center, NC = Nazareth Chapel, LH = Lighthouse SC = School Chapel, CR = Centennial Room and Room Numbers are for classrooms in the School of Religion Building
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