September 28, 2014 - Our Lady of Peace Lynbrook
September 28, 2014 - Our Lady of Peace Lynbrook
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS THIS SUNDAY MASSES FOR THE WEEK In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi which is on October 4th, the Blessing of the Animals will take place next Sunday, October 5th at 1:45PM in Our Lady of Peace Schoolyard. Please bring your pets to be blessed. If at all possible, please bring one can of cat or dog food as a donation. Thank you. Monday, 9/29/14—Sts. Michael, Gabriel, & Raphael, Archangels 7:00 AM Pio & Maria Gerardi 9:00 AM Francis Duffy Tuesday, 9/30/14—St. Jerome, Priest & Doctor 7:00 AM Loretta Rom 9:00 AM Angela & Sherman Glass 1:30 PM Rosary, Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration (In Honor of Students & Teachers) Wednesday, 10/1/14— St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin & Doctor 7:00 AM Anthony John Palmero 9:00 AM Multiple Intentions Mass: Intentions of Anne Bailey & Agnes Mueller Thursday, 10/2/14—The Holy Guardian Angels 7:00 AM Maryanne Gallagher 9:00 AM Anna & Vincent Oliva Friday, 10/3/14—Weekday—First Friday 7:00 AM Loretta Rom 9:00 AM Anna & Al Largo Saturday, 10/4/14—St. Francis of Assisi 9:00 AM Kevin Dowd 10:45 AM Wedding: Marianne Ward / Ryan Wegener Sunday, 10/5/14—Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM Sat. Multiple Intentions Mass: Jim Phillips; Marie & Jim Meaney; Joseph Tripodi; Mathew Valenza; Alice Ajemian 8:00 AM Sun. PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 9:30 AM Ints. of Clara Cino 11:00 AM Patricia Enos 12:30 PM Sadie & John Casamento 3:15 PM Wedding: Kathy Lorenzo / Christopher Rowan CONFIRMATION PROGRAM FOR GRADES 7 & 8 Class for students in Grades 7 and 8, preparing for Confirmation, will begin on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1ST. We will meet in the church. Parents are also asked to attend. GRADE 7—will meet at 7PM GRADE 8—will meet at 7:45PM This opening class is ONLY for Religious Education students and their parents. The program will be introduced for the year. Journals, textbooks and calendars will be distributed. Students will also get their class assignments at this time. Christina Cedrone 2014 BREAD & WINE—ROSE FOR LIFE We have openings to memorialize the Bread & Wine or the Rose for Life during October, November & December of this year. Please contact the Rectory if you are interested in memorializing a loved one in this special way. 2015 MEMORIALS The Bread & Wine, Rose for Life and Sanctuary Candle memorials for 2015 will open on Monday, September 29th. The Bread & Wine can now be purchased separately at $25 each: that is, $25 for the Altar Bread to be memorialized or $25 for the Altar Wine to be memorialized. Please stop by the rectory for your requests. BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST TIME: Nicole DeFrancesco, OLP / Sean O’Leary, St. Boniface, Elmont Melissa Nestico and Matthew Nolan, both from OLP Kristin Miller, OLP / Jeremy Garrett, St. Barnabas, Bellmore SECOND TIME: TODAY IS HOSPITALITY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 Ivonne Mateo & Thomas Faure, both from OLP THIRD TIME: Marianne Ward, OLP / Ryan Wegener, Oceanside, NY Lisa Vita, OLP / Daniel Labozetta, St. Louis DeMontfort, Sound Beach, NY Kathy Lorenzo, OLP / Christopher Rowan, St. Catherine of Sienna, Franklin Square, NY Please join us for bagels, sweet treats, coffee/tea, or juice and an opportunity for fellowship with parishioners after the 8AM, 9:30AM, & 11AM Masses in the Fr. Larry Penzes Auditorium of our school. 2 419 Grant Us Your Salvation! IN THE CHARITY OF YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE PRAY FOR THE ILL, ESPECIALLY: Ann Piraino, Dorothy PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Berkery, Claire Kane, Mary DePinto, Bridget Vogt, Rosalie Filauri, Philomena Picone, Debbie Roger, Desiree Gerardi, Diane Northrup, Margaret Casina, Melanie Solis, Catherine Schneider, Pat Rupprecht, Nikki Robertson, Marie DiBlasi, Joe Gaetani, Kevin O’Brien, Kevin Ledwith, Matt McCormack, Ben Boschen, Edward Marron, Miguel Guarado, Christopher Carney, Catalina Fernandez, Eileen McKenna, Marie & Barbara Naso, Stephen May, Rita & Ronnie Powell, Charlie Harrigan, Nick Curra. (List will remain approximately four weeks. After that time, you may call to renew your request for prayers). AND FOR THE DECEASED, ESPECIALLY: John T. Stancarone; Fred A. Cornicello BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine this week has been donated in loving memory of Joseph A. Pace, from the Incontro Family. THE ROSE FOR LIFE The Rose For Life this week has been donated in loving memory of Kevin Dowd. “Happy Birthday in Heaven.” SANCTUARY CANDLE The Sanctuary Lamp this week has been donated in loving memory of the Dec. Mbrs of the Vetere Family: Genevieve, Louis, Theodore, Gerald & Albert. WE HAVE BREAD AND WINE ($50) , ROSE FOR LIFE ($10) and SANTUARY CANDLE ($10) WEEKLY MEMORIALS available for 2014. Stop by the Rectory and make arrange- ments. AROUND OUR PARISH..… — HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Tuesday from 1:30 to 2:30PM in the Church. Please join us at 1:30 as we pray the Rosary. There will be Benediction on the 1st Tuesday of each month. — MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA - Please stay and pray with us every Saturday morning after the 9AM Mass in the Church. —TWICE BLESSED THRIFT SHOPPE - Open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:30AM to 2:30PM all year long. Please leave only gently-used clothing and other items. —CYO - for any information regarding CYO please visit our website at —OLP SPIRIT SPACE—MEDITATION/READING GROUP- Every Thursday from 7:30PM-9:30PM in the Parish House. —YOUTH GROUP (7th-12th graders)—for information about our wonderful Youth Group contact Marianna Marano or Tiffany Poteat at [email protected]. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND OCTOBER 5, 2014 Is 5:1-7; Phil 4:6-9; Mt 21:33-43 Reflection: Adults: Will we see Jesus in each person that we meet in our daily lives? Will we remember that Jesus might speak to us through many different people? Children: Will you remember to treat everyone in our family, in school, and when we play with kindness? Will we make sure that we never bully anyone? 3 419 PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR ARMED FORCES, ESPECIALLY: Chaplain Col. Mark Rowan, U.S.A.F.; Chaplain Maj. James Krische, U.S. Army; Chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Robert Coyle, U.S.N.; Sgt. Kevin Kearney, Special Forces, U.S. Army; Cpl. Manuel Callejas-Rodas, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. Alvah E. Ingersoll, U.S.M.C.; Ltjg. Michael Harmon, U.S.N.; Safaridin Khan, U.S.A.R.; Maj. Eric M. Carrano, U.S.A.F.; Pvt. Kristopher Lewis, U.S. Army; Pfc. Kristian Kleffmann, U.S. Army; PV2 Joseph C. Lisciandri, M.P.; Pvt. lst Cl. Joseph DeFilippe, U.S.A.F.; Sgt. Christian Orellana, U.S. Army; lst Lt. Clayton Z. Cohn, U.S. Army; Sgt. Robert J. Lant, U.S. Army; Pfc. Dan McEnerney, U.S. Army; Rick Soethout, U.S. Army; Paul Barrett, Special Forces U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Matthew Conn, U.S. Army; Maj. John Sottnik, U.S. Army; Cpt. Lee Zeldin, U.S. Army.; Sgt. Brian James Dolan, U.S. Army; Capt. Michael A. DeVita, U.S.A.F.; Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Delamere, U.S.C.G.; Staff Sgt. Albert Santini, III, U.S.M.C.; Pvt. lst Cl .Michael Deras, U.S. Army; Pfc. Matthew Duggan, U.S.M.C., U.S. Navy; Petty Officer Christopher Nusselt, U.S. Army; Private 1st Class Gregory Nusselt; Maj. Colleen Fitzpatrick, U.S.A.F.; L.Cpl. Ryan Carriddi, USMC; Alan Murphy, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Stephen Szalai, U.S.N.; Pv2 Alejandro Arroyave, U.S. Army; Michael Stapleton, U.S.M.C.; Mark Callei, U.S. Navy; Lt. Steven Fusswinkel, U. S. Navy; Captain Maureen Dooley, U.S.M.C.; Lt. Col. A. J. Griffin, U.S.A.F.; Spc. Christopher Nevin, U.S. Army; Pvt. Frank J. Pascale, U.S.M.C.; Cpt. Ryan Harmon, U.S. Army; Sgt. William T. Heritage, U.S. Army; CWS3 Pablo Cheveres, U.S. Army;1st Lt. Steven R. Liguori, Jr., U.S. Army; L. Cpl. Brendan Hennessy, U.S.M.C.; Maj. Gregory John Mueller, USMC; 1st Lt. Justin Gill, U.S. Army Aviation, Pvt. 1st Cl. Steven Sprague, U.S. Army, Cpt. Brian Peterson, U.S.A.F.; R.C.T Kenneth Alexander Arrigale, U.S.M.C.; L.Cpl. Christopher Aubin, U.S.M.C.; Col. Michael Deegan, U.S. Army. IMPORTANT: Please be kind enough to contact Lynn at the Rectory if you would like your loved ones removed from or added. to our Prayer List . JOB BANK OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISHIONERS HELPING PARISHIONERS… Please note: Our Lady of Peace can not specifically endorse nor recommend anyone on this list. We are just able to list individuals looking for employment. For further information, please call the Office of Parish Social Ministry at 599-7448. RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE… —Seeking Office Position. Experienced in all aspects of office procedures including record keeping, scheduling appointments, conference meetings, preparing financial reports. Computer knowhow, especially, MS Windows, skilled in speedwriting and typing (70 wpm), possess excellent verbal and written skills. Capable of working independently, initiating and coordinating projects, as well as communicating well and working with staff. If you have an opening for someone who is competent and will be an asset to your firm, please call Barbara at (516) 285-6875. —Are You Looking for a Painter? Reliable, reasonable rates. Quick and neat! If you can use my services, please call Tom at (516) 524-3026. —Seeking Position in Finances. Extensive experience in finances and accounting. Kept financial records of grants, contracts, cash receipt payments, coded invoices. Composed reports of expenses, expenditures, and budget amendments. Supervised staff of procedures for federal, state, and private agencies. Computer savvy in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, and Internet. If you have a position which requires someone who has excellent organizational and communicational skills and can handle diversified duties, please contact Gayla at (516) 426-5961. —Seeking HHA/Companion Position. Years of experience of caring for clients at home. Assisting them with personal hygiene, walking, monitoring medications, preparing meals, light housekeeping, and errands. Looking for night-overnight job. If you need someone to provide compassionate, reliable, professional care, please phone Joan at (516) 593-2595. —Life Center desperately needs the following: • Clothes for girls and boys sizes 0-6 and 18-24 mos. • Toiletries: i.e. wipes, baby soaps, shampoo, diaper rash creams, powders, etc. • Crib sheets, bottles, hooded towels, washcloths, diaper bags. • Non-drop side cribs, bassinets, pack-n-plays, car seats— both infant and toddler, strollers Thank you for any help you can provide to help us support these women, especially those who are in crisis. Donations can be dropped off at our Deer Park location: Life Center of L.I., 1767 Deer Park Ave., Deer Park, NY (across the street from St. Cyril & Methodious Roman Catholic Church and next door to Boyd-Carratozollo funeral Home). Any further questions can be answered by calling (631) 243-2373. —October is Respect Life Month and Oct. 5th is Respect Life Sunday. Christianity teaches that human life begins from the moment of conception and ends with natural death. LifeNews is the #l single issue, pro-life web site on the Internet. Send donations to; P.O. Box 270841; Fort Collins, Co. 80527. For discussion of the fallout from the Hobby Lobby decision and ongoing attacks on religious freedom to the DRVC’s 4 419 TIME, TALENT & TREASURE LUCKY NUMBER CLUB SEPTEMBER WINNERS This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to use, we gratefully salute our CYO Board and Coaches. 1st Prize: $500– Mary Chin 2nd Prize: $300- Mr. & Mrs. Scott Martin 3rd Prizes: $50- Jacqueline McDermott $50- Catherine Fucci $50- Camille Emmett $50- Susan Kelly Stewardship Thought for the Week The second son in today’s Gospel said he would do his father’s bidding, but did not. The first son balked at the first, but then repented and did as he was asked. What service is God calling me to do? Which son am I more like? Parish Sacrificial Giving Collection from last weekend: Collection from the same weekend last year $12,358.00 $12,659.00 CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS ON LONG ISLAND Thank you for your generosity to your parish. Discover the learning opportunities available to your family at the following ten catholic High Schools: 2014 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2014 Sun., 9/28 12PM-2:30PM as of September 17, 2014 PARISH GOAL: $81,800 AMOUNT PLEDGED TO DATE: $69,525 AMOUNT PAID TO DATE: $ 59,650 NUMBER OF GIFTS: 269 OCTOBER 2014 Sat., 10/4 10AM-1PM 11AM-2PM 2PM-4PM Sun., 10/5 10AM-1PM 2PM-4:30PM Sat., 10/18 9AM-12PM Sun., 10/19 10:30AM-2PM Thank you for your sacrifice to the Catholic Ministries Appeal which helps so many. Holy Trinity H.S. Kellenberg Memorial H.S . Sacred Heart Academy Chaminade H.S. St. Anthony’s H.S. St. Mary’s H.S. McGann-Mercy Dioc. H.S. St. John the Baptist Dioc. H.S. REMEMBER THE CATHOLIC H.S. ENTRANCE EXAM WILL TAKE PLACE ON OCTOBER 25TH. ALL ARE WELCOME! Do you or someone you know wish to become a Catholic? Do you need to receive the sacraments of First Communion or Confirmation? Come join us in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. Please call Sister Grace at 593-5150 for more information. MEMORIALS NEW VESTMENTS We have new vestments that are available to be memorialized. We have both chasubles and stoles. Anyone interested in remembering a loved one in this way can contact Ann Marie in the Rectory at 5996414, Ext. 140. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP For Men and Women—get help, give help! LET US WELCOME OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church Point Lookout Wednesdays: 2PM-3:15PM (gathering at 1:45PM) Starting, October 1st Facilitator: Jack Dumas, Ph.D. Registration required, call Jack at (516) 889-2477. Cyrus Armendariz Seth Armendariz DeLaurian Marie Hamilton Emily Grace McGee 5 419 RACHEL’S VINEYARD THE AVON WALK FOR BREAST CANCER Do you know someone who is hurting from an abortion? The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our next Rachel’s vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of October 3-5, 2014. This retreat is conducted in English and Spanish. For information call Deacon Joe McNicholas at (516) 445-3927 or e-mail: [email protected]. Communication is strictly confidential. To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard visit: or call 1-877HOPE-4-ME. 2 AMAZING DAYS– OCT. 18TH & 19TH 39 LIFE-SAVING MILES We need your help! You may already know someone whose life has been touched by breast cancer. If you don’t, chances are you someday will. Now is the time to take action! Your tax-deductible donation can help to support medical research into the possible causes of and cure for breast cancer, education and early detection programs, and clinical carE and support services for women with breast cancer in communities across the country. There is a special focus on helping medically underserved women: the poor, minorities, the elderly or those with inadequate health insurance. Also, most of the money granted by the Foundation goes back to the communities where it was raised, supporting everything from local grassroots programs to national organizations. You can learn more about the Foundation at To make a donation, just visit our fundraising page at team_id=127660&fr_id=2366&pg=team. If you prefer to write a check, please make it payable to “Avon Walk for Breast Cancer” and send it to: The Vassallo Family, 51 Second St., Lynbrook, NY 11563. Please make all donations by Saturday, October 11th. In the time it took you to read this letter, another woman or man has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Please donate now to support this crusade to save lives. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and your support! Tricia, Micaela & Keira Vassallo OLP Parishioners THIS WEEK AROUND OUR PARISH... THE SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC INVITE YOU… — to their Harvest Homecoming Fundraiser, benefitting Homecoming Farm, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Dominic in Amityville which will be held on Oct. 5th from 12 noon to 5PM. Join us for music dancing raffles and great food and wine held in beautiful Helen Butler Hall at Dominican Village. Celebrate our honoree, Kathie M. Eagan, Class of ‘77, Dominican Commercial H.S. Tickets are $60 for adults, and $10 for children. For more information please contact S. Jeanne Clark at (631) 842-6000, Ext. 307. —to this year’s preparation for the 800th Anniversary of the Dominican Order, the Sisters of St. Dominic, Amityville, invite you to pray with them at their Sunday Vesper’s Service on Oct. 19th at 4PM at the Motherhouse Chapel at 555 Albany Ave., Amityville. “Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.” St. Francis of Assisi 6 419 7 419 8 419 9 419 10 419
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