Don Orione Fathers St. Joseph
Don Orione Fathers St. Joseph
Don Orione Fathers St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish MASS INTENTIONS MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays in the Chapel downstairs (Mon - Sat) 9 am Saturday, July 26, 2014 Blessed Virgin Mary 9am Saturday 4 pm Sunday 9 am & 11 am 4pm St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence Don Orione Fathers. Community Mass: Colagiovanni, Gaudino, Ruggiero & Buda Families by family Deceased members of the Manning Family by family Charlotte DeSimone by family Lanagan & Laskey Families Anthony DeMeo, Sr. by Tina and family Dave Macey Modestino & Vincenza DiStasio and Vittoria DiStasio by family Sunday, July 27, 2014 9am Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 11am People of the Parish Monday, July 28, 2014 9am Joseph Gaudino by family Tuesday, July 29, 2014 St. Martha 9am Jack Irwin by the St. Vincent de Paul Society Wednesday, July 30, 2014 St. Peter Chrysologus, bishop & doctor of the church PARISH INFORMATION Fr. Mirek Kowalczyk F.D.P. - Pastor Judith Mullen - Parish Secretary Paul Racki - Music Director/Organist Maria Zolla - Religious Education Director 9am Mark E. Molloy by family Thursday, July 31, 2014 St. Ignatius Loyola, priest 9am Monsignor Kempa by parishioners and Fr. Mirek Friday, August 1, 2014 Parish Office: 59 Ashley Street Phone: 617.569.0406 Fax: 617.569.8212 E-Mail: [email protected] St. Alphonsus Liguori, bishop & doctor of the church 9am Sacred Heart of Jesus Saturday, August 2, 2014 Blessed Virgin Mary 9am 4pm Our Lady of Fatima Madeline DeBrino by family Sunday, August 3, 2014 9am People of the Parish 11am Josephine Fucci by family FROM THE PASTOR 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time If you had to evacuate your home in a few minutes, what two or three items would you want to take with you? What’s the most priceless thing in your house? Chances are that it is something that has sentimental value: a grandparent’s watch, a photo album, or a letter written by a loved one. We know we can always replace things we buy, but the truly valuable things are those that we treasure in our hearts. They represent the bonds of love that make us who were are. We spend a lot of time pursuing treasure that is not all that valuable. Think of all the time that can be wasted trying to make more money, get a better car, or build a bigger home. Yet we would trade it all for our family, for health, or for love. So why don’t we spend more time pursuing the things that count? Choosing your values and then acting on them is a decision that every couple needs to make. Do you take a job that pays more, but requires lots of overtime? Or do you make due with the smaller home or older car so that you can spend time together? Find the things on which you spend the most time, money and effort and you’ll find your treasure. Let us pray for Sebastiana Usrino who was buried from our parish during the last week. Our condolences and prayers to her family and friends. May she rest in peace. Amen. REFLECTION What is your new life in Christ worth to you? Do you love His words more than gold and silver, as we sing in today’s Psalm? Would you, like the characters in the Gospel today, sell all that you have in order to possess the kingdom He promises to us? If God were to grant any wish, would you follow Solomon’s example in today’s First Reading—asking not for a long life or riches, but for wisdom to know God’s ways and to desire His will? The background for today’s Gospel, as it has been for the past several weeks, is the rejection of Jesus’ preaching by Israel. The kingdom of heaven has come into their midst, yet many cannot see that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises, a gift of divine compassion given that they—and we, too—might live. We too must ever discover the kingdom anew, to find it as a treasure ‐ a pearl of great price. By comparison with the kingdom, we must count all else as rubbish. And we must be willing to give up all that we have—all our priorities and plans—in order to gain it. Jesus’ Gospel discloses what Paul, in today’s Epistle, calls the purpose of God’s plan. That purpose is that Jesus be the firstborn of many brothers. His words give understanding to the simple, the childlike. As Solomon does today, we must humble ourselves before God, giving ourselves to His service. Let our prayer be for an understanding heart, one that desires only to do His will. We are called to love God, to delight in His law, and to forsake every false way. And we are to conform ourselves daily ever more closely to the image of His Son. If we do this, we can approach His altar as a pleasing sacrifice, confident that all things work for the good— that we whom He has justified, will also one day be glorified. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday ‐ Friday 8 am ‐ 4 pm PRAYER CORNER FUNDRAISING Please keep the following in your prayers: Joseph Guarino, Jamie Brauer, Anna Kavjian, Joseph Curry, Christopher DiRuzza, Mike & Sarah Enos, Jim Manning, Claire Burke, Paul and Susan Shramm, Peggy Celata, Bill Berube, Janet, McKenna Snow, Raj Mistri, Joseph Testa, Diane DiGiacomo, Doreen Gattie, Susan Guadagno, Joseph Serilla, Patricia Andrews, Julia Ferrara, Thomas Haddad, Joan Leone, Marty Allen, Jerry Mazzarella, Janice Fantasia, Jeanett Marano, Kerri Antonuccio, Athena Fantasia, Paul Martorano, James Butler, Phyllis Barrasso, Marie LoDuco, Josephine Moloney, Josephine Giuffre‐Lee, Joey Vellucci, Albert Angelone, Robert Stockwell, Jennie Colantonio, Christopher Coco, Margaret Labadini, Anthony Pascucci, Jennie D’Amico, Debra Berrigan, Connie McNeil. HOLIDAY BAZAAR 2014 CRAFTERS/VENDORS WANTED! Tables are available to rent, now, for our Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at the Don Orione Function Hall. Our Holiday Bazaar has always been a big success as a fundraiser for our church and has also been a successful community event as well. Call Eleanor at 617.569.3405 ASAP for more information on renting a table and an application. ROSARY: Every morning at 8.30 am before Mass. CONFESSION: Saturday 3 ‐ 3:45 pm or by appointment. BAPTISM: Please call the rectory to make arrangements. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Arrangements must be made with priest for oneself, an elder or sick person to receive the Sacrament of Anointing. HOLY COMMUNION OF THE SICK: First Friday of the month. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. CHOIR NEWS: The youth and adult choirs will be taking the summer off. We are always looking for new members for both choirs, please consider joining us when we start up again in September. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS CCD registration for all grades will take place the weekend of September 7 after all Masses. Classes for grades 1 ‐ 8 will begin September 14 after the 9am Mass. Confirmation class, grades 9 and 10, start date TBD. Interested in becoming a CCD teacher please contact Maria Zolla at stj‐[email protected] 2014 GRAND ANNUAL UPDATE We are almost at our 2014 Grand Annual Goal but we won’t get there without your help! To date, we have raised over $34,000 from 89 families. We have all benefited from the refurbished parking lot, especially this past winter! Now is the time for us to complete the funding for this important project. Please Make Your Gift This Week If you have not already done so, please consider making a pledge to the 2014 Grand Annual Appeal. Please know that all pledges and one‐time gifts, no matter what the amount, are greatly appreciated. Please fill out a pledge form and mail back to the parish or place it in the collection basket next weekend. OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 9 am Mass - Fourth Sunday of the Month ANNUAL DEVOTIONS TO ST. ANTHONY Thirteen Tuesdays March 18 to June 13, 7 pm COURAGEOUS GENERATION New members always welcome. Come as a guest— leave as a friend. Meets every Thursday after the 9 am Mass, September until May, in the church hall. ST. VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY Meets on the second Saturday of the month in the church hall. For more information call the rectory. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Grades K - 8 meet Sunday after the Family Mass at 9am. Grades K - 8 email - [email protected] Grades 9 & 10 - Confirmation Program meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Confirmation email - [email protected] USHERS AND GREETERS They make those, who come through the doorways of our church, feel welcome and home by greeting with a smile, kind word and an attitude of love. What a wonderful way to get to know people at our church and grow together as the Body of Christ. We need ushers and greeters. For more information please contact the Parish office or Fr. Mirek. LECTORS Lectors proclaim the Word of God through the first two readings. They also make announcements before the liturgy. We are in need of lectors. Please contact the Parish office or Fr. Mirek. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist in sharing the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ with the congregation as well as in our local hospitals and nursing homes. Please contact the Parish office or Fr. Mirek if you would like more information. MUSIC MINISTRY Music ministry provides support for the liturgy. Through thoughtful musical choices and preparation, the music ministry helps the congregation enter into fuller participation in the liturgy. For more information please contact the Parish office or Paul Racki our music director. ALTAR SERVERS The primary role of the altar server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. This is done through specific actions and by setting an example to the congregation by active participation in the liturgy. We are blessed to have ten altar servers at St. Joseph St. Lazarus. Please contact the Parish office or Fr. Mirek for more information. WHY CATHOLIC? ...explores how we celebrate our Catholic faith with the sacraments. From the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist to the Sacrament of Marriage, you will have the opportunity to experience the sacraments with more love and purpose and enrich your faith life in the process. FUNDRISING We know between family and work it is hard to commit to a regular monthly meeting but we could still use your help. We are always looking for fresh ideas for fundraising events and we can always use volunteers to help get these events off the ground. Commit to one event or commit to all it’s your choice. For more information please call the rectory at 617.569.0406 IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE CAN DO? Our parish staff is here to serve you as you journey with God and his Church. Please call us at: 617.569.0406 or e-mail: [email protected]. SACRIFICIAL GIVING Our weekly goal is $3,000. July 19 & 20‐ $1,340. Parish Upkeep & Supplies ‐ $693 Candles ‐ $73. Second Collection this week is for: Cooling of the Church Next weekend is for Catholic Relief Services Thank you for your Generosity! Your donations pay for utilities, staff salaries, property upkeep, supplies and support for our parish ministries. The Offertory is the parish’s principal source of income. THE DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN CONTENT IS NOON ON TUESDAY ...Thank you! PRINTING SERVICES for Small Businesses Professional Printing for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Door Hangers Envelope Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Letterhead Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars CD Covers Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Our Newest Feature: Large-Format Printing Banners Car Magnets Posters Booklets & Newsletters Flyers Graphic design services are available for all projects upon s Wellness Serie The Standish request. for Women Brochures What’s Inside " ! % $ ! ## + " 4 ! 5 ! 4 -./. &, 2 *& )))*&+ 2 " ! !& '( 0 &$ 2 2 ! % $ " ! ! , , +- #$% " 6) & & / . / 2 ! 0 !! ! ! 1 ! 78 2 2 ! ! "$ ) 79 3! ! ! 79:( ! ) % # " 2 '( 7;'; " 2 ) ! ) ) 2 2 %&''() ! ! $ ) " "#$ ! ! ! ) * !* $ st , th + Relax, rejuven ate in a Massage or Spa treatme nt. A������ T�� MAC T����� ���� ����� ���� �� ��������� ��� �� ��� ������ ���. N�� E������ E�� Dow ntow n Map of Win gate Arts CARING HAN DS Center for Massa ge and Wellbeing 55 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Tel. 978-994-3188 www.caringhandsm 63 Massage, Energy Work & Opportuniti es to Explore Mind, Body, and Spirit oya Francisco Mont Academy Director hips Section Champions New England Jr. st 1 June 28th to July pionships Clay Court Cham Jr. nd Engla New 13th July 10th to July pions hips Hard Court Cham New England Jr. st 17th August 14th to Augu Gynecologic Saturday, June Studio @ 13 Salon 13 Railroad Squar and Spa e Tel. 978-373-14 33 area, and tour Kindly RSVP by June 23 IVING SSISTED L DENT & A PREMIER INDEPEN EMORY SUPPORT COMPASS M 55 - Caring Hands 45 - Peddler’s Daugh ter & Bistro 45 Restaurant 21 - North Star Yoga 19 - Wicked Big Cafe 1190 Adams Ramp up Your Game Maria’s Famil y Restaurant 8 Locust Stree t Tel. 978-521-14 72 www.mariasfamilyresta BISTRO 45 Clayton 45 WingaChris te Street al , Haverssion s Profe hill, MA Tenni Tel. 978-46 9-9700 Wednesday to Saturd ay Cuisine: Tapas & Europ 5 p.m. – 10 p.m. / Bar until 1 a.m. ean influence toya@ isco Montoya | fmon Franc 232 978-526-8900 ext. Celeste Frey | cfrey@ 351 978-526-8900 ext. www.projectsoundre Essex Street Grille 25 Essex Stree t Tel. 978-372-44 77 www.essexstreetgrill 27th st • June 14th to Augu ys • Mondays - Frida BUILDING Design: Jim Fonseca • 68 Commonwealth West Concord, Avenue MA 01742 We invite you to explore the Wing ate Street Arts Distri ct, a fun and funky area of Haverhill, centr ally located yet slightl tucked away. y Just minutes from the train station and one street over from downtown’ s Washington Street , adventure awaits you! What ties it all togeth er is our love of Arts. Keep an eye the out for the mural in the center of Wingate Street, a project created by the community that depicts the history of the city. THE pm Check out the exhib • 1:30 - 5:30COM its MUNITY. businesses; the Arts in the various District supports • 8 years and up local artists by invitin CELEBRAT by Nick Bollettieri g them to show ned ING and sell their work • Program Desig THE ARTS | 978.369.4728 n, MA 02124 Street | Bosto Wander on Wingate! s to Wander: Project Sound Recording Studio 45 Wingate Stree t Tel. 978-374-43 39 26th, 2 – 4 pm delicious desse rts and music “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely 617.298.5656 outdoor garde n our ng beautiful comm unity. RSVP by calli Additional Place .com le Living light lunch. seminar and a is ck Valley, and in the Merrima Hospital private practice Sangal has a and Lowell General st Dr. Purnima al Medical Center logy. As a speciali Saints Memori ics and Gyneco affiliated with scopy, as chief of Obstetr copy & Hystero Join where she served e in Laser Laparos us as we e and advice. welcome she offers expertis ion guidanc Summer with in Gynecology, from triosis, as well as prevent endomethe Jazz Trio Pelvic pain and SUMMER www.studioat13salon e minimally invasiv Village Assisted nd 11-1 PM for this valuab on May 22 , 62 80 - Angles and Art 63 - Second Though ts 62 - Mizan Aveda Conce pt Salon 61 - Positive Images Gallery 61 57 - Wei Chi Pop into the pub Colby for a pint or trea Dave t your self toDirec a tor Program Tapas Junio Bar.r ted by leading Cancers: Presen dish Join us at Stan 2010 Celeste Frey Academy Manager Postcards & Slim Jims FEST of and Prevention l. Early Detection Dr Purnima Sanga gynecologist 19 45 57 AVEDA CON CEPT SALON 62 Wingate Street Haverhill, MA Alex Howard Tel. 978-556-9131 Coach Head m PEDDLER’S DAU GHTER 45 Wingate St. Haverh ill, MA Tel. 978-372-9555 Daniel Quiceno www.thepeddlersdau ghter.c Professional s om Tenni Authentically prepar ed Irish dishes & American fare. Live music Thursday, Friday & Saturday night! Lunch & dinner Mon-S at 11 a.m.–1 a.m. & Sun Noon – 1a.m. W ing ate Str eet Ar ts Dis tric t 55 61 80 Dist rict 21 M��� ��� T����� A������ S���� New England Open 1 June to 28 May Chowder Pro-active Tips Available in a varietyof sizes and layouts Yard Signs in a variet And watch for upcom y of venues. There is always some ing events... thing in the works on Wingate ! Business Cards & Bookmarks MIRIAM GOODMAN CORY SILKEN Dana Tarr Home Main tenance Ser vices expert painting, Many folding options available carpentry & home ARTHUR GRIFFIN repair Dana Tarr c: 978-500-92 74 e: dana.tarr@ HIC# 159319 19 Greens Point Road Ipswich, MA 01938 Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. tXXX1JMPU1SJOUJOHOFU For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins Ruggiero Family Memorial Home g h INLoving Memory Our Family Serving Your Family With Professionalism, Dignity & Respect” of James Giuffre By Wife Josephine Giuffre, Daughters, Sons & Grandchildren. • Always in our hearts • g h If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. ~ Romans 6:8 In Loving Memory of Elaine & Jeanette. By Sal, Joan & Eve In Loving Memory of Fr. John Kilmartin, F.D.P. Always in our Hearts Joseph L. Ruggiero, Director & Proprietor Se Habla Español Tel: 617-569-0990 | 971 Saratoga Street • East Boston, MA | Call Paul Travaglini 617- 482- 4787 ext. 1229 Ready to meet all your banking needs! In Loving Memory of Pasquale LaVita, Anna LaVita DeSimone, Vincenzo DeSimone, Vincent & Eleanor Borrelli, Lenora LaVita By John LaVita Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation & Adult Day Health Program A Full Service Family Hair Care Salon 192 Chelsea St. East Boston 617-418-5446 In Loving Memory of Ercolino, Mary, Sal and Anthony Guarino & John, Ruth, Charles & Gale Bella By Joseph & Eleanor Guarino In Loving Memory of Joseph L. Ruggiero Sr., Michael P. Ruggiero. Always in our Hearts. The Family DED! EXPAN Federally insured by NCUA. Shares & Deposits in excess of NCUA limits are fully insured by MSIC. WHERE HEALING AND HOPE flourish 617-569-2100 111 Orient Ave East Boston Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests VISIT US AT WWW.CLERGYFUNDS.ORG Now Accepting New Patients 617-569-5800 10 Gove & 20 Maverick •Sq.Help Blue Line Maverick Stop Classified 78 Bennington Street, East Boston BUSINESS ~ HOME ~ Wanted •~ AUTO For ~Sale • For Rent 617-561-3191 617-779-3788 [email protected] Desi’s Auto Body Center StephenAdvertising DeSimone, Owner For all your Classified needs 301 “E” Street, South Boston 200 McClellan Hwy, East Boston Chuck Famolare 617-269-4111 617-569-4700 Classified Magrath FUNERAL HOME 617-779-3788 CHAMPIONSHIP • Help Wanted • For Sale • For PHYSICAL THERAPY William J. Squires Jr. P.T. Hablamos Español Advertising@pilotcatholicnew Putnam Street (617) 846-5609 57Winthrop, MA 617-567-0910 For all your Classified Advertising “When I bought my policy, I became a member. 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Call today for your free pre-planning Get the Catholic Perspective andsaving be fully informed. kit including: our free booklet, money certificate, information on payment plans and specific information ■ Words of wisdom from Pope Francis on Holy Malden and the other local ■ Full localCross coverageCemetery of news andin events throughout archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news Catholic cemeteries. Analysis relating the teachings of the Church to current events Shouldn’t your family be protected? Faith related by locally and nationally acclaimed authors Callarticles Today 339-226-1271 Storiessing about the Faith Good of the archdiocese For■ Adverti Informati on, and Please Call Works 617-779-3770 ■ ■ . Tewksbury, MA 01876 (978) 851-9103 Rosaries from Flowers Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully info Space Available Pilot Bulletins Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Subscribe to “Handmade from the Flowers your Loved One” Words of wisdom from Pope of Francis ■ Full local coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese ■ National and International Church-related news “God isof Love” ■ Analysis relating the teachings the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally1 and nationally John 4:8 acclaimed authors ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Saint Joseph/Saint Lazarusz Parish, East Boston, MA ■ Subscribe: 617-779