8-14 - St. Patrick School
8-14 - St. Patrick School
August 14, 2016 Administrator Fr. Steve Mateja Deacon Emeritus Rev. Mr. George Cousino Mission Statement: We, with the Guidance of the Holy Trinity, The Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Communion of Saints, endeavor to spread and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to assist one another through the precepts of the Catholic Faith in attaining eternal salvation. DIVINE GRACE CATHOLIC PARISH 2996 W. LABO ROAD CARLETON, MI 48117 PHONE 734-654-2500 FAX 734-654-6594 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.divinegrace.weconnect.com ST. JOSEPH MASS SCHEDULE Monday & Friday: 8:00 am Mass (Except First Fridays at St. Patrick) Sunday: 8:00 am Mass CONFESSIONS By Appointment ST. PATRICK MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday: 8:00 am Mass Thursday: 7:00 pm Mass Saturday: 4:00 pm Mass Sunday: 11:00 am Mass CONFESSIONS Saturday at 3:00 pm Page 2 Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton This Week in Our Parish Sunday, August 14 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Madonna Hall) Monday, Aug 15 8:00 am (SJ) Dale Powell (11th Anniversary) Leila DeBacker (3rd Anniversary) Joanne Laub (1st Anniversary) by Pat 7:00 pm (SP) Dorothy Johnson by Marilyn Beste Tuesday, Aug 16 8:00 am (SP) Charles Blaser by Don & Marcia Braciano 7:00 pm Knights of Columbus Meeting (St. Patrick’s Cafeteria) Thursday, Aug 18 7:00 pm (SP) Frank Swiontoniowski (3rd Anniversary) by Family Friday, Aug 19 8:00 am (SJ) Leona Brant (1st Anniversary) by Tom & Ann Gierman Saturday, Aug 20 4:00 pm (SP) Eugene & David LaDuke by Family Don Stump by Bob & Sandy Heskett Bob Kwiatkowski by Mathewson & Assoc. Sunday, Aug 21 8:00 am (SJ) Anthony Eby Family by Elizabeth Boitnott Phyllis Rzepka by Mary Buck Leonard Komendera by Brian, Kevin & Tom O’Rourke 11:00 am (SP) Ed Stasa by Marilyn Tokarz Donna Nolfe by Claudia Ferguson For the People of Divine Grace Parish 7:00 pm AA Meeting (Madonna Hall) Schedule for August 20 & 21, 2016 Mass Reader EMHC 4:00 pm D. Janssens M. Dobberstein F. Dobberstein 8:00 am D. Martell T. Lieto K. Olson 11:00 am N. Vadasz R. Genord T. Genord Altar Servers Usher E. Calkins J. Illes A. Riddle J. VanDevelde J. Belinky A. Blackmore T. Blackmore B. Thoma S. Cousino M. Eby Need 2 D. Hoffman B. O’Rourke J. VanDevelde J. Stevens S. McGrath J. DeSana Need 3 S. Jones D. Kuti A. Wickenheiser Your Gifts of Treasure 8/7/16 Envelope Total $6,567.00 Loose 413.00 Total $6,980.00 Please note that all Divine Grace Parish functions using our facilities must be reserved through the PARISH OFFICE ONLY at 654-2500 An Election Prayer to Mary O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection. Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to proclaim that God’s law is the foundation on which this nation was founded, and that He alone is the True Source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new Culture of Life. $45,655.00 Goal $33,465.00 Pledges/Payments $12,190.00 Shortfall to Date Pat Adam Barb Basinger Ida Blaser Jeanette Bodine Marcia Bracciano John A. Bruck James Burger Jeffrey Colf Nora Devine Florance Pauletih Hunter Salenbien David Totten Pat Totten Sharron Totten Ron Waltz Elyse Wickenheiser Divine Grace Prayer Chain Anyone wishing to be part of Divine Grace prayer chain or have someone prayed for please call Cathy 587-2141 or Mary 654-2047 or email: [email protected] Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time "From now on a household of five will be divided, three against two and two against three." What a sad image Jesus paints in today's Gospel. Causing family strife-fathers against sons and mothers against daughters--is not the effect we like to imagine Jesus having on people. But as he says today, "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." The fact is, and always has been, that not everyone chooses to follow Christ. This causes conflict. Perhaps it is most tragic when this tension takes place within families. When certain members of the family desire to live a full Christian life, to follow the commandments and worship God as he asks, this can be irritating at best and infuriating at worst to other family members who want nothing to do with Jesus or his church. But faith must persist in spite of domestic turmoil. Following Jesus is the ultimate good; preserving peace is secondary. In a sense, today's Gospel gives faithful Christians permission to move forward in their faith even if it doesn't make everybody happy. However, all of this needs to be understood in the light of Jesus' desire to bring peace. He often used the greeting, "Peace be with you," and clearly promised peace to his disciples. Today's Gospel should not be taken to mean that Jesus desires division. Rather, he is acknowledging the fact that division will inevitably result as people declare their differing allegiances. But thankfully, when we align ourselves with Christ, we are also uniting ourselves to the One who can restore peace even in the midst of conflict. So when we see turmoil arise, let's call upon the power of the true Prince of Peace. Priestly Vocations: Discernment Events for Men Throughout the year, the Office of Priestly Vocations provides opportunities for men from freshmen in High School through 55 to learn more about the priesthood and discernment. The events hosted by the Office of Priestly Vocations aim to increase awareness and help the men who attend gain a better understanding of the priesthood, seminary life, and discernment. We encourage anyone interested in learning more to attend one of our many programs. To view our calendar of events, please visit our website: www.detroitpriest.com. Page 3 The church has always held to the belief that Mary was assumed, body and soul, into a heavenly state, even though the belief was not declared as dogmatic until 1950. The early church had a robust tradition of revering relics from the saints of the day, and their complete lack of relics from the Mother of Jesus was seen as evidence of this Marian belief. The celebration of the event as a feast dates back to the fourth century in the East and the seventh century in the West. Since Mary was untouched by the stain of sin, she was unable to experience the "wages of sin," which is death. But her Assumption also says something about humanity as well. Sin only has power over us if we allow it. Mary was freed from this power in her Immaculate Conception, and when she responded "yes" to God. We were freed from that power when Jesus died and rose, conquering death. Now, we must respond "yes" to claim the victory that was already won for us. On this feast, we should not only celebrate the great works God has done for us through Our Lady, but also celebrate the truth that we have the opportunity to one day spend eternity with her and her Son, Jesus. Youth Ministry New youth ministers, as well as current ones interested in receiving more information about youth ministry resources and programming, will gather for a Youth Ministry Orientation at Sacred Heart Major Seminary on Saturday, August 27. The Youth Ministry Office will provide an overview of its suggested materials and resources, tips for starting a youth ministry program, and a summary of essential youth ministry documents. Your CSA gifts fund the work of the Youth Ministry Office, allowing it to offer events like these at a very low cost to parishes. The Youth Ministry Orientation is $20, and includes breakfast and lunch for attendees. Registration is required by August 20. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, please go to www.AOD.org. Lord Jesus Christ, You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Show us your face and we will be saved. Page 4 Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton Registration packets for religious education for grades kindergarten through 8th grade were mailed this week. If you did not receive a packet in the mail please call the office at 654-6444. Forms may be mailed back to Janice Doederlein, 2996 W. Labo Rd., Carleton, MI 48117. Forms may also be returned in the offertory basket. New families interested in our program may contact the office at 654-6444 to set up an appointment and receive information. New family packets are also available in the back of both churches. For all new students not baptized at our parish, a copy of his/her baptismal certificate is needed for our files. Registration forms may also be turned in after all Masses on August 27th & 28th. I will be available at Madonna Hall after the 8:00 am Mass and the Religious Education office (basement of school building) after the 4:00 pm & 11:00 am Mass to receive forms and answer any questions. Classes for K-8 will be held on Sundays from 9:30 am10:45 am. Classes will begin on September 11th at the St. Patrick site. Looking forward to a blessed school year! WWME – A Weekend of Discovery… A LIFETIME of LOVE!! August Passion! The flower of the month, Gladiolus, symbolizes strength and passion during the heat of summer. Celebrate your marriage with passionate communication during a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Share a gift of growth, enrichment, and renewal with your spouse. Weekends fill up quickly, so a prompt response is encouraged. The 2016 dates are… August 19-21* St. Lawrence Parish, Utica September 23-25 Holiday Inn Express, Troy November 4-6* Gabriel Richard High School, Riverview *In Parish Weekends, Couples go home at night. For information and registration: Call 888-322-9963 or encounterdetroit.org Janice Doederlein-DRE PRESCRIPTION DRUG COLLECTION On the morning of August 20, 2016, the city parishes of Monroe are sponsoring a Health Fair at the former St. Joseph parish in Monroe!! As part of the Health Fair, there will be an opportunity for people to dispose of prescription meds. from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. There will be people assisting in collecting them and a police officer to ensure a safe collection. With the increasing evidence that much of heroin use begins with prescription med use, it is important to limit the availability as much as possible. If that date is not convenient, there are drop off boxes at the Monroe, Carleton, and Erie Police Departments, Bedford Monroe County Sheriff sub station, and the Monroe Post of the Michigan State Police. If you have questions, you may contact Ray Lauwers at 734-731-6001 August 29th at St. Patrick Meeting Divine Grace Catholic Parish, Carleton Page 5 Host families for the Traveling Vocations Chalice Aug 13/14 - Aug 20/21 Aug 20/21 - Aug 27/28 Aug 27/28 - Sept 3/4 Sept 3/4 - Sept 10/11 Sept 10/11 - Sept 17/18 Frank & Mary Ann Dobberstein St. Patrick School St. Patrick School Elaine Esper Host Family Needed Divine Grace Parish Principal: Ruth Meiring Director of Religious Education: Janice Doederlein [email protected] Director of Music: Curtis Posuniak Gym Phone Number 654-2522 654-6444 1-248-593-1034 654-2300 Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 3:00 p.m. until all are heard at St. Patrick Registered Parishioners In order to be considered a registered parishioner you must be receiving offertory envelopes. Anyone 18 years of age and older should register with the parish office as soon as possible. Sacrament of Baptism You must be a registered parishioner (receiving envelopes) attending Mass regularly, and take Baptismal Preparation Class. (Please notify the rectory prior to the child’s birth.) Sacrament of Marriage You must be a registered (receiving envelopes) and active member of Divine Grace Parish for at least six months before a wedding date will be scheduled. Weddings will take place six months or more after scheduling the date. If your marriage does not take place, there will be a wedding preparation fee. Pastoral Care of the Sick and Homebound Notify the Parish Office of illness, hospitalization or nursing home status as soon as possible. Bulletin Deadline: Articles and inserts must be received by email no later than Friday, 12 noon 2 weeks prior and must provide the dates desired for publication. (No inserts will be done on Holiday weekends or when the parish office is closed.) Announcements by email no later than Wednesday 12 noon before the weekend desired. Josh Basinger, U.S. Air Force Gerald Borawski, U.S. Army Alexander Brant, U.S. Air Force Jamie Bushman, U.S. Army Greg Bushman, U. S. Army Basil W. Carsner, U.S. Marines Anthony Cook, U.S. Air Force Michael J. DeJean, U.S. Air Force Kyle Emerick, U.S. Air Force William Fluharty, U.S. Army Brian D. Haws, U.S. Air Force Bradley Hollister, U. S. Army National Guard Nathan D. Ihrig, U.S. Marines Rachel (Lambrix) Kallenberg, USAF ANG Jared M. Lappin, MP US Army Brian Liedel, U.S. Army Thomas Mack, U.S. Army Special Forces James McGlynn, U.S. Army Mark McGlynn, U.S. Army Dianne C. McLaughlin, U.S. Air Force Derek Naida, U.S. Air Force Jordan C. Osier, U.S. Army Joseph Riley, U.S. Marines Kenneth M. Sobecki, ANG Kenneth M. Sobecki II, U.S. Marines Michael E. Sobecki, U.S. Marines Shawn P. Tague, U.S. Air Force Jeff Terrell, U.S. Army Paul Tremonti, U.S. Air Force Douglas Vadasz, U.S. Air Force Carissa Warren, U.S. Air Force Robert Warren, U.S. Air Force Thomas Warren, U.S. Air Force Korey Wichowski, U.S. Army Prayer for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. ARTHUR BOBCEAN FUNERAL HOME, INC. PRE-ARRANGED FUNERALS AVAILABLE MONUMENTS & MARKERS 1142 Monroe Ave. • Carleton 734-654-2000 26307 Huron River Dr. • Flat Rock 734-782-2755 David Wiss, D.D.S. Lawrence Gerstein, D.D.S. Jonathan Gerstein, D.D.S. Karl Lyngaas, D.D.S. HURON DENTAL ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C. 18757 Huron River Dr. • New Boston (734)753-5000 Appointments Monday through Friday with evenings and Saturdays available www.hurondentist.com Calvin Meyer Monroe Collision Service, Inc. Sales Associate Office: 734-654-2111 Cell: 734-770-4199 [email protected] 12640 Grafton Road, Carleton, MI 48117 !"#$%&'$()*+#+&,&-./&!"#$%&'$()(0$0 !"#$%&'("#)*+(%,),*&-&./00)')/,&"%1#)" 2+%%0�)*,$%,(&3&4#0#,.),* ('(*&12&345467.89&:;&,&<=>7=4?&<@ A=>7=4B=55CDC=>EF.9==2B=A 3G<&<GG:H&,&3H::I&<GG:H HJ&<GG:H Gary E. Nowitzke, EA, CTS 11 Scott St., Monroe 734-457-3700 www.lotus-financial.com Income Tax Preparation • College Education Plans IRA’s • Annuities Rollovers • Health • Life Offering Securities Through Sigma Financial Corp., Member FINRA/SIPC. Lotus Financial Services is independent of Sigma Financial Corporation. BUSEN’S APPLIANCE INC. Major Appliance Sales, Parts & Service of Most Brands 2323 Fort St., Lincoln Park Mike Busen 734-676-4900 – Parish Member – A&M TRANSMISSION 734-782-0575 Transmission & Drivetrain Specialists Front Wheel Drive Owner - Mike Rogers 14020 Telegraph, Flat Rock Across from Flat Rock Speedway U.S.A. Trailer Sales Selling, servicing and supporting our community for over 30 years New Boston 734-654-2155 Monroe 734-241-9403 www.friendlyfordmonroe.com All Models & Sizes in Stock Residential Roof Specialists RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL STORM DAMAGE Fully Ful Licensed & Insured R 30 OVE EXP. YRS 734-564-5776 !!!"!#$$%&''()*++,",'- 2800 N. Telegraph Rd. • Monroe, MI 48162 734-243-6000 FORESTERS FINANCIAL PARTNERS, INC. Mitchell Langton, FIC, RR www.hertz.com Retirement Planning Life Insurance IRA’s/Roth IRA’s 401K Rollovers • Annuities Long Term Care Ins. College Scholarships Contact John Thornburgh to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6393 Off 734-654-8458 • Cell 734-755-0514 [email protected] Securities offered through Foresters Equity Services Inc./ Member FINRA, SIPC SCHAFER AGENCY INC. www.schaferagency.com Joseph A. 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