St. Roch Church
St. Roch Church
L ove is patient, love is kind. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:4, 7 St. Roch Church The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 3, 2013 Scripture Readings Saturday, February 2, 2013 4:00 PM Yvonne Reeks by daughter Yvonne Nelson and family Sunday, February 3, 2013 8:30 AM Ann & Steve Walinsky by the family 11:00 AM Angelina Lapomardo by the family Monday, February 4, 2012 8:30 AM For a Special Intention Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:30 AM People of St. Roch Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:30 AM Mary Ann Simmons by the Bible Study Group Thursday, February 7, 2013 8:30 AM For a Special Intention Friday, February 8, 2013 8:30 AM Peggy Woods by husband Thomas Saturday, February 9, 2013 4:00 PM Daniel W. Cahill (4th Anniversary) by wife Clare & family Sunday, February 10, 2013 8:30 AM Bernice & David Christian by her sister 11:00 AM Louisa Caprioli by the Carmody Family Sunday, February 3 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 1 Cor 12:31-13:13 Lk 4:21-30 Monday, February 4 Heb 11:32-40 Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday, February 5 Heb 12:1-4 Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday, February 6 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15, Mk 6:1-6 Thursday, February 7 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24, Mk 6:7-13 Friday, February 8 Heb 13:1-8, Mk 6:14-29 Saturday, February 9 Heb 13:13-17, 20-21 Mk 6:30-34 Sunday, February 10 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Cor 15:1-11 Lk 5:1-11 January 26 & 27 PARISH DIRECTORY Offertory Envelopes (152) Loose Money Other sources of income 334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540 Rectory Office ………………………………(508) 987-8987 Fax ……………………………...…………. (508) 987-8938 Religious Education Office………………….(508) 987-2382 Pastor In Residence Deacon Director of Religious Education Administrative Assistant Director of Music Weekly Goal Result Rev. Michael J. Roy Rev. Albert Irudayasamy Wesley Stevens Terry Ann Renaud Teri Rawson Anna Pizzolato Thank You !!! $3,335.50 243.00 537.00 4,115.50 $5,875.00 -1,759.50 Dorothy Pizzetti, Peter Martin, Kathy Perry, Bob St. George, Starlette Coleman, Debbi Riordan, Jill Lanoue, Irene Richardson, Kevin & Julie Mazzarella, Raymond Maurice, Cindy Stafford, Maria Curcio, Thomas Ahern, Harris Prunier, John Burton, Peter LaDuke, Evelyn Christian, Brian Gibbs, Judy Lochner, Philip Ryan, Sean Cryan, Timothy Bowes, Barbara Brown, Beth Gonyea, Owen Benway, Ray Hurley, James Prunier, Bobbi Constanzo, Frank Zingarelli, Andrew Rivers, Judy Chiancola, Donna Hewitt, Joanne Lavallee, Taylor Miano, Paul Ljunggren, Donna Grasseschi, Rebecca Henry, Fr. Robert Kelley, Doris Zuidema, Evelyn DeLuca, Martin LaPlante, Warren Lane, Cindy King-Donner, Lorna Dion, Deb Daniels, Donald Alberts, David Cryan, Joyce Sourdif, Ken Lapierre, Nancy Growchowski, Nancy Noonan, Arlene Kingston, Robert Duteau, Roger Audette, Terry Bannic, Carol Violette, Jo-Ann Reardon, Connie Croteau, Jordon Donais, Emma German, Michael Clifford, Mary & Tom Cowperthwaite, Bob Blanchard, Robert White, Thomas Coonan, George Pacenka, Jane Lewicke, John McDonough, Leo Brunette. St. Vincent de Paul Society—Arlene (508) 987-2813 Cemetery Chairperson—Barbara O’Reilly Contact rectory at (508) 987-8987. Mass Schedule Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:00 PM and Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday Masses: Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 PM Holy Day Mass: 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Confessions 3:00 PM Saturday or by appointment A second collection will be taken next weekend February 10 & 11 for Fuel. We thank you in advance for our generosity. 2 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 3, 2013 My dear parishioners, Love is a many splendid thing. If you are reading the bulletin right now with those few words you are perhaps engaged or else tempted to skip to the next page. The idea of love can catch our attention and draw us in, or perhaps the theory of it is so over used that we are immune and immediately uninterested. Still the same, love itself resides at the center of everything we call Christian. Today’s second reading from Corinthians is often quoted. I think because it describes in such a practical and authentic way the kind of love we are challenged to make real in our dealings with each other. Patient, kind, and not brooding, quick-tempered or rude. I’m always happy when this is read at weddings. It is a recipe for success. We are empowered to love this way by God’s grace operating in us. Left to ourselves we fail to meet this high standard of love. If the center is in place, then out of that relationship we can act with more patience and kindness. However, we do not love what we do not know. That goes for God as well as one another. Lent, which is fast approaching, is a season given to us to help us in real practical ways to come to know our good God better. It would be absolutely fantastic if we had a group of women from St. Roch’s who took part in the Cursillo weekend that is going to be held from February 28 to March 3. Please give this some serious thought. This is a well organized, engaging presentation of the fundamentals of Christianity that awakens our relationship with Jesus. Further information can be found in this bulletin. For our men coming to know our faith and to know and love Jesus more, there is the Catholic Men’s Conference coming up on March 16. This conference has sold out the last few years at the DCU Center. I really think that the Lord wants to use this conference this year to awaken a number of the men in our parish to the great benefit that a strong relationship with Jesus will have on their life. Please do not let cost hinder your participation. Resources have been made available to men of St. Roch’s who are interested in going. Inquire with me. Here in the parish during Lent will be the annual St. Roch Novena on the Mondays and Wednesdays of Lent. These nine days of prayer during this Year of Faith will call down God’s grace on the many deep concerns people bring to the intercession of our patron saint. Hopefully during this Year of Faith the presentations will help us become more appreciative of the vision for Christian life that was given us by Vatican Council II and the Catechism. More details will follow next week. Let’s resolve now to make this Lent the best we’ve ever kept. Let us continue to love one another, Fr. Roy 3 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 3, 2013 WANT TO GO TO THE MOVIES? Restless Heart, the Confessions of St. Augustine is a full length movie that has received excellent reviews. It is about the struggles of a person who could easily have lived in our time whose dissolute life was being supported by a guilt-free “religion”, until he let the truth find him. Anyone who would like to go with Fr. Roy next Tuesday, February 5 please sign a pad at the entrance or speak to him directly. We will leave for Assumption College at 6 pm. VERY IMPORTANT MEETING —PLEASE COME! One of the fun things we can do together as a parish is to have a Parish Festival. The planning and preparing for this does of course require work but it also provides lots of stories, strengthens relationships within the parish, leaves you with a sense of accomplishment, and helps to pay the bills. If we are going to have a Festival this year it will depend on who shows up for this all important meeting. The Catholic Free Press Tuesday, February 19 at 6 PM in the Parish Center. If you can’t make it right at 6 come when you can, but please come. Also, if by chance you aren’t able to come on the 19th but are interested in planning or working on the Festival, please call the rectory. February is Catholic Free Press month. For just $23.00, you will receive 52 weeks of one of the nation’s most outstanding newspapers. Your envelope may be placed in any collection basket during the month of February. Extra envelopes are available in the church. Thank you for your support. DIVINE MERCY EVENT IN MARCH The Diocese of Worcester, in conjunction with the Office of Youth Ministry, The Catholic Free Press and Emanuel Radio is pleased to announce and welcome to Worcester, “Tell All Souls about My MERCY” at Assumption College Hagan Campus Center/ Hagan Hall on March 6 at 7:00 PM. This dramatic multi-media presentation is presented by Mother of Mercy Messengers. Joan and Dave Maroney, a husband-and wife team, tell the story of Divine Mercy like nobody else can. Their own conviction is unmistakable, and their devotion contagious. This prayerful Catholic drama is a must see! Admission is free for children under 18. General admission is $10 per person. To reserve a seat(s) please call Michael Gillespie at 508-929-4368. MARY KILINSKAS BREAKFAST Family of Friends Youth breakfasts gather and support the people & causes that mean the most to us. They invite you to help raise funds for the Mary Kilinskas scholarship which is given yearly to deserving students of religious education, in honor of a beloved catechist who taught at St Roch for over 40 years. February 10 , 2012 After the 8:30 Mass - 12 noon Donation: $4.00 ~~~ Send donations to Mary Kilinskas Scholarship Fund, 334 Main St, Oxford, MA 01540. Applications available at the Office of Religious Education, and must be submitted by April 30, 2013. ~~~ THE ECUMENICAL FOOD SHELF The Ecumenical Food Shelf needs food for the long winter. Please consider dropping off any non-perishable foods in the bins inside the church near the front doors. Thank you! Help wanted: parishioners to prepare monthly breakfasts that benefit the various parish ministries, together with youth and adults to bring the parish family together supporting the causes that mean the most to us. 13th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference All parish men, as well as their sons, brothers, fathers and friends are invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled for Worcester’s DCU Center, on Saturday, March 16th. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders. Bishop McManus will offer the conference Mass. Our bishops and diocesan & religious priests will hear confessions. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508929-4345. Visit our website - for information and ticket purchases. UPCOMING WOMEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND Cursillo is an uplifting and educational experience. Conducted by a team of laypeople and clergy who deliver organized talks and discussions. The presenters add witness of their own lives, their struggles and triumphs in Christ. The weekend is full of laughter, prayer, great music, and wonderful meals! February 28 – March 3, 2013, Prindle Pond Conference Center in Charlton, MA. For more information or an application, please call Carolyn Galgano 508-847-7005 / Joan Laracy 774-239-2474. 4 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME February 3, 2013 SUNDAYS (note: First Eucharist schedule is below.) (K-12)--- February 3, 10, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 9:40 classes begin. No classes February 17 vacation or March 24 or 31. When processing to or from Mass before and other church after class, please use the main street sidewalk. All grades meet in the church with Father Roy before the 11:00 Mass for the closing portion of the lesson. TUESDAYS- 1st-6th grades 4:20 PM-5:30 PM; 7th-12th grades 6:30-7:45 PM Feb. 5, 12, 26, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26, (no classes Feb. 19 vacation) April 2, 9, 23, 30, (No classes April 16 vacation), May 7, 14 ***If the Oxford Public Schools close due to snow, ice or emergency, St. Roch’s Religious Education Office will also be closed, and no classes will be held. Please call the 508-987-2382 for the latest updates on closings. We send the information to the local radio stations (WESO, WXLO, WTAG) they try to post all notices, but may not get our notices on the air prior to class times. Remember, we want to keep our children safe. This is the remaining calendar for FIRST RECONCILIATION & FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation What are the Scrutinies? In the process of Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) three scrutinies to benefit the "elect” are celebrated in the parish (catechumens become "elect" after the Rite of Election at the beginning of Lent). The faithful are encouraged to join in the scrutinies to also benefit from them. We are all in need of conversion throughout our lives, so we join with the "elect" in scrutinizing our lives and pray for the grace to overcome the power of sin that infects our hearts. These are rites of selfsearching and repentance and have above all a spiritual purpose, meant to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good. Celebrated in order to deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life. Aid ongoing conversion and deepen the resolve to hold fast to Christ and to carry out their decision to love God above all. Please, pray for us as we go forth. Feb. 3—9:40 class 11:00 Mass. Feb. 10—Reconciliation Celebration 2:00 pm, Arrive 1:45 pm in church hall, no morning class. Feb. 13—Ash Wednesday bring children to Mass. Feb. 17—First Sunday of Lent—No Class - Vacation. Feb. 24—Second Sunday of Lent, 9:40 class. Mar. 3—Third Sunday of Lent, 9:40 class. Mar 9—Eucharist Family Mass 6:00 pm. Mar. 10—Fourth Sunday Lent, Daylight Savings, 9:40 class. Mar. 17—Fifth Sunday Lent, St. Patrick’s Day, 9:40 class. Mar. 24—Palm Sunday - No classes. Mar. 31—Easter Sunday - No classes. Rite of Acceptance, Feb 3, 8:30 Mass Rite of Sending, Feb 10, 11:00 Mass Rite of Election, Feb 17, 3:00 at the Cathedral First Scrutiny, March 3, 8:30 Mass Second Scrutiny, March 10, 11:00 Mass Third Scrutiny, March 16, 4:00 Mass April 6—Eucharist Family Mass 6:00 pm. April 7—Divine Mercy Sunday, 9:40 class. April 14—No class - Vacation Begins. April 21—9:40 class. April 28—Eucharist Retreat, with potluck lunch replaces morning class—attend Mass, meet in parish hall 1-3:30 pm. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults If you are interested in discovering what is means to be Catholic, or have never been baptized, received first communion or never celebrated confirmation as a Catholic, these gatherings are for you. Willing to journey with others, call or drop by today at the rectory or the parish center, 508-987-8987 or 508-987-2382. The next gathering is Wednesday, Feb 6--Meet at 6:00 PM in Parish center. May 5—Eucharist Celebration 2:00 pm. May 12—Mother’s Day - No class. May 19—Pentecost Sunday - No class. May 26—Trinity Sunday - No class. June 2—Corpus Christi Celebrated, 11:00 Mass— Eucharist children & families lead procession in their First Communion outfits (suggest others wear white, too). 5 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SIGN-UP FOR PUBLIC VIGIL IN SUPPORT OF LIFE 40 Days for Life is a national campaign to put an end to abortion through prayer and fasting, public vigil, and community outreach. The Spring 40 Days for Life Campaign will run from Feb. 13-Mar. 24 (Ash Wednesday-Palm Sunday). The peaceful public prayer vigil takes place across the street from Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St. Worcester from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. each day. Now is the time to sign up your parish for vigil hours. To sign up or for more information please contact Lee Crowley at 508-887-1064. February 3, 2013 St. Vincent de Paul Society Meeting will be held on Monday, February 4th at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, February 11th at 7:00 PM in the rectory. Festival Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19th at 6:00 PM in the parish center. 334 CLUB WINNERS—Week 11 # 268 Frances Smolenski # 129 Ronald Dusoe # 382 Gilberte Lanoue # 429 Cynthia Clark SUPPORT LIFE St. Roch’s sponsored fifteen people who went by bus to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 25th for the annual prolife rally proclaiming the dignity and value of all life, born and unborn. Beginning at the Cathedral of St. Paul we celebrated Mass in Worcester. CONGRATULATIONS !!! A GATHERING FOR WOMEN OF FAITH Are you looking for “more” in your life? A desire for balance, deeper fulfillment, more zest, more (fill in the blank)? You are invited to connect with other women of faith, women of prayer, women who minister to others. Come - pray, reflect, and nurture your heart and soul … deepen your relationship with God and with other women of faith on Saturday, Feb. 23 from 9:30 AM to 1 PM at St. Mary Parish Center (2nd floor), Shrewsbury. If you are interested in participating, please RSVP by Feb. 15 to Sr. Yvette Bellerose, SSA, tel.: 774-2393372, [email protected], or Lori Pandiscio at [email protected], tel.: 508-498-3778. A $5 donation is requested for refreshments. Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Anne. When we arrived, we joined thousands of others at morning Mass at Basilica of the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception on Catholic University campus. We then took the opportunity to go to the National Archives to view the original copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These are the documents upon which our nation is founded. They state clearly the inalienable right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is given us by our Creator and not by the government. Therefore, God’s authority over life must be respected. When the march began we joined around 500,000 likeminded souls from across our great nation, marched up Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court building to witness those rights by a show of peaceful protest of the 40 year old decision of Roe vs. Wade that has taken the lives of over 55 million innocent victims. MONASTIC EXPERIENCE WEEKENDS AT ST. SCHOLASTICA PRIORY Have you ever thought that your call is to do something bigger than yourself? Or wondered what it is like to be completely given to God in religious life? Come and see. St. Scholastica Priory is a Benedictine monastery of nuns in Petersham, MA. We live the monastic life as described in the Rule of St. Benedict -- an ancient and proven way still vibrant in today’s world. It is a life radically centered on Christ, structured around the Seven Hours of the Divine Office. We are inviting single women (20-40 years of age) for a weekend opportunity on Feb. 15 – 17 and on Aug. 16 - 18 to experience from the inside the rhythm and balance of Benedictine monastic prayer and community life. If you are interested, or would like more information please contact Sr. Mary Angela at [email protected] or call 978724-3213. In the year of faith, we can show our respect for all life by joining the pro-life movement in what we say and do to support life from conception to natural death. If you are interested in forming a Respect Life Committee here at St. Roch’s please speak to our pastor or call the rectory office. -Written by a parishioner AMERICAN CHOP SUEY may be dropped off at the church on Monday, February 4th before 3:00 PM or Tuesday, February 5th before 10:00 AM. 6 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulletins 25 Sutton Avenue, Oxford (508)987-0900 16 Village Street, Dudley (508)943-3333 Auto :: Home :: Business :: Life Year Round Tax, Payroll & Accounting Service Specializing in Quickbooks EWTN Learn and Enjoy the Power of Your Faith 340 Main Street • Oxford, MA Comcast 238, Charter 18, Verizon 285 MONEY MATTER$ - The Tax Professionals 340 Main Street, Oxford, MA 01540 508-987-2550 • [email protected] Let Us Decorate Your Door!!! Stop In And Check Out Our New Line Of Fall Silk Wreaths, Baskets & Swags 508-987-1026 Catholic Radio Restco 508-987-3357 Emmanuel Radio - WNEB 1230 AM Worcester Roof Cleaning • House Washing Tim O’Connor WWW.1230RADIO.COM Professional Listen and Truly Live 2 Border Ave., Millbury 508-832-2769 Stacey Hamel – Realtor ® Advertising Sponsors make this bulletin possible F o r In fo r m a t i o n C a l l [email protected] 774-289-6135 508-987-0672 Jim Furrey Authorized Sales Representative www. [email protected] Stand Out: Bulletins printed exclusively on With Color Advertising [email protected] “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Profile a business, organization, or ministry in our full-page feature, printed in full color or black & white. Full-time/Part-time (All Shifts) Vic Melfa, CEO Space Available Consider Spotlight Advertising WANTED Sales, Telemarketers, Etc. Rte.9, Westboro, MA 800-888-4574 x3408 617-779-3770 1060 AM 4-5 pm Mon.-Fri. Call 617-779-3788 for more information. 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Kindly RSVP by June 23 Francisco Monto 978-526-8900 ya | fmontoya@m ext. 232 Celeste Frey | 978-526-8900 [email protected] m ext. 351 68 Commonw ealth Avenue | 978.369.4728 West Concord, MA 01742 Pilot Bulletins • MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN THUR ARTHUR Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me • June 14th to August 27th • Mondays - Fridays • 1:30 - 5:30 pm • 8 years and up • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 [email protected] The Church of Saint Roch in Oxford, MA
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