St. Roch Church - The Boston Pilot
St. Roch Church M ost kind and gracious God, keep the good people of St. Roch’s Parish close to you in an embrace of love. Like our patron saint we are a pilgrim people who little by little move forward on the journey to the fullness of life. Direct our progress with the truth of the Gospel and nourish our spirit with Holy Eucharist, so that we do not become weary or stop along the way, but come to our true home and enjoy the company of Mary and the saints. A men. The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 16, 2015 Scripture Readings Sunday, August 16 Saturday, August 15, 2015 4:00 PM Terry Dwyer by Ginny & Stan Sklarz Sunday, August 16, 2015 8:30 AM Ronald Clark (10th Anniversary) by wife Cindy 11:00 AM Joseph & Marion Landroche by daughter Alma Monday, August 17, 2015 8:30 AM Dominic Rucci by wife Alma Tuesday, August 18, 2015 8:30 AM Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:30 AM Thursday, August 20, 2015 8:30 AM Friday, August 21, 2015 8:30 AM Saturday, August 22, 2015 4:00 PM Pat Carbonneau (20th Anniversary) by the Carbonneau Family Sunday, August 23, 2015 8:30 AM The Stolz Family by the family 11:00 AM Richard Wolpert by Nancy Noonan Jn 6:51-58 Monday, August 17 Jgs 2:11-19 Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday, August 18 Wednesday, August 19 Jgs 9:6-15, Mt 20:1-16 Thursday, August 20 Jgs 22:29-39a Mt 22:1-14 Friday, August 21 Ru 1:1. 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Mt 22:34-40 Saturday, August 22 Ru 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17 Mt 23:1-12 Sunday, August 23 PARISH DIRECTORY August 8 & 9 334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540 Offertory Envelopes (135) Loose Money Other sources of income Total Weekly Goal Result Thank Y ou! Rectory Office ………………………………(508) 987-8987 Fax ……………………………...…………. (508) 987-8938 Religious Education Office………………….(508) 987-2382 Rev. Michael J. Roy Pastor In Residence Rev. Albert Irudayasamy Deacon Rev. Mr. Paul Connolly Seminarian Mr. Joseph Rice Director of Religious Education Mrs. Terry Ann Renaud Administrative Assistant Mrs. Teri Rawson Email: [email protected] Director of Music Ms. Anna Pizzolato $4,006.00 381.00 527.00 4,914.00 5,881.00 - 967.00 Offertory Envelopes — Why should we use them? It helps us to make a conscious decision about what we are going to contribute. A second collection will be taken next weekend, August 22nd & 23rd, to help with the cost of hosting the seminarian for the summer. We thank you in advance for your generosity. St. Vincent de Paul Society.……….. Arlene (508) 987-2813 Cemetery ………………..Contact rectory at (508) 987-8987 Kathy Perry, Owen Benway, Irene Richardson, Jane Lewicke, Anthony Nguyen, Andrew Rivers, Judy Chiancola, Olga Brault, Raymond Joseph, Al Sinkis, Barbara Swenson, Connie Croteau, Joe Roy, Chloe Barbara Jones, Fr. Robert Kelley, Ruth Andrzejczyk, James Butler Jr., Craig Ladd, Carol Violette, Roseanne Ferlito, John & Bev Makowski, Dale Mahota, Maddy Desrosier, Phyllis Day, John Hickman, John Barton, Walter McCarthy, Stephen Rice, Debbie Byrne, Timothy Bowes, Cindy Flores, Liz Iandolli, Roger St. George, Ed Carpenter, Charlene White, Victor Pizzolato, James Sumerlin, Anita Prunier, Bob St. George, Ernest Lavallee, Julie Guertin, Francis McGrath, Donna Sterritt, Francis DeSimone, Robert & Beverly Burns. Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 AM Monday ~ Friday 8:30 AM Confessions: 3:00 PM Saturday or anytime on request. 2 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 16, 2015 The Readings for next Sunday, August 23, 2015 Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b Ephesians 5:21-32 John 6:60-69 My Dear Parishioners, Have I told you lately how fortunate I am to have Father Albert here in residence with me? Father was born and educated in India but until recently he has carried on the majority of his ministry in Hong Kong. He is considerably younger than me. All of these factors combine to make him very adept with computers, smart phones and the plethora of other gadgets that are part of this age of technology. He is in advanced studies while I’m still struggling in the first grade! I’m sharing all of this with you because he’s the one who talked me into getting a smartphone. While I am amazed and frightened at its potential, I must admit that I am developmentally delayed when it comes to its use. I have found that you can waste lot of time “flipping through the pages” of what is an enormous “magazine.” However I have recently come across an item that I feel I must bring to your attention. You Tube and especially the brief 8 to 10 minute talks by Fr. Robert Barron. He was responsible for the highly acclaimed series “Catholicism” that gave so many people a renewed understanding of the treasures of our faith. He is also the founder of an organization called ‘Word On Fire’, one of the most effective means of the New Evangelization. Fr. Barron’s brief but very insightful reflections cover a wide range of topics, for instance “Why Did Jesus Have to Die the Way He Did?”, “Who Is Jesus?”, “On the Devil”, “The Same-Sex Marriage Ruling”, What Helps Protestants Convert to Catholicism?” and many others. It’s a real find and something worth sharing. You may know that I am something of a media personality!! Something very minor, but I am surprised at how many people recognize me when I travel around Worcester County from my once a month celebration of the Mass on Charter Communications Channel 193. The Daily Mass is broadcast each morning at 9 AM from St. Paul’s Cathedral. When I am visiting our homebound parishioners I am always delighted to find that many of them watch Mother Angelica’s EWTN station (Charter 18 or 823) that has a wide variety of Catholic programs. Especially with the visit of Pope Francis next month you will want to watch his appearances on a network that will give you the whole story. While we wring our hands and lament about the wasteland and the low moral tone of so much on TV and in the media; it’s important to call to mind those very beneficial bright spots and broadcast them. Rather than curse the darkness, light one candle. Today is the feast day of our heroic patron, St. Roch. He lived in a time of frightening darkness with the terrible plagues of the 14th century. To me he is most renowned for his generosity and humility. He did not hesitate to alter his plans to simply do what he could for the suffering people he met along the way. As we honor his memory, let his example inspire us. Let us continue to love one another, Fr. Roy 3 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 16, 2015 THE ONE THING IS THREE Calendar of Events In September our Hearts Afire group is continuing with the third book The ‘One Thing’ Is Three Mondays at 6:00-7:30 PM or Thursdays 9:30-11 AM. October—TBA — 334 Club Dinner & Auction With humor and ease, Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, unlocks the “one thing” — the key to the Church’s wisdom and the greatest mystery of the Catholic faith: the Most Holy Trinity. Far from being a scholarly or academic text, The ‘One Thing’ Is Three makes deep theology accessible to everyday Catholics. What’s more, it presents the familiar or forgotten in a way that’s new, exciting, and relevant. November 7, 2015 — Harvest Fair December 5, 2015 — Vendor Fair Supplying the Wine for Mass John Tagg, who serves the daily Mass, has for some time been organizing donors who are willing to give $20 every couple of months to pay for the sacramental wine that is used during the Eucharist. Anyone who would like to become a Vintner for the Lord is asked to call the rectory at 508-987-8987. The 2 retreats 33 Days to Morning Glory and Consoling the Heart of Jesus will be repeated again in the early fall. Dates TBA Call to pre-register 508-987-2382. Some of the participants in the 33 Days and the Consoling Heart are interested in a book club to read the Diary of St. Faustina or Saint Thérèse of Lisieux Story of a Soul in September. We will meet monthly according to the schedules of those who are interested. Pure in Heart Next Meeting Pure in Heart Worcester is a group of young adult Catholics (ages 18 to 35) committed to the pro-life cause, living the Catholic faith, and studying St. John Paul's Theology of the Body. Join Pure in Heart-Worcester for Mass, adoration with the rosary, a dinner and discussion. Meetings are at 7 pm every third Thursday of the month in the St. Therese Chapel located behind St. Mary's Parish - 20 Summer Street, Shrewsbury MA. For more information email [email protected] or like us on Facebook at Pure in Heart - Worcester. Next meeting: August 20 with a discussion on the Theology of the Body. All are welcome! We will begin with St Story of a Soul Are you interested? Call Olga 508-987-2382 to or der a book and for details. Project Rachel— Project Rachel is the Catholic Church’s ministry of healing and reconciliation to those who have been wounded by abortion. If you are hurting from a past abortion, call Project Rachel in strictest confidence at 508-791-HOPE(4673), or visit to learn more. Peaceful Protest in Worcester All are invited to participate in a peaceful public protest at Planned Parenthood, 470 Pleasant St., Worcester on Saturday, August 22 from 9-11 am. The purpose of the protest is publicly express opposition to Planned Parenthood selling of baby body parts for profit, in addition to the killing of babies by abortion. Here is a chance to publicly express your disgust at the recent videos that have been revealed. P+,-L./0 M.1.23+4 Chairman Paul Fitzpatrick is looking for new members. Save the Dates: Meetings: Wednesdays, September 2 & 23 at 6:00 PM at St. Ann’s rectory. October 26 for an infor mation sessions for all adults at St. Roch. “Theology of the Body and Modern Media”. Watch for details. (6:30 pm fellowship, session is at 7-8:30 pm) November 18—6:00 PM Pr o-Life Gathering for all. October 17 End of Life Issues at Assumption College, Saturday 9:00AM-12 Noon. Free Women’s Retreat Join us on Saturday, September 26 for a Ladies Retreat at Sacred Heart-St. Catherine of Sweden Parish, 596 Cambridge St., Worcester. Our topic will be Prayer & Forgiveness presented by Sister Janet Provost. We begin at 9:30 am with coffee and fellowship, presentation 10-Noon followed by lunch. Donation of $6.00. Please R.S.V.P by September 19th to Jo Luikey 508-755-2300. 4 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME August 16, 2015 HELP WANTED… In the Office of Religious Education August 18-19, 25-27 to get ready for the fall programs for all ages…Please call for times or just drop in. August 20—Office is closed. Important notice to all parents; Children ages 5-18 (Kindergarten through high school). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2015-16 REGISTRATION is Past Due August 18 (10:00 AM—2:00 PM) Public and Catholic school students must register, although Parochial school students are not required to attend regular religious education classes. Sacramental preparation is in addition to regular catechism classes. Cleaning cr ews ar e needed in the parish center. I know summer is busy, but any hour you have will help me get the place tip top for our children. The rooms are getting ready for fresh paint and washing. Call Terry Ann Renaud or Olga Brault 508-987-2382, or e-mail [email protected] to register today. Fees - $85.00 for 1 child and $110.00 maximum for a family. Fees defray some of the cost of the programs, books and supplies. Please do not hold children out due to fees. No one will ever be denied due to financial hardship. Cannot work? How about adopting a room with a bucket of paint or bottle of house cleaner. WE STILL NEED CATECHISTS AND AIDES for elementary, adolescents and adult classes. If you can spend time in the classroom or the office during the class times, your help is desper ately needed and appreciated. Thanks for making our wishes come true… we are in need of a few things…5 DVD players, bottled water, red pens, washable markers, crayons, black expo markers & cleaner, large newsprint paper, duct tape, scotch tape and dispensers, push pins, white or colored copy paper, drawing paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, paint, brushes, rollers. Your donations keep the cost of the programs down and support our kids. Thanks for your continued generosity. By the way we could use someone to vacuum the center weekly, if you can help. We also are planning a cleaning day August 18th— can you be part of the team? Lysol, window cleaner and rug shampoo will help. Thanks to all the new and returning catechists. We will have all materials ready for our planning on Aug 19th 12:00 noon or 5:00 PM (or by appointment), when the teacher s will meet to plan cur r iculum for fall. Please call to set which time is best for you. 508-987-2382 Basic Certification & advanced master catechist courses will be offered to assist you in your catechetical ministry throughout the year by appointment. Other times will be set to meet the needs of our members in addition to our regular Fall Tuesdays starting in September from 10:00-11:30 AM adult education and enrichment. Topics and themes TBA. Videos from the Fortnight for Freedom events are now available on the diocesan website! If you missed the Mass and/or the talk by Sr. Constance of the Little Sisters of the Poor, (or maybe you'd like to see them again!), check the links below: Mass for the Protection of Religious Freedom with Bishop McManus - June 26, 2015 Presentation by Sr. Constance Veit, lsp - "There Where I am Alone with God: A Reflection on Freedom of Conscience" - June 26, 2015 RCIA & ADULT CONFIRMATION Do you know anyone who would like to find out about becoming Catholic, receiving Sacraments as an Adult, or parents of older children, who need Baptism or Holy Eucharist? Contact Terry Ann Renaud or Father Roy anytime 508-987-2382 or 508-987- 8987. A new group will gather soon. 5 The Church of Saint Roch, Oxford, MA TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME On the weekend of August 29 & 30 Fr. Mafanisa Mthembu, O.S. M. of The Order of Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) - USA Province, will be here to talk about their missionary work in KwaZulu-Natal, Republic of South Africa. The Servites are one of the mendicant orders and were founded in the 13th century in Florence, Italy. At the present time they serve all over the world in every type of apostolate. The USA Province of Servites is responsible for the missions in KwaZulu-Natal. The main task of the missionaries today continues to be the proclamation of the Gospel and the establishment of viable Catholic communities. The idea that the people are the Church is quite strong and participation in the liturgy and the work of the Church is very good. Other ministries include education, primary health care centers and providing funding to improve the water system to root out malaria. They are also ministering to the victims of the AIDS epidemic and the building of homes for these victims and other people of the area. They are in need of prayers and financial assistance. August 16, 2015 Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 7:00 PM in the r ector y. Pro-Life Ministry will meet Wednesdays, September 2 & 23 at 6:00 PM at St. Ann’s rectory. St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 14th at 7:00 PM in the par ish center . Harvest Fair meeting on Tuesday, September 15th at 6:30 PM in the par ish center . Concert & Picnic at the Huguenot Fort Sunday, September 13, 2015 — Noon Concert by Local Artists, Huguenot Settlement Pageant, Oxford Middle School Ensemble, National Huguenot Society President, Dignitary Speeches & Essay Readings, Tour of the Fort, Native American Presentations. Historical Displays. Attendance Prizes. Bring a picnic lunch and chairs (no grills, fires or alcohol beverages). Rain Date: Sunday, September 20th. St. Andrew Bobola Summer Festival Saturday, August 29, 2015 11 am—11 pm 54 West Main St., Dudley Featuring: Polka Band, Polish & American food with Chicken Barbeque, 50/50 Raffle every hour, High Definition TV Raffle, Yard Sale/Flea Market, Pastry Booth, Strawberry Shortcake, Country Store Basket Raffle, Specialty Pickle Booth, Polka Mass at 3:30 PM. A Note of Thanks to all the people who gave of their time to help out at the Oxford Food Shelf dur ing the month of August. Your generosity was overwhelming and so appreciated. May God bless each of you & your families. Oxford Bandstand Concerts—Summer 2015 CONCERTS START AT 2:00 PM Please bring blanket or chair for seating. $ Food. Sunday, August 16 C,VW T+X.1 This band was established in 1997. Their unique group of musicians play a tribute to music born in America’s south land where Rock & Roll and Blues collided at the cross roads of American music. This is a smoking band custom built for good time people. Drop in at the Oxford Bandstand for real down to earth music. Sponsored by the Backpacks for Oxford Children Through the Oxford Ecumenical Council there is a plan to distribute a backpack containing the items that children will need returning to school in September. These will be made available to all the children whose families make use of the Food Shelf. There are drop-off points at the front and side entrances for any who would like to contribute. Janet Malser Humanities Trust. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land NEW DATES! October 12-20, 2015 Please join Fr. Roy and Fr. Reid and friends as they walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Jerusalem and at the Sea of Galilee, and pray at the site of the Nativity in Bethlehem. All are welcome. For more information, please contact the rectory at 508-987-8987. Anyone who has not signed up yet but is planning on going must contact Tom ASAP 508-954-0692 or call the parish secretary at 987-8987. Bible Study Wednesday morning Bible Study in the Parish Center 9:30 AM. All are welcome. 334 CLUB WINNERS — Week 12 # 112 Anna Pizzolato # 311 Carol Clouthier # 392 Cindy Carbonneau # 391 Dan Carbonneau CONGRATULATIONS !!! 6 For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising Dean MaSon Angelo’s Auto & Car Sales D. Mason Paving, inc. Angelo Bifano Paving • Seal Coating 508-943-8300 Carl’s Diner All Makes & Models Webster, MA 01570 Catholic Radio Emmanuel Radio - WNEB 1230 AM Worcester 508-987-8770 WANTED Listen and Truly Live 291 Main Street, Oxford, MA Full-time/Part-time (All Shifts) 508-832-2866 $21.99 Oil Change • Free Tire Rotation Senior Discounts Open 6am-2pm 7 Days A Week Sales, Telemarketers, Etc. 823 Southbridge Street Auburn, Rt. 20 WWW.1230RADIO.COM 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 EWTN Learn and Enjoy the Power of Your Faith (978) 851-9103 Rte.9, Westboro, MA Vic Melfa, CEO Cahill’s Tire & auTo serviCe 33 sutton ave., oxford, Ma 508-987-0603 Family Owned & Operated Buying or Selling your home? CAROLINE BIANCHI 351 Main St. • Oxford Paint & Hazardous household waste disposal Open Tuesdays & Thursdays 9AM to 4PM present this ad and receive a discount off of list prices 20% [email protected] “Handmade from the Flowers of your Loved One” NEDT Household Hazardous Products Collection Center 83 Gilmore Drive, Sutton, MA 01590 866-769-1621 [email protected] Please Patronize Saint Roch’s Bulletin Delivery made Simple. Mail Generous Sponsors Whose Support Defray the Costs of this Beautiful Bulletin! Parish Bulletin Coonan Insurance Agency Tom Coonan 267 Main St., Oxford 508-987-7122 "Serving Your Business And Personal Needs" “God is Love” 1 John 4:8 Check our website for Saturday openings and pricing PERSONALIZED SERVICE 1 ON 1 508-277-5491 Comcast 238, Charter 18, Verizon 285 Rosaries from Flowers To your inbox Sign Up at Space Available Auto • Home • Business • Life aDvertising sales Part time. Work from Home. Receive your Parish Bulletin in your inbox every week. Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs! If you bring your printing to a chain store or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs. We can help save you money. MAC T N E New Englan d May 28 th to Open June 1 st June 28th A E Francisco Montoya Academy Director to July 1 st What’s Inside New Englan d Jr. Clay Court July 10th Championsh to July 13 th ips New Englan d August 14th Jr. Hard Court Cham pionships to August th 17 Celeste Frey Academy Mana ger Alex Howa rd Head Coach Saturday, June 26 th, 2 –4 Daniel Quice no Tennis Profes sional pm Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music Chris Trio “String Swing.” Clayton Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden Tennis our beautiful commun Professional ity. Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728 West Concord, MA 01742 Sell Ads for this Bulletin MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 Dave Colby Junior Progra m Director Francisco Monto 978-526-8900 ya | fmontoya@m ext. 232 Celeste Frey | 978-526-8900 [email protected] m ext. 351 68 Commonw ealth Avenue CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN ARTHUR Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me • June 14th to August 27th • Mondays - Fridays • 1:30 - 5:30 pm • 8 years and up • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. FEST Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 [email protected] Call Ken Romano 617-779-3787 For Advertising Information, Please Call 800-888-4574 x3408 SUMMER Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Pilot Bulletins • The Church of Saint Roch in Oxford, MA
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334 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540
Rectory Office ………………………………(508) 987-8987
Fax ……………………………...…………. (508) 987-8938
Religious Education Office………………….(508) 987-2382
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