February 22, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
February 22, 2015 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC CHURCH 720 East Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 1529 Long Beach, MS 39560 Phone: 228-863-1610; FAX: 228-868-6068 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.SaintThomasLB.org Office Hours: M-F, 9:00am-4:30pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass, 5:00pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am, & 6:00pm Tues, Wed, Thurs, 8:30am Fri, 6:30am LENT ADDITIONAL MASSES Monday-Friday, daily, 12 noon Sundays, 11:30am FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Pastor: Fr . Cuthber t “Cuddy” O’Connell (cell: 228-493-9303) Parochial Vicar: Fr . Dominic Vu Xuan Pham Retired: Fr . Pat O’Shaughnessy Deacon: Er nest “Buddy” Vancour t Director of Religious Education: Sr. Cecilia Nguyen, CCSS, 868-3774 [email protected] Secretary: Patsy Bishop, 863-1610 [email protected] Bookkeeper: Beverly Leslie, 863-1610 [email protected] Liturgy Director: Paula Spears, 697-7814 [email protected] Maintenance: Ben Dilorenzo, 596-3379 [email protected] Music Director: Lauren Hymel, 865-3972 [email protected] Youth Ministry: Ray Lacy, 863-1610 [email protected] Pastoral Council: Matthew Powers, 323-3241 [email protected] Reconciliation: Sat., 4:15 – 4:45 pm (or call 863-1610 for an appointment.) Eucharistic Adoration: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm in the Chapel (upstairs in the Office Complex) Baptism: Usually held on the second Sunday of each month. Preparation workshop is required. Marriage: Call the office at least six months in advance of scheduled wedding date. Attendance at pre-marriage course is required. Wedding policy guidelines may be obtained from office or on website. Community Center Rental: Robert Phillips, 281-773-8328, [email protected] Bulletin: Michele Ponte, editor, [email protected], Deadline ten days before publication. Religious Education (SRE): Pre-School-5th Grades, Sundays 10:15-11:30am 6th-12th Grades, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:15pm (September-May) FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SCRIPTURE CORNER THE MEANING OF OUR BAPTISM Lent is the time of year that we devote to scrutinizing our lives in the light of our baptism into the death and resurrection of Jesus. Today’s readings are a nice shorthand catechism of what our baptized lives mean. As Noah passed through the waters of the flood to a covenant with God, so did we enter into a covenant, a promised relationship with God through our baptism. The psalm reminds us that if we truly keep the covenant, the way of life God expects us to follow will not be a burden, but a source of love and truth. Peter’s letter gives one explanation of what our baptism means: it is an appeal that we make to God for a clear conscience. How do we obtain this clear conscience? The words that Jesus proclaims immediately following His temptation show us the way: “Repent and believe in the gospel.” It might be a good spiritual exercise to keep these readings before us throughout the entire season of Lent, a means to help us return to a life lived in our baptismal promises. ——Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. CATHOLIC SHARING APPEAL The Catholic Sharing Appeal campaign begins this weekend in every parish in the diocese. This annual campaign provides funding for the ministries of the diocese (such as Catholic Social and Community Services, Ministry to the Deaf and Disabled, Youth Ministry, Evangelization, Ministry to the Clergy including support for retired and handicapped clergy, continuing education for clergy, the permanent diaconate program, the diocesan newspaper, Sacred Heart Retreat Center, Catholic Scouting programs, Twelve Baskets Food Bank, adoption services, and pro-life ministry). Our parish goal this year is $114,349. Let us begin our Lenten season by practicing almsgiving and supporting this annual campaign. As a community of believers, we are called to share our blessings for the “Glory of God.” COUPLES St. Michael’s in Biloxi is offering a 'Couples Morning of Prayer' on Saturday March 7th, from 8:00am until Noon. Call 228-435-5578 or email the office [email protected] to register. BLACK & INDIAN MISSIONS The special collection next week is to support Black and Indian Mission parishes. Please be generous. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 116:10, 15-19; Rom 8:31b-34; Mk 9:2-10 FEW REMINDERS Sun, Feb 22….11:30am, RCIA, Rite of Sending Sun, Feb 22….11:30am, Mass (additional dur ing Lent) Mon, Feb 23….12noon, Mass Mon, Feb 23….5pm, Pastor al Council meet Mon, Feb 23….7pm, RCIA meet Mon, Feb 23….7pm, Catholics Retur ning Home meet Tues, Feb 24….9am, Quilter s Tues, Feb 24….12noon, Mass Tues, Feb 24….6pm, Amer ican Her itage Gir ls meet Wed, Feb 25….12noon, Mass Wed, Feb 24….7pm, Lenten Bible Study, meet upstair s Thurs, Feb 26….12noon, Mass Thurs, Feb 26….6pm St. J oseph’s Helper s meet Fri, Feb 27….8am-7pm Adoration in the chapel Fri, Feb 27….12noon, Mass Fri, Feb 27….4:30-7pm, Lenten fish fry, KOC Fri, Feb 27….7pm, Stations of the Cr oss, in the chur ch Sun, Mar 1….8-11am, Hospitality Sunday, coffee & donuts Sun, Mar 1….11:30am, Mass Sun, Mar 1….2pm, RCIA Rite of Election at Nativity Cathedral Sun, Mar 1….6pm, Rite of Enr ollment, 11th gr ader s BUY SCRIP—-SUPPORT OUR YOUTH FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME AN INVITATION TO NON-PRACTICING CATHOLICS Feb. 23 – March 30, 2015 The Catholic Church welcomes you home. If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church for a while, this invitation is for you. Our faith community misses you and is incomplete without you. No matter how long you have been away, and for whatever reason, we invite you to consider renewing your relationship with the Catholic Church. Please join us for informal listening sessions and an update of the Catholic faith facilitated by former non-practicing Catholics. The sessions begin this Monday, February 23, at 7:00 pm in the admin building on the second floor and lasts for six weeks. The sessions are conducted in a support-group format. Everyone is welcome, not matter where they are from. If you have any questions, contact the coordinator, Cindy Vogt, at 228860-5250. MARCH HOSPITALITY SUNDAY Coffee and donuts will be served in the Community Center following the 7:30am and 9:00am Masses on Sunday, March 1st. All are invited. The March Hospitality Sunday is sponsored by St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School. CAR RAFFLE We have been so blessed to have the support of Turan Foley Chevrolet-Cadillac-Buick for our annual raffle. This year, they have donated to us a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze LS. The raffle tickets have not yet been printed. They will be available very soon—watch the bulletin for details. Thanks to Turan Foley (Highway 49 Gulfport) and to Rick and J. J. Foley. LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR Collection of food for the Long Beach Food Pantry is next weekend. Please bring donations of non-perishable food items and leave your bags in the vestibules of the church. We will deliver them to the Food Pantry. Cash is also needed. Just put it in an envelope in the collection basket marked for the Food Pantry. Thanks for your generosity. FATHERLESS AND WIDOWS … is a nonprofit ministry dedicated to helping and bringing community awareness to the needs of the fatherless and widows in our community. For information on how you can volunteer or contribute, visit their website at www.FatherlessAndWidows.com or call 228-206-6395. Volunteers are needed to help with all service activities, as well as to help with organizational, administrative, promotional and fundraising efforts. ARISE – A WEEKEND OF CATHOLIC FAITH EXPERIENCE Arise weekends are sponsored by the Cursillo Movement of South MS and open to all, Catholics and non-Catholics. It is a weekend to learn more about the Catholic faith and how Catholics live out their faith. The next Arise weekend is February 27-March 1, 2015 at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Dedeaux. If you are interest or have questions about the weekend please contact Gayle Vancourt at 228-596-4409 MINISTRY FAIR Saturday, March 14 & Sunday, March 15 After all weekend Masses Save the date & join us here, in our parish community center Contact Kate Dennis Spear [email protected], (228) 861-4372 INTERCESSIONS FOR THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE For those consecrated to God by the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience that they may seek to live their baptismal promises more intensely and have the grace to persevere in their commitment to the Lord and serve with open hearts and willing spirits. We pray to the Lord… FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT JESUS’ PASSION THE STORY OF REDEMPTIVE SUFFERING Bible Study for Lent. This 5 week study, developed by Jennifer Phelps for Catholic Scripture Study, focuses on the texts from Scripture that inspired Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ. It also looks at the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other Church documents to examine how 2,000 years of Church teaching relate to various scenes in the film that aren’t specifically described in Scripture. Each class will begin with a 25 minute segment from the film, followed by a 45 minute discussion. Classes begin at 7:00pm, and will be held in the 2nd floor meeting room (B22). If you have any questions, contact Dave Gauthier at 864-5350. Come and See Catholic Bible Study Ezekiel, Hebrews, Revelations By Rev. Andreas Hoeck, S.S.D & Laurie Watson We will study the book of Ezekiel during the season of Lent. You will need to order the above book and also need your bible. The book can be purchased from Amazon.com. You have the option to download the book to your tablet (cost 15.99) or purchase the hard copy (cost 17.31 plus shipping). We can order the book for you if you would like. You will have two opportunities to attend the study. We will meet each Wednesday at 1:00pm in St. Paul Chapel and each Thursday evening at 7:00pm in the conference room at Holy Family Parish Church. Contact Holy Family Parish at 452-4686. The SVS Golf Tournament Friday February 27th $100/person, $360/team Registration: 10:30—11:45am Tee Off: Noon Lunch, beverages, included Hole sponsorships available for $100. Donations accepted for door prize raffle and ditty bags For more information, see svdpcatholicschool.com under Campus news, Documents then listed under documents. You can also contact Kaye at: [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Mon, Feb 23….pr ogr ess r epor ts Tues, Feb 24….Anti bullying speaker Tues, Feb 24….Bank Wed, Feb 25….Dr . Seuss Shir t appr oved Thurs, Feb 26….7:50am, Student of the Month Thurs, Feb 26….6:30pm, PTO meeting Fri, Feb 27….2nd gr ade leads Mass Fri, Feb 27….Lenten Ador ation Fri, Feb 27….10:30am, Golf Tour nament www.svdpcatholicschool.org or 228-222-6000 SAVE THE DATE – Parish Palooza! COUNCIL #4898 Upcoming events: Sun, Feb 22….Life Teen, cook Fri, Feb 27….Lenten Fish Fr ies Thurs, 3/5, 6:30pm meet Fri, 3/6, fish fr y Fri, 3/13, fish fr y Sun, 3/15, 8-11am Parish Breakfast Thurs, 3/19, 6:30pm meet Fri, 3/20, fish fr y Fri, 3/27, fish fr y Spring 2015….Benefit Bocci Ball tour nament For more information on membership or any questions, contact Jim Delinski, Grand Knight at 863-6643. Life's too short not to celebrate at every opportunity! Mark your calendars now for our first annual St. Thomas Parish Palooza (family festival) celebration! Rain or shine, it’s planned for Saturday, April 18th from 11 AM till 4 PM here in the church pavilion. Our fundraiser this year includes a 2015 Chevrolet Cruze LS donated by Turan Foley Chevrolet-Buick-Cadillac on Hwy 49 in Gulfport. Tickets for the car will be mailed soon. Some of the planned activities include Entertainment, a Silent Auction, a Basket Raffle and Children’s Games including a cake walk! Food booths will fill your tummy with hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled pork sandwiches, fries, nachos and egg rolls. Sno-cones, popcorn, cotton candy and desserts will be available. You can wash it all down with water, sodas or beer (must be 21 years of age). Look in future bulletins for ways you can help to make this day a success and plan to join us for a great day of music, prizes and fun! FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION February Life Teen Calendar During our Life Nights for 9th – 12th graders, teens will participate in goofy, fun games or skits relating to the weekly theme, listen to powerful sharings by adult leaders, share in small groups and leave with a weekly challenge. We meet in the youth room upstairs right after the 6 p.m. Life Teen Mass and end with a meal in the community center. February 22nd - “Rosetta Stone” – The goal of this night is to re-emphasize our universal vocation – our call to holiness. The teens will discover that it is only in living out holiness in our daily lives that we will discover God’s greater and larger plan for us. PreK-5th (RCIC) Grade: Sundays, 10:15–11:30am Feb 22……….. SRE Class Mar 1………… SRE Class Mar 8…………SRE Class Mar 15………..SRE Class – “Vacation Bible School Registration” begins Mar 22………..SRE Class Mar 29………..NO SRE Class – Palm Sunday 6th-12th (RCIT) Grade: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:15pm Feb 25……….. SRE Class/4th Special Conf. Pr ep Class ***Mar 1…..…Rite of Enr ollment for 11th Gr ade Confirmation Candidates and Sponsors at 6:00 pm Mass Mar 4…………SRE Class/5th Special Conf Pr ep Class Mar 11………..SRE Class/6th Special Conf Pr ep Class Mar 18………..SRE Class/7th Special Conf Pr ep Class Mar 25………..SRE Class/8th Special Conf Pr ep Class February Edge Calendar During our Edge nights for 6th – 8th graders, teens will participate in goofy, fun games or skits relating to the weekly theme, listen to powerful sharings by adult leaders, share in small groups and leave with a weekly challenge. We meet on the balcony upstairs right after the 6 p.m. Life Teen Mass and end with a meal in the community center. February 22nd – “Well of Life” – The goal of this Edge night is for our middle school students to explore the idea that prayer is a gift, is from the heart, and is meant to be used to form a relationship with the living God. NEW TIME for Sunday SRE: Starting TODAY, Sunday, February 22 (first Sunday of Lent), we will begin Sunday SRE five (5) minutes earlier than usual... we will begin at 10:10am. The children will be dismissed at 11:20am so parents can pick up the children for Mass if they plan to attend the 11:30am Mass. Sunday SRE will be from 10:10am to 11:20am starting on February 22nd. Please do not pick up the children prior to the sound of the bell at exactly 11:20am, unless there is an emergency. Ray Lacy, 863-1610, [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY PARENTS Attention parents of students grades 6 - 12: Are you receiving the weekly Youth Ministry Emails? If not, please send an email to [email protected] with your email address so we can be sure to include you on our email list. Weekly, we will send emails letting you know the upcoming weekend's plans for our Life Teen and Edge programs. ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Registration for the 2015-16 school year has begun at St. Patrick Catholic High School. St. Patrick offers a strong curriculum combined with weekly mass, service projects, sports, and clubs to create a solid foundation for college bound students. Registration fees are discounted for those who register early. For more information or to schedule a tour, call (228) 702-0500. Visit our website at http://www.stpatrickhighschool.net HOPE AND PERSEVERANCE, A COMPANIONSHIP RETREAT FOR SINGLES AND COUPLES. Saturday March 7th from 8:00-11:00am. At St. Michael. Call 228-435-5578 to sign up As Soon As Possible. We need to order supplies. CRS OPERATION RICE BOWLS CRS Rice Bowl is a Lenten faith formation program that helps us to live in solidarity with the poor and vulnerable around the world. We PRAY to reflect on what type of person we are called to be. We FAST to remove the things that get between us and God, and to remember those without enough to eat. We GIVE to honor Jesus’ call to serve those in need. Please make sure to take home a rice bowl (located by the east/west/front entrance doors) on ASH WEDNESDAY (February 18), share your blessings with those in need, and drop off your rice bowl in the basket on Palm Sunday (March 29). Thank you in advance for your sacrificial giving and solidarity with the poor! FEBRUARY 22, 2015——FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS Mon, 2/23 Tues, 2/24 Tues, 2/24 Wed, 2/25 Wed, 2/25 Thurs, 2/26 12noon 8:30am 12noon 8:30am 12noon 8:30am Thurs, 2/26 Fri, 2/27 Fri, 2/27 Sat, 2/28 12noon 6:30am 12noon 5:00pm Sun, 3/1 7:30am 9:00am 11:30am 6:00pm All Volunteers Kathy McIntyre David Schnebelen Stephanie Bass St. Vincent School Phyllis Seal +Mae Koenenn +Jim O’Connell SVdP Society donors +Emmett Niolet CALB supporters +Mae Koenenn +Chuck Mink +Bill Doyle +Frank Irwin +Bob Hetherington +Charles Sykes +Mack Webb +Pat & +Betty Wilz St. Thomas Parish Family Rick and J.J. Foley +Charles Sykes PETITIONS OF PRAYER Al Busche, Angela Lucas, Audrey Pierson, Baby Boy Pierce, Bernard Smoot, Bobbie Bourdin, Brent Fairley, Deloris McQueen, Don Walker, Donna Near, Ernest Ladner, Eva Hagensee, Frank “Eddie” Simmons, Ginger Worth, Gloria White, Haylee McCaffrey, Jacquelyn Mary Shoultz, James Loftus, Je’Nell Blocher, Jerry Ray West, John Logreco, Joyce Stinziano, Kathleen Near, Kristen Ariatti, Lance Dupuis, Linda Bass, Lois Claire Curtiss, Lois Ladner Weems, Loyce Barcelona, Luke Joseph Bass, Margaret Roberts, Marie Ladnier, Mary White, Milliard Carter, Nicole Olson, Olivia West Nesbitt, Ray Roberts, Ricky Bouvier, Roberta Varvel, Rory Pearce, Sammie Hodges, Shannon Collins, Sharon Sarris White, Thomas Smoot, Vadis Perkins, Yvonne Ladner and all others in our parish and community in need of healing, physical or spiritual. NEXT WEEKEND’S LAY MINISTERS GONE HOME TO GOD † A. D. Taylor WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Joseph Leone; Nolan Motichek. SAVE THE DATE SUNDAY, MARCH 8TH HAPPY RETIREMENT PATSY RECEPTION AD OF LAST WEEK’S OFFERINGS TOTALS Thank you for your generosity!! Envelopes, $10,977.00; Loose money, $1,233.00 Children’s pickle jar, $101.00 Electronic Giving, $9,053.00 RECURRING AROUND THE PARISH… THE WEEK Lighthouse Catholic Media Stand…East foyer St Vincent de Paul Society….9:30am-12:30pm, Mon & Thurs, open to help Adoration in the Chapel….8:00am-7:00pm, Fridays Youth Gift Cards (Scrip) sales…after all Masses & during office hours, 9am-4:30pm weekdays Knights of Columbus, Council #4898….6:30pm, every first & third Thursday of the month St. Joseph’s Helping Hands….Wor k day is ever y fir st Saturday of the month; meeting is every fourth Thursday call/text 228-216-7649 www.AmyWoodProperties.com Long Beach and Pass Christian’s Only Funeral Home since 1964 • Preplanning • Funeral and Cremation Services • Monuments 228-865-4700 19130 Commission Rd. For a wide selection of Catholic greeting cards, artwork, and inspirational recordings, visit www.wlpmusic.com. 213 E. Beach Blvd. Long Beach • 265-7730 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com HANDY - MEN Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Rosalia Villard Lee LICENSE # 17034 Patient Care Rep/Parishioner Support Your Church & Bulletin. cell: 407-376-7680 Free professional ad design & my help! email: [email protected] HOME, YARD & AC REPAIR www.jspaluch.com Providing peace, comfort and dignity to those facing terminal illness. 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