October 18, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church


October 18, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church
The Catholic Community of
St. Elizabeth
130 Florence Ave. • 662-624-4301 • email: [email protected]
Emergencies: 662-483-3289 • www.stelizabethclarksdale.com
Church Office: Tues-Fri: 9:30am-5pm
Immaculate Conception
510 Ritchie Ave. 662-624-4029
Fr. Scott Thomas, Pastor
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time•Oct 18, 2015
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sat. 5:30-5:45pm; Sun. 10:00-10:15am
Or by appointment
Ministers for NEXT Weekend — Oct. 24-25
Saturday 6:00pm St E
Procl.—Beverly Thomas, Van Fowler
EM—Scott Carraway, Kathy Long,
Barbara Tavoleti
Alt. Serv.—Joseph Curcio, John Aedon Clark
Ushers—Bill Youngblood, Joe Camponova,
Jimmie Walker Jr., James Walker
Sunday 8:30am IC
Procl.—Catherine Clark, Sr Janyce Boutá
EM—Sr Teresa Shields, Lydia Williams
Alt. Serv.—Camryn Davis
Ushers—Golden Sharpe, John Jones
Sunday 10:30am St E
Procl.—Beverly Antici, Gerald Antici
EM—Leonard Vincent, Sue Craig,
Roland Wilkinson
Alt. Serv.—Brooks Fyfe, Sam Stonestreet
Ushers—Larry Lewellyn, Gene Hymel,
Richard Noe, Jeff Allen
Mass Schedule
Daily— See Inside Bulletin
Saturday 6pm Vigil (St Elizabeth)
Sunday 8:30am (IC)
10:30am (St Elizabeth)
3rd Sunday—Extraordinary Form
(Latin) Mass 2pm (St E)
4th Sunday—Spanish Mass 2pm (St E)
Meetings Oct 18-24
Sun.—24 wk. Scripture Study
(4pm, SES Library)
Tues.—St Elizabeth Finance Council
(6pm, Rectory)
Wed.— Rosary (5:15pm, St E Church)
RCIA (7:00pm, Church)
St. Elizabeth Catholic School
150 Florence Avenue
[email protected]
Pre-School - Grade 6
Mrs. Jeannie Roberts, Principal
MASSES: Oct. 20-25
8:30am (IC)
PeeWee Gordon
Paul Malatesta, Sr
Michael Demilio
Andrew Lavender
Clint Davis
Catholic Community
Catholic Community
Catholic Community
Sheila and Robbie Riddick
Joe and Pennie Radicioni
Alice Lee Hayes
Sheila and Robbie Riddick
The Davis Family
Weekend of October 10-11
St Elizabeth Offertory: $ 4,208.00
IC Offertory: $ 362.00
St. Elizabeth’s Weekly Budget is $6,197.04. Thank you for your generosity!
Fr Scott Says: The 18th is normally the Feast of St Luke, evangelist. But this year it is usurped by the
Sunday Solemnity. In his letter to the Colossians, St Paul refers to St Luke as “Luke, the beloved physician” (Col 4:14). Therefore it is believed that St Luke was a doctor who joined St Paul in some of his
travels. He was born a Greek and was a gentile (non-Jew) convert. St Luke wrote one of the four Gospels as well as the Acts of the Apostles. St Luke is the patron saint of doctors. So perhaps this week you
could take a little extra time to pray for all those in the medical field, that they can allow themselves to
be used by God and may always be protectors of life.
Sunday, October 18
Leigh Hunt
Dylan Andrews
Monday, October 19
Victoria Meyers
Tuesday, October 20
Rita Allen
Wednesday, October 21
Rodney Sabbatini
Roland Wilkinson
Henry Mohead
Friday, October 23
Lisa Noe
Rod Freeman
Saturday, October 24
Linda Hood
Stan Swentkowski
Warren Matthews
Steve Ferri
Mary Claire Hayes
Don Clark
Susie Clark
Happy Belated Birthday!
Michael Camponova
October 17
Please Pray for all who are sick.
Jerry Gibson
Wayne Morris
Carrie Belvedresi
James Smith
Rosalyn Hull
Sam Holdeman
Shirley Barbieri
Mickey Tuminello
Rosa Bates
Patsy Lamberson
Susan Berryhill
Stan Miekicki
Matthew Edmonson
Nancy O. McCulloch
Dorothy Morganti
Mary P. Cirilli
Patricia Stoop
True Rudd
Glyn Downing
Frank Serio
Jeanette Reardon
Lillie Strohm
Lesa Parks
Tony Tavoleti
Bruce Johnson
Jean Rosatti
Deanie Farrish
Brenda Johnson
Anne Swentkowski
Maggie Monty
Allison Harris
Ramona Young
Geneva Correro
Emma Farris
Shan Parks
Sam Armstrong
Rita Harden
Jobe Maynor
Fats Dalton
Samuel Wilson
Margaret Burrif
Angelina Suddut
Mickie Adams
Emma Kate Poole
Leonard Patterson
Logan Gates
Davey Lee Farris, Jr.
Johnny Young
Wayne Orr
Ruth Gordon
Frances Borgognoni
Scott Brown
David Whitney
Susie Carr
John Hamilton
The Scripture Study group meets Sundays at 4 pm in the SES Library.
One Church, Many Saints: A Black Catholic weekend of Reflection will be held on Nov. 6-7 at St Francis
Church in Greenwood, MS. Registration fee is $15 per
person which includes t-shirt, Friday evening reception,
and two meals Saturday. You may pre-register or register the day of the event. Contact Will Jemison at 601949-6935 or [email protected] for more
A Prayer Service for Local Law Enforcement Officers will be held on Tuesday, October 20, at 7pm
at Clarksdale Baptist Church. All are invited to join in expressing our support and pray for the protection of the men and women who serve and protect us.
Don’t forget our pro-life drive to help the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Fairland Treatment Center! You can bring your goods to Sunday School, leave them in
the Pro-life Playpen at St Elizabeth, or drop them off at the parish office!
RCIA continues this Wednesday at 7pm in the Church. Fr Scott will be explaining the Mass. Please
invite anyone you think might be interested! For more information, contact Libby Antici.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Sr Manette Durand and for consolation to her family and
Youth News
The flowers in the St Elizabeth sanctuary are given in loving memory of Clint Davis, by Pat and
Lida Davis.
Wearing The Pink: Please join the parishioners of Immaculate Conception in observing
Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing PINK to the 8:30 am Mass on Sunday, October 25.
Trick or Treat for Canned Goods: Our youth will be trick or treating for canned goods next Sunday,
Oct 25. Please call Sarah Cauthen at 645-6260 or the church office to be added to the Trick or Treat
route. The youth group from St. George will be joining us this year. This food drive is one of our
largest and usually stocks the food pantry for the winter! Thank you for supporting this ministry to
feed the poor of our community.
Sunday School this Sunday! We will serve dinner!!! The Protection of Children lesson will be taught to
all grades this evening. See you in McKenna Hall at 6pm!
October Service Project—Please send baby items any Sunday in October for our pro life drive to help
the Crisis Pregnancy Center and Fairland Treatment Center. See bulletin insert for needed items.
YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA SERVICE HOUR if you bring a new address (not
already on our route) to Sunday School this weekend. 6th—12th grades will Trick or
Treat for the food pantry next Sunday, Oct 25. Sunday School families, please send your
bags to Sunday School with your kids. Pizza party in the parish hall after Trick or Treat.
Grades 1 –5 will not meet Oct 25.