Product Testimonies_REV00


Product Testimonies_REV00
The testimonies provided are to give a general information of what our
customer believe is helping them become healthy and no financial endorsements or compensation has been involved. The testimonies represent the opinions of the individuals involved and were given of their
own free will. Individual result may vary. It is intended as a sharing of
knowledge and information from the experience of Gano Excel’s customer .We do not claim that Gano Excel products directly prevent,
cure, treat, mitigate or diagnose any disease or result in significant and
permanent weight loss. We do not suggest that anyone should replace
traditional medical treatment with our products. No clinical studies
support these claims. If you are under physician's care, it is very important that you do not discontinue or reduce any prescription medication
without first consulting your physician.
Gano ExcelTM is a premier health and wellness company offering
world-class products along with a rewarding business opportunity.
Joining team Gano ExcelTM empowers individuals to explore their
ultimate potential. When people try the products, the positive
testimonials pour in: "I feel better than I have in years." "My energy level
is unbelievable." “I never had such a remarkable health”, “I can walk
miles now” , "Gano ExcelTM has changed my life." and the list goes on.
"Gano ExcelTM focuses on wellness and provides an opportunity to enrich
your life in the way that you choose.
Distinguished consumers from professionals to layman from all races and
places. The phenomenal results of Gano Excel TM products experienced
by thousands of people present an exciting business and health
opportunity. From a Hopeless situation to a Hopeful Future.
Individuals from all walks of life are realizing the unlimited income
potential and creating a more balanced life when they share our
world-class products and opportunity with others.
The Gano Excel TM track record is one of success because we remain
focused on what we do best: offering safe and effective nutritional
products and providing a compelling business opportunity. The future is
bright with Gano Excel TM because we have the best people, proven
science-based products, endorsers who recommend our products, an
exciting growth plan and sound company principles.
Our philosophy, Share Health and Share Wealth is manifested through
the testimonies of the endorsers that speaks volume in the book. We
hope you join Team Gano Excel TM and be part of our family.
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Asthma & Obesity
Name: Stephanie Stephen Chin I have a big body structure, since I
Age: 22 years old
was a small kid. My desire to
become thin was always in my
When I was 7 years old, I
mind. One day, I read about Gano
suffered from asthma and
Garcinia and GanoTea SOD in Gano
sinusitis. I always go to the
Excel bulletin, which is good for my
hospital for treatment, yet I never problems. I tried these two
recovered from my sicknesses. I
products, Gano Garcinia andhad to quit my studies in
GanoTea SOD in addition to
Polytechnic Johor Bahru (two
Ganoderma and Excellium. I also
weeks after registration), due to
exercise everyday.
serious asthma attack. The
lecturer there advised me to go
As a result, within 5 months, I
home and rest. I felt very
managed to reduce my weight of
disappointed and sad.
about 41kg. This is unbelievable and
amazing. There is nothing I can say
My acquaintance with Gano Excel except a million thanks to Gano
has made my days better. My
Excel for its incredible products.
mother suggested me to try
Now, I have
Ganoderma and Excellium. After 5 achieved a body
months consuming Ganoderma
shape that I always
and Excellium, I am free from
dream of. I will
asthma attacks and my
continue with this
sinusitis is also disappearing.
Apart from that, I was over
weight. I cannot deny the fact that
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Obesity & Overflow
Name: Chan Wai Ming
Age: 52 years old
Wai Ming is having problem with
her weight and overflow period. Her sister,
Ms Sally Chan together with GDD Charlie Hor
recommends Wai Ming to take Ganoderma,
Excellium , Gano SOD Tea, Noble Garden Pearl
Femining and Gano Garcinia. After six months, she
had lost weight and achieved the desired weight.
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United States
I’m a 27 year old wife and mother
of 2 young children. Since the birth
of my first son, I just could not lose the
excess weight and after the birth of my
second son, the situation got even worse.
I was so unhappy with my weight problem.
I tried everything – the shakes, the diet
pills, working out, not eating. But nothing worked.... So one day, I prayed
and asked God to please help me lose the weight and get over my
extreme PMS.
Well, the very next day I met a Gano Excel distributor. She explained the product, and how it worked, and left me with the Gano Café
to try. It gave me such calm, soothing and an all around good feeling that
I repeated some other products.
I have more energy and better outlook in life.
I am fulfilled and satisfied, no longer crave
certain foods like before, my skin and hair feel
and look beautiful. In the past, I also suffered
severe sinus problems. The sinus problems are all
gone. My husband and I are thankful for these
Veronica, CA
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United States
“ I lost about 5 pounds in the first 3 days
after just drinking the coffee. I was given
some samples and started drinking it and
noticed that I’d lost the weight.”
I know I’ve had a lot more energy and want to try all of the
different all the different products. We’re so excited and
my husband loves it. He is a heavy duty coffee drinker and
he was skeptical at first. He drank the black coffee and just
loved it. He said it tastes like it’s just been brewed. He’s lost
weight too.
Karen Henderson, OK
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Mental Alertness
United States
“My mom sent me some hot chocolate since I've been
in college. After a couple of days of taking the Gano
Schokolade, I noticed that it helped me stay awake
during late night hours enabling me to finish my
homework. I feel more energetic and it also helped me
to stay alert during the daytime while actually
sitting in a 3 hour long lecture.”
Megan Espiritu, 19, CA
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Name: Fatimah Ibrahim
“ I have had serious sinusitis for three years which had resulted in
wounds in the mouth and nose. The wound started to expand as a result
of the blood transfusion given to me during my child delivery.
I started to consume Gano Excel
products after I was introduced to it by
Pn. Zahironnisha. She had explained to me the
ability of Gano Excel’s products in helping me with
my sinusitis.
Starting with Ganoderma, Excellium, and
Gano Café for the first week, reaction occurred
where the wounded area became more painful. I
still continue consuming the products by applying
Ganoderma powder on the wounded area.
In just a few weeks, the illness that has
haunted me for the past three years had fully
healed. I continue to consume Gano Excel’s products to maintain my health and I am very satisfied
with Gano Excel’s products. ”
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Name: Siti Zliaha Bt. Kusnu
At first I thought that the boil on my right shoulder
was just a normal condition. The boil burst and it
become a wound. After a few days, the wound
become bigger and it didn’t heal well.
I received treatment at Kuantan General Hospital
where the doctor analyse my blood. I was diagnosed
as having diabetes. That was why my wound didn’t
heal well. For a month, I try all treatment but there is
no improvement and it became even more serious. Knowing the illness I
was facing, a Gano Excel distributor came to me and he explained to me
the effectiveness of Gano Excel’s products which had proved to cure
ailments related to diabetes.
I start to consume Ganoderma, Excellium and
Gano Café as well as applied Ganoderma Powder
on the wounds. After 2 weeks, my doctor
confirmed that my sugar level in my blood has
become normal again and the wound
My wound before & after
started to heal. After 3 months, the wound
using Gano Excel Prodcaused by the boil was fully healed.
Now, I continue to use Gano Excel’s products to
maintain my health. “
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Name: Rodziah Bt. Ishak
“ At first it was only a small cut but after some time it became
more serious. My toes started to crack, it became muous and smelly. My
whole body including hands, feet and head were infected with rashes
and scabies. This condition restrained me from moving around.
As a result of being a diabetics, I was having, my hair has also
started to drop, I try all kinds of treatment but no sign of improvement.
This conditions continued until a Gano Excel Distributor, Pn. Roshida Bt.
Ibrahim came to my house and share her experience and also the efficacy of Gano Excel products in curing diabetes.
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I used Gano Excel products
which namely Ganoderma and
Excellium as well as applied
Ganoderma on the cut. During my
consumption of the product, a reaction occurred where poisonous body
fluids and puss oozed out from the
cut. Pn. Roshida assured me to continue using the products.
After a few weeks, the cut
started to dry and show positive
changes. The scabies and rashes on
my whole body also lessen. With the
support from my children, in just two
months the cut healed completely and
my health came back to normal.
I am very thankful with the progress and I would like to express
my sincere gratitude to those involved in helping me recover from
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United States
“The Gano Café taste is excellent, and my
constipation is a thing of the past! I take
anti-hypertension drugs, but after taking
Ganoderma and Excellium capsules, my
blood pressure reading is now 113/72 when
before it would go as high as 149/99.”
Minda Baylosis, 47, CA
Lower High Blood
Pressure with
Ancient Remedy Ganoderma
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United Kingdom
Name: Helen Harris
Age: 53 years old, Female
Sponsor’s name: Judith Zenarosa
Diagnosed Hypertension,
Osteoarthiritis & Dyslipididemia
Signs & symptoms:
Stiff neck and shoulder pain for 8 years
Hypertension: (BP 140/150/100 mmHg)
Product/s used and dosage: Ganoderma and Excellium
After a month having Gano Excel’s products….
 Blood pressure restored to 120/80 mmHg
 No more neck and
shoulder pain
 Blood chemistry
revealed a normal
cholesterol and
blood uric acid
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Name: Milagros V.Fruelda
Age: 52 years old, Female
Sponsor’s Name: Elviza Manglo
Diagnosed: Hyperthyroidism / Hypertension
Signs and symptoms: Palpitation, Fasciculation,
Difficulty in sleeping, Concomitant
Hypertension Laboratory Procedures: Increased FT 3, decreased TSH.
Products and dosage used:
Ganoderma and Excellium, Pioir Coffee 3 in 1, Gano C’real &
Pioir Ganoderma Chocolate Drink
After: Decreased in the signs and symptoms, PTU was reduced to once
a day intake. After 3 months from the date of diagnosis, FT3 and TSH results was normal.
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United States
I have been suffering from a chronic injury for over a year with a
dislocated shoulder. While landscaping this spring I began to experience
increasing pain in the area, compounding the issue further with tendonitis in the upper bicep region. My friend & business partner blessed me by
introducing me to the Gano products, offered a business opportunity
that has literally been transforming my life.
Replacing conventional coffee with the GanoCafe, which contains
Ganoderma Lucidum, has eased the inflammation in the shoulder and
bicep, sustained energy levels throughout the day, aided digestion and
has allowed me to trade the 9 to 5 grind for a full-time business venture
that is growing daily. I have introduced the GanoCafe to many friends
and family who are now also loyal customers, some of whom have joined
the business with me. We've even signed on a team member last week in
Puerto Rico.
Ganoderma is truly the King of Herbs and king of business opportunities. It is an honor to be carrying out the Gano Excel mission of
“bringing health and wealth to every family!”
Sean J. Kennedy, NY
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Name: Mamerto Borjal
Age: 46 years old, Male
Sponsor’s Name: Nalyn Dunton
Sign & symptoms:
Double vision in the left eyes
Product/s and dosage: Ganoderma and Excellium
 Improvement of vision of the left eye.
 Improvement on the energy and overall well being
 Patient was certified fit to work.
 As of October 13, 2008 he is on board working and doing
the usual things.
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Name: Ronel Dapitan
Age: 23 years old, Male
Location: Tingub, Mandaue Cebu,
Thyroid enlargement with difficulty in swallowing food.
AFTER 2 weeks of taking SPIROGRASS
The thyroid gland significantly
decreased in size, food can be swollen
without difficulty.
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United States
I tried all kinds of medicines to treat the psoriasis on my hands
without any success. I never expected the Gano Café which I take daily
would heal it completely.
My friend, Cheri Ubalde, has a similar problem because she has
psoriasis on her forehead and neck. She took the Gano Café and Gano
capsules, and in less than a month, she told us
“ we are heaven sent” because the affected
area was no longer itchy or reddish. It was dry and
Loving Lowell, CA
No longer itchy &
With Gano Excel!!
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Name: Affazuddin
Location: Raiganj, India.
Name: Shyamal Ghosh
Location: Raiganj, India.
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Skin Allergy Disease
Name: Muhammad Aliff Bin Kamaruddin
“ A doctor confirmed that my son was suffering from Eczema, a
type of serious skin disease since he was born. At first, only normal
rashes developed all over his body. Then,
the rashes became bigger, itchier and
The skin disease became more
serious. It swelled and was watery. My
two-months old son kept crying out of
pain, especially when medicine was
applied. The pain became worst in hot
A Gano Excel distributor introduced me to Gano Excel's
Product. Convinced by explanation given,
I gave my son Excellium in
the morning and evening.
I also applied Ganoderma
powder together with
some oil all over his body.
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Skin Allergy Disease
After a few days, the healing process occurred and his skin
became itchier and a lot of poisonous liquid came from it. I continued to
give the products to my son. After two weeks, I could see a positive
reaction. The rashes started to dry and became flaky. My son could
sleep peacefully and he cried less.
After two and a
half months of using the
products, my son’s skin
disease has healed. He is
now more active, fit, and it
is hard for him to catch a
fever. I am very happy
with this progress and will
continue to give Gano
Excel products to my son.”
After Using
Gano Excel’s Products
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Skin Disease
Name: Mohamad Rafei Bin Mohd Isa
“Since I was in school at the age of 9, I had suffered from a skin
disease. At first, red spots developed only on my legs. But in a short time,
they were itchy and flaky. The spots spread to my whole body including
my face.
This condition made me embarrassed to go to school especially
after meeting friends and had to take leave for 2 months. My family took
me to see a skin specialist, but I did not recover.
After seeing the suffering I was facing, a
Gano Excel distributor, Pn. Rushayati Mat Isa
introduced to my family to Gano Excel’s
products. He showed testimonial photographs
of people who had recovered after using Gano
Excel’s product.
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Skin Disease
From her explanation, I was convinced
and started to use Gano Excel’s products which
are Ganoderma, Excellium and Gano Soap.
After a week, the healing crisis occurred where my skin became
itchier, starched, and discharged a lots of
poisonous and smelly puss. My family continued taking advice from Pn. Rushayati and
after listening to her explanation, I also continued to consume the products. After a few
days, my skin started to dry, flakes, and the
itchiness lessened.
After a month of consuming Gano
Excel’s products, I have nearly recovered. I
am so happy with the progress because I am
no longer embarrassed to face my friends. “
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Abnormality Of Nerves
Name: Dr. Sampharn
Used to work as a scientist in
Japan specializing in
Aeronautics, now a professor
in Mahasarakham University.
 Diagnosed with
abnormality of nerves.
Similar to Hyperactive,
cannot control his actions, mind &body cannot coordinate, agitated.
Married with no
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Abnormality Of Nerves
After having Gano Excel’s products for SIX (6) Months
Now he can lecture actively
with good concentration.
Wife is pregnant.
Endorsed Excellium as an
excellent product & thanked
to Mr, Leow for making
Excellium affordable to all.
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Systematic Lupus Erythematosus
Name: Jenjira
Age: 21 years old
Jenjira had being suffering for
SLE for 5 years. SLE had caused her
kidney infected and she needs
Catheter to help her to urinate. After
consuming Gano Excel products for nine days, Jenjira is able to urine as
normal but the urine smells pungent. It smells like chemical due to her
heavy consumption of medication.
Products taken: Ganoderma, Excellium & Sakanno
Now, her condition has improved with Gano Excel’s product for 2
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Colon Cancer
Name: Estelita M.Malicad
Age: 61 years old, Female
Sponsor’s Name: Olivia Llobrera
Diagnosed: Colon Cancer
Signs & Symptoms: Difficulty in bowel
Products consumed: Ganoderma and Excellium
6 months post operative, CT scan done revealed minimal findings.
Repeat CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) showed decrease in value.
9 months post – operative repeat CT Scan revealed normal result as well as
 1 year post operative she underwent bone scan to rule out metastases and
showed no metastases.
 She is presently asymptomatic and follows-up with her doctor every 3
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Poliomyelitis (Polio)
Name: Boonyarat Bootngam
Boonyarat suffered from polio disease since he was 2 years old.
However, his condition worsen and he turns to be a paralytic patient
since then. His body was “curled up” and frequently fatigue. Due to his
problems, his movements are limited.
His daily activities, bathing, eating, drinking is done with the help
of his mother. He will ring the bell that is tied on his leg when he needs
something from his mother. Boonyarat was diagnosed with lymph nodes
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Poliomyelitis (Polio)
His mother who suffered from a tumor grown in the uterus was
being approached by DD Wachirasak Jaitrong. After she tried on the
product and getting better, she gave his son, Boonyarat.
After 5 months, Boonyarat is
able to sit, eat and drink by himself.
His talking ability also improved where
he can speak on short words and the
lymph nodes tumor also disappears.
Now, Boonyarat movements improves
and able to stand without help.
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Stomach Cancer
Name: Nongyau Butsaphan
Profession: Nurse
Stomachache, weight loss, indigestion and vomiting.
Before Having Gano Excel’s
Doctor has operated on her and remove the cancer from
her stomach.
Besides, she has been told by doctor that she has only 3
months of lifespan.
Her husband resigned from Police Force to be with her.
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Stomach Cancer
After Having Gano
Excel’s Products
For 4 Years
Ganoderma & Excellium.
Reaction: There is minimal
stomach discomfort in the
beginning. However, her
appetite also improves at the
same time. She returns to work
and carry on her life normally.
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Brain Cancer
Name: Ramlah Bt. Abdul Rahman
“ I was diagnosed with cancer and kidney failure for 10 years.
I frequently felt itchy, headache, tired, my whole body was in pain
and I was bald. I did not have to comb my
hair as it would simply fell off. Hence, I
used to isolate myself by staying confined
in my room.
The doctor told me that I was
diagnosed with cancer and the chances for
me to recover was only 50%. I was so
Fortunately, Pn. Sabariah Haron introduced me the products of
Gano Excel. Through her detailed explanation, I started to consume Ganoderma & Excellium.
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Brain Cancer
After consume the supplements, there was ailment reflection
where I was tired, down with diarrhea, headache, pain in my whole body
and nausea. I did not doubt the products because Pn. Sabariah told me in
advance about the ailment reflection and asked me to be patient.
Later, the swell subsided. I continued with the dosage and the
ailment reflection happened again. There were secretion of pus and it
subsided. But 2 weeks later, it came back again and this time the ailment
reflection duration was quite long. Finally, my disease symptoms have
I thank god that now I am healthy in contrast to my previous
condition. I feel better and I don’t have to isolate myself at home
anymore. ”
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Ovary Cancer
Name: Thida Shew
“ I was diagnosed with ovary cancer on 20 April 2002 after having
continuous stomach pain and menstruation for 3 months in a row.
I was admitted to the hospital because it became serious. I had to
go through chemotherapy once in two months and that continued for a
year until I became bald.
Pn. Rusnah, a Gano Excel’s distributor introduced Gano Excel’s
products to me. She told me about her experience and informed me on
how Gano Excel’s products had helped her to regain her health.
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Ovary Cancer
Starting with Excellium, I consumed
Gano Excel’s products. A week later, I
started to take Ganoderma and Gano Café.
After a few days, a reaction occurred and
I had a severe stomach pain. I continued to
consume the products because I knew that
the reaction was part of the healing
A month later, the doctor informed
me that I was getting better and both my
red and white blood cells has becoming
normal reading again. I was very happy with
the progress and I continue to consume
Gano Excel’s products. “
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Name: Che Zakiah Bt. Md Daud
“ I was paralyzed since June 2001. Starting from a fever for 3
consecutive days, I started to endure serious pain and cramps all over my
body especially from the waist and below.
One evening when I was doing some
household chores, my waist become painful
and at that very moment I was paralyzed
from my waist and below. I went for
treatment at the hospital but doctor could
not detect the cause of my problem directly.
Before suffering from this problem, I had
attended a talk on Gano Excel’s products in my village by Gano Excel’s distributor, Pn. Rushayati.
With the knowledge that I had gained, I started to
consume Gano Excel’s products such as Ganoderma, Excellium, Sakanno, and Gano Café.
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Remarkably, in just one day, I started to feel the difference in myself. I could move my toes and I felt the
sensation in my feet. The next day, I
was able to move my feet and after a
few days I could even walk. During my
consumption of the products, the
reaction processes occurred where by I
was unable to hear properly and I had
cramps in my legs.
After 2 months of consuming
the products, I no longer paralyzed like
I was for the past six months, I am now
still consuming Gano Excel’s products
and the people in my village are also
using these products after seeing the
positive changes in my health.”
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