Mod2 Assembly Instructions


Mod2 Assembly Instructions
Mod2 Assembly Instructions
Mod2 Assembly Instructions
The Mod2 is easy to assemble and requires no tools. If you have the BOSS
table stands, please turn to the last few pages of this manual for assembly
The Mod 2 is m ad e u p of tw o ind ivid u al sp eaker sp heres. The first
step is to take one Easy Tu rn Thu m bscrew and attach the low er
sp eaker to the d esk stand . This w ill also secu re the COZY bracket for
the u p p er sp eaker. To d o this, take an Easy Tu rn Thu m bscrew and
p u t it throu gh the d esk stand , then throu gh the COZY bracket as
illu strated (w ith the “channel” facing tow ard the thu m bscrew ), into
the back of one sp eaker. The gold -p lated bind ing p osts on the
sp eaker shou ld be facing d ow n, and the vertical p ost on the stand
shou ld be betw een the bind ing p osts. Tighten the thu m bscrew u ntil
it has a snug fit.
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Take the second thu m bscrew , p u t it throu gh the top hole on the
COZY bracket, and tighten it into the hole on the back of the u p p er
speaker enclosure. The binding posts should be facing down, and the
COZY bracket should be between the binding posts.
The tw o sp heres m u st now be connected to one another w ith the
inclu d ed ju m p er w ires. The bind ing p osts have holes on top and
bottom that op en w hen you d ep ress the bind ing p ost. Use one
jumper wire to go from the red binding post on the bottom speaker to
the red bind ing p ost on the top sp eaker. The ju m p er w ire w ill go
from the top hole of the low er bind ing p ost, into the hole on the
u nd ersid e of the u p p er sp eaker. Connect the black bind ing p osts in
the same manner with one of the other included jumper wires.
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The connections on the bottom sphere of the Mod2 look like this:
A rear view of a completely assembled Mod2 satellite speaker:
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The sp eaker w ire from the receiver is connected only to the bottom
speaker enclosure on the Mod2. To do this, depress the binding posts
on this sp eaker and insert the sp eaker w ire into the holes on the
bottom of the bind ing p osts. Once you d o so, you shou ld have the
sp eaker w ire from the am p lifier/ receiver going into the holes on the
underside of the bind ing p osts on the bottom sp eaker enclosu re, and
the ju m p er w ires ru nning from the top hole of these bind ing p osts to
the corresp ond ing bind ing p osts on the u p p er sp eaker enclosu re. If
you have d ifficu lty fitting in the sp eaker w ire and ju m p er w ire, try
p u tting in the sp eaker w ire first. Please note: you m u st consu lt the
m anu al or m anu factu rer of you r am p lifier/ receiver for p rop er set u p
instru ctions, becau se instru ctions vary from m od el to m od el.
Generally, you m u st m ake su re you connect the w ires throu ghou t
you r system w ithou t reversing the colors or p olarity. It is im p ortant
that all speakers be set up exactly the same and that the red and black
bind ing p osts are w ired consistently to the m atching p ositive or
negative connections on you r am p lifier/ receiver. You m ay d am age
you r sp eakers or equ ip m ent if you d o not w ire correctly or cau se
other p hysical inju ry or d am age to p rop erty. Wiring is sp ecific to
each model of amplifier and receiver, so please consult your manual.
Repeat these steps to set up each additional Mod2 speaker. If you are
assembling a center channel, you can set up the Mod2 horizontally by
following the instructions in the next paragraph.
The Mod 2 can also be assem bled horizontally, m ost com m only for
u se as a center channel. The basic setu p id ea is the sam e and the
picture below illustrates this type of assembly. There are two ways to
set u p the Mod 2. For the easiest assem bly, you can give each sp eaker
a 1/ 4 tu rn inw ard so that the bind ing p osts are now closer together
and facing each other in the center of the com bined sp eaker, as
show n below . Connect red p ost to red p ost u sing the inclu d ed
ju m p er w ires, and d o the sam e for the black p osts. Please note that
after you tu rn each sp eaker, the p ositive (red ) and negative (black)
term inals are now on op p osite sid es of the speakers. Consequ ently,
you m u st now w ire the top term inal on one sp eaker to the bottom
terminal on the other to maintain polarity.
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You m ay either d irect the ju m p er w ire arou nd the bind ing p osts, as
shown above, or you may cut the jumper wire to the exact length you
need to cover the d istance betw een the bind ing p osts. After
connecting the ju m p er w ires, you can then connect the sp heres w ith
the inclu d ed COZY bracket, althou gh you d o not have to. N ote:
there is no effect on p erform ance w hen you tu rn the sp eaker, becau se
it is rou nd and p erform s exactly the sam e regard less of orientation.
Ad d itionally, the bind ing p osts w ill still be invisible from the front of
the speaker.
If you 'd p refer to leave the sp eakers oriented w ith the bind ing p osts
d ow n, you can you can cu t a cu stom length of regular sp eaker w ire
and connect the tw o sp heres that w ay. You can u se the sam e sp eaker
w ire that you are u sing to connect the Mod 2 to you r receiver. You
m ight also be able to u se the inclu d ed ju m p er w ires if you bend the
exp osed end s of the inclu d ed ju m p er w ires d ow n at 90 d egrees
before attempting to insert them into the binding posts.
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It is now tim e to connect you r Mod 2 sp eakers to you r receiver. Your
sp eaker w ire can be connected to either sp here, bu t m u st be
connected to the sam e sphere. So, take care to ensu re that you r
sp eaker w ire is connected to the black and red p ost on the sam e
You are now ready to enjoy your speakers! Follow the instructions in
our Quick Start Guide to connect your speakers to your receiver or
amplifier. If you do not have it yet, you may download the Quick
Start Guide at If you have BOSS Table Stands,
follow the directions below.
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1. Place the BOSS stand on a flat su rface. Insert one of the screw s throu gh
the bottom hole on the BOSS stand.
2. Insert one spacer on the screw. The spacer will go between the metal
stand and speaker, not behind the metal stand.
3. Attach one Orb by screwing it onto the screw. Tighten loosely with a
screw driver.
4. Attach the top Orb the same way.
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6. Connect the jumper wires (included) to the speakers, maintaining
polarity (black to black, red to red). The jumper wire goes into the top hole
of the binding post on the bottom speaker, and into the corresponding hole
on the bottom of the binding post on the top speaker.
7. Connect the speaker wire from your receiver to the bottom Orb, using
the holes on the bottom of the binding post on the bottom speaker. Only
one Orb gets wired to your receiver. Be careful to maintain polarity
between the connections on the speaker and receiver (black to black, red to
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BOSS Center Channel
Table Stand
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1. Install The Aluminum Crossbar
To install the alu m inu m crossbar, you m u st first back ou t the set screw .
Unscrew the screw to the p oint that it is not visible in the rou nd channel
that accepts the crossbar.
N ext, insert the alu m inu m crossbar. Be carefu l not to scratch the finish
and m ake su re the set screw d oes not extend into the rou nd channel
before inserting the bar.
N ext, visu ally center the bar from left to right. There are no m arkings,
and you can adjust it again later. Be careful not to scuff the finish.
N ext, orient the crossbar u p w ard slightly so that you can install the
rem aining p ieces easily. You can change the angle later to point in the
desired direction.
N ow tighten the set screw u sing a screw d river. You r goal is for the
crossbar to be tilted u p w ard s ju st enou gh su ch that the black sp acers
installed in the next step do not slide off during installation.
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2. Install The Screws And Spacers
Install the screws and spacers as shown in the photo.
3. Install The Satellites
Using a screw d river, install the tw o Orb satellites as show n. Bind ing
p osts w ill end u p in a ‘crisscross’ p attern w ith red and black next to one
another on top and bottom.
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4. Connect The Jumper Wires
Using the short ju m p er w ires, connect red to red and black to black as
5. Connect The Speaker To The Amplifier
Connect the black and red term inal from ON E SATELLITE ON LY to
you r am p lifier. Make su re that you m aintain p olarity betw een black and
red going from you r am p to this and every sp eaker in the system . You r
speaker wire should have a marking on one side to make this easier.
6. Adjust
Loosen the set screw and ad ju st the sp eaker to the final angle that best
suits your need. Tighten set screw firmly and enjoy!
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Thank you for p u rchasing an Orb Au d io sp eaker system . As a sm all
employee-ow ned com p any, w e m ake it ou r m ission to p rovid e you w ith
the best prod u cts and the best cu stom er service. We are available to assist
you via em ail at su p p ort@orbau d or by calling ou r technical su p p ort
line at (877) ORB-AUDIO. If you are hap p y w ith you r p u rchase, p lease tell
your friends!
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