Bryan J. Adams - College of Engineering and Applied Science
Bryan J. Adams - College of Engineering and Applied Science
1344 Horizon D rive Fairborn, Ohio 45324 937‐608‐5592 B JA [email protected] B ryan J . A dams Professional E xperience 2011‐2014 F ire Prevention Supervisor Dayton F ire Department Hold the position of Fire Prevention Specialist II‐ Fire Prevention Supervisor, supervising the code enforcement, public education, and accident prevention efforts of the D ayton Fire D epartment. D aily responsibilities include managing the day‐to‐day operations of the code enforcement unit, coordinating the bureau and company inspection programs, delivering fire prevention education, and performance of various budget and administrative activities. 2014‐Present A djunct F aculty‐ F ire Science Sinclair C ommunity C ollege Hold the position of A djunct Faculty for the Fire Science program, utilizing effective teaching and learning strategies for the instruction of the State of Ohio Fire Safety Inspector curriculum. D uties include maintaining accurate records, supporting student learning to promote student success, and meeting goals/requirements set by Sinclair C ommunity C ollege. 2011‐2014 F ire Prevention Specialist Dayton F ire Department Held the position of Fire Prevention Specialist, providing highly skilled code enforcement, fire prevention and public safety education to the citizens, businesses, and visitors of the C ity of D ayton. D uties include fire inspections, emergency planning, plans review, grant applications, and other duties as assigned. 2000‐2011 F irefighter/Paramedic F airborn F ire Department Held the position of full‐time Firefighter/Paramedic/A cting L ieutenant, providing emergency and non‐ emergency fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens, businesses, and visitors of the C ity of Fairborn. 2010‐2011 President I A F F L ocal 1235 Worked collectively with city administration on many issues including labor/management relations, budget reductions, along with planning and executing a successful levy campaign for Fire/E MS & Police services. 2009‐2011 Part‐time F irefighter/Paramedic New C arlisle F ire Department Held the position of part‐time Firefighter/Paramedic, providing emergency and non‐emergency fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens, businesses, and visitors of the C ity of New C arlisle. 2007‐2010 C areF light MI C U Paramedic Miami V alley H ospital R esponsible for the transport and care of critically ill patients. D uties included transport and care of patients, completion of clinical requirements, and lecture presentations. E ducation A ssociate of A pplied Science‐ E MS/F ire A dministration Sinclair C ommunity C ollege D ayton, Ohio June 2005 B achelor of Science‐ F ire and Safety E ngineering T echnology, magna cum laude University of C incinnati C incinnati, Ohio A pril 2014 A wards R eceived Sinclair C ommunity C ollege Outstanding Paramedic Preceptor D ecember 5, 2002 Fairborn K nights of C olumbus B lue C oat A ward February 24, 2005 C ity of Fairborn Fire D epartment Outstanding E mployee of the Y ear in Public Safety January 2005