sussan ley - Keeping NSW Working
sussan ley - Keeping NSW Working
H ow t o Stick to the Plan for a Strong New Economy. Step 1. Voting in the House of Representatives (Small green ballot paper) You must number every box. Electoral Division of Farrer SUSSAN LEY 7 PIKE, Ron 6 COHN, Amanda 2 ROSSETTO, Paul 3 MILLS, Brian 1 LEY, Sussan Liberal for Farrer Step 1. Start here and number every box. LIBERAL 5 KUNDE, Christian 4 O’BRIEN, Trevor Step 2. Voting in the Senate Step 2. Number boxes 1-6 as shown above the line. (Large white ballot paper) (Large white C ballot paper) A B C A 4 PARTY NAME B D 5 PARTY NAME KATTER’S AUSTRALIAN PARTY E C PARTY NAME PARTY NAME LIBERAL DEMOCRATS PARTYFIRST NAME FAMILY PARTY NAME PARTY NAME D A D F D F J K E LIBERAL & NATIONALS PARTY NAME& NATIONALS PARTY NAME LIBERAL PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME G F H AA L G 3 AND FARMERS PARTY NAME CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS (FRED NILE GROUP) PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME J I K PARTY NAME DEMOCRATICPARTY NAME CHRISTIAN (FREDPARTY NILENAME GROUP) ENTHUSIAST PARTY NAME FAMILY FIRSTPARTY PARTY NAME PARTY NICK XENOPHON TEAM PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PAR LIB PARTY NAME PARTY NAME Be sure: Vote Liberal on both ballots. Authorised and printed by Chris Stone for the Liberal Party, Level 12, 100 William Street, East Sydney NSW 2011. A J 2 PARTY NAME AUSTRALIAN MOTORING PARTY NAME PARTY NAME the boxes PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME NAME No need to number below the thick blackPARTY line. PARTY NAME H 6 SHOOTERS, PARTY NAME FISHERS PARTY NAME PARTY NAME PARTY NAME I AF U PAR THE PLAN FOR A STRONG NEW ECONOMY An innovation and science programme bringing more great Australian ideas to market, providing tax incentives to invest in start-up businesses and helping prepare our children for the jobs of the future by boosting participation in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). A defence industry plan that will secure an advanced defence manufacturing industry in Australia and create thousands of new hi-tech jobs. Export trade deals to generate 19,000 new export opportunities, give our farmers a competitive edge and open doors into expanding markets for our service industries. Tax cuts and incentives for small businesses and hard working families. A sustainable budget with crackdowns on tax avoidance and loopholes. Guaranteed funding for health, education and roads. Authorised and printed by Chris Stone for the Liberal Party, Level 12, 100 William Street, East Sydney NSW 2011.