x\. Dispatch > -' THE PINCKNEY DISPATCH Vobmtme 73 iUCWGAlTMlRROR 1 AS WE HEARD ff I Wednesday, May 9, 1956 OBITUARIES No. 1* Elementary School , CUhiUYl COMMENT Organized schoolmen are pound { ^^ •* SMITH W. MARTIN Kindergarten PINCKNEY J-HOP ing the pavements to get 300,000 j i yt'.a-s man has dreamed of Dean Gardner has a new puppy £•*• fir. Albert Schattt, Castor sn , It was just like an enchanted even Smith W.Martin,son of Hiram signatures on a a MflMjfed the energies of the sun Masfte8 8:00 &u4 10:00 a.m. Du\v;i.yn iU'xter 2 orphan baby luinb.s j r the state-j deptk^t^ggplsWn"sU'Uctk>H ing in Hawaii for the many couple Minnie BosWorth Martin was born and heat. The sun gives demotions, Friday evening Di'i'iiis .Booth 5 baby kitten*;Lurry danced away the wee hours at in Hamburg township Sept. 2, 18S9 §21S/7O^*tr»flliledbut it always heat in the summer at Klein's a new bird house. Marjorie j ° ; ' the high school J-Hop here Saturday. I n the farm where he spent his en. C 1 ays to get a few more. way could be found to Cenfesiuona, Friday evening after Qui.'. unbury new shui's ar.d sucks, i f This would expand the state boavd A myriad of silver stalls twinkled tire life. He died at Detroit Osteo.. Noveaa,Devotioa* and Saturday from i.'ui'i Tmuainen's cousias visited hLn i f u . u r L-he fuel problem would of education from 4 to 8 members cwrhead, palm trees swayed, a water pathic Hosptial May 7, 1956. He 7:80 t* 9:00 j>. m. and Sunday solved for all time. The Michgan Sunday. D^vid Jones went to his fall glistened and on the distant hor was the last of his family^ 2 brothers, 1 p toz% lie 8;0i) who would appoint a supt. of public i ri e! _-j. l.^-iic Company has perfectj .i i: idfuther'i birthday party. Pamela s instruction. Then the hoard would ken a volcano could be seen, as ] George and David and a sister,Anna ;. s(.l..r b^ttury which turns sun. fci.<x'h has a new puppy, Bob Twitch.. 1 not only have power to direct the narly 100 couples danced to the died many years ago and a brother, • L n •.'.) eu-cicity.The first triaJ ell'.-; friejuih from Hamburg visited orchestra, in Wheeler, on F/»b. 6 last. His wife.the olleges bu : I i. ho ago at Americus, Ga. Calvaty Mt-nnoaite Church in..) Ruddy Widmayer % teachers colleges but the entire tunes of Beu Lupos drove his former Winnie Spaulding,died in 1953. elementary and secondary public the new gym, decorated in the island he.•re electricity powered by sunlight Rev. Ezra BMCDJ, Paator ii'aiii^r's tractor. Charles Porter elementary The Martin farm has been a land S. Supt. Waiter £SCA i:a. u new riding horse. Eddie Cul. furnished enough electricity to pow.. seheol system sytem The farm bureau and theme. Peggy Smith, senior,holder mark in the township and" Martin h l i i l | of the lucky word Aloha was crown Woxsoif 10:00 telephone call. However ulta other organizations are helping circul Aloha, crownAunt Judy went to the Ken.. er g brothers" is a name that stood for Sci* til ll;Q0 silicon has to be used in the k th office . -*i i ueeu of the evening. Her escort : Derby. John Darross's brother ate the petitions to take the ail that is cherished in the rural Young Peoples Meeting 1 :Uu ><-lMrli lenders it too expan kin-.-; a racing car. Jerry Heath is •nt of politics. . • I iy» •*«•* Wolfe, Hamburg now the community. jbellowftbip Service ;V-i ci)!niiv;rcial use. We r e m e m . went to tiie drivein. Linda Ztulka had Outstate communties are invited L\ S. Navy. Junior Class Pres. Jay The funeral will be Tuesday at 8:00 «ooi and his friend, Donna Basydto I - ^ a;••> a German cobbler in -i j:onu .-hot Saturday. 1'atty S p r ut to help create a new water or sewage ; the grand march, followed by i! p. m. at the Swarthout Funeral ij: nnnoi::j<jed he had invented district The legislature approved luts a nw: record player. Linda U 'uv. , led Water } Senior Class Pres. Dick Campbell an 1 Home, Rev. Taylor of Hamburg offic Michigan a bill giving the i.i L.J t n\ ashes and solved t h e i:-y went to a wedding Sutuiday. } Resources Commission authority to h s friend Mary Ellen JJavLs. Mrs. iating. Burial in Pinckney Cemetery. l"vi'i«Mn fur all time. A ^hem. RCY. J. VY. Winger* fast** Penny Reynolds was in Ann Arbor Germaine Stackable, principal was help. Southeastern Michigan where u.i.- u.it'd. We believe it was School 9:80 *. m. Sunday. presented with a bouquet of glad. STEPHEN TIPLADY i'.c'.d. Only clinkers could ba there is- often a water shortage ask Morning Worship 10:45 a. m. Thar*, jught prayer meeting » . and the chemical was more ed for it. However the legislature loias by the 2 clashes. Kristen Tasch F i r s t Grade Stephen Tiplady, 59, died at it. and Gale Gustafson served punch at th<> church at ft:0b r'j I ni.ii c o a l . deleted the $800,000 appropriation Hi iiiii Walton's dog had 4 puns, Petersburg, Florida where he had • J.WJS. Don Swarthout was in charge Wed. choir p*actic« I'M p. nu from it so all the ccommission can do Jo:.nne Kennedy found a wounded lived since retiring from the Lansing j of decorations. Clare Miller, Tommy ia rdvise. d;j\t'. .She Look care of it iast week i fire dept. 28 years ago. His wife, tne ' 'I he army has cracked down on Utter and James Wylie lighting. Secretary of State James Have 1/wl i1 died Sunday. Frank Zculka lias I former Pearl Wier survives. Also tr.e U. S. Marine command a t P a r i s wants 211 license plate dealers put 2>,ellie Slayden and Mary Lou Cant- 2 sisters, Mrs. Edna Spears and M"s. u row fishmg set. John Ttfsch's sis M-S6 West between Main and T. ,nd,X.C. whose forced disciplin,.. iell the check room. under .civil service. He admits the e;it to the dentist, lie lias a new Unadilia Street! L. i 1 Louise Shehan of Pinckney. He was ' -i,. I : ; J . \ ! I caused the death of six Tommy Wylie was AWOL from theft of $74,000 by one of his deal.. lie went north with his paieii. s Re?. Keith Ruegsegger, Pastor the foster son of Frank and Nellie i rec. i.; -•• "uy drov,ning.An inquiry r e . . ers is one reason but says there the J-Hop. He could not decide who Moran Tiplady of Pinckney. Mrs. Sunday School -. • 9:45 a. in. -ta>vd in a motel. They visited ve: • that .Sei/t. McKeon who order Morning Worship 10:50 A.M. •18 000 and $14,000 thefts under his to ask and he was afraid if he asked Edna Spears, Jack i..s and iiis uncle. Tory Jones Sheldon, Mrs. e l •: i' liiarcii, ,vas diunk and made 7:00 p. m. Republican predecessors for which 2 one the other 20 would be mad. is going to move in Louise Shehan, the Francis Shehan.; Youth Group a j i cs ;..».• ot i;uing .so. He will be 8:00 p. nu men are serving time. Thjs is the ho use.Nancy Wa rings' 1 the Gene Shehans, Arthur Krychei i Evening Service last patronage counter at Lansing PINCKNEY KINGS DAUGHTERS and Helen Tiplady attended the fun- j ThuTs. Prayer Meeting • 8:00 p m. it <!:ed. Her daddy h<(s a new car.l. j'lo'ir'. h... ...*icd. Major Ccn. Bui'ger i in <ummand at Paris Island has been 4i. Choir Practict Wed. . 4:00 p and many a secretary of state has •McVackui's c'.uisins visited him. .S Pinokney Circle met with Mrs. trnl at the Church of the Resurrect.. ) He, tooir Pi&rtke W«HL ' 11 << i:v• fen-pH to ariotiier post where 7;*3 p built up a political machine and gone Cantrell Thursday. ujy. XaiH'y Hay's dog Sas.^y, had The following ion, Lansing Monday. The Gerald \ I Ur:''.1 is DO military t r a i n i n g . - Th4s on to become governor by judicious officers were elected and installed ! Bauei s of Brighton called at the fun [JLIJJ.-. Joe I'liunmer st-ayed with J j :'ii very well but it looks like lockiog appointment of\ license plate dealers. by Mrs. Merwin Campbell, county.' era I home Saturday. KINGS DAUGHTER CONVKNTlo: grandmother while his j;arei:f,.s \\\' t, •: barn after the horse was stolen. Democrats will get free trips to resident ;•'.'. ..V. Tubv S h e t l e i r n e vi.••'ted The 30th annual com entiop f t Margaret Hollingsworth , ;.. main (juestiori is why did th^y ccuntys enrolling the largest number 1st I . 1;U in D e t r u i t D o u g \ MIKE PANKOFF Livingston County Kinus D;n Vice Pres. Pearl Madsen let Uiese condition^ exist a t Paris of nfcw party members tins year. -ad Vice .. .. Mike Pankoff, 71, died at his honte lelil at the Wc-t Marion c l i u r - h er i'.a.-- u c w siioes a n d u l o l i i e s . J i m m y 1-Lii.d in thu i'iist i)lace? They did Cacia Chamberlain Individuals can win a trip for the S'ec. . I-LHILIIJ) v i s i i e d Iiis c o u s i n a t C e d a r Louse Cantrell on M--36 a mile west of Pinckney in \ i a s t Wednesday. bly> membe crop up over night. 1 1 largest number of registrations Tn-s.. L'iia Sunday. Jeff Davis fell a n d .. . . Florence Preuss Monday night. He was born in Rua^ia | s^>ate officers weiv there.Mis. MCMwithin the county. Mrs. Katherine Her ln;j i h i s i c y . L i n d a (."lough's c o u s i n s sdames Bonner and Preuss and came to Pinckney in 1930 after v,in Campbcll,pies. presided, Nyo of East Lansing has been named Canada is g e t t i n g all het up be. spending a number of years in .De theme was "Walk Humbly vith Tl;y v J cd u:v. JShe h a d t h e c h i c k e n p o x . co-hostesses . T I chairman of the state wide rtgistra U .(-rt K a i s e r ' s m o t h e r h a s a il^.'\^ e;.i . <• American capital lias taken troit. He operated a duck farm here Mike Heath was guest soloist l icn committee. ,p. T i m n i y S p r o u t h a s a n e w • *• • Aei c o , ' . i i / i/\ inu' t of her indus. lor several years. Recently he hhas a n c j "I'll Walk with Cod" and 1 , ans now own 59 p e r . worked in Howell. Surviving is his Me Live Today.">:r:uor yi.-i/. v. •!, iis old p u p p y n a m e d Patty.J<<r> CONG. HAWORTH ILL ;P)NCKNEY CEMETERY MEETS the Canadian oil industry^ t noon. The afternoon speaker I' /iiietiy hiid uoinjniuy S u n d a y . Tilt .* Don Hayworth of this dis.. wife, Anna and a foster daughte^, All lot owners and persons inter- tvlct underwent a sinus operation in Anna, in Detroit. Funeral will be at ;.vs Mrs. Warren Brown of Lansing • ' c : i t OTI a h i k e a n d s a w a sn.\K(' pe. . n* of the mining industry W ested ni the Pinckney Cemetery are iit'LiWa Naval Hospital Washing the Holy Trinity Kussian n' of all manufacturing. M8 owed through the pie:iident's L>ei>t:y Mowei'H ha^j 'J novv licjr.s.Willie "h'STW8""to attencted the annual meet "ton D. C. Friday*, and will be lad'upj Church in Deti'oit Thursday at 9:00 humility them67*-M~^v^'<ll*w**^*Me^»-i. iiue*ujaeiiLs in Canada total 5.7 ing and election of officers at t'.;e 10 days. He is paired on 3 soil bank a. m.. Burial is there. ':\ il i i o n •• ht o r d hiis a new j a c k e t an if value of the indu.'itrisa Mrs. Ralph nienn, state president k Swarthout Funeral Home Monday vote*'. l.He is in favor of adding gra .O iii>,sic l'e.ilivai ,..; billions. We do not and Mrs. J. C. Humphreys of Flnti night, May 14 at 8 p. m. The center i Hi/;;- lands toi the soil bank plan. 2. ZOO s o o n . 1 • .ythiii^ to get unduly REV. JOSEPH J. DION also spoke and ad mission servic: i i i . d e$y board has purclu^ed the ceme 1 Against Advance payments. 3. Final •1 a In the early days of Kev. Joseph J. Dion, 49, pastor of for '.) junior members was ui en l-y ( f tery of the Dr. Haze heirs and has . Y\v. \ and Scroud t . nation Gre-it iJritian once con. 3U 7Bi St. Girard's church, Detroit died Sat Mry. Howard Wilson and :! senior a number of things to present for J'iii i.ikcu was 7 years old Sun d most of the industries of this uvriay. He was captain in the chap members by Mrs. Paul King::ltconsideration of the lot owners: i.v. ; IK- al.-o controlled the Suez v\ \ OUIIL; it ''•citing a new MAY COURT ERM Iain's corp and served in the south Officers elected were Mis, Mer. 1 Mac LicvcJe. 1. Price to be set for cemetery lots9 ;lvi ('a ia! i'he diamond mines of South The court term starts May 14.60 Paciiic from 1941-4G. He started win Campbell , pres; Mrs, Jo) India. Af <:t an^ the markets of 2. Perpetual care? j c::ses are listed. There ave no crim.. St. Girard's church in 1950. Since Donald, 1st vice Mrs Harry Le.L^-ul oil I'L ! l.> in Ai"abia, t\\. richest '•ifiid a n d T ' l i r d 3 Grading, platting and surveying t uiiil cases. 5 seek citizenship, 1*3 jury l'J47 he has been president of the ice, The meeting is in '.! ii:< . \ o , l ( a r e controlled by D(,nal(i I ' e M j i a i s h e l p i n g i i i s ; cases, 13 non-jury cases, 10 chancery Detroit diocese Holy Name Society. in 1957. the new addition? ; ar.d .', .icrican capital.lt is the 1-uild a house. They poured the foo. He leaves 3 brothers and 4 sisters. 4. Cost per lot for yearly upkeep? ard 18 divorce. 1 v ,-. • I j g e amounts of money in:.: S t t u i d - y . Margaret Ackley i i ; i . Citizenship seekers are Urgen The funeral was today with burial in LIVINGSTON LODGE NO. 76 Now "that the board will get the n i'or (l<.'Vfjlo])ment whi^h a new kiilrn .. a^s. llei- cousins from Gies, Nancy Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MAY CALENDAR sale price for lots which they have Mcskovicli, Charles 1 communities cannot supply so Uetiuit vi.iited hec Sunday- J1 ; > 1 >' He was a brother of the late Rev. May 15-8 p. m.. EA Degree. *iever had before they hope to buii'l Civ;-, Pauline Daugirdan, Ingebord i."essury to go outside for it. De.. ^k-htoeder was \) y c a i s old Saturday. Lewis Dion, former pastor of St. up a reserve iund and make many J'olhamus. May 21-23, Grand Lodge Sr.e went to L'tii'a with-her paren'.-;. The local cases are Maryland Cas Mary's church here whom he often troit. improvements they were not able to Tlu'ie .'in, to l>c .some doubt if Saicil; McMaeken entertained her uaHty Co. vs Lloyd VanBlaricum visited. betore. May 26-8 p. m. FC Dcgnes j.-.y farm i\'.. I bill at all will be Inter Insurance Co. vs Roger Koepp Don Swarthout, Pres. Alonzo VanSlambrook W. M. cousin, Martha LaRosa, Saturday. Judy Bovuwsky had company from ;.(ii i on a t this term of congress. JUDGE NEIL E. REID en (auto accident cases).Martin La Ross Read, Vice Presi. P. W. Curlett, Sec. lK:i-faH-LuM r. tlie weok end. James ' 1 ! , i)..MM>cri!ts have given up trying Judge Neil E. Reid, of the supreme van v« Irving DupTe and wife, State Blanche Martin, Sec-Tre^s. — oooo ;->:- i.ia'ii1 high price support* Caiih^H's fai\ily enlertaincd the to Highway Co. Charl#s Ziegler seeks court and past grand master of the oeoo _ — APPROVE BOND ISSl'E I have introduced a soil (lu.-taf..: ;i familyr-fn-. Canticll showto condemn land for highway pur Masons of Michigan died at St.Joe LOSE TO SOUTH LYON The Brighton $500,000 scchool bond n bn. (»i . .eii' own. It diffe/s Pinckney outhit South Lyon 7 to 0 poses. Harold Rady vs Walter Hegh hospital, Mt. Clemens, Friday after amendment was approved Monday ed pictures he took in (.iuatamala. Fiiday but lost the same 4 to 2.Ji;.\ ner and. wife. Clinton Loar vs Melviu a heart attack. He held Mi rilyn Singer entertained Joan from the presidents bill in some r e office in ( 30 J to 8G. ;-i;-;.s. They want pasture land added Hock rang up another victory for McCauley. Jean Spencer vs James Macomb county 32 years as court Saturday. Mike Ha'rdin spent Sa^ur The proposition to annex the Hani South Lyon who lead the league ami iler.rd. day witli Kit-kit- Uloxom. They put uj> V. the so., ^ank land.s. The Republi reporter juige of probate and cirburg school district lost 237 to 101. also tapped out 3 hits. PeLe Go:>-/ i\ tent. Joan Kichman vi.siLcd her cu!i;4 ilo not. They say it would create The divorce suits arc Bud vs Betty cuit judge btfore being elevated to It was claimed the facilites in the £', rand mother in the hos])it;il .Sunday. a beet surplus. The Republicans went had a double and single for Vinckney, FovLcr, Jecmette vs James Verbeek, the supreme court in 1942. His solo bond issue will only be sufficient Ami Marie went to Detroit f<>r the io n^ike 1^57 soil bank p a y m e n t s to Herb Dyer, 2 singles and Derm.e Yh ;inicr vs Warren Gow, Helen vg survivor is his. wife He was given ( ) r the children now in the district. fir.->t communion of her cousin, Shar 'J\i' farmers now. The Democrats do Clark a double. Dick Kennedy pitch Kenneth Morris, Sandra vs Reece grand lodge funeral Tuesday. Whila o cd C innings for Pinckney and D. a ., .iver, Mary vs Henry Millhence, i iii grand lodge he attended at least Fifth Grade News I n Young. They aUo called on the no:. They say it would be nothing buying prograin. Packer one . Dorothy vs Roscoe Dukes, Lawrence 15 past masters nights at Pinckney. M a r y Lee Aschenbrennei- received ] l J ^i Kuhn family, iiilly Shiiey has a L>LK ;i h u . c vote Ye editor received a Christmas card u birthday card and handkerchief | ne.v Cub Scout, h a t . Marc Meyer had As -..c said be-ore we can see little WOMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB vs Fva King, Lucille vs Alle Weeks, d i i i c . r ^ c c in the 2 plans. The Demo from him. from her pen pal in England. We his last polio shot Sunday. Hetty erais v.Kjid pay them enough e x t r a Mrs. Mae Daller will entertain the Ncrma vs Jake Howie. birthday cards for Donna Jea.i ! Pucketts brother had a birthday Livingston County Republican Wo., FREEMAN CARR it.y Sunday. David hlhirey's dad [ for their c-jps so that the farmers MAY COURT TERM mans Club at her home at 2i2 East Freeman Carr. 90, died in Detroit today. She gets her spanking tonight. ,' vould maiu a profit. The Republican* Putnam-Blanche Clark, Leona last Wednesday. He lived for a num We had arithmetic drills on the board i Main St. May 16 at 2 p, m. Mes.. WOUIL p.'iy them so much rent per dames Ross Read,Fred Read, Blanch Hird . bev of years on a farm on M-36 W# atd learned speed and accuracy. Our i ucri to. i-.-.jng their lands lie idle. Fourth Grade News Hamburg—Irvin Miller, Jea". Dins, I this side of Gregory where he trained units in geography are coming fine. | are co-hostesses. The speaker is We are gettting ready ..'or the 'i hc-f payments would be continued Mrs. Gene Backus of Owosso of the n ore. race horses. His only survivor is a The different state reports are inter ' .Spring Festival to be held in Hill Aud indefinitely. Both call for huge hand linadilin-Violet Carpenter, Nor toting. Veiining Curts, Dorothy { Republican Womens Federation oi j a son, Malcolm, of Detroit . CIK> of federal money. man Whitehead. Ciarlf, Wallace Singer, Patty Boys itoMum, Ann Arbor May 10. 2 p. n. Women's Clubs. All are invited. Hartland- Athlinda Glendenning, We are making cards and jake scrap Donna Kessler, Diane Schenden, AUTO ACCIDENT 1'tesi i-nt i^aienhower is making ' hiam- Gubachy, Karen Rowell, Laiy Jc e Foldenauer. SOFT BALL N3WS Ralph Sally, 35, of Willis, was book for Dick Wylie who is in the Gyrie lienny Segura,John Wilson and stn*enuous effort to get his 4.9 billioa Howell City..W. N. Isbell, JmesJ killed Saturday night on McGregor P'''cPherson - hospital with a b roken at the Chilscm prison The _ Jnhn Grant will do' a square dance foreign aid program across and Lyons. Rd., Portage Lake when his car hit leg. We enjoyed the puppet show on the program. Mike Hummer has inosi of his opposition is coming from camp l*st Sunday was postponed on Howe'\ Twp.-Clyde McGillard, a tree, east of the Zimmerman-Gor- put on by the 8th grade. We are mak account of rain. Pinckney will play Graham Giegler. ing Mother's Day gifts and writing gone to Arkansas for 2 weeks with old line conservative Republicans of ton realty office. Earlier in the there this Sunday. May 13 at 5:15 Iosco—Angelina Harmtn, Merrill evening he had received a ticket for stoiies about our mothers. The boys his grand parents. We started study- 1 he isolationist school.They have Cut p. m. iUiiiament program to such *n ing wild flowers this week. Euckley. driving 60 miles an hour. Owing to -re all in the dance to be presented cxtc.t that Russia is now ahead of Fouth and Fifth ) Maroin-Victoria Strand, Elaine the fact his car resembled Holii^ Hill auditorium Thursday except ; Dick McCai ty's sister saw -an ac us in planes, guided missies, troops Anderson. Amburg-ey's it was reported first Uruce and Everett, due to side pains. iden. Pat Tessmer went to Battle and abo.t everything else. If we are r- Oceola-Gra Scott, Wm. Corking. Sixth Grade New* Hollis was the victim, Sally worked Cicc-k. The Baxters hnvo 2 lambs.. I'wr f6rced into another war wa Al Pinckney Elementary School [ Tyrone-Mrs. Clare D e a n / The flth grade girls played Mrs. at the Ford Motor Co. He is survived I eRoy Port<-r went fishing Saturday. wiil probably find ourselves in the Brighton City-Myrna Beebe%CHff by his parents and 2 sisters. General Purpose Room Heatons and Mrs. Tasches «irls and .same predicument as we were in Fifth and Sixth Grades Roberts. •M__—^M»M* won . Terry Rowell and Leonard Today we play Mrs. Ta^che's World War II when we suffered a vghiton Twp.-. Ed Hyne, Homer Dr. Walter Mercer and wife of Slayden umpires. It was a hard game. girls at soft ball. Last Wednesday Yours straight military defeats bf Lionsen. East Lansing icalled on Wm. Mercer Nancy Darrow made a double play Last Monthly Get Together for th3 v.o went to the Henry Ford museum, j cause we were caught unprepared. Cohoctah — Cressa Wriggels worth Tuesday. • °n Maries Schuck and Barbara Mother's Club for the- school year. William i^etterly. 7 p e d e gave up the day to go with : Judy Aachenbrenner with a group Rnughn. LIBRARY NEWS Entertainment to be presented by us Th.y were Mrs. Schroeder, Mvs. Con way-Gale Antcliff, Don Gar. of Ann Arbor telephone operators at Student Council Now bov/n.8 are Toaster'*^ Hand the school children.Come One.Come lock. I'(.oia, Mrs. Coates, Mrs Mason, Mrs. tended the Derby at Lousviille, K/. j The Elementary school*had an All I'ook by Edmunds, Sue Barton, by AW. Holiisier and Mrs. BaircLt. Duwain i-eerfield— Mrs. Max Johnson, Saturday. I Star Day Friday if all the rooms Hoy was sicck. We are sorry he did ^'ludent .Nurse Barton, M i g h t ^ ^ t o Walter McCabe. The George VanNormana, Mrs. .were quiet In the lunch hour each BASE BALL SCHEDULE Gemoa-Emil Wietzke. R.N.Housner. Ruth Curlett and Paula attended the child would get a sucker. It turned nor go. Beech«r Patrick was in Ken.. oi baseball by Verral, The BlgjnnMay 11 Dexter here. Green Oak—Hannes Musch, Glenn Brighton O. E. S. Tuesday night' out fine. The Student counctl held a lucky.. School will be out soon. We all i y; by Lowen,Loon Feather by Filler Tday 15 Manchester here. hope to pass, Eastman. where Norma Jean MeLucat and regular meeting in Mrs. Thayer't Hay 18..Hartlaad there. Greatest Pitcher* by Meonoflite ttburcn I* #- • >i) 1 IK" Family Pot Luck Mayy 18,1956 Maj ».South U Handy-Cath«rni« Gehriager. Mr*. Pauline Amo Joined the olrder. | room aUo. and hope she U back next year. p ••***&: .- .•• V . f . • *>:, .4 •<•$• PINCKNET DISPATCH MM, eLG LOCAL NEWS f I Leo Ewers has moved the former Notes of 25 Yean Af o Paris in the Spring strike your fancy? Or maybe you'd like to play it big on the Riviera? Don't limit your* self, the grand prize in De S o t o ' s exciting new "Winning Ride" contest is a one month, all-expense-paid adventure trip for you and your immediate family anywhere in the world*, plus a beautiful 1956 De Soto FireQlle 4-door Sedan. Easy to win. See your DeSoto dealer for all the details. I ( f SVan's Motor Sales 145 EAST MAIN ST. Pinckne>, Mich. FOR HER GRADUATION for NEW singing color$ the going gal.. NEW chromnium hardware NEW Liftomatic hinges And what colors! What smooth, elegant locks! And what a blessing to have a Liftomatic h{nge that springs open — stays open keeps the top up un* til you pull it down! The Sky-way Chro* matic Series is, as always, perpetually matchable, in the wonderful, washable Koroseal* that defies time and wear. ' •TM Reg. B. F. CwdricB C* Mrs. Anna Wiles, 71, mother of Max and Brail Weiss, passed Thursday. The Mother's day dinner at toe Cong'l. church was largely attended. Mrs. Mable Schafer was toastmiitresb. Mrs. E. G Fish#90, was the oldest mother present. Mrs. Bert "anBlaricum had the most daughters present, 7. Mrs. Winfield Line»How ell v.as speaker. Her subject wasuThe Relations of Mother and Daughter Korea." la the soft ball league Pete Gerycz of Hank Shirey:s Vikings won a 1 to 0 game from Don Swarthout of Hube Ledwidges Victor's Monday. Norm Miller with the Vikings robbed Pete Hasfcencahl of the Victors of a home ran in the 7th with a one hand grab. Pinckney lost a hard ball game to Chelsea here Sunday 10 to 11. They made 6 errors to Chelsea's 4. Dor Swarthout for Pinckney struck out 14 but walked 6. The Pinckney lineup: Swarthout p; Ward, c; Hen. dee, lb,; G. Kennedy, 2ft; H. Reason, 2b; Rissman, ss; outfield, N. Miller, R. Reason, K. Reason.I Cal Covert of Ann Arbor has rented the community hall and will put on dances every Friday, George Merrill, 86, a prominent Webster farmer died Saturday. The oil well at Conway was shot Saturday at a depth of 1748 feet a*d brought in water and enough gas to boil the water. Ye editor with W. C. Miller, Fred Slay ton and C. Kennedy visited the well last week. Stanton Line is a patient at U. of M hospital, Ann Arbor. Maurice Darrow and Kenneth Rea 7ieth Reason attended the Stock bridge—House of David ball game at Stockbridge last week. House of David won 5 to 2.. Notes of 48 Years Ago Erm& Lewis home to a lot on Una { dilla S t east of the Norman White home. The Bob Tasch family had dinner with the Wayne AtLees Sunday who came home from Florida Saturday. U Mrs. Noreen Ctarr and Mollie of Port Huron and Mke Carr Oif East Lansing spent Sunday with Mrs. Edith Carr. Mesdames Virginia VanNorman, Florence Baughn and Edith Carr called on Mrs. Mae Bullis in Gre?. ory last Tuesday. Merwin Campbell and wife, Beverly and Dick called on the Floyd Maycroft family in Grand Rapids Sunday. The Andrew Campbells spent Sun day with the Dick Young family in Flint. The Kenneth Reason family of Ann Arbor called at the home of Mrs. Edna Reason Sunday. The Albert Shirleys spent Sunday at the Roy Wright home in Gregory, observing the Shirley's 35th wedding anniversary. Thf Ronnie Hoskins family of Detroit spent Sunday with the Bob Ackley family. Herbert Chambers of Ann Arbor called Saturday. The Thursday night Ladies Bowl., ing League held their banquet at the Masonic temple here last Wed. nesday night served by the O.E.S. 62 weie present. The Gerry Eichman family called on his mother at Oakwood hospital, Detroit Sunday. Bert Benham and wife of Brigh. ton and George Thompson and wife were Sunday dinner guests of the M E. Darrows. Mrs. Ethel Sprout was a Saturday guest of the Louis Wagners. Mrs. Nellie Wylie and Kaye, W. H. Euler and wife and Roy Clark called ou Dick Wylie at McPherson hospital, HoweH Sunday. The Dale Millers and Asher Wylies attended the Kings' Daughters con vention last week at the West Mar ion church. Rita Miller played a n * accordian number. ( Frank Boyer and his wife Reuben. Gentner and wife and Elmer \ Fritz und wife of Ann Arbor were \ THE THRESHOLD OF SPACE1 With .« Guy MacHsen and Virginia Leith John HodUk and Dean Jagger Color by DeLaxe in CineuaSeope I?OCK AROUND THE CLOCK" Friday, Saturday, May 11, 112 Doable Feature Dale Robertoonl Mara Corday and Jock Mahoney la M A DAY OF FURY" Also in "THE PRICE OF FEAR" Merle Oberon, Lex Barker Charles Drake, Warren Stevens,Mary Field is "THE PRICE OF FEAR" in SuperSc«»"«» , " Cartoon Sunday Monday May 13, 14 Matinee Sunday', 2:30 p. m. <*>nt, John Payne, Arlene Dahl, and Rhonda Fleming fai 'SLIGHTLY SCARLET" Car loon and Comedy "DOUBLE JEOPARDY" With Rod Cameron and Gale Robbias Color Cartoon , OOOO_ — Sun., Man. Toes., {May 13, 14, 15 { R o g e r s and "CAROUSEL" CinemaScope 5 Color by DeLuxe With Gordon McRae and Shirley Jones Novelty News — OOOO* Wed., Thur., May 16, 17 Back by Popular Jtaques "BATTLE ORY" . in CinemaScope j .. I Starring * Van Heflin.Aida Ray, Mona Freeman i Nancy O^qn f , Jpmes Whitmore* ' Raymond Masey, Tod Hunter, Ann* I Francis, Dorothy Malone . I Cartoon and ,Wed., Thur., May 15, 16, 17 Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine and "HONKY TONK" Bod Steiger and Valerie French in "J U B A L" Color by Technicolor in CinemaScope and Color Cartoon and Sport Short Newe Hoover Soil Service SYLVAN " " THEATRE . V, Natural Soil Building Materials WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE OP COLLODIAL PHOSPHATE _con cains trace elements and mineral*. HYBBO-THjIl^Nature's own «0 mineral soil conditioner, Rich in potash, high in value. Thurs., Fr., Sat. ,May 10, 11, 12 "BLACKJACK KETCHAM," Desperado" With Howard Duff, Hctor Jory and i"ORGANIC BLEND-A carefully bal Maggie Murphy Sun., Mon. Tues., May 13, 14, 15 ! anced combination of tne best tegt' oil natural soil builderi Available. "SPECIAL DELIVERY" With Si KY HRO TITE-Naturea own 20 mln Joseph Cotton, Eva Bartook post —Neutralizes soil. AND HOMEHEAT!N(5 WYLIE L. P. GAS SHRVICL Tue». ,Wed., Thur., May 15, 16, 17 "HELEN OF TROY" in CinemaScope and Color With Rosana Podesta, Jack Serenas . and "THE TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYE' With { \ Mickey Rooney and Coleen Gray Color. Cartoon PHONE 63 HOWELL •< k It True That r KtJ- Danube L!ut wr Burir.a Brown PEIRCE'S STORE FOR WOMEN Store for Women Howell, Mich.' Opportunity VERY SAT. NITE Knocks But Once? ..Bow about the .income check. . that comes along1 every to of.. f ten? Each one U Opportunity, bringing you chance after chance to get ahead) It takes a little planning naturMrs. Helen Clark and Mrs. Ker.. ally. You can't do much about 'f of Unadilla called on the Bob grocer and butcher- money.But Pikes Sunday. between necessities and luxurAir. and Mrs. Ray Moriarity spent ies, there is a margin of safety the week end with the Charles Clark you can carry forward, fuvnily at Kalkaska, , Work out your savings plan.. W. F. Close attended the Repub. ; 1 an contention in Detroit Saturday. } and open an account at this j bank. Then steadily build it up Sunday afternoon a baby shower with regular deposits!. v 'v O^VPTI by Mrs. Shirley Lelonek, K, •-• . > Lelonek and Mrs, Pat and wife with Dell The Hubert Ledwidge and Dtsmond E-. ley for Mrs. Ernest Bodke jr. at wtf« of A»» Arbor were Ledwidjres families of Royal Oak tY* home on Bentley Lake Rd. 24 y present a number coming from At Tv*qt over the week spent Sunday with Mr*. redesal b Eleanor D< oit. are not running Ledwid&e. 9t Federal! #nals 7:00 - Races 8:30 Jjorth ol Jackson on M-50 - ENRICHED BREAD DON'T SAY BREAD "CREMC FIRST NATIONAL Bank iom« from De 112 "ON Toes* Wei, 1 W . , May 8. 9. 10 Bill Haley and Hut Comet* tOR COOKING, WATEP a starter sot in J e t C r a y , SAY Friday, Saturday, May lh MICHIGAN Bottle Gas ACKSON MOTOR «4SPEEDWAY CREAMfi WHTTMOftE L A D . Ivan I. Richardson SEASON OPENER! S/ftT. MITE, № 5 in all wan led sut« and LEE THEATRE HOWELL THEATRE Rev. A. G. Gajes is at nis farm at Ed in ore this week. The 7th and 8th grades had no school this week Tthursday so they could take the 8th grade examination at Howell. The Pinckney graduating1 class numbers but 2 this year* Lucy Cul hane and Wlliiam Brogan. Tiie Bennie VanBlcricums of Cleve ' AQUA ZYME_This is a liquid, Before going into bankruptccy Sunday guests of the John Boyers. j land spent the week end with tlie ; rich in pmtien, amonia acids, lauric Charles G.Smith made certain trans ^Clyde Fisher and Roy Fishar j Kevin Ledwidges. j LC ids and some 20 different enzymes fei's the referee sought to set aside. fcive bought the Mike Pankoff , W u ] activate penetrate and aerate Judge Miner in circuit court has property at M-3 W. and Cedar Lake ! M r s - Elizabeth Colone took 7 cub t } ^ ruleil the transfers legal. z Hds. and moved .their house trailers l s c o u t s t o A n n Arbor Sunday to see The county teachers' meeting is there from Lakeland. j t n c U. of M. museum. Our Materials «Do Not Burn Nor. at Howell May 16. Supt. Gaul of Corrode Machinery I Patty Palmer attended White Rose Pinckney is on the program. His sub Fl>aternit D n T H E A T R E *! y " c e at Michigan State ! . Available in 80 lb. bag, by ton ject is "Teaching of Arithmetic." "Normal,. . -Ypsilanti, - . - . - Saturday night. i o r carload. Write for free literature. The Ann Arbor Times has purchas Friday, Saturday, May 11, 112 ed the Ann Arbor News owned by "FOX FIRE" Mrs. Hazel Parker visited her I rank P. Glazier and consolidated Color by Technicolor daughter, Dorothy, at Mt. Clemens the 2. Robert Warren will be editor. With last week who was given a linen DEXTER-PINCKNEY ROAD This issue ha s the names of 72 Jeff Chandler and Jane Russell shower by the teachers there. Uexter, Mich. Ph o ne HA 6-2218 persons who joined the Pinckney and Authorized Dealer Old Boys and Girls Association Ly "SEMINOLE" sending1 in their $1.00. ,, In Technicolor The Howell City Band will give a With concert and dance at the opera Rock Hudson and Barbara Hale house here May 14 Adm. concert 25c Cartoon and dance 50c. Mrs. Anna Brogan is taking treat Sunday Monday May 13, 14 •THE COURT MARTIAL OF merit at the Pontiac hospital. J BILLY MITCHELL" The Glazier Bank at Chelsea which in CinemaScope and Color failed has declared a 30 percent divi. With dend. Elizabeth Montgomery and The 60 launch owners at Lakel&nd v j Gary Cooper formed an association. Zukey now Also has 40 cottages, Strawberry 20, Base YOUR SMILE ALONG" 30 and Portage 30. With William Moran advertises cement Frankie Lane, Keefe Brasselle in this issue for $1.50. barrel. Cartoon The Pinckney base ball team meets ' Saturday to organize »rle« ptui Ux Ct Mrs. Inez Martin and daughter of Federal The Robert Pikes took Mrs. Beat. Lansing the Gerald, Ambrose and ley to Corfuna Saturday.Mrs. AHcea Gerald Kennedy families were Sun- AB DeposiU teamd Up to HM#0 Bruff came back witb them. day guetts of the Irvin Kennedys* f«•» Eaak lennaiter IT'S FUN TO OWN A CAk!" via l • * ^ Bonk Financing! When you buy a new or used car, finance here via bank auto loan. Service is prompt and per* sonal; the monthly payment plan geared to your needs. Our bank's plan for car-financing can help you drive a car at lowest financing cost. THE McPHERSON STATE BANK INCORPORATED 1*18 OVER CTNETY TEARS OF SAFE HOWELL—ftHGKNBY AJl Deports up to $10,000 insured by Our Membership in the Federal Deposit A " " ; - ' •? ' C * / ' fa WsJ>A#Crf WedatsHa-, May 8, 195* hj "** COME TO O ...00^' '"^ OPEN H Wednesday, OSS! May 16, 1O:OO A,M. — S:OO P.M. David S. Mace* Celebrating ttie Dedical on of Flint attorney who is candidate for Republican nomination for con. grew. 6th district. MagnlflccnS M S •"r.-.J !i :•:; Oldsmobile and Fisher Body are JM.KI^ to jointly salute the opening of Vac new General Motors Technical ('enter. Here 4,000 scientists and technicians will probe cthe future to discover new products and product improvements for transportation, industry, farm, few Lightweight Hose ^. n «• ^ a i •' — . r. fl Jo']'} ! . r a t i o n of o n e oi (.'.: e v n U s in (Jciicral M o t o r - riant u.,.. n ^ t o r y . \ i-il li'»ih lh»; ()!(!.-inoiiile itmi F i s h r .l^'f'v rii.iiii- o n ( h ) e n I m u s e D a y i n r ] .-cr l.'iiso w o r l d - f a m o u s L a n d i n g p r o d u c t s JM t ii" m u u i u g . ^ • • • - • > l t weight, toughness, and frwth* resistance are major assets efficiente onew garden l 0 of/this £ £ Jr aa dd ee °* neonJprene-covered J p r e d fHD&er awrretnfbrced with rayMi tire cord. Even in this 100>oot cou the hose is easy to carry. The covering of Du Pont leopreixe resists damage from sunlight and weather, and offers :ne home gardener a hose which needs no pampering or special THE COHTRY-PILPIT WEEKLY SERMON by factor P. F. Nieuwkoop Advice for Defense Professor Geo. VetUr of New York University •peaking to 400 civil defense war* den* said, "When UM bombs start falling sing hymns." There it no question but what the hymn* of the ch«rch hare been comforting and encouraging to Christians in the hour of danger and trial. However, to those who have not become acquainted with tiie God and Saviour of whom the hymns speak may find that it takes more than even a Chris* dan song to still their fears and fit their souls for heaven, should a bomb fall too close. It's not tke song, it's the Christ of the •oaf that we need every hour. Why wait until the bombs fall to become acquainted with Him? Recently a church displayed the following sign, "When the bombs start falling, this church will be open for prayer, but it may bo too late then. Better eome next Sunday." Surely yov will find as thousands of others that Christianity is as good to "live with" as it is to "die with". II Cor. 8t2, "For He taith, I have hoard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succored thee: behold, now is tfe-? accepted timet feehoki, now is the day of salvation." For your eternal welfare accept the Luviour today! Thouj&nd of fish have been winter killed fey tack of oxygen. Owners of dogs molesting d«ex w t fined A total of $507 at Cadill ac latt yaar. Tk« pheasant crowing census in state started this week. MAKfi A DATE TO VISIT ALL THREE FAMOUS OLDSMOBILE MAIN PLANT Parking is available in the Forge Plant lot, located off Saginaw St.* north of the building. Fr«« Bus f«rvic« will be provided > from the corner of Michigan and ', Washington Avenue^ to the Forge ; Plant gate entrance on Saginaw St. every 15 minutes. Yooil • • • red-hot steel forged into vital Oldsmobile parts in one of the industry's most up-to-date for<;e \ plants, Refreshments \vill he served. *• CONSERVATION NOTES O KO I N I R A L ^ ^ JJ^,, o M O T O R S ^ ;^ GM ^ VERLINDEN ST. PLANT Parking facilities w\\\ he availahlo in the conviT Memorial Stadium parking lot just west of Lansing Sexton [i ; ^li .School. Free Shuttle But Service \\U\ be pro\ Mr<I from the Menu Stadium parking lot to the Fi-hrr Hody plant main entrance regular intervals. Plant tours uill ho conducted continuous • 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. See raw steel shaped and transformed in: < pleaming, finished OliUmohile hodii-s . . . more than 400 specia 1 ized precision tools and machines. Hcfr^.shmeiUs \s ill he served. LDSMOBILE and Fl S H V I S I O N S * FISHER BO DY POROE PLANT Pmkkm is available in the new Oldsmobile lot i t Oldi and Division Avenues. Use the parking lot entrance located on William Street. Frw« lUl 8«rvk« will be provided from the corner of Michigan and Washington Avenues to the Olds Engineering Building entrance every 15 minutes. You'H • • • the most modern mass-production methods at work . . . an historic exhibit of Oldsmobiles, dating from 1904. Refreshments will be served. LAN?!MG . . * C O R P O R A T I OD^ ""'" o, M it H i , In March 78 coyottes, 1OT8 foxes jfp i p C i and 54 bobcats were taken for boun./ f O O d i . a n L U l An effort to restore the prairie/"i ickens will be made at prices, ehickens at Houghton ' p | E S P I T E lower farm r p LJ the to quit h year t it State Forest this yiar. ^ % 60 fires damaged 928 acres last ! ^ a t ^ a s t h e * statement of week. University of Missouri extension Kural Mail Carriers are taking soils specialists, in a release p«,t in . 3 we«k8 ceM « a of deer and %FlX&&cS£&& grouse m northern Michigan. These specialists point out A beaver trapper at Newberry re that the "wise use" of fertilizer cently caught a coyotte in a beaver | can'cut costs and increase intrap and coUecfcd ,15 bounty. « | ^ ^ that f t c o s p:a;'i ood h a s risen Persons are warned not to pick •y cent since 1935, up young raccoons, fawns, squirrels only 13 <•• ;t of all producor other wild animals for pets. It is whereas t .•'•.•;;r b u y s h a s against the law and conservation ; „. >_^ui It L;:ses oi't on statistics :t ' o: officers will take them away from this cited r--rr-:.U\ by Russell Coleyou. man, ex^-ru^v ^ vice president, Despite numerous court decis- National . Food Council. ions that people cannot be. barred Today's fertilizer has more from fishing on navigable streams crop-building power than ever (those that have outlets) many peo- before, the committee says. In PW who own .and .round * « „ . £ £st « £ £ & ,«"%£<£ ftill try to bar fishermen by build, tration of plant food per ton of ost 23 ing dams. In Presque Isle county fertilizer by almost 23 pe perce cent in some MidHenry and Naomi Lucy who own Agronomists in s m e Mid aU the land around Lake Ann tried f eXtra yields per acre for to bar fishermen by building a dam oof The court has ordered the dam re every dollar invested in plant' moved on the grounds it is a navig. 'end. ^_____ able stream with an outlet. fc Rural and city people are &g*idLSuperphospnate Helps reminded it is neccessary to get mlanure Hold Nitrogen permit to bum grass, brush or derf A d d i r > g s u p e r p h O s p h a t e to bis in clearing land. ibnrnya'rd manure can pay off The conservation dept. claimfc two ways, repoits the Middle Soil Improvement Comthe deer death by starvation and I t C ittee. al kill will equal the 70,000 shot b. -The superphosphate giver manure a better ptant nu hunters lasl fatl. 2—It helps the The conservation dept does nc •o'" ' h a t like certain provisions of the so bonk bill. Many of these lands ar The phor, ! f)to . )e the m i n u t e i - i - i e it farmed by share croppers and th ead in V\it states share of the crops used fo Lidwestern -:.j. wild life feed especially waterfowL While separate negotiations continue between,, the new state of Israel and the Arab nations, trace teams (1) sent by the United Nations, check offpoa.nf Arab and Israeli positions during informal conferences somewhere along the front. Meantime, (2) at United Nations Headquarters on the Island of Rhodes Acting UN. Media- tor Ralph Bunche (center) initials armtetlet agreement between Israel and Egypt, as U«N* plane (3) stands by to take truce teams anywhere they might be needed. The Israeli an* Egyptian chief representatives (4) Join ina./rti*aV ly handshake after signing an armistice to end fighting between the armies of their eoaatrtM. i «V J?% • " • 1 • ' • • ' \ THE PENCKNOT DISPATCH ,*, Wednesday, Hay 8,1956 »' r l£TC-4»l-2 cult, x 58 Uoes-May, 195o THERE'S A Phdc witli Sightseeing Variety and Blue-Water Pleasure in POWERFUL MICHIGAN Michigan Week, May 20-26 ; • • • • • - - - • • • • - • • ^ - Only in your own home state of Michigan will you find such a variety of scenic beauty . . . so many wonderfully pleasant ways to fill your vacation hours. Best of all . . . it's right nearby. ^ Vacation in your own WATER For litaratur* writ* MICHIGAN TOURIST COUNCIL ROOM 9, CAPITOL BLDG., LANSING 1, MICH. Plea** Or to* Safety — ob*crv« H«w to**d Limits \ OUR DEMOCRACY—-b y M.t " M " HOLIDAY COUPE B »». between on Oldsmobile 8 8 FISHING IS THE OLDEST INDUSTRY IN ANP IN FTGCOGNITION OF ITS IMPORTANCE TO COLONISTS THE "SACRED COP"LS HONC.^£D IN ond the other lower-price cars ! This rugged Oldsmobile "88" is built to take all that power, too! For instance, there's an extra-rigid,five cross-raeinbercd frame to give you ideal, shock* absorbing balance. Hetnivay and go! Economy? Well, Oldsmobile'a "88" (and the Ninety-Eight, too) took top honors And what flasliinfr1 performance in the in the recent Mobilgas Economy Run! Bitddle ranjrrs! The Iiocki't is designed to There's a powerful difference, all jjve you full benefit of liiph torque—340 right! Uoth in the car, and in our quality pound-feet at normal engine speeds. That deans there's always plenty of reserve minded way of doing business. So common in now.' Take the wheel of an Oldspower—\s\n>n you want it, when you need mobile. Rocket away . . . today! It for safety's ?ake. Vou know you're in a big ear . . . fn>m its looks . . . from the way it rides and handles! ^ ith your first touch on lh« accelerator—that 2,'H) h.p, Rocket Engine* answers >vith all its winging S3 STATE HOUSE IN MASSACHUSETTS. I &• 3 •240 h.p. and350 Ut. ft. torque in Ninety-Eight and Super 88 models. I IVI A QUALITY PRODUCT brought to yeji. by AN_OLDSMOBILE...QUALITY DEAURJL DON MAIN MOTOR SERVICE 216 W. (uand Phone 514 Ave, Howell, Mich Y. .. WHY NOW IS M ^ 0 0 0 TIME TO BUY AH OLDS MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF THE S£A,WHICH yiKios ITS HARVEST GRUDGINGLY, CALLS FOR THE RUGGED QUALITIES IS* MEN WHICH WE ASSOCIATE WITH OUft COUNTR.VS P\OtiLZZS> M0PER.N SAFETY MEASURES AND EQUIPMENT HAVfc R'lOLtCLO THR WXMK0S-AMD 7REMENO0USLV &'• '•&X&Z''*s ^^ WHEN THE FISHING FLEET COMES , v PASSING THROUGH HIGHLY ORGANtZi'.D-CHANNEL^ OF PROCESSING, REFRIGERATION AND TRANSPORT.VflON, MOVES OUT ACROSS THE NATION TO PROVFDS FRESW FOOD V?^ty THE SEA FOR THE PEOPLE ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. ' Si" - '"^few. »•'•'•••"" '?•"' v^«»~^ri^r^CC^~£<-" : X-•"'•••• ^^^%-^IrHT^§^S^^^l;I^~ j ^111&<^ Pictures ,.^M torqarine is tne only food created at we request of an emperor On tin ave of war with \ Prussia Napoleon E otffrsfli Frprsr h •f ^ . \ ^K & French chemist, \ (Vie^e Mouries. won tne prize in \ ^I i869 wifh d spread | made from Deef ' — Althouqh it nau \o I: :c!cr:i by hi; d. marqarine made of enable oil* JFW/ Color Reproduction suitable for fratning sent upon re$ SCENB ON AUSAf LE RIVER S f ' as widely used dorincj World War 2 imu$e it •;•*;< 1 Discover t " natural beauly of Michigan... f enjoy th<inatural goodness of Michigan brewed beer Michigan gan B urewers A nssociation 350 Madison Avenue • Detroit 26, Michigan Federal Laws or) the .^.«. of v&llow margarine were f lifted in 1950 Latest advance ! in food science is the pew Margarine u*ich his t h Ktii'^ in ::;&:• * • >"••. PXNCKNEY DISPATCH Euier and wfe anid Roy Clark called Dtapstca Qaas MYRON HUGHES Postafftea t. urn 114 8 a Howell * . gab»criptto» Prfc* JVJrs. Peter Geryps ivlrti. irvm^ Cantrell and Mrs. Thomas Bunnar attended the Tour of Homes spo:i.. sored by the Ann Arbor Women's City lub. Store Lonnie VanSlumbrook aiuS /e ed.. iior attended an MM decree confer ence at the Dexter Masonic te Friday night. Bom to Mr. anff Mrs. Herbert Shenden (Rennie Haines) at St. Jow : hospital( Ann Arbor April 3D a son. Herbert Joseph, wt. 8.9 lbs. LINGERIE GENTS FURNISHINGS CANNED GOODS GROCERIES SHOES DRYG< ill K ENNEDl GENERA! STORE Born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lobdell (Ann Shirley Reason) at St. Joe hospital, Ann Arbor Friday, a daughter. The Jim Burns family of Ann Ar bor, the Don .Burns and Jack Young families were Sunday guests of the Ray Burns families. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Camburn called on Mrs. Esther Campbell at McPherson hospital, llowell, Satur day. George Meabon and son Hob, spent the week end at Lovells. The Frank Aberdeen* spent Sun day with the Rex Xoggles in Ann Ar bor Mrs. Andrew Nesbitt with Mrs. Mrs. Marian Pearson attended a benfit bridge party at the. Michigan State San. last week Jolan Porter attended a swimmiii^i party Saturday given by her clc-s school, Ann Arbor. Mesdames Ray Burns and Helen Young1 were in Ann Arbor Friday. Mesdames Virginia VanXornian, Florence Bauglm and EUith Can1 called on Mrs. Esther Campbell at Pj< Pherson hospital, Howell, last v.eek. Pal Umphrey and her father. Dr. Umpkrey of Detroit were Sunday K'ue.sts of the George anXonnans. Miss Dorothy Rohl of Detroit was a Sunday dinner guest of the Floris Chirks. Mrs. Jeanette McDonnell spent the /week end with the "William Lintners at Rushton. 1 L. j . Henry and wife, Tom Wure uiid wife John Paul Ware and Jmie Krahr: and the Karl Kitnh'.'Hy.- at tended the wo;idin^ vi' M.\ Ton Kate lvay and Roberta Jacobs at the F< •! LI"> ' :-J ( ' h u t c h , iii{L'!iL. R e c e p t i o n " 'You can Live Better... Electrically"See Your Electrical Appliance Dealer Evrything in Sherwin Williams and Building Hardware I Coal and Fuel Oil D. E HOEY & SONS Phone HA 6-8119 Dexter it* ^L Bill Grace, wife and son of Tampa, Texas are spending a week with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark were in Benton H a r W and Indianapolis U»t week. \ Complete Line of Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies Zlect'ic, Oil and Gas Hot Water Heaters COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS WE SELL WE INSTALL & SERVICE 1075 E M-36 PHONE UP 8 3114 Wagoners G rocery 6066 PINCKNEY ROAD Quality Merchandise LOW PRICES Beer and Wine To Take Out PHONE HOWELL 705J2 I i r i ^ h u ' i i , S a ' . ' i r d r> w a s at t h e church. Tho bride is a cousin of theirs. The County Ilmiic Achievement Day was at Howell last Wednesday. Th'.1 Pinekney Pe^-s put on a jilayh.''. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hall went to Marshall Sunday where Iu> buwled with his Dexter bowling team. Saturday Mesdames Alice Hray, Tola. Hall, Susan Dezzle and Evelyn Hall were in Jackson. The Fred Trailers of Detroit cali ed on the Lester McAfees Sunday. Larhara MAfee entertained a mini ber of friends at her home Saturday night after the J Hop. Win Baughn with his son, Donald John Burg jr. Larry VanSlambrook Pete Wietzke attended a DeMolay meeting: -at Fowlerville Sunday. C. J. Clinton attended his Frida/ l:ight bowling league banquet at the American Legion, Howell, Saturday r.ight. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Read went to Jprk^on Monday where .her mother, Mrs.Claudia Peters, had an operatoin for cateracts. Ross Read and wife called on Fred T-vnlr* in Howell Sunday who has been ill. The William Schmidts of Portage L«ike were Sunday guests of the James Whitleya. James Whitley and wife attended the wedding of his cousin, Sylvia Whitley and Ed Clark at the Ann Ar bor Methodist Church Saturday nite. Merwin Campbell went to Toledo, Ohio, last week with the Ann Arbor Argus Masonic Cijaft Club to work degrees. Previously they worked degrees in Windsor, Ontario. Hill Lamb belongs to the craft club and also Carl Bates of Dexter. • Mrs. Dorothy Dinkel was in Dexter made early one day last week. Another attempt Mrs. Margaret Clark and children spent Sunday with the Dan Driver Sunday morning to rob the General Store which has been robbed several hovne in Dexter. Mi and Mrs. Herbert Palmer at time. Having occasion to get up at 4;30 a. m. members of the Murray tended a wedding in Detroit Satur Kennedy family saw 2 men on the dav niirht. The Joe Griffith family and Mrs, platform at the back door which is lighted tinkering with the door. A Roberta Amburgey were called to err was parked near. Murray called Springfield, Mo., Sunday by the Bob Barks ,prop. who came down but <1eath of Mrs. Griffiths father, Mr. the men had gone. Nothing wa§ tak- Jlark. en as far as i* known. Clyde Fisher was involved m an ac Mrs. Gladys Wright of Wrighta cident Friday night on M-!6 while Corners gave a bridal shower for on his way home. A wasp got in the N&ncy Chubb Tuesday,Mr».Vir*inia car and trying to get it out his car ia VanNorman gives one at her home ' №t a tree, wrecking it. He was cut for her May IB. ' A l j O u t t e f a c e > H i s d o g w l l ° w a s Wlt^ \ him was killed. He was not hospital. Mark Coon of Farmingrton ia visit ized. ing at the Homer Abney . Wilbur Eisele and wife and Charles % Eisfcle and wife of Fowlervifte called Mesdamea Rene Miller and Wilhcl ram a Swarthout attended the Teach- on Mrs. Emma Vollmer Sunday. Mrs. Ella Newman of Ann Arbor ers ccamp at Camp Mill near CneUea vibited the Ben Whites 4stt week. Saturday. Delicious enerry pie (other fruit pies, too) stays oven-fresh for months in a home food freezer or two-in-one refrigerator freezer. Bake several, freeze the extras. You'll agree with the many smart homemakers who say: LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Hkfc 39c CHUCK ROASTS, Lb. FRESH GROUND BEEF, 3 Lbs. BOILING BEEF Lb. $1.00 25c Groceries and Cold Meat Lockers for Rent Custom Butchering Tuesday THE HOLUSTER MARKET Complete Service /, Gus^Lubrication B. F. GOODRICH TIRES VEDDER'S MARATHON SERVICE B. r. boodrich Tires, Batteries, Accessorm " Phone UP 8 3196 445 East Main Street "SAY IT A WITH FLOWERS" from HELLER'S FLOWERS Phone 284 fttwsd sVS|HBBJHK1^.^B^^B^I^^^^^I^^HiH^^H^^^^^^I^^^^HI^^HBH|M^S^^ita^^l|BB^^^^BJIBJH^BI^BJ^^^BB^^^HHSJB^MBJ^H|^|^^^|Bk^^l^^BHB^HBJI^B WATER SYST£MS,PLUMB1NG,REPAIRS THE ROUSH PLUMBING W e b a t e r P h o n e UP 8 6607 LOUIE'S WELDING .SHOP a Portable Welding Outfit Alto AcetUae LOU1F BROWN •VMSMWI i '.•-•'- THE PINCKNBT DISPATCH Wednesday May 9, 1SO6 Neighboring Notes The Delhi school where Mrs. Mil Ored Walsh Whe«ler taught for ahout 40 years voted 66 to 32 to be annexed to the Dexter school. The 32 vote* favored annexing to Ann Arbor. NEW Phoenix Lodge No. 13 F. & A. M. of Ypsilanti burned the mortgage on their temple last week. It was built in 1917 but damaged by fire and par tialiy rebuilt in 1924 . HOUSE IMAGINE I PIGMENT 31 rrtonium Pigment II White Lead 9| |l Zinc Oxide Magnesium SHkate 1 VEHICLE 40.0% i4.e^/o 26.0% 200% Pure Linseed Oil Driers and Thinner* 724 73.0% 27.0% IOQ 0 % freshly made BUNERAL Ray M. D#v, M. D. PUcksey Michigan Call 11:00* A. M. to 2:00 P. 1L Except Wednesdays Tnes., F r i , Sat. 9:00 to 8:00 P. M. LEE LAVEY HOME Doi C Svajfltart Director Modem Equipment Ambulance Service PHONE U P 8-1172 Fred C. O 120 West Grand River Howell, Michigan Phone 358 Residence 61) The Union Bank and Peoples Banks U P 8-3221 of Manchester will hold a meeting* tc consider merging. Stockbridge wlli exchange mayors LYLE W. MJNSELL ASSOCIATE wi)th Harrison May 21. REGWSTERJfD LAND 250 attended the 50th anniversai*y livestock Hauling SURVEYOR dinner given Rev. Behner of Stock, Weekly Trips Made to Detroit Office 211% East Grand River bridge last week. General Trucking Phone 1551-W Howell, Michigan Clarice Cook is valedictorian of I HONK U P ft-4541 U l e W. Munsett, Associate Stockbridge senior class and Carolyn Robeson of Gregory, jsalutatorian. The entrance to the Veteran's Mem DENTIST COMPLETE INSURANCE COVBI orccil Lighted Field at Stockbridge is Telephone Office 935 AGB being constructed. |1728.46 was Residence 814 raised by subscription. Evenings by Appointment The Unadilla Mother and Daugh. Eowell Michigan 1 4 2 MILL ST. ter banquet is May 12 Mncknej, Mich. Phoa« UP 8-1131 The site of the new Dexter high school if approved will be off Baker Rd. adjacent to the athletic field. Part of the base ball diamond will funr, rlomes, Lake Property be used. ] iftiness' Opportunities The Dexter Kiwanis Rummage FARM SALES A SPEOALJT? List '/our Property With M« Phone Fowlerville CA 3 Vi sale is May 25-26. * Mrs. Ross Robb of Fowlerville — 209 North Peaif died at St Joe hosipital, Ann Arbor, U P S-31M A nil 3iO. 233 UnadUla St PinJciey, MIc> Born to Editor Dick Rudnicki and Waicb R&pcdring.Gold Stc^npu wife of Fowlerille at Sparrow hos. Watches, Watch Btivisjeweift Handmade Ffec&at Billfolds pHul ,Lansinj>- April 26 a son. This OPTOMETRIST .. Eye Examination* si their third child. Wednesday and Saturday The Brighton postoffice becomes a by Appointment first class office July 1 next. RADIO & TELEVISION SERVICE 9126 Chilson Road, '/<mi. N. of The state police seek 168 recruits Prompt and Courteous Phoaa Oripbton AC 7A4U 123 Webster 8l D a3 the legislature authorized that Phone UP 8-D5*I Pinckney, Michigan many. SALESMAN-Experience not necesa The Brighton Mother and Daugh . } ter banquet is May 11 at the Luth.. . . ary. Sell Buicks ir Pinckney, all or eran ehurcch. WANTED _ Experienced Waitress 1:.ilrt time, must have excellent char! acter and be well known in commun. Charles Lane, son of the late Dr. for opening in Ann Arbor. Chan Lane of Chelsea has been nam Box 108, Pinckney . Hv LIVINGSTON MOTOR SALES f I principal" of the school there. "Your Buick Dealer" 1 he Chelsea fire siren got short FOR SALE_. Combination Screen In Howell for 21 Years circuited hist week ami the peope and Storm Door LM0xS.2. $10.00. tnou^'ht the continuous blast was tor Mrs. Mae Duller nado alert. FOR SALE_House Trailer, 16 ft. in The robbery of the Green school HELP WAXTED-Saniiarium attend ooou condition, newly painted, inquire on Pin^ree Rd. has been solved by ants and institutional workers to 212 East Main St., Pinckney. the confession of Edward Piston of fill future vacancies at Midi. Stale FJ'nt held in the Howell jail. He ami • Sui;ilarium Howell, S/i5.20 to #63.60 I- OR SALE_One Inner Spring Matt2 others admitted ~A) breaking in this [ with "paid vacation, sick leave.pleas n.-s. and coil wire springs. county and Shinwnssee. | a nt working conditions. Write Tnone UP Town 8 -3170 Ted Stubbs of Hamburg- and Wm. j MW-V;. Civil Service, Lansing 13, j liowhall of Howell will be induccted i Michigan, FOR SALE Fox Pups. into the service May 8. | «:-™————«-«.,^.——«^..., Marion Meson is Howell senior . FOR, SALE—Jolin Uce>'«; Tractor Claude Swarthout Phone UP 8 3103 class valedictorian and Oliver All ' |>inw, 1'inw, combine ai;J cultivator for r bright .s(b|utatorian.Margaret Arm. Jr-l5>;l.fj00 jf)0 at lic'-SOTi i*ai':ri, Pingreo Rd. WANTED-Responsible person to strong is Hartland salutatorian and Phone Garfield LiZol1.', Detroit.Mich. take over low monthtly payments Ilene Ridenoir, salutcrtorian. on f pi ret piano. Can be seen in thi 1 Bii^hton has organized a Junior FOI1 SALE-Four !' deep well vicinity. Write Credit Manager \ Babe Rutli Baseball League for boys electric lan.^e, Harold Porter Hox 81, Greenville, Michigan. [ I'hov.e HA 6 DGGT77 from 13 to 15 years old. LLOYD HENDEE DR. G. R. McCLOSKEY Roger J. Carr Agency COLORS 100.0% to choose from Edith R. Carr i ui-tti BERT WYUE, Auctioneer LOOK AT THE AMAZENG FACTS: 1. Covers 600 sq. ft. per gallon 2. Permanent Colors 3. Extremely easy application The Pinckney SanitaritiSn CLAY GORDON Bonded Finishing White si 1HE BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL CORNEI | General Insurance EXCLUSIVE BOYDELL FORMULA M t 4. Controlled self-washing 5. Mildew Proof 6. Four*Year Guarantee Arnold Berquis, Come In Today—See the colors you select freshly mixed right, before your eyes! THE LAVEY HARDWARE •• Real Estate Gerald Reason Ritter T.V.Salcs-Service TllfC Tkeresa's Guild of St. Mary's Parish Will Sponsor a Dance at the Knckney Hifh School Gym on SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 1956 9:00 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. MUSIC BY JO FINLANS ORCHESTRA Free Refreshments. WANTED- TrencMngg, Footings and Septic Tanks to install. Mike Harnack jr. phone UP 8 3260 Door Prut: an Electric Frying Pan. FOR SALE-3 acres with building 24x52 to be erected. Priced right for quick sale. George Engquist West M-3G, Pinckney FOR SALE—Chrysler Royal Heater, George Engqui&t FOR RENT_Modern 4 bedroom partly furnished counifty home and burnt located at 7530 Chambers Rd., luukney with 1 acre or more. Will lease. Will show May 10, 1111, 112. Mi3. Bernard Lavey, Phone Lansing, Ivanhoe 4_6328 FOR SALE_Lawn Mower Marshall Meabon Phone UP 83304 Ainissioa Adulta 75c, Students 50c Adding Machines SEE AND RIDE THE - ALL NEW 1956 CHEVROLET We Give Top Allowance on Your Present ~ Car Regardless of Year or Make SEE FRED C. O H O BI-LAlf» LAKH JIM WHIT1 iALES REPRBSBNTATlVE, ANN Typewriters RIBBONS AND CARBON PAPBR MACHINES About 100 attended the MM de WANTED-Home work and house ! Vv ANTED Odd jobs of any kind,rak £ree conference at Livingston Lodge and house cleaning. l^; yards etc. No. 6 Saturday night. Livinggston Mr a. Norman Steele. Ph. UP 8 3290 UP 8 3223 conferred the MM degree upon W N l ^L):TO Rerjt PaStflFe for , Jfcmes Boyd jr.^ the King Seeley WANTED-Wool, market pricer;. abojt Z0 head ox young stock. ' brothers of Ann Arbor on Chester Lucius Doyle Phone UP 8.3125 G i — Brr^. riione ilP ^783 • • W E L L c ! a r k a n d Livonia Lodge No.586 on 1 u room v':er pick j Clifford Baker with Leslie Stoll, f OR SAL£-Semimodern FOR house and lot, oil furnace. i fatherinlavv of Baker and past mas UP8 3107 up. Marion Burnett 236 Howell St. 1 ter of Livonia Lodge in the East. Phone 8-5562 Apart. j WANTED TO K ^ N T - A T I Thomes Bonner was host to 6 mem I ment by Juno 1 nrst next. ben- of the Pinckney Boy Scout FOR SALE-200 ft,, of frontage on I Fiuckney Com. bchool IJP Troop committee Friday night . East M_36. also city lots on north ,, • Mrs. Thomas Bonner was a deleside of Unadilla St., Pinckaey FOR SALK i>eagi*i uog, femule, gte to the Republican state conven i7 months old, partly trained for held in Detroit Friday and Saturday. l o r information call Oscar Beclc —" 'j hunting, loves children. Herbert Stephens, 33 and Edward PAjftTS—-«; Mrs. Kipple 10280 Langley, , Cord. McDaniel, 22, both of Munith who —: A B E i AlHv> Welding Supplies — A u t o P e a k ) 1* Lake, phone UP 8 9720. wrecked their car on the Howell Rd. Automotive G!~-3 Sbld a n d Saturday afternoon in front of the J 21 * 10110 ^ v-OR: Overstuffed Rocking Chair. Caison Hollingsworth home were ar , IQ18 Ea&t Grand Rlycr.Phone Chareuse Table Lamp. esied by Deputy Egeler for drunk HowelL Michigan Whitley, P>one UP 8 9960. driving and lodged in the county • fOK SAI^E^KAVEL, wallSS bastile. land and graveL qradad or mis \ SALBg A R I P A l l Livingston Office Supply 2tl SOUTH PHONE UP 84560 ARBOR PHiNE HOWJBLL 20M Pinckn n ed, also processed road graveL READY MIXED CONCRETE 1 D. ft J. GRAVEL COMPANY Water Wells ar i ! 4 miles west of Howell at 4950 All Makes of Pntr; I Mason Hoed. Phone Hawaii 9835 Dexter-Pinch •' v PHONF \ $ 8 fi HOWELL Phone HA 694W R. LSO RELL FRUITS VEGETABLES MEATS GROCERIES YmtrFeei Long FISH FOR YOUR EARLY BIRDS NOW QUALITY Seed COURTEOUS SERVICE c*U mt your oonvenienc* la • . - • • • > * . Chick Feed MARKET PRICES </>:• ORDER YOUR CERTIFIED OATS AND BEANS FOR SPRING PLANTING' FARMER'S FEED SUPPLY COMPANY JACKHANNhTT , V-
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