09-23-1953 - Village of Pinckney
09-23-1953 - Village of Pinckney
"•>- JL>1S 76 * PINCKNEY DISPATCH Wednesday,Soptemmber 23-1953 • I R R 0 It * ! High School Athletics If I U H I fi A H Churches » Pinckney had little trouble de ,v Social c:\xoaau MARRIED Ca&hoiic • I « n I « n n ieuung uyton neie Friday nignt Toe legislature has changed itf LO u. oyron ouiweignea Fine* the old znetnoi oi gelling drivers n«/ out were slow rm^ had no St. Mary's Catholic Ch <rh ucenses. I n * new iaw provides running game- rtncjcney haa Pinckney. Michiaur tnai cuivexs licenses must ae rej/aore success with their passe** Rev. Fr. Aiben Schxmtt. i' :13m; newed —...~j at ~. 3 -j year .«.— intervals ;-,™,,,- on —-wnich acccounted for 2 toucn Sunday Masses (he drivers birtnaay. A central downs, the other was scored Schedule: 6:30, 8;00 on Summer. file is being sei up in a luinble. 9.00, 10.00, 11.30, and all nu<jvnq voiutons anu started a march the Winter Schedue: 8:00 and 10.01 accidents win be noiea on eacn Novena Devotions quarter out lumblea ana anver's hie. ine present flriday evening 7.30 p. m. i«coverecL They io y faiiect iect io are a mess as no money was Coniessions iine game seesaw eu witu ever appropnotea io Keep tnemf Friday after Novenna Devotion*. h havinq the best oi up to date, rive million drivers j Scfruriday 7.30 to 9:00 p. m. g finally Pinckney ax© listed, wruie ivncniqan nasj Sunday - Beiore 8:00 Mass. but three and a han muuon. /is' 2 **"» 20 yd. line where i No. 39 Current Comment., The Editor • • • SATURDAY NIGHT Clinton and wiie were in At tre North Hamburg church Sunday, Saturday nignt occurred tne f d a and ivks, C. J. Clinton with j ^u r a l ^M r - a° n dJ ^ * **?**' ^ ~ jor ^•:n risk and wife hac I ' Mrs-Mark hash to on its J u c k C l a r k B c n O I lVlr a n d № a ^ 'lurney's, Stockbridae t ' . ...^ '; Jack Clark sr. oi i>exier, rtev. j nuegsegger oiilciatng. TheJ every .He A ha lunchs star;- hurch was decorated with'men could t. 5th, j baskets oi flowers and candel-j grind, L»-'iwidgo. Jce Lavey saw bra. 150 guests were present I on NashrbrotheroT <£ taS on £?ZZ7<$? UU; v ball game in .David[ # brothr of the bnde .an "Alwavs" and P o W SSL^" aul san "Always" and Paula <:„„..„ Curiett T d .• visited Harold and vvai, newlett at tne Lit* oan, f many nave aiea or movea!** **** «> Homes lor a aown l awav Tne new filing s y s l e - n n " h e y did not converu>coru jui nun Pinckney 6. Byron u. win cost $80u,uuO. completed a number The case oi tne 9 high school i 3 ° L a buaday, 71 °^ * № " out O n e £° ™ It i greater lengths.Michigan t e a m ^" *»£ UUt sev organ, taken there lor the occas Kenned/*] ion. touchdowns. The system was a'l T ^iuuy cina Gerry Eicnhe bride was given in marr- right but the cost was w^e in Ann Arbor on iage by heff iather. Her gown Also there .. „ —«» nua excessive. o there was a shortage of was waltz length white faille % l players due ,,^r^ J ^ e demands r r j — ' , , . " * . * ****7'iH «yers aue t<t o >,vara Reed entertained with scooped neckline A Dutch joi the two plat :oon system. So ui ainner in nohor oi pear acumstances beyond their con bonnet brimmed with • -ed pearls dcumstancefl ^ t^t, niiiib, first birth' Calvary Mennonite Cnurch auueti.es who accepied lishinq|°* Passes but lost ihe bun ttev, tua H«achy, ^c^tcr rods as awards and were aeUar tuimo*es several umes^In the las. S.S. Homes intercepted a pass ed ineUjible tor a year has been S«Pt Waite* Liearned to .Lansing.The rods vvere and earned it to the 10 ya line. [Morning Worship only worth ctbout W each, Ciatr Here he passed over the goal Sunday School Tayio*, supt. oi public instruction line to Nash for a touchdown. I i*oung Peoples Meeting Conyersion failed. will hear the appeal. Jottage Fellowship Service touchdown came 1 Wednesday A free copy oi the history ot, The last 8:0A n e e c o p y vu. u«* **x»i«*y —, - --~— iv^s riead and George caught her fingertipp .il. She trol have foroed colleges to re carried white roses -...id tuber !turn to the U man iootball team with occasional .. Ocurow family of rosescanea on Mrs, Flora Mrs Gerald Klein, sister of the groom was matron or honor.Her We don't make ail the mis?inu i^ij, Howard Read dress was Alice blue taffeta of takes. The new telephone direct Michigan will soon be in every when Dick Darrow grabbed a, in St. Louis this in ^.ian.orock Sunday ana similar design as the bride's and ory issued itoary of the state.The autsor ir Byron fumble and ran 40 yardsn month carried a^ adv, for ....,.,., »^i i\iiiqsley Inn. uuv, lor the tae TV Michigan, F r Baldine oi tue a touchdown. He got fum.ied her flowers yellow chry san them e it! i , oi «*>. University the afor couple of times but it on. ^ u s a 4 ,Minister Guest fa^uii^s ^rrimu Davis, Nor Sutherland Lumber Company urns. oi Michigan. The the costendowment oi hook comes tram J the bound and kept on running.. flev< Alexander Meikle. in which they advertised ere w....i<-', i.uiia Spears James Sunday School . 9.30 A. M, Linda Fouser, bridesmaid wore! hind ol Dr. Jonn Monson who. Conversion icoled. soted fence posts and holes. It Meivin attendee a pink taffeta gown of lpft $1104 000 for preparation of- The Pinckney second team Mornina Wcrship 10.45 A.M. National Council w* t****— »<-.-»~«»» ^ w » , . . w.similar P —j jis — said — — their WMWU telephone I ^ * C I J * I U I « J was w a skept Kepi hiitorv oi Michigan and also of was in naif the last quarter. ; T h u r , N i g h t Prayer MeeUng,8.0G ! history of M g -uinen at Lansing design. Her flowers were yellow ringing the next day by wouldnunwiy v in mMichigan., ,7 , —^ I Against this bunch of fre.hmen' Uie church. education chrysan themums.Martha Nashua . be customers but it was all a mis not and sophmores Byron failed to A Hearty Welcome to All cl bi,rjut entertained sister of the bride was flower take. The word holes should ^ i p e n t s . score. The kids had lots cf fight . i^iiiieth Cantrell and airl, Her dress was AUice blue of; have read poles This is in line threw her r e - and tackled well. 1 *crffeta. net and oi o-iu Miguel, Calif. ' " ' with one written by enterprising to the public but few* Pinckney pla/s DeWitt here on n.c reporter about a cavein in which Pvt. Fred Harrison was beat wee is.. ~~VaA to see them In Ingham i Friday night. The tied this team .i^i Sprc^tjohn Sprout) man and the ushers were John a man was killed. He wrote the S 3 y last month there were ( last year, c m fel hole and pulled fell in in a a hole Mrs. Ldwin Sprout and Webber, Pnbeii Breuninger and victim only 8 requests- 3 were news re^, P i n c k n e y the hole in after him, Byron At 212 East Main Street L.S 6oa-e attended the Charles Ouinn, all of Dexter. porters-and 5 members ot uie M c r t t e s o n Stickler j Rev. Keith Ruegseggtr, Pastor 'RUi.js Barton at Stock Are the Oliver Sunday School board of supervisors. I Spittlex 45 AM, l it. Sunday., L,T. less The reception was crt the Nash! Gulick Sunday Worship ...11.00 A, M. ~ ; Miller LG. and B.ichfield, son, home v/ttn Isubellle Nash, Mrs. Shepherd; television to blame? In baseball C, 4 O'CLOCK TEA ' j * ^ Martin Ritter and Mrs.Eric Rose the big leagues report a decreas » 4LPrayer » u M*»uag..f & ? J°° M ' - i.e, .nra^hter, CaWa Bareil Thar 00 IP.M. R.G-. .\.o i (.na Lars, Louise Hansen assisting. Mr» Martin Ritter ir, of a 250'Nash qsworth attendance this year and sev Taylor!We W extend a Chiistian V/elcom C-.nneaut, Ohio, visited their The kxride gra dated from Pinck ed Lucas to Everyone. eral teams went in the red. Foot v •. • liiti. Mis.Luiel Sprout and ney high school and the OTOom CC Skinner last Q ° SL^atett^Tunveilina °£ Mc-aboi» Q.B r j Crane last week. from Dexter high.Both have been ball attendance declined Maylum time most S T S S r a n t , . "Winter Sun Koines L.H- D.Shepherd VanHorn accomp Myron Richardson UNADULA P»ESBY' ..ed the Vine "Amona those preseni were.RMv famiy. to Owosso Sunday S u n y to °™~" duty in Europe Oct. 1. $*№.*$$*£? ^ ° T^n famiy. to Rev. Yau«h, ey,MisGer Subsfouiions : Pinckney Chris j ^ vVorship 3 Marnin< .U-ttJ a- rr visit the H. Smith family, (Eva anV tleld Dale Miltor., Campoell 'lo-i Wyiie, Urn Lavey S u n £ £ ^ ^ j p 11:30 a. m vVenderlein.) , IMUS-SWARTHOUT ^ rnn^'t ^V,** i? , Mrs. Oliver; Stone, Knight, Burns, Packer.Sim, ^ ^ g ^ 8:CC p. m.j Tom Manion of Kalamcaoo they could get, Usually a oow zi^Vl*»v andinnson. Mrofkc. Dyer, Heath. Doris Joan Imus, daughter oi pasture , hay or wheat stubble Neil Bauqhn w a s thp quest oi Mrs. Esther Imus of Lakeland iieJd. We piremember one qam* a yea a i Muiiwhe&# 1 lust VanNcrr.an has quit his |oneI Harold Swarthout the son fOOTBAIL SCORES •' \ Mrs. Aima Utley. , Bud Claude Swar-- er in a cuvv A poem fittmg for the ^ was St. Thomas, 4o, Brinhton 0;Lin' marnedi Swarthout was tackled at a spo* waeVSadandMrs. Hit!.*' rsaae co"ln 2, Manchester 6. linden 31' Charley Gehringr-r is Detroit ex Haitland 0; C^xxana 3y, DeWitt j pected to" play at uie . sented with a macaror. : j Ljxiiortunute results. Lguipxnem |0; Fowlerville 2o, Lesiie 6; Stock'! and large ripe yed torn- o year.He will , was meager tnen. It was bouqni a 'bridge 24, Dansville 0; Dexter 31 bunch of tigers with rum. he .._ ^ week .. . Ifiom the proceeds which were UBEARY NEWS Chelsea 21; Fenton 13, will oppose Williumstoii wno' ir.strvjcti^n not large.and consequently was ino qown,floor lenqth and carr New books at the ^ . " V ^ n , A n n ^ ^ 32, Wayne 13; will have Andy Messenger, old. Grand Lecturers r ied whil-3 carnations. Her sister, pretty well worn belore it was week are Time and S a l i x i e 6 Carleton G;Lincoln Park Cleveland pitcher and a iiock oi Omar end wife c' uispue all North I Mrs. June Johnson, was matron repiac-a. latter is ! 3 i Ypsitanti 13; Mc-renci 20. _On-Michigan State players. nanaicaps m axe oia days wife of ark vile, Alex " _ ™ 2 w > » ^ | ^ ^ ney invariaDiy naa a winning w ( r o s e a r i d h e r p i n k TOrna Robert Brand, 9, v/ho lived Dc-trbcrn :pent . aavan. tios- The bridesmaids, Barbara team, xei witn au the the James Armstrong hc.ne i n L ' ^ ' c r M-;Afe- L..:. Uona Bonner MARRIAGE LICENSES j VanSlambrook and iyirF',.Nonnah' tages ^ver aie oia aays oiuy i Bruce HarJxnan, 21, h well, Webster was killed by en c l t t o Susan H o . v e t oi 1 Miller wore qreen tulle qownsjiDoys turnea out lor IOCUXLU mis Kay Knorpp, 20, Howell, i loyd driven by Robert Wheelor last;i soent the we k xr.d at the CARD OF OF THANKL THAN • and carried red carnationsdtyear. 'ine usual number is about Wednesday. ^(€r Read home, I wish to ihankk my neighbors Shelters, 22, Hcwell. L^rbara Robert Clarl? of Pinckney wasjiU. tor aom-e n^uaon a ioi oi High S ii ' Mesdam*3 L«sU« and fiends for the cards and , Wylie. 17. Howell; Ray Slines, W. CX H e n d e e a n d Son^ won w ^ ^ t» iviCD^*. McAfee » n best man and ushers wore Nor -school ix>ys are not '24, Linden, Ruth Carnes,18 How first prizes at the Grand Rapids Harold Body were m ^nn and flowers while 1 was in &t. man Miller, Richard Imus and' ~ eU; Harold Swarthout, 5, Pinck Fair with theix sheep. Friday We read that the Mormons or Toseph's Hospital William Dixon. .ney, Doris Imus, 18 .Lok.land; The Harold Adorns family of Mrs. John Cook The reception was at the Whit Later Day Saints will build a | Jack Clark, 21,Dexter, Jan3 Nash The Kenneth Wylie car was more Lake Rod and Gun Olub., $90,UUU church in Ann Arcar at ; 19, Pinckney Lawrence DeTroy- in collision on Grand River Sua Harlan Plymouth After a short weddina trip the; brockmun Blvd and Copely the er, 21, Fowlerville, Virginia Ack aay with a car driven by a mr. I Cr-:^ "ell npent Sun- couple CARD OF will reside at Whitelodqe members coming irom Ana Ar V.*; wish to thank ah those erman, 19. Fowlerville, William Wuiiains of Fenton- Bernice \ an th« pa1r)h Hall home. bor and Ypsilanti, In the period and wife and Joan biancum had to have 5 _ who donaied to uie Rainbow Fckert, 24, Fowlerville, _ , " ~ , v^nrrnti' i i118* ^^oze the civil war the Mar II-.-,:nr.:crick. 22, Lansing. taken in a aash in her arm. Girls Bake oale Saturday. J FredBcrtz and v/ife of Ypsiiann, ANNOUNCEMENT mons were ranked about ine The Advisory board Congregational 0 ei-.ii- - i The • s • i. v . i • f t £ •SSSf £- - Ro^u Si- S2S i Notes of 25 Veait y Talent Show Schemed AUTO ACCIDENT John Barber , Pinckney, is in October 2 at Hamburg McPherson hospital, HoweiH • Jim Roche won the 3 year old <^' i i e d ^ j .V trot at the Dewey Northvill* Fcur viih b u^ ^ ijiamond c n lvIrs< B e u l a n 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mahler of same as the Qommunists are . r nld . dauahter c^u^oriHalfmoon engagement of announce their daughrter'. Lake _ J h e them t o d a ywas . J t o ^they p ^ ^ practised ^ o b ^ e c u o npolig ^te y e f h e 5 and Nirs Charles sencaen G e r a l a i n 6 ) t 0 Joseph Burns, son ! amy, Unless history was unlair Tho Hamburg division of tho Amer- Football prospects were not j has been very Uruversuy , ^ founder of the Q n d R a y B u r n s of! Joseph Smith, with a broken leg as the result ican Cancer Society is sponsoring a good at Pmcimey ihir year as hospital Ann Arbor, Pinckney. He is now in Alaska ] Mormon faith was a "faker. He of a collision Monday between talent show at the I.O.O.F. hall in the dteam Pwas one of atho liqh .est. Mr. andA Mrs. Ross Read ^ec^ but expects to be out in Febru-' claimed to have dug up some his aravel truck and a car driv- Hamburg on the evening of October ever fielded. To the surprise ot: Friday to attena the Lumber j golden plates with the Mormon aryen by Arnold Erb of HowoU on 2, at 8:00 p.m. Professional and ama- aU -11 they ^ - beat ' •a heavy ' convenUon at Los Vegas 1• -ow.cr- 'Dealers bible written on them.Not getting D thle Chilson Poad at rhe Zeeb teur talent are taking part. .ville team in their nrst q:::no 12 Nevada. , enough converts he went to Na ANNOUNCEMENT ^ You wjll hear vocal duets and quar- to 7. The game was sccris..3 :i~ ofjyoo, 111. and started a church.He Georc;e Foster 0 Flint called Mr. and Mrs- C. B. Roberts tctttls s Mary Mary rioif rioif Thursday. T h u y T Houston. Texas, annopnee the found more plates here which •TwnTT WITH MR TRUMAN I hnnrl ' instrumental solos, duets, and first haK. Ketcham went 30 yd.:. on"Mrs' BTKWLL W H n mJ\. InUWAW Ynn will «JPA Hawfliinn and for Fowlerville hiqh school cj.-'.teci the Chelsea Spring engagement of their dcrucrhter. ordered him to establish poligTHROUGH HD I * O M *. T V l l i i ^ p dancing; enjoy the latest fashion too sscore 8 fire depts. Charlene to John Harold Hamm- amy, A mob raided his church hid q c o r e iih h tthe h e third qu iz-r. jfcictory factory were celled. The factory was ell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett murdered him and drove the Harrv S Tm^.an in tnis » № - ' creations styled by well known peo- In the last quarter Jim Nash oi _Mr. Jot . . . . V 1 _1 Ima r - . l £ d d a y s (Sept, J27) American WeelC. p i e - Y ou will take part in audience over for a touchdown from -i. I able to r.sjrae partiall productHammell of Pinckney. The wedd Mormons out oi Illinois. Brigham 20 yard line for Pinckney. inging W | i Friday. ing is in Houston in December Young, a Vermont qlcaer, took cil ly with Detroit Sunday Times/ Watch for the entire program in Gravess got Pinckney's s e - o : i d j {virs .!•,&:;.& Clark is a patient over the leadership, He took the takes readers on Read a walk through his home hwa, "Mr, Citi- next week's paper. Plan on an eve- touchdown on /a 30 yd. run w l t h l a t j . - o r a [VJ p ; ta i Detroit. Mormons to Salt Lake, Utah, a •en" a warmly human series of ing of fun and entertainment planned Nash runnina interference. • THE MASONIC PICNIC deserrt land no one wanted and Mcssr.-i F-.xy Ii.'lis Floris Clark (1 articles. Mi, Truman's first pub- for the entire family. Donation tick- ney lineup was Pete Gerycz and Larry Camburn -attended i The Masonic-OES picnic was!by inregation they transforwed ets will be $.50 for adults and ,$.25 lished wriunas since leaving the for Stackable ends, M at Monks dinner Sunday at U. of N*. Fresh Air'ii into feruW land and became the Shri.o those under 16. All proceeds will i feie DiacKcioie enus, White Hous*. Mr TrurLan de- be donated to the Livingston divi-.Kennedy a n d Jim Kail, '.ijiJ.Auisdayl Percy Camp, Patterson Lake, with 162 wealthy. They were in continual scribes his transition from Pres,Hube Ledwidae cmrt vir.e president. In attendance. A roast beef din- trouble with the federal q o w n . sion of the ACS. dent to p1cdn ciuzen. fmore guards: HOT Hall, Close l/r, W . F ner, prepared by the Harold ment who once sent an army Mrs. Mae Koeppen, Chairman. JN^tsh, . O.B.; Peapon, FR.; .nkci -,tended a dis- Porters was served in the k*qe agednst them. Bishop Jonn Lee ^PINCKNEY SCHOOL ENTERED Graves and Terry Kennedy >{ lh: Shrino ot Al- dining room. • • • (• 'of the K- ,mon church was cap trie L RUMMAGE SALE e i The office in the Pinckney;.ves. Subs. T)~~-" th» aci Sc^rdy There were games and •tunts. tured ana ; v:d and hanqed. He poaa Th# Ladief* Auyiliary of a Mrs l\el:.c Harrow of Milford The ball game ended in a tie (was charged with b*g ™ Conq'l, C3hu -h willl h hold l d a ruxn school was "broken into last Wed Soper, Dinkel, leader of the Danites & Mormon spent Iasi week at the W. E. Darr nesday night for the 4th tir.ie butj Murray ~ batteries were Hey Sadkett and maqe salo ctt the Gerald Reajon was .fumbles and HOT so far as known nothing Clare Miller and Francis Dodq«e gang which raided wagon trains ow hemsbuildino next to bank on Friday a Mo-an 3pent t h e Widmeyer. Dale H Wd D l going west. idUed the men ana - - -1 Sor>n of Mrs. ) c m ai Herman and Sunday, Sep^. 25, 2S wttn taken although things were ran carried the women off to tb* , week and with her daughter saoted and contents of desks tackle when he hit 2 triples. a Bak Sale Saturday, i. Despite the around, $400 wo* taken run. , Rex Sackett and wife. Francis Mormon , J Flintv Mr^. ..*..-. .Luri - . . Fchey was in St.'Dodge and wie Harold Mills w ^ eral government the - v - - ^ The Fi«d ReadE r-\tertataed aX last January when the safe was CW© K«« t*~~oA Knt ^i* 9. buoakinfl since t MicWrrtm o ; Glair last woek and attended the wife. John Camburn and wife continued the practise of pott Browns and forced but tha 2 bfeakins rs,the , unlfl the turn of o * 5i -1 of cr >rotherin law, Ches of Detroit. Sheridan HadTey and gamy untfl dinn-ir Sunday r the Joe netted the thieves nothing. Brigfaa» Young bod 14. tor Woodworth, S^tuiday. | wife of Jackson. Glen Alt end Charles Aiel]ps ef Detooit and Bob Sinaer, star Pinckney ball, jaan Fred Fich is visitinrj his son, wife. Barnev Wilson and wiie o* * ' family, WV4in a hospital crt Pas; 'player died A. V has aon© to Vem-n in Swissvalle, Pa (Ann Arbor and the Orla Addey fr-v Hr^rr^ll has - aor» i^jpiuyei .*** -.**t-**mr'^{ i Bobert Peterson of Detroit vis- fcaniry of Stockbridqe, Rev, Me— T^^^-«^ ~' Vov-'-i Texas, tn SAO h ^ bro-|,so Hobles, Calf. M-nday oi itar -imo! 1 P-rcrust Sunday. (Lucas and wife Koy Teeple af , ther Tohn. oradUate frr-i cadet heart attack; He tecrves a < r Hillb v Tho «^'vh T y ^ school enroll Brighton attended the Matoniein rch-l Mrs. Hammer went as and 10 others. Funeral in Caltf s Grove Tue^d-ry ment is lu3U. — picnic Sunday. far as Chicago with him. ortoto today. V, ,&<®* • I ' . - t f -1 IfcfltM* Howell Theater ifomyour ekdrfc dryer The Fowienriile communuy sahool enrollment is lU4j. iuqn school 235, rmoz hiqh 16 and uos.. Wed., Thur^ Sept 22.23,24 Friday, Saturday, Sept 25, 26 tne elementary 64d, Deed Astabe, Oyd Carlsso The Stockbridqe li^ ri looLDai bquaa numoers bi>. iiobert Glaaston** oi i was marnoa 10 noweiia Lentz at 3 MeUxoaiii Cilurch •ast w if* "THE HOMESTEADERS" "THE BAND WAGON" BUI Elliott Robert Lowery Also The Bowery Boys in Camina-War oi the Worlds Scoutmaster ' LOOSE IN LONDON" Friday, Saturday, Sept 25, 26 Leo Gorsey* Hunts Hall * G * * Little Rascal Awful Tooth. 'THE WAR OF THE WORLDS'./» Sunday, Monday, Sept 27, 28 . AND Underwater wonder show "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" lecluucoiox 'UNDER THE RED SEA' cartoon Wllfc Dan Dailey, June Haver and Monday, _ i x m Atwslli ui Brighton wh© was a Jioreuii war prisoner is hcum*. The Brighton Kiwarns Club is buying the high schoo^ band e w uniforms. has sola toe xor w •* ^aaptor won the attendance Ocuniy o u a aaenaance recora ship meetings, ! c. ihe 4 iriend wiiivj Hum tne county ior uu; *-tepL, Oiart. Maiika, Linden; Howard CLXQ i^inckney; Frank to,t.unin. ELECTRIC I DRYER A DAYS is1; LOOK FOR THIS SYMBOL... The dealer displaying this sunny blue anjt old seal is a drver specialist. He is qualied to help select the dryer that bast Bteete your neods. t The in* ant the first lond comes out oi your ( : ctric dryer you it fed the difference. Blankets, towels, chenilles, diapers -everything has an air-spun feeling. Clothes are so soft and fluffy you'll think you're folding clouds. Dryer-dried clothes look like new—are lilfe new for the sun can't fade or rot them. Talk to your "Electric Dryer Days" dealer. Find out how an electric dryer saves time and work. Standard Installations Wtr«d wtthotrt ft i' 4 ' NO MORE WASHDAY] TOIL AND TROUBLE No heavy, wet clothes to carry . . . no clothespins, poles or lines to fight . . . no weather worries. Enjoy wonderful new freedom. A FUP O f A SWITCH DOES THE WORK Put a load of w;^h into your electric dryer and set the controls. In a matter of minutes your clothes will be dry. Ifa as easy as that! S*e your "ELECTRIC DRYER DAYS" DEALER See 0 HOI^demonstrotionhOt your Siegler dealer NOW! i from ordinary heaters • •xclusiv* patented THREE-IN-ONE HEATMAJCER m— h*al that's 4 f i M i S HOTTER over your fleers! '*«xtr», pattuttd inner heater, btfilt ; falfa heart of th« hottest firs, captures i Top-e'-tk+Flamt heat that'B 4 Thn*s Hot* U t h a n Side-o'-thc-Nmr.i* h n t . Sie«)er nours itts bonus heat over your floo^ b ' house, saves you up to 50% in fuelf There's nothing to stop ft, capture it...use it for Jfoor comfort. Chimney* Aid cettingi get kdi, stay cool, flcxai £ cold, westing your foul dollars! Vues,Wed,Thur,Sept. Cliiton Webb, fcdmund Gween REMAINS TO BE SEEN1' in June Ally son. Van Jonnson - . "JMR- SCOUTMAiSm*' J new* Comedy Noveit, cartoon Young Coming Get. t>,j.o. The Moon Is ,'Comiag-Safari Drums, / Bess, Tom and Jeny Jambboree Blue • i h e rioweii puDiic roiiiaent is Chester Wccawoxtu who once n operated a livery barn in h o w - ' ell w a s killed in a n auto accid-! Lake, ent in Sanikic county last we<3k.! Hs wife the former Ciertrude Foh i Friday, Saturday, Sept 25. 26 , Friday, Sarurday, Sept 25, 26 ey and 3 children, survive. | Double Fvatujtt ! "APACHE WAR SMOKE" The Oak Grove school has Ray Milland, Arlene Dahl and voted to be annexed to the •I wi Wendell Cory A Drama starring ell schoolin i Gilbert Roland, Glenda Farrell The Howell school has 6 "JAMICA RUN" - ! Robert Horton, Barbara Ruick teachers this year. AND - - Pet* esitb Newt The plans tor the new 'A SLIGHT CASE OF LARCENY' jSunday, Monday, Sept, 27, 28 fire hall and counciil rooms call for a building to cost $<*u> Mickey Rooney, Eddie Bracken 'GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND' 000. Elaine Stewart It has been necessary to the first ^rgrade at the a comedv Sunday, Monday, Sept, 27, 28 school into 4 sections of 25 Audrey Dalton,Dorothy Bromley Amazing, Terrifying, Savage Don Tayio., Leo Gennjoan Klan "WAR OF THE WCRLDS" and 1,500 U. S. Marines Technicolor Sun, Shows 3, 5, 7, I with Lyle Briggs has purchased tha and Sport Gene Barry, Ann RoLinron, Lea Cartoon Tremayne, Lewis Martin and cemetery a n d wilt open a g r a v Uctl fTues,Wed,Thur,Sept 2 Frank Kreig vve«it Main St. this side of the "DESERT LEGION ei pit a n a cement block iactory. Little Rascals in Kid from Borneo New _ Cartoon The Mike r arey Estate has an Novelty auction billed ior Oct. z. a Drama S t m i i f Tues^WecUhur.Sept. 29,30, Oc 1 Postmaster bherd Alan Ladd, Arlene Dahl and Walt Disney's Adventure FUJI has to move out of the Richard Conte "THE SWO1D AND THE ROS2" Campbell building and there is shows 7:15, 9:00 tn Yoefasnoalor wifh no place 10 ni^ve ... rie mav be Richard Todd, Glynis Johns forced IO buuu, Sylvuu Yt*« Aft Lillian Mcini'yie Jl Pinciiney wua muijieu otpt. id to L,award Fox oi tne Appietoji, Wi*., glades force. The Cong'i. Aid havj elected the following offioem. J John Cadweli; vicu n ; John Teeple; Sec, Mib | Sybes; Treas, Mrs. w. ! The Young Ladies u | meet with Mabie i Triaay night. The proqram • Mary Love, Gladys L. .: JC.O Florence Andrews;Oici Rev.Mylne; lnst.,Noniio Reading, F. L. Anc^Mable Sigler; Reciiou..,.. La Burgess. Duet, Rev. iviyiae.Hor- SCIO Wear on "J. S. 12 ox iacleoa Rd.5 we%) of Ai«d Arbor Playground Children under 12 Free admitted Free Friday. Saturday, Gcp> f, 5 VELVET-EEZ COMFORT SHOES IF... You Are On Thur., FiL, Sat., SepL 24, 25, 26 Your Feet "REDHEAD FROM WYOMING' Long Hours! In Techincok* with . * • . , • > Maureen O'Mara, Alex Nichol Also "SALLV AND ST- ANN" With Ann Blyth, Edmund Gwenn Cartodn Sun. to Wed, Sept- 27 to 30 • 'WOHLD IN HI'S ARMS" * is iviorcui; b c t i i ^ a ^ o ^ i i ^ m k e s peca-, Rev. i,-, w., i4 ,... : , . ' \ i . i^»« cider M*0*T f ORDlMAftY HEATERS wofta 4 times hotttr toot up the chimneyl In 'GUN BELT 145 UL^J Hunter 1 Tues,Wed.Thur,SepL 29,30, Octi 2 r«Kzturew % "OOW COUNTRY" ! with Novelty Edmond OBrien, Helen Westcott ANI; Mrs. C 'vvon the . iston ETOI-O oi . larion. i a Willf ^ .'-tiu week. The wj-be;1 5th Dick W h milk ro.va t , i Cr&dle jfour foot on 10,000 tiny air bubbles, In Velvet - Bez Air. Cushion SU .;.. .iay .' uiibar ..-. , r Oct. SnocE. o his .t t. man 145 off W. M. rnina Z'U cull at your convenience l a yonr horn*, office, or shop, to prive a n t w idea of shoe e f f o r t . ITo U t i c ^ t x A L.ioriatf, i>rop m O*rd or, wr.»s t in Techincok>r with i Gregory Peck, Ann Blyth Also 'NO' ROOM FOR IRE GROOM' With Tony Curtis, Piper Laurie * Cartoon 1 ir TIME IS MONEY" \ THEN a checking account will is: New and Winter K B a v e v o u money lior it certainly consists eaves time and effort. Open P. Corey VcnWnV'r chosen styles. Georgia VanWmkic- r. checkinq account at this new. Women's lines 67 styles Crane; Treas., Elvinr Cond. Emilv Jackson;Aw?s. Cond rj offered fcr the first time. 28 i ^jjEFIRST NATIONAL BANK' Florence VanWinkle:Ad^h. Nina -rn jacket styles. 26 new. Green; Ruth, Grace Gardner; Howea NOBK Esther, Nora Reason; Martha, Under Federal Supervision JACK HANNETT Beulah Martin; Electa, Mary Memoer Federal Daooiit InsurRead? Warder, Ellen Richards;! Coporation. All Deposits In3uriChaplcdn Arvilla Placeway; Up to ^10.003 for Each tVu^nel, W4H- Placewayr Mar-i shall, Jessie Green: Organist,, Myrtle Brown. have \l I 1" Hockey Service MCPHERSON'STATE BANK RoweTL MieK MS rj-:i "olicMd has gon^ over th- . were all killed off- In the other BANK-BY-MAJL Deer hunters may obtain a 4 4in:!.:./, mark. . were allowed to roam-At tha end sheet on deer huntIn order that more trout may: of a year each area had the Many of 01a customers now —, tton on deer huntino; use our Bank-By-Mail forms to ; ^be carried in tan.es for planting ' same oh>"""rsant population, b y wrffin* this dept, save themselves time and steps of 6 0 bus in making deposits. A number, of Lake trout have amytal. u *1 1 -r nanin Right at home or in your place t h e y reViVe parks , , J with of business. Make. out your d e OOUnty. They are no aiier ^il; effects. posit slip, endorse your checks «_^_ lake fieh - asyd it is r A chukar partridge was recen. 53 c h a n g e s in oil petroleuir and olace in a Bank-By-Mcdl known hew ,th*v cot there lv seen and photoaraped ih tbc-brders will be considered at a envelope. Your banking Is don* r 7 meetincr oi oil advisory board with the help of your postman. sc rCii V " This service is available to *ou on regiiest, regardless of rhem in Michit0 whether you live In town or the ifl PEACHES, PEACHJTS country < •••• • • Quality tree ripened Peaches. to do with AK deposits up to $10,000 InsurCRANE ORCHARDS ' Two areas 4880 №-36 West, 3 miles ed by membershi inp Federal in. in one the foxes oi Pindeney I Deposit Insurance Corporation. TAXES! Only 8 M3re Left To Pay your Village Taxe? OCTOBER £$t. Is the f HELEN REYNOLDS, VHIsgt Treasurer M 6 E. Putnam St. DISPATCH Wednesday, Sept-mm", er 2; Pinckiiey Dispc'. :h Entered as 2nd Class Ac; of March 8, 1877 Mutter a: Postottiot 114 So-Howell ^..Hnc^gaeyMch. Stibgcitetion Pricfc- S1.50 per ¥r- Fhe Peoples Store Charles Win..u^ua and wife and Beatrice ..cuiiLorn of Gregory and Go r e d Henry ot Detrcii spent Sunaay at the Jesse Henry home' __j Canaed Goods Shoes Oeats Furnishings Lingerie from WiNKELHAUS FLORAL CO. Phone 284 E"owell 4* Mrs. Roqer Carr entertained Sunday in honor of her h u s band's birthday, Bob Carr of Grand R<apid, Leo Bettys family I of Wallea Lake and the Wayne j Garr family. i . Plumbing £ Heating them. Groceries FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS g 'ihe Doni Spears cmily of Detrc.i, Amxjr^fae ucnman icaniiy oi ijeaibcin t\..-t.' ounu../ at the Geny Eiciini:.«n n^iac, i*j;b. Ada Eichmun who h ;s j e , n visiiinq there returnee 10 jjeiro't with The Lloyd Hende© spent Sundav with, her in Holt. Gen Myror family people Pic. Vem Ci^iic has returned to Fort Letmaia W,od, Mo, Mrs. Ida i n . out- <,i bhepherd spent the v.ec;. •tii.^ witn Mrs. hose Hendee Una Cui:*i^^.i and wife called on Dr. Qua Mr a. Georqe Peai son of Huv/.ii ri'.aa'y. r Mrs. Jjoro.ny i>i^^O' and child ren calL-d ^i :he Kenneth Wyllie home .Sunday, Otis j\.a:t<_b^u and wife of Jackson .pen. ihe week end at the Jce ou'iii^n h'. \, _ Stanley Culver jr. and wife of Fenton coifea u. the Murray Kennedy name Sumay, The Di C..i.r:..n xarniiy oi Farm inqton, Don u.nis and wife, the Jack Vounq lamuy and Mrss, Thressa Ccy.e were Sunday quests at .,.-c :iay 15urns home, Wane At Leo was in Detroit on business •: r. v.^ek, Uecrge 11~ •*-•.. n and wile call ea at the ...• ou r..eabcn home in Chelsea o .jiday, ' Saturday ::..- i i . ^ i : Read fam BuUis lily called c: ::;•= Arthur home in Creqcry. und wife of Kenneth i a/ at the Tom Kov/eil sp .. Ware horr.e. wife r f Farm I Mark F ^ . 7 quests of inqton Wf.-n. W. H. Mcy Zila end Mrs. Aim hoi .o ,ehan ea a: the \ he mo Sunda spent Mrs. Ora ; MIJ. week' will. 1 Max Cicr:-: : family of \ ; , e Dr j . , , Ziii and [Complete Line Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies ILECTR1C OIL AND I GAS ROT WATER HEATEM J COMPLETE «UNI OF PUMPS WE SELL W WE "VSTAU 11075 EAST M - 3 1 Phone WE STOWS 183F2 COAL Don't Wcrt^ Any Looker. You WEI Sooa Vi~d 1L Also a Complete Stock oi LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPP LIES ON HAND GALL 2681 DEXTER D»E.Hoe\•/ Sons TV Al W&bber and wife, Mrs,!'"' ^ Jedele and Al Haab and wife 01 .'. '1\J . i, ' - X; Ann Arbor called at the Ona i.aer l ^rs. ha;: oi Lc.mp.ueli home Sundavi..,i A ' a n a 'ho Ma:tm Mark Thrc .yjh Ihe generousity of y- -• :'ied c tne ,, m. b-uiday. Supervisor Stanley Dinkel the high school base ball team ana Mr.i. T:no:::a CoviO and Mrs. oniled Coach header went to Detroit j Fain..: Year Service Warranty on All New Televisions Sold in Sunday end saw the double ( R C V it in«\l header ball game, • wer s i r i C | 1 ;^; Tu'i a V < Mrs.Mable Suydam of Jackson m f kson V/ednef Rone Miller, is visiting at the M. J. Reason .n, Hick. weic in Detroit home, dauqht:r, Visitors at the Robert Jack Saturday. home las.; week were the Myio. Mo..darr-es Viola Rend and Kettler famly of Jackson, Ronnie ' Qenevieve H 'id were in JackPHONE 118 Hoskins family of Detroit, the A. s o n \-nday125 WEBSTffi ST, Mac- Metz of He well and P. Pogers and Milton Schutt, Pinckney Michiqan Dcr'iny Lavcy of Detr.it spent families of Buffalo Heart, 111. Lee Levey home. to Kenneth Mohlman Sunday and wife (Lois Shirley) at McM Pher^nn hosDital, Friday, a son, Tirr? - AHy EarlAl v 3it Shirley and wiie spent Sunday at the Gayle Shirley home in Livonia. L^rona Shirley has finished her contomotor course and has a position with General Motors in . Wesley Palmer and wife ot Detroit spent Sunday at the Herb Palmer home, Mrs. O a r e Palmer qoes to C e dar Lake, Waterloo to cook for a croup of 40 teachesrs Wed., hhur. and Fri. thir week. Walter Clark and wife called at the Maynard Clark home in iManohpstefr Sunday* Mrs. John Cook was a patient at St Joe hosptal Ann Arbor last week. —.... Mrs. Myna Ware visited her daughter Mrs, Ross Lamb in! Willow Village last week, I T. J, Latson and wife are visitina in Elmira, N, Y , hen vVu^e ui*d wife called at the Frank White home in Howell Sunday. Leo Carish and friends and Bob Kerr and family of Detroit spent Friday at the Wm. Shehan homeBob Pike and wife spent SunIt was 1 oYiook in trie morning. To George home of the stricken woman in Dearborn. at the Pat Dakis home on Dutch Stevens, rlial telephone switchman,the li^nt Road. They found an elderly woman helpless on the JKIIIP] meant that somewhere a tele» Saturday John Boyer and wife, on ihe floor. Later at the hospital she told phone \v;i« off the hook. An improperly Mrs. Ella Wheeler and family what had happened. A widow, living alone, replaced receiver pf rhaps, or one dislodged and Mr. and Mrs.Frank Dy&inqei she had ««ufTered a severo heart nttack that by a frisky cat. On the other hand Uii8 of Detroit were dinner quests ci night. Though partially paralyzed, she might he a distress signal. That's what at'the Wesley Morrsion home in managed\o upset the table on which the Geor;:e Slovens thought ihe plugged in telephone stood to summon help. Chelsea. on the line. Sunday quests ot the John Police say that Ste\< us' prompt action r 2 lota* fumoM, good o y e r home were Frank and ATHLETE'S Y OT 5 T W c uus no mi tiikin'i the weak but "beyond a doubt' saved her life. Michigan In Pincknay. /rife, Clarence Pratt and fawily urgent \ iff he hmrd—a woman calling Bell awarded him a IliSE A EERATOLT 2 and Reuben Gentner and family for Ivlp. Quickly ?Levens traced the con4 bedroom Vail citation, a tribm IrECAUSLof Ann Arbor, Lloyd Warner and nerti.in I.J Let the telephone number. Then ute to telephone "ots. i slouqhfl o,\ 1 iut©d ou'o Pete Strodge and fam\G5 of Yp he i .ll.'i: >:'K)iher swilrhrnan ,to get the people for outUldn to e;:r^w k- r' d tunai and 4 bedroom homo Rosa Read and wife ^called at wo;r,..>]\ ...l<'... . = . Within minutes Stevens standing service in it on contr-* Get this 2 bedroom homo 2 err qar--* i ?g. Schafer home Sunday nite. had notified the police who sped to the emergencies. •STRONG keratctytic ftinqidde. end 2 lots, hot •<<--.'f:i hern u •Qie Wm. Kennedy family o at any drut »*ore, If not Pincknw. ^ Detroit called on Mrs.Emma Voll Who Mak^Telephone pleased \n -n^ HOUR your 3 brarooffl homt r |40c% back. New at the mre Thursday. • : te or 4 to*. Two loads d young people CORY STOBE 2 year caround * >me- en fattfrom the Peoples Chucrh went to THE MICfflGAN BELL TEliWONE COMPANY erson Lain, T<*TT» c HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS •- nrkntyMkrh Laflrinq Sunuay afternoon to Gerald .^ bedroom hom*«2 ear heor Evangelist BlUy Graham. im Installations For Prompt Dead Stock Removal CALL DARLING L COMPANY .. .Call Howe! 0 . . . Hitter F. Service goners Urocerv 6066 Pinckney Road Mechondbe LOW PRICES beer and Wine to Take Out HOURS Daily: 8 to 8 Sundays 9 to 8 ? LU HB I N The light that didn't fail WftTHR SYSTEMS Dinkel ^ , • • • • • • » rxirws ; ' v 234953 ?IWES8IONAL mm* SCHOOL NEWS $159.75 i down! DUO-fHERMS Great New Console Fuei 0!l l!aater! Enjoy your warmest winter yet with this beautiful console—the new Silver Jubilee Model Duo-Therm Regency. Here*i tremendous heating capacity and heat flexibility; Not one but TWO Exclusive Duo-Therm Dual Chamber Burners . . . use one for mild weather and two for 78,000 BTU heat for cold weather. 4 Big radiant door* for extra heat and fajt toom waxnvups; Add one or two Automatic Power-Air Blowers—turn themselves on and off—for forced warm air heating that saves up to 2 5 % on fuel bills and thermostat at slight •ztra cost for completely automatic heat. Smartest furniture styling you've ever seen. Trim, beautifully compact console in rich mahogany finish with deluxe brass grille and door pulls. Feature packed with all Duo* Therm extras at no extra cost—Humidifier, two Waist-High Heat-Cootrol Dials, Waste Stopper* Automatic Draft Minder. FIRST GRADE NEWS \ We want to thank Mrs. Clark for teaching our rooih on Friday. Susan Buggy brought soipe fall leaves for the science table. They are waxed and mounted. Joan Eichman brought a brown caterpillar. Barry Simpson hai a large toy plane. Cheri Schmidtt has a parakeet. He can smack his lips. Margaret Ackley's brother fell from a bike and hurt his kru-e. Rita and Linda Millikcn's grandmother has some new puppies. Frances Reason's baby kittens have their eyes open now and can walk. Jimmy Cantrall's sister had u birthday today. We wish her a Happy Birthday. Lee Allison found a dead turtle. David Loar has* a baby kittin. Ronnie Morgan has 2 ducks. He keeps them in a cage. A bird got in Marilyn Singer's house and the cat • got it. I We were happy to see Barbara \ Ludwig today. She tells us she has a new baby sister. SECOND GRADE NEWS John Wilson's mother went to the hospital Sunday. Bonnie Kuhn's mother has been visiting in Ohio. She wil return tonight (Monday). Chiquita Araburge/s dog, Lady, had to be taketr to the veterinarians in Howell for treatment. Johnny Dinkel, said, he with his parents and sister, Christine, went up north this summer and way up to Newberry. They saw Spikehorn Meyer and his bears at Harrison. Spike Horn has long whiskers that reach to his waist. The bears like peanuts and are real ugly and fight amonr themselves. Johnny did not g*o up in side the fence but looked at them through the wire. GRADES 1, 2 and 3 NEWS Sunday Pat and Mike Tessmer and their family had a picnic in a park •even miles fr<jm Battle Creek. Mike Harden and his family took Mike's sister back to school in Flint. Paul Leedy went \vith.-Ui«*m. ' One of- i:lncla Rhodt . ! ; ! ' l e 'puppie:, died.--' Don Pescola's dog has two pUppies. V. '.'.[ i n *•'•; '.: 4 ?. -I:- neiij Willow Riin, --Saturday. KoocvL Durow has a boil on the o'd','.: of his neck. We aTe very.sorry to ht-ai Paul and Pauline Stapleton'o bi^ biother, Chailt-s,' was cluownt'd. We want to express our sympathy to all ol" the family. THIRD GR'DE NEWS Mary Lee Ascheubrennei' ha^ a new television. Dianne and Venning: Curts visited their grandmother Sunday. They have pome baby rabbits. Arm M""V:P wf-nt to Dearborn on Ray J t Duffy, M. D. Pinckney, Michigan Drily 11:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Except Wednesdays Mon/, Tues., Fri., Sat., 7>00 to 8:00'P. M. Dr. G. R. McGloskey DENTIST 112V5J N. Michigan Ave. Telephones: Office 935 . Residence 814 Evenings by Appointment Howell, Michigan Herb Sneed MyroB 4 Hughes Plumbing &ud Heating Repairing Licensed Master Plumber Phone 183F2 ~ 1075 EasfrM-86, Pinckney FUNERAL HOME Don C. Swarthouf Director Modern Equipment \ Ambulance Service Phones 39 and G3, Pinckne> Fred C. Reickhoff, Sr. . OPTOMETRIST ' 1 2 0 West Grand River Prone 183 - 207 E. Gd. River Howell, Michigan Howell, Michigan i'none 358 Residence S t l Real Estate, Insurance Brokerage Cry, Lake and Farm Property LWest<Jck hauling a Specialty Weekly Trips Made to Lisl Your Property With Me Generpl Trucking pinckney, Mich. • Phone 161F1J Lee Lafey General insurance Phrine 59F3 Hnckney, Mich. K№RIGERATiON SERVICE Harold Ratty Repairs on ftll Makes Phone 154F3 Pinckney Auctioneer Farm baits A Specialty Bars ny^e Call Fowlervilie 4t>5Fli Or. U. L Tovinar DENTIST 8044 Portage Lake Roao Dexter Phone Dexter 3461 J. frarr Complete insurance Coverage Phone 43 — Pinckney, Mich.' aelery Memorials You L«*n Afford To Pay Milford, Michigan Works Real Eslata Farms, Homes, LaKe Property Opportunities IO^OA wj w i t n Me Beason BroKer — 20b North Pearl Mich. — Phone l e i |FOR RjJNT-Modern four room apartment^vaccant Uctobor 15, FOR SALE 2 windows p4J24 Phone Brian ton 3731. and frames, like new $'25.00. FOR SALE-2 Guernsey cows, 1 9367 (Jedcx Lake Road. ^ _ has had first calf, 1. second calf FOR SALE: Nice Red Beets "for both bred or will trade for ewes. canning. Wm. Goon Lake Road Phone 91FU WANTED-To «l1ake Care of Pie (FOR SALE-AK.C ri«gi«t«rod Q M school children ^ays. Incruire at man She per d. on* year old 410 Putnam or phone 106F2* _JWion« Pinckn#y 177 F21 a*t»r 7 p.m. FOR ^ A U E C g ) ttoh, puppies, sable and^ white and tri Fofl &ALtii№ariy u w r/ colored Dill O D*H K«nneU jSporton Tabviaion $1|^5. d "" Pinckaey, Mick Rte, 2 ,Phone' 234 W. Mala Dextet 5615 FOR BAIJi-Whito BAUi-Whiti Hock ens. Mrs. Rampci —ABES AUTO PAiTTB— 6uppUM-Auto Parti 1220 Mowers Road, spell- Welding AutomotlT* GlaM Sold and In WANTED :Baby Sittinq after Scrap Matii- school hours- Betty Lou Hukmao F m M y i r n d ' l e r h:<, ; i hobitv of col- atalkd. W« Buv !-<»tm (r '"hci!": .-rul n u . i n y ile w a s lals. 610 UDod'Jla St., Pinckn.y. a b s e n t f r o m school l a s t T h m - lay a n d 1018 East Grand i' ri.rlay beams*- of Howell Mlehi : ;'Uh ;_and ana qiuvei. c<w^t>u QI mix pent AUTO P." ^wiss Cows, h! ni-h a, also'proces»wu xuaa uiuvel* ancv FOR SALE-Electic renqe, like £OR S A J ^ - 4 cretaries of all the states to get in5 year old. lit ad. ^ & I GiiAV£L COMPANY DdtL new $105, ocoasional chair 2 6 vear old. due Oc3 month*. lb Ca^i formation for our booklets. Ronold bred e s west ol howell at or rockers, electric washinq mach- 2V* SIXTH GRADE NEWS and nie Sin Road. Pkon© How oko lne. monthfi old heiier. Mrs Floyd Martin Our class earned nine dollars and Masdn eci apii :d near Bent984 I 2 or Fowlenrl^ Cell : i 8 Howell Beardskry Re its leg twenty-one cents selling football prol1900 ey LpRc Pnvter'g grams at the football game Friday FOR tiALE: 1942 injured ; : \m shell night. iiUMi brought tu schoc. Michaol We are making dishei out of paper a catei piUar and Cliffcv , • lL^Kler and mache, —PIANO LESSONSv moths. LcRoy Poiter brouRiU Classlcal or Popular We are making a class paper. We r Dianne a.e also making another football proMary Ellen Siii';-vi- n ;l U A. BEATHE i Curts. haw nev !=hf:< s <Rush Lake N Phone 157F13 gram to sell at the ball game Friday I Michr.pl Tew, iainen thovrht 1 1 was night. P picking up a stone from ill! lake W. WLEfl J . a C Mrs. Cantrall brought cup cakes, Saturday but it turned out to be a Specialist GhJropodl* ice cream we and candy for Mary Bou's L.Foot birthday, were all v«ry surprised. ^ ^ QcUUvet. turtle. MiMrod Kellenberaer ll brought rprised I | ' M J . J •uttin< of We m.'ul? f»'r?e han[leaves Friday. ' John Colons a tryto school. M o n brought a turtk for our terrarium, Be*-L-J™ - ^«»« W f LfRoy Pnrter's mother bas new too. FOR SALE—Nol and 2 Potatoe* Peter brought & polish newspaper to W H l k d Wfltae Phone 17P4 Vitchen cii.jbuards B i i l y Ugh: -v- rhe-.4Hn on .heir school We all had a taste of Caviar that MANBELL'S SAW FIUMG SHOP SHARPENING \v 'Donna un- • the teacher brought to school for us LAWN MOWER ; : UB24 Rlverbank Lne 'because we are studying Russia and. cl:\s Sun.lay and rode a puny. Wallace Singer's cousin Billy visit- that is one of their foods. i£lAND LAKE, 1QCH. ed him Sunvl;-y night. John V 'lone was ill last p'riday. GecrL;^ Hendfll lias moved and is no^." Koiu^ o ih-4 Dex*lei School. ••< aaU ! ] The Pinckney Sanitarium \ Pi nek I i V &j Fritit Fish Market Courteous CLARK'S FOURTH GRADE NEWS We have forty boys and girls in - ur room this year. Se\en boys and girls are new to our school. i • We are working on our handwriting. ; Our class held a meeting and electy ed our officers for the firat hali1 of \ the year. Karen Singer is President, Janice Rose is vice-president, our secretary is Kathy Reason and our treasurer is Linda Kelenberger. Karen appointed our room committees. We had our Reading ReadinMt Tesf last week. Today we. are having «ur first Engsjah test: Deniae Mower- Ls nine years old today. FIFTH GRADE NEWS Willing Workers is the name of our club. Our first library period started on Monday. We have six groups each individually named. They are as follows:,' Wee Wigs, Dizzy Whizzy Bugs, The Sp'eeders, Tic-Tac-Toes, Busy Huzzy Bees, Mighty Steamers. \ W« hav« written Utters to the s*- &&tt~«^z?&- »\s,» B MOJ set; Stoker ,Po€ohentas and Hard lump Farmers Feed & Supply Co ' i ^
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