BOTTI EPK - Mass Media Dynamics


BOTTI EPK - Mass Media Dynamics
Paolo Botti
e l e c t r o n i c
p r e s s
k i t
Luis Armando Lozano, better known as Paolo Botti, been born in
Cerro Guzman in the State of Veracruz, Mexico in January 12th.
He found an opportunity in the world of music at an early age. He
discovered he had a gift in music and enjoyed singing to his
nephews and his whole family.
In 2008 he auditioned for La Academia: Última Generación (The
Academy, the Last Generation). Remaining among the chosen
participants, he struggled to the end of the music contest winning
the third place, despite being the most popular, loved and
supported of all participants. The reality became a shock when his
everyday life was compared with his growth and improvement
within the show. Television perceived a dedicated, hardworking
artist who gave a large amount of effort into every class, providing
new ideas and proposals. “A truly brilliant youngster! Sparkling,
spontaneous and with an amazing charisma!“, says La Academia.
“I am a person who always thinks of others. I am sensitive, honest
and I fight with all my heart for what I want”, says Paolo Botti.
After The Academy, he participated for over a year as a driver in
the TV show Para Todos (For All), at the same time he was
involved in El Gran Desafío de Estrellas (the Grand Challenge of
Stars) and still gave mass concerts in different states of Mexico
achieving great success, despite the fact that he did not have a
record on the market.
As of today, Paolo Botti is preparing his debut album in spanglish
combining club and pop rock and aiming for global impact.
Paolo Botti
Paolo Bo' has a fan base of over 2.3 million followers since 2008 represented throughout the most popular social media pla>orms such as YouTube™, Facebook™, TwiEer™ and MySpace™.
* 51 TV shows aired in more than 150 countries through the mexican media conglomerate TV Azteca & Azteca América involving shows such as: La Academia, Para Todos and El gran Desa5o de Estrellas, El Show de Niurka. These shows involved 20,000 to 30,000 people per show, plus the millions of viewers who saw him on TV.
* 40 live acts with a range of 6,000 to 14,000 spectators aEending each event.
* 500 promoUonal venues involving press conferences, signing autographs, charity venues, TV interviews, radio interviews. Paolo Botti
* YouTube™ (Click to view)
Paolo Bo' YouTube Search
Mis Ojos Lloran Por Tí
No digas no -­‐ Los Bo's
Paolo Bo' Fans
Show with Niurka in the bathtub
My Way Z. Fabiola
Regresa a Mi Z. Fabiola
Limpiemos México
Paolo Bo' FesUval -­‐ Azteca Music
Paolo Bo' hosUng Azteca Music FesUval
Dance Challenge Z. Fabiola
Singing Challenge Z. Perla
La Cosa Más Bella
Gavilán o Paloma
Paolo Botti