E Bull Terriers
E Bull Terriers
Volume 4 No. 4 E Bull Terriers A Bi Monthly Internet Publication Arlo Aug/ Sep 2011 On The Cover BISS GCH GLENTOM CONQUISTADOR SEEKING SILVER, ROM (Ch. Cool Conquistador At Crossgarley x Ch. Glentom Silver Lining, ROM) “Arlo” Our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the judges who recognized Arlo’s virtues. Arlo took a few months off to enjoy the Florida sun and try his paw at fatherhood. Please look for Arlo and Gay Hillman at Silverwood. OM) R , t in m m e No Cogsters v a H I m H Glento3 promising youn C G ( e c Gra uce Arlo ande proud to introd , Pippa & Stella. ar Rory Stella Pippa Rory Bred by Glenna Wright and Jeannine Nichols Owned by Jessica and Aaron Graulau and Glenna Wright www.glentombullterriers.com [email protected] E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Arlo is fully health tested including, echocardiogram and UPC ratio. L e b e o u f Pilgrim Glenna and Pilgrim will be back for another round Silverwood Weekend 2011 B u ll T e r r i e r s First White Bull Terrier male to earn the Bronze GCH Status. Bronze GCh. Ch. Lebeouf Beaucoup Blanc of Glentom, rom BIS Ch. dazlin defiance x ch. glentom pearljam de mint rn Proud Breeders/Owners: Fred & Judy Schneider & Glenna Wright Katy Texas [email protected] ❈ 281-579-6169 ❈ AKC Breeder of Merit E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com ❈ www.glentombullterriers.com ❈ [email protected] G l e n t o m Asbury Glentom covered in rasberries ❈ T e r r i e r s Simon B I S S G c h . C h . G l e n t o m si m o n s ay s , r o m dutch dreamer skyline bull position x ch. glentom cloud cover Breeders: Glenna & Tom Wright, DVM B u l l Ch. Glentom’s Bruce Almighty X Ch. Glentom The Sneak Preview Owners: Robin Bishop & Glenna Wright Asbury almost swept the weekend at the supported entry for the Illiana BT Fanciers show May 2011. Owners: Mary Alice & Robert Eubanks & Glenna Wright She was BOV from the classes over specials under judge Anita Bartell, WB, BOW under judge Roz We are so very proud of all Simon’s wins and thank the judges that recognized his virtues. Clamper and WB under judge Gayle Denman. Look for Asbury at more shows this fall. We look forward to seeing everyone at Silverwood. AKC Breeder of Merit ❈ www.glentombullterriers.com ❈ [email protected] E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com G l e n t o m B u l l T e r r i e r s Neice Neice had a great 2010, finishing her Championship, Grand Championship, and ROM. In 2011, after breaking my arm, I enlisted the help of All Breed Handler, Sharon Boyd. To date “Neice” has received numerous Best of Variety wins and Group placements, including back to back Group Ones and Two Best in First Colored Bull Terrier to earn the Bronze GCH Status. Specialty Wins. A BIG thank you goes to Breeder/Owner Glenna Wright, for handling Neice at the Specialty Shows! Look for Glenna and Neice Silverwood weekend! We look forward to seeing everyone at Silverwood. BISS GCh. Bronze CH. Glentom Lebeouf’s countess singing cloud, rom BIS Ch. dazlin defiance x ch. glentom pearljam de mint rn Breeders: Fred & Judy Schneider & Glenna Wright AKC Breeder of Merit ❈ ❈ www.glentombullterriers.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Owners: Lynn Cash, Glenna Wright & Fred Schneider ❈ [email protected] ❈ [email protected] G l e n t o m Winnie B u l l T e r r i e r s We are proud of Winnie and her wonderful accomplishments. A big thank you to the judges for finding Winnie in the stiff white bitch competition. She is shown by her owner Carolyn Patterson, as well as Glenna. Watch for Winnie, Glenna and Carolyn on Silverwood weekend. G C h . C H . G l e n t o m r i s i n g s ta r , r o m Ch. Cool Conquistador At Crossgarley X Ch. Glentom Silver Lining, ROM Breeders: Glenna Wright & Jeannine Nichols AKC Breeder of Merit ❈ ❈ Owners: Bill & Carolyn Patterson & Glenna Wright www.glentombullterriers.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com ❈ [email protected] GCH Old England’s Falcon ROM Our charming ladies man.. . Ch Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid Silver Bullet The Joker at Javarke Rodeo Queen The Joker Ch Rocky Top’s Doc Holiday CH Old England’s Lady Elizabeth Ch Old England’s Perfect Balance E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com *New Champion Ch Glentom Evening S Proud members of: BTCA, BTCSE, BTC(UK) & CBTC(UK) Ch Cool Conquistador at Crossgarley X Ch Glento m Silver Lining , ROM (Ch Elcornijal AM Silver Star) tar Thank you to the following judges for recognizing Anali in the Specialty and ALL BREED ring, Gary Doerge, Denny Mo unce, TL Yates, Desmond Mu rp hy, Beth Sweigart, Carolyn Al exander, Melanie Whiteh air, Skip Greaney, Scott Ibbits on, Alison Ibbitson, Jan Dy ke ma, Russell Lamonby, Jon Cole, Victoria Corse, Dale Shurr, Anita Bartell & Roz Clamper. As a twelve year old youn gster I had the good fortune to meet the 1987 Silverwoo d Lovell Trophy winner Ch. Lagniap pes Snuques of Bayou, RO M not long after his win. That wa s my introduction to the br eed. I would like to dedicate this, our first CHAMPION, to life time BTCA member Mr. Don Ad ams of Bayou Bull Terrier s who so graciously allowed my fa ther and I to visit his home 24 years ago in Baton Rouge, Louis ian a. We would like to send the warmest and most sincere THANK YOU to all of the people that made our lon g journeys to the shows so enjoyable. THANK YOU to all of the esteemed breeder judge s! The biggest THANK YOU goes to Mrs. Glenna Wrig ht for breeding our girl and fo r her mentorship, respect and most of all her genuine friendship . We are excited and very blessed to be a part of the next generation of Bull Terrier fanciers and we look forward to what the future holds. Bred by: Glenna Wright & J. Nichols Owned by: Eric & Tonne Green and Glenna Wright Handled by: Eric Green and Glenna Wright and Mary Holsen CIREG Bull Terriers | Eric & Tonne Green | “ i l na “A Acworth, Ga. | [email protected] | Join us on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/Hajile97 E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com GCH CH Old England’s Coco Chanel ROM *Number 1 Colored Bull Terrier in the breed e n o y r e v E s e v Lo ” o c o C “ Walter J Bavol Jr *Recent Wins* BOV: Corn Belt KC 5/28 BOV: Corn Belt KC 5/30 & Group 4 BOV: Beaumont KC 7/23 BOV: Galveston KC 7/24 E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com *Canine Chronicle Stats Anita L Bavol OLD ENGLANd Standard Bull Terriers GCH CH. Old England’s White Imperial Empress ROM Simply Stunning G abriella Walter J Bavol Jr & Anita L Bavol Melissa L McConnell E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com OLD ENGLANd Standard Bull Terriers GCH Old England’s Falcon ROM “Falco” Our charming ladies man.. . Thank you to all the judges who have recognized Falco’s qualities. Ch Rocky Top’s Sundance Kid Silver Bullet The Joker at Javarke Rodeo Queen The Joker Ch Rocky Top’s Doc Holiday CH Old England’s Lady Elizabeth Ch Old England’s Perfect Balance OWNED BY Dawn and Jack Scheibly Walter J. Bavol Jr & Anita L. Bavol E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Ch Bulpen’s Devil in the Details In limited showings in 2011, Sadie has earned 18 points towards her Grand Championship! Thank you Judges for acknowledging her many virtues! Carroll KC- Jan 2011- BOV under Judge Peter Green Annapolis KC- Jan 2011- SB under Judge Jon Cole Bronx County KC- March 2011- SB under Judge Danny McGregor Wilmington KC- April 2011- BOV under Judge Sharol Candace-Way VA Terrier Club- June 2011- BOV under Judge Merle Taylor VA KC Show- June 2011- SB under Judge Frank Sabella VA KC Show- June 2011- SB under Judge Terry Stacy S Sadie Owned and Adored by Beth & Jeff Parry Ironhead Bull Terriers www.bparry4990.shutterfly.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com New Champion BULLAYR presents... CanAM CH Bullayr Moonshadow ((Can/Am CH Scarlet Moon The Joker x CH Gwynsel Its Not Unusual, ROM) A sincere Th ank You to all the judges that have rec ognized and awarded Luna’s vir tue s. She is a Joy to show & live with. We would lik e to thank H elen for all her he lp in the ring ! We are very proud of Luna & her littermates Bred and Lo ve Lori Bozian & d by Jack Flynn Bullayr Kenn el Pontypool, O N. bullayr@xplo rnet.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com ” a n “Lu BULLAYR also presents... New Champion AM CH Bullayr Piece of my Heart at Buldor (CAN/AM CH SCARLET MOON THE JOKER X EMRED HUNTSMAN) l National, a in r u P e h T , how uppy group ian Pointed S p d k a o n a to C d t s n r a fi ays Lucy’s OS/BP all 3 d nadian Title. a /B C r W e O h f /B o B t r ho she went W d is 1 point s n a t. n e v E ie at the Black T end out by k e e w t s r fi r he hampionship all 3 days! s C e n g a d ic ju r e r e m d A e bre her OB major under Lucy finished t in o p ed BOV & B 5 rd a a r w a fo s a W w O e , sh going WB/B ow weekend h s n a ic r e m A pt ROM. Her second for her fir st 3 ! nly 1 year old o d n a is th ll A . y c u L f o d u o r p e r o m e b t ’ n ld u We co Thanks to all the judges & also to Dorothy & A lki Bassakyro for providing s such love & a wonderful home for our Speci al girl. Bred , co ow ned & loved by Lori Bozian & Jack Flynn Bullayr Kenn el, Pontypoo l, ON bullayr@xplo rnet.com Co owned w ith Dorothy & Alki Bassaky ros Buldor Kenn el Mt Albert, O N, alki@xplorne t.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com ” y c u “L Aragon * Honeytree * Ruffin “We Love Lucy” "Lucy " Ch. Aragon’s Ruffin It at Honeytree, ROM GCH. CRESCENT SILMARIL SHADOWFAX, ROM X CH. HORIZON’S HARMONY OF ARAGON, ROM (DOB: January 14, 2010) Marcy and Vanessa proudly share my lead... Ch WhiteCap Dreamwork’s Prince Caspian 03/12/2011 BTC ST.LOUIS BEST OF BREED FROM THE CLASSES / JUDGE: CARL PEW Owners: Peggy Selk, Vanessa Everett, Marcy Bankus & Paula Grecco 4/16/2011 FDBTC BOV AND GROUP 1/ JUDGE: LYNNE MYALL 4/17/2011 FDBTC BOV AND GROUP 2 / JUDGE: JON COLE Breeders: Marcy & Paula 6/11 & 6/12/2011 WHEATON K.C. BACK TO BACK GROUP FIRSTS E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Thank You Judges! CH. Imperials Truth Hurts “Asajj” Asajj is headed to Orlando to have fun ‘n’ the sun! #2 White Bull Terrier All Breed only shown 2 weekends 2010 Silverwood Finalist (CH Cool Conquistador at Crossgarley X CH Flashbak’s Amazing Grace ROM) “Lovely, elegant, typey bitch that is squarely made.” “Flows from nose to tail.” - Judge Naomi Waynee - Bull Terrier Confederacy of the Southeast “Elegant bitch, long neck leading to a clean front and very nice set of shoulders.” Group 2 Judge Mary White Hoosier KC Group 1 Judge Des Murphy Chain O’ Lakes KC Group 4 Judge Dawn Hansen Park Shore KC Group 3 Judge Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine Chain O’Lakes KC Loved & Owned By Jake & Heather Jones (Imperial Bull Terriers) Marcy Bankus (Aragon Bull Terriers) “I particularly liked her balance” - Judge Victoria Corse - Silverwood imperialbullterriers.com | [email protected] E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com CH. Yoeckydoe’s Gamin ROM** **pending BTCA approval (Alecto Kool Barracuda at Kilacabar X Laureola’s Up To You) brought the heat to Texas! BOV BOV Judge Bob Myall Judge Becky Poole Galveston KC Beaumont KC WD/BOW Judge Dale Schuur Corn Belt KC WD Judge Roz Clamper Corn Belt KC BOS Judge Carl Pew BOV Judge Anita Bartell Illinois Valley KC Bronze Bull Terrier Show Judge Darren Blakeley Judge Duff Harris “A dominate male who fills the eye with his powerful head of grand width” - Judge Roz Clamper “A very good example of the breed with outstanding breed type” - Judge Dale Schuur > Vinny will be bringing the bark to Orlando in October! > Fully health tested and available to approved ladies! > First US litter due in August! Loved & Owned By: Jake & Heather Jones imperialbullterriers.com [email protected] Bred & Loved By: Heike Knockaert (Yoeckydoe’s Bull Terriers) E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Trevor” Owned by: Andrea Johnson [email protected] Bred by: Bull Moon Bullies www.bullmoon.com “ New AKC AND UKC Champion Multi - UKC Best in Show Winner E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Photo Courtesy of www.onthespotstudios.com Photo by Rose Pinero AKC/UKC/INT CH Bullmoon’s Light Serenade, CGC, TT Madcap Bull Terriers Mother-daughter team... Ch. TNG N Buoys Concrete Blonde, ROM, NA, NAJ CGC Madcap Roman Holiday, CGC & u ul “Z ” a r No Both girls have earned Agility Titles this year! We couldn’t be prouder! Zulu was bred & co owned by June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D Owned by Jane Killion Nora was bred by Jane Killion & June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D Owned by Mark Lindquist E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Ch. Madcap When in Rome, ROM e n ph (Ch. Madcap Veni Vidi Vici & Ch.TNG N Buoys Concrete Blonde NA, NAJ) a D Silverwood 2010 Reserve White Bitch We are proud to announce that Daphne also earned her first agility title this year. She’s spending the summer resting up for Silverwood and getting into condition by practicing agility. Bred & Co-Owned by June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. TNG Bull Terriers www.tngdalmatians.com Bred/ Owned /Handled by Jane Killion Madcap Bull Terriers www.madcapbullterriers.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com “““Ki ” kicks off a GREAT Summer! est of Opposite Sex /B rs ne in W of t es /B Winners Dog e Judge ~ Victoria Cors Ki is presented by his Breeder/Owner/Handler/Grammy Heidi Clayton Winners Dog Judge ~ Claudia Shar p Winners Dog & Best of Opposite Sex Judge ~ Alison Ibbiston SoraBullys Kang Kam Chan (Ch. Sarajenis Rockn at Philgin x Ch. Rocky Top’s Starlit Sky ) Bull Terrier Club of New England Specialties Winners Dog/Best of Winners/Best of Opposite Sex - Judge Victoria Corse (pictured above) Best White in Sweeps- Judge Jake Jones Best White in Sweeps- Judge Glen Snyder Winners Dog & Best of Opposte- Judge Alison Ibbiston (pictured above) “Ki ” E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com THANK YOU to all of the Breeder Judges for these wonderful wins! Golden Triangle Bull Terrier Club Specialties Winners Dog x 3!!! Winners Dog -Judge Claudia Sharp (pictured abaove) Winners Dog & Best of Winners - Judge Ray Sharp Winners Dog - Judge Alison Ibbiston BTCA Election 2011 Vote for Becky Poole for AKC DELEGATE! (423) 842-2611 [email protected] As a candidate for AKC Delegate in the upcoming election for BTCA Board of Directors I would like to tell you more about how I stand on issues and my continuing dedication to the Breed. or Becky I Vote F My biographical will be included with the ballots that will be sent out on or before August 15. I The “bio” is of limited length, and as a candidate it is difficult to be able to include some important issues that affect the Membership and the Breed. I feel strongly that each member is entitled to be represented as an individual and as part of our organization. I look forward to continuing to serve our membership and to help your experiences with your dogs and our Club to be a positive and supportive one. P P P P Some items that I feel are important to BTCA members are the following: The only BTCA Board member voting against charging the membership for BARKS. BARKS advertising pays for its publication costs, and I did not feel it necessary to charge the membership since our dues include the publications. Opposed formally sanctioning animals in the BTCA Code of Ethics with level-two heart murmurs or unilateral deafness to be used in breeding programs. As BTCA & BTCSE Rescue Contact I have provided transportation, placement and personally fostered several dogs, including deaf ones, which were successfully placed in their forever homes. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) threatens the very existence of our breed. Major changes have been signed into law involving Animal Control Ordinances which include a pet limit, unreasonable restrictions on keeping of intact animals, extreme differential licensing and vague definitions. I have actively lobbied against these proposals, informed the public about the pitfalls and organized letter writing campaigns against these legislations. I feel strongly that each member is entitled to be represented as an individual and as part of our organization. I look forward to continuing to serve our membership in a positive way. E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Texas Gulf Coast Bull Terrier Club Specialty 7/21/2011 Coloreds Sweepstakes: Mrs. Gay Hillman 1/BVS/BSS: JAVARKE KING AT ARNOLD’S ARNOLDO SALAZAR SALAS & GREGORY ANDERSON Regular Classes: Mr. Kerry Lee WD/ BOW/ BOS: JAVARKE KING AT ARNOLD’S ARNOLDO SALAZAR SALAS & GREGORY ANDERSON RWD: SUPER BOWL’S IGGY POP Alesia Cooke and Russell Cooke WB :GLENTOM COVERED IN RASBERRIES Robin Bishop & Glenna Wright. RWB: ELVROC SHE DRIVES ME CRAZY Humberto Lara Romero. BOV/BOB: GCH CH GLENTOM LEBEOUF’S COUNTESS SINGING CLOUD Lynn Cash & Glenna Wright & Fred Schneider. Select Dog: CH ROCKWELL BOOM BOOM AT HUBERTS MX Humberto Lara Romero Select Bitch: CH GLENTOM’S YOU WERE MINT FOR ME Mike & Terri Cournoyer & Glenna Wright Whites: Sweepstakes: Mrs. Gay Hillman 1/OVS/OSS: GLENTOM’S OFF LIKE A PROM DRESS Rachel and Andrew Godambe and Glenna Wright. Regular Classes: Mr. Kerry Lee WD/ BOW: CH BULLSUNLIMITED ARASHI (NETHERLANDS) MX Arnoldo Salazar Salas y/o Julio Cesar Maga±a. RWD: GLENTOM CONQUISTADOR’S REBEL Kevin & Tammy Rothermund & Glenna Wright WB : ENVOY EXTRA VIRGIN Diane & Michael Davis RWB: NETHANBULL LIGHTNING BABE WITH CEILTEACH Amber Gibson BOV: GCH CH ACTION CHAOS I’M SO DELICIOUS Renee Idone & Franne Berez. BOS: CH GCH LEBEOUF BEAUCOUP BLANC OF GLENTOM ROM Judy Schneider & Glenna Wright Select Dog: CH SOME OKIES KNIGHT OF D’BULL Annie Cox Select Bitch: CH GCH BULLIARDS GOOD HEARTED WOMAN Julie Snider and Michelle Long E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Results & Photos submitted by Alesia Cooke by Heather Hull-Colby Celebrating the Lifetime of One Man T he painful loss of my father in law, Lou Colby leaves a vast void in our family but at the same time, he leaves behind a giant legacy. Born in Newburyport at a time when immigrants were laying the foundation for what Bostonians are known for; pride, the stiff upper lip, a an immense love of good sport, an incredibly strong work ethic, a love of nature, life, good friends and family. Lou grew up in a family with four brothers and two sisters. Lou’s father John Pritchard Colby never drove a car. He drove a beautiful Standard bred mare named Miss Kitty that he bought as an 8 year old and buried her when she was 38. John P. Colby had the largest single impact on the fighting Pit Bull Terrier in America. Lou & John Colby’s names will always be synonymous with the American Pit Bull Terrier. The Colby strain of American Pit Bull Terrier is the oldest strain in the world, and has been a family business for over 100 years. Colby American Pit Bull Terriers are the standard for the breed. Lou avidly continued his father’s passion for the breed as well as the Tracy Pyle game chickens, the Boston Round Heads and the homing pigeons. His father had raised around 5,000 dogs. Lou raised just as many and was always excited to find the puppies in the dog box with its mother and would report to us how many, the colors and the sex. He was proud that his dogs set the standard for the breed with their long legs, straight thin fine tail and rose ears. The dogs to this day remain the traditional size of 50-60 pounds for the male and 35-40 pounds for the female. Great care and meticulous steps have been taken to keep this tradition. Like his father, Lou kept impeccable records of the dogs For the sake of my father in law, I would like to clarify some misconceptions of this noble breed. As my father in law so eloquently stated, “ there is no future in the past” for this breed. To fully understand and appreciate this statement, an education in the dogs past must be comprehended. This is explained in his book, The Colby’s Book of American Pit Bull Terrier. In those days dog fighting was considered anything but cruel, it was simply another form of animal sport, no crueler than other sport involving animals, such as hunting, racing, or rodeo.. In the day, dogs were matched equally and the testing of the dogs was made as humanely as possible considering the circumstances. It was a sport well known to the wealthy due to the enormous size of the bets. Dog fighting was absolutely nothing like it is today. It was especially not as depicted by the disgraceful Michael Vick who caused my father in laws book to be banned from the shelves. The Colby dogs came from a line of celebrated dogs and regardless of whether you approve of the use, they were and are the most sought after pit bull terrier in the world. Many famous people have owned a Colby dog from President Roosevelt who had one in the White house to Mo Vaughn, the Brazilian Consulate, Howard Heinzl and Jack Johnson (former heavy weight boxing champion of the world), as well as Pete on the Little Rascals to name just a few. was well known for the Colby Dogs and the Tracy Pyle fighting game chickens and the Boston Round Heads which we have to this day. . The Colby dog is known for its loyalty to its owner. I have known several who have died of a broken heart at the loss of its owner. I personally would not have any other dog. The Colby dog is also the best family dog and best suited for children. A child can pull its tail and ears and poke innocently with its fingers and the dog will just lick the child’s face. Lou had hundreds of friends around the world. When someone would come to visit, all 9 children would be curious and exit the back door to greet the person as though church was letting out! Other than the Colby dogs, Lou was best known for his love of family and his passion for sport. He enjoyed taking his children everywhere he went and spent as much time with them as he possibly could. He enjoyed driving his Standardbred race horses and thoroughly enjoyed telling stories. and every Christmas and Thanksgiving. I took great care in cleaning and putting it away each holiday. Being a coffee salesman, he was proud to make the coffee for family holiday gatherings. One of the best compliments my husband gives me is when I am trying to sell an equine or equine paraphernalia, my husband will say, “you sound just like my father.” I just beam knowing that is one of the best compliments my husband will ever give me! . One story he tells which to this day makes me laugh is about one of the first races he ever drove. He was locked in behind three drivers that he was unable to get around. He said he shouted, “move over boys, I’m coming through!” And with that they parted The Pit Bull thrived in England, Ireland, and his horse roared right through Wales and Scotland and came with the them and he won the race! He always immigrants to Boston. Newburyport laughed when he told that story. E BullTerriers | www.ebullterriers.com He was proud to be one of the best salesmen and enjoyed the beautiful gold flatware he was awarded each My father in law just loved getting together with his family and friends. was losing his son and not gaining a daughter in law. He said he was going to miss that lump on the couch. Scott and I promised that everything would stay the same for as long as they both lived. Lou grew to accept and adore me. He was so proud of my love for his dogs and the passion we shared for good sport with the horses. He helped with our hayrides at Maudslay for many years. Lou told the children on the hayrides many entertaining stories and the children would laugh and smile.The exuberant faces of those innocent children always made his day. His face always lit up when we told him about our drives with our mules or how my day was at opening meet when I rode aside. My father in law told everyone who would listen about how his daughter in law fox hunted and jumped aside and how I became U.S. National Side Saddle Champion! He was delighted to see me win champion at the Myopia Horse Show in 2001 against 16 I remember that Christmas morning other riders. George Morris was the when Scott proposed to me as clear judge and he told me he had never as if it were today, I was so excited seen such a superbly turned out pair. but at the same time, I dreaded Scott I made sure he signed all my ribbons! telling his father. I literally felt like I was I was so proud that day to have Lou stealing his last born. Lou thought he continued on the next page Celebrating the Lifetime of One Man and Mr. Frank Currier and my husband cheer me on. I enjoyed going to the dog shows with my husband and father in law. They even had me show some of their dogs. I was elated to go out to Las Vegas when the ADBA awarded my father in law a very special award, Dog Man of the Year in 2000. My gift to the Colby’s will be continuing their legacy My father in law just loved getting together with his family and friends. He enjoyed playing the drums, his brother Mike played the piano and Lou’s wife could sing like a songbird. I only wish I could have been part of those wonderful days because I do love to sing. They would have been most memorable occasions. I leaned a great deal from my father in law. He treated everyone the Club and famous Bostonians. He was so proud that I was awarded my hunt colors. I will always cherish the fabulous game stories he told me. One of my favorites he would tell was when he and many famous Bostonians were in the loft of Eleo Sear’s barn fightI can remember my father in law was ing game chickens when suddenly the offered huge sums of money for two lights went out and everyone scramdogs that my mother in law and I would not let Lou sell. The dogs meant bled thinking the police had nabbed them only to find out that someone had more to us than the money. tripped on the light cord! These fights also had huge purses for this was a My father in law taught me to take past time of the very wealthy. an immense amount of pride in my accomplishments and to never give up. He would tell me to learn from my mistakes and try again and never feel defeated. He was right. We have all led a full life thanks to what my mother and father in law had to offer. We have been blessed with a large and wonderful family filled with great joys and the heart wrenching sorrow that comes with raising and caring for animals. My father in laws greatest joy was sharing his passion for his dogs with people and their children. Every family should experience the unconditional love of a My father in law also told the story of dog and the heavenly smells of puphow his father could not see to drive pies and puppy breath. Miss Kitty through a blinding snow My father in law absolutely loved to tell storm, nor was he able to hold the me stories about the Myopia Hunt reins in the bitter cold so he gave Miss same no matter who they were, where they came from or how rich or poor they were. Lou always represented his dogs, chickens and pigeons with great passion and honesty to a fault. Kitty her head as he and his father huddled beneath the heavy bearskin rug lined with wool and she carefully took them home from the town of Byfield to their home in Newburyport on Franklin Street. One Christmas eve during a snow storm when Lou was driving to the barn to help his son milk the cows, a pine limb fell on the cab of his truck breaking his neck. He spent many months in that miserable halo. I will always be grateful to my Myopia friends who sent him wonderfully entertaining things during that long recovery. E BullTerriers | www.ebullterriers.com always be grateful to my Myopia friends who sent him wonderfully entertaining things during that long recovery. Coming from a small family, I could not quite understand the immense importance Lou placed on family until I instantly gained 8 brothers and sisters.I have learned that there is nothing as important as family and true life-long friends. Marie and Lou blessed me with their most prized possessions, their children. I will be forever grateful to my in-laws for the great lessons they taught me and for the person they shaped me to be. comfort of being with his wife, he has so missed after 69 years of wedded bliss, to be with his son Bartie he missed so after he drowned at such a young age, to be with his mother and father and his siblings and to be with all the animals he took so much pride My gift to the Colby’s will be continuing in. He will finally be at peace. He their legacy through compassion for knows that we will carry on the others, giving opportunity to others, Colby American Pit Bull Terrier with continuing to push this country to great pride, the Tracy Pyle chickgreatness and most of all, carrying on ens, The Boston Round Heads, values and traditions of the Amerithe homing pigeons, the Colby’s can way. I remain hopeful that these noiseless treadmill, and without a memories will carry us through this doubt, many more Colby children exceedingly difficult time. Losing both who will learn about their famous within such a short time is as painful family heritage and wear it with as it gets and I feel like an orphan. I honor and great pride as Lou did would like to think their memories and for 90 years. what they taught us will prepare us for the dramatic adjustments ahead. And to my father in law I wish him the The Bull Terrier Club Of Metro Detroit Invites you to our fall specialty weekend FOR BTCMD SPECIALTY PREMIUM LISTS, contact our show secretary: Beth Griffin, 22850 Manistee Oak Park MI 48237-2963 (248) 546-7362 [email protected] Premium lists can be downloaded after 8/01/10 from the club website: http://www.btcmd.org/events.html Beth is also an authorized agent to take entries for the MB-F shows SEPT 30 - OCT 2, 2011 Yes, it’s partly in October this year! ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 WHY VISIT OUR SHOWS? 3 Pt ROM has held at our specialty in each variety for 14 of the last 15 years! • Pre-Silverwood “tune-up” • Group show – Specialty show – All Breed show • Continental breakfast and hot lunch served inside the VFW hall on Saturday • IT’S FUN! Friday, September 30: Terrier Club of Michigan Breed Judge: Roz Clamper Saturday, October 1: BTCMD Specialty Sweepstakes: Rene Deckert Regular Classes: Victoria Corse Beginner Puppy Special Attraction for 4-6 month old puppies: Rene Deckert SUPERINTENDENT: TERRIER CLUB OF MICHIGAN & MONROE KC: MB-F, P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420-2107 336-379-9352 www.infodog.com FOR MORE INFORMATION: Michelle Long 734-632-0271 Cleo Parker 734-634-3501 Dave or Brenda Bila 810-653-4184 ***** Note: this is the weekend BEFORE the Montgomery County shows ***** Sunday, October 2: Monroe KC show Judge: Diane Koontz Bresee E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com The Judges for Silverwood: Join us for the fun! David Alexander Franne Berez Danny McGregor October 19 thru October 24, 2011 The Judges for The National: Breed: Jan Dykema Sweeps: Cleo Parker Futurity: Melanie Whitehair Tentative Schedule of Events: 10/20~Thursday BTCA Futurity 10/21~Friday Performance Events/ Sweepstakes Seminars 10/22~Saturday BTCA Silverwood Trophy Competion 10/23~Sunday BTCA National Specialty Host Hotel & Show Site: 10/24~Monday BTCA Specialty The Wyndam Orlando Resort 8001 International Drive, Orlando Florida 32819 Telephone number: 407-351-2420 Fax number: 407-351-5016 http://www.wyndham.com/hotels/MCOWD/main.wnt Please inform the hotel when booking that you are with the BTCTB/Silverwood. SHOW CHAIR: Jan O’Nan [email protected] (941) 685-2190 The Silverwood Store is NOW OPEN !! You can order polos, tees, jackets and other cool stuff with our fabulous Silverwood logo. Watch the website for updated schedule information and Silverwood updates. www.silverwood2011.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Vendors~ Contact Lucille Passione for information [email protected] To All Bull Terrier Breed Clubs..... lub rrier C Bull Tltey weekend te ta S specia olden The G es you to our fall6 & 7, 2010 Invit Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Bull Terriers & get FREE coverage the very next edition of your Specialty! ber Novem eles Fairplex Los Ang na, CA Pomo ROM ts Poin g Judgin Panel wards Bill Ed yall Bob M b nel Clu ey Ken iel Vall n Gabr a l Club S e n n Ke 11-6 Valley ntelope A -7 11 dhies han otif trop ality durm d e re it b sp ws with lso provide ho n-filled oth sho pport b The club will a join us for a fu su l il w to GSBTC club artisans. e plans ase mak end. by crafted e weekend. Ple eek w ing th We offer GREAT discounts for Clubs. $40.00/ 1 month insertion $90.00/ 3 months ation: @aol.com re inform lynn For mo .9602 or cades 0.835 ron—76 Candy A dent: perinten Show Su Bradshaw Jack .com w ha ds ra 2010 www.jb e October 20, will clos Entries ls mplex) rea Hote sition Co lex Expo endly A Pet-Fri (located in the Fairpmont Sheraton Get a 2 page color spread with photos & results of your specialty in the very next issue FOR FREE! (More than 2 pages require additional fee of $40.00/pg.) ** You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service** If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want your specialty represented, the rate is $40.00 /page. Contact us today Just send us th & any can e results did photo s from the s how & WE’LL D O THE RE ST! irplex el Clare Suites Fa oubletree Hot Tennis Club D t& a laremon , Covin Hotel C n Suites Hotel ario Airport Radisso and Suites Ont a Inn nt ui Q La Saturday Golden : Novem be Judge: M r 6, 2010 (San Ga r. Colored Bill (R.W.) Edwa briel Valley Kenn s: el Club) rds BOV/G1 : CH Br igadoon BOS: CH Go WD/BW Allegro Red Bu Go Boots (Dav ll (Duff : id & Ca & Susie rolyn Al WB: Br Iceni Shot Take Harri exander iga n & Shaun RWB: De doon Tinkerbell (Kim Bebb, Mau s) & Chris re (D Mason) Select Bit slynns Cr ystalcle avid & Carolyn en Campbell & Mrs. Lynn ar at Do ch: CH Al ex ander) Appren e M. Mya tice Cutn nnybrook (Can ll) dy Aron run of Su Whites: , Diane ndance Foote & (Ray & BOV: CH Ha Ba l rbara M Stewar t) oran an BOS/W Deslynn’s Moo d Cynthia D: ndance at RWD: Ed Bulroar us Tuff Perrot) at the To Donnybrook (Jim elwins Do p (Car l WB/BW & Cynd U Belie Pew, : i Farring RWB: Bu Brigadoon Miss ve in Magic (Cliff DVM) ton, Cand Bu lla y Aron Select Do rds Snow Stor xley (David & & Robin Overb & Diane y Ca m (Sara Foote) g: CH De Tark and rolyn Alexande and Linda Woo Select Bit dr uff) Jan Goth r and R. ch: CH slynns Yahmob Bailey) There at Bullards an N Ardr Donnyb ) ys Hot rook (M Sunday, Ice (Kris ar la Ga ty Utt an Novem d Jan & rcia, Candy Aron be Ted Go and Dian than) Judge: Dr r 7, 2010 (Antelo e Foote) . Robert pe Valle Colored W. L. M y Kennel yall s: Club) BOV/G4 : CH Br igadoon BOS: CH Go WD/BW Allegro Red Bu Go Boots (Dav ll (Duff : id & Ca & Susie rolyn Al WB: Br Iceni Shot Take Harri exander iga n & Shaun RWB: Ed doon Tinkerbell (Kim Bebb, Mau s) & Chris reen Ca (David & elwin’s He Mason) mpbell Select Bit Ca ar ro t of lyn & Mrs. Ly Gold (R ch: CH nne M. honda W Alexander) Desert Myall) Sentine l Vom Jub althall and Linda Whites: el (Car la W Cummins oodr uff) BOV: CH and Mag BOS: CH Bullards N Ardr da Toth-W ys heeler) WD/BO Deslynns Yahm Hot Ice (Kristy ob W Ut RWD: Al : Bulroar us Tuff There at Donn t & Jan & Ted Gothan ybrook legro Ro at the To ) (Mar la Ga WB: Bu ckstar (D p (Car l Pe llards N rci uff w, a, Cand & Susie DVM) ola Suns RWB: Br y Aron Harris) hine iga & Diane Select Bit doon Banchory (Jan & Ted Go Foote) than) ch: CH Sentine l Deslynn ’s Moond (Greg Ruehle an ance at d David Donnyb rook (Jim Alexander) & Cynd i Farring ton, Cand y Aron and Dian e Foote) E Bull Terrier s | www .ebullter State Bu s.com llterrier ww.ebu riers | w Ter E Bull ll Terrie r Club S pecialtie s - Nov 6 & 7, 2 010 riers.co m Results & ph otos subm www.ebullterriers.com E Bull E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com itted by Ka Terrier ren Morris s | www .ebullter & Carolyn riers.co m Alexander How Does Your National Rank? A ttending the national is an exciting event that not everyone is So when the opportunity affords us we burn up our phone minutes, whip off emails and start the many lists of what we will need for a trip to the national. Where else can we have the opportunity to make new friends and visit with old friends from all around the world wrapped around a dog venue? watching the conformation dogs gobble up the hot dog while their owners are begging them to come in the hopes of rescuing some piece of hot dog to place in the class. By Karen McNamara able to enjoy every year. but the side splitting laughter Over the past year I have had the opportunity to attend over a dozen nationals as the official videographer of their national events. Some on the west coast, some on the east coast, some in the north, some in the south and even a few in the middle. So with all the recent discussion about where the National should be held I thought it might be a good time to talk about some of the other events that other National clubs have hosted. While we might not admit it, deep down we all attend the National with the hopes and dreams of bringing home a ribbon. Some people might say well it’s an honor just to make the cut, or place in the class but who’s kidding who, we all want that piece of the pie, that class win or dare I say it, even winners or breed and yet these people are a very small percentage of the population who attend a National. Some clubs have made it about so much more than winning, its about having fun with your friends and your dog, even if you aren’t winning in the breed classes. The English Springer Spaniel Club offers a relay race competition. Imagine dressing your dog in boxers, a T-shirt and socks on their 2 back legs and running across the ring? Or what about the Hot Dog Toss… granted the obedience dogs win Costume team obedience where the handlers and the dogs were dressed in assorted costumes and asked to perform assorted obedience commands including dropping to the floor with a huge whale tail dragging behind them. Then there was the club that offered the rubber ducky toss. A toy dog size blue dog bed was placed in the middle of the ring and people who purchased tiny rubber ducks tried to toss them into the “dog bed aka pond” to win a prize. The Bulldogs have a costume party and there was nothing funnier than seeing a male bulldog dressed in fish net panty hose especially when he was going away from you. They also had a different regional club put on a free theme dinner every night as part of hospitality. The Chinese Crested people E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com had a fun match where everyone including the dogs was dressed in the Mardi Gras theme. The Papillion Club of America had an over 60 handling class. All of the exhibitors had some form of butterfly costume on and even the AKC judge was dressed for the occasion. At the Portuguese Water National 2 of the get in the stud dog class were longhaired Chihuahuas. At the Mastiff National exhibitors were supplied with a small lanyard that listed their name and Kennel affiliation. It also held a bit of cash and their room key! In this day and age with face book and twitter the lanyard was a great way to find that face book friend that you hadn’t actually met. Most of the clubs have a rescue parade with not a dry eye in the house by the time the last dog enters the ring. There are the Parade of Champions and or Titleholders, which are another way for people to show off their dogs. The Poodle Club of America probably has the best venue, with indoor sod, topiaries of giant white Poodles, giant screen TV’s with live video seen anywhere in the arena and held at the same location for the past 8 years. An old favorite at the DCA is the Wine Party. A new feature at DCA this year was the Decorated Dals. They raised a lot of money and generated a lot of excitement but neither one of these events included the dogs. I believe once upon a time Dalmatians were considered circus dogs and as we all know they are performing some ridiculous feat every day so imagine a ring full of these spotted wonders acting like clowns and having fun. To add some fun entertainment to a National doesn’t need to cost a lot of money it just requires some volunteers and an ability to think outside the box. Next Edition is our “Pre Silverwood” Edition This edition will be up BEFORE the festivities begin! Get seen in E Bull Terriers BEFORE Silverwood. Deadline is Sept 30, 2011. Get your ads in early so you don’t miss out! We are always affordable & timely! E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com EBull Terriers www.eBullterriers.com E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861 www.edogmagazines.com [email protected] Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp designers June Krukenkamp Larissa Clark Nicole Pollack Angie Henderson Staff Writers Michele Wrath Karen McNamara Staff Photographer Linda Davis Our E DogMagazines are independent publications and not affiliated with any breed club. We are breed specific and available only on the internet. There is no printed version of our E DogMagazines. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight & other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to all our E DogMagazines is FREE. They can be viewed 24/ 7 on their own websites for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release & of any news and updates regarding our E DogMagazines. 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Our E Blast notifications are a courtesy to our loyal Subscribers & Advertisers to keep you informed & updated. By visiting the websites on a regular basis, you can always recieve the information that we send out. We hope this helps! E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com All Breed ~ Bully Stats/ Coloreds ~ Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2011 up to & including June 30, 2011 E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Breed All Breed ~ Bully Stats/ Whites ~ Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2011 up to & including June 30, 2011 E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Breed All Breed ~ Mini Bully Stats ~ Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2011 up to & including June 30, 2011 E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Breed Advertising WHERE / HOW TO SEND ADS & ARTICLES: E mail us to request an ad. We will respond quickly & work with you on all you need for your ad. All ads can be done electronically by sending us photos & information via email. If you need to send hard copies of photos or CD’s, we can accept them at our mailing address. INFORMATION WE NEED TO PROCESS YOUR AD 1) What type of ad you want (Full page/ Litter anouncement/ Club announcement, etc.) 2) Are you submitting a finished ad or do you need us to design your ad. 3) Payment for your ad. (We must receive payment before we begin your ad). INFORMATION WE NEED IF WE ARE TO DESIGN YOUR AD 1) Photo of your dog (high resolution of 300dpi or greater) 2) Information about your dog (registered name / Sire & Dam/ Breeders/ Owners). 3) Text/ copy for the ad. 4) Any additional info (logos, graphics, background requests, etc) In our E Publications 5) Additional design fees are required for more than 1 revision or for custom designs (photo editing/ removal of backgrounds, special graphics, etc.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING We offer a special classified section of all our E Magazines. If you would like to have a small ad or a breeder listing run for the entire year, this is for you! PHOTO /AD SPECS IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING A FINISHED AD Final ads must be submitted in PDF format & must also be >300dpi. Page dimensions for our full page widescreen ads is: 15.0”W X 9 0” H (submit as 1 pdf /landscape spread). Classified ads have various sizes Check our site for specific dimensions. CLUB SPECIALTY ADVERTISING We offer discounts for Breed club Specialty ads. Advertise your upcoming Specialty & send us photos & results and we will put together a multiple page photo spread in the very next month’s edition at NO cost! (You must advertise your specialty to get this free service) If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want photo collage pages, the rate is $40.00/page. All photos to be used in ad layouts must be submitted with >300 dpi resolution in JPEG, TIFF or BMP format. A high resolution photo is necessary for proper viewing of your ad on the internet. TEXT ARTICLE SUBMISSION Text articles can be submitted as email attachments or in a .DOC file (Microsoft Word). We do not pay for articles . All articles (unsolicited & approved), we will publish at no charge. SUBSCRIBER INFO You can subscribe for free directly on our website & receive the most recent news & information regarding our E Publications before the rest. If you have subscribed & are not receiving our monthly emails announcing our specials & new releases, check your Spam folder as our mail service may not be recognized by your email host & be filtered. Deadlines & Publishing Schedule for our Current E Publications E Magazine Date of Publish E Dalmatians (monthly) E Boston Terriers (bi monthly E Boxer Dogs (bi monthly) E Yorkshire Terriers (bi monthly) E Bull Terriers (bi monthly) 1st of the month 1st of the month 1st of the month 15th of the month 15th of the month Deadline 20th of the month prior 20th of the month prior 20th of the month prior 30th of the month prior 30th of the month prior E Deadlines & publishing dates may be extended occasionally to accommodate Specialties & Nationals. We will note any changes to above schedules on each E Breed magazine site. Where to Send your Ad Material Please send all ads electronically via email attachment Any printed photos or material on CD’s can be sent by regular mail to our mailing address. We will scan /copy all material & return all your ad material to you. E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Email Address: [email protected] Mailing Addess: E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908 Pricing & Payment Pricing thru 2011 How to Pay for your Ad Specials will be listed monthly on each breed’s website. Full Page Ads: $ 80.00 ( *Includes standard layout & design ) E Magazine of Publish Deadline Premium Pages: $ 90.00Date ( close to front , reservation required) Half Page Ads: $ 50.00 ( Classified/ Merchant/Litter ) Club Ads : $ 40.00 ( Full page/ Special Club rate ) Cover Page: $120.00 ( Reserved & Pre Paid) Additional Design Fees: $ 25.00 We accept all major credit cards. You can pay on line using our secure site or use your Pay Pal account. Checks /money orders are also accepted by regular mail. Payment must be made at the time of Ad submission Note: Our merchant service is thru Pay Pal but you can use a Credit Card. You do not need a Pay Pal account to pay via our secure website. http://www.edogmagazines.com/Payment.html CLASSIFIEDS Per Year: $10.00 /year: Basic Kennel listing (text only) $25.00/ year: Premium Kennel listing (color/ logo) $50.00/ year: Double Buisness card size listing (color / photos) Per Insertion: $50.00/ issue: Half Page ads $25.00/ issue: Premium Litter/ Announcement (color & 1 photo) Bulk advertising: We offer discounts for multiple ads (Custom Quote) E*Note: Free layout design fees include 1 revision. Additional design fees will be charged for additional revisions. Any special custom graphics or photo touch ups require an additional design fee. Advertise Today! E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com E Bull Terriers Classifieds Scott and Alison Ibbitson Collegeville, Pennsylvania 610-489-2397 Patronus Miniature Bull Terriers Need a logo? Need a website? Kathleen Smith Ogden, Utah [email protected] by Jane Killion Need to stand out? { we’re here to help } www.PatronusKennels.com www.bakerstreetbullterriers.com TRAINING SUCCESS WITH IMPOSSIBLE DOGS A must read for all! Whether you need a logo, brochure, tradeshow display, or interactive website, we are here for you. When you need the smarts of an agency without Bred to win your heart and in the ring Sinabar Bull Terriers ~ Best in Show Video for your Show Dogs ~ the overhead, call Design360. FEATURING High Resolution Gorgeous Video of your Show and Dogs. : DVD ith w os on Vide labeled m a og D d y & r e Eve e, Sir m a N NEW2011 for 2010: Order it today at http://www.dogwise.com • Video on Demand custom video editing at your show! • LIVE Internet streaming video www.design-360.com | ph. 404.822.3834 (some shows) ! Freaell Jbuniioers s FR : EE • Pay-Per-View of past shows (see website) Mobile Veterinary Health Care Services Attention of you exhibiting! deo custom vi eo FREE vid Judges: ll a t! n n o e ti n m ign Atte dging ass of your ju 34201 S. Rivals Road Wilmington, Illinios 60482 815 476 5696 mailto:[email protected] Nicholas Valenti D.V.M Selden, NY 631 696 7440 Visit us at: web: www.showdogvideopros.com E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (888) 808-0870 Best BestofofLuck LuckTotoAll AllExhibitors Exhibitorsand and Fanciers Fanciers in in2011 2010! http://www.thepawsmahal.com We make house calls for your pet. For all your training, grooming & nutrition needs. We offer a large variety of pet food, supplements & supplies. Out Training staff is highly skilled & we offer many behavioral classes as well as conformation handling classes. Visit us if you are in the area or catch us on line at: 820 Harold L Dow Highway (rte236) Eliot, Maine 03908 http://www.pawsitivestepsk9.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com Selling 25 years of Bull Terrier Memorabilia. Contact Sue Spencer at: cnavigater@gmail for further details E Bull Terriers Classifieds www.lclarkphotodesign.com Need a Classified AD? Contact us today at: [email protected] We’ll do the rest! L Clark Photo Design.com Also visit our classified page on line to learn more at: http://www.edogmagazines.com/Classifieds.html TNG Dalmatians June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D. South Berwick, Maine www.tngdalmatians.com Advertise Here: Premium Litter/Breeding Announcement Or Merchant advertising 50 words or less + color + photo only $25 www.sitstayandplaybeverly.com E Bull Terriers | www.ebullterriers.com One way to stay cool this summer....