my. camera di commercio italia myanmar
my. camera di commercio italia myanmar
I. MY. B. C. weekly articles from: ANDREA GANELLI - Vicepresidente Camera di Commercio Italia Myanmar LUCA SAPORITI - Segretario Generale Camera di Commercio Italia Myanmar SIMONA VIARIZZO - Editor newsletter Camera di Commercio Italia Myanmar CAMERA DI COMMERCIO ITALIA MYANMAR ater se of the onmental chnology umber by eeded in r prawn ons. But, s and 10 ling well sident of Soe Htun ff-spring et, were hich the not only untry, but medicine, 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Comprehensive Plan of Action to promote cooperation between ASEAN and Russia This Comprehensive Plan of Ac- sia partnership in all areas of comtion is aimed at fostering and di- mon interest, taking into account versifying mutually beneficial ASEAN 2025: Forging Ahead Tocooperation for the period of 2016- gether and its Blueprints, as well as 2020 between the Association of the results of the implementation Southeast Asian Nations (ASE- of the Comprehensive Programme AN) and the Russian Federation as of Action to Promote Cooperation set forth in the Sochi Declaration between ASEAN and Russia 2005of the ASEAN-Russian Federation 2015. This Comprehensive Plan of Commemorative Summit to Mark Action recognises the importance the 20th Anniversary of ASE- of the promotion and protection of AN-Russian Federation Dialogue human rights, including through Relations. “Moving Towards a practical steps, exchange of best Strategic Partnership for Mutual practices and closer cooperation, enefit adopted on ay particularly in international fora. in Sochi, the Russian Federation. In accordance with their reThis Comprehensive Plan of Ac- spective international obligations tion will work towards mutually and national legislation and polibeneficial ob ectives in the next cies, ASEAN Member States and five years building the Russian Federation shall enupon the strong cooperation be- deavour to pursue cooperation in tween ASEAN and the Russian the following areas: political and Federation since 1996. Security, counter-terrorism and This Comprehensive Plan of transitional crime; trade and investAction lays out priorities and meas- ment finance energy industry and ures to be undertaken by both sides minerals, transport; food, agriculto further deepen and enhance their ture and forestry; information and political-security, economic, so- communication technology (ICT); cio-cultural and development co- tourism; science, technology and operation as well as to realise the innovation; socio-cultural coopfull potential of the ASEAN-RusITALIAeration; disaster management and I. MY. MYANMAR BUSINESS import COUNCIL of illegal TheC. B. THE import of illegal rice from Thailand is rising when compared to the previous years, according to the Myanmar Rice and Paddy Traders Association. The people in the border between Myanmar and Thailand are eating Thai rice and now it has come to penetrate com- Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY emergency response; environment; climate change and biodiversity; health and pandemic preparedness and response; Environment, climate change and biodiversity, health and pandemic preparedness and response; education, youth and People-to-People Exchange, physical training and sports; cooperation on narrowing the development gap and connectivity and connectivity. This Comprehensive Plan of Action is to be implemented by the relevant authorities of ASEAN Member States and the Russian Federation through the appropriate funding support by the governments of ASEAN Member States and the Russian Federation, including the ASEAN-Russian Federation Dialogue Partnership Financial Fund (ARDPFF); regularly review the progress of implementation of the Plan of Action through the existing mechanisms of the ASEAN-Russia Dialogue Relations; submit progress reports on the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan of Action to the annual PMC + 1 Session with the Russian Federation.—GNLM rice from Thailand rampant mercial cities like Yangon, said the central executive committee member of Myanmar Rice and Paddy Traders Association (MRPTA) U Nay Lin. MRPTA would submit this matter to the Ministry of Commerce in order that the latter can take legal action against the ille- phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: gal rice importers, said he, adding that local rice market is cool now, that the illegally imported Thai rice is competitive in terms of both quality and price. Thai rice is sold for Kyats 26,000 only per 108 lb bag which is a lower price than locally produced rice. — Chan Chan 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Fish thievery rampant in Ayeyawady Region FISH thievery is rampant these days in Ayeyawady Region, said U Win Kyaing, general secretary of the Myanmar Fishery Federation (MFF). The owners of fish farming lakes are being faced with difficulties because there has been a spate of robberies by a gang operating in and around fish farming lakes recently. The security of fish farming has become worse for a lack of law enforcement during the period of the transition after the 2015 election. The fish thieves are so daring that they commit daylight robbery and even operate a form of organised crime. The farm owners can’t help but to let them steal as they are outnumbered and threatened by the thieves, he added. Complaints have already been sent to the MFF which has submitted them to the government, said U Win Kyaing.“There are weaknesses in law enforcement, it will be hard to attract more foreign direct investments in fish farming lakes ”, said a businessman who is engaged in livestock breeding. Only 0.56 per cent of the total investment in fish farming is foreign direct investment. The reason for having less than one per cent foreign investment is mainly because of the weaknesses in law enforcement and security, said Dr. Myint Sein, vice chairman of the MFF.—PTK/Union Daily Price of 1300-CC cars expected to rise by K1 million THE price of cars with 1300-CC Vehicles imported with old engine power is expected to rise vehicle exchange receipts, vehiby between K1 million and 1.5ITALIA cles imported under the allotted million in the local car market budget of the union and regional if income taxes are levied in ad-MYANMAR governments, donated vehicles, vance when imported cars areBUSINESS vehicles provided for particular registered, according to car deal-COUNCIL purposes, vehicles used in fuers. neral services, fire engines and An advanced payment of vehicles used only for religious the income tax will be conduct- purposes, imported vehicles for ed by One Stop Service (OSS) embassies and diplomats, vehicentres, according to the Road cles imported by UN organisaTransport Administration De- tions and imported cars during partment (Nay Pyi Taw). the exemption period set by the This service will be avail- Myanmar Investment Commisable at the Road Transport Ad- sion are not entitled to pay the ministration offices in Nay Pyi tax. All the taxes collected are Taw, Yangon and Mandalay required under the Union Tax starting from 1 June. Law.—200 I. MY. B. C. Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: UMFCCI to hold three more expos with Yorkers THE Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) will hold three more exhibitions with Yorkers Trade and Marketing Service Co Ltd, said U Myo Thant, the general secretary of the UMFCCI. This year, the UMFCCI held a machinery exhibition in cooperation with Yorkers, featuring construction materials, lighting equipment and machines and tools for making finished wood products. UMFCCI has also signed MoUs with Yorkers to hold three more exhibitions in the coming months. The UMFCCI usually holds between 10 and 12 trade fairs every year, most of which involve MoUs with other organisations. The federation usually has signed MoUs with entrepreneurs from Taiwan, China, Thailand and India, but exhibitions from Japan and South Korea are held without MoUs, according to the UMFCCI.—MPPS/Union Daily 16 - 22 MAY 2016 IFC to invest in private sector development THE International Finance Corporation (IFC) has announced that it will invest in private sector development programmes. The World Bank and the IFC plan to invest US$70 million in private sector development programmes in Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. They are preparing to make capital investments of US$7.5 million in Myanmar, according to the announcement. The investment is mainly targeted at SMEs to effectuate the development of local businesses. A Singapore-based emerging markets investment consulting company will supervise the investments. The IFC will seek to meet the needs of the businesses in which it invests and to provide assistance to office automation systems. Investments will be priori- tised for stable, strong companies. The IFC will consider whether the long-term investments will effectuate the companies’ long-term development before investing. The IFC has decided to extend its investment in the Myanmar Industrial Port upgrading project, as well as in Myanmar retail enterprises such as City Mart Holding Co Ltd.—PPN/Union Daily Solar drying machines to be installed in Mandalay Drying machines will be installed in Mandalay Region in order to be used in drying agriculture and fishery products. “The project, called ‘We Care’, will install solar drying machines in order for products to meet international quality standards. Sun-drying is time consuming and causing losses and wastages,” said Mr Mathieu Vergez, the manager of the project. “Solar drying machines are required to be applied effectively and efficiently for the products to be marketable. Currently, the drying machines have already been installed in Pindaya, Wundwin and Myittha townships, and they will be installed in other townships, too,” he said. It takes only two days to dry crops using the solar drying machines, while it takes five days to dry crops in the sun. The crops can be dried with- out causing any losses or wastages when the drying machines are installed. When farmers dry 10 baskets of crops in the sun, only around eight are usable after the process is completed. A drying machine costs about K20 million, and the warranty period is 15 years. The machines have polycarbonate sheets and can dry any category of farm products.—Zar Zar I. MY. ITALIA MYANMAR China demandBUSINESS for Cumin Seed raises prices COUNCIL B. C. THE export price of black cumin sesame seeds has risen during the second week of May, as demand from China rises. According to the sesame merchants from Myanmar’s northern border areas. The border trade is reported to have risen than the sea trade in sesame export to China, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce. Black cumin sesame seeds are offered higher prices more so than other varieties of sesame. Yet prices of other varities remain stable. Yangon merchants are also known to produce the product. Sesame seeds are gorund up in order to make sesame powder which is mainly exported by sea, U Thaung, a sesame merchant from Mandalay noted. Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY In the second week of May, export volumes of various sesames reached 662 tonnes worth US$900,00 via Chin-ShweHaw trade terminal on the Myanmar/ China border. Small export operations occur in the Muse and Myawady trade zones, according to the figures of border commodity depots. The black cumin sesame seeds trading is similar phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: to last year’s but the price of them increased this year, with baskets of black cumin seeds fetching Ks62,000 while red sesame and the black sesame fetch Ks23,000 and Ks33,000 at markets. White sesame is worth Ks1,414,858 per tonne while that of the black sesames is Ks2,126,601 per tonne, according to merchants. — MPPS/Union Daily 16 - 22 MAY 2016 The Netherlands assists Drafting of sugar and sugarcane products law nears completion onion and potato farmers ne products law nears completion IT is required that a policy be first draft of the Myanmar Sugar- meet international standards formulated to allow for the emer- cane and Sugar Law is set to be gence of rules and regulations on sugar and sugarcane products to ensure sustainable development in the country’s sugar market and its sugar production, said Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Dr Tun Win on Monday. The deputy minister’s call to have rules and regulations on sugar and sugarcane products in Myanmar introduced came at an annual conference of the Myanmar Sugar Cane & Sugar Related Products Producers Association for 2016 in Mandalay. At the meeting, the draft Myanmar Sugarcane and Sugar Law was presented to those present. He stressed the need of formulating a policy following discussions among all stakeholders of the country’s sugar industry, pointing out that Myanmar has seen sudden rises and declines of sugarcane production. According to sources, the revised by the ministry in cooper- AN aide fund from the NethThe foreign experts will proation with experts. erlands government, will assist vide assistance in their related The draft law that will serve onion and potato growers reach sectors in cooperation with the as the legal foundation for the international standards through United Nations Industrial Deexpertise, said Daw Mu velopment Organisation. This industry will be finished through technical Mu Aung, Deputy Director of project will start at some time in comprehensive discussions by Technology and Market Promo- October, she added. all stakeholders, said U Soe Lin, tion Department for SME DevelMyanmar has already reopment Department. ceived the technical assistance on chairman of the association. Improving the production of developing the tea leaf, mangoes Market analysts pointed out onions and potatoes will be demon- and coffees sectors helping them that it is impossible to stabilise the strated in Magwe and Sagaing Re- to be of a higher quality.—WWP/ sugar market by increasing taxes gions as well as Shan State. Union Daily on sugar and sugarcane products, saying that a lack of emphasis on the importance of the industry by authorities led a decline in sugar production in the country. The imposition of taxes is not the answer to the sustainability of the country’s sugar production sector, said vice-chairman U San Thein of the association. He called for participation of all stakeholders including sugarcane growers and producers in anmar Industrial Port aupgrading the process of formulating polproject, well as in Myanmar icy on sugar andassugarcane prodretail Thant enterprises such as City ucts. —Aung Khaing A worker cuts sugarcane to transport to sugar mill near Nay Py - I. MY. The draft law that will serve omprehensive discussions by l stakeholders, said U Soe Lin, Market analysts pointed out hat it is impossible to stabilise the n sugar and sugarcane products, The imposition of taxes is on sector, said vice-chairman U He called for participation ITALIA MYANMAR BUSINESS es when the drying machines are COUNCIL B. C. kets of crops in the sun, only around eight are usable after the A drying machine costs chines have polycarbonate sheets and can dry any category of farm Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY Germany to import Myanmar teas LOCAL tea producers recently joined hands with Germany-based TeeGschwendner to bring Myanmar teas to Western European markets. Mr Daniel Marck of TeeGschwendner said his company prefers Myanmar’s high-quality specialty teas because of their delicious taste. “The teas give a sparkling amber infusion and have a light, peaty taste,” he said. Local green tea manufacturers already export their products to several ASEAN coun- phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: - and to the US. tries “Exporting native green teas to Germany will bring better prospects for the country’s tea industry. It is a chance to promote our made-in-Myanmar product to the international consumers,” said Daw Nila Oo, a member of a local group of tea producers. Myanmar is home to 200,000 acres of tea plantations and produces 40,000 metric tonnes of green, black and oolong teas annually, according to a survey.—Chan Chan 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Myanmar coffee set for ower & Energy Ministry to Entrepreneurs need to sale in America than 5,300 transformers utilise US Zero tax MYANMAR Special Arabica coffee cultivated in townships of Shan State and Pyin-Oo-Lwin in Mandalay Region will be first exported to America, according to the Myanmar Coffee Association (MCA). In April, a container load of coffee was exported to Switzerland, allowing the exporters to earn US$ 3,800-4,000 per tonne. Winrock International helped Myanmar coffee to meet the international export quality standard with the assistance of USAID. Currently, Japan and South Korea purchase Myanmar coffee. We aimed to export the two container loads of coffee. The price offered depends on the quality and the market. The price offered to the coffee growers and the production costs have to be transparent to build trust with the buyers. Only then, our market lasts longer, “The higher the quality of the coffee is, the more we earn”, said U Ye Myint, the chairman of MCA. Myanmar coffee has attracted the attention of the international dealers at the international coffee expo recently held in the American city of Atlanta, Georgia. The stable market and assistance is required to develop Myanmar’s cof- I. MY. fee production. MCA will also provide the technical assistance and coffee seeds for the coffee growers. The Finnish government announced in December 2015 that it will donate US$3 million for farmers to buy would seeds assistand local companies coffee fertilizers in order to deter poor farmers from cultivating opium poppy. Coffee is one of many crops that groups use to encourage farmers in poor socio-economic areas to grow coffee instead of opium poppy, which is largely grown in Shan and Kachin States. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said that the soil and climate in northern Myanmar are perfect for farming coffee. Coffee plantations first started in Myanmar in 1885 as ministries set up plantations in Myeik and Dawei, though these two project finished a few years after they were set up. Kayin tribes are known for producing Robusta coffee, which still carries on to this day, according to FAO. The International Coffee Association global notes that demand for coffee has increased 2.5 per cent since 2012, with 150.2 million, 60kg bags were consumed ITALIA in 2014.—200 w/GNLM “CONCERNING export of aquatic products, the United States will grant zero taxation, and it is, therefore, necessary on the part of entrepreneurs and the authorities concerned to fully utilize this special chance,” said U Aye Tun, Chairman of Myanmar Aquatic Products Manufacturers and Exporters’ Association and Senior Vice President of Myanmar Fishery Federation (MFF). “US have eased economic sanctions even during the term of previous government. But now, we are granted zero taxation for our export of aquatic products. We need to take advantage of this chance. But the problem is we have no products to export yet”, said U Aye Tun. He added that last year witnessed an export value of US dollar 502 millions. But it is still a very small amount when compared to that of neighbouring nations like Thailand and Viet Nam. Amidst this golden oppor- tunity, we are being faced with delays in the port, which urgently requires a solution by Myanma Port Authority, he continued, adding that the entrepreneurs and authorities from the departments concerned are required to make concerted effort. Now, just as the businessmen are evading taxes, the government employees are corrupt for reason of insufficient salary, playing tricks on the entrepreneurs in the pretext of redtapism. In this regard, the government is badly in need of a policy to address these problems. “There are many things to discuss. As storage fees are high outside, entrepreneurs keep their containers in the port, and this causes delays, but the recent problem can also be attributed to long holiday during the water festival. The delays can damage our products. Another issue is the construction of the dockyard,” said joint secretary U Aye Lwin. —Win oo MYANMAR Putao freshwater BUSINESS hatchery to breed new and peculiar fish COUNCIL A FRESHWATER hatchery in sponsible person from the Minis- fish and introduce the species into supply of aquatic feedstuff which have been discovered and record- B. C. Auk San Gong village, Putao District will breed an apparently as yet unnamed and peculiar local fish, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. This area is suitable for the breeding of rare fish species. Freshwater fish production has risen and the export of freshwater products has increased in volume as well. We have not managed to upgrade saltwater farming yet, said a re- try. It takes three months for the strange local fish to reproduce and the aquatic feedstuffs are exclusively prepared for the period of egg hatching and include protein. The fish in question that is being bred on a commercial scale is reportedly totally unique to Putao, according to reports. Local authorities will make efforts to produce a greater number of the mystery Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY rivers and creeks to prevent extinction. To maintain the fish resource, baby fingers and fingerlings will be cared for with extra delicacy. The efforts to maintain fish resources will be in accordance with geological and weather conditions. The fingerlings of the as-yet unnamed fish will be distributed to fish farming businesses. All authorities concerned have said they will ensure they have a sufficient includes the prescribed quota of protein. Putao District has been found to be home to strange, unique and hithero unknown-to-western-science freshwater fish species which have never been recorded, according to a survey. The news of discoveries of previously unknown or unrecorded wildlife in Myanmar does not come as a surprise. A total of 139 new plants and animals phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: ed since the opening of the country in 2011 including, famously, the scribbled arowana fish and the chocolate-spotted frog. Over 70 per cent of the annual fish export volume traditionally came from the fish catching industry and over 20 per cent of fish export volume came from the fish farming business. Now that number is closer to 50-50, it has been reported.—Zar Zar 16 - 22 MAY 2016 FMI shares plummet to below original value A CONTINUED decline in the value of First Myanmar Investment (FMI) company shares on the nascent Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) during this month of May have resulted in shares plummet to below their original value at the start of trading, according to a press release of the exchange. FMI began selling shares on the YSX on 25 March this year with an initial price tag of K26,000 per share, but as of the middle of this month of May shares prices currently stand at K25,000 a thousand kyats lower than original trading value. “Purchasers of stocks are looking for a bargain, some have sold off their stocks out of fear; it’s a mixed bag. It’s difficult in the absence of institutional investors. Institutional investors make investments based on systematic calculations of future values. ry exporters cline in the ry products. the situation er for Agrid Irrigation. require cold ead to drops of the rising the waiting s Processors may reject - Without these actors, people just buy and sell as they like. Everything is concerned with the stock market: the country’s economy, financial inflation; interest; exchange rates; it’s all there.” said U Thet Htun Oo, executive senior director of the YSX. Trading on 2 May of FMI shares saw shares fetch K30,000 each with a total of 3,488 traded, while the market looked different on May 16 with shares selling for just K25,000 each with as many as 5,425 being traded. Despite the price per FMI share on May 17 fetching K25,000, it didn’t affect the trading of shares with more than 10,000 shares traded on the market floor that day. “People from the countryside bought shares after hearing the prices had increased. But interest has withered now with the complete depreciation in share prices. Profits aren’t shown so it’s not exactly known what activities are being conducted.” said U Tin Ko, a businessmen from Pyawbwe township. This coming May 20 will see Thilawa SEZ Holding commence sales of shares in its company on the YSX, joining FMI as the only two permitted companies of the six listed companies to trade shares.—Myitmakha News Agency Samsung smartphones, tablets to be purchased in instalments through KBZ I. MY. SAMSUNG MyanmarITALIA has an- plan in cooperation with KBZ. nounced that seven Samsaung The current accounts will have MYANMAR products will be available for no access to interest from the purchase in six-month instal- bank, whereas other accounts BUSINESS ments with zero interest through that pay interest will remain COUNCIL Kanbawza (KBZ) starting from unchanged. We have a plan to 16 May. add other Samsung products to These seven Samsaung this programme,” said Ko Zarni products include five smart- Win Htet, head of the IT and phones—Galaxy S7 Edge; Mobile Department of SamGalaxy S7; Galaxy Note5; Gal- saung Myanmar. axy A5 (2016); and Galaxy A7 Those who wish to buy (2016); and two tablets—the these Samsung products in in8-inch Galaxy Tab S2 and the stalments can do so by opening 9.7-inch Galaxy Tab S2. a Current Account as well as a “Samsung Myanmar has Call Account. Owners of these introduced the new purchase accounts will be able to pur- B. C. Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: chase up to two smartphones or tablets per account. The minimum amount of money that buyers must keep in the accounts will vary by product, and money cannot be withdrawn from the account during the duration of the six-month programme. The products have oneyear Samsung official warranties, and the programme includes door-to-door service. Buyers can also participate in other promotion programmes related to the products they buy.—GNLM 16 - 22 MAY 2016 LPG license to be issued extensively MINISTRY of Electric and Energy has announced that it will begin issuing licenses for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) in masse to ensure the regulation and legal trade of LPG. The license will enable entrepreneurs to engage in import, storage, sale and distribution of LPG. The business people who wish to engage in LPG related businesses can apply for a license which will be granted before July, according to announcements from the Ministry. There are five different licenses for LPG related businesses. Currently, the import licenses have already been issued to seven private companies, six of which had previously held licenses for storage, sale and distribution, according to the Ministry. Mainly LPG is used in restaurants and the home. But the future of LPG in Myanmar will focus on producing energy in order to power Myanmar’s hunger for electricity. According to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, along with a US$400 million loan from the World Bank in 2015 is to connect 60 per cent of Myanmar to the nationwide grid, while 40 per cent will connect to off-grid electricity by 2021, according to a report released by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in October 2015. The largest exporter of LPG to Myanmar is Thailand.—NG/ Union Daily w/ GNLM Car showroom sizes reduced by 50 per cent THE Supervisory Committee of rooms should be issued with the Motor Vehicle Imports has an- permits depending on the numnounced that showroom space ber of cars they actually keep. will be reduced by 50 per cent. The space for showroom and sale Car showrooms are current- centers is currently around 10,000 ly 10,000 square feet wide, but square feet and so there are the are to be reduced to 5,000 square space difficulties setting up showfeet, in order to create more rooms downtown. “Our associaspace allowing business owners tion asked the authority to set up a ITALIA to expand into condense areas. space of around 4,800 square feet Showrooms shouldMYANMAR be given for showrooms,” said an importer. extra if they are really using the The number of the legal BUSINESS space for keeping cars. Show- business people will increase I. MY. if the government relax regulations and reduce the size of showrooms. The authority concerned should have reduced the space of the showrooms rather than reducing the storage space, said one car dealer. Currently, the space of the showrooms was reduced only 10 per cent, rendering the showrooms and sale centers in Yangon with space difficulties.— MLT/Union Daily B. C. COUNCIL Kaymu online shopping site hits 2,000 retailers THE German online shopping website Kaymu has announced that it has successfully connected with over 2,000 retailers in Myanmar over the last two years. “We’ve seen an increase in sales by approximately 20 per cent, which is mainly to do with people having more trust toward online shopping,” said Alexander Wiederin, a business development exec- utive for Kaymu Myanmar. The Kaymu website features over 2,000 stores, shopping transactions taking place between 200 and 500 of those stores every day. Products purchased are sent daily to 58 large urban centres around the country through Kaymu’s delivery network. “Business was slow at the start of trading [with Kaymu], but Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY we’ve now sold nearly 1,000 products. The main items we sell are mobile phones, accessories and gadgets,” said U Aung Ko Oo. Myanmar is still a developing country, but the increase in mobile phone usage throughout the country has allowed its online market to develop rapidly, with kitchen appliances soon to go on sale online. “The main issue with online shopping is discrepancies between the advertised photo of the product and its actual quality. You also can’t exchange shoes should the size you purchase not fit properly. On top of that, I’ve experienced costly delivery fees because of not living on the main road. Even the township delivery agents aren’t familiar with the roads in the township, frequently calling phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: me for directions and disrupting my work,” said Ma Nan Chit from Yangon’s Mingala Taung Nyunt Township. Kaymu is a venture of the German Rocket Internet company, which first started its operations in Nigeria and Pakistan in 2013 before setting foot into the nascent Myanmar market the following year.— Myitmakha News Agency 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Agriculture, fishery products exports rise at border trade camp THE export volume of agriculture and fishery products this April through the Kawthaung border trade camp was over US$3.254 million higher than last April, according to an official from the trade camp. The Kawthaung trade camp, located along the Thailand-Myanmar border, saw an increase of $880,000 from fishery exports this April. The border trade camp exported aquaculture products, including various fish, prawns, eels and octopus. Coconut, rubber, timber and other agriculture products were also exported to neighbouring countries. The import volume at the trade camp also rose last month above the volume from the same period last year. Myanmar mostly imported construction equipment, fertilisers, medicines, household utensils and consumer products. According to local exporters, the export volume generally decreases when fish catching is strictly forbidden during the off season announced by the fisheries department. Among the import materials, imports of cement normally decline during bad weather. Myanmar mainly trades with Thailand, China, India and Bangladesh through its 15 cross-border trade camps.—MPPS/Union Daily Salt shake up conducted by UNICEF UNITED Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has been providing the technical assistance to improve the refining process of raw salt in Mon and Rakhine States, as well as the Ayeyawady Region, said Mon States’s chairperson of the Salt Entrepreneurs Association, U Win Htein. UNICEF has been assisting on developing refiners’ knowledge on the drying process. Under its technique, the salt is placed on a plastic tarp to dry. To produce refined salt, the process of refining salt has to be changed. The manufacturers need to use the I. MY. B. C. drying pots, which has been the process internationally for some time, so in order for Myanmar to meet international standards it is ITALIA necessary for the refiners to meet these standards in order to export MYANMAR the product, he added. BUSINESS Seventy salt factories in Myanma, produce 180,000 tonnes of COUNCIL refined salt and 250,000 tonnes of raw salt each year year. Around 30,000 to 50,000 tonnes of salt are imported from other countries. Local salt production requires access to more investments and to help establish factories and improve their capacities.—WWP/Union Daily Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY Myanmar exports over 40,000 tonnes of rice up until beginning of May MYANMAR’S rice export including broken rice up until the beginning of May this fiscal year has reached 43,753 tonnes, generating over US$15 million, according to the Ministry of Commerce. The current export volume is lower than during the same period last fiscal year. It is directly linked to China’s crackdown in March. The majority of rice went to China through border trade camps. A rice trader at the Muse border trade camp said the cur- rent rice market is down because of transportation barriers that was effectine after the end of China’s crackdown at the border. About 1,300 tonnes of rice from different towns across the nation have entered Muse market during the last few days. Around 6,500 tonnes of rice entered the market in the first week of this month. Myanmar earned over $11 million through rice export and $3 million from the export of broken rice. That puts it at $36 million less than during the same period last FY.—ML/Union Daily Junction City Tower in downtown Yangon nearly complete THE construction of Junction City Tower in downtown Yangon is 70 per cent complete and is expected to be finalised within the first four months of next year according to the pro ect manager ointly organised by the hwe aung roup of ompanies and Singapore-based Keppel and td the pro ect is being implemented at the corner of hwe Dagon Pagoda Road and Bogyo e oad Designed by Singaporean architects the tower will cover office apartments a shopping centre a five star hotel residential apartments and serviced phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: apartments he tower has been built with the use of ingapore’s stateof-the-art technology that will help reduce environmental impacts and energy consumption from 15 % to 70 % by use of energy-saving facilities unction ity designed by rchitects from ingapore will include a five-star hotel to be operated by an acific otels and an office tower to be developed in collaboration with ingapore’s eppel and company in addition to a shopping centre and serviced apartments ACM/ Union Daily s the special 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Myanmar Citizens Bank to be third company listed on YSX THE Myanmar Citizens Bank will be the third listed company to trade stock on the Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) according to U Thet Htun Oo, executive senior manager. Information relating to the Myanmar Citizens Bank is currently under scrutiny by the relevant authorities. It is expected to take three months before the MCB will be allowed to commence stock trading, he added. “We’ve been scrutinizing the bank since April. We expect the stock exchange to start in July”, said U Myint Win, the managing director. The Myanmar Citizens Bank began operations and banking services in 1992. It is known to have capital in circulation amounting to K52 billion. Currently, there are a total of 1,700 share holders in the bank. To promote investment, the bank began conducting share trading in foreign countries in May, it has been learned. The Stock exchange at YSX was established with the First Myanmar Investment (FMI) Company on 15 March this year. Myanmar Thilawa SEZ Holdings (MTSH) Public Limited planned to launch its stocks at YSX today and it is recorded as the second listed company on the YSX. The decline in FMI share selling was a result of the high attraction by investors in MTSH’s shares. There are six companies which have been approved for the YSX and the shares of the remaining companies will be sold as soon as possible, according to economist experts—PPN/Union Daily Price of mushrooms rises in Kyaukpadaung Township THE price of mushrooms has increased in Kyaukpadaung Township, Mandalay Region because of lower production, local green grocers say. Farmers can make a healthy profit on deals this season because of lower production, which is associated with the strong El Niño weather front, which has hit Myanmar’s dry region this year. The total production of all mushroom plantations has decreased by 35 per cent this season compared with the same period last season. The current demand for mushrooms is high in the local market. The selling price for a viss (1.6 kilos) of mushrooms has increased to K5,500 from K3,000. Growers in the area usually cultivate mushrooms on a small scale every season. They mainly distribute their products to Natmauk, Nyaung U, Chauk, Yenangyaung and Taungtha townships.—SS/Union Daily Philippines invites Myanmar to ITALIA I.carry MY. outMYANMAR paddy joint venture BUSINESS B. C. THE Philippines-based agriculture Myanmar citizens through a conCOUNCIL company SLAC has invited local tract system. The company plans Myanmar agribusiness operators to export their product to its native to enter a joint venture in paddy country which currently faces aggrowing. riculture losses because of climate Currently, trial plantings of change. The new strains can better two different strains of high yield- survive in bad weather and yield ing paddy are being carried out in 30 per cent more than other strains. Dagon in Yangon by the Filipino Myanmar enjoys fertile land that company. makes it suitable for growing padThe company attempted to dy nation-wide. This is one of the form a strong business relation- given reasons for SLAC to make ship by way of a joint venture with efforts to cooperate with local busi- Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: nesspeople. The amount of rice exported by Myanmar is also expected to rise in the future if the JV project is successful. The demand for Myanmar rice in Europe has risen this year. Myanmar exported about 1.8 million tonnes of rice, including 400,000 tonnes of broken rice, over the 2014-2015 fiscal year, up from 1.27 million over the 2013-2014 FY and 1.46 million over the FY 2012-2013.—PPN/Union Daily travel sit the Singagiveahance lucky Travel e than e and Airon and weekly ay and 16 - 22 MAY 2016 Industrial Zones development co-operation committee formed AN industrial zones development co-operation committee has been formed under the guidance of the Federation of Industrial Manufactures (FIM) with a view to co-ordinating and aidding co-operation between and among industrial supervisory committees to find solutions to common problems. The industrial zones development cooperation committee includes a chairman and seven joint chairmen, four secretaries and 52 members from 29 industrial zones of Yangon Region. Small and medium sized enterprises are in the majority in Yangon industrial zones. The industrial zones are faced with difficulties relating to infrastructure. The committee has been formed to fulfill the needs of the industrial zones and to effectuate the economic development of the entrepreneurs of the zones, said U Aung Thein, the vice chairman of FIM. The committee needs to make efforts for the required laws and policies to be formulated. It will report on the difficulties of SMEs to responsible persons. It will conduct to build the new industrial zones. It will also have to upgrade the zones to meet international industrial zones standards. The industrial development committee will have to submit reports to the ministry concerned and the regional government in a timely manner.—PTK/Union Daily Electric Power & Energy Ministry to buy more than 5,300 transformers ITALIA I. for MY. electrification plan MYANMAR THE Ministry of BUSINESS Electric the World Bank to buy 5,370 Power and Energy COUNCIL will buy transformers to in order to supmore than 5,300 transformers ply power to villages located through the international com- within 2 miles of the national petitive bidding system as part grid. of its electrification plan for ruOfficials of the minisral areas. try held talks in Nay Pyi Taw The ministry has revealed yesterday with local compathat it will spend some of nies which produce and import the US300 million loan from transformers, clarifying the B. C. Corso Re Umberto, 8 10121 – Torino ITALY phone: +39 011 506 1611 e-mail: [email protected] site: bidding system. Officials of the ministry reiterated that the World Bank would assist local companies in producing the transformers through its loans granted to Myanmar in order for the local producers to find both domestic and international markets.— Myanmar News Agency