1Q11 Conference Call Presentation
1Q11 Conference Call Presentation
Conference Call • 1Q11 (Only in Portuguese) Agenda Key Figures Page 3 Foreign Currency Funding Page 13 Financial System Ranking Page 4 Liquidity Page 14 Distribution Page 5 Asset Management Page 15 Loan Portfolio Page 6 Quality of Loan Portfolio Page 16 Middle Market Portfolio Page 8 Efficiency Ratio Page 20 Daycred - Payroll Page 9 Capital Structure Page 21 Daycred – Auto Loans Page 10 Profitability Page 22 Funding Page 11 1Q11 Highlights Page 24 Total Deposits Page 12 2 Key Figures 1Q11 Total Assets R$ 9,787.1 million Expanded Loan Credit Portfolio R$ 6,596.2 million Funding R$ 5,915.7 million Shareholders’ Equity R$ 1,791.2 million Net Income R$ 43.5 million Basel Index 18.0% 1Q11 Average past 12 months ROAE 10.1% 15.1% ROAA 1.8% 2.9% NIM-A (*) 9.0% 11.3% Efficiency Ratio 37.6% 26.9% (*) New methodology excluding repurchase agreements – tri-party repos outstanding 3 Financial System Ranking Ranking Daycoval Ranking Daycoval (*) Private National Banks Net Income 12º Shareholders’ Equity 16º Total Deposits 22º Total Assets 25º Source: Brazil Central Bank – December 2010 Rating Global Scale Global Scale Long Term BB Long Term BB Short Term B Short Term B National Scale National Scale Long Term brAA- Long Term A+ (bra) Short Term brA‐1 Short Term F1 (bra) Positive Stable December 2010 May 2011 Low Risk – Mid-Term Index 11.40 General Rank: Março/10 8 July 2010 4 Distribution: More than 100 points os Sale 31 Branches SÃO PAULO – SP HD Av. Paulista SP - ALPHAVILLE SP - BOM RETIRO SP - BRÁS SP - CAMPINAS SP - FARIA LIMA SP - GUARULHOS SP - RIBEIRÃO PRETO SP - SÃO BERNARDO SP - SOROCABA SP - UBERLÂNDIA IFP Promotora de Serviços de Intermediação Financeira Ltda, is a financial intermediation company created to promote operations for individuals. It has 57 stores in operation throughout Brazil. ES - VITÓRIA MG - BELO HORIZONTE RJ - RIO DE JANEIRO PR - LONDRINA PR - CURITIBA RS - CAXIAS DO SUL RS - PORTO ALEGRE SC - FLORIANÓPOLIS AL - MACEIÓ BA - SALVADOR CE - FORTALEZA PE - BOA VIAGEM PE - RECIFE RN - NATAL SE- ARACAJU DF - BRASÍLIA MS - CAMPO GRANDE MT - CUIABÁ AM - MANAUS PA - BELÉM 11 Daypag Offices in major cities of São Paulo State: Osasco, Barueri, Guarulhos, Americana, Atibaia, Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, Mogi Guaçu e Detran São Paulo 4 exchang in São Paulo and correspondent foreign exchange desks distributed strategically in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro 5 Loan Portfolio: growth higher than the market average Loan Portfolio – R$ Million 1Q11 4Q10 Chg. % 3,564.1 3,380.6 5.4% 375.8 332.5 13.0% Total Portfolio Middle Market 3,939.9 3,713.1 6.1% Payroll Loans 1,486.1 1,308.4 13.6% 559.1 545.9 2.4% 5,985.2 5,567.4 7.5% Mi ddl e Ma rket Tra de Fi na nce Auto Loans / DCC / Other Total Loan Portfolio Expanded Loan Portfolio – R$ Million 1Q11 4Q10 Chg. % 3,564.1 3,380.6 5.4% Tra de Fi na nce 375.8 332.5 13.0% Ava l s a nd Sureti es Gra nted 247.7 249.4 -0.7% 214.7 214.3 0.2% 4,402.3 4,176.8 5.4% 1,486.1 1,308.4 13.6% 130.7 167.9 -22.2% 1,616.8 1,476.3 9.5% 513.9 503.3 2.1% 18.0 23.5 -23.4% 531.9 526.8 1.0% 45.2 42.6 6.1% 6,596.2 6,222.5 6.0% Mi ddl e Ma rket / Other Recei va bl es purcha s e Total Portfolio Middle Market Pa yrol l Loa ns Pa yrol l Loa ns Portfol i o As s i gnments Total Payroll Loans Auto Loa ns Auto Loa ns Portfol i o As s i gnments Total Auto Loans Direct Credit to Consumers (DCC) Total Expanded Loan Portfolio 6 Expanded Credit Portfolio: strong growth of 52.9% over the past 12 months Loan Portfolio – R$ Million 52.9% 6.0% 6,222 4,845 4,314 80 104 4,210 4,765 1Q10 2Q10 Loan Portfolio Breakdown Loan Portfolio 8.5% (*) 4Q10 0.7% Middle Market Payroll Loans 23.7% 67.1% Auto Loans DCC 6,596 149 5,546 191 5,485 6,031 6,447 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 61 Credit Assignments Breakdown Loan Portfolio (*) 1Q11 8.1% 0.7% Middle Market Payroll Loans 24.5% 66.7% Auto Loans DCC (*)Includes Credit Assignments, sureties and avals granted and the purchase of credit reghts 7 Middle Market: strong increase of 70.1% over the past 12 months, currently representing 66.7% of the total portfolio Middle Market Portfolio – R$ Million 4,177 3,627 3,055 2,587 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 Guarantees Breakdown – 1Q11 9.9% R$ 2,176.2 R$ 1,098.1 R$ 375.8 R$ 289.8 R$ 247.7 R$ 214.7 R$ 4,402.3 49.4% 24.9% 8.5% 6.6% 5.7% 4.9% 100.0% Geographic Distribution – 1Q11 Receivables Vehicles / Real Estate 12.2% Agricultural Products 14.8% Working Capital Guaranteed Account Trade Finance BNDES Avals and Sureties Receivables Purchase TOTAL Sectors Breakdown – 1Q11 5.6% 6.2% Breakdown Portfolio Middle Market 1Q11 (million) 4,402 51.3% Financial Investments Equipments / Foreign goods 6% 17% 42% 35% Industry 6% Services 15% Commerce Other 9% Southeast South 58% 12% Northeast Mid-West North Other 8 Daycred Payroll: INSS and Army continue to drive growth Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ Million Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ 1,617 mn – 1Q11 - % 1,617 1,383 1,476 4.6% 2.8% 0.4% Army 8.2% 1,238 1,126 38.1% 12.1% 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Other 1Q11 (*) Includes credit assignments in all of the quarters (R$ 130.7million in 1Q11) Private Total Origination – R$ 419 mn – 1Q11- % Total Origination – R$ Million 416 386 419 8.8% 0.2% 3.0% 36.3% 215 41.4% 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 INSS Army 10.3% 301 1Q10 State Government Law Courts and Legislative Bodies Municipalities 33.8% 1Q10 INSS State Government Law Courts and Legislative Bodies Municipalities Private + Other 9 Daycred Auto Loans: maintenance of production Total Loan Portfolio (*) – R$ Million Total Origination – R$ Million 76 575 524 501 527 59 532 28 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 1Q10 72 37 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 (*) Includes credit assignments in all of the quarters (R$ 18.0million in 1Q11) Liquidity of Auto Loans Portfolio 1Q11 – R$ Million Liquidity Receiving Paid Past due more than 90 days Origination Last 12 months (*) Ratio Liquidity Total Loan Loan Portfolio 1,483 1,324 159 10.7% Old Loan 1,340 1,190 150 11.2% 118 113 5 4.3% New Loan Small Vehicles 25.7% 74.3% Heavy-duty Vehicles (*) We have not financed motorcycles since October 2009 10 Funding: strong growth of 12.9% during the quarter Funding (R$ mn) 1Q11 4Q10 3,422.4 3,193.9 7.2% 230.0 204.2 12.6% 2,935.4 2,790.8 5.2% 257.0 198.9 n.a. Borrowing and Onlending 1,411.4 1,379.7 2.3% Foreign Issuances 1,074.6 664.3 61.8% 7.3 3.2 220.0% 5,915.7 5,241.1 12.9% Total Deposits Demand Deposits + Other Deposits Time Deposits Interbank Deposits Banknotes Total Chg. % Funding – R$ Million 37.2% 4,310 21% 4,842 15% 28% 12.9% 5.175 5,241 12% 13% 25% 26% 5,916 18% 24% 21% 58% 1Q10 57% 2Q10 63% 3Q10 Foreign Issuances 61% 58% 4Q10 1Q11 Borrowing and Onlending Total Deposits 11 Total Deposits: growth of 36.6% over the past 12 months Total Deposits - R$ Million 3,248 2,775 2,506 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 Total Deposits Breakdown – 4Q10 6.3% Corporates + Demand Deposits Individuals 7.7% 39.5% 26.5% 3,422 3,194 4Q10 1Q11 Total Deposits Breakdown – 1Q11 4.7% Investment Funds 27.0% Institutional 20.0% Financial Institutions + Interbank Deposits Corporates + Demand Deposits Individuals 7.7% 41.8% Investment Funds Institutional 18.8% Financial Institutions + Interbank Deposits 12 Foreign Currency Funding: Without any relevant maturities in the upcoming months Foreign Issuances and Borrowing and Onlending - R$ Million 2,066.9 1,804.5 2,044.0 1,925.8 2,486.0 57% 50% 66% 50% 34% 1Q10 Eurobond International Finance Corporation (IFC) Syndicated Loan (IFC) Eurobond Syndicated Loan (IIC) Eurobond 66% 68% 34% 32% 2Q10 3Q10 Borrowing and Onlending Date of Transaction Maturity Amount (US$ mn) July/2008 July/2011 100 December/2007 January/13 (due of last tranche) 115 June/2010 June/14 (due of last tranche) 165 March/2010 March/2015 300 November/2010 November/15 (due of last tranche) 112.5 January/2011 January/2016 300 43% 4Q10 1Q11 Foreign Issuances Eurobond held in January /2011 Issuer Banco Daycoval S.A. Issuer Rating (S&P) BB Positive / (Fitch) BB Stable Issue Denominations US$ 300 million Term January 2016 (5 years) Ranking Status Euro Medium Term Note Programme Yield 6,37% p.a Coupon 6,25% p.a Interest Semi- annual (30/360) Listing Irish Stock Exchange Joint Bookrunners Co-Manager 13 Liquidity: positive gap of 182 days between the duration of the credit and funding operations Outstanding Operations (Loan Portfolio) 1Q11 - % Outstanding Operations (Funding) 1Q11 - % 1.0% 0.9% 7.7% 25.2% 33.4% Maturity of 65.7% over the next 12 months 25.7% 32.3% Up to 3 months From 1 to 3 years Over 5 years Average Term of Loan Portfolio: 410 days From 3 to 12 months From 3 to 5 years 26.3% 3.9% 15.2% 28.4% No maturity From 3 to 12 months From 3 to 5 years Maturity of 47.5% over the next 12 months Up to 3 months From 1 to 3 years Over 5 years Average Term of Funding Portfolio: 592 days 14 Daycoval Asset Management Daycoval Asset Management offers a variety of investment funds and differentiated products such as portfolio administration. At the present time we have eight open funds and twelve closed funds. Asset ended March 2011 with a total of funds generated and/or administered of R$ 1,182.1 million. Year Assets Under ManagementR$ Million 10.63% 100.29% 166.13 Daycoval Multifunds % CDI 10.02% 96.21% 13.96 Parnamirim % CDI 10.81% 103.84% 360.99 Oasis % CDI 2.70% 102.40% Profitability Funds Daycoval Renda Fixa % CDI Assets Under Management – R$ Million 1,158 1,182 Multifunds 69.4 Stocks Daycoval Target % Ibovespa 643 36 91 138 241 238 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1Q11 0,18% -2,36% 27.21 15 Quality of Loan Portfolio (*): constitution of the Provision is at appropriate levels Total Provisions – 1Q11 Total Loan Portfolio (excludes FIDCs) Portfolio R$ MM 1Q11 Provision R$ mn % Total Provision / Loan (%) Middle Market 3,939.9 65.7% 113.1 2.9% Payroll 1,486.2 24.8% 33.2 2.2% Auto Loans 377.3 6.3% 28.6 7.6% DCC Retailers + Other 45.2 0.8% 2.9 6.4% 5,848.6 97.6% 177.8 3.0% 148.6 2.4% 0.9 0.6% 5,997.2 100.0% 178.7 3.0% Subtotal Credit Assignments Total Total Provision / Loan Porfolio 1Q11 4.5% 3.4% 1Q10 2Q10 3.2% 3.1% 3.0% 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 (*) Unconsolidated 16 Quality of Loan Portfolio (*) Establishment of Provision - R$ mn 1Q10 Middle Market + Trade Finance Payroll Auto Loans Direct Credit to Consumers Total 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 17.2 12.2 37.1 14.2 24.5 7.1 7.5 8.6 7.9 9.8 12.8 9.1 5.8 4.8 7.0 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.3 37.8 29.5 52.1 27.8 42.6 Balance and Establishment of Provision - R$ Million 176 38 1Q10 153 30 2Q10 Balance of Provision 160 52 3Q10 170 178 43 28 4Q10 1Q11 Establishment of Provision (*) Unconsolidated 17 Quality of Loan Portfolio (*) LLP / Past due operations > 60 days LLP / Past due operations > 14 days 172% 102 1Q10 168% 91 2Q10 184% 201% 87 85 3Q10 4Q10 LLP / Past due operations (%) 191% 93 1Q11 Past due operations 310% 310% 255% 270% 255% 69 60 52 63 57 1Q10 3Q10 4Q10 4Q10 1Q11 LLP / Past due operations (%) Past due operations (*) Unconsolidated 18 Quality of Loan Portfolio (*) the coverage level of the PDD balance represents 111.4% of the E-H portfolio Loan E-H - R$ mn 3 1Q10 T 4Q10 1Q11 (%) Loan Middle Market + Trade Finance 95.0 95.2 94.1 2.4 Payroll 22.5 30.0 29.5 2.0 Auto 63.1 33.4 32.7 8.7 DCC 2.1 2.7 3.3 7.3 182.7 161.3 159.6 2.7% Total Write-offs - R$ mn 1Q10 4Q10 1Q11 (%) Loan Middle Market + Trade Finance (32.3) (3.0) (17.8) 0.5 Retail (32.8) (14.9) (16.8) 0.9 Total (65.1) (17.9) (34.6) 0.6 Recovered Loans - R$ mn 1Q10 4Q10 1Q11 (%) Loan Middle Market + Trade Finance 3.3 1.6 1.2 0.0 Retail 2.8 4.6 3.2 0.2 Total 6.1 6.2 4.4 0.1 (*) Unconsolidated 19 Efficiency Ratio: Non-recurring events led to an increase in the ratio, but should return to the previous levels during the next few periods 1Q11 4Q10 Chg. % 1Q10 Chg. % Personnel Expenses (exclude IFP) (26.4) (25.5) 3.5% (21.4) 23.4% Administrative Expenses (exclude IFP) (27.0) (25.0) 8.0% (17.1) 57.9% Subtotal Expenses (exclude IFP) (53.4) (50.5) 5.7% (38.5) 38.7% Personnel and Administrative Expenses - IFP (3.6) (3.8) -5.3% 0.0 n.a. Administrative Expenses - Foreign Issuance (2.3) - n.a. (0.3) n.a. (59.3) (54.3) 9.2% (38.8) 52.8% (9.5) (8.4) 13.1% (8.0) 18.8% (68.8) (62.7) 9.7% (46.8) 47.0% Efficiency Ratio (%) 37.6 27.8 9.8 27.3 10.3 p.p Efficiency Ratio (considering Profit Sharing) (%) 41.8 32.3 9.5 p.p 31.2 10.6 p.p Subtotal Comission Expenses (total retail) Total Efficiency Ratio % 37.6 27.3 24.1 23.8 24.2 1Q10 2Q10 Efficiency Ratio 27.8 23.2 20.4 3Q10 24.6 26.9 4Q10 1Q11 Average Past 12 months 20 Capital Structure: continuation of low leverage, with a reduction in the Basel index Shareholders’ Equity – R$ Million Basel Index % 1,777.8 1,791.2 27.2 1,735.6 1,723.6 22.3 1,668.0 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q10 1Q11 2Q10 21.2 3Q10 19.9 4Q10 18.0 1Q11 Loan Portfolio / Shareholders’ Equity - times 2.9 2.5 2.6 3.2 3.5 2.9 3.0 3Q10 4Q10 3.7 3.3 2.2 1Q10 2Q10 Loan Portfolio 1Q11 Expanded Loan Portfolio 21 Profitability: Net Income was impacted by non-recurring events during this quarter, registering a 38.6% decline compared to 4Q10 The result was impacted by the events: Net Income – R$ million 85.0 54.6 1Q10 70.9 64.2 43.5 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 -Swap DAYC4 - Mark to Market for Foreign Issue - Expenses Foreign Issue - Increase PDD 3.2 3.8 21.4 17.0 16.0 13.5 10.1 1Q10 1Q11 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 Net Interest Margin (NIM-A) (1) - % Return on Average Assets (ROAA) - % 3.3 Return on Average Equity (ROAE) - % 14.8 11.3 3.1 12.1 11.7 9.0 1.8 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q10 1Q11 (1) New 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 methodology excluding repurchase agreements – tri-party repos outstanding 22 Non-recurring events in the quarter 1Q11 Excluding non- 1Q11 recurring events Average past 12 months ROAE 10.1% 15.1% 15.1% ROAA 1.8% 2.7% 2.9% NIM-A (*) 9.0% 10.8% 11.3% Efficiency Ratio 37.6% 30.8% 26.9% Non-recurring events that impacted the results Results of the Mark-to-Market pricing of the Foreign Issue realized in January/11: negative R$ 22.0 million Result of DAYC4 Swap: negative R$ 10.7 million Expenses for the Foreign Issue realized in January/11: R$ 2.3 million (*) New methodology excluding repurchase agreements – tri-party repos outstanding 23 1Q11 Highlights Net Income of R$ 43.5 million for the quarter, influenced by the mark-to-market pricing in the derivatives market (swaps and mark to market) Return on Average Equity (ROAE) was 10.1% and Net Adjusted Financial Margin (NIM-A) (1) was 9.0% The expanded Credit Portfolio (2) rose 6.0% this quarter, ending 1Q11 at R$ 6,596.2 million, showing consistent growth over the past seven quarters Total Funding increased by 12.9% during the quarter, with a balance of R$ 5,915.7 million, highlighted the new offshore issue (Eurobond) of US$ 300 million for five years realized during the period The average maturity of funding operations is 592 days, whereas the average maturity of the assets is 410 days, presenting a positive GAP of 182 days The Basel Ratio remained at 18.0%, a reduction of 1.9 p.p. over quarter, continuing at a high level (1) New methodology excluding repurchase agreements –tri-party repos outstanding (2) Includes assignments, sureties and avals granted and Receivables purchase 24 Conference Call 1Q11 Investor Relations Phone: +55 (11) 3138.1024/1025/1039 [email protected] “This report may include estimates and forward-looking statements. These estimates and forward-looking statements are to a large extent based on current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that affect or may come to affect our business. Many important factors may adversely affect the results of Banco Daycoval as described in our estimates and forward-looking statements. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following: the Brazilian and international economic conjunctures, fiscal, foreign-exchange and monetary policies, higher competition in the middle-market segment, the ability of Banco Daycoval to obtain funding for its operations, and amendments to Central Bank regulations. The words “believe”, “may”, “could”, “seek”, “estimate”, “continued”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “expect” and other similar words have the objective of identifying estimates and projections. The considerations involving estimates and forward-looking statements include information related to results and projections, strategies, competitive positioning, the environment in the industry, growth opportunities, the effects of future regulations, and the impacts from competitors. Said estimates and projections refer only to the date on which they were expressed, and we do not assume any obligation to publicly update or revise any of these estimates arising from the occurrence of new information, future events, or any other factors. In view of the risks and uncertainties described above, the estimates and forward-looking statements contained herein may not materialize. Given these limitations, shareholders and investors should not make any decisions based on the estimates, projections and forward-looking statements contained in this report”. 25