, , ";'T' KON No:·~DN. 0067/8' ----:----':---~,~D=,==)=,============= • ...> ELUARAN APRIL 1981 t , Muka o Nan berja)'O 3 Fast fish, slow fish, Zip I i Zip ~•. cZip x1ued fish, active fish In an aquarium Sl ~ 4 Hobi terkenal Bernama 5 Potpourri ~ ill 1 ~ r- ' 7 Talking point 8 A successfu I surgery 9 Wan ita chantek 10 Tahnioh I 01 rH • enanh II A souvenir frol1lJ.Lowas .... 13 Crossi ng the roo~r 14 Bernama Puzzle 15 ,.. I, Semutolk r ..j: C . I / I ., n "id 100'1 Pengarang: Mohd! Jamil Abdurlah Penolong kepoda 'Pehgarang: Richard Theon , Sobrey J',\ofor Pemberita Bulan ini: Ahmat Wahab Penyeloras: Norijah Mohd. Noor Jt • .W .oV~ • ' 1 ....v BERJA YA S iapa sangka cuba pertamo kal i boleh menang. Dirinya pun tidak menduga demikian. Itulah ceritaAdanan Haji Hassan atau lebih dikenali dengan nama timangan NAN. IINan saja-saja mosuk nak try . .•. tap; AlhamudulillElh menang walaupun dapot tempat ketiga, II katanya • Nan telah menyertai pertandingan gambar foto warne mengenai kesihaton alam sekitar anjuran bersama PersatuanWartowan Bahagian Pertamo Sarowak dan Kelab Lion Kuching don muncul sebagai pemenang ketigo. Sebagai hadiah Nan menerimo cek tunai $100 serto sijil dari Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sarawak Datuk Amar Sim Kheng Hong d upacaro perosmian pomeran gambar foto-foto terse but peda Mac 21 •. Gombar fotonya yang menang bertojuk IIUgly side of Sarowak River ll }lOng memaparkan kekotoran di tebing sungoi itu. Seminggu sebelum tarikh tutup Non mencari ilham - ke ulu ke hilir membowa kameranya. Nampak saja kekotoran Non akan petik kamero. $60 lesap untuk beli filem don mencetaknya. IINan tidak kesal keluarkan wang asalkan Nan puashati dapot perluaskan pengo loman dan kemahiran ll , tambahnya dengan senyum lebar. Semoga kejoyoonnyo, kal i ini okan mendorong Nan bergict lebih gigih lagi. Nan sekarang lebih confident apatah lagi bolch bergerak bebes kerono sudah mileki sebuah motosikal Suzuki FR 80 untuk bertugos. Untuk membowa Mak We pun senang . Topi Nan tidak minot itu semua. Dia lebih minot untuk bermesra dengon kamera dan lensa-Iensanya serto membaca majalah-majalah fotografi untuk menombahkan pengalaman dan pengetohuannya. Kalau Nan ada orang di Kuala Lumpur atau di kampungnya di Bota Kanan, tak perlu bimbang. Non boik arongny.:. , 2 Nan masuk Bernama dalam bulan Januari tohun la'u dan ditukarkan ke Kuching dalam September. Dia berminat dalam bidang fotografi sejak di bangku sekolah lagi. Kerana minatnya, Nan berkorban masa dan wang ringgit untuk mengikuti kursus senifoto selama tiga bulan. Selepos itu Nan dapot kerja sebagoi jurugambar di UKM Bangi selama duo bulan sebelum menyertai Bernama. Mengenai tugasnyo di Kuching, Nan memberitohu io tidak okan dapot melupokan pengalamonnyo melowot beberopo buoh rumoh panjang di LubokAntu, di Baoogion Kedua Sarawak semosa baru tiba di Kuching. "Nan terketar-ketar kerana dipelawQ nyirup (minum) tuak •.•.•••• bukan takut mabuk tapi tokut gombar kabur do:'! tokut dimarahi oleh Ketua Jurufoto". "Kerona tugas Nan terpoksa .menolak. Bi 10 tengah molam Nan bE'lrundur k::; sebuah bilek dan tengah syok tindok (tidur) seorang gadis tban yang memong sudah "nundik" (memerhati gerak geri Nan) lolu menarik koki Nan • ICii'l<:l . ' Nan kecut .....•. Iolu gneli anak Iowa (gadisitu) membisik lIanang.silu-sUu aram meh kite bergogoi laban nuon temuoi eng90u koban boru kamP' (jangon molu malu morilah menori hingga pagi kerana Nan tetomu dan member baru) • . .. .. Syok syok menari godis itu lori sombil berkato "nama lban tok mencal omot suoh enggou sokit tusu kito di pegainya ". Kerona keletihan Nan terus tindok di berandoh. --- Ahmot Wahab. ** ********* **.,,** It takes less time to do a thing right than to explain why you did it wrong. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 3 FAST FISH, 'SLOW FISH, SUBDUED FISH, ACTIVE FISH INAN AQUARIUM IIWe're on display again, II a sub whispered as a batch of visitors sauntered into the BERNAWA office. An admin chap, roped in as tour-guide, was sheepishly bringing up the rear. The visitors eyed the staff with the vacant looks they would give to furnitures. But no matter, one staffer felt compelled to rise to his full height and return the savour. Another staffer, called upon to explain the complicated workings of the rrochines under his care, sprung with the alacrity of a windmill come to life at a gust of wind • The fact thc:it the visitors kepi' stealing glances away from the machines h; the staffers sittirig on t~eir.outts did not daunt the old windmill. \f"'. i~ A subdued one, his nose stuck in his typewriter keys, sighed: III feel like being on the wro.ng side of an aquarium glass. II .. . I I .' ********~*********** ZIP '. ZIP '. ZIP '. Kadangkala kita dapoti begitu sukar untuk m·~norik zip baju atau pun kusyen. Sebelum berlakukerosakan adalah boik anda menggunakan sebatang Iilin untuk digosokkan poda zip tadi. Hasilnya akan memuaskan hati dimana zip tadi boleh pulih seperti sediakala. NA ****************** oJ· •• ; •• 4 HOBI TERKENAL BERNAtv\A Memancing ikon merupakan hobi yang paling digemari dan beberapa member di BERNAtv\A . te*~!'\Ctlcifkalangan .. Hobi ini berputik apobila Bong Ekram berhijrah ke Kuala L~mpursebagai wakil ANTARA di sini. Sebelum ini pun telah ada segelintir rakan~akan yang berminat ke atah itu, tetapi tidaklah sehebat sekarang. , . ..; i. ..:. Dahulu peminat-peminat memancing di sungai-sungai,lorri~g,~~~cimpangan tetopi sekarang telah menjelajahi datar lauton pu~a~~h ju~'ahp,fhlnattelah bertambah dad beberapo orang kepoda hampir satu dozen,•.' . Memancing dilaut tidak menjadi kesulitan dengan adanya perhubungcn dengan nelcyan tempatan di Sungal Buloh/Kuala Selangor untuk mendapatkon bor dengan mudah. Yang menjadi masalah ialah 'untuk menentukan keadaan yang sesuai. Yang dikehendaki ialah air yang tenang dan tidak bergelora. Ini tidak saja menentukan ikan ban,yak tetapi akan menjamin tiada yang akan muntoh di lout. Keadaan lout seperti ini terdapot pada 7 hingga 12 haribulan dan 18 hingga 24 haribulan mengikut kiraan bulan Islam. Kalau doh jadi hantu memancing, bekalan dibawa lupo nak maken. Tapi bukan semua yang pargi dapot tangkap jumlah ikon yang salT',o. Yang bernasib baik dapot tak putus-putus, yang lain dapatlah tiga empat ekor sepanjong malam. (lni entah nasib atau skill.) Sekiranya ada yang hendak menjadi ahli tak berdafter, hubungiloh Bong Ekram otau Baba Kuah. Mereka boleh terangkan ~pa ikan yang hendak dipancing, berapa basar dan apakah syoknyo. -- F. Rod. . ***************** 5 POTPOURRI 1 Dictionary-Defying Definitions Lipstick-"':'- a cigarette Promotion -- a free ride . A ppoi ntment (job) -- see 'promotion 1 Neurotic -- a person who builds castles in the air Psychotic -- the person who thinks he lives in the castle Blocked -- ah ••• ah ... ah •.. ah .. ,ah ". ah ", •• Acting -- when the cat is away Advice ~- .vice added talk (V T) photo Coption -- see 1 Berndmd Story I Bernamo Story -- when elll else fail, use this Semutalk -- small talk Kerengga Talk -- an imitation of 'Semutalk ' Berite Bernamo -- a publication which says little about Bernama and contains even less berita. . r "I ' ****************** J. Wife: You drink too much ~ Husband: Yeah, I know', But it helps me to forget my problem '. Wife: What's your problem? Husband: I drink too much I, ****xk************ 6 Chairman: The answer is INo l,', now tetls hear the suggestion, Kerengga I Is he always so negative? Kerengga II : Positively'. ******************* Spotted: Written in a piece of paper clipped to a telephone receiver on the subis desk: SUDAH 51 POL ~ disebabkan overused oleh anisir anisir cakop banyak '.,.,. *~**************** From a defence ministry statement on the new titles for the chiefs of stoff, .•• Ketua Setaf Perisikan Tentera (Chief of Military Intelligent Staff) ******************* You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself, -- English Proverb ********************* 7 TALKING POINT - By Govind I spy with my Iittle eye, and what do I see. A new car here, a new car there, new cars everywhere. Many of our staff are buying cars or trading in their existing cars for new ones. It is no surprise because the staff enjoy the benefit of cor loans, as provided for under the ceR, Price of fuel oil? Who cares about the price of fuel oil' It is definitely not going to come down, You cannot, and positively will not, wait for it to come down. Or even think of it ever coming down. So, here goes. VROOOOOOM I, ***************** A visitor to the sub's wing of the building enquired: got no aircond-<:lh? Answered smart alec: got air-eonked '. ****************** I much prefer a man who is unconsciously stuffy to a man who is consciously not stuffy. ****************** There1s not much to be said about the period except that most writers don't reach it soon enough --- William Zinsser ******************* Better to trust the man wh 0 is frequently in error thon the one who is never in doubt. --- Eric Sevareid ******************* 8 A SUCCESSFUL SURGERY • n A team of surgeons had just completed a successful operation to remove a tumor from their patient, and signs of relief and satisfaction were written on every face except tha t of a nurse. "What is the matter with you?" asked the Chief Surgeon. happy with the result of the operation? II IIAren't you The nurse replied: III have been counting the scissors •..••and we are shor!' ) of one pair." p ****~~*********** >.' ." How happy • IS L -. '. f I he born and taught that serveth not another's will whose armour is his honelt thought and simple truth his utmost skill whose passions not his masters are whose soul is still prepared for death untied unto the world by care of public fame or private breath the man is free from servile bands of hope to rise or fear to fall lord of himself though not of lands and having nothing yet hath a II - Deys ***"************ 9 WANITA CHANTEK Anjang, seorang pemuda yang kurus, kering, bujang telajok telah terperonjot sekali bila dia disapo oleh seorong wonita yong cantik jelita. "Soya gembira sekali dopat berkenalan dengon oOOa" koto wonita itu sambi! menggenggamkan k:ngon Anjang dengan erat sekali ". Mari ikut ke rumah soya, " katonya lagi. Sepanjang lalan, mereka berbual, ramah dan mesra sekali. somper di rumoh, Anjang dipersilakan duduk. Dia dihidangkan dengan minuman segar da,1 kuih-kuih yong enol<. Wanita itu kemudian menghilangkan diri don muncul semula dengon pokaian yang memberahikon. Aniang kemudian dipelawa ma$uk ke bilik tidur dan disuruh menanggalkan pakaianrlyo. Anjang menurut; soja. Dalam kepalanyo sudah depot digambarkan apa yang akan berlaku lagi siilterusnya. Sementara itu wanita tad, keluar sebentar dan kemudian muncul semula dengon onaknya • IlLihat '. Begitulah rupa mu nanti jiko kamu tidok mohu makan II koto Wanita itu, telunjuknyo diarahkan kepada Anjong. **************** TAHNIAH Kepada Saudara Bakar Yusof yang akan menaiki pelomin pada 5 April ini bersama Jamilah Hi. Abel. Rahman. Persandingan akan diodokon di Kampang Pedah, Jerantut. Kepada mereka berdua didoakan bohagia sepanjang masa. ***************** 10 MENANTI Malam yang indah '( ~ 0' kekosongon bqg' aku Pengharapon yo,.., , T Jibed bagaikan dedei?u yang berterbangon Ape yang dihal'op peda kekumin yang halus itu ? odakah ia dotang dan pergi begi\-u saja ber~i~:.\ung d irimbunan dedaun aku I entoh rnengape kemarou me,anda aku kesepian kemba Ii Adakah aku menoMi paaa yang tiada ? •• ;,. C" ..., - NA , I 0'Tl an insect bu. you are a pest I, • II A SOUVENIR FROM LAWAS Lawas, a riverine town at the eastern tip of Sarawak was 2! hours away by speedboat from Limbang, the administrative centre of the fifth division. A large crowd grinned gleefully as the boot pulled over at the jetty. They were waiting for the boat to make a return trip to Limbang. IIln Lawas (0 town of seven rows of shophouses) you cannot afford not to know each other, II according Information Officer who happened to share the same name with me. He was exchanging greetings wah almost everybody as he WQlked me to a hotel (on top of a coffee shop) where I checked in. After freshening myself, f shuffled my feet down the streets, looking for 0 place to eat. When I finally found one it enliven me to notice three familiar faces. Like me, Information Officer Paulus Nimbang and RTM crew members was Abdillah and Ganifah Sidup from Limbang Station were hogging a State Minister who was on a two-doy visit there. Fate hod its way. A Stote Minister visit in Sorawak is always ended up with a soccer friendly among those who were involved (in one way or another) with the visit. I was playing alongside several of the top notch State Officers, some of whom were kaki bongku. The Minister wa~ with the opponent team. Hardly the game a few minutes old, I hod to be helped from the outside. I had a gash on my right foot during a scramble for a boll. Blood was ozzing out. Johny Agong, a senior clerk in Lawas, the name is still fresh in my mind. It was his boots which landed heavily on my right foot. 12 I was rushed to the nearby hospital in a JKR land rover where I was given out-patient treatment. After this I had to watch the game from the bench. The injury, was reason enough for me not to forget the sleepy Lawas for years to come. What a way to make a comeback after a year layoff from the game. - I . The next day.l shelved the idea of going to Bandar Seri Begawan a day earl ier before the Malaysia Cup Soccer tie betw~~n Perak and Brunei. I r , with a limp' My right foot was swollen and I had to walk / to lessen the pain. I could not put on the shoes - thanks to the slippers - compliments from the hotel. So, I went back to Limbah9. Roslan Narawi, Limbang Station, met me at the wharf. 0 broadcaster with RTM I headed for BSB the next day by speedboat. So tired I was that I dozed off soon after checking in. ~ I woke up only to realise that the Perak Malaysia Cup team who were staying at the same hostel with me, had left for the stadium. I missed a free ride . ~ I hurriedly took a taxi. But the traffic snarl forced me to abandon the taxi and made my way f~r the other quarter of a mile on foot (in pain). I arrived at the stadjum on the dot. But I missed five minutes before I found the Radio Televis"hen Brunei commentators' booth with the h~lp of Brunei Fa Officials • -- Mustapha Albakri Baharom l' I ***************** 13 , I I Carotan Ahmat AS _~ Wahab/Kuching . " -\ ... Soya amat simpati dengan Saudara Mus. Tapi apa boleh buat. ••• dah tugas. Saudara Mus ditugaskan membuat rei ief duty di Miri sejak pertengahan -bulan Feb. PaCla asalnya, tempoh tugasnya di sana cuma selama sabulan tetapi oleh kerana Petugas tetap Saudara Tuah Jais dipanggil balik dari cutinya untuk pergi ke Kota Kinabalu, Saudara Mus terpaksa tinggal di Miri sehingga akhir bulan Mac. Syabas orang muda, sanggup tinggalkan keluargajkekasih dan kampung halaman untuk bertugQs. ****-11'1,*-1<******** "w CROSS ING THE ROAD A worried mother reminded her son, who was going to school alone for the first time, : "Remember, look left and right. Make sure that the car has passed you 1, , before crossing the road." • The obedient son. left the, house but returned two hours later. '1 • "Aren't you too early to be back from scnool?1I she asked. "No mother, " replied the boy. III have been waiting to cross the road but not a single car has passed by yet. II ******************** " .B'ern am a P U Z 7,.1 e 14 ACROSS ,. Japane se cars are said to be so 6. The year 1968 has particu lar signifi cance to BERNAN\A. 9. My favour ite relatio n. 10. A famous war;' South Africa . \I. They were the auxi Ilary pol ice during the emerg ency. 13. Office r-in-ch orGe 15. Birdie - Num - Num 16. I 'or necess arily on the pitch. 18. One geh '.;"'. a popula r man ., f.fonf; when one is caugh t napp., ,:; . 20. To die before (someo go \'tnd • ro dlZ ,. DOWN : 2. Not necess arily a superl ative of custom . 3. Popula rity ebbed with the incept ion of kilome lres 4. With or withou t l'AB", it is s ti 11 sore 5. An interje ction but otherw ise a popula r surnam e for the C.::.e se. 7. Up, Up and away. 8 . Court procee d i ngs . 12. Money in BC . 14. In Melak a this act conno tes affect ion 17. Entert ain lavishl y 19. Defini tely not down. ''';j' 15 t ..... 1 ... ~ ·l\OD~1 -. . "'~ Y'Wll. cMJ Co .. ' " ~a~L,4(~ I<Ad"iJIl" ,. "TV (( ) ( 1<- Je. tit ::J .~~..fJ-'~~ .,.[. .~#\ ~.,. . ·t:ltptt 1a~i . '" TON (j .. ' LM! SAMPA ! be'~"II4~ ... .. ~ ~ ~kt" "ra'j l,ol~~ / -'. - ........ .. ~ 14~. ."tea. ! .;- . . . !~ ". " Dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh BERNA"./IA, Bongunon MCOBA, 42, Jolon Syed Putra, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.