DOCUMENT NUMBER: REV.: CIRA-CF-15-0387 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT NATURA DOCUMENTO RISTRETTO ARCHIVIO PROJECT PROGETTO JOB COMMESSA TASK SHS PROGRESSIVO DI ARCHIVIO /CIRA/PRST 1 0021 NO. OF PAGES DELIVERABLE 3+22 TITLE SHS-UHTC Coated SiC. Technical specification for the UHTC coating deposition on CMC and metallic substrates. PREPARED PREPARATO REVISED VERIFICATO APPROVED APPROVATO AUTHORIZED AUTORIZZATO Gardi Roberto (INSS) Gardi Roberto (INSS) Gardi Roberto (INSS) Marino Giuliano (INTS) DATE/DATA DATE/DATA 10/06/2015 10/06/2015 DATE/DATA 10/06/2015 DATE/DATA 10/06/2015 BY THE TERMS OF THE LAW IN FORCE ON COPYRIGHT, THE REPRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT WITHOUT SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN A NORMA DELLE VIGENTI LEGGI SUI DIRITTI DI AUTORE QUESTO DOCUMENTO E' DI PROPRIETA' CIRA E NON POTRA' ESSERE UTILIZZATO, RIPRODOTTO O COMUNICATO A TERZI SENZA AUTORIZZAZIONE I DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.: 1 TITLE: SHS-UHTC Coated SiC. Technical specification for the UHTC coating deposition on CMC and metallic substrates. ABSTRACT: This document contains the specification for the procurement of the metallic samples and for the posizion o the HUTC coating on different substrates. AUTHORS: Gardi Roberto APPROVAL REVIEWERS: Gardi Roberto APPROVER Gardi Roberto AUTHORIZATION REVIEWERS: Marino Giuliano;Del Vecchio Antonio AUTHORIZER Marino Giuliano II DOCUMENT NUMBER: REV.: CIRA-CF-15-0387 1 DISTRIBUTION RECORD: DEPT NAME INSS Richiello Camillo SPAZ Cantoni Stefania * DEPT NAME * * PT = PARTIAL A = ALL III DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.:1 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. 10/06/2015 Page 1 of 22 Project SHS REVISION LIST REV DESCRIPTION DATE EDITOR 0 First release 16/04/15 R.Gardi 1 Updated schedule and authorization plan. 10/06/15 R.Gardi Page 1/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 2 of 22 Project SHS INDEX REVISION LIST..................................................................................................................................1 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Applicability..........................................................................................................................3 1.3 Documents.............................................................................................................................3 1.3.1 Applicable documents....................................................................................................3 1.4 Abbreviations and acronyms .................................................................................................4 2. Aim of the activity .......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Phases of the activity.............................................................................................................5 2.1.1 Phase 1 ...........................................................................................................................5 2.1.2 Phase 2 ...........................................................................................................................5 2.1.3 Phase 3 ...........................................................................................................................6 3. Detailed description of the procurement......................................................................................6 3.1 Sub-phase-1a Metallic substrate............................................................................................7 3.2 Sub-phase-1b CMC substrate................................................................................................8 3.3 Phase-2 details.....................................................................................................................10 3.4 Phase-3 details.....................................................................................................................11 4. Gantt Updated on 30/03/2015 ....................................................................................................12 5. Annex-2. Drawings of Flat, Blunt and Sharp geometries ..........................................................14 6. Annex-3 Drawing of the conical sample....................................................................................17 7. Annex-4. Drawings of the DISK for standard model holder .....................................................19 8. Annex-5. Drawings of the PWT TA ..........................................................................................20 Page 2/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 2/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 3 of 22 Project SHS 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This document contains the technical specification for the procurement of the UHTC coated samples for the test aimed to the develop the coating technology. 1.2 Applicability This document is applicable to the project “TPS a base di SiC Rivestito con UHTC” (TPS based on UHTC coated SiC) part of the SHS project. 1.3 Documents 1.3.1 [AD 1] [AD 2] [AD 3] [AD 4] [AD 5] [AD 6] Applicable documents CIRA-VER-14-0145 “Progetto SHS - UHTC Coating on CMC: Kick-Off meeting (via teleconference)” 10/03/2014 CIRA-VER-14-0146 “Progetto SHS - UHTC Coating on CMC: Progress Meeting” 05/06/2014 CMC Specification I. Moretti M.Tului “Test di campioni metallici rivestiti in UHTC Rapporto Finale” Roma, Luglio 2012. Commessa N°. RD 010 066 Rapporto N° 16007R. CIRA-CF-11-0207. Specifica per la realizzazione e test di campioni metallici rivestiti in UHTC. M. Tului, R. Gardi, A. Del Vecchio “PLASMA SPRAYED CERAMIC COATINGS, ON REFRACTORY METALS FOR SPACE APPLICATIONS” 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Page 3/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 3/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 4 of 22 Project SHS 1.4 Abbreviations and acronyms AD AIL AIV AR ATV CFI CIRA COTS CDR CFD CMC C/SiC DDP DJF DM DOC ECSS FLPP FMECA GEO GQR GSE GSP HTV HV H/W ICD IRD IPR ITAR KOM LEO LLI Applicable Document Action Item List Assembly, Integration and Verification Acceptance Review Automated Transfer Vehicle Customer Furnished Item Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali Commercial Off The Shelf Critical Design Review Computational Fluid Dynamics Ceramic matrix Composite Silicon carbide reinforced with carbon fibers Design Development Plan Design Justification File Development Model Demise Observation Capsule European Cooperation for Space Standardization Future Launchers Preparatory Program Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit Ground Qualification Review Ground Support Equipment General Studies Program H-II Transfer Vehicle Host Vehicle Hardware Interface Control Document Interface Requirements Document Intellectual property rights International Traffic of Arms Regulation Kick Off Meeting Low Earth Orbit Long Lead Items LUS MAIT Launcher Upper Stage Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration, Testing MoM Minutes of Meeting MRD Mission Requirements Document MSDS Material Safery Data Sheet N/A Not Applicable NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement OBDH On-Board Data Handling PA Product Assurance PDR Preliminary Design Review PFM Proto-Flight Model PM Progress Meeting PR Progress Report PWT Plasma Wind Tunnel QF Qualification Flight QM Qualification Model RAMS Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety RBB Re-Entry “Black Box” RD Reference Document REBR Re-Entry Breakup Recorder RID Review Item Discrepancy SCIROCCO CIRA PWT SHARK Sounding Hypersonic Atmospheric Re-entering Kapsule SoW Statement of Work SRD System Requirement Document SRR System Requirement Review TRB Test Review Board TRR Test Readiness Review S/S Sub-System S/W Software TN Technical Note UHTC Ultra High Temperature Ceramic VCD Verification Control Document Page 4/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 4/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 5 of 22 Project SHS 2. Aim of the activity The aim of this activity is to improve the performances of the UHTC plasma spray coating, for protection of parts exposed to the high heat loads generated by hypersonic flight regime. UHTC coatings have been used in many different research activities at CIRA. The present activity will investigate different substrate/coating systems, in particular bot metallic and CMC substrates shall be tested. A wide plasma wind tunnel test campaign, executed on different materials combinations and different shapes, shall provide a good set of results, able to identify the real performances of the systems. The metallic substrate procurement shall be in charge of the supplier, the CMC substrates shall be provided by the customer and shall be coated my the supplier. 2.1 Phases of the activity The whole activity is divided in three main phases. 2.1.1 Phase 1 The first phase is divided in two sub-phases, the first one oriented to the study of UHTC coating on metallic substrate, the second sub-phase is devoted to the CMC substrate. The investigation on metallic substrates is aimed to improve the results achieved in past CIRA activities and will be a benchmark for the performances of the UHTC coating on the CMC. In [AD4] [AD5] [AD6] CIRA, in cooperation with CSM, has identified an effective coating process suitable for tungsten components. These coated metallic sample sustained temperature exceeding 1700°C for more than 5 minutes, experiencing no damages. The identified technique has been successfully used in the realization of the CIRA payload for the SCRAMSPACE flight, but some machinability difficulties have been found. The part of the present activity, oriented toward the metallic substrates, is aimed to identify a refractory alloy able to replace the tungsten, providing an improved machinability, and able to maintain the same performances when coated with UHTC. The supplier shall identify a set of refractory alloys able to sustain temperature exceeding 1700°C without significant mechanical properties degradations and shall perform coating tests on these samples aimed to improve the mechanical adhesion. Downstream this activity one or two alloys shall be identified for the successive part of the activity. A number of metallic samples shall be then procured and coated for the plasma wind tunnel tests. The second sub-phase shall be carried out in parallel. The customer shall provide the supplier with a number of CMC samples. The supplier shall optimize the coating process on these samples and shall deliver the samples for the plasma wind tunnel tests. 2.1.2 Phase 2 The second phase of the activity consists in the coating of a second sent of CMC samples, introducing, if needed, further improvement in the process, applying the lessons learned during the PWT test held in the first phase. Page 5/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 5/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 6 of 22 Project SHS 2.1.3 Phase 3 The third and final phase is divided in two sub-phases as the phase 1. The first sub-phase shall complete the research activity on the metallic alloys coated with UHTC. In this phase the supplier shall produce a number of larger metallic test articles, machined from the same refractory alloy selected in phase 1. These samples shall be coated and shall be delivered to the customer for plasma wind tunnel testing. The second sub-phase consist in the coating of larger CMC samples. These samples shall be provided by the customer and shall tested in a larger facility. 3. Detailed description of the procurement. The three phases of the activity are here described: Phase 1 a. Sub-phase 1a Metallic substrate o Identification of candidate refractory alloys. o Optimization of coating process on selected refractory alloys. o Selection one or two alloys for PWT tests. o Procurement of the metallic samples for PWT test. o Deposition of UHTC coating on metallic samples. (Within Mar. 2016) o Reporting b. Sub-phase 1b CMC substrate o Optimization of the UHTC coating deposition. o Deposition of UHTC coating on the first set of CMC samples. (Within Mar. 2016) o Reporting Phase 2 o Deposition of UHTC coating on the second set of CMC samples. (Within Oct. 2016) o Reporting Phase 3 a. Sub-phase 1a Metallic substrate o Procurement of the metallic samples for PWT test. o Deposition of UHTC coating on metallic samples. o Reporting b. Sub-phase 1b CMC substrate o Procurement of refractory alloy disks for standard model testing o Deposition of the UHTC coating on disks for standard model testing. o Deposition of the UHTC coating on the third set of CMC samples. (Within Jul. 2017) o Reporting Page 6/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 6/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.:1 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. 10/06/2015 Page 7 of 22 Project SHS 3.1 Sub-phase-1a Metallic substrate As stated in previous chapter Phase-1 consists of: o o o o o o Identification of candidate refractory alloys. Optimization of coating process on selected refractory alloys. Selection one or two alloys for PWT tests. Procurement of the metallic samples for PWT test. Deposition of UHTC coating on metallic samples Reporting The optimization and selection of the best alloy(s) can be executed on simple flat samples. The flat samples that show better performances shall be heated with the same plasma facility used for the coting deposition. This test is aimed to preliminary evaluate the ability of the substrate/coating system to sustain heating and cooling without spallation. The heating should exceed 1500°C for at least two minutes. The supplier shall provide the following metallic samples coated with UHTC within Sept. 2015: Geometry Quantity CONICAL SAMPLE 1 CONICAL SAMPLE 1 BLUNT SEMICYLINDER 3 BLUNT SEMICYLINDER 1 SHARP EDGE 3 SHARP EDGE 1 DISK FOR EMISSIVITY TEST 2 DISK FOR EMISSIVITY TEST 2 DISK FOR CATALICITY TEST 2 DISK FOR CATALICITY TEST 4 Material UHTC coated Tungsten UHTC coated Refractory alloy UHTC coated Refractory alloy Uncoated Refractory alloy UHTC coated Refractory alloy Uncoated Refractory alloy UHTC coated Refractory alloy Uncoated Refractory alloy UHTC coated Refractory alloy Uncoated Refractory alloy Notes Drawings in Annex-3 Drawings in Annex-3 Drawings Annex-2 Detail C Drawings Annex-2 Detail C Drawings Annex-2 Detail D Drawings Annex-2 Detail D Diameter: 40 mm Thickness: 2 mm Diameter: 40 mm Thickness: 2 mm Diameter: 25 mm Thickness: 2 mm Diameter: 25 mm Thickness: 2 mm The supplier shall deliver a report including activities description and test results. The alumina sample holder shown in the drawings is not part of this procurement. Page 7/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 7/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.:1 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. 10/06/2015 Page 8 of 22 Project SHS 3.2 Sub-phase-1b CMC substrate As stated in previous chapter Phase-1 consists of: o Optimization of the UHTC coating deposition. o Deposition of UHTC coating on the first set of CMC samples. o Reporting The customer shall provide the supplier with the following CMC items: Geometry Quantity Material Notes FLAT DISK 9 CMC Drawings in Annex-2 Detail B BLUNT SEMICYLINDER 9 CMC Drawings in Annex-2 Detail C SHARP EDGE 5 CMC Drawings in Annex-2 Detail D OPTIMIZATION SAMPLES 8 CMC Disk 25mm in diameter 5mm thick PULL TEST SAMPLES 10 CMC Square sample 25-50mm edge DISK FOR EMISSIVITY TEST 3 CMC DISK FOR CATALICITY TEST 4 CMC Diameter: 40 mm Thickness: 2 mm Diameter: 25 mm Thickness: 2 mm Half of the CMC samples shall be realized in C/SiC and half in SiC/SiC. The OPTIMIZATION SAMPLEs and the PULL TEST SAMPLES shall be used for tuning the deposition process, in order to achieve a good adhesion between the metallic and CMC substrate and the UHTC. Page 8/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 8/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.:1 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. 10/06/2015 Page 9 of 22 Project SHS Once the adhesion tests give satisfactory results, the samples shall be coated in conformity with the drawings in Annex-2. The supplier shall provide the following UHTC coated items: Geometry Quantity FLAT DISK 9 BLUNT SEMICYLINDER 9 SHARP EDGE 5 OPTIMIZATION SAMPLES 8 PULL TEST SAMPLES 10 DISK FOR EMISSIVITY TEST 3 DISK FOR CATALICITY TEST 4 Material UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC Notes Drawings in Annex-2 Detail B Drawings in Annex-2 Detail C Drawings in Annex-2 Detail D Disk 25mm in diameter 5mm thick Square sample 25-50mm edge Diameter: 40 mm Thickness: 2 mm Diameter: 25 mm Thickness: 2 mm The supplier shall deliver a report including activities description and test results. The report shall include a comparison between CMC and metallic substrate behavior. Page 9/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 9/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. REV.:1 10/06/2015 Page 10 of 22 Project SHS 3.3 Phase-2 details As stated in previous chapter Phase-2 consists of: o Deposition of UHTC coating on the second set of CMC samples. o Reporting The customer shall provide the supplier with the following CMC items: Geometry FLAT DISK BLUNT SEMICYLINDER SHARP EDGE Quantity 10 10 5 Material CMC CMC CMC Notes Drawings in Annex-2 Detail B Drawings in Annex-2 Detail C Drawings in Annex-2 Detail D Half of the CMC samples shall be realized in C/SiC and half in SiC/SiC. The samples shall be coated using the same procedure assessed in Phase-1. The supplier shall provide the following UHTC coated items: Geometry Quantity FLAT DISK 10 BLUNT SEMICYLINDER 10 SHARP EDGE 5 Material UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC Notes Drawings in Annex-2 Detail B Drawings in Annex-2 Detail C Drawings in Annex-2 Detail D The supplier shall deliver a report including activities description and results. Page 10/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 10/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-15-0387 REV.:1 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. 10/06/2015 Page 11 of 22 Project SHS 3.4 Phase-3 details As stated in previous chapter Phase-3 consists of: o o o o Procurement of refractory alloy disks for standard model testing Deposition of the UHTC coating on disks for standard model testing. Deposition of the UHTC coating on the third set of CMC samples. Reporting The customer shall provide the supplier with the following CMC items within Feb. 2017: Geometry Quantity Material Notes DISK for Standard model holder 2 CMC Drawings in Annex-4 PWT TA Blunt Cone 2 CMC Drawings in Annex-5 PWT TA Blunt Wedge 2 CMC Drawings in Annex-5 Half of the CMC samples shall be realized in C/SiC and half in SiC/SiC. The supplier shall provide the following UHTC coated items: Geometry Quantity DISK for Standard model holder 2 DISK for Standard model holder 2 PWT TA Blunt Cone 2 PWT TA Blunt Wedge 2 PWT TA Blunt Cone 1 PWT TA Blunt Wedge 1 Material UHTC coated refractory alloy UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated CMC UHTC coated refractory alloy UHTC coated refractory alloy Notes Drawings in Annex-4 Drawings in Annex-4 Drawings in Annex-5 Drawings in Annex-5 Drawings in Annex-5 Drawings in Annex-5 The supplier shall deliver a report including activities description and test results. The report shall include a comparison between CMC and metallic substrate behavior. Page 11/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 11/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 12 of 22 4. Gantt Updated on 10/06/2015 (next page) Page 12/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 12/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 13 of 22 Page 13/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 13/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 14 of 22 5. Annex-2. Drawings of Flat, Blunt and Sharp geometries The first page contains the drawings of the CMC components. The second page contains the drawings of the CMC components with the UHTC coating applied. (next two pages) Page 14/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 14/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 15 of 22 Page 15/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 15/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 16 of 22 Page 16/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 16/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 17 of 22 6. Annex-3 Drawing of the conical sample. (next page) Page 17/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 17/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 18 of 22 Page 18/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 18/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 19 of 22 7. Annex-4. Drawings of the DISK for standard model holder Page 19/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 19/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 20 of 22 8. Annex-5. Drawings of the PWT TA The first page contains the drawings of the CMC components. The second page contains the drawings of the CMC components with the UHTC coating applied. (next two pages) Page 20/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 20/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 21 of 22 Page 21/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 21/22 DOCUMENT NUMBER: CIRA-CF-00-0000 Technical specification for UHTC coating on metallic and CMC samples. Project – Phase REV.:0 10/06/2015 Page 22 of 22 Page 22/22 CIRA-CF-15-0387 Rev. 1 P. 22/22