Project By - Mapúa Institute of Technology
Project By - Mapúa Institute of Technology
Design of a Four Storey High School Building in an Integrated Sugar Estate Community in Canlubang Calamba Laguna Project By: Cabrera, Glenbert C. Gatchalian, Christian Louis T. Rarugal, Edgardo Jade R. Submitted to the School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering (SCEGE) In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Mapua Institute of Technology Intramuros, Manila September 2014 i ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project aims to design a four storey highschool building in a proposed integrated community in CanlubangCalamba Laguna. The proposed subdivision is a house relocation project for the former farmers of Canlubang Sugar Estate in Calamba Laguna. The project aims to propose a plan of subdivision but would give more emphasis on the detail design of the High School Building which is one of the auxiliary facilities of the proposed subdivision. The High School building is designed in such a way that it would withstand earthquakes and typhoon which would serves as a safe evacuation of the residents in the subdivision and as part of the priority development of the residents of the proposed subdivision. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Presenting the Challenges 2.1 Problem Statement 2.2 Project Objective 2.3 Design Norms Considered 2.4 Major and Minor Areas of Civil Engineering 2.5 The Project Beneficiary 2.6 The Innovative Approach 2.7 The Research Component 2.8 The Design Component 2.9 Sustainable Development Concept Chapter 3 Environmental Examination Report 3.1 Project Description 3.1.1 Project Rationale 3.1.2 Project Location 3.1.3 Project Information 3.1.4 Description of Project Phases 3.1.5 Pre-construction/Operational phase 3.1.6 Construction phase 3.1.7 Operational phase 3.1.8 Abandonment phase 3.2 Description of Environmental Setting and Receiving Environment 3.2.1 Physical Environment 3.2.2 Biological Environment 3.2.3 Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Environment 3.2.4 Future Environmental Conditions without the Project 3.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 3.3.1 Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental Issues/Impacts and their Level of Significance at Various Stages of Development 3.3.2 Brief Discussion of Specific Significant Impacts on the Physical and Biological Resources 3.3.3 Brief Discussion of Significant Socio-economic Effects/Impacts of the Project 3.4 Environmental Management Plan 3.4.1 Summary Matrix of Proposed Mitigation and Enhancement Measures, Estimated Cost and Responsibilities 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 iv 3.4.2 Brief Discussion of Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Chapter 4 The Research Component 4.1 Abstract 4.2 Introduction 4.3 Review of Related Literature 4.3.1 Gawad Kalinga 4.3.2 Concept of Low Cost Housing 4.3.3 Precast Concrete as a Low Cost Building Material 4.3.4 Precast Concrete as Earthquake Resistant Material 4.3.5 Concrete Tile Block 4.3.6 The K+12 Program 4.3.7 BP220 4.4 Methodology 4.4.1 Flowchart 4.5 Result and Discussion Chapter 5 Detailed Engineering Design 5.1 Loads and Codes 5.1.1 Introduction 5.1.2 Dead Loads 5.1.3 Live Loads 5.1.4 Earthquake Loads 5.1.5 Wind Loads 5.1.6 Total Factored Loads 5.2 Structural Design 5.2.1 Introduction 5.2.2 Design of Slabs (Sample Computation) 5.2.3 Design of Beams and Girders 5.2.4 Design of Columns 5.2.5 Design of Foundation Introduction Footing Design Reinforcing Bars 5.3 School Building Traffic Studies 5.4 Plan Set 5.4.1 Subdivisional Plan 5.4.2 Elevations of School 5.4.3 Floor Plan of School 5.4.4 Structural Framng of Four Storey Highschool Building 5.4.5 Foundation Plan 14 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 21 28 29 30 31 31 31 32 32 37 38 38 38 39 40 49 49 49 50 54 56 57 57 58 62 67 70 v 5.5 Major and Minor Areas of Engineering 5.5.1 Major Area – Structural Engineering 5.5.2 Minor Area – Geotechnical Engineering 5.5.3 Minor Area – Transportation Engineering Chapter 6.0 Promotional Material 6.1 WalkThrough 6.2 Perspectives Chapter 7 Budget Estimation of School 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Earthworks 7.3 Concrete Mix 7.4 Formworks 7.5 Rebarworks 7.6 Masonry 7.7 Architectural Finishes 7.8 Painting Works 7.9 Miscellaneous 7.10 Total Amount of The Project Chapter 8 Project Schedule Chapter 9 Conclusion and Summary Chapter 10 Recommendations Chapter 11 Acknowledgement Chapter 12 References Chapter 13 Appendix 71 71 74 77 78 79 83 83 83 84 85 86 87 88 88 89 89 90 92 93 94 95 97 vi List of Tables Table No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Title Predicted Environmental Impact And Its Level Of Significance Summary Matrix Of Proposed Mitigation And Enhancement Measures, Estimated Cost Andresponsibilities Enviromental Management Plan Monitoring Plan Tle Offering For The K 2 12 Education Basic Education Curriculum Tle Planning And Design Standards For A Residential Subdivision Project Under Bp220 Schedule Of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Tie Beam Schedule) Schedule Of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Second Floor) Schedule Of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Third Floor) Schedule Of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Fourth Floor) Schedule Of Reinforced Concrete Beams (Roofdeck) Schedule Of Columns Reinforcing Bars For Footings General Requirements Earthworks Concrete Mix Formworks Rebarworks Masonry Architectural Finishes Painting Works Miscellaneous Total Amount Of The Project Page No. 13 14 15 16 17 27 41 42 44 46 48 48 54 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 88 89 89 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title No. Page No. 1 Carmelray GK Village 3 2 The site location from a Satellite view 7 3 Site Location 7 4 Actual Site 8 5 River near the proposed location 8 6 Concrete For m Tile Block 23 7 Flowchart 28 Structural Framing of Four Storey building with seismic force 8 along Z axis 35 Structural Framing of Four Storey building with seismic force 9 along X axis 36 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Philippines is an archipelago that comprises 7,107 islands with a total land area of 300,000 km. Research has shown that large part of its land mass is suitable for agriculture which is about 33%. About 10 million of which is agricultural land (BAS 2004) where 208 600 is used for sugarcane farms. The project focuses on the designing of a four-storey high school building in the proposed integrated second phase of the Carmelray Gawad-Kalinga subdivision, to be done through a contractor, to provide shelter for the homeless former farmers of the Canlubang Sugar Estate. Most of the farmers on this area are not able to afford houses that are considerably spacious for their own family because most of them earn a little. Worse, some of them live on properties owned by other private sectors or by the government. The 2nd phase of an integrated subdivision that consists of low cost buildings is proposed near the former farm site to occupy homes for these farmers. The target in this innovative subdivision is to provide most of the basic needs of the occupants inside the subdivision to promote convenience and security. The researchers will base their design of subdivision from the Implemented Rules and Regulations of BP 220 There will be a four-storey highschool building in the subdivision. The researchers will design the highschool building with a consideration to the “K to 12” , a program to be implemented by the government to upgrade the quality of education in the Philippines. 2 CHAPTER 2 PRESENTING THE CHALLENGES 2.1 Problem Statement The Canlubang Sugar Estate, including the site where the farmers used to live, has been closed thus, leaving the farmers homeless. These former farmers of the Canlubang Sugar Estate need shelter but most of them are unable to afford one for themselves or for their families. The closing of the company also took not only the farmers’ homes but also their source of income. Having no job means unstable income for them to provide for their supply of basic needs. This is why this project is proposed to provide not only new homes but also new job opportunities for these farmers. 2.2 Project Objective The main objective of this project is to design Carmelray Gawad-Kalinga subdivision for the former farmers of Canlubang Sugar Estate. The subdivision is near the Carmelray Industrial Park which will give and offer other job opportunities for the farmers. Markets, schools, churches, health centers and malls also exist around the vicinity which makes the proposed subdivision feasible for the farmers’ daily needs outside the community. On the other hand, the integrated community will be composed of its own day care center, function hall and gym inside the subdivision. This is also part of the proposed project. It aims to provide all the needs of the occupants inside the subdivision for convenience and better lifestyle. 2.3 Design Norms Considered In this study, the design will be based on the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP), Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board BP220, National Housing Authority(NHA) Rules and Regulation, Municipal and Local Barangay restrictions. The design will also be based on the nature of the project location. The site is adjacent to a river where rainfall and sewer waters are discharged. Wind loads are also considered since Laguna is a windy place. The sloping natural grade lines will also give a different approach in the design of footings. 3 Fig. 1 Carmelray GK Villag 2.4 Major and Minor Areas of Civil Engineering The major area of study for this project is structural. The main objective is to design a four storey High School building which is one of the major facilities for the subdivision. Minor areas of study are construction and transportation. Form Tile block will be used instead of conventional hollow block for the construction of the houses. Contruction Methodology for the form tile block will be included in the study. 2.5 The Project Beneficiary JCI Enterprise, which is owned by Engr. Jessie Ibay, will be the beneficiary contractor in making this project possible, this is through the directive or initiative of Gawad Kalinga to provide shelters for the former farmers of Canlubang Sugar Estate. 4 2.6 The Innovative Approach The architectural and structural softwares: AutoCAD, Sketch-up, and STAAD will be used to design and model the proposed integrated community. Using these softwares will make the drafting and calculations for the structural plans easier. However, the design will be rechecked according to the standards set by the NSCP 2010. 2.7 The Research Component The researchers will discuss laws and regulations about the designing of a subdivision and how to choose the quality of material should be used. The researchers will also discuss the advantages of using precast units as a construction material. The researchers will also research on the future trend of education in the Philippines which is the implemetations of “K 2 12” that will give a sigificant effect on the architectural design mainly, the floor plan. 2.8 The Design Component The project requires a proposed plan of an integrated community which consists of low cost houses and also a structural design of a four-story highschool building. Houses will be positioned on the given lot in a way that they will maximize the space. The percentage of the area allocated for houses, utilities, roads, and others shall conform to the BP220, a code from HLURB which consists of rules and regulation about economical and socialized housing. Structural design of four storey building shall follow the code set by the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2.9 Sustainable Development Concept Modular houses have a lot of advantages. One of the advantages is being a lowmaintenance type of structure. For example, the damaged precast walls are replaced only on the portion where they are damaged unlike the conventional type where the whole side of the wall will have to be removed. This idea promotes cheaper labor cost and reduced repair time. The roof gutter design is practically designed externally so if in case damage occurs, maintenance and replacement will be easy. The utilization of indigenous materials will produce cheaper cost yet durable structure. Indigenous materials are those materials that are locally available. Utilizing this kind of materials provides a lot of economic advantages because transportation cost will be cheaper. The availability of materials will not be a problem. The structure will be adequate for the occupants to live even if it is made up of low cost material. 5 Living in an integrated community will provide access to all the home owners' needs. The proposed integrated community in Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna will also serve as a great help for people seeking job opportunities for the place is also near industrial and businesses establishments. 6 CHAPTER 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION REPORT 3.1 Project Description 3.1.1 Project Rationale The purpose of this project is to provide the 2nd phase of Carmelray GawadKalinga subdivision, a sustainable community in which the occupants will be able to live in secured homes and to provide accessibility to all their needs inside the subdivision. The idea of an integrated community is to increase the level of convenience of the occupants living inside the area by providing establishments like a clinic, chapel, gym, etc. inside the community itself. 3.1.2 Project Location The proposed project is located in Brgy. Canlubang, Calamba, Laguna in front of Carmelray Gawad-Kalinga Village phase one. It is expected that the proposed subdivision will be adjacent to a river in that area where the same run-off flow from phase one will affect the design consideration on the sewerage system. The proposed project is only a ten-minute walk from the market, church, schools, and the industrial park thus, making it feasible as a living area. The project location is at the wind zone II from the wind map NSCP 2010 having a wind velocity of 200 kph. Earthquake fault lines are neglected because the proposed design is only a one-storey residential building. It is assumed that earthquake loads will only be minimal. 7 Propose Location of the Project Fig 2 The site location from a Satellite view Propose location of the Project Fig 3 The Site Location from Map view 8 Fig 4. The actual location of the project Fig. 5 The river near the proposed location 9 3.1.3 Project Information The project is about an integrated community containing modular housing units and community facilities. The said community facilities consists of local institutions like a clinic, chapel, day care center, gym, mineral water center, and the like to make lives convenient for the home owners. The project is placed in an area near an industrial park where job opportunities are open for its occupants. The design of the subdivision and its components should all be based on the most economical design. Wind loads and earthquake loads are considered. Each house is a one-storey duplex type residential building allotted for two families. The walls of the houses are made of precast concrete for cheaper and faster construction. The school is a four storey building with accessible roof deck. Its design will cover the requirements of “K to 12” to be implemented by the goverment to improve the quality of education in the Philippines. 3.1.4 Description of Project Phases The project phases are the stages or guidelines on how the construction will be implemented in a systematic way. Before the construction, research and feasibility studies will first be made for strategic planning. All permits, codes and regulations shall be set before creating the design. During the construction, rules and regulations given by national and local codes must govern the construction design and procedures. The codes protect the environment and the society during the construction. This will also minimize the damages that might be brought during the construction. After the construction, agreements between the contractor and the beneficiaries are made to develop project maintenance and connection. Warranty for maintenance is given to the occupants after the turn over. 3.1.5 Setting andPre-construction/Operational phase The preconstruction or operational phase will require the survey of the land allotted, obtaining its contour map to indicate if the land is relatively flat or sloping. Permits and clearances will then be obtained from the Municipality of Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna. Local coordination with the Barangay and the Municipality regarding the project wastes and management traffic impact is to be dealt with. If necessary, road rerouting will be applied. 10 3.1.6 Construction phase Securing the area including the surrounding roads will be done to reduce damages and unwanted accidents. Delivery of materials will be provided by JCI Enterprise hardware which is just a few blocks away from the site. This is to reduce construction delays. Grading and compacting of soil is done for design computations. Assembling and construction of infrastructures shall be done in accordance with the architect and engineers’ design roads, houses, and sewer lines. Any changes in the design shall be done in accordance with the architect and engineers’ approval. 3.1.7 Operational phase Immediately after the construction, the houses are then subject to turnover to the occupants. Cleanliness and orderliness shall be kept by the subdivision occupants. Any structure constructed by the contractor cannot be sold by the occupants. 3.1.8 Abandonment phase 3.2 Building and road maintenance have a warranty of one year from the contractor. All expenses to repair the defects shall be handled by the contractor and additional costs charged to the government. Description of Environmental Receiving Environme 3.2.1 Physical Environment The proposed subdivision is located adjacent to a river which affects the location of sewer lines and roads. The existing lot is full of grass and trees will be cleared when construction starts. The land is also sloping and mostly composed of virgin soil. 11 3.2.2 Biological Environment The proposed lot is filled with grass and shrubs. There are no animals living near the estimated area. The river near that area has shown not to have any organism living within it since it is connected to the creek of Carmelray GK Village. 3.2.3 Socio-Cultural, Economic and Political Environment The proposed lot is located in Brgy Canlubang which is one of the major industrial zones of Laguna. Coca-Cola Corp., San Miguel Development Corp, Bayer, Carmelray Industrial Park 1 and 2, are some of the industries and businesses found near that area located in Canlubang Laguna. Laguna is made up of 18 industrial estates which make it as one of the centers of business and industries of the country. It is located 30 kilometers south of Manila which makes it a strategic location for business and industries to accessibly reach their target markets here in the country and abroad. Due to its increasing number of industries and people relocating in Laguna, there is a need for the development of some of its various infrastructures which will help its over all development. 3.2.4 Future Environmental Conditions without the Project Construction will produce waste that can result to pollution of rivers and land. Since the project is mass housing, people will live on those shelters which will then result to the increase in waste production. Therefore, without the project, there will be no addition to the waste to be disposed. Without the project, the location will be an idle land, but in due time the place may be developed into an industrial park or business center because Canlubang is a developing zone wherein 18 industries and businesses are nested. 12 3.3 Impact Assessment and Mitigation 3.3.1 Summary Matrix of Predicted Environmental Issues/Impacts and their Level of Significance at Various Stages of DevelopmentIncrease in Waste Predicted Environmental Impact Level of Significance Brief Description Ecological Moderate There are trees that are blocking some of the areas of the proposed constructions that need to be cut down. But if not necessary, the trees wll be left alone Noise Level Moderate Noise due to the construction equipment and machinery will cause nuisance to the nearby villages. Necessary precautions and methods will be taken to prevent the problem Air Pollution Moderate Employing the use of precast concrete on the whole construction will require greater delivery equipment which will produce air pollution. Necessary precautions should be done during the construction Solid Waste Moderate There will be an increase in solid waste during and after the construction. Coordinate with the barangay and municipality in managing waste disposal will be needed Traffic Impact Low Coordination with the barangay official to assign a Traffic Personnel or assignment of alternative routes needs to be given attention Table 1: Predicted Environmental Impact and its Level of Significance 13 3.3.2 Brief Discussion of Specific Significant Impacts on the Physical and Biological Resources The proposed location is an idle land filled with trees. Developing that piece of land will have a significant effect on the physical and biological resource in that location. The project will require clearing of the site such as cutting down the trees and removing the obstacles to the construction. There is also an increase in wastes since there will be a construction. The probability of flooding on that area will increase since the trees were reduced. The removal of trees on the site as well as construction will decrease the quality of air in the area and it will have a huge impact on the habitat of wildlife in the vicinity. 3.3.3 Brief Discussion of Significant Socio-economic Effects/Impacts of the Project Calamba Laguna, as one of the growing industrial zones in the country, and where the proposed new integrated second phase of the Carmelray GawadKalinga subdivision will be built, has shown to have a high level of great opportunities open for it recipients. 3.4 Environmental Management Plan 3.4.1 Summary Matrix of Proposed Mitigation and Enhancement Measures, Estimated Cost andResponsibilities Predicted Environmental Impact Mitigation and enhancement Measures Ecological a. Minimize land disturbances b. Avoid cutting of trees if possible Noise Level a.Reduce noise pollution through careful handling of materials;. 14 Air Pollution Solid Waste a. Control dust through fine water sprays used to dampen down the site. b. No burning of materials on site if possible. c. Regulate the use of the machinery to prevent it from exhausting hazardous air a. Segregate the non- biodegradable and biodegradable waste for disposal b. Recycle materials such as scrap metal. c. Coordinate with the government officials on the collection of hazardous wastes Table 3: Environmental Management Plan() Taken from 3.4.2 Brief Discussion of Mitigation and Enhancement Measures The contractor needs to coordinate with the local government of Canlubang for permits and clearance for the construction project. Solid waste should be segregated properly from hazardous to nonbiodegradeble and biodegradable to prevent environmental pollution and nuisance to the people living near the proposed project. Avoid cutting of trees if possible, otherwise secure permits from DENR. 3.4.3 Monitoring Plan Predicted Environmental Impact Mitigation and enhancement Measures Monitoring Frequency Ecological c. Minimize land disturbances d. Avoid cutting of trees if possible Should be monitored daily at the start of construction until the end Noise Level a.Reduce noise pollution through careful handling of materials Should be monitored daily at the start and end of construction 15 Air Pollution Solid Waste a. Control dust through fine water sprays used to dampen down the site. b. No burning of materials on site if possible. c. Regulate the use of the machinery to prevent it from exhausting hazardous smoke Segregate the nonbiodegradable and biodegradable waste for disposal Recycle materials such as scrap metal and wood if they are still useful Coordinate with the government officials on the collection of hazardous waste This should be monitored at the start and end of construction Monitor frequently from the start of construction until the end Table 4: Monitoring Plan() Taken from 3.4.4 Institutional Responsibilities and Agreements At the start of construction until the end, environment should be preserved. The contractor should secure permit not only from the municipal environment but also from the Department of Environmental and Resource (DENR). Since the location to be developed is an idle land with trees and wild animals, then the contractor needs to check whether the proposed project will endanger wild species on that area. The contractor should be responsible on the violation on agreements signed with the government or other private organization. 16 CHAPTER 4 THE RESEARCH COMPONENT 4.1 Abstract The 2nd phase of an integrated subdivision, composed of low cost housing and community facilities such as schools, playground, parks and etc, is proposed near the former farm site to provide homes for the former sugar estate farmers of Canlubang.The study focuses on the designing of an integrated subdivision which is composed of modular houses and community facilities made up of precast concrete.The purpose of this integrated subdivision is to provide most of the basic needs, and also to promote convenience and accessibility for the occupants of phase 2 of Carmelray Gawad Kalinga Village 4.2 Introduction The project is focused on the design of the new integrated second phase of the Carmelray Gawad-Kalinga subdivision, to be done through a contractor, for the sheltering of the homeless former farmers of the Canlubang Sugar Estate. The concept of sustainability will be applied on the project through the use of modular type of structures. The group designed an innovative subdivision consisting of low-cost housing units and community facilities which will provide low-cost yet safe and secured homes. Each house is a duplex two-storey building constructed through the fastest possible way using precast concrete, based from the most economical design, allotted for two families. Wind and Earthquake loads are considered which ever combination will become critical. Living in an integrated community will provide access on all the home owners' needs. The proposed community will give the former farmers of the Canlubang Sugar Estate a chance to have their own houses at a reasonable cost but will also all in all provide not only shelter but also a new living opportunity for the former farmers and their families as well. 17 4.3 Review of Related Literature 4.3.1 Gawad Kalinga JCI Enterprise, which is owned by Engr. Jessie Ibay, will be the beneficiary contractor that will make this project possible, through the directive or intiative of Gawad-Kalinga, for the former farmers of Canlubang Sugar Estate. Gawad Kalinga is an organization that aims to help people improve their lives through different infrastructures such as shelters, feeding program, school and other sustainable infrastructures. According to Yap (2013) of Philippine Daily Inquirer, " the Department of Agrarian Reform has pledged support for the humanitarian organization Gawad Kalinga (GK) and its army of volunteers in building “new townships” for farmers awarded parcels of land under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program”. He also added that the Agrarian Reform Secretary Virgilio De los Reyes said that DAR management, and its employees will assist GK not only in building houses for farmers, but also in transforming agrarian reform communities, or ARCs, into models of economic development in the countryside. 4.3.2 Concept of Low Cost Housing Low cost housing or cost effective housing aims to reduce the cost of construction through utilizing cost effective technologies or materials which do not reduce the serviceability or the quality of the house over its lifetime. It involves the use of locally available building material, local skills and low cost housing technologies that will lead to cutting down of construction expenses.Factors to be considered in choosing the material and technology for low cost housing are as follows: availability/suitability of raw materials; availability of skilled labour; scale of construction; cost variation with conventional materials; availability of adequate power for production of Components; Typology based on geo-climatic conditions; disaster-resistant requirements; environmental aspects and acceptability by people. 4.3.3 Precast Concrete as a Low Cost Building Material It has been a practice for several decades, to produce considerable savings in materials, labor, and construction time through the use of precast concrete. This precast structural units have been designed in such a way that they will not need temporary formwork and shoring. According to Constantine(2009), using precast concrete as building material gives solution to shortage of workers because prefabricated panels and members only need to be delivered from factory to site 18 and be cast off site. It only needs less skilled workers for skilled erection. As a result, savings on construction material can be realized. (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007). Since the structural units have been prefabricated as they aredelivered to the site they will only need to be installed which speeds up construction. Increasing the speed of construction and decreasing the costs of materials are pivotal to providing affordable housing for the homeless. Pre-cast concrete structures have always been quick to install but recent advances in technology have shown that a wide variety of aggregates can be used at decreased volumes (Constantine, 2009). 4.3.4Precast Concrete as Earthquake Resistant Material The use of precast concrete produces lightweight structure because prestressed concrete, preemptive prestressingforce were applied through the high tensile steel which will provide the units greater strength in resisting the stress produce when service loading was applied. This would then reduce the size of concrete elements. A lighter weight building structure will endure less gravitational and seismic loading forces compared to a heavy weight structure, since gravitational and seismic loading forces are proportional to the mass of the structure (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007). Therefore, the use of precast concrete makes a safer dwellings for the occupants. 4.3.5 Concrete Tile block Concrete tile block is a new type of construction materialthat reduces the time and cost of constructing a house because it is made up of pair of concrete panel provided with ingenious reinforcing material such as bamboo sticks, a layer of finishing on its outer surface and a number of pre-determinedly arranged dowel disposed on the inner rough surface. When these are assembled together, they create a space in between them that allows the installation of the electrical and plumbing pipes before filling up the said space with filling materials such as cement mortar. Concrete tile block provides an instant wall for a house. In addition, it eliminates the use of the conventional hollow blocks without sacrificing the strength, durability and sturdiness of the structure. Its outer surface thereof is made of finished or undecorated material such as plasticized, tiled, plasticized, enameled, painted or varnished. Eliminating thereby, the finishing jobs required the use of the conventional ordinary hollow blocks available in the market. It can also be used as used as retaining wall, party wall, partition wall, load bearing wall, road wall, fire wall, insulation wall, column footings, concrete columns, concrete beams, tie beams, and wall footings (Crisologo, 2006) 19 The use of concrete form block gives solution to the drawbacks of using hollow blocks. This new construction material provides elegant and cost effective because it is provided with finished outer surface thus, eliminating any finishing job which cuts off construction expenses. It is also sturdy, affordable, easy to install and mass produced and its reinforcing materials used within the block can be made up of ingenious bamboo sticks or combined with steel bars, wood sticks or plastic rods thereof. Figure 6 Concrete Form Tile Block The concrete form tile block comprises of a pair of wall panels 11a and 11b provided with a finished outer wall 12a and 12b and a rough unfinished inner wall 13a and 13b. It is made from a combination of cement, washed sand, crushed gravel, styrofoam cuttings and water mixed proportionately together and is provided with ingenious 14 bamboo sticks as an affordable reinforcement,tied and arranged vertically and horizontally to each other within said the pre-cast concrete unit supporting and providing sturdiness of up to a compressive strength of 2500 psi. 15a and 15b are made of steel bars that hold both tile blocks together. 20 4.3.6 The “K + 12” Program The K + 12 is a program proposed and approved by the administration of President Benigno Aquino which changes the current 10 years of basic school education to 12 years. It basically includes Universal kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior high school. This program aims to elevate the quality of education in the Philippines in order for graduates to be easily employed. The program also aims to meet the standards required for professionals who will want to work abroad (Peligrino, 2011). According to the government, as posted from its official site, “it provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. Also, the subjects are taught from the simplest concepts to more complicated concepts through grade levels in spiral progression. As early as elementary, students gain knowledge in areas such as Biology, Geometry, Earth Science, Chemistry, and Algebra. This ensures a mastery of knowledge and skills after each level. For example, currently in High School, Biology is taught in 2nd Year, Chemistry in 3rd Year, and Physics in 4th Year. In K to 12, these subjects are connected and integrated from Grades 7 to 10. This same method is used in other Learning Areas like Math.” Moreover, “K to 12 changes the current education system to Grade 1 to 10 and Senior High School. The Senior High School(SHS) is a two year of specialized upper secondary education in which the students may choose a specialization based on their aptitude, interests, and school capacity. The choice of career track will define the content of the subjects a student will take in Grades 11 and 12.Each student in Senior High School can choose among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM); Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM).” In a presentation enti'tled “Technology and Education (TLE) in the Philippines’ Basic Education”, prepared and delivered by Owen Milambiling (2012), SEPS, SDD-BSE – DepED, Philippines during the EAST Asia TVET Provider Network Workshop held at Melbourne Australia, there are mini courses TLE offered for grade 7 and 8. 21 AGRI-FISHERY HOME ECONOMICS INDUSTRIAL ARTS ICT 1. Crop 4. Foods and Food 11. Electronics 18. Computer Production Service 12. Civil Technology Hardware 2. Animal Production 5. Garments and Servicing 13. Mechanical Textile 3. Fishery Arts 19. Desktop Drafting 6. Health Service Publishing 7. Beauty Care 14. Electrical Installation 20. Photo Editing Services & Maintenance 21. Mechanical 8. Housekeeping 15. Shielded Metal Arc Drafting 9. Caregiving 10. Handicrafts Welding 16. Automotive 17. RAC Table 5. TLE offering for the K 2 12 Education Basic Education Curriculum It was noted that schools shall have the option to choose at least 8 from the 23 TR-aligned-TLE programs to be offered during the exploratory Grades 7 and 8. The selection of the eight (8) programs shall be based on the demand from the industry, resources, capacity and capability of the schools. (Milambiling 2012) 4.3.7 BP220 BP220 are sets of rules and regulations that govern the design subdivision for Socialize Housing and Economic Housing in the urban and rural areas in the Philippines. Parameters and other minimum requirements are dictated by this code such as Project Location, Land Allocation for Projects, Minimum Lot Area, Minimum Lot Frontage, Road Right-of-Way, Roads Specifications and etc.Here are the requirements of BP 220. 22 23 24 25 26 27 Table 6. TLE Planning and Design Standards for a Residential Subdivision Project under BP220 28 4.4 Methodology The project is an integrated community containing modular housing units and community facilities. The said community facilities consist of local institutions such as basketball court, Highschool, day care center, gym, park, and the like to make lives convenient for the home owners. The project is placed in an area near an industrial park where job opportunities are open for its occupants. The researchers will seek the help of professionals in the conduct of this study to obtain good results. With regard to the architectural plans, the researchers will ask the help of an Architect or an architectural student since the knowledge of authors are very limited in this field of study. After the Architectural plans are done, the Structural design of the Highschool will be done next. The design of the subdivision and its components should all be based on the most economical design. Wind loads and earthquake loads are considered. Each house is a two-storey duplex type residential building allotted for two families. The walls of the houses are made of precast concrete for cheaper and faster construction. The researchers will apply the use of STAAD program after the critical load combination are computed. Earthquake, wind loads, dead loads and live loads will be considered in computing the critical loading of the structure. Data of the soil investigation of the location of the project will be obtained from the City Hall of Laguna. This is necessary in the designing of the foundation of the four storey building. 29 4.4.1 FLOWCHART START GATHERING OF DATA CONSULTATION VALIDATION OF DATA DESIGN PROCESS MATERIAL TO BE USED ESTIMATE END Fig. 7 Flowchart 30 4.5 Results and Discussion The used of precast concrete is suited for low cost housing, since low cost housing aims to reduce the cost of construction through utilizing cost effective technologies or materials which does not reduced the serviceability or the quality of the house over its lifetime.Since this precast structural units were already designed in such a way that it will not need temporary formwork and shoring it speed up construction and lower expenses. It also gives solution to shortages worker because prefabricated panels and members only need to be delivered from factory to site and be cast off site. It only needs less skilled worker for onsite of skilled erection. As a result savings on construction material can be realize. Since the structural units have been prefabricated as it is delivered to the site it would only need to be installed which speeds up construction. The researchers utilized the used of precast concrete tile block for this project since it is available locally. Based on the obtained data, the used of concrete tile block, provide solution to the drawbacks of the used of conventional hollow block such as utilizing a lot of man-hour labor due to the preparation and reinforcement of the hollow blocks with steel bars as mentioned above. The precast concrete tile blockprovide elegant and cost effective because it is provided with finished outer surface thus eliminating any finishing job which cuts off construction expenses. It sturdy, affordable, easy to install and mass produced and also its reinforcing materials used within the block can be made up of ingenious bamboo sticks or in combination with steel bars, wood sticks or plastic rods thereof. Since the designers include a highschool on the subdivision to be constructed, the researchers had discussed the “K to 12”, a program implemented by the government which aims to change the the 10 year of basic education to 12 years. It is a program implemented by the government to improve the education in the Philippines. This is an essential data since the facilities of the school should be coherent with this implemented program of the government. 31 CHAPTER 5 DETAILED ENGINEERING DESIGN 5.1 Loads and Codes 5.1.1 Introduction In this chapter, Loads and codes from National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010, National Building Code of the Philippines are taken into consideration for the design of reinforced concrete construction. Minimum design requirements are employed for the design of building. Different load combinations from NSCP 2010 are considered to obtain the most critical load that will act on the building itself 5.1.2 Dead Loads Dead Loads as defined from NSCP 2010 section 204 are loads consist of the weigth of all materials of construction incorporated into the building or other structure, including but not limited to walls, floors, roofs, ceilings, stairways, built in partitionsm finishes, cladding and other similarly incorporated architectural and structural items, and fixed service equipment, including the weigth of the crane. Values employed were taken from Table 204-1 (Minimum Densities for Design Loads) and table 204-2 (Minimum Design Dead Loads) in Section 204 of the Philippines. Here are the Dead loads for the four Storey Highschool Building. ROOF DECK: -Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Sanitary: 0. 25 -Plaster on wood lath: .38 -Waterproofing:0.07 TYPICAL FLOOR LOAD -Plaster on wood lath: 0.38 -Cement finish(25 mm on stone fill) -Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Sanitary: 0. 25 32 5.1.3 Live Loads As defined under NSCP 2010 Chapter 2- Minimum Design Loads Section 205, Live Loads shall regarded in this chapter as maximum loads expected by the intended use or occupancy of the building but it no case shall be less than that loads required. Live Loads are computed in this based on the values set forth under Table 205-1 (Minimum Uniform and Concentrated Live Loads) . Here are the live loads used for the four storey building. ROOF DECK: 3.8 MPa TYPICAL FLOOR LOAD -Office: 2.4 MPa -Corridor: 3.8 MPa -Classroom : 1.9 MPa 5.1.4 Earthquake Load Seismic Load Sample Computation: Computation of Weights: At Columns; Wc = γc Ag hc Level Size (m²) hc (m) Wu htc RD 0.5² 1.5 9 270 3 0.5² 3 18 540 2 0.5² 3 18 540 1 0.5² 3.175 19.05 571.5 33 At Beams; Wb = γc Ag L Level Size (m²) L Wtb RD 0.35x0.6 370 1864.8 3 0.35x0.6 370 1864.8 2 0.35x0.6 370 1864.8 1 0.35x0.6 370 1864.8 Level Slab+SDL A Wts RD 4.25 600 2550 3 4.114 600 2468.4 2 4.114 600 2468.4 1 4.384 600 2630.4 At Slabs; W = Ws A γc At Exterior Walls; W = Ww Ht L Level Tri. Ht Lc Wte RD 1.7 91 406.861 3 2.4 91 574.392 2 2.4 91 574.392 1 2.725 91 652.18 At Interior Walls; 34 Level Tri. Ht Lc Wti RD 1.7 13 58.123 3 2.4 128 807.94 2 2.4 128 807.94 1 2.725 138 989.02 Total Weight per Floor: Level Wt RD 5150 3 6555.5 2 6555.5 1 7008 Total Building Weight = 25,269 kn 35 Base Shear: Structure Period (Method A): I 1 Soil Type D = 3947.32 kn Source A = 3270.11 kn Z 0.4 Vmin = 0.11*0.44*1.0*25,269 = 1223.2 kn na 1 Therefore, nv 1 Ca 0.44 Cv 0.64 Ft = 0.07TV < 0.25V R 8.5 T < 0.75 therefore Ft = 0 Ct 0.0732 hn 12.35 T= = 0.0731 ( V= = Vmax = = 0.482 = 3270.11 kn Vertical Distribution: Fx = ( Level Wx hx Wxhx Fx Vx RD 5150 12.35 63602.5 1094.67 1094.67 3 6555.5 9.35 61293.93 1054.94 2149.61 2 6555.5 6.35 41627.43 716.45 2866.06 1 7008 3.35 23476.8 404.06 3270.12 36 Horizontal Distribution: Frames are Moment Resisting At = 30 (0.5²) = 7.5 m² Xcr = 9.4; Zcr = 14.5 Xcm = 10; Zcm = 15 Σz² = 583.5; Σx² = 227.2 Distribution along Z-axis: Fig 8.0 Structural Framing of Four Storey building with seismic force along Z axis 37 Distribution along X-axis: Fig9.0 Structural Framing of Four Storey building with seismic force along x axis 5.1.5 Wind Load Sample Computation: Wind Load Calculation (UBC) WL = cq (Area II) C= 0.8 Height Zone = 13.5 m = 44.29 ft q = 30 psf = 1432.55 n/m² WL = 0.8 ( 1432.66 ) = 1146.128 n/m² = 1.15 kPa 38 (Plotting into STAAD) Along Grid 1: 5.1.6 Total Factored Loads The governing load combination for the design of the structure was computed as 1.2DL+1.0LL+1.0E. For the slabs the combination used is 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL 5.1 Structural Design 5.2.1 Introduction The researchers have chosen structural engineering as its major component to test and strengthen the knowledge of the researchers on the field of structural engineering. The software to be used by the researchers in the design of the four storey High School building is Staad. It a software that used for structural analysis and design of building structures. The program is significant for the design for a safe, sound and most economical structure. The loads were computed with the help of Microsoft Excel and then put into the Structural model generated by Staad. Sample computation are written in this paper. 39 5.2.2 Design of Slabs (Sample Computation) (Analyze 1-m strap) Wu = 12.212 kPa (1m) = 12.212 kn/m ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( d=35.77 mm @Shear: ( 24.576(10³) = ( √ ( d= 37.837 mm therefore, As = = 0.03040 (1000) (150-20-20/2) = 3648 mm² No. 20 mm bars = 11.611 = 12-20mm bars Spacing = Smax ( ( ) 40 5.2.3 Design of Beams and Girders SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS TIE BEAM SCHEDULE Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. Width Depth A Mid B stirr dia. Top Bars 3 3 3 10 TB1 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 10 TB2 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 10 TB3 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 5 5 5 10 TB4 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 10 TB5 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 5 5 5 10 TB6 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Top Bars 5 5 5 10 TB7 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 6 6 6 10 TB8 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Top Bars 6 6 6 10 TB9 350 600 20 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm Table 7 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS (TIE BEAM SCHEDULE) 41 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Second Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 6 6 6 G1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 6 6 6 G2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Top Bars 6 6 6 G3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 6 3 6 G5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 5 5 5 G6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 5 5 5 G7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 G8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G9 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 6 6 6 G10 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 6 6 6 G11 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G12 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G13 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 6 G14 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 G15 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G16 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G17 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 5 G18 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 G19 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 6 G20 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 42 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Second Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 2 2 2 B1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm Table 8 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS (SECOND FLOOR) 43 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Third Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 6 6 6 G1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 5 5 5 G2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 5 6 6 G4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 6 3 6 G5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 4 4 4 G6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 4 4 G7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 G8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G9 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 4 4 4 G10 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 6 6 G11 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 G12 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G13 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 6 G14 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G15 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 G16 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G17 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 G18 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 G19 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 5 G20 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 44 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Third Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 2 2 2 B1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm Table 9 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS (THIRD FLOOR) 45 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Fourth Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 5 6 6 G1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 3 3 3 G2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 5 6 6 G4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 6 3 6 G5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 3 3 3 G6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 G7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 G8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 G9 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 4 4 4 Top Bars 3 3 3 G10 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 5 5 G11 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 4 4 4 G12 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 6 6 G13 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G14 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 4 4 G15 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G16 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G17 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 G18 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 G19 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 5 5 G20 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 2 3 3 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 46 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Fourth Floor Level Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Beam Mark Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 2 2 2 B1 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 B5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B7 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 B8 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm Table 10 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS (FOURTH FLOOR) 47 Beam Mark G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Roofdeck Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 3 4 4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 4 4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 4 5 5 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 5 6 6 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 4 4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 4 2 4 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 2 3 3 Top Bars 3 3 3 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 2 3 3 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 48 Beam Mark B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Roofdeck Beam Cross Section Longitudinal Reinforcements Bar dia. BARS STIRRUPS Width Depth A Mid B Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 6 6 6 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 3 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 3 3 2 Top Bars 2 2 2 350 600 20 10 Bottom Bars 5 5 5 Stirrup Spacing 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm,Rest at 150mm 1 at 50mm, Rest at 150mm Table 11 SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS (ROOFDECK) 5.2.4 Design of Columns SCHEDULE OF REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS Second Floor Level Beam Mark Beam Cross Section Bar dia. Width Depth NO OF BARS STIRRUPS DIAMETER Stirrup Spacing C1 500 500 20 8 10 320 mm C2 500 500 20 12 10 320 mm C3 500 500 20 16 10 320 mm C4 500 500 20 20 10 320 mm Table 12 SCHEDULE OF COLUMNS 49 5.2.5 Design of Foundation Introduction The strength of the foundation determines the life of the structure. Footings shall be designed to sustain the applied loads, moments and forces and the induced reactions and to ensure that any settlement which may occur shall be as uniform as possible and the safe bearing capacity of soil is not exceeded. In designing the foundation, Microsoft Excel application was used. Here a sample of computation for the design of isolated footing and combined footing. The most important part of designing a foundation footing is its flexural bars which resist moment and it thickness that resist punching and one way shear failure. The parameters used by the designers were obtained from a soil investigation of a lot near the proposed location of the site refer to Appendix – for the site. Design: Isolated Footing: 50 Combined Footing: D=1202 kn L=262 kn D=1402kn L=320kn 500 500 2 M 500 Mm 3 m ( Xcg = 500 mm = 1.871 m L / 2 = 1.871 + 2 ; L = 7.75 m qmax = qeff ; ; B = 4.75 m Thickness: Pu1=1861.6 kn D=1202 kn A B L=262kn Pu2=2194.4 kn D=1402 kn L=320 kn 500 2 m 3 M +MuA = +MuB = ( ( = 1046.7 kn-m = 1635.47 kn-m 2.25 M 51 -Mu @ Vu = 0 ; Xo = -Mu = = 3.56 m ( ( ( 2380.13 ( = -2380.13 kn-m ( ( ( ( ( ( d = 382.86 mm (Punching Shear) = ( ( ) (√ )( ( ) d= 663.39; t= 663.69 + 75 + 1.5(20) = 768 = 775 mm Longitudinal Bars: @Midspan (Top bars) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( @A (Bottom bars) ( @B (Bottom bars) Transverse Reinforcement: B = c + d = 0.5 + 0.67 = 1017 mm ( 52 @A: (Bottom Bars) Pu1=1861.6 kn 2.125 m 4.75 m ( ( ( ) ( ( ( ( ) 53 @B: (Bottom Bars) Pu2 = 2194.4 kn 2.125 M 4.75 m ( ) ( ( ( Shrinkage and Temperature Bars: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) 54 Reinforcing Bars Footing Size (BxL) thicknes s (mm) Long Direction Short Direction Top and Bottom Bars Top and Bottom Bars Mi Left Right d Left Mid Right Spacin g (mm) F1 4.0x4.0 625 15-20mmǿ 15-20mm 280 mm F2 4.5x4.5 725 20-20mmǿ 20-20mm 230 mm F3 4.0x4.0 650 16-20mmǿ 16-20mm 260 mm F4 4.5x4.5 750 20-20mmǿ 20-20mm 230 mm CF1 3.65x7.75 675 4420mmǿ 20-20mm 40-20mm CF2 3.675x7.7 675 30-20mm 38-20mm CF3 5.65x6.65 785 25-20mm 48-20mm CF4 4.75x7.75 775 21-20mm 4420mm 2020mm 4020mm 3020mm 3820mm 2520mm 4820mm 2120mm 4420mm 2420mm 4020mm 3620mm 3820mm 2820mm 4820mm 3320mm 16-20mm --- 18-20mm 16-20mm --- 18-20mm 16-20mm --- 18-20mm 16-20mm --- 18-20mm 22-20mm --- 25-20mm 22-20mm --- 25-20mm 18-20mm --- 22-20mm ** ** ** ** 18-20mm *Depth of Footing is 2.0 m **Bar Spacing is calculated given concrete cover is 75 mm ***no stirrups required Table 13 REINFORCING BARS FOR FOOTINGS --- 22-20mm 55 5.3 School Building Traffic Studies: Trip Generation: Total Person Trips = ∑ ( Where i=Land Use Classification LAND USE Trip Rates CLASSIFICATION Production Attraction Office .0027 .0176 Commercial .0576 .0735 Hotel 2.00 2.55 Residential 2.42 1.52 Mixed Use .0172 .0243 Production Trip Rates = 0.0172(3000 m²) = 51.6 trips/ m² GFA Unit Trips/ sqm of GFA Trips/ sqm of GFA Trips /hotel room Trips/dwelling unit Trips /sq m of GFA Attraction Trip Rates = 0.0243 (3000 m²) = 72.9 trips/ m² GFA Level of Service: Level of Service Volume/Capacity Ratio Less than .20 A 0.21-.50 B 0.51-0.70 C 0.71-0.85 D 0.86-1.00 E >1.00 F Category D: 0.71-0.85 Volume / Capacity Ratio Description: Moderate/ Heavy Traffic No. Of Lanes per Direction: 2 Hourly Capacity: 1800 pcu/lane Description Free flow traffic Free flow traffic Modrate Traffic Moderate/Heavy Traffic Heavy Traffic Force Flow , Strop and go 56 Road Type Carriageway Width (m) Roadside Friction Basic Hourly Capacity in PCU in Both Directions Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway Highway 4.0 4.1 - 5.0 5.1 - 5.5 5.6 - 6.1 6.2 - 6.5 6.6 - 7.3 2 7.0 None or Light None or Light None or Light None or Light None or Light None or Light None or Light Urban Street Urban Street Urban Street Urban Street - 6.0 6.1 - 6.5 6.6 – 7.3 2 7.0 Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy 600 1200 1800 1900 2000 2400 7200 (Expressway) 1200 1600 1800 6700 Road Width: 5.1 – 5.5 m Road Pavement design shall be either by concrete or asphalt so that the roads can accommodate high volume of traffic. General Land Use: School Parking Space Requirements School Parking Requirement = 1 slot/ 50 sq. m Required Parking Slots = 3000 m² (1/50) = 60 slots Additional Parking Slots for Disabled = 60/10 = 6 slots Total Number of Parking Slots = 66 slots 57 5.4 Plan Sets 5.4.1 Location of the School Building 58 5.4.2 Elevations of School 59 60 61 62 5.4.3 Floor Plan of School 63 64 ` 65 66 67 5.4.5 Structural Framing Plan of Four Storey Highschool Building 68 69 70 ` 5.4.5 Foundation Plan 71 5.5 Major and Minor Areas of Engineering MAJOR FIELD: STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING Structural Engineering is a branch of civil engineering dealing primarly with the design and construction of structures. To construct a building means to have safe and sound building. Safe and Sound, two different words but have the same agenda, which is to provide people shelter against bad weather, to give people a place to stay-in whenever possible, and to attract people to come to our country by means of providing a structure that is aesthetically beautiful in appearance. This thesis project involves the design of a four storey high school building of the proposed subdivision in Canlubang Calamba Laguna. We all know that schools can be one of the shelters that will be used in case there is an emergency in the area like typhoons, flood and fire. That’s why the project is focused on the safety of the building instead of the appearance. Since the beneficiary of the project wanted the structure to be built at a low cost without sacrificing its structural integrity, the researchers first focused on the safety of the structure to ensure the safety of the people who will enter the designed structure. The researchers also made sure that every element of the building meets its most efficient capacity in order to minimize the cost of every element of the structure.Upon construction of the said structure, it will benefit the economy of the country since more jobs will be offered especially to the people related on the construction field, and since it is also a technical high school it will improve the quality of education offered in our country. In this project, various technical programs will be utilized to help in modelling, conceptualizing and designing the project. First we used Google Sketchup to help us make the perspective of the building to visualize the image. We use STAADpro to help us in designing the entire structural member. Lastly, we use AutoCAD to help us in modelling and laying out the plan and specification of the project. Since Philippines is an earthquake prone country a thorough research must be done prior to this project. There should be a research on the land condition where the building will be rested. Now, for the specification of the project, a thorough research of very efficient materials available in our country must be done, and also a thorough research of the material’s property must be done if it will really be effective to use. The superstructure will be composed of reinforced concrete beams, columns, and slabs. The design of the project will depend from the loads like weight, superimposed, wind and seismic. The basis of our design is based on NSCP 2010. A beam may be defined as an element in which one dimension is much greater than the other two and the 72 applied loads are usually normal to the main axis of the element. Beams and columns are called line elements and are often represented by simple lines in structural modelling. Columns are elements that carry only axial force - compression - or both axial force and bending (which is technically called a beam-column but practically, just a column). The design of a column must check the axial capacity of the element, and the buckling capacity. Plates carry bending in two directions. A concrete flat slab is an example of a plate. Plates are understood by using continuum mechanics, but due to the complexity involved they are most often designed using a codified empirical approach, or computer analysis. From the previous paragraphs, we already have said about the meat of this project. When we say meat, it has nutrients that we can absorb. So with this, what are the possible nutrients, or important that this project could offer to us? To answer this question, we must first understand the concept of sustainable development. The concept of sustainable development means sustainable in three areas--- environment, economy and community. For environmental aspect, we chose to have a vertical expansion rather to have it horizontal in order to save space. Our land is very limited so we must make a way how to conserve space without affecting the integrity of the structure. On economic aspect, we tend to use indigenous materials to produce low cost building and upon maintaining and repairing the said building in the future, materials will always be available and cheap around. On the community aspect, this project can produce more jobs for the people in the community. With the said types of sustainable development, we could say that in order to have the best structural building, we must always try to ask the help of the experienced one about anything that could help us to construct this building in economic and environmental ways. In order to design the structure we must determine the dimensional requirement of the structure. After determining its required dimensions it is a must to determine the loads that the structure will support. The design loading of the structure is specified in building codes. The structural codes used in the structural design of this structure conform to the National Structural Code of the Philippines 2010 (NSCP 2010), Volume 1: Buildings, Towers, and Other Vertical Structures. All values used in the design are found in NSCP 2010. In the design of the building, several loads were used. The first one is the dead load. The dead loads that were considered in the computation are the slab weight, floor finish, masonry, mechanical, and electrical. These dead loads are typical for second to fourth floor of the building. Now for the roof deck dead load, we considered the slab weight, floor finish, waterproofing, mechanical, electrical, and also the materials for the green roofing. Then, for the live load, we considered the hallways and roof deck. Then, 73 for the wind load we used manual computation. Lastly for the seismic load, we used the 1997 UBC Seismic Loading as per required in the design software. The structural design of the structure has been done using different design software and. For the design of concrete beams and columns, STAAD.Pro was used. STAAD.Pro can make use of various forms of analysis from the traditional first order static analysis, second order p-delta analysis, geometric non-linear analysis or abuckling analysis. It can also make use of various forms of dynamic analysis from modal extraction to time history and response spectrum analysis. And also for the design of slabs and footings, it is computed using the manual analysis with the aid of Microsoft Excel. For the verification of the output of the design software, Microsoft Excel was also used and compared to the values given by the design software. 74 MINOR FIELD: TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Transportation engineering is the application of technology and scientific principles to the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical, and environmentally compatible movement of people and goods. Transportation engineering, as practiced by civil engineers, primarily involves planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of transportation facilities. The facilities support air, highway, railroad, pipeline, water, and even space transportation. The design aspects of transport engineering include the sizing of transportation facilities (how many lanes or how much capacity the facility has), determining the materials and thickness used in pavement designing the geometry of the roadway. It is a sub-discipline of civil engineering. Transportation engineering is a major component of the civil engineering discipline. The traffic is composed of all the elements that move within a traffic system. The term traffic is often mistaken by most of the people as traffic congestion but really traffic is composed of people, vehicles, and goods. Engineering is applied to transportation in order to bring safe and efficient flow of traffic. Transportation is a non separable part of any society. It exhibits a very close relation to the style of life, the range and location of activities and the goods and services which will be available for consumption. Advances in transportation has made possible changes in the way of living and the way in which societies are organized and therefore have a great influence in the development of civilizations. Engineering cites the importance of transportation in the modern society by presenting selected characteristics of existing transportation systems, their use and relationships to other human activities. Transportation is responsible for the development of civilizations from very old times by meeting travel requirement of people and transport requirement of goods. Such movement has changed the way people live and travel. In developed and developing nations, a large fraction of people travel daily for work, shopping and social reasons. But transport also consumes a lot of resources like time, fuel, materials and land. Transportation systems are a critical element of a strong economy, but can also contribute directly to building community and enhancing quality of life. Economics involves production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. People depend upon the natural resources to satisfy the needs of life but due to non uniform surface of earth and due to difference in local resources, there is a lot of difference in standard of living in different societies. So there is an immense requirement of transport of resources from one particular society to other. These resources can range from material things to 75 knowledge and skills like movement of doctors and technicians to the places where there is need of them. In present times, the Philippines is booming with realty business which is mainly about housing. After all, one of the basic needs of the people is shelter. In Manila, big companies are all about condominium units, subdivisions, hotels, and other types of building that provide shelter. And just like any other housing projects, the construction of a single subdivision greatly affects the traffic and economic situation not just around the area but also the insides of the subdivision itself. Without engineering the traffic system of a subdivision, traffic accidents, traffic jam, and traffic congestion are most likely to occur. The fact that this will surely occur made our group to work on the estimated levels of traffic caused by the subdivision. This will lead us to the most probable solutions to battle traffic chaos. The reason why traffic engineering is applied to the construction of the subdivisions is to predict a reasonable amount of added traffic production and generation produced before, during, and after the construction. The appropriate design of traffic facilities, route, intelligent transportation system and parking spaces are determined for minimized traffic. And in connection with the project, the group predicted the number of probable parking spaces based on the number of future inhabitants in the subdivision. The route of the vehicles going in and out of the subdivision is also designed to avoid confusion among drivers and also to maximize the efficiency of the roads. While engineering the transportation system, the group also looked into certain rules regarding the traffic system in order to properly install all the traffic signs and facilities. The code used in the study is based on National Center for Transportation Studies or NCTS. One of the group’s objectives is to assess the possible amount of traffic produced by the proposed project. To be able to be ready for the incoming impact of the probable traffic situations, the group held a traffic impact assessment. A traffic impact assessment is an analysis that can be prepared for any type of developments such as residential, commercial, office, industrial or mixed-use project. A TIA usually needs to be submitted by a developer before any changes in land use zoning, subdivision maps, site plan or new driveways are approved. If a TIA is not needed the City/Municipal Planning and Development Office may require a traffic operations analysis to address local transportation issues. The group performed a minimized version of TIA by predicting the number of parking spaces, parking control, land use distribution, and appointment of the essential utilities for the subdivision. All of the data gathered are based on the subdivision layout and the maximum number of houses available for the project area. After computations, the total number of parking spaces required are 66 spaces including the parking spaces 76 for the disabled. However, the proposed school is not considered within the computation of the spaces due to limited percentage of land use for the parking area. With the rules and the conditions stated from the NCTS, the group is able to provide the route and the number of parking spaces in the subdivision. With the number of probable parking spaces and the transportation system set by the designers, the proposed subdivision is ready for the circulation of traffic within its area of reach. Therefore, it is concluded that traffic studies are as essential as building design and construction. The economic level of the subdivision’s area as well as the proposed school’s area is controlled by the proposed traffic system. This proves that the study in transportation engineering is not something to be neglected. Better lifestyle and business is at reach maximized by the traffic system is achieved. 77 MINOR FIELD: CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT A project is an activity wherein it has a defined start and end. It has its own specific objective to be achieved. In Civil engineering, a construction project aims to build something. Construction project can range from renovation or building of malls, hospitals and school to construction of high rise building and superstructure. These projects done by Civil Engineers usually consumed money, labour, equipment, time and materials at a large scale. Because of how big a construction project is, it should be implemented in an organize way. This is where Project Management comes in. Construction Project Management is an important role of Civil Engineers. Project Manager is the one who defines the project, its end user and its goal to achieve. After the project is defined, then comes planning, which is listing of all the activities for the project, its duration, setting a date for start and completion of the project. Then Execution of the project comes next. This is where the manager allocates the budgets on the materials needed for the project. As the project goes on, the Project manager monitors whether the project is delayed or ahead with its activities. He also monitors the budget for the construction of the project. After all of this was done, the project manager and the owners of the project come together to analyze the final product of the project. Project management planning, cost management, quality management, contract administration and safety management are the specific task that construction managers should do. Project management planning is making out of plans, setting a date for the activities that need to be done and the materials required for the project to be achieved. Cost management is a very important role of construction managers. It is where the construction managers could adjust budgets to resolve unexpected issues. Contracts are very important in construction projects. The manager should ensure that every provision in the contract signed by both parties is satisfied to prevent conflict or complications. During construction, it is important that every material used or work done is of good quality. Construction manager should be good in quality control. A construction project involves a lot of contractor and subcontractor. It is important to ensure that everyone is doing good job in performing their task in construction. Another task of project manager is safety management. Construction is one of the most hazardous works in the industry. Construction manager should know how to deal with these hazards to prevent accidents in the site The project manager used tools such as S-curve, gantt chart and etc to monitor the progress of the project. S-curve is used to track the progress of construction project, it 78 usually defined of a graph with a shape of an elongated inclined “S”. It is one of the control measures of project manager. Building a construction project usually require a lot of attention in terms of time, cost, labor and time. It is important that as the project progresses, the project manager should account how much time, money and labor was spent to prevent unnecessary spending of money. S-curve can be generated through the used Microsoft excel, Microsoft project, Primavera and other programs. It is a time scaled graph which incorporates the planned value, earned value and the actual cost. Because of this S-curve the client could interpret whether the project is ahead or delayed from the schedule. The client could also compare the actual value to the planned value of the project In this proposed four storey high school building, the team made used of an Scurve to show it schedule, its duration and project cost. Making an S-curve usually requires experience because it involves estimating time for each activity. Estimating time for each items such as formworks, architectural finishes, miscellaneous, earthworks requires years of work to learn. For instance, for earthworks, you should know how many weeks it will take, and then it what week will concrete works will start. Because the team lacks experience when it comes to this field, we asked a professional civil engineer to guide us in making an S-curve of the four storey high school building of the proposed subdivision in CanlubangCalamba Laguna. To generate an S-curve, we make used of the program Microsoft Excel because it easily to use and it is accessible to the user. Before we were able to generate an S-curve, we made an estimate of the four-storey high school building as advice to us by our adviser. It is important to have an estimate before generating an S-curve to estimate how long an item will take to be completed. The proposed project would last up to eight months. If the project will start in January, then it will end September, same year as the project were started. Items considered in the Scurve are Earthworks, General Requirements, Concrete Mix, Formworks; Rebar works, Masonry, Architectural Finishes, Painting works and Miscellaneous. As estimate, in construction, is the calculation of quantities of various items, works, labour, time and expenses. The total of the expenses is called as the estimated to the cost work. Estimates are not exact. Sometimes it produces large or minimal discrepancy with the real value of the work done. In other words, it is just an approximated value. To minimize this discrepancy, estimating methods and correct visualization of the work done, as it will be done. It is very important that an estimate is close to the real value, to prevent over spending or under spending for project. In construction business, inaccurate estimate would result to unpleasant consequences in the workplace. Underestimating of a project would result unnecessary sudden changes in the agreed budget while overestimating would result to loss of trust by the client. These miscalculations would result to heavy price in the workplace. 79 Estimate in construction could be done approximately or in a detailed way. Approximate estimate is a rough estimate which is used when there is a lack of time or to have a quick glance on how a project would cost while detailed estimate is prepared by determining the quantities and cost of everything that a contractor need to proceed with the project. This the most reliable form of estimate. There are two types of detailed estimate: Unit quantity and Total quantity Method. Unit quantity method is type of wherein the work is divided into as many operations or items that the work would required. In our estimate of the four storey high school building, we made used of this type of estimate. This estimate is one of the most important roles of a construction manager. It may be a simple task however it requires a lot of experience in the field because it involves knowledge in practical work, methods and procedures which can only be obtain through first hand applications. A good estimator should know how to understand architectural drawing, should possess knowledge of building materials and construction methods. He should also thorough knowledge in construction work and have an organize work when it comes to an estimate. Just like with the S-curve, making an Estimate also requires experience professional to be done precisely. 80 CHAPTER 6 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 6.1 WalkThrough STREETVIEW OF THE SUBDIVISION 81 6.2 Perspectives Highschool Four Storey Building Of The Subdivision 82 Proposed Gawad Kaling Village Phase II 83 CHAPTER 7 BUDGET ESTIMATION As estimate, in construction, is the calculation of quantities of various items, works, labour, time and expenses. The total of the expenses is called as the estimated to the cost work. Estimates are not exact. Sometimes it produces large or minimal discrepancy with the real value of the work done. In other words, it is just an approximated value. In our project, design of a four storey high school building, the estimated cost of the project is Php 36,562,192. Items that were considered in this estimate are general requirements, earthworks, concrete mix, formworks, rebarworks, masonry, architectural finishes, painting works and miscellaneous. 7.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE 14 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 84 7.2 EARTHWORKS TABLE 15 EARTHWORKS 7.3 CONCRETE MIX 85 TABLE 16 CONCRETE MIX 7.4 FORMWORKS TABLE 17 FORMWORK 86 7.5 REBARWORKS TABLE 18 REBARWORKS 87 7.6 MASONRY TABLE 19 MASONRY 88 7.7 ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES TABLE 20 ARCHITECTURAL FINISHES 7.8 PAINTING WORKS TABLE 21 PAINTING WORKS 89 7.9 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE 22 MISCELLANEOUS 7.10 Total amount of the project TABLE 23 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THE PROJECT 90 Chapter 8.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE In this proposed four storey high school building, the team made used of an Scurve to show it schedule, its duration and project cost. Making an S-curve usually requires experience because it involves estimating time for each activity. Estimating time for each items such as formworks, architectural finishes, miscellaneous, earthworks requires years of work to learn. For instance, for earthworks, you should know how many weeks it will take, and then it what week will concrete works will start. Because the team lacks experience when it comes to this field, we asked a professional civil engineer to guide us in making an S-curve of the four storey high school building of the proposed subdivision in Canlubang Calamba Laguna. To generate an S-curve, we make used of the program MS project because it easily to use and it is accessible to the user. Before we were able to generate an S-curve, we made an estimate of the four-storey high school building as advice to us by our adviser. It is important to have an estimate before generating an S-curve to estimate how long an item will take to be completed. The proposed project would last up to eight months. If the project will start in January, then it will end September, same year as the project were started. Items considered in the Scurve are Earthworks, General Requirements, Concrete Mix, Formworks; Rebar works, Masonry, Architectural Finishes, Painting works and Miscellaneous. 91 PROJECT SCHEDULE 92 CHAPTER 9.0 CONCLUSION AND SUMMARY The researchers were able to discuss the requirements for planning subdivision of socialized housing. The proposed subdivision is made up of 140 two storey duplex housing units. The researchers also discuss on the requirements set by BP220 in designing the subdivision such as considering the length and width of the road, minimum floor area of the housing unit ofthe subdivision, its setbacks from property line, the use of indigeneous construction material such as form tile block and other parameters stated in the revised BP220. With regard to the highschool building, the researchers were able to come up with a structural design of the highschool building. The researchers used STAAD program in designing the building. When it comes to the design of the foundation of the building, the designers used Excel program. Sample computation for columns, beams, slab and foundation are the results of STAAD program included in the papers When it comes to the design of foundation members, it was found out that the resulting size of footings exceeded the spaces between its columns. As a result, the designers came up with a design of combined footings. The researchers were only able to come up with the estimate of the four storey highschool buildings because of the limited time and wideness of the project 93 CHAPTER 10.0 RECOMMENDATION The use of form tile block helps lessen the time and expenses in the construction of the housing units of the subdivision. The researchers recommend the use of this construction material in building low cost subdivision because of its affordability and structural integrity. In preparing the proposed plan for the subdivision, the researchers only focused on layouting the housing units and roads of the subdivision due to the limited time allotted for the study. The researchers were only able to make a structural design of the Four Storey Highschool building which is part of the project. The researchers recommend that further studies should be done on the designing of socialized subdivision since the researchers only focused on the layouting of housing units and roads of the subdivision and structural design of the four storey building. Other parameters in designing should be studied such as concrete pavement, water distribution, sanitations, electrical and etc, to make this project more livable for its recipients. The researchers are open for other feasibility studies such as the use of water catchment facility, utilization of solar panel, use of other building materials that could lessen expenses and time in the construction. This study will greatly help in innovating the proposed subdivision. The researchers were not able to make a feasibility study for the tricycle terminal of the project due to the limited time and resources. The researchers recommend that there will be a study on how the tricyle terminal should be designed that will suit the needs of the occupants of the subdivision. 94 CHAPTER 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We, the researchers would like to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt gratitude to the people who had helped us to complete and make this paper possible. To our beneficiary, Engr. Jessie Ibay who trusted and guided us in writing this paper. We express our heartfelt gratitude to him for giving us valuable insight and in supporting us in writing our thesis paper. We also want to acknowledge our thesis advisers for sharing their knowledge and support especially to Engr Goeffrey Cueto. His support and knowledge that he shared to us, gave us confidence in finishing this thesis. We thank all our friends and classmates for the encouragement and support they had given us. Also, to our families who serve as our inspiration and supported us, thank you very much. And lastly, to our Lord above who is always there to support us during the times of ups and downs of our life as college students. We give Him our heartfelt gratitude and we ask him to continuously guide us in our life. 95 REFERENCES Aalto University, School of Engineering. Transportation Engineering. Retrieved from Celly, RK(2007). Low Cost, Energy Efficient & Environment-Friendly Housing Technologies for Developing Countries. Retrieved from ousing.pdf Constantine C.J.(2009). Part 1 Pre-cast Concrete for Low Cost Housing: State of the Art. Retrieved from Construction information Services. Construction Estimating Techniques.Retrieved from Crisologo, Ferdinand (2006) Precast Concrete Wall Form Block. 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