FY2013 Annual Report - Community Foundation of Western


FY2013 Annual Report - Community Foundation of Western
Annual Report
April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013
The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts seeks to
enrich the quality of life of the people of our region by:
fl Encouraging philanthropy
Letter from President
and Chair
Investments in Our
Legacy Society
Grantmaking Fund
Competitive Grants
Donor Advised Fund
Scholarship Fund
fl Developing a permanent, flexible endowment
fl Assessing and responding to emerging and changing needs
fl Serving as a resource, catalyst, and coordinator for charitable
fl Promoting efficiency in the management of charitable funds
10 Valley Gives
12 Reading Success
13 Annual Fund
14 Contributors
14 Commemorative Gifts
24 Funds
46 Grants
52 Financial Highlights
54 Committees, Volunteers, Staff
56 Trustees
57 Start Your Fund
1500 Main Street
P. O. Box 15769
Springfield, MA 01115
413-732-2858 · fax 413-733-8565
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Dear Friends,
Major forward movement takes lots of small,
steady steps and maybe one giant, well-timed
leap toward a common goal. Looking back at
this past year (ending March 31, 2013), we
saw many examples of people taking steps
together to create something bigger than any
one of us could do alone. For instance, 150
local volunteers came together to review grant proposals and scholarship applications. They gave
their time and expertise, and the impacts of their work are felt up and down the Valley.
The Foundation gave out more than $10 million in grants, scholarships, and loans, one of our
biggest years ever! This substantial investment in our community is due to the generosity of many
people coming together. This past year the Foundation received contributions from more than 1,100
individual contributors totaling $9 million in gifts. Those big, impressive numbers include gifts of
all sizes from community members who care about this region and give what and when they can.
As champions of philanthropy for the Pioneer Valley, we are extraordinarily proud of the part we
were able to play in launching Valley Gives. This was our big leap.
The Pioneer Valley’s first “24-hour giving day” was a massive collaborative effort. Volunteers
spearheaded the initiative and the fundraising, a partnership of the region’s nine funders came
together to support the project, corporate and individual sponsors built a $200,000 prize pool,
over 260 nonprofits signed on to participate, and finally 6,646 donors made more than 10,000 gifts,
raising a million dollars for our community.
Building on our past successes, we look forward to more collaboration, more collective action, and
ever greater impact throughout the Pioneer Valley. In the meantime, we send our thanks for your
partnership and the work you do to enrich this region.
Katie Allan Zobel
President and CEO
Sanford A. Belden
Trustee Chair
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Investments in Our
Our Scholarship Program
Total applicants: 2,286
Grants are distributed in one of three ways at the
Community Foundation: the first way is through our
Competitive Grantmaking Program, which last year
awarded more than $1.1 million by utilizing community volunteers. Alternatively, advised and designated
funds allow donors to decide how much, when, and to
whom to make a contribution. The Foundation makes
an additional, substantial investment in education
through our scholarship program.
Human Services
Housing and
Total recipients: 762
Total number of awards: 1,079
Total amount of awards:
$2.07 million
Funds making awards: 111
84 volunteers selected recipients
over 8 days
Arts and Culture
Arts and Culture
Advised and Designated Grants · $4.76 million
Human Services
Housing and
Competitive Grants · $1.12 million
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
The Foundation’s mission
is to serve the Pioneer
Valley, and most of the
funds we distribute serve
Franklin, Hampden, and
Hampshire counties.
Donors who establish
funds, particularly donor
advised funds, are not
limited to supporting the
nonprofits in our region.
These diagrams show
where the $10 million
in distributions that
were made last year
actually went.
Pioneer Valley
Outside Massachusetts
Advised and Designated Grants
Outside New England states 11%
Other New England states 7%
Pioneer Valley
Scholarship Grants Paid to Schools
Scholarship recipients are generally residents of the
Pioneer Valley, but can go to school anywhere. Most of
the scholarship funds that we award not only support
local students, but more often than not support our local
colleges and universities, and thus our local economy.
15% Franklin county
(pop. 10%)
25% Hampshire county
(pop. 23%)
60% Hampden county
(pop. 67%)
Competitive Grants
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Inspiring Generosity
“As an executive at The Republican, I feel
a responsibility to be involved with the
community we serve and to contribute
to making it a better place,” says Robyn
Newhouse. For the 20-plus years that
Robyn has been working in downtown
Springfield, she has been volunteering
countless hours and donating money in
support of the many causes she cares about.
In making the choice to join the
Community Foundation’s Legacy Society,
she has taken steps to ensure that those
causes will have support for generations to
come. “I like the idea that if an organization
that I am supporting now were to close
for some reason, the Foundation will find
another that furthers the same cause,” says
Robyn has been volunteering at the
Foundation for the past several years, reading grant applications and making recommendations for distributions, which has
given her an inside look at the many nonprofits meeting the myriad needs of our
community. As a supporter of so many
causes and organizations, the ease of management that the Foundation offers
appealed to Robyn.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
“The Community Foundation offers a way
to more efficiently handle the various
things that I give to. Having a donor
advised fund makes organizing and budgeting my gifts easier,” said Robyn.
Robyn feels that everyone has a responsibility to be involved in their community and
says of her own service, “I am trying to do
my part to inspire people to support the
things they care about.”
Legacy Society
Donors may become members of the Legacy Society
with any of the following arrangements:
• Bequest provision in a will
• Charitable remainder trust
• Charitable lead trust
• Charitable gift annuity
• Designation as beneficiary of qualified retirement
plan assets
• Gift of life insurance policy
Please let us know if you have made similar
arrangements so that we may recognize everyone who
supports the long-term mission of the Community
Foundation. Call us at 413-732-2858 for more
Legacy Society Donors
S. Prestley and Helen Blake
Mary Lord Brown
Marcia E. Burick
Priscilla Carter
Annie Cheatham and Ann Gibson
Virginia A. Christenson
Edward M. Clark
Shera Cohen
Jill Ker Conway
Kenneth Cote and Elaine Alonso Cote
Carol E. Craig
William A. Darity
Deborah A. Driscoll
Kent and Scottie Faerber
Jack and Deb Ferriter
Maurice and Peg Ferriter
Karen Fisk and Maurice Proulx
Edward Fleming, III and Jane Fleming
Ian Fraser
Norma Friedman
Paula and John Gallup
Theodore and Norma Gewanter
Frederick Griffiths
Elizabeth K. Hale
Lester and Roberta Halpern
Teresa A. Harris
Wil Hastings
Jean vonL. Hayes
Virginia Jahn
Kim Cook and Amy Jamrog
Charles M. Johnson
Bruce Kurtz
Edward and Catherine Lamoureux
Edward and Shirley Livi
Susan Lowenstein
Susan and Morton Lynn
Mary-Lou Mehrtens
Richard Milstein
Steven and Moira Mitus
William and Susan Monks
Dr. Robyn A. Newhouse
Louis F. Oldershaw
Karen Parker
Priscilla L. Pike
Cecile Ploran
John F. Ptaszek, Jr.
Eleanor Rothman
Terry and Frances Ryan
Donald and Patricia Savage
Barbara Shaffer
Robert C. Smith
Jane Sommer
Gladys B. Sullivan
Robin C. and Audrey A. Taylor
Frances A. Townsend
Richard and Sandra Wallis
Robert and Eileen Zewski
Katie Allan Zobel
Anonymous (24)
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Photo by Suzanne Larocque
Creating a New
Resource for
Children’s Health
Andrew Balder and Cynthia Sommer would
really like to see the local neo-natal intensive care units go unused. Andrew and
wife Cynthia are both passionate about
helping children thrive, and recently decided to start a fund at the Community
Foundation that could make a difference
locally. The Balder Sommer Fund for
Children’s Health is a grantmaking fund,
meaning grant decisions will be in the
hands of the Community Foundation’s allvolunteer Distribution Committee, and will
be made through the Competitive Grants
The new fund at the Foundation will specifically support organizations that address
healthy birth outcomes, or child health and
nutrition, for people living in poverty in the
cities of Springfield and Holyoke.
Andrew and Cynthia liked the idea of creating a permanent resource that could grow
over time. Having the fund reside at the
Community Foundation made sense
because of the volunteer expertise in both
making grants and managing the assets.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
“There are really good people and organizations out there struggling for resources.
They need to be supported, said Andrew.
“The Foundation has the ability to see the
total need and pool the resources of lots of
people to have a bigger impact.”
Cynthia added, “We’ve lived here for 25
years and would like to create something
that will be here in perpetuity to help the
community we care about.”
Going Green
With 10,000 Actions
The Center for EcoTechnology, also known
locally for its EcoBuilding Bargains store in
Springfield, has been promoting energy
efficiency, clean and local power, waste
reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting
throughout all of western Massachusetts
for 35 years. Last year, they received a
$15,000 grant from the Foundation to
support its Go Green Campaign.
The Go Green project aims to educate
residents and help them make a measurable
environmental impact through their individual actions. The goal is to encourage
residents to collectively take 10,000 energy
efficient, clean energy, and waste reduction
actions. Staff members and a group of
EcoFellows (recent college graduates are
mentored and trained in this work through
a fellowship program) are out in the community talking to people about making
incremental changes. As a result, people
are finding affordable ways to go green
by insulating their homes, recycling, and
composting more of their waste, and even
installing solar electricity and hot water
John Majercak, Executive Director for the
Center for EcoTechnology, says, “Our staff
and EcoFellows engage with people all
over western Massachusetts, at farmer’s
markets, fairs and festivals, anywhere that
people gather, to educate and inform.
The support of the Community Foundation
helps us meet our goals in two ways:
1. The grant directly pays for the work,
and 2. Potential partners and other funders
are more likely to get involved when they
see that the Community Foundation is a
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
A Family Tradition
of Generosity
Peter and Melissa Picknelly made the decision back in 2005 to start a donor advised
fund at the Foundation, and in the years
since they have recommended grants
supporting a range of causes that are
important to them. The United Way of
Pioneer Valley, Square One, and the
Springfield Museums are among the many
beneficiaries of the Picknelly’s generosity.
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Donor advised funds are flexible vehicles
for charitable giving, offering donors tax
advantages and the convenience of having
the administrative details handled by the
Foundation. The Picknelly family has a
long tradition of giving back to their community, and the Peter and Melissa Picknelly
Charitable Fund makes it easy for them to
carry on that family tradition here in the
Pioneer Valley.
“Our parents taught us about contributing
to our community and we want to teach
our children the importance of giving back
as well. It is a responsibility that we take
seriously,” said Peter.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
In naming their children as successor
advisors to their donor advised fund, Peter
and Melissa are ensuring that the legacy of
generosity and community involvement
Realizing Lofty Goals
“The scholarships I have received have
meant a lot to me and my mom, said DeeAnn McCarthy. “Our financial struggles
have driven me to do well in my academic
endeavors so I can have a more financially
stable life in the future, but the cost of a
college education is daunting.”
Dee-Ann McCarthy is a recipient of
multiple scholarships and loans from the
Community Foundation, including Colgan
loans, the Gertrude and William Hill
Scholarship, and the Steiger Family
Scholarship, from which she received
$2,500 last year, and has been selected
again for an additional $2,500 next year.
Dee-Ann is a graduate from Central High
School in Springfield, and is soon to begin
her junior year of college.
Double majoring in earth systems and
environmental science at the University
of Massachusetts in Amherst, Dee-Ann is
passionate about protecting the planet and
hopes to use her education to study climate
change. She spent her summer interning
for the Trustees of Reservations of
Holyoke, where she gained hands-on
experience while doing something positive
for the local environment.
“These scholarships are the only reason I
have been able to afford the costs of my
education and they have motivated me to
work even harder,” said Dee-Ann.
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Valley Gives Day
In 2012, the Community Foundation decided to
try to ignite local philanthropy through social
media and mobile technology. Valley Gives’ goal
was to help local nonprofits take advantage of the
explosive growth in online giving and social
media, and to engage donors in the Pioneer Valley
in a new way.
This was a truly collaborative effort, with many
individuals, corporate partners, media sponsors,
philanthropic partners, nonprofits, and donors
stepping up to take a risk on something new, and
the results were beyond what we had imagined.
Partner Organizations
• The Beveridge Family Foundation
Valley Gives is a 24-hour giving day, conducted
entirely online at www.valleygivesday.org and
promoted heavily through Facebook and Twitter,
as well as local media. On Valley Gives Day 2012
nonprofits took to the streets and their computers
to talk about their work and connect with donors
who share their passion for their causes. At the
end of the day, the initiative had raised $974,737
in addition to the $200,000 prize pool. In total,
6,646 people logged on that day and made more
than 10,000 gifts to over 250 local organizations.
Staff members from the
United Way and the
Community Foundation
show donors the Valley
Gives website on 12.12.12.
Photo courtesy of The
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
• Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
• Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts
• Jewish Endowment Foundation
• United Way of Franklin County
• United Way of Hampshire County
• United Way of Pioneer Valley
• Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
“Valley Gives was the most exciting day we ever had in our
office at Snow Farm. We had no idea what to expect and by
9:00 am we realized it was working! The donations were
coming in and we were riveted to our computer screens all
“When Snow Farm’s name came up as the $10,000 golden
ticket winner we at first thought it must be $1,000. When
our eyes adjusted and we realized it was actually $10,000 we
screamed, jumped up and down and called everyone we
could think of,” said Karen Totman, Executive Director of
Snow Farm: the New England Craft Program.
Snow Farm upgraded their computer lab, replacing eightyear-old computers with brand new iMacs.
Thank You to our Valley Gives 2012 Corporate Sponsors:
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Funder Collaborative
Tackles Early Literacy
The Reading Success by Fourth Grade
Fund is a donor advised fund at the
Foundation created by the Funder Collaborative for Reading Success (FCRS). FCRS
is committed to advancing early literacy
proficiency for Springfield’s children under
the common belief that reading is a fundamental skill and leads toward future success
in school and life. The goal is for 80% of
Springfield’s children to read proficiently on
the third grade MCAS by 2016. The
Collaborative has raised $1.3 million toward
its initial fundraising goal of $1.5 million.
In FY2013, grants totaling $391,748 were
awarded to five organizations chosen
through a competitive grantmaking process.
The following projects were funded:
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art: The
Power of Picture Books: Links to Literacy
and Learning, $32,250. Educators and picture book artists bring language-rich curricula to emerging readers, their parents
and teachers to encourage successful reading habits, and a lasting connection with
Regional Employment Board of Hampden
County: Hasbro Summer Learning Initiative,
$80,000. This project helps low-income
children access fun and engaging summer
activities promoting literacy, creativity, and
engaged learning.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Springfield Collaboration for Change: The
Home-School Family Literacy Project,
$89,267. This project partners with four
elementary schools in Springfield to provide resources for parents to advance student literacy.
Springfield College: Americorps – Student
Success Corps: Reading Corps, $139,771
(over three years). Literacy tutors are
working with preschool children who show
signs of reading difficulty throughout the
school year to improve literacy outcomes.
Square One: Summer and After-School
Enrichment Programs: Access Funds and
Literacy Coaches for Disadvantaged
Children, $50,000. This project offers summer enrichment programs and an intensive
literacy skill-building experience through
the use of literacy coaches.
The Members of the Funder Collaborative for
Reading Success
• Babson Capital Management LLC
• Baystate Health Systems, Inc.
• Berkshire Bank Foundation
• Community Foundation of Western
• The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc.
• First Niagara Bank
• Hampden Savings Bank Foundation
• Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation
• MassMutual Financial Group
• Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Inc.
• Peoples United Bank Charitable Foundation
• SIS Charitable Fund at the Community
Foundation of Western Massachusetts
• TD Charitable Foundation
• United Bank Foundation
• United Way of Pioneer Valley
Supporting Culture
and Education in
Franklin County
Wallis and Cornelia Reid are not originally
from Leyden, Massachusetts, but have
become deeply rooted in the community
they first fell in love with more than 30
years ago. As music lovers, they have been
attending the performances of Mohawk
Trail Concerts for decades, but, as recently
retired teachers, they have been spending
more of their time volunteering for the
organization. They contribute to a range of
causes and organizations both outside and
inside the Pioneer Valley, including
Franklin Land Trust, the Food Bank of
Western Massachusetts, and the
Community Foundation.
Wallis and Cornelia support the
Foundation’s annual fund, because they
have seen the impact that grants and scholarships have on their local community and
they want that good work to continue.
“We are particularly passionate about
education and music, and are pleased to
see that there are so many others who
support those causes too, said Cornelia.
“We are grateful that the Community
Foundation exists to work so hard for this
wonderful community.”
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Commemorative Gifts
Commemorative gifts are a unique
way to remember and honor an
individual or important milestone.
It is a privilege for the Community
Foundation to accept these thoughtful gifts and put them to work for
the people of our region. On behalf
of our generous donors, we commemorate the following people,
occasions, and organizations.
In Memory Of
Paul Adornato
Robert B. Atkinson
Vito and Loretta Bell
Douglas Bewick
Charles Block
Michelle L. Bolyea
Susan Botfield
Arthur Brown
John Chandler
Lizzie Chandler
Laura Childs
Liliana Marie Cordes
Mrs. Helen Long Cyrs
Neil G. Daboul
Robert C. Dawson
Philip J. Dean, MD
Anthony F. DeSimone
Mark Douville
A. David “Davey” Duggan
Maurice E. Duperreault
First Sergeant Kevin Dupont
Sandra Eagleton
Sunnan D. Edall
Linda Evenchick
Paul Fisher
Eileen and William Fitzgerald
Richard Fleury
John M. Flynn
Tim Flynn
James Friedberg
Jerry Fruchter
Mary Gardner
Bill George
Bernard Glazier
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Ronald Goffman
Nicholas G. Grass
Ellen M. Haggerty
Robert Hallam
Rose Hallett
Peter Herbert
Robert M. Horne
Charles and Mary Hough
Dennis Hudson
Theodore “Harry” Karamallis
Bessie Kasemeotes
Theodore Katsounakis
Thomas M. Keenan
Katharine Kevgas
Dr. John Robert Kisiel
Ozzy Klate
Etta M. Knittel
Frances Kofahl
Vincent and Jan Korzeniowski
Fred K. Lane
Rita J. Lauzon
Jacqueline A. Lavallee
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Leary
Mary F. “Baci” Lesniak
Dr. Anthony P. Lovell
Dr. Laurence E. Lundy
Anna Luvera
Mary Alby Markel
Steven J. Mastroyin
Tom McNair
Dr. John E. McNally
Paul H. Mehrtens, Sr.
Rose A. Montanari
Richard Moriarty's 65th Birthday
Francis J. O'Shea
Karen Panaccione
George Parakilas
Elaine Parakilas and Michael
Miriam Pomeroy
Stella and John Ptaszek, Sr.
Joan Fitzgerald Putnam
Joseph W. Ricco
Newtown, CT
Jean D. Roger
Christine Mitus Rose
Margaret K. Rose
Carol Saline
Anna Savas
Sarah Christie Schewe
David Sigelman
Father Michael Sitaris
The Honorable Kent B. Smith
Greg Speeter
Richard A. Stebbins
Albert E. Steiger
Cynthia M. Stowe
Robert Sullivan, Sr.
Seymour Tabatchnick
T. Teree, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tolosky
David L. Trial
Karl Uhlig
Carlos A. Vega
Klemens von Klemperer
Ruth and Ed Wallace
Ruth E. Weston
Helen T. Wozniak
In Honor Of
Sanford Belden’s 70th Birthday
Kay Bressette’s 95th Birthday
Employees of Cooper’s Corner &
State Street Fruit Stand
Dr. Demosthenes Dasco
Kent W. Faerber
Ann Ferguson
Judy Goldberg
Rick Griffiths
Carol Hess’ Birthday
Richard Hess’ birthday
Chester Holda
Stanley Hunter
Father Panteleiman Klostri
Bettie Kravetz
Dawn Lapierre
Lillian Jackson Lee
Jarrett Man
Ben and Jennie Markens
Ellen and Barry Nigrosh
Dotty Philips’ Birthday
Alex and Sharon Platt’s Marriage
Eric Reeves
Katie Richardson
Helen and Rockwell Rookey’s 65th
Wedding Anniversary
Marie Stebbins
Gladys Sullivan
Maureen Trafford
Aaron Vega
Patrons of Woodstar Cafe
Katie Allan Zobel
Elias Zoras
The Community Foundation is
extraordinarily grateful to the following donors for their support.
Whether a gift starts a new fund,
adds to an existing one, or supports
our operations, it all helps to
improve the quality of life in the
Pioneer Valley and beyond.
Contributors listed with an asterisk
are noted for having made a gift to
the Foundation’s annual fund this
$100,000 plus
ABC Longmeadow, Inc.
Charles and Betty Barker
Baystate Health System, Inc.
Daily Hampshire Gazette
Mrs. Virginia Jahn
Edwin P. Lepper Irrevocable Trust
MassMutual Financial Group
Dr. Robyn A. Newhouse*
O'Connell Oil Associates, Inc.
Peter and Melissa Picknelly
David and Alice Shearer
Albert Steiger Memorial Fund, Inc.
Richard Salter Storrs Library
Ralph and Vicki Tate*
Wilbur H. Ward Education Trust
Anonymous (4)
$50,000 to $99,999
C & E Barker Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust
The Beveridge Family Foundation,
Irene E. and George A. Davis
Lochridge-Watkins Charitable
Foundation, Bank of America
Kasia and Peter Novak
Olmstead Family Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust II
The Recorder
Friends of the Upward Bound
Valley District Dental Women
Anonymous (3)
$10,000 to $49,999
Babson Capital Management, LLC
Andrew Balder and Cynthia
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford A. Belden*
Berkshire Bank
Charter Oak Insurance and
Financial Services Co.
Mr. Neil A. Daboul
Stephen A. Davis Charitable Fund*
Doherty Wallace Pillsbury &
Murphy, PC
Easthampton Learning Foundation
Easthampton Savings Bank
Andre and Karin Fafard
Dr. Robert A. Fazzi and Ms. Diana
M. Buckley
Maurice and Margaret Ferriter
Friends of Hadley Preschool
Lester and Roberta Halpern
Employees of Hampden Papers, Inc.
Hampden Savings Bank Foundation
Tom and Jane Hazen
Mr. Edward F. Kurtz, Jr.
Latino Scholarship Fund
Chris and Linda McInerney
Mr. and Mrs. William F. K. Monks
Emmet F. Morrill
Mr. Brendan Naughton
Nellie Mae Education Foundation,
Betty Rae and Martin J. Poppo
Irrevocable Indenture of Trust for
Sarah L. Robbins*
Lois and Tom Schwab*
TD Charitable Foundation
Community United Way of Pioneer
Valley, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Wittenberg
Marisa Labozzetta and Martin Wohl
Mr. R. Lyman Wood
Anonymous (4)
$5,000 to $9,999
Tim and Lisa Ashe
Balise Motor Sales Company
Ms. Ruth Constantine*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Daboul*
Melanie and Danial Duerr
First Niagara
Mr. Eric P. Fisher
Colonel Beverly Sanford Follis,
USAFR, Retired
Adele Franks and Steve Jones*
Hampden Bank
Ms. Lynn M. Harlow
Friends of Northampton Trails and
Mr. Thomas O. Panaccione
Ms. Eleanore I. Pelkey
People’s United Community
Dr. Victoria Pillard*
Beryl Raff
Robert and Virginia Russell
Sandri Companies
Barry Schechter and Kathy
Richard and Carol Steele*
Anonymous (4)
$1,000 to $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. John Adamiak
Gwen Agna and Thomas Marantz*
Rob Allen and Robin Sherman*
American International College
The Amherst Club, Inc.
Andrew Associates
Lucy Atkinson
Charles and Deborah Austin*
Dr. Michelle C. Badalamenti
Christine Balch Revocable Trust
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Dana R. Barrows*
Bay Path College
Mr. Marc Berman and Ms. Elizabeth
H. Stone
Peter and Elizabeth Bigwood
BlueCross BlueShield of
Bonomi and Associates
Mr. Claude Borowsky*
Ken and Rosalie Boutin*
Samuel and Heinke Brendler
Mr. Joseph Cambi
Dr. George E. and Janet P. Cartier
Employees of Charter Oak
Insurance & Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clayton
Mr. Michael Cohen and Mrs. Chia
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne K. Cordes
Elizabeth and Charles D’Amour
Michele and Donald D’Amour
Stephen A. Davis*
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dempsey
Kelly and Charlie DeRose*
Peter and Florence DeRose
Kerry Dietz*
Ms. Lori Divine-Hudson*
Dianne and Paul Doherty*
Ron and Dolores Douville
Duffy-Sullivan Irrevocable Trust
Friends of the East Longmeadow
Scholarship Foundation
Eastside Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W. Faerber*
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Q. Ford
Paula and John Gallup*
Mauricia A. Geissler*
Gilbane Building Company
Dr. David S. Glaser and Mrs. Mary
Goggins Real Estate
Dr. William H. Grass
George Peppard and Carolyn Gray*
Greenfield Cooperative Bank
Mr. Frederick T. Griffiths*
Alfred and Sally Griggs*
Harold Grinspoon Charitable
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
HAP, Inc.
Teresa A. Harris
Health New England, Inc.*
Priscilla Kane Hellweg and John
Sandra R. and Charles W. Inzer
Amy Jamrog and Kim Cook*
George and Jackie Keady*
Mrs. Frances Gengle Keenan*
Jack and Ann Keiser
Mr. Charles J. Kingston
Alan and Nola Kulig*
Edward F. Kurtz, Jr.
Dr. Jennifer Ladd
Kevin and Sallie Deans Lake
Mr. Noel and Dr. Carol Leary*
Claudia Levin and Daniel Gardner*
Ellen Brout Lindsey and Bill
Joe and Sue LoBello*
Local Bucks ATM
Captain John W. Maloney Memorial
Ms. Gina Mazza
Charles and Rita McInnis-Spencer*
Mrs. John McNally
Mr. Richard Milstein*
Hugh and Sally Mitchell*
Daniel F. Morrill, CPA
David Narkewicz and Yelena
Marty Nathan and Elliot Fratkin
Ms. Paula H. Nelson
Bill Newman and Dale Melcher*
Barry and Ellen Nigrosh
Northampton Cycling Club
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon N. Oakes, Jr.
Mr. William T. Olmstead
Mr. Thomas H. Panaccione
Paragus Strategic IT*
Pearson Family Trust*
Employees of Peter Pan Bus Lines,
Dr. Paul Redstone
Wallis and Cornelia Reid*
Rigali and Walder Orthodontics
Elizabeth D. Scheibel and Paul D.
William and Elizabeth Sillin*
Mary Ann and Richard Spencer*
Lee Spice
Peggy and David Starr*
Marie M. Stebbins
Town of West Springfield
Richard E.F. and Sandra C. Wallis*
Ms. Anne L. Woodhull
Peggy and Gill Woods*
Mr. George Wright
Anonymous (7)
$500 to $999
Bond Memorial Fund*
Barbara H. Braem-Jensen and Bob
Carl and Mary Breyer*
Bill and Cindy Burke*
Cathy Cross, Inc.*
Ms. Mary P. Chandler
Community Engagement and
Collaborative Learning Network
at Hampshire College
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Crosier
Margo Culley*
Vinnie, Mary, Hanna and Colby
Janki Evangelia Darrity
Anne V. Dean, MD
Lin and Bill Donoghue*
Chris and Tracy Dupont
Tim and Barbara Eddy*
Epstein Financial Group
Fallon Community Health Plan
Finck & Perras Insurance Agency,
Jim and Michelle Foard*
Richard and Betsy Gaberman*
John and Gail Gaustad
Richard and Karin George*
Norbert Goldfield*
Mr. Daryl F. Grabowski
Dr. Willie and Beverly Hill*
Elaine Holder
Ms. Lee Hutt
Italian American War Veterans
Post 64
J. Rich Clothing for Men*
Barbara Jones and Martin
Kelly-Fradet Lumber
Michael V. Korzeniowski
Nancy Kurtz
Ms. Jill E. Lewin
Irene and Kevin Martin*
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty
David and Cynthia Morrell
Penn National Gaming, Inc.
Ms. Priscilla L. Pike*
Lewis M. and Sally D. Popper*
The Principal
Nancy Reiche and Thomas Kane*
Shannon Reichelt, CPA*
Gladys M. Rosenthal
Andrew and Cynthia Rothschild*
Sheron A. Rupp*
Savage Arms, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Sherman
Alfred and Mary Siano
Jeffrey and Nancy Siegel
Ms. Jane Sommer*
Jessica C. Spector
Eric and Elizabeth Stahl*
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sullivan
Keady Foard Wealth Management
Group of UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Virgilio Property Management, Inc.*
Mr. Richard Wagner and Dr. Ruth
Sandy Ward*
Mr. Peter Weston*
Carina Wohl and Mark Arsenault*
Anonymous (4)
$100 to $499
A Child’s Garden
Springfield Chamber of Commerce
Susan J. Alston and Thomas L.
Mr. David Angier*
Mr. Robert B. Atkinson
Ms. Terry L. Atkinson
Theresa Austin
James Babson
Katharine Baker and Peter Titelman
Brent and Carolyn Banulis
Dr. Belisa A. Basile
Lisa Baskin
Claire Bateman*
Estelle and Nick Bazos
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Belden*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Belden*
James L. Bell*
Sally and Paul Bermanzohn
Christopher Bertschmann and Jean
Belden Bertschmann*
Michael G. Bete and Carol
Dennis Bidwell and Mary Ann Kelly
Mr. Norman Bitsoli*
Rita and Bruce Bleiman
Daniel E. and Sharon L. Bogan
Vincent and Joanne Bongiorni
Trish Bonica*
Maria Jose Botelho
Yvonne Boucher
Kenneth and Judith Boudreau
Barry and Nonie Bouthilette
Boyajian Remodeling
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Boyko
Jay and Susan Breines
Timothy W. Brennan*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Brown*
Ms. Sophie Brown
Brown’s Your Hometown Pet and
Garden Store
Richard P. Brunswick
Marcia Burick and Edward
Alan and Susan Burstein*
Laurence N. Butler
David A. Byrne, MD*
Andy and Carolyn Campbell*
Tricia Canavan and Jim Gosselin*
Mr. William A. Caplin, CLU, ChFC
John and Carol Cardinal
Deborah Carlin and Deborah
Bob and Barbara Carroll*
Mrs. Priscilla Carter*
Amy and Vincent Caruso*
Century Investment Company*
Ms. Kathryn Chandler
Vange and Jordan Chatis
Barbara Chesworth
Holly and Bob Clarke
Martha Clute*
Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen and Len
Joseph and Cathy Cohen*
Ms. Elizabeth Cokotis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colaccino*
Diane Colapietro
“Brub” and Linda Collina*
Ruth B. Contrino*
Dr. Carol Craig*
Cranbury Therapeutic Massage
Mr. Kim Crossman, CLU, CHFC
Frances Crowe
Dr. Demosthenes and Mrs. Marion
Linda and Laurel-Davis Delano
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Dean, Jr.
Jean M. Deliso
Thomas Dennis and Rachel Fink
Lynn A. DeNucci and Kevin
Marco and Anne DePalma
Mr. Anthony F. DeSimone, Jr.
Bill, Tina, and Nicholas Diaduk
Diane & Co.
Michael and Elizabeth Dibrindisi
Mr. and Mrs. Enzo DiGiacomo
Jan and Robin Dizard*
Michael Dodge and Catherine
Lisa Doherty*
Dick and Bernie Dooley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence F. Eagan
Daniel and Janet Eckert
Les and Wendy Edinson
Mr. Robert Egan
Ruth V. Elcan*
Electric Motor Service & Sales, Inc.
Stephen and Judith Ellenburg
Ernst Financial Group
Mr. Carl A. Ersing*
Rocco and Donna Falcone
Diana L. Falvo*
Mrs. Ethel M. Farrington*
Daniel Workman
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Barry S. Feingold and Marci Yoss
Fenway Golf, Inc.
Jeffrey Fialky, Esq.*
DJRJ Charitable Fund*
Val and John Fisher
Elaine and Robert Fisk
Ann Flynn
Gavin Ford and Leah Nathan
Mr. Robert Forrant*
Mr. Anthony Forzano
Mr. John M. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Fox
Ms. Margola G. Freedman
Mr. Dempwolf Frey
Ms. Jane Frey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fritz*
Jean and Ronald Gailun
Ms. Khalilah Gambrell*
Gaudreau/Fountain Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Meg Gebhard
Malcolm C. Getz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Gilfoil
Jayne F. I. Gill*
Richard Glassman
Candy and Stanley Glazer*
Margaret and Miles Grant
Mrs. Deidre Kelleher Grass
Jeff and Lorrie Grass
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Grasso
David and Mary Gravel*
Monica Green and Rich West
Daniel and Laurel Grow*
The Guardian Life Insurance
Company of America
Mr. Kenneth M. Hahn and Ms.
Sharon Saline
Daphne and Stephen Hall*
Hampden Engineering Corporation
Frank and Beatrice Hano*
Charles Hapcook and Randi Steiger*
John and Penelope Harbilas
Bruce and Ruth Hawkins
Mr. Thomas N. Hazen
Health & Benefit Consultants*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hefner*
Ira Helfand
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Ervin and Doris Henault
Hendel & Collins, PC
John and Marie Hennessy*
David Herships*
Jane and Paul Hetzel*
Dr. Thomas G. Hidalgo
The Honorable Mary Clare Higgins
Ms. Norma L. Higham*
Ms. Angie Hinckley
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Hobaica
Herbert and Janet Hodos*
Ms. Sherrill Hogen
Holy Cross Girls and their Families
Mr. Mark D. Homan
Ms. Pallavi G. Homan
Ms. Yazmin B. Hope
Ms. Nancy E. Horowitz
Nicholas Horton and Julia Riseman
Lawrence Hott and Diane Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hughey
Dorothea Hunter
Mrs. Jane M. Hurley
Industrial Resource Management
Ingis Eye Care*
Mr. Steven Gregory
Denise Ives
Ed and Denise Jakus
Phyllis and Peter Jeswald*
Mrs. Georgia M. Kafantaris
Paul Kalill and Allison GearingKalill
Kathleen M. Kane and Craig
George Karamallis and their
Tula Karamallis
Tom and Jane Karlsten
Alan Katz and Pauline Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Keeney, III
Susan and Ralph King, Jr.
Billy and Vivienne Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Klem, Jr.*
Madeline Knava
Jeffrey Knight and Audrey Guhn
Mr. Robert F. Kumor, Jr.
Ed and Joyce Hough
David J. LaLima*
Ms. Susan Lantz
Mr. Charles Larson
Jim Laurila and Lin Lee
Kathy, Tom, Chelsea, Jenna, and
Brooke Lavallee
Patrick Lavelle*
Joseph J. Lawler
Kate and Joe LeGrand*
Kristin Leutz*
Roselyn and Bradley LeVay, Jr.*
Jim Levey and Christine Olson
Mr. Norman J. Levey
George and Ann Levinger
Flynt and Lauree Lincoln*
Ms. Lynn L. Linsky
Dr. Robert J. Liptak and Katherine
Mr. Farnsworth Lobenstine, LICSW*
Ms. Margaret N. Lobenstine
Lilly and John Lombard
Ms. Judith H. Luddy
Susan and Morton Lynn
Ronal and Denna Madnick
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Magee*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Magiera
Karla and James Malley
Anne Frangus Manitsas
John and Ann Mann
Mr. Edward Mari*
Mr. Anthony J. Marino, Jr.
Staff of the Markens Group
Matthew Kane and Ann Markes*
Midge Martin*
Ms. Lydia Martinez*
Ms. Nina Mastrangelo
Ms. Mary C. Mastroyin
Dr. Richard J. Matuszczak
Mrs. Judy Maunsell
Ms. Marilyn McArthur
Ms. Susan McCann
Dr. and Mrs. Paul McKenna*
Ms. Diane McManama
Mr. and Ms. David E. McVane
Meadow Place Dental
Robert and Ellen Meeropol
Mr. and Mrs. John Meiklejohn*
Mr. and Mrs. L. Aaron Mendelson
Belden Merims*
John and Susan Metzidakis
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, PC*
Bruce and Jane Miller
Josh and Davina Miller
Ms. Mim Minichiello
Thomas G. Mitchell
Doreen Mo
Ms. Geraldine Molleur
Mrs. Linda Moriarty and Family*
Friends of the Rick Moriarty
Charitable Fund
The Movie Group
Kathy and Walter Mullin*
Mr. Thomas D. Murphy, Jr.
N.L. Construction, Inc.*
Bob and Mary Neil
Elaine Nelson
Sonia and Angel Nieto*
Noonan Energy Corporation*
Nelson P. Norman
Ms. Jennifer Normanly
North Hadley Congregational
Anne Nugent and Tony Rogers*
Ms. Kathryn O'Connor
Ms. Elizabeth M. O'Dair
Olympic Electric, Inc.
Steve and Karen Omartian
Operating Engineers Local 98
Ms. Carolyn Toll Oppenheim
Ostberg & Associates*
Carol Owen and Michael Posner*
Jenny Papageorge and Sean Casey*
Ms. Jane Parakilas
Ronda G. Parish, Esq.*
David and Patrice Parke
Chris Parrish and Suzanne Smith*
Mr. Mark Pattison and Ms. Judith
Dick and Rose Pears*
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Pelkey
Max P. Pepper
Faith Perrault
Alex Peterson
Dale and Lorna Peterson*
Ms. Dorothy Katsoulis-Philips
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pietras*
Adele W. Pike*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Pinkos
Matthew Pitoniak*
David and Jackie Pleet*
Jim and Kit Polga*
Marie Christine Polizzi
Porter Road Pet Care
Robert Postel and Martha Sweezy
Maria Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Primack*
Caroline Prisby
Mr. John F. Ptaszek, Jr.*
Mr. William J. Pugliese*
Mr. James B. Punderson
Bob Pura and Marjorie MacDonaldPura*
Debra and Richard Purrington*
Ms. Alice P. Pyle
The Quigleys
Stanley Rabinowitz*
Jeffrey B. Reilly
Reminder Publications, Inc.
Thomas F. Reney, III*
Mrs. Mary Ricco
Ms. Jennifer Ann Rice
Bob and Margie Riddle*
Mr. and Mrs. James Rintoul
Mrs. Evelyn K. Robb
Robinson Donovan, PC
Dean and Mary Rogeness
Hedy and Peter Rose
Donna Roseman David and Jonathan
Dr. Henry W. Rosenberg and Dr.
Katherine M. Hicks
Eleanor B. Rothman*
Robert and Emily Roy
John and Colleen Sadak
TJ and Patricia Samra
Lise and Eric Sanders*
Barbara and Aaron Sanofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sansom, CPA
Donald T. Savage*
Miss Barbara A. Savas
Mr. Jeffrey Scavron
Ms. Deborah E. Schifter
Reed and Laurie Schimmelfing
Mr. and Mrs. Martin F.
Steven and Rita Schwartz*
Robert and Margaret Schwarz
Ms. Mary Ellen Scott*
Mr. Samuel T. Scott
C. Richard and Eleanor C. Seiler*
Maryanthe Sergides
Lucy and Dwight Shepard*
Mr. Richard C. Sherman
The Silver Street Group, LLC
Ms. Elizabeth A. Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Sisson, Jr.
Scott Skulnick and Myriam UlloaSkulnick
Mr. David Sloviter
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon P. Smith
Representative Todd M. Smola
Don and Jen Soja
South Hadley Education Association
South Hadley High School
Barry and Claudia Spaulding
Lee Spector and Rebecca Neimark
Paul Spector and Dr. Jane Cross
Spectrum Enterprises, Inc.
Ms. Betsy Speeter
Mr. James P. Spinelli, CLU, ChFC
Steve Stander
Mr. Alan J. Stearley
Mary-Anne and John Stearns*
Scott and Jane Stearns*
Greg and Brooke Stebbins
Lionel and Joan Stebbins
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Steiger
Marc W. Steinberg
Shelley Steuer and Jeff Korff*
Dan and Lisa Stevens
Mr. Gregory Stone
Mr. William L. Strickland
John and Patricia Sullivan
Lisa and Rick Sullivan*
Tim and Gerri Sullivan
Mr. Edward P. Sunter, Jr.
Ms. Rebecca Sutter
Michael and Natalia Sweet*
Alice Swift
Beatrice Syner
Gregory and Patricia Szyluk
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Rudolph J. Talaber and Marjorie R.
Gary and Carlie Tartakov
René and Susan Thébèrge
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Thomas, III
Sadie A. Thomas
Thomson Financial Management*
Maura and David Thor
Jim and Jayne Thorne*
John Thorpe*
William and Caroline Toner*
Sheila Toto*
Maureen and Benny Trafford*
Brian and Mary Trelease
Mrs. Angela K. Trial
Brian and Pamela Tuohey*
Ann and Jay Turnberg
Nat Turner
Janet Unger
Urban League of Springfield, Inc.
Miren Uriarte
Laura Valdiviezo
Delores and Robert Viarengo*
Villa Calabrese Inc.
Village Eye Care, PC*
Libby and Ben Wallace
The Honorable and Mrs. William T.
The Weather Channel
WEBS–America's Favorite Yarn
Ronald and Janet Weiss*
Jon Weissman and Joan E. Grenier
Dr. Edward J. Welch, Jr.
Gary E. and Margaret C.
Carol Halpern Wernick*
Marcus and Joan White*
Mr. Dana Whyte*
Jerri Willett
Susan Winholtz*
R.M. Winston
Joan Wofford
Mr. Buck Wong
Albert Woodhull and Barbara
Mr. David F. Woods
Wright Builders, Inc.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Angela and Joe Wright*
Ed Youmell*
John and Mary Margaret Young*
YPO Epsilon Forum
Arnie and Debi Zandonella
Chris and Katie Allan Zobel*
Anonymous (17)*
Up to $99
A Little Easier Recovery, Inc.*
Ms. Rosemary D. Abbott*
Wayne Abercrombie and Kayla
Ron Ackerman and Cleo Gorman*
Ms. Elizabeth A. Adamaski
Ms. Norma Akamatsu, MSW
The Albro-Fisher Family
Nigel J. Alderman
Madelyn Simon Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Marco G. Amato, Jr.*
Ms. Leyda M. Andino
Pat and Frank Anzalotti
Thomas Arnold and Amelia Ender*
Jay and Bobby Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ashe, Jr.
Timothy Atseff and Peggy Ogden*
Bacon & Wilson, PC*
Richard Bailey and Leslie Sarna
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah M. Baker
Robert and Cynthia Barker*
James A. and Patricia A. Barry*
Mary Elizabeth Beach
Andrew and Deirdre Belden*
Ms. Phyllis W. Belden*
Andrew and Susan Bellak*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Benton
Ellen and Peter Berek*
Wendy Berg and Thomas
Ms. Jessica Berger
Dr. Alan D. Berkenwald*
Steven Berlin and Valerie Lavender*
Rosemary and Larry Bernier
Ms. Carrie Berse*
Peter and Mary Bertschmann*
Mrs. Anita B. Bewick
Natalie and Kirk Birrell*
Barbara Black*
Mrs. Ruth Black*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blakesley
Peter Blumberg and Joyce Thatcher
Charles Bonatakis, Jr.*
Ms. Valerie J. Botter
Francesca and John Bowman*
Mr. Chuck Bradway*
Kay Bressette
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gorham Brigham, Jr.*
Broadside Bookshop, Inc.
Mr. Raymond L. Brown*
Bonnie and Richard Brown
Patricia Buchholz
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Buoniconti
Calder Overhead Door Co. of
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Callahan
Mr. Milton Cantor
Mr. Charles R. Casartello and Mrs.
Carol J. Kantantany-Casartello
Mr. Jules Chametzky
Ms. Anne G. Charles*
Mr. Michael J. Chernick
Casey Clark*
Ms. Anne M. Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Clingman
Michael Cohen*
Ms. Shera Cohen*
Mrs. Louise Collins
Committee to Elect Rebecca Lisi
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Connor
Bill Cooley*
Mr. Michael W. Coscore
George and Mildred Counter
Ms. Christine L. Craig
Creative Touch Hair Design
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart E. Creelman*
Ms. Eleanor Cress*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cullinan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cunningham
Ms. Barbara D. Daboul
Ms. Nora T. Dahdah Blaisdell
Joseph and Ralph Dahdah
Ms. Paula A. Daly
Mr. Timothy C. Damon
Mr. Steven M. Dane, CPA
Joel Dansky and Nancy Felton
Roger L. De Raleau*
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Dean, Jr.
Caroline D. Deltoro*
Ms. Mary Diaduk
Ms. Arlyn Diamond
Harriet and William Diamond
Timothy Diehl and Deborah
Bernie and Jennie DiLullo
The Dog Shop
Ms. Mary Dolce
Domus Incorporated*
Peter and Amy Dopp
Ms. Bonnie Zima Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Doyle
Lauren Duffy
Ms. Patricia A. Duffy
Paul and Diane Dunkerley
Mr. Mark Dunlap
Denis Duquette and Jacinthe
Julie E. Dwight*
East Longmeadow Animal Hospital
Ms. Jean G. Eisele*
Mr. Scott Eisele*
Chuck and Marcia Eliopoulos
Frances W. Fairchild
Joel Feldman and Pamela Schwartz
Susan and Gary Fentin
Bert Fernandez and Elizabeth
Jack Ferriter
Mr. Bernard J. Fine
Joan Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. First
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flanagan
Mr. Scott Fontaine*
Seymour Frankel and Joan
Franklin Community Cooperative
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Franklin
Ms. Yvonne Freccero*
John and Michele Frost*
Kara and Daniel Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Gallagher
Ms. Diane Gallan
Sylvia Galvan and Gary O’Connor
Michael Gamelli and Megan Kelly
Thomas Gardner
Mr. Harold Garrett-Goodyear
Ms. Sarah Garvey-Potvin
Jamie T. Gasperini*
Anne, George, Christine, and Kathy
Mr. and Mrs. John Germain
Eileen and Tony Giardina
Janet and Charles Gillies*
Mr. Monroe T. Gilmour
Glenbrook Sunshine Club
Mr. Carlos Gonzalez
Kathy Goos and Barry Werth
John Graham and Jan Nickerson*
Brian Granger
Nicole Beaudoin Graves*
Greek Orthodox Church of St. Luke
Ms. Lisa Greenwood
Ms. Katherine Grenier*
Mr. William E. Grohe, II*
Joanne and Peter Guernsey
Walter and Florence Haas
Mr. Richard A. Habhab, Esq.*
Mr. Walter A. Haggerty, Jr.
Ms. Isabella Halsted
Bud and Marilyn Hancock
Mr. Michael J. Harrigan*
Ms. Cathy Hartley
Stephen M. Hasbrouck
Michael J. Haskell
Cedric Hastings*
Eric and Yehudit Heller*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Hellyer
Ms. Doris T. Henderson
Ms. Margery Heyl and Mr. Paul
Ms. Audrey Higbee*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hinchey
Michael Holroyde and Kitty
Holyoke City Council
Holyoke Community College
Ms. Ruth F. Hooke
Ms. Carolyn L. Horan
Freda, Michele, and Mary Howie
David F. Howland*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Howland*
Ms. Mary E. Hoyer
Mr. Robert R. Humberston*
Harry and Marilyn Ishler
Nancy Jessup
Susan Jennifer Johnson*
Colleen and Jack Johnston*
Joanne and Ron Jones
Phil and Jane Josephson*
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kabb
David and Pamela Kalman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Kapinos
Ms. Venetia A. Karamallis
Ms. Thea E. Katsounakis*
Carol and Brad Katz*
Aster and Girma Kebbede
John and Eileen Kelly
Connie Kennedy
Mr. Gene Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Kennedy
Kens’ Eyewear, Inc.
Ms. Edith M. Kerrigan
Paul R. Kingston
Ms. Martha B. Kleinerman*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klofas
Ms. Dina Knightly
Ms. Joann Kobin*
John Kontekakis
Ms. Anne Kornblatt and Ms.
Deborah Stier*
Debra Koske*
Mr. George W. Kriebel, Jr.
Kate Kruckemeyer and Cathy Spath*
Barbara Labigalini and Family
Paul and Cynthia Lambert
Dawn and David Lapierre*
Lou and Vicki LaRoche
Mr. and Mrs. David Lavigne
Ms. Linda G. Lavigne*
Maria and Tom Laware and Family
Alice Lawrence, CLU*
Laurel Brandt and Arthur Leavens
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Lemanski
Ms. Phyllis Levenson*
Robin Levine and Gregory Kline
Crawford and Ann Lincoln*
Ms. Karen A. Louis
Anthony Luciano
Ludlow Linoleum & Carpets, Inc.
Ms. Jan Luipold
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lyons
Linda and Sheldon Lyons
Joseph Maguire*
Ms. Lorraine Mangione
Mr. Stephen R. Manning, Esq.
Ms. Eileen Mariani*
Rose Markham
Caryn Markson*
Francis Maroney and Martha Reavey
Ms. Ellen Marsh
Mr. Nicholas P. Martinelli
Donna Martocci
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
McCarron, Jr.
Garrett McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. McClaflin
Ms. Victoria McDonnell
David and Gail McFadden
Ms. Karen McFetridge
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Mee
Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. Miller
Mrs. Judith S. Mish
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Mitus
Ms. Carol Moakley*
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Moleski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Mombourquette
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Morabito
CJ and Geraldine Moriarty
Roger and Barbara Morin*
Mrs. Donna Moropoulos
Mr. Bruce M. Mozinski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Murphy
Ms. Mary Murphy
Wendy Newton
Bart Nierenberg and Mariola
Ms. Maria Norman
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Norris
2012 First Eucharist Class, North
American Martyrs
John Nystrom
Laura and Barry O’Connor
Gary Olszewski & Company, PC*
Rob O’Dwyer and Kay Moriarty
Bob O’Neill
Elizabeth and Andrew
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
The Waterbonder-Papageorge
Electric, LLC*
Ms. Elizabeth G. Pappas
Ruth Pardoe
Mr. Chris Patrakis
Mary and Joe Pecoraro
Donna and David Pelczarski
Ashley Pereira*
Frank and Ann Perotti and Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Philpott*
Mr. Richard C. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Pinsky*
Michael Plevyak and Sudeep Aulakh
The Honorable Elaine A. and Mr.
Theodore A. Pluta
Mr. Giuseppe Polimeni
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Polom
Judge Michael A. Ponsor and Ms.
Nancy L. Coiner*
Pamela Porter and Brian DeVriese*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Potash*
George and Kathleen Poulopoulos
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Powers
Holly Kim Price
Principle Profits Asset
Management, Inc.
Marietta Pritchard*
Judy and David Pyers
Ms. Elizabeth A. Quinlan
Ann Raffel*
Marcia Raker and Maggie Raker
Mr. Bill Ravanesi
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rechenberger
Ms. Jane S. Rege
Mrs. Ellen Regensburger*
Mitchell B. Resnick*
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Reynolds
Dario and Martha Ribadeneyra
Mary Ricco
Rick’s Auto Body, Inc.*
Judy and Joel Rinsky and Family
Ms. Jill Roberts
Donna Robideau*
Ms. Katherine S. Rodolakis
Nancy Rogers
Alan Jay Rom
Mrs. Dorothy A. Rosati*
The Rose Family
Anne and Joel Rosen*
Dr. James Rosenthal and Dr. Halina
Ms. Marsha Roth
Judy A. Rust*
Ms. Nancy B. Rutherford
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Saba
Pam K. Samra
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Santiago,
Christine and Jon Sass
Carole Sauter and Michelle Martone
Joan Schaffer, MS
Rudi and Bonnie Scherff
Anne and Charlie Schewe*
Virginia E. Schimmel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schneider
Ms. Gloria J. Schuster*
Christopher and Kristene
Barbara and Ray Seabury*
Robert and Norma Sears*
Michele Sedor
Margaret Seiler*
Ms. Janice C. Selden
Dr. and Mrs. W. George Selig*
James Shamey and Kathleen
Mr. James A. Shaw and Ms. Nancy
Brigham Shaw
John and Christine Shea
Sheila B. Shear
Ms. Rena M. Sheets
Dr. Arthur Sher
Mr. Philip J. Shine*
Marilyn J. Sidwell
Ms. Renee Silverman
Ms. Jean A. Simmons*
Pamela and Jeffrey Simpson
Paul Skowyra and Deborah Quieros
David and Dana Smith
Robert C. Smith*
Jan and David Sokol
Ms. Clara Somers
David and Sharon Southard*
Joel Spiro and Leigh Bailey
Springfield Lodge of Elks #61
Stan the Fixit Man
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stanek, III
Stretch Yoga Center
Mr. Philip Steiger
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Sullivan,
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sullivan and
Jeff and Lyn Sullivan
Ms. Mary Ann Suse
Judy and Wilbur Swan
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Sweeney
Nancy A. Talanian and Francis
Yeshvant and Jean Rose Talati*
Mr. Andrea Tarczynski
Carl and Joyce Tassinari
Debra Taylor
Ms. Joyce Thatcher
Anita and John Themistos
Dotty and David Theriaque*
Margaret Thompson
Kathy and Paul Tomassetti
Ms. Mary Jo Tranghese
Mr. Jason Trotta*
Andree Uhlig*
Thomas Uzar and Dr. Ann W. Roy
Bob and Cathy Vachula
David Valade
Jossie Valentin and Myriam
Valley Opportunity Council, Inc.
Ms. Susan M. Vandal*
Frank and Evelyn Vecchiarelli
Mark and Lisa Verville
Ms. Theresa A. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Von Flatern*
Elizabeth g. von Klemperer*
Paul and Susan Voss
W.F. Young, Inc.
Patricia A. Wachter
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Walz*
Ms. Suzanne S. Warner
Sara Weinberger and Mordechai
West Springfield Public Library
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams*
Thomas and Maureen Willsey
Mr. Robert M. Wilson*
Ms. Corinne M. Wingard
Mr. Jeremy Wise and Mrs. Janet D.
David and Jennifer Wolowicz
Ms. Suewilla I. Woodfork
Ms. Wendy Woodson
Cate Woolner and Dan Croteau
Ms. Susan Zeiger
Bob and Eileen Zewski*
Elias Zovas
Mr. Elias Zovas
Anonymous (19)
Other Contributors
Barbara and Joseph Blumenthal
Ms. Marcy Eisenberg
Steven and Moira Mitus*
Michael and Kathleen Rollings*
Mark and Noreen Tolosky*
James, Reina, Erik, and Kyle Van
Great Deals for a Great Cause
Northampton clothing stores Cathy Cross and J. Rich supported the
Foundation’s annual fund last October through a promotion where ten
percent of proceeds over two days of sales were donated to the
Community Foundation.
“As a small business owner it is often challenging to sort through the
numerous requests for charitable donations encountered regularly. The
question is usually not, ‘will we or won't we’ but, rather, what is the
best fit, and where should our dollars be spent? The Community
Foundation assumes the responsibility of that challenge. Through
grants and scholarships, the Foundation provides a connection
between donor and recipient, thus creating opportunity for us all,” said
Nancy Donato and Cathy Cross.
ABOVE: Nancy Donato, owner of J.Rich and Cathy Cross, owner of Cathy Cross
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
West Springfield Public Library Fund
Wilbur H.H. Ward Education Fund*
Funds of the
Community Foundation
The following funds held by the Community Foundation
have been created either for the benefit of or by the
residents of the Pioneer Valley. They represent the
tangible conversion of the generosity of the region into
an invaluable community resource. Fund values are as
of March 31, 2013.
The following 18 new funds were established at the
Foundation in the fiscal year that ended March 31, 2013.
We are grateful for these welcome additions to the
community resources available to the Pioneer Valley.
ABC Longmeadow Fund*
Anonymous 2012 Charitable Gift Annuity
Arthur and Helen Watson Scholarship Fund
Balder Sommer Fund for Children’s Health*
Daboul Family Charitable Fund
Delskey Family Fund*
Elizabeth M. Huller Scholarship Fund
Fisher Family Lost Acres Scholarship Fund*
Hampshire Fund*
Ida and Abram Sudrann Memorial Fund*
Jeanne Morrill Memorial Fund
Karen Panaccione Memorial Scholarship*
Penelope Johnson Charitable Fund
R. S. Storrs Library Fund
Steiger Family Scholarship Fund*
Valley District Dental Women Charitable Fund*
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
*The funds marked with an asterisk are specially
noted because, as endowed funds, they will provide perpetual support for the quality of life of the region.
Unrestricted funds typically utilize the two greatest
strengths of the Community Foundation: the ability to
care for charitable funds in perpetuity and the considerable expertise of the Foundation’s Distribution Committee and its competitive grantmaking process. Together,
they ensure that scarce funds will be used as effectively
as possible, for as long as possible.
Credit Data Services, Inc. Fund
To benefit charities in western MA.
Raymond E. and Mildred G. Clark
Foundation Fund, Bank of America, Trustee
For grantmaking in Springfield, MA, and contiguous towns.
Franklin Fund
For charitable uses and/or projects which improve
the lives of residents of Franklin County.
The Buxton Charitable Foundation Fund,
Bank of America, Trustee
For grantmaking in Hampden County.
Albert Steiger Memorial Fund
Supporting public charities serving the residents of
Hampden County, as selected by the Foundation’s
Distribution Committee.
Edwin P. and Wilbur O. Lepper Fund
To support organizations serving physically or
mentally challenged citizens and to organizations
that support environmental conservation, as selected
by the Distribution Committee.
Gage Olmstead Fund
Established by Sally Gage Olmstead and funded
through distributions from an annuity lead trust.
Joan Walker Memorial Fund
To benefit the people served by the Community Foundation.
Franklin Fund #2
For the support of charitable work in Franklin County.
James D. Watt Charitable Fund
For local organizations with a preference for s
upporting projects in the arts, in music, and in
Hampshire County, MA.
The Lochridge-Watkins Charitable Foundation $43,690
administered by Bank of America, Trustee
M. Constance Breck Memorial Fund
To support charities selected by the Distribution Committee.
Irene E. and George A. Davis Fund
To assist in the growth of the Foundation.
Yale Genton Charitable Fund
For grantmaking projects serving poor children,
preferably in Hampden County.
Johnson Memorial Hospital
To support the capital needs of Johnson Memorial Hospital.
Margot L. Griggs Charitable Fund
To support projects selected by the Distribution Committee.
Eleanor and Philip Singleton
Endowment Fund
To support charitable work in the Pioneer Valley in
the arts, educational programs, care for the elderly, and
the beautification of the environment.
Roger G. and Jeannie Houston Turgeon Fund
To support charities selected by the Distribution Committee,
with a preference for charities designated by the donor.
Kent W. Faerber Fund
For projects selected by the Distribution Committee,
with preference for the establishment and maintenance
of individual fundraising programs.
Mark Douville Charitable Fund
To support public charities in Franklin, Hampden, and
Hampshire counties providing assistance to people with
HIV-AIDS, particularly children.
George H. Empsall Charitable Fund
For the support of recognized and worthy charitable
and educational organizations in and about Springfield.
Rockwell Keeney, Jr. Charitable Fund
For grants to meet community needs.
Unrestricted Fund
To benefit the people in western MA communities.
Sally Gage Olmstead Operating Endowment
To support the work of the Community Foundation
of Western Massachusetts.
Sally Gage Olmstead Unrestricted
Grantmaking Fund
An endowed fund to support projects that meet the
community’s greatest needs as determined by the
Distribution Committee.
Fund for Hampshire and Franklin Counties
For grantmaking in Franklin and Hampshire counties.
Lucy and Bob Atkinson Fund
To support projects and/or programs focused on
conserving or enhancing the natural environment in
Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties.
Brendler Family Charitable Fund
To respond to community needs.
Filler Community Fund
To support charitable needs of the Pioneer Valley.
Anonymous Memorial Fund
For critical needs in Hampshire County.
Community Grantmaking Fund
To support charities in Franklin, Hampden, and
Hampshire counties.
William Wells Tapley Fund
To support the charitable work of the Pioneer Valley.
Harold Seewald Charitable Fund
To support social, creative, and philosophical projects.
Teresa A. Harris Fund
To support projects that meet the community’s greatest
needs as determined by the Distribution Committee.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Hampshire Fund
For charitable uses and/or projects which improve the
lives of residents of Hampshire County.
The fund balance for the following unrestricted fund
has been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Delskey Family Fund
Grant support for homelessness, hunger, family violence, and
nature/conservation, as determined by the Distribution
Field of interest funds enhance their impact by
concentrating on specific areas of charitable endeavor.
If desired, they can also utilize the expertise of the
Distribution Committee and its competitive grantmaking process.
Herbert and Josephine Burk Noble
Hospital Fund
To support Noble Hospital in Westfield.
The Dickinson Family Fund for Historical
To preserve the agricultural and historical aspects of
the Town of Heath.
Herbert and Josephine Burk Westfield
Athenaeum Fund
To support the Westfield Athenaeum.
E. Herbert Burk Fund
To encourage and develop interest in and training
for the precision machining skills needed for the
industries of western MA.
The Women’s Fund of Western
To support programs that help women and girls.
Loaves and Fishes Fund
To benefit programs run by liberal, reformed Protestant
churches in Franklin and Hampshire counties that wed
Christian faith and action.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Loupinski Family Memorial Fund
To preserve open lands in the towns of Southwick, Westfield,
Granville, and Agawam, MA, including the purchase of such
lands or conservation easements thereon.
L. John Schinelli Renal Assistance Fund
To provide emergency financial assistance to renal
patients and their families.
ABC Longmeadow Fund
To continue the mission of ABC Longmeadow, Inc.
Ida and Abram Sudrann Memorial Fund
To Massachusetts General Hospital and the Endowment
for Students in English for Research and Travel at
Holyoke Community College
Victoria Cyran and Ann Szetela Memorial
To provide support for the St. Stanislaus Church and the St.
Stanislaus School, Chicopee.
Duffy Sullivan Adult Education Fund
To support literacy programs and adult education.
Juliusz Feigenbaum Fund
To support programs that enable impoverished
families with children five years of age and younger
to improve their lives by addressing the root causes
of their poverty.
Springfield Hospital Nurses Alumni
Association Fund
To support programs that improve the quality of life in
western MA with emphasis on nursing education and
needs of women and children.
Dr. John E. McNally Memorial Fund
To support nonprofit organizations in the areas of
education, human services, and/or health.
Franklin Land Trust Bridge Loan Fund
To provide bridge loans for the preservation of
farmland and open space in Franklin County that
would otherwise be lost to development.
Art & Soles Fund
To benefit public art projects in Springfield.
Balder Sommer Fund for Children’s Health
To support the work of the Foundation in the areas of
child health and nutrition, and healthy birth outcomes
for those living in poverty in Springfield or Holyoke, MA.
Cancer Fund
To support cancer research and projects.
W. W. ArtsAlways Charitable Fund
To support children as they develop their artistic talent.
Rachel O. Storrs Ware Youth Center,
Inc. Fund
To support youth activities in the Town of Ware.
Junior League of Holyoke Fund
To address the emerging and changing needs of
women and children in Holyoke.
T. Marc Futter Hampshire Arts
Endowment Fund
To support the arts in Hampshire County.
Healthier Communities Fund
To promote children’s health and well-being.
Fund to Preserve Farmland and Open Space
in Franklin County
To preserve farmland and open space in Franklin County.
Fund for the Hungry and Homeless
To support programs that help people with basic
survival needs.
Fund for the Hearing Impaired
To support Willie Ross School for the Deaf and
Clarke School for the Deaf.
Ozzy Klate Memorial Fund
To support young people in their developmental
journeys as artists and seekers of wisdom.
Alie and Rem Lefferts Memorial
Dixieland Jazz Fund
To promote and preserve Dixieland Jazz music.
Scholarship and interest-free loan funds help bring
higher education within reach of those residents of the
Pioneer Valley who might not otherwise be able to
afford it. Through a competitive award process, expert
community volunteers ensure that limited resources are
given to those most deserving of assistance.
James Z. Naurison Scholarship Fund,
Bank of America, Trustee
Residents of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and
Hampshire counties, MA and the towns of Enfield
and Suffield, CT.
James W. Colgan Loan, Bank of America,
Current Massachusetts residents who have resided in
state for a minimum of five years.
Margaret J. Hyland Fund, Bank of America, $1,261,232
University of Massachusetts students who have been
Holyoke residents for ten years or longer; preference for
students of the Roman Catholic faith.
MassMutual Scholars Fund
Graduating high school seniors from Hampden County,
MA and Hartford County, CT interested in pursuing
careers in business, financial services, or information
Raymond E. Carr Scholarship Fund
Students attending American International College,
Elms College, Springfield College, Western New
England University, or Westfield State University.
Anthony and Madeline Sampson Kapinos
Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Chicopee High School.
Richard W. and Florence B. Irwin
Scholarship Fund, Bank of America, Trustee
Residents of Northampton attending law school.
Margrit H. Sutton-Annen Student Loan
Fund, Bank of America, Trustee
Students enrolled full time in two- or four-year colleges;
preference to those of Swiss descent.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
MacIntyre Family Scholarship Fund
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire
Kenneth B. and Adeline J. Graves
Scholarship Fund
Residents of Granby, MA.
Diana and Leon Feffer Scholarship Fund
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire Counties.
Steiger Family Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Springfield Central High School.
John P. Mahoney and James F. Mahoney
Memorial Scholarship Fund, Bank of
America, Trustee
Residents of Northampton.
Carlos B. Ellis Scholarship Fund, Bank of
America, Trustee
Graduates of the Springfield High School of Commerce.
Gertrude and William C. Hill Scholarship
Fund, Bank of America, Trustee
Graduates of Springfield Central High School;
preference for students majoring in liberal arts.
Luther A. and Evelyn L. Belden Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors who are residents
of Hatfield or graduating seniors of Smith Academy.
Wilcox-Ware Scholarship Fund, Bank of
America, Trustee
Graduating seniors residing in Buckland, Colrain, or
Michael A. Smiarowski Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Turners Falls High School.
One award to the class salutatorian and one to a student
with average grades who contributes to the community
and has good character and judgment.
Louis W. and Mary S. Doherty Scholarship
Residents of Hampden County.
Clarence H. Matteson Scholarship Fund,
Bank of America, Trustee
Residents of Greenfield.
Wilbur H.H. Ward Education Fund
For the purposes of providing assistance to
individuals from Hampshire County attending UMass,
Amherst with preference given to residents of the
Town of Amherst.
Springfield Teachers Club Scholarship Fund
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties
who are graduates of Springfield public high schools.
George and Theresa Crete Scholarship Fund
Residents of western MA.
Victor, Margaret, and Joseph Victor Paier
Scholarship Fund, Bank of America, Trustee
Residents of West Springfield.
Stanley Ciejek, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties.
Jessie M. Law Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Springfield Central High School.
C. Kenneth Sanderson Scholarship Fund
Graduating senior from Monson High School ranked
in the top seven of the senior class.
Florence Blish Scholarship Fund
Residents of Agawam who attend four-year colleges.
Lena A. Tucker Scholarship Fund, Bank of
America, Trustee
Graduates of the High School of Commerce and Putnam
Vocational Technical High School in Springfield.
Ruth Wallace Memorial Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Longmeadow High School
who participated in a learning disabled program.
Ruth L. Brocklebank Memorial Scholarship
African-American graduates of Springfield high schools.
Permelia A. Butterfield Scholarship Fund
Orphan children, under 21 years of age, who are
residents of Franklin County.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
William A. and Vinnie E. Dexter Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors in western MA.
Christine Balch Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hampden County residents attending medical school.
Mary Volanakis Memorial Scholarship Fund
Students of the Greek Orthodox faith, preference
for members of St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral
in Springfield.
Greater Springfield Accountants Scholarship
MA and Hartford County, CT residents who have completed
their college sophomore year pursuing accounting or finance.
Arrighi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Residents of Greenfield.
Nate McKinney Memorial Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Gateway Regional High
School who excel academically and have an interest in
music, science, or athletics.
Dr. Jeffrey A. Ferst Valedictorian Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Valedictorian of Westfield High School.
Lucius H. Tarbell and Dorothy J. Tarbell
Scholarship Fund
Students attending Western New England University.
Charles R. Allan and Judith V. Carlson
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Springfield Central High School
and Springfield High School of Science and Technology
selected as the top scholars in physics.
MacGeachey Minarik Scholarship Fund
Students who have resided in Monson for two years;
preference for graduates of Monson High School or
Pathfinder Regional High School.
Nicholas G. Grass Scholarship Fund
Athletes graduating from Holyoke High School who best
exemplify the high academic and athletic ideals which
Nicholas Grass represented.
Jean D. Rogér Memorial Fund
Graduates of Longmeadow High School who display
the qualities of character for which Jean D. Rogér is
Scholarship Recipient is
Autism Awareness Advocate
Jacqueline Williams-Hines is driven by the unparalleled passion of a mother trying to make a
better life for her children. When her son was
diagnosed with autism, the course of her life
changed as she realized how little support and
awareness there was for autism in minority
communities. Jacqueline began speaking out,
writing books, and advocating for other families
like hers.
The James Z. Naurison scholarships she has
received from the Community Foundation over
the past two years have helped her as she pursues
a Master’s degree from Cambridge College that
she plans to use to continue to educate and support parents locally.
“It is always difficult when you already have the
responsibilities of home and family. I am working
full-time and going to school, so the financial
assistance provided through these scholarships is
an important contributor to my success,” said
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Women’s Partnership Scholarship Fund
for Women
Women, age 25 or older, from greater Springfield who
have had a break in their education wishing to return
to the work force attending accredited colleges in
Hampden and Hampshire counties.
First Sergeant Kevin Dupont Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Chicopee High School and Chicopee
Comprehensive High School; preference for graduating
seniors who demonstrate leadership qualities and/or
community service. Given in memory of a fallen hero who
served his country for over 30 years.
Dinn Brothers Student Athlete Award Fund
One male and one female scholar athletes from western
MA who have been chosen as Athletes of the Year by
The Republican Newspaper.
September 11th Remembrance Scholarship
Graduating high school seniors who reside in Berkshire,
Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties.
United Way of Holyoke, South Hadley, and
Granby, Inc./YWCA Scholarship Fund for Women
Women, age 18 or older, from Granby, Holyoke, and
South Hadley, MA.
George H. McDonnell Scholarship Fund
South Hadley residents who are graduating seniors
from South Hadley High School studying civil or
environmental engineering at a four-year college.
Horace Hill Scholarship Fund
Children and grandchildren of the members of
Springfield Newspapers’ 25-Year Club.
Captain John Maloney Scholarship Fund
Residents of Hampden County with at least one award to a
graduating high school senior from Chicopee High School.
First National Bank Amherst Centennial
Education Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors of Amherst Regional High School, Hopkins
Academy, Northampton High School, Amherst College,
Hampshire College, and the University of MassachusettsAmherst.
Eric Clayton Hockey Memorial Scholarship
Graduating high school seniors from Easthampton,
Holyoke, Southampton, and Westhampton; preference
for those with ice hockey involvement.
Philip W. Sheridan-Tighe and Bond
Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors from Hampden and Hampshire
counties who will be studying civil engineering or a related
field at a four-year college; established to honor the leadership
of Philip W. Sheridan at Tighe and Bond.
Caleb L. Butler Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors from western MA
who are in the custody of the Department of Children
and Families (DCF); preference for former or current
residents of Hillcrest Educational Centers.
Jacob and Celia Richmond Fund
Residents of Hampden County attending law school.
Miller Fund
Residents of the Shelburne Falls Fire District in
Franklin County.
John DiNapoli Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hampden County high school seniors; preference for
residents of Holyoke.
Paul J. Veronesi Memorial Scholarship Fund
One male and one female graduating senior from Agawam
High School who excel in basketball.
Edward J. Bayon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Holyoke residents who are graduating seniors from Holyoke
high schools studying civil engineering or a related field at a
four-year college.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
National Assoc. of Insurance and Financial
Advisors Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors from Berkshire, Franklin,
Hampden, and Hampshire counties who have had a parent die
or have a parent receiving Social Security disability benefits.
Richard E. Fiore Memorial Scholarship Fund
Residents of Southwick.
Deerfield Plastics/Barker Family Fund
Children, step-children, and grandchildren of employees
(as of October 1996) of the former Deerfield Plastics
Company, Inc.
Kevin Bresnahan Memorial Fund
Graduates of Holyoke High School and Holyoke Catholic
High School pursuing music; preference for jazz or blues.
Liliana Marie Cordes Scholarship Fund
Hampshire county residents studying music; preference for
high school seniors that are residents of South Hadley.
Donald A. and Dorothy F. Axtell Grant
Scholarship Fund
Protestant students from Hampshire County.
Joseph Bonfitto Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Agawam High School studying
creative design, advertising, or the arts.
Charles F. Warner Scholarship Fund
Residents of Springfield.
Christine Mitus Rose Memorial Scholarship
Students who have had a parent die; preference for
those who have had a parent die from cancer.
Anthony A. Renaud Memorial Scholarship
Graduating high school seniors from Hampden County or
students enrolled at Mount Carmel School in Springfield who
have had a parent die; preference for those who have had a
parent die from heart disease.
Sarah and Abraham Milstein Scholarship
Valedictorian and salutatorian of Westfield High School.
Mt. Sugarloaf Lodge Memorial Fund
Graduates of Frontier Regional High School in South
Fred K. Lane Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors who are past or current
members (individual or family) or employees of the Orchards
Golf Course in South Hadley; or a South Hadley resident
with a preference for a graduating high school senior who
played golf or another sport.
Markus J. Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Graduates of Springfield public high schools. Markus Johnson
was the first Springfield resident to die while serving in Iraq.
Shelley N. Bourque Memorial Scholarship
Graduating seniors from Belchertown High School.
Gertrude G. Rapp Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Gateway Regional School District who
have resided for two years in the geographic areas
serviced by the Gateway Regional School District.
James B. Krumsiek Memorial Fund
Graduating seniors from Cathedral High School and
Longmeadow High School who are active in athletics
and exhibit academic achievement.
William J. Dean and Mary Fitzsimmons
Dean Scholarship Fund
Graduates of William J. Dean Technical High
School in Holyoke.
Heriberto Flores Scholarship Fund
Springfield Technical Community College and Holyoke
Community College graduates of Puerto Rican ancestry from
Hampden or Hampshire counties who plan to attend MA
institutions of higher education.
African American Achievement Fund
African American residents of Franklin, Hampden, and
Hampshire counties who attend four-year colleges.
Eleanor M. Morrissey Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors from Berkshire, Franklin,
Hampden, and Hampshire counties pursuing a career in
Edward A. and Shirley B. Livi Scholarship
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties
who are pursuing fine or performing arts beyond their college
freshman year.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Vincent S. and Jane A. Korzeniowski
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Residents of Chicopee.
George H. and Margaret B. McDonnell
Family Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Holyoke Catholic High School pursuing
a career in social work or an allied field; in memory of
Margaret Mary (Peggy) McDonnell.
Deborah Brodeur Foley Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Minnechaug Regional High School in
Wilbraham pursuing nursing or an allied field.
Latino Scholarship Fund
Graduating Latino high school seniors from
Hampden and Hampshire counties.
A. David “Davey” Duggan Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Holyoke high schools.
Frank W. Jendrysik, Jr. Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Residents of Chicopee, Holyoke, and Springfield.
Frederick W. Porter Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Greenfield High School.
Ronald A. Copes Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors from Springfield, MA
or Hartford, CT who have a minimum GPA of 3.0, and
who indicate participation in extracurricular activities.
Latino Breakfast Club Scholarship Fund
Graduating Latino high school seniors from
Hampden County.
Future Scholars Fund
Unrestricted scholarship support.
Hellespont Society Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors of Greek descent who
will be attending two- or four-year colleges; preference
for past Hellespont Society members.
Westbank-Jane M. Knapp Scholarship Fund
Graduates of MacDuffie School in Granby, MA.
Westbank-Stanley F. Osowski Scholarship
Graduates of Westfield High School.
Mary Alby Markel Memorial Scholarship
Graduating seniors from Springfield Central High
School pursuing the sciences.
Edward C., Mary, and Paul Marth
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from St. Mary’s High School in
Westfield pursuing nursing or an allied health field.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
William T. Maunsell Memorial Scholarship
Graduating seniors from Westfield High School,
Westfield Vocational Technical High School, and
St. Mary’s High School in Westfield, MA who have
average grades and are pursuing degrees in education,
criminal justice, or nursing.
Esther J. and Lewis W. Whiting Fund
Graduates of Springfield Central High School
pursuing medicine or natural science, and support for
the Washington Street School Library.
Barbara Holcomb Braem Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Westfield High School; preference
for those pursuing degrees in a business related field.
Connie Celeste Sherman Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Established by her family for students from
Hampden County.
Theodore P. (Ted) Minor Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Chicopee high schools.
Billie Foster and Bertha Weinberg
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Springfield Technical Community College,
Holyoke Community College, and Greenfield Community
College attending four-year colleges; preference for
residents of Holyoke and Northampton.
Lee Crabtree Memorial Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Springfield public high schools pursuing
music; preference for graduates of Springfield Central
High School and Springfield High School of Science
and Technology.
George and Isabelle McGrath
Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Ware High School who have excelled
athletically and academically.
James L. Shriver Scholarship Fund
Students from western MA pursuing technical careers.
Fund balances for the following education funds have
been withheld at the request of the donor/s who established the fund:
Jeffrey I. Glaser, M.D. Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Longmeadow High School
who excel in academics and swimming.
WestFest Scholarship Fund
Hampden County residents pursuing degrees in the arts;
preference for residents of Westfield.
Kimber Richter Family Scholarship Fund
Graduating high school seniors of the Baha’i faith
from western MA.
Emanuel S. Tesoro and Marian T. Tesoro
Scholarship Fund
Residents of East Longmeadow.
Stuart D. Mackey Scholarship Fund
Graduates of East Longmeadow High School.
Karen Panaccione Memorial Scholarship
Residents oof Hampden, Hampshire or Franklin counties
pursuing nursing.
Community Scholarship Fund
Unrestricted scholarship support.
Dr. John V. Shea, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Springfield high schools.
Fisher Family Lost Acres Scholarship Fund
For students pursuing agriculture, horticulture, or
related majors.
Robert B. Goodman Scholarship Fund
Montgomery residents planning to attend a two- or four-year
college; preference to high school seniors.
Ann Ferguson Women and Gender Studies Scholarship
Undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees or
certificates in women and gender studies at the University of
Jacqueline A. Lavallee Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Ware High School with high financial need
who exhibit a strong work ethic as demonstrated by community
service, employment, or academic effort.
William J. (Bill) and Loretta M. O’Neil Scholarship Fund
Residents from western MA pursuing English, journalism, or
a related field.
Rotary Club of Holyoke Scholarship Fund
Residents of Holyoke, South Hadley, and Granby, MA
pursuing undergraduate studies.
John and Evelyn Turnbull Nursing Education Fund
Residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties
pursuing a Baccalaureate or Master’s degree in Nursing.
Designated funds are permanent endowments,
providing annual distributions to those nonprofits
designated by the donor while still attempting to
preserve the principal of the fund.
Margaret E. O’Donnell and Agnes K.
O’Donnell Charitable Fund
To benefit designated charities and to provide scholarship
Elise B. and Earl Bradway Charitable Fund
To benefit designated charities.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
Endowment Fund
To support the operating expenses of The Food Bank.
Urban League of Springfield Building
Endowment Fund
To provide a permanent endowment for the maintenance
and preservation of the premises of the Urban League
of Springfield, Inc.
Albert S. and Anna E. Adams Fund,
Bank of America, Trustee
To benefit St. John’s Lutheran Church, Westfield and to
provide scholarships for graduates of Westfield High School.
Brian W. Sullivan Memorial Scholarship Fund $683,374
For scholarships for Cathedral High School students.
Arthur H. and Barbara M. Clarke Fund
To support Baystate Medical Center; the Springfield
Library and Museums Association; Western New
England University; YMCA of Greater Springfield;
and Springfield Symphony Orchestra.
Peggy and David Starr Springfield
Symphony Endowment Fund
To support the Springfield Symphony Orchestra.
Peggy and David Starr WFCR Endowment
To support the WFCR radio station.
Robert E. Stowe and Cynthia Stowe
Scholarship Fund
For scholarships to women in Franklin County for whom
college attendance is otherwise unlikely who are attending
Greenfield Community College.
Charles E. Coleman and Elizabeth H.
Coleman Scholarship Fund
To support scholarship awards for students who are
residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire counties
to attend Mount Holyoke College.
Victoria Cyran and Ann Szetela St.
Stanislaus School Alumni Scholarship Fund
To provide higher education scholarships for graduates
of St. Stanislaus School.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
David N. Butterworth Trust Fund
To benefit the Holland Congregational Church
and other church societies in the town of Holland
that have a regular house of worship and service
therein with resident clergy.
Northampton Conservation Endowment Fund $162,542
To support land conservation in the City of Northampton.
Picknelly Family Charitable Fund
To support a number of charitable organizations.
Urban League of Springfield Building
Reserve Fund
To support the maintenance and preservation of the
premises of the Urban League of Springfield, Inc.
Margaret L. Steiger Memorial Scholarship
For students attending Wilbraham & Monson Academy.
Established by the Albert Steiger Memorial Fund, Inc. in
honor of the many years Margaret L. Steiger taught at
Wilbraham & Monson Academy.
Ida and Abram Sudrann Memorial Fund
To support Massachusetts General Hospital in
Boston and to support the Endowment for students
in English for Research and Travel established at
Mt. Holyoke College.
Ruth M. and Jesse G. Hafer, Jr. Fund
To support Ronald McDonald House of Springfield,
MA, Inc.; Richard Salter Storrs Library Association;
Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice of Western
New England; First Church of Christ in Longmeadow;
and WGBH Educational Foundation.
St. John’s Lutheran Church Fund
To further the mission of this Westfield church.
H. Grinspoon and D. Troderman Fund for
the Springfield Library and Museums Association
To support the ongoing work of the organization.
Paul and Doris Davis Charitable
Endowment Fund
To benefit organizations in the donors’ areas of interest.
Beatrice Kelly Fund for the Springfield
Boys’ Club, Inc.
To support the Springfield Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
Musicorda Fund
To advance and promote chamber music through
teaching and performance.
Peggy and David Starr Springfield
Museums Endowment Fund
To support the Springfield Museums.
A Charitable Fund in Memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Ryan
To support Providence Ministries for the Needy, Dakin
Pioneer Valley Humane Society, and Gaylord Memorial
Library Association.
Peggy and David Starr WGBY
Endowment Fund
To support the WGBY television station.
Robert D. and Marie L. O’Malley
Charitable Fund
To benefit St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Holyoke;
Community United Way of Pioneer Valley, Inc.;
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke; and South
Hadley Historical Society.
Simple Blessings Fund
Awarded on an annual rotating basis to Yale Divinity
School, Andover-Newton Theological Seminary, and
Bangor Theological Seminary to provide educational debt
retirement to needy students.
Cass Family Fund
To support charities in the donors’ areas of interest,
particularly the Mittineague Congregational Church
in West Springfield, and scholarships for high school
graduates from Springfield, Vermont.
Sandra Eagleton Scholarship Fund
Awarded on an annual rotating basis to students at
Bay Path College, Holyoke Community College, and
Springfield College.
Daniel Stephen Goldstein Fund for Arts
in Northampton High School
To bring art programs to Northampton High School.
Dr. Mary G. Wile Education Endowment
To support programs for young children at the Emily
Partyka building of the Chicopee Public Library.
St. Mark Mission Church Endowment Fund
To support St. Mark Mission Church in Conway.
Venti Family Fund
To support the Springfield Museums.
John J. Conway Pine Grove Cemetery
Endowment Fund
To support the Pine Grove Cemetary in Conway.
George E. and Janet P. Cartier Family
Scholarship Fund
For scholarship assistance for residents living within the
boundaries of Holy Cross Parish, Springfield attending
Holy Cross Grammar School.
Huntington Evangelical Church Fund
To provide support to the Huntington Evangelical Church.
Maury Ferriter Scholarship Fund
Graduates of Holyoke Catholic High School or students
attending Amherst College or Georgetown Law School.
Johnson Memorial Hospital
To support the capital needs of Johnson Memorial Hospital.
J. G. Ferst Memorial Fund
To benefit organizations in the donors’ areas of interest.
Reverend Thomas A. McGovern Fund
To provide scholarships to students at St. Michael’s Academy,
formerly Holy Name of Jesus School, Springfield.
Frank E. Lucchesi Memorial Fund
To support the Happy Valley Guitar Orchestra.
Northampton Bikes Endowment Fund
To support acquisition and/or capital support of
bicycle and multi-use trails in the City of Northampton.
Michael T. and Mary T. Lynch Fund for
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield
To support the Catholic Diocese of Springfield.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
George A. Giroux Fund
To support the Visiting Nurse Association and Hospice
of Western New England; Arise, Inc.; Community of
Feeding Hills Grange; and Camp Norwich.
Reeds Landing Fund
To benefit Reeds Landing.
Phil and Cecelie Cardone Scholarship Fund
Graduating seniors from Wilbraham & Monson Academy.
Leonard Dwight Hills Fund
To assist poor people living in or near the Town of Amherst.
Ruth Freedman Leavitt Teachers Fund
To benefit substitute teachers in the Longmeadow school
Fund balances for the following donor designated funds
have been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Ruth Bush Contrino Fund
To support charities designated by the donor.
Unless otherwise noted, the following donor advised
funds support the charitable interests of the donors:
S. Prestley and Helen Blake Fund
Stephen A. Davis Charitable Fund
Robyn and John Davis Charitable Fund
Morse Fund
To advance Hampshire County initiatives.
Peggy and David Starr Fund
Virginia and Earl Jahn Fund
Fazzi Associates Charitable Fund
Pearson Family Trust
Reading Success by 4th Grade Fund
To support the work of the Reading Success by 4th
Grade Collaborative.
Neil G. Daboul Fund for the Springfield Boys
and Girls Club
To provide ongoing financial support for the Springfield
Boys and Girls Club.
Jensen Family Charitable Fund
Greater Springfield Kidney Patient Endowment Fund
To support the L. John Schinelli Renal Assistance Fund,
providing assistance to local renal patients and their families.
Fowler Fund
To benefit charitable organizations in Holyoke and
South Hadley.
Paul H. and Mary-Louise Mehrtens Charitable Fund
To benefit the Springfield Museums and to support charities
selected by the Distribution Committee.
Barker Family Charitable Fund
To benefit education and social services, particularly in
Franklin County.
Albert and Amelia Ferst Charitable Fund
To support Westfield community projects and
programs in the donors’ areas of interest.
Donor advised funds offer donors the opportunity to
remain involved in grantmaking by recommending distributions of either income or principal. Gifts to advised
funds make it possible for a donor to give appreciated
stock, mutual fund shares, or real estate and still support multiple charities, some of which may not be able
to accept such assets. They also allow a donor to take a
charitable income tax deduction without making a final
determination as to the ultimate charitable recipients.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Fred’s Fund
Geoffrey Lynn Memorial Fund
To provide supplemental educational opportunities
for gifted students.
SIS Charitable Fund
For charitable causes throughout western MA.
Richard J. Moriarty Charitable Fund
To support the charities of interest to Rick Moriarty,
especially for programs focused on ocular melanoma.
Jugosus Fund
Richard A. Stebbins Founders Fund
For grants to honor Richard A. Stebbins and the
founders of the Community Foundation.
Lawrence V. and Dorothy A. Schmitt
Memorial Friendship Fund
To benefit children in western MA, particularly those
interested in developing their artistic ability.
TCH Fund
Adrian and Virginia Levsky Family Fund
Lila Teich Gold Charitable Fund
To advance community projects in life preparation
and humanitarian appreciation.
Gaean Fund
Dr. Anthony P. Lovell Memorial Fund
O. I. Stern Fund
Colaccino Family Charitable Foundation
Taitetsu, Alice, Mark, and Megumi Unno
Charitable Fund
Peter and Melissa Picknelly Charitable Fund
Andre and Karin Fafard Charitable Fund
Anonymous #5 Fund
William and Susan Monks Fund for the Arts
For the support of the arts and culture of western
MA and CT.
CJM-LDM Charitable Fund
Mary F. Picknelly Children’s Emergency
To meet needs of school-age children in the Springfield
public schools which, because of emergency circumstances
or the unavailability of services from other existing
programs, are not being met.
Valley District Dental Women’s
Charitable Fund
Greenhawk Charitable Fund
Angela and Joseph T. Wright Charitable
To support St. John’s Episcopal Church,
Northampton, MA.
Anonymous Fund #15
Armstrong Charitable Fund
Dasco Family Fund
Keady Fund
Lewis M. and Sally D. Popper Fund
John D. Powers Memorial Fund
To benefit charitable causes in the donors’ areas of
interest, particularly the youth of greater Springfield.
Tara Sheehan Memorial Fund
To support charities working to help people with
eating disorders.
Sidney F. Smith Toy Fund
To provide gifts for needy children during the
holiday season.
Charles and Mary Hough Charitable Fund
To honor the lives of Charles and Mary Hough
through the support of charitable causes.
Raipher D. Pellegrino Entrepreneurial Fund
To support entrepreneurial endeavors by individuals,
not-for-profits, and for-profits in western MA.
George and Doris Beauregard Charitable Fund
To support charitable activities with preference to
organizations in the Holyoke area.
Michael Hillel Rothman Memorial Fund
To support the interests of the donors in programs
in music and the visual arts in Hampshire County.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Michael T. Downey Memorial Fund
To support charitable interests of the donors, especially
Cathedral High School.
Anonymous #7 Fund
The Robb Townsend Christian Education
Memorial Fund
To support professional development of Christian educators.
Lubov Blumin Mirsky Fund
To support the donor’s charitable interests, including
helping to fund camper scholarships and staff education,
development, and support at Farm and Wilderness, Inc.
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
To address the region’s most pressing needs and to
promote tzedakah (charity and justice).
Brianna Fund for Children with Physical
To support charities that aid children with physical
Eddy Family Fund
SV and JEG Fund
Sudan Aid Fund
To sustain humanitarian operations in Sudan.
J. Guy and Geraldine F. Gaulin Charitable Fund $32,312
Marisa Labozzetta and Martin Wohl Family
Maurice J. and Margaret M. Ferriter
Charitable Fund
Faces Fund
Anonymous #11 Fund
Hilltown Trust Fund
Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice
To serve grassroots social justice and peace groups
in Western Massachusetts.
Joseph F. Jr. and Emily L. Partyka Fund
To benefit the College of Our Lady of the Elms
and other projects.
Priscilla and C. W. Carter Fund
Saige Reisler Memorial Fund
Lizzie Chandler Memorial Fund
To support recreational and unmet needs of
developmentally disabled persons.
Thomas Holder Memorial Fiddle
Scholarship Fund
For promising young fiddlers and violinists who
wish to further their training.
Carlos Vega Fund for Social Justice and
Community Service
To support social justice and community service
work in the Holyoke area.
The MESCA Fund
Anonymous #13 Fund
Fox Fund
Betty Rae and Martin J. Poppo Charitable
To advance programs, particularly those focusing on
women and children.
Ed and Eleanor Klepacki Charitable Fund
The Republican Newspaper-in-Education Fund $24,286
To support the Newspaper-in-Education Program of
The Republican.
Richard E. F. and Sandra C. Wallis
Charitable Fund
Austin Family Fund
Grobman and Bollinger Family Fund
For social change and arts funding.
David Sigelman Memorial Fund
To continue Dr. Sigelman’s efforts to benefit
communities both local and global.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Chris and Linda McInerney Charitable Fund
Northampton Open Space and Bicycle
Projects Fund
To support open space, conservation, recreation, and
park land acquisition for the City of Northampton.
Mazeine Family Charitable Fund
Sally and Stephen Wittenberg Charitable Fund $22,178
To benefit education, the arts, and human services.
Arthur H. Petlock Fund
Paul Redstone Charitable Fund
George and Michele Ditomassi Charitable
Adult Basic Education Fund
For Adult Basic Education students (including
beginning literacy, GED, or ESL) in the four counties
of western MA pursuing their further educational goals
at a college, trade, or professional school.
Anonymous #9 Fund
Anonymous #14 Fund
Regensburger Family Fund
Alfred L. and Sally Griggs Fund
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C. Charitable
Mancinone Family Charitable Fund
Tom and Jane Hazen Charitable Fund
John DiNapoli Memorial Charitable Fund
To support charities recommended by the DiNapoli
Memorial Committee.
Anonymous #10 Fund
Amherst Club Community Endowment Fund
Rev. Kenneth A. Childs Memorial Fund
To support economic justice, education, and
environmental awareness.
Carol and Noel Leary Charitable Fund
William R. O’Connell Memorial Fund
Lyman and Merrie Wood Family Fund
Betsy and Larry Lundy Charitable Fund
Lois and Tom Schwab Fund
Keiser Family Charitable Fund
Holyoke St. Patrick’s Parade Past Grand
Marshal’s Fund
In support of the Holyoke St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Quinn Family Charitable Fund
Beatty-Roig Charitable Fund
To support charities in the donors’ areas of interest,
particularly in Franklin County.
Lester and Roberta Halpern Fund
To assist a number of charitable interests and causes,
primarily in Hampden County.
Northampton Music Fund
To support music education in Hampshire County.
Metta Fund
Pillard-Gonzalez Family Charitable Fund
William A. Sandri Family Fund
To support humanitarian programs.
Anonymous #12 Fund
Robert and Virginia Russell Charitable Fund
The Fund that J.A.C.K. Built
To support organizations that benefit women and children.
Scottie and Kent Faerber Charitable Fund
Evangeline Royall Darity Memorial Student
Support Fund
African American students attending Mount Holyoke College,
Smith College, or the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Fran, Mary, and Kevin Hamel Charitable Fund
Dana R. Barrows Family Fund
Warm The Children Fund
To provide warm winter clothes for needy Franklin
County children.
Raymond and Joan Jackson Fund
The Beveridge Family Foundation, Inc. Fund
Anonymous #8 Fund
Marcia E. Burick Charitable Fund
Patricia and Raymond Smyke Fund
To support charitable activities important to the donor
and his family, particularly the prevention of the creation
of refugees and refugee movements in developing countries,
and to improve the lives of refugees.
Hampden Papers Employees’ Charitable
To support the charitable interests of the employees of
Hampden Papers, Inc.
Hampden Papers, Inc. Charitable Fund
Created by the Fowler family in Holyoke as part of
the giving of Hampden Papers, Inc.
J. Lewis Endowment Fund
Donald W. Abel Charitable Fund
Fund balances for the following donor advised funds
have been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Dinkelaker-Donnelly Family Fund
Raymond F. Pieczarka Family Fund
John and Lynne Parsons Fund
Kurt and Dorothy Hertzfeld Charitable Fund
Anonymous #3 Fund
Richard S. Milstein, Esq. Charitable Fund
Stebbins Family Charitable Fund
Moriarty and Primack Charitable Fund
DeRose Family Charitable Fund
To assist charitable interests and causes, primarily in
Hampshire County.
Mary and Gordon Wyse Fund
Delores and Robert Viarengo Charitable Fund
GEM Fund
Equity for Life, LLC Charitable Fund
Art Angels Fund
An anonymous group of women artists/art lovers in the
Pioneer Valley pooled financial resources to support local art
projects that deepen and enrich the artistic life of the region.
Bayberry Fund
Charter Oak Fund
To support the charitable goals of Charter Oak
Insurance and Financial Services Company.
Cherewatti Family Foundation Fund
To support charities in the donors’ areas of interest, in
particular youth programs.
Daboul Family Charitable Fund
Dennis Family Fund
Dill Family Fund
To support activities in the donors’ areas of interest,
particularly education and youth development.
James and Helen Krumsiek Family
Charitable Fund
Doherty Family Charitable Fund
George Hano Charitable Fund
First Tracks Fund
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Grais-Greenberg Fund
Jaerna Fund
Jeanne Morrill Memorial Fund
Longmeadow Educational Excellence
Foundation Fund
Easthampton Learning Foundation Fund
Novak Family Charitable Fund
Michael E. Smith Endowment for
Excellence in Education
To enhance opportunities and experiences for students in South
Hadley public schools.
Personal/Planetary Healing Fund
To awaken and align personal and planetary healing.
Northfield Mount Hermon Upward
Bound Fund
The Phoenix Fund
Reeds Landing Memorial Reserve Fund
Red Fox Fund
Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School
Fund (Unrestricted)
Robyn Newhouse Charitable Fund
The Rollings Family Fund
Betty Sexton Family Involvement in Literacy Fund
To support family involvement in literacy through the
Springfield public schools.
Starr Family/Amherst Charitable Fund
Lisa Tate Fund
Topal Family Fund
Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School
Fund (Scholarship)
Palmer Public Library Association
Endowment Fund
Richard Salter Storrs Library
Endowment Fund
Williamson Family Fund
Northampton Education Foundation
Endowment Fund-Florence Savings Bank
Fund for Public Education
Eastern States Exposition Foundation Fund
Funds established by nonprofit organizations can be
permanently endowed with principal preserved (agency
endowed), or they can permit distributions of principal
(agency advised). Agency funds offer potential donors
the assurance of responsible stewardship, professional
investment, fundraising assistance to the nonprofit
(including planned giving) and, where desired, the
long-term preservation of principal.
Agency Advised
Unless otherwise noted, the following agency advised
funds support the work of the organizations named in
the fund title:
Northampton Education Foundation
Endowment Fund
Saint Luke’s Greek Orthodox Church Fund
Clapp Memorial Library Fund
Phyllis Wheat Smith Naturalists’ Fund
To support The Naturalists Club in land acquisition,
wildlife preservation and rehabilitation, habitat
protection, environmental education, and promoting
an awareness of nature.
WGBY/57 Educational Endowment Fund
Louis Beeh Scholarship Fund
To support the work of the East Longmeadow Scholarship
Friends of Hadley Preschool Fund
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Donald Fletcher Scholarship Fund
East Longmeadow Scholarship Foundation
Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Fund
Northampton Education Foundation
Endowment Fund-Northampton Area Pediatrics Fund
Goodwill Industries Fund
East Longmeadow Education Fund
Human Resources Unlimited Fund
The Kestrel Trust Fund
To support the protection of forests, fields, farms, and
wetlands from the Mount Holyoke Range to Mount
Toby, and from the Connecticut River to the Quabbin
Orange Library Building Fund
Young Men’s Christian Association of
Greater Springfield Youth Development
Endowment Fund
Carson Center Fund
Friends of the Holyoke Merry-Go-Round,
Inc. Fund
Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center
Youth Education Fund
Bart Gordon Music Fund at the Jackson
Street School
To provide music opportunities for economically
disadvantaged young people.
The Gray House Fund
Amherst Committee for A Better Chance
“ABC” Fund
Mental Health Association of Greater
Springfield, Inc. Fund
Greater Springfield Senior Services,
Inc. Fund
Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society Fund
Ludlow Boys and Girls Club Fund
Alice K. Lucey Memorial Fund of United
Way Holyoke, South Hadley & Granby, Inc.
Holyoke Community College Foundation
Jessie’s House Fund
Greenfield Community College Foundation
Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust
Hatfield Foundation for the Enhancement
of Education
Jean Martin Fund for the United ARC of
Franklin and Hampshire Counties
Jerome A. Rosenthal and David Sigelman
Memorial Community Music Fund
Western Massachusetts Legal Services Fund
The Dorothy Anne Wheat Naturalists’ Fund
To support The Naturalists Club in open land
acquisition and animal rehabilitation.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
American Macular Degeneration Foundation
Children’s Brighter Future Fund
To support programs at the Child and Family
Service of Pioneer Valley, Inc.
Strong Families-Strong Nation Fund
To support programs that will enhance communication,
cooperation, and understanding within families of the
Pioneer Valley.
Lathrop Communities, Inc. Fund
Hampden Library Fund
Hatfield Education Endowment Fund
Rotary Club of Springfield Fund
The Atheneum Society of Wilbraham Fund
West Springfield Public Library Fund
United Way of Hampshire County
Endowment Fund
American Lung Association of Western
Massachusetts Fund
Martha Ludington/Henrietta F. Dexter
Fund for the Children’s Study Home
Janet Feinstein Memorial Fund
To provide a foundation for the New England Adolescent
Research Institute, Inc.
YWCA Fund from Henrietta F. Dexter
Pioneer Valley Girl Scout Council,
Inc. Fund
Community Music School of Springfield
Scholarship Program Fund
Not Bread Alone Fund
Springfield Day Nursery Fund
Bay Path College Fund
Springfield Boys Club/Carew Hill Girls
Club Fund
Fund balances for the following agency advised funds
have been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Glenmeadow Fund
Amherst Survival Center Fund
Harry J. and Norma V. Pierpan High Adventure
Campership Fund
For the benefit of the Great Trails Council, Inc., Boys
Scouts of America.
ServiceNet/Grove Street Inn Endowment
Boys and Girls Club of Greater Westfield
Endowment Fund
Robert Benedetti Memorial Fund for the
Palmer Public Library
R.S. Storrs Library Fund
Longmeadow Educational Excellence
Foundation Endowment Fund
Agency Endowed
Springfield Girls Club Family Center
H. F. Dexter Fund
Old First Church Fund for the Maintenance
of Its Meetinghouse and Organ
Genevieve Emerson and Grace P. Meekins
Fund for the MSPCA
Old First Church Fund for Seniors of
Greater Springfield
Wing Memorial Hospital Fund
Old First Church Fund for the Homeless of
Greater Springfield
Sons and Daughters of Hawley Endowment
Friends of Grandmother’s Garden, Inc.
Endowment Fund
First Congregational Church of Chester Fund
ServiceNet Shelters Endowment Fund
Kravetz Endowment Fund for the United
ARC of Franklin and Hampshire Counties
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Photo © 2013 Carl Vernlund
Angela Wright Fund for the Care Center
Child and Family Service of Pioneer
Valley, Inc. Endowment Fund
New England Wild Flower Society Nasami
Farm Endowment Fund
Eric Bachrach Endowment Fund for the
Community Music School of Springfield
Arts Endowment of Western
Massachusetts—An Eye-Opening
The Northampton Arts Council received a $5,000
grant this year to put on a performance and
demonstration for Northampton Public School
students designed to give an understanding and
appreciation for American and Brazilian culture.
The grant was supported by three funds at the
Community Foundation: the Alie and Rem Lefferts
Memorial Dixieland Jazz Fund, Credit Data
Services, Inc. Fund and the T. Marc Futter
Hampshire Arts Endowment Fund. The T. Marc
Futter Fund is one of a collection of funds identified as exclusively dedicated to the support of arts
in our region.
To be identified as part of the Arts Endowment of
Western Massachusetts, a fund must be restricted
to the support of the arts, and, if donor advised,
must become endowed when advisory rights cease.
We highlight below the following funds, listed elsewhere in this report, whose donors are passionate
about supporting arts and culture in the Pioneer
• T. Marc Futter Hampshire Arts Endowment Fund
• H. Grinspoon and D. Troderman Fund for the
Springfield Library and Museums Association
• William and Susan Monks Fund for the Arts
• Peggy and David Starr: Springfield Museums
Endowment Fund, Springfield Symphony
Endowment Fund, WFCR Endowment Fund and
WGBY Endowment Fund
• Venti Family Fund
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Karuna Center for Peacebuilding
Endowment Fund
Eastern States Exposition Foundation
Endowment Fund
The Association For Community Living
Endowment Fund
Fund balances for the following agency endowed funds
have been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Amherst Survival Center Endowment Fund
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Springfield Ministry Endowed
Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts Endowment
Planned giving arrangements provide a unique combination of direct benefits to both charities and donors, or
other beneficiaries, most frequently by providing income
for life from the funds contributed.
Gewanter Family Charitable Remainder
To establish a fund to support the charitable interests
of the donors.
O. I. Stern 1998 Charitable Lead Unitrust
To support the charitable interests of the donors.
Anonymous 2005 Charitable Remainder
To establish a fund to benefit charities of interest to the donors.
Willard O. and Elizabeth K. Hale Charitable
Gift Annuity
To benefit the Reeds Landing Memorial Reserve Fund.
Bernard and Rosemond M. Paine
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
To establish a fund to provide scholarships to deserving
students from the public schools of West Springfield.
Eleanor B. Rothman Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Congregation B’Nai Israel L’DOR
V’DOR Endowment Fund.
Raymond E. Carr Charitable Remainder
To benefit the Raymond E. Carr Scholarship Fund.
Anonymous 2012 Charitable Gift Annuity
Priscilla L. Pike Charitable Gift Annuity
To establish a fund to benefit the First Church of
Christ, Northampton.
Priscilla Carter Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit a fund to support charities of interest to
the donor.
John and Paula Gallup Charitable Remainder
To ensure that the donors’ charitable giving will
continue to benefit western Massachusetts in perpetuity.
Hilltown Endowment Annuity
To establish a fund to support charitable work in
the hilltowns.
Susan W. Lowenstein Charitable Remainder
To permanently support The Women’s Fund of Western
Massachusetts with preference for women’s reproductive
health programs.
The Anonymous 1996 Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
To establish a fund for addressing critical needs in
Hampshire County.
Caroline Murphy Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Glenmeadow Fund.
Robert C. Smith Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Reeds Landing Fund.
Jean vonL. Hayes Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Reeds Landing Fund.
Fund balances for the following planned giving funds
have been withheld at the request of the donor/s who
established the fund:
Virginia A. Christenson Charitable Gift Annuity
To establish the Christenson Lilly Library Fund.
Charles M. Johnson Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Reeds Landing Fund.
To be flexibly responsive to the broadest interests and
objections of donors, the Community Foundation
occasionally receives and holds assets subject to
charitable restrictions unlike those applicable to the
other categories of funds listed above.
DeRose Family Charitable Fund
To assist charitable interests and causes, primarily in
Hampshire County.
Lynn A. Schwartz Family Charitable Fund
To support charities selected by the Distribution
Committee after recommendations by the donor.
John Ptaszek Family Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the John Ptaszek Family Scholarship Fund.
Mary K. McNally Charitable Gift Annuity
To benefit the Glenmeadow Library Fund.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Competitive Grants
The Competitive Grants Program awarded $1,120,980 to
nonprofit organizations for projects that benefit the residents of Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire Counties.
The 112 projects funded are as varied as the needs of
our community and include: arts programs for children,
equipment for a local hospital, adult literacy classes for
speakers of other languages, and support for a local
food campaign, just to name a few.
Funds for the Competitive Grants program come from
individuals, bank trusts, private foundations, unrestricted funds, and donor advised funds. The generosity of
the donors who established these funds allows the
Community Foundation to respond with the maximum
amount of flexibility.
Bank of America Funds
The Community Foundation’s Distribution Committee
reviews grant applications and makes recommendations
on behalf of Bank of America to award competitive
grants from the following funds:
Eugene A. Dexter Charitable Fund
Nan and Matilda Heydt Fund
The Lochridge-Watkins Charitable Foundation
The Valley Charitable Trust Fund
Community Foundation Funds
and other Trusts and Foundations
The Distribution Committee recommended competitive
grants from the following Community Foundation funds.
Some funds have geographic or other restrictions.
Anonymous Memorial Fund
Lucy and Bob Atkinson Fund
Board Discretionary Grantmaking Fund
M. Constance Breck Memorial Fund
Brendler Family Charitable Fund
The Buxton Charitable Foundation Fund, Bank of
America, Trustee
Raymond E. and Mildred G. Clark Foundation Fund,
Bank of America, Trustee
Cancer Fund
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Community Grantmaking Fund
Credit Data Services, Inc. Fund
George H. Empsall Charitable Fund
Kent W. Faerber Fund
Filler Community Fund
Franklin Fund
Franklin Fund #2
Fund for Hampshire and Franklin Counties
T. Marc Futter Hampshire Arts Endowment Fund
Margot L. Griggs Charitable Fund
Teresa A. Harris Fund
Junior League of Holyoke Fund
Juliusz Feigenbaum Fund
Rockwell Keeney, Jr. Charitable Fund
Alie and Rem Lefferts Memorial Dixieland Jazz Fund
Dr. John E. McNally Memorial Fund
Eleanor and Philip Singleton Endowment Fund
Albert Steiger Memorial Fund
Roger G. and Jeannie Houston Turgeon Fund
Joan Walker Memorial Fund
Rachel O. Storrs Ware Youth Center, Inc. Fund
James D. Watt Charitable Fund
William Wells Tapley Fund
Unrestricted Fund
Yale Genton Charitable Fund
Movie Making Workshops for At-Risk Youth
Action Center for College Educational
Services and Scholarship Foundation
College Advising
AIDS Foundation of Western Mass., Inc.
HIV/AIDS Community Education
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
Association, Inc.–Massachusetts/New Hampshire
Awareness Seminars
Anti-Displacement Project, Inc.
Workers Rights Program
Appalachian Mountain Club
A Mountain Classroom at Noble View Outdoor Center
Arms Library Association, Inc.
Put a Roof On It Capital Campaign
Bay State Reading Institute, Inc.
Literacy Program Expansion in Westfield Schools
Best Buddies Massachusetts
Peer Support for Disabled Youth
Better Homes, Inc.
Building Repairs
Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Hampden
County, Inc. Youth Mentoring Program
Black Men of Greater Springfield, Inc.
W.E.B. DuBois Academy
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke, Inc.
Teen Program
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield, Inc.
Science, Math, and Technology Programming
The Brick House Community Resource
Center, Inc.
Summer Workshop Series
Carson Center for Human Services, Inc.
Kamp for Kids
Carson Center for Human Services, Inc.
Spray Park
Center for EcoTechnology, Inc.
Western Massachusetts Go Green Campaign
Center for Human Development, Inc.
Yoga for Cancer Survivors
Center for Human Development, Inc.
Youth Mentoring Program
Center for New Americans
Supplemental Literacy Class
Clarke School for the Deaf
Mainstream Services Program
courtesy of Springfield Museums
Lepper Family Leaves
$1 Million Bequest
The Estate of Edwin Lepper made a distribution of $1 million to establish the Edwin
P. and Wilber O. Lepper Fund, an
endowed fund at the Foundation from
which the Distribution Committee may
make grants to organizations that support
“physically or mentally challenged citizens
and to organizations that support environmental conservation.”
Both Lepper brothers were Amherst
College alumni and lived in the Springfield
area. Wilbur worked as a bookkeeper for
Johnson’s Bookstore in Springfield and
Edwin made his living as a syndicated cartoonist. The gift they have entrusted to the
Community Foundation will provide
much-needed support for local nonprofits.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Opportunities to Grow and Learn
The Black Men of Greater Springfield received a
$10,000 grant to provide academic, recreation, computer, and life skill activities for low and moderate
income minority youth in Springfield, both during the
school year and at its W.E.B. DuBois Academy
Summer Experience Camp.
Arthur Jones, Black Men of Greater Springfield
Board member, says of the program, “We provide
ABOVE: Members of the 2012–2013 W.E.B. DuBois School
Year Program at the Boys and Girls Club
Clinical and Support Options, Inc.
Technology Upgrade
Community Legal Aid, Inc.
AmeriCorps Project for Hampden County
Collaborative for Educational Services, Inc.
Bogin Playscape Project
Community Young Men's Christian
Association of Greenfield, MA
Over 2 years, Facility Improvements
Community Adolescent Resource and
Education Center, Inc.
Technology Upgrade
Cooley Dickinson Hospital Health Care Corp.
Over 2 years, Cancer Center
Community Enterprises, Inc.
Website Development
Cooperative Fund of New England
Technical Assistance to Cooperatives
Community Foundation of Western
Valley Gives, Year 1
Creative Thought and Action
Green Jobs Training Program
Community Involved in Sustaining
Agriculture, Inc.
Buy Local Food Program Expansion
school age males with a journey that contributes to
building productive citizens for now and tomorrow.
We encourage character development through
academic attainment, diverse activities such as health
and nutrition, meaningful recreation, life skills, and
community service.”
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Cutchins Programs for Children and
Families, Inc.
Family Counseling and Support
Drama Studio, Inc.
Youth Outreach Expansion
Gray House, Inc.
Food Pantry and Thrift Shop
Dunbar Community Center, Inc.
Transitional Support
Greenfield Community College Foundation,
House of Corrections Digital Branch Library
East Quabbin Land Trust, Inc.
Service Learning Opportunities in Ware
Enchanted Circle, Inc.
Peck School Theater Arts Program
Hampshire County Bar Association
Parent Education Program
Fractured Atlas Productions, Inc.
Youth Urban Multimedia Association
Hampshire Regional Young Men’s
Christian Association
Positive Discipline Training
Franklin County Community Development
Support for Local Food Programs
Hands-on Elders
Touch Therapy for Homebound Elders
Franklin County Community Development Corp. $7,000
Just Roots Capacity Building
Holyoke Young Men's Christian
Association, Inc.
Facility Improvements
Franklin County Community Meals
Program, Inc.
Orange Food Pantry
Horizons for Homeless Children, Inc.
Play Spaces for Children
Franklin County DIAL/SELF, Inc.
AmeriCorps Programs in Hampshire and Franklin
Franklin Land Trust, Inc.
Website Development
Friends of Children, Inc.
Transition Program for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Housing Discrimination Project, Inc.
Housing Workshops for Incarcerated Individuals
Human Resources Unlimited
Job Readiness Program
Jackson Street School Parent Teacher
Organization, Inc.
Mindfulness Training for Teachers and Parents
Friends of Children, Inc.
Photojournalism Project for Foster Youth
Jewish Family Service of Western
Massachusetts, Inc.
Technology Upgrade
Friends of the Granby Free Public
Library, Inc.
Library Capital Campaign
Jewish Federation of Western
Massachusetts, Inc.
Western Massachusetts Jewish Community Study
Friends of the Homeless, Inc.
Facility Improvements
Kestrel Land Trust
Mineral Hills Conservation Project
Girls Incorporated of Holyoke
Youth Programs
Ko Theater Works, Inc.
21st Annual Ko Festival of Performance
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Link to Libraries, Inc.
Literacy Program for Children in Homeless Shelters
Northfield Mount Hermon School
Upward Bound Program
Massachusetts Adoption Resource
Exchange, Inc.
Adoption Education Program
Operation Outreach-USA, Inc.
Literacy Program in the Holyoke Public Schools
Massachusetts Foundation for the
Family Reading Program
Mohawk Trail Concerts, Inc.
Cross Currents & Special Anniversaries Season
Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Inc.
College Prep Program
Pioneer Valley Project, Inc.
Parent-Teacher Home Visiting Program
Pioneer Valley Symphony, Inc.
In Times of War and Peace Performance
Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Inc.
MassLIFT AmeriCorps Program
Planned Parenthood League of
Massachusetts, Inc.
Health Education Program for Parents
NAMI Western Massachusetts, Inc.
Communications Program
Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association
Local History Education Program
National Conference for Community and
Justice of CT & W. MA, Inc.
Technology Upgrade
Quabbin Mediation, Inc.
Veteran Peer Support Program
National Multiple Sclerosis Society–
Greater New England Chapter
Financial Assistance Outreach Program
New England Learning Center for
Women in Transition, Inc.
24-Hour Hotline
NoHo Pride, Inc.
Capacity Building
North Amherst Community Farm, Inc.
Preserving the Farm Capital Campaign
North End Housing Initiative, Inc.
Building Renovation
Northampton Academy of Music, Inc.
Community and Audience Building
Northampton Arts Council, Inc.
Music Education Program
Perkins School for the Blind
Workshops for Parents with Visually Impaired
Young Children
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Reader to Reader, Inc.
Reading Mentoring Program
Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action
Corps, Inc.
Afterschool Music Program
Safe Passage, Inc.
Expansion of Children’s Programs
ServiceNet, Inc.
Building Renovation
South Middlesex Opportunity Council, Inc.
Intake Worker for The People’s Center
Springfield Boys & Girls Club, Inc.
Youth Fitness Program
Springfield Library and Museums Association
Family Education Program
Springfield School Volunteers, Inc.
Ballroom Dance Project
Springfield School Volunteers, Inc.
Arts in the Morning at Kensington Avenue School
Stone Soul, Inc.
Living History Production
Springfield Technical Community College
Foundation, Inc.
Accelerated GED Program
Survival Centers, Inc.
Capital Campaign
Stanley Park of Westfield, Inc.
Celebration of Native American Heritage
Stavros Center for Independent Living, Inc.
Technology Upgrade
Take and Eat, Inc.
Weekend Meals for Homebound Seniors
Terra Moto, Inc.
Creative Arts Program for Municipal Employees
Third Sector New England, Inc.
Gardening the Community
Tolland Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
Woodland Emergency Equipment
Trustees of Noble Hospital, Inc.
Water Heating System Upgrade
Trustees of the Smith College
Project Coach in Springfield
Unitarian Universalist Rowe Camp &
Conference Center
Diversity Program
Meeting Basic Needs in
Franklin County
The Orange Food Pantry provides food, personal
care items, and diapers each month to individuals
and families who qualify. Amy Clarke, Executive
Director of the Program, said, “In 2012, we had
the most visits ever to the Orange Food Pantry
since opening almost 20 years ago. Although we
are only open for five hours on Thursdays, last
year we had 4,878 visits, and provided enough
food to feed 14,349 people for three or four days
each; all signs point to 2013 being just as difficult
for those we serve. Funding from the Community
Foundation is critical to keeping enough food on
our shelves.”
United ARC of Franklin and Hampshire
Counties, Inc.
Positive Parenting Program
Valley Community Development Corporation
Foreclosure Prevention and Counseling
Western Massachusetts Council, Inc., Boy
Scouts of America
Scout Recruitment
Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts
Leadership Program for Women
Young Entrepreneurs Society, Inc.
Website Development
ABOVE: Orange Food Pantry volunteers Linda Chapman and Al
Henderson stock the pantry shelves, thanks in part to an $8,000
grant from the Community Foundation.
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Financial Highlights
Total Assets1
Operating Expenses2
Operating Expenses as a
Percentage of Total Assets
1. Includes trust assets owned by Bank of America for which the Community Foundation provides grantmaking services.
2. Does not include investment management fees.
3. Includes fees received from Bank of America for providing grantmaking services.
4. Includes grants from trust assets owned by Bank of America for which the Community Foundation provides grantmaking services.
Assets by Fund Type, FY13
Assets by Fund Type, FY13
No. of Funds
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Field of
Giving and
Bank of
Distributions 2012 – 2013
Fund Balance
Donor Advised
Agency Advised
Agency Designated
Donor Designated
Field of Interest
Planned Giving & Other
Bank of America Trust
Competitive (Discretionary) Grants
Bank of America Competitive Grants
Advised and Designated Grants
Special Purpose
Scholarships and Loans*
* Includes loans granted of $496,000.
Statements of Financial Position
March 31, 2013 and 2012
FY 2013 Investment Commentary
The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts’
Global Growth Portfolio generated a 10% return in fiscal
2013, producing an investment gain of roughly $5.4 million.
Over the past 10 years, the Global Growth Portfolio has
grown from $25.6 million to $58.6 million. With an annual
net investment return of 8.5%, its performance exceeded its
absolute benchmark of CPI + 5% and outpaced peer
Community Foundations. CFWM’S ten-year return ranked
comfortably in the top half of the Community Foundation
Survey conducted by the Council on Foundations. CFWM’s
excellent long-term record stems from a disciplined and
diversified asset allocation policy and an emphasis on lowercost investment solutions.
The long term overriding benchmark for the Global
Growth Portfolio continues to be 50% Wilshire 5000 Index,
20% EAFE Index and 30% Barclays Aggregate Bond Index.
More specifically, assets at fiscal year end were invested in
37% US equity 17% non US equity and emerging markets,
4% direct hedge funds, 8% private equity related investments, 13% direct fixed income and 21% in two outsourced
complete endowment solutions.
Comparison of Returns on Investments
CF Survey*
CPI + 5%
CF Survey
CPI + 5%
CF Survey
CPI + 5%
CF Survey
CPI + 5%
1 year
Cash and money market
Assets held under
charitable trusts
All other assets
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and
accrued expenses
Liability under unitrust
Agency Funds
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
3 year
Total Liabilities and
Net Assets
A complete set of audited financial statements is
available upon request.
5 year
10 year
* Council on Foundation’s Community Foundations Survey
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
C O M M I T T E E S , V O L U N T E E R S , A N D S TA F F
Audit and Finance Committee
Steven M. Mitus, Chair
Richard Burkhardt
Carol Campbell
Michael Fritz
John G. Gallup
Lester L. Halpern, Emeritus
George C. Keady
Mary Ann Stearns
Douglas Theobald
Distribution Committee
Irene Rodriguez Martin, Chair
David Angier
Amy Caruso
Peter J. Daboul
Vinnie Daboul
Paula DesRoberts
April Estis-Clark
William T. Fisher, Jr.
Robert R. Humberston
Kathleen Mullin
Robyn A. Newhouse
Elizabeth H. Sillin
John Thorpe
Education Committee
Elizabeth D. Scheibel, Chair
Kamari Collins
Bernadette Cruz
Karin L. George
Kimberly Izquierdo
Thea E. Katsounakis
Stephanie King
Lydia Martinez
James O’S. Morton
Sonia M. Nieto
Isolda Ortega-Bustamente
Robert L. Pura
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Dianne Doherty, Dana Barrows, Rick Steele,
and Amy Jamrog
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Executive Committee
Sanford A. Belden, Chair
Dana R. Barrows
Peter J. Daboul
Jamie T. Gasperini
Sheila Magalhaes
Debra Papageorge
Sara Wiener
Investment Committee
Richard B. Steele, Jr., Chair
Helen D. Blake, Emerita
Stephen A. Davis
Latimer B. Eddy
Mauricia A. Geissler
Mary Jo Maydew
Tripp Peake
Mary Ann Spencer
Ralph S. Tate
Marketing Advisory Committee
Ruth Griggs
Paul Robbins
David Starr
Philanthropic Services Committee
Amy Jamrog, Chair
Dana R. Barrows
Tricia Canavan
Stephen A. Davis
Charles W. DeRose
Kelly DeRose
Dianne Fuller Doherty
Jeffrey Fialky, Esq.
William E. Hart, Esq.
George C. Keady
Debra L. Purrington Esq.
Shannon Reichelt, CPA
Paul Robbins
David Starr
J. Brendan Wood, CRPC
Annual Fund Committee
Patricia Burden
Marcia E. Burick
Kelly DeRose
Paula DesRoberts
Paula Gallup
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Peter Daboul and Bob Carroll
Project Reviewers
Robert Allen
Elizabeth Belden
Sanford A. Belden
Charri Boykin-East
Barbara H. Braem-Jensen
Bruce Brown
Norma Colaccino
Sylvia Galván
Ay Ling Han
Herbert Hodos
Morton Lynn
Susan B. Magee
Paul M. Mitus
Carlos L. Santiago
Mary Ann Spencer
Richard E. Spencer, II
Marie M. Stebbins
Leonard Von Flatern
Sally A. Wittenberg
Margaret F. Woods
Angela Wright
Scholarship Reviewers
Andrea Allen
Portia Allen
Deborah Austin
Elizabeth Belden
Sanford A. Belden
Jasmine Brewer
Dawn Bryden
Patricia Burden
Sheila M. Burke
Hillisa Byer
Kamari Collins
Ann Cowen
Bernadette Cruz
Linda Dagradi
Janet Ann DaSilva
Luz Viviana DeJesus
Paula DesRoberts
Christopher Dupont
C O M M I T T E E S , V O L U N T E E R S , A N D S TA F F
Kent W. Faerber
Bert Fernández
Keri Finnie
Katie Fretwell
Joan Fuller
Sylvia Galván
Karin George
Shane Hammond
Teresa A. Harris
Jennifer Hudon
Kimberly Izquierdo
Thea E. Katsounakis
Stephanie King
Eileen M. Kirk
Erica Lebel
Phyllis Levenson
Gisele Litalien
Maddie Marquez
Maureen Moore
Barbara Morin
James O’S. Morton
Matt Mourovic
Sonia Nieto
Michael Patashnick
Lucy Perez
Erica Rose
Elizabeth D. Scheibel
Katherine L. Shea
Jane Sommer
Sage Stachowiak
Ralph S. Tate
Paige Thayer
Beth Ward
Gary S. Watson
Kristen Wing
Angela Wright
Valley Gives
Paul S. Doherty, Co-Champion
Alfred L. Griggs, Co-Champion
Amy Caruso
Ann Dawson
Tracy Hightower
Michael Kusek
Ellen Brout Lindsay
Marcie Muehlke
Margot Putnam
Alfonso Santaniello
Amelie Tourayan
Photo by Paul Schnaittacher
Katie Allan Zobel, President and CEO
Caroline Deltoro, Director of Communications
Jessica Gonzalez, Program Assistant
Santina Haywood, Administrative Assistant/Receptionist
Tynisha A. Henderson, Program Officer for Scholarships
Debra Koske, Finance Associate
Kristin B. Leutz, CAP®, Vice President for Philanthropic Services
Anthony Luciano, Database and IT Administrator
Kammy Nghiem, Philanthropic Services Assistant
Jenny Papageorge, Director of Development
Nancy Reiche, M.S.W.,Vice President for Programs
Donna Roseman David, CPA, MST, Chief Financial Officer/Chief
Administrative Officer
Dotty Theriaque, Education Associate
Sheila C. Toto, Program Officer
Ronald P. Weiss, Esq., Legal Counsel
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C., Auditors
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Dr. Sanford A. Belden,
Retired President and
CEO, Community
Banking System, Inc.
Amy Jamrog
Wealth Management
Advisor, Northwestern
Mutual Financial
Robert S. Carroll
Retired President,
Excel Dryer
Dana R. Barrows,
Vice Chair
Director of Business &
Estate Planning,
Northwestern Mutual
Financial Network
Dr. Irene Rodriguez
Associate Dean of
Adminsitration and
Graduate Enrollment
and Continuing
Education, Smith
College School for
Social Work
Stephen A. Davis
Ventry Industries, LLC
Peter J. Daboul
Retired Executive Vice
President and Chief
Information Officer,
MassMutual Financial
Kerry Dietz
Dietz and Company
Dianne Fuller Doherty
Regional Director,
Massachusetts Small
Business Development
Michael Fritz
Retired President,
Rugg Building
Trustee Emeriti
Steven M. Mitus
Executive Vice
President, Balise Motor
Sales Company
Dr. Robert L. Pura
President, Greenfield
Community College
Richard B. Steele, Jr.
Managing Member,
Longmeadow Capital
Partners, LLC
Ralph S. Tate
Retired Managing
Director, Standish,
Ayer & Wood
Alfred L. Griggs
President, A. L. Griggs
Industries, Inc.
Dr. Carol A. Leary
President, Bay Path
Elizabeth D. Scheibel
Retired District
Attorney for the
Northwestern District
Charter Trustees
Helen Fuller
Trustee, Springfield
Library and Museums
George C. Keady
Senior Vice President
and Branch Manager,
UBS Wealth
John G. Gallup
Retired CEO,
Strathmore Paper
Dr. Willie L. Hill, Jr.
Director, University of
Massachusetts, Amherst
Fine Arts Center
David Starr
President, Republican
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts
tart your fund at the Community Foundation
We make giving easier with
administrative services and
expert advice from the
Community Foundation
Decide When to Give · You can create your fund
staff. Call our Philanthropic
now, establish it in your will, or create it through
Services team at 413-732a trust arrangement that benefits your family
2858 or email giving@
as well as charity. You may give in honor of an
anniversary, to memorialize a loved one,
celebrate a special event or support a cause.
Tax deductions are earned at the time of your gift,
while grants awarded from your fund can continue into the future.
Decide What to Give · Almost any kind of asset can be used to start your fund,
including cash, publicly traded securities, closely held stock, interests in limited
partnerships, real estate, life insurance and private foundation assets. We can also
discuss other options with you, such as bequests, charitable remainder unitrusts,
charitable gift annuities and charitable lead trusts.
Choose the Name for Your Fund · Most of our funds are named for the donor
(individual, family, business, association or organization) or as a memorial to someone
special. Every grant from the fund will carry this name. You may choose a name
that reflects your fund’s charitable purposes or your fund can remain completely
confidential if you prefer.
Choose a Type of Fund · We offer a variety of funds that are flexible to meet our
donors’ different charitable interests. Donor advised funds allow you to make the
decisions about the timing and amount of grants yourself. Endowed funds provide a
sustainable stream of income for your favorite charities in perpetuity. Scholarships
help local students access higher education. Field of Interest funds allow you an
easy way to focus your giving on a specific community or charitable interest area.
Field of Interest funds give you access to our local team of volunteers and staff who
receive and assess annual requests from local nonprofits to fund projects serving
the region.
Nonprofit Org.
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