rupmNs* il$Tllnr PRESIDENT: Bill Lawrie 604-931-2971 or: [email protected] SECRETARY: Ann Weatherby 604-521-2122 WEBSITE: EDITOR: Christine Patterson 604-421-4020 MARCH,20L6 ?k*?k?k?ktr?k?k?k?k?k?k?k?k?k?k**?k*?k**tr?k?k?k?k?k?k*?k?krr?t?k?t?k2k?k?k*rr*?ktr?k********** WOODPENS' CLUB 2016 EVENTS....coming up Woodpenso Club Day at the Races.......Saturday, April 2"d,2016....doors open at 11:45 am....buffet open 12:15 pm....races start 12:45 pm sharp. Mark your calendars now! CUT-OFF for tickets is THURSDAY, MARCH,24'n. More details in this Hotline. * i 35tn 2066ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC Tournament, Friday, May 6th, 2016. . .Delta Golf Club. . .. I 1 550 #10 Highw ay, (Ladner Trunk Road), Delta, BC....please be there by 7:30 am. . ..shotgun start at 8:00 am sharp. Feel free to form your own foursome with family and friends. $85.00 CDN....includes green fees and steak and chicken bbq buffet. First-come, first served. Payments no later than, Friday, April 15, 2Al6....details inside.. .. ffst$w*ffirytNil***' Reunion Woods Golf Course. .. 4540 50th St. Edmonton, AB zlrc.. $40.00 per MAY 28'". 28rH. 2016.. oer Henk Albarda..5203 - l05A Ave. Ave Edmonton, AB T6A1C3 ...Mill A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FOR WOODPENS' CLUB MEMBERS OPEN TO ALL FORMER WOODWARD'S EMPLOYEES WOODPENS' CLUB DAY at the RACES SATURDAY, APRIL 2*o, 2016 RACES and LUNCH $20.50 per person (convenient mail-in order form attached) Back by popular demand! Ian Murdoch, our Activities and Entertainment Chairperson, has organized and booked another fun day of live harness racing at the Fraser Downs Racetrack & Casino in Surrey, especially for Woodpens' Club members, family and be he'ld on Saturday, April 2nd. We will will be seated in our own reserved BACKSTRETCH area of the Clubhouse and every table have a wonderful view of the track. The Clubhouse was built with the ultimate racing experience in mind. This room features floor to ceiling windows with four levels of terraced dining. Each table is equipped with closed circuit TV that will help us to keep table on our selections prior to, and during, each race. One of the races againthis year will be dedicated to the Woodpens' Club and some of our members will be asked to be on hand in the Winner's Circle after the race. The cost per member or guest is $20.50 each which includes the very popular deluxe Clubhouse buffet lunch, gratuity and taxes. Doors open at II:45 am....the buffet is open 12:15 pmto 2:15 pm and the races start at 12:45 pm sharp. Mark your calendars now! CUT-OFF dav tickets is Thursdav. March 24th. for Tickets are limited....remember tickets sold out early last year....don't be disappointed....send in your order for tickets for the Woodpens' Day at the races ....using the attached convenient order form. Arrange to carpool with other Woodwardites or friends, and look forward to attending another fun-filled "Woodpens' Club Day atthe Races", Saturday, April 2nd. The weather should be good and it will be a greatway to spend a beautiful afternoon in the early Spring! Our thanks to Ian Murdoch for making the affangements again for this year's Spring outing! Please send your cheque to: Woodpens' Club c/o Unit 513, Retail Level 650 West 4l't Avenue Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 2i[l49 Convenient Mail-ln Order Form Form members and friends wishing to purchase tickets (space at a table) for the "Woodpens' Club Day at the Races" scheduled for 1.I:45 am on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016 at Fraser Downs Racetrack & Casino in Cloverdale (cut-off date, Thursday, March 24th)....|an Murdoch will have tickets available for you on your arrival at the Woodpens' Backstretch section of the Clubhouse. (tickets will not be mailed to you). Name: Please reserve_tickets(number of tickets)at 20.50 each= S {please note: $20.50 per ticket is the correct price.....previous payments received at 532.50 will be reimbursed the difference of the payment) Please plan now to join the fun.......Bring a friend! ***trirtr*?k*rrir,r,r*:k*****r(**ir*****trtr*****trir?k?k*t(**rk**trt(t(*:k*tr*irtr**tc*rr***trCr Have you remembered to renew your 2016 Woodpens' Club Membership.....(same low price) Single: $15.00 Couple: S18.00 Thank you for keeping the o'Spirit of Woodward's Aliveoo Send your cheque to: Woodpens' Club Unit 513, Retail Level 650 West 41't Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Z 2M9 In order to receive your latest HOTLINE does Woodpens' have your current address, phone #, e-mail address... if you have made a recent change? Please help us keep in touch with you! 2016 35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC DATE: TIME; PLAGE: Friday, May 6, 20{ 6 &ffi s&{ARp * sffi&Yse$w $Y&RY PLEASE BE THERE BY 7:3O ffi Delta Golf Glub {'155O #'lO Highway (Ladner Trunk Road), Delta, Gheck their websitel Glick nDirectionsD for accesafrom anywhere in e lower Mainland. EilT9: tting contest 5O/5O draw Other surprises BI PRIGE: $85.OO GDN lncludes green fees ad q buffet PAYMENT INSTRUGTIONS: Registration for golf wil me, first-served basis. Please feel free to form your own foursome with family and friends. Enclose all names with your cheque. All payments must be in the possession od lan Murdoch *, E-dbYffiffi YM&ru ,'t t-. roS O Friday, April {5, 2O,16. lease make cheques payable to cBob BeachD and mail to: ,-lan turdoch #411 12268 224th $treet Maple Ridge, E.G. V2X 688 ALERTIII Golf earts are in limited supply. All golf carts must be rented through: Joe Vanderkooy Phone: 604-588-7lc31 or Email: [email protected] A Note from Bill Lawrie: Hi ' A11: In the past2 months I have been reminded several times of what alarge "family" we Woodwardites are. When I submitted my resume for the January Hotlirte I wanted to give you some context of who I was, where I worked and who I worked with. I have been overjoyed to hear from friends I worked with and colleagues I knew of but never worked with. Jim Lawrence and I chatted about many of his friends from Port Alberni Store who were transferred to Victoria to open the new Mayfair Center store in Fall of 1963. I had a call from 1 of my first managers, Jerry Cafferky, which resulted in a very enjoyable lunch together with our wives at their condo in Tsawwassen. I have also renewed contact with Philip Jones, my Divisional Merchandise Manager in Edmonton who had had career after Woodward's as a retail consultant, columnist, motivational speaker was well as an author of a book titled "How to Fit a Heart Attack Into Your Busy Schedule". In mid February I attended a dinner with2 Woodward's colleagues, Ed Ashmore and Jim Carson (on holiday from Calgary) and 4 friends who all worked for Greenleaf Garden Supplies which was I of our Hardware Division's largest suppliers. At 1 point in the evening I just listened to everyone talking, laughing and enjoying themselves and I thgught how lucky we were to have worked for a company which encouraged our Buyers to work with and treat our major suppliers as partners in our business. In today's business climate many of the large retailer's rules forbid their Buyers from fratemizing, in any way, with their suppliers - not even going to coffee together. I am certainly glad my career in retail was spent in less contentious times. Happy Spring everyone. Bill *{<d<lq*{<{<***{<*******{<{<****1€***{<{<********{<***{<*tr{<{<*******{<{<****{<tF**{<*******{<tF*{< From Shirley Stewart, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Congratulations to Dennis Merrell on his honour from the Legion of France. It is a wonderful honour. Hope June and Dennis are doing well. With Love, Shirley Dear Bill: You recently mentioned that in the February Hotline you have asked members to send in their memories of working at Woodward's. Please permit me to elaborate on the importance of this request. Because of the large concentration of retirees in the Lower Mainland, the club's greatest value will always be to those able to attend activities planned in that area. Much of the content of the Hotline necessarily relates to these functions. But this is of limited interest to those unable to attend. Two ingredients would be of greater interest to a wider audience; a steady supply of personal stories about life at Woodward's and lots of personal stories about life after Woodward's. Some will hesitate because they are not confident about their grammatical skills. That does not matte one little bit! Just write it out the way you tell it. Among current members, there are literally thousands of interesting stories waiting to be shared with the rest of us. Some short stories, some longer. I am one of many who would love to have the chance to read some of them. Thank you. Philip Jones, Calgary *d<*{<***{<t<d<**********{<**{<*******{<***{<*{<{<{<{<***{<*******{<{<*{<{<****{<{<*{<t<****t€*{<{<** REMEMBERING Gerry Kosterman.... ..passed away February 18th, 2016. Gerry started with Woodward's in 1955 - was Food Floor Manager, Guildford store then to Super-Valu with the closing of the Food Floors. Pidge McBride.....former Vice-President of the Woodward's Food Division. There will be a Celebration of his Life on Friday, April 8'h, Point Grey Golf Course in Vancouver,2:00 - 5:00 pm. On behalf of all Woodpens' Club members and Board of Directors, sincere condolences go out to family and friends. May there always be comfort in fond memories. Sent Sfubiect February 22,2A16 B:34 PM Roy Telford's e rnail address Hello Pete N-NNN- tlcsnk yoa for your phorue csll sbout Roy. He wi\t be so very thritled to know that yoa called. X thought I woald sercd you lcis e msil address in case uny otleer Woodpens' mentber woustcl like to covmmanicste with hitn. I know fue woald love to lrave sn e muil from yoa" He often speaks of jtor*, und rnany fond memories of his time driving fo, Woodwnrds" His e mail sddress is royetelferd@S m a I H' gomn tr witl keep yoti ireformed af his progFess. mfiny thunkA lo yoa Marion Telford From: Shawn Punton <shawn@westbankcor Date: March t3',2}t6att2:13:20 PM PST To: Shawn Punton <shawn@westbankco Cc: Reception <reception @westba n Subjecfi RE: Woodwards Pancake breakfast call for volunteers! Hello Everyone, Thanks to those of you who have already signed up to volunteerl lts really appre.,.r"* and we have already received enough volunteers for the April 24th morning serving shift. Now we need a few more volu*teers for the set up shift! P{ease check your calendars to see if you are able to come out for an hour or so on April 23'd at 8:00pm. Please email caroline @ [email protected] to sign up I f look forward to seeing you alll Sharrn Punton westbank 5ot, to67 West Cordava St'reet, Yaneouuer BC, Canada V6C {f direct 6o4 682 og5: / main 604 685 8986 / fax 6o4 893 tZoS visi! our nan; us&site, usuna uestbankann.eom Jsnuury 24to 2016 Dear Woodpens' Sorry oar membership fees &re lste in getting to you. We huve gone throagh many challenges these last few months. Roy was diagnosed with lung csncer, last September. He hss gone through the rudiation process in Kelown&, &nd is now doing his chemotherupy program here in Vernon He gets good und bud doys. On his lust CT scan it showed thst there wus no other cuncer arrywhere else in his body, so we fire so very thankful for that We are hoping thut by muybe mid April, he will have completed his chemotherapy, und be well on the roud to recoveFy. Happy New Year to ull! und Marion Telfurd cheqae enclosed They say there ore some "big" future chonges coming in Richmond for the Lonsdowne Moll aree-.... but..... Woodwordites remember the opening of Woodword's Store #2O......opened Pork remembronce of the lond's September t4,1977 os Lonsdowne previous rocetrock. "We've got o style for you, o smile for you ond the most beoutiful store filled with exciting new merchondise. Woodwond's Lonsdowne is o complete department store with everything you con think of for yourself , your fomily ond your home" Woodword's invited both "discriminoting gentlemen ond dudes" to its men's shop while "foshion conscious" women were torgets for its "lodies shop". The Woodword's Food Floor wos o full-service grocery store thot promised o whole new adventure in food shopping with some terrific buys. Food could olso be found within the deportment store's full-service restouront, the Grondstond. Bruce Beottie remembers working in soles in the loteTO's. Hesold comeros mostly Poloroid models in those doys - his deportment wos of the bottom of the escolotor. Another remembers working of Lonsdowne ond still missesthestore. "ft wqs a greot ploce to work ond f wos olwoys glod thot I hod the opportunity". Peter McTlwee wos Lonsdowne Woodword's store Monoger in the 1980's, overseeing mo?e thon 7OO employees. "The Lonsdowne locotio.n wos olwoys successful, ond become one of the top producing stores in the ?6 store choin" Peter McTlwee storted his 38 yeo? coreer with Woodword's of the Downtown store's porking garoge. Soon he wos working full-time in the point deportment's stockroom ond loter the soles floor. "The thing f most enjoyed obout my career with Woodword's wos the greot teom otmosph ere that wos prevolent in oll locotions ond the great people thot f hod to work with" "My lifelong friendships were mode ond still exist to this doy." "Woodword's wos o fomily store monoged by the Woodword fomily ond provided the best possible working conditions ond benef its thot were second to none in the retoil industry to oll employees". Remember the fqmous monthly sole ond its cotchy jingle "$1.49 Doy, Woodword's, $L.49 Doy, Tuesdoy." APPLICATION FOR WOODPENS' CLUB MEMBERSHIP ANd MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL period: Fall 2015 to 2016 NAME: SPOUSE: ADDRESS: CITY: POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: New Member: Membership Signature: Renewal:_(please indicate) Date: Membership Fee is $15.00 per person or $18.00 per couple Make your cheque payable Mail to: to: WOODPENS' CLUB Woodpens' Club Unit 513 - Retail Level 650 West 41't Avenue Vancouver, B.C. VSZ 2NI9 Thank you for your interest in keeping ooThe Spirit of Woodward's Alive"