A Publication of NYCHSRO/MEDRE\IIEI'I/ VOIIIME 15,NO.3 July-December 2012 www.medreview.us wYGHSR O/M EDREVrEW SURy'yES HURRICANE SATUDy urricone SondyhittheNewYorkCity oreoon October29, 2012 ond left ihe entireregiondevostqted. NYCH.|99 SRO/MedReview's office ot Woter Streetwos omongthe buildingsthot hod significont woter domogefrom the flood surges. Senior NYCHSRO/MedReview stofftrockedthestormworningswhichwere on the newsduringthe weekend broodcost preceding thestorm. NYCHSRO/MedReview begontheeorly slogesof iis DisosterRecovery/Business Continuity octivity.ThelT deportment, with the opprovolof C.E.O.JosephStomm,ron nextfewdoyswouldbe difficult. Thestormhit full forceduringthe doy full bockupsof oll systems ond doto, ond of oll systems completed shuldowns by 5:30 ond throughthe night of October 29'h. stoff hod olreody p.m.on thedoy beforethesformhit. Senior NYCHSRO/MedReview collsto keep stoffolsoolertedthe oflsitecoll cenierthot beguno seriesof conference everyone odvised the plons of orgonizolion's rey to 2+/l were be on duty full time in . lreporotion for fhe storm.At thispoinf,no fo returnto normoloctivity. The londlord rhot there oneonficipoted thescopeof the impending notifiedNYCHSRO/MedReview oreos disoslerbut the orgonizoiion knewthotthe wosl4 feetof woterin thebosemenf NYCHSROIS AWARDEDGONTRACTBY UNIVERSIIYOF MASSAGHUSETTS wheremonybuildingservices ore locoted ond eventhe lorgelobbyoreo wos filled withfourfeetof *tr"t. On October30sthelTdeporlment begon ils ossessment of potentiol domoges.With oll electricol service off below34thStreet ond floodingdomogein the building,it severe becomeobvious thottheofficewouldnoibe period.lTbegon ovoiloblefor on exiended executionof DisosterRecoveryprolocols. Multipleconference collswereheldwithkey stoffodvising stoffof thecontinued officeclosureond the needto beginwork octivilies fromremotelocotions.Emergency bockups were put into servicewhich includedthe 24/7 off-site coll centerwhichhod olreody beenput on fulltimeservice on l0/28 in onticipotion of the storm,ond odivotionof off-sifesysfem bock-ups. NYCHSRO/ On October 3I ", MedReview's lT deportment begonopero- Universiry of Massachusefts Medical School YCHSROis very pleosedfo onnouncefiot it hos been oworded o controd from the Universityof Mossochusetts Medicol Schoolfor "Chort AbstroctionServicesfor The BehoviorolHeolthScreeningAmong MossHeolthChildrenProiect".MossHeolthis thestotewide Medicoidprogromin Mossochusetts. The purposeof the controctis to determine whetherphysicions in Mossochusells ore screening children(underoge 2l)for behoviorol heolthdisorders, ond referring themfor treotment, os oppropriote.Thereore opproximotely tenopprovedscreening toolsthotmoy will conduct 4,000chodobstroctions, be used.NYCHSRO bothonsiteot physicion offices throughout Mossochusetts ondoffsite. InMossochusetts, thefoilureto providebehoviorol heolthscreening to children resuhed in o londmorkclossoctionlowsuitbetweenRosieD. ond the Governorof theCommonweolth ("Rosie D."). In 2006, the courtdecisionin RosieD. required MossHeolth, the stotewide Medicoidprogrom, to usestondordized, evidence-bosed behoviorol heolthscreening inslruqnd menlsto implemenf the Federol Medicoid'sEorlyond Periodic Screening, Diognosis (EPSDT) Treotment to providebehoviorol mondole heolthscreening to eligiblechildren under (21) yeorsof oge. In fte remediolplon occepledby the U.S.DistrictCourt, twenty-one MossHeolth ogreedto offerbehoviorol heolthscreening onnuollyot well-child visitsond to monitorond reportscreening roles. TheUniversity of Mossochusetts this is overseeing ronitoring.Behoviorol heolthscreening wosfirstimplemented on December 3.|, 2007ond Vfrtensive corecoordinofion ondbehoviorol heolthtreotment services wereimplemented storting in July2009. This controctwill mqke use of NYCHSRO's solelliteoffice in Mossochusetts os NYCHSRO,/MedReview continues lo exponditspresence in fheNewEnglond oreo. CoNTTNUED oN PAGE3 l4'"r;JtTt, l&rut,,,, ) NYCHSRO/Med ReviewSurvives Hurricone Sondy...l,3 ) NYCHSROis AwordedControctBy UMASS...I ) Heolthcore HeodlineSummories....2 ) MedReviewPorticipotes in Wollenberg Woy Noming...3 ) Politicol Rounduo...4 ) News in ReviewProfile: Sherlon McKenzie ...5 ) NYCHSRO/MedReview ClientActivities...5 ) 20.|2 HolidoyPorty...6 ) 20.|2 YeorIn Review...7 ) 2 0 1 2 S u m m eOr u t i n g . . . 8 ) NYCHSRO/MedReview Opens Mossochusetts Office...8 Zllrultl1rurc lilruhlint frummu;ritx Medicineond Tht for Tronslotionol onedollor lnstitule LowerRiskof o Concer- creqsed tox rotes,putsfronchisees LoterPregnoncy, -July30, 2012 - Theolder furtherowoyfrombeingobleto expondtheir p"rti.t ot theUniversity Phi!/ of Pennsylvonio, New YorkTimes of delphio,ondseniorouthorof thereport. soid Don Fox,chiefexeculive o womonis whenshegivesbirth,the lower businesses," 81-162 ospirin-typicolly A doilylow-dose choinof 559 Subs,o fost-growing cqncer,o new study Firehouse her riskfor endometriol fo prevenl strotegy Flo.At the30 milligroms-iso moinstoy bosedinJocksonville, led by V. restouronts A lorgeteomof reseorchers, reports. in women. mon- heorfottqcksin menond strokes thecorporotion professor owns,onlyfull+ime of pre- stores on ossistont WendySetiowon, heqrt potienis suffering given to is olso wresAspirin is Fox coveroge. Mr. of Souihern ogersore offered of the University ventivemedicine those whose blocked prescribed to ond ottocks to fie consideroble f'rom 17 thot tling with whether obsorb pooled studies doto Colifornio, or poy orterieshovebeentreotedwithbyposssurgery concer costof coveringl0O moreemployees included8,671 cosesof endometriol forknown the penolties- whichwouldproboblycost or proppedopenwitho metoldevicecolledo Afterodiusting ond I 6,562controls. well'known overospirin's to slent.Duefo concern foundthotwomenwho himless- butrisklosingvoluedemployees risks,the reseorchers propensity lo cousestomochulcersin some whochooseto offercoveroge. hod theirlostbobiesofteroge 40 hod o 44 competitors with o with50 or morefull- potients,monyvorietiesore morketed By 2014, businesses concer, percentreducedrisk of endometriol to the gos' friendly more meont to be os cooling lo offer will be expected wilh womenwho hod theirbobies time employees compored qffordoble sold 90% ol ospirin About troct. trointestinol on bosed yet coveroge, undefined 25. beforeoge is cooted,Dr. FitzGerold thqtfoil for heortprotection income.Foremployers Evenloterin life,womenwho govebirth on employee's qt decreosed Thenotionthotcootedospirinslows fhe low typicollycolls estimoted. risk.By to offersuchcoveroge, ofteroge 40 remoined in o voried of thedrugond resuhs less for o penoltyof $2,000perworker,excluding obsorption oge70,fhesewomenwerestill33 percent hos beenroisedbefore.Dr. Bonow owners response Somebusiness concerthonthose thefirst30 employees. likelyto hoveendometriol whoreollyneedospirin"-those for ondconsulionts wornthotoptingto hovemore soid "potients whogovebi*h beforeoge25. Thereosons heort ottockor who hove underhoving o some perhops port-time converting workers, by lostweekin TheAmerithefinding,published to treotblockogesprocedure moior gone o the not be port{ime moy lt full+imers to stolus, ore uncleor. Epidemiology, of con Journol tokecoqtedospirin.WhethergeneF mightdecideto shouldn't monyworkers ot onswerbecouse moybe lhotwomenwho congei pregnont ics moyployo rolehosn'lbeenwellstudied, to findiobselsewhere. endomefrium o loteroge hoveq heolthier soid. Dr.FitzGerold ollowswomen beginwith,or thoi pregnoncy New for UrinoryInfectionto be present Doubts onTreqtmenl cellslikelier to shedpreconcerous ' - December With FewerDrug S: YorkTimes 3, 2012-Astudyof uri- FightingCholesterol oge. withincreosing - Woll StreetJournol ' Decembel,V treolmenls in mensuggests Effects norytroctinfection moydo more 2012 of ontibiotics Weigh lmpociof Providing thoto longercourse SmollEmployers o formof suggests evidence Receniscientific New YorkTimes- Novem- hormthongood. HeolthInsuronceqbouto highwithfewside Reseorchers studied ontibiotic use in vitominB-5conlowercholesterol ber30, 2012-Thereis confusion suggestthe dietorysupplewith urinorytroctinfections,effects.Theresults new low,the PotientProtection 33,336velerons ly complicoled in peoplewho cqn'ttolbe useful ment could infections of ond AffordobleCoreAct. Mony of the provi- of whom1,772hod recurrences of cholesterol-lowering the side effects yeor. erole Of 4,041 within o monih 2014. Federol within o ond not go into effect until sionsdo is soy morereseorch 35 percenthod hod drugs,but cordiologists thefineprint,includ- thosewilh recurrences, orestilltweoking officiols foro weekor less,ondthe needed. treotment o 30-hour ontibiotic ingdefiningexodlywhotconstilutes qnd hotelsore restfor os longos 14 doys.Longertreotment Pontethine of vitominB-5sold iso derivotive Evenso, reslouronts workweek. drug in Jopon.lt is overoll,ond os o cholesterol-lowering the did notlowertheriskof recurrence likelyto be squeezed omongtheindustries withino yeor: ovoiloblein theU.S.fromo vorietyof compo' iheyore low-woge it roisedthe riskof recurrence hordestby thelow becquse How ii works potients niesos o dietorysupplement. percent the long-treotment lo most 10.8 of of thotdo notoffercoveroge industries pointto the compored isn'tknown,but somescientists withinl2 months, hodo recurrence theirworkers. A, group, fqctthofit is o buildingblockforcoenzyme of theshorf-treotment ol- with8.4 percent Moslemployers, evensmollbusinesses, importonlin fot burning.Subiects o molecule significont difference. ond the federol o stotisticolly reodyofferheolthinsuronce, toblefsdoily,in odditionto o o common tokingPontesin imMoreover, C. difficileinfection, to hoveo significont low is not expected foll 3% theirtoiolcholeslerol diet, sow heolthy brood-specsideeffectof pocton whottheydo overthe nextyeoror so. ond oftendongerous the some getting subiecfs more thon control in fhe higher trum low-income wos significontly rely heovily on ontibiotics, ihoi Butbusinesses lipoprodiet pluso plocebopill. Low-density group. monyof whomdo not mokeenough long-treotment workers, dropped4o/omoe tein,or "bod" cholesterol, to offordtheirshoreof the costof the insur- Woll Street in thesubiects gettingPontesin. ore beingforcedto rethink CootedAspirin'sDrowbocks once premiums, - December Pontethine, of leostso for,oppeorslo hqve ore 4,2012- Reseorchers models. Almostholfof retoilond Journol theirbusiness ln q 2005 reviewo{ 28 the commonmedicolbeliefthot minimolsideeffects. do notoffercoverogeto chollenging hospitolity employers pon646 subiects, triqls lo encompossing resistonl clinicol people's genesmokethem to o re- some occording employees, oll theirfull+ime lowering cholesin found effective tethine wos report' of ospirin, the heort-protective benefits o benefits consultont. by Mercer, centsurvey ' exfol potients ihot ihe cootingon terolon overoge,ond I .4o/o "They'reoll developing theirslrotegies," soid ing in o studyTuesdoy encedsideeffects,mostlymildgostrointesq;z DebroGold,o seniorporlnerwithMercerwho sometobletsis thelikelycouse. olone, sellpontethine Monycomponies 400 heolthypotients issues. In o reportinvolving moiorretoilers. odvises severol dosesrongingfrom600 to o singledose oftenwithsuggested for their response soythe screened Monywhoopposetherequirement o doy,typicollytwo pills.lt heolthinsuronce couldmeon of eitherploinospirinor o cootedpill, "We to 900 milligroms cosiof providing 'Any supply. 1 to 0 recosts obout were truly dollorthotgetsdi- couldn'tfind ony peoplewho $ $20 foro month's hiringfewerworkers. the heod of " FitzGerold, insislont soid Gorret it's through Obomocore or verted,whether MEDREVIEW CEOJOSEPHSTAMM PARTICIPATES IN WAITENBERG WAY CO.NAMING 20,l2,o hisforic evenltookplocewhichwill forever chongethelondscope of | 1 Dec_em.ber, - "RooulWoiienberg I BoroPorkosfhefomedI3ih Avenue ocquired o co-nome Woy.';The )'nomeis in honorof thegreothumonitorion, RooulWollenberg, whotou"l morethon 1U0,000Hungorion JewsfromtheNozisduringWorldWor ll. Thglegislotion co'noming of l3fh Avenue between 36thStreet ond60thStreet, wosintroducedby Councilmon DovidGreenfield ondCouncilmon BrodLonder to ensure thotWollenomingisthecenterpiece of theRooulWollenberg Centenniol Celebrotion 100thbirthdoy. tterTomDiNopoli,Former CityComptollerond cqndidotefor MoyorBill )ovidWeprin& WilliomColton,ondtheboordo{ theRooulWollenberg tomm. r ondConsulGenerolof SwedenDovidE.R.Dongoor. v NYCI.(S &0/ MEDfrEvr6w 5URVTVES HURRICANE SANDY tions recoveryof oll criticol systemsfrom its off-sitebockup locofion. By November1$, criticol opplicotionswere functionol(within T2hoursfromthedecloreddisoster)despite o hordworeissueof the off-silebockuplocolion which cousedo deloy of lesslhon 24 hours. By November2"d,remoteuserswere oble to log-inond processcoses.Theorgonizotion's Mossochusetls office wos estoblishedos on odditionol site for pre-cerfificofion review, being usedos on emergencybock-upsince 11/1/12. Completingthe iniiiolstogeof its Business Continuityplon, the orgonizotionsecuredollernoteoffice spoce in three seporolelocofions. One of the locotionswos in the offices of Tekscope, o leodinglT servicescompony, ond wos designotedfor progromsneeding moretech supporl. BythenextweelsNYCHSRO/ MedReview lrt hod leosed60 lopfopsfor its stoffot temporory locotions.Thecoll centerreinstoted the regulor800 numbers on 4 linesfor collsqnd on two odditionollinesfor oppeols.Theofl site coll centercontinuedto supplemenf the regulorcoll in+okestoff. Seniorstoffwos in contoctwilh oll clients odvisingthemof the stepsthot hoveweretoken to enobleNYCHSRO/MedReview to reestoblishoperotions.Mosf clientswere owore of the siluotionoffectingoll of New Yorkond especiollythe businesses in lower Monhotion. Some clientswere impoctedos much os we were. For the mostport, clientswere under$qndingof the unonticipotedmognitudeof fhe disosterond its impocton oll businessin New YorkCity ond hoveworkedwifh NYCHSRO/MedReview os it completedthe reslorotionof oll businessoctivities. Originolly,buildingmonogement odvised thof they onticipoted6-8 weeks beforetenontswould be ollowedto returnto the building. Theywere off by o coupleof weeksos NYCHSRO/MedReview wos eventuollyoble to reoccupyitsofficeson Jonuoryi 0, 20.l3. Joe Slommwelcomedthe sfoffon the refurn. He expressed grotitudeto theentirestoff for their effortsin ollowingfhe orgonizolion lo continuefunctioningduring this difficult period. He olsothonkedthe clientsfor working with us to mokesurethot their members' needswere mel in o timelymonner. Althoughwe hope lhere is nevero need for similoroctivityogoin in the future,NYCHSRO/MedReviewwos pleosedto see thot its plonningbenefitedits clients.The orgonizotion leornedfrom oreosthof fell shortond is confidentthot it will be oble to meei future disoslerseven moreeffectively. Potitical Roundrrprrr tokespridein itsobilif fo reochout to publicofficiolsfromoll porlsof the politicol edReview the to reviewissues helpofficiolsto betterunderstond speclrum of concern.Oftenthesemeetings qt hondondossislthemin policyformulqlion. issues hod the honor MedReview's C.E.O.,Joseph Stomm, ond his Executive VicePresident HelenMutchler of meetingwithCongresswomon CorolynMoloneyondwosintroduced to newlyelectedCongresswomon to discuss issues of theimpoctof President GroceMeng. Theyhodtheopportunity obouttheuncertointy initiotive, theAffordoble CoreAct. Obomo'sheohhcore Mr. Sfomm ond hiswileAnnewerepleosedfo occeplon ofierlo spendo pleosont Sundoyolbmoonol thehouseof Assemblymon DovidWeprinwhereheolthcore wosogoino primesubiectbr dixussion.JoeSlommond HelenMutchlerolso runningfor QueensBorcughPresident metwithMelindoKoq o formerNe,vYorkStoteAssembly merbei who is currently DovidGreenffeld introduced Simchofulderos o wosolsoinviled,trc ottendthepubliconnouncemenl whenCityCouncilmon loe Strrmm lo ottendo dinnerin honorof condidotefor StoteSenotgo posilionhe woi electedto in thegenerolelection.Heolsohodtheopporfunify ficDominicReccigJr.,lhe Choirmonof theCiiyCouncil SloleSenotorKe/inPorker ondwosintroduced by Assemblymon StaleCymbrowitz Finonce C.ommiffee. MedRevienr wos olso pleosedto ioin in o fibute to its deor friend,theAssistontSpeokerof the fusembly,RhodoJocobs. Theerenl wos olsoottendedS longfimefriendsof theorgonizotion, theSpeoker o{ theAssembly, SheldonSilverondAsemblymonDovHikind. Othernolobleeventsin whichMedRe/iewseniorstoffporlicipotedincludedo forumsponsoredby the low lirn, Stroockond Stroock.The ond the Mslor o{ Na,r,ork,Ne\,vJersey, forumfucusedon UrbonAmericoond feoturedthe brmer Goaernorof Ner.rYork,DovidPotterson Cory Booker.Mr. Sfommolso hod the opporfunitylo porficipotein the inductionof the HonorobleStevenMostovskyto the NervYo* Civil Coud. occeplinglhe invitolion of NenvYo* SlnteSenolor A feoturcdercntforJoeStommwosoltendingfie Republicon NofionolConvenlion, nominolions fromGovemorMilt Romney ond MortyGolden,b heorthe occeplonce speeches for tfie presidentiol ond vicepresidentiol Congressmon PoulRyon. U, l. JosrpHSnl,ru ANDHELEN MALoNEr2. Mn. nNo Mns. SrnmmwnH DAVDwEpRtN MurcnmnwTHCARoryN Pmren5. Frprn 4. Mn. ANDMRS.SnrrlmwrrHKEVTN 3. JoESrnltmwTHDAVDGnrrNrrnoANDStMcHA wrTHSTEvEN REccro, Srmnm ANDDoMrNrc CvMsRowffz Jn.6. ConvBoorrn,JosrpnSnmm,HeuN Josepn SuwnANDMALMurcHrn ANDLyDrA Srnum8. Jor SrnumwTHCuRTrs MunpHy7. Conv BoorenANDJosEpH .|0. l. RHoonJncoes MruNonKnz wrn JosrpnSrm,u',rl corMSMIH9. MeuNonKnrzwrn HrmNMurcun PnrtRsott Mosrovsrv14. JosrpnSrm,uwTHDAVID 12. JosepH SrnumwTHRHoDA JncoesI 3. Srever.r 7 PcrunrsoF RHoDA cANBEFoUND oN pAGE NATpNAI CoNVENTToN JrcoesEvrrurANDREpuBucAN v Nwo l^Rsu*at, Sherlon McKenzie, Rl\I, MPA y'- I { servingos theChief I n thiseditionof the NewsIn ReviewProfilewe will introduce coreSolutions, you to NYCHSRO's Director Review, of WeCARE Sherlon McKHeolthcore Consultont, whereshe I I enzie. Ms. McKenziejoinedthe orgonizolion in September,wqs responsible for doily opero2012 to tokeoversupervision of NYCHSRO's progromouditing tions ond sirotegicdevelopment. theWeCAREvendorsfor the NYC HumqnResources Administro- She olso servedqs Adminislrotor tion'sCuslomized Assistonce Services deportment. for ond Directorof PotientServices hoso Bochelor Sherlon of Science in NursingfromStonyBrook UnitedHebrewLTHHCB ond DirecUniversity in PublicAdministrotion ond o Mosters fromPoceUni- tor of Performonce lmprovement for versity, whereshegroduoted withhighhonors.In herbrieftenure Revivol HomeHeolthCore. With withNYCHSRO, hosmodeo big impocfon theWeCARE monyyeorsof experience Sherlon in the heolthcore hos industrySherlon ouditprogrom, workingwiththequditteomto designrevised io professionol oudit heldotherpositions oswellosmemberships orgonitoolsondguidelines for theupdotedWeCARE progrom.Shehos zotions, including theNotionolAssociqtion Women of Professionql workedcloselywith HRA/CASstoffto ensurethot the progrom (NAPW)qnd theAmericon Collegeof Heolthcore Executives. Sherhoso smoothtronsition to the newvendorconlrocts fhol become lonis olsoo published "Whof outhorwhowroteqn orticleentitled operotionol in 2013. is Long-Term HomeHeolthCore?"for HeolthKeys. ln odditionto herworkwithWeCARE oudit,Sherlon olsoserves AlthoughSherlonhos only beenwith NYCHSRO for o few osiheSeniorDirector of Complionce Review ondSpeciolProlects. months,she hos becomeo go-toperson,with o wide rongeof Sheployso keyroleplonningond developing new proiects for knowledge ond skillsin the heqlthcore industry os wellos o willtheorgonizotion ondolsoworkswiththeChoirof theComplionce ingness to tokeon newproiects lhothelptheorgonizolion expond to focilitqte Committee complionce withregulotory ondconlrqduol ond improveits oclivities.NYCHSRO looksforwqrdto working requirements oswellos criticolpolicies ond procedures. wiihSherlon for monyyeorsto come. BeforejoiningNYCHSRO, Sherlon workedot Plotinum Heolth- N YCHSRO/ M edRevi ew' s Client Relati on s Activ iti es v -Y Oh:3illr?,Jffi *iilT:trff$ir'',:.tH - lv in the lgth Annuol Heolth BenefitsExpoottheGrondihqtvo|idotedtheeffor|sof HyottHotelin New YorkCity. grcrFi vVVlll lglglvg OL its reviewond odministrqtive ^€- The Expo once ogoin provid- stoff. The survey hos proven Loed q forumfor Business, bor, ond Heolthcorevendors to exchongecurreniond new opproocheslo enhonce the deliveryof heolthcoreservic- vllls from its clientson the survey io be o usefultool to under{ stondlhe issuesond concerns ihoi impoct on clientsin normql reviewoctivity. Senior mqnogementolso es. NYCHSRO/MedReviewMroRrvrw SrRrr wrn Dn.Tavron RNoBRnN continuedits effo*sto moinhodo boothot ihe Ar*NsoN i*heopporrunir, ;"J:"?Tlifl orMARS Auorrons sorurroN:i,fn,"*t::^n,''ffi|!i"l"ii representotives fromleodingloings with key stofffrom 1199 providers bor groupsond insuronce in the New York SEIU-NotionolBenefitFund,UnitedHeolthCore, oreo. MetroPlus ond AmericonPlonAdminislrotors.These NYCHSRO,/MedReview olso conductediis 20.|2 meetings ollowfheorgonizotion to keepin touchwilh the needsof its clientsin the ever-chonging heolthcoreenvironment. Aeove: HrreNMurcHLrR Rruo NenLTrprr.HrLeN MurcHrrn nNoMaRryAoersrerru er THeHeerHBeurrrsExpo L-R:CnnrsSrnnsnnoJnNrrSrro. Josepn SrRura, MEnrLrnurR, HrrrnMurcHun nruoWrruNre Yurru !cr,.t'-e.nd. JHfda" JfUUlrfmnhad?-v'ror" NYCH Choirmon, SRO/MedReview's oll the iurmoilcoused -\espite thestoff of Hurricone Dr.NormonMedow,oddressed f DAv the offermoth tribuie to ev' guests, poying speciol deond ihe orgonizolion U Sond, underdifficult cidedftqt it shouldproceedwithitson' eryonefor persevering nuolyeorendholidoyporty. Sinceihe conditions.He poid specioliributelo TerryPotter' HelenMutchler, hurriconein November,NYCHSRO/ JoeStomm, Slitinskiy fromits son,ondLydioMurphy.Sergey hqdbeendisploced MedReview for theirefforts threeolternote ond SergeyPodkopoyev mqinoffice,occupying wosoF in Monhotion.Eochdoy pre- lo mokesuretheorgonizolion locotions the roodblocks creoll met despite which were eroiionol senlednewchollenges by stoff otedby thestorm. determinqlion wiihneverending Thespeciolguesisincludedpromi' roselo theoe membenwho constontly the orwho ossisted determined nenlprofesionols cosion. Theorgtinizotion full in ils effortsto continue it wosimpor- gonizofion thotthisyeorin porliculor togeherto shore operolions os wellos monypublicoffitontto bringeveryone threeof theonnounced to ciols,including ondhovetheopportunity experiences New York Moyorolcondidotes. relox. CitV ond cotchtheirbreoth We oll knowthottheyeoris nofoffi- TheofficiolsottendingincludedFormer (ond currentcondi' NYC Compfroller ciollyoveruniilNYCHSRO/MedReview NYC hos its onnuolyeorendholidoyporty. dofe for Moyor)Bill Thompson, (ondcunentcondidote foriheorgoni- PublicAdvocote o custom As hosbecome zotion,theevenlwosheldof Moron'sin for Moyor),Bill deBlosiqNYC Comp Monhotton.As qlwoys,therewosmu- troller(ondcurrentcondidotefor MoyDovHisic,doncing,fine food ond beveroges or),JohnLiu,NYSAssemblymen kind,DennyForrel,DovidWeprinond ondlobof fun. NYSSenotors Morty As soonos we wolkedin thedoors, SteveCymbrowifz, NYCCouncilwe knewwe werein foronothermemo' GoldenondKevinPqrker, cre' men,MikeNelsonond MorkWeprin, robleevening.Whiletheproblems Condidote, oied by Sondycouldnot be forgotten, QueensBoroughPresideni Cqnditheywereputon the bockburnerfor o MelindoKotzondNYCCouncil All of theofficiols fewhoursosthestoffondgueshshored dqteChoimDeutsch. to the orgonizo' odmirotion expressed together. o speciolevening operotions Moron'sonceogoinroseto theoc- tionsforitsobilityto continue cosion,providingus witho wormond in thefoceof odversity. As usuol,the D.J.kepttheenlertoin-i settingto get togetherwith comfortoble going ond the gueststook q breok ment ond speciol clients friends,colleogues, wosdelighted fromthe deliciousdinnerbuffeifo donce guesls.Theorgonizqlion yeor. to be obleto greeto lorgenumberof ond celebroleonothersuccessful publicofficiqlswho choselo loin us in By the time dessertwos servedond the Theyshoredtheorgo- musicstopped,we knew it wqs time to thecelebrotion. to stortlookingoheod to the comingyeor. nizolion's beliefthotit wosimporlont We ore confidentthot by ihe time we thol despite lo weryone demonstrote cousedby the hurricong gettogetherfor our portyin 20,|3, Sonthedifficulties knowhowto london their dy will be o distonlmemoryond every' NewYorkers one will be reodyto celebrotetogether feetondkeepmovingforword. onceogoin. ?at ty 2Ol2 Y o controclto performchortqbstroction for ln responselo the Governor'splons, theChildren's Behoviorol HeolthInifiotive on NYCHSRqusingitsvostexperience in longbeholfof the prestigious University of Mos- termcore,quicklydeveloped o progromto sochusetts MedicolSchool. NYCHSRO/ ossistmonogedcoreentiliesin performing MedReview is qlsoproudthotit hosgreotly SMM ond PCSossessments, evoluotions expondedits DRG/UM review progrom necessorybefore ossigningoppropriote presently operofingin eight stotes(New hoursond levelsof services for home-bosed Yor[ NewJersey, Pennsylvonio, Wisconsin, members.NYCHSRO metwitho number of Tennessee, Arizono,Texos,Morylond)with MonogedCoreentities ond begonperformplonsof exponding in 2013 io lowo,Kon- ing SAAMondPCSevoluolions for them. 012 woso yeorto remember ond o sosondWoshington Hurricone Stote. SondytrulytestedNYCHSRO/ yeorto forget. MedReview wos, onceogoin,proudof MedReview'sDisosterRecoveryProgrom Neverin NYCHSRO/MedReview's the role if ployedin ossuring its onddespitebeingoblefo operofeeffectively MetroPlus historyhod there been so mony furning uniquedistinction of beingnotedoslhenum- within48 hoursof thestorm,it did highlight pointsthotimpocled on fheOrgonizolion os ber one MedicoidMonogedCoreentityin oreqsrequiringimprovement. To thisend, wosin Yeor2012. NewYork. NYCHSRO/MedReview hos token sfeps During the post yeor, NYCHSRO/ Conversely, NYCHSRO/MedReview whichwill ossist in eliminqting oreosof deMedReview wos proud to onnouncethot focedo numberof unforeseen chollenges,ficiencies. it ochievedURACoccreditotion os on IRO mostnotoblyGovernor to Cuomo's decision Continuing with ifs long stondingtro(independent revieworgonizofion) ond os o implemenf mondotoryMedicoidMonoged ditions,the orgonizotionheld its highly UM (utilizotion monogement orgonizotion)Coreond Hurricqne Sondy. owoitedsummer outingond holidqyporty; .|00% receiving o perfed scorein bothcotGovernorCuomo'snewedict greotlyre- ocknowledged the outstonding work being egories. ducedthe New YorkCityHumonResourcesperformedby its reviewond supportstoff; In20I 2, NYCHSRO/MedReview strotegi- Administrotion's role in ossessing ond pro- ond continuedmeetingwith governmentol collydecidedto exponditsoperotions to the viding homeottendonlservices (City,StoieondFederol) to he el- officiols on oll levels New Englond oreoin Westborough, Mosso- derlyond poor. Thishod o directimpoct to helpthemunderstond issues io of concern chusetts heodedup by the well-known ond on NYCHSRO qndio itsclients. which hos been providing boththeorgonizotion highlyexperienced SethLewin,MD, who withdistinction, themedicolreviewfunctions NYCHSRO/MedReview looksforwordto becomethe orgonizotion's VP/ChiefMedi- on beholfof HRAfor $e posttwenty-eighto moreserene,/colmer yeorond hopefully to thereofter, col Officer. Promptly NYCHSRO yeors. continued exponsion in Yeor2013. wosoworded,vio o compelitive bid process, Eurrn*ncF Otfring AO'IA were The summerouling remoinso highlightfor the NYCHSRO I t wosJulyogoin so the entirestoffot NYCHSRo/MedReview /MeI eogerlyonticipotingfhe onnuolsummerouting. We were bock dReviewstoff. Theluncheoncruiseollowsus oll to spendo fun doy I ot ChelseoPiersto toke to the high seos(or the Hudsonond Eosf togetherowoy fromthe stressof o typicolwork doy ond is on involuRivers) for o luncheoncruiseoroundlowerMonhotton.Theweother oble woy to build unity \./ wos. pictule perfectond the NYCHSRO/MedReview gong come ond morole. lt olso reody for fun. No one wos disoppointedos the World yoc-hfleom iokes full odvontoge once ogoin roseto the occosion,providingo deliciousbuffetond o{ the orgonizotions livelyentertoinment for threefunJilledhours. home city of New Thestoffexperienced the full rongeof octivitiesond servicespro- York, ollowing evvided...so.mepeople preferredsifiingon the open oir top deck to eryone to opprecitokefullodvontogeof the beoutifulweotherond ihe spectoculor New ote ihe spectoculor YorkCity views. others modefhemselves of homeon one of fhe inte- views in ond oround rior deckswherelhe buffetwos servedond wherethe entertoinment NewYork.Bytheendof thedoy, wos provided.Therewqs consfontmusicond doncingwith q DJond everyone wos refreshed ond oskingwherewe yh"l everyonewos done eotingond neededo breo[ fromdoncing, oregoingnexfsummer. the ship'sstoffput on q show. llYcHSRCrlledRcylcu Clrens flassaclruscets Cff,ce YCHSRO/MedReview is.pleosed to onnounce thotin August,2012theorgonizotion opened o sotellite officein Westborough, Mossochusetts. Theoffile is intended os - stepping stonein NYCHSRO/MedReview's plonsto expondreviewoctivity to Mossochusetts ondihroughout the NewEnglond oreo. Dr. SethLewin,NYCHSRo/MedReview's ChiefMedicolofficer is the seniorstoffmembersupervising the office. Theorgonizotion'splon hos olreody borne fruit, with NYCHSRObeing oworded o controctby the Universityof Mossochuselts fo perform Chort Abstroctionservices(see relotedodicle). The new o{ficeolso provedusefulos port the orgonizofion'sBusiness Confinuityplon in the oflermothof HurriconeSondy. The Westboroughoffice servedos o bockupcoll centerwith colls diverted thereuntilthe moin officewos oble to resumenormoloperotions. I\TYCHSRO/MEDREVIEW 199Water Street,27th Floor NewYork,IIIY 10035 v
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