Hohner 1955 Tour Program
Hohner 1955 Tour Program
t On the ploteou of the Boor, between Blgq!_Eofest_g_nd_Alb, not for from the source of the l',]9c!gr, there is the busy town of Trossingen, the world-centre ffi' ffi for the monuT6cture of mouthorgons ond occoIdl66Eit isTnE-of l6e yorffit cTGlnTiobio. Very neor to old wooden houses with shingle-scole cosing, reminding us of the modesty of our grondfothers, there ore now foctory holls ond modern privote homes, evidence of the ossiduity of the l?,' :1i, :,': i, I.' grondsons. There wos formerly olso the "Z.eughousle", the little cottoge where the first hormonico moker, Christion Messner, wos working, the mon who become the founder so to speok of the world-wide hormonico industry. There Hohner, o wotchmoker ond wotch deoler wos olso the- home of Motthios who become the founder of todoy's Motthios Hohner A.G. The rood from the the first primitive mouthorgons till the highly developed mosterpiece Hohner occordion wos long, steep ond strenuous. The developngjllook the occordion is ployed in ollfive ports o{ the world. olmoit o century. Todoy, i I \ \ I f I Motthios Hohner, the pioneer of the occordion, hos storted o new 6poch for musicol proctice with his croftsmon-like production of musicol instruments. Nowodoys, Trossingen is the heort of the new hormonico movement. From this ptoce storted the musicol-culturol trends, ond they hove helped to moke the occordion o greot success. Every yeor, the Accordion Acodemy is troining obout 100 occordion teochers who ore going to found new schoolclosses oll over the world in order to teoch ond to propogote the culturolly ond ortisticolly improved ploying f,of the occordion. Porollel with the technicol improvement of the occordon, o new ond ortisticolly voluoble set of musicol compositions wos creoted, thereby moking it possible for the occordion to enter the concert-holl. The conductor of the Hohner-Symphony-Accordion-Orchestro, Rudolf got their troining ot the Trossingen Accordion olso his soloists Wurthner, ond the diplomqts ond ombossodors of mttsic them Acodemy.fWe might coll who coriy the spirit of the Trossingen Acodemy ocross the world. 7 This outstonding orchestro hos performed with unprecedented success in' muclr more thon 9OO concerts. Wherever the Hohner-Symphony-AccordionOrchestro hos ployed, the oudience wos foscinoted by its unique performonces ond gove them rousing cheers/ no motter where it wos: in Denmorl< or Germony, in Greot Britoin, Fronce, Hollond, Austrio, P-ortugol, Spoin' Switzerlond, North Africo, or in ony other country./Whot Boyreuth meons to the Wogner odmirers, Strotford-on-Avon to the followers of Shokespeore, the Mecco Sclzburg to those veneroting Mozort, t-hot meons Trossingen occordion of students ond professors virtuosos, to oll of the occordion music in oll Ports of the world. 7 WOrld, TOU,r lt0[Nt[ - The One and, only Symphony Aeeordion OITIlTSTHA Musical Director and Conductort RUDOLF WURTHNER Conduclor:. KARL PERENTHALER with WURTHNER ACC()RDION QUINTET and BOLF GTASS CIIR()M()NICA TRI() Soloists: R. Wurthner, Karl Perenthaler, S. Stegmann, Rolf Glass. Repertoire Chopin, Liszt, de Falla, Olfenbach, Tschaikowsky, Debussy, Coates, Smetana, Strauss. Original and Popular Music. Ooer 900 Concerts /n: Paris, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon, Africa and other countries. 1956: South America, North America, Canada, Mexico. NEW ZEALAND TOUR, BT]IIOLB IYUBTHNNB Musical Director and Conductor, BT]IIOLB }YURTIIITBR Masieal lDireetor and' Condaetor Budoll Wurthner is the conductor por excellence becouse he -] is aided by his generol music studies, which mqde cr Iirst-rqte teqcher out oI him, cnd, through hord work on the occordion, he olso become one ol Europe's leoding virtuosi. His porents gove him his lirst occordion when he wos live yeors old. it wos q two-row diotonic button instrument. Four yeors loter he begon tuition under the Grond OId Mqn oI qccordion ploying in Germony, Alon Helm, ond it wos not long belore he wos ollowed to come olong when HeIm took his occordion orchestro on tcur. Alter lecving school, Wurthner got himsell opprenticed with Motth. Hohner to learn the moking oI occordions. His oppren" ticeship wos trogicclly interrupted when he suflered serious injuries in cn occident, os the result oI vrrhich he lost the use ol the greqter pcrt ol his right hond. However, his toughness ond energy enobled him to overcome this enormous setbdck' He proctised until he monoged to ploy his occordion upside down, right hand on the boss buttons, left hand on the treble' Thot in itsell is qn olmost superhumon effort. About thst time, some of his youthlul compositions come to the notice oI ProI. Herrmqnn. He must hove thought quite o lot ol them, becquse he immediotely orronged for the enrol' THEY'RE THEY'RE rnent oI Rudol{ qt the Accordion Accdemy' Alter possing his finql exqms, Wurthner become teqcher qt the Acsdemy' until the outbreqk oI wor interrupted his work there' AIter the wor' he weni bock ond took over teoching the soloists' closs' Although teoching took up o greqt port oI his time' Wurthner coi'rtinued to develop his technique on the occordion' In 1948 he won second ploce at the Internqtionql Accordion Championship at Lcrusonne, Switzerlqnd, lor which qchievement the Confederoiion Internotionole des Accordeonistes bestowed on him the honorory title ol Internotionql Virtuoso. Rudoll Wurthner hos been conductor ol the Hohner Accor' dion Symphony Orchestro since its inception in 1947' He hos led the orchestlq ftom success to success in numerous Europeon cities, qnd they hqve oppeored on severol occqsions ot Heidelberg, Stuttgcrt, Munich, Fronkfurt, Homburg, Berlin' Dusseldor{' Porls, Lyons, Morseilles, London, Zurich, Copenhcgen' Stockholm' Lisbon, Oporto, Mqdrid, Borcelonq, Sqn Sebostion, Algiers' Coso' blonco qnd Tunis, to mention only ihe more importont towns' The story ol RudoII Wurthner would be incomplete without re{erence to his work os o composer. His music, which belongs to the clossicol style, is chorocterised by beoutilul melodles' pleosont hormonies ond severely logicol counterpoint' Wonderful Perfect THEY'RE Wrrilutc Posr! o nome thot "Winning Post" - fome. Those truly deserves its delicious chocolotes with their wide vorietY of centres, eoch one o delight in itself, enloY the Nestle's reputotion for highest quolity ond obsolute PuritY. be sure to buY r I, rb., ond NFsruE s IDinninr r lb. 2 lb. bores. % chocolates TI .f I(ABL PDITBNTIIALBB Accordion Soloisl and Second Conductor Leqder o{ the orchestrq ond ossistqnt conductor is KqrI Perenthaler, one of the world's greotest occordion virtuosi, He wos Germqn Accordion Chompion in 1952, ond belongs to thot type oI ployer who mqsters the wide Iield oI clossics, os well os the even greqter Iield oI dqnce music. Perentholer is q member oI the Wurth- ner Quintet, qnd, oi course, is Ieotured os q soloist. BOLB GLASS Harmonica Soloisl Another interesting personolity with the orchestrq is chromotic hormonico soloist Roll G1ass. He mqde q nome for himself when he toured Switzerlqnd in 1947, qnd hqs since oppeored regu' lorly on Europecn rodio, ond hqs mqde numerous recordings, Gloss joined the Hohner Accordion Symphony Orchestro os hqrmonicq soloist in 1949, ond hos toured with them since then. qlso Symphony ll0[NtR Aecordion IRtIIISTIA Musical Director and Conduclor: RUDOLF WURTHNER. ; KARL PERENTHALER. A ssistant C Soloisls: RUDOLF WURTHNER, Accordion. KARL PERENTHALER, Accordion. ROLF GLASS, Chromonica. oniluctor Prolramme No. 1 Cod Soue The Queen Orchestro: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Entr'acte Music from "Rosamunde Korl Perentholer, Accordion-Solo: La Campanella (On a theme of Paganini) Orchestro: To the Spring "The Barber of Seville" * Pictures at an Exhibition (.) Rudolf 'Wurthner Edvard Grieg C. Rossini INTERVAL Orchestro: (a) Promenade (b) The Market Franz Schubert C. M. van Weber Invitation to the Dance Overture to J. S. Bach .... ... . ..... M. P. Moussorgsky Place at Limoges (Fierce Quarrel of the Market Women) The OId Castle (d) Ballet of the Chickens in their Egg-Shells (") Bydlo (f) (Polish Ox-Cart with enormous rattling wheels). The Large Gate of Kiev Rolf GIoss, Chromonicq, with Orchestrol Accomponiment: Hejre Kati J. HubaY Orchestro: Dance of the Hours Rudolf Wurthner, Accordion-Solo, with Orchestrol Accomponiment: Hungarian Fantasy Franz Liszt ! t. HOHNER WORTD'S FINEST instruments HOHNER PIANO ACCORDION (Right) World's f inest occorciion. Unmotched tone ond design. Avoiloble on eosy terms. Prices from: t5/17/5 to f,I35 FIOHNER BUTTON ACCORDION (Left) Delightful tone, precision built by expert croftsmen for yeors of ploying. Prices from: t5/19/6 ro f,54 HOHNER HARMONICA (Risht) Avoiloble in chromotic ond diotonic. See Speciol Educotor Model. Prices from: 6/5 to i2/17 /5 C]|ARI.ES BEOO & CO. I.ID, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHURCH, DUNEDIN, Whongorei, Polmerston North, Homilton, Nelson, Timoru, Oomcru, lnvercorgill. I I Modern Bronches throughout New Zeolond i i L i Symphony [0[Nt[ OIIIITSTRA Aeeordion Musical Director and Conductor: RUDOLF WURTHNER. KARL PERENTHALER. RUDOLF WURTHNER, Accordion. KARL PERENTHALER, Accordion. Assistant Conductor: Soloisls: ROLF GLASS, Chromonica. Prolramme No. 2 Cod Saoe The Queen Orchestrs: Overture Arioso to "The Magic Flute' W. A. Mozart G. Fr. Handel Korl Perentholer, Accordion-Solo: Variations on a Russian Folk-Song Rudolf Wurthner Orchestro: "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" (Allegro-Romance-Minuet-Rondo ) . Serenade W. A. Mozart Accordion Qriintet, Rudolf Wurthner: Nocturne Sabre Dance Fr. Chopin A. * INTERVAL Khachaturian l * L. l Orchestro: Polovtsian Dances (From "Prince Igor) lt il Alexander Borodin Rolf Gtoss, Chromonico, with Orchestrol Accomponiment: Romance in F Major L. van Beethoven Orchestrq: 'Waltz from "Der Rosenkavalier" Richard Strauss Rudolf wurthner, Accordion-solo, with orchestror Accomponiment: Slavonic Fantasy R. Wurthner Orchestro: Overture "Orpheus in the Underworld" J. Ollenbach I i lr 0[Nt[ [[il] tsT[A Symphony Aeeordion Musical Direclor and Conduclor: RUDOLF WURTHNER. KARL PERENTHALER. Assistant Conductor: Soloisls: KARL PERENTHALER. SIEGFRIED STEGMANN, Electronium. AND THE ROLF GLASS CHROMONICA TRIO. Pro$ramme No, 3 Cod Saue The Queen Orchestro: Overture to "The Thieving Magpie" Intermezzo G. Rossini P. Mascagni sinfonico Korl Perentholer, Accordion-Solo: Fantasy on Airs from "Carmen" (Bizet) R.'lVurthner Orchestro: B Minor (The Unflnished) Allegro Moderato-Andante con moto. Symphony No. 8 in Franz Schubert INTERVAL Orchestro: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Franz Liszt Rolf Gloss, Chromonico Trio: Gavotte Gossec Marusja ..... ..... .. Hans Zander (Russian tone picture). Orchestro: London Suite (a) Covent Garden. Eric Nocturne W. A. Mozart Coates (b) Westminster. (c) Knightsbridge. Overture to "William Tell" .............. G. Rossini i r .: Symphony lr0llN[R Aeeordion 0[illtsTnA .l l l Musical Director and Conduc,or: RUDOLF 'WURTHNER. Assistant Conductor : KARL PERENTHALER. Soloisls: RUDOLF WURTHNER, Accordion. KARL PERENTHALER, Accordion. ROLF GLASS, Chromonica. Prolramme No. 4. Cod Saoe The Queen Orchestro: Italien Maria Capriccio P. Tchaikowsky Ave Bach-Gounod Korl Perentholer, Accordion-Solo: J. Sibelius A. * I i, INTERVAL Borodin * I F.. Hungarian March from "The Damnation of Faust" Bolero Rolf Gloss, Chromonico Solo: Nejre Kati In a Persian Market ...... H. Berlioz M. Ravel J. Hubay W. Ketelby Rudolf Wurthner, Accordion-Solo, with Orchestrol Accomponiment: F. Liszt Hungarian Fantasy & [0[N[R Symphony Aeeordion O[TIlTSTIA Musical Director and Conductor: RUDOLF WURTHNER. : KARL PERENTHALER. Soloisls: RUDOLF WURTHNER, Accordion. KARL PERENTHALER, Accordion. ROLF GLASS, Chromonica. Assistant C onductor Pro$ramme Cod Saoe The Queen G. Rossini C. M. Van Weber Rudolf 'Wurthner J. Strauss A. Helm F. Liszt Rudolf 'lVurthner INTERVAL ,/ Keler Bela P. Sarasate J. Strauss Lara Monti "Orpheus in the Underworld" J. Olfenbach HOHi\trR Jhe World's Best
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